City Council Agenda Packet 08-14-2017AGENDA CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORSHOP MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, August 14, 2017 — 4:30 p.m. North Mississippi Room, MCC AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. 4:30 p.m. 2018 Budget Report (Finance Director) 3. 5 p.m. Downtown Area Improvements 4. 5:45 p.m. Engineering Budget Presentation 5. 6 p.m. Mahoney Track Ribbon Cutting Ceremony 6. Adjournment AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, August 14, 2017 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING/WORKSHOP North Mississippi Room — 4:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. Budget Report (Finance) 5:00 p.m. Downtown Area Improvements 5:45 p.m. Engineering Budget Report 6:00 p.m. Mahoney Track Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Mayor: Brian Stumpf Council Members: Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance B. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Special Meeting Minutes from July 24, 2017 • Regular Meeting Minutes from July 24, 2017 C. Consideration of Adding Items to Agenda D. Citizen Comments E. Public Service Announcement • Movie in the Park — August 19 — "Secret Life of Pets" F. Council Liaison Updates • Highway 25 Coalition • Parks & Recreation Commission • IEDC • Planning Commission • EDA • MOAA G. Department Updates • Parks Department Update — Rolling Woods Park (Tom Pawelk) • City Administrator Update • Construction Project Update 2. Consent Agenda A. Consideration of approving payment of bills B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2017-47 accepting various donations for a total contribution of $3,350 E. Consideration of approving an application for a charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be conducted by Wright County/West Metro Whitetails on September 9, 2017 F. Consideration of approving a Special Event Permit allowing use of 3rd Street parking lot, closure of Walnut Street and related assistance in conjunction with the Rotary `Taste of the Towns' event on September 16, 2017. Applicant: Monticello Rotary Club G. Consideration of approving an application for one -day temporary on -sale liquor license for Monticello Rotary Club for `Taste of the Towns' event H. Consideration of approving a Special Event Permit for outdoor entertainment, exemption from the noise ordinance, and use of city resources at American Legion Post 260 on Saturday, September 9, 2017 I. Consideration of approving an application for a one -day temporary on -sale liquor license for a special event at the American Legion Post 260 on September 17, 2017 J. Consideration of approving a transfer of an on -sale intoxicating liquor license for Cornerstone Cafe — 154 W. Broadway K. Consideration of appointing Katie Peterson to the Planning Commission for a term to commence immediately and expire Dec. 31, 2018 L. Consideration of approving an amendment to the official Monticello Zoning Map for rezoning from A -O (Agriculture — Open Space) District to R-1 (Single Family Residence) District, Final Stage PUD, Preliminary Plat, Final Plat and Development Agreement for Featherstone 3rd Addition for detached single family lots. Applicant: Graser, Horst M. Consideration of approving a request for Conditional Use Permit for Micro- Brewery/Taproom in CCD (Central Community District). Applicant: Burt, Bill & Penny N. Consideration of a Development Stage Planned Unit Development for Self - Storage Facility in a B-3 (Highway Business) District. Applicant: KB Properties, LLC O. Consideration of approving a request for Rezoning to Planned Unit Development, a request for Final Stage Planned Unit Development for Vehicle Sales and Rental, Auto Repair — Minor, and Accessory Office and Retail uses in a B-3 (Highway Business) District, including allowance for 130' flag pole height, amendment to Development Agreement for Camping World First Addition and License Agreement for sign encroachment. Applicant: FRHP Lincolnshire, LLP P. Consideration of approving a license agreement for use of Hennepin Street right of way for existing single-family driveway access for 625 River Street East Q. Consideration of appointing Lisa Durant to the Parks & Recreation Commission for a two-year term to commence immediately and expire December 31, 2018 R. Consideration of adopting the Water Supply Plan as approved by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources S. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2017-48 declaring costs to be assessed, ordering preparation of assessment roll and calling for an Assessment Hearing on September 11, 2017 to adopt assessments for the TH 25/7th Street Intersection Improvements, City Project No. 15C004 T. Consideration of authorizing the City Administrator to attend International City Manager Conference from October 22 — 25, 2017, in San Antonio, Texas at an estimated cost of $1,900 U. Consideration of approving contract with Wright County Sheriff s Office for 2018-2019 V. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2017-55 calling for a public hearing on September 11, 2017 for vacation of a portion of drainage and utility easements as legally described for Autumn Ridge 3rd Addition 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 3. Public Hearings A. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2017-49 approving the vacation of a portion of drainage and utility easement for Lot 1, Block 1, Monticello Big Lake Community Hospital District Campus Second Addition 5. Added Items Following Regular Agenda: Closed meeting will be held to review offers for property (right of way) acquisition for Fallon Avenue Improvement Project. The closed meeting is authorized for this limited purpose by Minnesota Statute 13D.05, Subd. 3 and will be held in conformance with the provisions of that statute. Property to include: 1. PID 155-015-042010 Address: 511 Washington Street 2. PID 155-050-000020 Address: 7th Street East 3. PID 155-050-001010, 155-050-001020, 155-050-001030, 155-050-001040, 155-010-001050 Address: 714 7th Street East 4. PID 155-050-002010 Address: 707 7th Street East 5. PID 155-066-001010 Address: 213 Chelsea Road 6. PID 155-018-002050 Address: 218 Chelsea Road 7. PID 155-075-001010 Address: 301 Chelsea Road 6. Adjournment MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, July 24, 2017 — 5 p.m. North Mississippi Room City Hall - Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart Absent: None Others: City staff. Jeff O'Neill, Wayne Oberg, Angela Schumann, Shibani Bisson, Rachel Leonard, Tom Moores, Sarah Rathlisberger, Tracy Ergen, Tom Pawelk, John Rued, Matt Theisen, and Jim Thares 1. Call to Order Mayor Brian Stumpf called the special meeting to order at 5 p.m. 2. 2018 Budget Wayne Oberg, Finance Director, presented the second budget meeting. He noted that the preliminary levy for the city and EDA will be brought to the City Council on September 11 and September 25. Adoption of the final levy, budget, and fee schedule will take place on December 11, 2017. He reviewed some of the recurring budget items such as funds for the election, various insurance increase, and wage and benefits. Mr. Oberg commented on reliance on property tax and priorities for the city. 3. Presentation by Wright County Sheriff s Office Sheriff Hagerty, Captain Anselment, Sergeant Anderson, and Lt. Kunkel were in attendance to present of the 2018-2019 budget/contract. Captain Anselment gave a brief presentation on law enforcement service to the City of Monticello, including historical information and current trends. The Sheriff's Office is looking for an increase in hours of service to the city of four hours. 4. Street Department Budget Presentation Tom Moores, Street Superintendent, presented the Street Department budgets. He reviewed the mission of the Street Department along with goals and objectives. Performance Measures and workload items were then presented. Mr. Moores had a handout that gave an overview of the five budgets that he oversees. He briefly discussed the new city banner project for the downtown area and painting of the existing street lights. There was a brief discussion in regard to a new Public Works facility, of which 20-25 acres of land would be needed. City Council Special Meeting Minutes—July 24, 2017 5. Parks Department Budget Presentation Tom Pawelk, Parks Superintendent, presented an overview of the department's 2018 budget. He reviewed the department's goals and objectives, workload items, and CIP items. These included equipment, BCOL plans and specifications, Ellison home, park surveillance, and downtown improvement items. The department currently maintains 30 parks. There is a focus to close the gaps of the city trail system. 6. Adjournment By consensus the meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Council Special Meeting Minutes—July 24, 2017 City Administrator REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, July 24, 2017 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, and Lloyd Hilgart Absent: None. 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Stumpf called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. All City Councilmembers were present. B. Approval of Meeting Minutes Special Meeting Minutes from Julv 10, 2017 Councilmember Gabler moved approval of the July 10, 2017 special meeting minutes. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Regular Meeting Minutes from Julv 10, 2017 Councilmember Fair moved approval of the July 10, 2017 regular meeting minutes. Councilmember Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. C. Consideration of Adding Items to the Agenda • Councilmember Hilgart added discussion regarding the field at BCOL. • Mayor Stumpf requested to comment on Riverfest. D. Citizen Comments • None. E. Public Service Announcements • 2017-2018 Monticello Royalty Introductions — Miss Monticello Samantha Ziwicki, Princess Morgan Baxter -Knutson, and Princess and Miss Congeniality Lauren Brion. • Community Partnership Grant Presentation — Steve Olinger from CenterPoint Energy presented a check of $2,150 to the city for four gas monitors. • Movie in the Park — there are movies scheduled for July 29 and August 11. • Construction Update — Shibani Bisson provided the following updates: City Council Minutes —July 24, 2017 Page 1 1 7 1) Timing of the signal lights at TH 25 and 7th street intersection is being updated and corrected; 2) The monument on the corner is being painted Thursday, July 27; 3) Gillard Avenue is being completed for the 2017 Street Reconstruction project. The next are is Mississippi Drive followed by Hart Blvd. and Sandberg Road. There is an anticipated completion date of September 1. F. Council Liaison Updates • BCOL — Councilmember Fair provided the following updates: 1) Reviewed the collaboration between the City and the County and the construction that is taking place at the facility; 2) The picnic shelter has been completed; 3) Beach house design has been completed and will go out for bids in near future; 4) Discussion about installing information signs; and 5) Discussion about use of fields. • Planning Commission — Councilmember Gabler commented that four public hearings, of which two were tabled and two are on the City Council agenda. She also noted that a Planning Commission member resigned so they are looking for another member. • EDA — Councilmember Davidson noted that the EDA recommended to modify the GMEF loan guidelines which is being reviewed on this City Council agenda. He also mentioned that a brewery is looking at opening up in town. G. Department Updates Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator, provided updates on the following: 1. Gave an update on the Ellison property. The first meeting was held on Thursday, July 20 to discuss the city's goals and to determine potential uses of property and costs. The group set up a monthly meeting to be held the third Thursday of each month at 7 a.m. at City Hall. • Wright County Sheriff Quarterly Update — Lieutenant Eric Kunkel presented the quarterly updated which was included in the agenda packet. • FiberNet Quarterly Update — Mark Birkholz, Arvig, provided the FiberNet quarterly update which was included in the agenda packet. 2. Consent Agenda Councilmember Fair moved approval of the Consent Agenda excluding H and K. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Recommendation: Approved the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $820,297.24. City Council Minutes —July 24, 2017 Page 2 1 7 B. Consideration of approving new hires/departures. Recommendation: Approved the hires for Liquor Store and MCC and terminations for the MCC. C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property. Recommendation: No report this cycle. D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2017-40 accepting donations for Farmers Market, Summer Movie in the Park, and 2017 Mississippi Rampage Tournament for total of $1,095. Recommendation: Adopted Resolution 2017-40 accepting donations for the Farmer's Market, Summer Movie in the Park, and 2017 Mississippi Rampage Tournament for total of $1,095. E. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2017-44 approving the issuance of General Obligation Bonds, Series 2017A. Recommendation: Adopted Resolution 2017- 44 approving the issuance of general obligation bonds, Series 2017A. F. Consideration of approving an amendment to a Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development and Development State PUD Review for multi -tenant commercial building in a B-3, Highway Business District. Applicant: Larson, Andy/Crown Bay. Recommendation: Approved an amendment to Conditional Use Permit for Development PUD, based on the findings in Resolution No. PC -2017-017, and contingent on compliance with the conditions listed in Exhibit Z. G. Consideration of adopting Ordinance 667 and Summary Ordinance 667A for amendments to Monticello Zoning Ordinance Chapter 5, Section 3 for regulations for accessory use outdoor storage in industrial districts. Applicant: City of Monticello. Recommendation: Adopted Ordinance 667 for amendments to Monticello Zoning Ordinance Chapter 5, Section 3 for regulations for accessory use outdoor storage in industrial districts, based on findings in Resolution PC -2017-014 and adopted Summary Ordinance No. 667A for publication. H. Consideration of adopting Ordinance 672 and Summary Ordinance 672A amending the Monticello Zoning Ordinance and amending the official zoning map for rezoning from I-2 (Heavy Industrial) to Planned Unit Development for Spaeth Industrial Park, to approve a Final Stage PUD, a Final Plat for the Spaeth Industrial Park, and Development Contract for the Spaeth Industrial Park. Applicant: Spaeth, Kenneth. Recommendation: ITEM WAS WITHDRAWN FROM CONSENT AGENDA. I. Consideration of authorizing a payment to Coalition of Utility Cities for city share of CUC membership dues in the amount of $26,419. Recommendation: Approved a payment to Coalition of Utility Cities for city share of CUC membership dues in the amount of $26,418. City Council Minutes —July 24, 2017 Page 3 1 7 J. Consideration to approving lighting upgrades by Wes Olson for the Community Center gym for $9,750, Community Center indoor playground for $3,100, and Hi - Way Liquors for $10,055.58 (total of $22,815.58). Recommendation: Approved lighting upgrades by Wes Olson for the Community Center gym, Community Center indoor playground, and Hi -Way Liquors for a total cost of $22,815.58. K. Consideration of approving UHL recommissioning proposal for cost of $26,900. Recommendation: ITEM WAS WITHDRAWN FROM CONSENT AGENDA. L. Consideration of approving modification of Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (GMEF) Guidelines reducing equity contribution and adjusting minimum interest rate. Recommendation: Approved the modification of the GMEF Loan guidelines as presented. M. Consideration of approving an additional performance bond fee of $3,825 to the original quote submitted by Recreation by Lemmie Jones, LLC for aquatic play structure. Recommendation: Approved an additional feel for a performance bond to the original quote from Recreation by Lemmie Jones, LLC for a total of $3,825.00. 2A. Consideration of items removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. H. Consideration to approve Ordinance No. 672 and Summary Ordinance 672A for amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance and amendment to the Official Zoning Map for rezoning from I-2 (Heavy Industrial) to Planned Unit Development for the Spaeth Industrial Park, to approve a Final Stage PUD, a Final Plat for the Spaeth Industrial Park, and Development Contract for the Spaeth Industrial Park. Applicant: Spaeth, Kenneth. Angela Schumann removed the item to note changes to the finance plan as requested by the applicant. Councilmember Fair moved to adopt Ordinance No. 672 approving a rezoning to PUD for the Spaeth Industrial Park PUD District, and to adopt Resolution 2017-41 approving a Final Stage Planned Unit Development for Spaeth Industrial Park, based on the findings in said resolution, and the conditions attached to this staff report as Exhibit Z and adopted Resolution 2017-42 approving a Final Plan and Development Contract, based on finding is said resolution, and the conditions attached as Exhibit Z and with changes as noted by the Community Development Director, and adopted Summary Ordinance No. 672A for publication. City Council Minutes —July 24, 2017 Page 4 1 7 K Consideration of approving UHL Recommissioning Proposal for cost of $26,900. Councilmember Gabler removed the item and questioned the initiation of the proposal and whether it was UHL. Ann Mosack noted that both the city and UHL discussed recommissioning. Councilmember Gabler moved to approve the UHL Recommissioning proposal for a total of $26,900. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Public Hearing 4. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of adopting Ordinance 673 and Summary Ordinance 673A amending the PUD, Final Stage Planned Unit Development and Final Plat for Chelsea Corner for Office, Service, and Warehouse Uses in the Red Rooster Planned Unit Development. Applicant: Red Rooster Properties Steve Grittman, NAC, presented the item and noted that the item would have been listed on the Consent Agenda, however, the applicant requested feedback on building materials. Tom Holthaus, the applicant, addressed the City Council and displayed two building fagade designs for Council's input. Discussion ensued among the City Council, however, they didn't really have a preference and there was consensus to let the applicant decide. Councilmember Fair moved to approve: 1) Ordinance 673 approving amendment to PUD, based on findings in Resolution 2017-45, and subject to conditions in Exhibit Z, with building design determined by the property owner; 2) Resolution 2017-46 approving a Final Plat and Development Contract for Chelsea Corner, based on findings in said resolution, and the conditions in Exhibit Z; and 3) Adopt Summary Ordinance 673A for publication. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. B. Consideration of approving a request for Comprehensive Plan Amendment re"idimg Outlot C, Otter Creek Crossing from `Places to Shop' to Places to Work' and adopting Ordinance 669 amending the official Monticello zoning map for rezoning the subject parcel from B-4 (Regional Business) District to I-1 (Light Industrial) District. Applicant: Jim Bowers/JX Bowers LLC; Applicant John Chadwick/John Chadwick Farms, LLC has withdrawn his application. Steve Grittman, NAC, provided a brief overview and noted that the decisions need to be voted on separately due to the fact that the Comprehensive Plan Amendment requires a supermajority vote of the City Council. There was some discussion of City Councilmembers. Wayne Elam, representing Jim Bowers, City Council Minutes —July 24, 2017 Page 5 1 7 addressed the City Council on what drove this request, which is the need for industrial land. Councilmember Gabler moved approval of Decision 1 as recommended by the Planning Commission to adopt Resolution 2017-43 approving a Comprehensive Plan amendment reguiding the subject parcel to "Places to Work", based on findings in said resolution. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Councilmember Gabler moved approval of Decision 2 as recommended by Planning Commission to adopt Ordinance No. 669 for rezoning of the subject parcel from B-4 (Regional Business) District to IBC (Light Industrial Business) as recommended by staff and based on findings of the Planning Commission per resolution 2017 -PC -008. Councilmember Fair seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. C. Consideration of approving a request for Development Stage Planned Unit Development for Vehicle Sales and Rental, Auto Repair — Minor, and Accessory Office and Retail Uses in a B-3 (Hiahwav Business) District, including allowance for 130' flan pole height. Applicant: FRHP Lincolnshire, LLC Steve Grittman, NAC, presented the request and noted that there are different recommendations of staff and Planning Commission. The Planning Commission had some changes to Exhibit Z as recommended by staff so some of the staff comments were not included. These changes were presented. There was significant discussion about the Planning Commission's recommended Exhibit Z, item #9. The applicant questioned the need for both 9b — Upgrade the existing buildings with exterior architectural treatments to meet/exceed the requirements for commercial building and 9c — Construct a fence or wall around the east and south boundaries of the east parcel with landscaping on east and south sides to create an attractive visual screen, and which focuses traffic and attention to the main property. The Council discussed this issue and there was consensus that one of these items would suffice. Mayor Stumpf moved approval of Development Stage Planned Unit Development for Camping World, based on the findings in Resolution No. PC -2017-016 with the conditions identified in Exhibit Z as recommended by the Planning Commission amended to remove 9c from Exhibit Z (for a period of one year to complete) and with the additional condition that the applicant address all comments of the City Engineer and Water & Sewer Superintendent as related to the proposed RV dump station. Councilmember Fair seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. D. Consideration of authorizing members of the Citv Council to participate in the upcoming I-94 Coalition lobbvina effort (September 12 and 13) in Washington D.C. at an estimated cost of $1,000 per participant. City Council Minutes —July 24, 2017 Page 6 1 7 Councilmember Fair moved to authorize Councilmember Gabler, and another possible member, to attend the I-94 Coalition lobbying effort (September 12 and September 13) in Washington D.C. at an estimated cost of $1,000 per participant. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Added Items • Councilmember Hilgart requested discussion on the interim improvements — soccer fields — at BOOL. He noted that the fields are in bad shape and being used quite often. He questioned whether there is the possibility of irrigation. Angela Schumann noted that these are interim improvements to satisfy the grant requirement. Because of changes at the school there is a greater need to use this space and staff is researching interim and long term solutions for the park. • Mayor Stumpf thanked all those that worked on and volunteered for Riverfest. At 7:53 p.m., Mayor Stumpf announced that the City Council was going into a closed meeting to discuss the sale of a portion of City -owned parcel: 213-100-081400 (former city bio -solids site — 1645 County Road 38 NE). Following adjournment of the closed meeting, by consensus the regular meeting was adjourned. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Administrator City Council Minutes —July 24, 2017 Page 7 1 7 City Council Agenda 08/14/2017 2A. Consideration of avvrovin2 vavment of bills (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City staff submits the attached bill registers and purchasing card registers for approval by Council. The bill registers contain all invoices processed and the purchasing card registers contain all card purchases made since the last Council meeting. Subject to MN Statutes, most invoices require Council approval prior to releasing checks for payment. The day following Council approval, payments will be released unless directed otherwise. A credit purchasing agreement and policy was approved by Council initially and card purchases must comply with the policy. If Council has no questions or comments on the bill and purchase card registers, these can be approved with the consent agenda. If requested, this item can be removed from consent and discussed prior to making a motion for approval. Al. Budget Impact: None A2. Staff Workload Impact: No additional work required B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $1,164,305.93. 2. Motion to approve the registers with changes directed by Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1 or #2, per direction of Council. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Bill registers and Purchase Card registers Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Debbie.Davidson Printed: 08/01/2017 - 11:39AM Batch: 00215.07.2017 - 215.07.2017 Xcel/CPE Invoice No Description Vendor: 4263 CAYAN 393633 June 2017 (3) Genius Srv. Fee- cc machine renta 393633 June 2017 (14,320) Trans. Fee 15.00 Check Total: Vendor: 1102 CENTERPOINT ENERGY 7/31/2017 5843395-5 7/31/2017 5863599-6 7/31/2017 5806932-5 7/31/2017 5821009-5 7/31/2017 5864452-7 7/31/2017 5788570-9 7/31/2017 5804618-6 7/31/2017 5768542-2 7/31/2017 5768542-2 7/31/2017 5768542-2 7/31/2017 5768542-2 7/31/2017 5828859-8 7/31/2017 8235331-9 7/31/2017 8235333-5 7/31/2017 8000015233-2 7/31/2017 5799425 7/31/2017 5799427 7/31/2017 5820786 7/31/2017 5837384 Check Total: Vendor: 4745 ILLINOIS CASUALTY COMPANY LL103171 Annual Liquor Liability Ins. 7/18/17-7/18/18 Check Total: Amount Payment Date Acct Number Moiiii6effo Y Reference Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: True 89.85 07/31/2017 609-49754-424100 1,002.40 07/31/2017 609-49754-443980 1,092.25 4,740.70 Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: True 1,409.00 07/31/2017 609-49754-436100 1,409.00 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/01/2017 - 11:39 AM) Page 1 Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: True 15.68 07/31/2017 217-41990-438100 15.00 07/31/2017 101-42700-438100 15.00 07/31/2017 101-45201-438100 95.78 07/31/2017 101-42200-438100 43.00 07/31/2017 101-45501-438100 22.44 07/31/2017 609-49754-438100 15.00 07/31/2017 101-45201-438100 89.40 07/31/2017 101-41940-438100 2,067.34 07/31/2017 226-45126-438100 33.52 07/31/2017 101-45175-438100 44.70 07/31/2017 101-42800-438100 15.00 07/31/2017 101-41940-438100 17.44 07/31/2017 101-41941-438100 16.03 07/31/2017 101-41941-438100 2,065.16 07/31/2017 602-49480-438100 76.27 07/31/2017 101-43127-438100 19.02 07/31/2017 101-43127-438100 15.00 07/31/2017 101-43127-438100 59.92 07/31/2017 101-43127-438100 4,740.70 Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: True 1,409.00 07/31/2017 609-49754-436100 1,409.00 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/01/2017 - 11:39 AM) Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Vendor: 4732 MONEY MOVERS, INC. Check Sequence: 4 101762 Money Movers - Fitness Rewards - June 2017 64.50 07/31/2017 226-45122-430900 Check Total: 64.50 Vendor: 2405 WELLS FARGO - Monthly Charges/Retums Check Sequence: 5 July 2017 MCC CC Fees (WF -Front Desk) 1,375.59 07/31/2017 226-45122-443980 July 2017 MCC CC Fees (WF -Online) 55.97 07/31/2017 226-45122-443980 July 2017 MCC CC Fees (iAccess- Fmrs Mkt) 78.16 07/31/2017 226-00000-220100 July 2017 Liquor Store CC Fees (WF) 6,444.32 07/31/2017 609-49754-443980 July 2017 City Hall CC Fees (WF) 120.60 07/31/2017 101-41520-443980 July 2017 Utility CC Fees (Bluefin) 673.51 07/31/2017 601-49440-443980 July 2017 Utility CC Fees (Bluefin) 673.51 07/31/2017 602-49490-443980 July 2017 Utility CC Fees (AmEx) 75.45 07/31/2017 601-49440-443980 July 2017 Utility CC Fees (AmEx) 75.46 07/31/2017 602-49490-443980 July 2017 MCC ACH Retrun 7/13/17 232.00 07/31/2017 226-00000-115031 Check Total: 9,804.57 Vendor: 1585 XCEL ENERGY Check Sequence: 6 7/31/2017 51-6572904-0 - WWTP 13,638.57 07/31/2017 602-49480-438100 7/31/2017 51-6505905-0 - Water 7,924.06 07/31/2017 601-49440-438100 7/31/2017 51-0395766-0 - Pumphouse 405 Ramsey 4,984.55 07/31/2017 601-49440-438100 7/31/2017 51-4271112-2 - Library 1,208.49 07/31/2017 101-45501-438100 7/31/2017 51-6505907-2 - Parking Lots 90.58 07/31/2017 101-43120-438100 7/31/2017 51-6505907-2 - Parking Lots (3) auto protective 45.88 07/31/2017 101-43120-438100 7/31/2017 ZZZNEP-IMPLEM -51-6505908-3 - Civil Defer 18.71 07/31/2017 101-42500-438100 7/31/2017 51-6505909-4 - DMV & Food Shelf 237.22 07/31/2017 217-41990-438100 7/31/2017 51-6505910-7 - Liquor Store 1,967.03 07/31/2017 609-49754-438100 7/31/2017 51-6505911-8 - City Hall 2,327.50 07/31/2017 101-41940-438100 7/31/2017 51 -6505911 -8 -MCC 10,542.22 07/31/2017 226-45126-438100 7/31/2017 51-6505911-8 - Senior Center 547.65 07/31/2017 101-45175-438100 7/31/2017 51-6505911-8 -National Guard 273.82 07/31/2017 101-42800-438100 7/31/2017 51-66505912-9 - Animal Shelter 81.90 07/31/2017 101-42700-438100 7/31/2017 51-6505913-0 - Fire Station 451.46 07/31/2017 101-42200-438100 7/31/2017 51-6505915-0 - Parks -General 478.33 07/31/2017 101-45201-438100 7/31/2017 51-6505915-0 - Water- skating rink 27.64 07/31/2017 601-49440-438100 7/31/2017 51-6505915-0 - Parks- Ballfreld Lights NSP con: 155.48 07/31/2017 101-45203-438100 7/31/2017 51-6505915-0 - Parks- Ballfreld Lights NSP Soft 509.42 07/31/2017 101-45203-438100 7/31/2017 51-6505916-3 - Street Lights - inc. erd. will be o 2,687.59 07/31/2017 101-43160-438100 7/31/2017 51-0371645-4 - Parks Swan Cam 19.19 07/31/2017 101-45201-438100 7/31/2017 51-7780310-4 - Bldg. Inspection Garage 29.90 07/31/2017 101-41940-438100 7/31/2017 51-9391437-3 - 118 W 6th St. 347.87 07/31/2017 101-41941-438100 Reference ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/01/2017 - 11:39 AM) Page 2 Invoice No 7/31/2017 Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference ZCULPS-EXPENS - EDA 349 W Broadway 18.01 07/31/2017 213-46522-438100 Check Total: 48,613.07 Total for Check Run: 65,724.09 Total of Number of Checks: The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 8/14/17 Approved by Mayor Brian Stumpf AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/01/2017 - 11:39 AM) Page 3 Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Debbie.Davidson Printed: 08/03/2017 - 12:44PM Batch: 00202.08.2017 - 202.08.2017 Liquor Invoice No Description Vendor: 3491 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3194932 resale - beer 1080665209 Check Total: Vendor: 1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION 59856400 resale - liquor 59856400 freight 59964500 resale - liquor 59964500 freight 96171000 freight 96171000 resale - pickles; olives; etc 96175700 resale - marg. salt credit inv. 96171000 -24.00 Check Total: Vendor: 1067 BERNICK'S 30610 resale - soda pop 30610 resale -juice 30611 resale - soda pop 81660 resale - soda pop 81660 resale -juice 81661 resale - beer 49.20 Check Total: Vendor: 4328 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE & SPIF 1080665209 resale - liquor 1080665209 resale - wine 1080665209 freight 1080665210 resale - beer 1080668401 resale - liquor 1080668401 resale - wine 1080668401 freight Amount Payment Date Acct Number Check Sequence: 1 61.50 08/03/2017 609-49750-425200 61.50 Check Sequence: 2 5,400.50 08/03/2017 609-49750-425100 57.74 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 85.85 08/03/2017 609-49750-425100 2.70 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 0.43 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 93.29 08/03/2017 609-49750-425500 -24.00 08/03/2017 609-49750-425400 5,616.51 Check Sequence: 3 41.25 08/03/2017 609-49750-425400 49.20 08/03/2017 609-49750-425500 1,048.00 08/03/2017 609-49750-425400 105.25 08/03/2017 609-49750-425400 65.60 08/03/2017 609-49750-425500 2,358.20 08/03/2017 609-49750-425200 3,667.50 Check Sequence: 4 1,647.50 08/03/2017 609-49750-425100 1,028.98 08/03/2017 609-49750-425300 30.26 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 130.50 08/03/2017 609-49750-425200 2,735.81 08/03/2017 609-49750-425100 422.32 08/03/2017 609-49750-425300 35.20 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 Moiiii6effo Y Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/03/2017 - 12:44 PM) Page 1 Invoice No Description 1080668402 resale - beer Amount Payment Date Check Total: Vendor: 4646 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES L.P. 1956361 resale- beer 1956361 resale - beer n/a 1956939 resale - beer 1956939 18,909.05 resale - beer n/a 354-121 resale - beer credit 08/03/2017 609-49750-425400 Check Total: Vendor: 4089 CARLSON & LYTER DISTRIBUTING, INC 580-1 28.00 resale - beer 609-49750-425400 Check Total: Vendor: 1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC 153517 resale - beer 153517 resale - beer n/a 154026 ACH Enabled: True resale - beer n/a 154026 609-49750-425200 resale - beer 154113 resale - beer credit inv. 153517 154367 resale - beer credit 154415 ACH Enabled: True resale - beer 154415 609-49750-425200 resale - beer n/a 154602 08/03/2017 resale - beer 154862 168.00 resale - beer 155232 resale - beer 08/03/2017 609-49750-425200 Check Total: Vendor: 4218 HOHENSTEINS, INC 907128 -4.60 resale - beer 609-49750-425200 Check Total: Vendor: 1259 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING 2711413 08/03/2017 resale- beer 2711413 285.10 resale - beer n/a 2711437 resale- beer 2711437 609-49750-425200 freight Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 246.00 08/03/2017 609-49750-425200 6,276.57 Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: True 18,909.05 08/03/2017 609-49750-425200 85.50 08/03/2017 609-49750-425400 25,859.37 08/03/2017 609-49750-425200 28.00 08/03/2017 609-49750-425400 -317.00 08/03/2017 609-49750-425200 44,564.92 Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: True 239.50 08/03/2017 609-49750-425200 239.50 Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: True 25,537.70 08/03/2017 609-49750-425200 461.30 08/03/2017 609-49750-425400 168.00 08/03/2017 609-49750-425400 5,118.60 08/03/2017 609-49750-425200 -14.80 08/03/2017 609-49750-425200 -4.60 08/03/2017 609-49750-425200 38,302.10 08/03/2017 609-49750-425200 67.20 08/03/2017 609-49750-425400 285.10 08/03/2017 609-49750-425200 658.10 08/03/2017 609-49750-425200 893.50 08/03/2017 609-49750-425200 71,472.20 Check Sequence: 8 ACH Enabled: False 789.50 08/03/2017 609-49750-425200 789.50 Check Sequence: 9 ACH Enabled: False 2,001.88 08/03/2017 609-49750-425200 105.60 08/03/2017 609-49750-425400 4,632.15 08/03/2017 609-49750-425200 3.00 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/03/2017 - 12:44 PM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Check Total: 6,742.63 Vendor: 1263 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. Check Sequence: 10 5775133 resale - liquor 1,932.40 08/03/2017 609-49750-425100 5775133 freight 21.60 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 5775134 freight 67.68 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 5775134 resale - wine 1,940.86 08/03/2017 609-49750-425300 5775134 resale - mix 272.69 08/03/2017 609-49750-425400 5775135 resale -beer 87.96 08/03/2017 609-49750-425200 5776375 resale -liquor 2,660.00 08/03/2017 609-49750-425100 5776375 freight 28.80 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 5776376 freight 46.55 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 5776376 resale - wine 1,557.29 08/03/2017 609-49750-425300 5776376 resale - mix 153.00 08/03/2017 609-49750-425400 5778989 resale - liquor 2,106.50 08/03/2017 609-49750-425100 5778989 freight 17.89 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 5778990 freight 20.16 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 5778990 resale- wine 712.70 08/03/2017 609-49750-425300 5780633 resale - liquor 6,016.83 08/03/2017 609-49750-425100 5780633 freight 98.16 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 5780634 freight 80.63 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 5780634 resale - wine 3,243.16 08/03/2017 609-49750-425300 5780635 resale - beer 65.97 08/03/2017 609-49750-425200 5781934 resale - liquor 3,919.93 08/03/2017 609-49750-425100 5781934 freight 44.88 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 5781935 freight 43.21 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 5781935 resale - wine 1,170.35 08/03/2017 609-49750-425300 5781935 resale - wine n/a 39.95 08/03/2017 609-49750-425400 5781936 resale - beer 218.00 08/03/2017 609-49750-425200 5784673 resale - liquor 2,569.76 08/03/2017 609-49750-425100 5784673 freight 36.00 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 5784674 freight 17.28 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 5784674 resale- wine 536.15 08/03/2017 609-49750-425300 5784674 resale- winen/a 32.00 08/03/2017 609-49750-425400 633399 resale - wine- credit in error. 13.15 08/03/2017 609-49750-425300 633400 resale - wine- credit in error. 7.33 08/03/2017 609-49750-425300 634658 resale - wine credit inv. #5752548 -9.65 08/03/2017 609-49750-425300 634659 resale - liquor credit inv. #5769525 -144.15 08/03/2017 609-49750-425100 634659 freight credit inv. #5769525 -1.44 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 635480 resale - liquor credit inv. #5738111 -15.58 08/03/2017 609-49750-425100 635481 resale - liquor credit inv. #5764309 -6.67 08/03/2017 609-49750-425100 Reference ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/03/2017 - 12:44 PM) Page 3 Invoice No Description Check Total: Vendor: 4456 LUPULIN BREWING LLC 2001 resale- beer Check Total: Vendor: 1303 M AMUNDSON CIGAR & CANDY CO, LLP 241878 resale - cigarettes 241878 resale - tobacco; can coolers; stoppers; etc Check Total: Vendor: 4667 MILLNER VINEYARD, LLC 1-7-25-17-2 resale - wine Amount Payment Date Acct Number 29,601.33 Check Total: Vendor: 1273 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE CO 8597375 resale- wine 8597375 freight 609-49750-425200 Check Total: Vendor: 1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO 2199410 freight 2199410 resale - liquor 2199411 resale - liquor 2199411 resale- wine 2199411 resale - mix 2199411 freight 2200247 freight 2200247 resale - liquor 2200248 resale - wine 2200248 resale - wine n/a 2200248 freight 2202038 freight 2202038 resale - liquor 2202039 resale - wine 2202039 freight 2202990 freight 2202990 resale - liquor 2203871 resale - liquor Amount Payment Date Acct Number 29,601.33 Check Sequence: 11 162.00 08/03/2017 609-49750-425200 162.00 Check Sequence: 12 1,226.95 08/03/2017 609-49750-425500 640.65 08/03/2017 609-49750-425400 1,867.60 Check Sequence: 13 192.40 08/03/2017 609-49750-425300 192.40 Check Sequence: 14 1,043.01 08/03/2017 609-49750-425300 16.25 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 1,059.26 Check Sequence: 15 14.40 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 956.34 08/03/2017 609-49750-425100 208.80 08/03/2017 609-49750-425100 280.00 08/03/2017 609-49750-425300 142.80 08/03/2017 609-49750-425400 18.72 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 8.64 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 588.00 08/03/2017 609-49750-425100 3,456.54 08/03/2017 609-49750-425300 53.00 08/03/2017 609-49750-425400 66.60 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 12.96 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 1,438.05 08/03/2017 609-49750-425100 552.00 08/03/2017 609-49750-425300 17.28 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 27.47 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 2,811.15 08/03/2017 609-49750-425100 1,842.40 08/03/2017 609-49750-425100 Reference ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/03/2017 - 12:44 PM) Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2203871 freight 30.00 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 2203872 freight 28.80 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 2203872 resale - wine 1,018.90 08/03/2017 609-49750-425300 2205707 freight 16.20 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 2205707 resale - liquor 1,607.14 08/03/2017 609-49750-425100 269199 freight credit inv. 42192753 -1.44 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 269199 resale - liquor credit inv. #2192753 -108.00 08/03/2017 609-49750-425100 269734 freight credit inv. # 2194614 -5.76 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 269734 resale - winet credit inv. # 2194614 -448.00 08/03/2017 609-49750-425300 269735 resale - winet credit inv. # 2198454 -36.00 08/03/2017 609-49750-425300 269735 freight credit inv. # 2198454 -1.44 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 14,595.55 Vendor: 3309 SOUTHERN GLAZER'S WINE AND SPIRITS; Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: False 1569419 resale - liquor 2,721.18 08/03/2017 609-49750-425100 1569419 freight 30.10 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 1569420 resale - wine 1,613.54 08/03/2017 609-49750-425300 1569420 freight 30.10 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 1572029 resale - liquor 1,594.04 08/03/2017 609-49750-425100 1572029 freight 16.10 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 1572030 freight 22.75 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 1572030 resale - wine 1,174.76 08/03/2017 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 7,202.57 Vendor: 3594 STRATEGIC EQUIPMENT, LLC Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: False 2907058 resale - doz. boot mug 51.38 08/03/2017 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 51.38 Vendor: 4656 TRUE FABRICATIONS, INC. Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: False 242649 resale - bottle openers 68.86 08/03/2017 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 68.86 Vendor: 1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: True 1981572 resale - soda pop 358.00 08/03/2017 609-49750-425400 1988290 resale - soda pop 262.50 08/03/2017 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 620.50 Vendor: 1684 VINOCOPIA Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: True 0182419 resale - wine credit -80.00 08/03/2017 609-49750-425300 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/03/2017 - 12:44 PM) Page 5 Invoice No 0182419 0184798 0184798 0184798 0184922 0185287 0185287 0185287 Vendor: 1573 7141480 7141480 7141480 7142212 7142212 7142434 7142434 Vendor: 1206 24476 24476 Description resale - freight credit resale - wine resale - mix freight resale - wine credit freight resale - liquor resale - wine Check Total WINE MERCHANTS INC resale - wine resale - mix freight resale - wine freight freight resale - wine Check Total: WINEBOW INC. resale - wine freight Check Total Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: Amount -2.50 394.75 120.00 18.00 -7.33 18.00 535.63 360.00 1,356.55 775.40 79.00 16.31 305.00 4.32 2.88 224.00 1,406.91 340.00 11.25 351.25 197,966.99 22 Payment Date Acct Number 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 08/03/2017 609-49750-425300 08/03/2017 609-49750-425400 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 08/03/2017 609-49750-425300 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 08/03/2017 609-49750-425100 08/03/2017 609-49750-425300 Check Sequence: 21 08/03/2017 609-49750-425300 08/03/2017 609-49750-425400 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 08/03/2017 609-49750-425300 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 08/03/2017 609-49750-425300 Check Sequence: 22 08/03/2017 609-49750-425300 08/03/2017 609-49750-433300 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 8/14/17 Approved by Mayor Brian Stumpf AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/03/2017 - 12:44 PM) Page 6 Accounts Payable CITY' OF Computer Check Proof List by Vendor • nq User: Debbie.Davidson� Printed: 08/09/2017 - 2:18PM Batch: 00203.08.2017 - 203.08.2017 AP Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 2087 ALL WAYS HEATING AND AC INC Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: False 5863 Install Inline Fan in Pool Boiler Room 965.00 08/15/2017 226-45126-440440 Check Total: 965.00 Vendor: 1021 AME RED E MIX INC Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: False 114005 (3) CY4000; (1) LD small load 538.00 08/15/2017 101-43120-422410 Check Total: 538.00 Vendor: 1039 AQUA LOGIC INC Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: True 46470 Top Diffuser Plate (2) 29.45 08/15/2017 226-45124-431990 46498 Repair Leak on Reducer Bushing on Water Slide 721.06 08/15/2017 226-45124-431990 Check Total: 750.51 Vendor: 3491 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: False 3197481 resale - beer 138.50 08/15/2017 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 138.50 Vendor: 4502 ARVIG Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: True 264119 May 2017 - Calix; Border States;Advanced Med 13,745.30 08/15/2017 656-49877-421800 7/8/2017 IT Services - July 2017 1,320.00 08/15/2017 702-00000-431990 June 2017 June 1-30/2017 - Subscriber Billings -189.00 08/15/2017 656-00000-362920 June 2017 June 1-30/2017 - Subscriber Billings -44,018.00 08/15/2017 656-00000-380510 June 2017 June 1-30/2017 - Subscriber Billings -70,295.00 08/15/2017 656-00000-380520 June 2017 June 1-30/2017 - Subscriber Billings -2,316.00 08/15/2017 656-00000-380522 June 2017 June 1-30/2017 - Subscriber Billings -23,934.00 08/15/2017 656-00000-380530 June 2017 June 1-30/2017 - Subscriber Billings 2,551.00 08/15/2017 656-00000-380531 June 2017 June 1-30/2017 - Subscriber Billings -1,059.00 08/15/2017 656-00000-380558 June 2017 June 1-30/2017 - Subscriber Billings 12.00 08/15/2017 656-00000-380546 June 2017 June 1-30/2017 - Subscriber Billings 3,000.00 08/15/2017 656-49870-443200 June 2017 June 1-30/2017 -Subscriber Fees- Arvig 61,380.13 08/15/2017 656-49870-430600 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/09/2017 - 2:18 PM) Page I Invoice No Description June 2017 June 1-30/2017 -Management Services- Arvig June 2017 June 1-30/2017 -Fixed Fee- Arvig June 2017 June 1-30/2017 -Vanco Deposits June 2017 June 1-30/2017 -Excise Tax Payment 2017.01 June 2017 June 1-30/2017 -Returned Vanco Deposits - 201" June 2017 June 1-30/2017 -UB May 2017 Invoices (3773) ] June 2017 June 1-30/2017 -(277) tickets May 2017 - 1/2 Fr June 2017 June 1-30/2017 -Vanco Gateway Exchange- Ma} June 2017 June 1-30/2017 -2017 MN Public Broadband All June 2017 June 1-30/2017 -Prairie Center Rental Amount Payment Date Check Total: Vendor: 2225 ASPHALT SURFACE TECHNOLOGIES CORI Pay Voucher #1 16C003 - Pay Voucher #1 - 2017 Core Street Iml 08/15/2017 656-49870-430800 Check Total: Vendor: 1045 ASSOCIATED VETERINARY CLINIC 4571 -576.51 Medical Supplies for Animal Shelter 656-00000-202099 Check Total: Vendor: 3887 KEVIN BARTHEL 8/1/2017 08/15/2017 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - July 201 -186.97 Check Total: Vendor: 1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION 60017200 656-49870-443980 resale - wine 60017200 08/15/2017 freight 60073300 -500.00 freight 60073300 resale - wine 60073300 resale - liquor 96245500 resale - olives 96245500 160,652.26 resale - bottle opener 96245500 freight Check Total: Vendor: 1067 BERNICK'S 31334 280.00 resale - pop, water, juice, milk 34740 resale - soda pop 34740 resale -juice Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 12,875.00 08/15/2017 656-49870-430700 58,350.00 08/15/2017 656-49870-430800 7,141.11 08/15/2017 656-00000-202099 -576.51 08/15/2017 656-00000-202099 -91.84 08/15/2017 656-00000-202099 -37.73 08/15/2017 656-49870-434990 -186.97 08/15/2017 656-49877-432770 -17.15 08/15/2017 656-49870-443980 -1,500.00 08/15/2017 656-49870-431990 -500.00 08/15/2017 101-41941-362230 15,653.34 Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: False 160,652.26 08/15/2017 400-43300-459016 160,652.26 Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: False 280.00 08/15/2017 101-42700-421990 280.00 Check Sequence: 8 ACH Enabled: False 55.00 08/15/2017 226-00000-220100 55.00 Check Sequence: 9 ACH Enabled: True 256.00 08/15/2017 609-49750-425300 9.00 08/15/2017 609-49750-433300 9.90 08/15/2017 609-49750-433300 184.00 08/15/2017 609-49750-425300 312.52 08/15/2017 609-49750-425100 34.25 08/15/2017 609-49750-425500 34.00 08/15/2017 609-49750-425500 0.31 08/15/2017 609-49750-433300 839.98 Check Sequence: 10 ACH Enabled: False 171.75 08/15/2017 226-45125-425410 41.25 08/15/2017 609-49750-425400 98.40 08/15/2017 609-49750-425500 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/09/2017 - 2:18 PM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 34741 resale - beer 1,806.20 08/15/2017 609-49750-425200 35436 resale - pop, water, juice, gatorade 586.75 08/15/2017 226-45125-425410 82450 resale - pop, water, juice 240.00 08/15/2017 226-45125-425410 Check Total: 2,944.35 Vendor: 3632 BRIAN BRAMLEY Check Sequence: 11 ACH Enabled: True 9082 ERS dba- Firedex FDXL 10.5 Med Red Boot 311.51 08/15/2017 101-42200-421120 9148 ERS dba- (2) Fire Dex Turn Out coat/pants 4,198.71 08/15/2017 101-42200-421120 Check Total: 4,510.22 Vendor: 4328 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE & SPIF Check Sequence: 12 ACH Enabled: False 1080671601 resale - liquor 2,126.19 08/15/2017 609-49750-425100 1080671601 resale - wine 294.98 08/15/2017 609-49750-425300 1080671601 resale -mix 78.00 08/15/2017 609-49750-425400 1080671601 freight 36.33 08/15/2017 609-49750-433300 1080671602 resale -beer 130.50 08/15/2017 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 2,666.00 Vendor: 2890 BROTHERS FIRE PROTECTION CO Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: True 104409 Replace Nut on K Class Fire Extinguisher 250.00 08/15/2017 226-45126-431990 104409 Replace IOLb Extinguisher 96.00 08/15/2017 101-45501-431990 21594 2017 Annual Fire Extinguisher Inspections (29) 123.00 08/15/2017 226-45126-431900 21594 2017 Annual Fire Extinguisher Inspections (6) 31.00 08/15/2017 101-45501-431990 21594 2017 Annual Fire Extinguisher Inspections (2) 15.00 08/15/2017 656-00000-202099 21594 2017 Annual Fire Extinguisher Inspections (2) 15.00 08/15/2017 217-41990-431900 21594 2017 Annual Fire Extinguisher Inspections (3) F 19.00 08/15/2017 217-41990-431900 21712 August 2017 Hood Inspection 120.00 08/15/2017 226-45126-431990 Check Total: 669.00 Vendor: 1091 CAMPBELL KNUTSON PA Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: True 2348-000G 179 201716 - Red Rooster Properties PUD - June 20' 168.00 08/15/2017 101-00000-220110 2348-000G 179 Planning & Zoning - June 2017 1,256.00 08/15/2017 101-41910-430400 2348-000G 179 General Legal - June 2017 2,156.16 08/15/2017 101-41610-430400 2348-138G 7 16D002 - Mills Fleet Farm Addition - June 2017 1,161.60 08/15/2017 101-00000-220110 2348-143G 1 201715 - Monti Big Lake Community Hospital - 183.60 08/15/2017 101-00000-220110 2348-144G 1 201710 - Spaeth Industrial Park Plat - June 2017 209.00 08/15/2017 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 5,134.36 Vendor: 4646 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES L.P. Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/09/2017 - 2:18 PM) Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1962179 resale - beer 23,429.85 08/15/2017 609-49750-425200 1962179 resale - wine 80.92 08/15/2017 609-49750-425300 1962179 resale - wine n/a 257.75 08/15/2017 609-49750-425400 1968584 resale - beer 985.60 08/15/2017 609-49750-425200 1968606 resale - beer 34.95 08/15/2017 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 24,789.07 Vendor: 4755 CAREFREE CLEANING LLC Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: False COM0001 Cleaning Services - July 2017 FNM 216.00 08/15/2017 656-00000-202099 COM0001 Cleaning Services - July 2017 Prairie Center 260.00 08/15/2017 101-41941-431990 COM0001 Cleaning Services - July 2017 Senior Center 294.00 08/15/2017 101-45175-431990 COM0001 Cleaning Services - July 2017 City Hall 294.00 08/15/2017 101-41940-431990 COM0001 Cleaning Services - July 2017 Library 1,005.00 08/15/2017 101-45501-431990 COM0001 Cleaning Services - July 2017 MCC 2,356.00 08/15/2017 226-45126-431990 Check Total: 4,425.00 Vendor: 1094 CAREFREE LAWN SERVICE INC Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: True 16306 Hillside Cern- (3) mowings 7/1, 14, 24/17; Litter 480.00 08/15/2017 101-45201-431050 16306 Riverside Cern- (2) mowings 7/10 & 19 1,100.00 08/15/2017 651-49010-431050 Check Total: 1,580.00 Vendor: 4089 CARLSON & LYTER DISTRIBUTING, INC Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: True 375-101 resale - beer 55.50 08/15/2017 609-49750-425200 728560 resale - beer 41.00 08/15/2017 609-49750-425200 742772 resale - beer 212.70 08/15/2017 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 309.20 Vendor: 1106 CENTRAL MCGOWAN INC Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: False 00093381 Monthly Tank Rental 45.00 08/15/2017 226-45124-421600 00134611 Bulk Carbon Dioxide (231 lbs) 73.20 08/15/2017 226-45124-421600 00136149 Bulk Carbon Dioxide (192 lbs) 65.40 08/15/2017 226-45124-421600 00138564 Bulk Carbon Dioxide (232 lbs) 73.40 08/15/2017 226-45124-421600 5516 (2) Cylinder Maintenance 70.00 08/15/2017 101-43127-421520 Check Total: 327.00 Vendor: 4315 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: False 8/1/2017 Digital Receiver 7.91 08/15/2017 101-41110-431990 Check Total: 7.91 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/09/2017 - 2:18 PM) Page 4 Invoice No Description Vendor: 4762 CHRISTIAN BUILDERS 7/26/2017 Escrow Refund - 8657 Bison/Hillside Farms #16 Check Total: Vendor: 1117 COALITION OF UTILITY CITIES 0031353 Coatlition of Utility Cities Dues 2017 101-00000-220110 Check Total: Vendor: 2314 CONTINENTAL RESEARCH CORPORATION 453004 -CRC -1 Pool Chemicals Check Total: Vendor: 1126 CUB FOODS - MONTICELLO 6/22/2017 ACH Food for Volunteer Picnic False 26,418.92 Check Total: Vendor: 4694 CUNNINGHAM GROUP ARCHITECTURE IN 48120 Small Area Plan thru July 2017 Check Total: Vendor: 4767 CUSTOM REFRIGERATION 18144 Replaced Gasket on Silver King Freezer Check Sequence: 23 ACH Check Total: Vendor: 1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC 1295016 226-45124-421600 resale - beer 1295016 resale - beer n/a 1295039 resale - beer 155266 resale - beer 155875 resale - beer Check Sequence: 24 ACH Check Total: Vendor: 1136 GORDON J DEHMER 5868 101-41800-443990 extinquishers repairs;recharge; dry chemicals- Fi Check Total: Vendor: 2440 DESIGN ELECTRIC INC Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Sequence: 21 ACH Enabled: False 2,000.00 08/15/2017 101-00000-220110 2,000.00 Check Sequence: 22 ACH Enabled: False 26,418.92 08/15/2017 101-41310-443300 26,418.92 Check Sequence: 23 ACH Enabled: True 701.00 08/15/2017 226-45124-421600 701.00 Check Sequence: 24 ACH Enabled: False 228.73 08/15/2017 101-41800-443990 228.73 Check Sequence: 25 ACH Enabled: False 2,500.00 08/15/2017 213-46301-431990 2,500.00 Check Sequence: 26 ACH Enabled: False 577.09 08/15/2017 226-45126-440440 577.09 Check Sequence: 27 ACH Enabled: True 25,237.40 08/15/2017 609-49750-425200 318.50 08/15/2017 609-49750-425400 853.60 08/15/2017 609-49750-425200 52.80 08/15/2017 609-49750-425200 266.40 08/15/2017 609-49750-425200 26,728.70 Check Sequence: 28 ACH Enabled: False 333.75 08/15/2017 609-49754-440440 333.75 Check Sequence: 29 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/09/2017 - 2:18 PM) Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 03520-2 15C004- CONSTR- Electrical Work - Hillside C 9,977.00 08/15/2017 400-43300-459014 Check Total: 9,977.00 Vendor: 1147 DOUBLE D ELECTRIC INC Check Sequence: 30 ACH Enabled: False 22094 Relocate Electrical Circuitry for Drinking Founts 273.30 08/15/2017 226-45126-440440 Check Total: 273.30 Vendor: 1153 ECM PUBLISHERS INC Check Sequence: 31 ACH Enabled: True 509531 Ordinance 671A Ad# 708453 138.45 08/15/2017 101-41910-435100 511453 201720 - Rezone Autumn Ridge 3rd PH Ad# 71 110.76 08/15/2017 101-41910-435100 511454 Amend Ordinance Driveway Width Ad# 71147E 101.53 08/15/2017 101-41910-435100 511455 201728 - CUP Micro Brewery PH Ad# 711480 101.53 08/15/2017 101-41910-435100 511456 201726 - Featherstone PH Ad# 712440 101.53 08/15/2017 101-41910-435100 511457 201729 - Ryan Buffalo PH Ad# 712622 110.76 08/15/2017 101-41910-435100 515409 201713 - Ordinance 669 - Ad# 716892 213.83 08/15/2017 101-41910-435100 515410 201711 - Ordinance 663A - Ad# 716897 158.45 08/15/2017 101-41910-435100 515411 Ordinance 667A Ad# 716899 130.76 08/15/2017 101-41910-435100 515412 201710 - Ordinance 672A - Ad# 716900 167.68 08/15/2017 101-41910-435100 515413 201716 - Ordinance 673A Ad# 716907 158.45 08/15/2017 101-41910-435100 515414 2016 TIF Disclosure TIF 1-19 34.00 08/15/2017 213-46519-435100 515414 2016 TIF Disclosure - TIF 1-20 34.00 08/15/2017 213-46520-435100 515414 2016 TIF Disclosure TIF 1-22 34.00 08/15/2017 213-46522-435100 515414 2016 TIF Disclosure TIF 1-24 34.00 08/15/2017 213-46524-435100 515414 2016 TIF Disclosure TIF 1-29 34.00 08/15/2017 213-46529-435100 515414 2016 TIF Disclosure TIF 1-30 34.00 08/15/2017 213-46530-435100 515414 2016 TIF Disclosure TIF 1-34 34.00 08/15/2017 213-46534-435100 515414 2016 TIF Disclosure TIF 1-35 34.00 08/15/2017 213-46535-435100 515414 2016 TIF Disclosure TIF 1-38 34.00 08/15/2017 213-46538-435100 515414 2016 TIF Disclosure - EDA General 72.43 08/15/2017 213-46301-435100 Check Total: 1,872.16 Vendor: 4191 ELK RIVER GREENHOUSE LLC Check Sequence: 32 ACH Enabled: True 8/1/2017 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - July 201 489.00 08/15/2017 226-00000-220100 Check Total: 489.00 Vendor: 4763 ELLARAY HOMES Check Sequence: 33 ACH Enabled: False 8/3/2017 Escrow Refund - 9153 Fieldcrest/Klein Farms # 2,000.00 08/15/2017 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 2,000.00 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/09/2017 - 2:18 PM) Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 1720 EXTRACTOR CORPORATION Check Sequence: 34 ACH Enabled: False 17-1468 New Motor for Swimsuit Spinner 218.00 08/15/2017 226-45126-422990 Check Total: 218.00 Vendor: 2561 FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2516 Check Sequence: 35 ACH Enabled: False 0249803-1 resale -(2) 3/4 T10 Mtr ECDR Usg 360.00 08/15/2017 601-49440-422710 0250350 3880 Deegan Ct (new Dental Of)-2HP T/F- CMI 1,585.19 08/15/2017 601-49440-422710 Check Total: 1,945.19 Vendor: 3748 JEFFREY D GARDNER Check Sequence: 36 ACH Enabled: True 8/1/2017 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - July 201 28.00 08/15/2017 226-00000-220100 Check Total: 28.00 Vendor: 3762 GARRETTS DIAMOND CITY BREAD Check Sequence: 37 ACH Enabled: True 8/1/2017 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - July 201 127.00 08/15/2017 226-00000-220100 Check Total: 127.00 Vendor: 1859 GODFATHER'S EXTERMINATING INC Check Sequence: 38 ACH Enabled: False 123877 General Pest Control- Mice (Prairie Center) 50.00 08/15/2017 101-41941-431990 123900 General Pest Control- perimeter spray ants (MC( 80.00 08/15/2017 226-45126-431990 123901 General Pest Control- perimeter spray for Ants (1 35.00 08/15/2017 217-41990-431990 123902 General Pest Control- perimeter spray for Ants (1 50.00 08/15/2017 101-45501-431990 123903 General Pest Control- perimeter spray ants 58.78 08/15/2017 609-49754-431990 Check Total: 273.78 Vendor: 4761 GOLD MEDAL Check Sequence: 39 ACH Enabled: False 10529 Popcorn for Concession 48.55 08/15/2017 226-45125-425411 Check Total: 48.55 Vendor: 1413 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL INC Check Sequence: 40 ACH Enabled: True 7070578 July 2017 (28 1) tickets - 1/2 189.68 08/15/2017 601-49440-432770 7070578 July 2017 (28 1) tickets - 1/2 189.67 08/15/2017 656-00000-202099 Check Total: 379.35 Vendor: 4757 PARKER GORECKI Check Sequence: 41 ACH Enabled: False 8/3/2017 Planning Commission Meeting Recording 8/1/1') 70.00 08/15/2017 101-41910-431990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/09/2017 - 2:18 PM) Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 70.00 15.73 22.66 38.39 375.00 375.00 4,714.32 11,772.66 1,324.62 -2,949.39 14,862.21 384.50 384.50 268.85 268.85 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,076.07 1,076.07 49,025.00 15,210.00 Check Sequence: 42 08/15/2017 226-45126-421990 08/15/2017 226-45126-421990 Check Sequence: 43 08/15/2017 101-42400-433100 Check Sequence: 44 Check Total: Vendor: 1205 GRAINGER INC 9497459082 Motor Start Capacitor 9505595083 14" Feather Duster (2) Check Total: Vendor: 1219 RONALD G HACKENMUELLER 7/25/2017 Fire Inspector One Class Reimbursement Check Total: Vendor: 1223 HAWKINS INC 4088925 Pool Chemicals - Credit Memo to Be Issued for 4117655 (82 1) GA Phosphate; (14) CY Chlorine; (532) G. 4119835 Pool Chemicals 4120142 Pool Chemicals - Credit Memo for Billing Error Check Total: Vendor: 4218 HOHENSTEINS, INC 909871 resale - beer Check Total: Vendor: 1242 HOLIDAY CREDIT OFFICE 07182017 acct. #1400-017-223-399 -fuel slips 6/26-4/18/2( Check Total: Vendor: 4511 HOUSTON HOMES 7/14/2017 Escrow Refund - 8689 Bison Ave/Hillside Farms Check Total: Vendor: 4768 INDY LIFT INC 537393 New Motor for Maintenance Lift Check Total: Vendor: 3971 INTL UNION OF OPER ENGINEERS LOCAL Sept 2017 Sept Health Insurance Sept 2017 Sept Health Insurance - Union Amount Payment Date Acct Number 70.00 15.73 22.66 38.39 375.00 375.00 4,714.32 11,772.66 1,324.62 -2,949.39 14,862.21 384.50 384.50 268.85 268.85 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,076.07 1,076.07 49,025.00 15,210.00 Check Sequence: 42 08/15/2017 226-45126-421990 08/15/2017 226-45126-421990 Check Sequence: 43 08/15/2017 101-42400-433100 Check Sequence: 45 08/15/2017 609-49750-425200 Check Sequence: 46 08/15/2017 101-42200-421200 Check Sequence: 47 08/15/2017 101-00000-220110 Check Sequence: 48 08/15/2017 226-45126-440440 Check Sequence: 49 08/15/2017 101-00000-217061 08/15/2017 101-00000-217061 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/09/2017 - 2:18 PM) Page 8 Check Sequence: 44 08/15/2017 226-45124-421600 08/15/2017 601-49440-421600 08/15/2017 226-45124-421600 08/15/2017 226-45124-421600 Check Sequence: 45 08/15/2017 609-49750-425200 Check Sequence: 46 08/15/2017 101-42200-421200 Check Sequence: 47 08/15/2017 101-00000-220110 Check Sequence: 48 08/15/2017 226-45126-440440 Check Sequence: 49 08/15/2017 101-00000-217061 08/15/2017 101-00000-217061 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/09/2017 - 2:18 PM) Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Total: 64,235.00 Vendor: 4699 JIM LEUER CONSTRUCTION Check Sequence: 50 ACH Enabled: False 7/31/2017 Escrow Refund - 5875 Deer Street/Hill Side Fan 2,000.00 08/15/2017 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 2,000.00 Vendor: 1259 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING Check Sequence: 51 ACH Enabled: False 2711462 resale - beer 1,882.15 08/15/2017 609-49750-425200 2711462 resale - beer N/A 121.05 08/15/2017 609-49750-425400 2711462 freignt 3.00 08/15/2017 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 2,006.20 Vendor: 1263 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. Check Sequence: 52 ACH Enabled: False 5786562 resale - liquor 4,317.42 08/15/2017 609-49750-425100 5786562 freight 59.77 08/15/2017 609-49750-433300 5786563 freight 120.61 08/15/2017 609-49750-433300 5786563 resale - wine 3,456.85 08/15/2017 609-49750-425300 5786563 resale - mix 312.55 08/15/2017 609-49750-425400 5786564 resale - beer 65.97 08/15/2017 609-49750-425200 5787857 freight 19.92 08/15/2017 609-49750-433300 5787857 resale - liquor 2,239.54 08/15/2017 609-49750-425100 5787858 resale - wine 658.65 08/15/2017 609-49750-425300 5787858 resale - mix 57.70 08/15/2017 609-49750-425400 5787858 freight 19.08 08/15/2017 609-49750-433300 5790420 resale - liquor 732.98 08/15/2017 609-49750-425100 5790420 freight 8.64 08/15/2017 609-49750-433300 5790421 freight 20.16 08/15/2017 609-49750-433300 5790421 resale - wine 695.05 08/15/2017 609-49750-425300 637239 resale - liquor Credit inv #5773602 -76.50 08/15/2017 609-49750-425100 637239 Freight Credit inv #5773602 -1.44 08/15/2017 609-49750-433300 637240 resale - liquor Credit inv #5776375 -122.00 08/15/2017 609-49750-425100 637240 freight credit inv #5776375 -1.44 08/15/2017 609-49750-433300 637392 resale - wine -28.95 08/15/2017 609-49750-425300 637393 resale - liquor credit 45780633 -281.40 08/15/2017 609-49750-425100 637393 freight credit #5780633 -2.88 08/15/2017 609-49750-433300 637637 resale - liquor credit inv #5786564 -21.99 08/15/2017 609-49750-425100 Check Total: 12,248.29 Vendor: 2641 JOHNSON MATERIALS INC Check Sequence: 53 ACH Enabled: False 2977 (57.64) CL5 Base - Sunset Ponds 334.32 08/15/2017 101-45201-421650 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/09/2017 - 2:18 PM) Page 9 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 3240 (56.34) Con Bit - Sunset Ponds 611.29 08/15/2017 101-45201-421650 Check Total: 945.61 Vendor: 4760 RENEE KASPER Check Sequence: 54 ACH Enabled: True 7/19/2017 Mileage Reimbursement - Various Locations - (3 17.12 08/15/2017 226-45122-433100 Check Total: 17.12 Vendor: 1270 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHARTERED Check Sequence: 55 ACH Enabled: False MN190-00101 General EDA Matters thm 6/30/17 209.00 08/15/2017 213-46301-430400 MN190-00153 Shred N Go TIF thru 6/30/17 76.00 08/15/2017 213-46301-430400 MN325-00006 General Legal thru 6/30/17 133.00 08/15/2017 213-46301-430400 MN325-00033 GMEF Laon - Microbrewery thru 6/30/17 874.00 08/15/2017 213-46301-430400 MN325-00034 Services for 220 W Broadway thru 6/30/17 393.50 08/15/2017 213-46301-430400 Check Total: 1,685.50 Vendor: 4764 LANNERS CUSTOM HOMES Check Sequence: 56 ACH Enabled: False 8/4/2017 Escrow Refund - 107 Kenneth Ln/ #16-655 2,000.00 08/15/2017 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 2,000.00 Vendor: 2626 HARRY LANTTO Check Sequence: 57 ACH Enabled: True 8/1/2017 Planning Commission Meeting Recording 7/11/1 65.00 08/15/2017 101-41910-431990 8/1/2017 EDA Meeting Recording 7/12/17 60.00 08/15/2017 213-46301-431990 8/1/2017 City Council Meeting Recording 7/10/17 & 7/24 120.00 08/15/2017 101-41110-431990 Check Total: 245.00 Vendor: 3852 LASER MEMORIES Check Sequence: 58 ACH Enabled: False 1037 Office Name Plates (2) TM, JH 30.00 08/15/2017 226-45122-421990 Check Total: 30.00 Vendor: 3550 RACHEL LEONARD Check Sequence: 59 ACH Enabled: True 7/25/2017 Mileage Reimbursement - Training in St.Paul (9' 51.89 08/15/2017 101-41310-433100 8/3/2017 Mileage Reimbursement - Adobe Class Norman 49.75 08/15/2017 101-41310-433100 Check Total: 101.64 Vendor: 3933 CHARLES LONG Check Sequence: 60 ACH Enabled: False 8/1/2017 Farmers Market Token Collection - July 2017 298.00 08/15/2017 226-00000-220100 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/09/2017 - 2:18 PM) Page 10 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 298.00 Check Total: Vendor: 4456 LUPULIN BREWING LLC 2090 Check Sequence: 61 resale - beer True 495.00 Check Total: Vendor: 1300 DOUGLAS WILLIAM LYSENG 1362 IT Services - June/July 2017 1362 Video Converter Check Sequence: 62 Check Total: Vendor: 1229 MARRS ADVERTISING & DESIGN INC 1447 Business Cards - RM 1447 08/15/2017 Business Cards - TM Check Total: Vendor: 3745 MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY 20374693 (523) gal. diesel @ $2.13 20374950 ACH Enabled: (698) gal. unleaded @ $2.00 74.50 08/15/2017 Check Total: Vendor: 1309 MARTIE'S FARM SERVICE INC 352933 226-45122-431990 (5) flats annuals; (38) accent 149.00 Check Total: Vendor: 1314 MCDOWALL COMPANY 531443 Contract C0520 - Repaired Leak on Schrader Va ACH Enabled: True Check Total: Vendor: 2111 MCFOA 7/27/2017 1,396.78 Annual Membership 7/1/17 - 6/30/18 (JS) 101-43120-421200 Check Total: Vendor: 1320 TRICIA MENTH 7/24/2017 Mileage Reimbursement - Meeting In Apple Val] Check Sequence: 65 Check Total: AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/09/2017 - 2:18 PM) Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 298.00 Check Sequence: 61 ACH Enabled: True 495.00 08/15/2017 609-49750-425200 495.00 Check Sequence: 62 ACH Enabled: True 1,317.50 08/15/2017 702-00000-431990 25.00 08/15/2017 702-00000-421990 1,342.50 Check Sequence: 63 ACH Enabled: True 74.50 08/15/2017 101-43115-421990 74.50 08/15/2017 226-45122-431990 149.00 Check Sequence: 64 ACH Enabled: True 1,111.44 08/15/2017 101-43120-421200 1,396.78 08/15/2017 101-43120-421200 2,508.22 Check Sequence: 65 ACH Enabled: False 98.00 08/15/2017 101-45201-440900 98.00 Check Sequence: 66 ACH Enabled: False 418.50 08/15/2017 226-45126-440440 418.50 Check Sequence: 67 ACH Enabled: False 40.00 08/15/2017 101-41310-443300 40.00 Check Sequence: 68 ACH Enabled: True 62.60 08/15/2017 226-45122-433100 62.60 Page 11 Invoice No Description Vendor: 4765 MILLS FLEET FARM 8/1/2017 201717 - Refund Remaining Escrow Deposit Check Total: Vendor: 1341 MMKR 42471 Final Billing - Audit of Financial Stmts Yr End 1 08/15/2017 Check Total: Vendor: 1349 MN DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION P00008198 15C004 - MNDOT Testing & Inspections (Mates Check Total: Vendor: 1355 MN MUNICIPAL BEVERAGE ASSOCIATION 17-18 Mmbrship Annual Dues - July 2017 -July 2018 Check Total: Vendor: 2512 MONTICELLO PLBG HTG AC LLC 16928 Drinking Fountain Change Out; Change Drain & 08/15/2017 Check Total: Vendor: 1375 MONTICELLO PRINTING INC 7/14/17 (100) Incident; (35) Bylaws; (12) Payroll- Fire Check Total: Vendor: 1379 MONTICELLO UMPIRE ASSOCIATION 8/2/2017 All Day Field Worker @ Tournament Check Total: Vendor: 1821 MOOSE SHERRITT ICE ARENA 7/26/2017 Hockey League 2017 - 50% Profit Split 08/15/2017 Check Total: Vendor: 4479 KELLY C. MULHERN 1000529 ZVERIZ-PLESCR- construction inspection Veri: Check Total: AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/09/2017 - 2:18 PM) Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Sequence: 69 ACH Enabled: False 451.50 08/15/2017 101-00000-220110 451.50 Check Sequence: 70 ACH Enabled: True 12,445.00 08/15/2017 101-41540-430100 12,445.00 Check Sequence: 71 ACH Enabled: False 4,783.20 08/15/2017 400-43300-459014 4,783.20 Check Sequence: 72 ACH Enabled: False 3,700.00 08/15/2017 609-49754-443300 3,700.00 Check Sequence: 73 ACH Enabled: False 2,450.00 08/15/2017 226-45126-440440 2,450.00 Check Sequence: 74 ACH Enabled: True 136.35 08/15/2017 101-42200-421990 136.35 Check Sequence: 75 ACH Enabled: True 100.00 08/15/2017 226-45127-431990 100.00 Check Sequence: 76 ACH Enabled: False 4,358.15 08/15/2017 226-45127-431990 4,358.15 Check Sequence: 77 ACH Enabled: True 5,233.00 08/15/2017 101-00000-220110 5,233.00 Page 12 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 2518 NEOFUNDS BYNEOPOST Check Sequence: 78 ACH Enabled: False 8/3/2017 Postage Purchased 7/13/17 1,000.00 08/15/2017 101-00000-155010 8/3/2017 Postage for Pkgs to Dept Public Safety - July 20 115.02 08/15/2017 217-41990-432200 Check Total: 1,115.02 Vendor: 1401 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS Check Sequence: 79 ACH Enabled: True 23092 July 2017 - Technical Assistance - City Projects 1,190.79 08/15/2017 101-41910-431990 23093 201711 - Camping World Expansion - July 2017 244.50 08/15/2017 101-00000-220110 23093 201721 - Lamont Travel Center PUD - July 201 i 146.70 08/15/2017 101-00000-220110 23093 201720 - Autumn Ridge PUD Amendment - Jul) 1,793.00 08/15/2017 101-00000-220110 23093 201726 - Featherstone Final Plat - July 2017 537.90 08/15/2017 101-00000-220110 23093 201722 - Affordable Storage PUD - July 2017 652.00 08/15/2017 101-00000-220110 23093 201713 - Bowers Rezone - July 2017 81.50 08/15/2017 101-00000-220110 23093 201729 - Ryan Chadwick - July 2017 1,606.28 08/15/2017 101-00000-220110 23093 201728 - Rustech Brew - July 2017 948.36 08/15/2017 101-00000-220110 23094 July 2017 - Technical Assistance - Meetings 300.00 08/15/2017 101-41910-431990 Check Total: 7,501.03 Vendor: 4472 NOVAK FLECK INC Check Sequence: 80 ACH Enabled: False 7/17/2017 Escrow Refund - 4330 89 St/Featherstone #201' 2,000.00 08/15/2017 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 2,000.00 Vendor: 1412 OMANN BROTHERS INC Check Sequence: 81 ACH Enabled: False 12883 (2) AC Fines mix 128.00 08/15/2017 101-43120-422400 Check Total: 128.00 Vendor: 1273 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE CO Check Sequence: 82 ACH Enabled: False 8599061 resale - wine 944.99 08/15/2017 609-49750-425300 8599061 freight 12.50 08/15/2017 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 957.49 Vendor: 4633 PERFORMANCE FOOD GROUP INC Check Sequence: 83 ACH Enabled: True 49013565 Cheese Sauce for Concession 106.24 08/15/2017 226-45125-425410 49255838 Cheese Sauce for Concession 106.24 08/15/2017 226-45125-425410 Check Total: 212.48 Vendor: 4759 KENT PFEIFER Check Sequence: 84 ACH Enabled: False 7/27/2017 Release Grading Permit Escrow - Permit #2016-1 3,000.00 08/15/2017 101-00000-220110 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/09/2017 - 2:18 PM) Page 13 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Total: 3,000.00 Vendor: 1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 85 ACH Enabled: False 2206758 freight 78.03 08/15/2017 609-49750-433300 2206758 resale - liquor 5,501.18 08/15/2017 609-49750-425100 2207591 resale - liquor 909.88 08/15/2017 609-49750-425100 2207591 freight 8.17 08/15/2017 609-49750-433300 2207592 resale - wine 851.75 08/15/2017 609-49750-425300 2207592 freight 23.04 08/15/2017 609-49750-433300 2209405 resale - liquor 979.60 08/15/2017 609-49750-425100 2209405 freight 10.66 08/15/2017 609-49750-433300 2209406 freight 4.32 08/15/2017 609-49750-433300 2209406 resale - wine 137.35 08/15/2017 609-49750-425300 270758 freight- credit inv. #2198453 -1.44 08/15/2017 609-49750-433300 270758 resale - liquor credit inv. #2198453 -47.50 08/15/2017 609-49750-425100 270834 resale - liquor credit #2202990 -2.24 08/15/2017 609-49750-425100 Check Total: 8,452.80 Vendor: 2066 PROGRESSIVE BUILDERS Check Sequence: 86 ACH Enabled: False 7/20/2017 Escrow Refund - 4319 89 St/Featherstone #201' 2,000.00 08/15/2017 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 2,000.00 Vendor: 1442 PURCELL PLUMBING AND HEATING INC Check Sequence: 87 ACH Enabled: False 38678 Install new Laundry Tub- Hi -Way Liquor 315.00 08/15/2017 609-49754-431990 Check Total: 315.00 Vendor: 4565 R HOMES Check Sequence: 88 ACH Enabled: False 7/13/2017 Escrow Refund - 9032 Golden Pond/Sunset Pon( 2,000.00 08/15/2017 101-00000-220110 7/17/2017 Escrow Refund - 9188 Golden Pond/Sunset Pon( 2,000.00 08/15/2017 101-00000-220110 7/19/2017 Escrow Refund - 9184 Golden Pond/Sunset Pon( 2,000.00 08/15/2017 101-00000-220110 7/19/2017 Escrow Refund - 6953 92nd St/Sunset Ponds #2 2,000.00 08/15/2017 101-00000-220110 7/19/2017 Escrow Refund - 6959 92nd St/Sunset Ponds #2 2,000.00 08/15/2017 101-00000-220110 7/19/2017 Escrow Refund - 6336 Bakken Street/Carlisle Vi 2,000.00 08/15/2017 101-00000-220110 7/19/2017 Escrow Refund - 6281 Bakken Street/Carlisle Vi 2,000.00 08/15/2017 101-00000-220110 7/19/2017 Escrow Refund - 8303 83rd St/Sunset Ponds #21 2,000.00 08/15/2017 101-00000-220110 7/19/2017 Escrow Refund - 9148 Golden Pond Ln/Sunset P 2,000.00 08/15/2017 101-00000-220110 7/19/2017 Escrow Refund - 9150 Golden Pond Ln/Sunset F 2,000.00 08/15/2017 101-00000-220110 7/19/2017 Escrow Refund - 6810 93rd St/Sunset Ponds - #� 2,000.00 08/15/2017 101-00000-220110 8/7/2017 Escrow Refund - 9153 Golden Pond/Sunset Pon( 2,000.00 08/15/2017 101-00000-220110 8/7/2017 Escrow Refund - 9169 Golden Pond/Sunset Pon( 2,000.00 08/15/2017 101-00000-220110 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/09/2017 - 2:18 PM) Page 14 Invoice No Description 8/7/2017 Escrow Refund - 9151 Golden Pond/Sunset Pon( Amount Payment Date Check Total: Vendor: 1450 RAILROAD MANAGEMENT CO III LLC 352270 101-00000-220110 11/17/17 - 11/16/18 Water Pipeline Crossing 352271 11/17/17 - 11/16/18 Sewer Pipeline Crossing Check Total: Vendor: 4769 RECREATION BY LEMMIE JONES LLC RLJ2017-035 Spray Structure/Water Table/Water Dome 50% P ACH Enabled: Check Total: Vendor: 4022 REINHART FOODSERVICE LLC 858585 Food for Concession Resale 858585 08/15/2017 Food for Friendship Island Check Total: Vendor: 4575 REPLENISHMENT SOLUTIONS LLC 1957019 resale - beer Check Total: Vendor: 1874 RES SPECIALTY PYROTECHNICS 20597 08/15/2017 7/14/17 Riverfest Fireworks display Check Total: Vendor: 1470 RUSSELL SECURITY RESOURCE INC A30231 Replaced Door Mechanical Room A30232 Replaced Door Pool Pump Room A30270 Enabled: Stalled Lever Handle on Pool Pump Room Door 395.08 08/15/2017 Check Total: Vendor: 4705 S2 SERVICES INC MN -0164 08/15/2017 EnduraGlaze - Library Restrooms Check Total: Vendor: 1474 PATRICIA A SALZWEDEL August 1 st Semi Monthly Contract Payment Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2,000.00 08/15/2017 101-00000-220110 28,000.00 Check Sequence: 89 ACH Enabled: False 194.55 08/15/2017 602-49490-431990 194.55 08/15/2017 602-49490-431990 389.10 Check Sequence: 90 ACH Enabled: True 53,707.50 08/15/2017 226-45124-458010 53,707.50 Check Sequence: 91 ACH Enabled: False 395.08 08/15/2017 226-45125-425410 323.75 08/15/2017 226-45127-421981 718.83 Check Sequence: 92 ACH Enabled: True 69.00 08/15/2017 609-49750-425200 69.00 Check Sequence: 93 ACH Enabled: False 8,200.00 08/15/2017 609-49754-443990 8,200.00 Check Sequence: 94 ACH Enabled: True 2,738.80 08/15/2017 226-45126-440100 3,623.80 08/15/2017 226-45126-440100 265.20 08/15/2017 226-45126-440100 6,627.80 Check Sequence: 95 ACH Enabled: False 1,710.00 08/15/2017 101-45501-431990 1,710.00 Check Sequence: 96 ACH Enabled: True 1,593.75 08/15/2017 101-42700-431200 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/09/2017 - 2:18 PM) Page 15 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 1,593.75 33.75 33.75 42.74 42.74 140.00 140.00 700.00 8,000.00 8,700.00 361.74 361.74 1,813.01 9,559.54 11,372.55 3,036.74 31.73 18.55 1,342.23 4,429.25 4,462.80 Check Sequence: 97 08/15/2017 101-41910-431990 Check Sequence: 98 08/15/2017 101-42200-431990 Check Sequence: 99 08/15/2017 226-45123-431992 Check Sequence: 100 08/15/2017 101-45201-431990 08/15/2017 213-46301-431990 Check Sequence: 101 08/15/2017 601-49440-422220 Check Sequence: 102 08/15/2017 101-00000-208020 08/15/2017 101-00000-208020 Check Sequence: 103 Check Total: Vendor: 3827 SAMBATEK INC 10179 609-49750-433300 Code Updates - Project Admin Services thm 7/2. 609-49750-425300 Check Total: Vendor: 4261 KRYSTLE SAMUELSON 07/27/2017 Dennis Joerg photo - Fire Dept. Check Total: Vendor: 2443 SECURITAS SECURITY SERVICES USA INC W5731939 7/22/17 - Security Check Total: Vendor: 4766 SUE SEEGER 08/08/17 (2) stainless steel bases for Swans- 25/75 interse 08/08/17- Swans (2) Swans sculpture- ($3000 Ellison donation) Check Total: Vendor: 1904 SHEBOYGAN PAINT COMPANY 431978 (6) GL Hydrant Red Acrylic touch up enamel Check Total: Vendor: 2497 SHERBURNE WRIGHT CABLE COMMISSIC 6/30/2017 Cable PEG Fees - TDS/Bridge Water Q2 2017 6/30/2017 Cable Franchise Fees - TDS/Bridge Water Q2 2C Check Total: Vendor: 3309 SOUTHERN GLAZER'S WINE AND SPIRITS. 1574715 resale - liquor 1574715 freight 1574716 freight 1574716 resale - wine Check Total: Vendor: 4672 SPECIALTY SOLUTIONS LLC 146868 (240) 22-0-6 Lawn Mntc Amount Payment Date Acct Number 1,593.75 33.75 33.75 42.74 42.74 140.00 140.00 700.00 8,000.00 8,700.00 361.74 361.74 1,813.01 9,559.54 11,372.55 3,036.74 31.73 18.55 1,342.23 4,429.25 4,462.80 Check Sequence: 97 08/15/2017 101-41910-431990 Check Sequence: 98 08/15/2017 101-42200-431990 Check Sequence: 99 08/15/2017 226-45123-431992 Check Sequence: 100 08/15/2017 101-45201-431990 08/15/2017 213-46301-431990 Check Sequence: 101 08/15/2017 601-49440-422220 Check Sequence: 102 08/15/2017 101-00000-208020 08/15/2017 101-00000-208020 Check Sequence: 104 08/15/2017 101-45201-421600 Reference ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/09/2017 - 2:18 PM) Page 16 Check Sequence: 103 08/15/2017 609-49750-425100 08/15/2017 609-49750-433300 08/15/2017 609-49750-433300 08/15/2017 609-49750-425300 Check Sequence: 104 08/15/2017 101-45201-421600 Reference ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/09/2017 - 2:18 PM) Page 16 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 146887 (3) 6.8# Roundup 228.00 08/15/2017 101-45201-421600 146887 (8) 2.5 GA Pro -Quench 596.00 08/15/2017 101-46102-421990 146887 (100) Perennial Ryegrass; Double Time M9 -14-I 178.60 08/15/2017 651-49010-421990 146887 (2) 50# Pro Athletic Mix- Ballfields Xcel 275.80 08/15/2017 101-45203-421990 146887 (2) 50#- Bertram- Sports Field Mix 281.60 08/15/2017 101-45201-422500 146887 freight 35.00 08/15/2017 101-45201-421650 Check Total: 6,057.80 Vendor: 3594 STRATEGIC EQUIPMENT, LLC Check Sequence: 105 ACH Enabled: False 2907059 Canliners- cs 27.61 08/15/2017 609-49754-421990 2907061 cs- Paper Twls; coffee filters; canliner; cups;etc 242.52 08/15/2017 609-49754-421990 2907061 resale - (3) doz. plastic pourer 10.16 08/15/2017 609-49750-425400 2916161 asst. bags; multifold towels 294.48 08/15/2017 609-49754-421990 Check Total: 574.77 Vendor: 1516 TASC Check Sequence: 106 ACH Enabled: False IN1069859 9/1/17 - 9/30/17 Admin Fees 72.48 08/15/2017 101-41800-413500 Check Total: 72.48 Vendor: 4459 JAMES THARES Check Sequence: 107 ACH Enabled: True 8/9/2017 Mileage Reimbursement June/July/Aug (223 mil 119.30 08/15/2017 213-46301-433100 Check Total: 119.30 Vendor: 4536 JACOB THUNANDER Check Sequence: 108 ACH Enabled: True 8/2/2017 Mileage Reimbursement - (56 miles) - River Tov 29.96 08/15/2017 101-41910-433100 8/9/2017 Mileage Reimbursement (20.2 miles) Wright Co 10.81 08/15/2017 101-41910-433100 Check Total: 40.77 Vendor: 1550 VEOLIA WATER N AM OPERATING SERV L: Check Sequence: 109 ACH Enabled: False 00070413 Sept 2017 WWTP Operations & Maintenance 61,548.00 08/15/2017 602-49480-430800 00070413 2016 Reconciliation - Repair & Maintenance 2,868.08 08/15/2017 602-49480-430800 00070413 2016 Reconciliation - Hauling -2,980.27 08/15/2017 602-49480-430800 00070413 2016 Reconciliation - Landfilling 6,292.18 08/15/2017 602-49480-430800 00070413 2016 Reconciliation - Polymer -14,632.37 08/15/2017 602-49480-430800 Check Total: 53,095.62 Vendor: 1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO Check Sequence: 110 ACH Enabled: True 1995222 resale - soda pop 362.75 08/15/2017 609-49750-425400 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/09/2017 - 2:18 PM) Page 17 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 362.75 Check Total: Vendor: 1684 VINOCOPIA 0185766 ACH Enabled: True freight 0185766 609-49750-433300 resale - wine 0185766 08/15/2017 resale - mix 0185766 120.00 resale - liquor 609-49750-425400 Check Total: Vendor: 4514 LY LEE VUE 8/1/2017 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - July 201 Check Total: Vendor: 4758 W S & D PERMIT SERVICE 7/21/2017 226-00000-220100 Refund. Permit #2017-00450 Canceled 373.00 Check Total: Vendor: 1567 WES OLSON ELECTRIC LLC 8325 ACH Enabled: False ZPARKS- ELLPRK- labor- shelter work 8325 101-42400-322110 ZPARKS- ELLPRK- materials- shelter work 8325 materials - GFI Replacements W.Bridge & Pion( Check Total: Vendor: 1568 WEST SHERBURNE TRIBUNE 077339 229-45202-453010 (2) 3/10 color Save on Saturday- July 219.00 08/15/2017 Check Total: Vendor: 1756 WIGEN COMPANIES INC 20065 Scale Filter Cartridges (2) Check Total: Vendor: 1572 THE WINE COMPANY 44040 720.00 resale - wine 44040 freight Check Total: Vendor: 1573 WINE MERCHANTS INC Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 362.75 Check Sequence: 111 ACH Enabled: True 18.00 08/15/2017 609-49750-433300 192.00 08/15/2017 609-49750-425300 120.00 08/15/2017 609-49750-425400 106.00 08/15/2017 609-49750-425100 436.00 Check Sequence: 112 ACH Enabled: True 373.00 08/15/2017 226-00000-220100 373.00 Check Sequence: 113 ACH Enabled: False 182.77 08/15/2017 101-42400-322110 182.77 Check Sequence: 114 ACH Enabled: False 741.00 08/15/2017 229-45202-453010 219.00 08/15/2017 229-45202-453010 399.57 08/15/2017 101-45201-421990 1,359.57 Check Sequence: 115 ACH Enabled: False 720.00 08/15/2017 609-49754-434990 720.00 Check Sequence: 116 ACH Enabled: False 107.40 08/15/2017 226-45126-421990 107.40 Check Sequence: 117 ACH Enabled: True 936.00 08/15/2017 609-49750-425300 18.15 08/15/2017 609-49750-433300 954.15 Check Sequence: 118 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/09/2017 - 2:18 PM) Page 18 Invoice No Description 7143419 resale - wine 7143419 freight 7143838 resale - wine 7143838 resale - mix 7143838 freight 609-49750-433300 Check Total: Vendor: 2645 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS TIF 1-22 TIF 1-22 (Downtown Dist) Excess Increment Re 39.50 Check Total: Vendor: 1577 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS - ACH August August 2017 Deputies Contract 609-49750-433300 Check Total: Vendor: 1581 WRIGHT CO RECORDER 201700000068 Misc Agreement - # A 1347265 201700000068 Release of Easement - # A 1348040 201700000068 Misc Agreement - # A 1347265201707 - Amend 134,114.00 Check Total: Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 475.00 08/15/2017 609-49750-425300 7.20 08/15/2017 609-49750-433300 120.00 08/15/2017 609-49750-425300 39.50 08/15/2017 609-49750-425400 4.32 08/15/2017 609-49750-433300 646.02 Check Sequence: 119 ACH Enabled: False 134,114.00 08/15/2017 213-46522-443989 134,114.00 Check Sequence: 120 ACH Enabled: True 101,470.00 08/15/2017 101-42100-430500 101,470.00 Check Sequence: 121 ACH Enabled: False 46.00 08/15/2017 101-41910-431990 46.00 08/15/2017 101-41910-431990 46.00 08/15/2017 101-41910-431990 138.00 900,614.85 121 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 8/14/17 Approved by Mayor Brian Stumpf AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/09/2017 - 2:18 PM) Page 19 City Council Agenda 8/14/17 2B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for Citv departments (TE) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently in the departments listed. It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring/departure of all listed employees including part-time and seasonal workers. By ratifying departures, the council also approves the expenditure for final amounts due to terminated and otherwise departing employees. Al. Budget Impact: (positions are generally included in budget) A2. Staff Work Load Impact: If new positions, there may be some training involved. If terminated positions, existing staff would pick up those hours, as needed, until replaced. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I . Motion to ratify the hire/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. 2. Motion to deny the recommended hires and departures. C. RECOMMENDATION: By statute the City Council has the authority to approve all hires/departures. City staff recommends Alternative #I, for the Council to approve the hires and/or departures as listed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • List of new/terminated employees NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Joan Miller Guest Service 1 MCC 7/19/2017 PT Brennen Fisher Slide Attendant MCC 7/26/2017 PT Isaiah Moore Slide Attendant MCC 7/26/2017 PT Ellie Anselment Lifeguard MCC 7/27/2017 PT Nicole Branson Fitness Instructor MCC 7/28/2017 PT Benjamin Broderick Clerk Liquor Store 8/3/2017 PT TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Alexander Johannes Voluntary MCC 6/28/17 PT Sarah Sailer Voluntary MCC 7/19/17 PT Mike Krutzig Voluntary Liquor Store 7/21/17 PT Mai Xiong Voluntary MCC 7/25/17 PT Anita Lantz Voluntary MCC 7/26/17 PT Adam Sever Voluntary MCC 7/29/17 PT Rachel Stoltzmann Voluntary MCC 7/29/17 PT Nicole Peterson Voluntary MCC 8/4/17 PT New Hire and Terms City Council 2017.xlsx: 8/8/2017 Class Class City Council Agenda: 08/14/2017 2C. Consideration of approving sale or disposal of surplus property (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to declare certain items as surplus property and authorize the sale or disposal of those items. City Hall is planning to dispose of the paper folding machine, which does not work. The Fire Department is selling their ATV. The Park Department has a few miscellaneous items. Al. Budget Impact: Varies by the value of the property. A2. Staff Work Load Impact: Depends on the value of the property. Some items will be shopped as salvage; other items may go to auction or sold via formal bids or informal bids. State contracting laws will govern in absence of city policy. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the sale or disposal of surplus property as identified on the attached lists. 2. Motion to deny the sale or disposal of surplus property as recommended. C. RECOMMENDATION: Staff Recommends Option 1 to approve the sale or disposal of surplus property as identified. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Surplus List — City Hall B. Photo — Paper Folding Machine C. Surplus List — Fire Department D. Photo — ATV E. Surplus List — Park Department Equipment/Supplies Surplus List Department: City Hall 1. $100,000 + A. B. 2. $50,000 - $100,000 A. B. 3. $25,000.00 - $50,000.00 A. B. 4. $10,000 - $25,000 A. B. C. 5. $2,500 - $10,000 A. B. C. 6. $1,000 - $2,500 A. B. C. 7. $100 - $1,000 A. B. C. 8. $0-$100 A. $0 - Paper Folding Machine B. C. Date: 8/14/2017 Equipment/Supplies Surplus List Department: Fire Department 1. $100,000 + A. B. 2. $50,000 - $100,000 A. B. 3. $25,000.00 - $50,000.00 A. B. 4. $10,000 - $25,000 A. B. C. 5. $2,500 - $10,000 A. ATV - $2,200 - $3,000 B. C. 6. $1,000 - $2,500 A. B. C. 7. $100 - $1,000 A. B. C. 8. $0-$100 A. B. C. Date: 8/14/2017 m in s At �. • .. _ � hH�Npp low r All - 1• � t � i► � � y .ems/ f J Imo. f J r A , ji _w Equipment/Supplies Surplus List Department _Parks Date 8-10-17 1. $100,000 + A. B. 2. $50,000 - $100,000 A. B. 3. $25,000.00 - $50,000.00 A. B. 4. $10,000 - $25,000 A. B. C. 5. $2,500 - $10,000 A. Rolling woods old playground B. C. 6. $1,000 - $2,500 A. B. C. 7. $100 - $1,000 A. B. C. 8. $0-$100 A. 20 Old Park picnic tables B. old grill C. Sand digger D. Bench frame City Council Agenda: 08/14/17 2D. Consideration of adoutin2 Resolution 2017-47 accenting various donations for a total contribution of $3,350 (JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is being asked to approve the following donations/sponsorships: 1) $1000 donation from Walmart for an ATV fundraiser for the Fire Department; 2) $200 donation from GM Lawncare (Spring Green) for the 2017 Mississippi Rampage Softball Tournament; 3) $2,150 from CenterPoint Energy for four MSA gas montitors. As required by state statute, if the City accepts the donation of funds, the City Council needs to adopt a resolution specifying the amount of the donation and its use. Al. Budget Impact: The donation/sponsorship will pay for expenses of the run or movie programming. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff participates in the events. Our sponsors will be recognized in all our advertisement and banners. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt the Resolution approving the contribution and authorize use of funds as specified. 2. Motion to not approve the contribution and return the funds to the donors. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommendation is to adopt the resolution accepting the contributions. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Resolution 2017-47 City of Monticello RESOLUTION NO. 2017-47 RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Said gifts may be limited under provisions of MN Statutes Section 471.895. WHEREAS, the following persons and or contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONOR/ENTITY Walmart GM Lawncare (Spring Green) CenterPoint Energy itia�e offered to contribute PRIPTI VALUE Cash $1000 Cash $200 Cash $2,150 WHEREAS, all said contributions are ?Wed to aid the City inshing facilities, operations or programs within the city'sjurisdiction either alone o cooperation with others, as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City CouncVereby finds that it 1 ropriate to accept the contributions offer NOW T FORE BE IT RESOLVED by the ty Council of Monticello: 1. The ributionidescribed above are hereby accepted by the City of Monticello. 2. The contributions described above will be used as designated by the donor. This may entail reimbursing or allocating the money to another entity that will u' the funds for the following stated purpose: L DONOR/ENTITY PURPOSE/AMOUNT Walmart _ GM Lawncare (Spring Green) CenterPoint Energy $1000/ATV Fund — Fire Department $200/2017 Mississippi Rampage Tournament $2,150/Four MSA Gas Monitors Adopted by the City Council of Monticello this 14th day of August, 2017. Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk City Council Agenda: 08/14/17 2E. Consideration of avvroving an application for a charitable gambling Permit for a raffle to be conducted by Wright Countv/West Metro Whitetails on September 9, 2017 (JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Wright County/West Metro Whitetails group has applied for a temporary charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be held on Sunday, September 9, 2017 in conjunction with a fundraising event at River City Extreme. They have held a similar fundraiser for a number of years in Monticello. To receive a permit from the State, the City must approve the application. In the past the City has not opposed these exempt gambling license applications for charitable events. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the application for a charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be conducted by the Wright County/West Metro Whitetails on September 9, 2017, at River City Extreme. 2. Motion to deny the application for a charitable gambling permit. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff supports Alternative #1 and is not aware of any reason why this application should not be approved. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Application for Exempt Gambling Permit MINNESOTA LAWFUL GAMBLING LG220 Application for Exempt Permit An exempt permit may be issued to a nonprofit organization that: • conducts lawful gambling on five or fewer days, and • awards less than $50,000 in prizes during a calendar year. If total raffle prize value for the calendar year will be $1,500 or less, contact the Licensing Specialist assigned to your county by calling 651-539-1900. ORGANIZATION INFORMATION Organization � �-� Name: Minnesota Tax ID Number, if any: Mailing Address: (TV City: Name of Chief Executive Officer (CEO):/44 4/17 Page 1 of 2 Application Fee (non-refundable) Applications are processed in the order received. If the application is postmarked or received 30 days or more before the event, the application fee is $100; otherwise the fee is $150. Due to the high volume of exempt applications, payment of additional fees prior to 30 days before your event will not expedite service, nor are telephone requests for expedited service accepted. Previous Gambling Permit Number: Federal Employer ID Number (FEIN), if any: State: VK it Zip: OlCounty: �i�2� �f 4t !''t -4,, Daytime Phone: _ Email: NONPROFIT STATUS Type of Nonprofit Organization (check one): Fraternal Religious Veterans D7<70ther Nonprofit Organization Attach a copy of one of the following showing proof of nonprofit status: (DO NOT attach a sales tax exempt status or federal employer ID number, as they are not proof of nonprofit status.) A current calendar year Certificate of Good Standing Don't have a copy? Obtain this certificate from: MN Secretary of State, Business Services Division Secretary of State website, phone numbers: 60 Empire Drive, Suite 100 www.sos.state.mn.us St. Paul, MN 55103 651-296-2803, or toll free 1-877-551-6767 IRS income tax exemption (501(c)) letter in your organization's name Don't have a copy? To obtain a copy of your federal income tax exempt letter, have an organization officer contact the IRS toll free at 1-877-829-5500. IRS - Affiliate of national, statewide, or international parent nonprofit organization (charter) If your organization falls under a parent organization, attach copies of both of the following: 1. IRS letter showing your parent organization is a nonprofit 501(c) organization with a group ruling, and 2. the charter or letter from your parent organization recognizing your organization as a subordinate. GAMBLING PREMISES INFORMATION Name of premises where the gambling event will be conducted (for raffles, list the site where the drawing will take place): Physical Address (do not use P.O. box): "� L, 0 I) 1 V City or Township: l f _6 t�, V k ` (� Zip: _302 County: C.r !moi L Date(s) of activity (for raffles, % j 1-7 indicate the date of the drawing): Check each type of gambling activity that your organization will conduct: =Bingo Paddlewheels = Pull -Tabs =Tipboards Raffle (total value of raffle prizes awarded for the calendar year, including this raffle: $ Gambling equipment for bingo paper, bingo boards, raffle boards, paddlewheels, pull -tabs, and tipboards must be obtained from a distributor licensed by the Minnesota Gambling Control Board. EXCEPTION: Bingo hard cards and bingo ball selection devices may be borrowed from another organization authorized to conduct bingo. To find a licensed distributor, go to www.mn.gov/gcb and click on Distributors under List of Licensees, or call 651-539-1900. LG220 Application for Exempt Permit 4/17 Page 2 of 2 LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT (required before submitting application to the Minnesota Gambling Control Board) CITY APPROVAL for a gambling premises located within city limits COUNTY APPROVAL for a gambling premises located in a township =The application is acknowledged with no waiting period. The application is acknowledged with no waiting period. =The application is acknowledged with a 30 -day waiting =The application is acknowledged with a 30 -day waiting period, and allows the Board to issue a permit after 30 days period, and allows the Board to issue a permit after (60 days for a 1st class city). 30 days. =The application is denied. =The application is denied. Print City Name: Signature of City Personnel: Title: Date: The city or county must sign before submitting application to the Gambling Control Board. Print County Name: Signature of County Personnel: Title: Date: TOWNSHIP (if required by the county) On behalf of the township, I acknowledge that the organization is applying for exempted gambling activity within the township limits. (A township has no statutory authority to approve or deny an application, per Minn. Statutes, section 349.213.) Print Township Name: Signature of Township Officer: Title: Date: CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S SIGNATURE (required) The information provided in this application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I acknowledge that the financial report will be completed and returned to the BoarA within 30 days he event date. r !. Chief Executive Officer's Signature: _ Date: (Signature midst be CEO's signature; designee may not sign) Print Name: REQUIREMENTS MAIL APPLICATION AND ATTACHMENTS Complete a separate application for: Mail application with: • all gambling conducted on two or more consecutive days, or a copy of your proof of nonprofit status, and • all gambling conducted on one day. application fee (non-refundable). If the application is Only one application is required if one or more raffle drawings are postmarked or received 30 days or more before the event, conducted on the same day. the application fee is $100; otherwise the fee is $150. Financial report to be completed within 30 days after the Make check payable to State of Minnesota. gambling activity is done: To: Minnesota Gambling Control Board A financial report form will be mailed with your permit. Complete 1711 West County Road B, Suite 300 South and return the financial report form to the Gambling Control Roseville, MN 55113 Board. Questions? Your organization must keep all exempt records and reports for Call the Licensing Section of the Gambling Control Board at 3-1/2 years (Minn. Statutes, section 349.166, subd. 2(f)). 651-539-1900. Data privacy notice: The information requested on this form (and any attachments) will be used by the Gambling Control Board (Board) to determine your organization's qualifications to be involved in lawful gambling activities in Minnesota. Your organization has the right to refuse to supply the information; however, if your organization refuses to supply this information, the Board may not be able to determine your organization's qualifications and, as a consequence, may refuse to issue a permit. If your organization supplies the information requested, the Board will be able to process the application. Your organization's name and address will be public information when received by the Board. All other information provided will be private data about your organization until the Board issues the permit. When the Board issues the permit, all information provided will become public. If the Board does not issue a permit, all information provided remains private, with the exception of your organization's name and address which will remain public. Private data about your organization are available to Board members, Board staff whose work requires access to the information; Minnesota's Depart- ment of Public Safety; Attorney General; Commissioners of Administration, Minnesota Management & Budget, and Revenue; Legislative Auditor, national and international gambling regulatory agencies; anyone pursuant to court order; other individuals and agencies specifically authorized by state or federal law to have access to the information; individuals and agencies for which law or legal order authorizes a new use or sharing of information after this notice was given; and anyone with your written consent. This form will be made available in alternative format (i.e. large print, braille) upon request. An equal opportunity employer City Council Agenda: 08/14/17 2F. Consideration of approving a Special Event Permit allowing use of 311 Street parking lot, closure of Walnut Street and related assistance in coniunction with the Rotary "Taste of the Towns" event on September 14, 2017. Applicant: Monticello Rotary Club (JS/PW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is asked to consider approval of a special event permit for the Taste of the Towns event, a food and beverage fundraising event organized by the Monticello Rotary Club. The request has three associated considerations: a) Approval for use of City 3rd Street parking lot Lot closure from 7 a. m. Wednesday, September 13 10 p.m. Thursday, September 14, 2017 b) Approval of closure of Walnut Street Street closure from 4-9 p. m. on Thursday, September 14, 2017 C) Approval of City traffic control equipment and staff assistance This community event is proposed to occur Thursday, September 14, 2017, and is proposed to be located in the 3rd Street parking lot. Event tents will be placed in the 31 Street parking lot, with event parking to occur on adjacent streets and private parking lots. A site map illustrating the proposed configuration of the event tent is included in supporting data. The event itself will occur from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, September 14. The Rotary Club is requesting that the parking lot be closed for set-up by volunteers on Wednesday morning. As such, the lot will be fully closed for two days (Wednesday and Thursday) to accommodate the event set-up. The Public Works Department sign trailer will be placed at the parking lot prior to the event to notify users of the closures. Rotary is also requesting the closure of Walnut Street from 4 - 9 p.m. on Thursday as part of the request. Event coordinators will also be asking for permission for temporary parking in adjacent private lots. Letters of agreement will be requested for reference. Event organizers will also be asked to notify surrounding property owners of the event and closures. During the event, volunteers will be directing traffic for parking into the signed designated areas. As part of lot use, the group will need City assistance for providing barricades, cones, trash receptacles and picnic tables. The Public Works Department has indicated that if approved by Council, they are able to provide tables, cones and barricades for parking areas on Wednesday during business hours. The group has indicated in their narrative that they will also provide on-site waste containers and will provide full site clean-up. As in past years, Rotary is proposing to set up large rental tents for the event. To secure the tents, metals stakes will be fastened into the parking lot pavement surface. Rotary is again asked to patch and repair at the stake locations to the satisfaction of the Public City Council Agenda: 08/14/17 Works Department. Public Works has indicated that they will work with Rotary regarding power supply for the event. The Wright County Sheriff's Office has reviewed the permit application and has indicated no issues with the proposed permit; they will monitor with existing on -duty staff. The Monticello Rotary Club has provided proof of insurance to cover the event and its activities with the City named as second insured. The temporary liquor license permit application is also on the agenda for review. The Taste of the Towns was developed by Rotary as a fundraiser benefitting local community service projects. All patrons taking part in this event must be age 21 or older and identification will be checked at the entrance door. The group anticipates selling up to 1000 tickets for the Monticello Taste event. Al. Budget Impact: None. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Rotary is requesting coordination of street and parking lot closure. Rotary is also requesting City assistance for delivery and pick-up of barricades, cones, trash receptacles and picnic tables. These will be delivered to the site and picked up during regular staff hours. The Street Superintendent will also prepare a site plan for barricade and cone placement to aid volunteer set-up. Total staff involvement will require approximately 32 hours of time on the part of the Street and Parks Departments. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the Special Event Permit for Taste of the Towns allowing temporary use and closure of the 3rd Street parking lot for set-up beginning at 7 a.m. on Wednesday, September 13, through 10 p.m. on Thursday, September 14, 2017, and closure of Walnut Street on Thursday, September 14, 2017 from 4-9 p.m., contingent on: a. Continued site plan coordination with the Street Superintendent, including parking lot closure and signage. b. Coordination of tent placement with Streets Department. C. Coordination with the Chief Building Official on tent permits. d. Verification of parking agreements with surrounding property owners. e. Notification regarding the event to surrounding property owners within a 2 block area west of TH 25. f. Notification and event coordination with Wright County Sheriff's Office. 2. Motion to deny Special Event Permit. 2 City Council Agenda: 08/14/17 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1 above. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Application Narrative Monticello Rotary Club Taste of the Towns Site Plan Certificate of Insurance CITY OF CITY OF MONTICELLO Community Development 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Special Event Permit MonticeRo Monticello, MN 55362 (763) 295-2711 . info(a,ci.monticello. mn.us Application Checklist PROPERTY INFORMATION Property Address 125 3rd Street Property Legal Description Original Plat Monticello Lot -001 Block -035 Lots 1, 2, & 3 Block 35 Property ID Number PID — 155010035011 1 PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION Owner Name I City of Monticello Owner Address 505 Walnut Street, Suite 2 Monticello, MN 55362 Owner Phone 763-295-2711 Owner Email Applicant Name Applicant Address Applicant Phone Applicant Email Name of Event Location/Address of Event Dates & Times of Event APPLICANT INFORMATION Rotary Club of Monticello PO Box 161 Monticello, MN 55362 Rotary Taste of the Towns 125 3rd Street (Parking lot on corner of 3rd and Walnut) 9/14/2017 Complete Application Required The review and consideration of an application submitted shall only occur if such application includes all items that are required in support of the application and is deemed complete by the Community Development Department. Application Submission Schedule Application, required information, and payment must be submitted no later than 14 working days prior to desired approval date. Application Information Applicants shall note that special event permits are a zoning permit. Liquor licensing and permitting requires separate review. A special event permit DOES NOT grant or include any liquor license or permit for your event. Please contact the Monticello City Clerk's office regarding liquor licensing and regulations. Sign permits may also be required and are not included within the special event permit application and approval. Any requested use of City facilities, City staff resources, City equipment, and/or City property (including rights of way) and/or any requested waiver of application fee or park rental fees requires review and approval by the City Council. In addition, events which occur after 10 PM may also require review and approval by the City Council as related to noise ordinances. Please provide clear information in the application regarding these requests. 07/24/15 2 July 24, 2017 Monticello City Council 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Members of the Monticello City Council, Rotary Club of Monticello The Rotary Club of Monticello would like to request a special events permit for the Taste of the Towns event on Thursday, September 14, 2017 from 5:30-8:30pm. The Taste of the Towns event is a fun food and beverage experience where patrons enjoy sampling various food and beverages. Last year over 600 people participated. A maximum of 1000 tickets will be sold at $30 per person. Tickets are sold to persons 21 years of age and older. The event has been very successful the past seven years and we are looking forward to another great community get together. All proceeds benefit local community service projects such as: Literacy Dictionary Donations to all 3rd grade students, Natural Playground at Bertram Chain of Lakes, Teen Accident Avoidance Driving Course, STRIVE High School Student Mentoring, Student of the Month programs, Arion Music Awards, MHS Scholarships (3 for $750 each), Camp Enterprise for High School Students, Monticello High School All -Night Graduation Party, Food Shelf, Meals on Wheels, Toys for Tots and much more. We are asking the City to allow Taste of the Towns to take place in the City parking lot at 125 3rd Street (corner of 3rd and Walnut). We'd also like to request: • Barricade for lot with notice of closure Wed. Sept. 13, 7am —Thursday, Sept. 14th, 10pm. We would need cars off the lot on Wed., Sept. 14th by 7am to allow for tent set-up. The tent will be taken down Friday morning. • 10 picnic tables and 8 garbage barrels. (Additional containers will be provided by Advanced Disposal & JME, with JME handling disposal.) • Barricades and cones for lot • Street closure of Walnut Street on Thursday, Sept. 14th from 4-9pm Everything will be held under large tents. Our hope is to attract 40 vendors (20 food and 20 beverage). The spaces for each vendor are 10' x 8' and the beverage and food vendors will be staggered throughout the space. All food and beverage will stay under the tent and not leave the premises. We will be contacting surrounding businesses for their permission to use their lots for parking. At the end of the event we will restore the property to its former condition. Thank you for taking time to consider this special event for the Monticello community. Sincerely, Michele Hertwig Rotary Club of Monticello PO Box 161, Monticello MN 55362 07/24/15 1 W 3 0 L m Q� _ w _ 40* O U aA _ ' •U (E v N U CB v s c 0 m c� L LL a - 4- V) N Cn v O N v N = O (A bL0 4- L E M _ co = o o (A 75 - ru v taw � cLa c 'L Q QtLo N S = O = i _ V _ FA m :3- 3 5 E N fB J 4.1 _ f6 .N � L L O O C E Ln Ln A w �y f� (n J iE iF �F iF jF ACCORLIP CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE "ATE('MMD,YYYY) 7112017 I THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER($), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(les) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder In lieu of such endorsemont(s). PRODUCER LOCKTON COMPANIES CONTACT Lxkton Companies 500 West Monroe, Suite 3400 CAI FY,,. 1-800-921-3172 I �,. 1-312-681-6769 CIRCAGO IL 60661 E.ImAu (312) 669-6900 ADDRESS: rotary@lockton.com i DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Sehadulo, may be attachad If more apace to required) The Certificate Holder is included as Additional Insured where required by written contract or permit subject to the terms and conditions of the General Liability policy, but only to the extent bodily injury or property damage is caused in whole or in part by the acts or omissions of the insured. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCR!SED PO IrIGg BE CeNCFI $ ED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZEDREPR$ZS=�TIVE,,-.�'"'--' @ 1988.2111$ A ORD 60 0 Cf0 AEI rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2014101) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD 07/24/35 INSURER/Sl AFFORDING COVERAGE MAIC p INSURERA: Lexington Insurance Company 19437 INSURED934All Active US Rotary Clubs & Districts 133934 56 INSURER 8: INSURER C. Attn: Risk Management DepartmentINSURER D 1560 Sherman Ave. Evanston, IL 60201-3698 INSURER E: INSURER F: COVERAGES ROTIN01En17CATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLI IES INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS. EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR ADOL SUER LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE IHSD jl♦(j(Q POLICY NUMBER �y gip fM�MluDp/yyyFYl fMMIpDIY XWI Ul9t1T3 A X COMMERCIAL GENERALLIABILITY 015375594 CLAIMSMADE 7/1/20I7 7/1/2018 V ICNHA(ili�UliF7rTED Is 2.000.000 OCCUR PRBAISES (Ea (Hxmrancnl S 500.000 X LIAUor Liability MED EXP (Any one person) is XINDCKXXX Included I PERSONAL & ADV INJURY Is 2.000.000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: I GENERAL AGGREGATE Is 4.000.000 PRO - X I POLICY ECT F� LOC I PRODUCTS -COMPIOPAGG Is 4.000.000 11 OTHER: 1$ s A AUT oMOBILE LIABLU Y 015375594 7/11/2017 7/1/2018 I (EaaetldeD131NGLE LIMIT 2,000.000 _ ANY AUTO I BODILY INJURY (Per person) s XXXXXXX ALL OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS AUTOS I BODILY INJURY (Per aceMent) s XXXXXXX X NON -OWNED HIRED AUTOS X AUTO PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accidenll is XXXXXXX s XXXXXXX _ UMBRELLA LOAD' I OCCUR NOT APPLICABLE I EACH OCCURRENCE is XXXXXXX EXCESS UAB 'HI CLAIMS -MADE I A013RE13ATE I s XXXXXXX DED (RETENTIONS I I s XXXXXXX woC RKERS OMPENSATION NOTAPPLICABLE AND EMPLOYERS'LUIBILITY 1STATUTE I I ER YIN ANY PROPRIETORMARTNER/EXECUTIVE OFFICERIMEMBER EXCLUDED? ❑ N / A E,L EACH ACCIDENT s XXXXXXX (Mandatory In I E.L. DISEASE EA EMPLOYEE XXX, i (Mes. describe be under OF OPERATIONS below - s I E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT s XXXXXX3L_ i DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Sehadulo, may be attachad If more apace to required) The Certificate Holder is included as Additional Insured where required by written contract or permit subject to the terms and conditions of the General Liability policy, but only to the extent bodily injury or property damage is caused in whole or in part by the acts or omissions of the insured. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCR!SED PO IrIGg BE CeNCFI $ ED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZEDREPR$ZS=�TIVE,,-.�'"'--' @ 1988.2111$ A ORD 60 0 Cf0 AEI rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2014101) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD 07/24/35 City Council Agenda: 08/14/17 2G. Consideration of approving an application for one-dav temporary on -sale liquor license for Monticello Rotary Club for `Taste of the Towns' even on September 14, 2017 (JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Monticello Rotary Club is requesting approval of an application for a one -day temporary on -sale liquor license for the `Taste of the Towns' event on September 14, 2017. This event is planned to take place at 125 Yd Street — parking lot on corner of 3rd and Walnut. The Rotary Club has paid the fee and provided a certificate of insurance for this event which includes liquor liability and shows the City as a second insured. Al. Budget Impact: NA A2. Staff Workload Impact: Minimal staff time to send application to State Alcohol and Gambling Division for approval. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the application for a one -day temporary liquor license for the Monticello Rotary Club on September 14, 2017 for their `Taste of the Towns' event, contingent on approval of the special event permit. 2. Motion to deny the application for temporary liquor license. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1 for approval of the application. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Application for temporary liquor license MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division 445 Minnesota Street, Suite 222, St. Paul, MN 55101 651-201-7500 Fax 651-297-5259 TTY 651-282-6555 APPLICATION AND PERMIT FOR A 1 DAY TO 4 DAY TEMPORARY ON -SALE LIQUOR LICENSE Name of organization P{aol C1(jb aG Mon hrtl`(o Address PO w Name of person making application Date(s) of event -Th w I;. . � �,��r. lei , ZQ 1 I Organization officer's name 1..-1 Ytdl & W do t I'�I-- Organization officer's name I w c levet e ou uj ( "Nub ub d,� �-�e cur Organization officer's name � Date organized Tax exempt number I I -7 >! bass" 11 tV City State Zip Code I kAM,CeIIA I (Minnesota 1 j� �(r, Z Business phone ' 116 "-�_q5-L+�013 1 Type of organization 0 Club ❑ Charitable ❑ Religious ❑ Other non-profit City State Zip Code I Nrrr hce_L`u I (Minnesota 1 5S --s (� % City State Zip Code I I [VkWhCtj �o I Minnesota 11 55 3('e 2 -- City State Zip Code II Minnesota Organization officer's name City State Zip Code I1 I 1 (Minnesota 1 1 Location where permit will be used. If an outdoor area, describe. If the applicant will contract for intoxicating liquor service give the name and address of the liquor license providing the service. If the applicant will carry liquor liability insurance please provide the carrier's name and amount of coverage. APPROVAL APPLICATION MUST BE APPROVED BY CITY OR COUNTY BEFORE SUBMITTING TO ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT City or County approving the license Fee Amount Date Fee Paid Date Approved Permit Date City or County E-mail Address City or County Phone Number Signature City Clerk or County Official Approved Director Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement CLERKS NOTICE: Submit this form to Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division 30 days prior to event. ONE SUBMISSION PER EMAIL, APPLICATION ONLY. PLEASE PROVIDE A VALID E-MAIL ADDRESS FOR THE CITY/COUNTY AS ALL TEMPORARY PERMIT APPROVALS WILL BE SENT BACK VIA EMAIL. E-MAIL THE APPLICATION SIGNED BY CITY/COUNTY TO AGE.TEMPORARYAPPLICATION@STATE.MN.US. City Council Agenda: 08/14/17 2H. Consideration of approving a Special Event Permit for outdoor entertainment and use of Citv resources at American Legion Post 260 on Saturdav, September 9, 2017. Applicant: American Legion Post 260. (JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City has received a Special Event permit application for live entertainment activities after 10:00 p.m. and a request to permit a street right of way closure for activities on September 9, 2017. This event is very similar to the permit issued last year. Special Event permits are brought to the City Council if there is the potential that the activity proposed could impact the City's regulations pertaining to noise, and if any City resources are required for the event. In this case, the American Legion has applied for a Special Event permit for Saturday, September 9, at their location at 306 Elm Street. The Legion has provided a site plan which illustrates the closure and use of the Yd Street West right of way from Elm Street east to the edge of the Legion site. The applicants have not provided any detail on the timing of the requested closure in their narrative. Outdoor activities are proposed to begin at 3 p.m. The outdoor events take place in the Legion's north parking lot and portions of 3rd Street West with music playing from 3:00 — 11:30 p.m. While the American Legion may be classified as a Restaurant, the site is located in an R-2 (Single and Two Family Residential) District. The site is surrounded by primarily residential uses. The Special Event Permit Ordinance allows Council to approve Special Event permits for restaurants as related to outdoor entertainment activity after 10 p.m. It should be noted that at present, the Legion does not have an outdoor seating area. They will be using their parking lot. Staff does have a concern regarding the location of the business. The site is located in a predominantly residential neighborhood and the proposed 11:30 p.m. timeframe for live music has the potential to create an adverse impact on adjacent residential properties. The closest residence to the north is approximately 40 feet from the proposed event stage area. To help avoid conflict, staff is recommending that all property owners within 350 feet be notified of the event. Regarding the closure of the 3rd Street right of way as proposed, it is recommended that the applicants continue to work with the Streets Department on closure details. As proposed, for vehicles traveling northbound on Elm Street (County Road 39 on this portion of the road), the closure will require vehicles to circulate further north to Broadway in order to travel east. Vehicles traveling southbound will be required to use 4th Street for alternate circulation to the east. Street barricades, although not requested, may also be required for the closure. Public street traffic circulation through the site is not planned nor recommended. City Council Agenda: 08/14/17 The Wright County Sheriff's Office has received a copy of the permit application. They have not expressed concern. In addition, the Legion will have security on site for any issues that may arise. The Legion has provided proof of insurance to cover the event and its activities with the City names as second insured. A temporary liquor license permit application is also on the agenda for review. Al. Budget Impact: None. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Minimal staff time was necessary to review the request and prepare this report, which is covered by the $50 application fee paid by the applicant. Additional staff time on the part of the Streets Department for continued assistance in site planning and street closure details is estimated at 4 hours is anticipated for this request. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the Special Event Permit for the American Legion for outdoor entertainment and partial closure of 3rd Street for September 9, 2017 as described in the application materials and subject to the following conditions: a. Closure of 3rd Street West shall be permitted from 12 p.m. (noon) until 12 a.m. (midnight). b. Compliance with the recommendations of the Street Superintendent regarding the application. c. Notification of residential properties within 350 feet of the Legion property regarding the event. 2. Motion to deny the Special Event Permit for the American Legion for outdoor entertainment and partial closure of 3rd Street for September 9, 2017. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: If the City Council elects to approve the permit, staff's recommendation would be that the permit be approved with the conditions as noted. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Letter and Maps B. Certificate of Liability Coverage 2 l CITY CITY OF MONTICELLO Community Development Monti 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 _ (763) 295-2711 . info(& ci.monticello.mn.us Property Address Property Legal Description Property ID Number Owner Name Owner Address Owner Phone Owner Email Applicant Name Applicant Address Applicant Phone Applicant Email Name of Event Location/Address of Event Dates & Times of Event PROPERTY INFORMATION 304 Elm Street, Monticello, MN 55362 155010026090 PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION American Legion Post #260 304 Elm Street, Monticello, MN 55362 763-295-2574 Kim Brant 304 Elm Street, Monticello, MN 55362 763-295-2574 Kbrant811@yahoo.com End of Summer Party 304 Elm Street, Monticello, MN 55362 September 9, 2017 2:OOPM until Midnight Complete Application Required The review and consideration of an application submitted shall only occur if such application includes all items that are required in support of the application and is deemed complete by the City Clerk's Office. Application Submission Schedule Application, required information, and payment must be submitted no later than 30 working days prior to desired approval date. Application Information Applicants shall note that in addition to a special event permits, any liquor license or permit, sign permits and building permits for tents may also be required and are not included within the special event permit application and approval. Any requested use of City facilities, City staff resources, City equipment, and/or City property (including rights of way) and/or any requested waiver of application fee or park rental fees requires review and approval by the City Council. In addition, events which occur after 10 PM may requires review and approval by the City Council as related to noise ordinances. Please provide clear information in the application regarding these requests. 04/07/17 1 American Legion Post 260 304 Elm Street, PO Box 806 Monticello,. Minnesota 55362 August 29, 2017 Dear American Legion Neighbor, This letter is being written to inform you that the Legion will be having an outside music event. It will be on Saturday, September 19, 2017. The music will start at 3:00 PM and end at 11:30 PM. The activity will all be in the north parking lot and part of 3rd Street, as we are asking the city if we can block a short section of the road. This will not interfere with anyone's entrance to their property. There will be security to keep people from wandering onto the nearby yards. Please feel free to contact us with any concerns either before or after the event. Thank You, Kim Brant Club manager 763-2 574 Peter Lar on Post Commander LEGEND: 0 = ROAD CLOSED AHEAD Beaco . jT" Wr"ght County, MN Overview "To 0A, 0A 39) ;�V !F/ 0 Legend A� 0 Roads Y It- — CSAHCL IV — CTYCL off 4b "1 *10 MUNICL PRIVATECL /.j TWPCL Highways IN Interstate As"Mi ARNOW ) State Hwy j US Hwy City/Township Limits c t 13Parcels Parcel ID 155033 Alternate ID n/a Sec/Twp/Rng n/a Class n/a Property Address Acreage n/a District n/a Brief Tax Description n/a (Note: Not to be used on legal documents) Date created: 8/5/2016 Developed by Schneider The Schneider Corporation W64 Owner Address n/a AMERI-8 OP ID: MS '4 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MM/DD/YYYY) I 08/03/2017 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT Foster White Agency, Inc. NAME: Jim Brown 114 West 3rd Street (A/CON o. eXt): 763-295-2614 FAX Noy; 763-295-3010 Monticello, MN 55362 ADDRESS: jbrown@foster-white.com Jim Brown INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # INSURER A: West Bend Mutual Insurance Co 15350 INSURED American Legion 260 304 Elm Street/Box 806 Monticello, MN 55362 INSURER B: INSURER C: INSURER D: INSURER E: INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDL UBR POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LTR INSD �WVD POLICY NUMBER (MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY) LIMITS A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ CLAIMS -MADE lxl OCCUR X NS02181902 11/25/2016 11/25/2017 DAMAGE TO RENTED $ PREMISES (Ea occurrence) MED EXP (Any one person) I $ PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $ PRO - X POLICY 7 JECTPRO- LOC PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $ OTHER: $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ (Ea accident) ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ ALL OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS AUTOS BODILY INJURY Per accident $ ( ) HIRED AUTOS NON -OWNED AUTOS PROPERTY DAMAGE $ (Per accident) I$ X UMBRELLA LIAB X OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ A EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS -MADE NU02181905 11/25/2016 11/25/2017 AGGREGATE $ DED I I RETENTION $ $ WORKERS COMPENSATION PER OTH- AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY Y / N STATUTE ER ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $ OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? F—]NIA (Mandatory in NH) E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ A Liquor Liability NS02181903 07/01/2017 06/30/2018 Liquor Liability DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) Event Date: 09/9/17 at 304 Elm Street, Monticello, MN. City of Monticello is named as an Additional Insured. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CITYMON City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 CANCELLATION 1,000,000 200,000 10,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Jim Brown ©1988-2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2014/01) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD Council Agenda: 08/14/17 2I. Consideration of approving an application for a one-dav temvorary on -sale liquor license for a special event at the American Legion Post 260 on September 9, 2017 (JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The American Legion Post 260 is requesting approval of an application for a one -day temporary on -sale liquor license in conjunction with a special event to be held in the north parking lot at their location at 306 Elm Street and portions of 3rd Street West on September 9, 2017. Currently the Legion holds a club liquor license which is applicable to the building. They will need to have a temporary license to serve in their parking lot and to serve non -club members. The Legion has provided a certificate of insurance demonstrating liquor liability insurance coverage for the date of the event. The City must approve the application prior to submitting the application to State Alcohol and Gambling Division for approval. Al. Budget Impact: NA A2. Staff Workload Impact: Minimal staff time to process application for City and State licensing approval B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the application for a one -day temporary on -sale liquor license for the American Legion on September 9, 2017 contingent upon approval of the special event permit. 2. Motion to deny the application. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1 for approval of the application. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Application for 1 -day temporary on -sale liquor license MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY `• 1 1 1 Name of organization American Legion Post 260 Address 304 Elm Street/ PO Box 806 Name of person making application (Kim Brant / Roseanne Duran Date(s) of event September 9, 2017 Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division 444 Cedar Street, Suite 222, St. Paul, MN 55101 651-201-7500 Fax 651-297-5259 TTY 651-282-6555 APPLICATION AND PERMIT FOR A 1 DAY TO 4 DAY TEMPORARY ON -SALE LIQUOR LICENSE Organization officer's name Date organized Tax exempt number (Jan 1, 1920 140-0749850 City State Zip Code s , iMonticello 1 (Minnesota 155362 Business phone Home phone 1763-295-2574 Type of organization M Club R Charitable [] Religious R Other non-profit City State Zip Peter Larson (Monticello I Minnesota 1155362 Add New Officer Location where permit will be used. If an outdoor area, describe. We will stage the bands and alcohol sales in the north parking lot. We are asking to block approx.130 feet of 3rd Street West that is next to the parking lot. See attached map. We will rope off the whole area. There will be people working security along the ropes and all participants will be ID'd and a band placed on their wrist. No minors will be allowed after 7:OOPM. The band will set up on the blocked part of 3rd Street. They will be on a raised trailer. If the applicant will contract for intoxicating liquor service give the name and address of the liquor license providing the service. None If the applicant will carry liquor liability insurance please provide the carrier's name and amount of coverage. See attached form. APPROVAL APPLICATION MUST BE APPROVED BY CITY OR COUNTY BEFORE SUBMITTING TO ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT City/County City Fee Amount Date Fee Paid Date Approved Permit Date Signature City Clerk or County Official Approved Director Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement NOTE: Submit this form to the city or county 30 days prior to event. Forward application signed by city and/or county to the address above. If the application is approved the Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division will return this application to be used as the permit for the event. Page 1 of 1 City Council Agenda: 08/14/17 2J. Consideration of avvrovin2 a transfer of an on -sale intoxicating liquor license for Cornerstone Cafe —154 W. Broadwav for 2017-2018 (JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This is an application for the transfer of an on -sale intoxicating liquor license currently held by Cornerstone Cafe. The current owner has sold the property with the new owners taking over at the end of September. The operation of the business will remain the same as under the previous owner, which includes an on -sale intoxicating liquor license. The application, once approved, will be sent in to the State Alcohol & Gambling Division for their stamp of approval, which allows the license holder to purchase alcohol from approved wholesalers. Al. Budget Impact: All license fees were paid by the current owner for the 2017- 2018 license period. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Minimal staff time involved in processing application B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the transfer of the on -sale intoxicating liquor license for Cornerstone Cafe pending receipt of certificate of liability insurance, licensee name, and approval by the State. 2. Motion to deny the liquor license transfer. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1. The new owners have submitted a completed application (less Licensee name which will be determined before going to the State for licensing) and a certificate of liquor liability insurance. The applicant has already completed a successful background check. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • License application AM& `1101 Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division (AGED) 444 Cedar Street, Suite 222, St. Paul, MN 55101-5133 Telephone 651-201-7507 Fax 651-297-5259 TTY 651-282-6555 Certification of an On Sale Liquor License. 3.2% Liquor license. or Sundav Liquor License Cities and Counties: You are required by law to complete and sign this form to certify the issuance of the following liquor license types: 1) City issued on sale intoxicating and Sunday liquor licenses 2) City and County issued 3.2% on and off sale malt liquor licenses , Name of City or County Issuing Liquor License [no License Period From: � r tztTo: �V Circle One: New LicenseLicens�rans�fer C:e) r 5Az rte. Suspension Revocation Cancel (former licensee name) (Give dates) License type: (circle all that apply) On Sale Intoxicating ( Sunday Liquor) (3.2% On sale 3.2% Off Sale Fee(s): On Sale License fee:$ Sunday License fee: $ 3.2% On Sale fee: $ 3.2% Off Sale fee: $ Licensee Name: ' >I DOB Social Security # (corporation, partnership, LLC, or Individual) Business Trade Name Business Address &Cz><4+ City1 Zip Code3S31o2-Countv R1isiness Phone,3 3 p Home Phonc Home Address_ City Licensee's MN Tax ID #--#. (To Apply call 651-296-611) v Licensee's Federal Tax ID # If above named lic s e is a` _corporation, partnership_ or LLC- comnlete the follol: partner/officer: Partner/Officer Name (First Middle Last) ''^" t Home Address Partner/�Na e First Middle Last) DOB 3 Social Security # Home Address ( ( Partner/Officer Name (First Middle Last) DOB Social Security # Home Address Intoxicating liquor licensees must attach a certificate of Liquor Liability Insurance to this form. The insurance certificate must contain all of the following: 1) Show the exact licensee name (corporation, partnership, LLC, etc) and business address as shown on the license. 2) Cover completely the license period set by the local city or county licensing authority as shown on the license. Circle One: (Yes NO) During the past year has a summons been issued to the licensee under the Civil Liquor Liability Law? Workers Compensation Insurance is also required by all licensees: Please complete the following: Workers Compensation Insurance Company Name:j/t; o�,X� # l.. WC �t , % - - I Certify that this license(s) has been approved in an official meeting by the governing body of the city or county. City Clerk or County Auditor Signature Date (title) On Sale Intoxicating liquor licensees must also purchase a $20 Retailer Buyers Card. To obtain the application for the Buyers Card, please call 651-201-7504, or visit our website at www.dvs.state.mn.us. (Form 9011-12/09) City Council Agenda: 08/14/17 2K. Consideration of appointing Katie Peterson to the Monticello Plannine Commission for a term to commence immediatelv and expire on December 31, 2018 (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to appoint a representative to fill out a term on the Monticello Planning Commission for the position that was held by Lucas Wynne, who recently resigned. The Planning Commission recommended the appointment of Katie Peterson to fill the position, with a term to expire on December 31, 2018. The Planning Commission interviewed 3 candidates for the position on August 1, 2017. The Commission's vote on this item was 3-1 to appoint Ms. Peterson. The Planning Commissioners recognize their role as advisory for this appointment. As is practice, Council was invited to attend the interviews. Council has the authority on final appointment and City Council may wish to interview the candidates separately prior to final appointment of the position. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the appointment of Katie Peterson to the Monticello Planning Commission with the term ending December 31, 2018. 2. Motion to not approve the appointment and recommend other action. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Monticello Planning Commission recommends Alternative #1 to appoint Katie Peterson to the Planning Commission. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Application Name Address Home Phone_ APPLICATION FOR BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Katie Peterson Cell Phone - E -Mail. CIOF Montikdq If not otherwise specified, you must be a resident of the City of Monticello to serve on the following boards. Please circle the board(s) on which you are interested in serving. Industrial and Economic Development Committee (Does not require residency) 9FiberNet Advisor Board y Planning Commission Library Monticello Community Center Advisory Board Police Advisory Commission Parks Commission Economic Development Authority (May not require residency) Transportation Advisory Committee Education Highest Level of Education EmDlovment Current Employer, if applicable Position/Title Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting Stearns Bank Commercial Credit Analyst Dates of Employment (starting/ending)August 2016 - Present Former Employer, if applicable 21 st Century Bank Position/Title Credit Analyst Dates of Employment (starting/ending) December 2015 - August 2016 Other Please describe in detail why you are interested in volunteering for the City of Monticello. I would like to become more involved in the Monticello Community. I came across this volunteer opportunity while visiting the Community Center. With my extensive background in commercial real estate I feel I would be an excellent fit for this opportunity. Please describe your prior volunteer experiences (include organization names and dates of service) _Eahhitpt fnr Humpnity - Si immar 9 1.I List your qualifications for this appointment: My work history would fit in well with this nnpDj{Lunity in terms of what is required and expected- Currently I prepare all aspects of loan memorandums including financial, market and collateral analysis. This opportunity would allow myself to apply my current skills and qualifications as well as broaden my horizon in planning and development. References Please list three non -family members who can provide references on your ability to perform this volunteer positon: Name Amanda Johnson Phone Number Name Molly Schumacher Phone Number Name Brian Fairchild Phone Number Please read the following carefully before signing this application: I understand that this is an application for and not a commitment or promise of volunteer opportunity. I certify that I have and will provide information throughout the selection process, including on this application for a volunteer position and in interviews with the City of Monticello that is true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify that I have and will answer all questions to the best of my ability and that I have not and will not withhold any information that would unfavorably affect my application for a volunteer position. I understand that information contained on my application will be verified by the City of Monticello. I understand that misrepresentation or omissions may be cause for my immediate rejection as an applicant for a volunteer position with the City of Monticello or my termination as a volunteer. Signature Katie Peterson Date 2/27/17 Return Completed Application to: Monticello City Hall, Attn: Human Resources, 505 Walnut St, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362 FAX: (763)295-4404 City Council Agenda — 08/14/2017 2L. Consideration of a request for amendment to official Monticello Zoning Mau for rezoning from A -O (Agriculture — Open Space) District to R-1 (Single Familv Residence) District, Final Stage PUD, Preliminary Plat, Final Plat and Development Agreement for Featherstone 3rd Addition for detached single familv lots: Graser, Horst/Gold Nugget Development. (NAC) Property: Legal: Outlot A, Featherstone 2nd Addition PID: 155-180-000010 Planning Case Number: 2017-026 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Preliminary Plat to create 24 single family lots and one outlot; Rezoning to R-1, Single Family for 24 -lot area of Outlot A Deadline for Decision: September 12d', 2017 Land Use Designation: Places to Live Zoning Designation: Existing: A -O Agricultural Open Space District Proposed: R-1, Single Family Residence District The purpose of the "R-1" single family district is to provide for low density, single family, detached residential dwelling units and directly related complementary uses. Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: NA Current Site Use: Agriculture Surrounding Land Uses: North: Agriculture/Single Family Residential East: Agriculture/Single Family Residential South: Agriculture West: Agriculture Project Description: The applicants are proposing to plat (and rezone) an additional 24 lots, continuing the development of the single family portion of the Featherstone development. This project was originally preliminary platted in 2003 City Council Agenda — 08/14/2017 ANALYSIS Preliminary & Final Plat The Preliminary Plat approved for the Featherstone project (from 2003, as noted above) included approximately 150 acres of single and two-family residential land, as well as approximately 10 acres of commercial use at the intersection of 85th Street NE and Highway 25, and an additional 60 acres of industrial along Highway 25 in the northwest portion of the 220 acre site. Featherstone 1St and 2nd Additions final platted approximately 50 acres into 87 single family lots and parkland. The plat concept relied on a series of linear park segments and pathways angling from the northeast corner of the property along Edmonson Avenue to a larger future park installation along 85th Street. This green space connection would include some of the property's park dedication requirement, a pathway connection, and some limited neighborhood park facilities. The current proposal would final plat an additional 24 single family lots to complete the connection of Ebersole Avenue NE from the 2nd phase of the project to 85th Street. The total area of the plat is just over 11 acres in area. Although a Preliminary Plat for this area was previously approved, the applicant is required to re -process the approval, as according to the Development Agreement recorded with the original project, the previous Preliminary Plat approval expired after 8 years for those areas not final platted into lots and blocks. The proposed plat is consistent with the original approval. Lot Dimensions. The current R-1 zoning standards are as follows: Lot Area (Average): 12,000 square feet Lot Width (Average): 80 feet (70 minimum) Front Setback: 30 feet The proposed plat has lot sizes that range in area from 12,750 square feet to more than 24,000 square feet. Lot widths are listed ranging from 80 feet to more than130 feet, although most are approximately 85 feet in width. The three narrowest lots do not show the applicable method for measuring lot width. However, they easily meet the applicable averaging requirement. For reference, the Zoning Ordinance uses the 1 sketch shown on the right as the applicable measurement, with the dashed line representing the required front setback. Plat Layout. A portion of an existing stormwater pond — developed at the time of the previous phase, occupies the rear yard areas of Lots 4-9, Block 2, on the east side of the plat. The project also includes two stubbed street extensions. On the north side, Oil City Council Agenda — 08/14/2017 87th Street is extended to the west for connection to future phases of Featherstone. This street will also accommodate access to the previously platted park area, as well as the linear park/pathway system upon full development. Additional street stubs are provided for the development and future extension of what would be 86th Street NE. The extension to the west would provide access to an additional phase of Featherstone, while the easterly extension would provide access to the 20 acre parcel at the corner of 85th Street and Edmonson (a parcel currently owned by the City of Monticello). These street extensions should be constructed with the other improvements to Featherstone 3rd Addition to avoid future problems with access and construction. As noted, the westerly extension of 86th Street would provide access to future Featherstone additions. One such example is shown in dashed lines on the Yd Addition Preliminary Plat, and includes 9 lots. These 9 future lots are not part of the 3rd Additional proposal. Easements. The applicant's Preliminary Plat shows typical drainage and utility easements along the perimeter of all lots, in addition to covering the existing stormwater pond noted above. However, the detail shows the easements as 5 feet interior, and 10 feet along streets and at the perimeter of the plat. This detail should be changed to 6 feet and 12 feet, respectively. Park Dedication. No new park land dedication is included with this phase. The original Preliminary Plat accommodated the linear park design noted above. However, as noted, that Plat approval has expired. The applicant is not, at this time, seeking re -approval of the remainder of the residential plat area. As such, the park dedication agreements from the original approval should be reiterated in the new Development Agreement covering the proposed 3rd Addition, and recorded against remaining Outlots to ensure that the park dedication requirements will be met as originally planned. Final Plat. The final plat documents for the development are consistent with the layout proposed with the preliminary plat, and as noted above, must be revised to meet the City's required lot and perimeter easement widths at 6' and 12'. The plat dedicates the extension of 87th, 86th Street and Ebersole Avenue as public rights of way. Staff would note that the Final Plat should be revised to include the full name of the street for 86th The area of Outlot A, Featherstone 2nd Addition not being platted into lots and blocks at this time will be platted as an outlot, remain zoned A -O. Per the terms of the development agreement for this phase, the outlot is required to be platted into lots and blocks within 3 years. Planned Unit Development — Final Stage Approval 3 City Council Agenda — 08/14/2017 Featherstone was approved as a conditional use permit for planned unit development at the time of the original preliminary plat approval in 2003. No change or amendment to the prior PUD is proposed with this application. As such, the existing zoning standards in place at the time of the PUD approval are proposed to remain in place. The standards are those equivalent to the R-1 zoning standards in place at that time. The Featherstone PUD did not modify base lot or building design standards for the R-1 areas. It should be noted that as the prior preliminary plat of Featherstone has lapsed, any changes to the configuration of lots or density proposal within the prior concept will require further review, including a new PUD request and/or amendment to the existing development stage PUD. Rezonine As noted, the applicant is seeking rezoning of the 24 lots to be platted from A -O, Agricultural Open Space to R-1, Single Family Residence District. The subject area is guided "Places to Live", and the low-density, single family pattern is the long - planned -for use of the property. Concurrent with approval of the Final Plat, the City Council may adopt the rezoning ordinance establishing the R-1 Zoning District over the new platted area. The remainder of the area outside of the platted lots, proposed as Outlot A, Featherstone Yd Addition, will remain A -O until further platting and rezoning is requested. Development Agreement A development contract for the development has been prepared and is attached for Council review and approval. The development agreement requires payment of development related charges, including trunk area charges. The agreement further specifies the required securities for the public improvements within the plat, as well as landscaping and grading and restoration of the plat site. The development agreement further recognizes requirements specific to this plat, including payment of a road reconstruction charge for 85th Street, which lies along the southern border of the plat. The charge is payment for this phase of the development's share of the cost of improvements at such time that 85th Street is constructed to a full urban section. The agreement also includes a proportionate share of the cost of the signal installation at 85th Street and TH25 and turn lane, completed with the most recent improvements to TH25 in the area. Previous correspondence with the property owner outlined the options for the assessment. The Featherstone Yd Addition development assessment amount is based on a formula which takes the final actual cost of the Gold Nugget share of the signal and turn lane, spreading it over the remaining acreage at E! City Council Agenda — 08/14/2017 Featherstone to develop a per acre rate, then pro -rating to the acreage specific to this development. As with prior residential development agreements, the developer has the option of allowing the development fees to be assessed. Terms and conditions for the assessments, as well as waiver of right to appeal, are included in the agreement. Other language standard to the City's development agreements is included in the agreement for Featherstone Yd Addition. Parks Commission Recommendation The Parks Commission reviewed the proposed preliminary plat on July 27th, 2017 recommending that the preliminary plat proceed as proposed, in recognition of prior park dedication provided (Outlot B, Featherstone 2nd Addition), as well as future dedication as required as a condition of approval with this phase. It was noted that the development of a playground on Outlot B is proposed for the 2018 budget, with the Parks Commission providing future recommendation on facility planning for that park. Development Schedule City Council will note that pending approval of the action items on August 14th, 2017, it is the developer's intent to submit an application for grading permit to begin installation of erosion control and grading of the project as soon as August 15th, 2017. Any other work in the development requires the recording of the plat and development contract prior. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission reviewed the requests and held a public hearing for the Preliminary Plat and Rezoning to R-1 on August 1St, 2017. Horst Graser, representing the applicant, Gold Nugget Development, was present to address the Commission. Mr. Graser provided a history of the Featherstone project. Mr. Graser stated that it is hoped that the homes would be built out within two years. Most of the homes would be two story with basement, split entry, multifamily/multilevel, or rambler construction. Mr. Graser stated that the plat and development request is consistent with the original approval. Mr. Graser further indicated that the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z were acceptable to the applicant. A letter of no objection was received from adjacent property owner Kent Kjellberg, Kjellberg Manufactured Home Park. No other members of the public addressed the Commission on the requests during the public hearing. 5 City Council Agenda — 08/14/2017 After the hearing and discussion, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the rezoning and preliminary plat unanimously. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1. Preliminary Plat 1. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2017-52, approving the Preliminary Plat for Featherstone Yd Addition, subject to the Conditions listed in Exhibit Z of the staff report, and based on the findings in said resolution. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution No. 2017-52, based on findings identified by the City Council. 3. Motion to table action on the resolution, subject to additional information as requested by the Council. Decision 2. Final Plat and Development Contract 4. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2017-53, approving the Final Plat and Development Contract for Featherstone Yd Addition, subject to the Conditions listed in Exhibit Z of the staff report, and based on the findings in said resolution. 5. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution No. 2017-53, based on findings identified by the City Council. 6. Motion to table action on the resolution, subject to additional information as requested by the Council. Decision 3. Rezoning & Final Stage PUD 1. Motion to adopt Ordinance No. 675, approving the Rezoning from A -O, Agricultural Open Space to R-1, Single Family Residence District for the 24 single-family lots to be platted as Featherstone Yd Addition, based on the findings in Resolution No. PC -2017-022, and to approve the Final Stage PUD for Featherstone Yd Addition. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Ordinance No. 675, based on findings identified by the City Council. 3. Motion to table action on the resolution, subject to additional information as requested by the Council. G C. La City Council Agenda — 08/14/2017 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of both Resolutions for Rezoning and Preliminary Plat, as stated in Alternative 1 for each decision. The proposed plat and rezoning is consistent with the expectations of the original plat and zoning proposal for the area, and all lots are consistent with the requirements of the current R-1 zoning district. The planned unit development approved previously governs the building development standards and remains unchanged. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution No. 2017-52 Preliminary Plat B. Resolution No. 2017-53, Final Plat C. Draft Ordinance No. 675, Rezoning to R-1 D. Resolution PC -2017-021 E. Resolution PC -2017-022 F. Aerial Site Image G. Applicant Narrative H. Existing Conditions I. Preliminary Plat J. Grading and Erosion Control Construction Plan K. Utility & Street Construction Plan L. Landscape Plan M. Final Plat N. City Engineers Letter, dated 7/26/2017 O. Development Agreement P. Finance Plan Z. Conditions of Approval EXHIBIT Z Preliminary Plat for Featherstone 3rd Addition PID 155-180-000010 Outlot A. Featherstone 2nd Addition 1. Lots 6, 7, and 8, Block 2, are re -notated to indicate actual lot width per Zoning Ordinance definition. 2. Street extensions for 87th Street NE and 86th Street NE are constructed to their full extent in the plat. 3. Easement notations are corrected to be consistent with City standards. 7 City Council Agenda — 08/14/2017 4. Street and lot designs for future extension, shown in dashed lines, are not included in the Yd Addition plat. 5. Park Dedication requirements for the full Featherstone project are reiterated, and if necessary, re -calculated and included in the updated Development Agreements and recorded against the current and future phases. 6. Compliance with the terms of the City Engineer's report, dated July 26, 2017. 7. Compliance with other staff comments as submitted. 8. Future phases of development are subject to submission, review and approval for required applications, including, but not limited to, application for rezoning, preliminary and final plat and may be subject to submission, review and approval for required applications planned unit development or amendment to planned unit development as determined by the City. 9. The Applicant shall enter into a development agreement for the plat and development. N. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2017-52 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR FEATHERSTONE 3" ADDITION WHEREAS, the applicant seeks to develop property legally described as Outlot A, Featherstone 2nd Addition; and WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request for Preliminary Plat to plat said property into twenty-four parcels, and develop it for single family residential use; and WHEREAS, the site is guided for residential uses under the label "Places to Live" in the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the proposed Preliminary Plat is consistent with the long-term use and development of the property for residential uses; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 1, 2017 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The Plat provides an appropriate means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site by putting the existing and proposed buildings to residential use. 2. The proposed improvements on the site under the Preliminary Plat are consistent with the needs of the development in this location as an residential area. 3. The improvements will have expected impacts on public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment, and traffic which have been planned to serve the property for the development as proposed. 4.. The Plat is consistent with the intent of the City's economic development objectives, as well as with the intent of the R-1, Single Family zoning regulations. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELL0, MINNESOTA, that the preliminary plat of the Featherstone Addition, with drainage and utility easements and right of way as required, is hereby approved contingent upon meeting all conditions of the subdivision ordinance; and the following conditions: CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2017-52 1. Lots 6, 7, and 8, Block 2, are re -notated to indicate actual lot width per Zoning Ordinance definition. 2. Street extensions for 87th Street NE and 86th Street NE are constructed to their full extent in the plat. 3. Easement notations are corrected to be consistent with City standards. 4. Street and lot designs for future extension, shown in dashed lines, are not included in the Yd Addition plat. 5. Park Dedication requirements for the full Featherstone project are reiterated, and if necessary, re -calculated and included in the updated Development Agreements and recorded against the current and future phases. 6. Compliance with the terms of the City Engineer's report, dated July 26, 2017. 7. Compliance with other staff comments as submitted. 8. Future phases of development are subject to submission, review and approval for required applications, including, but not limited to, application for rezoning, preliminary and final plat and may be subject to submission, review and approval for required applications planned unit development or amendment to planned unit development as determined by the City. 9. The Applicant shall enter into a development agreement for the plat and development. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 14th day of August. 2017. ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator K CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2017-53 APPROVING FINAL PLAT AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR FEATHERSTONE 3" ADDITION WHEREAS, the Monticello Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 1St, 2017, for the consideration of the preliminary plat of the Featherstone Yd Addition; and WHEREAS, after taking public comment, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the preliminary plat of the Featherstone 3' Addition to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Monticello City Council reviewed the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approved the preliminary plat of Featherstone 3rd Addition on August 141h, 2017; and WHEREAS, the Monticello City Council reviewed the final plat of Featherstone 3rd Addition on August 14th, 2017; and WHEAREAS, the preliminary and final plat for the Featherstone 3rd Addition identifies the specific plans and uses for the proposed Featherstone 3rd Addition NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA, that the final plat of the Featherstone 3rd Addition, with drainage and utility easements and right of way as required, is hereby approved contingent upon meeting all conditions of the subdivision ordinance; and the following conditions: 1. Lots 6, 7, and 8, Block 2, are re -notated to indicate actual lot width per Zoning Ordinance definition. 2. Street extensions for 87th Street NE and 86th Street NE are constructed to their full extent in the plat. 3. Easement notations are corrected to be consistent with City standards. 4. Street and lot designs for future extension, shown in dashed lines, are not included in the 3rd Addition plat. 5. Park Dedication requirements for the full Featherstone project are reiterated, and if necessary, re -calculated and included in the updated Development Agreements and recorded against the current and future phases. 6. Compliance with the terms of the City Engineer's report, dated July 26, 2017. 7. Compliance with other staff comments as submitted. 8. Future phases of development are subject to submission, review and approval for required applications, including, but not limited to, application for rezoning, preliminary and final plat and may be subject to submission, review and approval for required applications planned unit development or amendment to planned unit development as determined by the City. 9. The Applicant shall enter into a development agreement for the plat and development. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELL0, MINNESOTA, that the document titled "Development Contract and Planned Unit Development and for Featherstone 3rd Addition," with assignment of the specific terms and conditions for public improvements and the specific terms and conditions for plat development, is hereby approved. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 14th day of August, 2017. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator ORDINANCE NO. 675 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10 OF THE MONTICELLO CITY CODE, KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE, BY REZONING THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY FROM A -O, AGRICULTURAL OPEN SPACE DISTRICT TO R-1, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE DISTRICT: AREA TO BE PLATTED AS: LOTS 1-9, BLOCK 1, LOTS 1-9, BLOCK 2, LOTS 1-3, BLOCK 3, AND LOTS 1-3, BLOCK 4, FEATHERSTONE 3rd ADDITION THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. The zoning map of the City of Monticello is hereby amended to rezone the following described parcels from A -O, Agricultural Open Space to R-1, Single Family Residence District: PID NUMBER: That portion of 155-180-000010 as legally described in attached Exhibit A (See attached Exhibit "A", Legal Description) Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to mark the official zoning map to reflect this ordinance. The map shall not be republished at this time. Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code, Title 10, Zoning Ordinance, and to renumber the tables and chapters accordingly as necessary to provide the intended effect of this Ordinance. The City Clerk is further directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations that result from said renumbering process, provided that such changes retain the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as has been adopted. Section 5. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. The ordinance in its entirety and map shall be posted on the City website after publication. Copies of the complete Ordinance and map are available online and at Monticello City Hall for examination upon request. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this day of , 2017. ORDINANCE NO. 675 Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, Administrator AYES: NAYS: ORDINANCE NO. 675 Exhibit "A" Legal Description CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2017-021 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR FEATHERSTONE 3RD ADDITION WHEREAS, the applicant seeks to develop property legally described as Outlot A, Featherstone 2nd Addition; and WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to plat said property into twenty- four parcels, and develop it for single family residential use; and WHEREAS, the site is guided for residential uses under the label "Places to Live" in the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the proposed Plat is consistent with the long-term use and development of the property for residential uses; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 1, 2017 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The Plat provides an appropriate means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site by putting the existing and proposed buildings to residential use. 2. The proposed improvements on the site under the Preliminary Plat are consistent with the needs of the development in this location as an residential area. 3. The improvements will have expected impacts on public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment, and traffic which have been planned to serve the property for the development as proposed. 4.. The Plat is consistent with the intent of the City's economic development objectives, as well as with the intent of the R-1, Single Family zoning regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council approves the Preliminary Plat for Featherstone 3rd Addition, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z of the staff report as follows: CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2017-021 1. Lots 6,7, and 8, Block 2, are re -notated to indicate actual lot width per Zoning Ordinance definition. 2. Street extensions for 87"' Street NE and 86"' Street NE are constructed to their full extent in the plat. 3. Easement notations are corrected to be consistent with City standards. 4. Street and lot designs for future extension, shown in dashed lines, are not included in the 3rd Addition plat. 5. Park Dedication requirements for the full Featherstone project are reiterated, and if necessary, re -calculated and included in the updated Development Agreements and recorded against the current and future phases. 6. Compliance with the terms of the City Engineer's report, dated July _, 2017. 7. Compliance with other staff and Planning Commission comments as submitted. ADOPTED this 1St day of August, 2017, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTI( Development Director N CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2017-022 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A ZONING MAP AMENDMENT REZONING THE SUBJECT PROPERTY FROM "A -O", AGRICULTURAL OPEN SPACE DISTRICT TO 64R-199, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE DISTRICT WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to rezone a portion of Outlot A, Featherstone 2nd Addition subject to its platting into single family residential lots; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is consistent with the long-term use and development of the property suggested by the Comprehensive Plan; and 14WEREAS, the original preliminary plat for the area anticipated low-density residential uses for the subject area; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 1, 2017 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The rezoning is an appropriate means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site. 2. The use of the site for low-density residential development is consistent with the City's economic development objectives. 3. The amendment results in a zoning designation that more closely achieves the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan than would the current agricultural zoning. 4. The amendment results in the potential for development that would be compatible and consistent with the existing surrounding land uses in the area. 6. The resulting land uses will have impacts on public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment, and traffic which have been planned to serve the property for the subject property as proposed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council adopts Ordinance No. 675 rezoning the subject property from "A- O", Agricultural Open Space to "R-1", Single Family Residence District. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2017-022 ADOPTED this l' day of August, 2017, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. A TTT7 f1 T. velopment Director 2 A -W-0 213100 ?,120 4 El r Featherstone 3RD Addition Requested Action: JUL 1 t; 2011 D Gold Nugget Development Inc. is requesting the city of Monticello to approve both the preliminary and final plat for Featherstone 3rd Addition. History and Background: Featherstone 3rd addition is the third development phase in the Featherstone PUD which was granted PUD development stage zoning and preliminary plat approval in 2003. At that time the entire parcel was being farmed. The first 2 phases consisted of 87 single family residential lots adjacent to Co Rd. 117. Featherstone PUD is a 220 acre multiuse and multiphase development which consists of 150 acres residential, 60 acres of industrial, and 10 acres of commercial. Both the commercial and industrial land is adjacent to STH 25. The PUD is located adjacent to and northeast of the intersection of STH 25 and 85th street NE. and directly west of the city owned 10 acres. Featherstone 1St addition was constructed in 2003 and took 3 years to sell out. Featherstone 2nd addition was platted and constructed in 2005 consisting of 39 single family lots. The economic recession which followed the next year deteriorated the market price and marketability of the lots. The last two lots in this phase were sold earlier this year. In the last two years lot prices have rebounded to a point making new development economically feasible. The development contract for the 2nd addition unfortunately stipulated that the preliminary plat previously approved for the entire development in 2003 was only valid for a period of 8 years, expiring in 2013. Consequently, both the Planning Commission and City Council will need to grant preliminary plat approval for each and every future phase of development in the PUD. The entire 220 acre site is essentially flat agricultural land with no distinguishing natural features. There are no ponds, wetlands, or trees anywhere on the site. Today, the unimproved areas of the PUD are still being cropped. Featherstone 3'd Addition Design, Site and Situation: The Preliminary plat consists of 11.6 acres and 24 lots single family lots. All the lots exceed 12000 square feet in area and 80 feet of width at the setback line. The average lot size is over 16000 square feet. The lot orientation and street pattern are consistent with the approved Featherstone PUD and expired preliminary plat. The stub street leading to the east will provide a future connection to the city owned land. The stub street leading to the west will connect future phases in the PUD and is consistent with the PUD circulation plan. The 3rd addition is designed and situated that it will not compromise the approved PUD, adjacent parcels or area infrastructure. Most of this phase will require fill to meet storm water management requirements. Consequently all the lot styles are flat lots. The homes that can be constructed on a flat lot include, ramblers, two story, and split entry homes. It is anticipated the market range for the proposed homes will be from 250,000 to 300,000 dollars. Novak -Fleck Inc. and Progressive Homes Inc. will be the two builders in this phase. As was the case in the first two phases, a homeowners association is not being considered. Construction of improvements will start as soon as all approvals have been granted. Completion is approximately mid-November. Environmental and Natural Features: The entire 220 acre PUD is essentially void of any environmental or unique natural features. It is relatively flat with no trees, wetlands or unique identifying natural features (see attached aerial and existing conditions exhibit). The site has always been farmed and the balance of the undeveloped land is still farmed today. A storm water management pond was built in the northeast corner of the 3 of the proposed 3rd addition, which was required for storm water management as part of the 2"d addition. An environmental Assessment worksheet was prepared and approved as part of the initial PUD review process. Soil test were also taken and are on file in the city engineers office. Outlot A, FEATHERSTONE SECOND ADDITION according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota 80 40 0 80 I I I I Scale In Feet 89TH Ld Iz Denotes hydrant ODenotes cast iron monument ST NE Denotes found iron pipe JLM O %SITE Iw V� ,Q Denotes pk nail �� I Denotes spike \ z Denotes semaphore fence (wood) Denotes light pole \n 80 � �\ © TNEIZ7 r.<\v , I ,o 85TH ST NE I I I \ I n J I II II SECTION 23, TWP. 121, RGE. 25 LOCATION MAP NO SCALE LEGEND B Denotes catch basin ® Denotes catch basin beehive Denotes flared end section ODenotes manhole other than sanitary or storm pDenotes cleanout ® Denotes control structure ODenotes sanitary or storm manhole DQ Denotes gate valve Denotes service PI 2-NoWNEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2017 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. < Denotes concrete Denotes gravel Denotes bituminous — — — —» ® Denotes culvert Denotes tree line >>— Denotes storm sewer line ----> Denotes sanitary sewer line ----I Denotes water line oh Denotes overhead utility lines tv Denotes underground television line t Denotes underground telephone line fo Denotes underground fiber optic line e Denotes hydrant ODenotes cast iron monument 0 Denotes found iron pipe JLM O Denotes judicial land mark ® Denotes pk nail A Denotes spike 11 Denotes semaphore fence (wood) Denotes light pole Denotes utility pole I� Denotes hand hole © Denotes natural gas meter Q Denotes electric meter Denotes sign PI 2-NoWNEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2017 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. < Denotes concrete Denotes gravel Denotes bituminous — — — —» ® Denotes culvert Denotes tree line >>— Denotes storm sewer line ----> Denotes sanitary sewer line ----I Denotes water line oh Denotes overhead utility lines tv Denotes underground television line t Denotes underground telephone line fo Denotes underground fiber optic line e Denotes underground electric line 9 Denotes underground gas line X Denotes fence (barbed wire) # Denotes fence (chain link) 11 Denotes fence (wood) I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota / '� , i Name / 1 4 1 Pder J. Hawkinson Reg. No. 42299 Date 07-11-2017 (TRCILER� l -;, T LER I TRAILER SHED RAILE� L SHED 0 SHED SHED N89026'1 0 E SHED 1 �1• JLER —7 L _ f °h I� J J J' J �( J 1 J _ J J J J J. J. 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" J.nJ I V --9 r 55.2 Revisions Date o7-11-17 1. GOLD NUGGET DEVELOPMENT, INC. FEATHERSTONE 3RD ADDITION Designed XXX EXISTING CONDITIONS 8857 ZEALAND AVE. N 1 � 2 Drawn TSS BROOKLYN PARK, MINNESOTA 55445 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Outlot A, FEATHERSTONE SECOND ADDITION according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota 80 40 0 80 I I I I Scale in Feet ST NE 1z Iw i SITE \ V� IQ z �� I n .� 8 0 TNEIZ7 rev to 85TH ST NE I , I N \ I n\ III J I 1 SECTION 23, TWP. 121, RGE. 25 LOCATION MAP NO SCALE LEGEND B Denotes catch basin ® Denotes catch basin beehive Denotes flared end section ODenotes manhole other than sanitary or storm pDenotes cleanout ® Denotes control structure ODenotes sanitary or storm manhole DQ Denotes gate valve Denotes service PI 2-NoWNEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2017 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. < Denotes concrete Denotes gravel Denotes bituminous — — — —>}® Denotes culvert Denotes tree line >>— Denotes storm sewer line ----> Denotes sanitary sewer line ----I Denotes water line oh Denotes overhead utility lines tv Denotes underground television line t Denotes underground telephone line fo Denotes underground fiber optic line e Denotes hydrant ODenotes cast iron monument 0 Denotes found iron pipe JLM O Denotes judicial land mark ® Denotes pk nail A Denotes spike 11 Denotes semaphore fence (wood) Denotes light pole Denotes utility pole OH Denotes hand hole © Denotes natural gas meter Q Denotes electric meter Denotes sign PI 2-NoWNEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2017 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. < Denotes concrete Denotes gravel Denotes bituminous — — — —>}® Denotes culvert Denotes tree line >>— Denotes storm sewer line ----> Denotes sanitary sewer line ----I Denotes water line oh Denotes overhead utility lines tv Denotes underground television line t Denotes underground telephone line fo Denotes underground fiber optic line e Denotes underground electric line 9 Denotes underground gas line X Denotes fence (barbed wire) # Denotes fence (chain link) 11 Denotes fence (wood) I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota Name Peter J. Hawkinson Reg. No. 42299 Date. 07-11-2017 4©� 9S(Tom,' l 6 1-0 Ov � �=� � ill/ �- �r1 �,'J' � 1. '/ / � �� - �. . •`,. � �` IRRIGii ON SPRINKLER / G Zq 5 / 7 4 CP S89°16 23 W 663.6 l60'. I+-- �� 956.8 T — 44 / \ r / -� J� �� p.�'�0�1 1 3 ` 941. f� —*� /\ N�� _� r a \ \ (0 940� `2�3�"�O O 9480SW / J \ \ Or I �,�/ 06' 0. ^ I0.5,00 % S 63 -- -- — w L_ ^ T r 1 L_ i) I \'J I' ,7 0) � �f f / `� % % 10 _r� cV a eco , \ �Q n N I I� ins V L \ r 1I / I-9' N _9 953.16 956 \ % ��0Q) r �. a 4a1, s'� G� l LO CN 958-- ^960 N � \ Lo / V�� c\ \ z J - \\ �LO ( �' r I ,� —970—\ \ L s � – �- ,, oh -- —otr-- —� / h oh 'oh Oi — 1=9 94C&USHED \— �� - oh �', ` -ii i–i` '—'—i iy �``'---� '�"`y `� i--� '---`,. '�✓ 'fes ---�1 �— �— O ' 1 —� — _ — — — — — — — — �" _� �_ ./` ✓'JH�S€1�75: � 1 Revisions Date o7-11-17 1. GOLD NUGGET DEVELOPMENT, INC. FEATHERSTONE 3RD ADDITION Designed XXX EXISTING CONDITIONS 8857 ZEALAND AVE. N 2 � 2 Drawn TSS BROOKLYN PARK, MINNESOTA 55445 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA o; — —� 100 maCD=. O G. N m O rri a 2.0 I N 3 0 S (n I o p OTJII �- co 100 Z Z CD r N D a O ro I 1 cn D IT1 cnIOD-STI —�— 'ti c�ii m C fi N O r `T1 J I O� �- — — -o � r-• oma_ z 0 Z� o �m a rt �10 y m 0 --------------r- = C .ro I C C y S . b � 'n d — J (D b I I I ----- ►moi 00 00 a 85.00 00 00 1 r.Aao�� r— I x I I E3004" y I� m F-� I d o c" r� 0000 41 a m >d �Z C zd� M.e�O >z v, y m A cocma- a a - — —� 100 maCD=. O - � I O rri a 2.0 I N 3 0 S (n I o p OTJII mD co 100 Z Z CD oo N D a O G7 I 1 cn D IT1 cnIOD-STI —�— �7D CD ITI C fi oN . y a o• �o �3' I O� �- — — -o � r-• oma_ I Z� o �m a rt �10 I N I C1.i --------------r- = C Vl CD Q c I - -----------—�— I rt 3 O rt � O 0 0 D cn m m D m —I O m D m r - (n p --j m O N Z m m n O O Z 0 D 0 O z 0 0 0- :3 a O m a 0 0 o_ co a- 0 rt m (D 0 — —� 100 ----------1 O - � I O cn cn O I PO O CD U) (n I o p OTJII cn o D 100 y CD oo � I I O -160 I 1 CI o I --- ---- ------------------------------------------- I 1 1 150 —11 I CD ITI C fi oN . y -j O rt � O 0 0 D cn m m D m —I O m D m r - (n p --j m O N Z m m n O O Z 0 D 0 O z 0 0 0- :3 a O m a 0 0 o_ co a- 0 rt m (D 0 O CnN v 1p� co C4ul N O C4 022 a -� D — —� 100 ----------1 O - � I O cn cn O I N CD U) (n I o C) (01 1 --.1 cn o D 100 0) CD (.0 Irn I I O -160 I 1 CI o I --- ---- ------------------------------------------- I 1 1 150 —11 I CD I C fi oN - -j cn _--------_---------- �- — — -o I r^ I� J� _ 1 ' O CnN v 1p� co C4ul N O C4 022 a -� D I — —� 100 ----------1 I - � I I cn cn O I I U CD ' NI I I o 00 (01 1 --.1 cn o 10) I �o 100 0) wl (.0 Irn I I I 1 -160 I 1 CI o I --- ---- ------------------------------------------- I 1 1 150 —11 I I I C _ oN - -j L —_---------------150-----------_ _--------_---------- �- — — —` I I 19% 100 < I - � I I cn cn O I I U CD ' NI I 0) I C I O I I Lo 0 O I 1�" z �I co w I I I I I I 1 -160 I 1 CI o I --- ---- ------------------------------------------- I L — — — - II Cc 0 100 < I I Ln I o I cn cn O N Ln I U m 00 O I L—`_ --_-_-__i------1--1 I I Lo 0 { 1�" z �I co w 10 I I C: M 1 i �I (n CI o I 150 -�--- ---� J I� I \ I C _ oN — �IILA L —_---------------150-----------_ � �- — — w, 1 `D I I r^ I� J� _ 1 ' — I N I C1.i --------------r- 160 I - -----------—�— I ------------- ------------ I — J I I I I I ----- -- -----------------------r----------------, 85.00 l i 1 I r— I I I �I cn L----------- I� 85 ' I o I I co I co rn o w oo I• l co CA I N I �I N I I I cn I 150 I I I - - - - rI1------------------------------- _r -- -- - L— - ----1-60 --- -_+I' ---------------- - ----- _ J �_— l —� I 1 r I { —----- 1 / CD 46 / I I / I I / i I — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — O e �� \ O 00 I / \ ---------------{ �\ �/ f-- 100, I � / I � � I I I I I 1063 STREET 162 -------------�—� -------------------------------------------i I I N -------------- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ ! I of � o I Ln I o W 11 Ln I 1 loo �. 00 O I L—`_ --_-_-__i------1--1 I I { CA I I l I---------------------------; 10 I00 C: M 1 i �I (n 1 I 150 -�--- ---� J -------_ -_ — {1 \ 1 _� 342 _ \ — �IILA C4 C4 _ --_ _ �- — — w, 1 `D I r^ I� J� _ _ ° I N I C1.i --------------r- / CD 46 / I I / I I / i I — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — O e �� \ O 00 I / \ ---------------{ �\ �/ f-- 100, I � / I � � I I I I I 1063 STREET 162 -------------�—� -------------------------------------------i I I N -------------- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ ! I of � o I 29 85 W 63 Ln I 1 rn O i ' I O I L—`_ --_-_-__i------1--1 I i I —;------------------------1— CA oI I l I---------------------------; I l;----- I00 C: M 1 i �I I I I (A O I I I I -------_ -_ — 00 `` \ ; { l l -------_ --1--\ — �IILA C4 C4 I w, 1 `D I r^ I� J� I I ° I N I C1.i I I I I ----- -- - 85.00 119.44 1 r— _ L ------I L----------- 85 123 / CD 46 / I I / I I / i I — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — O e �� \ O 00 I / \ ---------------{ �\ �/ f-- 100, I � / I � � I I I I I 1063 STREET 162 -------------�—� -------------------------------------------i I I N -------------- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ ! I of � o I Ln W to Ln I 1 rn O i ' I O I L—`_ --_-_-__i------1--1 I I I —;------------------------1— CA I I i 1 I V N Oo I00 w cn M 1 i �I I I I (A O I I I L — `_-_-_-__1-6-2 -------_ -_ — I I I ; { I I I I �IILA C4 C4 I w, 1 `D I I � -------------------------------------------- L------162-----1— I I 60 167 164 .. n CD O r— -------------- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ ! I I ; I I I oI 0 o v I I Icon Ln 00 O N —A N N i ' I 1_60 CD O r— -------------- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ ! I I ; I I I oI 0 o v I I Icon Ln O o O N —A N N i ' I 1_60 I I r —--------------- ---- ----------------------- I i I CA I I co o cn M 1 i �I L_ 156 -------_----------=—� I F ---------------------; - I I cn 1 O I I °' i o 1 i I L --------------------------------------- 150 ' I I -----J 00 J 00 D I' ATH RSTON 3RD ADDITION GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL CONS'1'KUCTION PLAN MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA I \ 1 I �I I II I I � I \ \ I I I II I I O II 5 4 3 2 1 -- - - 6 - —3_ - .. 1 3 _ --- EBER SOLE AVE I N � J 8 I 3 2 I 1rn rn 4 3 2 J rn 5 / I tdtKSOLE AVE I lie' 7 _ 2 1 9 I I I I I Ir I GENERAL NOTES: A. ALL STREET CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE MOST RECENT EDITION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO STANDARDS & SPECIFICATIONS. B. ALL SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE MOST RECENT EDITION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO STANDARDS & SPECIFICATIONS. C. ALL STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TOT HE MOST RECENT EDITION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO STANDARDS * SPECIFICATIONS. D. ALL WATER DISTRIBUTION CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE MOST RECENT EDITION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO STANDARDS & SPECIFICATIONS. E. PAVING SHALL NOT START UNTIL SUBGRADE COMPACTION TESTS HAVE BEEN TAKEN AND ROADWAY CONDITIONS ARE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. P1180-NEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2017 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by Name me or under my direct supervision and that I �alCherne am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Reg. No. 19860 Date 6-28-2017 Revisions NAME CITY ENGINEER APPROVAL PLAN DATE REG. NO. DATE Date 06-28-2017 Designed PJC/JMM Drawn MSN COVER SHEET NARU� o S. Jo CT. j BLVD. O Trailer �— Court N I CL GOLDEN EAGLE LN. zoo EAGLE RIDGE LN. r 8. NT FAR COUNTRY DR. ~ FRIDGE _j N z z ? COIR. (0� R. Y SCJ �E STEP ��� �o a y�0� w Z0 Off. RED SCHOOL c-0 2� BLVD. \pEggLEBR00K, �NRTIN DR �� z F Trailer o DR. NE STARLING o COUrt HARVEST w' z r CT" P o FALCON w T Z W J cT. o�cy o� 'a CD Q � DR. — MA��PF CI�ARD COBB LESI ODIAMOND SDR. z CT. PARK �ptJ a a DR. �� z W a 15 14 22 23 T121N R25W \\11 \\\ \\\ 0 50 100 200 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET NOVAK-FLECK INC. 8857 ZEALAND AVE N. BROOKLYN PARK, 55445 --C j,IIJ( w I 8, 7th ST. C t w w 117 rj/ 85th ST. N.E. — - w J W 117 w LOCATION MAP LU SHEET INDEX 1. COVER SHEET 2. LEGEND 3. GRADING PLAN 4. EROSION CONTROL PLAN 5. BORROW AREA MAP 6-7. DETAILS BENCH MARK CAST IRON MONUMENT, NORTH j OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 ELEV=958.03 Know what's below. CAST IRON MONUMENT, WEST j OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 Call before you dig. ELEV=976.37 03 -ENG -117120 -SHEET -CO V R -GRAD FEATHERSTONE 3RD ADDITION1 I 7 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA I UTILITY LINES ----------- ----------- P IZ-0--n%'­;NEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2017 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. GRAVEL SURFACE LEGEND TOPOGRAPHIC SYMBOLS ABBREVIATIONS FUTURE 0 FM FM D 4 D D �>> PERF DT —e e- -fo fo - -9 9— petro t t tv tv oh oh FUTURE soo— OU TLET=987.0 HWL=900.2 BUFFER FEMA X X FUTURE ---------------------- HATCH PATTERNS DESCRIPTION SANITARY MANHOLE SANITARY SEWER (SANITARY & WATERMAIN PLANS) SANITARY SEWER (STORM SEWER PLANS) FORCE MAIN HYDRANT GATE VALVE REDUCER CURB STOP WATERMAIN (SANITARY & WATERMAIN PLANS) WATERMAIN (STORM SEWER PLANS) CATCH BASIN BEEHIVE STORM MANHOLE FLARED END SECTION CONTROL STRUCTURE STORM SEWER (SANITARY & WATERMAIN PLANS) STORM SEWER (STORM SEWER PLANS) CULVERT PERFORATED DRAINTILE SOLID DRAINTILE SERVICE CASING UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC LINE UNDERGROUND GAS PIPELINE UNDERGROUND PETROLEUM PIPELINE UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINES UNDERGROUND TELEVISION LINE OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES DESCRIPTION SURMOUNTABLE CURB & GUTTER B—STYLE CURB & GUTTER RIBBON CURB & GUTTER EDGE OF BITUMINOUS YELLOW PAVEMENT STRIPING (SINGLE/DOUBLE) WHITE PAVEMENT STRIPING (SINGLE/DOUBLE) PHASE LINE CENTERLINE 2' CONTOUR LINE 10' CONTOUR LINE BASIN OUTLET LINE BASIN HIGH WATER LINE PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION EMERGENCY OVERFLOW DRAINAGE FLOW ARROW DELINEATED / PROPOSED WETLAND LINE WETLAND BUFFER TREE LINE FEMA FLOODPLAIN BOUNDARY RETAINING WALL FENCE (BARBED WIRE) FENCE (CHAIN LINK) FENCE (WOOD) CONSERVATION AREA SIGN WETLAND BUFFER SIGN TYPE III BARRICADE LIGHT POLE STREET SIGNS PEDESTRIAN RAMP DESCRIPTION BOUNDARY RIGHT OF WAY LOT LINE EASEMENT SET BACK LINE SECTION LINE RESTRICTED ACCESS WETLAND 8 CATCH BASIN ® CATCH BASIN BEEHIVE 0 FLARED END SECTION N GATE VALVE HYDRANT WATER SERVICE WELL WATER WELL MONITORING WELL o CLEANOUT O HAND HOLE O MANHOLE OTHER THAN SANITARY OR STORM O SANITARY OR STORM MANHOLE sN LAWN SPRINKLER VALVE S LAWN SPRINKLER HEAD t UTILITY POLE 0 TRANSFORMER BOX Fo FIBER OPTIC BOX ■ ELECTRIC BOX • NATURAL GAS METER o LIGHT POLE O SEMAPHORE O TELEPHONE BOX D CABLE BOX CAST IRON MONUMENT • FOUND IRON PIPE JLM JUDICIAL LAND MARK ® PK NAIL ? CONTROL POINT o SPIKE G�_ FLAG POLE TEST HOLE ® MAILBOX SIGN O BOLLARD CONSERVATION POST DECIDUOUS TREE �= CONIFEROUS TREE SHRUB / BUSH EROSION & EXISTING — — — —soon PROPOSED ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ o BOC e ---->-----> 84.3 FOR X ---->-----> -0. 40, 4111. CB > FM BUFFER FM ru R1 ---------------------- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , X X X X 1111111111-4 Da [] [] N � D TOP ► CONCRETE SURFACE 3Sp + T + T + T + T + T + +++++++++++++ 4& 4+46.57 — — — — SURVEY LINES EXISTING PROPOSED W W W W 08.32 = TOP OF CURB ELEVATION RIP RAP o y y e 4+46.57 D B618 CURB SELECT BACKFILL MATERIAL I I I I I I PERMANENT WET BASIN SEEDING �08.32 T.O. = TOP FOR OF CURB ELEVATION B618 CURB LF II / 4+46.57 — (TIP OUT GUTTER) EROSION CONTROL BLANKET LP I' I' I' I' I' I' I I I I I UPLAND/NATURAL AREA SEEDING 074827 = BITUMINOUS ---------------------- MNDOT CATEGORY PER PLAN POINT OF CURVATURE PERF ---------------------- PI POINT OF INTERSECTION DT ff 7Z77377-- I•'•'• �'•'•'•'; e PVT e e e fo PVC fo fo fo 9 R 9 9 9 RAMBLER petro REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE petro t SSWR t t t tv STRM tv tv tv on TNH on 01 oh TYPICAL WM WATER MAIN SITE LINES WALKOUT EXISTING PROPOSED ----------- ----------- P IZ-0--n%'­;NEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2017 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. GRAVEL SURFACE LEGEND TOPOGRAPHIC SYMBOLS ABBREVIATIONS FUTURE 0 FM FM D 4 D D �>> PERF DT —e e- -fo fo - -9 9— petro t t tv tv oh oh FUTURE soo— OU TLET=987.0 HWL=900.2 BUFFER FEMA X X FUTURE ---------------------- HATCH PATTERNS DESCRIPTION SANITARY MANHOLE SANITARY SEWER (SANITARY & WATERMAIN PLANS) SANITARY SEWER (STORM SEWER PLANS) FORCE MAIN HYDRANT GATE VALVE REDUCER CURB STOP WATERMAIN (SANITARY & WATERMAIN PLANS) WATERMAIN (STORM SEWER PLANS) CATCH BASIN BEEHIVE STORM MANHOLE FLARED END SECTION CONTROL STRUCTURE STORM SEWER (SANITARY & WATERMAIN PLANS) STORM SEWER (STORM SEWER PLANS) CULVERT PERFORATED DRAINTILE SOLID DRAINTILE SERVICE CASING UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC LINE UNDERGROUND GAS PIPELINE UNDERGROUND PETROLEUM PIPELINE UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINES UNDERGROUND TELEVISION LINE OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES DESCRIPTION SURMOUNTABLE CURB & GUTTER B—STYLE CURB & GUTTER RIBBON CURB & GUTTER EDGE OF BITUMINOUS YELLOW PAVEMENT STRIPING (SINGLE/DOUBLE) WHITE PAVEMENT STRIPING (SINGLE/DOUBLE) PHASE LINE CENTERLINE 2' CONTOUR LINE 10' CONTOUR LINE BASIN OUTLET LINE BASIN HIGH WATER LINE PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION EMERGENCY OVERFLOW DRAINAGE FLOW ARROW DELINEATED / PROPOSED WETLAND LINE WETLAND BUFFER TREE LINE FEMA FLOODPLAIN BOUNDARY RETAINING WALL FENCE (BARBED WIRE) FENCE (CHAIN LINK) FENCE (WOOD) CONSERVATION AREA SIGN WETLAND BUFFER SIGN TYPE III BARRICADE LIGHT POLE STREET SIGNS PEDESTRIAN RAMP DESCRIPTION BOUNDARY RIGHT OF WAY LOT LINE EASEMENT SET BACK LINE SECTION LINE RESTRICTED ACCESS WETLAND 8 CATCH BASIN ® CATCH BASIN BEEHIVE 0 FLARED END SECTION N GATE VALVE HYDRANT WATER SERVICE WELL WATER WELL MONITORING WELL o CLEANOUT O HAND HOLE O MANHOLE OTHER THAN SANITARY OR STORM O SANITARY OR STORM MANHOLE sN LAWN SPRINKLER VALVE S LAWN SPRINKLER HEAD t UTILITY POLE 0 TRANSFORMER BOX Fo FIBER OPTIC BOX ■ ELECTRIC BOX • NATURAL GAS METER o LIGHT POLE O SEMAPHORE O TELEPHONE BOX D CABLE BOX CAST IRON MONUMENT • FOUND IRON PIPE JLM JUDICIAL LAND MARK ® PK NAIL ? CONTROL POINT o SPIKE G�_ FLAG POLE TEST HOLE ® MAILBOX SIGN O BOLLARD CONSERVATION POST DECIDUOUS TREE �= CONIFEROUS TREE SHRUB / BUSH EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL — — — —soon STANDARD EROSION CONTROL ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ OUTLET=987.0 BOC HWL=900.2 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 84.3 FOR X —>>>>>>>>>- -0. 40, 4111. CB WETLAND UPLAND BUFFER BUFFER BUFFER FEMA FEMA'. ---------------------- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , X X X X 1111111111-4 ENERGY DISSIPATER DISCHARGE LOCATION [] [] [] [] C � W TOP OF CURB ELEVATION CONCRETE SURFACE FLARED END SECTION + T + T + T + T + T + +++++++++++++ WETLAND MITIGATION 4+46.57 — — — — SURVEY LINES EXISTING PROPOSED ----------- ----------- P IZ-0--n%'­;NEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2017 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. GRAVEL SURFACE LEGEND TOPOGRAPHIC SYMBOLS ABBREVIATIONS FUTURE 0 FM FM D 4 D D �>> PERF DT —e e- -fo fo - -9 9— petro t t tv tv oh oh FUTURE soo— OU TLET=987.0 HWL=900.2 BUFFER FEMA X X FUTURE ---------------------- HATCH PATTERNS DESCRIPTION SANITARY MANHOLE SANITARY SEWER (SANITARY & WATERMAIN PLANS) SANITARY SEWER (STORM SEWER PLANS) FORCE MAIN HYDRANT GATE VALVE REDUCER CURB STOP WATERMAIN (SANITARY & WATERMAIN PLANS) WATERMAIN (STORM SEWER PLANS) CATCH BASIN BEEHIVE STORM MANHOLE FLARED END SECTION CONTROL STRUCTURE STORM SEWER (SANITARY & WATERMAIN PLANS) STORM SEWER (STORM SEWER PLANS) CULVERT PERFORATED DRAINTILE SOLID DRAINTILE SERVICE CASING UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC LINE UNDERGROUND GAS PIPELINE UNDERGROUND PETROLEUM PIPELINE UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINES UNDERGROUND TELEVISION LINE OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES DESCRIPTION SURMOUNTABLE CURB & GUTTER B—STYLE CURB & GUTTER RIBBON CURB & GUTTER EDGE OF BITUMINOUS YELLOW PAVEMENT STRIPING (SINGLE/DOUBLE) WHITE PAVEMENT STRIPING (SINGLE/DOUBLE) PHASE LINE CENTERLINE 2' CONTOUR LINE 10' CONTOUR LINE BASIN OUTLET LINE BASIN HIGH WATER LINE PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION EMERGENCY OVERFLOW DRAINAGE FLOW ARROW DELINEATED / PROPOSED WETLAND LINE WETLAND BUFFER TREE LINE FEMA FLOODPLAIN BOUNDARY RETAINING WALL FENCE (BARBED WIRE) FENCE (CHAIN LINK) FENCE (WOOD) CONSERVATION AREA SIGN WETLAND BUFFER SIGN TYPE III BARRICADE LIGHT POLE STREET SIGNS PEDESTRIAN RAMP DESCRIPTION BOUNDARY RIGHT OF WAY LOT LINE EASEMENT SET BACK LINE SECTION LINE RESTRICTED ACCESS WETLAND 8 CATCH BASIN ® CATCH BASIN BEEHIVE 0 FLARED END SECTION N GATE VALVE HYDRANT WATER SERVICE WELL WATER WELL MONITORING WELL o CLEANOUT O HAND HOLE O MANHOLE OTHER THAN SANITARY OR STORM O SANITARY OR STORM MANHOLE sN LAWN SPRINKLER VALVE S LAWN SPRINKLER HEAD t UTILITY POLE 0 TRANSFORMER BOX Fo FIBER OPTIC BOX ■ ELECTRIC BOX • NATURAL GAS METER o LIGHT POLE O SEMAPHORE O TELEPHONE BOX D CABLE BOX CAST IRON MONUMENT • FOUND IRON PIPE JLM JUDICIAL LAND MARK ® PK NAIL ? CONTROL POINT o SPIKE G�_ FLAG POLE TEST HOLE ® MAILBOX SIGN O BOLLARD CONSERVATION POST DECIDUOUS TREE �= CONIFEROUS TREE SHRUB / BUSH EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL = STANDARD EROSION CONTROL ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ HEAVY—DUTY EROSION CONTROL BOC SECONDARY EROSION CONTROL FENCE ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ EROSION CONTROL AT BACK OF CURB FOR TREE FENCE —>>>>>>>>>- TEMPORARY DIVERSION DITCH CB WETLAND UPLAND BUFFER O`®� CATCH BASIN INLET PROTECTION %MOO STRAW BIO ROLLS CO ROCK BERM >> SUMPED RIP RAP PERMANENT 1111111111-4 ENERGY DISSIPATER DISCHARGE LOCATION 000000000 000000000 0000000001 GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 000000000 E3 TEMPORARY OUTLET FLOATING SKIMMER BASIN ACCESS 8% SLOPE MAX. STABILIZED EMERGENCY OVERFLOW �Lll 1 STEEP SLOPE 3:1 (H: V) L l 1 (33.3%) OR STEEPER GRADE CURB LEGEND I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by Name me or under my direct supervision and that I �alCherne am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Reg. No. 19860 Date 6-28-2017 Revisions Date 06-28-2017 = TOP OF CURB TIOD" MSN BOC BACK OF CURB BFE 4+46.57 FOR MODIFIED DESIGN CURB BITUMINOUS SURFACE CENTER LINE CB WETLAND UPLAND BUFFER CBMH CATCHBASIN MANHOLE CMP CORRUGATED METAL PIPE CO CLEAN OUT CS CURB STOP DIP DUCTILE IRON PIPE DT DRAINTILE EL/ELEV 08.15 T.O. = TOP OF CURB ELEVATION CONCRETE SURFACE FLARED END SECTION + T + T + T + T + T + +++++++++++++ WETLAND MITIGATION 4+46.57 — — — — FOR (TIP MODIFIED DESIGN "D" CURB OUT GUTTER) GRADE BREAK W W W W 08.32 = TOP OF CURB ELEVATION RIP RAP HIGH POINT y y PERMANENT TURF RESTORATION I 4+46.57 FOR B618 CURB SELECT BACKFILL MATERIAL I I I I I I PERMANENT WET BASIN SEEDING �08.32 T.O. = TOP FOR OF CURB ELEVATION B618 CURB LF II / 4+46.57 — (TIP OUT GUTTER) EROSION CONTROL BLANKET LP I' I' I' I' I' I' I I I I I UPLAND/NATURAL AREA SEEDING 074827 = BITUMINOUS ELEVATION MNDOT CATEGORY PER PLAN POINT OF CURVATURE PCC POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE PI POINT OF INTERSECTION R I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by Name me or under my direct supervision and that I �alCherne am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Reg. No. 19860 Date 6-28-2017 Revisions Date 06-28-2017 Designed PJC/JMM Drawn MSN LEGEND A ALGEBRAIC DIFFERENCE B—B BACK TO BACK BV BUTTERFLY VALVE BOC BACK OF CURB BFE BASE FLOOD ELEVATION BMP BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE CENTER LINE CB CATCHBASIN CBMH CATCHBASIN MANHOLE CMP CORRUGATED METAL PIPE CO CLEAN OUT CS CURB STOP DIP DUCTILE IRON PIPE DT DRAINTILE EL/ELEV ELEVATION EX EXISTING FES FLARED END SECTION F—F FACE TO FACE FM FORCEMAIN GB GRADE BREAK GND GROUND GV GATE VALVE HP HIGH POINT HYD HYDRANT HWL HIGH WATER LEVEL INV INVERT K CURVE COEFFICIENT L LENGTH LF LOWEST FLOOR LO LOOKOUT LO LOWEST OPENING LP LIQUID PETROLEUM LP LOW POINT MH MANHOLE PC POINT OF CURVATURE PCC POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE PI POINT OF INTERSECTION R PROPERTY LINE PRC POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE PVT POINT OF TANGENCY PVC POINT OF VERTICAL CURVATURE PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE PVI POINT OF VERTICAL INTERSECTION R RADIUS R RAMBLER RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE ROW RIGHT OF WAY SSWR SANITARY SEWER STA STATION STRM STORM SEWER SWPPP STORM WATER POLLUTION PROTECTION PLAN TNH TOP NUT HYDRANT TYP TYPICAL WM WATER MAIN WO WALKOUT LOT INFORMATION (TYPICAL SECTION NOT TO SCALE) DRAINAGE & UTILITY—\ 29.0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 28.0 EASEMENT \� FINISHED GROUND 1 O ELEVATION LOWEST OPENING 7 ELEVATION STEP HEIGHT (IF REQUIRED) 31,5 LOWEST FLOOR L =929.0 ELEVATION LO GARAGE ELEVATION �� �� STEP RECOMMENDED LF=929.0 GARAGE SIDE i_-37.0 FINISHED ELEVATION �L J © LOT CORNER 35.5 34.5 NOVAK-FLECK INC. 8857 ZEALAND AVE N. BROOKLYN PARK, 55445 STREET 1 13 41 1 1 11 96a LOT NO. HOUSE TYPES R RAMBLER OR SPLIT ENTRY LO RAMBLER LOOKOUT OR SPLIT ENTRY WALKOUT WO —RAMBLER WALKOUT SE SPILT ENTRY SEWO— SPLIT ENTRY WALK OUT SLO SIDE LOOKOUT SWO SIDE WALKOUT 03-ENG-117120-SHEET-LEGND-GRAD FEATHERSTONE 3RD ADDITION2 1 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA \ O \ \ /✓ ' (_0 \ , 4-_ / 1 rj C/ ✓C�°, 062 960 J < I \ 1 ' T€MI RY DRAINAGE DITCH 356 954 J l �62 --(-SEE DETAIL) 962 ��4 U.5`.o ,� 352 05� I -+ - �' 054 1-7� 956 954 4 \ 1 / f \ 0 056 / J ��do 050 56- =4 � 952 �� �\\�`c 052 _ 954 950 l x`90 2.57o - N 2.7 0 950 X96' N o CY J 60 0A \y56 00 ' 95 O ° o >� I % I F1 � � � O 956 1 /�' / CJS cn 60.5 / i 959 \ lN- E.O.F. °� � 58.4 9 .. �� •- - - 95b 8605 0 958 _ W (DAT J 90 I I LO ul \II0,59..6 C, r- 0) CD960.4 �� �. 96P.4 f X960-- I Tl �cn ✓� I I I LO -960.9 I I L0= 60.9 I I LO=960. g I w L4 _956 � I I I S�� t N I �X 8 N I o o 3 I I I�I I �IT1 �9I I LF #1b--, �I R/ I�I R I- R rn IlI 0� I I I M nl LF=952.4 I LF=952.4 I LF=952.2 I� 960.4 G I G 96 -4 I I G 960 2 Ln `,,,(D I - N � ill 1 --- -� 01 I `- I4 } I--------- ----- 1 1. 7.9 NQ'aC 0� I I oto _ ,+oa H. 2+ 2+00 SOLE AVE 3+00 - 57.5 L.P. +oc+ - � 5t.o L 5s.� + 1.6 58.2 .4`� ' - - 57.7 0.5 %57.3 _ 7s 58.2 I III --- - - may- - - o o J, 8� ,�g� r �0 0 - \ III to -�, _ ----- - - -- _ `NV rI I 11 I '10,11X960 0 G \\ 1 V-947.59 I I 1 , _952.0 \ \ 90.6 960.6 1 960.2 1 o� I LF - __jIII y LF=952.6 LF=952.6 I LF=952.2 �-� R RPI-� R -� I g \ I 2 ++57.15 t 3 I I '� CO, OI.F� -/0-(360. 5\\ III - t LO=961.1 I LO= 961.1 LO=960_ 11 oN 1 960.6 960.6 I I `960.2 I --T \ \� O \ / Ln / f✓ I r I I I I I C3 r i LO 9 r 58.2 - lam" A o Un 950 SELECT BACKFILL MATERIAL P 1 Sw" NE E R en ineerin CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2017 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. SITE DATA MINIMUM LOT WIDTH: AT SETBACK LINE=80 FEET (56 FEET AT CUL-DE-SAC) MINIMUM LOT AREA: INTERIOR=12,000 SQ. FT. CORNER=12,000 SQ. FT. SETBACKS: FRONT=30 FT REAR=30 FT HOUSE= 10 FT GARAGE= 10 FT CORNER=20 FT TO 85TH STREET NE=SOFT LOW OPENING=F+EOF, 2'+HWL I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by Name %I me or under my direct supervision and that I �alCherne am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Reg. No. 19860 Date 6-28-2017 Revisions TEMPORARY DRAINAGE DITCH DETAIL (TYPICAL SECTION NOT TO SCALE) Date 06-28-2017 Designed PJC/JMM Drawn MSN J `3 7 = LtJ J> �J O LLJ 10: 1= 10: 1 MIN. 2' COMPAC CLAY LINER. TYPICAL POND 50 SECTION GRADING PLAN 3•7 58.9 `\ 2? EQ. F. I S F - V v < CID 4 Y/ i i 11 1 hr_ 6 2� I I �60.� 1 LO=9bU. / I I LO=96 6 1do NOVAK-FLECK INC. 8857 ZEALAND AVE N. BROOKLYN PARK, 55445 F=!�52. 1�7,-I og o \ PO 0 25 50 10++ 0 1 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET BENCH MARK CAST IRON MONUMENT, NORTH j OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 ELEV=958.03 CAST IRON MONUMENT, WEST j OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 ELEV=976'37 03 -ENG -117120 -SHEET -GRAD FEATHERSTONE 3RD ADDITION 3 I 7 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA I I I I I � 0 I 0 I 1 962 N I O I � I N o IQ I 1 ,� I p I O W 9 - + 0 0 I 0 L-'� _ \ _ _ _ /_ 958 S6 1 cn �`� 'l -- -� -� oCn �� Oil 0) 11 ro 04 III I�---- J---- -, --- --� ---- \I�co f \� I I 960.4 -III II � 9 o60.9 L0=960.7 rn II 956 LO=960.9/ 0=6 8 rn� v l I f iT1 I g5C �9s I II IT R/ R I R i O� I M _n F=952.4 LF=952.4 I LF-_ 952.2 I� I -)IT 960.4 G G 960.4 I G 960.2 I I NI6' I cin I ��+ I 1 I1 + ,� I �� X1950 1 COI I (CN L, J �L -----J L --- ---J r Imo. I rn---------- � I v�Q( v, p�0� o�0 0000 ,+oo H �P77('� SOLE AVE 3 foo 57.5 L.P. o _ III \ o 0 0 ole. -� 8 - 58.2 57.7 0.5 057.3 57.6 \ I 58.2 8.4`Q_ _ 156.0 �❑ p ❑ ��' -! 1.6 �_� III � r-�--------- I l \ $ / CP I I I I I �i ti I Y I 7 96052 0\ \ I I 960.6 G 960.6 960.2 o� III LF=952.6 LF=952.6 LF=952.2 I \ \ o 2�, I �� �i I �, 91, \\ I I 3 1 1 1 ) OD �0 6� 5 \� LO=961.1 LO=961.1 I I L0=960.7 60, , I� i i I 0` \ 960.6 /I 1 960.6 f I I ---960.2---: f✓ I I I I �, - N g5B I T,sl� X, A ,,- • •tri '' • o t • � may. J 01 -g50 LEGEND 00000000000 ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 00000000000 00000000000 INSTALL BEFORE START OF GRADING 00000000000 PERIMETER EROSION CONTROL FENCE. INSTALL BEFORE START OF GRADING HEAVY DUTY EROSION CONTROL FENCE. INSTALL AFTER LOCAL GRADING COMPLETE SECONDARY EROSION CONTROL FENCE. TO BE INSTALLED 48 HOURS AFTER COMPLETION OF GRADING. 2' SOD OR EROSION CONTROL FENCE AT ■ BACK OF CURB. TO BE INSTALLED AFTER COMPLETION OF SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION. BASIN ACCESS 8% SLOPE MAX. SUMPED RIP RAP PERMANENT ENERGY DISSIPATER, INSTALL WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER CONNECTION TO A SURFACE WATER. P 1 18-0 N E E R _ PHASE LINE n eering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS s (651) 681-1914 I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by Name 2422 Enterprise Drive me or under my direct supervision and that I Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer �alCherne www.pioneereng.com under the laws of the State of Minnesota Reg. No. 19860 Date 6-28-201 © 2017 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. I 9D0.0 G' I I' 6,,960.0 i I' I G��960.0 \ I G 960.0 1 I I LF _?52.0 I I LF�952�0 tl LF�952.0 vl LF=952.0 1 T I I I '� I I I� I I 4 I I 3 I I\ 2 I 96 1 / ' II I I- I I L 0=960.5 I I L0=960.5 I LO=960.5 I I LO=960.5 / + 960.0\, I 960�0 I 9bO.0 I ti 9 I I I I 4D I I \D58 C -�� 10) S J T /0 I I I I I I I I I I Irn 0 1 1 I 1 � � / � I / N � I I � � 1 � 1 \ I I \I I O® CATCH BASIN INLET PROTECTION TO BE INSTALLED AFTER 1ST LIFT MNDOT CAT 3 EROSION CONTROL BLANKET. INSTALL WITHIN 7 DAYS OF GRADING OF BITUMINOUS. COMPLETION CATCH BASIN INLET PROTECTION MNDOT CAT 6 EROSION CONTROL BLANKET. 71 ®1 TO BE INSTALLED WITH CATCH BASIN GRATE. INSTALL WITHIN 7 DAYS OF GRADING COMPLETION STRAW BIO ROLLS. INSTALL WITHIN 7 DAYS OF GRADING COMPLETION OR BEFORE 1ST RAINFALL EVENT WHICHEVER IS FIRST DO NOT DISTURB AREAS 0 25 50 100 ROCK BERM. INSTALL WITHIN 7 DAYS OF GRADING COMPLETION OR BEFORE 1ST GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET RAINFALL EVENT WHICHEVER IS FIRST STEEP SLOPE, 3:1 (H: V) 111 (33.3%) OR STEEPER GRADE DIVERSION DITCH TO BE PLACED AS NEEDED UNTIL STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTEDTEMPORARY °°°°°°°° SEDIMENTATION BASIN BENCH MARK vvvvvvvv vvvvvvvv CAST IRON MONUMENT, NORTH j OF DISCHARGE LOCATION SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 WETLAND ELEV=958.03 W WETLAND CONSERVATION SIGN y y W W �Y W W CAST IRON MONUMENT, WEST j OF STABILIZED EMERGENCY OVERFLOW SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 ELEV=976'37 03 -ENG -117120 -SHEET -EROS Revisions Date 06-28-2017 NOVAK-FLECK INC. FEATHERSTONE 3RD ADDITION Designed PJC/JMM EROSION CONTROL PLAN 8857 ZEALAND AVE N. 4 OF 7 7 Drawn MSN BROOKLYN PARK, 55445 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA I r L _<1 966 / J 9� �`� °� ` 9�2 L ✓ 0 s rJ -� X-1 956. �972------ :V� Z� �� '^ �f 960 l ] IN -� —968_... \ -fes \ 964 to C5 1-962— J I o,'�° / �`O� �n ✓ 966 96& CD I UI 7 % \--, 9709s01 {. 1 l >\ �h�b 96� �) ,r --9 70-6� \�l �I \ \ \ f }Jil `96'6, 'AQ 01 96,Cd , 19 " r 110� o �° 44 v �9 66 1-1 LO 20 0-1 co 96, C) 9 coo �✓� r / \ c00 D 11 r 1 0966 0 (c'11-0 l - —964`�6 ppb \ 60 9 `` ` � x,95 . � \ � � I I - � p°` � � \ �s ��g I � 96°� ( © 6A `` P f I 64 N ' 9 1. I \ \ \ ' k �` 94�—� 96 I J ( 958— j l o I 960 `9 6 \�60 X958 (0 ��. g62 do CU z C/ 1� �� ( APPROX. VOL. 27,600 CY ICS �� �� _ 9S4 �\ 958^ v El� \ I00 t co/ U I "�-960 954—. - to /P \ Ln � 96 8 962 U ���° // �s6 96 1 I -96o I ` ti� I 1 1 �� �'�'' '�g50-^ 9s2 1 O 1 �,�` 4 I I 3 I 2 11 1 v -- 960�" r g�/ ---958 I m ���� -�' 1���> o I �I \ _ L I I� `O �� / s�' C �p �0� g_ �—f r� �g \ I , ` ' �) I \ I C I / o 960- \ �\ �- �� X AVEEBERS �� I O � �.. _,� _ � 1 -- _ , , ��,�1 � � ,� 9.5� r---��� , �� II��J�� r I I r �` �� 1} �.� �� 4 -I--- 1> \ 1(LDn :✓\ o `42 33s� / oe -35$ J0 cc 3 I I 3)�_ \ \ 944 1 ~' 94g� y g5� °�� `95Ce 3 � P PI 2-NoWNEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2017 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. � Z` BENCH MARK CAST IRON MONUMENT, NORTH j OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 ELEV=958.03 0 50 100 200 =� CAST IRON MONUMENT, WEST j OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET ELEV=976.37 03 -ENG -117120 -SHEET -CUT -AREA I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by Name % Revisions direct that I Lim Date 06-28-2017 -FLECK INC. NOVAK FEATHERSTONE 3RD ADDITION me or under my supervision and Paul J. Cherne Designed PJC/JMM BORROW AREA MAP 8857 ZEALAND AVE N. 5 OF 7 am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Reg. No. 19860 Date 6-28-2017 Drawn MSN BROOKLYN PARK, 55445 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA I GRADING SEQUENCE 1. INSTALL ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 2. INSTALL PERIMETER SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES (SILT FENCE). 3. STRIP TOPSOIL, STOCKPILE AND STABILIZE IN BERM FOR FUTURE SPREADING. 4. DIG TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN, BASIN TO BE 1800 CF/ACRE OF AREA STRIPPED. CLEAN TEMP BASIN ONCE 50% FULL. 5. ALL SOILS WILL BE COMPACTED PER SPECIFICATIONS. 6. MAINTAIN DRAINAGE DURING GRADING OPERATION TO TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN. 7. COMPLETE SITE GRADING PER PLAN. 8. RESPREAD TOPSOIL MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF 4" DEPTH. 9. MAINTAIN DRAINAGE TO TEMP SEDIMENT BASIN UNTIL NEXT PHASE BEGINS. 10. STABILIZE DENUDED AREAS AND STOCKPILES WITHIN TIME FRAME LISTED IN EROSION PREVENTION PRACTICES GENERAL NOTES 1. THE STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION MANAGER SHALL BE A PERSON TRAINED, KNOWLEDGEABLE AND EXPERIENCED IN THE APPLICATION OF EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS WHO WILL OVER SEE THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SWPPP AND THE INSTALLATION, INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS BEFORE AND DURING CONSTRUCTION. 2. 3. CONTRACTOR TO ADHERE TO ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY N.P.D.E.S. PERMIT, INCLUDING THE REQUIREMENT TO MINIMIZE THE AREA DISTURBED BY GRADING AT ANY GIVEN TIME AND TO COMPLETE TURF RESTORATION WITHIN THE TIME REQUIRED BY THE PERMIT AFTER TEMPORARY CEASING GRADING OR COMPLETION OF GRADING. 4. A COPY OF THESE PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE WHENEVER CONSTRUCTION IS IN PROGRESS. 5. BMP'S REFER TO EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES DEFINED IN THE MPCA PROTECTING WATER QUALITY IN URBAN AREAS AND THE MINNESOTA CONSTRUCTION SITE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING HANDBOOK. 6. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL FACILITIES (BMP'S) SHALL BE INSTALLED AND IN OPERATION PRIOR TO LAND DISTURBANCE ACTIVITIES. SOME EROSION CONTROLS SUCH AS CHECK DAMS AND TEMPORARY SILT PONDS MAY BE INSTALLED AS GRADING OCCURS IN THE SPECIFIC AREA. THEY SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED AND THE POTENTIAL FOR EROSION HAS PASSED. 7. THE BMP'S SHOWN ON THE PLANS ARE THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ANTICIPATED SITE CONDITIONS. AS CONSTRUCTION PROGRESSES AND UNEXPECTED OR SEASONAL CONDITIONS DICTATE, THE PERMITTEE SHALL ANTICIPATE THAT MORE BMP'S WILL BE NECESSARY TO ENSURE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL ON THE SITE. DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION, IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PERMITTEE TO ADDRESS ANY NEW CONDITIONS THAT MAY BE CREATED BY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES AND/OR CLIMATIC EVENTS AND TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL BMP'S OVER AND ABOVE THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS SHOWN ON THE PLANS THAT MAY BE NEEDED TO PROVIDE EFFECTIVE PROTECTION OF WATER AND SOIL RESOURCES. 8. ALL TREES NOT LISTED FOR REMOVAL SHALL BE PROTECTED. DO NOT OPERATE EQUIPMENT WITHIN THE DRIP LINE ROOT ZONES OR WITHIN TREE PROTECTION FENCE AREAS. 9. WHEREVER POSSIBLE, PRESERVE THE EXISTING TREES, GRASS AND OTHER VEGETATIVE COVER TO HELP FILTER RUNOFF. 10. OPERATE TRACK EQUIPMENT (DOZER) UP AND DOWN EXPOSED SOIL SLOPES ON FINAL PASS, LEAVING TRACK GROOVES PERPENDICULAR TO THE SLOPE. DO NOT BACK- BLADE. LEAVE A SURFACE ROUGH TO MINIMIZE EROSION. 11. TEMPORARY SEED SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE TO MNDOT 2575 & 3876. CONSISTING OF: • MN SEED MIX 22-111 @ 40 LBS. PER ACRE OR APPROVED EQUAL. • MULCH SHALL BE MNDOT TYPE 3 @ 2 TONS PER ACRE OR APPROVED EQUAL AND DISK ANCHORED IN PLACE OR APPROVED EQUAL, INSTALLED TO MINIMUM 90% COVERAGE OF THE SURFACE AREA DISTURBED. • TYPE 1 FERTILIZER, 10-10-20 @ 200 LBS. PER ACRE 10. PERMANENT TURF RESTORATION SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MNDOT 2575 & 3876. CONSISTING OF: • MN SEED MIX 25-121 AT 75 POUNDS PER ACRE. • MULCH SHALL BE MNDOT TYPE 3 @ 2 TONS PER ACRE OR APPROVED EQUAL AND DISK ANCHORED IN PLACE OR APPROVED EQUAL, INSTALLED TO MINIMUM 90% COVERAGE OF THE SURFACE AREA DISTURBED.MULCH AT 90 % COVERAGE WITH DISC ANCHOR. • TYPE 3 FERTILIZER, 22-5-10 80%W.I.N @ 350 LBS PER ACRE. 11. SLOPES AT 3:1 OR STEEPER, AND/OR WHERE INDICATED ON THE PLANS SHALL BE SEEDED AND HAVE AN EROSION CONTROL BLANKET TYPE 3 INSTALLED OR MAY BE HYDROSEEDED WITH TACKIFIER MULCH. 12. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL SOILS AND SEDIMENT TRACKED ONTO EXISTING STREETS AND PAVED AREAS. 13. IF BLOWING DUST BECOMES A NUISANCE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL APPLY WATER FROM A TANK TRUCK TO ALL CONSTRUCTION AREAS. 14. WITHIN 7 DAYS OF COMPLETION OF THE SITE GRADING OPERATIONS THE ENTIRE SITE (EXCEPT ROADWAYS) SHALL HAVE BEEN SEEDED AND MULCHED AND SILT FENCE SHALL INSTALLED AROUND ALL PONDS. 15. ALL TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE PROPERLY DISPOSED OF WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS AFTER FINAL SITE STABILIZATION IS ACHIEVED OR AFTER THE TEMPORARY MEASURES ARE NO LONGER NEEDED. 16. THE MINIMIZATION OF SOIL COMPACTION MUST BE USED ON AREAS OUTSIDE OF SPECIFIC COMPACTION REQUIRED AREAS. THESE PRACTICES INCLUDE: PREVENTING HEAVY EQUIPMENT TRAFFIC AND CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC FROM AREAS, USING PRACTICES TO PREVENT CONCENTRATED FLOW OCCURRING OVER THE SOIL, PROVIDE LIGHT TRACKED EQUIPMENT TO CONSTRUCT AREA TO FINAL GRADE. THE AREAS REQUIRING LOOSE SOIL INCLUDE ALL TOPSOIL PLACEMENT AND INFILTRATION/FILTRATION BASINS. R/W 60' R/W I 12' OR 14' 30, 32' OR 36' (FACE TO FACE) © VARIES MPS 4.00% RAMBLER OR SPLIT ENTRY S�OQE RAMBLER LOOKOUT OR SPLIT 4" TOPSOIL, SEED, ENTRY WALKOUT AND MULCH OR SOD 1� (TYPICAL) -SIDE LOOKOUT MODIFIED DESIGN CURB & GUTTER 2.00% 2.00% ::.:...�7.- 4 1 1/2 " TYPE 2360 BITUMINOUS WEARING COURSE - TACK COAT MNDOT 2357 2" TYPE 2360 BITUMINOUS NON -WEARING COURSE 6" CLASS V GRAVEL (MODIFIED) WRAINkOR 6" MINIMUM SCARIFY AND COMPACT SUBGRADE TYPICAL SECTION URBAN RESIDENTIAL 1� 2 ROLLS OF SOD TO BE PLACED BEHIND CURB AND SIDEWALK/TRAIL. 2� THE USE AND THICKNESS OF SELECT GRANULAR BORROW IS BASED ON EXISTING SOIL CONDITIONS AS DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. �3 STREET WIDTH TO BE DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. ® 6" PERFORATED P.E. PIPE WITH FABRIC. INSTALL WHERE CLAY SOILS ARE ENCOUNTERED IN THE ROADWAY SUBGRADE OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. PI ONEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com 2017 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. SEE PLATE 4006 FOR DETAILS I - _- 4.00% CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY REQUIREMENTS A. EROSION PREVENTION PRACTICES 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMPLEMENT CONSTRUCTION PHASING, VEGETATIVE BUFFER STRIPS, HORIZONTAL SLOPE GRADING, AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES THAT MINIMIZE EROSION. THE LOCATION OF AREAS NOT TO BE DISTURBED MUST BE DELINEATED (E.G. WITH FLAGS, STAKES, SIGNS, SILT FENCE, ETC.) ON THE DEVELOPMENT SITE BEFORE WORK BEGINS. 2. TEMPORARY STABILIZATION MUST BE INITIATED IMMEDIATELY WHENEVER ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY HAS PERMANENTLY OR TEMPORARILY CEASED ON ANY PORTION IF THE SITE AND WILL NOT RESUME FOR A PERIOD EXCEEDING 7 OR 14 CALENDAR DAYS. STABILIZATION MUST BE COMPLETED NO LATER THAN 7 OR 14 CALENDAR DAYS AFTER THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY HAS TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY CEASED. 3. ALL EXPOSED SOIL AREAS WITHIN 200 FEET OF A SURFACE WATER OR ANY STORMWATER CONVEYANCE SYSTEM WHICH IS CONNECTED TO A SURFACE WATER MUST BE STABILIZED WITHIN 7 DAYS. THESE AREAS INCLUDE POND SIDE SLOPES, EXPOSED SOIL AREAS WITH A POSITIVE SLOPE TO A CURB AND GUTTER SYSTEM, STORM SEWER INLET, DRAINAGE DITCH, OR OTHER SYSTEM THAT DISCHARGES TO A SURFACE WATER. 4. THE NORMAL WETTED PERIMETER OF ANY DRAINAGE DITCH MUST BE STABILIZED WITHIN 200 LINEAL FEET FROM THE PROPERTY EDGE, OR FROM THE POINT OF DISCHARGE TO ANY SURFACE WATER (WITHIN 24 HOURS OF CONNECTING TO A SURFACE WATER). 5. PIPE OUTLETS MUST BE PROVIDED WITH TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT ENERGY DISSIPATION WITHIN 24 HOURS OF CONNECTION TO A SURFACE WATER. B. SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES 1. SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES MUST MINIMIZE SEDIMENT ENTERING SURFACE WATERS. DITCHES AND SEDIMENT BASINS REQUIRE SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES ONLY AS APPROPRIATE FOR SITE CONDITIONS. IF DOWN GRADE SYSTEM IS OVERLOADED, ADDITIONAL UPGRADE PRACTICES MUST BE INSTALLED, AND THE SWPPP MUST BE AMENDED. THERE SHALL BE NO UNBROKEN SLOPE LENGTH OF GREATER THAN 75 FEET FOR SLOPES WITH A GRADE OF 3:1 OR STEEPER. SLOPES MAY BE BROKEN WITH SILT FENCE, ROCK CHECK DAMS, COMPOST SNAKES, OR OTHER APPROVED METHODS AND/OR AS SHOWN ON THE EROSION CONTROL PLAN. 2. SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES MUST BE ESTABLISHED ON DOWNGRADE PERIMETERS BEFORE UPGRADE LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES BEGIN. 3. THE TIMING OF SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES MAY BE ADJUSTED TO ACCOMMODATE SHORT TERM ACTIVITIES. HOWEVER, THESE PRACTICES MUST BE INSTALLED BEFORE THE NEXT PRECIPITATION EVENT EVEN IF THE ACTIVITY IS NOT COMPLETE. 4. CONTRACTOR MUST PROTECT ALL STORM DRAIN INLETS BY APPROPRIATE BMP'S DURING CONSTRUCTION UNTIL ALL SOURCES WITH POTENTIAL FOR DISCHARGING TO THE INLET HAVE BEEN STABILIZED. 5. TEMPORARY STOCKPILES MUST HAVE SILT FENCE AROUND THE PERIMETER OF THE BASE OF THE STOCKPILE AND CANNOT BE PLACED IN SURFACE WATERS, INCLUDING STORM WATER CONVEYANCES SUCH AS CURB AND GUTTER SYSTEMS, OR CONDUITS OR DITCHES. 6. CONTRACTOR MUST INSTALL TEMPORARY (OR PERMANENT) SEDIMENTATION BASINS WHERE TEN OR MORE ACRES OF DISTURBED SOIL DRAIN TO A COMMON LOCATION AND/OR AS SHOWN ON THE EROSION CONTROL PLAN. C. DEWATERING AND SURFACE DRAINAGE 1. DEWATERING OR ANY TYPE OF SURFACE DRAINAGE THAT MAY HAVE TURBID OR SEDIMENT LADEN DISCHARGE WATER MUST BE DISCHARGED TO AN APPROVED SEDIMENT BASIN ON THE PROJECT SITE WHENEVER POSSIBLE. IF THE WATER CANNOT BE DISCHARGED TO A BASIN PRIOR TO ENTERING THE SURFACE WATER, IT MUST BE TREATED WITH THE APPROPRIATE BMP'S SUCH THAT THE DISCHARGE DOES NOT ADVERSELY AFFECT THE RECEIVING WATER OR DOWNSTREAM LANDOWNERS. THE CONTRACTOR MUST ENSURE THAT DISCHARGE POINTS ARE ADEQUATELY PROTECTED FROM EROSION AND SCOUR. THE DISCHARGE MUST BE DISPERSED OVER NATURAL ROCK RIP RAP, SAND BAGS, PLASTIC SHEETING, OR OTHER ACCEPTED ENERGY DISSIPATION MEASURES. 2. ALL WATER FROM DEWATERING MUST BE DISCHARGED IN A MANNER THAT DOES NOT CAUSE NUISANCE CONDITIONS, EROSION, OR INUNDATION OF WETLANDS CAUSING SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT TO THE WETLAND. D. INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE 1. THE CONTRACTOR MUST APPOINT SOMEONE TO INSPECT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE ONCE EVERY SEVEN DAYS DURING ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION AND WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER A RAINFALL EVENT OF GREATER THAN 0.5 INCHES IN 24 HOURS. ALL INSPECTIONS MUST BE RECORDED IN WRITING AND RETAINED PER M.P.C.A. N.P.D.E.S. REQUIREMENTS. (NOTE: LOCAL JURISDICTION MAY REQUIRE A MORE FREQUENT INTERVAL OF INSPECTION.) 2. ALL NONFUNCTIONAL BMPS MUST BE REPAIRED, REPLACED OR SUPPLEMENTS WITH FUNCTIONAL BMPS BY THE END OF THE NEXT BUSINESS DAY AFTER DISCOVERY, OR AS SOON AS FIELD CONDITIONS ALLOW ACCESS UNLESS ANOTHER TIME FRAME IS SPECIFIED. (SEE MPCA NPDES PERMIT IV.E.5). E. POLLUTION PREVENTION MANAGEMENT MEASURES 1. SOLID WASTE MUST BE DISPOSED OF PER M.P.C.A. REQUIREMENTS. 2. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MUST BE STORED AND DISPOSED OF PER M.P.C.A. REGULATIONS. 3. EXTERNAL WASHING OF CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES MUST BE LIMITED TO A DEFINED AREA OF THE SITE. RUNOFF MUST BE CONTAINED AND WASTE PROPERLY DISPOSED OF. NO ENGINE DECREASING IS ALLOWED ON SITE. S�OQE w w w w z z z z J J J J 0 0 0 0 J J J J LOT PROFILE DON OF FLOW STREET PROFILE DIRECTION OF FLOW ON STREET 0.5'- 0.5'- LOT0.5'- BENCHING DETAIL NO SCALE DRAINAGE & UTILITY --\29.0 28.0 EASEMENT \� FINISHED GROUND O ELEVATION LOWS ST TIONPENING 7 STEP HEIGHT (IF REQUIRED) 31.5 LOWEST FLOOR 1_ =929'0 ELEVATION LO GARAGE ELEVATION �� 1' STEP RECOMMENDED LF=929.0 GARAGE SIDE i_�G_-37.0 FINISHED ELEVATION �L J @ LOT CORNER 35.5 34.5 I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by G%� Lim Name me or under my direct supervision and that i Paul J. Cherne am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Reg. No. 19860 Date 6-28-2017 Revisions STREET LOT INFORMATION (TYPICAL SECTION NOT TO SCALE) DLOCK NO. LOT NO. HOUSE TYPES R RAMBLER OR SPLIT ENTRY LO RAMBLER LOOKOUT OR SPLIT Drawn ENTRY WALKOUT WO RAMBLER WALKOUT SLO -SIDE LOOKOUT SWO -SIDE WALKOUT Date 06-28-2017 Designed PJC/JMM Drawn MSN FINISHED GROUND ELEVATION PER PLAN VARIES Ln 0 2.0% MIN. 1 LOWEST OPENING 10' 1 Ln O EGRESS PIT-/ C� 0 Q m ry Q W m 1'--� f C 0' PAD GARAGE ELEVATION PER PLAN `" o 3: _ o TOPSOIL . m.- ..: : . C`J'*\-SUBGRADE LO o Q BASEMENT FLOOR 1 u HOLD DOWN Y Z U Q Q J M Lij cn w O O m m C -31i 15' VARIES - - VARIES - - VARIES - FINISH GRADE .. El GRADING GRADE I 1 SEE TYPICAL STREET SECTION RAMBLER (TYPICAL SECTION NOT TO SCALE) TOPSOIL V U Q m Li Cn FINISH GRADE GRADING GRADE -..- - //////�///////�///////////---...-..........-..........-..........-............ „ .............- .........-........... NON -SELECT """ SELECT BACKFILL-, - SUBGRADE ' UN -COMPACTED MATERIAL a/iii /// / / \\\\\\�/\\� \\'\\ \ /i/ BACKFILL" MATERIAL / /\ i r /\/\/ �\ EXISTING GROUND /\ \\, BOTTOM OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL UNDISTURBED SOIL GRADING DETAILS 1010 MIN. MIN. SUBGRADE CORRECTION (TYPICAL SECTION NOT TO SCALE) NOVAK-FLECK INC. 8857 ZEALAND AVE N. BROOKLYN PARK, 55445 3 /, \\SELECT BACKFILL \�\ MATERIAL NON -SELECT COMPACTED BACKFILL MATERIAL UNDISTURBED SOIL 03-ENG-117120-SHEET-DTLS-GRAD FEATHERSTONE 3RD ADDITION 6 OF I 7 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA I PI 2-NoWNEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2017 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. // SPECIAL NOTE: SPECIAL ATTENTION SHALL BE PAID WHEN INSTALLING DRIVEWAYS TO NOT UNDERMINE OR DAMAGE EXISTING SIDEWALKS. 3" OF 1-1/2" ROCK OR / 6" CRUSHED CONCRETEIR APPROVED EQUIVALIENT TAPER Z DEPTH AND WIDTH IN 10' SIDEWALK Standard Plate Library City of Monticello CURB & GUTTER L3" OF 1-1/2" ROCK OR 6" CRUSHED CONCRETE Title: Residential Gravel Construction Entrance Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 6001 03-15 Eo m WQ 0 m0 II L \\ m O 7 E N 4i ns II U U mm J Q> p N f a` o W3 Z0� \ MW �\ �vxi0 Ii Pa MOIB >' z W iI i— �� w? = a w z � � _ m¢ W F M = O D LLJ — 0 H¢ O m 3 p W c° c zw 2 J U W W Z WW -�° Q, 0- EL m o a o x� 0 n� mow II m I� VQ w z LLJ J>ti� WQ x� W I— ¢O Jp HW m ¢p II J Nrd¢ �L lim mU.II Ir Z Z Z O ¢ I O J N¢ II W a O~ Z W Z a J LU F - Q LLLLJ 50& Ja WN } lid II Z m W F a ¢ I = U H O W ° W I�w �w 0 3 II pO ZQ- Zm oQ Z� W� p II o Ld 0 a4F OO �J F -L+- w� z0 ii V) U JU¢ �W WU o+ v mN¢ 6 o- oW I¢i?JZ 0=� W� FN W 0 N¢ W¢ >¢ N w isv7 LW �N =-a FW Y rK VF ¢� l,Ujw UO v o Z zpQ -0 wW wz Lg0 �� O z o�4Jw a� Zw Ww ¢3 ym�° a; U w zNOwx po wm �= WM N^tea > - w EL W �J ¢ U ._ 3 U W r op 0 W� �� O� x go o �r o 1 y; I- 0 Mn NWd Fmw MW OCWWQZ pa mY OJ z0 ".,0 Ci Z O NU -U o. Fav x¢U 1> w z¢ M¢ E �I o° �IVam WOW J NOa ¢Oin?¢ aQ W0= �� Z� °"-' C i UU 0 OUW QZ t° TixVn \ ¢p N O � III Zw WUpz _ mW ¢Z - 1zo- wU -wI Q M=)O Om -1-of 'wn W mz WW 88 ¢-- WD J a Z Wp MM pWmo pimoQN N o K QZ MU -PO 2 co H hill 02 II 46g 20W0 U of H J I -H pLOU�OUJ I� V) D_ ¢ p Z U O m W N WW y\ a 0p Q W � 7 00 OW >- W \ I I Noaa z �p W 0 az JI W == �1 W vJQ¢ Q_ a paNz LL O�Zw N- �I H Z W¢U N WZU F�11 T WWd Owl Z (W)WLL= 3 \I 3 O -iw iI ) Z iO j 1-<M W U N I.- ° I I fUl Mx IOL 12 z ?N�z� L ,' _ rn O UZOOU Nei° I W W L�y.JIW F ¢ 0 A CALL TO GOPHER STATE ONE (454-0002) � zl 2 NO x N m IS REQUIRED A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS PRIOR TO PERFORMING ANY EXCAVATION. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Residential Building Erosion Control Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 6006 I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by Name GJ (iL-�_ me or under my direct supervision and that I Paul J. Cherne am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Reg. No. 19860 Date 6-28-2017 Revisions WherF. LI IU IIUYY UI YYULVI lJ sheeting, place sod strips perpendicular to the direction of water flow. OF 1EIGHT PLAN WIMCO ROAD DRAIN CG -23* HIGH FLOW INLET PROTECTION CURB AND GUTTER MODEL DEFLECTOR PLATE OR CITY APPROVED EQUAL. OVERFLOW IS Y2 OF THE CURB BOX HEIGHT OVERFLOW AT TOP OF FILTER ASSEMBLY CURB * FOR THE NEW R -3290 -VB STANDARD CASTING, INSTALL WIMCO ROAD DRAIN CG -3290 OR CITY APPROVED EQUAL. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello ..1 FILTER ASSEMBLY DIAMETER, 6" ON -GRADE 10" AT LOW POINT HIGH-FLOW FABRIC Title: Inlet Protection Catch Basin Insert Date: 03-07 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 6004 SHINGLING SOD -c Where the flow of water is concentrated, place sod stips parallel to the direction of OVERLAPPING SOD water flow. NOTE: Although pegging of sod is not specifically required it is understood that the contractor will be responsible for the successful establishment of the sod including repair or replacement of sod which becomes displaced or damaged due to lack of protection or proper care. / Title: Standard Plate Library Sod Placement City of Monticello D' ate: Plate No. A03-07 Revised: 03-15 6 010 / Date 06-28-2017 Designed PJC/JMM Drawn MSN GRADING DETAILS OVERFLOW SLOT IN SHROUD OVERFLOW SLOT IN SHROUD r. WING NUT ATTACHMENT HOOK SILT FABRIC SLEEVE PER MnDOT SPECIAL PROVISION 3886 SILT FABRIC SLEEVE PER MnDOT SPECIAL PROVISION 3886 Title: Inlet Protection Standard Plate Library Grate Inlet Cover Cit of Monticello Date: Plate No. City 03-07 Revised: 03-15 6005 i 0 f• r • 0 .;.3 T 3.3' �20 1 • a.6 N —0 9 *3.3' • ® 0.7 STAPLES PER SQ. YD. 1.15 STAPLES PER SQ. YD. 3.75 STAPLES PER SQ. YD. 4:1 SLOPES 3:1 SLOPES HIGH FLOW CHANNEL & SHORELINE 2.-5. 36 .. 4 :.................................... , :..•:; iii • 2 ................../iii?i . :.`5 ' I 3A s O I .7:::::::::: 2 ::::.::::::::: C> 3. r O 1. PREPARE SOIL BEFORE INSTALLING BLANKETS, INCLUDING ANY NECESSARY APPLICATION OF LIME, FERTILIZER, AND SEED. 2. BEGIN AT THE TOP OF THE SLOPE BY ANCHORING THE BLANKET INA 6" (15—) DEEP X 6" (15cm) W IDE TRENCH WITH APPROXIMATELY 12" (30cm) OF BLANKET EXTENDED BEYOND THE UP-SLOPE PORTION OF THE TRENCH. ANCHOR THE BLANKET WITH A ROW OF STAPLES/STAKES APPROXIMATELY 12" (30cm) APART IN THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH. BACKFILL AND COMPACT THE TRENCH AFTER STAPLING. APPLY SEED TO COMPACTED SOIL AND FOLD REMAINING 12" (30cm) PORTION OF BLANKET BACK OVER SEED AND COMPACTED SOIL. SECURE BLANKET OVER COMPACTED SOIL WITH A ROW OF STAPLES/STAKES SPACED APPROXIMATELY 12" (30cm) APART ACROSS THE WIDTH OF THE BLANKET. 3. ROLL THE BLANKETS (A.) DOWN OR (B) HORIZONTALLY ACROSS THE SLOPE. BLANKETS WILL UNROLL WITH APPROPRIATE SIDE AGAINST THE SOIL SURFACE. ALL BLANKETS MUST BE SECURELY FASTENED TO SOIL SURFACE BY PLACING STAPLES/STAKES INAPPROPRIATE LOCATIONS AS SHOWN IN THE STAPLE PATTERN GUIDE. WHEN USING OPTIONAL DOT SYSTEM, STAPLES/STAKES SHOULD BE PLACED THROUGH EACH OF THE COLORED DOTS CORRESPONDING TO THE APPROPRIATE STAPLE PATTERN. 4. THE EDGES OF PARALLEL BLANKETS MUST BE STAPLED WITH APPROXIMATELY 2'5" (5cm-12.5—) OVERLAP DEPENDING ON BLANKET TYPE. TO ENSURE PROPER SEAM ALIGNMENT, PLACE THE EDGE OF THE OVERLAPPING BLANKET (BLANKET BEING INSTALLED ON TOP) EVEN WITH THE COLORED SEAM STITCH ON THE PREVIOUSLY INSTALLED BLANKET. 5. CONSECUTIVE BLANKETS SPLICED DOWN THE SLOPE MUST BE PLACED END OVER END (SHINGLE STYLE) WITH AN APPROXIMATE 3"(7.5—) OVERLAP. STAPLE THROUGH OVERLAPPED AREA, APPROXIMATELY 12" (30cm) APART ACROSS ENTIRE BLANKET WIDTH, NOTE: IN LOOSE SOIL CONDITIONS, THE USE OF STAPLE OR STAKE LENGTHS GREATER THAN 6" (15cm) MAY BE NECESSARY TO PROPERLY SECURE THE BLANKETS. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Erosion Control Blanket Stapling Patterns & Installation Date: 03-08 Plate No. Revised: 0 3 —15 6011 NOVAK-FLECK INC. 8857 ZEALAND AVE N. BROOKLYN PARK, 55445 03-ENG-117120-SHEET-DTLS-GRAD FEATHERSTONE 3RD ADDITION 7 OF 7 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA I I' ATH RSTON 3RD ADDITION UTILITY & S'I'R T CONS'1'hUCTION PLAN MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA I I � I I \ I I II I IN I I I 1 I I 1 I II I 8 3 2 1 ml / I1 M J m I — I — — tdtKSOLE AVE lie' 7 I� 8 3 2 1 9 11 I I I I I 1 I GENERAL NOTES: A. ALL STREET CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE MOST RECENT EDITION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO STANDARDS & SPECIFICATIONS. B. ALL SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE MOST RECENT EDITION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO STANDARDS & SPECIFICATIONS. C. ALL STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TOT HE MOST RECENT EDITION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO STANDARDS * SPECIFICATIONS. D. ALL WATER DISTRIBUTION CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE MOST RECENT EDITION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO STANDARDS & SPECIFICATIONS. E. PAVING SHALL NOT START UNTIL SUBGRADE COMPACTION TESTS HAVE BEEN TAKEN AND ROADWAY CONDITIONS ARE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. P1180-NEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2017 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I Name G% Revisions aularne am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer PJC/JMM under the laws of the State of Minnesota Reg. No. 19860 Date 6-28-2017 } / / I I / CITY ENGINEER APPROVAL PLAN DATE NAME REG. NO. DATE Date 06-28-2017 Designed PJC/JMM Drawn MSN 1 1 1 I I I I NARU� o S. Jo CT. BLVD. O Trailer �— Court N I Uj GOLDEN EAGLE LN• Uj z9 o EAGLE RIDGE LN. r 8. NT N FAR COUNTRY DR. ~ FRIDGE � z z z COIR. (0� CIR. Y SC J �E STEP ��� Z� a w Z0 Off. RED SCHOOL m BLVD. \pEBBLEBROOK, �NRTIN DR > �� z F Trailer o ? � r� p DR. NE STARLING o 7 - Court HARVEST w' z r CT" P 0 FALCON w T Z W J CT. o�cy "" 0 X 'a Q < DR. MA��PF CI�ARD COBBLESTODIAMOND SDR. z CT. PARK �ptJ a a DR. �� z W a 15 14 22 23 T121N R25W \\11 \\\ \\\ Uj � a v -W —I - - - -C 8, h ST. _�t i� �_ > f w - � w 85th ST. N.E. — - w J W N_ 117 w LOCATION MAP Z I I / 0 50 100 200 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET _ I I SHEET INDEX 1 / 1. COVER SHEET 2. LEGEND 3. SHEET INDEX 4-6. SANITARY SEWER & WATERMAIN 7. STORM SEWER 8-9. STREET CONSTRUCTION 10-15. DETAILS COVER SHEET NOVAK-FLECK INC. 8857 ZEALAND AVE N. BROOKLYN PARK, 55445 BENCH MARK • ® CAST IRON MONUMENT, NORTH j OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 ELEV=958.03 Know what's below. CAST IRON MONUMENT, WEST j OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 Call before you dig. ELEV=976.37 03 -ENG -117120 -SHEET -CO VR FEATHERSTONE 3RD ADDITION1 I 15 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA I UTILITY LINES ----------- ----------- P IZ-0--n%'­;NEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2017 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. GRAVEL SURFACE LEGEND TOPOGRAPHIC SYMBOLS ABBREVIATIONS FUTURE 0 FM FM D 4 D D �>> PERF DT —e e- -fo fo - -9 9— petro t t tv tv oh oh FUTURE soo— OU TLET=987.0 HWL=900.2 BUFFER FEMA X X FUTURE ---------------------- HATCH PATTERNS DESCRIPTION SANITARY MANHOLE SANITARY SEWER (SANITARY & WATERMAIN PLANS) SANITARY SEWER (STORM SEWER PLANS) FORCE MAIN HYDRANT GATE VALVE REDUCER CURB STOP WATERMAIN (SANITARY & WATERMAIN PLANS) WATERMAIN (STORM SEWER PLANS) CATCH BASIN BEEHIVE STORM MANHOLE FLARED END SECTION CONTROL STRUCTURE STORM SEWER (SANITARY & WATERMAIN PLANS) STORM SEWER (STORM SEWER PLANS) CULVERT PERFORATED DRAINTILE SOLID DRAINTILE SERVICE CASING UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC LINE UNDERGROUND GAS PIPELINE UNDERGROUND PETROLEUM PIPELINE UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINES UNDERGROUND TELEVISION LINE OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES DESCRIPTION SURMOUNTABLE CURB & GUTTER B—STYLE CURB & GUTTER RIBBON CURB & GUTTER EDGE OF BITUMINOUS YELLOW PAVEMENT STRIPING (SINGLE/DOUBLE) WHITE PAVEMENT STRIPING (SINGLE/DOUBLE) PHASE LINE CENTERLINE 2' CONTOUR LINE 10' CONTOUR LINE BASIN OUTLET LINE BASIN HIGH WATER LINE PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION EMERGENCY OVERFLOW DRAINAGE FLOW ARROW DELINEATED / PROPOSED WETLAND LINE WETLAND BUFFER TREE LINE FEMA FLOODPLAIN BOUNDARY RETAINING WALL FENCE (BARBED WIRE) FENCE (CHAIN LINK) FENCE (WOOD) CONSERVATION AREA SIGN WETLAND BUFFER SIGN TYPE III BARRICADE LIGHT POLE STREET SIGNS PEDESTRIAN RAMP DESCRIPTION BOUNDARY RIGHT OF WAY LOT LINE EASEMENT SET BACK LINE SECTION LINE RESTRICTED ACCESS WETLAND 8 CATCH BASIN ® CATCH BASIN BEEHIVE 0 FLARED END SECTION N GATE VALVE HYDRANT WATER SERVICE WELL WATER WELL MONITORING WELL o CLEANOUT O HAND HOLE O MANHOLE OTHER THAN SANITARY OR STORM O SANITARY OR STORM MANHOLE sN LAWN SPRINKLER VALVE S LAWN SPRINKLER HEAD t UTILITY POLE 0 TRANSFORMER BOX Fo FIBER OPTIC BOX ■ ELECTRIC BOX • NATURAL GAS METER o LIGHT POLE O SEMAPHORE O TELEPHONE BOX D CABLE BOX CAST IRON MONUMENT • FOUND IRON PIPE JLM JUDICIAL LAND MARK ® PK NAIL ? CONTROL POINT o SPIKE G�_ FLAG POLE TEST HOLE ® MAILBOX SIGN O BOLLARD CONSERVATION POST DECIDUOUS TREE �= CONIFEROUS TREE SHRUB / BUSH EROSION & EXISTING — — — —soon PROPOSED ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ o BOC e ---->-----> 84.3 FOR X ---->-----> -0. 40, 4111. CB > FM BUFFER FM ru R1 ---------------------- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , X X X X )11111111-4 Da [] [] N � D TOP ► CONCRETE SURFACE 3Sp + T + T + T + T + T + +++++++++++++ 4& 4+46.57 — — — — SURVEY LINES EXISTING PROPOSED W W W W 08.32 = TOP OF CURB ELEVATION RIP RAP o y y e 4+46.57 D B618 CURB SELECT BACKFILL MATERIAL I I I I I I PERMANENT WET BASIN SEEDING �08.32 T.O. = TOP FOR OF CURB ELEVATION B618 CURB LF II / 4+46.57 — (TIP OUT GUTTER) EROSION CONTROL BLANKET LP I' I' I' I' I' I' I I I I I UPLAND/NATURAL AREA SEEDING 074827 = BITUMINOUS ---------------------- MNDOT CATEGORY PER PLAN POINT OF CURVATURE PERF ---------------------- PI POINT OF INTERSECTION DT ff 7Z77377-- I•'•'• �'•'•'•'; e PVT e e e fo PVC fo fo fo 9 R 9 9 9 RAMBLER petro REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE petro t SSWR t t t tv STRM tv tv tv on TNH on 01 oh TYPICAL WM WATER MAIN SITE LINES WALKOUT EXISTING PROPOSED ----------- ----------- P IZ-0--n%'­;NEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2017 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. GRAVEL SURFACE LEGEND TOPOGRAPHIC SYMBOLS ABBREVIATIONS FUTURE 0 FM FM D 4 D D �>> PERF DT —e e- -fo fo - -9 9— petro t t tv tv oh oh FUTURE soo— OU TLET=987.0 HWL=900.2 BUFFER FEMA X X FUTURE ---------------------- HATCH PATTERNS DESCRIPTION SANITARY MANHOLE SANITARY SEWER (SANITARY & WATERMAIN PLANS) SANITARY SEWER (STORM SEWER PLANS) FORCE MAIN HYDRANT GATE VALVE REDUCER CURB STOP WATERMAIN (SANITARY & WATERMAIN PLANS) WATERMAIN (STORM SEWER PLANS) CATCH BASIN BEEHIVE STORM MANHOLE FLARED END SECTION CONTROL STRUCTURE STORM SEWER (SANITARY & WATERMAIN PLANS) STORM SEWER (STORM SEWER PLANS) CULVERT PERFORATED DRAINTILE SOLID DRAINTILE SERVICE CASING UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC LINE UNDERGROUND GAS PIPELINE UNDERGROUND PETROLEUM PIPELINE UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINES UNDERGROUND TELEVISION LINE OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES DESCRIPTION SURMOUNTABLE CURB & GUTTER B—STYLE CURB & GUTTER RIBBON CURB & GUTTER EDGE OF BITUMINOUS YELLOW PAVEMENT STRIPING (SINGLE/DOUBLE) WHITE PAVEMENT STRIPING (SINGLE/DOUBLE) PHASE LINE CENTERLINE 2' CONTOUR LINE 10' CONTOUR LINE BASIN OUTLET LINE BASIN HIGH WATER LINE PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION EMERGENCY OVERFLOW DRAINAGE FLOW ARROW DELINEATED / PROPOSED WETLAND LINE WETLAND BUFFER TREE LINE FEMA FLOODPLAIN BOUNDARY RETAINING WALL FENCE (BARBED WIRE) FENCE (CHAIN LINK) FENCE (WOOD) CONSERVATION AREA SIGN WETLAND BUFFER SIGN TYPE III BARRICADE LIGHT POLE STREET SIGNS PEDESTRIAN RAMP DESCRIPTION BOUNDARY RIGHT OF WAY LOT LINE EASEMENT SET BACK LINE SECTION LINE RESTRICTED ACCESS WETLAND 8 CATCH BASIN ® CATCH BASIN BEEHIVE 0 FLARED END SECTION N GATE VALVE HYDRANT WATER SERVICE WELL WATER WELL MONITORING WELL o CLEANOUT O HAND HOLE O MANHOLE OTHER THAN SANITARY OR STORM O SANITARY OR STORM MANHOLE sN LAWN SPRINKLER VALVE S LAWN SPRINKLER HEAD t UTILITY POLE 0 TRANSFORMER BOX Fo FIBER OPTIC BOX ■ ELECTRIC BOX • NATURAL GAS METER o LIGHT POLE O SEMAPHORE O TELEPHONE BOX D CABLE BOX CAST IRON MONUMENT • FOUND IRON PIPE JLM JUDICIAL LAND MARK ® PK NAIL ? CONTROL POINT o SPIKE G�_ FLAG POLE TEST HOLE ® MAILBOX SIGN O BOLLARD CONSERVATION POST DECIDUOUS TREE �= CONIFEROUS TREE SHRUB / BUSH EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL — — — —soon STANDARD EROSION CONTROL ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ OUTLET=987.0 BOC HWL=900.2 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 84.3 FOR X —>>>>>>>>>- -0. 40, 4111. CB WETLAND UPLAND BUFFER BUFFER BUFFER FEMA FEMA'. ---------------------- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , X X X X )11111111-4 ENERGY DISSIPATER DISCHARGE LOCATION [] [] [] [] C � W TOP OF CURB ELEVATION CONCRETE SURFACE FLARED END SECTION + T + T + T + T + T + +++++++++++++ WETLAND MITIGATION 4+46.57 — — — — SURVEY LINES EXISTING PROPOSED ----------- ----------- P IZ-0--n%'­;NEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2017 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. GRAVEL SURFACE LEGEND TOPOGRAPHIC SYMBOLS ABBREVIATIONS FUTURE 0 FM FM D 4 D D �>> PERF DT —e e- -fo fo - -9 9— petro t t tv tv oh oh FUTURE soo— OU TLET=987.0 HWL=900.2 BUFFER FEMA X X FUTURE ---------------------- HATCH PATTERNS DESCRIPTION SANITARY MANHOLE SANITARY SEWER (SANITARY & WATERMAIN PLANS) SANITARY SEWER (STORM SEWER PLANS) FORCE MAIN HYDRANT GATE VALVE REDUCER CURB STOP WATERMAIN (SANITARY & WATERMAIN PLANS) WATERMAIN (STORM SEWER PLANS) CATCH BASIN BEEHIVE STORM MANHOLE FLARED END SECTION CONTROL STRUCTURE STORM SEWER (SANITARY & WATERMAIN PLANS) STORM SEWER (STORM SEWER PLANS) CULVERT PERFORATED DRAINTILE SOLID DRAINTILE SERVICE CASING UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC LINE UNDERGROUND GAS PIPELINE UNDERGROUND PETROLEUM PIPELINE UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINES UNDERGROUND TELEVISION LINE OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES DESCRIPTION SURMOUNTABLE CURB & GUTTER B—STYLE CURB & GUTTER RIBBON CURB & GUTTER EDGE OF BITUMINOUS YELLOW PAVEMENT STRIPING (SINGLE/DOUBLE) WHITE PAVEMENT STRIPING (SINGLE/DOUBLE) PHASE LINE CENTERLINE 2' CONTOUR LINE 10' CONTOUR LINE BASIN OUTLET LINE BASIN HIGH WATER LINE PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION EMERGENCY OVERFLOW DRAINAGE FLOW ARROW DELINEATED / PROPOSED WETLAND LINE WETLAND BUFFER TREE LINE FEMA FLOODPLAIN BOUNDARY RETAINING WALL FENCE (BARBED WIRE) FENCE (CHAIN LINK) FENCE (WOOD) CONSERVATION AREA SIGN WETLAND BUFFER SIGN TYPE III BARRICADE LIGHT POLE STREET SIGNS PEDESTRIAN RAMP DESCRIPTION BOUNDARY RIGHT OF WAY LOT LINE EASEMENT SET BACK LINE SECTION LINE RESTRICTED ACCESS WETLAND 8 CATCH BASIN ® CATCH BASIN BEEHIVE 0 FLARED END SECTION N GATE VALVE HYDRANT WATER SERVICE WELL WATER WELL MONITORING WELL o CLEANOUT O HAND HOLE O MANHOLE OTHER THAN SANITARY OR STORM O SANITARY OR STORM MANHOLE sN LAWN SPRINKLER VALVE S LAWN SPRINKLER HEAD t UTILITY POLE 0 TRANSFORMER BOX Fo FIBER OPTIC BOX ■ ELECTRIC BOX • NATURAL GAS METER o LIGHT POLE O SEMAPHORE O TELEPHONE BOX D CABLE BOX CAST IRON MONUMENT • FOUND IRON PIPE JLM JUDICIAL LAND MARK ® PK NAIL ? CONTROL POINT o SPIKE G�_ FLAG POLE TEST HOLE ® MAILBOX SIGN O BOLLARD CONSERVATION POST DECIDUOUS TREE �= CONIFEROUS TREE SHRUB / BUSH EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL = STANDARD EROSION CONTROL ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ HEAVY—DUTY EROSION CONTROL BOC SECONDARY EROSION CONTROL FENCE ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ EROSION CONTROL AT BACK OF CURB FOR TREE FENCE —>>>>>>>>>- TEMPORARY DIVERSION DITCH CB WETLAND UPLAND BUFFER O`®� CATCH BASIN INLET PROTECTION %MOO STRAW BIO ROLLS CO ROCK BERM >> SUMPED RIP RAP PERMANENT )11111111-4 ENERGY DISSIPATER DISCHARGE LOCATION 000000000 000000000 0000000001 GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 000000000 E3 TEMPORARY OUTLET FLOATING SKIMMER BASIN ACCESS 8% SLOPE MAX. STABILIZED EMERGENCY OVERFLOW �Lll 1 STEEP SLOPE 3:1 (H: V) L l 1 (33.3%) OR STEEPER GRADE CURB LEGEND I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I Name G% Revisions aulJ. rne = TOP OF CURB TIOD" Reg. No. 19860 Date 6-28-2017 BOC BACK OF CURB BFE 4+46.57 FOR MODIFIED DESIGN CURB BITUMINOUS SURFACE CENTER LINE CB WETLAND UPLAND BUFFER CBMH CATCHBASIN MANHOLE CMP CORRUGATED METAL PIPE CO CLEAN OUT CS CURB STOP DIP DUCTILE IRON PIPE DT DRAINTILE EL/ELEV 08.15 T.O. = TOP OF CURB ELEVATION CONCRETE SURFACE FLARED END SECTION + T + T + T + T + T + +++++++++++++ WETLAND MITIGATION 4+46.57 — — — — FOR (TIP MODIFIED DESIGN "D" CURB OUT GUTTER) GRADE BREAK W W W W 08.32 = TOP OF CURB ELEVATION RIP RAP HIGH POINT y y PERMANENT TURF RESTORATION I 4+46.57 FOR B618 CURB SELECT BACKFILL MATERIAL I I I I I I PERMANENT WET BASIN SEEDING �08.32 T.O. = TOP FOR OF CURB ELEVATION B618 CURB LF II / 4+46.57 — (TIP OUT GUTTER) EROSION CONTROL BLANKET LP I' I' I' I' I' I' I I I I I UPLAND/NATURAL AREA SEEDING 074827 = BITUMINOUS ELEVATION MNDOT CATEGORY PER PLAN POINT OF CURVATURE PCC POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE PI POINT OF INTERSECTION R I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I Name G% Revisions aulJ. rne am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer PJC/JMM under the laws of the State of Minnesota Reg. No. 19860 Date 6-28-2017 Date 06-28-2017 Designed PJC/JMM Drawn MSN LEGEND A ALGEBRAIC DIFFERENCE B—B BACK TO BACK BV BUTTERFLY VALVE BOC BACK OF CURB BFE BASE FLOOD ELEVATION BMP BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE CENTER LINE CB CATCHBASIN CBMH CATCHBASIN MANHOLE CMP CORRUGATED METAL PIPE CO CLEAN OUT CS CURB STOP DIP DUCTILE IRON PIPE DT DRAINTILE EL/ELEV ELEVATION EX EXISTING FES FLARED END SECTION F—F FACE TO FACE FM FORCEMAIN GB GRADE BREAK GND GROUND GV GATE VALVE HP HIGH POINT HYD HYDRANT HWL HIGH WATER LEVEL INV INVERT K CURVE COEFFICIENT L LENGTH LF LOWEST FLOOR LO LOOKOUT LO LOWEST OPENING LP LIQUID PETROLEUM LP LOW POINT MH MANHOLE PC POINT OF CURVATURE PCC POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE PI POINT OF INTERSECTION R PROPERTY LINE PRC POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE PVT POINT OF TANGENCY PVC POINT OF VERTICAL CURVATURE PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE PVI POINT OF VERTICAL INTERSECTION R RADIUS R RAMBLER RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE ROW RIGHT OF WAY SSWR SANITARY SEWER STA STATION STRM STORM SEWER SWPPP STORM WATER POLLUTION PROTECTION PLAN TNH TOP NUT HYDRANT TYP TYPICAL WM WATER MAIN WO WALKOUT LOT INFORMATION (TYPICAL SECTION NOT TO SCALE) DRAINAGE & UTILITY—\ 29.0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 28.0 EASEMENT \� FINISHED GROUND 1 O ELEVATION LOWEST OPENING 7 ELEVATION STEP HEIGHT (IF REQUIRED) 31,5 LOWEST FLOOR L =929.0 ELEVATION LO GARAGE ELEVATION �� �� STEP RECOMMENDED LF=929.0 GARAGE SIDE i_-37.0 FINISHED ELEVATION �L J © LOT CORNER 35.5 34.5 NOVAK-FLECK INC. 8857 ZEALAND AVE N. BROOKLYN PARK, 55445 STREET 1 13 41 1 1 11 96a LOT NO. HOUSE TYPES R RAMBLER OR SPLIT ENTRY LO RAMBLER LOOKOUT OR SPLIT ENTRY WALKOUT WO —RAMBLER WALKOUT SE SPILT ENTRY SEWO— SPLIT ENTRY WALK OUT SLO SIDE LOOKOUT SWO SIDE WALKOUT FEATHERSTONE 3RD ADDITION MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 03-ENG-117120-SHEET-LEGND 2 � 15 N O n 87N S�fE1' Nf U4 N 1 I M 1 1 ' 1 LL 7 U 0 SHEET 5 T 881 W� O 14J N O M M I. SANITARY AND WATERMAIN SHEETS (NTS) P I Sw"NEER enineerin CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2017 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. J I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I Name G%� Revisions aula___ am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Reg. No. 19860 Date 6-28-2017 i ARiRWC - - - SHEET 7 � O N I N O J N 87N W� I N i I + I I I \\ O m n m W \ 1 \\ -- SHEET 9 _ _ _ 00 _ SHEET 9 I— 88TH STREET NE L w O `I 17 N W J_ M STORM SEWER SHEETS STREET SHEETS (NTS) (NTS) N O M J BENCH MARK CAST IRON MONUMENT, NORTH j OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 ELEV=958.03 CAST IRON MONUMENT, WEST j OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 ELEV=976.37 03-ENG-117120-SHEET-UTIL-INDEX Date 06-28-2017 SHEET INDEX NOV AK—FLECK INC. FEATHERSTONE 3RD ADDITION 3 15 Designed PJC/JMM Drawn MSN BROOKLYN PARK, 55445 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA I *L 3 I I CS: 959.2 I SEE SHEET 5 I 8 INV: 949.2 CS: 959.2 CS: 958.9 IMH-101 % INV: 949.2 INV: 948.9 STA: 2+79 i woo i 5+00.00 / / 3 I I STA: 1 +55 STA: 0+71 o I //� IMH-121 I I 2 ' 1+14.00 I I I I IMH-111 x -/ / 0 ` 4+06.28,__ _ y i °° ,•moo •• •� I .. I • ••- - _ . - • EBERWLE AVE -3+00 I 4+ 0+1 33 3 3 1 \ - ++° 0 8" Df WIM \ --------- -----� --- -- I = \ \ 8 CS: 959.0 I °o \� \� NV 949 0 8"GV�' I I 9 STA: 2+29 3 1 j m..� ' CS: 958.8 2 INV: 948.8 CS: 959.3 CS: 958.9 CS: 959.3 INV: Z STA: 0+29 INV: 949.3 STA: 2+68 INV: 949.3 STA: 0+80 M 8"-221A°BEND -PLUG END STA: 1+67 I SEE SHEET 5 1 8"X8"CROSS HYDRANT 8"X6" TEE W/6"GV 19'-6"DIP CL52 4 GND. ELEV.=957.4 STA: 0+59.0 975 z 970 00 -I r- 00 t` 00 'q- 00 -0) q- 00 O 0 965 CN ,rn�0 955 021 > z N _1 100 I I I 00 000000� - - -00 -t -t 14-U-) U 0 O OO 0 � 0) ,d- � r-� 0� X00 O) 0H 0U1cV zp �rn-z0 I Q z z zz ��MZZ M'Em- - HYDRANT -- ., CS: 958.6 INV: 948.6 STA:1 +10 8" -111/4 -BEND 8"X6"TEE W/6"GV 15'-6"DIP CL52 GND. ELEV.=958.0 STA: 6+69.6 EBERSOLE AVE. PROPOSED CS: 959.1 CS: 958.7 CS: 959.3 GRADE INV: 949.5 CS: 958.9 INV: 949.3 -Z 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 9+50 INV: 948.9 STA: 2+85 STA: 0+07 MIz STA: 0+60 � ' 4 EXISTING -""'.7.5' CS:958.6 5 �\ I I MH -8 GROUND INV: MH I �� I I 9+00.00 TO EXISTING STA:0+07 \ -9 I I SANITARY 6 \ \ 7+64.99 I \ `� \ \ J �_ --- CS: 958.7 \ \ - -- - - - 10+00 iniv.ona� SDR 35 @ 0.507. ----�1 -- I *L 3 I I CS: 959.2 I SEE SHEET 5 I 8 INV: 949.2 CS: 959.2 CS: 958.9 IMH-101 % INV: 949.2 INV: 948.9 STA: 2+79 i woo i 5+00.00 / / 3 I I STA: 1 +55 STA: 0+71 o I //� IMH-121 I I 2 ' 1+14.00 I I I I IMH-111 x -/ / 0 ` 4+06.28,__ _ y i °° ,•moo •• •� I .. I • ••- - _ . - • EBERWLE AVE -3+00 I 4+ 0+1 33 3 3 1 \ - ++° 0 8" Df WIM \ --------- -----� --- -- I = \ \ 8 CS: 959.0 I °o \� \� NV 949 0 8"GV�' I I 9 STA: 2+29 3 1 j m..� ' CS: 958.8 2 INV: 948.8 CS: 959.3 CS: 958.9 CS: 959.3 INV: Z STA: 0+29 INV: 949.3 STA: 2+68 INV: 949.3 STA: 0+80 M 8"-221A°BEND -PLUG END STA: 1+67 I SEE SHEET 5 1 8"X8"CROSS HYDRANT 8"X6" TEE W/6"GV 19'-6"DIP CL52 4 GND. ELEV.=957.4 STA: 0+59.0 975 z 970 00 -I r- 00 t` 00 'q- 00 -0) q- 00 O 0 965 CN ,rn�0 955 021 > z N _1 100 I I I 00 000000� - - -00 -t -t 14-U-) U 0 O OO 0 � 0) ,d- � r-� 0� X00 O) 0H 0U1cV zp �rn-z0 I Q z z zz ��MZZ M'Em- - HYDRANT -- ., CS: 958.6 INV: 948.6 STA:1 +10 8" -111/4 -BEND 8"X6"TEE W/6"GV 15'-6"DIP CL52 GND. ELEV.=958.0 STA: 6+69.6 EBERSOLE AVE. PROPOSED CS: 959.1 CS: 958.7 LOWER WATERMAIN TO MAINTAIN GRADE INV: 949.5 INV: 949.1 18" SEPARATION. INSULATE -Z 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 9+50 STA: 1 +69 WATERMAIN PER CITY PLATE 2006 STA: 0+07 MIz I I 3 EXISTING -""'.7.5' MIN o GROUND COVER I ICONNECT Date 06-28-2017 TO EXISTING - - - - L - - - - _ _ _ - - - SANITARY SEWER STUB 7T STORM SEWER 8" DIP WM `� X r CONTRACTOR TO SALVAGE & - - 10+00 292' - 8" PVC SDR 35 @ 0.507. RELOCATE -�-,,moo - CONNECT EXISTING HYDRANT. TO EXISTING WATERMAIN 93' 8" PVC SDR 35 @ 0.50% 264' - 8" PVC SDR 35 @ 0.50% 1 CS: 958.9 INV: 948.9 STA: 0+15 wZ U)wl 100 00 04 r7 O cV0�0 ��rnF- CY)C�Z0 _ �>> CS: 959.5 CS: 959.1 CS: 958.7 INV: 949.5 INV: 949.1 INV: 948.7 I SEE SHEET 6 I 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 9+50 STA: 1 +69 STA: 0+91 STA: 0+07 I I 3 I I I I 1 I o I I I I ICONNECT Date 06-28-2017 TO EXISTING - - - - L - - - - _ _ _ - - - SANITARY SEWER STUB 7T 7T 19860 Date 6-28-2017Drawn MSN CONSTRUCTION r CONTRACTOR TO SALVAGE & - - 10+00 _ _ EBERSOLE 2+00 - RELOCATE -�-,,moo - CONNECT EXISTING HYDRANT. TO EXISTING WATERMAIN 8" DIP �M -. 0 I� -1 F ---- Aw-� -- -- -� IMH-EX-71 001 I 12+75.87 II II 3 2 I I 1 1TI = 1 I CS: 959.2 CS: 959.0 CS: 958.8 A INV: 949.2 INV: 949.0 INV: 948.8 y STA: 1 +76 STA:1 +01 STA: 0+20 8" -111/4 -BEND � HYDRANT GENERAL NOTES: 8"X6"TEE W/6"GV 1. SANITARY SEWER SERVICES SHALL BE 4" PVC 18'-6"DIP CL52 SDR -26 GND. ELEV.=957.8 2. SANITARY SEWER SERVICE WYES ARE STATIONED STA: 12+10.1 FROM DOWN STREAM MANHOLE. 3. WATER SERVICES SHALL BE 1" COPPER TYPE "K" W/ 7.5' MINIMUM COVER. 4. SANITARY SEWER INVERTS ARE SHOWNAT THE BEND JSUT BEFORE THE RISER PIPE. 5. SANITARY SEWER & WATER SERVICES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED 11' BEYOND RIGHT-OF-WAY. z U). I I00 00LO Lo Lq (0 M 0) LOto 0 . 0 00- C) It 00 >> EMzz EXISTING GROUND PROPOSED GRADE �J CAST IRON MONUMENT, NORTH j OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 !0 25 50 100 ELEV=958.03 - CAST IRON MONUMENT, WEST j OF GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 ELEV=976.37 975 N� 970 I I 00 00 O 0 0 1 (67rnCy) 965 X to � w a, z z _ j>> mEmz z • • ,J 955 7. ' MIN NOTE: II K COVER CONNECT TO EXISTING 8"DIP II WATERMAIN. CONTRACTOR TO II FIELD VERIFY LOCATION --� � 8 DIP WM &ELEVATION. I I 950 II EX. 8" DIP WM II -- II NOTE: o I I CONNECT TO EXISTING M N SANITARY SEWER. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD 5 9 45 VERIFY LOCATION & X z ELEVATION. 135' - 8" PVC SDR 35 @ 0.50 300' - 8" PVC SDR 35 @ 0.50% D LOWER WATERMAIN SERVICE EX. 76' 940 3' BELOW STORM PIPE 8" PVC SDR 35 @ 0.50% 935 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 9+50 P IZ-0--n%'­;NEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS (651) 681-1914 2422 Enterprise Drive I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by Name G%� Revisions Date 06-28-2017 SANITARY SEWER & WATERMAIN Fax: 88 me or under my direct supervision and that I - Paul J. Cherne Designed PJC/JMM Mendota Heights, MN 55120 www.piOrieererig.COm reng.c am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Reg. No. 19860 Date 6-28-2017Drawn MSN CONSTRUCTION @ 2017 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 NOVAK-FLECK INC. 8857 ZEALAND AVE N. BROOKLYN PARK, 55445 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 FEATHERSTONE 3RD ADDITION MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 935 14+00 03 -ENG -117120 -SHEET -311 4 � 15 955 $ ei a 935 P IZ-0--n%'­;NEERengineering CIVILENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LANDSURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: reng.c 88 www.pioneereng.com © 2017 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. HYDRANT^ 8"X6"TEE W/6"GV 12'-6"DIP CL52 GND. ELEV.=959.6 STA: 30+68.7 PLUG END 29+50 I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I Name 0' Paul Revisions aul�ine – am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer PJC/JMM under the laws of the State of Minnesota Reg. No. 19860 Date 6-28-2017 8" PLUG CS: 960.2 CS: 959.7 SEE SHEET 4 STA:INV: 949.7 1 85 0.2 STA: 0+99 � o 1 I I MH -11 i — L — — — — 4+06.28 I— , i Ad i I 8"4. DIP, WM 321001 v 86 -------------- 8"GV I %MH -131 i 30+76.42 +& � � I w �00 00(0 U -),q 00r- 00 O rn (j LO ) V-)rn�ZO _:�'j» F m Z Z m0) NZ 19 8" PVC SDR 35 0.50% 30+00 30+50 31+00 o' 3 3 a 7� w� >- J O w M W SEE SHEET 4 86TH STREET NE PROPOSED GRADE EXISTING GROUND STORM SEWE 8" DIP WM 231' - 8" PVC SDR 35 @ 0.50% 31+50 32+00 Date 06-28-2017 Designed PJC/JMM Drawn MSN HYDRANT 8"X6"TEE W/6"GV 12'-6"DIP CL52 GND. ELEV.=957.8 2 STA: 33+47.6 9 INSTALL TEMPORARY HYDRANT 8"X6"TEE W/6"GV 12'-6"DIP CL52 GND. ELEV.=953.5 --------------a, STA: 34+92.2 1 341oo 8" DIPeW # + 0 - Z V) 3:w_i I 1,00� 000000, M � (6 O0) 0) 0)H — LO — DZ Z ZO »» g�mZ Z ZZ 8" PLUG ----- I I IMH-141 34+75.98 I 4 W� i00 00to U-) CV M r - U H - rn Z O 2 :� 0 > > g�mzz 7.5' MIN It COVER _ X •19, . 169' - 8" PVC SDR 35 ® 0.50 8" PVC SDR 35 0.50% 32+50 33+00 33+50 34+00 34+50 SANITARY SEWER & WATERMAIN CONSTRUCTION 35+00 35+50 NOVAK-FLECK INC. 8857 ZEALAND AVE N. BROOKLYN PARK, 55445 GENERAL NOTES: 1. SANITARY SEWER SERVICES SHALL BE 4" PVC SDR -26 2. SANITARY SEWER SERVICE WYES ARE STATIONED FROM DOWN STREAM MANHOLE. 3. WATER SERVICES SHALL BE 1" COPPER TYPE "K" W/ 7.5' MINIMUM COVER. 4. SANITARY SEWER INVERTS ARE SHOWNAT THE BEND JSUT BEFORE THE RISER PIPE. 5. SANITARY SEWER & WATER SERVICES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED 11' BEYOND RIGHT-OF-WAY. I� 0 25 50 100 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET BENCH MARK CAST IRON MONUMENT, NORTH j OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 ELEV=958.03 CAST IRON MONUMENT, WEST j OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 ELEV=976.37 FEATHERSTONE 3RD ADDITION MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 975 970 955 945 935 03 -ENG -117120 -SHEET -312 5 OF 15 �-, 0 0 U • 1 955 $ ei M 935 P IZ-0--n%'­;NEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com @ 2017 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. 00 N N 0 _00 0 00 1-- 0 :5 (D o�—O ~ > > LL_ � Z z INSTALL SALVAGED - TEMPORARY HYDRANT HYDRANT 8"X6"TEE W/6"GV X'-6"DIP CL52 GND. ELEV.=958.3 STA: 8+85.1 IFUT-MH-30E-A, 8+50.00 EXISTING GROUND CONTRACTOR TO SALVAGE &- RELOCATE EXISTING HYDRANT. CONNECT TO EXISTING WATERMAIN CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER STUB IMH-EX-71 12+75.87 —I Io+oo t + o--- T NE + I I LLJ 0 2 U) ry m W N..' 00M N O' N CO rO CD O M I _ 00 f— � Ln IM -0 >> LLE zz FUTURE 8" DIP WM FUT. 199' - 8" PVC SDR 35 @ 0-87% 6+50 7+00 7+50 ISEE SHEET 4 87TH STREET NE PROPOSED GRADE Z€ 00 00 r- r- r- 00 0) � 'q- 1(6 -:0) I(6-rn rn X10 w��Z Z �> > :ME— z NOTE: II 7.5' MIN CONNECT TO EXISTING 8"DIP II COVER WATERMAIN. CONTRACTOR TO II FIELD VERIFY LOCATION & ELEVATION. II I I 8" DIP WM II EXISTING I I °�°C 8" DIP WM i II U)0) I I X > 170 _ 8" PVC SpR Z I I 35 ® 2.00q O EX 60'_ NOTE: 8" PVC SDR 35 CONNECT TO EXISTING @ 2.00% SANITARY SEWER. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY LOCATION & ELEVATION. 8+00 8+50 9+00 9+50 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 GENERAL NOTES: 1. SANITARY SEWER SERVICES SHALL BE 4" PVC SDR -26 2. SANITARY SEWER SERVICE WYES ARE STATIONED FROM DOWN STREAM MANHOLE. 3. WATER SERVICES SHALL BE 1" COPPER TYPE "K" W/ 7.5' MINIMUM COVER. 4. SANITARY SEWER INVERTS ARE SHOWNAT THE BEND JSUT BEFORE THE RISER PIPE. 5. SANITARY SEWER & WATER SERVICES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED 11' BEYOND RIGHT-OF-WAY. 0 25 50 100 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET BENCH MARK CAST IRON MONUMENT, NORTH j OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 ELEV=958.03 CAST IRON MONUMENT, WEST j OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 ELEV=976.37 I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by Name & Revisions Date 06-28-2017 SANITARY SEWER & WATERMAIN NOVAK—FLECK INC. FEATHERSTONE 3RD ADDITION me or under my direct supervision and that I Paul am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer Designed PJC/JMM 8857 ZEALAND AVE N. under the laws of the State of Minnesota Reg. No. 19860 Date 6-28-2017 CONSTRUCTION BROOKLYN PARK, 55445 Drawn MSN MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 975 970 • 955 ti N 945 935 03 -ENG -I 17120 -SHEET -313 6 � 15 STRUCTURE TABLE STRUCTURE TYPE STRUCTURE NEENAH CASTING OR NOTES NAME I SIZE EQUAL 0 501 CBMH 60" DIA. R-3067 V 1 502 CBMH 60" DIA. R-3067 V 503 STMH 48" DIA. R-1642 GRADE 504 CBMH 48" DIA. R-3067 V 505 STMH 48" DIA. R-1642 506 STMH 48" DIA. R-1642 507 CB 27" DIA. R-4342 510 CB 36"X24" R-3067 V 1 511 CBMH 48" DIA. R-3067 V 512 CB 36"X24" R-3067 V 1 1. WATER TIGHT SPECIAL NOTE A. STRUCTURE SHALL HAVE AN INTEGRAL BASE B. PIPE CONNECTION TO STRUCTURE WITH PRESS -SEAL WATERSTOP GROUT RING OR APPROVED EQUAL. C. PIPE JOINTS WITHIN 10 OF WATERMAIN WILL BE TONGUE AND GROOVE WITH A HAMILTON KENT SUPERSEAL GASKET OR APPROVED EQUAL MEETING ASTM -443. D. ALL MH JOINTS WILL BE TOINGUE AND GROOVE WITH A HAMILTON KENT SUPERSEAL GASKET OR APPROVED EQUAL MEETING ASTM -443. NOTE: GROUT RIP RAP AT OUTLETS. O l Ld Name & �/ / Revisions / ' aul�ine - I PJC/JMM N I Lo 965 0 0 L O rn C14 on Z0 LOLO > p 10 �Z _ > M w 960 wZ w Z PROPOSED w GRADE 955 — r 950 -Too!— 21" RCP CL4 CSD 0.40% EXISTING 0 GROUND �Z I 945 X ty /j M-1 $ ei P IZ-0--n%V4EERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2017 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. z z 3: N ^I w. I I I i17 LO In In N Ln co I) "*� r, (C! 00 Od) 0 0 cD O ONUt00aN In � O 00O� tn1��0! ?! �CAO �(60p 21 LO ZO 2:04-0 tnrn�0 >> m�_0>> m l�_9> U)EM z Z Z U W mZ Z UIYm Z 32' 2815" RCP CL5 15 CP CL5 ® 0.50% ® 0.50% Mz 3: EXISTING GROUND ZZ X X otoo i PROPOSED GRADE PROPOSED GRADE F \ \ \ \ I I I I I I I \ \\ I I I I 0 0 \ \ \ I I M 1 \ \ \ \ I 4 \ I I I I I -_ ----------- 1 \\ \\ I I I I I 6 ----_ _+- I \\ \ \\ \ L_-----� -----� ICBMH ---�__ 5021 \ \ )10I — J I 7+50.00 \ 9+00 — I0+00 ICB-507 ISTMH-5061 I 3) : L----------- I 3 I I 31+15.07 I F--1 i ----------- —I a+p0 ___ ----- ISTMH-5051 T _ N_ 8 ISTMH-50311 / �k°° . V o 5+33.71 32+9132 ,.� / 1 I I I I I I I I I 3 2 1 1 -I ICBMH-5041 1� \ 7+54.39 ICBMH 501 I 4 I I I I I I ICBMH-5111 1 = I I I 3+66.28 R.Cl.W, _I I 4+49.71 i 6' , o \ I 1 5 I I II ---- _J L- - - - - --- I L ------ z looEBERSOLE AVE 3+00 4+0G \ \ \\ \ I I I I 1 1 / k i L ------I L_- �` IFES-500 \ \ o � ------ � � -----� �-------� - — i I I I I ICB-5101 \ \ $ \ \ \\ \ I I ICB-5121 I .� 4+43.70 50 \ \ \ \ \� 0 TLET=949.0 / 7 3+66.28 I I 9 \ \ \ / IN LTRATION=948.0 2 HW =952.6 - 0 25 50 1003 1 o WE VOL.=1_913 AC- T+ STO . VOL. -5.112 A . FT I I GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET , BENCH MARK 4 I I I I I L-------- -� I I �I I--------� L ---- z Name & �/ / Revisions / ' aul�ine - I PJC/JMM I a 04 04 ?i I Lo �0 tNO0 D O Lo Lo CA ) 6 0) O H C14 on Z0 0) 0� > p �tYmZ ZZ tnrn0 _ > M — U CE m Z 33' 15" RCP CL5 EXISTING ®0.50% GROUND 0 X z0 z N X I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I Name & �/ / Revisions / ' aul�ine - am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer PJC/JMM under the laws of the State of Minnesota Reg. No. 19860 Date 6-28-2017 V) N w N wl LO � O CA _ U-)00 U? 0 L O U'>00 00 Irn�ZO >> zz 166' - 15" RCP CL5 © 0.30% CAST IRON MONUMENT, NORTH t OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 ELEV=958.03 _ _ _ _ _ \ CAST IRON MONUMENT, WEST j OF _ TION 23, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 ELEV=976.37 w z z z z N _I w N ^I N _I N .I V). I I S I I S I04 N I N I� I - �M 04 04 LO — NLLo N� 1N I� In N � N N N Otn0 I-LO0 NO M� NO 0 11) O 00 0 m04 t1� �0 00 �0 OO LO O� a) -,d- 04 �� CAS 00 0��00H �(MOnOH m��CAH LO U-) 0 0 0) zp =0)cflz zp =M�Z00 =��zp `O� 0': Orn M �_ p > > > M �_ p > > > H : > > M 0 = 0 Z 0 I Z Lp N Ft m Z Z Z U y m Z Z Z V) � m Z Z U F m Z Z m� Z Z w Z owm-- Lj— PROPOSED GRADE EXISTING I GROUND O O 176' - 15" RCP CL5 1-0`407. 54' ---2�_RCP CL4 80' \ 24 --SGP CL -4----, --- 21��1'� RCP CL4 ® 0.40% 32, '® 0.30% ®0.40% 24„ RCP CL3 186' - 24» RCP CL3 ® 0.50% ® 0.3517. CD Z Z Z Q - 3 I 24” F.E.S. X X W/ TRASH GUARD, a Z 5.8 C.Y.- CL.III RIP RAP N X SHEET PILING INCIDENTAL TIE LAST 3 JOINTS Date 06-28-2017 Designed PJC/JMM Drawn MSN STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION NOVAK-FLECK INC. 8857 ZEALAND AVE N. BROOKLYN PARK, 55445 FEATHERSTONE 3RD ADDITION MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 970 965 955 950 945 935 930 03 -ENG -117120 -SHEET -321 7 � 15 ISEE SHEET 9 M M 3 57.65 JF2+i PED RAMP 32+70. 2 Z i 2�I4 � I 1 I I 3 I I I I B -B ' I I I I 57663 CB 1 6 J' I 56.82 5' CONCRETE SIDEWALK I I 57.65 R.Q.W. ® 0+49.39 - - - - -1 L ±-5L38 - J 01 o� ,+oo _H!p 2+00 EBERSOLE AVE 3+00 L.P-+ otoo _ - - + 1- 58.40 0 50% 0.50 57. 2 0.60% 11 -� 1 I 56.81 I I I I 0 0+49.07 I I I I I 575659 2 1 I� 3 STREET SIGN-/ I SEE SHEET 9 1 4 57.75 STREET LIGHT (TYP.) 33+44.32 SAW CUT EXISTING BIT. MILL EXISTING BIT EDGE FOR WEAR COURSE 0 17.51 CB +43.70 -PED RAMP 9 EBERSOLE AVE 57.30 SEE SHEET 9 12+20.28 3 2 MATCH EX. I - 1I I I 1 �I e 58.18 9+66.35 I 1 5' CONCRETE SIDEWALK I I MATCH EXISITNG I I I I I •• � ----� -----J L - - - - -� MATCq;t a� 1I+00 EBERSOLE AV 12+00 - - - - X3+00 - - -� - - -= - /1 C lIOY STREET LIGHT (TYP.) 58.34 0.50% g --� F_ - -- SAW CUT EXISTING BIT. 00 I MILL EXISTING BIT EDGE I v 58.18 I FOR WEAR COURSE 57.30 9+56.35 I I 2 1 1 12+20.28 MATCH EX. y 3 COMBINED STOP AND STREET SIGN y STREET LIGHT (TYP.) Z 0 25 50 100 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET CURB LEGEND 08.15 = TOP OF CURB ELEVATION 4+46.57 FOR MODIFIED DESIGN "D" CURB 08.15 T. 0. = TOP OF CURB ELEVATION 4+46.57 FOR MODIFIED DESIGN "D" CURB - --- - (TIP OUT GUTTER) 08.32 = TOP OF CURB ELEVATION 4+46.57 FOR B618 CURB --=T. = TOP OF CURB ELEVATION 4+46.57 FOR B618 CURB - - - - (TIP OUT GUTTER) Q = BITUMINOUS ELEVATION f07.82 4+46.57 t In p � CURVE TABLE CURVE DELTA LENGTH RADIUS TANGENT PC PT C1 36°17'44" 364.25 575.00 188.47 5+92.10 9+56.35 C2 35'33'47" 170.69 275.00 88.19 4+21.41 5+92.10 C3 112'53'58" 1182.28 600.00 904.78 1+72.55 13+54.84 BENCH MARK CAST IRON MONUMENT, NORTH j OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 ELEV=958.03 CAST IRON MONUMENT, WEST j OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 ELEV=976.37 950 O am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer PO O N O 00 to C14 O O OO ON O � L0 � L PD Lr) 00 , O 00 O O T O 14- N 14- o' O Oo to O r-0 O 14- O 00 O O LO OO04 O 00 .00 O C14 � 00 00 C14 O 0 00 00 00 O .O O O O rn rn I� O 00 00 O O O (C) (6 N � �L0 Lr) L0 L0 L0L0 L0to 000 to � Q to t t t In p � p UI CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND 0 2422 Enterprise Drive � 0)0, �� � �� �� �� �0 �0 �0 0 �� �C � � CY)�CY) � 0 0'j �� �0) 975 (�•�NW 975 PVI STA: 7+50.00 PVI STA: 1+50.00 PVI ELEV: 957.15 PVI ELEV: 958.50 PVI STA: 5+50.00 K: 50.00 970 K: 23.04 PVI STA: 4+00.00 PVI ELEV: 958.15 LVC: 50.00 970 0 o LVC: 50.00 PVI ELEV: 957.25 K: 45.45 K: 45.45 LVC: 50.00 = LOW T. STA: 7+50.00 O HIGH PT. STA: 1+33.48 LVC: 50.00_ '- L0,# PT ELEV: 8,`.7.21 PVI STA: 10+00.00 + p HICK PT ELEV: (858.40 LOW T. STA: 3+ 37.73 HIGH PT. STA: 5+52.27 HIGH PT ELEV: 9v`i8.08 O o L6 00 L6 co PVI ELEV: 958.40 II ofi co ofi 00 L0)g PT ELEV: g 7.32 O O N N r- N K: 50.05 965 Q NO r,n + o + o o trio 6N LO �L �Lo �LLVC: 50.00 965 N rn t LO r- n N + c6 + 000 °' °' HIGH PT. STA: 104 00.03 °' Y to °' °' U + + r; n LO LO LO rn CA 0 J > HIG8 PT ELEV: cg!.8.34 UJ O ; J Q_ W 0_ W to to Cn O > 0_ W 0_ W L6 00 L6 0] 6 H > J > J > W w L6 N N 00 + + N 960 Q> o_ W o_ W °' o� -�- -� 960 �-- 0 W 0_ W > J -0.50% 0.60% -0.50% 0.50% 1.67% _ -0.50% 955 955 950 W am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer Z under the laws of the State of Minnesota Reg. No. 19860 Date 6-28-2017 W W o' W N 945 = LO Q' 00 N W = a 940 W J O OO oo N W 00 m +6 > W Oto U Q 935 Q_j -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 P IZ-0--n%'­;NEERengineering N 0- CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2017 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. 00 d W a W J O 00N Of N W OM M + LLJ U.) Q C-0NW 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 9+50 10+00 I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I Name & �/ / Revisions / ' aul�ine - am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer PJC/JMM under the laws of the State of Minnesota Reg. No. 19860 Date 6-28-2017 Date 06-28-2017 Designed PJC/JMM Drawn MSN STREET CONSTRUCTION 10+50 11+00 NOVAK-FLECK INC. 8857 ZEALAND AVE N. BROOKLYN PARK, 55445 03 -ENG -117120 -SHEET -331 FEATHERSTONE 3RD ADDITION g 15 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA W 950 Z W W Q' N = 945 oo d ZW o > U Q 940a N 0- 00 M W�OO+ + U � m LLj 04r- 0� °' �QQ 935 En (n (�•�NW 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 03 -ENG -117120 -SHEET -331 FEATHERSTONE 3RD ADDITION g 15 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 10+43.96 SAW CUT EXISTING BIT. MATCH EX. MILL EXISTING BIT EDGE -- FOR WEAR COURSE ' I I END STREET �I CONSTRUCTION 8+$1350 10+00 4GJ6T7N"+_0-� -� - G. B. C - 7.03 56.32 ss 17 f -_ ��� +- I 1 2 -TYPE III 58.39 I > 8+91.50 I Q .� BARRICADES 0 2 co ry W M W 87TH STREET NE P IZ-0--n%'­;NEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS (651) 681-1914 I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by Name G%� Revisions 2422 Enterprise Drive me or under my direct supervision and that I - Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: reng.c 88 am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer Paul J. Cherne www.piOrieererig.COm under the laws of the State of Minnesota Reg. No. 19860 Date 6-28-2017 © 2017 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. 975 970 965 955 950 are ISEE SHEET XX 5' CONCRETE SIDEWALK 1 59.11 PED RAMP 57.55 CB 4+49.71 4+62.3 8 �\ � I 1 I I � REET - L - - 32+69.31 - - fo ;TION - - - - C f - 8M.10-fREET NE+00 �m L +0 _ 30+K. P. 31+0 � 59.38.50% 0.50 58.75 1.00%' m c° 57. CE f- iA 'E III 57.65 v IDES I I 32+70.32 / ' C I I 1 59.11 PED RAM 30+68.74 3 W QI W J 0 w M LLI I SEE SHEET XX 0 5' CONCRETE SIDEWALK 57.75 4 .1 8 57.51 CB 4+43.70 56.5.` PED RAMj-- L 34+88. -- _3�7433..E--� END CONS1 1 2-T` BARRI( H.P+oo 0 _ - 1.00% 57.98 1.80% - 1.80% 86TH STREET NE I I 56.55 34+88.03 I STREET LIGHT (TYP.) ZEET SIGN CURB I; � O r) 1. M U. (D O N c. � MODIFIED DESIGN "D" CURB 00 TOP OF CURB ELEVATION 4+46.57 FOR U) Ul - - - - �� �� �� �� �� �0) 980 B618 CURB 08.32 T.O. = TOP OF CURB ELEVATION 4+46.57 FOR 975 (TIP OUT GUTTER) 07.82 = BITUMINOUS ELEVATION 970 HICK PT ELEV: (g57.98 rn 31+36.00 O O Q 00 r rn N rn H 00 K: 100.00 + +N + 00 + LVC: O 965 M tLn to in 9 70 _ II 00 mow 30+00 0) 31+50 32+00 32+50 33+00 33+50 PVI STA: 33+00.00 O aLO PVI ELEV: 957.14 a_ w CL W 0 o K: 25.00 � W O LVC: 50.00 M ° Or- 965 rn rn L08 in U > J > J O In w II 960 d W d w I- of> Qw -0.71% + of _j _�� n X6490 955 960 U > a w O U) Of 950 w > w Is w Z z z O o 945 Uof U W N M N Z0)M 000L O+M U +O OLO oQ° -L Z "Q° 00 �'Q° 940 wow mow 0iow 8+50 9+00 9+50 10+00 10+50 11+00 P IZ-0--n%'­;NEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS (651) 681-1914 I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by Name G%� Revisions 2422 Enterprise Drive me or under my direct supervision and that I - Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: reng.c 88 am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer Paul J. Cherne www.piOrieererig.COm under the laws of the State of Minnesota Reg. No. 19860 Date 6-28-2017 © 2017 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. 975 970 965 955 950 are ISEE SHEET XX 5' CONCRETE SIDEWALK 1 59.11 PED RAMP 57.55 CB 4+49.71 4+62.3 8 �\ � I 1 I I � REET - L - - 32+69.31 - - fo ;TION - - - - C f - 8M.10-fREET NE+00 �m L +0 _ 30+K. P. 31+0 � 59.38.50% 0.50 58.75 1.00%' m c° 57. CE f- iA 'E III 57.65 v IDES I I 32+70.32 / ' C I I 1 59.11 PED RAM 30+68.74 3 W QI W J 0 w M LLI I SEE SHEET XX 0 5' CONCRETE SIDEWALK 57.75 4 .1 8 57.51 CB 4+43.70 56.5.` PED RAMj-- L 34+88. -- _3�7433..E--� END CONS1 1 2-T` BARRI( H.P+oo 0 _ - 1.00% 57.98 1.80% - 1.80% 86TH STREET NE I I 56.55 34+88.03 I STREET LIGHT (TYP.) ZEET SIGN CURB LEGEND 8.15 = =4+46 TOP OF CURB ELEVATION 4+46.57 FOR MODIFIED DESIGN "D" CURB 08.15 T. 0. = TOP OF CURB ELEVATION 4+46.57 FOR MODIFIED DESIGN "D" CURB - - - - (TIP OUT GUTTER) 08.32 = TOP OF CURB ELEVATION 4+46.57 FOR B618 CURB 08.32 T.O. = TOP OF CURB ELEVATION 4+46.57 FOR B618 CURB (TIP OUT GUTTER) 07.82 = BITUMINOUS ELEVATION -,,/-07.82 4+46.57 CURVE TABLE CURVE DELTA LENGTH RADIUS TANGENT PC PT C1 36 17 44 364.25 575.00 188.47 5+92.10 9+56.35 C2 35°33'47" 170.69 275.00 88.19 4+21.41 5+92.10 C3 112'53'58" 1182.28 600.00 904.78 1+72.55 13+54.84 N BENCH MARK CAST IRON MONUMENT, NORTH j OF 0 25 50 100 SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 ELEV=958.03 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET CAST IRON MONUMENT, WEST j OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 ELEV=976.37 NM ACV LO (0 't r) O� x(00 .N �(0 Nrn �N O� 0i U)� 00 0i V) I, 00 V) U) 00 U) U') N 00 O � 00 � 00 00 00 00 U')Un 0� �� �� �� �� �V) Po ELEo PVI ELEV: 958.14 959.38 0)0, 0)0, 00 0)M 0)0) 0)0, CD MM 980 +N +M 980 PVI STA: 30+00.00 > -Li> ELEV: 959.46 Al 9K: 33.33 CL Li LV �: 50.)0 HIGH PT. STA30+08.33 HIGH Po ELEo PVI ELEV: 958.14 959.38 970 L6 L6 z +N +M M w N Lr) rn � w U � LVC: 50.0a.-975 a w a W 965 950 Date -0-50% > -Li> � PVI STA: 34+00.00 CL Li ww 1.00% 955 \ PVI ELEV: 958.14 z K: 17.84 w w LVC: 50.0a.-975 975 N 950 HIGH PT. STA: 33+92.84 00w HICK PT ELEV: (g57.98 PVI STA: 31+36.00 O O Q PVI ELEV: 958.78 r rn N rn H 00 K: 100.00 M Nr -,Z af +N + 00 + LVC: 50.00 UJ m to M tLn to in 9 70 _ Z mow 30+00 0) 31+50 32+00 32+50 33+00 33+50 PVI STA: 33+00.00 O O PVI ELEV: 957.14 a_ w CL W 0 o K: 25.00 � LVC: 50.00 M ° LOW FT. STA: 33+ 00.00 965 rn rn L08 PT ELEV: 9`7.26 U > J > J O In O U7 d W d w I- O N O + n + n `D �' `) 960 U � Date -0-50% > -Li> � -� MSN CL Li ww 1.00% 955 \ W z w w N 950 00w o Q 945 o H 00 M Nr -,Z af +N 00 UJ +� O00i UJ m to 0) Q(D 940 Z mow 30+00 30+50 31+00 31+50 32+00 32+50 33+00 33+50 Date 06-28-2017 Designed PJC/JMM Drawn MSN STREET CONSTRUCTION 955 950 z O 0 945 N 00 U7 Z +LO OU M LO Z ow 940 34+00 34+50 35+00 NOVAK-FLECK INC. 8857 ZEALAND AVE N. BROOKLYN PARK, 55445 FEATHERSTONE 3RD ADDITION MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 03 -ENG -117120 -SHEET -332 9 � 15 MANHOLE STEPS SHALL BE CAST IRON OR MA MODEL PS -I -PF (BY MA INDUSTRIAL INC.) CONFORMING TO ALL OSHA REGULATIONS AND SPACED 16" OC. USE NEENAH R -1642—A FOR LOW PROFILE APPLICATIONS USE NEENAH R1755—G FOR WATERTIGHT APPLICATIONS LETTERING TO READ: SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER OR WATER MAIN WHICH EVER IS APPLICABLE. R jVQ NEENAH R-1642 WITH TYPE B SOLID LID MACHINE BEARING OR EQUAL CONCEALED PICKHOLES (2) REPEAT OPPOSITE SI EXCEPT FOR LETTERING 25 3/4 y 1 1/2 " 7" 71 BEARIN3 SURFACE TO BE MACHINED 24" 28 1/2 36" COVER FRAME Title: Title: Cone Section, Casting Steps, Standard Frame Standard Plate Library and Adjusting Rings A Standard Plate Library and Cover City of Monticello Date: 03_05 Plate No. City of Monticello Date: 03_05 Plate No. Revised:03-15 1001 / \ = �� Revised:03-15 1002 i 0 1 0 0 0I O NOTE: 1. STRUCTURE MARKER SIGNS AND 3" TUBING WITH 2-1" \ REFLECTORIZED STRIPS SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED FOR ALL STRUCTURES LOCATED OFF THE STREET SURFACE. (INCIDENTAL) 0 2. 3" TUBING SHALL BE ATIACHED TO SIGN POST 3. THE SIGNS MAYBE OMITTED AS PER THE ENGINEER 4. THE SIGNS SHALL BE BURIED 2' BELOW FINISHED GRADE WITH 4' OF POST EXPOSED 5. SIGNS SHALL FACE TRAFFIC 0.063" THICK ALUMINUM SIGN. BLACK LETTERS ON WHITE HIGH INTENSITY REFLECTORIZED BACKGROUND. U—CHANNEL POST, MINIMUM 1.2 LB./FT. 6' LONG, GALVANIZED. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello P I S&NEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 88 www.pioneereng.creng.com © 2017 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. 0 0 Title: Structure Marker Sign Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 1005 STEEL T -STYLE FENCE POST PAINTED BLUE WITH AN OIL BASED PAINT FOR WATERMAIN STUB PAINTED GREEN WITH AN OIL BASED PAINT FOR SANITARY AND/OR STORM SEWER STUB AND A MINIMUM 2" REFLECTORIZED TAPE (ENGINEER GRADE) AT THE TOP OF THE POST. POST SHALL BE BURIED 2' BELOW FINISHED GRADE WITH 4' ABOVE FINISHED GRADE (INCIDENTAL) STEEL T-'-1- FENCE 1 rFENCE PO GL STREET 4"x4" WOOD POST 4"x4" WOOD POST 4"x4" WOOD POST /00 STORM SEWER MAINLINE STORM SEWER WATERMAIN WATERMAIN SANITARY SEWER MAINLINE SANITARY SEWER I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I Name G— Revisions aule — STANDARD MANHOLE PJC/JMM under the laws of the State of Minnesota FRAME AND COVER 1/2 IRON ADJUSTMENT RING GROUTING BETWEEN PIPE AND ADJUSTING RINGS MANHOLE BARREL SHALL BE OR ENGINEER APPROVED EQUAL MIN 4" - MAX 12" WITH NON -SHRINKING CEMENT27" DIA WITH EXTERNAL OR IS BY THE THICKNESS OFY. 2. CAST RONINED OR DUCTILE IRON ADJUSTMENTER OVERNGS LTO BE INSTALLED •• o INTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL I USE R-2 JOINT FOR a ALL MANHOLE JOINTS Metal Casting Ring Plate Library AStandard Adjustment Detail BARREL TO CONFORM -±' COMPACTED TO ASTM C-478 1004 LATEST REVISION •; 1.0' v111`N� A�IIf 48" DIA USE NEENAH R -1642—A FOR LOW PROFILE APPLICATIONS USE NEENAH R1755—G FOR WATERTIGHT APPLICATIONS LETTERING TO READ: SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER OR WATER MAIN WHICH EVER IS APPLICABLE. R jVQ NEENAH R-1642 WITH TYPE B SOLID LID MACHINE BEARING OR EQUAL CONCEALED PICKHOLES (2) REPEAT OPPOSITE SI EXCEPT FOR LETTERING 25 3/4 y 1 1/2 " 7" 71 BEARIN3 SURFACE TO BE MACHINED 24" 28 1/2 36" COVER FRAME Title: Title: Cone Section, Casting Steps, Standard Frame Standard Plate Library and Adjusting Rings A Standard Plate Library and Cover City of Monticello Date: 03_05 Plate No. City of Monticello Date: 03_05 Plate No. Revised:03-15 1001 / \ = �� Revised:03-15 1002 i 0 1 0 0 0I O NOTE: 1. STRUCTURE MARKER SIGNS AND 3" TUBING WITH 2-1" \ REFLECTORIZED STRIPS SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED FOR ALL STRUCTURES LOCATED OFF THE STREET SURFACE. (INCIDENTAL) 0 2. 3" TUBING SHALL BE ATIACHED TO SIGN POST 3. THE SIGNS MAYBE OMITTED AS PER THE ENGINEER 4. THE SIGNS SHALL BE BURIED 2' BELOW FINISHED GRADE WITH 4' OF POST EXPOSED 5. SIGNS SHALL FACE TRAFFIC 0.063" THICK ALUMINUM SIGN. BLACK LETTERS ON WHITE HIGH INTENSITY REFLECTORIZED BACKGROUND. U—CHANNEL POST, MINIMUM 1.2 LB./FT. 6' LONG, GALVANIZED. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello P I S&NEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 88 www.pioneereng.creng.com © 2017 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. 0 0 Title: Structure Marker Sign Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 1005 STEEL T -STYLE FENCE POST PAINTED BLUE WITH AN OIL BASED PAINT FOR WATERMAIN STUB PAINTED GREEN WITH AN OIL BASED PAINT FOR SANITARY AND/OR STORM SEWER STUB AND A MINIMUM 2" REFLECTORIZED TAPE (ENGINEER GRADE) AT THE TOP OF THE POST. POST SHALL BE BURIED 2' BELOW FINISHED GRADE WITH 4' ABOVE FINISHED GRADE (INCIDENTAL) STEEL T-'-1- FENCE 1 rFENCE PO GL STREET 4"x4" WOOD POST 4"x4" WOOD POST 4"x4" WOOD POST /00 STORM SEWER MAINLINE STORM SEWER WATERMAIN WATERMAIN SANITARY SEWER MAINLINE SANITARY SEWER I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I Name G— Revisions aule — am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer PJC/JMM under the laws of the State of Minnesota Reg. No. 19860 Date 6-28-2017 Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Utility Stub Markers Date: 04-08 Plate No. Revised: 03-1 5 1006 Date 06-28-2017 Designed PJC/JMM Drawn MSN NOTE: CASTINGS AND VALVE BOXES NOT ADJUSTED WITHIN THE TOLERANCES SHOWN SHALL BE READJUSTED AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. FINISHED BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE GRADE 3/8 "MIN. 5/8 MAX. FRAME 7�[ CASTING AND GATE VALVE NOT ON CENTERLINE CENTERLINE ROADWAY FINISHED BITUMINOUS WEAR 5/8 "MIN COURSE GRADE 3/8 "MIN. 3/4 MAX 5/8 " MAX. 2.009, 2.00 , FRAME � CASTING ON CENTERLINE Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Adjustment of Standard Frame and Cover Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 1003 03-15 TOP OF PROPOSED SUBGRADE THE TOP 3' SHALL BE COMPACTED AT A MIN OF 100% OF STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY (MN/DOT 2105) A MAX OF 2' LIFTS TO BE WETTED AND CONSOLIDATED BY VIBRATORY MEANS AND COMPACTED TO A MIN OF 95% OF STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY (MN/DOT 2105) 4' COVER COMPACTED TO 95% OF STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY WITHOUT THE USE OF HEAVY ROLLER EQUIPMENT -.0 GRANULAR BEDDING AS PER MN/DOT 3149.2F GRANULAR FOUNDATION WHERE ORDERED BY THE ENGINEER SHOVEL, PLACE, AND HAND COMPACT AROUND PIPE TO 12" ABOVE PIPE. VIBRATORY COMPACTION REQUIRED EACH SIDE OF PIPE, AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello CITY DETAILS Title: Typical Trench Compaction and Class B Bedding Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 1007 ,�od�aeoor�i�aa�do���o�.®oo®o�msq i 3/8" MIN. 5/8" MAX. 3/8" MIN, 5/8° MAX. BITUMINOUS NON -WEAR COURSE BITUMINOUS BASE COURSE ADJUSTMENT DETAIL EBS SUPER GLUE ADHESIVE OR ENGINEER APPROVED EQUIVALENT (1/4" BEAD, 360 DEG.) BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE / BITUMINOUS NON -WEAR COURSE STORM SEWER GRANULAR BA<KFILL CAST IRON OR DUCTILE 1/2 IRON ADJUSTMENT RING AS MANUFACTRURED BY ESS BROTHERS AND SONS INC. rn z OR ENGINEER APPROVED EQUAL NOTES: 1. THE HEIGHT OF THE CAST IRON OR DUCTILE IRON ADJUSTMENT RING CONCRETE IS BY THE THICKNESS OFY. 2. CAST RONINED OR DUCTILE IRON ADJUSTMENTER OVERNGS LTO BE INSTALLED BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE 3. A5PERMANUFACTURERS WARRANTY ISSREQU REDEFORTIADJUSTMENT RINGS INCLUDING LABOR & MATERIALS ADJUSTMENT DETAIL Title: Metal Casting Ring Plate Library AStandard Adjustment Detail City of Monticello Date: Plate No. COMPACTED 03-08 1004 Revised: 03-15 1.0' NOVAK-FLECK INC. 8857 ZEALAND AVE N. BROOKLYN PARK, 55445 NOTE: TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN LOCATIONS WHERE VERTICAL CLEARANCES OF 18" MIN. CANNOT BE MAINTAINED. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Typical Concrete Saddle Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 1 008 03-ENG-117120-SHEET-DTLS-CITY FEATHERSTONE 3RD ADDITION 10 I 15 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA I STORM SEWER GRANULAR BA<KFILL 1/2 O.D.Uj wo � rn z NATIVE SOIL CONCRETE 1/21 O.D. SADDLE SANITARY SEWER I1/2 O.D. 6" MIN 6" MIN. IVARIES COMPACTED BACKFILL 1.0' 1.0' v111`N� A�IIf VARIES NOTE: TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN LOCATIONS WHERE VERTICAL CLEARANCES OF 18" MIN. CANNOT BE MAINTAINED. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Typical Concrete Saddle Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 1 008 03-ENG-117120-SHEET-DTLS-CITY FEATHERSTONE 3RD ADDITION 10 I 15 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA I 1 1'- 0" I OR VIN BACK OF CURB IF CONCRETE WALK OR BITUMINOUS PATH ARE HYDRAFINDER PRESENT FLAG HYDRANT MODEL 67 HYDRANT YELLOW OUT OF ORDER TAG w TO BE INSTALLED ON PUMPER CONN. AFTER BACK -FILL (t. BREAKOFF FLANGE EXISTING OR FUTURE STREET CURB OR GUTTER LINE W 1" TO 2" MAXIMUM p ABOVE BURY LINE (FINISHED GRADE) FINISHED GRADE Q IL VALVE BOX AS WATERMAIN SPECIFIED T7 " TO 2" (� Z � N 2 LAYERS OF > w 2'- 6" AS REQUIRED 10' POLY (4 mil) Ov �7, I TYPICAL 1 3' DIAMETER BY 3' DEEP PIT - UNDER HYDRANT FILLED WITH A MINIMUM OF 1 C.Y. OF 1 1-1/2" CLEAR STONE THRUST BLOCKING BEHIND HYDRANT WATERMAIN 11/4 " STEEL VALVE BOX ADAPTOR WITH PROTECTIVE COATING AS MANUFACTURED BY ADAPTOR INC. OR APPROVED EQUAL MEGALUG GATE VALVE MEGALUG BLOCKING \—PRECAST CONCRETE BASE BELOW GATE AS SPECIFIED (15"x 15"x 4") VALVE BLOCKING BEHIND TEE Title: Standard Plate Library Typical Hydrant Installation City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-17 2001 PROPOSED STORM SEWER 8'X 12' INSULATION AT PIPE CROSSING 8'X 20' INSULATION FOR BOX SEE PLATE 2006 45' BENDS - FOR DETAILS :\ 4— 1 (TYPICAL) MEGALUG 6" -MEGALUG n i A 20' I NOTE: ALL PIPE JOINTS WITHIN 10' OF A BEND SHALL BE RESTRAINED USING TIE RODS. Title: 1 MEGALUG MEGALUG TEE AND BEND BEND WRAP PLUG WITH 4 MIL. POLY PLUG PLUG NOTES: Name Gz Revisions aul� e — am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer 1. THRUST BLOCKING TO BE USED FOR BEND 22 1/2' under the laws of the State of Minnesota Reg. No. 19860 Date 6-28-2017 AND OVER. I PIPE SIZE BEARING AREA 6" 4.0 SQ FT 2. THRUST BLOCKING SHALL ONLY BE USED WHERE 8" 6.0 SQ FT I WORKING PRESSURES ARE LESS THAN 150 PSI. 1 10" - 12" 12.0 SQ FT 1 3. THRUST BLOCKS BEARING AREA TO BE POURED 1 16" 20.0 SQ FT I AGAINST UNDISTURBED SOIL. 4. POURED CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKING 1" CORPORATION STOP ON PROPOSED STUBS. INSTALLATION TO BE MADE AT SHALL BE USED FOR 12" OR LARGER DIAMETER WATERMAIN 4. ALL PIPE JOINTS WITHIN 10 FT. OF A BEND NO ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION. FURNISH NEW GASKETS SHALL BE RESTAINED USING TIE RODS Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Blocking for Watermain Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-1 7 2002 STEEL T -STYLE FENCE POST PAINTED BLUE WITH AN OIL BASED PAINT AND MINIMUM 2" REFLECTORIZED TAPE (ENGINEER GRADE) AT THE TOP OF THE POST TO MARK CURB STOP. TO BE INSTALLED AT THE TIME OF CURB STOP INSTALLATION (INCIDENTAL) J W J W 7 J }} } � J U, W F - W W WW Z W Z ¢ W cD N a J a J Z N 4 Z 0 a STREET a o 4 _ 12' 12' _ AS REQUIRED AS REQUIRED GROUND LINE 11'- 0" 11'- 0" GROUND LINE 2 - �_. — _J 2, CURB BOX WITH 1'- 1 1/4 STANDPIPE rMEGALUG AND STATIONARY ROD 7'- 6" MIN COVER —� 1" CORP. COCK VARIES BRICK 1" COPPER1" COPPER BRICK 4" X 8" X 2" WATERMAIN 4" X 8" X 2" CAP CURB STOP WITH BLANK SLUG (TYPICAL) NOTE: ATTACH SHUT OF ROD TO CURB STOP SEE SPEC. Standard Plate Library Watermain Offset City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-17 2005 P I �NEERen ineerin CIVILENGINEERS LANDPLANNERS LANDSURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2017 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I Name Gz Revisions aul� e — am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer PJC/JMM under the laws of the State of Minnesota Reg. No. 19860 Date 6-28-2017 Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Typical Water Service Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 2006 Date 06-28-2017 Designed PJC/JMM Drawn MSN 1/2" RUBBER GASKET INSTALLI BETWEEN THE GATE VALVE AND GATE VALVE ADAPTOR 1/2 CU. YD. GRAVEL --\\ I WATERMAIN J GATE VALVE MIN 7.5 ' COVER (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) 1/4" STEEL VALVE BOX ADAPTOR WITH PROTECTIVE COATING AS MANUFACTURED BY ADAPTOR INC. OR APPROVED EQUAL VALVE BOX INSTALLATION Standard Plate Library City of Monticello CITY DETAILS WATERMAIN Title: Air Bleed Detail And Valve Box Installation Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 2003 NOVAK-FLECK INC. 8857 ZEALAND AVE N. BROOKLYN PARK, 55445 STYROFOAM HI -35 BRAN[ PLASTIC FOAM OR APPRC EQUAL 4" STAGGER SHEETS 4' LENGTH WISE AND 2' WIDTH WISE NOTE: INSULATION REQUIRED FOR WATERMAIN WITH LESS THAN 5' COVER IN GRASSY AREAS AND 6' COVER UNDER PAVED SURFACES. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Insulation Detail Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 2004 03-ENG-117120-SHEET-DTLS-CITY FEATHERSTONE 3RD ADDITION 11 I 15 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA I T EXISTING (OR FINISHED) GRADE PLUGGED END i 4' 1 NOTES: 1. RE -USE EXISTING AIR BLEED LINES AND PLUGS 1" CORPORATION STOP ON PROPOSED STUBS. INSTALLATION TO BE MADE AT NO ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION. FURNISH NEW GASKETS WHERE REQUIRED. 2. NEW LINES WILL BE PAID FOR AT UNIT PRICE BID FOR 1" COPPER AND 1" CORPORATION STOP. ALL OTHER WATERMAIN WORK TO BE INCIDENTAL TO THE PROJECT. 1" COPPER CONCRETE OR PLUGGED END AIR BLEED DETAIL GRASSY AREA BITUMINOUS SURFACE 8'WIDE - 4"THICKESS THAN 5' 8'x 4' x 4" THICK LESS THAN 6' STEEL T -STYLE FENCE POST PAINTED BLUE WITH AN OIL O 1 — O 1 BASED PAINT AND MINIMUM 2" REFLECTORIZED TAPE ` 6" 6" (ENGINEER GRADE) AT THE TOP OF THE POST TO MARK VALVE BOX. TO BE INSTALLED AT THE TIME OF VALVE BOX INSTALLATION (INCIDENTAL) 4' NOTE: GROUND LINE IF GATE VALVE BOXES ARE EXTENDED, THERE GATE VALVE NUT EXTENSION TO SHALL E G. 7 ' WITHIN FINISHED GRADE AND ATTACHED TO THE GATE VALVE NUT L J 2' VALVEBOX I k 1/2" RUBBER GASKET INSTALLI BETWEEN THE GATE VALVE AND GATE VALVE ADAPTOR 1/2 CU. YD. GRAVEL --\\ I WATERMAIN J GATE VALVE MIN 7.5 ' COVER (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) 1/4" STEEL VALVE BOX ADAPTOR WITH PROTECTIVE COATING AS MANUFACTURED BY ADAPTOR INC. OR APPROVED EQUAL VALVE BOX INSTALLATION Standard Plate Library City of Monticello CITY DETAILS WATERMAIN Title: Air Bleed Detail And Valve Box Installation Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 2003 NOVAK-FLECK INC. 8857 ZEALAND AVE N. BROOKLYN PARK, 55445 STYROFOAM HI -35 BRAN[ PLASTIC FOAM OR APPRC EQUAL 4" STAGGER SHEETS 4' LENGTH WISE AND 2' WIDTH WISE NOTE: INSULATION REQUIRED FOR WATERMAIN WITH LESS THAN 5' COVER IN GRASSY AREAS AND 6' COVER UNDER PAVED SURFACES. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Insulation Detail Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 2004 03-ENG-117120-SHEET-DTLS-CITY FEATHERSTONE 3RD ADDITION 11 I 15 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA I CHIMNEY SEALS (INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL) "CRETEX OR APPROVED EQUAL" / STANDARD MANHOLE 1/ FRAME AND COVER GROUTING BETWEEN PIPE AND MANHOLE BARREL SHALL BE — WITH NON -SHRINKING CEMENT ALL MANHOLES WITHADJUSTING RINGS INSIDE DROP SECTION MIN 4" - MAX 12" SHALL BE 5' DIA (I.D.) 27" DIA `o • I 'v 8" MANHOLE SECTION TO BE ASTM C-478 CLASS II CIRCULAR REINF LATEST REVISION — in 48" DIA Ir I" USE R-2 JOINT FOR ALL MANHOLE JOINTS "CRE-SEAL","RESEAL", OR APPROVED EQUAL PRECAST GASKET CONNECTION SHALL BE USED FOR CONNECTION PIPE TO MANHOLE � V MAX. 24" �2 PRECAST BOTTOM SECTION WITH INVERT #5 AT 12" OC EACH WAY Li STEPS AT 16" OC STANDARD MANHOLE FOR SANITARY SEWER NO SCALE NOTES: 10 MANHOLE STEPS SHALL BE CAST IRON OR MA MODEL PS -I -PF (BY MA INDUSTRIAL INC.) CONFORMING TO ALL OSHA REGULATIONS AND SPACED 16" OC. 2O IF DROP IS GREATER THAN 24" INCHES, USE OUTSIDE DROP Standard Plate Library City of Monticello PI 2-NoWNEERengineering CIVILENGINEERS LANDPLANNERS LANDSURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2017 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. 6" MIN Title: Standard Sanitary Manhole Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised:3 0 01 03-15 SEE JOINT DETAIL BELOW PLACE NEARLY HORIZONTAL FOR LV.. BASEMENTS AND SHALLOW SEWER AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER TYPICAL SERVICE WHERE COVER OVER TOP OF SEWER IS 12' OR LESS NOTES: PVC = POLY -VINYL CHLORIDE SDR 26 ALL SERVICE CONNECTIONS INCLUDING NECESSARY BENDS AND SPECIAL FITTINGS SHALL BE PAID FOR AT THE CONTRACT UNIT PRICE BID PER LINEAR FOOT OF 4" OR 6". NO ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION SHALL BE ALLOWED FOR CONCRETE ENCASEMENT OR PIPE BEDDING. 4" OR 6" PVC DEPTH OF COVER OVER TOP OF PIPE TO SUIT FIELD CONDITIONS R /W 12' DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT X 1' E. TO BE SET BY THE ENGINEER - CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY PRIOR TO BURY PIPE SHALL BE COMPLETELY ENTRENCHED AND SHALL HAVE CLASS "B" BEDDING WHERE DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER CONCRETE ENCASEMENT (TYPICAL) SEE DETAIL BELOW FOR CAULKING BETWEEN 6„ DISSIMILAR PIPES MIN TYPICAL SERVICE WHERE COVER OVER ADAPTER TO BE74—+_ TOP OF SEWER IS 12' OR MORE ASTM C425-64 R APPROVED EQUA DISSIMILAR PIPE —CONCRETE ENCASEMENT (TYPICAL) VCP TO PVC ALLFERNCOBE ENCASED IN CONCRETE SHALL BE REQUIRED WHEN CONNECTING TO EXISTING '• fVCP SEWER MAIN (INCIDENTAL). CONCRETE ENCASEMENT) DETAIL (TYPICAL) THRUST BLOCKING FOR CLEANING EQUIPMENT Standard Plate Library City of Monticello 4' 1 r GROUND LINE 2' 1 Title: Typical Service Connection Date: 03-05 Revised: 03-15 Plate No. 3004 BUILDING STREET ' INSTALLED BY PRIVATE CONTRACT STEEL T -STYLE FENCE POST PAINTED - TRACER WIRE LOCATE BOX GROUND LINE GREEN WITH AN OIL BASED PAINT AND A I MINIMUM 2" REFLECTORIZED TAPE I (ENGINEER GRADE) AT THE TOP OF THE POST TO MARK THE SERVICE STUB TO I COPPER CLAD STEEL AWG 12 GAUGE TRACER WIRE 30 MIL HIGH DENSITY BE INSTALLED AT THE TIME OF SERVICE DEPTH OF COVER OVER _ POLYETHYLENE GREEN COLORED JACKET INSTALLATION (INCIDENTAL) TOP OF PIPE TO SUIT FIELD CONDITIONS 4" OR 6" PVC 4" MIN PIPE SHALL BE COMPLETELY ENTRENCHED CONTRACT AND SHALL HAVE CLASS "B" BEDDING WHERE DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER_ — SEE JOINT DETAIL BELOW PLACE NEARLY HORIZONTAL FOR LV.. BASEMENTS AND SHALLOW SEWER AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER TYPICAL SERVICE WHERE COVER OVER TOP OF SEWER IS 12' OR LESS NOTES: PVC = POLY -VINYL CHLORIDE SDR 26 ALL SERVICE CONNECTIONS INCLUDING NECESSARY BENDS AND SPECIAL FITTINGS SHALL BE PAID FOR AT THE CONTRACT UNIT PRICE BID PER LINEAR FOOT OF 4" OR 6". NO ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION SHALL BE ALLOWED FOR CONCRETE ENCASEMENT OR PIPE BEDDING. 4" OR 6" PVC DEPTH OF COVER OVER TOP OF PIPE TO SUIT FIELD CONDITIONS R /W 12' DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT X 1' E. TO BE SET BY THE ENGINEER - CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY PRIOR TO BURY PIPE SHALL BE COMPLETELY ENTRENCHED AND SHALL HAVE CLASS "B" BEDDING WHERE DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER CONCRETE ENCASEMENT (TYPICAL) SEE DETAIL BELOW FOR CAULKING BETWEEN 6„ DISSIMILAR PIPES MIN TYPICAL SERVICE WHERE COVER OVER ADAPTER TO BE74—+_ TOP OF SEWER IS 12' OR MORE ASTM C425-64 R APPROVED EQUA DISSIMILAR PIPE —CONCRETE ENCASEMENT (TYPICAL) VCP TO PVC ALLFERNCOBE ENCASED IN CONCRETE SHALL BE REQUIRED WHEN CONNECTING TO EXISTING '• fVCP SEWER MAIN (INCIDENTAL). CONCRETE ENCASEMENT) DETAIL (TYPICAL) THRUST BLOCKING FOR CLEANING EQUIPMENT Standard Plate Library City of Monticello 4' 1 r GROUND LINE 2' 1 Title: Typical Service Connection Date: 03-05 Revised: 03-15 Plate No. 3004 BUILDING STREET ' INSTALLED BY PRIVATE CONTRACT = INSTALLED AS PER CITY CONTRACT TRACER WIRE LOCATE BOX GROUND LINE I I �CE I TRACER WIRE SPLICE I CURB BOX STANDPIPE I COPPER CLAD STEEL AWG 12 GAUGE TRACER WIRE 30 MIL HIGH DENSITY 2' SPOOL COPPER -CLAD STEEL AWG 12 GAUGE TRACER WIRE 30 MIL HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE GREEN COLORED JACKET POLYETHYLENE GREEN COLORED JACKET TO BE PROVIDED UNDER PRIVATE TO BE PROVIDE UNDER CITY CONTRACT CONTRACT WATERMAIN _ 1" COPPER COPPER -CLAD STEEL AWG 12 GAUGE TRACER WIRE 30 MIL HIGH DENSITY POLYETHLNE GREEN COLORED JACKET TO BE PROVIDED UNDER CITY CONTRACT SANITARY SERVICE MAINLINE SANITARY SEWER Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Tracer Wire (New Developments) Date: 03-08 Plate No. Revised: 03-1 5 3005 I hereby certify that this plan was prepared R by Name % Revisions Date 06-28-2017 me or under my direct supervision and that I Pale _ NOVAK-FLECK INC. am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer Designed P7C/JMM CITY DETAILS 8857 ZEALAND AVE N. under the laws of the State of Minnesota Reg. No. 19860 Date 6-28-2017Drawn MSN BROOKLYN PARK, 55445 03 -ENG-117120-SHEET-DTLS-CITY FEATHERSTONE 3RD ADDITION 12 I 15 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA C CASTING ADJUSTING RINGS 4" MIN - 12" MAX STANDARD FRAME &COVER PJC/JMM INSTALL INFRA SHIELD (OR APPROVED EQUAL) EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL r ROADWAY SURFACE ! SEE MnDOT STANDARD PLATE 4020 FOR COVER REQUIREMENTS WALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE CLASS II PRECAST PIPE, EXCEPT 48" DIA MAY BE 8 ASTM C 478 CONCRETE PIPE. SEE MnDOT STANDARD zo z 8" CAST -IN-PLACE = PLATE 3000 (NO TONGUE OR GROOVE AT TOP r © CONCRETE — OR BOTTOM OF THIS SECTION). CAST -IN-PLACE 0 0 N 4' TO 10' CONCRETE OR MASONRY CONSTRUCTION ~BY (BRICK OR BLOCK) ALLOWED ONLY IF APPROVED Y •',• ENGINEER CZOz J ; 5/8" TIE FOR PIPES 12" TO 27" 3/4" TIE FOR PIPES 30" TO 66- Fn m U CONCRETE DOGHOUSE REQUIRED ON of3 of OUTSIDE AND INSIDE OF STRUCTURE z AND PIPE CONNECTION 0 xfQ wince 2 � Y } U aMCL m fL STRUCTURE - 8" POURED CONCRETE BASE, FOR ALTERNATE PRECAST CONCRETE BASE. SEE MnDOT STANDARD PLATE 4011 (MODIFY DIAMETER AND 2" RAISED AREA TO FIT REQUIRED DIAMETER. O1 REFER TO STANDARD PLANS FOR HEIGHT AND DIAMETER REQUIRED. O2 MANHOLE STEPS SHALL BE CAST IRON OR MA MODEL PS -I -PF (BY MA INDUSTRIAL INC.) CONFORMING TO ALL OSHA REGULATIONS AND SPACED 16" OC. O3 MINIMUM STEEL REINFORCEMENT ® EQUIVALENT STEEL AREA IN WIRE MESH MAY BE USED O GENERAL DIMENSIONS FOR CONCRETE APPLY TO BRICK AND CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT CONSTRUCTION ALSO, EXCEPT AS NOTED. ® 12" MINIMUM FOR PRECAST, 3 BRICKS OR 1 BLOCK MINIMUM FOR MASONRY CONSTUCTION REINFORCEMENT AS PER MnDOT SPEC 3301, GRADE 60. MANHOLE MANHOLE....: OR PLASTERED OR CATCH EXTERIOR CATCH BASIN BASIN DIA DIA SEWER BRICK (MnDOT SPEC 3616) BLOCK MASONRY CONSTRUCTION Title: Standard Plate Library Standard Manhole for 2Storm Sewer _ City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised:4001 03-17 TYPICAL HOLE LOCATIONS 4" DIA 4-1 DIA 120' 90' 160' CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE PIPE WITH PROTECTIVE WRAP PVCPP WITH PROTECTIVE WRAP 6" B/C� Q BITUMINOUS SURFACE / AGGREGATE BASE 1' 1,511 1,511 GRANULAR SUBGRADE 1' 4 m 4" PERFORATED P.E. PIPE WITH FABRIC (TYPICAL) ENCASED WITH COARSE AGGREGATE(MNDOT 3149.2H). INSTALL WHERE CLAY SOILS ARE ENCOUNTERED IN THE ROADWAY SUBGRADE, LOW POINTS IN ROADWAY OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello PI 2-NoWNEERengineering CIVILENGINEERS LANDPLANNERS LANDSURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2017 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Title: Perforated P.E. Pipe With Fabric Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 0,3 —15 4006 A O A 35 1/4 ' 43" CURB INLET FRAME AND CURB BOX = O = NEENAH NO. R -3067-V I I - PLAN _4" CONCRETE COLLAR ALL STORM SEWER CASTING ELEVATIONS INSTALL INFRA SHIELD SHOWN ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN (OR APPROVED EQUAL) DEPRESSED 0.10' BELOW GUTTER EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL ELEVATION (SEE DETAIL 5003) ADJUSTING RINGS 4" MIN - 12" MAX ENCASE IN CONCRETE g" COLLAR USE CONCRETE CURB MIX FOR COLLAR �••••• 24" `•.•k• FINISH ` GRADE y 31" k A 2" 27 / 3'- 6" 4" MIN 34" 5" :i 4" MIN. •..� .` _ -- 4" CONCRETE COLLAR NOTES: SECTION A—A POUR A 3" TO 4" CONCRETE COLLAR AROUND RINGS EXTENDING FROM THE CASTING TO THE PRECAST SECTION CATCH BASINS LOCATED IN DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE TYPE MnDOT DESIGN H. THE CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R -3508-A2. Title: Standard Plate Library Standard Catch Basin City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. \ Revised: 03-1 7 4002 / I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by NameG- Revisions me or under my direct supervision and that I Paul _ am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Reg. No. 19860 Date 6-28-2017 T 6" MAX TRANSVERSE & LONGITUDINAL BARS 5/8 " FOR 18" TO 27" APRONS 3/4 FOR 30" & LARGER APRONS. -ANCHOR TOP & BOTH ENDS NOTE: 1. ALL TRASH GUARDS SHALL BE GALVANIZED AFTER FABRICATION PER MNDOT SPEC. 3392 & 3394. 2. APPLIES TO FLARED END SECTIONS 12" OR LARGER. 3. ALL NUTS AND BOLT ATTACHING TRASH GUARD TO THE FLARED END SECTION SHALL BE LEFT EXPOSED Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Trash Guard for End Section Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03 —15 4007 Date 06-28-2017 Designed PJC/JMM Drawn MSN A A 35-1/4" 43" = 0= PLAN CASTING TO BE SET 0.10' BELOW GUTTER ELEVATION INSTALL INFRA SHIELD CURB INLET FRAME AND CURB BOX (OR APPROVED EQUAL) STANDARD CASTING - NEENAH R -3067-V EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL ADJUSTING RINGS 4" MIN - 12" MAX ENCASE WITH CONCRETE MANHOLE COVER TO BE 48" DIA COLLAR CRETEX TYPE II WITH 24"x 36" 6" OPENING *15" 1 24" 1. 9" CONCRETE DOGHOUSE REQUIRED D ON OUTSIDE AND INSIDE OF STRUCTURE W *48"(TYP) AND PIPE CONNECTION *DIMENSION VARIES BASED ON STRUCTURE DIAMETER 1 RCP PIPE CONCRETE CATCH BASIN MANHOLE J NOTES: AND BASE TO BE CRETEX TYPE 4338 OR APPROVED EQUAL 1. BASE TO BE GROUTED TO FORM A SMOOTH INVERT TO OUTLET. SECTION 2. PIPE CUT-OUTS TO BE LOCATED WHERE REQUIRED. CATCH BASIN MANHOLES REQUIRED IN GREEN SPACES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF PRECAST CONCRETE ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH Mn/DOT STANDARD PLATE 4006L. THE CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R-4342. CATCH BASIN MANHOLES LOCATED IN DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH AN ECCENTRIC TOP SLAB WITH A 27" ROUND OPENING. THE CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R -3508-A2. Title: Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Catch Basin Manhole _ Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-17 4003 NOTE: THIS DRAWING IS TYPICAL FOR ALL FLARED END SECTIONS 24" OR LARGER SHEET PILING AS SHOWN SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO FLARED END. NUTS AND BOLTS ON TRASH GUARD MUST REMAIN EXPOSED. II II CITY DETAILS NOVAK-FLECK INC. 8857 ZEALAND AVE N. BROOKLYN PARK, 55445 4"PVCPP 4"x 4" TEE 4"PVCPP 45' TEE MORTAR JOINT WHERE DRAIN PIPE COMES INTO MANHOLE OR CATCH BASIN 4"PVCPP NON PERF AT CONNECTION MANHOLE OR CATCH.' MANHOLE OR CATCH BASIN WALL BASIN WALL 100' (MAX.) - PREFERRED METHOD r 0.5' CURB) a a * LENGTH TO BE DETERMINED BASED ON EXISTING SOIL CONDITIONS CURB — RCP PIPE PREFERRED METHOD 2' 1' r BITUMINOUS SURFACE 2' TYP SEE DETAIL 4006 _ FOR CROSS SECTION AGGREGATE 2.5' BASE 2"MAX J GRANULAR SUBBASE MORTAR JOINT WHERE DRAIN f COURSE FILTER AGGREGATE PIPE COMES INTO MANHOLE OR MN/DOT 3149.2H CATCH BASIN PERFORATED PIPE Title: Standard Plate Library Special Details PVCPP Subdrain City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 4005 a o `60� % O�O w -.. 19-10 �° �0� a. N z W O ro°°� ° ° m I W O 0 w �� N 7 "( VNO&O Z CL L a]o Off° 004 N 5 0 o m Off°°" ° N O O� W a F w O a ) pOH° pqq��O pOH °` a g w O ¢ 6, 1- ���UO a0 C) N o U w w W M MY w op° opppp°ppp, w U< N W w J O N a W Q >p z Ld 11111 O- O'�l O W O W C0 N ''J° O` N C7 2 0Nw UOf 'O - U No oma a as maw _ mZ � wa zzmaa ow moo: w NQa N w z� o _j ¢ ¢� H � Oxgrro = x3ao Q N d 7 F} ISM W r-: 'P Oq q A t a) -4: 0 rn O Y N R N't O In W ZJO N N n00 w0MIn aJ � a N � W ZJ�N M In W In 4�6 a00nd of a,A > N O�tiU 7 N Nn >� O�li� ���NMMM 4 U NII N II O Ha }�:a oD�N O NCO OO 40� W N ODOOD (n O H Q } R N O'00Dd�ONOD N W M a �I�01 M1� <O cOM Oi�N d'a U)MMl, 10 W ON W O -�NNMM �O I� N0� v ��INNMM�[O I�I� 01 Z Lv a L~j,J F j W }M r Na00 tON 7 W R Ih OM � j W }NN O�<ON a> W Oa �t<O RSO N 0 J O1 W ZJO� cV fV M 7 ��O (OO�MtO oDal� W ZJON1M7cON Oi�µai tO tp Oi tO� W L ? > 0 L� U �I� NN >^ 0 g l y N N N M d Z Y z O NII — '--' N II OLL U o xrW� Na�nroa�oro L� U O rxa o 9y>Jaa rnO W MtO O�i INM IN�rnaMD IInV IInV TNInn —rWO0Q a O -- Md O rn-Wa 0 — NNNMn*0W 0 — XO OJonaoMrnO J UWNN va �z LLI ¢ DO ¢ o DO Q 5� D_ in~ j W>� OD n -'t 7q N't C lUl In 1000D �' u]~ 0w�a)m�NOOMaI tONaDOcO tON 0=Q n_ r W ZJO� NNM7Nt0 Nm MOON O — r W ZJ 0�N 76666 <O CV a OIC �(7 � �I� f2Q W Of NII I N11 z� W 3 o MM UO L la a.C)UN 7O<O-,W4-0W a N N 17 Y Y7 .O O0 N) f0 Oi 1M I�O N -Wa OMnWM t0 Ol IM N IM 7 Oi 7 0 a — —— N N M't't p —a. y N M t0 1, Q D- 0 0 ¢zw � z z oa zNNro� t 00N0a oro Nao a�a zN 00 W M .0 00a M Maa 00W I, 00 O- 1a -5a ��NNMC � � c0h o00�N M In K 0: Title: Standard Plate Library Riprap Detail City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 I 4009 / 03 -ENG-117120-SHEET-DTLS-CITY FEATHERSTONE 3RD ADDITION 13 I 15 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA I 12" 4000 PSI CONCRETE JOINTS ON INLET AND 2'- 0 �/ t OUTLET (3) 1 1/4 "HOLES USE (3) 1" BOLTS AND TIE TO CONCRETE ABUTMENT 5/8" TIE FOR PIPES 12" TO 27" 3/4" TIE FOR PIPES 30" TO 66- / PLAN 1" TIE FOR PIPES OVER 30" CITY DETAILS NOVAK-FLECK INC. 8857 ZEALAND AVE N. BROOKLYN PARK, 55445 4"PVCPP 4"x 4" TEE 4"PVCPP 45' TEE MORTAR JOINT WHERE DRAIN PIPE COMES INTO MANHOLE OR CATCH BASIN 4"PVCPP NON PERF AT CONNECTION MANHOLE OR CATCH.' MANHOLE OR CATCH BASIN WALL BASIN WALL 100' (MAX.) - PREFERRED METHOD r 0.5' CURB) a a * LENGTH TO BE DETERMINED BASED ON EXISTING SOIL CONDITIONS CURB — RCP PIPE PREFERRED METHOD 2' 1' r BITUMINOUS SURFACE 2' TYP SEE DETAIL 4006 _ FOR CROSS SECTION AGGREGATE 2.5' BASE 2"MAX J GRANULAR SUBBASE MORTAR JOINT WHERE DRAIN f COURSE FILTER AGGREGATE PIPE COMES INTO MANHOLE OR MN/DOT 3149.2H CATCH BASIN PERFORATED PIPE Title: Standard Plate Library Special Details PVCPP Subdrain City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 4005 a o `60� % O�O w -.. 19-10 �° �0� a. N z W O ro°°� ° ° m I W O 0 w �� N 7 "( VNO&O Z CL L a]o Off° 004 N 5 0 o m Off°°" ° N O O� W a F w O a ) pOH° pqq��O pOH °` a g w O ¢ 6, 1- ���UO a0 C) N o U w w W M MY w op° opppp°ppp, w U< N W w J O N a W Q >p z Ld 11111 O- O'�l O W O W C0 N ''J° O` N C7 2 0Nw UOf 'O - U No oma a as maw _ mZ � wa zzmaa ow moo: w NQa N w z� o _j ¢ ¢� H � Oxgrro = x3ao Q N d 7 F} ISM W r-: 'P Oq q A t a) -4: 0 rn O Y N R N't O In W ZJO N N n00 w0MIn aJ � a N � W ZJ�N M In W In 4�6 a00nd of a,A > N O�tiU 7 N Nn >� O�li� ���NMMM 4 U NII N II O Ha }�:a oD�N O NCO OO 40� W N ODOOD (n O H Q } R N O'00Dd�ONOD N W M a �I�01 M1� <O cOM Oi�N d'a U)MMl, 10 W ON W O -�NNMM �O I� N0� v ��INNMM�[O I�I� 01 Z Lv a L~j,J F j W }M r Na00 tON 7 W R Ih OM � j W }NN O�<ON a> W Oa �t<O RSO N 0 J O1 W ZJO� cV fV M 7 ��O (OO�MtO oDal� W ZJON1M7cON Oi�µai tO tp Oi tO� W L ? > 0 L� U �I� NN >^ 0 g l y N N N M d Z Y z O NII — '--' N II OLL U o xrW� Na�nroa�oro L� U O rxa o 9y>Jaa rnO W MtO O�i INM IN�rnaMD IInV IInV TNInn —rWO0Q a O -- Md O rn-Wa 0 — NNNMn*0W 0 — XO OJonaoMrnO J UWNN va �z LLI ¢ DO ¢ o DO Q 5� D_ in~ j W>� OD n -'t 7q N't C lUl In 1000D �' u]~ 0w�a)m�NOOMaI tONaDOcO tON 0=Q n_ r W ZJO� NNM7Nt0 Nm MOON O — r W ZJ 0�N 76666 <O CV a OIC �(7 � �I� f2Q W Of NII I N11 z� W 3 o MM UO L la a.C)UN 7O<O-,W4-0W a N N 17 Y Y7 .O O0 N) f0 Oi 1M I�O N -Wa OMnWM t0 Ol IM N IM 7 Oi 7 0 a — —— N N M't't p —a. y N M t0 1, Q D- 0 0 ¢zw � z z oa zNNro� t 00N0a oro Nao a�a zN 00 W M .0 00a M Maa 00W I, 00 O- 1a -5a ��NNMC � � c0h o00�N M In K 0: Title: Standard Plate Library Riprap Detail City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 I 4009 / 03 -ENG-117120-SHEET-DTLS-CITY FEATHERSTONE 3RD ADDITION 13 I 15 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA I SAME SLOPE AS ROADWAY 12" : 3/4 " / PER FT 3" HORIZONTAL 1/2 CONTRACTION JOINTS 3'T 1 (FORMS MAY BE TILTED) 7. REVERSE SLOPE GUTTER SECTION DIVIDER PLATE 3"R 2'- 0" 1 g 1/2 R 3 MODIFIED DESIGN "D" SLOPE 0.06 FT/FT"R 6" 13 1/2 " J' 5'- 0" (TYPICAL) OR SLOPE 3/4"/FT �, STANDARD FRAME & BOX FOR 8618 CURB & GUTTER / 2% MAXIMUM OPER E O�A MIN CROSS SLOPE . 7" n • - ' O 2 HORIZONTAL c 6' R5 W 60' R�W LINE ,� MNDOT - - - - ° SLOPE 0.06 FT/FT NORMAL, UNLESS STANDARD PLATE NO. 7100 H e I OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. IF A DIFFERENT SPECIFICATION REFERENCE 2531 3„ 12' OR 14' 30', 32' OR 36' (FACE TO FACE) ® VARIES W of GUTTER SLOPE IS PERMITTED, THE FORM CONCRETE - 0.0474 CU YDS / LIN FT (B612) MODIFIED DESIGN "D" CURB & 6618 0 v MAY BE TILTED 8612 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER CONCRETE - 21.1 FT / CU. YDS. (B612) 6 _ „ 6 GUTTER (TYPICAL, SEE ABOVE) MODIFIED DESIGN D 0 DIVIDER PLATE 3"R 6" CURB & GUTTER sVOP� PLAN U m 1 6 1/2 12" GRANULAR BORROW OR 6" CLASS 5 �Py 4.00% _ 2.0o e 2.00% 4.00% ^� - 4 OR 6 CONCRETE WALK � SVOQ6 5 ` 0" ryPIC SLOPE 0.06 FT/FT"R 3 6" 13 1 /2 " BOULEVARD WIDTH VARIES AVERAGE 8' OR 4 TOPSOIL, SEED, SLOPE 3/4"/Fi �. VARIES(AVERAGE AND MULCH OR SOD(1) (TYPICAL) 2' - 1 1/2 "TYPE 2360 BITUMINOUS WEARING COURSE AMM TACK COAT MNDOT 2357 5', 0" " 7" 7YP/C — 2" TYPE 2360 BITUMINOUS NON -WEARING COURSE At, — 6" CLASS V GRAVEL (MODIFIED)" / 0 12" TO 24" SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (2'- 6" BEHIND CURB) 2Q Q Q LIN HORIZONTAL / ,$ 6" MINIMUM SCARIFY AND COMPACT SUBGRADE D p MNDOT � SLOPE 0.06 FT/FT NORMAL, UNLESS STANDARD PLATE N0. 7100 H MATCH MODIFIED DESIGN "D" OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. IF A DIFFERENT SPECIFICATION REFERENCE 2531 SIDEWALK DIMENSIONS TYPICAL SECTION CURB & GUTTER (TYPICAL) GUTTER SLOPE IS PERMITTED, THE FORM CONCRETE - 0.0582 CU YDS / LIN FT (6618) URBAN RESIDENTIAL MAY BE TILTED 8618 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER CONCRETE - 17.2 FT / CUNDS. (B618) �' 12" WIDTH - 6' 131` o" (707,4L)8618 3/4 " /PER FT 3" DEPTH - 6" FOR NEW DEVELOPMENTS 1D 2 ROLLS OF SOD TO BE PLACED BEHIND CURB AND SIDEWALK/TRAIL. 1/2 " R I 1/2 R - *4" MINIMUM FOR EXISTING AREAS, 6" AT DRIVEWAYS AND CROSSWALKS 02 THE USE AND THICKNESS OF SELECT GRANULAR 3"� 3'A° GRANULAR BORROW DEPTH - 12" GRANULAR BORROW OR 6" CLASS 5 BORROW IS BASED ON EXISTING SOIL CONDITIONS NOTE: AS DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 7" 10" CONTRACTION JOINTS - 6' INTERVALS Q3 STREET WIDTH TO BE DETERMINED BY THE CITY STORM SEWER TOP OF CASTING ELEVATION SHOWN ON THE PLANS LINEZONTAL a ° e a e EXPANSION JOINTS - 60' INTERVALS APPROX. INCLUDES A 0.10' DEPRESSION FROM THE PROPOSED GUTTER — — — — — — — - - ENGINEER. GRADE. THE CONCRETE CURB SHOULD BE TRANSITIONED FROM THE ° *MATCH EXISTING DEPTH, 4" MINIMUM SUBGRADE OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. SEE PLATE 4006 FOR DETAILS MODIFIED DESIGN "D" CURB & GUTTER ® 6" PERFORATED P.E. PIPE WITH FABRIC. INSTALL PROPOSED GUTTER GRADE TO THE CASTING ELEVATION 5 FEET ON 2 - 0" WHERE CLAY SOILS ARE ENCOUNTERED THE ROADWAY EACH SIDE OF THE CENTER OF THE CASTING. INSTALL PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMPS AT ROADWAY INTERSECTIONS Title: Title: Title: Title: Typical Sidewalk Residential (Minor) Typical Street Concrete Curb & Gutter Concrete Curb & Gutter Standard Plate Library Standard Plate Library � Standard Plate Library Standard Plate Library (` at Catch Basin for Streets City of Monticello Date: PlateCity of Monticello Date: Plate No. No. 03-055002 City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. 03-05 5012 Revised: Revised: 5 0 0 4 � Revised: 5 0 0 5 Revised: 0 3— 1 7 / � 03-17 � / � 03-15 03-15 0 0 0 0 —_ 0 0 3#/FT. i -N 0 0 0 o 0 0 3#/FT. � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 z 0 o' 1_ NOTE: TYPICAL SIGN INSTALLATION WHEN STREET NAME SIGNS ARE NOT INSTALLED TRAFFIC SIGN SPECIFICATIONS ALUMINUM SHALL BE 5052—H38 OR 6061—T6 ALLOY. GAUGE SHALL BE: .080 ON THE LONGEST SIDE UP TO 30" .100 ON THE LONGEST SIDE OVER 30" REFLECTING SHEETING SHALL BE DIAMOND GRADE. ALL SIGNS CONFORM TO SECTIONS 2564 AND 3352, SIGNS AND MARKERS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION. CHANNEL POST SPECIFICATIONS GALVANIZED STEEL CHANNEL POSTS SHALL BE USED, 2.5 LB/FT POSTS SHOULD BE USED THAT ARE PUNCHED ON 1" CC. GALVANIZED POSTS SHALL BE OF THE 4—RIB DESIGN. POSTS ARE TO BE 7 FEET IN HEIGHT BETWEEN BOTTOM OF SIGN AND FINISHED GROUND. BOLTS, NUTS, AND WASHERS HARDWARE SHALL BE GRADE 5 MINIMUM AND BE GALVANIZED OR CADMIUM PLATED. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello PI 2-NoWNEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2017 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Title: Typical Traffic Sign Installation Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-1 7 5016 Street Signe 2-3/8" O.D. 0 n TRAFFIC SIGN SPECIFICATIONS MATERIAL: ALUMINUM SHALL BE: 5052-H38 OR 6061-T6 ALLOY GAUGE SHALL BE: .080 ON THE LONGEST SIDE UP TO 30" 100 ON THE LONGEST SIDE OVER 30" SIGNS SHALL BE NOTCHED FOR USE WITH E-450 BRACKETS 9" STREET NAME SIGNS SHALL HAVE 6" UPPER CASE LETTERS WHITE ON GREEN HIGH INTENSITY GRADE SHEETING WITH WHITE SERIES E BORDER ALL SIGNS SHALL CONFORM TO SECTIONS 2564 AND 3352, SIGNS AND MARKERS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION. BOULEVARD GRADE 111111111_=II1I1IIII=11111111 _11111111=111111111=111111111 lllllllll =11111111= �" �°" IIIIIIIII-11111111_= 111111111 _-� o qo _-111111111 TUBULAR POSTS SPECIFICATIONS 11111111—_ 1111111—� TUBULAR POSTS USED FOR MOUNTING STREET NAME/TRAFFIC IIIIIIIII o o CONTROL SIGNS, SHALL VARY IN LENGTH, SHALL HAVE =e °�° 111111111 04 A DIMPLED TUBE BELOW GRADE OR INSTALL A ANTI- ROTATION IIIIIIIII DEVICE TO PREVENT TUBE FROM TURNING, SHALL BE 111111111 2-3/8" O.D., SHALL BE GALVINIZED AND SHALL HAVE 111111 eq q —_ A WEIGHT OF 2LB./FT. CONCRETE GROUTS IIII11111=IIIIIIIII NOTE: CONCRETE GROUT TO BE MIXED THOROUGHLY WITH WATER BEFORE INSTALLATION NOTE: TYPICAL SIGN INSTALLATION WHEN STREET NAME SIGNS ARE TO BE INSTALLED I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by NameG- Revisions me or under my direct supervision and that I Paul _ am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Reg. No. 19860 Date 6-28-2017 Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Typical Traffic Sign Installation Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 5017 Date 06-28-2017 Designed PJC/JMM Drawn MSN CITY DETAILS NOVAK-FLECK INC. 8857 ZEALAND AVE N. BROOKLYN PARK, 55445 03 -ENG-117120-SHEET-DTLS-CITY FEATHERSTONE 3RD ADDITION 14 I 15 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA I / WING NUT OVERFLOW SLOT IN SHROUD < SPECIAL NOTE: SPECIAL ATTENTION SHALL BE PAID WHEN INSTALLING ATTACHMENT HOOK DRIVEWAYS TO NOT UNDERMINE OR DAMAGE EXISTING SIDEWALKS. SILT FABRIC SLEEVE m m m • ® ® PER MnDOT SPECIAL EXISTING CURBW< J z:z ® ® ® ® ® ® PROVISION 3886 OVERFLOW IS Y2 OF ® ® 0w �� 0oM THE CURB BOX HEIGHT I 0 ® 0 I oQ Molj <= z 0 Fz �� W<x 0O< J` � CURB & GUTTER 0000 w0x LLJ ax m 0� < o 000 d6 i vlF III a ZLz �� PLAN ° �^ 'm�O ZW n a OLL�U� �a S��FP OPO /0' 2s, M/ / WIMCO ROAD DRAIN CG -23* HIGH FLOW < mWFLL a'W INLET PROTECTION CURB AND GUTTER MODEL DEFLECTOR PLATE e' ' ZOza ¢°� OR CITY APPROVED EQUAL. a Z�Zn x= OVERFLOW IS Y2 OF d. mNQa C;> THE CURB BOX HEIGHT e <_ N _ / O IyZ NZ Wa o� p o OVERFLOW AT TOP OF o < � �j w < a / O vp '_o �7y�op�P)) _� -o FILTER ASSEMBLY , zom I> o La 0 00 O ?�/� URB w Zonww r a =2 Uad WW v) w �W yJF;�� �>z G p mil o v W' F LU �M L1 W J O z p_ a 0=U �i'HJ u! 1~iW JPO HO of X<U �W avRicwi�z W< a_W- 'C', to 0 _ �O O V� Nam WOW J NO 1<0e ?< a< UL7WW OOZ v a ® N p V m�Z� Z�U U W Z— Z 3" OF 1-1/2" 2" ROCK / o `Zk�o a W o m 0 1 EUS Z. _ c OVERFLOW SLOT IN SHROUD r. a W 6" CRUSHED CONCRETE OR <�OR $MM 0�I� �� iro O ZmCO U N< W V V7 0 APPROVED EQUIVALENT TAPER 3" OF 1-1/2" ROCK FILTER ASSEMBLY SILT FABRIC I J WO v a� 101 6010 DIAMETER, PERMnDOTSFECAE Oo�W as 6" ON -GRADE PROVISION 3886 w F in a z W O CIO 10" AT LOW POINT oo a �J DEPTH AND WIDTH OR LU - 6" CRUSHED CONCRETE >:. a 0 � Jo IN 10' I ► i O<a Z i SIDEWALK HIGH-FLOW FABRIC o * FOR THE NEW R -3290 -VB STANDARD a1 LL $aZw CASTING, INSTALL WIMCO ROAD DRAIN ci } F— wi CG -3290 OR CITY APPROVED EQUAL. N�� =36 ut L,WZW Z p pUw(/1 nova, 0Wa '''W"O J zowO J J W WU,U v1WO U JO }},m}} zllW7x O_�� K ZEn I Own N� 0 <Z»U, W H W oz >. SV1xv1m Title: Title: Residential Gravel Inlet Protection Standard Plate Library Construction Entrance Standard Plate Library Catch Basin Insert City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. City of Monticello Date: 03-07 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 6001 Revised: 03-15 6004 / to P�® ® • f' f' • 0 3.3' I T 3.3' �20 • • 0.7 STAPLES PER SQ. YD. 1.15 STAPLES PER SO. YD. 3.75 STAPLES PER SQ. YD. 4:1 SLOPES 3:1 SLOPES HIGH FLOW CHANNEL & SHORELINE Where LIIU IIUW UI WULUI 15 sheeting, place sod strips perpendicular to the direction of water flow. SHINGL Where the flow of water is concentrated, place sod stips parallel to the direction of OVERLAPPING SOD water flow. NOTE: Although pegging of sod is not specifically required it is understood that the contractor will be responsible for the successful establishment of the sod including repair or replacement of sod which becomes displaced or damaged due to lack of protection or proper care. Title: Standard Plate Library Sod Placement City of Monticello Date: 03-07 Plate No. �_- Revised: 03-15 6010 - / PI 2-NoWNEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Fax: 681-9488 www.pioneereng.com © 2017 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by Name G% Revisions me or under my direct supervision and that I Paule am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Reg. No. 19860 Date 6-28-2017 1. PREPARE SOIL BEFORE INSTALLING BLANKETS, INCLUDING ANY NECESSARY APPLICATION OF LIME, FERTILIZER, AND SEED 2. BEGIN AT THE TOP OF THE SLOPE BY ANCHORING THE BLANKET INA 6"(15—) DEEP X 6"(15C.) WIDE TRENCH WITH APPROXIMATELY 12" (30cm) OF BLANKET EXTENDED BEYOND THE UP-SLOPE PORTION OF THE TRENCH. ANCHOR THE BLANKET WITH A ROW OF STAPLES/STAKES APPROXIMATELY 12" (30cm) APART IN THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH. BACKFILL AND COMPACT THE TRENCH AFTER STAPLING. APPLY SEED TO COMPACTED SOIL AND FOLD REMAINING 12"(30—) PORTION OF BLANKET BACK OVER SEED AND COMPACTED SOIL. SECURE BLANKET OVER COMPACTED SOIL WITH A ROW OF STAPLES/STAKES SPACED APPROXIMATELY 12" (30cm) APART ACROSS THE WIDTH OF THE BLANKET. 3. ROLL THE BLANKETS (A.) DOWN OR (B.) HORIZONTALLY ACROSS THE SLOPE. BLANKETS WILL UNROLL WITH APPROPRIATE SIDE AGAINST THE SOIL SURFACE. ALL BLANKETS MUST BE SECURELY FASTENED TO SOIL SURFACE BY PLACING STAPLESISTAKES IN APPROPRIATE LOCATIONS AS SHOWN IN THE STAPLE PATTERN GUIDE. WHEN USING OPTIONAL DOT SYSTEM, STAPLES/STAKES SHOULD BE PLACED THROUGH EACH OF THE COLORED DOTS CORRESPONDING TO THE APPROPRIATE STAPLE PATTERN. 4.T E EDGES OF PARALLEL BLANKETS MUST BE STAPLED WITH APPROXIMATELY 2"b" (5cm-12.5a ) OVERLAP DEPENDING ON BLANKET TYPE. TO ENSURE PROPER SEAM ALIGNMENT, PLACE THE EDGE OF THE OVERLAPPING BLANKET (BLANKET BEING INSTALLED ON TOP) EVEN WITH THE COLORED SEAM STITCH ON THE PREVIOUSLY INSTALLED BLANKET. 5.CONSECUTIVE BLANKETS SPLICED DOWN THE SLOPE MUST BE PLACED END OVER END (SHINGLE STYLE) WITH AN APPROXIMATE 3" (7.5cm) OVERLAP. STAPLE THROUGH OVERLAPPED AREA, APPROXIMATELY 12" (30—) APART ACROSS ENTIRE BLANKET WIDTH. NOTE: *IN LOOSE SOIL CONDITIONS, THE USE OF STAPLE OR STAKE LENGTHS GREATER THAN 6" (16cm) MAY BE NECESSARY TO PROPERLY SECURE THE BLANKETS. Title: Erosion Control Blanket Standard Plate Library Stapling Patterns & Installation City of Monticello Date: 03-08 Plate No. Revised: 0,3_15 6011 Date 06-28-2017 Designed PJC/JMM Drawn MSN Standard Plate Library City of Monticello CITY DETAILS Title: Inlet Protection Grate Inlet Cover Date: 03-07 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 6005 NOVAK-FLECK INC. 8857 ZEALAND AVE N. BROOKLYN PARK, 55445 Standard Plate Library City of Monticello d Ern m Ln am� .M C L E d II U V ai�O II II II II II of a w z O (L 111 OO 3 Z Jo LTJ T4> �a o OW W W v> +' d Q XU NN Q,Qw ii m W a w Z LTJ W W W X X Wm << < O J W m r 031.1 o 0J z= JX!V) m;g�,.\ Z LLJ if 0 L01 M W< Z W U 0 O 3 LL -I W � Z L m in WW SCD o+ I1 a �m �� N < J Q_ 00 = N x N F -W W U 171 2W �W Y wv UO �a 0 Z I_z KW ww <3 ym00 0 U W m= W N^ a a j �J <W00 0 U�3 CO a Lz'm W o y`0 i1 �< '< -- E00`o° JI o0 O Q: OI Zn 0. 0- 41 UU O NOR MI<W diiUd m Ir WN OO-X m 11 Q UW OU NIX /I H p x 2 Z m Li.l U O N < M << 171U OQ o v 11 Lil W W M 6 r x C 3 c II W W4J ZN .0j20 11 y wJ oa W Z m ~W F- �W 2i mow II OJm WN W— T� O0 aM v1Q O v O W z W NO ND <W JI 1. N 'i J J I 1� ll T J I s �I y 0 a 11 V1 t ,I A CALL TO GOPHER STATE ONE (454-0002) IS REQUIRED A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS PRIOR TO PERFORMING ANY EXCAVATION. Title: Residential Building Erosion Control Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 6006 � 03 -ENG-117120-SHEET-DTLS-CITY FEATHERSTONE 3RD ADDITION 15 I 15 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA I I s, .*� � . ��.M... }��"'♦ -. ��;\�R o o'oo_ ...: ..._. -.. � O � o ;-o o Q � !o'o ro_bo o i'oa °opo o,ao°' ♦♦♦♦�►♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦!1♦♦♦♦♦ � •�. , y ♦♦j�♦ ♦♦♦♦���.�♦♦"1 • • - '• • • � ww. _ S_. t e .:_ .. i� o.:Of ,. ri..o-, OO O_o�0"�,.�-;^.. :. -. . ,. a .. - o .. .. .:,n c o 0o ac° - nr:., '. i�,. r,'- < .o O -.c a - - o IOC.. -JOOJ. :.00 o.o, o%°. rarY+ C.♦�♦♦♦♦♦♦♦�/♦ ♦ ♦��♦♦♦♦♦♦V��♦ t"l� ♦/I♦ ♦ ♦�.�� •_ _ ,. w a t . r y.,; ,. t.. _ li.� 't.�"` y. �T- ., f �W r ,t"• �}► Y� �:.i_ -. �.. T.'G+.•: `. 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W.' 3 POT 44 SJ SEA GREEN JUNI ER/JUNIP HORIZONTALIS 5 POT 4 ML MISS KIM LILAC/SYR NGA VELUTINA 'MISS KIM' 3 POT 2 73 BB COMPACT BURNING BUSH/EUONYMUS ALATUS 'COMPACTA' #3 POT 2 PERENNIALS I I 55 6 <\ / / SEE OVERSTORY TREE PLAN SD STELLA D'ORO DAYLILY/HEMOROCALIS #1 POT 15 1 � 52 � 72\ i FOR TREE LOCATIONS AND TYPES X 59 51 \ 6 `71 �� BEDS TO BE EDGED IN LANDSCAPE GRADE BLACK VINYL EDGING 970 ^ , ROCK MULCH OVER 6MM BLACK POLY SHEETING TO BE USED IN BEDS PERENNIAL BEDS (DAYLILIES) TO BE MULCHED IN SHREDDED HARDWOOD 48 9 ^� \�� ���� / PERENNIAL BEDS TO BE AMENDED WITH COMPOST. CONTAINER SHRUB �3 �� .� ��i/l ��, PLANTING DETAIL ILOT C - i I� POND 0 NWL96 .0 HWL 965 7 m UTLQ D! 0 i �I Fri . T T :�. � moi► ,�, T .. ♦ �� � RAN Lo 01 ff14 IMF Mill Jacc . � -� ? T � `� TIL 1� ►��� � I'"' �.�� `711.1', �� /►:`fir`! �:'. '��A� i� p'' {► a[r�� BB -1 °SSD -6 JW -2 SLS -3 JW -2 BB -1 SJ - LS -3-/ I I I I BACK TO BAC TOWNHOME PLAN 1 "=20'1 I - - - I I I I I 1 I I LS -3 SD -6 -SD-6 SD 6 � LS- 3 5tt UVtKSIUKY IKLL FLAN FOR TREE LOCATIONS AND TYPES �J- 5 -5 J-3 Si -3 JW -5 "m,A J - 5 BACK TO BACK TOWNHOME PLANT SCHEDULE (PER BUILDING) KEY COMMON/BOTANICAL NAMES SIZE/ROOT QTY. SHRUBS MULTI—FAMILY PLANT SCHEDULE KEY COMMON NAME/SCIENTIFIC NAME ROOT QUANTITY SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS #5 OVERSTORY TREES 10 SJ AB AUTUMN BLAZE MAPLE/ACER X FREEMANII 2.5" B&B 10 CW SIOUXLAND COTTON WOOD/POPU LU S DELTOIDES 1.5" B&B 4 COTTONLESS VARIETY DM DEBORAH MAPLE/ACER PLATANOIDES 'DEBORAH' 2.5" B&B 10 HB HACKBERRY/CELTIS OCCIDENTALIS 2.5" B&B 22 GL GREENSPIRE LINDEN/TILIA CORDATA 2.5" B&B 21 NM NORTHWOODS MAPLE/ACER RUBRUM 'NORTHWOODS' 2.5" B&B 25 PA PATMORE ASH/FRAXINUS PENNSYLVANICA 'PATMORE' 2.5" B&B 27 RB RIVER BIRCH/BETULA NIGRA (CLUMP) 10' B&B 44 RO RED OAK/QUERCUS RUBRA 2.5" B&B 26 SL SENTRY LINDEN/TILIA AMERICANA 'SENTRY 2.5" B&B 23 SO SWAMP WHITE OAK/QUERCUS BICOLOR 1.5" B&B 7 HO THORNLESS HONEYLOCUST/GLEDITSIA TRIACANTHOS INERMIS 2.5" B&B 14 WA WHITE ASH/FRAXINUS AMERICANA 2.5" B&B 4 WW WHITE WILLOW/SALIX ALBA 'NIOBE' 1.5" B&B 6 EVERGREEN TREES BS BLACK HILLS SPRUCE/PICEA GLAUCA DENSATA 6' B&B 111 SP SCOTCH PINE/PINUS SYLVESTRIS 6' B&B 64 WP WHITE PINE/PINUS STROBUS 6' B&B 117 ORNAMENTAL TREES JT JAPANESE TREE LILAC/SYRINGA RETICULATA (SINGLE—STEM) 1.5" B&B 12 SHRUBS ID ISANTI DOGWOOD/CORNUS STOLIFERA 'ISANTI' #3 POT 161 HL HYACINTH LILAC/SYRINGA X HYACINTHAFLORA #3 POT 176 MV MOHICAN VIBURNUM/VIBURNUM LANTANA 'MOHICAN' #3 POT 83 DISTURBED AREAS TO BE SODDED/SEEDED IRRIGATION DESIGNED BY OTHERS I DENOTES DIVISION LINE BETWEEN SINGLE FAMILY AND MULTI—FAMILY BACK TO BACK TOWNHOME PLANT SCHEDULE (PER BUILDING) KEY COMMON/BOTANICAL NAMES SIZE/ROOT QTY. SHRUBS damaged branches Rgck mulch AJ ANDORRA JUNIPERJ NIPERUS HORIZONTALIS #5 POT 10 SJ SEA GREEN JUNIP R JUNIPERUS HORIZONTALIS 5 POT 18 LS LITTLE PRINCESS SP REA SPIRAEA BUMALDA3 POT 12 JW JAVA RED WEIGELA WEI LA FLORIDA 3 POT 14 BB COMPACT BURNING BUSH/EUONYMUS ALATUS 'COMPACTA 3 POT 2 PERENNIALS eliminate air pockets. Do not tamp. 2-3 times ball hole when backfilling diameter CONIFER SD STELLA D'ORO DAYLILY/HEMOROCALIS #1 POT 24 Revisions Date 4/14/03 OWNER GOLD NUGGET DEVELOPMENT PROIJECT 5/22/03—CITY COMMENTS Designed JLH FEATHERSTONE 8857 ZEALAND AVENUE NORTH Drawn JLH BROOKLYN PARK MINNESOTA 55445 I 0 50 100 200 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET Prune out dead and damaged branches Rgck mulch 3' deep with Set root collar weed barrier at existing grade (foundation shrubs) Shredded wood Carefully remove inorganic container (cut several vertical slits mulph 4 deep barrier) no weed (isolated if container is organic) shrub beds) Compacted\— soil mix: —III III— Undisturbed Use existing soil. III III SOII Water thoroughly to Break down sides of eliminate air pockets. Do not tamp. 2-3 times ball hole when backfilling diameter CONIFER TREE PLANTING DETAIL Remove damaged and dead branches do NOT trim leader Root collar shall b After tree is placed remove wire basket level or up to 1-2'g above finished grade. or cut and fold down in the pit. Cut twine andeel urlop down 1/p2 Shredded Wood mulch -2-4 deep (do NOT place mulch against trunk of tree) l l III=I I� x III=1 1 II—III—III s 1=11—III III—III _ —III III,_ CompactecT= =III=III=III=III=III III=III= soil mix: —III=1 I—III—III—III=III=III=III=III— use existing soil. =111=111= = = = = = =' Undisturbed Water thoroughly to—I—III=III=III=III=III=III=III- soil eliminate air pockets. Break down sides of Do not tamp. -3 times ball diameter= hole when backfilling DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL Remove damaged o, O and dead branches p a do NOT trim leader o 0 �a 0 0 0 oap aoo 0 0 0 o a as oa Q a o ao as a o°p o Shredded Wood mulch -2-4 deep (do NOT place mulch I against trunk of tree) I After tree is placed Root collar shall b remove wire basket level or up to 1-2'� or cut and fold above finished grade. down the pit. Cut twine andeel burlap down 1/p2 =III=III � III=III= —I 11=1 I I_ 11=1 I�1111 I— — —111111111 Backfill: Use existing soil. III=III— - - - - - — Undisturbed Water thoroughly to soil eliminate air pockets. Break down sides of Do not tamp. hole when backfilling 2-3 times ball diamete LANDSCAPE NOTES • The Landscape Contractor shall visit the project site to become familiar with the existing conditions prior to submitting a bid. • The Landscape Contractor shall verify all utilities on the project site prior to commensing work. • All rough and finish grading to be preformed by others. • No plant material shall be installed until grading and construction has been completed in the immediate area. • All plant material shall meet the standards found in the American Association of Nurserymen -American Standard For Nursery Stock. • All container material to be grown in the container a minimum of six (6) months prior to planting on site. • Deciduous and conifer trees need not be staked, but the Landscape Contractor must guarantee standability to a wind speed of 60 M.P.H. • The Landscape Contractor shall guarantee new plant material through one (1) calendar year from the time of written acceptance of work from the owner. • If there is a descrepancy between the number of plants shown on the plan and the number shown on the plant list, the number shown on the plan will take precedence. • Commercial grade poly lawn edging shall be installed around all planting beds in sodded areas. • 6" of wood mulch shall be installed under all trees and shrubs that are isolated from the foundation plants. mulch in shrub beds will be continuous. Mulch under conifer trees will extend 6" beyond the trees canopy. Mulch under deciduous trees will extend 1.5 feet from the trees' trunk. • The Landscape Contractor shall repair all damage to the site caused by the planting operation at no cost to the owner. SHEET TITLE PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN SHEET 10 OF 12 SHEETS DETAIL \968 /-MP-10 rF�17 T A 1 —7 I 0 15 30 60 >> TAIL B JMP ID-16� f MP---- 9-_ 21- SHRUB MASSES TO BE MULCHED WITH SHREDDED HARDWOOD (NO EDGING) SEE SHEETS 9-10 FOR PLANT SCHEDULE AND SPECIFICATIONS DETAILS A AND B ARE COUNTED ON THE SINGLE FAMILY PLANT SCHEDULE ON SHEET 9 DETAILS C,D, AND E ARE COUNTED ON THE MULTI -FAMILY PLANT SCHEDULE ON SHEET 10 ©° ° ° -0 E AIL DETAIL B ,,rte 4 � — I \ — 7 1 — \ I � / I F F\ Ld � I � � ® �< �� IIL J L -- i 11 //r 1 �► ` �� L D � / A ma n rU L PA 2422 Enterprise Drive Mendota Heights, FAX ss12o I herebycertifyp that this Ian was prepared b me or under m direct Name Jennifer L. Hattervi LAND NPLANNERS- LANDSCAPE NARCHITECTS 625)Hghway 10 N.E. 681-9488 supervision and that I am Certified Nursery and Landscape Professional e Blaine, 56434 in the state of Minnesota (612) 76383 —1880 FAX: 783-1863 Date STA -11 �� DETAIL C i Revisions Date 4/14/03 5/22/03—CITY COMMENTS Designed JLH Drawn JLH _23 i -TA -22 HWS 953�7� DETAIL D OWNER GOLD NUGGET DEVELOPMENT PROJECT 8857 ZEALAND AVENUE NORTH FEATHERSTONE BROOKLYN PARK MINNESOTA 55445 N DETAIL E i� 3� SHEET TITLE PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN U MONUMENT SHEET 11 OF 12 SHEETS D TA i L_' -- - - - - --- / / / D - TA D- 1A ._22 i SHRUB MASSES TO BE MULCHED WITH SHREDDED HARDWOOD (NO EDGING) SEE SHEETS 9-10 FOR PLANT SCHEDULE AND SPECIFICATIONS DETAILS F,G,H,AND I ARE COUNTED ON THE SINGLE FAMILY PLANT SCHEDULE ON SHEET 9 FL -12 I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct Name supervision and that I am a Certified Nursery and Landscape Professional Jennifer L. Hattervig in the state of Minnesota Date Revisions Date 4/14/03 5/22/03—CITY COMMENTS Designed JLH Drawn JLH OWNER GOLD NUGGET DEVELOPMENT PROJECT 8857 ZEALAND AVENUE NORTH FEATHERSTONE BROOKLYN PARK MINNESOTA 55445 n 0 0 10 20 4+0 � I GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET SHEET TITLE PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN SHEET 12 OF 12 SHEETS I FEATHERSTONE KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That Gold Nugget Development, Inc., a Minnesota Corporation, owner of the following described property situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, to wit: Outlot A, FEATHERSTONE SECOND ADDITION according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota Has caused the same to be surveyed and platted as FEATHERSTONE THIRD ADDITION and does hereby dedicate to the public for public use the public ways and the drainage and utility easements as created by this plat. In witness whereof said Gold Nugget Development, Inc., a Minnesota Corporation, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this day of , 20 . Gold Nugget Development, Inc., a Minnesota Corporation Signature Printed Name STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF as Title This instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 20 , by of Gold Nugget Development, Inc., a Minnesota Corporation, on behalf of the corporation. Signature Printed Name Notary Public, County My Commission Expires SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I Peter J. Hawkinson do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor in the State of Minnesota; that this plat is a correct representation of the boundary survey; that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated on this plat; that all monuments depicted on this plat have been, or will be correctly set within one year; that all water boundaries and wet lands, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.01, Subd. 3, as of the date of this certificate are shown and labeled on this plat; and all public ways are shown and labeled on this plat. Dated this day of STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF 20 Peter J. Hawkinson, Licensed Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 42299 The foregoing Surveyor's Certificate was acknowledged before me this Surveyor, Minnesota License No. 42299. Signature Printed Name Notary Public, day of , 20 , by Peter J. Hawkinson, Land My Commission Expires County THIRD ADDITION CITY COUNCIL, City of Monticello, Minnesota This plat of FEATHERSTONE THIRD ADDITION was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota at a regular meeting thereof held this day of 20 , and said plat is in compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subdivision 2. Mayor City Administrator WRIGHT COUNTY SURVEYOR I hereby certify that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 11, this plat has been reviewed and approved this of , 20 Wright County Surveyor WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR E Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.12, there are no delinquent taxes on the land hereinbefore described on this plat and transfer entered this day of , 20 B y: Wright County Auditor Deputy WRIGHT COUNTY TREASURER Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 9, taxes payable for the year 20 this day of , 20 B y; Wright County Treasurer Deputy WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER on the land hereinbefore described have been paid I hereby certify that this instrument was filed in the office of the County Recorder for record on this 20 , at o'clock Sleeve , as Document No. M. and was duly recorded in Cabinet No. Wright County Recorder day of PISNEERengineering,P.A. CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS SHEET 1 OF 3 SHEETS FEATHERSTONE THIRD ADDITION MATCH LINE SEE SHEET 3 OF 3 / - cn� c13 66 830.00 50 ` �N 6p 34-- 170.17 0 / 15°2g o T Ilec�0 p6 , c / R.600.00 0 p' 815 i o °,15 2� 161.08 0 1A ��� 9 Q 00 \ �- o _15°1643" r� `v' °08 S „ O� 4152.00 � n I- - 8 o�� I� o 1-013 I I to of 1 , A J \ 1 o 30 cci \ V 80 40 0 80 �^ , 0 1 i30�I W �i 1 mw \ CO LS89°50'37"W -150.00 Z I o % X Scale in Feet co NG _ - - - - - _ Q w O LN89°50'37"E- 160.00 ,�' 5863 1 Inch = 80 Feet \ I % of to Q Fr ------L- LI � of O ' 'o< 2 IW 2 0 co I00 N LS89°50'37"W -150.00 N () 0) LN89°50'37"E 160.00o- o w--------wN0 CMfl ssJ'3J JJ �' ° c0 of 3 to m I a1 0 Lf� L6 °°I ° I� 30 30 co , 3 'V j ° ° 187.43 LS89 50'37"W -150.00 N86 21 42 E �a x 1160.Z6-- 0' - - - - - - --- -_�%� N86°21 42"Eaj \� o 1122--------� 347.69 L0 °F- 0 (0 N I ,�� D 89TH N III /w - - - - m I 70'44 I o 31 jJJJ/ ST NE I z rri I X06°39'44 \,� I �Io 4 I 342• -� d/ I w I 0`0 I ° 2„W _ 150.41 J\� I cnh 9° 16"EJ 195.19 N ITE r I Q r� - - _ _ _ I LS83 10 5 N� N7 38- r I VK � co 0 II ° 4.II LJ o00 N E I 4. � cj ����- W' �� 1S2 e W 5 „�co w co 'oa -N 153.86 + rn�c�,� S15 19 4, E 85TH ST NEIr / n :I �\ /��/�� �\\ 5,g�g4�E / OUTLOT A ��; ; - ��� �- r r J \ I 01 00 n`\ I n\\ I N Cp\ 6 \�_ �O ° �'O�� --- 000 o° -- -- I -- --� cp; �5\ 0\ti \ 63 <^ / 41 7 �\ �o�v' �r „� % 2 100?� oo 00 SECTION 23, TWP. 121, RGE. 25 0 ��\ �' \�� �� °2� �� / 00 rn n �\w_ �. 0 LOCATION MAP � .' NO SCALE \� S89°06'39"W- - 177.03 �O \ I , 85.00 62.63 0\C 8 \ 199 9a o<v I I l0 10�h \ \��° \ �, J O0 0� Ln 000 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY to I I �6`� \V.��\ \00 EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: w ��' l0 9 I I� $o o� \ w 1 I ----N ----J�rE----� ---- J r _ _ toN _ _ __ \ �o L85.00 123.13 17._9 0 0 0 T 3 0 '30.00 � STREET 30.036 N89°06'39"E 434.30 - � ` _ 238.58 195.72 i l `> 30.00 � 30.03 ��b �67�7 -� _ 162 24 30 30 164.41- --- �o being 5 feet in width, and adjoining lot lines �,�' - - unless otherwise indicated, and 10 feet in width < J� �' I I 1 I c0 and adjoining street lines and rear lot lines" of to of 01 10 unless otherwise indicated on the lot. J p 0I 1 0 1- I� w �I 1 i N "C3 --------J I w c;------- {� FS89°06 39' W 152.24 I Q r N89°06'39"E 159.82 M 1 100 to � o 01 2 Iq I a �I 2 I� 3 I� �r) 001 4 THE ORIENTATION OF THIS BEARING SYSTEM IS BASED ON I THE SOUTH LINE OF OUTLOT A, FEATHERSTONE SECOND wc� L - - - - - - - - NI J (� _ _ _ ADDITION, WHICH IS ASSUMED TO HAVE A BEARING OF N FS89006'39"w 162.24 o 0 F-N89°06'39'_E 156.10 SOUTH 89002'58" WEST. Ln 1 I o 0' OO DENOTES FOUND CAST IRON MONUMENT o 01 M1 zl m C), I� O DENOTES 1/2 INCH BY 14 INCH IRON PIPE S LINE OF OUTLOT A, 01 3 I0 3o I 30 0I 3 I MONUMENT SET AND MARKED BY LICENSE NUMBER ADDTTIONSTONE SECOND ro2 42299, OR WILL BE SET IN ACCORDANCE WITH MS I Io o I SECTION 505.021, SUBD. 10. 1 I 6 l o • DENOTES FOUND 1/2 INCH IRON MONUMENT 690.37 C3 L---162.24---� 150.40 --J a MARKED BY LICENSE NUMBER 42299 UNLESS - OTHERWISE NOTED. ----- S89002'58"W 1063.01 00 Q0 ro r T i 1 ^ -7 F- r- T f r- �0 00 FI PIONEERengineefing CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS SHEET 2 OF 3 SHEETS 80 40 0 80 I I I Scale in Feet 1 Inch = 80 Feet ST NE lz -- --\ \ iw SITE V� Q �� 87 H t o \� I W 85TH ST NE II I I I \ Vl< n \ I n \ I SECTION 23, TWP. 121, RGE. 25 LOCATION MAP NO SCALE DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: I I 6� �6 T T being 5 feet in width, and adjoining lot lines unless otherwise indicated, and 10 feet in width and adjoining street lines and rear lot lines unless otherwise indicated on the plat. THE ORIENTATION OF THIS BEARING SYSTEM IS BASED ON THE SOUTH LINE OF OUTLOT A, FEATHERSTONE SECOND ADDITION, WHICH IS ASSUMED TO HAVE A BEARING OF SOUTH 89002'58" WEST. O DENOTES FOUND CAST IRON MONUMENT O DENOTES 1/2 INCH BY 14 INCH IRON PIPE MONUMENT SET AND MARKED BY LICENSE NUMBER 42299, OR WILL BE SET IN ACCORDANCE WITH MS SECTION 505.021, SUBD. 10. • DENOTES FOUND 1/2 INCH IRON MONUMENT MARKED BY LICENSE NUMBER 42299 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. FEATHERSTONE THIRD ADDITION NW CORNER OF SEC. 23, TWP. 121, RGE. 25 (WRIGHT COUNTY MONUMENT) J 0 U) N89026'11 0"E 1574.20 50.00 FOOT UNITED POWER ASSOCIATION EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 587954 — — — — — — — — 0 Ln 0 o r�i N 00 NLO Z L N O� \ wow CO co 0UJ i \\ \ / I IT/1T n \ W �� \ 04 CN L0 0 \ \� Z \ S89016'23"W 663.64 OU TLOT A \J MATCH LINE _ SEE SHEET 2 OF 3 C 00 N >0,, 3 � i N 0 80.41 \ S0700494819W i i 60 i40zv� tpo�� sv -J \ ��— c, ; �` Sig 1\O yv PI$NEERen ineerin CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEETS I � I PI$NEERen ineerin CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEETS FEATHERSTONE THIRD ADDITION 16965 SF 13E EBERSOLE AVENUE OD�U �a �N 1 2 3 4 13765 SF� m 15097 SF 12750 SF 12750 SF 13461 SF OU TLOT A 2500509 SF 57.4038 AC 100 50 0 100 Scale in Feet 1 Inch = 100 Feet 7 14760 SF 9 12750 SF J 1 2 3 17022 SF 13426 SF 20001 SF EBERSOLE AVENUE w W 1 2 3 17036 SF 13791 SF 21213 SF 3 BLOCK 1 = 123,476 SF. 2.8346 AC. BLOCK 2 = 175,891 SF. 4.0379 AC. BLOCK 3 = 52,040 SF. 1.1947 AC. BLOCK 4 = 50,449 SF. 1.1581 AC. TOTAL LOT AREA = 401,856 SF. 9.2253 AC. TOTAL OUTLOT AREA =2,500,509 SF. 57.4038 AC. TOTAL R/W AREA = 103,442 SF. 2.3747 AC. TOTAL AREA = 3,005,807 SF. 69.0038 AC. PIONEERengineering CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS WSB Building a legacy — your legacy. July 26, 2017 Ms. Angela Schumann Community Development Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Featherstone Yd Addition Plan Review City Project No. 2017-026 WSB Project No. 010151-000 Dear Ms. Schumann: 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 We have reviewed the grading, street and utility plans dated June 28, 2017 and the stormwater management plan dated June 22, 2017, as prepared by Pioneer Engineering and offer the following comments: Grading Plans 1. Provide a narrative or earthwork calculations showing grading operations of the site (i.e. mining/borrow areas, topsoil stripping, excavation and filling). It is understood that most of the site will be filled. Demonstrate show the fill and underlying soils will support the road bed based on City standards. 2. The typical street section should include a 2 -foot sand section. The typical section and street should be labeled as 32 -feet from face of curb to face of curb. 3. Six-inch drain tile shall be provided under the curb or in the rear yards in order for sump pump discharges pipes to connect to for each lot. 4. Driveway % grades should be labeled. 5. Verify that the driveway width is a maximum 24 -feet wide between the curb and property line. 6. Label the % grades with drainage arrows for all side yard and rear yard swales. A minimum 2% swale is required. 7. The street grade labels are crowded and should be revised to be more visible. Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com K:\02596-420\Admin\Docs\050817 submittal Featherstone 3rd Addition July 26, 2017 Page 2 8. A 2 -foot clay liner for the pond is not needed for purposes of wellhead protection. The City's amended 2016 Wellhead Protection Plan identified the subject property in the low vulnerability DWSMA and a liner is no longer needed. 9. Pond slopes should have a maximum 4:1 slope. 10. Show the existing pond inlet and outlet pipes more clearly with elevation information. 11. Seed mixes for the pond is still under review and will be provided to the applicant this week. 12. A maintenance route from an adjacent roadway shall be identified on the plans for the pond and rear yard catch basins. 13. 86th Street should extend to the easterly property line with tying in the grades to the adjacent City owned property. The existing contours should extend past the site boundary. 14. Include erosion control and restoration on the borrow area plan. 15. Conservation easement posts shall be provided every other lot at the property lines for Block 2, Lots 2/3, 4/5, 6/7 and 8/9. The posts shall comply with the City Detail. Street and Utilitv Plans 16. A project location inset map shall be provided on each sheet. 17. The watermain off -set should be removed and the watermain should be constructed with an over -depth to avoid installing additional bends. 18. Label the watermain as Class 52. 19. The sewer and water stub on the east end of 86th Street shall extend past the property line into the City -owned property for future connection. The sewer stub shall extend past the temporary hydrant for future extension. 20. Include the typical section on the street sheets. 21. The sidewalk shall be 6 -feet wide and note 5 -feet wide per City standards. 22. Conduit crossings will likely need to be installed at street intersections depending on private utility needs. K:\010151-000\Ad m i n\Docs Featherstone 3rd Addition July 26, 2017 Page 3 23. Mailbox locations shall be shown on the plans. 24. Label 85th Street. 25. All riprap shall be grouted in place and extend to the bottom of the pond per City standards. 26. Include a skimmer structure on the pond outlet. 27. Show the existing pond inlet and outlet pipes more clearly with elevation information. 28. FES 521 and FES 522 are labeled in profile but not on the plans. Stormwater Management 1. Provide a description of pretreatment in the narrative. 2. Additional information is needed for the culvert under Ebersole Avenue. This is an offsite discharge point and does not appear to direct runoff to Basin 50. The drainage area to that culvert should be reflected in the model. 3. Pond 40 and Pond 50 were shown to equalize at 952.4 in the Featherstone 2nd Addition Plans, but in the current model the HWL of Pond 40 is higher than Pond 50. The applicant should explain or fix the discrepancy. 4. Infiltration rates should be verified in the field with an infiltrometer test. The basin must drawdown within 48 hours, and soils that have infiltration rates of more than 8.3 inches per hour must be amended to slow the infiltration rate to less than 8.3 inches per hour. 5. Provide rational method calculations confirming adequacy of the storm sewer design for the 10 -year storm event. Calculations should adhere to the following guidelines: The rational method runoff coefficient (c) is designated by land use and should be assigned a value no less than 0.7. Minimum allowable velocity in closed conduit = 3.0 fps Maximum allowable velocity in closed conduit = 12.0 fps 6. Since 1 acre or more of the site is being disturbed, a NPDES/SDS Construction Storm Water General Permit shall be obtained before construction commences. K:\010151-000\Ad m i n\Docs Featherstone 3rd Addition July 26, 2017 Page 4 HydroCAD Model 7. Provide model assumptions in the narrative; specifically, why was one acre of unconnected impervious assigned to Drainage Area 5? 8. Verify the drainage areas into Basin 50 and clearly define all points of discharge from the site in the narrative. For example, the lots and street clouded in the Figure below don't appear to be directed into Basin 50 but are included in Drainage Area 5 in the Model. o i 2 9. The HWL of Pond 50 is listed as 952.6 in the plans, 950.5 in HydroCAD, and 952.5 in the stormwater management plan. This discrepancy should be revised so that the model and narrative support what is shown on the plans. 10. The typical pond 50 cross section on the Grading plan indicates a 2' clay compacted clay liner extending up to the outlet elevation of 949.0. Verify that the clay liner will be used and if so: a. Update the HydroCAD model so that Exfiltration in Pond 50 occurs only above the outlet elevation of 949.0. b. The callout under Pond 50 in the plans should read "INFILTRATION = 949.0." Please have the applicant provide a written response addressing the comments above. Please give me a call at 763-271-3236 if you have any questions or comments regarding this letter. Thank you. WSB & Associates, Inc. Shibani K. Bisson, PE City Engineer K:\010151-000\Admin\Docs F- Featherstone 3rd Addition July 26, 2017 Page 5 skb K:\010151-000\Ad m i n\Docs (reserved for recording information) DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (Developer Installed Improvements) FEA THE4 TONE THIRD ADDITION I A REEMENT dated a Minnesota Minnesota 1. 2017, by between the CITY OF IN ("City"), and GOLD NUGGET DEVELOPMENT er") IiT APPROVAL. The Doper has asked the Cit LO, plat and Planned Unit Development approval for FEATHERSTONE THi"ADDmoN (referred to in this Contract as the "plat" and the "Development"), a continuation of the single family portion of the a Featherstone development. The Development consists of approximately 11.6 acres, for which the area of the 24 units will be rezoned from an Agricultural Open Space District to an R-1 single family district, and will accommodate 24 single family lots. The land is situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, and is legally described on the attached Exhibit "A". 2. CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL. The City hereby approves the plat on condition that the Developer enter into this Contract, furnish the security required by it, and record the plat with the 193772v1 County Recorder within 100 days after the City Council approves the final plat or the execution of this Contract, whichever occurs later. The City hereby grants approval to the Planned Unit Development provided the Development is consistent with the conditions of this Contract and the specific City conditions, requirements and PUD flexibility as set forth in City Resolution 2017-OXX and City Resolution 2017-OXX, , adopted by the Monticello Council on August 14th, 2017, and subject to the conditions of Exhibit Z of the Staff Report dated August 14th, 2017. 3. RIGHT TO PROCEED. Within the plat or land to be platted, the Developer may not remove trees, construct sewerilines, water lines, streets, utilities, public or private improvements, or any pr1A buildings �ntil all the following conditions have been satisfied: 1) this agreement has been fully executed by both parties and fil with the City Cl�, 2) the necessary security as been received bylFe City, 3) r the plat has been sub d to the Wright County Recorder's Office, a 4) the City has iss d a letter that all conditions have been satisfied and that the Developer may proceed. 4. PHASED DEVELOPMENT. Is A. � plat is a phase of a multi-pTiased preliminary plat, t e City may refuse to approve final plats of subsequent phases if the Developer has breached this Agreement and the breach has not been remedied. Development of subsequent phases may not proceed until the City approves Development Contracts for such phases. B. Future phases of development are subject to submission, review and approval for required applications, including, but not limited to, application for rezoning, preliminary and final plat and may be subject to submission, review and approval for required applications planned unit development or amendment to planned unit development as determined by the City. 2 193772v1 C. Future phases of development are subject to the requirements and standards of the zoning ordinance in place at the time of approval. 5. PRELIMINARY PLAT STATUS. If this Plat is a phase of a multi -phased preliminary plat, and the preliminary plat approval for all phases and outlots not final platted shall lapse and be void unless final platted into lots and blocks, not outlots, within three (3) years after preliminary plat approval as specified by state law. 6. CHANGES IN OFFICIAL CONTROLS. For two (2) years from the date of this Contract, no amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan, or official controls shall apply to or affect the Ar� use, de elopment density, lot or federa aw or agr to in in this tract to the trar with any amendments he 1 ;e, lot layout or dedications of the approved plat unless required by state ANI& jting by the City and the Developer. T%eafter, notwithstanding anything the fulle tent pe ' ted tate la Comprehensiv an. 7. ZON . Except as otherwise p0ovided herein, the subj t property shall bject to the zoning regulations for the need Unit Development District and th requirements and dards of W to the R-1 (Single -Family Residence) District a ct at the timet e deve opment stage planned unit development of Featherstone was approved in September 2003. If there is a conflict among these City may regulations, the conflict shall be resolved in the order listed below with item number one being primary: (1) Planned Unit Development Agreement [this document]. (2) Planned Unit Development Zoning District Regulations (3) R-1 Zoning District Regulations 8. CONDITION FOR SUBSEQUENT APPROVALS. No final plat for changes or amendments to this PUD Agreement shall be approved, nor shall construction commence for such additional land uses, until an amendment of the PUD Agreement is processed and approved, subject to the requirements of the Monticello Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, including the submission of site and 3 193772v1 multi -family building plans, final grading and drainage plans, final utility plans, and final landscaping plans. 9. DEVELOPMENT PLANS. The plat shall be developed in accordance with the following plans. The plans shall not be attached to this Contract. With the exception of Plans A and B, the plans may be prepared, subject to City approval, after entering the Contract, but before commencement of any work in the plat. If the plans vary from the written terms of this Contract, the written terms shall control. The plans are: 10. Plan A - Preliminary Plat Plan B -Final Plat AR ' Plan C - Site Plan Planinal Grading, Development, and l Plan E ans and Specifications for &lic Plan F - Street htin Plan i g OLandle Plan3VEMENTS.e Developer sha all and *for We following: A. Sanitary Sewer System B. Water System C. Storm Sewer System D. Streets E. Concrete Curb and Gutter F. Street Lights G. Site Grading, Ponding, and Erosion Control H. Underground Utilities 4 193772v1 I. Setting of Iron Monuments Surveying and Staking K. Cluster Mailboxes L. Conservation Easement Posts The improvements shall be installed in accordance with the City subdivision ordinance; City standard specifications for utilities and street construction; and any other ordinances. The Developer shall submit plans and specifications which have been prepared by a registered professional engineer to the City for approval by the City Engineer. The City may, at the City's discretion and at the Developer's expense, have one or more City inspectors ad a soil engineer inspect the work on a full or part-time basis. The Developer, its contr s an bcontractors, shall follow all written instructions received from the City's inspectors subject to eloper plans specific ns. ,The Develop or r his engineers 1 schedule a pre -construction meet at a mutually agreeable t' at the City Council chambers with all parties concernet includin City gff, to review thyrogram for the constion work. Withi irty (30) A days after the completion of the improvements and before the security eleased, the Deve r shall supply the Cit a complete■set of repr�ucTe "as constructed" plans, an electronic file of the "as constructed" plans in an auto CAD.DWG file or a .DXF file, and two complete sets of blue line "as constructed" plans, all prepared in accordance with City standards. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes 505.021, the final placement of iron monuments for all lot corners must be completed before the applicable security is released. The Developer's surveyor shall also submit a written notice to the City certifying that the monuments have been installed. 11. DESIGN STANDARDS. The applicable Planned Unit Development Zoning District Regulations are equal to those set forth in the R-1 Zoning District Regulation. 5 193772v1 42. PERMITS. The Developer shall obtain or require its contractors and subcontractors to obtain all necessary permits, including but not limited to: • Wright County for County Road Access and Work in County Rights -of -Way • Wright County Soil Conservation District • MnDot for State Highway Access • Minnesota Department of Health for Watermains • NPDES Permit for Stormwater Connections • MPCA for Sanitary Sewer and Hazardous Material Removal and Disposal • DNR for Dewatering • City of Monticello for Building Permits 13. DEWATERING. Due to the variable nature of groundwater levels and stormwater flows, it will Developer's and he Developer's contractor and subcon n�ility to satisfy themse with regard to the elevation of groundwater in the area and the level of effort needed to Ir perform dewatering and storm flow routing operations. All dewatering shall be in accord a e with all IF applicable county, state, and federal rules and regulations. DNR regulations regarding appr iations A permits�ll also be strictly followed. 14. TIMF PERFORMANCE. Developer shall install all required pub EE improvements by August 30, sf the year follb the year of recordin$.of the final plat wi e exception of the final wear course of asphalt on streets. The final wear course on streets shall be installed between August 15th and October 15th of the year following installation of improvements, at the direction and in the discretion of the City Engineer. The Developer may, however, request an extension of time from the City. If an extension is granted, it shall be conditioned upon updating the security posted by the Developer to reflect cost increases and the extended completion date. 15. LICENSE. The Developer hereby grants the City, its agents, employees, officers and contractors a license to enter the platted property to perform all work and inspections deemed appropriate by the City in conjunction with plat development. 6 193772v1 16. EROSION CONTROL AND STORM WATER CONTROL. Prior to initiating site grading, the erosion control plan, Plan B, shall be implemented by the Developer and inspected and approved by the City. The City may impose additional erosion control and storm water requirements if they would be beneficial. All areas disturbed by the excavation and backfilling operations shall be reseeded within 48 hours after the completion of the work or in an area that is inactive for more than seven (7) days unless authorized and approved by the City Engineer. Except as otherwise provided in the erosion control plan, seed shall be in accordance with the City's current seeding specification which may include certified oat seed to provide a temporary ground cover as rapidly as possible. All seeded areas shall b fertilized, mulched, a d disc anchored as necessary for seed retention. The parties recognize that at 4 =va time is of the essence in controlling erosion. If the Developer does not ply with the erosion control 1 plan and or supplementary i tions received from the City, e City may take such action as it deems appropriate to control erosion. The City will�endeavor1to notify the Developer in a vance of any proposed action, but failure of the City to so will not affect the Developer's and City's ri lit or obligations hereunder! If the Developer does no mburse the City for any cost the City in ed for such work within ten days, theTty may draw down the letter Adit • ay any costs. No evelopment, utility or street construction will be allowed and no building permits will be issued unless the plat is in full compliance with the approved erosion control plan and storm water control measures are in place. 17. GRADING PLAN AND CERTIFICATION. The plat shall be graded in accordance with the approved grading plan, stormwater control measures and erosion control plan as set forth in Plan "D". The plan shall conform to City of Monticello specifications. Within thirty (30) days after completion of the grading and before the City approves individual building permits (except as permitted by this agreement or the Building Official), the Developer shall provide the City with an "as constructed" grading plan certified by a registered land surveyor or engineer that all ponds, swales, and ditches have been 7 193772v1 constructed on public easements or land owned by the City. Additionally, the "as constructed" grading plan will include a certification that the grading following construction activities has been undisturbed or has been returned to the state required in the grading plan. The "as constructed" plan shall include field verified elevations of the following: a) cross sections of ponds; b) location and elevations along all swales, wetlands, wetland mitigation areas if any, ditches, locations and dimensions of borrow areas/stockpiles, and installed "conservation area" posts; and c) lot corner elevations, and building pads. The City will withhold issuance of building permits until the approved certified grading plan is on file with the City and all erosion control measures are in place as determined by the City Engineer. The Developer certifies to the Cit that all lots with buildi tings placed on fill have been monitored and k constru to meet or exceed licable specificatio CLEAN P. Developer shall clean dirt and debris4. m streets that has resulted from construction work by the Developer, home builders, subcontractors, their agents or assigns. Prior to any construc n in the pl�,the Developer shall identify in writing a responsible party and schedule for erosion eet cleaning, and street swee The Developer shall pay a penalty of $100.00 a day .W. i for each ca endar day that the streets are not cleaned 1n accordance with this paragraph. If t le Developer repeatedly fails to clean streets in accordance with this paragraph, the City may, in its discretion, perform the work or contract to have the work completed and bill the costs to the Developer. The City will endeavor to notify the Developer in advance of any proposed action, but failure of the City to do so will not affect the Developer's and City's rights or obligations hereunder. If the Developer does not reimburse the City for any cost the City incurred for such work within ten (10) days from the date notice of the amount owed to the City is mailed, the City may draw down the Irrevocable Letter of Credit to pay any costs. No development, utility or street construction will be allowed and no building permits will be issued unless the Plat is in full compliance with the requirements of this Paragraph. 193772v1 19. OWNERSHIP OF IMPROVEMENTS. Upon completion of the work and construction required by this Contract, the improvements lying within public easements shall become City property without further notice or action. 20. CITY ENGINEERING ADMINISTRATION AND CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION. A. The Developer shall pay a fee for the City's engineering administration as related to the Public Improvements. City engineering administration will include monitoring of construction observation related to Public Improvements, consultation with Developer and its engineer on status or problems regarding thproject, coordination nal inspection Aceptance, project monitoring during the warranty period, an processing of requests for reduction in security. Feor this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adoptffee schedule estimated to b e percent (5.0%), he estimated construction cost of the Public Improvements, assuming normal construction and p j ct scheduling. Developer will provide a $25,875.35 scrow, which is separate and in addition to other escrow"orthis Development, to pa fe wed to the City under this Section. The eloper shall pay for construction observation performe y the City's consulting r. Construction observation shall include part or full-time inspection of proposed public utilities and will be billed on standard hourly rates per City's adopted fee schedule. The cost of the construction observation is included in the five (5%) estimate. B. The Developer shall pay a fee for the City's engineering administration as related to grading and restoration of the Subject Property. City engineering administration will include monitoring of construction observation related to grading and restoration of the site, consultation with Developer and his engineer on status or problems regarding the project, coordination for final inspection and acceptance, and processing of requests for reduction in security. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the 9 193772v1 City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be two percent (2.0%), of the estimated construction cost of the Subject Property grading and restoration cost, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Developer will provide an $5,931.16 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development. The Developer shall pay for construction observation performed by the City's consulting engineer. Construction observation shall include part or full-time inspection of proposed public utilities and will be billed on standard hourly rates per City's adopted fee schedule. C. The fees owed by the Developer to the City under this Section shall be paid from the escrows amounts. Any amounts not utilized from the escrow account shall be returned to the Developer when all the Development has been completed in accordance with this Agreement. If additional escrow amounts are require r such costs incurred beyond t 11 scrow de it, the Develox costs a ere shall b issuance of occupancy pe s until all such CITY NNING, LF4W AND ADMINISTRATION. A. The Developer Mall submit an es ow deposit fo fees to proc sing of the Plat and associated adminis on. Fees f is sE rates per e City's adopted fee�hedule es�iiflat to be two perc (2. be billed directly for such ttions have been ly paid. ty staff adminis ion relating shall be at stan hourly or $2,000 minimum, of the estimated construction cost of the Public Improvements, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Developer will provide a $10,350.14 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development. This amount is subject to reconciliation based on actual costs at the completion of the project. B. The Developer shall submit an escrow deposit for fees relating to City planning -related expenses associated with the Plat development. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be two percent (2.0%), or $2,000 minimum, of the estimated construction cost of the Public Improvements, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Developer will provide a $10,350.14 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for 10 193772v1 this Development. This amount is subject to reconciliation based on actual costs at the completion of the project. C. The Developer shall submit an escrow deposit for fees relating to City legal -related expenses associated with the Plat development. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be two percent (2.0%), or $2,000 minimum, of the estimated construction cost of the Public Improvements, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Developer will provide a $10,350.14 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development. This amount is subject to reconciliation based on actual costs at the completion of the proj ect. Wr %Thewed by the Deer to the C4iter this Section shall be 1paidfrthe escrows in L amounts not utilized from fescrow account shall be re ed to the Develo hen all the Development has been completed in accordance with this Agreement. If additional escrow ajounts are required dir such costs incurred beyond the escrow deposit, he liveloper hall be billed dire for such costs and there shallno iss e of occupancy permits until all such gations have been ly paid. � 11 1 22. CLAIMS. In the event that the City receives claims from labor, materialmen, or others that work required by this Contract has been performed, the sums due them have not been paid, and the laborers, materialmen, or others are seeking payment from the City, the Developer hereby authorizes the City to commence an Interpleader action pursuant to Rule 22, Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure for the District Courts, to draw upon the letters of credit in an amount up to 125 percent of the claim(s) and deposit the funds in compliance with the Rule, and upon such deposit, the Developer shall release, discharge, and dismiss the City from any further proceedings as it pertains to the letters of credit deposited 11 193772v1 with the District Court, except that the Court shall retain jurisdiction to determine attorneys' fees pursuant to this Contract. 23. STORM SEWER AREA CHARGE. The Development is subject to a storm sewer area charge of $38,296.50. The area charge is based on the gross area of the final plat less any area credit for pond area, and is calculated as follows: 10.55 net acres x $3,630.00/acre = $38,296.50 Storm Sewer Alternate Ponding charges are not applicable to this phase. The total storm sewer area charge for the Development of shall be assessed against the property if not paid by the Developer in cash at the time of final plat approval at developer's option. If assessed, an interest rate of 2.0% over prime as published in the Wall Street Jomaal at the time of assessment per annum the remaining pr' pal balance MW each year shall apply. [See Paragraph 31(D).] 24. SANITARY SEWER AREA CHAR E. The Development is subject to a nitary sewer area charge of $31,752.00. The area charge is based on the gross area of he final plat and i lculated as follows tww 24 units x $1, 3.0 residential uit=$31, 2.00 The Developer shall be assessed or shall pay the sanitary sewer area charge in cash at the time of final plat approval at developer's option. If assessed, an interest rate of 2.0% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year. shall apply. [See Paragraph 31(D).] 25. WATER MAIN AREA CHARGE. The Development is subject to a water main area charge of $23,544.00. The area charge is based on the gross area of the final plat and is calculated as follows: 24 units x $981.00/residential unit = $23,544.00 12 193772v1 The Developer shall be assessed or shall pay the sanitary sewer area charge in cash at the time of final plat approval at developer's option. If assessed, an interest rate of 2.0% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year. shall apply. [See Paragraph 31(D).] 26. PARK DEDICATION AND TRAILS. A. This Development is not subject to park dedication fees; however, Developer agrees to abide by the park dedication agreements from the original approval of Featherstone Addition, dated June 9th, 2003 and agrees that Park Dedication requirements shall be calculated for each future phase and include the Development Agreement for future phases such that the park dedication requirements of the Cit 11 be met The Developer is required to execute and cord, the Amen6nttoFeatherston cond Addition which provides Ifor f�ture park dedication a applicable by ph 27. SPECIAL PROVISIONS. The following special provisions shall apply to r' development: A. Implementation of recommendations listed int e Monticello Res caution PC - p 2017-021, dated August 1st, 2017. B. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the Monticello Resolution PC - 2017 -022, dated August 1 st, 2017. July 26, 2017. C. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the City Engineer's Report dated D. Developer shall extend 87"' Street to the west for connection to future phases of Featherstone and to accommodate access to the previously platted park area, as well as the linear park/pathway system upon full development. 13 193772v1 E. Developer shall provide additional street stubs and future street extension, to be constructed with the Development and other improvements to the Development to avoid future access and construction problems. F. Developer shall complete the connection of Ebersole Avenue NE from the 2nd phase of the project south to 85th Street. G. Developer shall revise its Preliminary Plat to increase the drainage and utility easements along the perimeter of all lots to 6 feet interior and 12 feet along streets and at the perimeter of the plat. Developer is subject to an assessment of $5,405.60 (calculated as 11.6 acres at ok $466.0 r acre) re to stMt improvement costs and the installation of the traffic control system for Trunk way 25 / 8'Sth Street signal and turn lane. [See Paragraph 31( .] J. Developer will enter into an assessment agreement with the City relati o street improv nt costs and the installation of the traffic control syste , which agreement shall in orate the terms a etails outlined in the City Engineer's letters dated October 15, 2014 and Novemb 2014 adIL dresse to Novak -Fleck, IncolSee Paragraph�V(D) J K. Development is subject to a road reconstruction charge for 85th Street in the amount of $23,977.20 (calculated as 11.6 acres at$2,067.00 per acre). L. Prior to City Council approval of the final plat, the Developer shall furnish a boundary survey of the proposed property to be platted with all property corner monumentation in place and marked with lath and a flag. Any encroachments on or adjacent to the property shall be noted on the survey. The Developer shall post a $7,200.00 security for the final placement of interior subdivision iron monuments at property corners. The security was calculated as follows: 24 units at $300.00 per unit. The security will be held by the City until the Developer's land surveyor certifies that all irons have been set 14 193772v1 following site grading and utility and street construction. In addition, the certificate of survey must also include a certification that all irons for a specific lot have either been found or set prior to the issuance of a building permit for that lot. K. The Developer is required to submit the final plat in electronic format. The electronic format shall be either AutoCAD.DWG file or a .DXF file. All construction record drawings (e.g., grading, utilities, and streets) shall be in electronic format in accordance with standard City specifications. The Developer shall also submit one complete set of reproducible construction plans on Mylar. r* N 28. SUMMARY OF SECURITY REQUIREMENTS. 021 A. To guarantee c=pliance with the terms of this agreemrpaymecnit of real 1 including interest and penalties, paymentspecial assessments, paymsts of a improvements, and construction of all public improvJments, the DeveloRPWMrnish tl letter ofidit, in theformatta ed her from bank ("security") for 55,883.75.00, p $64,296.93 for City elgineeri expens d inistration. am t of the security as follows: CONSTRUCTION COSTS: Sanitary Sewer Watermain Storm Sewer/Draintile/Infiltration Basin Roads, Street Signs, Driveways and Sidewalks/Trails Lighting, Mailboxes CONSTRUCTION SUB -TOTAL (ESTIMATED) OTHER COSTS: Lot Corners/Iron Monuments 193772v1 $ 84,386.00 $117,191.00 $ 71,383.00 $240,247.00 $ 4,300.00 $517,507.00 $ 7,200.00 :e taxes blic Ly with a cash fee of calculated 15 TOTAL COSTS $524,707.00 TOTAL SECURITIES: Total Costs X 125% $655,883.75 This breakdown is for historical reference; it is not a restriction on the use of the security. The bank shall be subject to the approval of the City Administrator. The security shall be for a term ending when maintenance bond is posted. Individual security instruments may be for shorter terms provided they are automatically renewed on an annual basis until expiration. The City may draw down the security with 30 days written notice to Developer, for any violation of the terms of this Contract or if the security is allowed to lapse prior to the end of the required term. If the required public improvements are not � � t completed at least thirty (30) days prior to the renewal of the security, the City may also draw it down. If �r the sec is drawfdown, the roceeds shall be used to cure the defa Upon receipt of proof i ki-N him satisfac ory to the City that work has been completed and financial obl ions to the City have been satisfied, with City fina=4 obligations Developer's the security may be reduced from time to time by ninety percent (90%) of the en satis d. Ten percent (10%) of the a ounts certified by the financial obligations to the Ci ined as security until all imp me ave been compleall satisfied, Te required "as constructed" p ans have been received by the City, a warranty security is provided, and the public improvements are accepted by the City Council. The City standard specifications for utilities and street construction outline procedures for security reductions. B. The Developer shall also furnish the City with a Security for $34,800.00 for grading in compliance with approved Plan "D" per Section 9 of this agreement. This amount was calculated as follows. $3,000/acre X 11.6 acres = $34,800.00 C. The Developer shall furnish the City with Security for $32,000.00 to guarantee the completion of Subject Property landscaping improvements in compliance with approved Plan "G", per 16 193772v1 Section 9 of this agreement. This amount was calculated based on the Developer's estimate of Subject Property landscaping plan installation costs. The security shall be held for two complete growing seasons after installation of landscaping materials to guarantee compliance with City landscaping standards. D. The Developer shall furnish the City with Security for $800.00 to guarantee the installation of the conservation easement posts in accordance with current City standards. 29. SUMMARY OF CASH REQUIREMENTS. The following is a summary of the cash requirements under this Contract which must be furnished to the City prior to the time of final plat approval: Legal (2%) Planning (2%) Engineering and Inspection: Grading and Restoration Streets and Utilities GPS Locate Administrati Total Cash ] * Fees recon 011&1_.11►71\1 111 W for City Overhead (2% actual expenses at close Developer wa ants all i ect. $ 10,350.14* $ 10,350.14* $ 5,931.1 25,875.35* 1,440.00* $ 10,350.14* $ 641296.93 required to be constructed by it pursuant to this Contract against poor material and faulty workmanship. The warranty period for underground utilities is two years and shall commence following completion and acceptance by City Council. The Developer or its Contractors shall post maintenance bonds in the amount of twenty-five percent (25%) of final certified construction costs to secure the warranties. Maintenance Bonds of the prime contractor may be accepted subject to City approval. The City shall retain ten percent (10%) of the security posted by the Developer until the maintenance bonds are furnished the City or until the warranty period expires, whichever first occurs. The retainage may be used to pay for warranty work. 31. RESPONSIBILITY FOR COSTS. 17 193772v1 A. Except as otherwise specified herein, the Developer shall pay all actual costs incurred by it or the City in conjunction with the development of the plat, including but not limited to Soil and Water Conservation District charges, legal, planning, engineering and inspection expenses incurred in connection with approval and acceptance of the plat, the preparation of this Contract, review of construction plans and documents, and all costs and expenses incurred by the City in monitoring and inspecting development of the plat. The Developer shall deposit with the City the amount set forth in Section 29 to be used for the payment of these fees and enforcement fees. If the amount in the deposit account drops below 15% of the initial amount, the Developer will make additional deposits in amounts OWN— f set by the City. At the completion of the project and f ng payment of all expenses related to the project, the City shall return the remaining deposit funds to the Developer. Ir B. The Developer shall hold the y ar>¢1 its office mployees, and ag'�nts harmless from claims made by it and third parties or damaie sustai or cost sulting plat approval and development. The Develo shall indemnify the City an s officers, employees, and I I agents for all costs, damages,or xpenses which the City may pay or i r in consequence of such claims, it P -d including reasonable attorneys ees and co. • C. The Developer shall reimburse the City for costs incurred in the enforcement of this Contract, including engineering and attorneys' fees. D. The Developer shall pay, or cause to be paid when due, and in any event before any penalty is attached, all special assessments referred to in this Contract. The Developer hereby waives all assessment notice and hearing requirements. If the Developer elects to have the charges set forth in this contract assessed to the properties herein, the assessment shall be payable in equal installments over a ten- year period, plus interest of 2.0% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year. Interest will begin to accrue on the 18 193772v1 principal balance commencing on the date of final plat approval by the City of Monticello. Assessments shall be allocated on a per lot basis over 24 units. E. The Developer shall pay in full all bills submitted to it by the City for obligations incurred under this Contract within thirty (30) days after receipt. If the bills are not paid on time, the City may halt plat development and construction until the bills are paid in full. Bills not paid within thirty (30) days shall accrue interest at the rate of eighteen percent (18%) per year. F. In addition to the charges and special assessments referred to herein, other charges and special assessments may be imposed such as but not limited to sewer availability charges ("SAC"), � t City wer connection charges, City 7ewer connection charges, and building permit fees. .0& Wva G. If the Developer is dedicating property to the Ciloo satisfy Park requirements, separate legal descriptions shall be developed for these properties and quitcla deeds shall be executed for each of the transaction . The De per agrees to pay all real estate taxes or payable on outlots transferred to the Cit for th iod up to the time the outlot ecome tax exem 31. DEVELOPER'S DEFAULT. Intheevent of default by he Developer as t y of the work to e performed by it hereunder, therty may, at its option�erform the work and the eveloper shall promptly reimburse the City for any expense incurred by the City, provided the Developer, except in an emergency as determined by the City, is first given notice of the work in default, not less than forty- eight (48) hours in advance. This Contract is a license for the City to act, and it shall not be necessary for the City to seek a Court order for permission to enter the land. When the City does any such work, the City may, in addition to its other remedies, assess the cost in whole or in part. 32. MISCELLANEOUS. A. The Developer represents to the City that the plat complies with all city, county, metropolitan, state, and federal laws and regulations, including but not limited to: subdivision ordinances, 19 193772v1 zoning ordinances, and environmental regulations. If the plat ceases to comply with county, metropolitan, state and federal laws and regulations, the City may, at its option, refuse to allow construction or development work in the plat until the Developer does comply. Upon the City's demand, the Developer shall cease work until there is compliance. B. Third parties shall have no recourse against the City under this Contract. C. Breach of the terms of this Contract by the Developer shall be grounds for denial of building permits, including lots sold to third parties. D. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph, or phrase of this qhI Contragt is for any reason hel h decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion I1.4,of this Contract. E. If building permits are issue or t the acceptan e of public improlments, the Developer assumes all liability and costs resulting in elays in completion of public improvknents and damage to public im ements caused by the City, Developer, men, e s, or thparties. No sewer and water ct one may occupy a building for which a buiidin o rmit is issue11i material may be issW and no _)orary or permanent basis until the streets needed for access have been paved with a bituminous surface and the utilities are accepted by the City Engineer. F. The action or inaction of the City shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Contract. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties and approved by written resolution of the City Council. The City's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Contract shall not be a waiver or release. G. This Contract shall run with the land and may be recorded against the title to the property. The Developer covenants with the City, its successors and assigns, that the Developer is well 20 193772v1 seized in fee title of the property being final platted and/or has obtained consents to this Contract, in the form attached hereto, from all parties who have an interest in the property; that there are no unrecorded interests in the property being final platted; and that the Developer will indemnify and hold the City harmless for any breach of the foregoing covenants. In the event this contract is filed of record, upon compliance of all terms herein by Developer, the City shall file a termination of record. H. Developer or its prime contractor shall take out and maintain or cause to be taken out and maintained until one (1) month after the City has accepted the public improvements, public liability and property damage insurance covering personal injury, including death, and claims for property damage which may arise out of Developer's work or the work of its subcontractors or by one directly or a A indirectly employed y any of them. Limits for bodily injury and death shall be not less than $500,000 for r � one person and $1,000,000 for each occurrence; limitfor pfoperty damage shall be not less than $200,000 for each occurrence; or a combination singlt limit policy of $1,000,000 or more. The City shall be named as an additional insured on the policy, and the Developer shall lile with the City a certificate eviden ri&orto City signing the plat or when any con ction commences hichever later occurs. The certificate sha provide that them -City must be given ten (10) days advance written notice of the cancellation of the insurance. I. Each right, power or remedy herein conferred upon the City is cumulative and in addition to every other right, power or remedy, express or implied, now or hereafter arising, available to City, at law or in equity, or under any other agreement, and each and every right, power and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so existing may be exercised from time to time as often and in such order as may be deemed expedient by the City and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at any time thereafter any other right, power or remedy. 21 193772v1 The Developer may not assign this Contract without the written permission of the City Council, unless such assignment is to a principal of Developer or another entity in which the Developer is a principal. The Developer's obligation hereunder shall continue in full force and effect even if the Developer sells part or parts of the platted land, until all conditions of assignment are met. K. Retaining walls that require a building permit shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by a structural or geotechnical engineer licensed by the State of Minnesota. Following construction, a certification signed by the design engineer shall be filed with the City Engineer evidencing that the retaining wall was constructed in accordance with the approved plans Im- -- — and specifications. All retaini g walls, the developme s, or special conditions referred to in this Contract required t 'be constructed shall be constructed before any othg&building permit is issued for a lot on which a retaining wall is required to be built. 33. NOTIfS. Required notices to the eveloper delivered to the Developer, its employees or agents, or mailed t followilg address: 8857 Zealand Avenu rt ooklyn Par] I rltm an shall be in wd shall be either hand ellvered to the City ther hand at the he City '-ity by certified mail in care of the City Administrator at the following address: Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, Minnesota 55362, with a copy to the City Attorney by regular mail at: Campbell Knutson, P.A., Grand Oak Office Center I, 860 Blue Gentian Road, #290, Eagan, Minnesota 55121. Remainder of page intentionally left blank. Signatures on the following pages. 22 193772v1 CITY OF MONTICELLO Lo (SEAL) Brian Stumpf, Mayor Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator STATE OF MINNESOTA ) - .Mlk (ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) I % The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day o 2017, by Brian Stumpf and by Jeff O'Neill, respectively the Mayor and City Admi of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and authority granted by its City Council. 1 Notary Public Campbell Knutson Professional Association Grand oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, #290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ 193772v1 qty 23 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNfY OF kh,. ) 201' Dev DEVELOPER: GOLD NUGGET DEVELOPMENT INC. In Its The foregoing instrument was acknowledgedo e this m1the i Minnesota corporation, on its behalf. DRAFTED BY: Campbell Knutson Professional Association Grand oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, #290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ [print name] [title] day of of G( 24 193772v1 EXHIBIT "A" to DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT Outlot A, FEATHERSTONE SECOND ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota. 25 193772v1 MORTGAGE HOLDER CONSENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT , which holds a mortgage on the subject property, the development of which is governed by the foregoing Development Contract, which mortgage is dated and recorded with the Wright County Recorder/Registrar as document number , agrees that the Development Contract shall remain in full force and effect even if it forecloses on its mortgage. Dated this day of , 2017. STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF The foregoing instrur DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL, KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ Notary Public , by 26 193772v1 IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT No. Date: TO: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Dear Sir or Madam: We hereby issue, for the account of (Name of Developer) and in your favor, our Irrevocable Letter of Credit in the amount of $ , available to you by your draft drawn on sight on the undersigned bank. The draft must: a) B! the clause, "Dr a n under Inistrator of CrediAhy date , of (Name of Bank) b) Be signed by the MayofMor City of Monticello. c) Be presented for payment at Address of Bank , on or be 4.00 .m. on November 30, 2007. This Letter of Credit shall automatically renew for successive one-year to ess, at least forty-five (45) days prior to the next annual renewal date (which shall be November 30 of each year), the Bank delivers written notice to the Monticello City Administrator that it intends to modify the terms of, or cancel, this Letter of Credit. Written notice is effective if sent by certified mail, postage prepaid, and deposited in the U.S. Mail, at least forty- five (45) days p, j&& the next annual renewal date addressed as follows: Monticello City Administrator, Monticello City Ha 05 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN 55362, and is actually received by the City Administrator at least thirty (30) days prior to the renewal date. This Letter of Credit sets forth in full our understanding which shall not in any way be modified, amended, amplified, or limited by reference to any document, instrument, or agreement, whether or not referred to herein. This Letter of Credit is not assignable. This is not a Notation Letter of Credit. More than one draw may be made under this Letter of Credit. This Letter of Credit shall be governed by the most recent revision of the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, International Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 600. We hereby agree that a draft drawn under and in compliance with this Letter of Credit shall be duly honored upon presentation. Law Its 27 193772vl CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE PROJECT: CERTIFICATE HOLDER: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 INSURED: ADDITIONAL INSURED: City of Monticello AGENT: WORKERS' COMPENSATION: Policy No. - _ Effective Date: Insurance Company: COVERAGE - Workers' Compensation, StatuW LIABILITY: Policy Effecti Date: E Insurance Company: O Claims Made O Occurrence LIMITS: [Minimum] Bodily Injury and Death: $500,000 for one person $1,000,000 for each occurrence Property Damage: $200,000 for each occurrence -OR- Combination Single Limit Policy $1,000,000 or more COVERAGE PROVIDED: Operations of Contractor: YES Operations of Sub -Contractor (Contingent): YES 28 193772v1 Does Personal Injury Include Claims Related to Employment? YES Completed Operations/Products: YES Contractual Liability (Broad Form): YES Governmental Immunity is Waived: YES Property Damage Liability Includes: Damage Due to Blasting YES Damage Due to Collapse YES Damage Due to Underground Facilities YES Broad Form Property Damage YES AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY: Policy No. Effective Date: Insurance Company: (X) Anto LIMIT Minimum] Bodily Injury: $500,000 each perso Property Damage: Ar� $500,000 each occ ence -OR- Combined Single Limit Policy Expiration Date: i occurrence $1,000,000 each occurrence r ARE ANY DEDUCTIBLES APPLICABLE TO BODILY INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE ON ANY OF THE ABOVE COVERAGES: If so, list: Amount: $ [Not to exceed $1,000.00] SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL MAIL TEN (10) DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE PARTIES TO WHOM THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED. Dated at On BY: Authorized Insurance Representative 29 193772v1 SUMMARY OF EXPENSES/FINANCE PLAN v5 8/10/2017 Total Acres in Development 169 gross 151 net Total Acres in Phase 11.6 gross 10.55 net Total Units in Development 24 Storm Sewer -Alternate net acres 24 Single Family Total amount to Assess Townhome Mutli-Family Total Units in Phase 24 Single Family $5,931.16 Based on estimate of $296,558.00 Townhome 5.00% Multi -Family Trunk Area Charges & Park Dedication Acreage Acres or Credits Net Notes Charge I Units Assessment Park & Pathway Dedication Park Dedication Provided Park Dedication Required (11%) Park Dedication Deficiency Park Dedication Deficiency as a % of total Prevailing Park Dedication Net Park Park Dedication Required per Unit Total Park Dedication Required Special Assessments 85th Road Reconstruction $2,067 11.6 TH 25/85th Street Signal & Turn Lane $466 11.6 Sanitary Sewer (per unit charge) $1,323 24 Watermain (per unit charge) $981 24 Storm Sewer - Base (net acres) $3,630 10.55 Storm Sewer -Alternate net acres NA Total amount to Assess Engineering and Inspection Per Lot Assessment based on (#) units City Fees/Deposit paid at prevaling rate at time of platting not applicable to this phase, park dedication per NA original prelim plat in furture phases $23,977.20 Based on 2017 rate of $2,067/acre $5,405.60 Based on actual construction cost share of $78,759 - divi $31,752.00 paid at prevailing rate at time of platting $23,544.00 paid at prevailing rate at time of platting $38,296.50 paid at prevailing rate at time of platting NA 24 $5,123.97 City General Admin 2.00% $10,350.14 Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Legal 2.00% $10,350.14 Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Planning 2.00% $10,350.14 Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Engineering and Inspection Actual; reconciled at project completion Grading and Restoration 2.00% $5,931.16 Based on estimate of $296,558.00 Streets and Utilities 5.00% $25,875.35 Actual; reconciled at project completion GPS Locate $60 24 $1,440.00 Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Total City Fees $64,296.93 Improvement Construction Costs (Used to Calculate City Fees/Escrows/Securities) Notes Sanitary Sewer $84,386.00 Watermain $117,191.00 Storm Sewer $71,383.00 Roads, Driveways and Sidewalks/Trails, Street Signs $240,247.00 Lighting, Mailboxes 1 $4,300.00 Construction total (for purpose of calculating other fees) $517,507.00 Lot Corners/Iron Monuments $300 24 $7,200.00 Total Construction Cost for the purpose of calculating LOC $524,707.00 Maximum allowable reduction prior to acceptance and bond 90.00%1 Landscaping $32,000.001 Conservation Easement Posts 4 200 $800.001 Prairie Restoration Tree Preservation Grading $3,000 11.6 $34,800.00 City Council Agenda — 08/14/2017 2M. Consideration to approve a request for Conditional Use Permit for Micro- Brewery/Taproom in CCD (Central Communitv District). Applicant: Burt, Bill and Penny (NAC) Property: Legal: Lots 4 and 5, Block 35, Original Plat of Monticello (parts) Address: 213 Pine Street Planning Case Number: 2017-028 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Conditional Use Permit for Brewery/Taproom Deadline for Decision: September 9th, 2017 Land Use Designation: Downtown "Shopping" Zoning Designation: CCD (F-1; Flex Shopping) The purpose of the "CCD", Central Community District, is to provide for a wide variety of land uses, transportation options, and public activities in the downtown Monticello area, and particularly to implement the goals, objectives, and specific directives of the Comprehensive Plan, and in particular, the Embracing Downtown Monticello report and its Design Guidelines. Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: NA Current Site Use: Commercial Buildings Surrounding Land Uses: North: Commercial East: Pine Street/Hwy 25 - Commercial South: Commercial West: Public Parking Project Description: The applicants proposed to occupy 2,000 square feet of the existing building at the northwest corner of Pine Street (Hwy 25) and West 3rd Street to operate a Micro - Brewery and Taproom facility, utilizing existing site improvements, with interior building modifications as necessary to support the use. City Council Agenda — 08/14/2017 ANALYSIS Project Background. The proposed Micro-Brewery/Taproom for Rustech Brewery Company would occupy a portion of the existing building at 213 Pine Street. In late 2015, the City adopted new regulations accommodating this use, which is a growing industry in Minnesota and around the country. The primary issues related to these businesses relate to the mixing of what has been traditionally an industrial use (brewing) with what is most commonly a commercial use (bar/lounge). Several factors distinguish these uses from traditional breweries or bars. Traditional breweries are industrial uses — they do not entail service of their product on the premises. Traditional bars are commercial uses — they sell the production of other producers (brewers, vintners, distillers, etc.) by the drink, on the premises. First, by contrast, the size of the brewery/taproom is limited to a smaller scale. Thus, the industrial aspect of the facility is minimized in many, but not all, cases. Second, as a brewery, the facility is intended to produce beverages which may (but are not necessarily required to be) packaged and sold through off -sale retailers, such as liquor stores. Third, as a "taproom", the facility is permitted to sell all or a portion of its production in "on -sale" portions (by the drink) on the brewery premises. And fourth, the brewery may be permitted to sell a portion of its production in "growlers" — commonly half -gallon "carry -out" containers for consumption off site. The applicant is proposing to remodel a portion of the building (2,000 square feet) to accommodate a five -barrel brewhouse, additional restroom space, walk-in cooler, bar/tap area, and reserving about two-thirds of the facility for seating of customers, with the plans showing an estimated seating capacity of 47 seats. The applicants expect to employ two persons, expanding over time to a four -person staff. Hours of operation are planned for Wednesday, 4p — 9p; Thursday, 4p — IOp; Friday 3p — l 1p; Saturday 12p — l 1p; and Sunday, l la — 6p. They project expanding to Monday and Tuesday within a year or two of their initial opening, with hours on those days similar to Wednesday hours. The materials estimate a brewery capacity of 750 barrels per year, expecting to begin operation at about half of that capacity. Specific Zoning Requirements. The zoning ordinance lists the following specific standards for these uses (with staff comments included): (24) Production Breweries and Micro -Distilleries with Accessory Taproom or Cocktail Room shall be allowed by conditional use permit in the CCD, B-3 and B-4 Districts, provided that: (a) The owner of the brewery qualifies for and receives a brewer license and a malt liquor wholesale license from the State of Minnesota, according to Minn. Statutes Section 340A.301. This will be a requirement of the applicant's liquor license. OJI City Council Agenda — 08/14/2017 (b) The Brewery or Micro -Distillery includes an accessory brewer's taproom or cocktail room for the on -sale of products produced on-site, and such room shall require the applicable license from the City of Monticello, according to City Code Section 3-1-13. The applicant proposes, as noted, that about two- thirds of the floor area of the facility will be utilized for taproom space. (c) On-site sale of beer in the form of growlers shall require a Brewery License for Off -Sale of Malt Liquor, according to City Code Section 3-1-13. Off -sale hours of sale must conform to hours of sale for retail off -sale licensees in the City of Monticello. The applicant indicates that they will be pursuing these licenses with the City. (d) Total production of malt liquor may not exceed 10,000 barrels annually. Of the 10,000 barrel production limit, onsite taproom retail sales shall not exceed 3,500 barrels annually, 500 barrels of which may be sold off -sale as growlers. The brewer shall annually submit production reports with the request to renew a brewer taproom or off -sale malt liquor license. As noted, the applicants propose a capacity of 750 barrels per year. (e) A micro -distillery may be issued a license for off -sale of distilled spirits. Not applicable to this application. (f) Total production of liquor may not exceed 40,000 proof gallons annually. Not applicable to this application. (g) The brewery or micro -distillery facility provides adequate space for off-street loading and unloading of all trucks greater than twenty-two (22) feet in length. In the absence of off-street loading, the City may impose limits on deliveries or shipments using the public right of ways, including regulating the number of trucks per day and the hours that deliveries are permitted. The applicants indicate that they will have only limited, small -volume deliveries, primarily from light trucks without the need for full loading space. (h) Loading docks shall be located and designed so they are not visible from adjoining public streets or adjoining residential zoning. No loading docks are proposed. (i) No outdoor storage is permitted on the site, with the exception that waste handling (refuse and/or recycling) may occur in an enclosure that is fully screened from adjoining streets and residential zoning. The plan does not show exterior waste handling, which is expected to be addressed indoors. 0) No odors from the business may be perceptible beyond the property line. This type of facility is not expected to produce eternal odors. (k) The business must be housed in a building that utilizes building design similar to, or compatible with, common commercial architecture, and shall avoid large wall expanses which contribute to an industrial environment. The building is an existing facility in downtown Monticello. The applicants do not propose to make changes to the exterior. (1) The brewer must demonstrate the capacity for producing, processing and storing malt liquor on the commercial site through the provision of a building floor plan illustrating production, bottling, and storage areas. The application materials include a detailed floor plan. No bottling facilities are shown. (m)All exterior lighting shall be compliant with Chapter 4.4 of the Monticello 3 City Council Agenda — 08/14/2017 Zoning Code. The applicants do not propose exterior changes. Parking. For facilities such as these, a parking demand of 36 spaces would be expected, as follows: Brewery Production Area: 600 square feet at 1 space/500 sf — 1 space Bar/Restaurant Area: 1,400 square feet at 1 space/40 sf — 32 spaces The site plan shows a total of 11 spaces in the main parking lot on the south side of the building, serving the 4,000 square foot building. A line of angle parking is striped along the west property line adjacent to the City's public parking lot, but the dimensions of this area do not support reasonable use of this parking area as shown. It would be possible to stripe approximately 4 parallel spaces adjacent to the public parking lot, leaving a drive aisle between those and the building wall. This results in a total supply on-site of 15 spaces for the building on the subject property. The salon tenant in the building would be expected to require a total of 5 spaces for personal services at one space per 350 square feet. As such, the full parking requirement for the building, with the addition of the brewery/taproom, would total 38 spaces, compared to a supply of 15 spaces. In the CCD, the property's supply requirement may be reduced to 60 percent of the full calculation when the spaces are open to cross parking with other properties in the downtown. Applying this to the entire site would result in a parking demand calculation of 23 required spaces overall for the site. The ordinance accommodates the further reduction in off-street parking supply by making up the shortage through a CCD parking fund into which the applicants may contribute toward the cost and maintenance of public parking serving their building. Under the estimate above, the site appears to have an 8 -space deficit to be accounted for to the parking fund. An alternative parking demand count would utilize a combination of pick-up/counter space and "specialty eating establishment" designation for the seating area. This calculation results in 8 spaces for the pick-up/counter (or bar) area, and one space per three seats of dining space, resulting in a base demand of 24 spaces. Under this approach, the site could meet the parking requirement by designating 6 parking spaces along the south side of the building near the applicant's entry, and the 6 parallel spaces along the west side of the building for public access, effectively reducing the demand to 17 spaces, leaving the site just 2 spaces short of the requirements in the CCD. Moreover, if the owner of the adjacent building to the north also would agree to restripe the parallel spaces, and open up his lot for public access, the CCD credit would apply to the combined site, resulting in no deficit. Because the zoning ordinance does not include a specific parking requirement for brew pubs, bars or taprooms, the Planning Commission and City Council may elect to apply one of the above calculations at this time, then research the parking for such L! City Council Agenda — 08/14/2017 uses in more detail in order to specify the actual parking demand, which may require a future code amendment specific to these use types. Council will note that the City Engineer and Water & Sewer Superintendent have made specific recommendations relating to the building's water service and production process, which are outlined in the City Engineer's letter. Compliance with these comments is required as a condition in Exhibit Z. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission reviewed this item on August 1St, 2017 and held a public hearing on the application request. The Planning Commission heard comment from applicant Bill Burt regarding the proposal. Chairman Fyle inquired about potential odor resulting from the brewing process. Mr. Burt responded that ventilation would be provided through the top of the system and would result in at most smells similar to a bread -making operation. The Commission inquired as to the type of vehicles which would provide delivery and supplies. Mr. Burt indicated that deliveries would be made by pickup or other small commercial vehicle, not semi -trailer. Mr. Burt indicated that he understood the recommended conditions. Wayne Elam, Commercial Realty Solutions, addressed the Commission on behalf of the applicant. Mr. Elam noted that in regard to Condition #5 of Exhibit Z, the applicant wished to provide detail on the packaging component in order to allow for that use under this CUP application. Mr. Burt indicated that the canning process for packaging involved equipment which would fit through a regular entry door, and was portable. Canning would take place on off -hours. Delivery and distribution of canned product would be made through a cargo van or other small commercial delivery vehicle. No other public was present to address the Commission on this request. The Commission requested clarification from Mr. Grittman as related to the required and provided parking as noted in the staff report. Noting that no other businesses on the block had paid into the parking fund as of recent, and that there is an adjacent public parking lot and on street parking is available, the Planning Commission recommended that the parking for the proposed use be found as sufficient for the proposed use, without requirement for payment into the parking fund, and subject to conditions relating to cross easement and parking reconfiguration as noted in Exhibit Z. This recommendation may require further amendment based on future study of both the use and parking requirements of the CCD, as noted above. 5 City Council Agenda — 08/14/2017 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The Planning Commission recommends Alternative #1 below. 1. Motion to approve a Conditional Use Permit for a Brewery/Taproom at 213 Pine Street, subject to the conditions included in Exhibit Z as recommended by the Planning Commission, based on findings in Resolution No. PC -2017-023. 2. Motion to deny approval of a Conditional Use Permit for a Brewery/Taproom at 213 Pine Street, based on findings identified by the City Council. 3. Motion to table action on the request, subject to additional information from staff, the applicant, or others as directed. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the CUP, based on findings that support the entertainment and hospitality objectives of the City's downtown development planning. The use fits the City's development objectives for downtown, and the applicant's materials support the intent of the ordinance adopted for this purpose. With regard to parking, staff believes that the supply is adequate per Planning Commission's recommendation, with the understanding that parking on the west side of the building will be striped for parallel spaces adjacent to the building, leaving a drive aisle adjacent to the City's public parking lot. This would be supported by the existence of a large public parking lot on the adjacent property, which is rarely full. In addition, the proposed use would be operating at times when other service or office uses are typically closed, accommodating a shared -use aspect that would suggest the public parking lot is more than adequate to support the use. Finally, as an entertainment/hospitality type of use, the proposed brewery/taproom is consistent with the City's economic development objectives that have been expressed in many versions of the City's Comprehensive Plans and downtown development studies. Staff believes that the development policies of the City, along with the infrastructure already in place, support the location of the proposed facility. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution PC -2017-023 B. Subject Site Aerial Image C. Applicant Narrative D. Site Plan E. Brewing Process F. Water and Sewer Usage G. City Engineer's Letter, dated 7/26/17 Z. Conditions of Approval G City Council Agenda — 08/14/2017 EXHIBIT Z Conditional Use Permit for Rustech Brewery/Taproom 213 Pine Street Lots 4 and 5, Block 35, Original Plat of Monticello AS RECOMMENDED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION 1. The applicant completes all licensing applications necessary as specified in the City Code and Zoning Ordinance. 2. The applicant sells only the products of the brewery produced on-site. Deliveries are only by passenger vehicle or light truck, and do not utilize the public right-of-way. 4. The addition of brewery capacity beyond the current size would require an amendment to the CUP. 5. The addition of packaging facilities for wholesale distribution is included in the CUP, subject to passenger or light truck distribution and canning equipment and process as described at the Planning Commission Meeting on August 1, 2017. Applicant shall revise their narrative to include description of activities. (Revised from the Staff Report to the Commission, which stated.• The addition of packaging facilities for wholesale distribution would require an amendment to the CUP, or the applicant may request that accommodation as a part of this application with an adequate description as an amendment to the project narrative.) 6. The applicant complies with the requirements of Section 5.2.F(24) of the Zoning Ordinance, as referenced in the staff report. 7. The parking area along the west side of the building is re -striped to provide 4 parallel spaces adjacent to the public parking lot, retaining a drive aisle between this parking and the west building wall. 8. The City Council approves the parking calculation supporting a net requirement for 15 parking spaces for the subject property. (Revised from the Staff Report to the Commission, which stated: The City Council approves the parking calculation supporting a net requirement for 23 parking spaces for the subject property. Alt: 17 spaces.) 9. The property owner agrees to accommodate public access to the parking spaces along the south and west side of the property in order to comply with the 60% parking supply standard for CCD land uses. No further parking accommodations would be necessary to support this use in its proposed configuration. 10. Compliance with the terms of the City Engineer's report dated July 26, 2017. 11. Compliance with the comments of other staff and Planning Commission. 7 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2017-023 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A BREWERY/TAPROOM FOR RUSTECH BREWING LOTS 4 AND 5, BLOCK 35, ORIGINAL PLAT OF MONTICELLO WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to occupy a portion of the subject property to operate a brewery/taproom facility; and WHEREAS, the site is zoned CCD (F-1), which allows such use by Conditional Use Permit; and WHEREAS, the proposed use and development are consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan designation of "Places to Shop" for the area; and WHEREAS, the applicants have provided materials documenting compliance with the terms of the applicable zoning regulations; and WHEREAS, the uses are consistent with the intent and purpose of the CCD zoning district; and WHEREAS, the uses will not create any unanticipated changes to the demand for public services on or around the site; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on December 6th, 2016 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The proposed uses are consistent with the intent and purpose of the CCD, Central Community Zoning District. 2. The proposed uses are consistent with the existing and future land uses in the area in which they are located. 3. The impacts of the improvements are those anticipated by commercial land uses and are addressed through standard review and ordinances as adopted. 4. The brewery/taproom meets the intent and requirements of the applicable zoning regulations, pursuant to the conditions attached to the Conditional Use Permit. 5. Parking is found to be adequate with the improvement made as a part of Exhibit Z, in light of the hours of operation and supplies of public parking in the vicinity. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2017-023 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council approves the Conditional Use Permit for Brewery/Taproom, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z as follows: 1. The applicant completes all licensing applications necessary as specified in the City Code and Zoning Ordinance. 2. The applicant sells only the products of the brewery produced on-site. 3. Deliveries are only by passenger vehicle or light truck, and do not utilize the public right-of-way. 4. The addition of brewery capacity beyond the current size would require an amendment to the CUP. 5. The addition of packaging facilities for wholesale distribution would require an amendment to the CUP, or the applicant may request that accommodation as a part of this application with an adequate description as an amendment to the project narrative. 6. The applicant complies with the requirements of Section 5.2.F(24) of the Zoning Ordinance, as referenced in the staff report. 7. The parking area along the west side of the building is re -striped to provide 4 parallel spaces adjacent to the public parking lot, retaining a drive aisle between this parking and the west building wall. 8. The City Council approves the parking calculation supporting a net requirement for 23 parking spaces for the subject property. 9. The property owner agrees to accommodate public access to the parking spaces along the south and west side of the property in order to comply with the 60% parking supply standard for CCD land uses. No further parking accommodations would be necessary to support this use in its proposed configuration. 10. Compliance with the terms of the City Engineer's report dated July _, 2017. 11. Compliance with the comments of other staff and Planning Commission. ADOPTED this 1St day of August, 2017 by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2017-023 MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Brad Fyle, Chair ATTEST: Angela Schumann, Community Development Director Narrative for Conditional Use Permit Application RUSTECH BREWERY COMPANY 7-3-2017 Bill and Penny Burt Change Page Date Changes Number of Parking stalls. 3 6/18/2017 Wastewater/sanitary sewer impact 11 6/18/2017 Clarification in narrative on how we propose operation will meet 12 7/3/2017 the standards set out in the zoning ordinance for micro -brewery and taproom. Introduction This narrative is to serve as information related to conditional use permit application for brewery. Rustech Brewing Company is a newly formed brewery to bring patrons a warm and inviting experience for the local residents, tourists, and visitors, while contributing to the economic growth of the Monticello Community. We intend to open a 5 barrel brewery with a tasting room located on 213 Pine Street in the city of Monticello, MN. The location is 2000 SQ FT, 40' by 50'. Operations will include the manufacturing of malt liquor, daily operations, and direct sales through the taproom. Customer seating will be approximately 49 people. Direct sales utilizes the Minnesota Taproom and Growler licenses, which would be applied for through the City of Monticello. Hours of Operation During the first 1.5 years of operation our hours of operation will be as below. During the 2.5 — 3rd year we plan to expand to Monday and Tuesday hours of operation. Page 1 1 Monday: 4:00pm - 9:00pm (Year 2) Tuesday: 4:00pm - 9:00pm (Year 2) Wednesday: 4:00pm - 9:00pm Thursday: 4:00pm - 10:00pm Friday: 3:00pm - 11:00pm Saturday: 12:00pm - 11:00pm Sunday: 11:00am-6:00pm Number of Employees • 2 employees during the first year of business. • Additional 2 employees during the second year of business Water Needs Below are the anticipated water needs for the brewery. Brew house production: For the first year the brew house will require 1963 gallons of water. The second year will require 2563 gallons of water. The max amount of water possibly needed is 3875 gallons a month at max production. 2nd Year> 1st year > All production will be onsite using a state-of-the-art 5 BBL Brew house, 5 BBL # of Brews brewing a Gallons a Gallons a which allows up to 750 BBL annually system a week year Barrels year Month A 5 BBL system x 3 brews a week x 50 weeks = 750 BBL annually 1 5 1 3 1 50 1 750 Water needs for 10 BBL Hot Liquor Tank {310 gallons) 10 3 50 1500 3875 A 5 BBL system x 2 brews a week x 50 weeks = 500 BBL annually 5 2 50 500 Water needs with Hot Liquor Tank 10 2 50 1000 ;2683 ;2;36601963 A 5 BBL system x 2 brews a week x 38 weeks = 380 BBL annually 5 2 38 380 Water needs with Hot Liquor Tank 10 2 38 760 A 5 BBL system x 1 brews a week x 50 weeks = 250 BBL annually 1 5 1 1 1 50 1 250 Brew house Cleaning There will be a Clean -in-place (CIP) system onsite at Brewery. CIP for reducing the amount of labor needed for cleaning and sanitizing operations. One of the main advantages of CIP systems is that they can recirculate and allow the reuse of chemicals and rinse water, thereby reducing consumption by as much as 50%. CIP systems largely remove human contact with cleaning and sanitizing agents, thus reducing the risk of harmful exposure. They also assure a more consistent cleaning by removing some of the common sources of human error in cleaning. Page 12 Bathrooms: There were will be (2) two bathrooms at the brewery with (1) Sink and (1) toilet in both bathrooms. Bar Sink: There were will (1) Bar Sink for cleaning glassware. Number of parking stalls The lot is shared with the hair salon/barber shop with overflow parking in the public parking lot adjacent to your space. 18 total shared. 7 - Parking places west side of building. 11- Spaces shared to south of building. 1— Designated to Handicap parking. Outdoor storage None Page 13 Current Layout Below is the inside layout of location at 213 Pine Street before any changes. There is one bathroom and one small utility room. 7/3/2017 Page 14 Future walls and room layout Contractors will add walls for Handicap bathroom, walk-in cooler, brewhouse area and mill room. hLL Rwm tt 0 FIRM 38in Q Page 15 Brewery Layout Below is the anticipated brewery design. cc], rwx�rxrr 47 mma 60L IY2 7�y� NV3 rM}� �k 0 ® 0 F 80inX5:n _ ® C) ® ® C 0 Page 16 �► !I ltfl — w` w i AM .1 Page 17 .1 , Building on left will be the brewery (2000 SQ FT) Page 18 Corner view Entrance to parking lot Entrance #1 Front entrance - No changes to door or windows Page 19 Signage — We will replace the "Furniture" signage with our "Rustech Brewing" Signage. Sign (4' by 8') Entrance #2 Side entrance - No changes to door or windows Page 1 10 BREWHOUSE AREA The brewhouse area will consist of a 5 BBL system. • There will be a Boiler in the Brewhouse area to provide steam to the Boil tank • There will be indoor chiller to the Brewhouse area to cool the Fermentation tanks. T Ro eoa itrac aoaea M LR— aomxsam !� L) There will be Three Vessels to the brewhouse, The (HLT) Hot Liquor tank, The Mash tank and Boil tank. Then Boil tank will be venelated outside (TBD). Page 1 11 Fermentation tanks. There will (3) Three Fermentation tanks. Brite tanks. There will (1) one Brite tank. Page 1 12 Wastewater/Sanitary sewer impact If needed Rustech Brewing Company will use the Side -stream process of collecting high strength, concentrated wastes at the source—before it hits the floor, and setting it aside for disposal. Sources of this high-strength wastewater include fermenter bottoms, spent yeast, returned beer in kegs, fermenter blow off, beer in hoses or pipes at the beginning or end of a packaging run; the primary source is the brewhouse, Tank rinsings, hop back rinsings, kettle residues, and trub. In the brewery there will be (5) section pipe extends up through the floor about 6 inches. This prevents other material from entering the pipe. Specific high-strength materials are piped or hosed into the equipment drain. Everything else enters the normal floor -drain system. 1 in the brewhouse area 2 in the cellar area • 2 in the packaging areas. A'portable floor drain' made of stainless steel that can be wheeled around. Short with casters on it, so it can go under all tanks and pumped into chemical totes. After side streaming, the remaining portion of our wastewater can be referred to as low -strength wastewater. This will be cleaning and (CIP). Clean -in-place is a method of cleaning the interior surfaces of pipes, vessels, process equipment, filters and associated fittings, without disassembly. Water in our cellar and brewhouse, as well as any packaging line wastewater, boiler blow -down, cooling tower blow - down, and general wash -down waters. The BOD (biochemical oxygen demand) of this low -strength wastewater is still high-strength compared to typical municipal wastewater, so side streaming doesn't solve all of our problems, but it does help. Sanitary wastewater (toilets, sinks, and kitchen) will not be included in the low -strength waste stream and will be piped directly to the sanitary sewer. Page 1 13 Zoning ordinance for micro -brewery and taproom. (24) production Breweries and Micro -Distilleries with Accessory Taproom or Cocktail Room Production Breweries and Micro -Distilleries with Accessory Taproom or Cocktail Room shall be allowed by conditional use permit in the CCD. B-3 and B4 Districts, provided that: (a) The owner of the brewery qualifies; for and receives a brewer license and a malt liquor wholesale license from the State of Minnesota, according to Minn, Statutes Section 340A.301. • 1 have a Brewer's Notice application inprocess to the Alcohol & Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB). • 1 will be obtain a brewer's bond for my Brewer's Notice. Page 1 14 (b) The Brewery includes an accessory brewer's taproom oT for the on -sale of products produced on-site, and such room shall require the applicable license from the City of Monticello, according to City Code Section 3-1-13. 3-1-13: BREW PUB, BREWER TAPROOMS OR MICRODI TILLER LICENSE (1) A brew pub, brewer taproom, or microdistiIlery as defined and rade eligible under state law may be issued on -sale and off -sale license subject to the terms and conditions established by state law and this code, and to any limitations imposed by the Council. (2) The license issued by the City niust specify whether off -sale is permitted, the hours of operation, whether Sunday sales are permitted and other conditions. The fees established by ordinance may reflect various license options authorized by law. �#625, 9128115) 1 will apply for the brewer's taproom license. Page 1 15 (c) n -site sale of beer io the form of rowers shall require a Brewery License for Off -Sale of Malt Liquor, according to City Code Section 3-1-13.Off-sale hours of sale must conform to hours of sale for retail off -sale licensees in the City of Monticello. • 1 will apply for the brewery license for off —Sale. • 1 will conform to hours of sale for off -sale retail. (d) Total production of malt liquor may not exceed 10,000 barrels annually. Of the 10,000 barrel prodxuction limit, onsite taproom retail sales shall not exceed 3,500 barrels annually, 500 barrels of which may be sold off -sale as growlers. The brewer shall annually submit production reports with the request to renew a brewer taproom or off sale malt liquor license_ • Total production for the brew house will never exceed 750 Barrels annually. # of weeks All production will be onsite using a state-of-the-art 5 BBL Brew house, 5 BBL # of Brews brewing a which allows up to 750 BBL annually. system a week year Barrels Pints Total Pints A 5 BBL system x 3 brews a week x 50 weeks = 750 BBL annually 5 3 50 750 240 80000 2nd Year > A 5 BBL system x 2 brews a week x 50 weeks = 500 BBL annually 5 2 50 500 240 120000 1st year > A 5 BBL system x 2 brews a week x 38 weeks = 380 BBL annually 5 2 38 380 240 91200 A 5 BBL system x 1 brews a week x 50 weeks = 250 BBL annually 5 1 50 250 240 60000 Page 1 16 (e) A mic istillery may be issued a license fo off -sale of distilled spirits. The license may a the sale of one 375 mi ' iter bottle per customer per day of product manufacture -site, subjec o the following requirements: (i) Off -sale hours of sale mu nform to hours of sale for retail off -sale licensees inZat ptic (H) No brand may ro-distillery un t is also available for distribution by • Not Applicable (f) Total production liquor may not exceed 40 proof gallons annually. Of the 40,000 proof Ballo duction li , onsite cocktail retail sales shall not exceed 3,500 proof gallons a , 500 proof gallons of which may be sold off -sale in 375 milliliter bo es. The i ' r shall annually submit production reports with the r to renew a cocktail roo ff-sale liquor license. • Not Applicable (g) The brewery - facility provides adequate space for off-street loading and unloading of all trucks greater than twenty-two (22) feet in length. In the absence of off-street loading, the City may impose limits on deliveries or shipments using the public right of ways, including regulating the number of trucks per day and the hours that deliveries are permitted. • The brewery facility will not need large truck deliveries. Most shipments will be 50 LBS of grain delivered with pickup truck size. Page 1 17 (h) Loadirig Loadingdocks shall be located and designed so they = not visible from adjoining public streets or adjoining residential zoning. • There will be no loading docks at the brewery. (i) No oijtdoor storage is permitted on the site, with the exception that waste handling (refuse aril/ar recycling) may OCCur in an enclosure that is hall} screened from adjoining streets and residential wning. • There will be no outdoor storage from the brewery. 0) No odors from the business may be perceptible beyond the property line. • No Odors will go beyond property line. Page 1 18 (k) The business must be housed in a building that utilizes building design similar to, or compatible with, common commereia] architecture, and shall avoid large wall expanses which contribute to an industrial enviwornent. The premises will have get four new eight foot walls. One as a divider for seating, one to surround a walk-in cooler, one to separate the brew house area from the taproom. The will be an additional bathroom added with handicap access. There will be a Mill room built to code for crushing grain. Page 1 19 (1) The brewer must demonstrate the capacity for producing, processing and storing malt liquor on the commmial site through the provision of a building floor plan illustrating prodnetion, bottling, and storage areas. All Kegs will be stored in a walkin cooler. (n►) All extedcT lighting shall be compliant with Chapter 4.4 of the Monticello Zoning Cede. Page 120 I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PASS THRULGH SIT - - - L 111^nII111III L 11 ti II yppy�� �- ��-------------------- ------ ------ {iJ -- r= F= 1 HELQE GHIROPRATIG --------------- 3 HarnmomHai, Lounor. TJ � ■ E'5 c o n o 1 g Leh 1 51Y 3RD STREET ROAD Ra+tio ENTI�AN�E ENTRANCE s LOCATIONMAP 04 '4 rm I E a � l 10 Ell &ffliarm nACantmi Flarivi 11O VA C Fra°` FLT Drab NZ EKHL i Th R s'4 A N �i CADON MAP I I it hn II c Rustech Brewing Company Process Flow 7-25-2017 Reveres Osmosis System u Slowly fills 1" water In from city > 1 Fermentation Fermentation N & Waste Water Hot Liquor Tank Ci Brewhouse Fermentation Brite Tank ■ 1W 4 4 Taproom Growlers )0. Kegs 1 Cans (Future) CIP ( Clean in Place System — for cleaning tanks) Water Usage and waste Brew 380 barrels (bbl) the 1st year and 500 barrels (bbl) the seconds year. Purchase 80,000 gallons of fresh water from the city per year max. Discharged 50,000 gallons of water to the sewer per year max. Ratios: 5 bbls of water per bbl brewed (80,000/500/31) 3 bbls of wastewater per bbl brewed (31= gallons of water per bbl) 12 months = 5 bbls of water per bbl brewed = Gallons of water per bbl = Gallons of Water Needed per year * Gallons of Water Needed per Month 12 months = 3 bbls of wastewater per bbl brewed = Gallons of water per bbl = Gallons of Water wasted per year * Gallons of Water wasted per Month Calculations for water needs Produce 380 Barrels 1st year I Produce 500 Barrels 2nd year 380 500 31 31 58900 77500 4908 6458 Calculations for water waste Produce 380 Barrels 1st year I Produce 500 Barrels 2nd year 380 500 31 31 35340 46500 2945 3875 Information and Questions Water Needed Waste Water Brewery wastewater is naturally acidic, usually tending to stabilize at pH 4.5 or so. However the wastewater can also be high in pH during CIP cycles in the brewery. The pH will lower as the water sits due to wild yeast and bacterial metabolic activity. Many breweries have discharge limits imposed on them by their municipality in regards to pH. Some will be generous with limits between pH 5.0 to 11.0. Others will be tight, for example 6.0 to 8.0. or have no limits. These limits vary widely state by state and even town by town. Some cities have no enforced pH limits at all. When being billed sewer charges, make sure you are not billed for water that ends up in your product. Most cities have a system in place to not bill sewer charges for irrigation water. What you are asking for is to not bill sewer charges for beer that will be packaged and shipped out of your sewer district- or for wastewater you side streamed and will land apply (or water in spent grain, evaporation...). Solids in the wastewater can be an issue. Solids are fairly easy to address because they can be removed mechanically. A good starting place in screens in the floor drains- with employees trained to dump the screenings in the trash. Question: Does the city have pH Limits? WSB Building a legacy — your legacy. July 26, 2017 Ms. Angela Schumann Community Development Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Rustech Brewing CUP City Project No. 2017-028 WSB Project No. 010397-000 Dear Ms. Schumann: 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 We have reviewed the submittals dated July 3, 2017 and additional sewer and water usage information received on July 25, 2017 and offer the following comments: There is one 1 -inch water and one 4 -inch sewer service that serves the subject 213 Pine St building, currently occupied by Hammers Hair Lounge and the 211 Pine Street building currently occupied by Belde Chiropractic. With the Rustech Brewery proposal, 3 businesses would be served by one water and sewer service. Currently there are 2 water meters, one for each current business. It is recommended that a separate water meter be installed for the Rustech Brewery use. 2. Currently there is one curb stop/water shutoff just north of 3rd Street that would shutoff water for both buildings. There is an additional water shutoff for the 213 Pine Street building. It is recommended that another water shutoff be installed for the Belde Chiropractic building in order to isolate the water shutoffs for both buildings. 3. The applicant has indicated that the high strength wastewater from their operations, consisting of grain material, will not be discharged to the sanitary sewer system, but will be disposed of offsite. The low strength wastewater, which consists of cleaning and sanitizing agents, is proposed to be discharged to the sanitary sewer system. Additional information shall be provided as to the content and concentration of these agents. This information will then be reviewed by the City's wastewater treatment plant operator to determine if any additional treatment is needed. 4. The applicant shall provide a maintenance agreement demonstrating how the property owners for 211 and 213 Pine Street will maintain the water and sewer service serving the Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com K:\010397-000\Admin\Docs\LTR-a-Schumann-Rustech 072617.docz Rustech Brewery July 26, 2017 Page 2 buildings from the water and sewer mainlines on 3rd Street to the buildings. These service lines are not be owned or maintained by the City per City ordinance. Please have the applicant provide a written response addressing the comments above. Please give me a call at 763-271-3236 if you have any questions or comments regarding this letter. Thank you. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. Shibani K. Bisson, PE City Engineer Enclosure skb K:\010397-000\Admin\Docs\LTR-a-Schumann-Rustech 072617.docz City Council Agenda — 8/14/17 2N. Consideration to approve a Development Staue Planned Unit Development for Self - Storage Facilitv in a B-3 (Hiahwav Business) District. Applicant: KB Properties, LLC (NAC) Property: 3936 Chelsea Road West Lot 11, Block 4, Groveland Addition Planning Case Number: 2017-022 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Rezoning to Planned Unit Development District and Development Stage approval that would accommodate the development of 76,764 square feet of self -storage space, in 17 buildings. Deadline for Decision: Land Use Designation: Zoning Designation: Current Site Use: Surrounding Land Uses: North: East: South: West: Analysis: August 11th, 2017 Places to Shop (Comprehensive Plan) B-3, Highway Business District Vacant Mixed Use — Commercial Vacant/Commercial Single Family Residential Vacant Commercial The applicant proposes to construct a self -storage facility in a B-3 District. The proposed facility includes multiple principal use buildings to be constructed in phases on a single parcel. The proposal therefore requires a planned unit development (PUD) per City zoning ordinance 3.3(C). Monticello's zoning ordinance further requires a rezoning action for PUD. The parcel on which the site is proposed was previously platted and as such, no platting action has been requested. 1 City Council Agenda — 8/14/17 PUD Development Stage - Site Plan Review Lot Size. The B-3 District provides for no specific minimum lot size, but requires a minimum lot width of 100 feet on a public street. The subject property is 6.28 acres in area. The parcel has approximately 780 feet of frontage on Chelsea Road, and 480 feet of frontage on Innsbrook Drive. The PUD District does not specify minimum areas or widths, but the site is consistent with the intent of the PUD District. Site and Building Data. The proposed buildings range from 3,030 to 5,130 square feet in size. The applicants indicate that they will construct the project in phases as demand grows over time. The site layout relies on access from a single driveway off of Innsbrook Drive. The project includes driveways around each of the proposed buildings which will provide access to the individual storage bays. Building separation is shown to be 24 feet, which should accommodate adequate drive space while vehicles are parked using the various storage facilities. This dimension is common for these types of facilities. While the setbacks from streets and property lines are all in excess of the zoning ordinance requirements, the driveway width narrows below 24 feet in the northerly portion of the project, to as little as 20 feet for corners at the end of both ranks of buildings. Due to difficult turning and site lines around buildings, these dimensions should all be altered to meet the 24 foot driveway width standard. Within the project area, the entire developed portion will be paved, surrounded by curb and gutter at the perimeter. Because the center access drive curves, and the corners of the buildings create protruding corners, it may be valuable for the applicant to consider some pavement striping, or possibly bollard posts in some areas, to direct vehicles and protect building corners. Off -Street ParkinLy. The applicant has provided five parking spaces for incoming vehicles to check in or out. Within the facility, parking would occur adjacent to the various bays. No specific parking spaces are designated in this area. The applicant indicates that the site will be served by an automated kiosk, without regular staffing. New customers will park in the entry parking area, utilize the kiosk to reserve a unit and gain access to the facility on their initial visit. Otherwise, tenants will not typically need to utilize the kiosk parking area. The zoning ordinance requires 5 spaces for such facilities, which should be more than enough for the proposed use. Landscanin2. A variety of plantings have been proposed on the site, including plantings along the perimeter of the site, within off-street parking areas and around the perimeter of the building. In regard to site landscaping, the following comments are offered. N City Council Agenda — 8/14/17 Caliper Inch Requirements. According to the ordinance, 10 caliper inches (ACI) of tree planting (including at least one evergreen) must be provided for each acre of site area, plus 2 shrubs per 10 feet of building perimeter. Thus, the landscaping requirement for the 6.25 acre site would be 62.5 caliper inches of trees. The plan shows 55 caliper inches of tree planting in the perimeter planting areas adjacent to Chelsea, Innsbrook, and the north property line. An additional buffer planting along the residential boundary includes 43 Black Hills Spruce, which exceeds the buffer requirement, and supplements the ornamental planting quantity to meet the code. With regard to the shrub plantings, staff suggested that the applicant count the perimeter wall area facing the lot lines as that portion counting toward the building requirement. As such, 1,084 feet of building perimeter is being counted for shrub planting purposes. Thus, the requirement for shrub planting would be 217 shrubs at the required planting rate. The plans provide a total of 230 shrubs, meeting the requirement. The landscaping proposed will be irrigated. Ground Cover. The perimeter shrub and tree planting area is proposed to divide the fenced developed area from the pathway at the perimeter of the site. The applicant proposed to provide rock mulch in this space, up to the pathway. Staff recommends use of a rock mulch which will discourage its dispersal onto the path. Larger, irregular rock is suggested, specifically avoiding "River Rock" which due to its rounded shape would likely scatter onto the pathway. Along the buffer and northwest boundary, wood mulch is proposed. Along Innsbrook Drive, the plans show a larger area of irrigated landscape area, and seeded stormwater treatment ponding. The plans show this area to be sodded lawn grass. Fencing. The applicant proposes a wrought -iron type of fence that would extend along the street frontage and the northwest property line of the site. Buffer Yards. As noted above, a required bufferyard exists along the west boundary with the residential area. The original property owner constructed a berm at the time of development, and the applicant will plant a double row of Black Hills Spruce on the bermed area. The width of the bermed planting area is shown at 29 to 30 feet in width, exceeding the required 10 feet for bermed buffers. The zoning ordinance requires a "C" buffer, which when combined with the berm, results in a planting requirement of 18 caliper inches of tree planting per 100 feet, a total requirement of approximately 74 caliper inches in total. The plans show 43 trees, a total of more than 86 caliper inches. Building Size, Finish Materials. The proposed buildings vary in length, depending on their site location. With the exception of the building closest to the entry along Innsbrook, all buildings are 30 feet in width. The entry building is 24 feet in width. The building drawings show a metal gabled roof to a height of approximately 15 feet. City Council Agenda — 8/14/17 Building wall materials were shown as predominantly metal in original plan submittal to the Planning Commission reviewed on July 11th, and dominated by overhead or access doors to the various storage bays. The applicant has since revised their elevations based on comments made during the Planning Commission meeting and submitted those for review of the Planning Commission on August 1 St, 2017. Building materials are discussed in greater detail within the Planning Commission Recommendation section below. Trash/Recvclin2. The applicant notes that no separate trash handling is provided with these buildings. Lighting. A separate site lighting plan is included in the plan set. Building elevations indicate wall -mounted lighting. The photometric shows compliance with the code requirements for light intensity at the perimeter of zero footcandles at the property line. The applicants should verify that the light fixtures will be hooded or directed to cast light downward, and will not glare on adjacent property or the public streets. Sianaae. The applicant proposes a monument sign at the corner of Innsbrook and Chelsea. Plans have not been provided for the sign and will be required. In the revised elevations provided to Planning Commission on August 1St, an additional wall sign is proposed for the Innsbrook facing building. The zoning ordinance permits such a sign up to 14 feet in height and 100 square feet in sign area. Grading and Utilities. The submitted grading and utility plans should be subject to review comment by the City Engineer. Other Notes. The applicant proposes to phase the project from southeast (the entrance area) to northwest. Phase 1 would include the entry, the landscaped lawn and storm pond area, 2 buildings, and the buffer plantings along the berm. The applicant proposes to pave and grade each subsequent phase, including addition of Chelsea Road frontage improvements of grading, landscaping, and fencing. Phases 2-4 add 4 buildings each, and the final Phase 5 includes the last two buildings. The applicant will need to demonstrate the ability to manage the flow of stormwater from the undeveloped areas over the project area to avoid drainage or flooding issues, as noted by the City Engineer. Otherwise, no negative impacts are foreseen. The plan anticipates no outdoor storage, which would be consistent with the expectation for a commercial use adjacent to a residential area. The undeveloped future -phase portion of the project shall remain vacant until development is proposed consistent with the approved plans. Finally, as a self storage facility, no active business use is to be conducted within the project. The allowed commercial use is to be storage only, with the expectation that 2 City Council Agenda — 8/14/17 tenants make only occasional, short -duration visits to the site. Longer duration visits reflecting other, non -storage use would be considered to be in violation of the terms of the PUD. PUD Rezoning As noted, the proposed site plan including multiple principal self -storage buildings on a single parcel requires a Planned Unit Development. As such, the applicant has requested rezoning to Planned Unit Development. The Planning Commission has held the public hearing for the rezoning to PUD concurrent with the hearing for the development stage PUD. However, the City Council will not consider action for decision on the rezoning to PUD until consideration of the final stage PUD application. An ordinance for rezoning will incorporate the final stage PUD plans. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission reviewed this item on July 11th, 2017 and held a public hearing on the request on that date. During the public hearing, two members of the public were present to address the Commission. Nicole Hills, 10036 Park Place Drive, noted concerns with the appearance of the building on the corner of Innsbrook Drive and Chelsea Road. She also mentioned safety concerns with having no fence along the residential area. Shawn Weinand, Ocello, explained concerns with having metal buildings in a B-3 area. He expressed a desire to have a taller fence along the property and explained that even with the landscaping the ends of the buildings would still be visible. He recommended having additional architectural materials used on the corners of the buildings and on the fence. He mentioned the difficulty in having a kiosk during the winter, not having a manager on site, no restrooms, and garbage concerns. He recommended grading and landscaping the site all at once so that people know what's happening along the perimeter. He recommended the fencing along the residential area and mentioned concerns with snow removal and keeping the buildings dry because of the elevations. He also recommended wider drive lanes with bollards at the corner of every building. The applicant, Keith Burnham of KB Properties, LLC, addressed the Commission regarding the concerns, describing the plan detail, and explaining that the buildings facing Innsbrook Drive and Chelsea Road were intended to include stone rock wainscot and fibrous cement board. He explained that much of the landscaping would add color and break up the buildings. Members of the Commission indicated that they would like to see the Chelsea and Innsbrook facades of the buildings improved with materials consistent with code requirements for commercial buildings. In addition, the Commission expressed that it was preferred that the proposed fence be constructed with the first phase of the project. 5 City Council Agenda — 8/14/17 The Planning Commission closed the public hearing and tabled action on a recommendation at the July meeting to allow the applicant an opportunity to respond to the Commission's concerns. At the August meeting of the Planning Commission, the applicant provided revised building elevations for the Commission's consideration. The revised elevations are included with this report and provide for a hipped-roofline on the Chelsea Road -facing buildings. The applicant's elevation plans detail a stucco finish and stone veneer on the front of all buildings facing Chelsea and Building #1, which fronts Innsbrook and Chelsea. The revised elevation for Building #1 also includes two cupola features on the roof and a varied roofline on the entrance elevation. The applicant has indicated that the Chelsea -facing buildings will include these material and roofline treatments only on Chelsea road facades. During the August Planning Commission meeting, the applicant referred to the material finish alternatively as EIFS or stucco. The applicant has clarified to staff that the intended finish is a similar treatment to that on the existing Von Hanson's commercial building, which is stucco -like finish applied over a metal panel. Materials for interior buildings without street frontage were not detailed with the August submittals and are therefore presumed to be as originally submitted. As a condition of approval, the applicant is required to update the building elevation plans to clearly detail all facades and materials for all buildings in the project. In addition, the applicant provided an updated fence detail. The applicant stated at the August Planning Commission meeting that the fence would be constructed with stone columns on the corners and every hundred feet on Chelsea Road. He asked to be able to complete the fence by September 15, 2018, with the first portion of the fence to be constructed to correspond with Phase I as shown in the plans. He stated due to the weather, the landscaping and fencing would not be feasible this year and would be installed consistent with the fence improvments. No fence along the rear property line is proposed. The applicant further requested that the northerly access as shown on Plan C7 be allowed to remain open, with the existing curb cut and asphalt drive to remain in place. Mr. Burnham indicated that the access would be gated, with fencing to match the proposed and monument columns on either side. Mr. Burnham indicated to the Commission that this access would be for construction and fire department access. This proposed change is subject to the City engineer's comments. Site plans are as submitted with the original application to the Commission and were not revised, but are required to be revised per the noted conditions in Exhibit Z for final stage PUD application. After discussion regarding the proposal, the Planning Commission recommended approval unanimously, with a revised list of conditions in Exhibit Z as provided with this report. Co B. C. 1a City Council Agenda — 8/14/17 Should Council wish to review the July and August application submittals, staff reports and minutes of the July meeting, all such information is available on the City's website, under "Planning Commission" tab. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The Planning Commission unanimously recommends Alternative #1 below. 1. Motion to approve a Development Stage Planned Unit Development for KB Properties, Lot 11, Block 4, Groveland Addition, based on the findings in Resolution No. PC -2017-018 and contingent on compliance with the conditions listed in Exhibit Z of this report, including additions per the August 1St, 2017 Planning Commission recommendation. 2. Motion to deny approval of a Development Stage Planned Unit Development for KP Properties, Lot 11, Block 4, Groveland Addition, based on the findings in Resolution No. PC -2017-018 and contingent on compliance with the conditions listed in Exhibit Z with additions per the August 1St, 2017 Planning Commission recommendation, based on findings to be made by the City Council. 3. Motion of other. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Alternative 1, approval of the Rezoning and Development Stage PUD, including those added conditions of the Planning Commission. The proposed use is quiet, low volume, and compatible with proximity to residential areas. In addition, the site plan is consistent with the required buffering between commercial and residential areas, and staff would expect little conflict between the uses. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution PC -2017-018 B. Ordinance No. 6XX, Draft C. Aerial Parcel Image D. Applicant Narrative E. Applicant Plan Submittal, including: a. Project Location Plan b. Site Plan C. Grading and Drainage Plan d. Sanitary and Water Utility Plan e. Storm Sewer Utility Plan 7 City Council Agenda — 8/14/17 f. Landscape Plan g. SWPPP h. Details i. Phasing Plan j. Fire Hydrant Coverage Plan k. Fire Truck Circulation Plan 1. Lighting/Photometric Plan M. Building Elevations, revised for August 1, 2017 Planning Commission n. Fence Detail F. City Engineer's Letter, dated July 5th, 2017 Z. Conditions of Approval EXHIBIT Z Rezoning to Planned Unit Development and PUD Development Stage Site Plan Review Lot 11, Block 4, Groveland Addition 1. Redesign of the site plan to accommodate 24 feet of width for all drive aisles. 2. Provision for pavement markings and bollards in the center aisle area to ensure protection of building corners due to the curved aisle design. 3. Alter rock mulch in planting areas along the Chelsea Road pathway to an irregular material of larger size to avoid spread of the material onto the pathway. 4. Verify transition grading between future and current phase improvements. 5. No outdoor storage will be permitted in the project. 6. No use of the future phase areas until such phase is developed in accordance with the approved site plan. 7. Provide signage plans in compliance with the Sign Ordinance requirements by separate permit. Wall signage or monument signage shall be allowed as provided in prior plans subject to ordinance requirements. 8. All site lighting shall be in compliance with City ordinances. (Condition added as recommended by staff.) City Council Agenda — 8/14/17 9. Compliance with comments from the City Engineer in the Engineer's letter dated July 5th, 2017. 10. Developer shall enter into a development agreement related to the proposed improvements. 11. Grading and restoration of the site to be completed with the first development phase. 12. Utilities, including concrete curb and gutter, shall be completed for Phases 1 and 2 with the first phase of development. 13. The fence as proposed at the August 1St, 2017 Planning Commission meeting, including monument columns every 100 feet along Chelsea, shall be installed by September 15th, 2018, with the first portion of the fence to be constructed to correspond with Phase 1 as shown in the plans. 14. Building elevations and materials for buildings facing Chelsea Road and Innsbrook Drive shall be as shown in the Planning Commission packet of August 1 st, 2017 and the applicant shall revise building elevation plans to clearly detail material and facades for all buildings within the project. 15. The landscaping plan shall be revised to illustrate the proposed fence and include a timeline of landscaping for Phase 1 in spring 2018 and September 15th, 2018 for the balance of the development. 16. Site and fencing plan shall be subject to the City Engineer's comments and those of the Fire Department as related to the northerly access. 9 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2017-018 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A REZONING TO PUD DISTRICT AND A DEVELOPMENT STAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR AFFORDABLE STORAGE, A SELF STORAGE FACILITY LOT 11, BLOCK 4, GROVELAND ADDITION WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to rezone its property along Chelsea Road and Innsbruck Drive, Lot 11, Block 4, Groveland Addition from B-3, General Business District to PUD, Planned Unit Development District; and WHEREAS, the applicant concurrently proposes to develop the property for commercial self -storage uses; and WHEREAS, the site is guided for commercial uses under the label "Places to Shop" in the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the proposed PUD, is consistent with the long-term use and development of the property for commercial uses; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on July 11, 2017 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The PUD provides an appropriate means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site by constructing the proposed buildings for commercial use. 2. The proposed improvements on the site under the Development Stage PUD are consistent with the needs of the PUD in this location as a commercial area. 3. The proposed improvements will be compatible in transition between other commercial uses along Chelsea Road and adjoining residential areas to the south. 4. The improvements will have expected impacts on public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment, and traffic which have been planned to serve the property for the development as proposed. 5. The PUD flexibility for the project, including a parcel with multiple buildings on one parcel, is consistent with the intent of the City's economic development objectives, as well as with the intent of PUD zoning. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2017-018 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council approves the Rezoning and Development Stage PUD, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z as follows: 1. Redesign of the site plan to accommodate 24 feet of width for all drive aisles. 2. Provision for pavement markings and bollards in the center aisle area to ensure protection of building corners due to the curved aisle design. 3. Alter rock mulch in planting areas along the Chelsea Road pathway to an irregular material of larger size to avoid spread of the material onto the pathway. 4. Verify transition grading between future and current phase improvements. 5. No outdoor storage will be permitted in the project. 6. No use of the future phase areas until such phase is developed in accordance with the approved site plan. 7. Provide signage plans in compliance with the Sign Ordinance requirements by separate permit. Wall signage or monument signage shall be allowed as provided in prior plans subject to ordinance requirements. 8. Compliance with comments from the City Engineer in the Engineer's letter dated July 5th, 2017. 9. Developer shall enter into a development agreement related to the proposed improvements. 10. Grading and restoration of the site to be completed with the first development phase. 11. Utilities, including concrete curb and gutter, shall be completed for Phases 1 and 2 with the first phase of development. 12. The fence as proposed at the August 1 st, 2017 Planning Commission meeting, including monument columns every 100 feet along Chelsea, shall be installed by September 15th, 2018, with the first portion of the fence to be constructed to correspond with Phase 1 as shown in the plans. 13. Building elevations and materials for buildings facing Chelsea Road and Innsbrook Drive shall be as shown in the Planning Commission packet of August 1St, 2017 and the applicant shall revise building elevation plans to clearly detail material and 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2017-018 facades for all buildings within the project. 14. The landscaping plan shall be revised to illustrate the proposed fence and include a timeline of landscaping for Phase 1 in spring 2018 and September 15th, 2018 for the balance of the development. 15. Site and fencing plan shall be subject to the City Engineer's comments and those of the Fire Department as related to the northerly access. ADOPTED this 1st day of August, 2017, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION LIM ATTEST: Brad Fyle, Chair Angela Schumann, Community Development Director 3 ORDINANCE NO.6XX CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10 OF THE MONTICELLO CITY CODE, KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE, BY ESTABLISHING THE AFFORDABLE SELF -STORAGE PUD AS A ZONING DISTRICT IN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, AND REZONING THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY FROM B-3, HIGHWAY BUSINESS, TO AFFORDABLE SELF -STORAGE PUD, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: LOT 11 BLOCK 4, GROVELAND ADDITION THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 2.4(0) — Planned Unit Developments, Title 10 — Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended by adding the following: (XX) Affordable Self -Storage PUD District (a) Purpose. The purpose of the Affordable Self -Storage PUD District is to provide for the development of certain real estate subject to the District for commercial land uses. (b) Permitted Uses. Permitted principal uses in the Affordable Self - Storage PUD District shall be self -storage uses as found in the B-3, Highway Business District of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, subject to the approved Final Stage Development Plans dated , and development agreement dated , 2017, as may be amended. The introduction of any other use from any district, including Conditional Uses in the B-3 District, shall be reviewed under the requirements of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 2, Section (0) — Planned Unit Developments for Development Stage PUD and Final Stage PUD.. (c) Accessory Uses. Accessory uses shall be those commonly accessory and incidental to industrial uses, and as specifically identified by the approved final stage PUD plans, but shall not include outdoor storage or other activities. (d) District Performance Standards. Performance standards for development in the Affordable Self -Storage PUD District shall adhere to the approved final stage PUD plans and development agreement. In such case where any proposed improvement or use is not addressed by the Final Stage PUD, then the regulations of the B-3, Highway Business District shall apply. ORDINANCE NO.6XX (e) Amendments. Where changes to the PUD are proposed in the manner of use, density, site plan, development layout, building size, mass, or coverage, or any other change, the proposer shall apply for an amendment to the PUD under the terms of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Section 2.4 (0)(10). The City may require that substantial changes in overall use of the PUD property be processed as a new project, including a zoning district amendment. Section 2. The zoning map of the City of Monticello is hereby amendment to rezoned the following described parcels from B-3, Highway Business District to Affordable Self -Storage PUD, Planned Unit Development District: Lot 11, Block 4, Groveland Addition to Monticello Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to mark the official zoning map to reflect this ordinance. The map shall not be republished at this time. Section 4. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code, Title 10, Zoning Ordinance, and to renumber the tables and chapters accordingly as necessary to provide the intended effect of this Ordinance. The City Clerk is further directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations that result from said renumbering process, provided that such changes retain the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as has been adopted. Section 5. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. The ordinance in its entirety and map shall be posted on the City website after publication. Copies of the complete Ordinance and map are available online and at Monticello City Hall for examination upon request. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this day of , 2017. ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, Administrator AYES: Brian Stumpf, Mayor 2 ORDINANCE NO.6XX NAYS: KB Properties, LLC - Request for Rezoning to Planned Unit Development (PUD) & Devel. Stage PUD Lot 11, Block 4,Groveland Addition I PID: 155-125-004110 Created by: City of Monticello June 12, 2017 To the City of Monticello, My name is Keith Burnham, and I have lived in the Monticello area for 35 years. I grew up in town and watched 35 years of residential and commercial expansion. It truly has been amazing. Through my own observations, and listening to others, I have noticed a large need for additional storage capacity in the city. Existing storage businesses seem to be fully built out, and at or near 100 percent occupancy. If you are an expanding family or business in the community, it is very difficult to find local storage available. Many times, you need to be placed on a waiting list, or go to another community for available storage. Over the last 2 years, I have studied the demographics of Monticello, and the economics of the storage industry. The city of Monticello falls well below the national average for storage units per household, and there is a large need and demand for additional storage space today, and into the future. My company, Affordable Storage offers that solution for the residents and businesses of the city of Monticello. I have purchased just over 6 acres on Chelsea Rd West, and am eager to move forward. Please accept my plans for the project, and I look forward to working with you. Regards, +�♦�yry{�#`y,,r�� � A Wl•K•s va ...xY EXAMPLE FENCE PAGE 1/1 u,+''`v`�; w W F— (� Z W 50 U z O IIZL 'kk09 'JG "I" kl9 ,vis Is ( b/£ 65 'Jii 6£ 'kkb/£ ££ '.,We LZ , l i'. 11 :.611 ,.1111111tl1,d1J11LIL d,l kell,tli Ll , l d,6!111u 1. d l ull h.I! lib. ,:1Ju.: I,IN. V I tl.11 ln11I111au, Will II 11.+.d .: 1!11 `�'I,1111L 11 IfOJ,l61u.IJ1. LILNII!1II L11.11WIlIIILIIII.Ill,alelll LIL1I.LJ.:L .1.111 i,LIIIILIIll LJ11 ..____. ., lull;1 ...._..,', 14JIul,.LII.1.Ihalll]..1d.1111111111LLVJ.6IJ.1 mull Li!II II I. LIVL: !1,111!IIII ,!.:11 ell IIII B. �. ----.. ::,.IJ'lu.ialll.leld.lllJVlil111e 1.1,1.1111. lI!f ke1kY 611dlll l.liW 111 .III III 1111Ll,1 11„ I.....-._:.:,iL '.a.11.11!1II,I!ll..I LI II1f11.11iLl,l.11I.I II IN u.,.ILMI'. ,.IaIIIIi.1 A I Ill JI tl6LI l; 1.. AI I..III . 111.1 ,Ill in:1 —.-... LL. IIIIJl1111111.111-L,L.I.11.111.Al Alldl ll'htli!Hill ILL 111. 11!11 .1 ..I... III, . Idl. Id 1!1P1 G..... —.:;. IdIIJ Le.. Ldlllllla,LI ILII1111.11I. . 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MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA CIO kn 5ct )o N ' Cu 0 C ♦.+ O 3 (0 w 94(o cc cf) CL to Q z 155R y' E► O to� - CL Z cZ wo W z ZEi- CO z (v COU LU /h w s - V/ • M m m wmown i- _ .v o Q) CCLd Co a p 0 (p o y Lam CL M � CL .5 Lu Q � M CO a 10U10L10 qA CIO cNo N >, L2E p O C W aLO l 0 L 25 �• ` 0 � � r" W � O U� U I Li 00 42 - r !� C3 .0 C uj O N C" 15 4001 X10 z 0 N O QO Q � v 0 o a v INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN FILE NO. 00640 C1 SITE PLAN C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY AND WATER UTILITY PLAN C4 STORM SEWER UTILITY PLAN C5 LANDSCAPE PLAN C6 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN C7 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN C8 DETAILS C9 PHASING PLAN Proiect Location Plan 0 30 60 90 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET SURVEY DATA SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: TAYLOR LAND SURVEYING PO BOX 179 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 BENCHMARK: TOP OF PK NAIL IN BITUMINOUS WALK NEAR NW LOT CORNER. ELEV=956.30 PROJECT LOCATION PART OF THE SE4 AND SE4, SECTION 10 TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 11, BLOCK 4, GROVELAND ADDITION, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. BUILDING SETBACK LINE 10, INTERIOR SIDE 15 0 VJ / 5 700' V / LEGEND: EXISTING BOUNDARY �•--�•�•�-- PROPOSED LOT LINE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PROPOSED FENCE PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER GUTTER TIP -OUT FLOWLINE \ `` - GUTTER ® PROPOSED PARKING STALLS '�, PROPOSED BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT R o -o -o -o -o -o -o -o -o -o -o -o -o -o o�o�o�o�o�o�o�o�o�o�o�o�o�o�o PROPOSED HEAVY DUTY CONCRETE PAVEMENT 00000000000000 \ o0000000�0000000�0000000�0000 \ PROPOSED LIGHT DUTY CONCRETE PAVEMENT ` \ B1 \ P? � 0 �``v" i � / - J 4 - '?' O' o G� �'/ \��, �; OSS 70 O / 15 \(o _ \ '\ G / /� 1 :\'' �� 15 i / .O � \ �`\ `\ / / O O �� \ \ \ ; / ,� \ \ 13 BUILDING \\'_\ O SETBACK LINE 30' FRONT \\ __1; '\ . 1, F \ \ 0 0� S \ \I, I '� .0 r0 2 -� � � \ \ o 70 20 O o ., / O r� \ / \ i .... .......... 1 :o° ................... 5 � G O�1 \ chi \ S o �'� 0 SITE PLAN NOTES: 1. ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE TO FACE OF CURB, EDGE OF SIDEWALK OR EXTERIOR OF BUILDING UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR BUILDING DIMENSIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR LOCATION OF EXITS, RAMPS, CONCRETE APRONS AND STOOPS. 2. TACK SHALL BE USED ON BITUMINOUS EDGE PRIOR TO PATCHING. MATCH EXISTING GRADES. 3. ALL CONCRETE SIDEWALKS ADJACENT TO BUILDING SHALL BE SEPARATED WITH A 2" EXPANSION JOINT. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL CONDUIT REQUIREMENTS FOR SITE LIGHTING, COMMUNICATION, SPRINKLER, ETC WITH OWNER PRIOR TO PAVING. 5. ACCESSIBLE ROUTE SHALL BE PROVIDED FROM ACCESSIBLE STALLS TO BUILDING ENTRANCE (SEE ADAAG REQUIREMENTS). POLE MOUNT APPROVED SIGNS CENTERED ON STALLS. PAINT INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY ON STALL. 6. CONSTRUCT ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN RAMP PER ADAAG AND MNDOT STANDARDS INCLUDING CONTRASTING DETECTABLE WARNING METAL TRUNCATED DOME PANELS. 7. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING WITH FIRE MARSHAL FOR POSTING OF FIRE LANES, CURB MARKING AND SIGNAGE IF NEEDED. 8. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL OF ALL EXISTING SITE FEATURES THAT INTERFERE WITH NEW WORK AS SHOWN. 9. ALL NEW UTILITIES MUST BE UNDERGROUND. COORDINATE LOCATIONS WITH LOCAL UTILITY COMPANIES. 10. SIDEWALKS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH CROSS SLOPE OF 1.5% WITH ADJUSTMENT +/- 0.5%. SIDEWALKS WILL BE INSPECTED AFTER CONSTRUCTION. ANY SIDEWALK EXCEEDING 2.0% CROSS SLOPE WILL NEED TO BE REPLACED AT CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. GENERAL NOTES: 1. PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THAT ALL REQUIRED PERMITS AND APPROVALS HAVE BEEN OBTAINED. NO CONSTRUCTION OR FABRICATION SHALL BEGIN UNTIL THE CONTRACTOR HAS THOROUGHLY REVIEWED ALL PLANS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS APPROVED BY THE PERMITTING AUTHORITIES. 2. WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND THE REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARDS OF THE LOCAL GOVERNING AUTHORITY. THE SOILS REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION SET FORTH THEREIN ARE A PART OF THE REQUIRED CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AND IN CASE OF CONFLICT SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED OTHERWISE ON THE PLANS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER OF ANY DISCREPANCY BETWEEN SOILS REPORT AND PLANS. ( �� ,\ 3. SITE CLEARING SHALL INCLUDE THE LOCATION AND REMOVAL OF ALL UNDERGROUND PIPING, VALVING, ETC. �\ 4. SITE GRADING SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND THE RECOMMENDATIONS SET FORTH IN THE SOILS REPORT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVING AND REPLACING ALL SOFT, YIELDING OR UNSUITABLE MATERIALS AND REPLACING WITH SUITABLE \ MATERIALS AS SPECIFIED. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A COMPACTION REPORT 10 \ PREPARED BY A UALIFIED SOILS ENGINEER LICENSED WITHIN THE STATE WHERE \ Q O O \ % °� 1 2 O THE WORK IS PERFORMED VERIFYING THAT ALL FILLED AREAS AND SUBGRADE `<�� AREAS WITHIN THE BUILDING PAD AND PAVEMENT AREAS HAVE BEEN COMPACTED ���fj a,\ s':1,eIN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS SET FORTH IN 15 / 1 - s \ 'S' G THE SOILS REPORT. O� ✓ \ ,��. \ 5. THE LOCATIONS OF THE UNDERGROUND FACILITIES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE // 2 �' �\ �� BASED ON FIELD SURVEYS AND LOCAL UTILITY COMPANY RECORDS. IT SHALL BE 0 o \ 15 �` , 1 �, \ THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO CONTACT THE VARIOUS UTILITY COMPANIES 1 °o � .... O TO LOCATE THEIR FACILITIES PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. NO ADDITIONAL V� COMPENSATION SHALL BE PAID TO THE CONTRACTOR FOR DAMAGE AND REPAIR 5 1 TO THESE FACILITIES CAUSED BY HIS WORK FORCE. 1 C 6. ALL EXISTING DIMENSIONS AND GRADES SHOWN ON THE PLANS SHALL BE FIELD 0 0 VERIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL / 0 2 \ ` NOTIFY CONSTRUCTION MANAGER IF ANY DISCREPANCIES EXIST PRIOR TO 0 1 1 PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION FOR NECESSARY PLAN OR GRADE CHANGES. .O \ �^ O "J O 14 1 V NO EXTRA COMPENSATION SHALL BE PAID TO THE CONTRACTOR FOR WORK �:e :00 O O. HAVING TO BE REDONE DUE TO DIMENSIONS OR GRADES SHOWN INCORRECTLY ON 0 ^' / �C \ ..'O \ \\ THESE PLANS IF SUCH NOTIFICATION HAS NOT BEEN GIVEN. ' II ......... ................... ...... .'.'.'.'._._._....._ ...... ++........ ...... ................... 11 - ....... +0 S (D\ 0 2 \ 2 ... 1 O 1 °O 0 O �0' �. 1 .. � 0 \ \ \ 1 2 1 �1 :o \ 10 o ::O \ Q) \ \ �1 14 0� \ 2 0 5 \ O ����= \ / 2 3 0 "� ° �� 2 4 1 \ / O 0 1 o \ 'I O \ S GJ O , 70 / O � \ 0 \;, \\ 15 \ \ o° �i 2 1 \ 11 / / O 1 --- Ir �� \\\ \\ / O.. o SSS/// 1 \ 9 .. . o . O // \ \ 15 / 1 �' -50� 1_ 2 0 \\ \\ \ O o . , / / 1 GJ o F ° 0...•���= o / / /'(4D__""5 2 `, 1 \ \ , 0 0 0 O I / °v 0 0 \ 0 Dc • , O \ 2 1 1 \ \ O , 1 F \ S CJS � r_� I � ?_ __ '\ ......... .,.......................,.,.,"I ++++++.+......++ � O , O \ 0 , Q), 1 \ 0 2 1 , O n 1 15 / F 'o �- 0 Sbi 2 1 4 I Z O� 0 0`. O 14 O 10 C 2 \ :O.o. 6 1 16 O nI , CS �• G O O 1 s .' O s \ 1 F \ 0 S \ S � 0 \ / 0 �J O 0 N 1 \ 2 / N 1 1 \ �( \ \ 1' �i S 'o \ o \ 2 1 \ \ a.0 0 O. / I-- �C 1 1 \ 4 \. O 1 i \ �o � 2 EXISTING FENCE , • \ s 0 S S16,,n \\ EN ROA HMENT 6 FT'oC C, 1 0 FENCE ALLOWED TO REMAIN 0 1 V O \ S O o PROVIDED FENCE OWNER .: oe. 0 0 •• 0 0 2 E 17 AGREES TO REMOVE AT �J N ' cA O S 7REQUEST OF PROJECT OWNER 1 8 \ O. \�, 0 N11 ,` / i , \ 8 M / I.S \ �\ m �� / O v P rp \ .... 0 �� 1 / O N \� °0 6 P o \ \ / M \ \ \. 1 / \ 7 18 / 4 \ n \ O S 0 � � 9 . • ya a / \ V-�o \ 3 / / \ \ ....... 1S / o � \\ 8 2 S / \ �, �, 14 1-1 ,� �) / N 16 `\ \ o 15 �� O / � o E1-1 u� o ,� 10 s O \ o 0 J 1 0 J 0• 9 \ O 1 - i i o 1 1 ZZ r` oo o / \ - ..... 5 o - \ - ,- �2 / \ 0 ..... ... O 4O , / BUILDING \ 2� O � �j2 I \ / SETBACK LINE 4 \\ 2 �� � ,, S BUILDING SETBACK LINE 30' REAR \\ �� \. -- P\ S\� 0.0 20' STREET SIDE N�' �< S��N ' 'Ill S - , O N 110. / - i \ \ 15 'moo ,, Y EAS 12 (1�3) 0 �j� _�_ N \\ \ N I,IT ✓ i 16 ___o UTI S \ \ / O \\ / ko - __� ____�_ IN � O \\ \ � � ,,- SRA ,� � -� /,, 0e � \\ O� 5 / /, � & 69 10 OK E) ---------- 10 , 10 \\ > 5 13 �o RFAG U /, \ l ( , �-- ------- SITE DATA: EXISTING ZONING: B-3 HIGHWAY BUSINESS DISTRICT PROPOSED ZONING: PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT EXISTING PID: 1 55-1 25-0041 1 0 EXISTING LOT AREA: LOT 11: 273,416 SF = 6.28 ACRES CZo]I6L`7111]E:lgllx lotdvG1CiwGF.`If 24x141 BUILDING 3,384 SF x 1 = 3,384 SF INTERIOR SIDE 30x101 BUILDINGS 3,030 SF x 1 = 3,030 SF 30 30x121 BUILDINGS 3,630 SF x 1 = 3,630 SF co 30x131 BUILDINGS 3,930 SF x 2 = 7,860 SF 30x141 BUILDINGS 4,230 SF x 1 = 4,230 SF a: 30x151 BUILDINGS 4,530 SF x 3 = 13,590 SF z 30x171 BUILDINGS 5,130 SF x 8 = 41.040 SF Q) O m m TOTAL = 76,764 SF r EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA 5,517 SF = 0.13 ACRES PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA L o 198,100 SF = 4.55 ACRES NET IMPERVIOUS AREA INCREASE co 192,583 SF = 4.42 ACRES DISTURBANCE AREA I 280,112 SF = 6.43 ACRES PROPOSED PERVIOUS AREA 75,316 SF = 1.73 ACRES PARKING DATA: REQUIRED PARKING STALLS: SELF STORAGE FACILITIES (TABLE 4.7) INSIDE FACILITY = 1 SPACE PER 100 STORAGE UNITS OUTSIDE FACILITY = 5 SPACES MINIMUM FACILITY PROPOSES 596 STORAGE UNITS: 596/100 = 6 STALLS PROVIDED PARKING STALLS: INSIDE FACILITY PARALLEL PARKING ALONG PERIMETER CURB: 1,420 LF / 22 FT PARALLEL STALL = 64 STALLS # OUTSIDE FACILITY: SELF SERVE KIOSK = 5 SPACES INCL 1 HC SPACE O ( ) SETBACK:- B 3 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS LOCATION: BUILDING PARKING FRONT 30 6 INTERIOR SIDE 10 6 STREET SIDE 20 6 REAR YARD 30 6 KEY NOTES: 01 BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT; SEE SECTION ON DETAIL SHEET 2 24" CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER. MnDOT 2461 MIX 3Y22A SLIPFORM PLACEMENT OR O MnDOT 2461 MIX 3Y32A MANUAL PLACEMENT. SEE SECTION ON DETAIL SHEET. O CONCRETE PAVEMENT LIGHT DUTY MIN. 5 FT WIDTH. 4 CONCRETE MnDOT 6##24610MIX0 3Y22A S IPFORMJPLACCEMENNT OR MnDOT C2461 MIX ON S3Y3AHEET C4.0. MANUAL PLACEMENT. D412 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER MIX 3Y22A FOR MACHINE PLACEMENT (MnDOT 2461) MIX 3Y32A FOR MANUAL PLACEMENT (MnDOT 2461) B612 CONCRETE CURB WITH TIP -OUT GUTTER MIX 3Y22A FOR MACHINE PLACEMENT (MnDOT 2461) MIX 3Y32A FOR MANUAL PLACEMENT (MnDOT 2461) O6 PED. RAMP - IN ACCORDANCE WITH AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT & MnDOT STANDARD PLAN 5 297.250 INCLUDING CONTRASTING DETECTABLE WARNING DEVICES. DEPRESS BACK OF CURB AT RAMP. O7 PAINT INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSABILITY WITH WHITE LATEX PAINT. O ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGN MnDOT NOS. R7 -8A & R7-813). CENTER SIGN ON 8 ( PARKING STALL. LOCATION PER GENERAL CONTRACTOR. MOUNT ON STEEL CHANNEL POST. „ 9 - O PAINT 4 SOLID STRIPE WHITE LATEX PAINT. 10 EXISTING PAVEMENT AND/OR CURB TO REMAIN. EXISTING DRIVEWAY ACCESS TO BE REMOVED; SAWCUT EXISTING CURB AND 11 PAVEMENT TO BE REMOVED; RESTORE WITH B618 CURB AND BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT. RESTORE BITUMINOUS TRAIL AS NECESSARY. 12 CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APRON PER CITY STANDARDS; SAWCUT EXISTING CURB AND PAVEMENT TO BE REMOVED O13 SAWCUT AND REMOVE EXISTING BITUMINOUS FOR CLEAN EDGE. PROVIDE MIN. 2.0 WIDTH FROM CURB LIP EDGE AT CONCRETE CURB LOCATIONS OR CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER. PATCH WITH BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT PER CITY REQUIRED SECTION. MATCH EXISTING PAVEMENT ELEVATIONS AND CROSS SLOPE. O14 10x10 - HEAVY DUTY 6 CONCRETE COLLAR AT CATCHBASIN CASTING O15 METAL FENCE. 6.0 FT HEIGHT. 16 EXISTING ADJACENT OWNERS YARD FENCE TO REMAIN IN PLACE. 17 MONUMENT SIGN. GROUND BASED. SIGN PERMIT NEEDED. O18 LIGHT POLE. SEE SITE LIGHTING PLAN. INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY AND WATER UTILITY PLAN C4 STORM SEWER UTILITY PLAN C5 LANDSCAPE PLAN C6 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN C7 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN C8 DETAILS C9 PHASING PLAN Q) �_4 �_4 6�\ ^ `+ 1 N W kr) � `10 pl� 0 O � WC�) ��0 c zi�4 O C) � -t��� ca a L W -4 - m Q v Lxj v O +a 7 O m 3 N co co cc 0) Moo" O Q) z a: z O U 4) O ,� W O Z z co z (a o� N W co w O Q) O m m mo a:*" O c C L 0 0, . c z 4 Z r cu N ti c .0 Z co 0 O Z L o I 0) M P. �.... co _o 0 a � O U v� .� ct oc ct � � N O I� � U •. N � .," - M " N r�' Z� Ic . „_, N -114 1- z wz CL g O� J W W �__ Lel U) Q z 0 Di N C) � -t��� 00 4o � Qo o -4 - m Q v Lxj v L� 4Zi N I+N N (1) (c) a 0 c �. W w w I 0 3 d' U -O O U 4) O ,� O Z O � ' O U C U o O C o� N �w r� V I 0 x a) s` I O ^ coCfl - O 4 tq O v, o O wh wl m - co •- N U O c C L 0 0, . c z 4 Z r N ti OU 3 a w � c c 3 � I 42� o :c c 0 P. r- U _o 0 a� U -2 � I O . C3 J O O N _ � 3 O V ' � -e -t� - a) 0 0 cn q t: : U O 0 . C4 O 3 a ° -a3 QW a O O 0 2 s r Q_ z 0 Di N C) � N _ 0 0 � Qo o m WW � a m Q v Lxj v FILE NO. 00640 C1 Site Plan II 0 30 60 90 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET SURVEY DATA SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: TAYLOR LAND SURVEYING PO BOX 179 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 BENCHMARK: TOP OF PK NAIL IN BITUMINOUS WALK NEAR NW LOT CORNER. ELEV=956.30 PROJECT LOCATION PART OF THE SQ AND SE4, SECTION 10 TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 1 1 , BLOCK 4, GROVELAND ADDITION, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. g56 \ J CB • \ � 9 R. / TR. MH � / \ '\ ,Lj I T , Q- i / \ „\ '� / BST G1rq G CB •\•-91 55.1 y 956.6 YD. \ , \ • STR. MSI \ \ - -.,?54. •54. - 954 '\ 956. \ 4.2 \ 960 ,r'„i-/ %• �, '� 96 6 ✓Oxg 9959 \ \ \ ~\y \\ o 9s6 \ \ • \ ~� ti `\ `+ 9 ��T STR MIM '\ 952 \ SAN. MH''y / sip �\ \ ��' x9g0 �.� CB -10 952. �\ -- \\ i '� \\ \ RE=958.25 to 9S9.. yg IE=952.80 0 ass �0 0 96� 1. 10 • \�~\ GENERAL GRADING NOTES: 1. Specifications applicable for this project: Current standard specifications for Monticello, MN, and the latest Minnesota Department of Transportation Specifications for Highway Construction and all NPDES requirements except where modified by these contract documents. 2. OSHA requirements shall be followed for all work on this project. 3. The Contractor shall notify "Gopher State One Call" 48 hours prior to any excavation (1 -800-252-1166.) 4. The Grading Contractor shall verify all locations and elevations of underground utilities with utility companies prior to any construction, and immediately notify the Engineer of any conflicts. 5. Erosion Control shall be constructed, as applicable, as sequenced below: A. Silt Fence. B. Rock Construction Entrance. C. Demolition D. Common excavation (grading). E. Seed and mulch or sod (See notes on Landscape plan). 6. Final Plat shall govern for easements and lot dimensions. 7. Any erosion control items necessary to protect adjacent properties shall be constructed by the Grading Contractor. 8. Erosion control maintenance shall be performed by the Grading Contractor, and removed as per the Contract Documents or as directed by the Engineer, followed by all necessary restoration of disturbed area. This work shall be incidental to the grading contract. 9. The Grading Contractor shall schedule the soils engineer to facilitate certification of all controlled fills in a timely fashion. Density tests shall meet the following: A. Within the upper 3' of streets, the Grading Contractor shall utilize approved soils that are within 1% of the optimum moisture content as defined by the Standard Proctor Test -ASTM: D-698 with compaction meeting 100% Standard Proctor Density and not exceeding this compaction by more than 1%. Below the upper 3', compaction shall meet 95% Standard Proctor Density, and be within 3% of the optimum moisture content. Grading tolerances shall be 0.1'. B. Grading tolerances for the remainder of the site shall be 0.25'. 10. All areas of unsuitable soils found in the pad described above that cannot be corrected shall be located in the field by the Grading Contractor. The Grading Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer of these areas and provide information as to their size and location. 11. The Grading contractor shall provide positive drainage on the site at all times. 12. The Grading Contractor shall keep public streets and travel ways clear of soil and debris. Daily cleaning at the construction entrance shall be performed, especially at the end of each day's work. 13. All silt fence shall be removed at project completion. 14. All proposed elevations are at flow line unless otherwise noted. 15. All erosion control best manage practices shall be per City standards. v59.35 49 IbN TIC 10 OQ �' �`'•••. A •• $ ♦�` e \\ \ \ 951.5 ` B•S',J `` BOJ /•• oro / `♦` S ` ,I„s� \\ \\ '\ \ 98\ 1 '° ��� ~`;o. �� \ • \ �\ 950.6 / \ /•° 0� ��/ 958 , \ CB -9 06 -50 ,� .-' •� RE=956.25 FLAW. ELEV. = 949.9 1 IE=951.65 \GV \ �J 961.40 � (1 \ �+, CB 0, oQ 0 --- �� , 9s MH -9 65* �-°� 1� �\ g�;•°• ,� �.9s�.3s,-'99 SS °s \\ �� �\ \, � 961.1 w i CB -12 / r �. °� /\ /�-'moi ' s55•' CB -8 \ (, l RE= B. r J' \-- -z/ �� // �`' -'� � .,95 1� \ RE=955.15 IE=955.15 �\� �g�,° ,- 9 s.35 8 i % :e�: ,� 5/ o ,y,.°••°•.-•• / , , � � \ $ \ IE=942.61 6JRB \� u ♦ c V T \ `` aC/19) , �O I r\ �� ` g►� /�` \ \`� + r 9.35, n• � / "YY •cam �:•° 0)ii/ o \ ( 1 \ \ �� \ 1 s x 955.35C :051 A is �/ 2 � �••° ` 0 9�j0 r/g I\ \ \ •° �`\ •°•I °•• `\ \ \ t 0 a� CB -1 1 9g'I ` \ 0 I �,. CB -2 �. � • si3 RE- 95 6.75 1 I - - - Oj •, `°o,� , t 9� 0 �� s* �^ RE=953.25 \ °0 •` 9� �� ham' 6% IE=953.25 ` `\ J\�\ •°• ; IE=949.65 \19cp \ 6� rB qh \ \ c I ` 954.35 06 OVA 956 is / `962 951 \ •••°°`° �'I 6 \\ \ °•\ °• \ ` �� \ \ \\ \ \ , / . _ 9 nom$/ 4 / 0 \ '� ��i`•"°`` ) / s s \ � ( � \ \ \ / C9 / S� 0 ! 0 \ • / /- x 951110 UV 3.35 \ \\� , \` fig.:=°• \ � 9 .��` �- � / ��G °'°i' 1 / / -•° \ dQ Q \ � � gas is \\\ lt9s • .p� \\ '3' �\ =q _��0�0 /OJ� '••° /IJO / � �n 1� I \. \J11 \ t9 6'I 97' lid \\ 9�•1 1 \ °66•),'•••••' 0 '' Q.tif * _ •.••'''`°• i �\ , // ` �h `� \ \ L\ 0I CB -1 9 • _ _ rj6 -� 0 i /s �° \ RE=951.25 \ \ \ � \6Q ��,..-,�' l6�Q �5�o�5/6% IE=947.35 \ G s �, / ------i�'RE=956.35 - ���"'' /9} ,�'l�,O� �j\ $ �s \\ r 1-� \ \ IE=952.75 \\ .' 9 :0--- ^ g5 •�' CB -4 1, DIN J O , UQ \ '\ °' • ' RE= 953.75 ° 96 9 /�`\\`. 9 6° � / 0 \� ' 066 ,sa IE=949.85 / � ° I i\ L 01 -959.1 / -' ��s o� �° , \\ ` 0 \, LA 0 C S \\ ° F �� • �$ , 4700 \ \ CB- �T X1"1 / ♦` U `�\ \\ \`6�,g5� �/\ / �� 'a+ y\I°)° I g4j� Q ✓ 1 i��\ \\ \ 11 rY 0 W . \y / °, �`` 9 6,i 66�°.°.°°•° I 0 S ,EL V.- 945.2 \ ° ss 1 ,� ° / �. �3. hti 9�1 950 9p�9 9�� 9� FES -A \ �t \ y s 0 i 9� \* \ �0 °' IE=947.00 I , CB -6 \\`\ ° °s$ / �0 I RE=954.75 \� \ NN °$ y?- I ;� � o$�N'°$• F / 1 \1 I s \ \, )CB IE=949.80 IQ j s� QQ \ 8 4 = " / I / �/ �' \ ` \ / \ - a 05 MH \S�RFLOC l S1'R., / `♦♦ \ / ! \\\ 9S ��" \\ ^°'�� 1 �C�/ is z a N\`\\ 95$80 FES -B 9�a / ��\j' 946.2, ' ' \ s\ r0 \\ s\ �o cn \°� 1 a��'`:, IE=949.00 / \ y♦ \\ \ �\ `��` \` 5� \ \ °j " 952'20 BASIN OUTLET 9°9 / 9��' / " 945.5 9 4p SALN. MH / \ N do % \"�.0o • ���dog , i 951.4 J 946.3 • a ' gb g� ' moi'/ \ 01 R' CB -3 `� �° �y / STORM WATER v S / • / \ RE=951.35 \_ ,INFILTRATION BASIN 100, \\ IE=947.30 `,� 951 es, NWL = 949.00 �I \ �� k 2 YR = 947.97 t ,�(�� s -Z \ \ - / CB_ 5 D s0 51'`�b (I ° 10 YR = 948.70 N' \ �B O� \\\ t C` / FES -C 950.30 9 n 100 YR = 949.41 \ \ \ RE -952.10 t 9 1 l� t �, � IE=947.00 �� `;� r �� \� Imo' , p�,,' ' � e / / ; \ �\ 1 `\ ► 9s� IE=947.15 g5 �/ o o SEE BASIN DETAIL ��, HYD. \, o n�°� �� ons / oh �� . �� � ,� �' o ON DETAIL SHEET - /oGJ o�5 /� / // ` moi' \` o���Oa� _-- / pJ�C w \ ` 3 $1'�MH 95 / OCS-1 949.90 9 jj 45.6 \ \� �` I �s \` �gti° ti / RE=948.75 �9cP ,� / 4g � I `\ \ \\-' \ :. \ gam' IE=942.13SO '/ UR do`r� (BASIN OUTLET),949:00 8..ZCE' 950 1 ---_-- i " 1 • �bN C' - 6 _ i, 94900 FES 62 FES- D ° IE=947.00 / 9 f948 \ ��TY 0 � � 5-�50 •'� �,-� , Spiv C$ s o �p nINA vv,+ �o STORM WATER H---------- INFILTRATION BASIN 2 V IGHT i' NWL = 949.00 POLF?----_-- _-- � „ � 2 YR 948.86 � i \\ f'` � � 10 YR = 949.07 YFy 949.0"� • \ 100 YR = 949.30 4�' SEE BASIN DETAIL ON , 04SAN. DETAIL SHEET .� 94M,, Gp� INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY AND WATER UTILITY PLAN C4 STORM SEWER UTILITY PLAN C5 LANDSCAPE PLAN C6 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN C7 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN C8 DETAILS C9 PHASING PLAN 0 v� ct ct cc � N O kr) U N ct N wz CL CIO CIOw zQ wz CLQ:� OC) wz C) Iz C CL ctV W 1j \ (n On N O Lu O W p lv O O *I C � a o Ln Ln 0 Z 1121�z F) z cn m Q> > (n ^ O O IL 0 LU Q V / 0 v� ct ct cc � N O kr) U N ct N wz CL CIO CIOw zQ wz CLQ:� OC) wz C) Iz C CL ctV W 1j \ (n On N O m O W p lv ti O Q O p W V FILE NO. 00640 Grading and Drainage Plan A 0 30 60 90 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET SURVEY DATA SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: TAYLOR LAND SURVEYING PO BOX 179 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 PROJECT LOCATION PART OF THE SQ AND SE4, SECTION 10 TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 1 1 , BLOCK 4, GROVELAND ADDITION, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. GENERAL UTILITY NOTES 1. Specifications applicable for this project: Current standard specifications for the City of Monticello, MN and all Minnesota Department of Health and MPCA requirements except where modified by these contract documents. 2. OSHA requirements shall be followed for all work on this project. 3. The Contractor shall notify "Gopher State One Call" prior to any excavation (651 -454-0002 or 1 -800-252-1166 out state.) g �;�_\ 4. The Contractor shall verify all locations and elevations of underground utilities with utility companies prior to any construction (storm sewer, sanitary sewer, water, natural gas, telephone, electric, etc.), and immediately notify the Engineer of any conflicts. CB 5. The Contractor shall protect all existing utilities and facilities to allow proper functioning during and after construction. Any required supporting structures shall be supplied by the Contractor as work incidental to the contract. \ • ' "\ " TR. MH 6. The contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer of any conflicts between existing utilities, and the proposed construction. The / �� Engineer will coordinate with the Utility Company in question to determine the need for relocation of the existing utility. aw I •956.E 95`6"� "\ ��.\ 7. Existing conditions such as sand in manholes or valve boxes shall be identified by the Contractor and these shall be reported to iI T 7-- • / "� "\ / the Engineer prior to excavation by the Contractor. Once construction has begun, all damage to underground utilities will be -6.3 \\ GV' GV` assumed "� "� ��,( assumed to have been caused by the Contractor, any repairs necessary shall be performed by the Contractor at the Contractor's . • \ "� " \ expense. EXISTING . X55.1 "� / 8. Final Plat shall govern for easements. G HYDRANT "� " �'\ 9. The Contractor shall coordinate with the local jurisdiction to obtain permits and meter for water source. All associated costs 956.6 YD' \ • STR.\TT� \ shall be incidental to the Contract, including disposal of test water into City's sanitary sewer system. The Contractor shall 1Y111��� 954.\not operate gate valves or hydrants on the Cit 's water suPPIY system. �S N"MU \ 10. The Contractor shall notify the City Engineer and the Project Engineer 48 hours prior to starting work or as required by the local 956. T N'44•2 \ \ jurisdiction or be subject to being shut down. 60 /'�.f .EXISTING WATER SERVICE \ 1 1 . The Contractor shall keep access roads clear of soil or other debris, and perform daily street cleaning as required by the 8 GATE VALVE \ NPDES permit. Positive drainage, controlled with erosion control and erosion prevention measures as required by the �� \ �, �\ NPDES permit shall be performed. Inlet protection shall be installed within 48 hours after inlet construction. Unless specified 961.. 6 / `�� \ \• �, �'\ on the plans or as a bid item on the Bid Form, any temporary culverts, ditches, filter fabric, etc. necessary to accomplish this / �^mob \ \ , \• �,, shall be performed as incidental to the Contract. 06060\��oyh 9 EXISTING SANITARY \ `\ y \ 12. The Contractor shall preserve and protect the markers and monuments set for the subdivision of the land. / REMOVE EXISTING 8 PLUG AND 6 S8' 9S> `, SEWER SERVICE TO CONNECT NEW 6 DIP CL52 TER \ \ 13. The Contractor shall schedule the soils engineer to facilitate / �' 9S6 REMAIN WITH NO `\\ certification of all controlled fills in a timely fashion. Density tests / WA / SERVICE WITH 8x6 DIP REDUCER CHANGES ' \ STR. M shall meet the following: / "]j \ 952.4 A. Density tests shall be taken on all trenches at locations as determined by the Engineer or his representative. Cb, 9 h B. Within the upper 3' of streets, private drives and parking lots, Contractor shall utilize approved soils that are within 1 \ 9g \ \ optimum moisture content as defined b y the Standard Proctor Test -ASTM: D-698 with 100% Standard Proctor Density and not 6" DIP -��' -- ���\��� \ §AN. MH''y \ exceeding compaction by more than 1% Below the upper 3', compaction shall meet 95%. Grading tolerances shall be 0.1'. / 0`' 22.5° BEND \ 952 c9% \ 14 Ti, O h II f II t t' f '1 ' A h' h f '1 t t th b t d d h II b t d / 380 LF - 6" DIP CL52 WATER SERVICE INSTALL WATER SERVICE AT MINIMUM 7.5 FT BURY DEPTH 6" DIP ' 9( 22.5° BEND AND 11.25* BEND ao 1� \ /\V/ 961 '96().35 -� LP '\ -- e caer r s ns a pay oa es it ng o soi compac ion. ny ars w is mee r eaai o e a ove s an as s a e correc e + \\ `\ \ � 4 \ and re -tested by the Owner's testing agent at the Contractor's expense. 9 \ 15. All water main shall be installed with a minimum of 7.5 feet of cover. s `\ � 9 9 _ _ _ \\ EXISTING 16. Contractor shall provide temporary traffic control in compliance with MN/DOT "Temporary Traffic Control Zone Layouts Field \ Manual" most recent version for construction adjacent to travel ways. �. '\ \ HYDRANT � ` 0�O ��� `°� ��� `\ \\ R 17. Contractor shall be responsible for verification of the depth of existing stubs listed on this plan prior to the ordering of any 9616 `/ /�X959.3s `�` ���*`\\\\\\\ \ '\• �.0 \ fittings, structures, castings, etc. Engineer, Owner or City shall not be responsible for any discrepancies found as depths are QO �9 \ \ 951.5 estimated. Q62 ` 960' 6� �� ss \ \ �\ \ 18. The contractor shall coordinate schedule with adjacent property owners to minimize disturbance for water shut down and + ° S. r:hy �y^�h \\ `\\ \ \• temporary closure of access if necessary. \' 950.6 19. The contractor shall be responsible for coordinating with utility companies for power pole and/or line relocation required. J1� GAG / G'� � \ \ \ ` \ \• �\ 20. The contractor shall provide all necessary traffic control. \./ 0 r ✓\ r/ �� =958.35 `� ''�� ` \ + 21. The contractor shall be responsible for all grading and restoration required to restore surfaces to like kind existing condition. 06 -506�/ "\" � •\ �,, FLAW. ELEV. - 949.9 22. Existing curb and pavement damaged or impacted on adjacent property shall be restored with in-kind materials and section. �\ All match lines are to be saw cut. �`' \;\1 \\ �/ 950 VGV �' Rte\ \ 23. The contractor shall obtain a Utility Excavation Permit from the City Public Works Department prior to commencement of utility -_\ \• vCB `\ connections. h / R. WH ` /�rp\ 06p 959.85 x -0)/' ' f95 / N\ 0_0i a/ / 01) O 0 /'-- // ,'' / g55'4: � EXISTING WATER SERVICE �O / ,' REMOVE EXISTING 8" PLUG; / IE 955.25 /� 8" GATE VALVE 00'40 CONNECT NEW 1 " HDPE V ENDOPURE WATER SERVICE 5635 8 \ EXISTING SANITARY ^" 666 PIPE WITH 8" x 1 " DIP ` SEWER SERVICE \ 959'35' �� 9 REDUCER OR TAP 1 " CORP TO REMAIN WITH INTO NEW 8" PLUG NO CHANGES \� \ CP Q QQ 958.35 x M / 1 / 6� \ `:� \ \ �� 1 • \ \ �6 yh/' ♦ r I I\ oh6 \ / .955.3501 1s 10� j ` b 1 \\\ I \\ \ 1 96� 59 r / 95°'6 960 .00 < 0 �F 6• � � I + 5b \ g0 \ \ pJGjO0�5� 9� Q \ \ h� .954.35 -A- 4b - - \ h �j 1 \\ \ g ♦♦ \\ EXISTING .s \HYDRANT No. 1 �/ 9 O O�� / QO �`� �Q ��\ 1 �C \ `. / \\ �L HYDRANT \` 6" GATE VALVE AND RISER o 9s9�� �66�6 `\ ��O 96A�h /Q�Q. s ��� `�\� 228 LF - 1 " HDPE ENDOPURE \\ \,i \s \ GROUND ELV.=961.00 'L '' `\ ,, J + F��/ 563sk M" ��� 056 I WATER SERVICE; INSTALL WATER SERVICE _�_ / o ,0�� \� 0,\ 1\ AT MINIMUM 7.5 FT BURY DEPTH \''QP 0 LQ `off / \ \ h 1 \ ♦ \ 9 ` y I 156\ x953.35 q \ • �1 \ y + J + C / 955 3 LO / / I `. \ /954 5 3 N ` / 960-" 9 / \\ 9 /\ �'G�� / s LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION CONTROL; I \ N \ \ / 62� ss ' �O'� ✓ ' �� p��'J� WATER METER AND ASSOCIATED ,- / �� VALVES WITHIN SMALL ENCLOSURE X59.1 , �j \ l r / ` \ \ ♦ `;;\\ // Ory // , �h <�QQ ry. \ �n 3, \ \P N, .00 PLCB- y . i9 9`SS 1 r�ti\�N I`\ / ig��Q g�� 0h1 9bO 0�`g 9K6 ON \\ \\ \\\ S I +�L�V. � 945.2 \ !F01 §46.8 tB 963 I \\\ ♦ s, \ .`\ �h \ �h�b I �� '/ �� .p 9 ////' \ \r�5R. MH `\ 982.80 / ojQ$ / �pc/ 946.2 s X71 M._ C y / �� �,. \\ \ \\\ ♦ ��� �� r\ F \\ �� �� \ �`:, g5230 �Gj� 9k0 , 9�a �' \'� /r� \ 945.5' / // \ / .` \\ �\ \\ ♦ \ 9 �� \ °' \ _ // /' ' SAN. MH\ ` \\ \\\ `` A \ \\ 951.45 Q_, 9 �y �/ / \ \ / // / \\ ♦ \ \ 6�`•\ t,0 /' //'/ 946.3R. • '\ a / ,/ / \� `� \\ ♦♦ � �\ ti ,y'S I\. `i Qin � `�/ /' /' /if _�� I /!/ S /' //` '\\ \ �s _ ��T / N -� \ M I a ,19 � 951\` s / „/ \ o950.30� \ ' EXISTING HYDRANT �h n / `� ` g� / moi' % 1 �XJ 7' .� / • �B` p'� \� t9 I ;, s� `\ / /" `;` �O 400 9.90\ ' i-' / / .+'� HYD. 019 ti 5� 50 pJDcO pJDc� oJ� /' \` i \`\ °� • / • �� �/ / \ I \ 0 0 / 0 _� / 1 \\ \\ `� \ �\ 1 t9� `� ♦ pJGj3 / // '949.9 ' > / .6' SA MH `�0 /9 `�` �'/' �// • 945.6 \�� `\ 0hy O / ,' p,�i'O ,� `�` s 49 O �' ice/ M/✓✓✓ , r \ / v vv I l9 \ 50 A \ �0'\ ------ / i' 9;4'9 .00 '950 s/~//•� j _------ g 46 I - 201 , ,-� 10� 949 ' 0 O �� ~ • / - /- - -/' -' �pENI 9S /� 0p0 SEI' y v' EA x=948 . �/ Y / • / �, \/\\\ / �s� / goo O TIL //� s 94,5 • / • /-, / 0 �/ 19 ,- --- GE Spiv CBS. /• / � �, PIH L�- - - - - - - - - - - - - 01 ~/ ~/ 4/ 8� ` C� LIGHT ,�"_---------__-- PO10I--- '� R l,�- HY \cif' -' �/ ~ ,-949.0�/ / ~ • \ 'BIS 948'/- �' / EXISTING TIC / / / •� SAN HYDRANT 'TSS/•/ 49,7,,___ INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY AND WATER UTILITY PLAN C4 STORM SEWER UTILITY PLAN C5 LANDSCAPE PLAN C6 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN C7 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN C8 DETAILS C9 PHASING PLAN O U L W O� .,.� O rr CL W W mono O no C tan 1 U O WI - CM CUCU to v Oz CC cw m c O V .ci C c0 o M Z ( V) M O v� ct ct cc � N O kn U N ct N a O 4 vJ Q N 00� O m �H •2 ' p lv � V ti Q N0) C�CL C ~ I p Lo E ~ (0 Lf) I o r�_O I C3C pLo `� a ao O� ti W A I mm o� °' � cC 44t�.4 oa v1 00Q�3 2ni3 I a C ti c00 3 �� �a-°� I� �., a, V r.. O Ei J w N' i co ;. u i co v ° o O 3 �q Q � � 3 •'Ci,, w D_ W 1i 1j \ 4 vJ Q N O m O W p lv ti Q W FILE NO. 00640 Sanitary and Water Utility Plan A 0 30 60 90 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET SURVEY DATA SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: TAYLOR LAND SURVEYING PO BOX 179 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 BENCHMARK: TOP OF PK NAIL IN BITUMINOUS WALK NEAR NW LOT CORNER. ELEV=956.30 PROJECT LOCATION PART OF THE SQ AND SE4, SECTION 10 TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 1 1 , BLOCK 4, GROVELAND ADDITION, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. 956 CB " \ • \ , TR. MH \ \ • .56.1 JT GV` .3 GV'-, \ 0955/.7 BST l7iq G CB .\•\•55.1 HYD.\ , "_ \ 956.6 TR. ?54.0 M�I� 954.0 954 \ 956.4.2 \" 960 --_ ; ,',, „� \ ' / j• \ \ "\ � AA / • " 961,:? 61 \ �. -r6� \ -\ IN, \" CB -10 ul ��Z6° s.s \ \ • \ *A48" DIA CONCRETE 60 060 6°�°yss8. ss� IN, ' IN NEENAH CASTING R-3067 RE=958.25 061 96��� `\ sss \ `IE(SW)=953.00 (12" IN) \ IE(SE)=952.80 (15 OUT) \ �°j S \ IN, \ `\ NNN \e 952.3 q x 860 35 � � P IN, �\ I\ i 9 sh 9 21 S9, 86,'SS 19Vv ♦ / W 959.35 ♦ l 96, 0� /+ ``� \�� � \\ \•\ � 48" DIA CONCRETE 96o g6o +F/ `S� ^ sy \\ \ NEENAH CASTING R-3067 / 60* �� / �\ + `♦ �;; , oh \ \ RE=956.25 / /% 96\ ^� +/ /liG, `♦` �*;,;` �� '\IE(NW)=951.65 (15" IN) i / '�0� ✓ /+ ��� =668.36 ` ~'� \\ C IE(SW)=951.85 (12" IN) 1 + \ \ 1/2" DIA. X 4" LONG. (S.S) BOLTS FASTEN W/EPDX (4 REQUIRED) 1X„/4„ 1 1 STELL PLATE W/5/8" DIA. (4 REQUIRED) WELD PLATE TO BO RING 48" DIA. ELEV.=949.50 STEEL PLATE ELEV=948.75 1/2" THICK 3/8" SMOOTH ROUND STOCK 4" O.C. EACH WAY TACK WELD BOTTOM ROW TO 1" STEEL PLATE. TACK WELD TOP ROW TO BOTTOM ROW. (TYPICAL) POND OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE (OCS-1) 0 240 LF 12 DUAL -WALL DW. ELEV. = 949.9 HDPE PIPE @ 0.89% °69' /\ + ♦ O / i ' �, 9 , 950.9,GV \ ;961.40 / `J %V 1 116 LF 15 DUAL -WALL / s� ' �\ CB ` +/ �\� HDPE PIPE @ 0.99%19 / y5/ 6 \ ' 960 / 0 @ 9 ";i 861 \� 9.85* �/g +/+ /� 0 /+957.35 „ /\ �9 + A CONNECT TO EXISTING 24 RCP CL3 110, ' b G95�' pP' Q� B\ --, STORM SEWER AT IE=942.42; 961.1 960eo / h" +/+N/M REMOVE EXISTING BULKHEAD AND t\ EXTEND WITH 18 LF 24 RCP CL3 // co + 0° �, \ %V \ �� ' PIPE @ 1.06% CB -12 /+/ /8613. 50 �� 0� +/ %\ PIPE 27" DIA CONCRETE /+ ��� 0 J �� +/ IE 95528 /] • \ ` s \\ + „ \ i / 64 LF 15 DUAL -WALL n/ CB -8 NEENAH CASTING R-2573 m 225 LF 12 DUAL -WALL _ z e° %V1001 ass 811 C� 48" DIA CONCRETE RE=958.75 + HDPE PIPE @ 0.62% 9h;/ HDPE PIPE @ 1.01 % 6.3s \ IE(NE)=955.15 (12" OUT) ^"�0�y +'r �� \ NEENAH CASTING R-3067 ;; 95g.35x 111 e. 9 00 /+/ �\ 0h ♦ RE=955.15 IE(NW)=951.00 (15" IN) \ �_. IE(NE)=942.61 (24" OUT) 030 ;, / ss A0'� tS (^ �� ��� 05 + a �� ����9°�\ � IE(SUMP)=939.61 (3' DEPTH) \ 0° 958.35 x n +/ lbp ; \ ��\ • \ \ \ ' �6Q /g6°' rn yn,y'/ \ 00 h6/ = 955.35 ; \\ S loo,\ \ \ ss // \ 27 DIA CONCRETE , �\ °'S/' °e° �\O NEENAH CASTING R-2573 `� V,001 / \1?*\ 151 „' C° RE=956.75 + �� 0g� 0 " s° CB -2 ss �O °��� IE(NE)=953.25 (12" OUT) I 915,36. ��, `♦ /\� ` __ _ g �' °`'� 2'x3' PRECAST CONCRETE J 1300 0 �:" h° ♦` 9 NEENAH CASTING R-3067 1 \ } �y0 % ss - \ RE= 953.25 cep �` 1313 0 4<P` 4.35 \\ IE(SE)=949.65 (12" OUT) !` / 0'0 9ss ��� 0 h��o gGJ� C C 9 J ��� 666315 x h `�� 056 O \ \ 862 G \ \ 108 LF 12" DUAL -WALL 0 9s / 0 h 00 9� HDPE PIPE @ 1.94% �s� J7 8 �� �b g5� �° � �s 964.,7 `�s o\\ ' °h° 6 ► N i`�h` 48" DIA CONCRETE \. 6� ss� CB -4 s�, e \ NEENAH CASTING R-3067 \ 27 DIA CONCRETE 9�° h'tie 1 N j RE=951.25 � - IE(NW)=947.55 (12 IN) / 6 `' li NEENAH CASTING R-2573 6 0° / Z " / ss \ \ / CB -7 9� RE=953.75 24p \ IES =947.35 15" OUT to 2'x3' PRECAST CONCRETE IE(SE)=949.85 (12" OUT) / 4 ��� 1 o \\ () ( ' ) / * „, \ IE(SUMP)=944.35 (3 DEPTH) \ NEENAH CASTING R-3067 �E h� 9 .0 C • x/954.35 �O , 4 1 /� s� \ / RE=956.35 �\ \\ h°6 _ 1 13 LF 12 DUAL -WALL 6 �\ 9� „� 05 0 �^ LF \ I IE(SE)=952.75 (12" OUT), \`�\\\\ �< HDPE PIPE @ 2.43% 05 /\'J � \+� , � �\ 72HDPE1 PIPED@L 0.49% J \s \\�/ 134 LF 12" DUAL -WALL �/ i \ \ \y \ 9 \ X59.1 \ HDPE PIPE @ 1.01 % �e \ ` Nho. , � \ ♦ _ so \ 0 , �> ` rk�� 855 1313 \°`�" g�D� °° ��1� �� R / `♦ �J ` ` 6� `` 0,�k 47.00 \\ CB - ()b \ 0 \. N g5 �° k� FES -A \ S ,EgV.'-\ 945.2`\ \ _\_ s�,9Ss 1 0� �g�0 05ti 0�1 0�0 0k0 0°`$ 0 15 " CMP FES \ 1 \ ' '\ s / CB 6 0 0 + " � � INV=947.00 §46.8)6 / 48 DIA CONCRETE \ s , o kN o F \B NEENAH CASTING R-3067 \� �s �` �.� +\ WITH 2.9 CY CL3 �\ \ \� \ / RE=954.75 \ s � `;1% � �� 0 hN �'I RIP -RAP WITH FABRIC �/ , \ / � \\ � s� ,,,\ � y�• ��0 �� ;; ' 68 LF 15 DUAL -WALL 0 0 � - �' \ S�'�. MH FL IE(NW)=950.00 12 IN ° ( o, („ ) \ �s � 'g , .% N s HDPE PIPE @ 1.03% i �$ 946.2 z / IE(SE)=949.80 15 OUT ° „x•80 ,z 0 c � ST'R. ' ~ s /( ) , 6 \ s CB -3 0 \ - may:, \ / 48" DIA CONCRETE CV 2° - B _J \ � _, g52" FES -B 9°c gni$ � � �� ,.� \ 945.5 / / \\ \ ♦ 9 171 LF 15 DUAL -WALL /\� NEENAH CASTING R-2573 ; - \ „ / ' V SAN. MH\ / \ s + a - o - • 15 CMP FES 050 �\ HDPE PIPE @ 1.55% O RE=951.35 % 951.45 �« -« o 3 . r \ / INV=949.00 C / / ♦ \ \ rn :\ \ / O IE(NW)=948.50 (12" IN) ► o °`" \\` g0 946.3 /,� s \ \ . (BASIN OUTLET) 0 0 0 R. \ \ Q;. \ sh IE(E)=948.30 (15 IN) h .' °�' \ 14\ 9h ' IE(SW)=947.30 (18 OUT) IE(SUMP)=944.30 (3' DEPTH) ; �; l� 951,/ ss�si � \\ ,\ // 46 LF 18 DUAL -WALL ° 0 0 +� s / d\ O�\ \\ ��, \. FES -C HDPE PIPE @ _0`;65% �, On.00 9' \ 6B 18" CMP FES 94jOo 49.6 o � 9 HYD. INV �s� =947.00 DK X, �� °� . 0g o o / 1� \\ ; \ WITH 3.6 CY CL3 \o,�` Co `b RIP -RAP WITH FABRIC 649.60 do 22 LF 18 •�/� / n �� s� �� \� �ti�°' 9°° �� RCP CL3 (P\ J 1-10), 9' „ �� ' PIPE @ 0.53% 30 LF 15 DUAL -WALL / / r� i �� 0 HDPE PIPE @ 0.50% ' 950 �''' `o�`-=___'" / ~ G� G' -_ 946 g'� 1 '.O1 ice'/'�C1b p�`W `•/ ~ / • 8 - --- CB -5 m1 " . / Db 48 DIA CONCRETE °��0° N I 64'8-1 / "/ ~ • /' %� '/ NEENAH CASTING R-3067 OCs -1 / EASE - 48, , �. ,.� "/ ~ ,•'� / / / / / / ' / RE=952.10 48" DIA CONCRETE Y CONNECT TO EXISTING 18" IE(NW)=947.15 (15" IN)) � s 48" DIA GRATE, RCP CL3 STORM SEWER AT IE(SE)=947.15 (15" OUT) �s� SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET JN CI IE=942.01; REMOVE EXISTING IE(SUMP)=944.15 (3 DEPTH) \ RE=948.75 LOW SIDE BULKHEAD AND RETROFIT .\ _'' RE=949.50 HIGH SIDE / �' FOR STRUCTURE CONNECTION-'� 0 \\ FES -D ��O IE(S)=942.13 (18" OUT) / ~ C$��vv \ 15 CMP FES ��, J I �- / W/ 4'%8� s LIGHT i" 6`\ INV=947.00 � 6 / .. / POLE------ 10 OLE--� 10 WITH 2.9 CY CL3 5 / " 0-1 \1 RIP -RAP WITH FABRIC / ,./ ~ 51J�- -'949.0 9 48 •� �- -- --- TC • / SAN.-- 11 d, ELEV=942.13 OUTLET GENERAL UTILITY NOTES 1. Specifications applicable for this project: Current standard specifications for the City of Monticello, MN and all Minnesota Department of Health and MPCA requirements except where modified by these contract documents. 2. OSHA requirements shall be followed for all work on this project. 3. The Contractor shall notify "Gopher State One Call" prior to any excavation (651-454-0002 or 1-800-252-1166 out state.) 4. The Contractor shall verify all locations and elevations of underground utilities with utility companies prior to any construction (storm sewer, sanitary sewer, water, natural gas, telephone, electric, etc.), and immediately notify the Engineer of any conflicts. 5. The Contractor shall protect all existing utilities and facilities to allow proper functioning during and after construction. Any required supporting structures shall be supplied by the Contractor as work incidental to the contract. 6. The contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer of any conflicts between existing utilities, and the proposed construction. The Engineer will coordinate with the Utility Company in question to determine the need for relocation of the existing utility. 7. Existing conditions such as sand in manholes or valve boxes shall be identified by the Contractor and these shall be reported to the Engineer prior to excavation by the Contractor. Once construction has begun, all damage to underground utilities will be assumed to have been caused by the Contractor, any repairs necessary shall be performed by the Contractor at the Contractor's expense. 8. Final Plat shall govern for easements. 9. The Contractor shall coordinate with the local jurisdiction to obtain permits and meter for water source. All associated costs shall be incidental to the Contract, including disposal of test water into City's sanitary sewer system. The Contractor shall not operate gate valves or hydrants on the City's water supply system. 10. The Contractor shall notify the City Engineer and the Project Engineer 48 hours prior to starting work or as required by the local jurisdiction or be subject to being shut down. 11. The Contractor shall keep access roads clear of soil or other debris, and perform daily street cleaning as required by the NPDES permit. Positive drainage, controlled with erosion control and erosion prevention measures as required by the NPDES permit shall be performed. Inlet protection shall be installed within 48 hours after inlet construction. Unless specified on the plans or as a bid item on the Bid Form, any temporary culverts, ditches, filter fabric, etc. necessary to accomplish this shall be performed as incidental to the Contract. 12. The Contractor shall preserve and protect the markers and monuments set for the subdivision of the land. 13. The Contractor shall schedule the soils engineer to facilitate certification of all controlled fills in a timely fashion. Density tests shall meet the following: A. Density tests shall be taken on all trenches at locations as determined by the Engineer or his representative. B. Within the upper 3' of streets, private drives and parking lots, Contractor shall utilize approved soils that are within 1% optimum moisture content as defined by the Standard Proctor Test -ASTM: D-698 with 100% Standard Proctor Density and not exceeding compaction by more than 1%. Below the upper 3', compaction shall meet 95%. Grading tolerances shall be 0.1'. 14. The Owner shall pay for all testing of soils compaction. Any areas which fail to meet the above standards shall be corrected and re -tested by the Owner's testing agent at the Contractor's expense. 15. All water main shall be installed with a minimum of 7.5 feet of cover. 16. Contractor shall provide temporary traffic control in compliance with MN/DOT "Temporary Traffic Control Zone Layouts Field Manual" most recent version for construction adjacent to travel ways. 17. Contractor shall be responsible for verification of the depth of existing stubs listed on this plan prior to the ordering of any fittings, structures, castings, etc. Engineer and the Owner shall not be responsible for any discrepancies found as depths are estimated. 18. The contractor shall coordinate schedule with adjacent property owners to minimize disturbance for water shut down and temporary closure of access if necessary. 19. The contractor shall be responsible for coordinating with utility companies for power pole and/or line relocation required. 20. The contractor shall provide all necessary traffic control. 21. The contractor shall be responsible for all grading and restoration required to restore surfaces to like kind existing condition. 22. Existing curb and pavement damaged or impacted on adjacent property shall be restored with in-kind materials and section. All match lines are to be saw cut. 23. Pipe lengths shown are measured center of structure to center of structure or end of flared end section. INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY AND WATER UTILITY PLAN C4 STORM SEWER UTILITY PLAN C5 LANDSCAPE PLAN C6 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN C7 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN C8 DETAILS C9 PHASING PLAN O ci U ,�t ..//'��//�� cc c N O k.-) U N C3 N ct C� 0 CL Cn a o 00 1313' •O � '� C� I4_; N� N ��y V) c0 N C Z ~ I p Lo E °r.. CI`TZ`i Uc0L I O ti w -a1 O� r h O.� H O A I mm OCO N c�� C W W o0 coif 3 p� c ,4 W��ni3 a C ti v1 I c 3 q) n ' oo ° o 42 S. ' 4- `fl co u i �o o W W No \ 4 (n O N O m O W m p W LM W v+ +" O m 3 N co a -0 to O CC W Z cc W A� ca w O O MWCa M Q CO O ci U ,�t ..//'��//�� cc c N O k.-) U N C3 N ct C� 0 CL Cn a o 00 1313' •O � '� C� I4_; N� N ��y V) c0 N C Z ~ I p Lo E °r.. CI`TZ`i Uc0L I O ti w -a1 O� r h O.� H O A I mm OCO N c�� C W W o0 coif 3 p� c ,4 W��ni3 a C ti v1 I c 3 q) n ' oo ° o 42 S. ' 4- `fl co u i �o o W W No \ 4 (n O N O m O W m p W ti O Q O p W V FILE NO. 00640 Storm Se wer Utility Plan 0 30 60 90 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET SURVEY DATA SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: TAYLOR LAND SURVEYING PO BOX 179 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 BENCHMARK: TOP OF PK NAIL IN BITUMINOUS WALK NEAR NW LOT CORNER. ELEV=956.30 PROJECT LOCATION PART OF THE SES AND SES, SECTION 10 TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 11, BLOCK 4, GROVELAND ADDITION, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. DKL 15 961.1 ainntra. ,-,a soar TV.) x�• xxAAAe u Ar xaE - MS mar 10 MW ,Iw.IlaMs WM 0010$1Ws rslmsm - II49AVZM -3MI= FeatCal IZOF PL T 10 �� LAMB W ssmoID Hr m - J \ a sAum►•exioo rar aeF \ ' » - 9WOr w `rA APART Fes \ • \ • �' ~ \ IN, III`III` SIM TR. MH r1N t�• , rLwnF 95'6 IPI UL 956. t L i CT T� � \ I \ • / y \ y \ I GV 956.3 \\ GV 0955/.7 \ y\ y B/T qC� G 111 cB X55 1 \ y \ TWONOT ASL EBNA E METHODS OF REE STAKING ARE SHOWN. YD. y i \ IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S OPTION TO STAKE TREES HOWEVER. PO THE CONTRACTOR _ 956.6 " \ • STIR. ` IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTAINING TREES IN A PLUMB POSITION THROUGHOUT � \ \ 1HE GUARANTEE PERIOD. - SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLE PRIOR TO PLANTING. j Cl/liJ�_ 954.0 54 \ • \ CONIFER TO XAME SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH UNLESS Q \ ,(\C�\ y OxiERN15E NOTED. J 5 6 . G�� ' \ • "' N • MU NO MULCH TO BE IN CONTACT PATH TRUNK. \ NA.2 \ AL 960-- L _/ \ \ \�-N \' •\ y\ \ CONIFEROUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL 961,3 6i i \ ,R V V \ \ y RB \ ,\ •\•\ \y\y �\ 96�`♦ S b �j \ "\ \' \ STR. Myr� \ g T\ \ P S • \ 952'4 y \ 6 WOOD \y \. O \• 1\ A\ LANDSCAPE ' U -' - SAN. MH �' M H IRRIGATION P cS •\,� y\ COVERAGE AREA 9 s9. 9 (TYPICAL) ;; rr � / ♦ `may. \ �J / » ♦ \ ' / 9 ,A 951.5 950.6 S O ``♦ `y \`'A �O \ •\• y y \ //g `, 9s ' �950.9o\GV '� y J 0 �( '\ 0 0 D 'I M U �/ » / » / r �� _ ' / Imo.• � \ \ �\ \ . is' POLYPROPYLENE OR - POLYMHYLE?E (40 MIL 1-1/r 'MDE STRAP TV.) DOUBLE S7RAND 14 GA. WIRE - 3' O 120' INTERVAL -�� TREE YNAP TO FIST BRANCH Betula nigra TURNBUCKLE 1MTH DOUBLE STRAND 4 /14 GAUGE MBE - 3 PER TREE STEEL STAKE Common Hackberry 1 4'-I' LAYER OF SHREDDED HARDWOOD Quercus macrocarpa MULCH IN SAUCER-DITEND PAST STAKE 43 FINAL GRADE OF PLANT TO Picea glauca 'Densata' EQUAL GILIINAL GRADE 12 rxrx30' STAKES SET 120' APART Picea pungens OUTSIDE THE BALL AT ANGLE - 3 PER 10 TREE Syringa reticulata 'Ivory Silk' BACKFILL 1MTH PLANTING SGL r 4N 1I' mYw MAINTAIN PEDESTAL OF REQUIRED) UNDISTURBED SOIL � J DKL NOTES: TWO ALTERNATE METHODS OF TREE STAKING ARE SHOWN. IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S OPTION TO STAKE TREES: HOWEVER, THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTAINING TREES IN A PLUMB POSITION THROUGHOUT THE GUARANTEE PERIOD. SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLE PRIOR TO PLANTING DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL j NOTES: EDGE HAND LOOSEN ROOTS OF CONTAINERIZED MATERIAL (TYP.). SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLE PRIOR TO PLANTING. -FLb\w. ELEV. \\` SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL N. N. » \ ` » 1 y 19 1 » �0rr i 0) 8 Ij , 6JR13\4 \ / /1' / /N. . 4 mss,;, O. � , » IIf SODwoo LCbP \ ti 1 1 . l �N. B 0 Y. SF '� \ 9 I \ \ \ ` ,/ \ ` NNNN 940 �j 19156 so \ \\ \00 01 -Ilk 56 ----- �� --- -- �� \ \��Z\L l o- 62 s� / 959.1 \ y W 0 D / I \� i i \ M U C H g5� �1 g�� y\ I g5� I�Lo*. \s LV. 945.2 gS\ / / ♦ �. \ I� � 1� ,I .� \ I \ s / ♦♦ ♦ \\ i -�O / 7 / 963.E 0 IX / / / / � � \ `�� A \ � `� nom_ « - « ♦ i � � / = a� W 0 AM U \\ / I N\ \ ♦� i \ \ t `; �; sNI / \NVQ\ / LAYER OF SHREDDED HARDWOOD IIN SAUCEIt-4XT D PAST STAKE GRADE OF PLANT M ORIGINAL GRADE BACKFILL II1H PLANRNG SOIL MAINTAIN PEDESTAL OF UNDISTURBED SGL O 10 \ ,°)� - "JF0I��; s : �Kama- `- • -� CdV »� IL� CSB o »'f /' HYD. h \� /• � � LANDSCAPE S�Ll'�MH ' IRRIGATION `�' 949 '945.6 y� /H - ' COVERAGE AREA \ » . /Rb " .��U , - (TYPICAL) • GbN 6' B /• l H ---------------- $� LIGHT ,%"------ POLE REQUIRED PLANT MATERIALS 10 CALIPER INCHES OF TREES PER ACRE + 2 SHRUBS PER 10 L.F. OF BUILDING PERIMETER SITE AREA = 6.25 ACRES 10 X 6.25 = 62.5 CALIPER INCHES OF TREES ACTUAL BUILDING PERIMETER = 6958 L.F. = 1392 SHRUBS PROPOSED BUILDING PERIMETER = 1084 L.F. (ELEVATIONS FACING LOT LINES) 1084/10 = 108.4 X 2 = 217 SHRUBS RESIDENTIAL BUFFER PER 100 FEET 4 FT. BERM OR FENCE + 2 CALIPER INCHES OF CANOPY TREES + 16 CALIPER INCHES OF ORNAMENTAL TREES 433 L.F. OF BUFFER AREA 2 X 4.33 = 8.66 CALIPER INCHES OF CANOPY TREES 16 X 4.33 = 69.28 CALIPER INCHES OF ORNAMENTAL TREES 8.66 + 69.28 = 77.94 CALIPER INCHES OF TREES PLANT LIST: Site Plantings QTY. KEY BOTANICAL NAME TREES COMMON NAME 3 RB Betula nigra River Birch, single or clump 4 CH Celtis occidentalis Common Hackberry 1 BO Quercus macrocarpa Bur Oak 43 BHS Picea glauca 'Densata' Black Hills Spruce 12 CGS Picea pungens Colorado Green Spruce 10 IL Syringa reticulata 'Ivory Silk' Ivory Silk Japanese Tree Lilac 141 CALIPER INCHES PROVIDED (140.4 REQUIRED) 429 C WO SIZE/ROOT 2.0" B&B 2.0" B&B 2.0" B&B 6' B&B 6' B&B 2 SJ Juniperus sabina 'Scandia' Scandia Juniper 5 Gal. Pot 118 D Hemerocallis, sp. Select various species for interest 1 Gal. Pot 72 PS Panicum virgatum 'Shenandoah' Purple Foliage Switch Grass 3 Gal. Pot 14 AWS Spiraea x bumalda 'Anthony Waterer' Anthony Waterer Spirea 2 Gal. Pot 18 DKL Syringa meyeri 'Palibin' Dwarf Korean Lilac 5 Gal. Pot 6 WRW Weigela florida 'Alexandra' Wine and Roses Weigela 5 Gal. Pot 230 PROVIDED (228 REQUIRED) PLANTING NOTES: Contractor shall provide one year guarantee of all plant materials. The guarantee begins on the date of the Landscape Architect's written acceptance of the initial planting. Replacement plant materials shall also have a one year guarantee commencing upon planting. All plants to be northern -grown and hardy. Plants to be installed as per standard AAN planting practices. Use minimum 12" loam planting soil on trees and 6" on shrubs. Contractor shall verify locations with all utililies prior to installation of plants. Underground irrigation shall be provided for trees, shrubs, and sod areas. Staking of trees optional; reposition if not plumb after one year. Wrap all smooth -barked trees -fasten top and bottom. Remove by April 1. Open top of burlap on BB materials; remove pot on potted plants; split and break apart peat pots. Prune plants as necessary per standard nursery practice. Owner shall be responsible for maintenance after acceptance of the work by the Owner. Plants shall be immediately planted upon arrival at site. Properly heel -in materials if necessary. All disturbed areas to be sodded unless otherwise noted. Sod shall be northern grown and hardy. Planting beds for shrubs shall have (4 oz. min.) weed barrier fabric, 4" - 5" of 1-1/2" washed River Rock mulch and 4" vertical (commercial grade) black poly edging. The edging shall be placed and staked with smooth curves. Double shredded dark brown hardwood mulch 4" deep shall be provided around all new trees and in areas shown on the plan. Infiltration ponds shall be sodded down side slopes to the bottom of the pond. The bottom of the ponds shall be seeded with MnDOT 33-262 mixture appropriate for the soil and water conditions. Seed shall be covered with an erosion matt to reduce seeds from moving prior to germination. No mulch is necessary. Field adjust tree and shrub locations to fit uility locations and any changes that may have occured to the site plan and/or grading plan. Construction and soil types to be determined by the site Engineer. BRODSHO CONSULTING Landscape Architecture Site Planning 698 NORTHBRIDGE COURT EAGAN, MN 55123 PHONE. 651 -688-8023 FAX: 651 -994-4792 I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed Landscape Architect u der the laws of the State of Minnesota. Debra Brodsho REG. NO• 23849 DATE 06/12/2017 INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY AND WATER UTILITY PLAN C4 STORM SEWER UTILITY PLAN C5 LANDSCAPE PLAN C6 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN C7 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN C8 DETAILS C9 PHASING PLAN Ld Q `10 z z< LLJ CL CLw OCL U LLJ Cn W C�l oz I g CL a o 4 rr^^ vJ Q N 00 ca U y ' � •� � CIO p lv L LU 114 L .1.+ O mN 3 co C r �� I p Lo E CL to %oft 1111- 0 0 Z C Q W W CO cc I � 0 W A� V/'A Gomm w 0 Noma v1 O m m �CC V IZ Co CLMM o O -J N Q W � M r Q 5 ,.. u ° Ld Q `10 z z< LLJ CL CLw OCL U LLJ Cn W C�l oz I g CL a o 4 rr^^ vJ Q N 00 O >_ m y ' � •� � CIO p lv C� L ti N H (n ca N C r �� I p Lo E -Ar-~ ° ,.. W � 4 �j C ~ a (o Ln I o �� -6 I V C 2 pLo -a 1, Q of W C CW I � 0 p� c v1 o0 3 I 4 Cti 93 42 � n c 3 '00 °o � � IZ I � O -J N I (0^(n' r C C 5 ,.. u ° co ° 0 O w �� � 3 a ° °' t H o a) ° 0L T i FILE NO. 00640 CS Landscape Plan 4 rr^^ vJ Q N O >_ m m O W � CIO p lv ti Q Q Q) Q W V FILE NO. 00640 CS Landscape Plan 0 30 60 90 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET SURVEY DATA SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: TAYLOR LAND SURVEYING PO BOX 179 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 BENCHMARK: TOP OF PK NAIL IN BITUMINOUS WALK NEAR NW LOT CORNER. ELEV=956.30 PROJECT LOCATION PART OF THE SE4 AND SE4, SECTION 10 TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 1 1 , BLOCK 4, GROVELAND ADDITION, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. SILT FENCE 961.. ' SILT FENCE �\ SWPP NARRATIVE This project construction will consist of site clearing, grading, utilities, building, parking lot, drive aisles, and truck court. First, perimeter silt fence and inlet protection shall be installed. Then site work shall commence. The contractor shall dispose all debris off-site within 24 hours. Then the site can be graded, utilities installed, building constructed, curbing and pavements installed, final grade tollerance, and landscape final stabilization. 956 r---- Once final grade is established and certified, the site shall be stabilized with seed and mulch or sod. Once vegetation is established, temporary erosion control _� CB measures shall be removed. ` • �' / TR. MH '�\ RUNOFF ROUTING OFFSITE ' � I • � � " , Downstream water bodies receiving storm water runoff Te- II GV \ "� `\ / from the project site: 3 \ GV 0955 7• "� \\ Select roof drainage is directed to adjacent I wetland adjacent to the south property GCB X55.1 "� �\ boundary .q "� " \ Site pavement and pervious areas are directed 956.6 YD. \ \ ` STR.\ \\\ to City storm sewer that drains to City regional \' ` • \ 954, \, NURP pond (Karlsburger Pond) approximately SILT FENCE • \ \ �y - 954 ,\ 500 ft to the north CZTT - - • 1 �EN Otter Creek approximately 1,100 ft to the north 960 \\ 956. ROCK CONSTRUCTION �'\ \�.\\ Mississippi River approximately 4,750 ft to the / - _ ENTRANCE "\ SILT FENCE "\ \ 96~11%3` 6�.�`` / • ~\ RP 8• \ \ \ • •. STR / • \ 952_4 _ \�'�� `• A 4L INLET \ \ \ �`*% PROTECTION is N. MH`y \ ' \ +�'0�0 \ x980'35 `�\\\� \ \`�� (TYP.) ! & \ - t\ /\ /i 121 9S9.`; 5y `�` 9 9 SILT FENCE 0g r^ / X959.35 `�� �� \\ �� \ A �� 00 0� �9 \♦�� \\ \ \TC 951.5 ss�85 i�62 \ g0o 060 j� SS\" �`♦ \\ \\ ; 60`. POLLUTION PREVENTION NOTES Solid waste: collected sediment, asphalt and concrete millings, floating debris, paper, plastic, fabric, construction debris and other wastes must be disposed of properly off-site and must comply with MPCA requirements. Hazardous materials: oils, gasoline, paint, and any hazardous substance must be properly stored, including secondary containment, to prevent spills, leaks or other discharge. Restricted access to storage areas must be provided to prevent vandalism. Storage and disposal must be in compliance with MPCA regulations. External washing of trucks or other construction vehicles is not allowed on site. No engine degreasing is allowed on site. Concrete truck washout is not to be allowed on site unless washout waste is contained with no discharge to ground surface or site drainage facilities. Containment systems are to be located a minimum 50 feet away from drainage facilities and watercourses. Containment systems shall have an impermeable liner. Containment system shall be clearly marked with signage. All sanitary waste must be collected from portable toilet units on site by a licensed waste management contractor. The units must be secured and shall be maintained on a regular basis as needed to prevent overfilling. EROSION CONTROL NOTES 1. All devices necessary to control erosion and sediment (I.E. perimeter silt fence, rock construction entrances, swales, ponds, berms, ETC.) shall be installed prior to any other construction operations. 2. After completion of final grading, exposed soils must be permanently stabilized within 7 days. Stabilization shall consist of disc -anchored seed & mulch, HECP with fiber reinforced matrix, erosion blanket with seed, or sod. 3. The site must be kept in a well drained condition at all times. The contractor shall be responsible for temporary ditches, or other means necessary to ensure proper drainage. The building pad must be provided with a positive outflow. This work shall be incidental to the grading contract. 4. Entering/exiting of the site shall occur only at rock construction entrance to reduce tracking of dirt onto paved streets. Sediment tracked onto streets during working hours must be reclaimed via street scraping and sweeping at the end of each working day. 5. Stormwater discharge pipe outlet energy dissipation shall be provided by rip -rap with size, quantity, and placement in accordance with City standards. Rip -rap installation shall be within 24 hours of pipe installation. 6. Install silt fence around all temporary inactive stockpiles which are not place within existing silt fence area or other perimeter erosion controls. 7. Stabilization of temporary or permanent drainage ditches that drain water from the construction site must be initiated within 24 hours of connecting the drainage ditch to any storm water conveyance system and must be completed using erosion blanket. 8. Sufficient personell, equipment, and materials shall be mobilized within 24 hours of written order (ie. email) by the owner or owners representative to conduct corrective work and install temporary erosion control work in the case of an emergency. 950.6 0\ `INLET t \ = 998.39 `� * `\\ `.� PROTECTION 0 1�0 ��/ (TYP.) ��,, FLAW. ELEV. = 949.9 TYP. �" \ 00:19s� \, \\ �� f - -GV `\ CB 4. 40 \06o O / � 1 �� / / IA \9 \ ♦�; \ \ INLET \. J 959.85 x 060 �� r �, 9 ♦` yam\ PROTECTION �� /' / ' /�9957.35,� -'r4. SiS qS !� \� �' (TYP.) \ 1P 0 13 9 os\ `� AN/ Mk4 5. INLET r \ � PROTECTION /9600 �0 �O 00 ; -- _ �,+//�/ % \ � ♦`� ' -\i/•\ `• 6. ��, , ­'(TYP.) �F0 /\� / /'- r %�, , 955.',4 SILT FENCE s \ \ 4(956.35\ \ , \URB\ s5 v' eo �' /� 5 , ♦ ♦ CETT s35x °� + INLET ♦♦ \ \ \ X050' i r/ I /rlO� I Cj\ PROTECTION ♦♦ �\ '\ 98.39+ 6`6 I I 00-� /\\ \\ 956 `�\\\ \ \\\♦\♦ ��� �60\ , .955.35 INLET PROTECTION ♦/ /� INLET PROTECTION \ \ (TYP.) 51 \ \ \ 0 <P lb X50 05 \\ 0 0 \ \ \ S + '6. y \\ x 954.35` \ • _ - Jbb 10 900 \\ \ 90k \ 1 / \`\\ S� 0 �h 00 \ + / x 953.35 �\ 9 N i �;`\ ,� 6�e /oj�1 �/ �0 /// // INLET \ INLET �h �� ss ,� / 0� r - \9 \ PROTECTION 5' \ 0 6 �'y \\,, 000 PRorEcrloN \\ 535x--�M.-/ /,''gG)� /' /O // \` \�\ \\0 `(TYP.) o �\\ o oo, so 9h (TYP.) /\� 9`,`�\� INLET 9s PROTECTION - _ 5 (TYP.) _ 9�j'�' I l / �N / �� �R 9 ---- , 0,00 -_'' �6oi-- moi' 'J� /\ f OFj� 952.40 \ 9_ / /\� \\ l ♦ y / \ 0 \ `�s `\ ♦ SILT FENCE \ \, \ 0 i rnI ♦ I --`` `Z D\ \\ / 1` \\ ` • X006-_- ''' 9 V 6 �/\ _' 0) // ti\ M OJGJIk _ �'' -LO , _LQ�`, 960 96�,\\\ 996 01', CJ� �� GJ ; `\ 59.1 \ A\ INLET / n J r �� + \ 0 � r `fls INLET \� ] \\ \ �,' PROTECTION �/ ' kph \\ 00 �h� \ lk� /\ ` II o o� o \\ ♦♦♦ // \ PROTECTION <� \ ♦ Y (, I I / rnh ti I A6947.00 PLO*. �T \cam\, `. CP `96' ♦ I"L � I pJ�D� \S �j�\\ \\ ,� li♦♦♦ \` I CBO V\�. V. 945.2 196' `\ `9SS 1 �J OJ \ J� I t\�N I\\ / ��J��O g5� 0�\ 9�0 0�`g 9�$ °�k� \\ \\ ♦♦♦ ��I I / `♦ `!/ \ sig `` �I )� I \/ / tq � I \ \. ♦` \\ / // / /. \`♦ �'. /\��/\ 1i 1 \6 \\\\\�\\\ ♦ os�\ \s,s 6 `'` \�� ,. INLET �$ g, �� J ♦ s \5R. MH96.E INLET PROTECTION \ FLO46.2 ��PROTECTION (TYP.) STR.N4f s os C'V* 0) (TYP.) \I\� / r� 945.5 1, .01 LV 400 RN. MH\ / \ \ 951.45 « \ 3 i' i' ♦' / a\ \ ``:�\` •� �� 0 ` \�`\ O ��N \`„ / e_n 946.3 �00, / • / -\ 1 \ 0 0 \R. M INLET / / \\\� �' �♦ \I 9� li o \\_ t N gs`;, / . 'PROTECTION L0 991 60 moii�' �' S -4 II p�`� 9 , \ 950.30,\\ g / r J XkJJ �.0 ' iV �B` (` 04"0 / (� \ ♦ I \ r01 1�0 s 0h / 949 1 SILT FENCE �A(, HYD. 050 0 INLET 90` / \ \� \` �♦ \\ i so ` INLET PROTECTION °'°; C°- - '/' ��o• • / ti��� �- / PROTECTION (TYP.) ,' ,� SA1'�MH \� ♦ , \, ; (TYP.) /'949 "945.6 948.,50 9 \ ` A \ S\0 \ -- = / 01 949.00 • / _ I S� \� / ♦ I / \\ 1 ` ---- ,� / g��a CIr''950 \I ��\'o,--__ --tea' ../ ~//�I "V V rj___ �� .- a /118 - -� 49 U Q CN EA x=948 -4 Ty O /'�G'(I I I /,i' i'�-- 94)so / 9� .'� & I ✓S - B,J� • / • �' INLET --- a / PROTECTION ` LIGHT (TYP.) / POI-- \ n �y - / _ SILT FENCE 9 01 O/ / 'TSS 949,7,, )SION CONTROL INSTALLATION SCHEDULE Silt fence shall be installed or restored prior to any construction. Silt fence shall be located as shown to intercept runoff. The area located beyond the perimeter silt fence shall not be disturbed during construction. Rock Construction Entrance shall be installed prior to grading operations. All storm sewer inlets shall have inlet protection inserts installed. Inserts shall be "Road rain -Top Slab" or "Road Drain -Curb & Gutter" inlet protection devices as manufactured by WIMCO (or approved equal) and installed per manufacture's recommendations. All erosion control installations shall remain in place and be maintained in good condition by the contractor until the site has been re -vegetated, at which time it shall be removed by the contractor. For proposed paved surface areas, the contractor may remove necessary silt fencing to construct roadway, while maintaining adequate erosion control in adjacent areas. Sufficient topsoil shall be stockpiled to allow for the replacement of 4" topsoil for disturbed areas to be re -vegetated. The contractor shall schedule site grading, utility installation and roadway construction so that the general site can be mulched and re -seeded soon after disturbance. Areas that will not be subject to construction traffic shall be seed and mulched or sodded within 72 hours of final grading. EROSION CONTROL MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE 1. Erosion control measures shall be inspected by the contractor's representative and maintained by the contractor every Friday and within 24 hours after any rainfall event larger than 1/2" until the project is completed. Maintenance requirements are as follows: silt fence - 1/3 height of fence or damaged, remove sediment and/or repair fence within 24 hours; rock entrance - refresh as necessary to conform to detail; inlet protection inserts - remove sediment after each rain event, clean or replace filter when clogged; surface water - drain and stabilize, within 7 days of discovery; and street sweeping - remove all sediment tracked onto paved surfaces within 24 hours or as directed by City Engineer. 2. Replacement - Fabric shall be replaced promptly when it decomposes or becomes ineffective before the barrier is no longer necessary. 3. Any sediment remaining in place after silt fence is no longer required shall be dressed to conform with the existing grade, prepared, and seeded with appropriate seed mix, as directed by the engineer. 4. Removal of the silt fence- Silt fences shall be removed when they have served their useful purpose, but not before the upward sloping area has been permanently stabilized. VEGITATION GROUND COVER SCHEDULE 1. Stabilization of all exposed soil areas must be initiated immediately but in no case completed later than seven (7) days after the construction activity in that portion of the site has temporarily or permanently ceased. 2. Permanent turf ground cover shall include all disturbed areas be covered with a minimum 4" topsoil and sodded or seeded as allowed by City, or as proposed on City approved landscape plan for the project. 3. Temporary ground cover shall be MnDOT seed mix 150 shall be applied at 100 lbs/ac, or equivalent as approved by City. MnDOT Type 1 mulch shall be applied at 2 tons/ac and disc anchored in areas not covered by sod or erosion blanket. 4. Fertilizer shall be MnDOT Type 1 10-10-20 and applied at 200 lbs/ac. Disc fertilizer into top 3" of soil. Specification reference is MnDOT 2575. 5. Dormant seed mix shall be used after November 1 or when temperatures do not exceed 40° F, using same rates specified above. No seed shall be placed on snow or ice greater than 2" in depth. 6. Any seeded areas that do not become established with vegetation shall be reseeded at Contractor's expense. 7. Erosion blanket shall be installed in seed areas with ground surface slopes of 4H:1V or steeper. RESPONSIBLE PARTY Contact information for the responsible party for erosion control is: TO BE DETERMINED IMPERVIOUS AND DISTURBANCE AREAS EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA 5,517 SF = 0.13 ACRES PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA 198,100 SF = 4.55 ACRES O U ct ct cc � N O � U M C3 N LLJ QD z �o J Q J W0CL � �z OLLJf- LLJ Q L.LJ LLJ 5-- C LL J cr CL 0 oU� CL NET IMPERVIOUS INCREASE 192,583 SF = 4.42 ACRES DISTURBANCE AREA 280,112 SF = 6.43 ACRES a O 00 Z 2 ' L 14j N a) EROSION CONTROL QUANTITIES I r N , LO0 �� ��I>, DoE c v, °' ' o Ln I o ITEM: QUANTITY UNIT •-• w W ti 13 L 6 ROCK ENTRANCE 1 EA � °e Z W o SILT FENCE 1,657 LF ° � A 10, o 66 x I °' INLET PROTECTION 18 EA °- ) W m --Q) N BIOLOG 6" DIA 20 LF e g o c W C~ 0 0 0 3 oaf ►4'rr�ww' Iw�ai� 00 a O 42 Ji cc J r.. C Co �o o Q T 1j 4 (n Q N m Q Q W ti Q W Q Q V INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY AND WATER UTILITY PLAN C4 STORM SEWER UTILITY PLAN C5 LANDSCAPE PLAN C6 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN C7 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN C8 DETAILS C9 PHASING PLAN FILE NO. 00640 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan V� ca L LU +" O m 3 CV co CQ) a -0 to O C W Z cc W A� ca Gomm w O NOWAO WiftCo M too p W CO %we v, Ict O U ct ct cc � N O � U M C3 N LLJ QD z �o J Q J W0CL � �z OLLJf- LLJ Q L.LJ LLJ 5-- C LL J cr CL 0 oU� CL NET IMPERVIOUS INCREASE 192,583 SF = 4.42 ACRES DISTURBANCE AREA 280,112 SF = 6.43 ACRES a O 00 Z 2 ' L 14j N a) EROSION CONTROL QUANTITIES I r N , LO0 �� ��I>, DoE c v, °' ' o Ln I o ITEM: QUANTITY UNIT •-• w W ti 13 L 6 ROCK ENTRANCE 1 EA � °e Z W o SILT FENCE 1,657 LF ° � A 10, o 66 x I °' INLET PROTECTION 18 EA °- ) W m --Q) N BIOLOG 6" DIA 20 LF e g o c W C~ 0 0 0 3 oaf ►4'rr�ww' Iw�ai� 00 a O 42 Ji cc J r.. C Co �o o Q T 1j 4 (n Q N m Q Q W ti Q W Q Q V INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY AND WATER UTILITY PLAN C4 STORM SEWER UTILITY PLAN C5 LANDSCAPE PLAN C6 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN C7 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN C8 DETAILS C9 PHASING PLAN FILE NO. 00640 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan 0 30 60 90 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET SURVEY DATA SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: TAYLOR LAND SURVEYING PO BOX 179 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 BENCHMARK: TOP OF PK NAIL IN BITUMINOUS WALK NEAR NW LOT CORNER. ELEV=956.30 PROJECT LOCATION PART OF THE SEI AND SEI, SECTION 10 TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 11, BLOCK 4, GROVELAND ADDITION, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. SILT FENCE �\ 1 J SILT FENCE----., CB / TR. MH 95. GV . 3 11 GV'0955/.7 , /T �gLA- GT�Tr. CB 96 0 ' SILT FENCE 961,! 6 1" ������������������������������������������ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦���?!1♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦� ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦�O♦iii♦♦♦♦♦♦ON III Miam♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦!t♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦`���♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦� ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ MA IOWA INN MA V1,100WAl ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ I„.III ♦ � j♦�♦j���������������������������������������������������♦♦♦ ����������������������������������������������� III ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ • • ♦i♦i�♦`'�♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦�♦i♦i♦♦♦♦♦i♦i♦i♦i� • • ♦i♦♦♦i♦i♦�►♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i •a • II ♦ IIID♦��♦♦♦♦•�♦♦♦:::::::�♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦/ ♦ s♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i���i♦i♦i ♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦SOA♦�♦�♦�I DEMOLITION NOTES 1. Install perimeter sediment controls as soon as possible during clear and grub operations. See Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. 2. Provide air quality control measures at the request of the Engineer or City Representatives. Take necessary measures to keep dust levels to a minimum. Provide sweeping of adjacent paving as needed, or as required by the City Engineer. 3. Locate and protect all utility lines prior to and during demolition. Utility locations shown are based on best available information and are not guaranteed. Contact private utility service for disconnection and removal. 4. Remove or relocate all existing site features that interfere with the proposed construction. ~� 5. Protect existing site features that are to remain during construction. Replace anything damaged with new construction. ~\ 6. Pavement shall be saw cut at limits of removal unless noted otherwise. Do not \ \ impede existing traffic circulation to adjacent businesses or streets. 7. Sufficient topsoil shall be stockpiled to allow for the replacement of 6" of REMOVE EXISTING DRIVEWAY APRON; topsoil in disturbed areas to be re—vegetated. RESTORE WITH 8618 CURB AND 8. All construction and post—construction parking shall be on—site. At no time PAVEMENT; RESTORE BOULEVARD shall parking, loading, or unloading be allowed on public streets. 9. Storage of materials or equipment shall not be allowed within public WITH GRASS TURF \ Right—of—Way and shall be maintained on site within project boundaries. ��T \ • \ STR M '\ r :,� ����J v • v • 952 4 .\ SAN. MH"y �\ LP 952.3)& +� \�,\ \ n • ,,\ \e . SILT FENCE411 \ \ \ v v TC ?Ix951.5 d 950.6 -NT, 9 0 9\\GV Report—Engineering Properties (MN) Engineering Properties (MN) -Wright County, Minnesota Map unit symbol and Pct. of Hydrolo Depth USDA texture Classification Fragments Percentage passing sieve number— Liquid Plasticit soil name map gic — ML, SC, 50-90 50-85 127-32 Fine sand, loamy SM, SP, A-2, A-3 0 0 100 limit y index 0-20 unit group O coarse sand, Unified I AASHTD a10 3-10 4 10 40 200 GP -GM. A-1 0 CO sand, gravelly GP, SP - LQ 0 32-80 Fine sand, sand, inches inches 0 0 100 75-100 60-75 0-20 0-20 NP -4 Co loamy sand, In A-24 coarse sand SP -SM Pct Pct sand �M Lr Pct Gravelly coarse 406 ---Dorset sandy Seelyeville, ponded 45 A/D 0-15 Muck PT A-8 0 0 100 100 100 95-100 — — •c loam, 0 to 2 percent 0 15-80 Muck, mucky peat PT A-8 0 0 100 100 100 95-100 — -- D Map unit symbol and slopes Depth USDA texture Classification Fragments Percentage passing sieve number— Liquid Plasticit O sail Warne map gee Dorset 80 8 0-11 Sandy loam, fine SC -SM, A-2, A-4 0 0 90-100 78-100 57-88 27-50 0-31 NP -10 X10 I 3-10 4 10 40 sandy loam, I[}afil SC inches inches 11-20 Loam, sandy loam, SC -SM A-6, 0 0 91-100 79-100 54-83 2445 0-31 NP -11 Pct coarse sandy A-2-4, loam Inlets complex, 2 to A-4 20-38 Gravelly coarse SW -SM A -1-b, A-1 0 0-2 79-92 54-77 24-01 5-15 0-0 NP ` Dorset sand, gravelly 0-11 Sandy loam SC -SM, A-2, A-4 0 0 90-100 85-100 50-70 25-50 0-25 NP -5 FLbW. ELEV. = 949.9 sand, very SM \� 11-19 gravelly coarse CL, CL- A-4, A-6 0 0 90-100 85-100 50-90 35-75 15-30 4-14 coarse sandy sand, gravelly `\ loam SC -SM loamy sand `� 19-32 Gravelly loamy GM, SC- 38-79 Gravelly coarse SW -SM A -1-b. A-1 0 0-2 80-93 56-78 24-02 5-15 0-0 NP sand, gravelly SM, SM sand, gravelly coarse sand, sand, very y \ coarse sand gravelly coarse sand, gravelly 32-80 Gravelly coarse GP -GM, A-1 0 0-5 50-90 50-80 15-40 0-10 loamy sand NP -4 \ sand, gravelly GP, SP- Map unit symbol and Pct. of Hydrolo Depth USDA texture Classification Fragments Percentage passing sieve number— Liquid Plasticit soil name map gic limit y index unit group Unified I AASHTD X10I 3-10 4 I 10 I 40 200 inches inches In Pct Pct Pct 1288—Seelyevllle Markey soils, ponded, 0 to 1 percent slopes Two inlets 20 A 0-9 Loamy sand SM A-2-4 0 0-1 90-100 80-100 35-75 15-30 0-20 NP -4 9-19 Loamy coarse sand, SM, SP- A-2, 0 0-5 80-100 50-90 30-65 5-30 0-25 NP -7 SILT FENCE loamy sand, SM A-24, j \ \. \ \ gravelly loamy A-3 sand 6JRB\. \ `\ 19-80 Gravelly coarse 5P -SM, A-3, A-1 0 0-5 50-95 50-80 30-55 2-10 0-20 NP -0 l V T \ sand, gravelly SP, SW sand, sand Map unit symbol and Pct. of Hydrolo Depth USDA texture Classification Fragments Percentage passing sieve number— Liquid Plasticit soil name map gic limit y index 1 unit group Unified AASHTD X10I 3-10 4 10 40 200 1 1 \ \. \L `\ inches inches f \ \ \ In Pct Pct Pct 13770—Dorset-Two '\ \ Inlets complex, 6 to 12 percent slopes Dorset Two inlets 0 n SOIL TYPE 1288 \ S \ SILT FENCE I -A \ \, \ _ \y \ N S \ 9St6 \, 77CCB . l v L ,, qV. 945.2'\ \. 1 tB s , s\ \ \ \ I� / : ' ��, �\ \ StR. MH \.. FLOW. ELF ,� / �4v.� ��♦� s S1R.,M4 ti '�''. / °,' •'�'��� ' � \ 945.5 ft +� G���♦ ° n R. 1-0 o 401 SILT FENCE ���� HYD. \ \SANMH �i / ' \ `\�`� , .1 / ,�•' � .. ��. �, -,@'945.6 n/I • /CV r( ` / /-�'_/. 118”! 'tom ��t" yr ��' »/ "/ 1 N�' / / 46__.— /- II / / \'\ SOIL TYPE 13'77B - I r�%molw mo.tom i , 1 XX � 0000 I i �. �� /IH�vv � � V�•`�iii y [ , ,�` �� �/ --------- v \\O �'�,��••� �, ° - ../ C LIGHTe 'Woo ,�"------- �/ VP PQLFr� 10 R HYD- 1W / ( n ^ Q _V - 94B /-- ' 1W SILT FENCE 49,7,w--- • / . / 50 A 0-11 Markey. ponded 45 AID 0-27 Muck PT A-8 0 0 100 100 100 95-100 — — ML, SC, 50-90 50-85 127-32 Fine sand, loamy SM, SP, A-2, A-3 0 0 100 75-100 60-75 0-20 0-20 NP -0 O coarse sand, O WJ I and, coarse sand SP -SM a W 32-80 Gravelly coarse GP -GM. A-1 0 CO sand, gravelly GP, SP - LQ 0 32-80 Fine sand, sand, SM, SP, A-2, A-3 0 0 100 75-100 60-75 0-20 0-20 NP -4 Co loamy sand, SM A-24 coarse sand SP -SM 'wLae A-3 sand �M Lr 19-80 Gravelly coarse SP -SM, Seelyeville, ponded 45 A/D 0-15 Muck PT A-8 0 0 100 100 100 95-100 — — •c V) 0 15-80 Muck, mucky peat PT A-8 0 0 100 100 100 95-100 — -- D Map unit symbol and Pct. of Hydrolo Depth USDA texture Classification Fragments Percentage passing sieve number— Liquid Plasticit O sail Warne map gee limit y index unit group Unified AASHTD X10 I 3-10 4 10 40 200 inches inches rn Pct Pct Pct 13778—Dorset-Two Inlets complex, 2 to \ 6 percent slopes ` Dorset 70 A 0-11 Sandy loam SC -SM, A-2, A-4 0 0 90-100 85-100 50-70 25-50 0-25 NP -5 FLbW. ELEV. = 949.9 SM \� 11-19 Loam, sandy loam, CL, CL- A-4, A-6 0 0 90-100 85-100 50-90 35-75 15-30 4-14 coarse sandy ML, SC, `\ loam SC -SM — `� 19-32 Gravelly loamy GM, SC- A-1, A-2 0 0-5 50-90 50-85 20-50 10-25 0-20 NP -7 AH \ sand, gravelly SM, SM coarse sand, y \ coarse sand 32-80 Gravelly coarse GP -GM, A-1 0 0-5 50-90 50-80 15-40 0-10 0-20 NP -4 \ sand, gravelly GP, SP- `, sand, coarse sand SM, SP Two inlets 20 A 0-9 Loamy sand SM A-2-4 0 0-1 90-100 80-100 35-75 15-30 0-20 NP -4 9-19 Loamy coarse sand, SM, SP- A-2, 0 0-5 80-100 50-90 30-65 5-30 0-25 NP -7 SILT FENCE loamy sand, SM A-24, j \ \. \ \ gravelly loamy A-3 sand 6JRB\. \ `\ 19-80 Gravelly coarse 5P -SM, A-3, A-1 0 0-5 50-95 50-80 30-55 2-10 0-20 NP -0 l V T \ sand, gravelly SP, SW sand, sand Map unit symbol and Pct. of Hydrolo Depth USDA texture Classification Fragments Percentage passing sieve number— Liquid Plasticit soil name map gic limit y index 1 unit group Unified AASHTD X10I 3-10 4 10 40 200 1 1 \ \. \L `\ inches inches f \ \ \ In Pct Pct Pct 13770—Dorset-Two '\ \ Inlets complex, 6 to 12 percent slopes Dorset Two inlets 0 n SOIL TYPE 1288 \ S \ SILT FENCE I -A \ \, \ _ \y \ N S \ 9St6 \, 77CCB . l v L ,, qV. 945.2'\ \. 1 tB s , s\ \ \ \ I� / : ' ��, �\ \ StR. MH \.. FLOW. ELF ,� / �4v.� ��♦� s S1R.,M4 ti '�''. / °,' •'�'��� ' � \ 945.5 ft +� G���♦ ° n R. 1-0 o 401 SILT FENCE ���� HYD. \ \SANMH �i / ' \ `\�`� , .1 / ,�•' � .. ��. �, -,@'945.6 n/I • /CV r( ` / /-�'_/. 118”! 'tom ��t" yr ��' »/ "/ 1 N�' / / 46__.— /- II / / \'\ SOIL TYPE 13'77B - I r�%molw mo.tom i , 1 XX � 0000 I i �. �� /IH�vv � � V�•`�iii y [ , ,�` �� �/ --------- v \\O �'�,��••� �, ° - ../ C LIGHTe 'Woo ,�"------- �/ VP PQLFr� 10 R HYD- 1W / ( n ^ Q _V - 94B /-- ' 1W SILT FENCE 49,7,w--- • / . / 50 A 0-11 Sandy loam SC -SM, A-2, A-4 0 25-50 0-25 SM 0 11-19 Loam, sandy loam, CL, CL- A-4, A-6 0 15-30 coarse sandy ML, SC, 50-90 50-85 loam SC -SM 0-20 19-32 Gravelly loamy GM, SC- A-1, A-2 0 ° C sand, gravelly sm. 5M to O coarse sand, O WJ Q coarse sand a W 32-80 Gravelly coarse GP -GM. A-1 0 CO sand, gravelly GP, SP - LQ 0 sand, coarse sand SM, SP w 35 A 0-9 Loamy sand 5M A-24 0 9-19 Loamy coarse sand SM SP- A-2 0 Co loamy sand, SM A-24 j gravelly loamy 'wLae A-3 sand �M Lr 19-80 Gravelly coarse SP -SM, A-3, A-1 0 a sand, gravelly SP, SW sand, sand C3 v IZ Co 0 90-100 85-100 50-70 25-50 0-25 NP -5 0 90-100 85-100 50-90 35-75 15-30 14-14 1 0-5 50-90 50-85 20-50 10-25 0-20 1 ' 0-5 50-90 50-80 15-40 0-10 0-20 NPI 0-1 90-100 80-100 35-75 15-30 0-20 1 0-5 80-100 50.90 30.65 5-30 0-25 1 0-5 50-95 50-80 30-55 2-10 0-20 NP -4 INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY AND WATER UTILITY PLAN C4 STORM SEWER UTILITY PLAN C5 LANDSCAPE PLAN C6 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN C7 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN C8 DETAILS C9 PHASING PLAN �cnz z z�CL �zJ CL0 U wzCr. i xz Q W Q Q_ o aqi coo L ' � � � mN'A C/ co cc`) m (� cNo N ° C to O I Lo E O WJ Q a W VO�U W v CO z ��gIll LQ 0 LU /h ca w t E a loamO ��' 4 � Co a ~' I C:4 0 3 j 'wLae O 111 �M Lr CO o a �cnz z z�CL �zJ CL0 U wzCr. i xz Q W Q Q_ o aqi 40 1Z � aqi N m (� cNo N ° C O I Lo E W W VO�U Q v r7 ��gIll LQ 0 o a CO t E a ��' 4 � � ~' I C:4 0 3 j o Z°� ° Lr o C3 v IZ Co �. •c V) 0 �- U O O O D V a:CL O N O UJ 2 O FILE NO. 00640 Existing Conditions and Removals Plan N m m O QO W W Q v LQ 0 o a v FILE NO. 00640 Existing Conditions and Removals Plan CHMNEY •CnE SAN.. (PAnHAM OR AVPRanp OR EYIEAKko EOrE'L- STxNDARD FR.wE a CUTR, NS' sazv oRNKI wAOaA rMoNa wwwl-c ROADWAY' SURFACE r MNDOT SPEC 3149.213 TRINE Aro CAPER wan+n eETMEa+ Rx'E Mm MMIa,E eMmn sAML K -14 NS' BODS T- NFxrI°,w COCl-Sl�wwc CEMENT tExpNs VmFL el • Nepgrp MMA CONSTRUCTION 5Nul BE CLASS II PRECAST PIPE, EXCEPT A8• DN MAY BE MS NAYP xI1X DWLRH TRUNKATW :. STMPA sHu. BE R DOMES " ro A R[OIiCA( Tire. YF aw OUT O OPRER t> TO K INV ­n ON PUAPER [CFM. O" A'OOEWS eE!' DA DAI i1' DM •AFr[rPl AN Vu{5 ® AF7W exx-Ertl eKAKOFr rT,RIO[ s a e'1 ,' m NA vAx CURS v1 P/rIm LAE MNNRfLE SF.C+IONN ro BE ASTM c -R% GABS R City of Monticello LRE rani eMeNARY[ [FTNISHCv GRACE] u003 RRfl�N - O N Fr UA CONCRETE DOGHOUSE RMUIRED aH OUTSIDE AND INSIDE OF STRUCTURE �� usE R-2 Aoea FOR 1 „-1 � � ".M. N;I.TpA eL'VNN wRa•RES LOCPT[p IH OPniYArs AWL NIL CONSTRUCTEo nm AN Al NMeARX JOA°^ - - T{dI: SFPS AF �J Plate Literary 2 LAYERS OF I F ]'- e• ARE-SEFL•.%YAL•. OR APFreP6E0 eJlNl• � air A5 REONRED I I TNr nTMrILCTnN PVE rO NVIaNpIE ' 2' RAISED AREA TO FIT REQUIRED DINFETfA 22015 ARmAB.E 1 rT PANE,ra Br ,' DEEP P1 MANHOLE STEPS 5144" BE CAST IRON OR ,AA MODEL PS -I -PF C a• w MRM T I IS AAi 1T OC PACK WAT MINIMUM STEEL REINFORCEMENT ,�I•I u STANDARD MANHOLE FOR SANITARY SEWER m HO NOInMc 0 MYOMDE SMOS IINL K CAST MON OR M NOea p --PF r p ' c.) CpNroranu TO Au pvM RemAxmra ® F DI 6 GREATER THAN 2e .0-M LHIE WrAB[ BROP. Title: Standard Plate Library Standard Sanitary Manhole City of Monticello aoU: 03_05 Plata Na. Revrsed:03-15 3001 -E ROPE as ,NADaAY r ,a I KWTLp, •. REVERSE SLOPE CURTER SECTION DIVIDER PLATE °•a L ,R - ,n, it ROTE Oalm "AM, ID r/s OA®ELOPE O/4'AFT _ .. r MN NNorR2or6rl� � i INODi LIE m RPS ON rAT NORML, -Ess SrATAD+RO� Ho ]TOO N OTHEROSE SPECrEo. IT A WERE+N CONCHCE REF:'='•'r 2fsT pNT+G SuOPE 6 eEK MUM 1r[ re4N CONLPLT6 - O.OAII W RDS I MN R IE ntCD Bfi12 CONCRETE CARD R GUTTER cRNNcw:rL - „-, rT a. „A. ImN. ONIDER PLATE 37- 6 an SP 6• „ I,2 • dJ ROI[ pORA6 RITT J . f !k0PE 3/4'ArT rMw 2* y� r m SLOPE o oe FT/1T riam -�ss STS Putt MA 7ro0 N GUTTER RSREYCs+�rPrwTE�o: TME roR. 8618 CONCRETE CURB k GUTTER corw.xiErE - 1i, aI° cu.ros- (NialU 1r 3/4 • / PER R 1- t/2 • R +/2 - R r � r� T, MODIFIED DESIGN "0" CURB 4 GUTTER Tma: PJ Concrete Curb & Gott Standard Plate Library For Streets City of Monticello Cate: Plate No, 03-Q5 500: Rwlsad:03-15 POINT ]A�NTM1 LLL STnrE STRAY an VrINp PIPER J 6' To 1. Ola. Rpy "CLOSED IM I.IO TA P VNTER AETT:IA TYPE 2r BIOROLL DITCH CHECk . d RnNbA rfiKEp FPEAS 1." . x 2' x +e- LUNO eOQCXNN SAKES AT v' sr,woHc WRIryAN. STAFFS SNMLy BE oRnEH THRaU H THE 9ACH w F pi ME BNOAOµ AT AIN rMa r M 4S OEOTREs IRM ME 1W OrTIS siM,c vaNTONO TasIPEw. PRunaI e' rp w• W EVBEMEHT N- RnF'uL N,. ALR. rI• LB• ENCEONENI LEP1" 'SII B3CRCLL STAKING DETAIL Da ENcHi R MINI" OF 2• NOTE• WHEN MORE THONN I BIOROLLRCONPOST LOG IS HEEDED, OVERLAP ENDS A 3M IAM OF 6• We STAKE Title: Bio Log Staking Standard Plate Library Straw or Wood Sia Roll City of Monticello Date: 03-08 Plate No. Revlead:03-15 6009 Emergency splklway crest t e[ PN e Anti seepage color (typ-) J TEMPORARY SEDIMENTATION $ASIN WITH OI ITI ET PIPE Emergency spillway crest y~r�,ed Stm4pipe qq Pipe Anti seepuge collar (typ-) �r TEMPORARY SEDIMENTATION RASIN WITH STAND PIPE njI_n.LT Emergency aplpway �erforot standpipe 3/4' rock cone 7 0 1/3 Z t f" X hol" spaced 8" to TO" an center NOTE. 0 > diameker of standpipe equal to diorreter of pipe. Plpe material must he rigid STAND PIPE DETAIL Ade: Temporary Sediment (-.. lL Standard Plate Library Basin City of Monticello Date: 03-07 Plate No. RevlBad:03-15 1 6007 FOR COMPLETE TYPE A" DROP SECTION ArRr PRFCE SwML RKVIOE - oy'rM* MaD MMIERL S=ae REOUMD, ELBdx, roc PPP SUPPORT M REpwILO. 1TOucTLc ROI. TELE tK b'P�w IYu ar P�.0 1 m M-CAsir CoNu" MIiPNnE xcnoN6 � la IYMeAIE b DRILL Iwo Title: [ Outside Drop Section For Standard Plate Library Sanitary Manhole City of Monticello Oak: Plata Na. _- _ 03-04 3002 ` - Weed:03-15 O -CORETE CURB--", • - EXPANSION JOINTS EXPANSION JOINS OMtTS A B CONCRETE TO BE POURED INTEGRALLY fD AINSLOH L� A JINTS EXPANSIONWITH CURB PLAN 8618 CONCRETE + [DRB ANO GLITTER + -'APER F as • 7" 41N. - L f •'M'IH PARI D E9 l s MIN_� 19�-r SECTION 13-8 SECTION A -A Title: Commercial Driveway Standard Plate Library Entrance City of Monticello Oate: Plata No. _ 03-Q5 5008 Revlsed:03-15 r Where the flaw or crater is sheeting, place sad strips perpendicular to the direction of water flow. SHINGLING SOD 101 CGS Where the flow of water is concentroted, place sod stips parallel to the direction of OVERLAPPING SOD water [law. NOTE: Although pegging of sod is not specifically required it is understood that the contractor will be responsible for the successful establishment of the sod including repair or replacement of sod which becomes displaced or damaged due to lack of protection or proper Core - Title: S Sod Placement Adoral Plate Li ta Cary b N City of Monticello Date; plate No. 03-07 R�lRed:03-15 6010 Ada: AStandard Plate Library Typical Hydrant Installation City of MonticelloDate: 03_05 Note No. Revraed: 2001 03-15 C CAShRR AI IUSTINO RINGS 5' w ONOA mom ILLY STxNDARD FR.wE a CUTR, NS' sazv oRNKI wAOaA mNCRErE NASA RA ROADWAY' SURFACE r MNDOT SPEC 3149.213 nrORrieAG1 ifLA,FIp/S PATH ARE PRESam R NS' BODS T- NFxrI°,w n1G tExpNs VmFL el • Nepgrp MMA CONSTRUCTION 5Nul BE CLASS II PRECAST PIPE, EXCEPT A8• DN MAY BE x DWLRH TRUNKATW :. STMPA sHu. BE R DOMES " ro A R[OIiCA( Tire. YF aw OUT O OPRER t> TO K INV ­n ON PUAPER [CFM. ASTM C 478 CONCRETE PTFE- SEE wDOT SDMDWD PLATE 3000 (FUD TONGUE OR GROOVE AT TOP •AFr[rPl AN Vu{5 ® AF7W exx-Ertl eKAKOFr rT,RIO[ �, �� a Standard Plate Library ,' m NA vAx CURS v1 P/rIm LAE 2 TTC RE05 FROM EENe) TO BEND- PWC A081i• RrTHRN 0' City of Monticello LRE rani eMeNARY[ [FTNISHCv GRACE] Ir-rMgrm CNO+DE T. /o eE aRaRep tp Turai A swacRH O N SPECa[ON CONCRETE DOGHOUSE RMUIRED aH OUTSIDE AND INSIDE OF STRUCTURE �� GFp RAW urw S q INW M OR2F11 VANES SHCLL BE CC•KrAI rED Or „-1 � � ".M. N;I.TpA eL'VNN wRa•RES LOCPT[p IH OPniYArs AWL NIL CONSTRUCTEo nm AN T{dI: o �J Plate Literary 2 LAYERS OF I F ]'- e• d• POURED OOVCRETE 54SL. FOR ALTERNATE PREG15r L'MNCREIE A5 REONRED I I TNr P0.Y N4 INN} 2' RAISED AREA TO FIT REQUIRED DINFETfA 22015 �1 REFER TO STANGARD PLANS FUR HEKRFT AND 1 rT PANE,ra Br ,' DEEP P1 MANHOLE STEPS 5144" BE CAST IRON OR ,AA MODEL PS -I -PF (BY MA INDUSTRIA, INC-) CONFORMING TO ALL OSHA REGULATIONS AND SPACED 18. W. NOUI NIORARr raMD 1.5 MINIMUM STEEL REINFORCEMENT ,�I•I u {ZJ EOUPIALEMT STEEL AREA IN WIRE MESH MAY BE USED t�A STEEL NA'YRE BOx Apu"gt © GENERAL OINENSIONS FOR CONCRETE APPLY TO BRICK AND CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT MW OF T C,V. v -I,7• LIEN STONE - SEWER ERIC% [MnOpT SPEC 36161 BLOCK 12 MWIMUW FOR PRECAST, 3 BRICKS OR AFRI-OTECIME CWTMG n rlmuFrcTUREO sF IAMeTOR INC T BLOCK wimmuM FOR MASONRY CONSTUCTION 10 J /r ^ vl S Q REIrFORCEMENT AS PER MnOOT SPEC 3301, GRADE 60. N I we APPRWN YOu+L Title: Standard Manhole for ` \� Standard Plate Library K E�.ua MEG4/o Storm Sever City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plata NO. Rwlsed:03-15 4001 ` WR Macaw Y. l Dt: PRnO[ x 1E ROOS AND RNN 1q) 3 TEL OR '%MTERNw TO w YE Q AA B.EDmm Sts. ,ems'. 47 y O N NE Raps FRL'AN PARE To T-AANt Uj Ada: AStandard Plate Library Typical Hydrant Installation City of MonticelloDate: 03_05 Note No. Revraed: 2001 03-15 C CAShRR AI IUSTINO RINGS 41 YW - 12• ILLY STxNDARD FR.wE a CUTR, NS' sazv oRNKI wAOaA `7 ROADWAY' SURFACE r MNDOT SPEC 3149.213 M-DOTREEQUIiRREAMPEMMEN STE 4020 F R J R NS' BODS T- NFxrI°,w I: TRIA °oHsmun101 yuu ar w AEcamM,c,: KTTH TTc I' %I : • :: • ::, : , MMA CONSTRUCTION 5Nul BE CLASS II PRECAST PIPE, EXCEPT A8• DN MAY BE x DWLRH TRUNKATW :. STMPA sHu. BE R DOMES " ro A R[OIiCA( Tire. 67 CAST -DI -PLACE ASTM C 478 CONCRETE PTFE- SEE wDOT SDMDWD PLATE 3000 (FUD TONGUE OR GROOVE AT TOP •AFr[rPl AN Vu{5 ® CONOREIE OR 6017" OF TNI$ sECTCN]- Gl4T-1N-ALICE S iv Standard Plate Library 4' iD 10' CONCRETE OR MASONRY CONSTR%Cr N ((R�RICN 0R RE.OLK] ALLOWEDONLY IF APPRa"" 2 TTC RE05 FROM EENe) TO BEND- PWC A081i• RrTHRN 0' City of Monticello D°ts3-�5 Plate No. 8'F ENCIORER T. /o eE aRaRep tp Turai A swacRH O N 5013 CONCRETE DOGHOUSE RMUIRED aH OUTSIDE AND INSIDE OF STRUCTURE R&Aaed: 03-15 GFp RAW urw S q INW M OR2F11 VANES SHCLL BE CC•KrAI rED Or IN k[TE u4 -r A-Caa;Mw WeM MAAaOt V.- n n, AOprL TSE �ASTiI� yWy KgOaw ".M. N;I.TpA eL'VNN wRa•RES LOCPT[p IH OPniYArs AWL NIL CONSTRUCTEo nm AN AND PNPE CNNNECMN T{dI: o Catch Basin Plate Literary l yo W ice. O Manhole IR�tmilard Citof Monticello d• POURED OOVCRETE 54SL. FOR ALTERNATE PREG15r L'MNCREIE LYSE. 59E MnDDT STANDARD PLATE w11 (MOOFT DNMETER AND � 2' RAISED AREA TO FIT REQUIRED DINFETfA �1 REFER TO STANGARD PLANS FUR HEKRFT AND 1 DIAMETER REQUIRED - j MANHOLE STEPS 5144" BE CAST IRON OR ,AA MODEL PS -I -PF (BY MA INDUSTRIA, INC-) CONFORMING TO ALL OSHA REGULATIONS AND SPACED 18. W. MINIMUM STEEL REINFORCEMENT ,�I•I u {ZJ EOUPIALEMT STEEL AREA IN WIRE MESH MAY BE USED AIFIiNDLE� PLASTERED 0R CATCH Ex1ER10R © GENERAL OINENSIONS FOR CONCRETE APPLY TO BRICK AND CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT WIN - DIACONSTRUCTION ALSO, EXCEPT As NOTED. SEWER ERIC% [MnOpT SPEC 36161 BLOCK 12 MWIMUW FOR PRECAST, 3 BRICKS OR INASOHRY CON9TRUCTION T BLOCK wimmuM FOR MASONRY CONSTUCTION 10 J /r ^ vl S Q REIrFORCEMENT AS PER MnOOT SPEC 3301, GRADE 60. N Title: Standard Manhole for ` \� Standard Plate Library Storm Sever City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plata NO. Rwlsed:03-15 4001 O O O l - -- �� -- -.-s A+ ni r I• I On Hca +rAx v .�1 v r, putt a"Y - s r - s' a•--e•-S• Bu at u K awB . J RmNt FAq ~- t m� W 1 - 03 I l ruI ROS M 9AYa 1k1 ADP[ - 14'" OR i�II PLAN VIEW CF DUGOTUL RAMP OR PLAN MEW OF PERPENDICULAR RAMP I LUPI NA RATTER �- OSx n./rr. MA%.w r/y_IIa• " `�- �Nva>E T'M1i �. one R.IrT. N%, nAnu[s] SECTION A -A DOME SECTION P1 APPRO%. P.I. F �0:1 aaAE I h-!•'•li � ouFe � F-" I_i' • I_ _- � _-_� + � o90=OS2e�j PJ. DOME SPACING' SL-IZL4_ �r 101 SLOPE I- G, ELEVnT pH OF RAMP -Cr7 oN PFILFORNcO ADNT LaIrA w.1PAA,� s (D f POnNILL PNVnE A MAN PAm R TRA.EL 4'V RAE OICHMo THE PaDESIR RwP- 4 WWNRT E T 4' i Aarer wrEPao♦Na TO NAYO-% AREA AIL PEEESTSNN RAWsip[ S . NO sXNALs, cuKri , W ansae ansm4noat +ITE µ ,uL oiCp w TIE RAT/ aR PAM rY TKMEL ® 0C C A TMMQX rs Nor EDA AT STR rale M0 P[KSAwT RMo1 AMp A 46• uNAINc rIEIRr<E,N nILM. THE PEDEsrRNH CIYO%MO Awl BE NVr nRpUp � MOEIN N SrKEr µ� © PIME ME - r WA4WNO5 (tkw TCO DOMM) u mF BACK OF CURB, KrEN MoETECTA TIIeNeIO s,'STEM 6 A PAFGLSI' MEO\AL, ME CM19 &H- W HNo ro,ama TO PLL TAIL CAP, ® rO4 "DOLV EO UIUNICATCo ORAE AREA AWL K 2'0- MM, IN DRECION OF T1MEA Md SMµ Contra m ruuI MIT, d THE ata RAMP - {e THE OwB a WRER TIMMI POH OOT. K PAA FGR AG a IDR FYI W ootxns.-rE OMMg ANO amToL THE PEDEgTgW NAP NIG Tu X KAA TOR dN A PFR FAaI rR� THE TRurATEp Bp,IL AREA RAYL K CONAD[R[0 wcAcrNrrl ro 1K PFai5lLnw RrA�- i1) 0. O� ATE�,CDO�WAIT[CM wlww0 SURFACE SHAM, BE IN � {MM THE MAERCNY6 ONM oGMRnE,t ALT NOtE59eIM To AMOMM AA RTAACIL COYTRAy`�TrNa A To W' IYPII MbANCiS 4w1 K ,r,LO wM IN( -WA.p0.gnq, Abe: - Pedestrian I Standard Plate Library for Curb Ramp the City of .Monticello tc, a3-05 �'ptI Re""NNI�02-•06 5009 3. AV' �xe� • •II 11 • T�]S or •Alar rP r•, N•Nory,p� .....iv,., � .• I O q I I ntla: Erasion Control Blanket Standard Plate Library Stapling Patterns & Installation City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-08 ReYlsed:03-15 1 6011 / WISEY NICK OR RnILiT101Suflf1 RASE LMOr%Fm, n4w e' Or. a. srrROF°uI w -Te ce APPROPIRG PrA9Tc row NID nrW y srA A s r rfH°M NSE Mo Y MunH I,SE HONE- N1 WLTGN KE D FOR AATERw4N 1xM IEgS THAN 6• [MER ex CRA55x MrEAS Mp 6' CO'R UNNIMP PAVW A ACES Title: Insulation Standard Plate Library Detail City of Monticello Data: 03_05 Plate No. 03- 15 2004 C 0 0 € 3 it w J® 8 eJ 0 � Qg p.- 2 2 51 .-R IRg rrpa: Standard Plate Library Riprap Detail City of Monticello_Date: 03-05 Note Na' Revieisal 3-15 4009 J, BITUMINOUS TRAIL DESIGN AO - PATHWAY WIDTH 10 It O - SHOULDER WIDTH 1 EL MIN, I- 3' TO 6' iT1 O e a e roRce.IX� LdTRSE NNRuIE I� J 1 4" CONCRETE PAVEMENT RASE LMOr%Fm, AT PMC TOSEaIG ITOSPOC CfU NS' sazv oRNKI wAOaA SnNWNO GISIRO - KENM A -]OCT -V V ENM R-3 r MMI,a RT no RC COV L MNDOT SPEC 3149.213 �SobaiooE P" SEE KATE 81106 FOR pEgIS PA r, oracrm er RrowrcR NS' BODS T- NFxrI°,w I: TRIA °oHsmun101 yuu ar w AEcamM,c,: KTTH TTc 11051 RECEMr EprON P THE ap' Or rNONNrACETAO FEINaNs ePEC LSMAW ORL K r DWLRH TRUNKATW :. STMPA sHu. BE R DOMES " ro A R[OIiCA( Tire. TI N F. MOM, 1+}FMIC.mw. BAY, AND SUBGL+D[ OESIW dA;ED CR E%P[CTN 1nFtAnM us[ eH0 SUBGOW[ SOLS. •AFr[rPl AN Vu{5 MMS Titre; 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL SPACE THE CONTRACTION JOINTS AT 6'-0" O.C. - 11011 -LAA -xr [TrPrAU Standard Plate Library T r ypical Trail Section I 2 TTC RE05 FROM EENe) TO BEND- PWC A081i• RrTHRN 0' City of Monticello D°ts3-�5 Plate No. �OBENpp � " "'T"M"' VE T. /o eE aRaRep tp Turai A swacRH O N 5013 SECTION R&Aaed: 03-15 GFp RAW urw S q INW M OR2F11 VANES SHCLL BE CC•KrAI rED Or IN k[TE u4 -r A-Caa;Mw WeM MAAaOt V.- n n, AOprL TSE �ASTiI� yWy KgOaw I l Tide: Standard Plate Library Watermain Offset City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 2005 03-15 A A A 1/4 MY Nwm RI£T rarME ANn axre Box K]DOH H0. R-BOFs-y PLAN ' CdN'IE'IE LOUM CMIM DNOASE w oCDJAR MSE COHO"E TE s•- r 34' GRAIN e coNeRm COLLAR ..I SECTION A -AL POUR A O' TO R' CONCRETE COALMN ARaro was cx,v TO OCT Art LASTING M PR[C Sr SECTrON uTT*RNG 4WL`e[�`N+`EENNA fAMNSIAR 5HNAL W TYPE M T TRscN H. T[ Swe-Af. Tltle: Standard Plate Library Standard Catch Basin City of Monticello Dais: flzJ_QS PEala No. ~ ------- ROnngRd: 4002 � 03-15 � L- py a3 X 4 »; € W� m It � gggg 'g b i � IK a 1 1 Df gy yy D K w w - bgg ! h 9q S V k! T aIr71 E[ 8 o y { w LAA. To caPPER VAT orE (80.-000x, Fix 5 ReauercR A MNMw OF w Hews PRIOR To PERrOIHVTG Orr 1 .UwTON. Title' Residential Building Standard Plate Library Erosion Control City of Monticello Dale: _ Plata Na. Re+/Teed:03-115 6006 PLAN 4" CONCRETE PAVEMENT P�osEo STORM SLYER AT PMC TOSEaIG ITOSPOC CfU BFLOI CU"E" FlEYAII]H SnNWNO GISIRO - KENM A -]OCT -V V ENM R-3 Ot5UTA1+w IyFOR MNDOT SPEC 3149.213 DOLLAR Wrnl mNa,aTE SEE KATE 81106 FOR pEgIS _ I NS' BODS T- NFxrI°,w NOTES: Or r raecFE1E NNOOrnusE Rt man TI w, •AFr[rPl AN Vu{5 MMS OM ansaE IWO wspc v sTRICTNRc AIA PPE cOMIEOTKw 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL SPACE THE CONTRACTION JOINTS AT 6'-0" O.C. - 11011 -LAA -xr [TrPrAU °Pe�TAPE � ROP Ir5 I 2 TTC RE05 FROM EENe) TO BEND- PWC A081i• RrTHRN 0' COROREFE CATw OAANN M HME J' AND BASE 10 IY alEIO, AAS. �OBENpp � " "'T"M"' VE T. /o eE aRaRep tp Turai A swacRH O N I l Tide: Standard Plate Library Watermain Offset City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 03-05 2005 03-15 A A A 1/4 MY Nwm RI£T rarME ANn axre Box K]DOH H0. R-BOFs-y PLAN ' CdN'IE'IE LOUM CMIM DNOASE w oCDJAR MSE COHO"E TE s•- r 34' GRAIN e coNeRm COLLAR ..I SECTION A -AL POUR A O' TO R' CONCRETE COALMN ARaro was cx,v TO OCT Art LASTING M PR[C Sr SECTrON uTT*RNG 4WL`e[�`N+`EENNA fAMNSIAR 5HNAL W TYPE M T TRscN H. T[ Swe-Af. Tltle: Standard Plate Library Standard Catch Basin City of Monticello Dais: flzJ_QS PEala No. ~ ------- ROnngRd: 4002 � 03-15 � L- py a3 X 4 »; € W� m It � gggg 'g b i � IK a 1 1 Df gy yy D K w w - bgg ! h 9q S V k! T aIr71 E[ 8 o y { w LAA. To caPPER VAT orE (80.-000x, Fix 5 ReauercR A MNMw OF w Hews PRIOR To PERrOIHVTG Orr 1 .UwTON. Title' Residential Building Standard Plate Library Erosion Control City of Monticello Dale: _ Plata Na. Re+/Teed:03-115 6006 PLAN 4" CONCRETE PAVEMENT f.AS1FIG TO K SET O.TO• uACT FrPMG ANA BFLOI CU"E" FlEYAII]H SnNWNO GISIRO - KENM A -]OCT -V V ENM R-3 1� MNDOT SPEC 3149.213 DOLLAR Wrnl mNa,aTE - I ` Eft? NE Or _ I omrNOHc NOTES: •,s' AF r raecFE1E NNOOrnusE Rt man SLIPFORM PLACEMENT T � W •AFr[rPl AN Vu{5 2. CONCRETE PLACEMENT OM ansaE IWO wspc v sTRICTNRc AIA PPE cOMIEOTKw 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL SPACE THE CONTRACTION JOINTS AT 6'-0" O.C. lit ,n AAO0R SNRUOrURE I � ROP Ir5 I `i COROREFE CATw OAANN M HME J' AND BASE 10 IY alEIO, AAS. TYPE 4319 OR APPaWED EOMs T. /o eE aRaRep tp Turai A swacRH O N w TO OU'UT. SECTION 2. -E CO -OUTS TO eE LOa1m rorc GFp RAW urw S q INW M OR2F11 VANES SHCLL BE CC•KrAI rED Or IN k[TE u4 -r A-Caa;Mw WeM MAAaOt V.- n n, AOprL TSE �ASTiI� yWy KgOaw ".M. N;I.TpA eL'VNN wRa•RES LOCPT[p IH OPniYArs AWL NIL CONSTRUCTEo nm AN MIEN AX tpl' Sub RAM.0 PdrNO aPE1RNNG. CNE Ga"TNNc SNP:L K NEENWN s-TSOR-AC. T{dI: o Catch Basin Plate Literary l yo W ice. O Manhole IR�tmilard Citof Monticello Date: 03_05 Note No. � 4003 R 'T":03-15 1 ILi c 3 �1.0� 1.0 - 314A1 3/4„ Per ff ft EMSTINc CuRs OVERFLOW M 11 OF ..Ipp THE CURB BOX HEIGHT eLea WNMCO ROAD DRAIN M-25• HIGH FLOW INLET PROTECTION CURD AND GUTTER MODEL DEFLECTOR PLATE OR CRY APPROVEO EOUAL THEE CURB THURB B 8)j PF 60 HEIGHT H. -Al Lax AT TOP aF FILTER A55EMaLY ALTER A$SEAKLT DIAMETER, e• aN-GRADE 10• AT LOW PONT NIG-FLOx FABRIC • FOR THE NEW R -3290 -VO STANDARD CASTING. INS &L MTMOO ROAD GRAIN CG -3290 OR CHN APPROYEP EOVAL title: Inlet Protection Standard Plate Library Catch Basin Insert City {}f Monticello Date: 03-07 Plata No. Re1f'esd.03-15 6004 CROSS -GUTTER SLOPE DETAIL WITH HEAVY DUTY CONCRETE PAVEMENT SECTION NOR MAN. NNo Fu ErtanwTN1[ NIGH ME uARTs o` ,NE Nal ANp apRA.T SNWl K P6 raEaasr MNQ aAPFATOAY R4v.L TAxr � THE -R F� ­TA,>an OnoM,� x. AU. AREAS SNMM YE MMID ,..N/x' �. ALL M.L AHC °rmN.Ar sNvu ec rWKc nE -NOF FHE E GVA}YFN MrAdAm FROTH E.crl V- or THE CtCwwTTW IaNrrs ALL WILL Ala pAEJA,AT AWL BE FROM CFNFERLP4 Oi ROND TO THE FRCRn EDGE W dA EilAarl•NES IRO 1xE OIMORIf uJE D< 18NfTa, 1NaNN UNE YAL NATTRAUT SN,Tu INLLIME NATE Nµ NM1,r br i,E STRFf! `. IT IAEA ANiL K PERPpNocyLAR ro ME , aux.. t Oi ' STREET M s m MRRE rrcM.AtKM NEAs °ogre w OTE ancx, tHa eNRAE Ien[N sNrru BE MLIm Arw aRm.om -,,,-CURB uNE IXal1oA1,GTN AAFL MGL AND:zY A11EA - � cFxlTRure RaAG - _--. SAWCUT BIT BASE I' PROM EKCA"TION EDGE SAWCUt Rn WEAR 2' FROM EXCAVATION MOE (MC) U. - - R.o.w - - - - MCT(_Miµ W0m14G BTUIgIc RASE 011SISE TNCMESS usA lN. nR Emlwc wnlWgAa Krw ca13c n�awEss Ia- TK LCaLareNG rove INE rREA fiAR1 K NwuoMCT(_ ANp aaRNAr 1uµ OEPTr SNxC,R Or WMNOuS 955E 6 NEp T• ~D ErCI.yATaH WOE Nµ OETnM suroor pF FArMNNNNS YIFM s RPpMIp a, ALOuNO NG DOD Teo[ T• �• BUT WFM COURSE BTT WE COURSE loon 'TAN)ARD CLASS 5� MROCTCM I- \61L 959 STANDARD PROCTORIIIwoom AREA ,NROM WR,E3)iLi IAPINIOYEO SLOPESTO %,I NOI= I I I -1--I 11- l I'tie Utility Excavation in Streets Standard Plate Library that are Less than 5 Years 01 City of Monticello Date: Q3_Qs Plata No. ` - R°R'R°d:03-15 7007 / 1' Oro tI pods] MNDOT Class CA -15 Or CA -25 Riprap Bedding Gevte%tae fabric gnal raderade g SECTON B -R {nnt to Scale] Ribbed OF Corrugated steel plates original Geotextile fobricrCT10Hg�A grade (not iv scale) f Chvnnelize rano to sediment Sedi NOTES: mpr{ Trapping Device trapping device e Ribbed a CarNgoted sleel pl°tes A -13.13 a �9 a � �I 60 dope axoy from V 2S' min. L I -►B rs LRT � highway 5D' min. E Mulch or Right of Way Existing Grade PLAN Commercial Gravel Standard Plate Library Construction Entrance City of Monticello Data: 06.14 Plate No. ` Re"ised:03-15 6002 f 48" a i 8" 0 STEEL POST FILLED WITH CONCRETE PAINTED YELLOW FINISH SURFACE GUARD POST BOLLARD DETAIL 11 18 �- WHITE ON BLUE 00 T - PARKING BY DISABLED PERMIT ONLY TTOW AWAY ZONE BLACK ON WHITE AND FINE UP TO $250.00 W/ 1.5" LETTERScoo L HANDICAP SIGN L W ry mN '-THIS SIGN TYP @ EACH O O 3 HANDICAP PARKING SPACE cc GALVANIZED STEEL POLE to W) FINISH GRADE O LU Z aZ CONCRETE a is - W 'O'AA _Q • o v, N A\ Imam Mosm O O .L CY).0 a: Iloft J� J�Co a. 1z CO p 1'-0" MUM Lam M 111 HANDICAP SIGN Q M CO a \ \ \\ \\ \ \\ SPWEBITUMINOUS S COURSE B240BMnD TPEC 2360 2" BITUMINOUS BASE COURSE SPNWB230B MnDOT SPEC 2360 6" CLASS V AGGREGATE BASE MnDOT SPEC 3138 =1 I -I I -I I -III -III -III SUBGRADE PREPARATION TOP -I I -I I -I 11-1 11-1 I I 6" TO PASS PROOF ROLL I I-1 I I-1 I I-1 BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT NOTE: SOILS SPECIFICATIONS SUPERSEDE ABOVE LISTED SPECIFICATIONS 4" CONCRETE PAVEMENT ••A• MNDOT SPEC 2461 4" SELECT GRANULAR BORROW 1� MNDOT SPEC 3149.213 -I � I -III -III -III -III -III -1 I -I I -I I -III -III -I I -I I -III -III -I -I I I -III SUBGRADE PREPARATION TOP I I II-III-III=1 6" TO PASS PROOF ROLL NOTES: 1. CONCRETE MIX SHALL CONFORM TO MNDOT SPEC. 2461 MIX No. 3Y22A FOR SLIPFORM PLACEMENT T � W MANUAL PLACEMENT 2. CONCRETE PLACEMENT SHALL CONFORM TO MNDOT SPEC. 2301 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL SPACE THE CONTRACTION JOINTS AT 6'-0" O.C. U SUPERSEDE ABOVE LISTED SPECIFICATIONS rl- l^ `i W `v W O N � . E. I M p �LnI o I O O 7� O�U o l yo W ice. O (S' - (1) 1^14, L G O -t3 Qz c 4 � ~ ILi c 3 j L I O 11 18 �- WHITE ON BLUE 00 T - PARKING BY DISABLED PERMIT ONLY TTOW AWAY ZONE BLACK ON WHITE AND FINE UP TO $250.00 W/ 1.5" LETTERScoo L HANDICAP SIGN L W ry mN '-THIS SIGN TYP @ EACH O O 3 HANDICAP PARKING SPACE cc GALVANIZED STEEL POLE to W) FINISH GRADE O LU Z aZ CONCRETE a is - W 'O'AA _Q • o v, N A\ Imam Mosm O O .L CY).0 a: Iloft J� J�Co a. 1z CO p 1'-0" MUM Lam M 111 HANDICAP SIGN Q M CO a \ \ \\ \\ \ \\ SPWEBITUMINOUS S COURSE B240BMnD TPEC 2360 2" BITUMINOUS BASE COURSE SPNWB230B MnDOT SPEC 2360 6" CLASS V AGGREGATE BASE MnDOT SPEC 3138 =1 I -I I -I I -III -III -III SUBGRADE PREPARATION TOP -I I -I I -I 11-1 11-1 I I 6" TO PASS PROOF ROLL I I-1 I I-1 I I-1 BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT NOTE: SOILS SPECIFICATIONS SUPERSEDE ABOVE LISTED SPECIFICATIONS 1... ;• 1L 6" CONCRETE PAVEMENT .••.FORCEMENT• WITH REIN I' SEE DETAIL 6" SELECT GRANULAR BORROW MNDOT SPEC 3149.213 -I � I -III -III -III -III -III -I I I -1 I -I I -I I -III -III -III SUBGRADE PREPARATION TOP -I I -I I -III -III -I I I II-III-III=1 6" TO PASS PROOF ROLL NOTES: 1. CONCRETE MIX SHALL CONFORM TO MNDOT SPEC. 2461 MIX No. 3Y22A FOR SLIPFORM PLACEMENT MIX No. 3Y32A FOR MANUAL PLACEMENT 2. CONCRETE PLACEMENT SHALL CONFORM TO MNDOT SPEC. 2301 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL SPACE THE CONTRACTION JOINTS AT 12'-0" O.C. 4. SOILS SPECIFICATIONS SUPERSEDE ABOVE LISTED SPECIFICATIONS CONCRETE PAVEMENT - HEAVY DUTY INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY AND WATER UTILITY PLAN C4 STORM SEWER UTILITY PLAN C5 LANDSCAPE PLAN C6 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN C7 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN C8 DETAILS C9 PHASING PLAN IN z � J C) Q JLd W W 4" CONCRETE PAVEMENT ••A• MNDOT SPEC 2461 4" SELECT GRANULAR BORROW 1� MNDOT SPEC 3149.213 -I � I -III -III -III -III -III -1 I -I I -I I -III -III -I I -I I -III -III -I -I I I -III SUBGRADE PREPARATION TOP I I II-III-III=1 6" TO PASS PROOF ROLL NOTES: 1. CONCRETE MIX SHALL CONFORM TO MNDOT SPEC. 2461 MIX No. 3Y22A FOR SLIPFORM PLACEMENT MIX No. 3Y32A FOR MANUAL PLACEMENT 2. CONCRETE PLACEMENT SHALL CONFORM TO MNDOT SPEC. 2301 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL SPACE THE CONTRACTION JOINTS AT 6'-0" O.C. 4. SOILS SPECIFICATIONS SUPERSEDE ABOVE LISTED SPECIFICATIONS CONCRETE PAVEMENT - SIDEWALK 1... ;• 1L 6" CONCRETE PAVEMENT .••.FORCEMENT• WITH REIN I' SEE DETAIL 6" SELECT GRANULAR BORROW MNDOT SPEC 3149.213 -I � I -III -III -III -III -III -I I I -1 I -I I -I I -III -III -III SUBGRADE PREPARATION TOP -I I -I I -III -III -I I I II-III-III=1 6" TO PASS PROOF ROLL NOTES: 1. CONCRETE MIX SHALL CONFORM TO MNDOT SPEC. 2461 MIX No. 3Y22A FOR SLIPFORM PLACEMENT MIX No. 3Y32A FOR MANUAL PLACEMENT 2. CONCRETE PLACEMENT SHALL CONFORM TO MNDOT SPEC. 2301 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL SPACE THE CONTRACTION JOINTS AT 12'-0" O.C. 4. SOILS SPECIFICATIONS SUPERSEDE ABOVE LISTED SPECIFICATIONS CONCRETE PAVEMENT - HEAVY DUTY INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY AND WATER UTILITY PLAN C4 STORM SEWER UTILITY PLAN C5 LANDSCAPE PLAN C6 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN C7 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN C8 DETAILS C9 PHASING PLAN IN z � J C) Q JLd W W FILE NO. Q Z 0 T • Details 1� L•� I ` + N0) C I V)O E C W p �LnI o I V lvtit 0 Z 7� O�U o l yo W ice. O (S' W O •> L G O -t3 Qz c 4 � ~ ILi c 3 j L I O ►� O0 O 10 J /r ^ vl S L �fO�S N ` \� V , q,` qU O O O Dt: 1q) 3 Q y O N O Uj FILE NO. Q Z 0 T • Details A 0 30 60 90 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET SURVEY DATA SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: TAYLOR LAND SURVEYING PO BOX 179 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 BENCHMARK: TOP OF PK NAIL IN BITUMINOUS WALK NEAR NW LOT CORNER. ELEV=956.30 PROJECT LOCATION PART OF THE SE4 AND SE4, SECTION 10 TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 1 1 , BLOCK 4, GROVELAND ADDITION, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. T D PLANTINGS AND FENCE TO BE INSTALLED AS PART OF PHASE 5 IMPROVEMENTS 961.1 956 \ / _ J of CB to • / "4STR. MH T 36.3 \\ GV ' ; Go955/.7• B/� l7iq G 1 CCB \'__•X55.1 956.6 YD. • \ • STR. 95 954 956. to A 961,:3 61 to `060 0 ` `60\c . "\ to i eh-- 9S6\ \ CHELSEA ROAD BOULEVARD LATINGS TO to / 06` �6, `��� \` \ \' STR BE NNSTALLED �NFENCE SEQUENCE WITH PHASE IMPROVEMENTS \ / °'' 9 - to --- `\ \ SAN. MH -A\ 10 -LP \ , 952.3 \ 1�1\ / 0`O "960.35 `��� ��� \ _- / 9 9 V` 961 of ot sI� O 0`01 �♦ � `• \\\ \\ \\ '� / ,i 00 �� ♦ +X959.3TC 5 + p0 00� 'x951.5 96 / p2 e O + 1.40 959.85 x / 0) '\ 4 � 950.6 ` = 998.39 �� ''� y \\\\ . O • \ FLbw. ELEV. = 949.9 GJ , /,��9, ,�s , \ �/ /950 �GV 1 gh �-� I `�� - �,, CB rpt g6 1-1 i of9 ♦♦ /+ ``��J /\'� /i- +/// �� IE 955.2 to CIV I ♦♦+ J // / //00��/ / //i 956.35 On ll ♦ ♦ 959.35x �� Ah / of 0Q) 0110 . 5 x y R. WH + CB M \ 5 1 CR .955.35 V y ` s ; 10 ♦ + 1 I \\ \ \ \ 90°'0 O� �� / pp ♦ rn <'C �� 'I \ O ✓ \ I i9c3 \ „ > \ \' \ ` \� ss + �0 9h��h �p�p ♦ 9S'3sx �+ `' \ g5 \ \\\\\ \ ^ �O \\\ I - of �• ,9���� \ \• yCHELSEA ROAD BOULEVARD 0 PLANTINGS AND FENCE TO 6� \\ \\\ 4p, \\ \\ "-Y\ x95435 ti• \\ \\ \ \� BE INSTALLED IN SEQUENCE 05 ; pp \\ \ \ 55 \ \ \\ \WITH PHASE IMPROVEMENTS to 4 ` \ / \ Jo �/00 cgp.\ \ \ I / ' S6 /L O / $0�h pp \ + / �/ -953-35 �`\ t9 \ ' y \ ♦♦ \\\ + 95535\\ \\\ \\\ \ \•\y `` to Q1 000 \\ g51 1 b _ 0 /'/` // 1 N\`oh\ \, \ r, - 9 �- ^ _ _ p OI / �5x i /952.40 \\c_�\ 90��\ \ � \ I \I y �O 1 = 59.1 , , y� th �11 /` \ \ \ \6� �` \ ���� / �`\ I Cof i ,6947.00 \\ \\ \ C$-PLO*. �T rY�y \ O V�� y ` / v 6� y 1V✓l y N I 3� 1 �'► \ \ S yET V. 945.2 \ \ / �♦ \`,\ \ X96 SS 1 �� O� 1 \� �\ �OJ�j g5`1 05 050 gDk0 gb( 0 \ \ 1 I \ y §46.8 I y\ \ \ \y \ \\ �� ,9 \� y °j�� � , 0h I 0 / / o rnN. � 1 pct � �/ i' \ ' y 963.E \ s, \ \ h� , �� / p g / \r \ SAF. MH `9iS6 \ 900`0 \\ + ry y '� `y\ 9t2.8o / / ' 946.2 ' + + 0 \� \ n I 945.5 i y s 5� �1 �N „ 952'20 9k9 Dc$ V v + \'SkN . y / BERM GRADING AND \\\�` \�\\ S� \\ �� 951.49 �-« -« N ,\ 3 �', �'' y\ / PLANTINGS TO BE \ \y ' O \ o °�' / 50 ' ')46.3 �� INSTALLED AS PART OF \ } \_ ♦ '� \ / / ° ° g '� 1\ R �\ PHASE 1 IMPROVEMENTS `1 \ I �� `' �" '� ��i+it, N 951 + \ -, ' 9000/'� 9S0•Sp '' �s O//s0 '' / / i'' /'' / \ '\ GpS \ g5� O/ ' \ \\\ \` ti I o, 9 / 950.30 PLANTINGS AND FENCE TO \ \ `. \ I / 94jO \ /� i � 1 9 � BE INSTALLED AS PART OF 3 1' \\\ 1 1 `9Sv' y\ � 0 v 949.90 ..' 50 �''� +'f PHASE 1 IMPROVEMENTS HYD. ' �o, -- �Cp' o �� / N 0 • ,/'P49.90"' _> ' .6' SA . MH \ \ 1 �� `` 900'VQy O ' / /, �� O /' ``` 9 49'94 / I \ \\ � \�@ \ � \\` y '0� ' / / SO'' I i' ` 949A.00 V dQ J4 �\ ' o g I - 2.01 0�� \ EN _49 + / I / 94 9� S�" -- 825 EA x'948 \� Y = or �s o� 36 / • / / _ GE spiv CBe to \ PLANTINGS AND FENCE TO L� �',------------------ 01 ✓ --� + BE INSTALLED AS PART OF ' LIGHT ,_%_------ 6 1 / + PHASE 1 IMPROVEMENTS POI�- \\�/ s' RLQ ' HYFY / ,-949.0 +/+/+ AAN.\M4'_j3•IS- 948'/- _ 'TC / �'' ' +/'TSS / • / �-' cp- 949,7+/ PROJECT PHASING TIMELINE PHASE 1 2017-2018 PHASE 2 2019-2020 PHASE 3 2020-2021 PHASE 4 2021-2022 PHASE 5 2023-2024 MARKET CONDITIONS MAY RESULT IN MODIFICATION OF PHASING TIMELINE AND PHASING OF SITE IMPROVEMENTS INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY AND WATER UTILITY PLAN C4 STORM SEWER UTILITY PLAN C5 LANDSCAPE PLAN C6 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN C7 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN C8 DETAILS C9 PHASING PLAN 2 O \ 4 vJ vJ 00O y O L .•� uj W a V � � mN CO � N +% N � .0 to I E O Q Z aZ °coL I o U I V U O W Z ~ co Z (V LU /h V/'A w O O O Imam mum mftft m m d r Ind U� U L ca a h LA W O L UJ M� %no CO 00 O a 2 O \ 4 vJ vJ 00O y O L .•� QO Q o W a V I ` N � N +% N � .0 ftAl I E O� °coL I o U I V U O Z ~ CT` �OLo �� m n O O W m d r Ind U� U L h LA ►� 00 O �.. O O �1 q� m U O O D 10O N O O 3 C Z 2 O FILE NO. 00640 C9 Phasinq Plan \ 4 vJ vJ N O 0 QO Q o W a W v v FILE NO. 00640 C9 Phasinq Plan v' y ops a A-7 MN 55362 B\SUM\NpDs wP\ 6EPAO ?y P\cpRNER. Sp Nw NEPR,956 3p PRO JE(,� PND s� RPNGE 25, 1, PRS pF 1 pE�pW MNNNES j P P R GNB EGP` SES ol G EX pcK �, BL AD PDp\C\0 wA, S P G OVN�CpvNA' M \N?,\G 300 � R TING EXIS T H� DRAM " CB 4 - ui MG oc� ,— XIcJ l X55.1 ST 954-01� -\ ;' 1.• .,.� m N N ~+ O 3 _ - ; 1 � �'• 1 ~ i� 4 � -\ i `` `\ '1 O CURB CT IT Yi G 1 1 /-----8 K 1956 6 ----\\ 956 �,! STR952 4 y\ h �,-'�, 1 •� \X1 1 _ 1 --------------------------------- I 1 • ♦ 'Nt Oral 1\ � \^ --_"'1__ - ___ 11 0 0 ` ` ` —mii -- ---�_1 — • \` I I \ , \'l, �\ 1\I G �1 j 2 `\\ Z : \ \ 1v 1 I }! NG r--= =--��---------- r-��� _o-iag 957 _956 B ,\7 4- \ n o 959 r ^� 58 • % \ RAN \ ' i E� ® O ---___ o�-- 96o�hO _ HAD N Cn _ O ---+;---j___ /°�'��--o_95J� i ��� /" i C ; i i DRA 1 1 \j/ m I �_ .0- I ;\, _fir- --11 ,,0 (� , \ �• h\ 051.5 i 1 1 W 6, �� D sso - 9 y 5::949.9 7 m y O mono� V 96 I' ; nS9 = `` of \\\ \ `\ i' \\\ \ •\• ih `\ ; i \�`, `, 0.35 , /9 .3 `` / S8 .ti`s__ 0h^. \ ��� •� • i j `\`�ago WON It Vi �� j "Now ``---- I 1 ,i' 1 �O ♦ % / 1 S) \ tom• \ ' L / \ , �` �r ^ -7 �---------- i%f I ' �� ��/C / i 1 I �iy + B s CB A---------------- /T �/ / ,'/ 1 // 9s`S • \ %/ \`c--------- it --------------------- --- IQ p `v� 2 ` \ �\ `\ 1.I I \` 0h DO \\ 0h+/ / �/ / // (� �/ 2`^' • ''�� \\ i `\ 00 1 X 61.85 I ` /+ 0 ,' , / / /' NG 56.35 I c \ �\ ET S /. X11.. \ �� \ , \ R A ii �`\ ` ^� O ,+ \`•� / /' I y�/ ' i \`\ 955.35 / \\ N G ; �oce \ ' , X T I II /� J�O • \ �J• I \ I O) -- ,�" + \ \ \ �• \ , , ------------------ ' rQ h� J� n' 954.35 /� \ \ t t / • ti l9 i \ Lo 00 Lo rn I_ \ - ' + \ \ 1 / \ `9 al ^ _ 959.35 x ``� ^ - +/// \ -__--- \ -" \ \ �� !�� \ 1.9 \ \ \ \ , , \ • \ �,/•'1 y \ ` ------ J' -- ---'c ` -- , i 3.35 11 ` __�\ i �-� \\ �` \ � \\� x95 958.35 x L0 IF \ \ ,` /� `l 0 \ `\ \ i / DI00 Lo 4j ' \ h ' '• \ \ iii \ rn 1 . \ I / ' �� 0 9 \ , • �/ `� 10 It 11 n 1 �`�/ ``\ \ oh ce M I , \ ' \ • y .\ /'/ ��� �� \ _ _ l _�— ---- - ------ i----------- � /, \ \ \ \ c�'/T \ • * \ y 1 �-� ,` _ ` \` \ / _---� - T----- 1 _ rn 952.40 if O -- -------------- -`C----- o, O 19 6.35 * \ \ / oih //� `d' / l ' i' I �� - __ / s/ \I \ \ / • \ \ ~ _ --------------- ------- —\ �; ---- \ � ,- -•�;` �� '✓1 O� '� 0� `i'j\ ,\ `; N ' - ���' `y`/ ,/' 'i - �� \ i / 9s 9 \`� I C$' O V, • (�4.�1'', /i \y ', / \ \\ O Sl9 '9\\� \ :'\ N - / \ \ �r 59452 �� \`` 955.35," --� % /' / //' ```� �O �/ / / O O ` �/ s \ A� \� `\� `` / ' \ , ~`CB �\ `vlt V i / - �h / . �� ��•- � 960.0 CjNk \ \ /' J gig (//�) , I^�( \ `/, 947.00 ^h --_�>�''-'GCj / \ .. �• \ ,^tom �• ` -- ___ / �' /v�� _- --- �j\V •J i I �• 'n\ \ / . 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I / \ \{� o 9 517 1/ 00 ` 950.50 i 9'J 1 / / / • `� i `\ 00 0.30\, cip C5 osL/ \ \ \ \ \ \9 i \ ,/ ` ,` r-949.90 \ I PROP D R AN 947.00 _ `�` / \`, / / \ • �J / \\ 1 Nx``949.90 949 • \ S . ``� \ \`\ \\ \ ``�` •�4? \\ Dc'\ / \` `/ ` `\\ ` 948.50_ / / ' ``\ ? : ' o / 949.00 / ro %-------- / I / ♦ 1 6, �l./ 9 948.2.5 ,/ • `\` , \ 4L pp�s- 61 `\ `\ \ \ ♦ `9�` :;` o ' y �r��i //,/ ///'946 .\ 947.50] • / /• i�� �\ ` 1 j i r 200 / -'\ \ \\ ��`� �� \ S� 9s \; °'// i; / �� Qf, v 511 �XI�� �' \�\ V 1�� v 1� /! / \\I 9s /.•,N� �8\ ,%/\ 1i 987 // //''/ 11 '" +/+ /• / � ////' `,\` /DRA ', _ \ ,g49 \ 1\ I v 11 R- 3 •/ /- E P R H �O' 49,� +/ . / \ +' 00640 NO. Hydrant Fire e Pian Covera oar M�1 wvl oX�\� 1r>c° v ' °(3 opo c ,Zw�a0 •�3 �3 '5R -C m \ N ` N Cl +•+ U O Y � O v o \` U •� m a D 3 �- .fl a— C� _ O Z 00640 NO. Hydrant Fire e Pian Covera v ' U) m \ m Cl N Y o m z�,� CO C� _ O Z � U W U C� Q \ 00640 NO. Hydrant Fire e Pian Covera 0 30 60 90 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET SURVEY DATA SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: TAYLOR LAND SURVEYING PO BOX 179 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 BENCHMARK: TOP OF PK NAIL IN BITUMINOUS WALK NEAR NW LOT CORNER. ELEV=956.30 PROJECT LOCATION PART OF THE SE4 AND SE4, SECTION 10 TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 1 1 , BLOCK 4, GROVELAND ADDITION, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. g56 , _ J CB `••� / TR. MH GV 3 GV ' ' ; 0955/.7 G CB \••-9 5.1 956.6 YD. STR. __ \ \� J� 954.0 "� - 954 956. 4.2 \ 960- 96 If.3 961,:3 / co 959 STR. M" \ / + to y 952.4 y 9 4L ♦ i --- - \ \\ \ 1 SAN. MHyy / '960 \\ LP \ . 952.3 �\ 9 9 y O 0lO X959.35 ♦\ ` \` \ \\\ \ \ \ ` TC 0O y \ / / \ \ \ \ • \ / �O /0� / `\ \ \ �' 951.5 SBS,/ ��� * J6 r � ♦ \ ^� \\ \\ \ \. %%� 1 � / •. G' "\\ � \ '\ \ y 950.6 �% = 958.35 ♦ \ \ . O 9 0 yyGV y 51.40 ' v \ dy '� ♦- // � . 6 9 -9�\ \ 959.85 x 1 -FLbW. EI CJRB\ Maa Amt 1.178k L S \ 0\ 35 1 \ 0 5 10 15 GRAPHIC SCALE /N FEE( Oshkosh TI -3000 Aircraft Rescue Firefi htin Vehicle 9b\ .\\ Overall Len th 9. 1 7ft 1-Q\ \, \ \ \ \ Overall WIN I 0.000ft \ ,� `\ \ \ y Overall Bod Hel ht 1 1 .83 1 ft \ x 953.35 / \ • 7 \ h� dQ \\ s\ Min Body Groun Clearance I .G 12ft \' �� \ Track Width 9.583ft \ Lock -to -lock time 4.005 Wall to Wall Turning Radius 50.033ft I C \ \ x n s o � ML QLQ \S i 1 "Q LQ 916 \, �sa�.0p �� \\ CB- \ \ ILO*. \ \ I$ EqV. 945.2 y\ \ jobN 05° 01,9 I §46.8 y \ p o SSR. M 1- H / \ STR.FLC1 946.2 s s 9N i °�$ �// VV�r .945.5, / .'� SAN. 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The LLD is the result (quotient) of mean lumens / initial lumens per lamp manufacturers' specifications. * Illumination values shown (in footcandles) are the predicted results for planes of calculation either horizontal, vertical or inclined as designated in the calculation summary. Meter orientation is normal to the plane of calculation. * The calculated results of this lighting simulation represent an anticipated prediction of system performance. Actual measured results may vary from the anticipated performance and are subject to means and methods which are beyond the control of RAB Lighting Inc. * Mounting height determination is job site specific, our lighting simulations assume a mounting height (insertion point of the luminaire symbol) to be taken at the top of the symbol for ceiling mounted luminaires and at the bottom of the symbol for all other luminaire mounting configurations. * It is the Owner's responsibility to confirm the suitability of the existing or proposed poles and bases to support the proposed fixtures, based on the weight and EPA of the proposed fixtures and the owner's site soil conditions and wind zone. It is recommended that a professional engineer licensed to practice in the state the site is located be engaged to assist in this determination. * The landscape material shown hereon is conceptual, and is not intended to be an accurate representation of any particular plant, shrub, bush, or tree, as these materials are living objects, and subject to constant change. The conceptual objects shown are for illustrative purposes only. The actual illumination values measured in the field will vary. * Photometric model elements such as buildings, rooms, plants, furnishings or any architectural details which impact the dispersion of light must be detailed by the customer documents for inclusion in the RAB lighting design model. RAB is not responsible for any inaccuracies caused by incomplete information on the part of the customer, and reserves the right to use bestjudgement when translating customer requests into photometric studies. * RAB Lighting Inc. luminaire and product designs are protected under U.S, and International intellectual property laws. Patents issued or pending apply. o ° . o ° 00 °° 00 °° 00 °° „ °I I ° a: . a° °° °° °° °° °° °° 00 =a. " " ° ° " ° ° " ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° " ° ° " - I Calculation Summary ° ° .0 I Label CalcType Units Avg Max Min Avg/Min Max/Min Description PtSpcLr PtSpcTb Meter Type I 0 °.° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° , ° , ° , °., ° , ° ° , °., ° , 0 , ° , ° ° 0 0 I Calculation at the perimeter Illuminance Fc 0.05 2.3 0.0 N.A. N.A. 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Consideration to approve a request for Rezoning to Planned Unit Development, a request for Final Stage Planned Unit Development for Vehicle Sales and Rental, Auto Repair — Minor, and Accessory Office and Retail Uses in a B-3 (Highwav Business) District, including allowance for 130' flag pole height, amendment to Development Agreement for Camping World First Addition and License Agreement for sign encroachment. Applicant: FRHP Lincolnshire, LLC (NAC) Property: Legal: Lot 1, Block 1 Maas Addition, together with Lot 1, Block 1 Camping World First Addition PID: 155225001010,155243001010 Planning Case Number: 2017-011 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Final Stage PUD Rezoning to PUD District Deadline for Decision: Applicant request to table to July Planning Commission meeting Land Use Designation: Places to Shop Zoning Designation: B-3, Highway Business District The purpose of the B-3 district is to provide for limited commercial and service activities and provide for and limit the establishment of motor vehicle oriented or dependent commercial and service activities. Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: Freeway Bonus Sign Overlay District Current Site Use: Vehicle Service and Vehicle Sales/Display Surrounding Land Uses: North: I-94 East: Multi -tenant Commercial South: Vacant Commercial Land West: Motorsports Dealership City Council Agenda — 08/14/2017 ANALYSIS The applicant, Camping World/FRHP Lincolnshire, LLP, is seeking Final Stage PUD approval and rezoning to PUD for the uses and site layout as proposed with their Development Stage PUD application, reviewed and approved by the City Council on July 28',2017. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the Development Stage PUD, subject to a list of conditions which the City Council approved on July 28th, 2017, with some modification. To follow is a summary of the conditions assigned to the Development Stage PUD approval by the City Council, along with an analysis of the resolution of the conditions for Final Stage approval to -date. 1. Meet the architectural materials requirements of the pylon sign standards. Current plan revised to meet area and height requirements; sign requires that the support pole be wrapped with materials consistent with building finishes. Compliance reviewed at sign permit application. 2. Enforce the requirements for monument sign relocation at 3810 Chelsea Road, by moving the sign out of the right of way; or if location is approved by the City, the applicant shall enter into a license agreement for the encroachment. Applicant shall enter into a License Agreement for the sign encroachment. License agreement attached. Provide curbing around the entire paved area, consistent with the requirements of the zoning ordinance. Addressed. Shown on revised plans. 4. Revise landscaping plan to provide quantity and species for proposed landscaping along south portion of the site. Applicant proposes to retain existing boulevard trees. No additional plantings proposed. Applicant shall verify that existing landscaping complies with base landscaping standards, which require 10 ACI of overstory trees per acre and 2 shrubs per 10 feet of building perimeter on site, and shall plant on the PUD site to meet the standard if not compliant. 5. Provide materials and height detail for proposed ornamental fence. Provided and shown on revised plans. 6. Accommodate the proposed flagpole height of 130 feet. 2 City Council Agenda — 08/14/2017 Shown on plans. 7. Locate the flagpole at a distance from the east and north property line a distance of 30' Addressed. Shown on revised plans. 8. Demonstrate FAA review and approval for flagpole as required. Applicant to provide this verification. 9. Upgrade the existing buildings with exterior architectural treatments to meet/exceed the requirements for commercial buildings within one year. Addressed. Applicant proposes to finish the buildings with EIFS materials in brand -consistent colors. Areas where existing garage doors are in place are not proposed to change. Metal roof not proposed for change. 10. Revise site and building plans to illustrate consistency in proposed improvements. Addressed Revised plans are consistent with one another. 11. Comply with the comments of the City Engineer per the checklist included with the staff report of July 11 th, 2017. Applicant shall be required to enter into a stormwater maintenance agreement for the proposed system and shall be subject to resolution of any remaining items on the stornwater checklist as noted by the City Engineer. 12. Verification by staff of the proper utility services and location/circulation improvements and compliance with staff recommendations related to the proposed dump stations, to be included in the Final Stage plans and approval. The applicant has included in their final stage site plan the location of two 2,000 gallon RV dump stations, one on the primary lot, and one on the former Bedrock site. These facilities are subject to the review and comment of the City Engineer and Water & Sewer Superintendent, including those comments detailed in the letter dated July 1911, 2017. These stations will not be allowed to discharge into the City's sanitary sewer system and will be required to be pumped. Further, final location of these facilities shall be reviewed and approved by the City relative to the location of existing municipal utilities and connections. 13. Applicant shall enter into a development agreement for the proposed planned unit development. 3 City Council Agenda — 08/14/2017 A draft amendment to development agreement is included for Council review and approval. It should be noted that FRHP Lincolnshire, the original property owner and current applicant for the Camping World PUD, has since sold the underlying property to Spirit Realty, LP which leases the property back to Camping World. The development agreement incorporates this assignment. If substantive changes to the agreement are made, the development agreement may require additional review and approval. Based on the above, staff has prepared a revised list of conditions applicable to the Final Stage PUD approval, attached as Exhibit Z. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2017-54, approving Final Stage Planned Unit Development and Rezoning to Planned Unit Development for Lot 1, Block Camping World First Addition and Lot 1, Block 1, Maas Addition. 1. Motion to deny adoption Resolution No.2017-54, approving Final Stage Planned Unit Development and Rezoning to Planned Unit Development for Lot 1, Block Camping World First Addition and Lot 1, Block 1, Maas Addition. 2. Motion to table action, subject to additional information to be submitted by the applicant and/or staff. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1 above, subject to those conditions identified in Exhibit Z. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution No. 2017-54 B. Ordinance No. 663 C. Aerial Site Image D. Applicant Narrative E. Final Stage PUD Plans, including: a. Site Plan b. Existing Topography c. Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan d. Details e. Site Plan f. Photometric Plan F. Building Elevations G. Pylon Sign Detail H. Monument Sign Detail I. Flagpole Structural M City Council Agenda — 08/14/2017 J. City Engineer's Letter, July 17th, 2017 K. Stormwater Checklist L. Certificate of Survey M. Amendment to Development Agreement, draft N. License Agreement, draft Z. Conditions of Approval Exhibit Z Camping World PUD 3801, 3887 Chelsea Road Lot 1, Block 1 Camping World First Addition Lot 1, Block 1, Maas Addition 1. Meet the architectural materials requirements of the pylon sign standards, including wrapping sign support pole with materials consistent with the building finishes. 2. Applicant shall enter into a license agreement for the monument encroachment into the Chelsea Road right of way. 3. Verify that the revised landscaping plan meets code requirements by providing quantity and size for existing landscaping and supplementing planting on site to meet code, if required. 4. Demonstrate FAA review and approval for flagpole as required. 5. Comply with the comments of the City Engineer per the checklist included with the staff report of July 11th, 2017 and letter dated July 17th, 2017 6. Developer shall execute and record a stormwater maintenance agreement. 7. Location of the proposed RV dump stations is subject to the review and comment of the City Engineer relative to the location of existing municipal utilities and connections. Tanks must be located 12' from the property lines and may not encroach into drainage and utility easements. 8. RV dump stations are not allowed to discharge into the City's sanitary sewer system and will be required to be pumped. 9. All required permits for RV dump stations shall be obtained. 10. All site lighting shall comply with City of Monticello code requirements. 11. Applicant shall enter into a development agreement for the proposed planned unit development. 5 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2017-54 APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO PUD FOR FINAL STAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR CAMPING WORLD PUD DISTRICT WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to rezone its property along Chelsea Road, legally described as Lot 1, Block 1 Camping World First Addition, together with Lot 1, Block 1 Maas Addition, from B-3, Highway Business to PUD, Planned Unit Development District; and WHEREAS, the applicant concurrently proposes to develop the property for retail recreational vehicle sales and service and related accessory uses; and WHEREAS, the site is guided for commercial uses under the label "Places to Shop" in the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the proposed PUD is consistent with the long-term use and development of the property for commercial uses; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on April 4th, and continued hearing on July 11th, 2017 on the Development Stage PUD and rezoning and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the applicant has revised and submitted Final Stage PUD plans in accordance with the Development Stage PUD, subject to those remaining conditions as identified in the staff report of August 14th, 2017, and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The PUD provides an appropriate means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site. 2. The use of the site for retail vehicle sales, display and service is consistent with the direction of the Comprehensive Plan for "Places to Shop". 3. The plan, through PUD, results in a project that more closely achieves the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan than would the application of the standard zoning regulations. 4. The plan results in development that is compatible and consistent with the existing surrounding land uses in the area. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2017-54 5. The improvements proposed for the site under the Development Stage PUD are consistent with the intent of the zoning ordinance. 6. The improvements will have impacts on public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment, and traffic which have been planned to serve the property for the development as proposed. 7. The PUD flexibility for the project, including site coverage, building materials, display, and signage, are consistent with the intent of the City's economic development objectives, as well as with the intent of the PUD zoning regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, The Monticello City Council hereby approves the Final Stage PUD for the Camping World PUD District, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z as follows: 1. Meet the architectural materials requirements of the pylon sign standards, including wrapping sign support pole with materials consistent with the building finishes. 2. Applicant shall enter into a license agreement for the monument encroachment into the Chelsea Road right of way. 3. Verify that the revised landscaping plan meets code requirements by providing quantity and size for existing landscaping and supplementing planting on site to meet code, if required. 4. Demonstrate FAA review and approval for flagpole as required. 5. Comply with the comments of the City Engineer per the checklist included with the staff report of July 11th, 2017 and letter dated July 17th, 2017 6. Developer shall execute and record a stormwater maintenance agreement. 7. Location of the proposed RV dump stations is subject to the review and comment of the City Engineer relative to the location of existing municipal utilities and connections. Tanks must be located 12' from the property lines and may not encroach into drainage and utility easements. 8. RV dump stations are not allowed to discharge into the City's sanitary sewer system and will be required to be pumped. 9. All required permits for RV dump stations shall be obtained. 10. All site lighting shall comply with City of Monticello code requirements. K CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2017-54 11. Applicant shall enter into a development agreement for the proposed planned unit development. ADOPTED this 14th day of August, 2017, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL LO -A 3 Brian Stumpf, Mayor ORDINANCE NO. 663 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10 OF THE MONTICELLO CITY CODE, KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE, BY ESTABLISHING THE CAMPING WORLD PUD AS A ZONING DISTRICT IN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, AND REZONING THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY FROM B-3, HIGHWAY BUSINESS DISTRICT TO CAMPING WORLD PUD, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: 1 LOT 1, BLOCK 1, CAMPING WORLD FIRST ADDITION, TOGETHER WITH LOT 1, BLOCK 1, MAAS ADDITION THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MON,]ELL0 HEREBY ORDAINS: i Section 1. Section 2.4(P) — Planned Unit Devel hereby amended by adding the following: (XX) i Camping World PUR District (a) Purpose. The purpose of t provide for the developme District for vehicle sales, s — Zoning Ordinance is PUD District is to tate subject to the commercial land uses. (b) Permitted Uses. Permitted principal uses in the Camping World PUD District shall be vehicle sales, display, and vehicle service and repair — minor and major, as found in the B-3, Highway Business District of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, subject to the approved Final Stage Development Plans dated August 14th, 2017, and development agreement dated August 14th, 2017, as may be amended. The introduction of ay other use from any district, including Conditional Uses in the B-3 District, shall be reviewed under the requirements of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 2, Section (0) — Planned Unit Developments for Development Stage PUD and Final Stage (c) Accessory Uses. Accessory uses shall be those commonly accessory and incidental to retail uses, and as specifically identified by the approved final stage PUD plans. Accessory buildings on the site may be utilized for indoor uses for enterprises of commercial tenants which are identified as permitted principal uses in the B-3, Highway Business District. (d) District Performance Standards. Performance standards for the development of any lot in the Camping World PUD District shall adhere to the approved final stage PUD plans and development ORDINANCE NO. 663 agreement. In such case where any proposed improvement is not addressed by the final stage PUD, then the regulations of the B-3, Highway Business District shall apply. (e) Amendments. Where changes to the PUD are proposed in the manner of use, density, site plan, development layout, building size, mass, or coverage, or any other change, the proposer shall apply for an amendment to the PUD under the terms of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Section 2.4 (P)(10). The City may require that substantial changes in overall use of the PUD property be processed as a new project, including a zoning district amendment. Section 2. The zoning map of the City of Monticello is hereby amendment to rezoned the following described parcels from B-3, Highway Business District to Camping World PUD, Planned Unit Development District: Lot 1, Block 1, Camping World First Addition, and Lo ock 1, Maas Addition. 40* Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to mark the official zoning map to reflect this ordinance. The map shall not be republished at this time. 14 Section 4. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code, Title 10, Zoning Ordinance, and to renumber the tables and chapters accordi%necessary to provide the intended effect of this Ordinance. The City Clerkler directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations that result from said renumbering process, provided that such changes retain th purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as has been adopted. Secti This Ordinance shall take effec d be in full force from and after its passage and publication. The ordinance in its entirety and map shall be posted on the City website after publication. Copies of the complete Ordinance and map are available onlin d at Monticello City Hall for examination upon request. ADOPTED BY the MonticeX City Council this day of , 2017. ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, Administrator Brian Stumpf, Mayor 2 ORDINANCE NO. 663 AYES: NAYS: FRHP Lincolnshire, LLC.- Request for Rezoning to Planned Unit Development (PUD) & Develop Stage PUD Lt 1, Blk 1 Maas Add n; Lt 1, Blk 1 Camping World First Add I PID 155-225-001010; 155-243-001010 Created by: City of Monticello Revised — August 4, 2017 Ms. Angela Schumann Community Development Director 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Camping World — PUD Application Narrative — Lot 1, Block 1 Maas Addition, PID 155-225-001010 I Lot 1, Block 1 Camping World First Addition, PID 155-243-001010 Camping World has purchased the Bedrock Motors site on the south side of the freeway at 3887 Chelsea Road in Monticello, MN. The applicant has applied for this PUD to clarify the use of the property and to seek approval of various elements necessary to their business that either exceed or vary from the current zoning regulations. They desire to increase the paved area, install additional storm water infrastructure utilizing underground infiltration, install additional site lighting to match the existing on the site, install new graphics to an existing monument sign at Chelsea Road, install a new 130' flag pole and install a new 32' tall 200 sq ft pylon sign which will replace an existing pylon sign in the same location. They also intend to add a combination of both chain link and ornamental iron fencing to surround the site, including gates at all existing remaining entrances. They also intend to add an access across the property line to their adjacent property at the NW corner of the parcel. They also have submitted a landscape plan for review. They have submitted a land use application. The paving plan exceeds the current allowable impervious area. This deviation is necessary for the applicant to increase their ability to have more inventory available for sale. Increased inventory will directly impact the applicant's ability and need to add additional jobs in the community. The grading and construction plans for the site illustrate the new storm water infrastructure, paving and curbing proposed for the parcel. All newly paved areas will include curb and gutter to comply with city code. The plan also indicates closing the access and removing the curb cut at the SE corner of the parcel. They are looking at options to change the exterior of the existing building to comply with city zoning requirements. We will be achieving this by installing an EIFS finish on the side walls of the buidlings. Camping World is also submitting site plans with waste water dump stations for RV dumping. These will be contained in tanks and pumped into truck when full. They will not be connected to the city sewer system. The applicant does not anticipate any platting associated with this application. It is their intention to maintain these as separate parcels. The existing buildings at 3887 Chelsea Road (former Bedrock Motors) are being used for pre -delivery inspections and for detailing; little customer traffic is anticipated in this area. The existing building at 3801 Chelsea Road will continue to be the primary customer destination. There is no screening for trash containers planned or anticipated on the parcel at 3887 Chelsea Road (former Bedrock Motors). All trash generated at this location is deposited in containers at the main location on the adjacent property. The new pylon sign proposed does comply with the city code. Several items that are within the Project Narrative requirements do not apply to this project as it is not a development project. Those items include: (1) whether the applicant will be the builder or if the land will be sold to other builders (2) Phasing (3) Plans or documents for Homeowner's Association (4) Possible negative impacts to surrounding property and mitigation measures, and (5) A statement of the proposed use of the lots, stating type of residential buildings with number of proposed dwelling units and type of business or industry to reveal the effect of development on traffic, fire hazards, etc. We acknowledge that there may be additional fees from the City of Monticello such as trunk charges, landscape security deposits, sign permits, etc. Contacts for this project are as follows: Owner: Camping World and Good Sam Melissa Nance Director of RE and Development 250 Parkway Drive, Suite 270 Lincolnshire, IL 60069 847-229-6755 Local Representative: Kinghorn Company 21830 Industrial Court Rogers, MN 55374 763-428-8088 Civil Enizineer: Hakanson Anderson Charles Christopherson 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763-427-5860 L------955-------- --------------- 955------- -------- f — — — — — — — - -'�---------�----------0----------�--------------------— ----- ------95 ---- — ——-----------—--------------------------956------------------------' / I 957---------------------------------------------------------- — -----------q57-------------- ' //• � ------ I °�_— ' -------------- - -_ -------------------- -------------957 \ 1 VII ,91 957-_----------------------------- 956 — I I I \ \\ ------ / ------ --------956------- 1 1 \ \ _----------------- — — — — ------------ Iy�I ----- _---------------- 1 I !3 \\ X956-------------------- ------ ----------955------ ----- I I I \ c c c c c '• /�h I SAWCUT AND I REMOVE CONCRETE 1\ ►�,\ 1 � E.O.F. 1 \ • I I CURB �' � A 1 • ° \ I �, \\"K 1 955.7 U01 "Oil \ \ 954.69 \, .( 9 1 •$3 P I I Z° \ L \ g 1 SB B8 I 1 \ l uil i aI III \ 5 \ 955.50 I 1 1`111 \ 0) _ _ 1 41 • i ° / •� . \ Q� \ \ \ SB B7 1. I i ! •� , �� \\ \ \ / 1 \ 111`1 \ \• .I ° lit\ • • ' °�\\ . A° • I \ if A if A5 1 11 I III ° . , h /I III . • • 1111 _ _ \ \` \ \ \ \ \ \\ d �1\``` \ / v ifi L illi °/ �// III ` \ � / fp 0,\ '• I ��% • . Ijl `ISI \ \\\\ �\ \�� — �' a 1 \"` \\ / \ ° ° — ,f, +. � / I � ' / C6Ig549�' 9 $• /i \ \ \ ��� ---- U) o \\\III \ I X — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — \ \`\\\ \ \[S) � 93 6��—_---- rn \ \ \ 1 \ I to ° • / v \ \ \ 1 c ♦ ♦ 1` I \ iiiato ?' ,o� // \ \\ 1 I / to l_ / ` \ �'/ I 956.43 ° 40 SB , 956.33 SB B10 ♦ 1 \III \ S8 B9 VI 40 ° ♦♦♦ 40 / `\h` q(v�//� ,111 \ I / ♦♦ / \ ` \I��I 1 \ / DRAINAGE AND♦♦ / �e`I ► \���, �/ \`�I \\ UTILITY EASEMENT —__-957------- ♦♦♦♦ REMOVE - \\ BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT ♦♦ -''' _ \\ / v \ \\ \ I / // �40 '' Meter `i�Y� .° \` \ / / \ v I / / (TY P .) / I'G Gos eter Ld h / / \ \ I \ 1 1 ♦ ♦ ♦ Ile �� \\ \\ ��\ 1 \ 1 1 ♦♦ ♦ � \C\9 F 957.8 1 \11\\ \ 10 , � , � � I I v yl�l \ \ / \ .� ♦ ♦ ♦ � �" BUR / / V \ \ I 1 1`11 \ \ ♦ ♦ ` ,\ ,c, �Q SUR '9156. /' (/ �} 1 II 1 II` \\ \\ \\ \\ ♦ ♦ ♦ ; 959 .� \j i-euR , 1 ``\\ \ 1 C311 I I 1 II\\`\ \ \ \ / ♦ , a FFo T -BUR \ 1 ce 52137 1 1 `,II\\ \ \ ♦♦/ � •� �� I I\`� 1 1 \ 1 ElN��9�a �, `P`�GGEDi i 1 I SII \ \ \ ♦♦ / 1 � � \ \ � � I I 1 \� 1 \E�S�, i I v I `I`\�\ \\ \—��' ♦ // ; \ //' •F3E�956g5d9p \ � kI 1 \ 1 CE,9 26575 , \ \ R Ng48 •° 6p I 1 I `I \ \ ♦ / ; ; a�� ° S 48 I 1 I `III \ \ ♦♦ ` 1 SAWCUT • 5 \ ___-------'` I BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT -10 / I a1 �\\ 1 ♦ \ / / 1 \\II (—V---958----------'' \�� v / v I \ , /956 1 ♦ \ ° \\ v ♦« ' \\\I 1 / 11 EteO'e er . 3� EF •° \ ♦ �, / ► A \`II 1 / -------- �• -------- —955 / a \ \ 15 A ♦ 1 1 1111 1 / I'j Cn oQed Pre i ♦ \` I rn \ N1N \ \ \ 1 g ds° 12 Iln l \ \ \ L(78 g56 6g __956-C'8 v 'T ` '_ - — III III o `cOn �I 1 � • � / I g1 �6 1 1 \ � � 8 Storrn R N - - - - --__ II�i I Meter ' 0 MN IE N = --_ D ___-----_-----------JII iii �� Cos - StOrm57 40 7 1356- --, \ IE 952 23 — ---�-------------- 11 os / RE, ;g49 app 6.9� h`O , pos -'- SCCS =946.77 8 \�. N -- --- iii ,> I�iS) 2288 �v\\� \\iii v Iii 00 ost-. ce post ` Fence p t ce (S 28 — — / IIII 0 Fence P .\ Fen . u �' \E (,51 i 0 on 957 L(� I EiNW ; 6.7� - — — — — ' In — — — — 4 4I I I IIS 4 �4 ' - RE'. n.n..47y1' ) 946.18 9 CB / I d — _ s \ _ �_�56.13 BUS�nes n 111 I I \ �1-BUR FO -BUR -p_BUR FO -BUR FO -BUR F ''�R FO -BUR ,�I�` t"0 1R 0 -BUR FO -BUR /� AFO�-BU-R—FO-BUR �- FO-8UR FO -BUR FO -BUR FO- - C 'FpJ/!�(IR FO -BUR — — F0 BUR O� > Son MH >> ---__ `_ = vlE _952.50 519 �j \ \ _ _ \\ Fence p°st ,/' �� CLEAR Hi V L/ 951 / Fenc��P°s /g/% C E955,42 62 \ \ \ RE=956.18 \ \ _ _ {ill — u Si�gS B TREE / I p _ _ __ _____ y`J ,------------- // --- \\ � ---------- ------ -Z------------ r-==��[------------------------------- rf—f-- ------------------------- _ » » ----------------------------------- _ -----���===-=_-t ---------------------------------------------------------------- ->>j�--------------- StorQ `_I' RCP — — » (`� » » » » » - »- » » » D E=95 .8 » » \ > » 36" RCP » » » RE=9563 » '�-e - I > Storm MH 36" RCP E (N)=948.78 \ 36" RG� +Ec'_ a > San 5 _ RE=957.22 958' CHELSEA ROAD \ IE (S)=948.48 `g 966` IE (S)=950.88 �c \�'' IE\ W E -944.18 \ E (W/E)=942.73 > � a�M _956- I — �- RE=957 03� IE(NW)=945.17 _ r S� U E (N)=948.73 i ' e / )- son ` __ N RE -956.08 I/`r.P ~ ` ` _ E_95258 w SAWCUT AND REMOVE o CONCRETE CURB n DATE REVISION I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was DESIGNED BY: 4 7/17 PLAN REVISIONS PER CITY REVIEW prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I TAEHakanson A c� am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws CAMPING WORLD EAST E 4/26/17 PLAN REVISIONS PER CLIENT REVIEW 6 15 17 PLAN REVISIONS PER CLIENT REVIEW of the state of Mi ,ta. DRAWN BY: Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors o �I 7((7/117 PLAN REVISIONS PER CLIENT REVIEW TAE 3601 Thurston Ave., Anoka, Minnesota 55303 PARKING LOT EXPANSION Ili 8 17 REVISED TOTAL SHEETS I UI Y A. CHECKED BY: 763-427-5860 FAX 763-427-0520 Q 8/3/17 PLAN REVISIONS PER CITY REVIEW www. hakanson—anderson.com Date 3/6/17 Lic. No. 43362 CJJ GENERAL NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE REMOVAL OF UTILITIES AND LIGHTING AS NEEDED. 30 0 30 60 SCALE IN FEET EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY AND REMOVALS PLAN CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA SHEET C1 C8 SHEETS 3395.05 0 z_ Q n, CD Ln 0 T) 7) 0 T) Q Q � / LCA U W I 0 �00� n o � C\I � QI 0-0 0 7) U Q .. -,\ GL= GL=957.75 1 / 955.38 I \ \\ I % ` a------955------- \ I I GL= -� yam, 'a \ I 954.72 I s 0 GL=957.63 Pol I i IGL=954.05 \ \ J g- I I (MATCH �I EXISTING) I \ \ \ 9 __- GL_957.39_ I I GL=954.39 \\\\\\ �s6' GL=956.87 LO 0, I 1 I \ `9\ Q0 ------ - 1 GL= I \ rr ss GL= 953.861 \\ GL= 956.18 I 1 1 954.06 \GL=953.421 \ ' '• ° II I - (MATCH. m 1 \ j EXISTING)' o w I GL \ I \ I GL=955.28 9E I \ 01 JA u \\ \ • I it I • a. ° d , •d , `� \ • \ \ I I \ \\\ / . .\ I ISI • \ � \ S •/ 85715 I i i L' \`\ `�4 s /4 ° I •,\ ° ii \ \ A i i it \to \ \ II I III \\\ I +9 i r h a l \\\ s s .o \ I i i °° i'i E.O.F.4 4 AN% \j 955.3 ? / CBI 5496 . /. °• /O F\09 I/ • k \ I4 AGL (';�' V�// 954.35\\ \\ I / 0, \ I v \\ \ I / " \ v Uj 10- ,,\ 1 ,t\ \ as \\ 1 �\\\ I \\\ \ 1 1 RE,9521a g2 UCCEDi I I I `�\ \ \\ I\ RE48.15 \ \- - ------------ I I0, ' / I / I / v 1 -----------955-------- i ya �1 - - J Storm M6g / 9 Storm Al. III III =N IE952.23 ---�------------- N 946.77 E�-g" 8 _ )) IE(SW)228 ,14NW 946.7- San MH \\ S RE=956.18 )) I > _ ICB Ih �v�- 6\13 Bus\r\5 90 iii i i \ _=-952.50��fl ill \\ ___ IL I \ L__________ t_\\ D-------------------- » >> v 36 RCP - - » ^ - v > San MH - - Storm MH >> 36" RCP RE=957.22 a > RE -957 93- IE(NW)=945.17 a lI CBI \ \ RE=956 f _ E=9s� X08 SEE NOTE 02 SEE _ Stt -\ _ CHELSEA ROAD B6118 CON-OREIE CURB AND I I GUTTER PER MN/DOT STANDARD PLATE 7100 DATE REVISION I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was DESIGNED BY: 447/17 PLAN REVISIONS PER CITY REVIEW prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I TAE Hakanson A 26/17 PLAN REVISIONS PER CLIENT REVIEW am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws 6115 17 PLAN REVISIONS PER CLIENT REVIEW of the State of Mi ta. DRAWN BY: Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors 7 7 17 PLAN REVISIONS PER CLIENT REVIEW r -r t 0 TAE 3601 Thurston Ave., Anoka, Minnesota 55303 7/18 17 PLAN REVISIONS PER CITY REVIEW I UI Y A. CHECKED BY: 763-427-5860 FAX 763-427-0520 8/317 PLAN REVISIONS PER CITY REVIEW www.hakanson-anderson.com Date 3/6/17 Lic. No. 43362 CJJ / GL= ?' A 957.26 j ° - III / I I II II / III / ;d E.O.F. 957.1 1 \\ rn \ I °\ I \\\\ \ a 8 \ 957.34 \1\ \ I � I 0) T T -BUR T- R \ T, I 1 \ `, 1 \ \\\ I 11 GL=`\ j �\ 957.03 a' \ GL= \ 957.34 ;�`;\ ► / 32 jH16 I \ ,/ J Do gO ATeo i\ I \\\t__ _ GL=955.6 MN ------ - (MATCH Storm57.40 0 BID ( ro/ 1 A P / RE 9 g49h os EXISTING) �Ni' qg.2 N, 0 ce ------------------------- ---- �-- c _ >> Storms H >> RE=95 .63 IE (S)=950.88 a IE (N)=948.73 \ IE (W/E)=942.73 > �I > / N �r.R CAMPING WORLD EAST PARKING LOT EXPANSION LEGEND D PROPOSED BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT PER rf C3 K//////� PROPOSED TIPOUT CURB PER C3 SILT FENCE PER 2 C3 DRAINAGE ARROW GL= PROPOSED GUTTER LINE ELEVATION 908.55 BIT= PROPOSED BITUMINOUS ELEVATION 908.55 GENERAL NOTES: 1. PRIOR TO IMPORTING OR EXPORTING MATERIAL FROM THE SITE, CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSTRUCT A STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE PER CITY STANDARD PLATE 6002 OR 6003. 2. DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE STABILIZED WITHIN 7 DAYS OF ROUGH GRADING. 5 6 3. INSTALL INLET PROTECTION DEVICES PER C3 AND C3 AT ALL CATCH BASINS THAT MAY RECEIVE STORMWATER RUNOFF FROM THE SITE. 4. STREET SWEEPING MUST BE PERFORMED DAILY IF SEDIMENT IS TRACKED OUTSIDE THE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS OR ONTO ANY CITY STREETS. 5. THE CONTRACTOR MUST STABILIZE ALL EXPOSED SOIL AREAS (INCLUDING STOCKPILES). STABILIZATION MUST BE INITIATED IMMEDIATELY TO LIMIT SOIL EROSION WHENEVER ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY HAS PERMANENTLY OR TEMPORARILY CEASED ON ANY PORTION OF THE SITE AND WILL NOT RESUME FOR A PERIOD EXCEEDING SEVEN CALENDAR DAYS. STABILIZATION MUST BE COMPLETED NO LATER THAN SEVEN CALENDAR DAYS AFTER THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY IN THAT PORTION OF THE SITE HAS TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY CEASED. TEMPORARY SEEDING INFORMATION AND APPLICATION RATES ARE TABULATED ON SHEET C4. 6. SEE SHEET C5 FOR STORM SEWER INFORMATION. 7. SEE SHEET L1 FOR LANDSCAPE PLAN. 8. SEE SHEET C8 FOR THE SANITARY SEWER DUMP STATION AND SIGN LOCATIONS. REFERENCE NOTES: 10 LOCATION AND INVERT OF EXISTING STORM SEWER STUB SHALL BE VERIFIED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. A MANHOLE MAY BE NECESSARY IF THE ANGLE OF THE PIPE HAS TO BE REVISED. 20 DROP THE BACK OF THE CURB TO ALLOW STORMWATER TO FLOW THROUGH THE CURB. 30 0 30 60 SCALE IN FEET GRADING, DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA SHEET C2 C8 SHEETS 3395.05 h / / / E.O.F. 957.1 1 \\ rn \ I °\ I \\\\ \ a 8 \ 957.34 \1\ \ I � I 0) T T -BUR T- R \ T, I 1 \ `, 1 \ \\\ I 11 GL=`\ j �\ 957.03 a' \ GL= \ 957.34 ;�`;\ ► / 32 jH16 I \ ,/ J Do gO ATeo i\ I \\\t__ _ GL=955.6 MN ------ - (MATCH Storm57.40 0 BID ( ro/ 1 A P / RE 9 g49h os EXISTING) �Ni' qg.2 N, 0 ce ------------------------- ---- �-- c _ >> Storms H >> RE=95 .63 IE (S)=950.88 a IE (N)=948.73 \ IE (W/E)=942.73 > �I > / N �r.R CAMPING WORLD EAST PARKING LOT EXPANSION LEGEND D PROPOSED BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT PER rf C3 K//////� PROPOSED TIPOUT CURB PER C3 SILT FENCE PER 2 C3 DRAINAGE ARROW GL= PROPOSED GUTTER LINE ELEVATION 908.55 BIT= PROPOSED BITUMINOUS ELEVATION 908.55 GENERAL NOTES: 1. PRIOR TO IMPORTING OR EXPORTING MATERIAL FROM THE SITE, CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSTRUCT A STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE PER CITY STANDARD PLATE 6002 OR 6003. 2. DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE STABILIZED WITHIN 7 DAYS OF ROUGH GRADING. 5 6 3. INSTALL INLET PROTECTION DEVICES PER C3 AND C3 AT ALL CATCH BASINS THAT MAY RECEIVE STORMWATER RUNOFF FROM THE SITE. 4. STREET SWEEPING MUST BE PERFORMED DAILY IF SEDIMENT IS TRACKED OUTSIDE THE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS OR ONTO ANY CITY STREETS. 5. THE CONTRACTOR MUST STABILIZE ALL EXPOSED SOIL AREAS (INCLUDING STOCKPILES). STABILIZATION MUST BE INITIATED IMMEDIATELY TO LIMIT SOIL EROSION WHENEVER ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY HAS PERMANENTLY OR TEMPORARILY CEASED ON ANY PORTION OF THE SITE AND WILL NOT RESUME FOR A PERIOD EXCEEDING SEVEN CALENDAR DAYS. STABILIZATION MUST BE COMPLETED NO LATER THAN SEVEN CALENDAR DAYS AFTER THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY IN THAT PORTION OF THE SITE HAS TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY CEASED. TEMPORARY SEEDING INFORMATION AND APPLICATION RATES ARE TABULATED ON SHEET C4. 6. SEE SHEET C5 FOR STORM SEWER INFORMATION. 7. SEE SHEET L1 FOR LANDSCAPE PLAN. 8. SEE SHEET C8 FOR THE SANITARY SEWER DUMP STATION AND SIGN LOCATIONS. REFERENCE NOTES: 10 LOCATION AND INVERT OF EXISTING STORM SEWER STUB SHALL BE VERIFIED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. A MANHOLE MAY BE NECESSARY IF THE ANGLE OF THE PIPE HAS TO BE REVISED. 20 DROP THE BACK OF THE CURB TO ALLOW STORMWATER TO FLOW THROUGH THE CURB. 30 0 30 60 SCALE IN FEET GRADING, DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA SHEET C2 C8 SHEETS 3395.05 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION AND SOILS NOTES: 1. CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 2016 EDITION OF THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION "STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION". 2. UNLESS OTHERWISE RECOMMENDED IN THESE PLANS, THE GRADING SUBGRADE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF SUITABLE GRADING MATERIAL. THE FILL SHALL BE PLACED IN 8" TO 10" LOOSE LIFTS, AND COMPACTED TO 100% OF THE STANDARD PROCTOR MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY. 3. SUITABLE GRADING MATERIAL FOR THIS PROJECT SHALL CONSIST OF ALL SOILS ENCOUNTERED WITH THE EXCEPTION OF TOPSOIL, SILT, DEBRIS, ORGANIC MATERIAL AND OTHER UNSTABLE MATERIAL. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW THE "REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION AND REVIEW" PREPARED BY AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING, INC. AND DATED MARCH 2, 2017 FOR ADDITIONAL SITE PREPARATION REQUIREMENTS. 5. PROVIDE A SAW CUT WHEN PLACING NEW PAVEMENT ADJACENT TO INPLACE PAVEMENT AND AT TERMINI OF CONSTRUCTION TO ENSURE A UNIFORM JOINT. 6. BITUMINOUS AND CONCRETE ITEMS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION SHALL BECOME THE PROPERTY OF THE CONTRACTOR AND SHALL BE DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH MN/DOT SPEC. 2104.3. 7. USE TACK COAT BETWEEN ALL BITUMINOUS MIXTURES. THE BITUMINOUS TACK COAT MATERIAL SHALL BE APPLIED AT A UNIFORM RATE OF 0.05 GAL/SY TO 0.07 GAL/SY BETWEEN BITUMINOUS LAYERS. THE APPLICATION RATES ARE FOR UNDILUTED EMULSIONS. 8. PERFORMANCE GRADED (PG) ASPHALT BINDER PG 58S-28, SPEC. 3151, SHALL BE USED FOR ALL BITUMINOUS MIXES ON THIS PROJECT. SPECIFIC PG GRADES SHALL BE LISTED AT THE END OF THE MIX DESIGNATION NUMBER SHOWN ON THE TYPICAL SECTION. 9. THE BITUMINOUS MIXTURES SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF SPECIFICATIONS 2360 AND 3139. 10. ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE RESTORED WITH 4" OF TOPSOIL AND SOD. GENERAL EROSION CONTROL NOTES: 1. EROSION CONTROL SHALL CONFORM TO THE MN/DOT EROSION CONTROL HANDBOOK. 2. PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ACQUIRE THE NECESSARY MPCA NPDES STORMWATER PERMIT. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL FACILITIES (BMP'S) PRIOR TO GRADING AND REMOVAL ACTIVITIES. BMP'S SHALL BE MAINTAINED FOR THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES AND POTENTIAL FOR EROSION HAS PASSED. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SCHEDULE HIS OPERATION TO MINIMIZE THE AMOUNT OF DISTURBED AREA AT ANY GIVEN TIME. 5. BMP'S SHALL BE INSPECTED DAILY BY THE CONTRACTOR. OBSERVATIONS SHALL BE RECORDED IN THE INSPECTION LOG. 6. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE PROPERLY DISPOSED OF WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS AFTER FINAL SITE STABILIZATION. 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FILE A NOTICE OF TERMINATION WITH THE MPCA AFTER FINAL STABILIZATION HAS BEEN APPROVED. REFERENCE NOTES: 10 TYPE 1 INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE INSTALLED AS NECESSARY TO MINIMIZE PONDING OF WATER DURING CONSTRUCTION. 02 TYPE 2 INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE INSTALLED ON ALL CASTINGS RECEIVING RUNOFF FROM THE PROJECT AREA. Q� LEGEN 952 -- EXISTING CONTOUR 952 PROPOSED CONTOUR N IBJ PROPERTY LINE O DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT LINE G DATE GAS MAIN P -OH PLAN REVISIONS OVERHEAD ELECTRIC N Q) P -BUR PLAN REVISIONS BURIED ELECTRIC T -BUR REVISED DETAIL BURIED TELEPHONE _ o� FO -BUR PLAN REVISIONS BURIED FIBER OPTIC ------------------------ EXISTING CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER U > EXISTING SANITARY SEWER .. >> EXISTING STORM SEWER SEWER 7 EXISTING WATERMAIN EXISTING UTILITY POLE J a EXISTING UTILITY PEDESTAL Q EXISTING LIGHT POLE w EXISTING HYDRANT Ln >< EXISTING WATERMAIN VALVE LO O EXISTING STORM SEWER MANHOLE ® EXISTING CATCH BASIN j ® EXISTING SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE -� EXISTING SIGN EXISTING DECIDUOUS TREE PROPOSED CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER � >> PROPOSED STORM SEWER SEWER I� w 2 �- DETAIL NUMBER 3 "W -SHEET NUMBER n SOIL BORING Q� 00 U N IBJ O n DATE REVISION 4(7/17 PLAN REVISIONS PER CITY REVIEW N Q) 6/115 17 PLAN REVISIONS PER CLIENT REVIEW 7f7/17 REVISED DETAIL 71C3 _ o� 78/17 PLAN REVISIONS PER CITY REVIEW U .. 2" TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (SPWEA240B) ���������������������������j �� BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT �� 2" TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (SPWEB240B) CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE, 100% CRUSHED PLACED ON APPROVED SUBGRADE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SECTION C3 NO SCALE POST LENGTH, 5 FT. MIN. AT 6 FT. MAX. SPACING PLASTIC ZIP TIES >>� (50LB TENSILE) LOCATED IN TOP 8" - DIRECTION OF GEOTEXTILE FABRIC, 36" WIDTH RUNOFF FLOW Z Z 0 oM w cV H 0r 0 2 C3 PLAN CASTING TO BE SET 0.10' BELOW GUTTER ELEVATION INSTALL INFRA SHIELD (OR APPROVED EQUAL) EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL ADJUSTING RINGS 4" MIN - 12" MAX ENCASE WITH CONCRETE COLLAR ®� MACHINE SLICE 899 -1299 ,f -12f, DEPTH STANDARD MACHINE SLICED SILT FENCE DETAILS TO PROTECT AREAS FROM SHEET FLOW (SEE SPEC. 3886) A 35-1/4' 43" CURB INLET FRAME AND CURB BOX STANDARD CASTING - NEENAH R -3067-V *15" 1 24" 1 9" MANHOLE COVER TO BE 48" DIA CRETEX TYPE II WITH 24"x 36" 6" OPENING CONCRETE DOGHOUSE REQUIRED ON OUTSIDE AND INSIDE OF STRUCTURE w *48"(TYP) AND PIPE CONNECTION of *DIMENSION VARIES BASED ON STRUCTURE DIAMETER RCP PIPE { CONCRETE CATCH BASIN MANHOLE NOTES: AND BASE TO BE CRETEX TYPE 4338 OR APPROVED EQUAL 1. BASE TO BE GROUTED TO FORM A SMOOTH INVERT TO OUTLET. SECTION 2. PIPE CUT-OUTS TO BE LOCATED WHERE REQUIRED. CATCH BASIN MANHOLES REQUIRED IN GREEN SPACES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF PRECAST CONCRETE ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH Mn/DOT STANDARD PLATE 4006L THE CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R-4342. CATCH BASIN MANHOLES LOCATED IN DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH AN ECCENTRIC TOP SLAB WITH A 27" ROUND OPENING, THE CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R -3508-A2. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Mi ta. IIMUIHY A. Date 3/6/17 Lic. No. 43362 Title: Catch Basin Manhole Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-17 4003 DESIGNED BY: TAE DRAWN BY: TAE CHECKED BY: CJJ 949.75 8612 CONCRETE CURB 6" AND GUTTER PER MN/DOT STANDARD PLATE 7100 1 'to 6.00% a �- I a u �r 12" 899 INTAKE B612 CONCRETE CURB 6„� AND GUTTER PER MN/DOT STANDARD PLATE 7100 1 1.50% 1 a MT a " �r I _ 8» 12" TIPOUT 3 C3 24" CPP HEADER ROW 4 C3 CONCRETE CURB DETAILS NO SCALE s Hakanson Anderson Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors 3601 Thurston Ave., Anoka, Minnesota 55303 763-427-5860 FAX 763-427-0520 www.hakanson-anderson.com ti 60" DIA. MANHOLE a 15" CPP TO CHAMBERS 6" CONCRETE WEIR 945.75 CONCRETE WEIR DETAIL 34.12" - 6.375" 3.63" HDPE 11-01111110- EMERGENCY IOPEN BOTH SIDES OVERFLOW I SILT FABRIC SLEEVE N PER MNDOT o oYoY�oxoSPECIFICATI ON 3886 /0 0 5.69" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2" DIAMETER ® 0 0 0 0 0 0 HOLES TOP VIEW SEDIMENT CONTROL SLOT FOR LOCKING TAB BARRIER FRAME SIDE VIEW SEDIMENT CONTROL BARRIER FRAME 5 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION TYPE 1 O C3 PRE -CURB 949.75 2X3 HDPE FRAME INSERT CAMPING WORLD EAST PARKING LOT EXPANSION EMERGENCY OVERFLOW PORTS HDPE INSERT BASKETS SHOWN WITHOUT FILTER BAGS. 400 MICRON FILTER BAGS REQUIRED INSIDE BASKETS. 6 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION TYPE 2 02 C3 POST -CURB DETAILS CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA SHEET C3 C8 SHEETS 3395.05 Gravel pad(s) MnDOT Class CA -15 or CA -25 Riprap Bedding Geotextife fabric Original grade 0 SECTION B—B (not to scale) Ribbed or Corrugated steel plates Geotextile fabric NOTES: Channelize runoff to sediment \ trapping device SECTION A—A (not to scale) /,,,,,� Sediment Trapping Device Original grade �c Ribbed or Corrugated steel plates i B E v �.o A E v o 0 < v v v 0 00 0 o v c o 0 v v w of / o C W v CL v v v -v o --- ------ --- B CD z / Cn /J X I / Slope away from 24' min. W highway i 50' min. Match or Right of Way Existing Grade PLAN Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Commercial Gravel Construction Entrance Date: 06-14 Plate No. Revised: 0 3 —15 6002 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL QUANTITIES r EXISTING PAVED 12, MIN ROADWAY END OVERLAP IS' MIN TRM END OVERLAP WITH SPIKES OR STAKES STRAP CONNECTORS CONSTRUCTION MAT END OVERLAP INTERLOCK WITH STRAP CONNECTORS CTION MATS, WOVEN OTRM - END OVERLAP a a o v 1 v 4 e 0 0 0 PAD AREA (ANY SIZE) Standard Plate Library City of Monticello I hereby certify MN/DOT APPLICATION APPROXIMATE ITEM SPECIFICATION RATE QUANTITY SOD TYPE LAWN 3878 N/A 2700 SQ YD FERTILIZER TYPE 1 3881 300 LBS/ACRE 167 LBS STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION 2573 N/A 8 EACH SILT FENCE 3886 N/A 1604 LIN FT STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 2573 N/A 1 EACH r EXISTING PAVED 12, MIN ROADWAY END OVERLAP IS' MIN TRM END OVERLAP WITH SPIKES OR STAKES STRAP CONNECTORS CONSTRUCTION MAT END OVERLAP INTERLOCK WITH STRAP CONNECTORS CTION MATS, WOVEN OTRM - END OVERLAP a a o v 1 v 4 e 0 0 0 PAD AREA (ANY SIZE) Standard Plate Library City of Monticello I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was DESIGNED BY: prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I vi am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under J of the State of Mi ta. Q GENERAL NOTES: /-.1 oLuilcNo. TAE Lij0 1. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW ALL DUMP STATION CHECKED BY: SEPARATION DISTANCES AND DIMENSIONS AND REVISE AS o LO NEEDED TO MEET ALL CODES. 00 1`9 REFERENCE NOTES: SIGN A SHALL BE PART #DUMPSTATIONSIGN AS PROVIDED BY WILDFLOWER MEADOWS, LLC (DBA RVPARKSUPPLIES.COM), VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON OR APPROVED EQUAL. LO 0 0 DUMP STATION LID SHALL BE PART #METALDUMPSTATIONLID LO AS PROVIDED BY WILDFLOWER MEADOWS, LLC (DBA RVPARKSUPPLIES.COM), VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON OR APPROVED EQUAL. Q 03 CONTRACTOR SHALL SAWCUT EXISTING PAVEMENT AS > REQUIRED TO INSTALL DUMP STATION. PATCH BITUMINOUS E n TO MATCH EXISTING PAVEMENT AND GRAVEL BASE SECTIONS. o U ® CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE AND CONNECT TO EXISTING U WATER SUPPLY. I � 0 n DATE REVISION 0 7/18(17 ADDED SHEET N 8/3/17 PLAN REVISIONS PER CITY REVIEW Q) 0-0 � 0 U Q .. r EXISTING PAVED 12, MIN ROADWAY END OVERLAP IS' MIN TRM END OVERLAP WITH SPIKES OR STAKES STRAP CONNECTORS CONSTRUCTION MAT END OVERLAP INTERLOCK WITH STRAP CONNECTORS CTION MATS, WOVEN OTRM - END OVERLAP a a o v 1 v 4 e 0 0 0 PAD AREA (ANY SIZE) Standard Plate Library City of Monticello I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was DESIGNED BY: prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I TAE am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Mi ta. DRAWN BY: /-.1 oLuilcNo. TAE Y A. r CHECKED BY: Date 3/6/17 43362 CJJ DISTURBED AREA, CONSTRUCTION SITE, STABILIZED STORAGE AREA OR STAGING AREA I SIDE OVERLAP Z ....................... �n SIDE /OVERLAP e 1 e e Title. Mud Mat Entrance Date., 06-14 Plate No. Revised: 06-14 6003 V DUCTILE IRON DUMP STATION LID WITH FOOT PEDAL CAST INTO SLAB 0 TO WATER SUPPLY C 7" CONCRETE PAD oo SLOPE SLQPE TO LID ATO, LI D I III 4v a J ° w 27" DIAMETER °w o J d N MANWAY ° of ° I 2' 2' —� I I I I I II 2,000 GALLON PLAN VIEW SEPTIC TANK FROST PROOF YARD HYDRANT SIGN AT 2" GALVANIZED POST WITH HOSE SUPPORT BITUMINOUS — PAVEMENT (3 r 8.3%, �8.3% 4" SCHEDULE 80 PVC MALE 7" CONCRETE ADAPTOR (SCREW X SOLVENT PAD SLIP WELD) 00 6" (3 LAYERS) 4" SCHEDULE 80 I POLYSTYRENE PVC PIPE INSULATION 4" FERNCO COUPLING Hakanson Anderson Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors 3601 Thurston Ave., Anoka, Minnesota 55303 763-427-5860 FAX 763-427-0520 —111 www.hakanson—anderson.com 2' MIN. (ALL EDGES) r 4" SCHEDULE 80 PVC RISER CAST INTO COVER NEENAH R-1733 FRAME WITH SOLID COVER. COVER SHALL HAVE TWO C.I. LIFT HANDLES, 1/4" POLYISOPRENE GASKET AND THE WORDS "SANITARY SEWER". (2) 2" CONCRETE ----*"-- ADJUSTING RINGS 27" DIA. CONCRETE-----*"" PIPE RISER PER MN/DOT STANDARD PLATE 4006 PROFILE VIEW 1 DUMP STATION DETAIL C4Q CAMPING WORLD EAST PARKING LOT EXPANSION 2,000 GALLON PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK DETAILS CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA SHEET C4 C8 SHEETS 3395.05 s 24" CPP HEADER_ ROW WITH 10" CPP STUBS TO CHAMBERS (7 TOTAL STUBS) CB/MH #1 0 60" DIA. (R-3246) FL=954.35 (N,S,E)INV=949.75 SUMP=945.75 4LF 24" CPP--, ® 0.00% CB/MH #2 48" DIA. (R-3246) FL=954.41 (N,S,E)INV=949.75 SUMP=945.75 4LF 24" CPP-/ @ 0.00% CB/MH #3 48" DIA. (R-3246) FL=954.47 (N,E)INV=949.75 SUMP=945.75 ADS 315ST WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC OVER FOUNDATION STONE FOR SCOUR PROTECTION L1 1 NEWL 15" CPP STUB FROM MANHOLE TO CHAMBER PROPOSED B612 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL STORM SEWER STRUCTURES SHALL BE PRECAST CONCRETE SECTIONS PER MN/DOT STANDARD PLATE 4020 AND 4022. STRUCTURES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED PER CITY STANDARD PLATE 4003. REFERENCE NOTES: 10 PLACE GEOSYNTHETIC FABRIC ON THE TOP AND ON ALL SIDES OF THE ANGULAR STONE. DO NOT PLACE FABRIC UNDER THE ANGULAR STONE. �2 SEE SHEETS C5 AND C6 FOR ADDITIONAL NOTES AND DETAILS FOR THE STORMTECH CHAMBER. 03 STRUCTURE SHALL INCLUDE A 6" CONCRETE WEIR PER(!:).C3 STORMTECH SC -740 CHAMBER (TYP.) 51" (TYP.) APPROVED SUBGRADE CHAMBERS PLACED 57" ON CENTER (6" BETWEEN CHAMBERS) --EDGE OF INFILTRATION AREA STORMTECH SC -740 CHAMBER (TYP.) ADS GEOSYNTHETICS 601T NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC( 691 20 0 10 20 SCALE IN FEET C5Q PARKING LOT SECTION VARIES o 0 952.75 952.25 949.75 949.00 " 12 �s CHAMBERS PLACED 69" ON CENTER (18" BETWEEN CHAMBERS) 2OC5 CHAMBER SYSTEM CROSS SECTION OO I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was DESIGNED BY: prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I TAE am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the Stateof Mi ta. DRAWN BY: TAE 1 01 Y A. CHECKED BY: Date 3/6/17 6t6LUi1C11No. 43362 CJJ 274.2' 52' 1 8" CPP HEADER ROW WITH 8" CPP STUBS TO CHAMBERS (14 TOTAL STUBS) f II II _1101- STORMTECH STM/MH #4 SC -740 END CAP 48" DIA. (R-1733) (TYP.)RIM=955.73 �18" RCP (N)INV=949.75 OUTLET PIPE (S)INV=950.22 V_ ADS 315ST WOVEN -- GEOTEXTILE FABRIC OVER FOUNDATION STONE FOR SCOUR PROTECTION CHAMBER SYSTEM PLAN VIEW 02 Hakanson Anderson Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors 3601 Thurston Ave., Anoka, Minnesota 55303 763-427-5860 FAX 763-427-0520 www.hakanson-anderson.com CONCRETE COLLAR PAVEMENT CONCRETE SLAB 8" (200 mm) MIN THICKNESS 'Al I 15" CPP STUB FROM MANHOLE TO CHAMBER -� 24" CPP HEADER ROW WITH 10" CPP STUBS TO CHAMBERS (7 TOTAL STUBS) CB/MH #5 0 60" DIA. (R -3360-A) RIM=954.38 (N,S,W)INV=949.75 SUMP=945.75 4LF 24" CPP �-- 0 0.00% CB MH #6 48" DIA. (R -3360-A) RIM=954.28 (N,S,W)INV=949.75 SUMP=945.75 4LF 24" CPP 0 0.00% CB/MH #7 48" DIA. (R -3360-A) RIM=954.18 (N,S)INV=949.75 SUMP=945.75 18" (450 mm) MIN WIDTH CONCRETE COLLAR NOT REQUIRED FOR UNPAVED APPLICATIONS 15" (375 mm) NYLOPLAST INLINE DRAIN BODY W/SOLID HINGED COVER OR GRATE PART# 2715AG 101 P SOLID COVER: 1599CGC GRATE:1599CGS 10" (250 mm) SDR35 PIPE SC -740 CHAMBER FLEXSTORM CATCH IT od �I PART# 6215NYFX WITH USE OF OPEN GRATE 10" (250 mm) INSERTA TEE PART# 1OP35STIP 1 '0 0 0 0 0 '0 0 t INSERTA TEE TO BE CENTERED 0 ON CORRUGATION CREST QC53 SC -740 10" INSPECTION PORT DETAIL CAMPING WORLD EAST PARKING LOT EXPANSION STORMTECH SC -740 CHAMBER SYSTEM DETAILS CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA SHEET C5 C8 SHEETS 3395.05 v w O v CLEAN, CRUSHED, J ANGULAR STONE 2 Q 0 0 0 0 O L o LO O LO 12 w Q N w O j DATE REVISION 6/15/17 ADDED SHEET N 7/18/17 PLAN REVISIONS PER CITY REVIEW N 0 �I �0 U _D .. STORMTECH SC -740 CHAMBER (TYP.) 51" (TYP.) APPROVED SUBGRADE CHAMBERS PLACED 57" ON CENTER (6" BETWEEN CHAMBERS) --EDGE OF INFILTRATION AREA STORMTECH SC -740 CHAMBER (TYP.) ADS GEOSYNTHETICS 601T NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC( 691 20 0 10 20 SCALE IN FEET C5Q PARKING LOT SECTION VARIES o 0 952.75 952.25 949.75 949.00 " 12 �s CHAMBERS PLACED 69" ON CENTER (18" BETWEEN CHAMBERS) 2OC5 CHAMBER SYSTEM CROSS SECTION OO I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was DESIGNED BY: prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I TAE am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the Stateof Mi ta. DRAWN BY: TAE 1 01 Y A. CHECKED BY: Date 3/6/17 6t6LUi1C11No. 43362 CJJ 274.2' 52' 1 8" CPP HEADER ROW WITH 8" CPP STUBS TO CHAMBERS (14 TOTAL STUBS) f II II _1101- STORMTECH STM/MH #4 SC -740 END CAP 48" DIA. (R-1733) (TYP.)RIM=955.73 �18" RCP (N)INV=949.75 OUTLET PIPE (S)INV=950.22 V_ ADS 315ST WOVEN -- GEOTEXTILE FABRIC OVER FOUNDATION STONE FOR SCOUR PROTECTION CHAMBER SYSTEM PLAN VIEW 02 Hakanson Anderson Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors 3601 Thurston Ave., Anoka, Minnesota 55303 763-427-5860 FAX 763-427-0520 www.hakanson-anderson.com CONCRETE COLLAR PAVEMENT CONCRETE SLAB 8" (200 mm) MIN THICKNESS 'Al I 15" CPP STUB FROM MANHOLE TO CHAMBER -� 24" CPP HEADER ROW WITH 10" CPP STUBS TO CHAMBERS (7 TOTAL STUBS) CB/MH #5 0 60" DIA. (R -3360-A) RIM=954.38 (N,S,W)INV=949.75 SUMP=945.75 4LF 24" CPP �-- 0 0.00% CB MH #6 48" DIA. (R -3360-A) RIM=954.28 (N,S,W)INV=949.75 SUMP=945.75 4LF 24" CPP 0 0.00% CB/MH #7 48" DIA. (R -3360-A) RIM=954.18 (N,S)INV=949.75 SUMP=945.75 18" (450 mm) MIN WIDTH CONCRETE COLLAR NOT REQUIRED FOR UNPAVED APPLICATIONS 15" (375 mm) NYLOPLAST INLINE DRAIN BODY W/SOLID HINGED COVER OR GRATE PART# 2715AG 101 P SOLID COVER: 1599CGC GRATE:1599CGS 10" (250 mm) SDR35 PIPE SC -740 CHAMBER FLEXSTORM CATCH IT od �I PART# 6215NYFX WITH USE OF OPEN GRATE 10" (250 mm) INSERTA TEE PART# 1OP35STIP 1 '0 0 0 0 0 '0 0 t INSERTA TEE TO BE CENTERED 0 ON CORRUGATION CREST QC53 SC -740 10" INSPECTION PORT DETAIL CAMPING WORLD EAST PARKING LOT EXPANSION STORMTECH SC -740 CHAMBER SYSTEM DETAILS CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA SHEET C5 C8 SHEETS 3395.05 w PLEASE NOTE: a 1. THE LISTED AASHTO DESIGNATIONS ARE FOR GRADATIONS ONLY. THE STONE MUST ALSO BE CLEAN, CRUSHED, ANGULAR. FOR EXAMPLE, A SPECIFICATION FOR #4 STONE WOULD STATE: "CLEAN, CRUSHED, ANGULAR NO. 4 (AASHTO M43) STONE". Y 2. STORMTECH COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS ARE MET FOR'A' LOCATION MATERIALS WHEN PLACED AND COMPACTED IN 6" (150 mm) (MAX) LIFTS USING TWO FULL COVERAGES WITH A VIBRATORY COMPACTOR. U _j 3. WHERE INFILTRATION SURFACES MAY BE COMPROMISED BY COMPACTION, FOR STANDARD DESIGN LOAD CONDITIONS, A FLAT SURFACE MAY BE ACHIEVED BY RAKING OR DRAGGING WITHOUT COMPACTION EQUIPMENT. FOR SPECIAL LOAD DESIGNS, CONTACT STORMTECH FOR COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS. 2 o PERIMETER STONE (SEE NOTE 6) EXCAVATION WALL (CAN BE SLOPED OR VERTICAL) NOTES: ADS GEOSYNTHETICS 601T NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE ALL > AROUND CLEAN, CRUSHED, ANGULAR STONE IN A & B LAYERS PAVEMENT LAYER (DESIGNED BY SITE DESIGN ENGINEER) ill. ill. ill. ill. ill. ill. &r�,. &/VIALr &IL &IL r�,. Ill. ill. ill. &ill. & ill. ill. ill. ill. ill.& ill.i 12" (300 mm) MIN SC -740 END CAP SUBGRADE SOILS (SEE NOTE 4) *TO BOTTOM OF FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT. FOR UNPAVED INSTALLATIONS WHERE RUTTING FROM VEHICLES MAY OCCUR, INCREASE COVER TO 24" (600 mm). I �� Q Q c ® ® Q Q c Q c TiEEi I I- III -1 I I-1 I I-1 I I-1 I I-1 I I-1 I I-1 I I-1 I I-1 I I-1 I I-1 I I- I I I-1 I I- I I—I 11—I I I—� 1—I 1—I 11—I I I—I I I—I I I—I I I—I I I—III—I I —I I I—I II—III-------------- -111 , ,III_,IIII1111111III_,III,_„III_,IIIII�I IIIIIII�IIII, 1 ,III, I ,III, ,III_, IIII�I111 6” (150 mm) MIN --- -.-51" (1295 mm) 1. SC -740 CHAMBERS SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM F2418 "STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR POLYPROPYLENE (PP) CORRUGATED WALL STORMWATER COLLECTION CHAMBERS", OR ASTM F2922 "STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR POLYETHYLENE (PE) CORRUGATED WALL STORMWATER COLLECTION CHAMBERS". 2. SC -740 CHAMBERS SHALL BE DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM F2787 "STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF THERMOPLASTIC CORRUGATED WALL STORMWATER COLLECTION CHAMBERS". 3. "ACCEPTABLE FILL MATERIALS" TABLE ABOVE PROVIDES MATERIAL LOCATIONS, DESCRIPTIONS, GRADATIONS, AND COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS FOR FOUNDATION, EMBEDMENT, AND FILL MATERIALS. 4. THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSESSING THE BEARING RESISTANCE (ALLOWABLE BEARING CAPACITY) OF THE SUBGRADE SOILS AND THE DEPTH OF FOUNDATION STONE WITH CONSIDERATION FOR THE RANGE OF EXPECTED SOIL MOISTURE CONDITIONS. 5. PERIMETER STONE MUST BE EXTENDED HORIZONTALLY TO THE EXCAVATION WALL FOR BOTH VERTICAL AND SLOPED EXCAVATION WALLS. 6. ONCE LAYER 'C' IS PLACED, ANY SOIL/MATERIAL CAN BE PLACED IN LAYER 'D' UP TO THE FINISHED GRADE. MOST PAVEMENT SUBBASE SOILS CAN BE USED TO REPLACE THE MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS OF LAYER'C' OR'D' AT THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER'S DISCRETION. 1 6" (150 mm) MIN i 30" (760 mm) 1 8' 18" (2.4 m) (450 mm) MIN* MAX 1 f DEPTH OF STONE TO BE DETERMINED BY SITE DESIGN ENGINEER 6" (150 mm) MIN 12" (300 mm) TYP Z O U W �U) V �JJ V ) O U 0 Q 0 Z Q U) :, 00 Lu 0 Lm 0 6 o(c) J N 00 M Z CIO <r- 2 w0ti C) co M ��ti Q O J O o coJ_ 00 2 In z ui 2 w U) w a z 0 0 LU U z a 0 a 2 Lu0 U LuU o� U O = U � w U J O U 3: O cy N � N u) c 0 00 < oc) O o0 0 000 O- 0 3: rn z C) 00 SHEET z O U W z O U O O a_ 0 z Q 0 L0 Lu W J J Q U) Lu Lu z c -q � zz W W zw (D Q� U) D 0LLJ 0 W Uw W Lu =O wo '-z �Q ZZ LU Uo Lu I-_ 0�Ja-_J �w U Lu(n) °< �w W J 2 m OU �a OQ Lu J W J W < z 0w Zw wg Z (� J W W 0 0 ,o Fn wQ � U �O O Cc/) Z < OJ J U < W 0 � Z 0 < W 0 W 2 I. - C) � a ww O p z .-. DU) 0 U <S 00 0 d W w 0 o~ 0�< wQ z� Ow Q� �co �Z LU LL 00 z� z� Ow Lu 0z Lu (D <Z LU Ca 0 Z Lu CD aw a-C)wW a_F_ zcf) W w Lu= m� C/) W <0 (D Z J m Qcf) 12f Z 00 ct)a —U) LU C6 OF C8 ACCEPTABLE FILL MATERIALS: STORMTECH SC -740 CHAMBER SYSTEMS AASHTO MATERIAL COMPACTION /DENSITY MATERIAL LOCATION DESCRIPTION CLASSIFICATIONS REQUIREMENT C) FINAL FILL: FILL MATERIAL FOR LAYER'D' STARTS Nt FROM THE TOP OF THE 'C' LAYER TO THE BOTTOM ANY SOIL/ROCK MATERIALS, NATIVE SOILS, OR PER PREPARE PER SITE DESIGN ENGINEER'S PLANS. ti D OF FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT OR UNPAVED FINISHED ENGINEER'S PLANS. CHECK PLANS FOR PAVEMENT N/A PAVED INSTALLATIONS MAY HAVE STRINGENT 0 GRADE ABOVE. NOTE THAT PAVEMENT SUBBASE SUBGRADE REQUIREMENTS. MATERIAL AND PREPARATION REQUIREMENTS. U) MAY BE PART OF THE 'D' LAYER BEGIN COMPACTIONS AFTER 12" (300 mm) OF AASHTO M145' MATERIAL OVER THE CHAMBERS IS REACHED. INITIAL FILL: FILL MATERIAL FOR LAYER'C' GRANULAR WELL -GRADED SOIL/AGGREGATE MIXTURES, <35% A-1, A-24, A-3 COMPACT ADDITIONAL LAYERS IN 6" (150 mm) MAX STARTS FROM THE TOP OF THE EMBEDMENT FINES OR PROCESSED AGGREGATE. LIFTS TO A MIN. 95% PROCTOR DENSITY FOR C STONE (B,LAYER) TO 18, (450 mm) ABOVE THE OR WELL GRADED MATERIAL AND 95% RELATIVE TOP OF THE CHAMBER. NOTE THAT PAVEMENT MOST PAVEMENT SUBBASE MATERIALS CAN BE USED IN LIEU AASHTO M43' DENSITY FOR PROCESSED AGGREGATE SUBBASE MAY BE A PART OF THE 'C' LAYER. OF THIS LAYER. 3, 357, 4, 467, 5, 56, 57, 6, 67, 68, 7, 78, 8, 89, MATERIALS. ROLLER GROSS VEHICLE WEIGHT 9,10 NOT TO EXCEED 12,000 lbs (53 kN). DYNAMIC FORCE NOT TO EXCEED 20,000 lbs (89 kN). EMBEDMENT STONE: FILL SURROUNDING THE AASHTO M43' z B CHAMBERS FROM THE FOUNDATION STONE ('A' CLEAN, CRUSHED, ANGULAR STONE NO COMPACTION REQUIRED. O LAYER) TO THE 'C' LAYER ABOVE. 3, 357, 4, 467, 5, 56, 57 FOUNDATION STONE: FILL BELOW CHAMBERS AASHTO M43' PLATE COMPACT OR ROLL TO ACHIEVE A FLAT co A FROM THE SUBGRADE UP TO THE FOOT (BOTTOM) CLEAN, CRUSHED, ANGULAR STONE 3, 357, 4, 467, 5, 56, 57 SURFACE. 2 3 w OF THE CHAMBER. � w PLEASE NOTE: a 1. THE LISTED AASHTO DESIGNATIONS ARE FOR GRADATIONS ONLY. THE STONE MUST ALSO BE CLEAN, CRUSHED, ANGULAR. FOR EXAMPLE, A SPECIFICATION FOR #4 STONE WOULD STATE: "CLEAN, CRUSHED, ANGULAR NO. 4 (AASHTO M43) STONE". Y 2. STORMTECH COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS ARE MET FOR'A' LOCATION MATERIALS WHEN PLACED AND COMPACTED IN 6" (150 mm) (MAX) LIFTS USING TWO FULL COVERAGES WITH A VIBRATORY COMPACTOR. U _j 3. WHERE INFILTRATION SURFACES MAY BE COMPROMISED BY COMPACTION, FOR STANDARD DESIGN LOAD CONDITIONS, A FLAT SURFACE MAY BE ACHIEVED BY RAKING OR DRAGGING WITHOUT COMPACTION EQUIPMENT. FOR SPECIAL LOAD DESIGNS, CONTACT STORMTECH FOR COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS. 2 o PERIMETER STONE (SEE NOTE 6) EXCAVATION WALL (CAN BE SLOPED OR VERTICAL) NOTES: ADS GEOSYNTHETICS 601T NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE ALL > AROUND CLEAN, CRUSHED, ANGULAR STONE IN A & B LAYERS PAVEMENT LAYER (DESIGNED BY SITE DESIGN ENGINEER) ill. ill. ill. ill. ill. ill. &r�,. &/VIALr &IL &IL r�,. Ill. ill. ill. &ill. & ill. ill. ill. ill. ill.& ill.i 12" (300 mm) MIN SC -740 END CAP SUBGRADE SOILS (SEE NOTE 4) *TO BOTTOM OF FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT. FOR UNPAVED INSTALLATIONS WHERE RUTTING FROM VEHICLES MAY OCCUR, INCREASE COVER TO 24" (600 mm). I �� Q Q c ® ® Q Q c Q c TiEEi I I- III -1 I I-1 I I-1 I I-1 I I-1 I I-1 I I-1 I I-1 I I-1 I I-1 I I-1 I I- I I I-1 I I- I I—I 11—I I I—� 1—I 1—I 11—I I I—I I I—I I I—I I I—I I I—III—I I —I I I—I II—III-------------- -111 , ,III_,IIII1111111III_,III,_„III_,IIIII�I IIIIIII�IIII, 1 ,III, I ,III, ,III_, IIII�I111 6” (150 mm) MIN --- -.-51" (1295 mm) 1. SC -740 CHAMBERS SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM F2418 "STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR POLYPROPYLENE (PP) CORRUGATED WALL STORMWATER COLLECTION CHAMBERS", OR ASTM F2922 "STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR POLYETHYLENE (PE) CORRUGATED WALL STORMWATER COLLECTION CHAMBERS". 2. SC -740 CHAMBERS SHALL BE DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM F2787 "STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF THERMOPLASTIC CORRUGATED WALL STORMWATER COLLECTION CHAMBERS". 3. "ACCEPTABLE FILL MATERIALS" TABLE ABOVE PROVIDES MATERIAL LOCATIONS, DESCRIPTIONS, GRADATIONS, AND COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS FOR FOUNDATION, EMBEDMENT, AND FILL MATERIALS. 4. THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSESSING THE BEARING RESISTANCE (ALLOWABLE BEARING CAPACITY) OF THE SUBGRADE SOILS AND THE DEPTH OF FOUNDATION STONE WITH CONSIDERATION FOR THE RANGE OF EXPECTED SOIL MOISTURE CONDITIONS. 5. PERIMETER STONE MUST BE EXTENDED HORIZONTALLY TO THE EXCAVATION WALL FOR BOTH VERTICAL AND SLOPED EXCAVATION WALLS. 6. ONCE LAYER 'C' IS PLACED, ANY SOIL/MATERIAL CAN BE PLACED IN LAYER 'D' UP TO THE FINISHED GRADE. MOST PAVEMENT SUBBASE SOILS CAN BE USED TO REPLACE THE MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS OF LAYER'C' OR'D' AT THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER'S DISCRETION. 1 6" (150 mm) MIN i 30" (760 mm) 1 8' 18" (2.4 m) (450 mm) MIN* MAX 1 f DEPTH OF STONE TO BE DETERMINED BY SITE DESIGN ENGINEER 6" (150 mm) MIN 12" (300 mm) TYP Z O U W �U) V �JJ V ) O U 0 Q 0 Z Q U) :, 00 Lu 0 Lm 0 6 o(c) J N 00 M Z CIO <r- 2 w0ti C) co M ��ti Q O J O o coJ_ 00 2 In z ui 2 w U) w a z 0 0 LU U z a 0 a 2 Lu0 U LuU o� U O = U � w U J O U 3: O cy N � N u) c 0 00 < oc) O o0 0 000 O- 0 3: rn z C) 00 SHEET z O U W z O U O O a_ 0 z Q 0 L0 Lu W J J Q U) Lu Lu z c -q � zz W W zw (D Q� U) D 0LLJ 0 W Uw W Lu =O wo '-z �Q ZZ LU Uo Lu I-_ 0�Ja-_J �w U Lu(n) °< �w W J 2 m OU �a OQ Lu J W J W < z 0w Zw wg Z (� J W W 0 0 ,o Fn wQ � U �O O Cc/) Z < OJ J U < W 0 � Z 0 < W 0 W 2 I. - C) � a ww O p z .-. DU) 0 U <S 00 0 d W w 0 o~ 0�< wQ z� Ow Q� �co �Z LU LL 00 z� z� Ow Lu 0z Lu (D <Z LU Ca 0 Z Lu CD aw a-C)wW a_F_ zcf) W w Lu= m� C/) W <0 (D Z J m Qcf) 12f Z 00 ct)a —U) LU C6 OF C8 COVER ENTIRE ISOLATOR ROW WITH ADS GEOSYNTHETICS 601T NON—WOVEN GEOTEXTILE 8'(2.4 m) MIN WIDE SC -740 CHAMBER OPTIONAL INSPECTION PORT STORMTECH HIGHLY RECOMMENDS FLEXSTORM PURE INSERTS IN ANY UPSTREAM STRUCTURES WITH OPEN GRATES i/ i/ i/i a a•• ., ; • , a i i ,ii,� i i/�, // // I I // I I // I I // I I // I I // I I // I I- // I I I I I I�-77, \I,�/ // �I \I� // �I \I� // �I \I� // �I \I� // �I \I�,\ // �I \I�,\ // / / / / / / / / / /\\ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / \ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ / -_, � /II,�/II,�/II,�/II,�//\7/ /�/�/�/�/�/�/�/�/ \��/\��/\��/�\��/�/�/\�/\�/\�/\\�/\�\\�/�/�/�/\\ \�� ;/II; I,;/ /;/;/;/;/;/;/;/ SC -740 END CAP �// / / /, /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ /\,/\,/\/\/\/\/\/ /�/�/� / / ,� / // // / // // I//II,�/II /�/�/�/�/�/�/�/\�/\\\�/� \�/ \"/�/ �,�\/� /�/�/�/�/�/ \� \\ //�; \\7\ SUMP DEPTH TBD BY SITE DESIGN ENGINEER (24" [600 mm] MIN RECOMMENDED) — INSPECTION & MAINTENANCE STEP 1) INSPECT ISOLATOR ROW FOR SEDIMENT 1 � 1�� 1� � � �� I � _ � I� � 1!I ��� _SIC ►� CATCH BASIN . ..I►i1 • ♦ ' ��I � �;ii ' �/ii , i 1II/II I ..II I� 1 �► _� 1 II b ►pillOR MANHOLE � I 24" (600 mm) HDPE ACCESS PIPE REQUIRED USE FACTORY PRE—FABRICATED END CAP PART #: SC740EPE24B SC -740 ISOLATOR ROW DETAIL NTS A. INSPECTION PORTS (IF PRESENT) A.1. REMOVE/OPEN LID ON NYLOPLAST INLINE DRAIN A.2. REMOVE AND CLEAN FLEXSTORM FILTER IF INSTALLED A.3. USING A FLASHLIGHT AND STADIA ROD, MEASURE DEPTH OF SEDIMENT AND RECORD ON MAINTENANCE LOG A.4. LOWER A CAMERA INTO ISOLATOR ROW FOR VISUAL INSPECTION OF SEDIMENT LEVELS (OPTIONAL) A.5. IF SEDIMENT IS AT, OR ABOVE, 3" (80 mm) PROCEED TO STEP 2. IF NOT, PROCEED TO STEP 3. B. ALL ISOLATOR ROWS B.1. REMOVE COVER FROM STRUCTURE AT UPSTREAM END OF ISOLATOR ROW B.2. USING A FLASHLIGHT, INSPECT DOWN THE ISOLATOR ROW THROUGH OUTLET PIPE i) MIRRORS ON POLES OR CAMERAS MAY BE USED TO AVOID A CONFINED SPACE ENTRY ii) FOLLOW OSHA REGULATIONS FOR CONFINED SPACE ENTRY IF ENTERING MANHOLE B.3. IF SEDIMENT IS AT, OR ABOVE, 3" (80 mm) PROCEED TO STEP 2. IF NOT, PROCEED TO STEP 3. STEP 2) CLEAN OUT ISOLATOR ROW USING THE JETVAC PROCESS A. A FIXED CULVERT CLEANING NOZZLE WITH REAR FACING SPREAD OF 45" (1.1 m) OR MORE IS PREFERRED B. APPLY MULTIPLE PASSES OF JETVAC UNTIL BACKFLUSH WATER IS CLEAN C. VACUUM STRUCTURE SUMP AS REQUIRED STEP 3) REPLACE ALL COVERS, GRATES, FILTERS, AND LIDS; RECORD OBSERVATIONS AND ACTIONS. STEP 4) INSPECT AND CLEAN BASINS AND MANHOLES UPSTREAM OF THE STORMTECH SYSTEM. NOTES 1. INSPECT EVERY 6 MONTHS DURING THE FIRST YEAR OF OPERATION. ADJUST THE INSPECTION INTERVAL BASED ON PREVIOUS OBSERVATIONS OF SEDIMENT ACCUMULATION AND HIGH WATER ELEVATIONS. 2. CONDUCT JETTING AND VACTORING ANNUALLY OR WHEN INSPECTION SHOWS THAT MAINTENANCE IS NECESSARY. CONCRETE COLLAR PAVEMENT CONCRETE SLAB 8" (200 mm) MIN THICKNESS FLEXSTORM CATCH IT PART# 6212NYFX WITH USE OF OPEN GRATE 6" (150 mm) INSERTA TEE PART# 6P26FBSTIP* INSERTA TEE TO BE CENTERED ON CORRUGATION CREST TWO LAYERS OF ADS GEOSYNTHETICS 315WTK WOVEN GEOTEXTILE BETWEEN FOUNDATION STONE AND CHAMBERS 5'(1.5 m) MIN WIDE CONTINUOUS FABRIC WITHOUT SEAMS - 18" (450 mm) MIN WIDTH CONCRETE COLLAR NOT REQUIRED FOR UNPAVED APPLICATIONS 12" (300 mm) NYLOPLAST INLINE DRAIN BODY W/SOLID HINGED COVER OR GRATE _x PART# 2712AG61 P* SOLID COVER: 1299CGC* GRATE: 1299CGS `� II 10 0 ii i 6" (150 mm) SDR35 PIPE SC -740 CHAMBER * THE PART# 2712AG61PKIT CAN BE USED TO ORDER ALL NECESSARY COMPONENTS FOR A SOLID LID INSPECTION PORT INSTALLATION SC -740 6" INSPECTION PORT DETAIL NTS Q r n J W J � � J co W p o z W 0 U U C Q W _ ~ p ti p U o U U ° U ti 0 O 00 _ O\ Z M � 0 J � 0 O Lo (n U = — W W w 0 > Q W p J J Q U) W W zU) C5 z Z LU W :�i 0 Z W UQ_ W 0 0 WU' U F - F_ cf) �5w W WLu p =O F� W 0 >—z F zZ W z Uo WF— Y a -_j 2LLJ D () F- (D F— LU U W Uj o °g � W W J 2 m Q W °J 0 a OQ � J WJ W Q Z_ F- U W Z LU o W � U UJ cz Z o U H W W F- F- � OW 0 �0 C J O (nF- .o = F -W Q Y F-0 o 0v zQ J Ep W F--- Q N W 0 0 N z W 00 0 0 0 010 W W o ° F- ~ � — U 00 0 00 W W O — 0 0 � � � U) Z 0 U Qo 00 O° �0� Oa W W 0= o'~ F- 0 0�Q J O zF- m M O W ZQLr � _ M ow W 0 ti �o Dpco �Qti ow J p 0 (D co mw Z 00 ® aw z a-0 W W W F_ w z cn wW = mF— LLJ W Q QO z = } D z J U > m �zz Z p � d Q V) 2 W F- 0� SHEET C7 OF C8 Mp S� PSN N NO�ESR PDD\�\OF DDMp SER ME RDFEREN NEED C4 \-ppAj OWNER \N 12" pR0-\EGA 0 SE � A\LS • F\vER\F\ED 8 gOLLARDs R� � 0 Ep°X� DE p,LL BE S� EEL AS NECESN� DRPN� . 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(DOUBLE HEADS) .0 b.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.I o.I o.I o.I o.I o.I o.I o.I o.I o.I o.0 0.0 0.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.o b.o\° '0.0 b.o °. '0.0 b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.0 0.0 0.0 `11.0 ° b.o b.o b.o \ B SITE POLE 1000W - LUMARK LANDAU REUSE EXISTING LIGHT FIXTURE ° o.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o o.° e ° '0.0 o.° o.° °. o.° o.° o.° o.° o.° o.° o.° o.° o.° o.° ° o.° \ LIGHTING 22'-0" POLE METAL HALIDE MHLDFT1000180 ' STANDARD 2'-0" FOUNDATION (DOUBLE HEADS) C SITE POLE 1000W - LUMARK LANDAU REUSE EXISTING LIGHT FIXTURE LIGHTING 22'-0" POLE METAL HALIDE MHLDFT1000 STANDARD 2'-0" FOUNDATION (FOUR HEADS) S Mr I<IA=IA My AC FLOOD LIGHT SURFACE 40OW - LUMARK LANDAU REUSE EXISTING LIGHT FIXTURE sheet number METAL HALIDE MHHR40OMH N KEYED NOTES: MAC FLOOD LIGHT SURFACE 150W - LUMARK LANDAU REUSE EXISTING LIGHT FIXTURE 1 PHOTOMETRIC PIAN C1 ADD CUSTOM CUT OFF SHIELD. ELECTRICAL SHEET INDEXEml METAL HALIDE MHHR15OMH(2 000 E-1.00 SCALE: 1"=60'-0° O2 EXISTING TYPE 'MAC' FIXTURE MOUNTED ON FLAG E1.1 PHOTOMETRIC PLAN POLE AT 4'-O" ABOVE GRADE. TILED AT 90°. Existing me between Overhead c to remain EIFS Color 1 North Building - SE Elevation EIFS Color 1 EIFS Color 2 Existing metal roof, soffit & Fascia to remain EIFS Color 1 North Building - NW Elevation Circe uoior 2 Existing metal rr%r%f a r%ffi+ 4_ South Building - NE Elevation ain EIFS Color 1 Color 2 Existing metal rnnf c+nffi+ Q. South Building - SW Elevation EIFS Color 1 10'-0" 90 3/4" 20'-0" 219" _ PYLON CABINET ELEVATIONS 11/4" = V-0" SQUARE FOOTAGE: Proposed = 10.0' x 20.0' = 200 Total SF f SCOPE OF WORK: 1. Manufacture new pylon cabinet as shown and described. 2. Manufacture new steel support structure as per engineering to support new pylon cabinet. 3. Dig new foundation as per engineering for new steel support structure. 4. Embed new steel structure in below grade concrete footer and allow recommended time for concrete to cure. 5. Install new pylon cabinet to steel support structure. 6. Connect to electrical primary provided by clients certified electrician. 7. Confirm proper illumination prior to departing site. DESCRIPTION: 1. Cabinet is double face extruded aluminum with retainer system. 2. Cabinet is internally illuminated with LED power strips. 3. Faces are flexible vinyl with digitally printed graphics. 4. Steel support structure will be as specified by engineering. 5. Steel structure will be embedded in below grade footer as per engineering. COLOR SCHEDULE: I White 3M Panagraphics III Vinyl Substrate Pantone 2945-C I As Per Art To Be Provided - Gloss Black Enamel Paint l0000000� GE LED Power Strips FULL VIEW 11/8" = V-0" 32'-0" THE SIGN OF PERFORMANCE 9 CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1077 West Blue Heron Blvd., Riviera Beach, FLA 33404 Phone: (561)863-6659/(800)772-7932 Fax: (561)863-4294 NORTHEAST DIVISION 707 Commerce Dr., Concord, INC 28025 Phone: (704)788-3733 / (800)772-7932 Fax: (704)788-3843 www.atlassignindustries.us This design / engineering is to remain Atlas Sign Industries exclusive property until approved and accepted thru purchase by client named on drawing. No part of design and or specifications may be duplicated without written authorization of Atlas Sign Industries. © Copyright 2017 S.O. No. 77166 Sheet No. 001 Date 0310212017 Path Camping World I MN I Monticello PM S. Hunt Drawn By D. Rodgers Scale As Shown Revision 1 04119117 By DR Revision 2 09119116 By DR Revision 3 010116 By AA Revision 4 010116 By AA Revision 5 010116 By AA Revision 6 010116 By AA Monticello, MN Approved by: Date Q APPROVED AS SHOWN Q APPROVED AS NOTED Q CORRECT & RESUBMIT UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES INC. rrLISTED imp Approved by: Date Q APPROVED AS SHOWN Q APPROVED AS NOTED Q CORRECT & RESUBMIT im 90 I4' kMPINCo IC)RLIM PYLON CABINET ELEVATIONS I 114'=1'A" SQUARE FOOTAGE: Proposed =10.7 x20.0' = 200 Tolat SF SCOPE OF WORK COLOR SCHEDULE: 1. Manufacture new Won, cabinet a5 shown and described. White 3M PanagtapNa 111 Vicryl Substrate 2 Menufadure new steel support structure as per engineering losupporinew pylon cabineL ® P9ntone294SCIASPerMTo Se Pmvtded 3, Gig new feuntladoo as per engineering for new sleet support sbeclum. Pm 4.Embed new steel structure in below bode comwete footer and allow ® Gloss Bloch E..l Paint mammended fime formnctele to are. GELEDPowerStrlps 5. Instull new pylon cabNel to steel supped abucWr.. Revises St. Conned to electrical primary provided by often Is cergbed elecNdan. Ranges 2 7. Confirm proper 3uminallon prior to departing site. Revon3 DESCRIPTION: 1. Cabinet is double lace winded aluminum with retainer system. 2. Cabinet is Intensity Illuminated with LED poser strips. 3, feces are Oexlble vhyl wAh digtally printed graphic. 4. Steel support structure wfil be as specified by engineering. 5. Sleet structure x19 be embedded In balmy goes footer as per onghearitg. FULL NEW I11S"=1'A" moti rxo. nrw � CORPORATE HFADOVARTERS s� w�w�rac�ismlw�+�w� NOR7HFASf DIVISION Iw.tm.mm. W,oim4e[ams nk�atmaanumiHopmmar.�naPeuw wwW.n<mlenmdmttles.us IhlvbYpl[�m0lnpkloiAms�PSifsO NmSM ueuAnyopeMAAldv),wnacemlYm Wv PmhssogmiHm�m4eAe�„eq. nAsalnnm9A vwafpamuooe and ae us aodmk4mu 1nplmanmhtlbn�ole9n61pALMk. ® �osaW S.D.N.. 70150 Sheet lb. 901 Data 0310212017 Par Cneano Irwin bell mhesifis Pm &Hurt 0.Bv o. Nopp�ers Sci1e as shown Revises 04119117 By BE Ranges 2 Revon3 Anan4 Renew 5 Revision 6 Monticello, MN U1 LPVOFBV.'afrEas L tPBgmf�0afc5 MG app'nvWbT.. �- 3887 Chelsea Rd W, Monticello, MN Proposed High Rlse Pylon Sign � ' Archived: Friday, June 30, 2017 10:03:28 AM From: Walter Kucharyszyn Sent: Monday, June 26, 2017 9:29:43 AM To: Angela Schumann Cc: Melissa Nance Subject: RE: Camping World Importance: Normal Angela, That's correct. Thank you, Walter K_. From: Angela Schumann [mailto:Angela.Schumann@ci.monticello.mn.us] Sent: Monday, June 26, 2017 9:22 AM To: Walter Kucharyszyn Subject: RE: Camping World Walter, To confirm: Camping World will meet sign ordinance standards for a pylon 32' in height and 200 square feet in area. Camping World would like to seek allowance under the PUD for a flag 130' in height. Proposed locations as per plans. Angela Schumann, AICP Community Development Director City of Monticello vwww.ci.monticello.mn.us 763-271-3224 Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government office is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Walter Kucharyszyn Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2017 11:17 AM To: Angela Schumann<Aneela.Schumann@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Camping World Angela, I spoke with Melissa and we will adhere to the pylon sign requirements. However, we still would push for the flag. Thank you, Walter K Sent via the Samsung Galaxy Note' 4, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone NOTE: The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, we request that you (i) not read, use or disseminate the information, (ii) advise the sender immediately by reply email and (iii) delete this message and any attachments without retaining a copy. Although this email and any attachments are believed to be free of any virus or other defect that may affect any computer system into which it is received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus free and no responsibility is accepted by FreedomRoads, LLC or any of its affiliates for any loss or damage arising in any way from its use. NOTE: The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, we request that you (i) not read, use or disseminate the information, (ii) advise the sender immediately by reply email and (iii) delete this message and any attachments without retaining a copy. Although this email and any attachments are believed to be free of any virus or other defect that may affect any computer system into which it is received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus free and no responsibility is accepted by FreedomRoads, LLC or any of its affiliates for any loss or damage arising in any way from its use. v Cl) N L.L N � O U j 00 bo M Cl) cD M = T-11 3/8" Cut Size (VIF) _ = T-8"V.0.(VIF) _ PROPOSED FACE REPLACEMENTS 1314" = V-0" SCOPE OF WORK: Manufacture and install replacement faces in existing monument sign as shown. NOTE: Verify all dimensions in field prior to production. DESCRIPTION: 7328 LD white acrylic with exterior surface applied vinyl graphics. BEDRDEK EXISTING CONDITIONS I NTS SQUARE FOOTAGE: Proposed = 4.0'H x 8.01 = 32.0 SF COLOR SCHEDULE: 1 17328 White 6M..J 3M 3630-167 Bright Blue Vinyl PROPOSED COMPOSITE I NTS arias SIGN INDUSTRIES CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 1077 West Blue Heron Blvd., Riviera Beach, FLA 33404 Phone: (561)863-6659/(800)772-7932 Fax: (561)863-4294 NORTHEAST DIVISION 707 Commerce Dr., Concord, NC 28025 Phone: (704)788-3733 / (800)772-7932 Fax: (704)788-3843 www.atlassignindustries.us This design / engineering is to remain Atlas Sign Industries exclusive property until approved and accepted thru purchase by client named on drawing. No part of design and or specifications may be duplicated without written authorization of Atlas Sign Industries. © Copyright 2017 S.O. No. 70860 Sheet No. 2 Date 31312017 Path Camping World I MN I Monticello PM S. Hunt Drawn By C. Barbato Scale As Shown Revision 1 09109116 By DR Revision 2 09119116 By DR Revision 3 010116 By AA Revision 4 010116 By AA Revision 5 010116 By AA Revision 6 010116 By AA Monticello, MN Approved by: Date Q APPROVED AS SHOWN Q APPROVED AS NOTED Q CORRECT & RESUBMIT UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES INC. LISTED Approved by: Date Q APPROVED AS SHOWN Q APPROVED AS NOTED Q CORRECT & RESUBMIT STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS Project: Camping World Flag Pole & Footing 3801 Chelsea Rd Monticello, MN Project Number: 7166 Prepared For. Symonds Flags and Poles, Inc 7514 Pebble Drive, Building #30 Fort Worth, Texas 76118 Date: October 2016 Prepared By, Ryan Hazelwood, EIT Reviewed By., David A. Alter, PE, SE Ensign Engineering 45 West 10000 South, Suite 500 8 IONALEL415Q 1A 1� VJJ t Sandy, Utah 84070 troby cart4 that this plan, ,:,pe41t1cafM. or cert was prepared by me or under my direct P; (801) 265-0529 ervislon app that I �-,m a d 1 U",.i;sed fessional Enoincer under the laws of the F: (801) 255-4449 to of 1*01naesuta. DaWd 8. Atterit Name, nature: tem # 412D2 onsigneng.com Prq=i- campingwom P419 Pot & rmofta 7 166 By Rya* H&M&ood, Ell QwY.1krid By DAA E N S I G N Val.: Oh^Nmr 2016 F.ENERAL Mjkt;T INrORMAIIQ.N Plot,act Ci4mplf,11 World flaq Pole R. FoMing Prtmew Addtoiss 3601 Chols4a Rd monftolju, MS' Latitude: 46M Nwlb 1kipto-Imatol Lcoq1tudu; -103,011 WMm I (Appf(AlMaloj ElevaWn Will 11 (Amil Symonds Flags and Po4t. Inc RAW12LAVAWTION Summal cokvwswlp for 13V Pap Pok OFMON LOAD4. WAALL0111L Witt" Spe6d: 116 nvh - 3 tewntl Oust eApm.two. 0 C 0 Cm S Sofia Repsri: Dale. MA Rem" I POioq1'wuhlxq4w ju~ Aft -A41110 Beaking Prasxtfrtt fail . ..Pat' Ramlya pfeswre754 pito Adivit Piaswa:-- 45 PIA At R"t N"Awe: 60 P311 Comfjclent 01 F>rluljcfl. 11, 0.26 Ftu%sum Typw kxAlt@ Type: PAt FWIN $Aw 06FA to Fant: ii al AAAI M"Aft-VERADO-A CONCRETE & ROKORCING STER $PFCIFW.ATK)%S! Convelta q1mr,9111, I',: rowings F PowWalkin Wall. 3.0w psi L406 Ewilm. 4,00I pO S" oft aww_' _'y* PSI 6",.ingfShviw Waft 4.000 psi Wwnwd Reltiftwing Ram, ASTMA8160radefA) ASTM ArOO OmJo 60 Weldable Ft bar 14 to ba u."d wiles w6dz 410 ape-Oged on xx,*md dOfAleftMIS wetood INUO ralm': ASPA A185- Fit shunts, not foils 41�wauf IDrYju Muth. St1ft 500 t ".SA-JvAlta4a(14070 I (8619251;M19 I elsiWOMM11 Ensign Enginenring Project Tide Flag a " 45 West 1) South, Suito 5M Evigineer; Alex rJayvkin!,, 4rrojecl ID. Sanity, Utah 134070 Pidject baser: Flagpole Pf801 255,0529 General Section Property Calculator Pole Final Section P!VLOrdts Twat Area 55-403 1PA2 Cat ted final CA tlititanai from Datum: X Cg Dist. 0.0 M Y eg Dist U In Idge Distances firum CG. Sxx +X 9.010 -X 40 ill 01 0.0 it, -Y .9.0 in jyy Sxx, -'Y SXx +y Syy - X Byy, +X f XX f yy Genwal Sk" C*C. 1 Area - 20,164 in&, 11380.16 in14 1,380.1611 4 153.352 V3 153,352 W3 151352 iM3 M-352 W3 4.1347 In 4.%7 In Rodd = 9,17 D In Thickness 0.375 in RMIW 0 ekes CCW Xcg n O.Ow In IXx 806.6311n'14 Sxx 69.626 le3 R)v r 6,233in YcQ m OM In In = 8006.63110M Syy 89.626 irM Ryy - 6,233in 7. M -G in T Ickn- 0.375 in CM Asea 16,062 fn12 Xcq = 0.000 In IxX U 372.160 ina4 SXX = 53.251 le3 Rxx 4,819M yq . 17 (,,,1 1!, l') Ail �iqpo e DetLi E N S I G N lot. OAMBAlto IN kmaw"MINO h:- 130 fe: V o I o 14 t.- i else 'f C > 1. 10, deq4 1.10 1-5e C d4" 0.82 C deq4 17i1,32 vt 4 -5-0 -Of- t, 2 pq;.0.00256-V , cl, d4' C 11q, G- 24. 8 A 4:. 11 ' "' ' I I . 0 4 ft 2 m bll- A I , p 4 Psf, z 4. 32. 9 kip I't Height Coetticent FG1001 Eq. 2 Wind Pressure ipsf) F111001 Kq, I Area of L"Ole Moment at Base resukting fr(,m, secjment 4 - w it: taut wirit:.lf; w 3 in W,,!. G. 62 5 1-4 30 tr h 40 fv Pote Helghts h 4 0 h 20 ft 4 Wind Loads op Pole (Per NAAMM ET1001-07) 6*- 115 Wind WOocil;y ASCE 7-11) 1m b) Ad)kjnmed to ASCE. 7-05 Gntr Effect Factor Recommended for Plaq pnlef� C31ctjjatjons for h --- 12D SC: gmesit 4 z 4:' ft Ave lieiqbt above Ground ift) d O 552 4 129 deq�' 'A C.3 if Cdvq4 <0.45 0. 82 Cd4' Drag Coefficient FP1001 Table 3.2,4 else 'f C > 1. 10, deq4 1.10 1-5e C d4" 0.82 C deq4 17i1,32 vt 4 -5-0 -Of- t, 2 pq;.0.00256-V , cl, d4' C 11q, G- 24. 8 A 4:. 11 ' "' ' I I . 0 4 ft 2 m bll- A I , p 4 Psf, z 4. 32. 9 kip I't Height Coetticent FG1001 Eq. 2 Wind Pressure ipsf) F111001 Kq, I Area of L"Ole Moment at Base resukting fr(,m, secjment 4 - Cal cuiations tot 1) 90 90 0. AVO Height above Ground (ft) w " 2 ?t 129 deq!" 3 0.4345 C d3 it C do q.-5 cO.45 Drag Cuefficion! PPIOD! M:u 3.2.4 V. 1.45 a r= if C dea !.10 else d3, 0.45 C OeQ hy, Gt goo Ft iqhFG1 H.et Coefficient 001 Eq, 2 ILL-] Py V OOMOV " C M -C 113 -G. IA. 899"1 Wind Prensure (pxf) PPIDO! 1q. I A 3 :w h 3' w 3 - 35,8333 ft 2 Area of Pole Mby-Aylysf a..3 -#i . 601 kip ft. MOMOM at base resulting from segment 3. Cal cid.ations for h — 50 Seqt1 ,nt-2 z>4$0 ft: AV* Height above Ground (ft) w 2_ 2 G w- 1,1661 f 129 C deq2:, V. 1 0. 3082 c di. it C deq2 <0.45 Draq Coefficient FF1001 Table 3.2.4 2) 0-45 else if C deQ > 1.10 I M) C. -OAS C deq2 112 00 Ft Reight Coefficient FGIOO1 Eq. 2 9 i Wind Pressure fp6f) PPION Eq. I A 2:. It "2' 4C), fi(�67 tt 2 Area of PoJe - 2 M 132:. A 2' P 2 P"3 t - V. 2. ?6,,1,)9t?6 kip ft: Moment at Base re5ultinq from ueqment 2. I Ur G ',is A 4 tJ—o- 'lift, Calculations for Ii T-, 15 Seqment I z 15 :t Ave lieiqliC above Ground (ft) !29 0, M,'3 Or 09 Cue f f -i C i en' , PPI 00 1 Table 3.2. 1 deq V- d 1.3 Jeql 0. x 5 else i f C d eq I> 1.:10 1.10 e I. se, C dl- 0.45 C deql clt fleigbt Coefficient FGIODI Eq. 2 dI -C It I -G-8.962 Wind Pressure (115t) FP1,001 Eq, I A h W' - Ott 2 Area of Pole Mb3:w A I' f'1. pSf-z1m6.0493kIp ft Moment at Base resulting from Segment 1. m 11110 1 e�-, m b4 41 m b3 + M b2 + 14 b1- 107. 143 k ip Ft Wind Loads on Flaq_Appr NAAMM / FP3,001-07) H t, W .-60ft z f-11"ift Flag Geometry - 9.5 hf HO!iqht, C(mffieierit 1G1001 Eq. 2 goo ft A H 'w -1800ft Area of Flag ids,; -0.00141 - f 4A 'Clif. '(S-700.3AII-11bil Foxce on Flag FG1001 Eq. 5 f Polye,lter Flag - Worst Case 1141', Ei. w 17, z f M537kip ft Momemt aL Basc M M + m 0"1 kA p t. r btot�eil bf MOMeDt. at. B�18e of Segment 2 11121MA -P pvf- h )+A 7 -h P lis -h Z It 1)- 1?2.5-124 k Ip ft - 4 4 7 ( 4" 1 3 1,' 3' 14 A) 2Fist( 2 1+lI) d I : I Enwgn Ervjin"tring ProWATillf): 0.000 Flagpole 0.13 45 West 10WO Swlh, Suite 500 Envinw. 02 Ryan flazetwood project to-. Sandy, Utah 84070 f1rd^,A Desm 0.0010 FlaWoie 0.0 P:1801] 2WA0529 E N S I G Nwwansiot*N.Com 1.000 +13*S4H 0.000 ME 0.13 ok 0.0 Pole Foofino rambedded in $oil #1i*0.7mj40.7S0L+H om 0.000 0.13 00 0,0 1,000 +D#0.7W40.760S+1,f OMO OMD (3osuiplion 0.0 0.0 1.000 Code Relitrances 2,346 167MI1 11-36 Calculations Fmr 941A ISO +D+9J0E4H Land Combinations I.Jacd ASCE 7-10 0.100 0.13 0.0 Generali Infom,01on 1,000 i DiVALr#0.150L4Il.45GW4H 1,700 140.615 10.25 851.0 8525 54.0 in Crilcufate Min, Depil't for Mmalhe Pressures Nv Lateral Restraint at ground Sud am Aftow Pasaivo.................. 2,50.6 PcI MHX Paulve 1.500.0 PSI Controlling Values GamOng Lod CoWnalkxi; *Dt0.60W+Tf Lateral LoW 2.346 k mowint IR7.50 k�h NO GroqfwJ Surface Restraint pt'nsumf at 103 00pb Moat 90.01 Pit AXtanatrlo 941.37 PSI W , roofing Base Area 15.104 M12 maximum &it Prossuro f16 Irst r7Vrtrtre*Aid" Applfedl oOs Lxlvm)Cooc#ft**d Lod tk) Laiwal distributed Load* jk") VorlicA Load (k) D:Wad Load k I'M k Li:W)oftlye k km k L: On kffl k S:SA0,w k RM k WWind 1.107 k fifj2t1Q kM k E, Eadhiclqaka k kA1 k H , LaIml ERM k W0&[anceabw TOP of Load abom ground aurfam ground Surfam 115.0 ft 430.0 BOTTOM of Load abm* ground muif"e +1}*L+H 0.000 0.01,0 0.13 00 02 1.000 'Otu0i 0.000 0.0010 0.113 0.0 0.0 1.000 +13*S4H 0.000 0,000 0.13 ok 0.0 1.000 #1i*0.7mj40.7S0L+H om 0.000 0.13 00 0,0 1,000 +D#0.7W40.760S+1,f OMO OMD 0.13 0.0 0.0 1.000 4D+0,60W+1j 2,346 167MI1 11-36 940.8 941A ISO +D+9J0E4H 0.011 0.100 0.13 0.0 00 1,000 i DiVALr#0.150L4Il.45GW4H 1,700 140.615 10.25 851.0 8525 1.000 Eat Er4wenna Flagpole 46 WODI MW sou1h"9I.Re'" Sundy, Wh $4070 Engineer: P: 18011255-0529 N S I G NwwewO"8%Co,,u E T"t STAMDAOO IN (1,141HE"I"a flagpole Pole Footing Embedded In Soil 11 ]1� UR Onsu"Ptim'. #O+0.75Ul,+0,?50S404M+H . 1766 +D*0.750L*0.75GS40-525OE*H 0.000 +0,60D#0.60W40,60H 2.146 0,000 POW Title Flagpole Engineer: Ryan HualwoIxf plulact 10: Project Dow flagpole 140.625 t 0:25 851.it 8525 OMO 0,13 0.0 0.0 LOOO 187.500 1138 940.8 041 A IM 0000 0.13 0.0 0.0 I.ODO Moment, at Base of Seciment, m3:. A P Pst, z h h?)+A P- - ix *W h, - 14�,)-54.46(),i kip f: 4 4• 4- C 3' k 3 '1 V, t at Bas ,, Of S'eqMent A h n -1) + w f .1 is 4 9 k i 14 4:� A 4" Modulo"; of Eacli Se�qment (From Erieyva1c.) 3 81:=€39.626 fit -3 S Bending Stress -25.1204 k-11 1 1.27. -. 6214 k5j Lj42 Fm -, M . -I- 21,3335 kvi 1 18. 1!3 4448 k8i 1 -- strength perl tep C, i% ke.�l for 36 ksi i -;I At maximom wind, the pole with attacbed flag would not fail. However, tile flag is not expected to atay w.inds exceeding !rO MPH. CdIc-ulations without the flag follow. The assumption is that the: flag wil I rip from the pole before i t is able to transfer maximum load to the poop. FLAG SHAILL BE, RE,14M.0 BEFORE WIND SPKT,,.US MACH 75 MPH. Moment at Base witliout Flaq Pi btatalwo i-k%pol6- 107.143 kip ft Moment at l3•ase of Set 4truent. 2 withot-j� JPjS Ig M w. A 4, 14 PS x 1-h +A3- P 3 ps f 111) + A2P2( psf, z2 - h I)- 63.04!)l kiP f7 2 1 1) ' Moment at Base of secjmerit 3 wittwut m _3wo r- A 4, 2 h tl;�,)+A p P�:f- V. 2?. ')bj 0 k ip tt '4f""j 4- 1 - 3' 3 1 3 Moment at. Base of Seciment. 4 w:j,tjiaut 1--j M 4 €f' -A4' P 4 psf(r4- h I - it 2- h3)-2.7414kjP ft Benclinq 8,trcss WIT11OUT rLAG btotalwof 14. 3 C' '4 k,]-iF3-t�r�fI C, 2.071 ksi t)o k:, i 3.0192 ksi 4 Lf I I rW I I 11-1 i i i q 13 U � c n S I i �, i I I I - I o t E x c c e d 32 k s i innuts for Eat, rcalr- Polo fool:,inq Awn '' kip 0. 9214 77-- W; . i . "1!!,r Back Calculated Equivalenr Prensure f0v Energ Adjusted ;a ARM 1-10 F!aq wind Load increased t-,) ASCE 7-10 Loading FOUNDATION SLEEVE W/ TAMPED SAND pq 4W FRO TINGOMETER FOOTING WARNING: FLAG MUST BE REMOVED IF WINDS WILL EXCEED 75 MPH 3V x 6V FLAG MAX. 6 518" Dik X 318" THICK X -0' TALL SECTION 10 314" DIA. X 318" THICK X -40' TALI SECTION 14* 01k X 3/8* THICK X -46' TALL SECTION 18" IIIA. X 318" THICK X -40' TALI. SECTION or WOft VMS til tlp'-ArOd by Me of under my dirt 8i# IVt#F31i 1h6t I 8M a duly Ucet',Sed -under the laws of the State, of Iviln"e"Ma. print Na�m: DavId 8. After -­ ! .,(1_ -- ELEVATION Signature:..,. ignaturc6 (71- Date /'p// ucense cI -� FLAGPOLE S K SCALE: N.T-S. CAMPING WORLD 'Ak 3801 Chelsea Road Monticello„ MN 55362 E N S I G N WSB Building a legacy — your legacy. July 19, 2017 Ms. Angela Schumann Community Development Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Camping World Development Stage PUD Dump Station Proposal Review City Project No. 2017-011 WSB Project No. 2596-410 Dear Ms. Schumann: 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 We have reviewed the dump station proposal submitted by Kinghorn Company on July 10, 2017 and offer the following comments. 1. The location, size, material and circulation pattern of the proposed dump stations shall be shown on the site plans. 2. Clarify if the proposed dump station #1 will be open to the public and not just for Camping World customer use. The applicant has identified that dump station #2 at the former Bedrock Motors site, will be for detail personnel use only. Hours of operation will be from Sam to 5pm Monday through Saturday. 3. The applicant is proposing to pump and haul sewage from the dump station off site, which is preferred by the City. 4. Will water be needed for the operation of the proposed dump tanks? If so, the civil plans should identify how this will be accomplished. Please have the applicant provide a written response addressing the comments above. Please give me a call at 763-271-3236 if you have any questions or comments regarding this letter. Thank you. Sincerely, Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com K:\02596-410\Admin\Docs\LTR-a-Schumann-Camping World 071917.docz July 19, 2017 Page 2 WSB & Associates, Inc. Shibani K. Bisson, PE City Engineer cc: Steve Grittman, NAC skb K:\02596-410\Admin\Docs\LTR-a-Schumann-Camping World 071917.docz ��TY of City of Monticello — Stormwater Site Plan Review Camping World East Parking Lot Expansion Between 3801 and 3936 Address: Chelsea Road West Permit No: PID: Date Approved: Date Received: Signature: Area of Site Size (acres): 4.359 Disturbance(acres): Not provided Existing Proposed 3.794 (2.276 new Impervious (acres): 1.518 Impervious (acres): impervious) A Stormwater Management Plan is required for: - Any land disturbing activity that may ultimately result in the addition of one acre or greater of impervious surfaces, including smaller individual sites that are part of a common plan of development that may be constructed at different times. - The construction of any new public or private road; or - Any land disturbance activity, regardless of size, that the City determines is likely to cause an adverse impact to an environmentally sensitive area or other property. Submittals Received Date Document Author 6-15-17 Stormwater Management Plan Hakanson Anderson 6-15-17 Plan Set Hakanson Anderson Yes No 1. Scale of Survey. Minimum scale 1" = 50'. Maximum size plan sheet 24" x 36" ❑X ❑ 2. Survey signed by a registered survey with elevations in NGVD-1929 datum for the following locations: • Each lot corner ❑X ❑ • Grade elevation at the foundation and elevation of top of foundation of structures on X ❑ adjacent lots • Grade elevation at the foundation, elevation of top of foundation and garage floor of 0 ❑ proposed new construction • Lowest point of entry (i.e. door sill or top of window well) of proposed and existing 0 ❑ construction • Lowest floor of proposed and existing construction ❑X ❑ 3. Any proposed retaining wall must have a top and bottom elevation and bottom elevation 0 ❑ would be finish grade. Also, no retaining wall is allowed to be built on private property October 2016 4. Retaining walls greater than 4.0 feet in height have been designed and certified by a N ❑ licensed professional engineer and a building permit has been acquired Yes 5. All drainage and utility easements are shown? ❑X ❑ 6. Easements are clear of any encroachments? N ❑ 7. New curb cuts proposed? N ❑ 8. If new curb cut is proposed, stamp all survey maps with the curb cut stamp. Also, write a Erosion control blankets provided on all slopes greater than 3:1 ❑ note on the Residential Plan & Routing Approval form reminding the builder that a curb N N cut permit is required if the driveway is moved or a new driveway is added N 5. 9. Low floor a minimum of 4.25' (feet) above the sanitary sewer invert elevation N ❑ Comments: - The 100 year HWL for the parking area should be represented on the planset (i.e. 955.25 feet at the east and west inlets to the infiltration system). - The existing contours on the east boundary of the property should be added to Sheet C2. - The planset included details for operation and maintenance of the infiltration system. There is a detailed description of cleaning out the isolator row areas with a jetvac. It is unclear if the ports and jets are adequate for cleaning out the other chambers in the system. This should be considered and added to the plans. - Details for all MH structures were not provided. Erosion/Sediment Control Pl Yes No 1. SWPPP notes provided on the plan ❑ ❑X 2. Temporary stabilization measures provided ❑X N 3. Erosion control blankets provided on all slopes greater than 3:1 ❑ ❑ 4. Perimeter Control i.e., Silt Fence, Filter Log, etc. ❑ N 5. Phasing for sites that are > 1 acre ❑ N 6. CB Inlet Protection ❑ N 7. Dewatering ❑ N 8. Sediment control ❑X N 9. Waste control ❑ N 10. Concrete washout ❑ N 11. Rock entrance ❑ N 12. Street sweeping schedule ❑ N 13. Permanent restoration plan ❑ N 14. Erosion protection at all outlet pipes ❑ N 15. SWPPP includes an erosion and sediment control inspection schedule and person ❑ N responsible for maintenance Comments: - Silt fencing is shown on Sheet C2 however the silt fence is required along the entire curb line and encompass the entire grading area. - Details for a rock construction entrance was provided, however it is not shown on the plans. -SWPPP not provided. When submitted, include missing erosion and sediment control requirements as demonstrated above and follow the SWPPP checklist that the City provided for your use. Stormwater Management Plan _ Yes No 1. Delineation maps for existing and proposed conditions ❑X ❑ 2. Modeling calculations for existing and proposed conditions using Atlas 14 storm events with an MSE3 type distribution. October 2016 • 2 year 24 hr. (2.84"), 10 year 24 hr. (4.22"), 100 (6.87), 10 -day snowmelt (7.2") ❑ 0 • Modeled direct connected impervious separate ❑X ❑ 3. Off-site drainage included ❑X ❑ 4. Wetlands shown on plans and wetland permitting completed ® ❑ 5. Pretreatment ❑X ❑ 6. Skimmer structures provided on the outlets of all ponds. ❑ ❑ 7. Soil borings ❑X ❑ 8. Design Infiltration Rate Determination — Geotechnical Report or Infiltration Testing 0 ❑ provided 9. Seasonal High Water Elevation ❑ 0 10. Open channel flow calculations ❑ 0 11. Storm sewer calculations — 10 year event ❑ ❑X 12. Narrative describing the following: Existing conditions consist of open fields, an existing parking lot, and two a. Existing Conditions: existing buildings. Drainage flows to the north part of the lot. Proposed conditions include the addition of a large parking lot and underground infiltration system. The outlet for the infiltration system will connect into the b. Proposed Conditions: existing storm sewer system to the south. Stormwater management includes the addition of an infiltration system to meet volume reduction requirements. c. Stormwater Management for Proposed A downstream regional pond provides rate control for the Site: site. Comments: -The downstream rate control pond was designed for this site to have a composite curve number of 87. The submitted HydroCAD model has a composite CN value of 93. (4.359 ac with CN=98 and 3.794 ac with CN=61) - The stormwater report indicated that there is 2.317 acres of new impervious area created for this project. The HydroCAD model input shows 2.276 acres of new impervious area modeled. This discrepancy should be corrected. - Storm sewer calculations were not provided, however all of the drainage for the site is routed through the underground infiltration system via sheet flow. The only proposed stormsewer (the 18" connection to Chelsea Road) was modeled in HydroCAD and provides adequate capacity for the 10 year event. Water Quality and Volume Reduction "The City of Monticello has adopted MPCA Minimal Impact Design Standards in Chapter 4 of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Section 4.10. MIDs Infiltration design criteria as described in the MPCA Stormwater Manual shall be followed for the proposed project " Yes 4 No 1. Volume control provided as per the City's Engineering Design Standards and MIDS (1.1" 0 ❑ over new impervious surface) 2. Impervious area equal to or greater than the net increase in impervious surface is routed 0 ❑ through infiltration BMP 3. Sequencing provided for alternatives where infiltration is infeasible ❑ ❑X 4. Required Volume Reduction: 9251 cu. Ft. 5. Provided Volume Reduction: 9330 cu. Ft. 6. Separation to groundwater and/or bedrock is a minimum of 3 feet from bottom of X ❑ infiltration BMP 7. Drawdown time for infiltration BMP is within 48 hours ❑X ❑ 8. Proposed ponds meet or exceed NURP design criteria ❑X N 9. If infiltration of 1.1" is not feasible, water quality goals are met with NURP pond on site? ❑ 0 Comments: October 2016 -Volume reduction and water quality standards are met with the proposed underground infiltration system. - The infiltration provided (9330 cubic feet) is proposed between 949.75 feet and 950.20 feet. In order to verify that 950.20 feet is the correct elevation to use for this calculation, a detail for the outlet control structure (STM MH#4) is needed. Rate Control Yes No 1. Peak Proposed Discharge Rates < Existing ❑ 2. Existing infrastructure can accommodate peak discharge rates for 10 year storm? ❑X ❑ 3. Existing infrastructure and EOF for proposed 100 year peak discharge rate? ❑ ❑X 4. Proposed flow patterns do not create flooding impacts for structures adjacent to the ❑X ❑ property? Comments: - Rate control is met at the regional pond downstream of the site. However, the composite CN for the development needs to be equal to 87 for compliance with the pond design. ❑ • 2' above EOF of major basins Freeboard Yes No 1. Building Opening: • 2' above the critical 100 -yr HWL of local basins, wetlands, & infiltration basins ® ❑ • 2' above EOF of local basins, wetlands, & infiltration basins ❑ ❑X • 2' above the 100 -yr flow elevation of a swale or channel at the point where the Swale ❑ ❑ channel is closest to the building 2. Low Floor Elevation: • 2' above the critical 100 -yr HWL of major basins ❑ ❑ • 2' above EOF of major basins ❑ ❑ • For landlocked basins: 2' above the HWL from back to back 100 -yr rainfalls or 2' above the HWL from the 100 -yr 10 -day snowmelt, whichever is higher. Starting elevation of the basin/waterbody prior to runoff is one of the following: o Existing Ordinary High Water level established by the Minnesota Department ❑ ❑ of Natural Resources o Annual water balance calculation approved by the City ❑ ❑ o Local observation well records, as approved by the City ❑ ❑ o Mottled soil ❑ ❑ October 2016 in tD O \ U to U �j \ rn to M / \ w LLJ t *ficate of Surve z Z Y W Z Cer /t'�' Q � CB k 9 3: �\°�OP \ \ / \�s5s.1s \\ 0 Y ° 10' 9 LLJ _1 LLJ to Q w 0 (D Q J O��'`\ 9h9 % ,\ is . y0p ! \ ,t D D U m M N 0 L_ \\����� 0' / / \ - - - F \ 959.18 \ / H1/0 \/ �p�� o / IL \ \ \ X49 -70 ���' / \ — — n \ /RF, \ 0 369 / z J++V / \ J 957 - �\ /n sss /6 \ \ SSol. N°rth � /� � l � � / O) �,`'^/ameOster/ w _1\\ 6" / /' \ / 90Ty //ne V //'fir, m / /�'///'�/Propane Tank -,y �\STRFfcc/- > W V / V Won. i 15 (HDPE CCB 15" HDPE `\ `; \ \ \ ���0 \ FT 2� k � 4° l a B / / RE=956.09 / / O �00/TO� �\ `tel N RE=956.11/ I o / \ � 84 :, \ \ I � 01 \I - Oxy' CO <' ,< / / — — — / �I \ F ss, "' s:ss�"':' • of �as Dai - \j ..• e �1�/ V \ amen °9e \ / / / \ T �, \J V� .. \ oFF�g e� / �IRFFT per 957.9 /1 T I \ T r- I-- T \ ?`' •i: ::.: S, l t lMH ( 0 Q� °� /� ` / (\ \ \J I �I r -) - - �' 1.4 ,2 . PIU 2N0 at ° f� / - Chainlink Fence ���0 /96 / \ \ ahs I n\?` I u �i I I \\ I \ L_ L_ I �`o ^ ''`u:: / [�DDITj\Ty-- /\\ s" ` J / CB / I CB 1 j �rn /�h oFF\gs? � / I RE=956.03 / RE=956.08c�� of , ° ,'.:':'• / / II r \ ` ` \ _ \,� g 46 X �'.13 , P/ / `\ Draina e & Utilit /Easement per \ 1 �/ \ �\ T /1 I\ I s +'•s h / 1 _ _ 6 \ / / �� / / \play of-9frT1� STREET 2ND ADDITION \ ` \ \ j I \1� /-\ LJ LJ I I �/ I V ss�s� .:..�= ": / I I \ g57��2?� a\6.Q0369 NOrthe°st 1j( -South line of Block 1, Lot 1, oFF� ti< / / / /Q4 140" �° er/ n / ,; + Existing Building ss, r: `, .:...Y / / I / I\ 2 I �# t /y44,4,4" e ei J rn / 90TH STREET 2ND ADDITION ;: m:'sw� s a // gs 3801 Chelsea Rd. W 8 .: ,:, / I / \ \ \ AO °ck ,k �c `�- _ ^� s\ -- 146.1 -o- /- - O na957 \ �\�'��� \ --�—-------------- `D I `...-- — s per ge & ��iL, S75.22'20"E_ - - - - - _ - - - - ^ Elec . \8 syn n h I I ohi ri 1 \ \ 56 `� \ \ _ plat 0 f V tlllty / _ s' i :l / North line of Bloc 1, Lot 1,- \ \ x Cabinets /j ' • / \ \ o _ �_ // \ \ /WAAs ��� 4,70 2 •O �/ 90TH STREET 3 D ADDITION I —� \� \ \ qpDI Ont _Sfr 95y55 \I /I, r;• San M U oc I \ \ - \ N s �� �O G I I— 7 o' �� - - /� 6 �HZ Jii s£:;i:•'M ✓'':..: t; t RS 9`�4.3� \\\\ \ \\_ \ c ' \ / 1 T 1 I / T D T Q r \ i , I_) / =)F� A nnITIr\N 1 I s wo �,0 :.• � ;: � p I I \\ �\ lJ r /—\ I 5, ��.-, ,r` r... 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FES \ of age N / 1 1 i Existing Building �, t \ _ I1 �9 s.. w y STRFY� Fas 955_ -- � rm- I I FFE=958.04 u� o - ----- 87.0 � _ O 1 � V / rn 114.3 I O V '�( _ I y O 3 \1 16"L : Storm MH / I r - - - ° o`er^ CB 4VR - J �- - 1 RE 356 &8 - - - I - - - - - - - 95�,� \ r .: • E=956.05 1 s\aD I'/ \� \ 3887 Chelsea Rd. W :M vale MH I I — J SRF 9My 7� \ I 12\ V \ _ - - - RE=956.41i� Sc, \ 56 95,> CV CB San MH I \ \ - _957- - J 1 / F\ �/ \ N RE=956.52 I 9 thw " �\ I I \ �� sa, o V 1 / est ss6 �9 �. / 9 er/y 6 t D '�� ��� o' r Elec. Meter o, Ty STR °f 6 \ sss ,•�� ADO m \ Jh \ \\N.,\ iFT O° \ �r , Il 2ti k \ N / Cg Ren M� -�� 4" \ \ Perinp/ e `� utlllt 03 / / e e } 0 f AIA y Eos cn FFE= I S �cP Post` o u� \ \198 e`r en N /I \ V ON, _ a \ Jn) I o \ 4" � \ #\ _ 19D0/TION �1 Existing Buildin •':.� 83.3__ D \� 4" Fence Post � /I 958.26 1/ r--- r m \ \ \ \ \ Storm Fence Post \ \ � r Fence Post FFE= 96gcc ed r ^ / F0, an DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: gs'� RE,95j22 36 B"R 4 / IV / . S,`5 24, » >> F0, �cwi \ \ / �- Gas Meter Landscaped - 'p t " \ 956 4 3 %9 49 E BUR 4„ \ l� Areo w/ sign / 6 The part of Lot 1, Block 1, 90th Street 3rd Addition, which lies s \ \ \ ` — —sss>� /N \ S / 441, 40 00 \ \ \ 12 I northeaster) of vacated Chelsea Court as dedicated in 90th Street — 95a _ \ \ Z_ MH_ 36 \\ y —\ 441. 4" \\/ zl 5524,49„ \ \ \ c0 � Addition, Wright County, Minnesota. — _ _ _ / D X3,24,.`36— — — / \farm MH / / 1112 I c ` j� Storm , 49 E o95j'40 m / ,l �P ` 1 \ O AND \ \ 960.18 \ \ - - / �\RE�95 8g , 2„ s \ \ \ N \ \ TNH — 958 �\�� ' ,) - - t 95� N�grO MOC) \� \ \ \ O I Lot 1, Block 1, 90th Street 2nd Addition, except that part platted as � Oq n9S 36'36" Rcp / Fence Post F R Fe.�e�Post \ \ /8.1,9 90th Street 3rd Addition, Wright County, Minnesota. \ / S \ \ \ REX95 \ \ ,J \ \ S � n MN A42 \ AND \ °uthwe hE1951, ,% 9Sd 36" J R 1886 I Lot line i \ Storm MH RCP SEE DETAIL d� >>OQ \ \ \ \ , That part of Lot 1, Block 1, 90th Street 3rd Addition, Wright County, \ /' MAgs f B/ock /\ y ' _ — \� RE I �/ 0 3I Minnesota, according to the recorded plat thereof, lying Southwesterly \ q�0/T/ON of the Northeasterly line of Chelsea Court as depicted on the record ao \ 958 80 DETAIL 11%_ 14 -plat of 90th Street Addition, said Wright County, Minnesota. TNH / NOT TO SCALE N N I \ R� s AND \ �s�2s 2010 1 Lot 1, Block 1, Maas Addition, Wright County, Minnesota. RL718.8600 \ X1.31'18" \ w Q 0 NOTES: u ° E O The underground utilities shown have been located o a _0 L from visible evidence, field markings per Gopher State 0.40 0 O One Call Ticket No. 162571745, 170450252 and �; E (>Dc°n; 170450253 and available mapping. The surveyor makes 0L o z a no guarantees that the underground utilities shown ° — to .S comprise all such utilities in the area, either in service o o or abandoned. The surveyor further does not warrant E �'8 U t T" J ° O that the underground utilities shown are in the exact -0 _0 location indicated although he does certify that they -oo o a N are located as accurately as possible from information �' ° o cin • o w available. The surveyor has not physically located the T a o �, L underground utilities. Prior to any excavation, contact o Gopher State One Call for an on—site location ° L ° U z (651-454-0002). U o aQ_ o 3 (D 3 The professional surveyor has made no Q) L U) 0 investigation or independent search for a �' °; ° ° easements of record, encumbrance, restrictive — �' -0 _j� covenants, ownership title evidence, or any other facts that an accurate and current title search may disclose. Area of combined property is 633,409 sq. ft. orO O o 14.54 acres. Lo to oN LOLo This lot is in Section 10 Township 121 Range 25 p ° I Benchmarks; ? ' MnDot "Monticello MRC RM1" — Elevation= 958.82 to MnDot "8605 T" — Elevation=951.19 "1 -a � o OIX c p U J o< U cw 0 0 NwooLc 3 � >W3: a00 C L LLJ O I - O � >_ M 04 U F- I . . " V)M (D O 50 0 50 100 SCALE IN FEET SHEET NUMBER 1 (3 z z 0 tr w 0 z Q z 0 In z a N Al LEGEND • = Iron monument found O = Iron monument set and marked with license No. 18420. x 800.0 = Denotes existing elevation soo.o = Denotes proposed elevation from grade or development plan = Denotes drainage & utility easement �— = Denotes drainage arrow ® = Denotes offset iron Bearings shown are assumed —800.0--'= Denotes proposed contour from development or grading plan X�7711 V/ 00. = Denotes as—built elevation — SF— = Proposed Silt Fence i A = Denotes soil boring (by others) V1 0 2 0 O �+ b.0 4--i 41 -� t T GOPHER STATE (� ONE. ' GALL - CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 4-4 6fi1a6F-0Cp2 • Aytro780a252-r rba Greab MH 41 SHEET NUMBER 1 (3 z z 0 tr w 0 z Q z 0 In z a N Al (reserved for recording information) AMENDMENT TO DE PMENT CONTRACT and ONAL USE PERMIT eloper Installed Improvements) AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AGREEME CAMPING WORLD FIRST ADDITION / MAAS ADDIT N WHI#ENDMENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONT fD CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT("Agreement") is dated , 20_, by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City"), and FRHP LINCOLNSHIRE, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company (the "Developer"). RECITALS A. The City and Developer previously entered into a Development Contract and Conditional Use Permit dated November 14, 2016 and filed of record on December 15, 2016, with the Wright County Recorder as Document No. A1332332 concerning the plat of Camping World FirstAddition ("Development Contract") 1 193833v1 B. Spirit Realty, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership ("Spirit"), is the owner of property legally described as Lot 1, Block I Maas Addition, Wright County, Minnesota, with a street address of 3887 Chelsea Road ("MA Addition") C. Developer transferred all right, title and interest in Lot 1, Block 1, Camping World First Addition, Wright County, Minnesota, with a street address of 3801 Chelsea Road to Spirit Realty, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, pursuant to a Special Warranty Deed dated December 29, 2016, recorded January 11, 2017 as Wright County Document No. A 13 34431 ("CWF Addition") D. Lot 1, Block 1, Maas Addition and Lot 1, Block 1, Camping World First Addition are collectively reNeed to as th "Subje ftperty". E. Spit, as landlord, and CWI, Inc., a Kentucky corporati and Camping Worl V Sales, LLC, a Minnesota lid liability company, as tenants, entered i a Lease Agreement ed December 29, 201 for the Subject Property. CWI, Inc., Camping World RV 1'1 LC and int subsequently enter nto a Memorandum of Lease for the Subj t Property dated December 2 2016 and recorded January 2017 as Wright County Document No. A 34432. id Memorandum o ase grants tenants se term 0 0 years, with three successive periods of years each. F. The CWF Addition currently operates a recreational Vehicles Sales/Display and Auto Repair and service operation. The MA Addition is currently a large parking lot with two existing buildings located thereon. G. Developer, on behalf of Spirit, has requested an amendment to the Development Contract and Conditional Use Permit and are seeking Planned Unit Development approval to accommodate the expansion of the CWF Addition (consisting of approximately 8.85 acres) by occupying the MA Addition (consisting of apporximately 6 acres) to function cooperatively and support the main sales facility at the CWF Addition (the "Development"). H. Pursuant to City Code, Chapter 2, Section 2.4, a PUD agreement may be approved by a simple majority of the City Council after a public hearing was held on April 4t1i, 2017 and continued to 2 193833v1 July 11, 2017, and recommendation of the Planning Commission. The Developer shall follow the procedures and requirements of the PUD Development and the Development Contract. A PUD agreement shall be memorialized with an Amendment to the Development Contract and Conditional Use Permit, executed by the City and Developer, and recorded against the Subject Property. I. Except as otherwise specifically amended herein, all terms and conditions of the Development Contract are incorporated herein and shall remain in full force and effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties, their heirs, successors and assigns and shall be recorded against the Subject Property in the office of the Wright County Recorder as promptly as possible after it has been ex y the parties. AM M"M NOW, THEREFORE, THE TIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. The City hereby apWes this Agreement the Planned Unit Deve pment ("PUD") conditioned upfthe Developer entering inta� Agreeme furnishing the sec required by it, and recording this AgreemeAt upon SubjectPropertyw he County Recorder egistrar of Titles within on dred (100 s aft e City Council app d the DevelopWt. O I Is The City hereby grants approval to the Planned Unit Development provided the Development is consistent with the conditions of this Agreement and the specific City conditions, requirements and PUD flexibility as set forth in City Resolution 2017- , adopted by the Monticello Council on August 14th, 2017, and subject to the conditions of Exhibit Z of the Staff Report dated August I e, 2017, 2017. The City hereby grants approval to the rezoning of the Subject Property pursuant to Resolution No. PC -2017-016 as adopted on July 11, 2017, subject to compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and all other City requirements which are in effect. 2. CONDITION FOR SUBSEQUENT APPROVALS. No changes or amendments to the PUD Agreement shall be approved, nor shall construction commence for such additional land uses, until an amendment of the PUD Agreement is processed and approved, subject to the requirements of the 193833v1 Monticello Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, including the submission of site plans, final grading and drainage plans, final utility plans, and final landscaping plans. 3. ZONING. Except as otherwise provided herein, the Subject Property shall be subject to the zoning regulations for the Planned Unit Development District and in accordance with the plans as identified in Section "4" of this Agreement. 4. DEVELOPMENT PLANS. The Subject Property shall be developed in accordance with the plans listed below ("Plans"). The Plans shall be as approved with conditions by the City of Monticello on August 14t1i, 2017. The Plans shall not be attached to this Agreement. The Plans may be prepared, subject to roval, after entering the Agreement, before commencement of any work or on the Subject Prope e Plans vary from the written terms of this Agreement, the plans shall control. The Plans are: A. Certificate of Survey Parking Lot Expansion for Camping Worl BExisting Topography and Removals Plan B. Grading, Construction, Drainage and Erosilontrol Plan D. Details Plan (2 pages)' E. Stormtech SC -740 Chamber Syste Details Plan F. SC -740 Chamber System Standard Cross Section Plan G. SC -740 Isolator Row Details Plan H. Stormwater Management Plan I. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan J. Site Plan (with waste water dump stations) K. Landscaping Plan L. Sign & Flag plan M. Pylon Sign Detail Plan N. Monument Sign Detail plan O. Fence Detail Plan P. PhotometricPlan Q. ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey Plan 5. IMPROVEMENTS. The Developer shall install and pay for the following as required to be built within the Development as improvements in accordance with the Plans, as approved with conditions by the City of Monticello on August 14t1i, 2017: D. Parking Lots 4 193833v1 F. Concrete Curb and Gutter G. Street lights H. Site Grading, Ponding, and Erosion Control I. Landscaping J. Underground Utilities K. Setting of Iron Monuments L. Surveying and Staking The improvements shall be installed in accordance with the City Code and the approved Plans. The Developer will not perform any heavy construction between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. The Developer shall submit plans and specifications for permit which have been prepared by a competent registered 4bb, A professional engineer to the City for approval by the City Engineer which approval shall be provided on the condition that suc'�submittals comply with the Plans and this Agreement. The Developer shall i4truct its engineer or a separate third -party conV to provide adequate field inspection personnel to ass an acceptable level of quality control. The Developer shall provide for on-site project management via a i Construction Superintendent. In addit the Developer shall provide a (atruction Project Manager and Development Construction ager to see the Developme);d be responsible for design changes and contract administration between the Dev r and the Developer's contractor. The Developer, or its engineer or General Contractor shall schedule a pre -construction meeting at a mutually agreeable time at the City Council chambers with all parties concerned, including the City staff, to review the program for the construction work. 6. SANITARY SEWER TRUNK CHARGE. The MA Addition is subject to a charge for Sanitary Sewer Trunk expenses in the amount of $9,284.80, which includes all platted lots within the Development, payable at the time of Final Stage PUD approval or building permit for the proposed improvements on the MA Addition. The fee is calculated as follows: $3,316.00/gross acre x 2.8 gross acres = $9,284.80 193833v1 22. WATER TRUNK CHARGE. The MA Addition is subject to a charge for Water Trunk expenses in the amount of $6,865.60, which includes all platted lots within the Development, payable at the time of Final Stage PUD approval or building permit for the proposed improvements on the MA Addition. The fee is calculated as follows: $2,452.00/gross acre x 2.84 gross acres = $ 6,865.60 8. STORM SEWER CHARGE. The MA Addition is subject to a charge for Storm Sewer Trunk expenses in the amount of $9,920.40, which includes all platted lots within the Development, payable at the time of Final Stage PUD approval or building permit for the proposed improvements on the MA Addite fee is calculated as follows: AM 9. Sly development: A. August 14th, 2017. low - 14th, 2017. C. $3,543/gross acre x 2.8 gross acres = $9,920.40 �L OVISI . The fol ing ial provisions shall appl, Implementation of the recommendations listed in Resolution #2017-OXX, adopted Implementation of allconditions of Exhibit Z of the Staff Report datugust — a Meet the architectural materials requirements of the pylon sign standards, including wrapping sign support pole with materials consistent with the building finishes. D. Applicant shall enter into a license agreement for the monument encroachment into the Chelsea Road right of way. E. Verify that the revised landscaping plan meets code requirements by providing quantity and size for existing landscaping and supplementing planting on site to meet code, if required. F. Demonstrate FAA review and approval for flagpole as required. G. Comply with the comments of the City Engineer per the checklist included with the staff report of July 11th, 2017 and letter dated July 171, 2017 6 193833v1 H. Developer shall execute and record a stormwater maintenance agreement. I. Location of the proposed RV dump stations is subject to the review and comment of the City Engineer relative to the location of existing municipal utilities and connections. Tanks must be located 12' from the property lines and may not encroach into drainage and utility easements. RV dump stations are not allowed to discharge into the City's sanitary sewer system and will be required to be pumped. All required permits for RV dump stations shall be obtained. r% All site lighting shall comply with City of Monticello code requireme �1 M. Applicant shall enter into a development agree t for the proposed ed unit development. qF N. The Developer shall furnish the City with a cash security, or letter of c t, in the form attached hereto from a bank, "Security") in the amount of $ for gradin installation of site landscaping in compliance with the approved Grading and Landscaping .�. O. The Developer shall pay the cost for the preparation of record construction drawings and City base map upgrading by the City Engineer as part of the Administrative / Engineering Fee. P. The Developer must obtain a sign permit from the City prior to installation of any signs for the development. 10. SUMMARY OF SECURITY REQUIREMENTS. A. The Developer shall also furnish the City with a Security for $8,400.00 for grading in compliance with approved Plan "H". This amount was calculated as follows. $3,000/acre X 2.8 acres = $8,400.00 7 193833v1 GRADING/EROSION SECURITY: Erosion Control/Grading Certification $ 8,400.00 B. The amount of the security includes all of the security requirements set forth in the preceding sections of this Agreement, and was calculated as follows: CONSTRUCTION COSTS: CONSTRUCTION Site Landscaping $Developer to provide estimated landscaping costs X 125% SUB -TOTAL $ OTHER COSTS: ite Grading $pr0.00 C. this breakdown is for historical reference; it is not a restriction on the use oft curity. Th nk shall be subject to the approval of the City Administrator, whiconsent shall not be f unreasonably withheld. The security shall be for an automatically renewing term. Individual security instruments may be for shorter tern expiration. The City may draw dow Developer, for any violatiorig the t least thirty (30) days prior teir (5 siness days' prior written no* ce to Amounts drawn shall not exceed t mounts necessary to cure to the default. If the security is drawn down, the proceeds shall be used to cure the default. Upon receipt of proof satisfactory to the City that work has been completed and financial obligations to the City have been satisfied in accordance with the Plans, the security shall be reduced from time to time by ninety percent (90%) of the financial obligations that have been satisfied. Ten percent (10%) of the amounts certified by the Developer's engineer shall be retained as security until all improvements have been completed and all financial obligations to the City satisfied. The City standard specifications for utilities and street construction outline procedures for security reductions. 193833v1 11. SUMMARY OF CASH REQUIREMENTS. The following is a summary of the cash requirements under this Agreement which must be furnished to the City prior to release of the Plat for recording and execution of this Agreement by the City: City Engineering Expenses, escrow 3% Grading & Restoration City Administration Expenses, escrow Administration, Legal, Planning Sanitary Sewer Trunk Charge . Water Trunk Charge Storm Sewer Charge (Base) Total Cash Requirements 31. MISCELLANEOUS. A. The Developer represents to he City than the coUstate,nd federal lawsand regulations, including but not limited orironmental regulations.IIf the City determines that tl th,t its option, rekose to allow construction ion or development $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $9,284.80 $6,865.60 $9,920.40 $30,070.80 �pment complies with all city, lbdivision ordinances, zoning -velopment does not comply, in the Development until the Developer does comply. Upon the City's demand, the Developer shall cease work until there is compliance. B. This Agreement shall run with the land and may be recorded against the title to the Subject Property. The Developer covenants with the City, its successors and assigns, that the Developer is well seized in fee title of the Subject Property or has obtained consents to this Agreement, in the form attached hereto, from all parties who have an interest in the Subject Property; that there are no unrecorded interests in the Subject Property; and that the Developer will indemnify and hold the City harmless for any breach of the foregoing covenants. Any transfer of an ownership interest in the Subject Property is an assignment of the rights and obligations herein to the subsequent owner. 193833v1 Agreement. C. Third parties shall have no recourse against the City or Developer under this D. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph, or phrase of this Agreement is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Agreement. E. The action or inaction of the City shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Agreement. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties and approved by written resolution of the City Council. The City's failure to promptly take legal action to is Agreement shall be a waiver or release. - Duper wil d the City and its fficers, agents, and employees h from claims made by third parties, incl g but not ite other proMy owners, tenants, contractors, subcontractors, and materi men, for damages sustained, costs incurred or injurie from the Developer's negligent, reckle or willful misconduct. he De per will indemnii w � and its officers, agents, and employees all costs, damages, r expenses, ncluding reasonab City engineering� and attorney's fees, whichtlity may pay or incur in consequence of such claim cept if caused by City negligence, reckless or willful misconduct. G. In addition to all legal or equitable remedies, breach of any material term of this Agreement by the Developer shall be grounds for denial of building permits. H. Each right, power or remedy herein conferred upon the City is cumulative and in addition to every other right, power or remedy, express or implied, now or hereafter arising, available to City, at law or in equity, or under any other agreement, and each and every right, power and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so existing may be exercised from time to time as often and in such order as may be deemed expedient by the City and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at any time thereafter any other right, power or remedy. 10 193833v1 I. Developer shall take out and maintain or cause to be taken out and maintained until six (6) months after the City has accepted the development, commercial general liability and property damage insurance covering personal injury, including death, and claims for property damage which may arise out of Developer's work or the work of its contractors or by one directly or indirectly employed by any of them. The insurance may be provided by a single policy or multiple policies including excess of or umbrella policies and shall have limits for bodily injury and death not less than $1,000,000 for one person and $2,000,000 for each occurrence; limits for property damage shall be not less than $1,000,000 for each occurrence; or a combination single limit policy of $2,000,000 or more. The City shall be named as an ad ltlona insured on the pocies, and47 le Developer shall file with the Cincing coverage prior to the City releasing the Plat for recording or issuing any p 'ts. In the event the City has not received this prior to the start of construction, the Developer shall halt all work until a certificate has been provided to the City. The City shall be listed as an additional insured on all po 1 'es. The certificate shall provide that the City must be given advance written notice of the cancellation of the insurance. Each right, power or remedy herein coed upon the City is cumulative and in ad ' 'on to her right, power or remedy, express or implie w orJreafter arising, available to City, at law or in equity, or under any other agreement, and each and every right, power and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so existing may be exercised from time to time as often and in such order as may be deemed expedient by the City and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at any time thereafter any other right, power or remedy. K. The Developer will pay in full all invoices submitted to it by the City within sixty (60) days after receipt which reasonably evidence those costs incurred in the drafting, enforcement and supervision of this Agreement, including reasonable engineering, planning, and attorney's fees. If the invoices are not paid on time, the City may halt all development work until the invoices are paid in full. Invoices not paid within sixty (60) days shall be subject to an eight percent (8%) per annum interest charge. 11 193833v1 L Developer shall be responsible for all snow removal from sidewalks and trails on developed and vacant lots and outlots to the extent that City Ordinance requires snow removal from the Subject Property. Developer shall be responsible for ensuring that all vacant lots comply with the City's Code regarding nuisances. intentionally left pages follow.] 12 193833v1 Signature page to Development Contract and Conditional Use Permit and Planned Unit Development Agreement (SEAL) ST OF MINNESOTA ) (s C TY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument �, 20 , by of e City of Monticello, a Minne to the authority granted by its City i CITY OF MONTICELLO In Brian Stumpf, Mayor Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator n before me th I by Jeff O'l , on Notary Public d ra 13 193833v1 Signature page to Development Contract and Conditional Use Permit and Planned Unit Development Agreement STATE OF CO1 The fore ing instrument was 2017, by Brent oody, the Chief Opp Minnesota limited liability company, c DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL, KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ DEVELOPER: FRHP LINCOLNSHIRE, LLC Brent Moody, Chief Operating and Legal Officer xledged before me this day of and Legal officer of FRHP Lincolnshire, If of the limited liability company. 14 193833v1 FEE OWNER CONSENT TO AMENDMENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT SPIRIT REALTY, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, fee owner of all or part of the Subject Property, more particularly described in the foregoing Amendment to Development Contract and Conditional use Permit and Planned Unit Development Agreement, does hereby join in, affirms and consents to the granting of the Amendment to Development Contract and Conditional use Permit and Planned Unit Development Agreement. Dated this day of , 2017. SPIRIT REALTY, L.P A Delaware limited partnership ■ - By: SPIRIT GENERAL OP HOLDINGS, LLC Its general partner a Delaware limited liability company By: _ Boyd Messmann, Execus Vice President The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 92017, by Boyd Messmann, the Executive Vice President of Spirit General OP Holdings, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, the general partner of Spirit Realty, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership. Notary Public DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL, KNUTSON, P.A. Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ 193833v1 LESSEE'S CONSENT TO AMENDMENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT CWI, INC., a Kentucky corporation, which has a lease holder's interest in all or part of the Subject Property, more particularly described in the foregoing Amendment to Development Contract and Conditional use Permit and Planned Unit Development Agreement, pursuant to that certain Lease with Spirit Realty, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, dated December 29, 2016, and said Memorandum of Lease dated December 29, 2016, recorded January 11, 2017, as Wright County Document No. A1334432, or good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby join in, affirms and consents to the granting of the foregoing Amendment to Development Contract and Conditional use Permit and Planned Unit Development Agreement. Dated this day of , 2017. CWI, Inc. A Kentucky corporation Brent Moody, Chief Operating and Legal Officer STATE OF ) ( ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2017, by Brent Moody, the Chief Operating and Legal officer of CWI, INC., a Kentucky corporation, on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL, KNUTSON, P.A. Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ 1938330 LESSEE'S CONSENT TO AMENDMENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT CAMPING WORLD RV SALES, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, which has a lease holder's interest in all or part of the Subject Property, more particularly described in the foregoing Amendment to Development Contract and Conditional use Permit and Planned Unit Development Agreement, pursuant to that certain Lease with Spirit Realty, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, dated December 29, 2016, and said Memorandum of Lease dated December 29, 2016, recorded January 11, 2017, as Wright County Document No. A1334432, or good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby join in, affirms and consents to the granting of the foregoing Amendment to Development Contract and Conditional use Permit and Planned Unit Development Agreement. Dated this day of 2017. CAMPING WORLD RV SALES, LLC, A Minnesota limited liability company Brent Moody, Chief Operating and Legal Officer STATE OF ) ( ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2017, by Brent Moody, the Chief Operating and Legal officer of Camping World RV Sales, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, on behalf of the limited liability company. Notary Public DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL, KNUTSON, P.A. Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ 1938330 IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT TO: City of Monticello Dear Sir or Madam: No. Date: We hereby issue, for the account of (Name of Developer) and in your favor, our Irrevocable Letter of Credit in the amount of $ available to you by your draft drawn on sight on the undersigned bank. The draft must: a) Bear the clause, "Drawn under Letter of Credit No. dated 2 , of (Name of Bank) "; b) Be accompanied by an affidavit signed by the Mayor or City Administrator of the City of Monticello certifying that is in default of the Development Contract with the City of Monticello and that five (5) business days prior written notice has been given by the City to the Developer with respect to the existence of such default, and such default has not been cured. c) Be presented for payment at (Address of Bank) , on or before 4:00 p.m. on November 30, 2 This Letter of Credit shall automatically renew for successive one-year terms unless, at least forty-five (45) days prior to the next annual renewal date (which shall be November 30 of each year), the Bank delivers written notice to the Monticello City Administrator that it intends to modify the terms of, or cancel, this Letter of Credit. Written notice is effective if sent by certified mail, postage prepaid, and deposited in the U.S. Mail, at least forty-five (45) days prior to the next annual renewal date addressed as follows: Monticello City Administrator, 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362, and is actually received by the City Administrator at least thirty (30) days prior to the renewal date. This Letter of Credit sets forth in full our understanding which shall not in any way be modified, amended, amplified, or limited by reference to any document, instrument, or agreement, whether or not referred to herein. This Letter of Credit is not assignable. This is not a Notation Letter of Credit. More than one draw may be made under this Letter of Credit. This Letter of Credit shall be governed by the most recent revision of the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, International Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 600. We hereby agree that a draft drawn under and in compliance with this Letter of Credit shall be duly honored upon presentation. lm 193833vl Its CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE LIABILITY & WORKERS' COMPENSATION This certificate is issued as a matter of information only and confers no rights upon the certificate holder. This certificate does not amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed below. PROJECT: CERTIFICATE HOLDER & ADDITIONAL INSURED: City of Monticello ADDRESS: ARCH/ENGR: INSURED: ADDRESS: AGENT: ADDRESS: WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE POLICY # EFFECTIVE DATE—/—/ EXPIRATION DATE INSURANCE COMPANY: COVERAGE -Workers' Compensation, Statutory. Employers' Liability Limit $ Each Accident $ Disease Policy Limit $ Disease Employee Limit ($500,000 Policy limit applies to both accident and disease) GENERAL LIABILITY POLICY # EFFECTIVE DATE / / EXPIRATION DATE INSURANCE COMPANY: ( )Claims Made ( )Occurrence ( )Owner's & Contractors Protective O Other LIMITS: General Aggregate Limit (Other Than Products -Completed Operations) $ Products -Completed Operations Aggregate Limit $ Personal & Advertising Injury Limit $ Each Occurrence $ 193833v1 COVERAGE PROVIDED Operations of Contractor: Yes Operations of Sub -Contractor (Contingent): Yes Does Personal Injury Include Property Damage Liability Includes Claims Related to Employment: Yes Completed Operations/Products: Yes. Contractual Liability (Broad Form): Yes EXCEPTIONS: Damage Due to Collapse AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY No Government Immunity is Waived Yes No. No Property Damage Liability Includes Damage Due to Blasting Yes No No Damage Due to Collapse Yes No No Damage To Underground Facilities Yes No No Broad Form Property Damage Yes No. POLICY # EFFECTIVE DATE: / / EXPIRATION DATE: / / INSURANCE COMPANY: ( )Any Auto ( )All Owned Autos ( )Scheduled Autos ( )Hired Autos ( )Non -Owned Autos LIMITS: Bodily Injury $ Each Person / $ Each Occurrence OR Combined Single Limit $ Property Damage $ Each Occurrence UMBRELLA EXCESS LIABILITY POLICY # EFFECTIVE DATE:—/—/ EXPIRATION DATE: INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITS: Single Limit Bodily Injury and Property Damage $ Each Occurrence S Aggregate COVERAGE PROVIDED: Applies in excess of the coverages listed above for Employers' Liability, General Liability, and Automobile Liability: Yes No Are any deductibles applicable to bodily injury or property damage on any of the above coverages? Yes No If So, List Amount $ AGENT CARRIES ERRORS AND OMISSIONS INSURANCE: Yes No Should any of the above described policies be cancelled before the expiration date thereof, the issuing company will mail 30 days' notice to the parties to whom this certificate is issued. Dated at: MN License # Authorized Insurance Representative 193833vl On: IM MORTGAGE HOLDER CONSENT TO AMENDMENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT a , which holds a mortgage on the on the Subject Property, the development of which is governed by the foregoing Development Contract and Conditional Use Permit and Planned Unit Development, agrees that the Development Contract and Conditional Use Permit and Planned Unit Development shall remain in full force and effect even if it forecloses on its mortgages. Dated this day of , 2017. By: Its And: Its STATE OF ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this by and and River, a national banking association, on behalf of the bank. Notary Public DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL, KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ 1938330 [print name] [print name] day of , 20 , the of First national Bank of Elk LICENSE AGREEMENT THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT is made, executed and entered into this day of , 2017, by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Minnesota ("City") and FRHP Lincolnshire/dba CAMPING WORLD ("Camping World"). WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the City is the owner of a certain tract of undeveloped land ("Property") WHEREAS, "Camping World" desires to obtain a license over and across the Property to use a portion of the Property for the purpose of a commercial monument sign (the "Improvements") to their residence that abuts the Property. WHEREAS, the City is amenable to the granting of the license hereinafter set forth, subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter described. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the payment of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration to the City in hand paid, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, and upon mutual covenants and conditions contained herein, the parties do hereby agree as follows: 1. The City does hereby grant to "Camping World" a non-exclusive, non- transferable license to construct, maintain, and utilize the Improvements over and across the Property legally described on the attached Exhibit "A". 2. Exhibits. The following exhibits are attached to and by reference made a part of this License Agreement: Exhibit "A" - Legal description of Property. Exhibit `B" - Depiction of Improvements. Exhibit "C" - Description of permitted uses. 3. Premises to be Used. The City agrees to allow "Camping World" to construct/install the Improvements on a portion of the Property as depicted in Exhibit `B". The design and construction of the Improvements may be modified by the City at any time for safety reasons. The legal description of the Property is attached as Exhibit "A". 4. Construction. "Camping World" shall be obligated at its sole cost and expense to construct/install the Improvements in a good and workmanlike manner and in accordance with all applicable codes and regulations. 5. Conditions. The City and "Camping World" agree that "Camping World" will use the Property subject to the following conditions: 105061 A. "Camping World" acknowledges that "Camping World" has inspected the Property and is fully satisfied with its physical condition and agrees to accept the Property in its present "as is" condition. Neither the City nor any representative of the City has made any warranties or representations upon which "Camping World" relies with respect to the physical condition of the Property. B. "Camping World" accepts the Property subject to such conditions, restrictions, and limitations, if any, that presently appear of record in regard to the Property. C. "Camping World" accepts the Property subject to any applicable health, life, safety, fire, or zoning ordinances, codes, regulations or statutes of the City, the County of Wright, the State of Minnesota, or any other governmental body now existing or which may hereinafter exist by reason of any legal authority during the term of this License Agreement. D. "Camping World" accepts the Property and is satisfied as to the boundary lines and contents of its premises and likewise satisfied with the sufficiency of the present title of the City. 6. Term. The term of this License Agreement shall be for five (5) years and will begin on the 14th day of August, and will end on the 31 st day of July, both dates inclusive, unless sooner terminated as hereinafter provided. ("Initial Term".) Thereafter, this License Agreement shall renew automatically, for five year periods ("Renewal Terms"), until either party terminates the License Agreement by giving the other party ninety (90) days advance written notice. 7. Termination. The City may immediately terminate the conditions of the License Agreement if, in the sole discretion of the City, the Property is deemed to be unsafe or the City should require the use of the Property. In the event the City terminates the License Agreement because of safety concerns, "Camping World" shall forfeit their interest in its entirety and comply with the requirements set forth in Section 16 when vacating the premises. 8. Use. "Camping World" use of the Property is non-exclusive. "Camping World" may use the Property during the term of this License Agreement for the nonexclusive uses set forth in Exhibit "C." 9. Repair and Maintenance. The City and "Camping World" agree that "Camping World" will be responsible for any and all repair and maintenance of the Improvements to the Property during the term of this License Agreement. Maintenance shall include, but not be limited to, keeping the Property clean of snow, litter or trash. The City shall be allowed unrestricted access to the Property for any purpose including, but not limited to, maintaining or installing utilities on the Property. 10. Indemnification. "Camping World" agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City from and against all liability, damages, penalties, judgments, or claims of whatever nature arising from injury to person or property sustained by anyone arising out of Camping World" use and occupancy of the Property and will at "Camping World" own cost and expense defend any and 112013 2 all suits or actions (just or unjust) which may be brought against the City or in which the City may be impleaded with others upon any such above-mentioned matter, claim, or claims. This indemnification in no way limits "Camping World" obligation to maintain a blanket or other general liability insurance policy for the benefit of the City. This indemnity and hold harmless agreement will include indemnity against all costs, expenses, and liabilities incurred in or in connection with any such claims or proceedings brought thereon and the defense thereof. 11. Liabilitv Insurance. "Camping World" will, at "Camping World" sole cost and expense, provide and maintain during the term of this License Agreement a blanket or general liability insurance policy against claims for personal injury, death, or property damage occurring in connection with the use and occupancy of the Property, said policy will have limits of not less than One Million and 00/100 Dollars ($1,000,000.00) combined single limit. 12. Requirement for All Insurance. All insurance policies (or riders) required by this License Agreement will be (i) taken out by "Camping World" and maintained with responsible insurance companies organized under the laws of one of the states of the United States and qualified to do business in the State of Minnesota, (ii) will contain a provision that the insurer will not cancel or revise coverage thereunder without giving written notice to "Camping World" as an insured party and to the City as an additional insured at least thirty (30) days before cancellation or revision becomes effective, (iii) will name "Camping World" as an insured party and "City of Monticello" as an additional insured, (iv) will be in accordance with specifications approved by the City Administrator for the City, and (v) will be evidenced by a Certificate of Insurance listing "City of Monticello" as an additional insured which will be filed with the City. 13. Assignment and Subletting. "Camping World" will not by operation of law or otherwise assign or sublet or permit the Property as depicted and described in this License Agreement to be used by others without the City's prior written consent in each instance. 14. Default. If "Camping World" at any time defaults in the observance of any of the terms, covenants, and conditions of this License Agreement, including any exhibits thereto, the City will immediately notify "Camping World" of "Camping World" failure to observe such terms, covenants, and conditions. Upon such notice being given by the City, this License Agreement will wholly cease and terminate and "Camping World" will have no rights or interests whatsoever to further use or occupy the Property. The City may reenter and recover possession of the Property either with the consent and cooperation of "Camping World" or, if such consent and cooperation are withheld, may recover possession thereof and reenter in the manner prescribed by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 566 on Forcible Entry and Unlawful Detainer, as such Chapter may be amended, supplemented, or replaced from time to time, with the City thereby being entitled to such rents, costs, and attorney's fees as allowed by law. 15. Surrender of Possession. "Camping World" agrees that at the expiration or cancellation of this License Agreement, "Camping World" will yield up possession of the Property together with all improvements to the Property in a good, operable fashion. Upon surrendering possession of the Property, "Camping World" agrees to remove all personal property belonging to "Camping World". 112013 16. Successors and Assigns. The City and "Camping World" agree that this License Agreement will be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the parties hereto in accordance with the terms and conditions of this License Agreement and any statutes, regulations, ordinances, or city code provisions applicable thereto. 17. Written Notices or Other Correspondence. Any written notice or other correspondence to be provided by and between the City and "Camping World" in accordance with this License Agreement will be either hand delivered or mailed by registered or certified mail to the following addresses: CITY: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 CAMPING WORLD: 18. Waiver of Default. Any waiver by the City of a default under the provisions of this License Agreement by will not operate or be construed as a waiver of a subsequent default by "Camping World". No waiver will be valid unless in writing and signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk on behalf of the City. 19. Invaliditv of Provisions. If any term or provision of this License Agreement or any application hereof to any person or circumstance is to any extent found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this License Agreement or the application of such term or provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid or unenforceable will not be effected thereby and each term and provision of this License Agreement will be valid and be enforced to the fullest extent permitted by law. 20. Entire Agreement. This instrument herein contains the entire and only agreement between the parties and no oral statements or representations or prior written matter not contained in this instrument will have any force and effect. This License Agreement cannot be modified in any way except by writing executed by both parties. 21. Governing Law. This License Agreement will be governed exclusively by the provisions hereof and by the laws of the State of Minnesota, as the same from time to time exists. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands as of the day and year first above written. CITY OF MONTICELLO 112013 4 By: Mayor By: City Administrator IM Its: THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association 317 Eagandale Office Center 1380 Corporate Center Curve Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 MKB 112013 EXHIBIT "A" Leal Description To be provided by applicant. 98111 EXHIBIT "B" Depiction of Premises and Location of Propertv To be provided be applicant. 98111 EXHIBIT "C" Use of Premises For use and maintenance of a commercial monument sign. City Council Agenda: 08/14/17 2Q. Consideration of avvointin2 Lisa Durant to the Monticello Parks and Recreation Commission to fill vacancies (TP) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to appoint a representative to the Parks and Recreation Commission. The Commission approved her appointment at their last meeting. This appointment fills the vacancy from the newly created Parks and Recreation Commission. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the appointment of Lisa Durant to the Monticello Parks and Recreation Commission with her term ending December 31, 2018. 2. Motion to deny the appointment at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City Staff and the Monticello Parks and Recreation Commission recommend Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Application 1 � JUN 1 2017 , � � , f� Moncni or ticello APPLICATION FOR BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Name (r. ).< a, D iA( (-? rit Address 3 1 / vV k/ (I!" St . Home Phone Cell Phone --Mail If not otherwise specified, you must be a resident of the City of Monticello to serve on the following boards. Please circle the board(s) on which you are interested in serving. Industrial and Economic Development Committee (Does not require residency) City Planning Commission Library _arks and Recreation ommission Economic Development Authority (May not require residency) Transportation Advisory Committee Education Highest Level of Education / 7 /� { ( hi �d� (7✓ �u�rV� J Emplovment Current Employer, if applicable ri/e Position/Title Dates of Employment (starting/ending) Former Employer, if applicable Position/Title Dates of Employment (starting/ending) - — Other ) i, Please describe in detail why you are interested in volunteering for theity 0IVIM111MMIU. ! l fV00 L TO 1'>9 //' t/o/-Uio i" rrt.r 141' redl ��blCti t ��✓/: /a ���:�. ! V;F. �G,r �t5 C�t�c� f7 i" r'.��°.Yhd. r') /r 1 ) � / [/�, QCFnI//fni l7�7./� f`r.� _r?-RKVIA".4A,t>A.� I r �n Please describe your prior olunteer experiences (include organization names and dates of service) 6Uld i?,i, ,V') L( T./ ,.l � � .i ` �✓'i.: r i , �/'I/ u N ,c %/�,�' � �/ll [...L K� rT�.f iO il' —� -YOi�/Y �7 1 / J vil / List your qualifications for -this appointment: 11 br{r JJ p JLCrI' ,�j�i�'et � n p7 A- 1I /� ; rA Pq /P O(/loaI7 / 70 1 a d) C� ✓/U''l Y� i li�? i�t? r)e C/ //cJP. References Please list three non -family members who can provide references on your ability to perform this volunteer positon: Name- _ Phone Numbe _ Names Phone Number- Namc_ Phone Number Please read the following carefully before signing this application: I understand that this is an application for and not a commitment or promise of volunteer opportunity. I certify that I have and will provide information throughout the selection process, including on this application for a volunteer position and in interviews with the City of Monticello that is true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify that I have and will answer all questions to the best of my ability and that I have not and will not withhold any information that would unfavorably affect my application for a volunteer position. I understand that information contained on my application will be verified by the City of Monticello. I understand that misrepresentation or omissions may be cause for my immediate rejection as an applicant for a volunteer position with the City of Monticello or my termination as a volunteer. Signature 4e- J4 • ktt4�&^-AY Date I'') Return Completed Application to: Monticello City Hall, Attn: Human Resources, 505 Walnut St, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362 FAX: (763)295-4404 E-mail: HR@ci.monticello.mn.us City Council Agenda: 08/14/17 2Q. Consideration of avvointin2 Lisa Durant to the Monticello Parks and Recreation Commission to fill vacancies (TP) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to appoint a representative to the Parks and Recreation Commission. The Commission approved her appointment at their last meeting. This appointment fills the vacancy from the newly created Parks and Recreation Commission. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the appointment of Lisa Durant to the Monticello Parks and Recreation Commission with her term ending December 31, 2018. 2. Motion to deny the appointment at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City Staff and the Monticello Parks and Recreation Commission recommend Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Application 1 � JUN 1 2017 , � � , f� Moncni or ticello APPLICATION FOR BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Name (r. ).< a, D iA( (-? rit Address 3 1 / vV k/ (I!" St . Home Phone Cell Phone --Mail If not otherwise specified, you must be a resident of the City of Monticello to serve on the following boards. Please circle the board(s) on which you are interested in serving. Industrial and Economic Development Committee (Does not require residency) City Planning Commission Library _arks and Recreation ommission Economic Development Authority (May not require residency) Transportation Advisory Committee Education Highest Level of Education / 7 /� { ( hi �d� (7✓ �u�rV� J Emplovment Current Employer, if applicable ri/e Position/Title Dates of Employment (starting/ending) Former Employer, if applicable Position/Title Dates of Employment (starting/ending) - — Other ) i, Please describe in detail why you are interested in volunteering for theity 0IVIM111MMIU. ! l fV00 L TO 1'>9 //' t/o/-Uio i" rrt.r 141' redl ��blCti t ��✓/: /a ���:�. ! V;F. �G,r �t5 C�t�c� f7 i" r'.��°.Yhd. r') /r 1 ) � / [/�, QCFnI//fni l7�7./� f`r.� _r?-RKVIA".4A,t>A.� I r �n Please describe your prior olunteer experiences (include organization names and dates of service) 6Uld i?,i, ,V') L( T./ ,.l � � .i ` �✓'i.: r i , �/'I/ u N ,c %/�,�' � �/ll [...L K� rT�.f iO il' —� -YOi�/Y �7 1 / J vil / List your qualifications for -this appointment: 11 br{r JJ p JLCrI' ,�j�i�'et � n p7 A- 1I /� ; rA Pq /P O(/loaI7 / 70 1 a d) C� ✓/U''l Y� i li�? i�t? r)e C/ //cJP. References Please list three non -family members who can provide references on your ability to perform this volunteer positon: Name- _ Phone Numbe _ Names Phone Number- Namc_ Phone Number Please read the following carefully before signing this application: I understand that this is an application for and not a commitment or promise of volunteer opportunity. I certify that I have and will provide information throughout the selection process, including on this application for a volunteer position and in interviews with the City of Monticello that is true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify that I have and will answer all questions to the best of my ability and that I have not and will not withhold any information that would unfavorably affect my application for a volunteer position. I understand that information contained on my application will be verified by the City of Monticello. I understand that misrepresentation or omissions may be cause for my immediate rejection as an applicant for a volunteer position with the City of Monticello or my termination as a volunteer. Signature 4e- J4 • ktt4�&^-AY Date I'') Return Completed Application to: Monticello City Hall, Attn: Human Resources, 505 Walnut St, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362 FAX: (763)295-4404 E-mail: HR@ci.monticello.mn.us City Council Agenda: 08/14/17 2R. Consideration of adopting the City of Monticello Water Supply Plan as approved by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. (MT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to consider adopting Resolution #XXX to adopt Monticello's 2016 Water Supply Plan. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has completed their review of our 2016 Water Supply Plan for our public water supply authorized under Permit 1964-1059. Monticello first submitted a Water Supply Plan to the MN DNR in 1994, and this plan is our sixth plan. Monticello received a letter from the MN DNR stating that they are pleased to advise us that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 103G.291, Subdivision 3, and on behalf of the Commissioner of Natural Resources, they hereby approve Monticello's Water Supply Plan. This approval is effective upon the Department's receipt of a completed copy of the attached "Certification of Adoption" form. Once the City Council adopts the plan I will return the completed copy of the Certification of Adoption form to MN DNR. Al. Budget Impact: None. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff time was used to prepare the plan. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution #xxx to adopt Monticello's 2016 Water Supply Plan as approved by the NIN DNR. 2. Motion to deny adopting the 2016 Water Supply Plan. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends adopting Monticello's 2016 Water Supply Plan as approved by the MN DNR as outlined in Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Letter from the MN DNR approving the Water Supply Plan. B. Certificate of Adoption from DNR Waters C. The complete 2016 Water Supply Plan is available to view at Monticello City Hall. t DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES July 7, 2017 City of Monticello Matt Theisen Water Utilities 909 Golf Course Road Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Mr. Theisen: MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES CENTRAL REGION 1035 S. BENTON DRIVE SAUK RAPIDS, MN 56379-1209 320-223-7850 RE: WATER SUPPLY PLAN APROVAL, CITY OF MONTICELLO, WRIGHT COUNTY Our office has completed the review of your 2016 Water Supply Plan for public water supply authorized under DNR Permit 1964-1059. I am pleased to advise you that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 103G.291, Subdivision 3, and on behalf of the Commissioner of Natural Resources, I hereby approve your plan. This approval is effective upon the Department's receipt of a completed copy of the attached "Certification of Adoption" form. Please return the form to my office as soon as the City Council officially adopts the plan. Thank you for your efforts in planning for the future of the City of Monticello water supply and for conserving the water resources of the State of Minnesota. If you have any questions or need additional assistance with your water appropriation permit, please contact me at 320-223-7850 or at rogenstradal@state.mn.us, in our Sauk Rapids area office. Sincerely, Roger Stradal Area Hydrologist Enclosure — Certification of Adoption Form Cc: Dan Lais, District Manager Wright County SWCD Carmelita Nelson, Water Conservation Consultant Minnesota Permitting and Reporting System (MPARS) PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER CONTAINING A mndnr.gOV 500 LAFAYETTE ROAD • SAINT PAUL, MN 55155 �3 MINIMUM OF 10% POST - CONSUMER WASTE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER CERTIFICATION OF ADOPTION WATER SUPPLY PLAN City or Water System Name: City of Monticello Name of Person Authorized to Sign Certification on Behalf of the System: Matt Theisen Title: Water Supt. Address: 909 Golf Course Road, Monticello MN 55362 Telephone: 763-271-3274 Fax: 763-271-3272 E-mail: Matt.tlheisen@ci.monticello.mn.us I certify that the Water Supply Plan approved by the Department of Natural Resources has been adopted by the city council or utility board that has authority over water supply services. Signed: Date: Fax (651/296-0445) or mail this certification to: DNR Waters Water Permit Programs Supervisor 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155-4032 Ir -certification of adoption form (2).doc City Council Agenda: 08/14/17 2S. Consideration to adopt Resolution 2017-48 declaring costs to be assessed. ordering preparation of assessment roll and calling for an Assessment Hearing on September 11, 2017 to adopt assessments for the TH 25/7' Street Intersection Improvements, Citv Proiect No.15CO04 (SB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The TH 25 and 7th Street intersection improvement project in primarily complete and operational with remaining items such as installation of wayfinding signs and other minor punch list items. Improvements to the intersection included signal improvements, addition of right turn lanes and streetscape improvements. A public hearing was held for the project on January 11, 2016 prior to final design, bidding, and construction of the project. The project was included with the 2016 Street Reconstruction project feasibility report. A preliminary assessment roll was presented at the public hearing for the project in accordance with Minnesota Statute 429. Now that construction is complete and the final costs are accounted for, a final assessment roll is being presented at this time. Special assessments are proposed for street reconstruction and new sidewalk construction along 7th Street between TH 25 and Cedar Street. The properties proposed to be assessed are Perkins, Taco Bell, Americinn hotel and Hillside cemetery. The street reconstruction rate for 7th Street is proposed to be $65 per front foot, which is based on assessing 50% of the typical street reconstruction costs for a collector roadway. The American Inn Motel (118 7th Street) shares a driveway with Taco Bell (124 7th Street), but does not have frontage on 7th Street. These properties assessments were calculated by using the frontage the Taco Bell property has on 7th Street, and then spreading the assessment to each property based on their acreage. The assessment applied to the Hillside cemetery is based on 25% of the street frontage being assessed since it a corner lot with no driveway access from 7th Street per policy. Sidewalk assessment rates for non-residential properties are proposed to be assessed at $13.50 per front foot, which includes 25% of the cost being assessed and 75% funded with City funds per City policy. Wright County requires that assessments be certified to the County Auditor by November 30, 2017 for collection with 2018 property taxes. This deadline can be met by calling for the assessment hearing to be held at the September 11, 2017 City Council meeting. By conducting the assessment hearing on September 11, adequate time for publication and mailing of notices will be provided to satisfy the requirements for public improvement projects in accordance with Minnesota State Statutes Chapter 429. The City will have other assessment hearings in October for the 2017 Street and Utility improvement projects, so that is why date is being chosen in order to spread out the hearing dates and given the project is complete. City Council Agenda: 08/14/17 The assessment is proposed at a 10 -year term at a 4.0% interest rate. Al. Budget Impact: The total estimated project cost for the TH 25 and 7th Street intersection improvements is $1,550,000. This cost includes construction costs, contingency and indirect costs. This project is being funded using street reconstruction bonds sold in 2016, capital improvement funds, advancement of state aid funds and MnDOT local initiative funds with a portion of the debt being paid by special assessments to benefitting properties. MnDOT's local initiative share is estimated at $400,000. The proposed special assessments total $29,780 to be levied to Perkins, Taco Bell and the Americinn hotel for street reconstruction and new sidewalk construction along 7th Street. In addition, the assessment assigned to the City -owned Hillside cemetery is $5,385. The city portion of this assessment will be absorbed through the annual property tax levy and will not be forwarded to the county for addition to the tax statements. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Impacts to staff workload are routine for this process and include the required mailings and notices to the benefitting properties. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to adopt Resolution 2017-48 declaring costs to be assessed, ordering preparation of assessment roll, and calling for the assessment hearing for September 11, 2017 for the TH 25/7th intersection improvements, City Project No. 15CO04 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution 2017-48 at this time. B. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approving Alternative #1. It should be noted that the extension of sidewalk along the south side of 7th Street between Cedar Street and Washington Avenue will be included in the feasibility report for the 7th Street and Cedar Street improvement project scheduled for construction in 2018. Staff had previously requested that the post office install the sidewalk to their facility. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution 2017-48 B. Draft Final Assessment Roll and Map 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2017-48 DECLARING COSTS TO BE ASSESSED, ORDERING PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL, AND CALLING FOR AN ASSESSMENT HEARING TO ADOPT AN ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE TH 25/7th STREET INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT NO. 15CO04 WHEREAS, contracts have been let and the project has been constructed including the street reconstruction, sidewalk improvements, utility improvements, streetscape, sanitary sewer improvements; traffic signals; WHEREAS, the total costs of the improvements are $1,550,000; NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREB Y RESOL VED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELL0, MINNESOTA AS FOLLOWS: The City Council hereby determines that $35,165.80 shall be assessed against benefitted property owners based upon benefits received without regard to cash valuation. 2. The City Administrator shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land without regard to cash valuation as provided by law, and he shall file a copy of such proposed assessment in his office for public inspection. 3. A hearing shall be held on the 11th day of September, 2017, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the Monticello Community Center to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time and place all persons owning property affected by such improvement will be given an opportunity to be heard with reference to such assessment. 4. The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing and shall state in the notice the total cost of the improvement. The Clerk shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of each parcel described in the assessment roll not less than two weeks prior to the hearing. 5. The owner of any property may, at any time prior to October 11, 2017, pay the entire assessment on such property to the City of Minnesota. No interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this assessment. If paid after 30 days interest shall accrue from the date of adoption of the assessment to the payment date. In subsequent years, the property owner may at any time thereafter, pay to the City of Monticello the balance of the assessment remaining unpaid after the current year, provided such payment is made prior to November 15. 6. The City Clerk shall forthwith transmit a certification of this assessment to the county auditor to be extended on the property tax lists of the county. Such assessments shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. ADOPTED BYthe Monticello City Council this 11th day of September, 2017. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator U') 00 rn co o I II iWcc: lLo ao; m'z1 m m 0) No CD I � WIWI M V h r Q i0 cn M d a -o a � c on- U) ~li0, Iv U) LIQ' I -- �4A, IZI I J I,W j M Cl) Cl) ! I Q U) N M co M LO LO LO W aa) LO ([) U7 j}(K >Q> > Q ER 5; Efl a O W OW O F -a J J J I, 0 . rr I I JQ U) W�.. O O O O T O W W! CD 10CLI ' ami d~ �H1= 0 (00 0 (O (n fw Q (Al (F) 69 cs ER ! dl o 00 v 0c20 a`ll� j j I �- _-I--i-- H (n 0-7— o ,zl: U-) m v Z rn m U M (0 Cl) 00 LL! co d) O _ ILLI I II iWcc: a) m ns �I (1)Q) a) d a -o a Z a a a) a) a) Q -8 U U Q' Q' w . J' C C C C C j SII J `c Z Z Z I -- IZI I 'J- cN0 (0 CD j ! I Q U) N M co M LO LO LO W aa) LO ([) U7 j}(K a O W OW O F -a J J J W O Q (A J 0 J U) J k! Q W W W T 10CLI ' ami d~ �H1= dl o 00 v 0c20 a`ll� j j I H (n U W O U) IZIQ a .;> i m J O I W W; ~ H U N(LI --�I Z III W w H Q a) W W a E U U U ZU J d U) Z Q z - Z'I C J J J cW O z d O 2 =zi N Urn iWIIQ'� 0 0 0 v OJ I0'— (oo J Q W W W•00 O O O O O EL -I 0 00 00 00 z �IUZZ 00 0 0 o o UIZ,UIU D O Lo Ln Lo Lo LL = oILU I- W; a 00, Q � LO >- >- m o o IZI, G N M V (f7 H,UUI� ~ H;� C Assessment Map N - Tt �F TH 25 at 7th Street Intersection Improvements ■ /,SB Monticello Monticello, MN A0 200 '/'/ Feet �� City Project NO. 15COO4 Date: 8/9/2017 1 inch = 200 feet City Council Agenda 08/14/2017 2T. Consideration of aDllroving the citv administrator to attend the 2017 International Citv Managers Conference in San Antonio from 10/22/17 through 10/25/17 at an estimated cost of $1,880. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to consider approving the city administrator's attendance at the upcoming 2017 International City Administrators Conference held in San Antonio, Texas October 22 through the 25. The current city policy allows out-of-state training for the city administrator and department heads upon approval of the City Council. The Personnel Committee has urged the city administrator as well as all department directors to develop their capabilities, knowledge and network via attendance at their respective national conferences. B. BUDGET IMPACT The estimated cost of attendance is $1,880, including round-trip airfare ($450), hotel for 3 nights ($450), conference fee ($755), meals ($125), and ground transport to and from airports ($100). This training was not specifically budgeted for in 2017, but sufficient funds are available in the travel and training budget to cover this request. C. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve City Administrator attendance at the 2017 International City Managers Conference in San Antonio from 10/22/17 through 10/25/17 at an estimated cost of $1,880. 2. Motion to deny approval of request. D. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: By virtue of general direction provided earlier this year, the Personnel Committee recommends Alternative #1, approving out-of-state training. E. SUPPORTING DATA: • 2017 Conference Agenda THE WORLD'S FOREMOST PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT LEADERS ERCTOBER 22-25 lCm MA 2017 SAN ANT N10 103RD ANNUAL CONFERENCE BEXAR COUNTY :411119 ezll !VAh NN19 Registration opens June 28 at icma.org/conference I NJ SAVE THE MOST — Register by August 10 October 22-25, 2017 1 Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center I San Antonio, Texas AN INVITATION FROM 1CMAs President I am excited to invite you and your family to join me and your colleagues in San Antonio, Texas, for this year's 103rd ICMA Annual Conference. The work undertaken by the Conference Planning and Host Committees has set the stage for a program that will motivate and nurture everyone who attends. Coming up on its Tricentennial, San Antonio provides an excellent backdrop for our Annual Confer- ence. While world renowned for its vibrant River Walk, San Antonio also features a diverse sense of history and tradition in one of the fastest-growing areas of our nation. And we cannot forget to "Remember the Alamo!" The Annual Conference remains a forum where we can interact as professionals, along with our Stra- tegic Partners, to celebrate our passion for service and our individual and collective successes. This year's theme, Building Bridges: Serving Our Whole Community, along with the cadre of excellent keynote speakers and featured speakers, will provide a tremendous opportunity for ICMA members and col- leagues from communities around to world to engage and learn together. The educational program developed by the Conference Planning Committee will focus on the core issues facing all communi- ties, large and small, today: trust, infrastructure, leadership, and engagement. There will be learning opportunities for everyone, from first-time managers to seasoned and credentialed members. Equally as important as the educational program are the post -session opportunities to network and learn from each other; these will occur in the excellent venues chosen by the Host Committee. Reflecting back on my first ICMA Annual Conference in 1985, 1 know that I have left each conference excited, recharged, and full of new ideas for my community. This year will be no exception. Come join me in San Antonio! �j Lee R. Feldman ICMA President City Manager, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 2 I ICMA'S 103RD ANNUAL CONFERENCE Ll Li CONFERENCE PLANNING Committee Welcome If you attended ICMA's 92nd Annual Conference in San Antonio in 2006, hold on to your hat because you'll be astounded at the transformation the city has undergone in the last 11 years. And if you haven't been to Alamo City before, you are sure to have an amazing time! This October you'll meet your colleagues and revitalize your leadership skills in a conference center that has seen $325 million in renovations since your last visit. Built before Texas was a state and before the United States were united, San Antonio, which celebrates its 300th birthday next year, is a cultural mecca with a rich history. Recently named a UNESCO world heritage site, the city is home to 18th -century Spanish missions and the newly revitalized and vibrant Pearl District, as well as to eclectic and trendy neighborhoods and 15 miles of famous River Walk—the nation's largest urban ecosystem, complete with global dining experiences and fantastic shopping. There is truly something for everyone in unforgettable San Antonio. Combined with everything the destination has to offer a visitor, ICMA's 2017 Annual Conference in San Antonio provides you with the opportunity to interact with colleagues, attend premier educational sessions, and hone your leadership and other professional skills. Providing real- world insight from across the United States and around the globe, the conference program will resonate for members at any stage of their career, working in any size or type of community. The Conference Planning Committee, a diverse group of ICMA members, has worked hard to make sure that the programs, keynotes, and educational sessions are diverse, engaging, timely, fresh, and valuable. You will also be impressed with the tours, social activities, and entertainment that the Host Committee has prepared, including a visit to the beautiful gardens and recently modernized and expanded exhibits of the Witte Museum and the chance to participate in the festivities of a night out in Old San Antonio's historic plaza—complete with the musical stylings of The Spazmatics. With all that it has to offer, you will love your entire conference experience. We hope you take full advantage of the value of your membership byjoining your colleagues at the 2017 ICMA Annual Conference, October 22-25. 1 look forward to seeing you there! a,4�u Alison Zelms Conference Planning Committee Chair Deputy City Manager, Mankato, Minnesota ICMA.ORG/CONFERENCE 1 3 Overv* i�if L"r ogram e Conference attendees will pick up innovative ideas and practical strategies for managing local governments in challenging environments while enjoying opportunities for professional and personal renewal and networking. With an overall theme of "Building Bridges: Serving Our Whole Community," this year's event features a program developed by the 2017 Conference Planning Committee that supports the abundance of educational, information -sharing, and networking offerings you have come to expect. To help you fulfill your commitment to career -long learning and lead your community in today's complex environment, this year's conference again offers a variety of opportunities, including stimulating daily keynote presentations, informative concurrent educational and Solutions Track sessions, interac- tive roundtable discussions, films related to local government issues, skill -building ICMA University workshops and forums, and assorted field demonstrations. Engaging session formats, room sets, and presentation styles, combined with the use of social media and other technologies, will maximize your oppor- tunities to network and exchange ideas with your colleagues. Concurrent Educational Sessions In addition to sessions offered by ICMA's programs, affiliates, and partners, this year's conference will feature educational sessions address- ing the challenges facing local government managers in six theme tracks developed by the 2017 Conference Planning Committee: • Contemporary Law Enforcement • Diversity, Inclusivity, and Social Justice • Emerging Technology • Preparing for and Managing 21st -Century Threats • The Intersection of Personal and Professional • The National Divide The conference program also includes career tracks of educational sessions designed specifically for • Assistant and Deputy Managers • County Managers 4 1 ICMA'S 103RD ANNUAL CONFERENCE • Senior Managers/ICMA Credentialed Managers • Small -Community Managers ARE YOU UNABLE TO ATTEND THE CONFERENCE IN PERSON? If you cannot attend the VIRTUAL conference in person, this is your opportunity to continue ANNUAL your learning and network- CONFERENCE ing on your own time. The 2017 Virtual ICMA Annual Conference will take place during the on-site event, October 22-25. ICMA will broadcast over the Internet live, streaming video of all four keynote sessions as well as video and synced Pow- erPoint presentations of 18 educational sessions. Although the Virtual Conference is not a substitute for the "on -the -ground" skill -building, networking, and social opportunities that ICMA's Annual Confer- ence offers, it will enable you to access the same quality content and experience the conference highlights. Look for the Q icon throughout this program to identify ses- sions that will be part of the Virtual Conference. A Learning Tool for Your Staff To get the most out of this benefit, for just one fee you can use the live -streaming 2017 Virtual Conference to share professional development with your staff. This cost-effective method of providing interactive and ongo- ing education to your staff is a win-win for everybody! Register online at icma.org/conference. Learning Lab Stop by the conference's Learning Lab sessions (each set up in its own room this year to enhance acoustics) and join an audience at your choice of short, interactive presentations on focused topics (listed on page 13) that will arouse your curiosity. The lab will also host an Experts Exchange, where you can get one-on-one advice from in -the -know colleagues on a variety of topics. Afternoon Featured Speakers After lunch on Monday and Tuesday, enjoy an inspirational presentation from the afternoon's featured speakers, experts in their fields who are noted for their presentation skills and will speak on topics related to the conference's themes. See page 9 for the list of this year's featured speakers. Roundtable Discussions The conference's popular series of roundtable discussions offers attendees an opportunity to meet face-to-face and share ideas, opinions, and solutions on a variety of issues important to professional managers. Each discussion will be facilitated by an ICMA member or other expert with a strong interest or expertise in these nuts -and -bolts issues. ICMA University Forums ICMA University forums are a hybrid of the traditional concurrent educational sessions and the ICMA University workshops. Similar to a workshop, each forum is designed to be highly interactive and skill building in nature. This year, seven forums will be offered—four on Sunday afternoon and three on Wednesday morning. Enroll- ment in each forum is limited to 250 participants and requires preregistration, although the cost is included in the main conference registration fee. (See pages 14-15 for detailed descriptions of the forums.) Greening the ICMA Annual Conference In support of ICMA's commitment to environmental sustainability, abridged information about the conference is included in this issue of PM. Complete details are posted at icma.org/conference, where online registration and the housing bureau open June 28. ICMA University Workshops v'rumV Attendees seeking an in-depth, skill -building experience can preregister for one or more of the half-day ICMA University workshops that will be offered in conjunction with the conference (see pages 26-27). The workshops are limited in enrollment to ensure a highly interactive experience related directly to the ICMA Univer- sity practice groups considered essential to effective local government management. Payment of a separate workshop registration fee at the time of preregistration covers materi- als and instructor expenses. Field Demonstrations Exhibit Hall The opportunities for professional growth and networking will extend beyond the meeting rooms of the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center to include a series of educational field demonstrations and site visits highlight- ing the most innovative projects in area local governments (see pages 24-25). At the exhibits in the ICMA Exhibit Hall—many directly related to the educational sessions—you can examine products and learn about services that will help you serve your constituents more effectively and cost -efficiently. The exhibit hall hosts the popular Solutions Track sessions, which present case studies of local governments that have overcome challenges through innovative public-private partner- ships. Read more about this year's exhibit hall on pages 17-19. AICP CM Credits - ICMA has registered with the American Planning Association's professional institute, the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP), to provide Certification Maintenance (CM) credits for approved programs at ICMA's 2017 Annual Conference. Certification Visit icma.org/conference to learn which specific workshops, sessions, and other activities have been approved through AICP's Maintenance review process. 6 1 ICMA'S 103RD ANNUAL CONFERENCE Courage under Fire Sunday, October 22,3-5 p.m. 0 The Opening General Session of ICMA's 103rd Annual Confer- ence will feature an inspirational presentation by Rabia Siddique, a former war crimes and terrorism prosecutor, international humanitarian, retired British Army officer, hostage survivor, and mother of triplets. Rabia's story of courage, strength, and resilience—as well as her commitment to truth, justice, equality, and authentic leadership—defines her. Having battled abuse, discrimination, chronic health problems, and trauma, she is a fighter, trailblazer, and an eternal optimist. Rabia's story will inspire and motivate you, provide you with empowering attitude and tools, free you from whatever is holding you hostage, and enable you to display courage under fire. The New Urban Crisis Monday, October 23, 8:30-9:30 a.m. 0 In recent years, the young, educated, and affluent have surged back into cities, reversing decades of suburban flight and urban decline. One of the first scholars to anticipate this back -to -the - city movement in his groundbreaking The Rise of the Creative Class, Richard Florida believes that the same forces that power the growth of the world's superstar cities also generate their vexing challenges: gentrification, unaffordability, segregation, and inequality. Meanwhile, many more cities still stagnate, and middle-class neighborhoods everywhere are disappearing. Rich- ard offers a compelling diagnosis of our economic ills and a bold prescription for more inclusive cities capable of ensuring growth and prosperity for all. i True Moral Leadership Tuesday, October 24, 8:30-9:30 a.m. D In 2016, Anna Maria Chavez was named by Fortune maga- zine as one of the World's 50 Greatest Leaders. Propelled by a lifelong desire to transform the world through ser- vant leadership, Anna's career of public service led her to become CEO of Girl Scouts of the USA. The first woman of color to hold the Girl Scouts' top leadership position, she was cited for her vision and creativity in working to revi- talize the organization's brand for a new century. With a message centered on true moral leadership, Anna examines what it takes to empower women and girls to advance into leadership positions. Leading amidst Uncertainty Wednesday, October 25, 8:30-10:30 a.m. N ICMA's Celebration of Service to the Profession culminates with a presentation by leadership catalyst Simon T. Bailey, former leader of the Disney Institute and founder of the Brilliance Institute, Inc. Simon's expertise equips leaders with tips, tools, and techniques to unleash the potential in their organizations' most important asset: people. In the context of change happening at the speed of light, requiring even the most senior leaders to reposition themselves and their organizations, Simon will share core principles for acquiring a forward-looking mindset and discovering the insight needed to be a leader for the future. ICMA.ORG/CONFERENCE 1 7 Concurrent educational sessions that are being developed from ideas generated by the 2017 Conference Planning Committee are listed below, along with sessions being planned in conjunction with ICMA projects and affiliates. Session descriptions are subject to change as speakers are being engaged over the summer. ICMA University Practice Group numbers (noted in italics after the description) are attributed to each session. Theme Tracks Contemporary Law Enforcement Law Enforcement and the Manager's Changing Role Q Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2-3:10 p.m. Managers need to be active partners with their police chiefs to balance vision, man- agement, transparency, public engage- ment, and mutual trust. Are the right questions being addressed? Do recruit- ment or training practices need updating? Explore techniques for optimizing com- munity -police relations. 6, 8, 14, 17 Diversity, Inclusivity, and Social Justice Believe It or Not, We've All Got Biases Q Monday, Oct. 23, 9:45-11 a.m. Implicit bias occurs outside our conscious awareness and crosses many lines—race, culture, religion, sexual orientation, eco- nomic status, and more. Come learn strat- egies for acknowledging it and concrete steps to mitigate it within ourselves and our organizations. This is not just about your police department. It's personal, organizational, and community -wide. This session is sponsored by the International Hispanic Network and the National Forum for Black Public Administrators. 6, 9 Dealing with Immigration Issues: The Real Story and Lessons Learned Q Monday, Oct. 23, 2:30-3:40 p.m. Engaging immigrant populations in our communities and earning their trust are critical for today's managers. How can they communicate with constituents to calm fears? Participants will share experi- ences and strategies for dealing with the challenges and opportunities surrounding growing immigrant communities; they will also learn how to establish a business case for spending resources on those communities. This session is sponsored by the International Hispanic Network. 4, 6, 9,14 Reaching for the Top Job: What's Holding You Back? Q Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2-3:10 p.m. More women are becoming assistant man- agers and administrators than ever before, yet many are not applying for the top job. Why not? Explore the personal and profes- sional concerns women have when consid- ering the top position. Decide whether this is the right path for you. 18 Homelessness: Alleviating Community Challenges Q Tuesday, Oct. 24,3:30-4:40 p.m. Struggling to find solutions to the problem of homelessness? Hear policy decisions and programmatic examples that are currently working to address community concerns and the needs of homeless populations. Leave with practi- 8 1 ICMA'S 103RD ANNUAL CONFERENCE cal guidance that you can apply in your own communities. 4, 6, 14 Emerging Technology Technology Powered by People: How to Attract, Recruit, and Retain the Tech Talent Your Smart City Needs Monday, Oct. 23,12:45-2 p.m. Smart cities require new kinds of talent. This session explores how to create tech - friendly environments, incorporate the talents of digital natives, and build talent through agile work arrangements. 7, 12 Harnessing Trends and Emerging Technology Tuesday, Oct. 24, 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. How do you stay current with technol- ogy trends? How do you choose the right technologies? How do you fund new ones? How do you effectively implement a new system and train your workforce? Learn from different agencies that have tackled these issues with impressive results. 3, 6, 7 Community Capacity Building: How to Trigger a Smart Cities' Mindset Tuesday, Oct. 24,2-3:10 p.m. Bring your leadership to the challenge of implementing a strategic vision for a sustainable future enhanced by con- nected technologies. See how the smart cities' approach to creating a comprehen- sive infrastructure improves managerial decision making and service delivery, ultimately enriching lives throughout the community. 7, 13 Preparing for and Managing 21st -Century Threats Keep the Peace: How to Prepare for and Manage Protests Monday, Oct. 23, 9:45-11 a.m. From Ferguson to Charlotte to the next city or town in the news, we are living in a time of protests and demonstrations— sometimes not peaceful ones. So how do you prepare your staff and community for the safe accommodation of organized or spontaneous free speech? 3, 8 Crisis Leadership: Rising to the Challenge Q Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2-3:10 p.m. Steering an organization through a major disruption can be a daunting challenge. Effective leadership strategies can make that prospect more manageable. Hear from managers who took leadership to the next level during a crisis; get tips on decisiveness, collaboration, and risk tak- ing. 2, 3, 6 The National Divide Reconnecting the Individual to the Community Q Monday, Oct. 23,12:45-2 p.m. The 2016 U.S. elections and attendant dialogue have confirmed that divisions and isolation have outpaced our current practices for engagement and inclu- sion within the community. Learn how to respect and serve isolated or divided community members and to frame issues in a way that reduces barriers and recon- nects communities. 2, 8, 9, 14 What Happens When the World Comes to Your Doorstep? Tuesday, Oct. 24, 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. When world issues such as immigra- tion, the environment, international trade, and other controversial matters become immediately relevant to your local government, how can you temper the controversy, get a true analysis of the issue, and then create community advocates and spokespersons to nurture understanding? Learn how to prepare those working on the front lines of your organization to handle such issues and collaborate with the community. 8, 14 Managing Misinformation and Restoring the Value of the Truth Tuesday, Oct. 24,3:30-4:40 p.m. Cities miss opportunities to manage their message and are often ill-prepared to respond to inaccurate information about the organization. With the aid of examples, this session will discuss strate- gies for how to prevent inaccuracies and respond to them if they arise. 7, 8, 16 The Past and Future City Monday, October 23, 12:45-2 p.m. Historic preservation isn't about casting buildings in amber; it's about keep - 9L ing old places alive, in active use, and relevant to the needs of communities today. Stephanie Meeks, president and CEO of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, describes the many ways in which saving and restoring its historic fabric can help a city create thriving neighborhoods, good jobs, and a vibrant economy. The Intersection of Personal and Professional Manager -Proofing Your Relationship Monday, Oct. 23,12:45-2 p.m. Local government management is high stress and highly public. Explore strate- gies for navigating those challenges, keeping a relationship strong, and achieving work/life balance. The married presenters—a manager and a psycholo- gist—will share tips and their own per- spectives. 18 Ten Things I Wish I Knew Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2-3:10 p.m. Navigating a career in local government can be tricky—not only professionally, but personally as well. In this session, hear experienced managers share the 10 things they wish they knew at the begin- ning of their careers. 18 Career Tracks Assistant and Deputy Managers Managing Up and Leading Down Monday, Oct. 23, 9:45-11 a.m. This session will provide advice on how to break the vicious cycle of not empower- ing or giving opportunities to those who want to gain experience. Learn from direct reports how to prevent "pulling up the lad- der" and have critical conversations to get managers to "lower the ladder." 1 The New Localism: How Cities Triumph in the Age of Populism Tuesday, October 24, 2-3:10 p.m. Citing many examples of cities taking the lead in dealing creatively with their local problems—even while the national gov- ernment is gripped in partisan gridlock— Bruce Katz, co-director of the Brookings Institution's Metropolitan Policy Program, calls for a 21st -century localism attuned to the needs of all citizens and capable of providing not just a reaction but also an antidote to the rise of populism and nationalism across the globe. Educational Sessions, cont. County Managers Preventing a Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Health Crisis through Integrated Treatment Q Monday, Oct. 23, 2:30-3:40 p.m. In the United States, one in five adults (43 million) have a mental condition; 10 million have co-occurring mental health and addiction disorders. Come learn why your community needs to be involved in a coordinated response to community health. 4 Long -Term Forecasts for Counties and Cities: They Work! Tuesday, Oct. 24, 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Basing next year's budget on this year's budget doesn't always produce the best results. Yuma County, Arizona, as well as other counties and cities have developed a long-term fiscal forecast to show the effects of pay increases, new debt, pen- sion costs, and inflation. Learn how fiscal forecasts help make smart and sustain- able budget decisions. 10 N7�7�Ce7iI�ly7�l�ly��ri[oil Senior Managers/ ICMA Credentialed Managers Sam Houston's Leadership Lessons Monday, Oct. 23, 12:45-2 p.m. Sam Houston's life in Texas included a battle with Santa Anna after weeks of retreat and organizing the government of the Republic—and then the State—of Texas. Attend this session to learn about Houston's leadership and team -building techniques and practices. 1 The Local Government 101 track delivers NEW, engaging and thought provoking examinations of emerging trends, best practices and key issues in local government. Equity and Inclusion: What We Don't Know Q Monday, Oct. 23, 9:45-11 a.m. In diverse communities, issues of race and identity mostly lie beneath the surface, with people confident and either com- fortable or uncomfortable in what they think they know. Consider anyjuxtaposi- tion: white and black; Christian, Muslim, Jew; etc. What impacts do their societal dynamics have on community politics, economic development, arts, connection, opportunity, threats, and happiness? How can we know? This session focuses on awareness, sharing, and peer learning to explore the question, Can a community engage in dialogue on the sensitive issues of race and identity and take inclusion and engagement to higher levels? 9 Building Courage and Connection Q Monday, Oct. 23, 2:30-3:40 p.m. Theodore Roosevelt once said "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while dar- ing greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat" Come ready to explore vulnerability—the key to courage and connection. 18 From Sleepy to Chic: Making Main Street Cool Q Tuesday, Oct. 24, 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. This session is a case study of how Berlin, Maryland, transitioned from a sleepy community to a tourist destination using partnerships with local businesses, govern- ment agencies, and civic leaders. By lever- aging its successful Main Street program and partnering with Worcester County's Department of Tourism, Berlin was voted America's Coolest Small Town in 2014— becoming an overnight success that was 30 years in the making. Berlin used the key elements of placemaking to transform 10 1 ICMA'S 103RD ANNUAL CONFERENCE its community. Attendees at this session will develop a checklist of steps to take to create a strong sense of place. 6 Building and Developing Public Trust through the Budget Q Tuesday, Oct. 24,3:30-4:40 p.m. In an era of "open data," when the need to increase public trust is so important, how can we use the budget to enhance transparency and accountability? Learn how to prioritize your budget through priority based budgeting, and how to tell your story through open data (and our unveiling of "Open PBBData"). 10 Mentoring and Team Building Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2-3:10 p.m. Mentoring can be an important aspect of professional growth and development for people newer to the profession. Team building is a process of blending person- alities, talents, and egos in a way that optimizes cooperation, positive relation- ships, and results. Attend this session to learn some of the best ways to mentor and, at the same time, build a more con- genial and productive team. 1 Small -Community Managers Maximizing Resources in Smaller Communities Q Monday, Oct. 23,12:45-2 p.m. Smaller communities (under 25,000) can maximize resources and expand their "bandwidth" through shared services agreements, public-private partnerships, community volunteers, and other innova- tions. Find out how to make the most of available resources and address chal- lenges in the process. 3, 5 Your Town's Not Too Small to Plan Q Tuesday, Oct. 24,3:30-4:40 p.m. In this session, you'll learn how small communities can effectively and realisti- cally plan by incorporating an under- standing of community resources into the visioning and strategic planning process. We'll focus on communities under 25,000 population, highlighting how to iden- tify local resources and manage citizen expectations. 3, 13 Annual, Program, and Affiliate Sessions Alliance for Innovation Reframing Digital Disruption Tuesday, Oct. 24,3:30-4:40 p.m. Technology is fundamentally changing how local government services are deliv- ered and what citizens expect from their interactions with their local officials. You can either embrace the new possibilities or be really thrown off your game. This interactive session will focus on how to harness technology, remodel or rebuild your service delivery, and improve trust with your residents. Explore the possibili- ties! 6, 7 Eldon Fields Colloquium That Was Then, This Is Now, and Tomorrow Will Be ... Monday, Oct. 23, 2:30-3:40 p.m. Bob O'Neill, ICMA Executive Director, 2002-2016, will reflect on the formative changes he has seen in local government and in the city/county management profession over that time. On the basis of his national and international experi- ences, Bob also will share his thoughts on the future of local government and professionalism. Ethics Q Something Is (Not) Rotten in Denmark Tuesday, Oct. 24, 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Hamlet's assessment of the excess that ruined a nation is fiction. The reality is Denmark shares the best rating on Trans- parency International's 2016 corruption perception index with New Zealand. Join colleagues from Denmark to learn how their seven ethical standards help to steer public officials to ethical choices. And why standards alone don't change behaviors. 17 ICMA Programs Public -Private Partnerships in Local Government Service Delivery Monday, Oct. 23, 9:45-11 a.m. Resource constraints and an expanding array of business options are leading many communities to explore different types of public-private partnerships. During this session, you'll hear from communities that are providing alternative forms of service delivery through various partnerships with the private sector and others. 3, 5 Smart and Sustainable Infrastructure Q Monday, Oct. 23,12:45-2 p.m. It's no secret that America's infrastructure needs some attention. Learn what some communities are doing to manage their infrastructure in smart and sustainable ways. 3 Body -Worn Cameras and Public Safety Monday, Oct. 23, 2:30-3:40 p.m. ICMA has conducted several case studies of communities using body -worn cameras as part of their policing approaches. Come hear the lessons learned by small- to large- sized communities. 3 �. / icmARC BUILDING PUBLIC SECTOR RETIREMENT SECURITY Dynamic Digital Experiences in the Public Sector Q Monday, Oct. 23,9:45-11 a.m. Emerging technology trends influ- ence public sector client experiences. During this session, we will explore broad trends that can have an impact on public sector plan administration, along with technology features and functions that can assist you and your employees as they manage their retirement savings. 7, 18 Managing Your Investments in a Period of Global Political Transition Monday, Oct. 23, 2:30-3:30 p.m. While political uncertainty doesn't necessarily translate into increased market volatility, the unknown effects of recently executed and impending policies on trade, interest rates (i.e., Federal Reserve leadership), regula- tory relaxation, and corporate tax reform have investors looking more intently at the dimensions of asset allocation within individual portfolios as well as at their defined benefit and defined contribution programs. Please join ICMA-RC's chief investment officer and a panel of experts to learn how they view the current investment landscape and are managing portfo- lios in 2017 and beyond. 18 ICMA.ORG/CONFERENCE 1 11 Developing the Public Workforce of the Future Tuesday, Oct. 24,3:30-4:40 p.m. Local governments of all sizes must actively plan for changes in their work- forces and for competition with other employers. This session will cover approaches they can take to understand the underlying demographic trends and skill set needs of their staffs, along with strategies they can use to be in the best position to recruit and retain talent. 12 Keynote Breakouts The New Urban Crisis Monday, Oct. 23, 9:45-11 a.m. Join Monday's keynote speaker, Richard Florida, to continue a discussion of his Empe prescription for building more inclusive cities capable of ensuring growth and prosperity for all. Courage under Fire Monday, Oct. 23, 2:30-3:40 p.m. Join Sunday's keynote speaker, Rabia Sid - clique, to explore the essential qualities and key roles of a great and effective leader. True Moral Leadership Tuesday, Oct. 24, 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Join Tuesday's keynote speaker, Anna Maria Chavez, to explore true moral leadership and what it takes to empower women and girls into leadership positions. �� ►-m rJ�-r� F n Jl�,, net i n��tl0. m �•��yo � !�1f1t.1I7r�., *1 � L?ctor re r C ig n a,, What's Next for Health Care Reform? Q Tuesday, Oct. 24, 11 a.m.- 12:15 p.m. The next era of U.S. health care reform has begun, and it's anything but predictable. Debate about the future of the Affordable Care Act is far from over. Join us for the latest insights from Cigna's experts on what you need to know as you plan your health benefit strategies for 2018 and beyond. 12 All —1 Don't feel like attending a 75 -minute presentation? Then join other attendees at the Learning Lab sessions for short, interactive presentations on the following focused topics that will arouse your curiosity. ICMA has listened to your feedback and, due to the popularity of these sessions, has placed each session in its own room with plenty of seating. The Learning Lab lobby will also host an Experts Exchange, where you can connect with other attendees and exchange one-on-one advice on a topic of most interest to you. • Advancing Racial Equity: Putting Theory into Action • Benchmarking Outside the Box • Best Practices for Engaging the Next Generation of Resident and Business Leaders in Your Community • Building Facilities and Programs That Reflect the Values of Inclusiveness and Diversity • Comparing Performance Management across Continents • Creating Shared Value through Digital Engagement • Developing a Community -Wide Response to the Refugee Crisis Another Way of Living: The Story of Reston, Virginia Monday, Oct. 23, 9:45-11 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 24, 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. In the early 1960s, Robert Simon had a vision for American life that was radically different from 1950s postwar suburban sprawl, which he felt isolated people. Simon dreamed of "another way of living" that valued community, nature, diversity, and social equity. This innovative Ameri- can planner set out to build a new kind of walkable suburban community that integrated citizens across racial, economic, and religious divides. His ambitious vision was realized in Reston, Virginia. • Developing Resource Partnerships to Alleviate Threats • Diversify Your Talent Pool: Active Recruitment Strategies • Employee Engagement Surveys and How to Use Them to Create a "Simply Irresistible" Organization • Facebook Live: The Devil Made Me Do It • Insight into Federal Funding for Economic Development Programs • Lessons Learned from ICMA's Alternative Delivery Survey Results • Local Government Cybersecurity: Lessons from New ICMA Research Our Mockingbird Monday, Oct. 23,12:45-1:50 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2-3:05 p.m. This documentary uses Harper Lee's 1960 novel To Kill a Mockingbird as a lens through which to view race, class, gender, and justice, then and now. Woven through the film is the story of two extraordinarily different high schools in Birmingham, Alabama—one black, one white—that collaborated on a remarkable production of a play that was adapted from Lee's classic novel. • Sharpening Your Creative Chops • Small Cities—Big City Regulations • Social Media and Reputation Management: Turning Critics • Stop Talking about Us and Start Talking to Us: Engaging Millennials in Government • Storytelling and Leadership in Local Government Management • The City's Role in Education and Workforce Development • The New Utility: Fiber Infrastructure in Your Community • Using Social Media to Advance Your Organization and Your Career The Human Scale Monday, Oct. 23, 2:30-3:40 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 24,3:30-4:40 p.m. The Human Scale questions our assump- tions about modernity, exploring what hap- pens when we put people into the center of our equations. For 40 years, the Danish architect Jan Gehl has systematically studied human behavior in cities. His starting point was an interest in people more than build- ings. Gehl's ideas inspired the creation of walking streets; the building and improve- ments of bike paths; and the reorganization of parks, squares, and other public spaces. k ICMA University forums are a hybrid of the traditional conference educational sessions and the ICMA University workshops. Because they are designed to be highly interactive and skill building in nature, the forums are limited in enrollment to 250 participants. Although there is no fee to participate in a forum beyond the main conference registration fee, preregistration is required because of the ceiling on enrollment, and early registration is recommended. ICMA University Practice Group numbers (noted in italics after the description) are attributed to each forum. Because It's the Right Thing to Do: Why and How Cities Must Face the Difficult Road of Negotiating Public Safety Benefits Sunday, Oct. 22, 12:45-2:45 p.m. Join San Antonio city manager Sheryl Sculley for a candid discussion about collective bargaining negotiations with public safety unions. Panelists will bring various perspectives to the forum and share lessons learned along the way. Participants will leave with a toolkit for proceeding down this challenging path in their communities; the toolkit will address how to ensure that the public's voice is a part of negotiations, how to balance con- flicting demands, and how to effectively communicate with stakeholders. 2, 8 Forum Leader: Sheryl Sculley, city man- ager, San Antonio, Texas Building Civility, Community, and Trust Guess Who's Coming to Dinner: with Local Law Enforcement Promoting Civility in Uncivil Times Sunday, Oct. 22, 12:45-2:45 p.m. Trust and legitimacy are critical corner- stones for bridging police and community relations in times of crisis as well as calm. Often the police become symbolic of deeper issues festering in the community. To build civility, community, and trust, police must not act in isolation but rather be integrated into the organization and the community. This forum will offer new and proven strategies for establishing or improving relationships in an environment where civility and trust have often been missing. 8 Forum Leader: Ron Carlee, director, Cen- ter for Regional Excellence, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia 14 1 ICMA'S 103RD ANNUAL CONFERENCE 9 Sunday, Oct. 22, 12:45-2:45 p.m. The polarization of our country has led to the coarsening of political discourse, especially on issues of equity, inclusivity, and social justice. This forum will offer new and proven strategies to increase inclusivity and may inspire you to hold a diversity dinner and candid dialogue about race, diversity, and inclusion. The potential of diversity dinners and proac- tive programs of inclusion offer hope for bridging the trust divide in our polarized society. 1, 9 Forum Leader: Greg Stopka, central regional director, Alliance for Innovation, Oak Park, Illinois Using Improv and Storytelling to Enhance from your peers what tools are working Persuasiveness, Culture, and Creativity in their communities and how those tools Sunday, Oct. 22, 12:45-2:45 p.m. Led by a nationally known speaker, strategic advisor, and former city manager and by a former Chicago Bulls Cheer- leader and special events coordinator to the mayor of Chicago, both of whom have trained and performed at The Second City, this forum will show you how to develop skills in using improv and storytelling to increase your personal and organizational effectiveness and hone your authentic, creative, and most per- suasive leadership style. 15, 18 Forum Leaders: Craig Rapp, president, Craig Rapp, LLC, Chicago, Illinois; and Aida Johnson -Rapp, director of group exercise, East Bank Club, Chicago, Illinois Developing Your Community's Sustainability Strategy: Exploring and Understanding Community Assessment Tools Wednesday, Oct. 25,10:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. As more and more communities are setting sustainability goals, the need for comprehensive assessment and tracking tools grows, and so does the complexity of identifying which tool is right for your jurisdiction. Join this discussion to explore the leading measurement tools and learn can work in your own. 5, 3, 6 Forum Leader: Matt Hart, town manager, Mansfield, Connecticut Diversity Games: Take Home Fun Ways to Improve Awareness and Inclusion Wednesday, Oct. 25,10:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. To effectively lead local government organizations that honor equity and inclusiveness, managers must create safe environments in which to embrace differ- ences and overcome bias. The Diversity Games are based on "safe" topics that provide participants with insights into their own perspectives and help them experience what it is like to be in a minor- ity. Rather than highlighting differences of gender, race, or ethnicity, the topics address cultural, generational, and social differences through food, humor, phobias, trivia, and animals. Each game is designed to get participants talking and sharing with one another in ways that emphasize their uniqueness. Attendees will commit to trying something new or sharing some- thing about themselves that they may or may not have in common with others. Each participant will leave the forum with an updated perspective on inclusion as well as an understanding of why it is W-1 important to celebrate differences within our organizations and communities. 1, 9 Forum Leader: Jill Silverboard, assistant city manager, Clearwater, Florida Marketing and Branding Yourself: The Seven Steps toward Getting the Job You Want Wednesday, Oct. 25,10:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. For a profession that typically eschews competition and rarely focuses on marketing and branding, this highly interactive, energetic, hands-on program will have participants use their own job search as the medium through which they will learn the broader concepts of marketing and branding in a highly competitive environment. Consisting of lecture, discussion, role playing, and a video practicum that makes use of smart phones, the forum will have participants present and role play each concept. It will then provide them with tangible tools in workbook format that they can start using during the session for their hypo- thetical job search process and continue using thereafter for day-to-day profes- sional engagements. 15, 18 Forum Leaders: Greg Larson, partner, Management Partners, San Jose, Califor- nia; and Rumi Portillo, human resources director, Los Gatos, California V* .4141/ ICMA.ORG/CONFERENCE 1 15 What attendees are saying ... Attendance at the annual conference has provided me with the networking, tools, and resources to become a better manager for my community. Meeting and bouncing ideas off of my colleagues, learning from my fellow managers about how to lead a diverse organization successfully, and realizing the value of fostering key relationships—these are just a few of the valuable takeaways I have received while attending the annual conference. —Bart Fischer, City Administrator Oakdale, Minnesota (population 28,033) ICMA's annual conference provides a unique opportunity for local government leaders to learn about current and future challenges, and cutting edge solutions, from the best of the best. The conference is a chance to re-energize, to reconnect with why we chose this profession, and to develop meaningful relationships with those who are as passionate as you are about public service. It's highly recommended for those who seek to better themselves and create positive outcomes for their communities. —Lewis Leff, Business Process Consultant Austin, Texas (population 912, 791) Attending ICMA conferences keeps me on my game! I think that ICMA is beneficial whether you are an emerging leader, or seasoned professional. It's always important to learn and grow. Things change so quickly in our rapidly local government world and managers have to be prepared and up to date. Attending the ICMA conference does that all in one short trip. —Sandra BookleyZadell, Borough Manager Chalfont Borough, Pennsylvania (population 4,009) • •]1111[• C The exhibit hall is an integral part of the learning and professional development that takes place at the Annual Conference. With over 150 companies exhibiting this year, it enables attendees to explore the breadth and depth of local government services and products available in today's world. Solutions Track Sessions IT Strategic Planning: Making Your IT Organization Efficient and Effective Monday, Oct. 23, 9:45-10:45 a.m. Budgets continue to be reduced; how- ever, the need to invest in expensive IT infrastructure and support personnel to provide services to stakeholders is unwav- ering. This session will discuss IT strategic planning in light of an organization's needs while taking into consideration its budget requirements, rapid changes in both tech- nology and equipment, and the software and support necessary to stay current. Presented by Lurie LLP. Leveraging the Key Ingredients of Successful Service Delivery Monday, Oct. 23, 9:45-10:45 a.m. Building staff accountability for service delivery outcomes involves many key ingredients, including staff development, the fine tuning of cross -departmental pro- cesses, and the harnessing of proven tech- nology solutions. This session will feature approaches that your community can use to improve service delivery to its citizens. Presented by Plante & Moran, PLLC. Putting a "Smart Communities" Strategy to Work Monday, Oct. 23, 9:45-10:45 a.m. The idea of "smart communities" has been around for awhile. Many who rally around this widely accepted concept see how communities are strengthened through technology. There is abundant evidence that demonstrates the move from point solutions to a comprehensive strategy. This session will provide a smart communities roadmap through the use of technologies such as GIS, Cloud, Big Data, and Analytics. Presented by Esri. Powerful Model Strengthens Civic Muscle That Endures Monday, Oct. 23, 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Community Heart & Soul° engages resi- dents' emotional connection to home and translates that connection into positive action to strengthen and shape the future of their community. Join us for a truly transformational session. Presented by The Orton Family Foundation. Retail Trends: What City Managers Need to Know Monday, Oct. 23,11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. How does the evolution of e-commerce and other retail industry changes affect site location decisions? In this session, we will discuss the latest retail real estate trends and explain their impact on your community's retail attraction efforts. Presented by Buxton. The Modern Rumor Mill: Counteracting Social Media Monday, Oct. 23, 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Local governments once had to consider how the telephone helped rumors spread. Today, it's social media. To counter misin- formation, local governments must proac- tively share information online. Learn how some have successfully countered the modern rumor mill and created centers of truth and engagement. Presented by OpenGov. IL 17 Educational Exhibits and Solutions Track Sessions, cont. An Unexpected Benefit of Civic Engagement: Power during Times of Crisis Monday, Oct. 23, 12:30-1:30 p.m. Civic technology such as SeeClickFix is becoming invaluable for cities during dis- ruptive events. During this session, you'll hear how St. Petersburg and Gainesville, Florida, are leveraging civic engagement and technology during times of crisis. Presented by SeeClickFix. Contain Costs and Maintain a Competitive Benefits Program Monday, Oct. 23, 12:30-1:30 p.m In this session, community leaders will learn how to implement strategies to help control benefit costs while improving participation, driving employee satisfac- tion, limiting excessive out-of-pocket expenses for employees, and remaining competitive in recruiting top talent. Presented by Colonial Life. Market -Based Zoning and Implementing Redevelopment Monday, Oct. 23, 12:30-1:30 p.m Effective revitalization requires three elements: project feasibility, identity, and regulatory efficiency. This session will explore how North Miami Beach and Pom- pano Beach have successfully balanced these elements for economic develop- ment that protects community character while being responsive to private sector investment. Presented by Redevelopment Management Associates (RMA). Creating a Highly Effective and the less fortunate, enabling us to Performance Planning, Budgeting, and accelerate our response to social inequities. Management System Presented by Esri. Monday, Oct. 23, 1:45-2:45 p.m. Learn how, without replacing your exist- ing budgeting and financial tools, you can have a robust performance planning, budgeting, and reporting management system. See how this looks when done effectively. Become familiar with this innovative enhancement that supports effective management and builds on what you already have. Presented by Clifton- LarsonAllen LLP. How Data Storytelling Can Drive Civic Engagement Monday, Oct. 23,1:45-2:45 p.m. The success of many projects depends on effective communication that energizes collaborators, partners, and the public. Join us as Harris County, Texas, Public Health presents how they used data sto- rytelling and LiveStories.com to commu- nicate important public health issues and initiatives. Presented by LiveStories. Overcoming Social Inequities with Technology Today Monday, Oct. 23, 1:45-2:45 p.m. All governments face such issues as homelessness, blight, opioid addiction, veterans' services, and access to transit. This session will explore how technology can bridge the gap between resources Marijuana, Solar, and the Sharing Economy: Meeting the Challenge of Emerging Regulatory Issues with Technology Monday, Oct. 23,3-4 p.m. Hear best practices from cities that are rising to the challenge of regulat- ing disruptive technologies and societal shifts such as the sharing economy, solar energy, and legalized marijuana, as well as from industry professionals who are working to collaborate with these local governments. Presented by Accela. New Grant Reporting Expectations under the DATA Act Monday, Oct. 23,3-4 p.m. The Digital Accountability and Transpar- ency (DATA) Act aims to make informa- tion on federal expenditures more easily accessible and transparent. The federal government continues its plan to improve recipient reporting, which means that grantees must adapt new methods for tracking and managing their grants. This session will explain what new require- ments look like and how to stay ahead of the compliance curve. Presented by Streaml-ink Software. 18 1 ICMA'S 103RD ANNUAL CONFERENCE *-=N Iraee0g8pP .1% -, .1w Rethinking Bid Management: How Cities Can Leverage Technology for Better Procurement Monday, Oct. 23, 3-4 p.m. A broken procurement system is bad for everyone. Looking at the city of Phila- delphia's "contracts hub" as a model, this session will explore how local govern- ments can use technology to expand the vendor pool, draw more bids, and drive down costs. Presented by Department of Better Technology, Inc. Disaster Preparedness Partnerships That Do More Than Just Talk Tuesday, Oct. 24, 9:45-10:45 a.m. Motivating community partners to partici- pate in disaster preparedness is challeng- ing. This session will present a creative take on a regulatory requirement, using a participative scenario selection and risk assessment process to focus stakehold- ers' attention on reducing their communi- ties' greatest vulnerabilities. Presented by JH Consulting, Inc. Making Airbnb-Style Rentals Work for Everyone Tuesday, Oct. 24,9:45-10:45 a.m. With the growth of Airbnb and other vacation rental websites, local govern- ments are struggling to find the right balance between rules that maximize the economic benefits of short-term rent- als and negative impacts such as noise, trash, parking, and changes in neighbor- hood character. This session will explore how local governments have solved the problem and enacted effective, enforce- able, and revenue accretive ordinances that makes Airbnb-style rentals work for everyone. Presented by iCompass Tech- nologies/Host Compliance. What Could You Do with an Additional 260 Minutes Per Day? Streamlining Technology and Public Records Responsibilities Tuesday, Oct. 24, 9:45-10:45 a.m. Government spends an average of 260 minutes each day fulfilling public records responsibilities. Join the Hyland Govern- ment Team for a look at those respon- sibilities and the technology tools that can help you fulfill them. Presented by OnBase by Hyland. Modernizing Budget Planning to Meet Today's Challenges Tuesday, Oct. 24, 11 a.m.-noon Given today's squeezed revenues, opera- tional complexity, and economic uncer- tainty, every dollar that governments spend is forced to do more work. Learn how new budgeting software is helping local governments focus on strategic pri- orities, increase collaboration, and com- municate clearly in a time of uncertainty. Presented by OpenGov. Municipal Consortiums: Building Value through Partnership Tuesday, Oct. 24, 11 a.m.-noon When a group of Chicago villages sought better technology outcomes than each village could achieve on its own, they developed a unique consortium model. Learn about the GovITC, where vendor and resource sharing, collective negotia- tion, and integrated execution delivers IT excellence. Presented by InterDev. The Role of Modern Technology in Economic Development: It's More Than Just Site Selection Tuesday, Oct. 24, 11 a.m.-noon Today's development environment is increasingly competitive. Cities struggle to balance recruitment with business reten- tion and expansion. What separates cities el from each other is an effective destination branding strategy. This session will present a strategy centered around location, world- class demographics, and a compelling story of "why your city" Presented by Esri. Public -Private Partnerships to Operate Libraries: The Riverside County, California, Experience Tuesday, Oct. 24, 12:45-1:45 p.m. Municipalities are struggling to fund public libraries and maintain services to their communities. In 1997, Riverside County took the then bold step of having a private entity operate its library system, becoming the first government organiza- tion to run its library through a public- private partnership. Hear county officials describe how this decision has affected not only the library system but also the communities the system serves. Pre- sented by Library Systems Services. Real Talk: What Types of Retail Strategies Work for Small Towns? Tuesday, Oct. 24, 12:45-1:45 p.m. The adage "retail follows rooftops" some- times leads smaller communities to believe that retail attraction efforts are pointless, but is that true? In this session, we will discuss strategies that smaller communi- ties can use to reach their commercial development goals. Presented by Buxton. Using Technology to Improve Service Delivery Tuesday, Oct. 24, 12:45-1:45 p.m. By applying new or established technol- ogy tools, cities can make their streets, parks, and open spaces safer and more accessible for residents. Learn how Peachtree Corners, Georgia, used LiDAR (light detection and ranging) technology to improve street lighting, public safety, and overall administrative efficiency. Presented by CH2M. ICMA.ORG/CONFERENCE 1 19 Speed Coaching Sunday, Oct. 22, 10-11:45 a.m. This session is free but requires preregistration. Speed Coaching is back in San Antonio! If you have career questions or want to get or give fresh perspectives, attend this session. Registration is complimentary for this high-energy coaching and networking event. We also need coaches! ICMA Research Seminar for Pracademics and Students Sunday, Oct. 22, 10 a.m.-2:45 p.m. Building upon last year's successful launch, join academics, practitioners, and managers who teach (or pracademics) for research presentations in this mini conference -in -a -conference. Listen to current research, offer input for student and faculty pitches, suggest research needs in the profession, and generally get studious. Mortarboards not required. Does Your State of Mind Influence Your Health? Monday, Oct. 23, 11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m. This session will focus on the mind and its influence on our health and well- being while reinforcing our control over what we think and feel. Our journey will also highlight the impact of positive and negative thoughts on healing and recovery from illness. We will round out our discussion by talking about food, how it nourishes yet deteriorates our health status, and what we can do to change the scourge of poor diet choices and improve our overall state of healthiness. Getting Smart about Solar: How to Build a Strong Solar Market and Get National Recognition Monday, Oct. 23, 11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m. As the cost of solar energy continues to decrease, the opportunity to harness the benefits of local renewable energy grows. Join your peers as they share their experi- ences eliminating red tape to improve local processes and employing other best practices, and learn how engagement and national recognition with SolSmart has benefited their communities and could help your own. ICMA University Leadership ICMA Capstone Report: Peer -to -Peer Technical Assistance Monday, Oct. 23,11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m. The Leadership ICMA Class of 2017 has been hard at work assisting local govern- ments with developing neighborhood - specific outreach programming to support the no -kill mission of city -run animal shelters; researching and innovating child care solutions for city employees; produc- ing an employee engagement playbook of best practices, recommended training, programs, and activities; crafting a plan to ensure the long-term sustainability of signature community events by moving toward a cost -neutral model; and analyz- ing strategic stakeholder values and best practices to create a plan for the future. Learn about their experiences and how what they learned can be useful to you. Improving Public Safety Services through Technology Monday, Oct. 23, 11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m. FirstNet will revolutionize public safety technology and improve how first responders receive and share critical information in an emergency. This session will explain how your community can be on the leading edge of this change and meet its needs at an affordable cost. 20 1 ICMA'S 103RD ANNUAL CONFERENCE The Challenge of Public Sector Ethics: MPA Student Session Monday, Oct. 23,11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Led by ICMA Midwest regional director David Limardi and Prof. Kurt Thurmaier, this session will provide students with a chance to collaborate with students in other programs to discuss ethical issues in local government. After the session, students are encouraged to continue discussions and networking over lunch. The Vision for Public Finance: Transpar- ency as a Strategic Resource Monday, Oct. 23,11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m. How do we create an environment where financial transparency is a value-added, win-win scenario? We'll show how to shift from a "closed civil service culture" to a "transparency culture," including ways to overcome internal barriers. Urban Planning in China Monday, Oct. 23,11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m. This session will provide an opportunity for ICMA members to meet ICMA China Center representatives, Chinese national and local government officials, and repre- sentatives from academia and the private sector in China. It will offer discussions on current urban planning trends, policies, and challenges in China as well as infor- mation on how members can engage in the China programs that ICMA offers. County Administrators' Idea Exchange Monday, Oct. 23,12:45-2:45 p.m. The National Association of County Administrators (NACA) will host an idea exchange—an informal roundtable discussion for county administrators to discuss issues that are important to county governance. Look before You Leap: Resources and Advice for Interim Managers Monday, Oct. 23, 4-5 p.m. This past year, a member task force has worked to update ICMA's Acting Man- ager's Handbook. From the decision to serve, to the priorities and relationships needed to succeed, the Task Force has taken a fresh look at the dynamics and resources available in this role. Attendees will gain these insights and discuss the issues with task force members. Managers as Faculty Monday, Oct. 23, 4-5 p.m. This session is for every manager who feels called upon to help develop the next generation of managers, whether as a guest lecturer in a college classroom or as an adjunct or full-time faculty member in a graduate MPA program. Join this informal discussion and share your experiences, exchange ideas, and learn where to find and how to use teaching resources. President's Colloquium: Leading Communities in the Second Machine Age Monday, Oct. 23, 4-5 p.m. As our communities enter the second machine age, how will we manage and lead as technology changes the very fabric upon which those communities have been built. Explore the effect of the second machine age on issues such as land use and social equity. Resident Panels: Taking Your Community's Pulse Monday, Oct. 23, 4-5 p.m. As local meetings continue to lack repre- sentation from the community at large, resident panels can provide an alterna- tive way to provide meaningful and effi- cient public engagement opportunities. Join us to discuss the best ways to build panels, ask the right questions, and use the panel results. Smart Cities: The Water Nexus Monday, Oct. 23, 4-5 p.m. The need to ensure reliable water and wastewater service lies at the heart of Smart City planning for municipal manag- ers around the nation. Join SUEZ for a discussion of Smart Water solutions that incorporate innovative methods and technology built to increase the efficiency and life of water systems. Building Successful Coaching and Talent Development Relationships Tuesday, Oct. 24, 12:30-1:45 p.m. Talent development is a growing organi- zational imperative for local governments to boost their most important asset— people—for peak performance. Learn about the complimentary development resources offered by the ICMA Coaching Program for coaches and team members. ICMA.ORG/CONFERENCE 1 21 Game of Life: Play It Right—Season 6 Tuesday, Oct. 24,12:30-1:45 p.m. Join us for this interactive and engag- ing trivia "game show" that will help teach you how to maximize the way you live and save. Subject -matter experts in health and wellness and finance will pro- vide information we all need to know as we work, play, and live the Game of Life. Smart, Connected Future Cities Tuesday, Oct. 24, 12:30-1:45 p.m. Find out how cities and counties are improving the quality of life for their constituents by connecting data between sensors and devices. Learn how the Internet of Things and machine learning deliver better citizen outcomes. The Evolution of Solutions: Integral Thinking in Police Problem Solving Tuesday, Oct. 24, 12:30-1:45 p.m. This session, co-sponsored by the International Town -Gown Association and ICMA, will offer a case study of city - university collaboration: Achieving Com- munity Together (ACT) Son Marcos. Hear how this police problem -solving effort uses multiple methodologies to reduce disorder in student -dominated residential areas. PA A The Role of Analytics in Smart Community Decision Making and Development Tuesday, Oct. 24,12:30-1:45 p.m. You've got gobs of data; now what? Learn about the role of data analytics and how it can help improve your community. Using Public -Private Partnerships (P3s) to Further Your Smart City Agenda Tuesday, Oct. 24, 12:30-1:45 p.m. Residents expect governments to contin- ually modernize to improve city services, but technology can be costly and difficult to keep up with. Come find out how P3s can help address those challenges and help you achieve your Smart City vision. • M MOM Special meetings do not require preregistration. Member Task Force and Committee Meetings Sunday, Oct. 22, 8:30-11:30 a.m. Most ICMA member task forces and committees will meet on Sunday morning; some groups will meet longer than oth- ers. Task force and committee members will receive communications this summer providing further details. Regional Meetings Sunday, Oct. 22,11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. ICMA members from the five U.S. regions will meet with their regional vice presi- dents to discuss key organizational issues and initiatives and to share information on activities within the region. State officers and members active in their state associa- tions are encouraged to participate in an interactive discussion with their regional vice presidents on the ICMA Executive Board, as well as with ICMA Liaisons and Senior Advisors, to continue the dialogue on strong partnerships between ICMA and state associations. 22 NASPAA Site Visitor Training Monday, Oct. 23, 9:30-11 a.m. This complimentary training provides an opportunity for academics and practitio- ners who are interested in the accredita- tion process to become NASPAA site visitors. As volunteers who visit campuses and bring a peer -review perspective, site visitors are the backbone of the accredita- tion process. Current and former members of the Commission on Peer Review and Accreditation will provide an overview of the NASPAA standards and logistics of the accreditation process as they prepare vol- unteers to become NASPAA site visitors. International Affiliate Organizations Monday, Oct. 23, 2:30-4:30 p.m. Representatives of the affiliates report on issues facing local governments in their countries and explore ways to work with ICMA and the other affiliates. Early -Career Professionals Meeting Monday, Oct. 23, 4-5 p.m. If you are a young professional and want to develop your leadership and manage- ment capacity, this meeting is for you. Meet current participants and mentors, and learn about Local Government 101 and 201, the Emerging Leaders Devel- opment Program, the Leadership ICMA program, the Mid -Career Managers Institute, and other ICMA opportunities. These programs can also help fulfill your professional development requirements as outlined in the guidelines for Tenet 8 of the ICMA Code of Ethics. Annual Business Meeting Tuesday, Oct. 24, 9:45-10:45 a.m. The annual business meeting will feature reports from the ICMA president, ICMA executive director, and ICMA-RC president. State Secretariat Meeting Tuesday, Oct. 24, 12:30-2 p.m. State association staff are invited to meet with colleagues to find out how services are provided in different states. Bring along your latest conference ideas, Strategic Partner program tips, newsletter suggestions, and professional develop- ment initiatives. Luncheon for Women in Professional Local Government Management Sunday, Oct. 22, 12:45-2:45 p.m. Get connected, energized, and inspired. Join your colleagues to celebrate wom- en's advances in the profession. Hear about successes, learn from setbacks, and strategize for the future. Our keynote speaker will start the luncheon with a motivating conversation on why strong, vibrant local governments and communi- ties need women in leadership positions. Learn how the goal of advancing women is inherently connected to the larger goals of equity and inclusiveness within local government management and in our communities. Leave recommitted to contributing to this vital movement at the local level, nationwide, and globally. $43 ICMA/ELGL Networking Event Sunday, Oct. 22, 7-9 p.m. This session is free but requires preregistration. Join ICMA, Emerging Local Government Leaders (ELGL), and other friends for another mix and mingle with managers, up-and-comers, students, and every- one in between. All are invited to the networking mixer on Sunday evening following the Welcoming Reception. Wear your name badge and bring your business cards. There is no cost for this event. Inspirational Breakfast Monday, Oct. 23, 7-8:15 a.m. Eric Cooper is the president and CEO of the San Antonio Food L Bank, the largest hun- ger -relief organization in Southwest Texas. Through a network of more than 530 nonprofit agencies and myriad distribution programs, the food bank provides 58,000 meals a week and more than 61 million pounds of food and grocery items to needy Texans in a 16 -county service area. In 2001. the San Antonio Food Bank selected Eric to become the youngest executive director in the history of the organization. During his 15 -year tenure, the food bank increased food distribution from 10 million pounds to more than 61 million pounds; increased the number and impact of its programs; and was awarded Food Bank of the Year in 2007 by Feed- ing America, the national network of more than 200 food banks. Eric will share his unique and inspirational journey as a public servant. $35. Assistants' Luncheon There Is No One Way to the Top: A Look into the Career Jungle Gym Monday, Oct. 23, 11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m. For several reasons, such as transparency and knowledge transfer and generational differences, today's career environment is no longer linear. As Sheryl Sandberg states, "Career paths are more like jungle gyms today rather than ladders" Three speakers from a variety of backgrounds will share how they navigated through their personal career jungle gyms and will provide recommendations for attendees also on the jungle gym. $43 Moderator: Taylor Lough, assistant to the city manager, Richardson, Texas Panelists: Maria Lasday, village manager, Bannockburn, Illinois; Howard Lazarus, city administrator, Ann Arbor, Michigan; and Susan Thorpe, county administrator, Yuma County, Arizona Assistants' Forum Preferred Core Competencies of a City Manager/Assistant Manager Monday, Oct. 23, 4-5:15 p.m. Preregistration is not required for this event. As a continuation of the Assistants Luncheon conversation, the Assistants' Forum will look at key core competencies that are critical to being a competitive and successful city manager or assistant manager, regardless of the career progres- sion taken. The panel, consisting of city managers, a county executive officer, and an executive search firm principal, will also feature a council member who will discuss the core competencies sought by hiring decision makers. Attendees will learn what these competencies are and hear various perspectives on how to develop them. The Alamo Master Plan: A New Vision for Sacred Ground Sunday, Oct. 22, 12:45-2:30 p.m. Mission San Antonio de Valero, better known as the Alamo, is one of the five Spanish Catholic missions recently desig- nated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Learn about what is planned for the coming years and what challenges lie ahead as the master plan is implemented in preparation for the Alamo's tricenten- nial in 2024. This field demo is a 10 -minute walk from the convention center. $20. Alamo Heights City Hall Sunday, Oct. 22, 12:45-2:30 p.m. Before the city of Alamo Heights com- pleted construction on and opened its new city hall late in 2014, the city hall was a collection of old buildings and con- verted residences dating from the 1940s to the 1980s. This field demonstration will feature a tour of the new building and a discussion of the issues encountered in the construction. It will have relevance to any city faced with replacing an aging city hall. The bus trip takes 15 minutes. $20. AP Leave Your Age at the Door: Northeast Senior Center Monday, Oct. 23, 9:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. The Northeast Senior Center, one of 10 comprehensive senior centers managed by the city of San Antonio, serves about 500 seniors (ages 60 and older) daily. The state-of-the-art facility contains a full gym, three classrooms, a computer lab, a fitness room, and a large dining hall. A free membership to the center provides seniors with a nutritious lunch, equipment access, and a range of pro- gramming options. The bus trip takes 30 minutes. $20. EastPoint Development Monday, Oct. 23, 9:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Take a snapshot ride of the city's invest- ments in commercial and residential developments, including EastPoint and Downtown San Antonio. The city uses a variety of incentive programs to promote growth and development in targeted areas of the city, specifically in the underserved residential and real estate markets within the greater downtown area. EastPoint is a diverse, bilingual, four -square -mile area located in the East Side area of San Antonio in the Promise Zone; encompassing some of the city's oldest neighborhoods, the area has about 18,000 residents. This field demonstra- tion has four inviting stops: the Hays Street Bridge, the Pearl Brewery, the downtown Tech Hub, and Hemisfair Park. This is a double-decker bus tour. Please dress for sitting outdoors. The bus trip takes 15 minutes. $20. Phil Hardberger and Walker Ranch Parks (by bicycle) Monday, October 23, 12:45-4 p.m. Phil Hardberger Park and Walker Ranch Park are natural oases in the heart of a suburban area. Attendees will receive a briefing on the history, funding, and development of the trail system as well as on the significant economic impact of the parks. Using Parks and Recreation Department bicycles, attendees will have the opportunity to bike from one park to the other and back (about five miles.) Dress should be appropriate for a 45 -minute bicycle ride. The bus trip takes 20 minutes. $20. L 24 1 ICMA'S 103RD ANNUAL CONFERENCE San Antonio Water Systems' Desalination Plant Monday, Oct. 23,12:45-4 p.m. A once -overlooked pool of salty ground- water can now be made drinkable. The brackish desalination program is part of the San Antonio Water Systems' 2012 Water Management Plan, designed to meet the growing city's water needs over the next 50 years while reducing dependence on the Edwards Aquifer. The facility in South Bexar County treats an estimated 4.4 billion gallons of water annually—roughly equivalent to the amount of water used by almost 100,000 people a year. This tour requires walking. The bus trip takes 25 minutes. $20. Tuesday, October 24, 12:45-4 p.m. San Antonio's five Spanish colonial missions—Mission San Jose, Mission San Juan, Mission Concepcion, Mission Espada, and the world-renowned Alamo— were established by Spanish priests in the 18th century and were declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2015. Attendees will be briefed on the World Heritage Work Plan that was developed to prepare for increased activity. This field demonstration requires walking. The bus trip takes 20 minutes. $20. Municipal Pre -K and Library Public - Private Partnership Tuesday, Oct. 24,12:45-4 p.m. San Antonio takes bold and innovative approaches to education by leveraging partnerships, employing creative ideas, and thinking strategically. San Anto- nio Public Library's 29th location, the Potranco Branch Library, is co -located in a repurposed building within a YMCA and features the latest in self-service technology. The city's high-quality prekin- dergarten program, Pre -K 4 SA, launched in the fall of 2013, operates four full-day prekindergarten schools that serve 500 students each; it was awarded $4.2 mil- lion in competitive grants to public school districts, private schools, and child care development centers. The bus trip is 20 minutes. $20. ■ R South Pre -K 4 SA EdRCRUWA Cont,, La Renaissance and the Museum Reach Tuesday, Oct. 24, 12:45-4 p.m. Travel aboard San Antonio's innovative battery -powered river barges from the new Tobin Center for the Performing Arts to the dynamic Pearl development. Learn how public-private partnerships made this new development possible and how this framework can be applied in any com- munity. Wear comfortable walking shoes and jackets for an outdoor river barge ride. The bus trip takes 10 minutes. $20. ICMA.ORG/CONFERENCE 1 25 Ah L •1 ICMA University workshops offer interactive, intensive training designed to develop skills and enhance knowledge. They support ICMA members' commitment to career -long learning by addressing the ICMA Practices for Effective Local Government Leadership. Instructors are selected for their knowledge of the topic, understanding of local government issues, and proven ability to effectively teach adults. Visit the ICMA University workshops page at icma.org/ conference for descriptions of each workshop. Asking Your Police and Fire Chiefs the Right Questions Saturday, Oct. 21, 8:30 a.m.-noon Practice Group: 3 Workshop Leaders: Leonard Matarese, director of research and project devel- opment, and Tom Wieczorek, executive director, Center for Public Safety Man- agement, LLC, Washington, D.C. Building Customer Service into Local Government Customer Service Saturday, Oct. 21, 8:30 a.m.-noon Practice Groups: 1, 4, 14 Workshop Leader: Cory Fleming, senior technical specialist and program director, ICMA, Washington, D.C. Delivering Great Results from Your Vision and Strategic Plan Saturday, Oct. 21, 8:30 a.m.-noon Practice Groups: 1, 6 Workshop Leaders: Cheryl Hilvert, local government leadership change agent, Montgomery, Ohio; and Jeff Parks, president, Performance Breakthroughs, Woodbridge, Virginia Informed Policy -Making: Engaging Elected Officials in Performance Management Saturday, Oct. 21, 8:30 a.m.-noon Practice Group: 5 Workshop Leader: Gerald Young, senior research associate, ICMA, Washington, D.C. Leading Change/HPO Saturday, Oct. 21, 8:30 a.m.-noon Practice Groups: 1, 6 Workshop Leader: Brian Bosshardt, county manager, Los Alamos County, New Mexico Master Class in Collaborative Leadership Saturday, Oct. 21, 8:30 a.m.-noon Practice Groups: 1, 14 Workshop Leaders: Peter A. Glaser, PhD, consultant, and Susan R. Glaser, PhD, consultant, Glaser & Associates, Eugene, Oregon Process Mapping: A Hands -On Class to Improve Efficiency and Effectiveness Saturday, Oct. 21, 8:30 a.m.-noon Practice Group: 3 Workshop Leader: Richard Baron, pro- cess and project coordinator, Coconino County, Flagstaff, Arizona Six Ways to Engineer Employee Engagement Saturday, Oct. 21, 8:30 a.m.-noon Practice Groups: 1, 6 Workshop Leader: Patrick Ibarra, co- founder and partner, The Mejorando Group, Glendale, Arizona Moving from Success to Significance Saturday, Oct. 21, 1-4:30 p.m. Practice Groups: 6, 18 Workshop Leader: Rob Dayton, certified strength coach, Santa Barbara, California 26 1 ICMA'S 103RD ANNUAL CONFERENCE Shaping the Culture of Your Organization Courage to Thrive Saturday, Oct. 21, 1-4:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 22, 8:30 a.m.-noon Practice Group: 1 Workshop Leaders: Cheryl Hilvert, local government leadership change agent, Montgomery, Ohio; and Jeff Parks, president, Performance Breakthroughs, Woodbridge, Virginia Unresolved Racial Issues Saturday, Oct. 21, 1-4:30 p.m. Practice Groups: 3, 8, 9, 14 Workshop Leader: Ron Carlee, direc- tor, Center for Regional Excellence, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia Case Study: Essential Management Skills Saturday, Oct. 21, 1-4:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 22, 8:30 a.m.-noon Practice Groups: 2, 15, 17 Workshop Leader: William Bridgeo, city manager, Augusta, Maine Improv and Improve Saturday, Oct. 21, 1-4:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 22, 8:30 a.m.-noon Practice Groups: 1, 6, 14 Workshop Leaders: Craig Rapp, presi- dent of Craig Rapp, LLC, Chicago, Illinois; and Aida Johnson -Rapp, director of group exercise, East Bank Club, Chicago, Illinois Leading through Conflict to Shared Victory Saturday, Oct. 21, 1-4:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 22, 8:30 a.m.-noon Practice Group: 6 Workshop Leader: Michelle Poche-Fla- herty, president, City on a Hill Consulting, Potomac, Maryland Leading Together: A New Model for Governing and Managing Community Saturday, Oct. 21, 1-4:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 22, 8:30 a.m.-noon Practice Groups: 8, 13 Workshop Leaders: Mike Letcher, senior vice president, and William Stipp, senior vice president, The Mercer Group, Tucson, Arizona Practice Group: 18 Workshop Leader: Deborah Roberts, professor, University of Virginia, Charlot- tesville, Virginia Design Thinking Sunday, Oct. 22, 8:30 a.m.-noon Practice Groups: 4, 6 Workshop Leader: Pamela Antil, assistant city administrator, Santa Barbara, Cali- fornia; and Kathy Lang, IT manager, San Jose, California High Deductible Health Plans and Integrated Pharmacy Benefits: What They Can Mean to Your Organization's Bottom Line and Employee Satisfaction Sunday, Oct. 22, 8-10 a.m. Practice Group: 12 This workshop is offered through the generous support of ICMA's Strategic Partner Cigna. There is no fee. "ICMA-RC Overview": Understanding Your Retirement Options Sunday, Oct. 22, 10 a.m.-noon Practice Group: 18 This workshop is offered through the generous support of ICMA's Strategic Partner ICMA-RC. There is no fee. ICMA.ORG/CONFERENCE 1 27 9111 a WTI WAVC I wi 0 NTour: Sports: Yoga (starts 6:30 a.m.) ICMA University Workshop Tour: Texas State Capitol/LBJ Presidential Library Registration and Host Committee Desk ICMA University Workshops Annual Leadership Institute Research Symposium for Pracademics and Students Member Task Force/Committee Meetings Regional Meetings Speed Coaching Sports: 5K Run/Walk Sports: Siclovia ICMA University Tour: Historic San Antonio National Bridge... Field Demos ICMA University Forums ICMA University... Women's Luncheon and Program Sports: Golf Tournament (starts at 6:00 a.m.) Tour: Historic San Antonio Tour: Kayaking the Missions Registration and Host Committee Des Keynote: ducational Sessions Sessions ducational Sessions Richard Florida Learning Labs/ Roundtable Featured Speaker: Experts Exchange Discussions Stephanie Meeks Inspirational Breakf—t Solutions Track Solutions Track Sol 'ons Track Sol Sports: Field Demos County Administrators' Yoga Partners' Brunch and session Idea Exchange (starts Assistants' Luncheon Field Demos 6:30 a.m.) Film Film Sports: Tour: World Heritage Tour Ready... Tour: Blue Star Burgers and Brew Set... Get Fit! Tour: Tortillas and Tequila (starts Registration and Host Committee Desk 6:30 a.m.) Keynote: Solutions Track Educational Sessionspecial Sessions Sports: Anna Maria Chavez gnnual Business Solutions Track Solutions Track Yoga Meeting Learning Labs/ Roundtable (starts Experts Exchange Discussions 6:30 a.m.) Partners' Service Project Field Demos Sports: MMMMUFlm M State Secretariat Meeting Ready... Tour: World Heritage Tour Set... Get Fit! Tour: Texas State Capitol/LBJ Presidential Library (starts Tour: Kayaking the Missions 6:30 a.m.) egistration and Host Committee Des Celebration of Service: Simon T. Bailey Roundtable } Q Discussions D ICMA University Forums Z Tour: World Heritage Tour LU Tour: Homes of the Past 3 Tour: Hill Country Wine Tour 6 ost Committee Desk ICMA University Workshops Caverns and the Historic Community of Gruene Opening Session: Rabia Siddique ICMA University Forums ... Symposium Sports: Siclovia Educational Sessions Special Sessions Learning Labs/ Roundtable Experts Exchange Discussions utions Track Solutions Track Film Assistants' Forum Educational Sessions Educational Sessions Featured Speaker: Learning Labs/ Bruce Katz Experts Exchange Educational Program Reception: Witte Museum Welcoming Reception: A Taste of San Antonio Social Events Registration and Exhibits ICMA/ELGL Networking Event (ends 9:00 p.m.) Affiliate, Alumni, and State Receptions Film Film Reception: A Night in Old San Antonio (ends 10:00 p.m.) ' Nick S'rmonite, visitsanantonio.com �s OCTOBER 22-25 ICM/ 2017 SAN ANT N10 103RD ANNUAL CONFERENCE BEXAR COUNTY he Greater San Antonio Region lies across South Central Texas on the southwestern corner of the Texas Triangle. With a population of 1.47 million, San Antonio, in the county of Bexar (BAY-ar), is the second-largest city in Texas and the seventh-largest city in the United States. Diverse, internationally connected, and globally competitive, San Antonio has a vibrant culture and economy and is consistently ranked among the fastest-growing cities in the United States. San Antonio is proud to be "Military City USA," home to crucial military commands supported by a patriotic community. San Antonio was named an All -America City by the National Civic League and ranked No. 1 on the Milken Institute's Best -Performing Cities list. San Antonio welcomes over 34 million visitors annually and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) recently designated the city's Spanish colonial missions, including the Alamo, as a World Heritage Site, the first and only in Texas. The world-famous River Walk is the single most visited tourist attraction in the state. San Antonio will mark its 300th anniversary in 2018 with a yearlong commemoration that will celebrate the city's memorable past and exciting future. Whether it's the downtown Ambassadors thereto help you find your way, our local restaurants ready to treat you to a fine meal, or our residents eager to talk to you about our beloved Spurs, you'll find out why Travel+Leisure has named San Antonio "America's Friendliest City." If you haven't been here before, you'll find that you fit right in, and if you have been here already, you'll be glad you're back. visit'sanantonio_com u.i I rr , t visitsanantonio.com �sitsanantonio. � , , i, � Social and Partners Program Edward Benavides Maria Villagomez Erik Walsh Welcome and Bienvenidos! On behalf of the 2017 Conference Host Committee, we look forward to welcoming you to San Antonio for the 103rd ICMA Annual Conference. A lot has changed since you were here last for the 2006 ICMA conference. Don't worry, we still have all your favorite attractions, including the River Walk, the Alamo, and SeaWorld, but now we have so much more that has made us truly a city on the rise. In the past 10 years, the River Walk has expanded to 15 miles in the largest urban eco -restora- tion project in the country; our 18th century Spanish colonial missions became the 23rd UNESCO World Heritage site in the United States; and we've transformed the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, the largest capital improvement project in city history. You're coming at the perfect time as we lead up to our community's 300th birthday commemorations in 2018. This once-in-a-lifetime anniversary will provide the opportunity to showcase our art, culture, heritage, history, service, and pride for residents and the thousands of visitors expected to partake in this celebration. As we sit at the crossroads of such a rich cultural history, so much exciting progress and so much more to come, it's the perfect time to visit and see for yourself! And lucky for you, the New York Times recently planned your sightseeing tour: "36 Hours in San Antonio: Known for its 15 -mile River Walk, the City Offers a Version of Texas that Mixes Traditional with Innovative" We want to thank ICMA staff and the Planning Committee for their hard work in assembling a great conference in the place we call home. Together, we will ensure that the 2017 ICMA Confer- ence is the one you will never forget! From all of us, we encourage you to ask yourself what new, exciting sight, person, or topic you will discover in San Antonio. There's only one way to find out! Join Us! Edward Benavides Host Committee Co -Chair Tricentennial CEO San Antonio, Texas Maria Villagomez Host Committee Co -Chair Assistant City Manager San Antonio, Texas t6&4V141 Erik Walsh Host Committee Co -Chair Deputy City Manager San Antonio, Texas ICMA.ORG/CONFERENCE 1 31 Evening Highlights SATURDAY EVENING RECEPTION Witte Museum Saturday, Oct. 21, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Enjoy access to the Witte Museum, with heavy hors d'oeuvres and drinks, before proceeding to dinner on the town in San Antonio. The Witte has recently com- pleted a $100 million, once -in -100 -years transformation to highlight for visitors the history and art of Texas utilizing the latest museum practices and technology. With a focus on history and science, the Witte Museum emphasizes participation. One of its highlights is a real treehouse connected by elevated walkways and outdoor water exhibits on the banks of the San Antonio River. Catch up with colleagues while exploring the beauti- ful gardens and exciting exhibits at the Witte. Following the event, shuttles will drop attendees off at multiple dinner destinations, including the Pearl District, Southtown, and Houston Street. Adults, $30; youth ages 6-16, $20; under 6 free. Price includes hors d'oeuvres, venue rental, entertainment, transportation, coordination, and gratuities. Visit the Host Desk in the convention center before the party for restaurant information and dinner reservations. SUNDAY WELCOMING RECEPTION A Taste of San Antonio Sunday, Oct. 22, 5-7 p.m. Experience the diversity of the San Antonio region. Delight in the flavors that make San Antonio unique with the open- ing of the ICMA Exhibit Hall in the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center. The cost of the reception is included with the registration fee. Tickets for compli- mentary registrants are $40 for adults and $30 for youth ages 6-16; children under 6 come for free. Price includes hors d'oeuvres, coordination, and gratuities. Visit the Host Desk in the convention center before the party for restaurant information and dinner reservations. MONDAY EVENING EVENTS Affiliate, Alumni, and State Association Receptions and Dinners Monday, Oct. 23, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Receptions will be held in the Grand Hyatt San Antonio Hotel. Tickets are not required for affiliate, alumni, and state receptions. To arrange a room for a Monday evening reception, contact Jenese Jackson Qjackson@icma.org, 202-962-3556) by July 1. If you are planning a state or affiliate organization dinner for Monday evening and need restaurant suggestions, please contact Brenda Square with Visit San Antonio at BrendaSquare@visitsanantonio.com, 210-207-6760. TUESDAY EVENING EVENT A Night in Old San Antonio Tuesday, Oct. 24, 6-10 p.m. San Antonio has many wonderful sights and sounds that make up the city's fes- tive atmosphere. The arts, architecture, cuisine, and music are a charming blend of Texan and Mexican cultures unique to San Antonio. Our NIOSita, a miniature version of "A Night in Old San Antonio,"O creates a special celebration for attend- ees. Held in the plazas of the original, historic downtown village of La Villita, this event offers the essence of San Antonio— a traditional fiesta complete with dinner and a bar that is guaranteed to give attendees a night to remember under the bright Texas stars. After the NIOSita, attendees will experience life in new San Antonio dancing the night away with the Spazmatics, a high energy 1980s music experience that no one can resist! Adults $40; youth $30. Price includes dinner, drinks, venue rental, entertainment, production, coordination, and gratuities. 32 1 ICMA'S 103RD ANNUAL CONFERENCE Tours The tour program is separate from other conference offerings and is outsourced to CE DMC, which organizes and conducts the tours, and sets pricing and participation minimums. Pricing includes transportation, admissions, guides, and taxes. If you prefer to explore the area on your own, browse through the Visitor Center in the convention center or stop by the Host Desk for advice. Texas State Capitol and LBJ Presidential Library Saturday, Oct. 21, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 24, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. With 360,00 square feet of floor space, the Texas State Capitol, the first stop on this tour to Austin, is larger than any other state capitol building. Then, after a box lunch and a drive through beauti- ful downtown Austin, visit the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library. As LBJ said "It is all here: the story of our time with the bark off ... the facts, not just the joy and triumphs, but the sorrow and failures, too" Drive time is approximately 90 minutes each way. Adult/youth, $125 Historic San Antonio Saturday, Oct. 21, 12:30-4:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 22, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Visit the Alamo, the most famous spot in Texas, where all 189 defenders fell on March 6, 1836. Then drive by the tree - lined avenues of historic King William District. Prosperous Germans built these grand homes, which showcase ornately carved wood, delicately scrolled iron- work, and beautiful landscaping. Next is San Fernando Cathedral and then the EI Mercado or Mexican Market, quaint shops that sell clothing, food, and the works of local artists. Adults/youth, $35 Natural Bridge Caverns and the Historic Community of Gruene Saturday, Oct. 21, 12:30-5:30 p.m. After experiencing the incredible sur- prises and awesome natural phenomena at the Natural Bridge Caverns (be sure to wear comfortable shoes, rubber soles recommended), visit the historic commu- nity of Gruene. This quaint little town—an assortment of restaurants, antique stores, specialty shops, and wine shops, is also home to Gruene Hall, the oldest dance hall in Texas. Adults/youth, $85 Kayaking the Missions Sunday, Oct. 22, 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 24 ,10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Starting at the Mission Reach area of the river to receive a life vest along with instructions, head out for a morning of peaceful bliss along the San Antonio River Mission Reach to paddle the placid waters and enjoy the water fowl, birds, and wildflowers of urban nature. Mini- mum age 12 years. Adults/youth, $165 World Heritage Tour Monday, Oct. 23, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 24, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 25, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Five cherished portals to America's Span- ish colonial past have just been elevated to the stature of Stonehenge and the Taj Mahal as UNESCO has granted World Heritage Status to San Antonio Missions National Historic Park. Tour Mission San Jose, Mission San Juan Capistrano, and Mission Concepci6n and learn about ICMA.ORG/CONFERENCE 1 33 its,, Tours, cont. their history; then visit the Mercado for a little shopping. The Alamo, the most famous of the missions, is located in the heart of downtown, easily accessible from all downtown hotels so that guests can explore on their own. Adults/youth, $35 Blue Star Burgers and Brew Monday, Oct. 23,11:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Beginning at the Blue Star Brewery with a beer tasting and lunch, this relaxing yet culturally stimulating tour continues to the Blue Star Art Gallery and other gal- leries, where artists mingle amiably with visitors. Guests can stroll through some highly unusual shops, such as the Tatum Original shop. Adults age 21 and older, $100 Tortillas and Tequila Monday, Oct. 23, 11:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. With her delightful approach to the beauty of food in daily life, Blanca offers an unforgettable hands-on demonstration of the art of making Enchiladas Verdes and TexMex enchiladas. Upon arrival at Blanca's, guests will enjoy one of her famous margaritas, accompanied by chips and salsa, Chicken Enchiladas Verdes, Spanish rice, and borracho beans. The grand finale is a piece of her famous Tres Leches cake. Adults/youth, $128 Homes of the Past Wednesday, Oct. 25, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Beginning with a tour of one of the most beautiful neighborhoods in Texas, the King William Historic District, visit Villa Finale; built in 1876 and later restored by Walter Mathis in 1967, the villa features a large collection of memorabilia pertaining to Napoleon as well as a wide range of Texas decorative arts, such as bell silver and Texian Campaigne ceramics. The last stops are the CH Guenther House, with its beautiful antique collection, and the Pioneer Flour Mills gift shop, which sells all kinds of cooking sauces, cake mixes, it _ ok Ue iun'ry Wine Tour t and other products of this mill. Adults/youth, $50 Hill Country Wine Tour Wednesday, Oct. 25, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. The first stop is Texas Hills Vineyard. Located in the gentle hills of picturesque Pedernales River Valley, this modern winery specializing in Italian -style wines is the only producer of pinot grigio in Texas. Next is Grape Creek Vineyard, 16 acres of vinifera grapes and an orchard with peaches and other fruits, all sited on a spring -fed creek. Then, after lunch in the quaint town of Fredericksburg, visit the Wild Seed Farm and the third winery, Becker Vineyards. Planted in 1992 on the site of an ancient stand of native mustang grapes, this vineyard boasts 36 acres of French vinifera grapes and the largest underground wine cellar in Texas. Enjoy tastings at all three wineries. Drive time is 90 minutes each way. Adults age 21 and older, $100 34 1 ICMA'S 103RD ANNUAL CONFERENCE Golf Tournament Sunday, Oct. 22, 6 a.m. -2 p.m. (8 a.m. shotgun start) Get ready to play one of the premier golf courses in the Southwest. The TPC San Antonio Canyons Course, designed by Pete Dye, is one of only three proper- ties in the United States to host two tour events. The tournament will be a four -person scramble format, and prizes will be awarded for the longest drive and the closest to the pin. The Host Commit- tee will contact participants before the conference about partner preferences and club rentals from the course. $135. Ticket price includes greens fee, cart and range, transportation, breakfast, lunch, goodie bag, and prizes. 5K Run/Walk Sunday, Oct. 22, 8-11 a.m. ICMA conference attendees are invited to participate in the 10th Annual City Man- ager's 5K Walk & Run, where participants will be able to race through beautiful downtown San Antonio while experienc- ing its rich and historical culture. This %.01 V1\ 1 %J event is taking place in conjunction with the YMCA of Greater San Antonio's Siclo- via event (see below). $35. Ticket price includes race registra- tion, awards, access to race festivities, and race shirt. Siclovia—Play & Party in the Street Sunday, Oct. 22, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Siclovia is a free community event that turns downtown San Antonio streets into a safe place for people to exercise and play. In partnership with the city of San Antonio, the YMCA of Greater San Anto- nio turns several miles of San Antonio's streets into temporary car -free zones. In addition to open streets, recreational areas will host free exercise classes, live music, and more! There is no charge for this event. Yoga Sunday, Oct. 22 -Tuesday, Oct. 24, 6:30-7:30 a.m. Want to infuse your day with a bit of lighthearted fun and enjoyment? Join your colleagues for daily yoga in the Grand Hyatt Hotel. Introduce yourself to the beauty of yoga as an instructor leads you through an invigorating workout that will improve functional strength, balance, flexibility, and relaxation, preparing your mind for another active conference day. $20. Ticket price includes three morning yoga classes. Ready ... Set ... Get Fit! Monday, Oct. 23, and Tuesday, Oct. 24, 6:30-7:30 a.m. Winner of the 2014 ICMA Community Health & Safety Award, the San Anto- nio Parks and Recreation Department offers its Fitness in the Park Program all over San Antonio at a variety of venues. Jumpstart your day with some cardio in the convention center with our Fitness in the Park Program. $15. Ticket price includes two morning cardio classes and all necessary equipment. ICMA.ORG/CONFERENCE 1 35 Partners' Program ICMA's Partners' Program recognizes the significant role that the partner and family play in the success of a local government professional's career. In addition to the events described below, partner conference registration includes a ticket to the Sunday Welcoming Reception, attendance at any of the general educational and keynote sessions, and access to the exhibit hall. Stop by the Partners' Registration and Reconnection area to find old friends and make new ones. Visit the ICMA Member Partners' page at icma.org. PARTNERS' BRUNCH AND EDUCATIONAL SESSION Finding Your Way: Discernment, Purpose, and Living in Enthusiasm Monday, Oct. 23, 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. This session is free but requires preregistration. Each of us is always just around the corner from the next season of our life, our next chapter. For those IL in the early stages of adult life, that may mean starting a new career, managing relationships/fam- ily, entering the ranks of management, attending graduate school, or trying to juggle all the above at the same time. For seasoned individuals, it may be looking at starting a business, facing retirement, managing generations of family, engag- ing in civic leadership, orjust meeting the next big challenge. This interactive conversation will provide a framework for approaching our discernment thought- fully and fruitfully. Discuss the possibili- ties ahead and help each other explore key questions that will take us into that discovery and beyond. Speaker: Francisco Gonima, owner and principal, Francisco Gonima Executive Coaching and Strategy, San Antonio, Texas PARTNERS' SERVICE PROJECT Tuesday, Oct. 24, 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. This activity is free but requires preregistration. Join ICMA members' partners on our yearly local service project. We will be serving at Pre -K 4 SA, the first publicly funded, full-day prekindergarten program in the nation. In 2011, former mayor and Housing and Urban Development secre- tary Julian Castro convened a blue-ribbon task force to identify the most effec- tive method for improving the quality of education in San Antonio. Pre -K 4 SA, a program developed to focus on high- quality prekindergarten services for four- year-old children, opened its first campus in the fall of 2013. Highly effective in improving overall educational outcomes, the program helps children learn and read on grade level, making them less likely to fall behind their classmates and more likely to graduate and attend college. It boasts experienced teachers; high-quality curriculum; bilingual educational options; free afterschool care for 3,700 children at four centers; healthy and delicious meals, including breakfast, lunch, and snacks at no extra cost; and transportation. ICMA partners will read to the children and help them complete a simple art activity pertaining to the books. 91 Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ICMAORG; "like us" and click on the Conference Event, tell us if you are coming to San Antonio, and see who is attending. © For Twitter and Instagram: @ICMAConference, use #icma2017 in your tweets and posts. 36 1 ICMA'S 103RD ANNUAL CONFERENCE Inside Info Attire and Temperature San Antonio weather in late October is typically beautiful. Average daytime temperatures range in the upper 70s to low 80s, and nighttime temperatures are in the low 60s, but make sure to check the extended forecast before leav- ing home. October is also a relatively dry month; however, it's always a good idea when traveling to be prepared for the occasional shower. Casual attire is the norm for sessions, tours, and most ticketed evening events. Don't forget to bring a light jacket or sweater to beat the evening chill. Only a few of the finest res- taurants require coat and tie; otherwise, relax and be informal. Location of Conference Events Located at 900 E. Market Street, the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center is the site for most of the ICMA conference activities. The Monday evening state/ alumni/affiliate receptions and a number of other meetings/events will be held at N�Hyatt San Antonio Hotel, next e Convention Center. Restaurants Dining options in San Antonio run the gamut from Caribbean and continental to French and Chinese to soul food and Cajun to southwestern and seafood, but the one not to miss is Tex-Mex, a passion with local residents of all ethnic backgrounds. San Antonio offers an abun- dance of choices to suit your taste and budget. The best part is that most restau- rants are within walking distance of the convention center and hotels, and many are located along the River Walk. Visit the restaurant reservation desk near the Host Committee area in the convention center to browse the menus of area restaurants and have your reservations made for you. Getting around in San Antonio San Antonio's downtown is safe, com- pact, and easy to navigate. All the confer- ence hotels are within walking distance of the convention center. Consult the final conference program for details and instructions concerning hotel shuttles and busing for evening social events. or A. rcK�ericksburgC? Kerrville �#, Gva AN Traveling to San Antonio Texas' central location makes getting to San Antonio easy. Offering over 260 daily flights with nonstop service from 30 desti- nations, San Antonio International Airport (SAT) is only 8.5 miles from the downtown business district—about a 15 -minute drive. A taxi trip will cost $25-$30 (tip not included); the shuttle costs roughly $34 round trip. Ride Share companies such as Uber or Lyft will start at roughly $16, depending on the type of service you choose. If you need personal attention in booking your air travel, you may contact ICMA's travel manager, Andrew Williams at 703/647-7024; email icmaconference@ ewatravel.com and identify the meeting name: ICMA Annual Conference. Note that EWA does not handle hotel reserva- tions for the conference. Contact the ICMA Housing Bureau for hotel reserva- tions at icma.org/conference. Connect before the Conference Visit the Annual Conference event page on Facebook at bit.ly/GoingtolCMA where you can let us know you're attend- ing, see others who are attending, coordi- nate travel and more! ion Boerne C _,-,. Hondo Sponsors ICMA and the 2017 Conference Host Committee would like to recognize and thank the following contributors who had made a financial commitment to ICMA's Annual Conference as of May 2017. PRINCIPAL SPONSOR ICMA-RC DIAMOND SPONSOR Cigna PLATINUM SPONSORS AT&T Bexar County BoardDocs City of San Antonio Republic Services SAP Texas City Management Association Visit San Antonio GOLD SPONSOR Governing SILVER SPONSORS BKD, LLP Buxton Centro San Antonio Clifton LarsonAllen, LLP CPS Energy Department of Better Technology, Inc. Esri Guido & Companies, Inc. I nterDev JH Consulting, Inc. OpenGov Pape -Dawson Engineers, Inc. RMA San Antonio River Authority San Antonio Water System SeeClickFix Siemens StreamLink Software Tyler Technologies, Inc. Urban Management Association of South Texas BRONZE SPONSORS Accela BOK Financial Services CH2M Colonial Life enCodePlus, LLC Garza EMC H -E -B Grocery Company iCompass Technologies/ Host Compliance Library Systems Services LiveStories Lurie LLP New Gen Strategies OnBase by Hyland Orton Family Foundation Plante & Moran, PLLC Route Fifty The Mejorando Group Zachry Group 2U. A. City Council Agenda: 8/14/17 Consideration of approving 2018-2019 law enforcement contract with Wright Countv Sheriffs Office (WO) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The current 2016-2017 law enforcement contract with the Wright County Sheriff's Office expires on December 31, 2017. Wright County has therefore prepared a new contract for the next two years. Under the new contract, the hourly rate for law enforcement services for calendar year 2017 will be $72.00 per hour --$2.50 or 3.6% higher than 2016. This 2018 rate will increase to $74.50--$2.50 or 3.5% higher than 2017. The new rates were approved by the Wright County Board earlier in the year. Below is a table comparing hourly rates, contract hours per day, and the corresponding budget for our contracted law enforcement services from 2008 to 2019. Year Hourly Hours Budget Change Rate per Day 2019 $74.50 48 $1,305,240 $43,800 2018 $72.00 48 $1,261,440 $43,800 2017 $69.50 48 $1,217,640 $43,800 2016 $67.00 48 $1,173,840 $43,800 2015 $64.50 48 $1,130,040 $35,040 2014 $62.50 48 $1,095,000 -$53,290 2013 $60.50 52 $1,148,290 $11,128 2012 $59.75 52 $1,137,162 $17,342 2011 $59.00 52 $1,119,820 $28,470 2010 $57.50 52 $1,091,350 $28,470 2009 $56.00 52 $1,062,880 $77,380 2008 (July — December) $54.00 52 $512,460 2008 (January — June) $54.00 48 $473,040 The new contract provides for no change in law enforcement coverage, currently 48 hours per day or 17,520 hours annually. Excluded from the above schedule for 2016 is 48 extra hours for the leap year ($3,216). The next leap year is 2020. Adding 4 hours per day to the contract would cost $105,120 (total additional costs: $105,120 + $43,800 = $148,920). A.1 Budget Impact: See above schedule. A.2 Staff Workload: Approval of the 2018-2019 law enforcement contract for police services will have no impact on staff work load. 1 City Council Agenda: 8/14/17 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the 2018-2019 law enforcement contract with Wright County for law enforcement services at 48 hours per day for $72.00 per hour in 2018 and $74.50 per hour in 2019. 2. Motion to deny approval for law enforcement services at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative Action #1, which maintains law enforcement coverage at 48 hours per day for $72.00 per hour in 2018 and $74.50 in 2019. In the past, the sheriff has indicated that the city could add hours without much notice. Subtracting hours would be more problematic. Adding hours could be discussed further as the budget process progresses. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • 2018-2019 Law Enforcement Contract as proposed by Wright County 2 LAW ENFORCEMENT CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 2017, by and between the COUNTY OF WRIGHT and the WRIGHT COUNTY SHERIFF, hereinafter referred to as "County" and the CITY OF MONTICELLO hereinafter referred to as the "Municipality"; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Municipality is desirous of entering into a contract with the County for the performance of the hereinafter described law enforcement protection within the corporate limits of said municipality through the County Sheriff, and WHEREAS, the County is agreeable to rendering such services, and protection on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, such contracts are authorized and provided for by the provision of Minnesota Statutes 471.59 and Minnesota Statutes 436.05; NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to the terms of the aforesaid statutes, and in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, it is agreed as follows: 1. That the County by way of the Sheriff agrees to provide police protection within the corporate limits of the Municipality to the extent and in the manner as hereinafter set forth: a. Except as otherwise hereinafter specifically set forth, such services shall encompass only duties and functions of the type coming within the jurisdiction of the Wright County Sheriff pursuant to Minnesota Laws and Statutes. b. Except as otherwise hereinafter provided for, the standard level of service provided shall be the same basic level of service which is provided for the unincorporated areas of the County of Wright, State of Minnesota. C. The rendition of services, the standard of performance, the discipline of the officers, and other matters incident to the performance of such services and control of personnel so employed shall remain in and under the control of the Sheriff. 1 d. Services purchased pursuant to this contract shall include the enforcement of Minnesota State Statutes, including but not limited to the Traffic Code and the Criminal Code, as well as all local ordinances enacted in conformance therewith. Statutes and ordinances which prescribe enforcement by a different authority; i.e., the State Electrical Code, the Uniform Building Code, etc., shall be excluded from this agreement. Ordinances pertaining exclusively to purely local city management matters; i.e., sewer and water collection, etc., shall be excluded from this agreement. The Municipality shall be responsible for enforcement of the Municipal Zoning Code, except that the Sheriff will enforce nuisance ordinances conforming to State law; i.e., junk cars, etc. and traffic ordinances; i.e., parking and erratic driving. 2. That it is agreed that the Sheriff shall have full cooperation and assistance from the Municipality, its officers, agents and employees so as to facilitate the performance of this agreement. In order to facilitate a local presence of Sheriff's Deputies, the Municipality shall, if requested by the Sheriff, provide a secure office for the Sheriff's Deputies having adequate space for two desks with chairs, limited public visibility, a local telephone line and an internet connection. The Municipality shall allow a sign indicating the location of its Sheriff's substation with appropriate telephone numbers to be displayed on the exterior of the building. 3. That the County shall furnish and supply all necessary labor, supervision, equipment, communication facilities for dispatching, cost of jail detention, and all supplies necessary to maintain the level of service to be rendered herein. 4. The Municipality shall not be liable for the direct payment of any salaries, wages, or other compensation to any personnel performing services herein for said County. 5. The Municipality shall not be liable for compensation or indemnity to any of the Sheriffs employees for injuries or sickness arising out of its employment, and the County hereby agrees to hold harmless the Municipality against any such claims. 6. The County, Sheriff, his officers, and employees shall not be deemed to assume any liability for intentional or negligent acts of said Municipality or any officer, agent, or employee thereof. 7. This agreement shall be effective from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2019. 2 8. The Municipality agrees to pay to the County the sum of $ 72.00 per hour for law enforcement protection during the calendar year 2018 and $ 74.50 per hour during the calendar year 2019. If salaries of Deputy Sheriffs are increased at any time during the term of this contract, the hourly rate of this contract shall not be increased. 9. This contract shall be extended automatically for successive one year periods at a rate to be established by the County, unless the County or Municipality shall notify the other of termination, in writing, prior to August 15 of each year. 10. The number of hours of service to be provided pursuant to this contract are as follows: 48 hours per day, 17,520 annually and shall provide 24-hour call and general service. The Municipality shall notify the County in writing prior to August 15 regarding any change in the number of hours for the subsequent year. 11. The County shall provide for all costs and prosecution efforts with respect to violations charged by the Sheriff in the performance of this agreement. All fines arising from such prosecutions shall accrue to the County. Violations of municipal ordinances excluded from enforcement by this agreement shall be prosecuted by the Municipality at its expense. All fines arising from city prosecutions shall accrue to the Municipality unless otherwise provided by law. 12. Pursuant to law, the County Auditor/Treasurer shall remit to the Municipality its share of all fines collected. The Municipality shall return to the County within 30 days all fine money attributable to prosecutions initiated by the Sheriff in accord with Paragraph 11 of this contract. The Municipality shall keep and retain any fine money submitted by the Auditor/Treasurer attributable to prosecutions initiated by the Municipality. 13. For the purpose of maintaining cooperation, local control and general information on existing complaints and problems in said Municipality, one member of the Municipal Council, the Mayor or other person or persons shall be appointed by said Council to act as police commissioner(s) for said Municipality and shall make periodic contacts with and attend meetings with the Sheriff or his office in relation to the contract herein. 3 14. The County shall save, hold harmless and defend the City from any and all claims arising from the acts or omissions, including intentional acts and negligence, committed by employees or agents of the County or Sheriff while in the performance of duties in furtherance of this contract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Municipality, by resolution duly adopted by it governing body, caused this agreement to be signed by its Mayor and attested by its Clerk; and the County of Wright, by the County Board of Commissioners, has caused this agreement to be signed by the Chairman and Clerk of said Board, and by the Wright County Sheriff, effective on the day and year first above written. Dated: ATTEST: Clerk Dated: ATTEST: Lee Kelly County Coordinator Dated: Approved as to form and execution: Tom Kelly, Wright County Attorney CITY OF MONTICELLO Mayor WRIGHT COUNTY 0 Charles Borrell, Wright County Board Chair Joe Hagerty Wright County Sheriff City Council Agenda: 08/14/17 2V. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2017-55 calling for a public hearing on September 11". 2017 for vacation of a portion of drainage and utilitv easements as legally described for Autumn Ridge 3rd Addition. (AS/JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Ocello, LLC has requested that the City Council consider the vacation of drainage and utility easements within the common area of the Autumn Ridge 3rd Addition. The property owner, along with co -applicant SW Wold, have submitted an application for preliminary plat and rezoning to replat a portion of the Autumn Ridge Yd area. Required drainage and utility easements would be established with the new plat. Procedurally, Council must accept the petition and call for a public hearing to consider the vacation. Statute requires two weeks between the publication of notices and the public hearing itself. Therefore, Council should call for the public hearing for consideration of the vacations to be placed on the September 11th, City Council agenda. City staff has prepared notices to be published in the Monticello Times and sent to affected property owners. Al. Budget Impact: There is no budget impact associated with calling for the hearing, as the notification expenses are covered through the application fee. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff impacts at this time are limited to the preparation of the notice documents. Should Council call for the hearing, staff will continue work on reviewing the vacation application. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to adopt Resolution 2017-55, accepting the petition and calling for a public hearing on Monday, September 11, 2017 to consider the vacation drainage and utility easements over and across Autumn Ridge 3rd Addition as described in the petition. 2. Motion to not call for a public hearing at this time on the vacation request. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution 2017-55 B. Petition for Vacation C. Easement Vacation Exhibit D. Plat of Autumn Ridge Yd Addition CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2017-55 RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON VACATING A PORTION OF DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS WITHIN LOT 3, BLOCK 17; LOT 1, BLOCK 18; AND OUTLOT A, AUTUMN RIDGE 3RD ADDITION WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 4152.851, after two (2) weeks published and posted notice of the hearing and after mailing written notice of the hearing at least ten (10) days before a hearing to each property owner affected by the proposed vacation; and WHEREAS, a public hearing on the vacation of the Drainage and Utility Easements Autumn Ridge Yd Addition will be on Monday, September 11, 2017, at 6:30 PM at the Monticello City Hall: Legal Description: Lot 3, Block 17; Lot 1 Block 18; and Outlot A, Autumn Ridge 3rd Addition. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. The Council will consider the vacation of such easements and a public hearing shall be held on such proposed vacation on the 11th day of September, 2017, before the City Council in the Council Chambers located at the Monticello Community Center at 6:30 p.m. 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to give published, posted, and mailed notice of such hearing as required by law. ADOPTED BY the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota this 14th day of August, 2017. ATTEST: CITY OF MONTICELLO Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Brian Stumpf, Mayor DATE TO: Community Development Director City of Monticello Toit Concern: &om may 1-4 c .y 3 " 9 , petition on behalf of A2QX (,p ,��..9 per-.. , fee title property owner of 44C for the vacation of the e5ola� ALL OF THE DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS EMBRACED WITHIN LOT 3, BLOCK 17; LOT I BLOCK 18; AND OUTLOT A, AUTUMN RIDGE 3RD ADDITION, AS DEDICATED ON THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF. WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA, Thank You. Property Owners Signature AUTUMN RIDGE VILLAS I/ I rI A / r- n r. A 4 /` . r, r A r\ r l I —r— I/\ A / — I r- n r\ A A /` / —r— / / n r\ r\ 1 -I- I w♦ A I K / h--- //\I /-- �1 f!/1/1l/ 1/\lII^\Iif If 1 fl l/\l L— I \ L_ t- / I Y l 1 I 1 I I♦/ � I 1 L///-1 L/ L/ I I /\/ / V— —---- . L_ i� 1 t r 1 I 1�/ -f I I 1 //-1 L I L/ / I f\/ / V --- � ; I y� N SE COR OF SW 1/4 SEC. I4, --- y_ — _ _ _ _ _ _ — _ _ — — — — _ _ •.__ -, ... .. = =, .._, ..._ _ T. 121 R. 25 — _ -- } I WRIGHT COUNTY C.I.M. T %'r_T N00'01'20'W 671.02 — / / / i / / % '-EAST LINE OF THE SW I/4 OF o SEC. 14, T. 121, R. 25 1 21.47 + % j NOO'01'20'W 1184.18 r\` 524'38 / / ``-- EAST LINE OF OUTLOT A. O� • Jty OF AUTUMN RIDGE 3RD ADDITION O VAP\\, / �n^/ �f>?e?3S ^. ,NY ;1>Zg 0/+W 3 S?DW23'E 9.89 SIO.13' g W Si`'S9 N a P}� �'p. / O/- h' / ?� / / vi 00 94. 103.8 f 66.55 25.341 S?1 / 74.00 '1 ' ______� O. `'` Sf 22 �E 7.62'Cj v\lip l�� VI ` �0Y,7� \ o .`8 �, g0, O/2 'Y? / / +lu - `/v 4�$4, 507•46'02•W 513`5 o N `` � S '( .00A •' � 4 \ ^� � •; a � 38 'fir i / / 3, � 1 .: /' n / n .43.41 , . , i- / O W , .. , W / � � � �t g 9 � '`i / � g n/� ``--Wd, z � JS@e J /Z< : i .-� :; m / .`cQ .. / 21, / ) 0p i $12 39 JJ• // n / a /il , n 1 r . , l ,., C N .: , V , ,X / '! / / 5 8,6 Z,, _ � i d �.` 92 m4j `O / / cYi Ipj.'�-W 1 In !n G /3 1..,, J" 1 :N / _ W /.' Y3 ' ,[ 35'W' _ro I N 89 , m n ` >9 3 I m m / 3 D rn u`W • m A�QO 1 !0/ =e -/{ " j _-� 4>,Og nN / •/1 1 , 2_J0.11 G o` r L t` SOT. \i P\ 6\ t` ?e?,� f50 Ion 4 ` / A'429p. Of 20 i• / , N 59.2 �089g71 N00'33'49'W 89 L/` / /=b 0 '\ �I 4I'49•µ, a'IP. 3. 1 2 / t / z \/ 03.25 6o2m" / m �'A�.11 \A i 1 900 w . > /6' % E / ?0 63,08 m 0 1 a� �( >_ Ste_. .a, %'i d _.�svW SO; -41 4. F6• ' i ' 70,00 1c N45.23'46'W H65'41'26•W 5.84 4;:; ; `- C1. � N � /,\9• � q7, 7.0.00, 0 07°41'54'E $3 R 58,.46'25•E____ 10.72 VICINITY MAP SECTION 14, T121, R26 NOT TO SCALE C.9,g=S43'34'33'W C-44.97 ' `9' ' OUTLOT A NarZ2.,8.E ''o• j r-' `' I i - DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT OVER ALL OF OUTLOT A \ / \ i 507'II'31'E / 47.00\ \^ Z $?/• \0049+W N m \ z 44 o ,. S071131'E 3 0048,.. yo G w \ W > -2 66 / Pofg'ly 2 S2p,S9,2.0 152.85 S00°1604'E 169.50 THE EAST LINE OF OUTLOT A, AUTUMN RIDGE 3RD ADDITION IS ASSUMED TO HAVE A BEARING OF N00`01'20"W. 0 Denotes 1/2 inch x 18 Inch iron monument set marked by license no. 18425 unless otherwise shown. [ALL OF THE DRAINAGE AND U77UTY EASEMENTS EMBRACED WITHIN LOT 3, BLOCK 17; LOT 1 BLOCK 18; AND OUMOT A, AUTUMN RIDGE 3RD ADDITION, AS DEDICATED ON THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, MIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA, HAVE BEEN VACATED PER DOC. NO. 7 Z Scale in feet 1 � 0 50 100 150 ONE INCH EQUALS FIFTY FEET ALLIANT VI I LL Lr -1 L- I L—" I AUTUN RRDGE 3RD ADDRTRON i N 1 H- I I\1 F- /"t F( i\/1 /< F( 1 1 /"1 1 I I I I I 11 11\I I r♦ •. I -I- I ♦• I / I ♦L_L Ilv I r -11\I 1♦/ \/I .L/ I-1 Ll L/I I Itll •1 /1 r-1• r- -I-I r♦r�l K I f 1 1\ I H /A\ t( I \/ I/ I F• i /•\ I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I I\ I 80 L_J O to C S {S oo - / 507'S0'l01y �' 1A S10Ki 00 •y9� , 8700o 1 I $ , L1J 7 oo o --J --i - a 7000 n $ r -- _ A �2 4 $_ . rv$ I j 7000L 000LIJ g y iv 2 i `yti�o 5 a 7o oo a h ~ 70.00 M - _ J oo W i"17 C Jai/ 1 _ (-jk fid; 4 as.$Il 3� ,$ 80 2� ' i$ $ $ / u 1 / GRAPHIC SCALE 60 0 30 60 120 ( IN FEET ) o DENOTES 1/2 INCH BY 14 INCH IRON PIPE MONUMENT FOUND O DENOTES 1/2 INCH BY 14 INCH IRON PIPE MONUMENT TO BE SET AND MARKED BY LICENSE NO. 17255 WITHIN ONE YEAR OF RECORDING OF THIS PLAT. FOR THE PURPOSES OFTHIS SURVEY THE EAST LINE OF THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 14, T. 121, R 25 HAS AN ASSUMED BEARING OF N 00'07'17" E. 52139 ^ 1 `1 /\ N/ 'T/I/ 1 ♦1 1 1 1 I i I Ff t 12 f- � I / S00107'1 7-W 67100 - o sol•a19r 2rJou / EASTUNE OF THE SW 1/4 OF SEC 1.. T 121, R 35 - / !/ �N00°07'17"E 1184.18 sr ztW zyt0yo6.W z. ��r /�/s //�-' , �"/• ^h'�• ^O$ fi 8 srj• z,—�r—J- - z—gw 1900 1 ' 01a oo �j a/ / 2s,y Sz• k' .e'�'6f• �• � Isi 3-w 000 154 dW ZS 4 29� 6 O 5 4 84 's co z Ib YIS•�234 .032I . 0 H2g& a2.y^h 46 1aO0 !�Xai 'v"I •d / / W E IJ 79 2 r+ laW AN 15 $2• 2. y S )4 Q /� 000 Na, n 3u 27 g09f W x'O q`. OW U f•. . / / •` /-tlu� 5l T.0'17'( �- 3dg�6 „ '� iill 5 ' .00 . S 6 ti" bel �l,.7 .3 DETAIL (NOT TO SCALB) OUTLOT A OtwAC f VfVWrA9MWr olT+Au or oVn9ra _ N00°07'24" 82� �S�b�o ^A 0 5{ C 2900 $ ,e 000 1 h N2/ 000 _ $ Jo 1 SZ �aN 4� S 70� $ JOS 1aW y A 8 o00 S ` � 5a w et 9" ar�y�r=w •Q' 'DO/SJ}y y LO S )0� g e (rye \ \� / / ' 0 1� ` 5693rS62' & )a 7.0+. 3 y3. I Doty Al )0� 9 J/, ti Am 8 ) t0� • / / 09� J�9 h � / 3 I° •DJ 'E7giJj)• $ `yi! I / F � A SEE 41 DETAIL I . 6 , y I I McCOMBS FRANK ROOS ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS City Council Agenda: 08/14/17 3A. Consideration to adopt Resolution 2017-49 vacating a portion of drainage and utility easements as legally described for Lot 1, Block 1, Monticello Big Lake Communitv Hospital District Campus Second Addition. (AS/SB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: CentraCare Health/Monticello/Monticello Big Lake Community Hospital District has submitted a petition asking Council to consider vacation of a portion of drainage and utility easements across Lot 1, Block 1, Monticello Big Lake Community Hospital District Campus Second Addition. The applicant has provided a certificate of survey for the project area as well as a sketch illustration encompassing a series of improvements reviewed as an amendment to an existing Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development. The sketch and survey illustrate a conflict with drainage and utility easements on the site for a portion of the proposed entrance canopy and ambulance garage. A portion of the proposed entrance canopy will be set just over the north line of the drainage and utility easement in the project area. In addition, the ambulance garage is proposed fully within the drainage and utility easement. The drainage and utility easements in these locations exist in the same location as the prior Hart Boulevard right of way, which was previously vacated. The City retained a drainage and utility easement over the entire area of the vacated roadway. The City has researched the underlying fee title ownership of the area to be vacated and has determined that per Council action on May 29th, 2007, the City transferred the vacated right of way for this portion of Hart Boulevard (as well as Dayton Street), to the Hospital District. Therefore, other than verification that a quit claim deed for the transfer is of record, no other action related to the underlying ownership is required at this time. In the case of the ambulance garage, the City will need to maintain a portion of the drainage and utility easement for a public watermain in the area. The drainage and utility easement to be maintained lies 20' on either side of the watermain, which is outside the building limits of the ambulance garage. As a condition of the vacation, the applicant is requested to provide an updated survey illustrating the vacation and proposed improvements for record documents. The legal descriptions and exhibits for the proposed vacations are attached. City staff has prepared and published required notice in the Monticello Times and sent to affected property owners. Al. Budget Impact: There is no budget impact associated with calling for the hearing, as the notification expenses are covered through the application fee. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2017-49 RESOLUTION VACATING A PORTION OF DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS FOR LOT 1, BLOCK 1, MONTICELLO BIG LAKE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL DISTRICT CAMPUS SECOND ADDITION WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota States Section 4152.851, after two (2) weeks' published and posted notice of the hearing and after mailing written notice of the hearing at least ten (10) days before a hearing to each property owner affect by the proposed vacation; and WHEREAS, a public hearing on the vacation of drainage and utility easements over the following described property was held on August 14, 2017, at 6:30 p.m. at the Monticello City Hall: Commencing at the most easterly corner of said Lot 1; thence South 31 degrees 20 minutes 43 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the easterly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 332.96 feet; thence North 59 degrees 09 minutes 17 seconds West, a distance of 391.00 feet, to the point of beginning; thence continuing North 59 degrees 09 minutes 17 seconds West, a distance of 75.74 feet, thence South 16 degrees 00 minutes 49 seconds West, a distance of 12.67 feet; thence South 55 degrees 44 minutes 55 seconds East, a distance of 66.34 feet; thence North 52 degrees 00 minutes 40 seconds East, a distance of 17.36 feet to the point of beginning. Commencing at the most easterly corner of said Lot 1; thence South 31 degrees 20 minutes 43 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the easterly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 332.96 feet; thence North 59 degrees 09 minutes 17 seconds West, a distance of 262.02 feet, to the point of beginning; thence continuing North 59 degrees 09 minutes 17 seconds West, a distance of 51.34 feet, thence South 31 degrees 14 minutes 58 seconds West, a distance of 34.23 feet; thence South 58 degrees 46 minutes 40 seconds East, a distance of 51.33 feet; thence North 31 degrees 15 minutes 13 seconds East, a distance of 34.57 to the point of beginning. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELL0, MINNESOTA: that the above described drainage and utility easements are vacated. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 14th day of August, 2017. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator CERTIFICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly passed, adopted and approved by the Monticello City Council at their scheduled meeting on August 14, 2017, and recorded in minutes of said meeting. Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk Notary Public: Date: (STAMP) June 28, 2017 TO: Community Development Director City of Monticello To Whom it may Concern: Monticello -Big Lake Community Hospital District, fee title property owner of the property located at 1013 Hart Boulevard, Monticello, Minnesota 55362, petitions on behalf of itself and on behalf of CentraCare Health -Monticello for the vacation of the access easements lying over and across part of Lot 1, Block 1, Monticello Big Lake, according to the plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota, legally described as follows: Parcel A: That part of Lot 1, Block 1, MONTICELLO BIG LAKE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL DISTRICT CAMPUS SECOND ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota described as follows: Commencing at the most easterly corner of said Lot 1; thence South 31 degrees 20 minutes 43 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the easterly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 332.96 feet; thence North 59 degrees 09 minutes 17 seconds West, a distance of 262.02 feet, to the point of beginning; thence continuing North 59 degrees 09 minutes 17 seconds West, a distance of 51.34 feet, thence South 31 degrees 14 minutes 58 seconds West, a distance of 34.23 feet; thence South 58 degrees 46 minutes 40 seconds East, a distance of 51.33 feet; thence North 31 degrees 15 minutes 13 seconds East, a distance of 34.57 to the point of beginning. Parcel B: That part of Lot 1, Block 1, MONTICELLO BIG LAKE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL DISTRICT CAMPUS SECOND ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota described as follows: Commencing at the most easterly corner of said Lot 1; thence South 31 degrees 20 minutes 43 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the easterly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 332.96 feet; thence North 59 degrees 09 minutes 17 seconds West, a distance of 391.00 feet, to the point of beginning; thence continuing North 59 degrees 09 minutes 17 seconds West, a distance of 75.74 feet, thence South 16 degrees 00 minutes 49 seconds West, a distance of 12.67 feet; thence South 55 degrees 44 minutes 55 seconds East, a distance of 66.34 feet; thence North 52 degrees 00 minutes 40 seconds East, a distance of 17.36 feet to the point of beginning MONTICELLO-BI LAKE COMMUNITY HOSP AL DISTRICT the Pro er O er B Y Stlfelly Johnson, Chair (0 2017 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 1 1 � 1 \ 1 1 MOST EASTERL Y - - / CORNER OF LOT 1 / / A 4 lTI //\ /A l�r- /%/)A AA /I /A /1-r\/ I rll^TI—)//1A A A1.) r -/ A /r1 /A r\r"%I Al / /V/l./I V / /v C_ L. L. Lill? L./—I/\L_ vV/V//V/1/, V/ / / F7V",~ / //—IL. U/�: / / \/v / v/—I/V/i ll ..: .. L_vl// VU //—IUU/ / /V/V //—t -r' L. U / PREPARED FOR: DESIGNED: CHECKED: TTS DRAWN: TWB CentraCare FIELD CREW: FIELD WORK DATE: St. Cloud, MN X03 DRAINAGE AND — / h UTILITY EASEMENT / / / All ati - EASTERL Y LINE OFLOTI Monticello CentraCare Addition Monticello, MN 1,1 IL••• Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com Common Ground Alliance PROPOSED EASEMENT VACATION DESCRIPTION: A vacation of easement lying over, under and across that part of Lot 1, Block 1, MONTICELLO BIG LAKE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL DISTRICT CAMPUS SECOND ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota described as follows: Commencing at the most easterly corner of said Lot 1; thence South 31 degrees 20 minutes 43 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the easterly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 332.96 feet; thence North 59 degrees 09 minutes 17 seconds West, a distance of 262.02 feet, to the point of beginning; thence continuing North 59 degrees 09 minutes 17 seconds West, a distance of 51.34 feet, thence South 31 degrees 14 minutes 58 seconds West, a distance of 34.23 feet; thence South 58 degrees 46 minutes 40 seconds East, a distance of 51.33 feet; thence North 31 degrees 15 minutes 13 seconds East, a distance of 34.57 to the point of beginning. Said easement vacation contains ±1,766 Sq. Ft. Phone (320) 253-9495 3701 12th Street North, Suite 206 Fax (320) 358-2001 St. Cloud, MN 56303 Toll Free (800) 270-9495 westwoodps.com VAwhNood Professional Services, Inc. 0' 50' 100' MPROPOSED EASEMENT VACATION Sketch and Description for Ambulance Garage 0008615SKF05 SHEET NUMBER: 1 OF 1 DATE: 07/06/17 r_ 0 Q v U c N U O a) V O 2 0 LL Y N Q0 C) 0 0 0 F- X w l7 0 O Ln oo C) O O O I © 2017 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. \ 11 A /1 I/\ / A le r- /\/1A AA AI IA//T\/ / //l•- -�/TA / !1/^TL)//\T /� A A if )# I^ ^r -/\/-)A /r'% A rlrl/T//NA / MOSTEASTERLV-- lV/V/ v/ Iv L_ L. L. I/ L.h7 L.i-I/\�_ vv/v//V/Ll/V// / r7 L/-. l//-�L. LJI..://\lv/ vi �lV/I v._: L_v L/I VLJ /-ALJ LJ///V/v CORNER OF LOT 1 I 9y o 144/ Z EXIS TING �9T BUILDING DRAINAGEAND -,z—N UTILITY EASEMENT / ST A 9 OO \ QRA'ITNAGEAND \ \ / ITY EASEMENT �P / EASTERL V LINE OFLOTI \ \ \ \ \ Amy \ � Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com Common Ground Alliance PROPOSED EASEMENT VACATION DESCRIPTION: A vacation of easement lying over, under and across that part of Lot 1, Block 1, MONTICELLO BIG LAKE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL DISTRICT CAMPUS SECOND ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota described as follows: Commencing at the most easterly corner of said Lot 1; thence South 31 degrees 20 minutes 43 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the easterly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 332.96 feet; thence North 59 degrees 09 minutes 17 seconds West, a distance of 391.00 feet, to the point of beginning; thence continuing North 59 degrees 09 minutes 17 seconds West, a distance of 75.74 feet, thence South 16 degrees 00 minutes 49 seconds West, a distance of 12.67 feet; thence South 55 degrees 44 minutes 55 seconds East, a distance of 66.34 feet; thence North 52 degrees 00 minutes 40 seconds East, a distance of 17.36 feet to the point of beginning. Said easement vacation contains ±1,012 Sq. Ft. PREPARED FOR: DESIGNED: Westwood CHECKED: TTS DRAWN: TWB CentraCare Monticello CentraCare Addition Phone (320)253-9495 370112th Street North, Suite 206 Fax (320) 358-2001 St. Cloud, MN 56303 FIELD CREW: Monticello, MN Toll Free (800)270-9495 westwoodps.com FIELD WORK DATE: St. Cloud, MN 111hotwood Professional Services, Inc. 0' 60' 120' [�M PROPOSED EASEMENT VACATION Sketch and Description for Canopy 0008615SKF06 SHEET NUMBER: 1 OF 1 DATE: 07/06/17 Lu Q Z F- V w_ 0 Cl vrrit,.la, ri.ei 1 MONTTCELLO BIG LAKE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL DISTRICT CAMPUS SECOND ADDITION DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN AS THUS: TiL •� 'y. `- ` . ,� • • BEINC 6 FEET IN WIDTH AND ADJOINING NORTH LOT LINES AND BEING 12 FEET IN WIDTH .• AND ADJOINING PLAT BOUNDARY LINES •, ❑ 60 120 AND RICHE WAY LINES, UNLESS SH OTHERWISE SHOWN. SCALE IN FEET `• • ' / - $ , 2., Ci C.BRG. DENOTES CHORD BEARING '��$• • DENOTES 1/2 INCH IRON PIPE MONUMENT FOUND p�xo-ss'i r" o=zo•ss'r i" g2 sg f R=201.50 R=3d 1.50 r _ O DENOTES 1/2 INCH BY U INCH IRON PIPE SET AND 85.'y8 . },'�.;.d� MARKED BY LICENSE N0. 44647, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE / L� •( - _ ® DENOTES 1/2 INCH BY14 INCH IRON PIPE TO BE SET 2 WITHIN ONE YEAR OF RECORDING OF THIS PLAT AND ,o$ _ MARKED BY LICENSE NUMBER 44647 m �• S>x� 00 F.K.A. DENOTES 'FORMERLY KNOWN AS' (M) DENOTES MEASURED DISTANCE - 11. `�, •j �M1 (D) DENOTES RECORDED DEED DISTANCE THE MOST SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF LOT 1, BOCK 2, y - 1 MONTICELLO BIG LAKE COMMUNITY DISTRICT CAMPUS IS ASSUMED TO BEAR SOUTH 31 DEGREES 19 MINUTES 16 LY+ .: 11 11•••;•• `� SECONDS WEST. <. � � .r ly�'�1'1l �"• 8� ;_, it � ``4 WN Z LL uni V 1` _ <, .� ltl;-Rtri _ e� J ? AN moo l ,. = w a 1 .1 41 BLOCK 1 '{� .yti X117 s �_ \� \ b$ a\ a / -. , < 1 c V _ � Lu N a T` C`r _ V ggSl�EUl %5.49'07'41 "6 f24.43 Lt- 4•t• � _ `��� 7'7}1. • ,� y'f,fy- s,•: "_ " • • � r � ��. �.•y m _`. "� � –� � � — — — — — — — t+�b C01 1365 r {�,,�{;•Y�+ �;t� �'.F"'.- � ��S7p� •~- --._ ., � �' 59 y'��i' A1Wk !�'- I �7��..• �{. �.�� '� SWLY RO.W IAE CF RC. qJ{ }(A 6 9s r r, `'.,�. L(F.K�A. BROADWAY SY)HART BLVD, `1 }gGuHG o . 3 9- 11 -Uuc - f � s,,,�. ---•-_ `- sshi J. . 1w '� S �to�.jp� a s I W. I ti• ti z; �, 14*1 s tVp3aL� EMS J <--97aas (Mr-� L •� vat*uo 0�A .x6�aal:• 7$5.98 `��� 247.59 (Ol S46 -36'47E — — — y -4. N48'36'4 "l �°Ei L% I kLY RO.W. LYE OF C.SASL NO.75 — (}D � � 7 ppb NCLT fEtl.Y. 4� R' G9.AN. ri0. 77 — w 1Cj .. - •• � • } �j �. �� � ^lE MGHW'AY T17. q:7 AIA ^ � � I� ..._ .. „ . ._ . `_ ,_.., .. , .. ,-, ... , ,-, .� .1 .. - f/ t� ��LP+& OP LOT,6. AUDITOR: 54WD• ID- I _ _ . N0. 227949 _ •jl��� `- CENiERLRJE Of C.S.AM ND. 75 ooarfW � 1b — { — `' J ,p,(pr1 GM WdOFB71W Gf C.SAH. �- q C.S.A H NO. 75 PER DOCUMENT NO. 277949 !/ AW 714 110WM Lok W LG1 6. ALI71TDR5 SUED. HD. 4 � _ cENrtRI.e� of � All Voe 14 1 �A LANDFORM MINNEAPOLIS -PHOENIX 02017 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. \ r - i-) -1 ') —DRAINAGE AND UT/LI ry EASEMENT p S � � g CANOPY - ---FFE :9,35.92 6x6/N DRAIN AA o36 ' �N46(2 43)' N45�2 4�� bi (N3 E o50,d3,:) C \\ .52 4 1� TIA 7 -)7 l V V i / z__/ < — 8x8/N DRAIN L L_ lJ r XV A X — 8x8/N DRAIN CANOPY BUILDING < I I/,) -r 11 c1 / Q ELECTRIC MANHOLE D4 GA TE VAL VE DRAINAGE AND HYDRANT 0 sr STORM MANHOLE OT TELEPHONE MANHOLE �.... ...... r- ® CATCH BASIN Q CABLE TV BOX o 6 0� ® BEEHIVE CATCH BASIN TRAFFIC LIGHT "` ,.�s�W�cS•0� F r0 a •1 STREET LITE f U'ocp s- ■ r`. CONIFEROUS TREE E `:` .......... f 16+, �o kP O� A 3r FE BOX` FLOOD LIGHT Q ELECTRIC MANHOLE D4 GA TE VAL VE 41 HYDRANT 0 sr STORM MANHOLE OT TELEPHONE MANHOLE �.... ...... r- ® CATCH BASIN Q CABLE TV BOX o 6 0� ® BEEHIVE CATCH BASIN TRAFFIC LIGHT "` ,.�s�W�cS•0� F r0 POWER POLE STREET LITE f U'ocp s- GUY WIRE CONIFEROUS TREE E `:` .......... f 16+, �o kP O� A 3r FE BOX` FLOOD LIGHT ELECTRIC METER FIRE HOSE CONNECTION Q ELECTRIC MANHOLE D4 GA TE VAL VE 41 HYDRANT 0 GAS METER 0 STEEL/WOOD POST SIGN- TRAFFIC/OTHER FM—AILJ MAIL BOX �_ HANDICAPPED STALL Westwood CURB & GUTTER a. CONCRETE SURFACE BITUMINOUS SURFACE (XXOXX'XX) RECORD BEARING (XXX. XX) RECORD DISTANCE Phone (320) 253-9495 3701 12th Street North, Suite 206 Fax (320) 358-2001 St. Cloud, MN 56303 Toll Free (800) 270-9495 westwoodps.com Westwood Professional Services, Inc. MDs Checked:- TTS Drawn: TWB Record Drawins by/date: Prepared for: CentraCare St. Cloud, MN • Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or caII811.com Common Ground Alliance NO TES: 1.) This survey was prepared without the benefit of a title commitment. No search for easements or restrictions, recorded or unrecorded was made by the surveyor. 2.) This certificate is only for a portion of the southerly line and the east line of Lot 1, Block 1 of Monticello Big Lake Community Hospital District Campus Second Addition. Monticello 0' 60' 120' 180' O Denotes Iron Monument Set Denotes Iron Monument Found I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed LAND SURVEYOR under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ,�� < A Terry T. Strus 06-15-17 50319 Date: License No. Centracare Addition Monticello, MN Date: 06-15-17 0008615SURV.dwg Certificate of Survey Council Minutes: 5/29/07 HRA is to look at this site for possible future downtown redevelopment but there is no immediate development plan for this parcel. Brian Stumpf asked at what point does the City say no to requests from property owners to buy their land. Brian Stumpf asked why developers are not the ones going out there to purchase the property for redevelopment Jeff O'Neill said it would be helpful to develop a financial plan for this need and then decide what properties should be acquired. He added that you can't always have your plan in place before you move forward on these properties. 011ie Koropchak stated that one of the reasons the HRA doesn't have cash is because they had stepped forward and covered some of the cost in the land purchase of the Chadwick property. Wayne Mayer said the City having to use monies from the general fund might create the misperception that the City has too large of a general fund.. Rick Wolfsteller said if the City is going to proceed with the purchase of the property, the City would want to do so by Julyl, 2007. Otherwise the City would have to pay the taxes for the next year. Anything purchased after the July 1st would not qualify for a tax abatement for that year. Jeff O'Neill asked about the impact of delaying action on this for two weeks. 011ie Koropchak said that would make the 7/1/07 date more difficult to meet. It would come back to the Council on June 11 which would only give a couple of weeks to complete the papers necessary for closing on the property. Brian Stumpf expressed his concern that there are too many instances of items that come before the Council that are on the fast track and have to be acted upon immediately. This does not allow sufficient time for Council review and study of the issue. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO GRANT CONCEPTUAL APPROVAL OF A LOAN IN THE AMOUNT OF $450,000 TO THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO FOR THE PURCHASE OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 201 EAST BROADWAY. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRIAN STUMPF AND TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 7. Public Hearings —1) Vacation of Davton Street: 2) Vacation of Hart Boulevard: 3) Vacation of easements within the plat of Monticello -Big Lake Communitv Hospital District and acauisition of remnant parcels. Rick Wolfsteller noted that the vacations are being considered as part of the expansion plans for the Monticello Big Lake Hospital. As a result of the expansion the Monticello Big Lake Hospital is requiring vacation of Dayton Street, Hart Boulevard and a number of easements. The portion of Dayton Street proposed to be vacated lies west of the existing hospital parking lot. The City had vacated a portion of Hart Boulevard a number of years ago but the City could not vacate it entirely because access had to be provided to the dental clinic. Monticello Big Lake Hospital now owns the dental clinic site so the balance of Hart Boulevard can be vacated. In addition there are remnant parcels owned by the City that the hospital is also proposing to acquire. It was noted that the hospital district owns the land on both sides of Dayton Street. The hospital has also done the maintenance on the portion of Hart Boulevard that served as the access to the dental clinic. The final plat of the Monticello Big Lake Community Hospital District Campus 2nd Addition will contain the necessary replacements for the easements proposed to be vacated. One of the easements proposed to be vacated covers the sanitary sewer line from Broadway to River Street. The other easements being vacated are perimeter drainage and utility easements around the existing platted lot. The Council Minutes: 5/29/07 remnant parcels of approximately 5,000-6,000 square feet are located adjacent to the hospital entrance. The vacated street right-of-way and the remnant parcels that are left over would be purchased. Brian Stumpf asked if there would still be access onto County Road 75 from Dayton Street. Staff responded that access would be from the hospital parking lot onto CSAH 75. Susie Wojchouski questioned the street names shown on the drawings for the Monticello Big Lake Hospital expansion. Steve Grittman stated the old street names still show up on the plat books but are no longer the current names of the street. There are two decisions which are 1) to vacate the easements and the street right-of-way and; 2) what monetary consideration should be given for the street right-of-way and the remnant property. Wayne Mayer asked if there was any way to tie the two actions together Rick Wolfsteller said the two streets in question are actually owned by the City and that does not mean the City automatically turns them over to anyone upon vacation. The City could, if they chose, put the right-of-way up for sale. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. Barb Schwientek, CEO of the Monticello Hospital District spoke saying she disagreed with having to pay for the streets that were being vacated. The PUD shows a pedestrian walkway going through their property which would cost the Monticello Big Lake Hospital in excess of $100,000 to build. Barb Schwintek stated the hospital has also picked up the cost of maintaining Hart Boulevard for the past five years. Barb Schwintek asked Council consideration to waive the cost for the vacated street right-of- way. She added that the tax revenue from the 60,000 sq. ft. expansion would be coming to the City of Monticello. Clint Herbst noted that the City works hard with public institutions like the school district and hospital and he disagreed with charging for the right-of-way. Clint Herbst agreed a pathway is needed to the river but he didn't feel the pathway had to be handicapped accessible. Brian Stumpf stated the Monticello Big Lake hospital has made a considerable investment in the City of Monticello and that is why he didn't feel the City should charge for the vacated right-of-way. Wayne Mayer said the City is being asked to make a significant contribution to the hospital district. He noted that Buffalo has a hospital but does not tax the residents for the hospital whereas the Monticello Hospital District does. Wayne Mayer felt the City should be getting something for the Dayton Street right-of-way and he felt it would be fiscally irresponsible not to look at that. Clint Herbst pointed out that the 60,000 clinic expansion would be paying taxes. He felt the right-of-way was a small thing for the City to give up and noting that Dayton Street was not a major access point to any other businesses. Jeff O'Neill clarified that the clinic site would be paying property taxes but the hospital site does not. Clint Herbst closed the public hearing. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO VACATE DAYTON STREET AND HART BOULEVARD RIGHT-OF-WAYS AS OUTLINED ALONG WITH THE DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS IDENTIFIED CONTINGENT UPON THE HOSPITAL DISTRICT AGREEING TO PROVIDE NEW UTILITY EASEMENTS AS NECESSARY. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Tom Scott clarified that the vacation does not turn the street over to the hospital district. 2 Council Minutes: 5/29/07 Rick Wolfsteller stated in determining the cost of the right of way he wanted to clarify that the hospital did agree to pay for Hart Boulevard. The Council established a cost of $.61 /sq. ft. which the hospital would have paid for the land five years ago had the City had been able to vacate all of Hart Boulevard at that time. Brian Stumpf asked about the agreement and if it contained a provision as far as access to the WWTP. The sludge hauling vehicle utilizes the hospital entrance because it can't make the radius on Hart Boulevard. John Simola explained the sludge vehicle is tri -axle and all axles must be on ground so they have difficulty turning when the vehicle is loaded. Brian Stumpf said he was aware of the $.61/sq ft. cost that was established but he felt that the hospital had taken care of maintenance on Hart Boulevard for these years which should be considered. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED THAT BEING THERE IS A DIRECT BENEFIT TO THE CITY OF MONTICELLO THAT THE COUNCIL TRANSFER THE RIGHT-OF-WAY TO THE HOSPITAL DISTRICT AT NO COST AS LONG AS THE PATHWAY/STAIRS IS INSTALLED. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH WAYNE MAYER VOTING IN OPPOSITION 8. Consideration of approval of a reauest for Development Stage Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Preliminary and Final plat for the Monticello -Big Lake Hospital District to allow for expansion of a medical office building. Avolicant: Monticello-Bia Lake Hospital District. Steve Grittman provided background information on the PUD and the preliminary and final plat to allow for expansion of a medical office building. Steve Grittman reviewed the proposed site plan. The project consists of a new 60,000 sq. ft. clinic building on two levels located just west of the hospital. The ambulance garage would be moved off site to another location. The hospital had sought vacation of a portion of River Street but staff felt instead vacating the street a license agreement should be entered into for use of the right of way. The Monticello Big Lake hospital had made changes that resolved a number of the issues listed on Exhibit Z. Steve Grittman reviewed the location of the walkway on the site and noted staff had requested it to be moved as far east as possible. Staff had asked for a handicapped ramp but the hospital district does not want to put that in. Staff recommended approval of the PUD, preliminary and final plat. Jeff O'Neill added that the stairway is an essential part of the City's pathway system. Clint Herbst asked about the grade. Bruce Westby said for a pathway to be handicapped accessible it has to be at 5% continuous grade. To make this handicap accessible would be a significant cost. Bruce Westby noted that a number of residents have problems getting around town on the pathway system. The grade is too steep for any ADA pathway requirements. Steve Grittman noted the design of the plat split the hospital into one block and the parking lot into another lot. Outlot A as shown on the plat would be the site for the pathway. Staff recommended eliminating the outlot and putting an easement over the area. The hospital said the county surveyor would not allow the elimination of the outlot because of the need to have separation between blocks. Sidewalk access between CSAH 75 and River Street would be contained in the public easement and the City should check and make sure ADA accessibility is not required. If handicap accessibility is necessary then it may require some plan modification. Steve Grittman noted that the City does have pathway along River Street that is down below the nursing home area. V1 [ x.[» -L• a.[ .'�. I <.•'�{� iti4(= �"•, '� 1 �a�.t/. 'iP .. .s 4 <�►K s'�' �'{'Y,r f!•:." >s aA♦ Z , Y r q ' . �"• ,_ ,1 ,: lj•"?�. •e. ii•- ' Lf f^�_' t4r� E^' !: f} 7 Of 'A, -"•.. i-�►•1. T".v/ '<�,- i ! . 4'.'S' �S•. w — � n ` � , /" _ •A -�<Ysiil •1 J t ... � '�i � wr 't •> /' a f •2�w l � s _ i -' - X11" ,� » -a, war • .1•w. �'+fjs � > �a ''}t N1, f N+ ori' .'� ~+��J'�%► '• i a� .Y . 1E s. 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Staff Workload Impact: Staff impacts at this time are limited to the preparation of the notice documents, review of the application materials and preparation of the report. The applicant has submitted an escrow deposit to cover these expenses. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2017-49 for vacation of a portion of drainage and utility easements over and across Lot 1, Block 1, Monticello Big Lake Community Hospital District Campus Second Addition as described, subject to submission of an updated survey illustrating the vacation and proposed improvements. 2. Motion to not adopt Resolution 2017-49 for vacation of a portion of drainage and utility easements over and across Lot 1, Block 1, Monticello Big Lake Community Hospital District Campus Second Addition as described. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution 2017-49 B. Petition for Vacation C. Easement Vacation Easement Descriptions D. Easement Vacation & Improvements Illustration E. Certificate of Survey F. City Council minutes, May 29, 2007