City Council Agenda Packet 06-21-2004 Special . . . AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday June 21, 2004 - Sp.rn. Mayor: Bruce Thielen Council Members: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Robbie Smith and Brian Stumpf 1. Call the special meeting to order. 2. Consideration of approving joint resolution for orderly annexation. 3. Workshop with MYHA for additional funding request for arena project. 4. Adjourn . . . Counci I Agenda - 6/21/04 2. Consideration of approving joint resolution for orderlv annexation. A. REFERENCE ANn BACKGROUND: The City Council is being asked to consider adopting ajoint resolution with Monticello Township for establishment of an orderly annexation area and procedures for future annexations. The proposed annexation agreement and supporting exhibits have been provided to the Council under separate cover. Attorney, Chris Hood will be present at the Council meeting to review the proposed resolution that will also be considered by Monticello Township oHicials at their meeting Monday night. After review and discussion of the joint resolution, I believe it will be the recommendation of Mr. Hood and the mediation committee that ajoint resolution be adopted. . . . Council Agenda - 6/21/04 3. Workshop with MYRA for additional fu"dim! request for arena project. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As you may have heard, the MYHA arena project has reached the point where the construction costs for the arena have exceeded the budget projections, resulting in a shortfall of approximately $285,000 to get the project commenced. It is my understanding that some of the cost increase has come from construction material increases, primarily related to steel price increases. The bottom line is, it appears the hockey group is still short another $285,000, which I believe they arc seeking from the City in addition to the $400,000 we have already committed. 1 have enclosed background information showing the revenue and expenditures the hockey group expects from the ice arena operations and a fact sheet outlining some details on the project and their financing sources to date. It is interesting to note that when this project was proposed to the City Council a few years ago, $1,000,000 was expected to be raised by the hockey group for an arena project. From the fact sheet information, it indicates $212,865 has been received in donations to date. Additional revenues are expected from advertising from $107,000, contribution from coca-cola for cxclusive rights to sell their products for $115,000 and of course, the City of Monticello's $400,000 contribution (discounted to $325,000 for loan purposes). Although the school district has provided the land for this project, I believe their contribution to the project is simply to rent ice time for their varsity program. As you will note in the revenue categories, the Monticello High School will be paying $30,000 annually for 200 hours of ice time while the City of Monticello would currently be receiving 100 hours of community ice time for its $40,000 annual contribution. Ifwe increase the contribution to $75,000 per year, I'm not sure if there arc additional hours available for the City to receive for community use and I believe the hockey association is proposing simply agreeing to give the community hours annually for 20 years instead of 10 years. Based on the latest request for additional funding, the City's contribution to this arena project proposed at $750,000 over tcn years would equal over 25% of the estimated construction cost. It is anticipated that the $40,000 annual contribution would be includcd in our annual parks department budget, and any additional funding added to this would also have to be included in future years budgets. After reviewing the information and presentation of the Monticello Youth Hockey Association, Council will be asked to consider what additional funding, if any, can be provided by the City. B. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the MYHA Construction Cost Summary Fact Sheet Revenue and Expense Pert()rma . . . (i.~~J pmrnrn pm~UlOU 13 10J PPlS~p lomps ~l(llO VHAW Ol )[~)13q lU~Uld~nb~ ~S13~'1i.) .spunJ p~lS~nb~l ~ql Ol 113nb~ (SI13p~l13Ul uoq~m1lSUOJ 10) lU~Uld~nb~ UO~l131~~~lp1 ~ql ~s13qJmd Al~J ~l(l ~A13q PU13 ~mpnJls lU~lJnJ ~ql d~~)l Z# lusod01d .Sl13~A 011~AO 113~A 13 OOO'J;LIJ lU s.matC O[1OJ 113;::1A 13 smoq 99Z Ol ~lnpn1lS lU;::IllnJ ;::I~U13l(J 1 # 113sod01d OOO'~8Z$ 113UOmppv :sP;::I;::IU 13U;::I1V ;::IJI Al!UnWWOJ . 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Regular Season Contracted Ice Time - Reduced Cost - 128 Hours Early morning before 8:00am x $ 100 Monticello High School N ov - March 200 hours Off Season Contracted Ice Time - 43 Hours MYHA - Preseason Clinic & Tryouts Mid October Off Season Camps Denardo camps - 100 hours Provo 20 hours June 120 Hours Fall Leagues Sept. thru Mid Oct. 5 levels w/4 teams ea. / 3 outside teams & 1 MYHA team $70 x 12 players per team = $840 10 game schedule + 1 practice = 120 hours (Elk River fee is $80 per) Potential to double the number of teams - adding $16,800 Spring Leagues Mid March to Mid April 5 levels w/4 teams ea. $50 x 12 players = $600 8 game schedule + 1 practice = 100 hours (Elk River does 10 games for $80 per) Potential to double the number of teams - adding $12,000 Tournaments Fees 1 for each level (Bantam, PeeWee, Squirts, Mites, Termites) 5 levels x 8 teams = 40 teams 35 Teams X $375 (MYHA teams nlc) Potential to double the number of tournaments - adding $13,000 Tournament Gate Receipts 40 teams = 520 skaters w/1 fan per player 520 x 2 days = 1040 Potential to double attendance - adding $5,200 (Or add $15.00 per player to entry fee for 1 tournament pass - $7,800) NON-SKATING REVENUES $142,500 $ 12,800 $ 30,000 $ 6,450 $ 18,000 $ 16,800 $ 12,000 $ 13,125 $ 5,200 . . . Regular Season Gate Receipts 8 H.S. Games w/300 fans @ $5.00 Polar - $27,900 (00-01 = $39,000) $ 12,000 Concessions $ 15,000 Tartan -$14,000 profit (run by Assn) Cambridge - $21,000 profit (Budgeted $18,000) (volunteer weekdays) St Michael- $7,400 profit - 6 Yz Months - paid staff Sartell- $22,800 projected profit (180 days x 130 youth x $2.00, 100% markup) (Determined by feasibility study from outside firm) Princeton - Contracts out @ $7,500 + utilities Advertising - New Sales $ 10,000 Spots available @ $500 - 1333 per year 2 currently sold on annual bases VideoNending $ 3,000 $ 3,500 $ 4,500 $ 15,000 $ ????? $319,875 Skate Shamening 300 skates x 4 x $3.00 Pro Shop Sales MYHA Contribution Calendar sales & Gambling Dry Floor Revenue TOTAL REVENUE . COMMUNITY ICE ARENA EXPENSES: Salaries: Manager $45,000 Asst Manager 20,000 Custodian 2,800 Drivers 17,000 Other 12,000 Total $104,000 Payroll Related $ 15,000 Utilities: Electric $35,000 Water-Sewer 4,000 Fuel - Bldg 15,000 Propane 4,000 Other 2,000 . Total $ 60,000 Supplies: Custodian $ 1,500 Office 200 General 500 Total $ 2,200 Other: Advertising $ 1,000 Dues 100 Repairs & Maintenance 15,000 Liability ~ Add. Cost 2,500 Misc 8,000 Reserve ~ Equipment 10,000 Total $ 36.600 Total Expenses $217,800 . Net Profit $102,075 Fact Sheet for the Community Ice Arena Currently the project needs an additional $285,000 of financing to be able to achieve bank mortgage .approval. Our most viable option to date is requesting the city to increase their support to provide $285,000. · This project has received broad local support with support for 33 advertisements from local businesses and 221 donations from local individuals and businesses. Plus at least 10 construction businesses donating materials and/or labor. · The Ice Arena can start construction within days of obtaining $75,000 per year offinancial support from the city for a period of 1 0 years. This investment will provide a $2.45 million facility that will draw 50,000 people per year to the community. · An Ice Arena is an asset that a community of Monticello's size should have. Our new conference will include Buffalo, Cambridge, Princeton and St. Michael/Albertville that have ice arenas. Owner - Monticello Youth Program d/b/a Stars Youth Hockey Operator - Monticello School District Lease - Monticello School District will lease the building for 20 years. At the end of the lease period the loan on the building will be paid and the building will be donated to the school by the Youth Hockey Association. Size of Building: 224 feet by 132 feet with seating for 600 Size of ice sheet - regulation size Location - south east comer ofthe middle school, between the track and the football field. Schedule - Loan approval can happen within 4 days of receiving funds needed to insure completion of construction General Contractor ~ Nelson Building & Dev Inc .Architects - Abendroth Rego & Youngquist Cost - $2.45 million Financing · Bremer Bank - $1.2 million · Short term line of credit - $275,000 · Advertising - $107,199 to date from 33 advertisements · Donations - $212,865 to date from 221 donations · City of Monticello ice rental - $325,000 · Coca Cola - $115,000 Significant User's: · Monticello! Annandale!Maple Lake varsity and junior varsity boy's hockey teams · Varsity girl's hockey will start in the 2005!6 season · Monticello! AnnandalelMaple Lake youth hockey program with teams for: ~ Initiation Level Teams - 5,6, 7, and 8 years old before July 1 S\ programs exist for learn to skate, termites and mites. ~ Squirt Level Teams - 9, 10 and 11 year olds born after July 1st ~ Pee Wee Level Teams - 11, 12 and 13 year olds born after July 1 st ~ Bantam Level Teams - 13, 14 and 15 year olds born after July 1 st ~ Girl's Teams for IOU - 9, 10 and 11 year olds born after July 1 st ~ Girl's Teams for 12U - 11, 12 and 13 year olds born after July 1 st ~ Girl's Teams for 14U - 13, 14 and 15 year olds born after July 1st .. City of Monticello rental of hours for community use · Becker/Big Lake hockey programs · Roger's hockey programs · Available for rental use by anyone with an appropriate need. Ice will be on the rink for about 9 months a year. Non-ice uses will also be available for the public.