Parks Commission Minutes 05-26-2016PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I MAY 26, 2016 MINUTES PARKS COMMISSION MEETING THURSDAY MAY 26, 2016 - 9:15 A.M. "To enhance community pride through developing and maintaining City parks with a high standard of quality. " Members Present: Larry Nolan, Nancy McCaffrey, Jack Gregor, Tim Stalpes, Brian Stoll Members Absent: Brian Stumpf, Council Liaison Staff Present: Tom Pawelk, Beth Green, Kitty Baltos, Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 9:11 a.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Approve Minutes of Regular Parks Commission Meeting March 24, 2016. BRIAN STOLL MOVED TO APPROVE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 24, 2016 REGULAR PARKS COMMISSION MEETING. MOTION SECONDED BY TIM STALPES. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. None. 4. Citizens requests and comments. Tom Pawelk said the East Bridge Gardeners really liked the Fran Fair Memorial Garden and it will be a nice sustainable area for the future. Nancy McCaffrey also noted that when she's been working on the gardens at the park people walking through are very impressed and always say thank you. 5. Discussion of concept shelter for Ellison Park. Tom Pawelk reviewed the concept drawing for the proposed new shelter at Ellison Park which is planned to be installed in 2017. The council approved the $50,000 shelter in the budget process and things are moving along. The shelter will be in place of the old rock climbing wall. The shelter design will need to be finalized in August. Tom said the footprint of the shelter area is 36' x 52'. The shelter design architect sent Pawelk the engineered drawings so that will save the City $3,000 in Page 1 of 4 PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I MAY 26, 2016 engineering fees. The Special Projects Coordinator will build the shelter with in-house staff. It will be a completely open air shelter with electrical outlets and a barbeque grill. The next step is to take the plan to Big Lake Lumber to get an estimated cost for the materials. Pawelk said that staff will be doing the grading work this summer, put the posts up in the fall and start construction in the winter, provided it is a mild winter. 6. Motion to approve 2016 repairs and maintenance to the Meadow Oaks trail system. Tom Pawelk noted that the trails slated for maintenance this year include the Meadow Oaks trail system and he included a map of the area. The maintenance includes crack filling, T -Mat surfacing and some pathway replacement. The first proposal was under the budget and after reviewing the pathways more closely, everything is being resubmitted with some minor changes. One of the pathway sections only had 1" of blacktop so that is the section that will be replaced following the City specs. Pawelk said that if the Parks Commission approves the specs, he will start the RFQ process and then will bring to City Council with a recommendation. The work should be completed in July as the T -Mat product must be placed when the temperatures are at a minimum of 80 -degrees. BRIAN STOLL MOVED TO RECOMMEND PATHWAY IMPROVEMENTS TO THE MEADOW OAK TRAIL SYSTEM. MOTION SECONDED BY JACK GREGOR. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. 7. Motion to approve 2016 trail connection from Wildwood Wav to Spirit Hills Development. Tom Pawelk reviewed the map of the proposed trail connection from Wildwood Way to Spirit Hills. Pawelk said this connection has been on the radar for a while and it is finally in the budget to make the connection this year. Installation will begin in July or first part of August if approved. Funding for the project will come out of the 2016 Park & Pathway Fund. In order to make the connection an easement is needed over one property and after doing some digging the Construction Engineer found the trail easement granted from the property owner to the City in 1998. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO RECOMMEND THE CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE TRAIL CONNECTION FROM WILDWOOD WAY TO SPIRIT HILLS WITH FUNDING FOR THE PROEJCT FROM THE 2016 PARK & PATHWAY FUND. MOTION SECONDED BY TIM STALPES. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. Page 2 of 4 PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I MAY 26, 2016 8. Motion to approve Wee Notes instrument package for West Bridge Park. Tom Pawelk reviewed the Wee Notes instrument package and placement within West Bridge Park. Funding for the purchase will come out of the 2016 Park & Pathway Fund. The two contractors are Minnesota Wisconsin Playground and Webber Recreational Design. Quotes were at $7,276 and $8,484. BRIAN STOLL MOVED TO RECOMMEND THE CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF THE WEE NOTES INSTRUMENT PACKAGE FROM MINNESOTA WISCONSIN PLAYGROUND BASED UPON THEIR LOW QUOTE OF $7,276, TO BE PLACED IN WEST BRIDGE PARK NEAR THE PLAYGROUND. MOTION SECONDED BY TIM STALPES. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. 9. Discussion of Walk & Roll parks booth. Tom Pawelk said that the annual Walk & Roll event will be held on June 11 th. Once again, the Parks Department will have a booth at East Bridge Park. Pawelk asked commission members to participate and noted that he will be there at Sam to set up. The girl scouts will be sitting at the parks booth to adopt out their bluebird houses. The booth is located at the bottom of the hill by the bridge underpass and parking in the old garden center parking lot is the closest. 10. BCOL update of athletic field interim proiect. Tom Pawelk noted that the interim improvements to meet the grant requirements will begin this summer and will include a gravel drive and parking area to the north, signage, a trail along Briarwood Avenue going south to connect into the regional park, and a multi -use greenspace field which will be ready for play in 2017. Once the overall Athletic Complex Master Plan is complete and approved, the development will be phased from north to south with the entire north play area as Phase 1 as the City owns that property and is still working to acquire the middle 40 acres. The goal is to try for a 2018 build with field play ready by 2020. The Wright County Board passed the land alteration permit for the interim improvements. Staff will do as much as they can to help offset costs. 11. General Park Updates. Tom Pawelk provided updates on the following parks and projects with no formal action taken at this time: A. Otter Creek Park Gazebo: The new gazebo at Otter Creek Park will have the finishing touches completed on site next week. Took out the old Rotary flower garden as it was overgrown with weeds will be talking with them about putting Page 3 of 4 PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I MAY 26, 2016 in a new garden with maybe an arbor for wedding photos. Nancy McCaffrey mentioned including benches in the new gazebo. B. Dog Park Grand Opening: The grand opening will be held on June 8th at 3pm. Hunters Crossing: The park playground installation is complete with the exception of a sidewalk which will be done this summer. Staff is working on installing a wooden surround around the portable toilets similar to the one at East Bridge Park. C. Meadow Oak Park Playground Improvements: Staff will be working on the playground improvements at Meadow Oak Park as soon as the dog park is complete. D. Par West Disc Golf. The holes have been moved at the park. E. Summer Park Tour: July 11th at 7a.m. meet at Public Works. An email will be sent out as a reminder. 13. Next regular meeting scheduled for July 28, 2016. The next regular Parks Commission Meeting is scheduled for July 28, 2016, at 9:15 a.m. in the Public Works Office. 14. Motion to adiourn. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO ADJOURN THE PARKS COMMISSION MEETING AT 10:11 A.M. MOTION SECONDED BY BRIAN STOLL. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. RECORDED BY: cSFSetlz &rccn DATE APPROVED: July 28, 2016 ATTEST:I Page 4 of 4