City Council Agenda Packet 05-24-2004 . Mayor: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, May 24, 2004 - 7 p.m. Bruce Thielen Council Members: ~ I 0,J ~v,.) S Approve minutes of the May 10, 2004 regular Council meeting. ~ .... G . . a..# o \.\1..' ~ 3. (~I~~~I~a~f~(~~njitr:~~agenda. / ,~ ['.1 4., Citizen comments/petitions, requests and e7plaints. (.".,$,) _ f. If..- ~ ~ -P't- \7't'"'" .AAt,.~.p,(/~ - j1.1;e,.f~(' f)CJpl4f-e.. vi - 115~ t~onsent agenda. S"' 'J d..\t.....J.-' S (1,,5 C 'd: /--o:;,H!fhf"'()^1:5".fr.,~d ~ . i' h MCC' dP k onSl eratloo'ot ratifying new hIres an termmatIOns 'or t e ~,' an ar s. 1. 2. . rv:.~ Iv I (J) ~iv .;0 K. . V~tJ L. Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Robbie Smith and Brian Stumpf Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. A. B. Consideration of final plat and development agreement for Timber Ridge ]"i Addition. C. Consideration of appointment to MCC Advisory Board to complete the term of Tom Neumann. D. Consideration of resolution declaring the official intent orthe City of Monticello to reimburse certain expenditures from the proceeds of bonds to be issued by the City relating to financing of a community ice arena. E. Consideration of approving a one day charitable gambl ing license to conduct a rame at the Monticello VFW Post #8731. F. Consideration of approving appointment to the Planning Commission. G. Consideration of accepting feasibility report for Klein Farms Storm Sewer Outlet, Project No. 2004-18C. H. Removed from agenda. Consideration of accepting feasibility report for 1-94 Watermain crossing at Meadow Oaks, Project No. 2004-09C. 6 5 c,. r ~ (....- Consideration of accepting feasibility report for Storm Sewer Outlet at Meadow Oaks, ProjectNo. 2004-09C. C P flu ~ wI ~ \N'.\.,....'\" Ib Co. ~ e ~ Removed from agenda. ~ ~ (" n{. Consideration of approving amendment to Monticello Comprehensive Plan on townhouse development in areas designated for low density residential uses. Consideration of authorizing signal justification report for intersection of TH 25 and School Boulevard. ~ ~h ~V ~~ · --"~~ . ~ t~ Co" SPJ. \.0/ 9. f> 1@ if 11. . --- ]2. Agenda Monticello City Council May 24, 2004 Page 2 0 f' i . ~Sl N. Consideration of authorizing feasibility report for improvements to Edmonson A venue from School Boulevard to approximately 85th Street. rAS r of $ II +ct.. ra~v/'{I!f t(ce-sf 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Consideration of a request by the Chamber of Commerce for City participation in "Honored City" status at Taste of Minnesota. Review of approval of wellhead delineation and protection area and submittal to Department of Health and consideration of holding a public informational meeting on the wellhead delineation area. {(, -If- Or) Consideration of removing the old water tower. Consideration of approving a conditional use permit for concept stage pun to allow office expansion in the CCD District. Applicant: Sunny Fresh. Consideration of accepting letter of intent to purchase 1.5 acre parcel from the City - Culver's Restaurant. Approve payment of bills li)r May. 13. Adjourn . . . . Mayor and Council: Under citizen input representatives from the Monticello Lions Club will be present to provide information to the Council about their 44Support our Soldiers" project. Attached is some background information on their project. . s. .s (SUPPORT OUR SOLDIERS) MONTICELLO LION'S CLUB IS TAKIN'G ON AN ENORMOUS PROJECT! ALONG WITH YOUR HELP WE ARE LOOKING TO SEND MUCH WANTED AND NEEDED SUPPLIES TO OUR SOLDIERS OVER IN . IRAQ. ONCE PURCHASED, THE PRODUCTS MAYBE DROPPED OFF AT THE MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER AND THE MONTICELLO CHAMBER OFFICE. LISTS OF ITEMS NEEDED CAN BE FOUND AT THESE MONTICELLO LOCATIONS: CUB FOODS, MAUS FOODS, AND KMART . Description Doritos (put in a hard, gladware like container & tape shut) e)ringles (tape the lid shut well, sometimes they pop) Honey Roasted Peanuts or mixed nuts (in a can or jar) Bubble Gum (in the buhble pouches so sand don't gct in) Kool-aid (with the sugar already in it) M&M and Reeses Pieces (put in a hard, Gladware likc container & tape shut) Sour Hard Candies (the ones laced with sugar so they don't stick together) Campbell's Soups to go Magazines (Hunting, Fishing, Moto Cross, Nascar) Burnt cd's (all types of music) Saltine's Combos Corn Nuts Cheese Dipping Sauce and other dips (in the metal can) Canned Food (corned beef hash, ready to eat Man-Wich, etc...) Girl Scout Cookies Homemade goods individually wrapped, and packed in a Popcorn Cheez - its Beef sticks / Cheese Sticks Capri-Sun drink pouches ;.Card~ & Letter fr~)m the workplace, schools, units & commands in the state . Funmes from vanous newspapers Board Games (Sorry, Life, Monopoly, etc...) Cribbage Boards Card Games (Uno, Skip-Bo, etc...) Seasonal Decorations (Summer, 4th of July, etc...) Lens Cleaner cloths Coffee Creamer (various flavors) Calling Cards Jelly Beans (put in a hard, gladware like container & tape shut) Fruit Chews (soft, individually wrapped) Pens Ramen Noodles Easy Mac Gatorade Jerky, Pistachios, cashews, etc. (items with protcin) Sticky Fly Catchers Q- Tips Sun Flowcr Seeds Press & Seal Saran Wrap _~ 3M Ultra Bug Repellent ,.....,..,..Large Container G I ad ware (48 oz. Big Bowl) Size --.... 2 5/8 oz. container 5.75 oz. can 12 oz. can 4 pack 19 oz. container 14 oz. 7 oz. 10.75 oz. 16 oz. 13 oz. 4 oz. 90z. ] 5 oz. gladware like container) ------ 3 pack box ]6 oz. 7.2 oz. 10 pack ] 0 pack 8 oz. ]3 oz. ]6 oz. ] 0 pack 3 oz. ]2.9 oz. 32 oz. Can 3.8 oz. / Can 10 oz. 4 pack box ] 70 count 5 3/4 oz. 75 sq. ft. roll 3 Pack Items the soldiers can give to the local peoplE(pens, crayons, markers, coloring hooks, notcpads) ((NO PORK)) ((NO ITEMS THAT MAKE YOU THIRS"rY - POTATO CHIPS)) . . 3. . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, May 10, 2004 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Robbie Smith, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledee of AlIe2:iance. Mayor Thielen called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2. Approve minutes of April 26. 2004 reeular Council meetin~. BRlAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE APRlL 26, 2004 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Consideration of addin~ items to the aeenda. Brian Stumpf asked that an update on the cleanup of the Groveland 4th area be added to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments. petitions. requests and complaints. Mayor Thielen explained the purpose of the citizen input portion of the meeting. Jeff Young, 1267 County Road 37 NE, Buffalo, MN spoke questioning the change in signage on the parking lot at Hi - W ay Liquors. He presented before and after pictures to the CounciL The signs were changed from "24 hour parking" to "customer only parking." City Administrator, Rick W olfsteller stated that the municipal parking lots, which are for public use, are posted for 72 hours. The parking lot at the liquor store is not a municipal parking lot. The parking lot is intended for use by the Hi-Way Liquors customers and because of a shared parking agreement, the lot is also utilized by Towne Centre customers. The purpose of the signs was to ensure there was adequate parking for the customers who shop at Towne Centre stores and Hi-Way Liquors. There was no change to any ordinance. It was pointed out that although the City owns the parking lot it is not a municipal parking lot. Glen Posusta stated he parks in the liquor store parking lot and he wanted to know ifhis car would get towed. Rick Wolfsteller stated the signs are notification to the public that the parking area is meant for customer use. Roger Carlson noted that adequate parking was a concern when the Towne Centre development went in which is why there was an agreement on the shared parking. Glen Posusta said the signs were only posted at one entrance. John Simola 1 Z- . Council Minutes - 5/10104 indicated that signs were posted at both entrances to the parking lot. Glen Posusta asked what had happened that precipitated the change in signage. Brian Stumpf emphasized the need to provide adequate parking for the customers who patronize the Hi-Way Liquors at the shops at the Towne Centre development. Glen Posusta said if that was the case why didn't the City and developer proceed with the construction of the new parking lot. Bruce Thielen responded that the parking lot that was being considered on the north side of the railroad tracks was to accommodate the parking for a proposed restaurant in the Towne Centre development. However the restaurant use never materialized. Jeff Young stated they had talked to the Sheriffs Department and they had an arrangement whereby they could stop vehicles entering the parking lot. Rick W olfsteller stated the change in signage should not impact on the arrangement the group had with the Sheriffs Department. There was some discussion on the area marked offby the Sheriffs Department and if that was actually where the group was pulling the vehicles off to. Blocking the entrance to the parking lot by stopping vehicles at that location creates a potential safety hazard and that is why the group was suppose to pull the vehicles over to the area marked offby the Sheriffs Department. . Jeff Young stated that he felt the timing of it was strange. Bruce Thielen stated that since the City and Monticello Township are working on an agreement on the proposed annexation and a decision is expected to be made soon, he would ask that people be reasonable. With the increase traffic in the area, especially with Memorial Day weekend coming up, Bruce Thielen cautioned the group to conduct their activities in such a way as to not disrupt traffic patterns or create a safety hazard. Donna Kipka, 8633 Darlington Avenue NE, asked if she was parked in the parking lot while her daughter had dance class, would her vehicle be towed. The Council indicated the parking area was intended for customer use. 5. Consent a(:enda. A. Consideration ofratif)r new hires for the MCC and City Hall. Recommendation: Ratify new hires and departures as identified. B. Consideration of increase of fees for rental of park facilities. Recommendation: Approve rental fees for 2004 as follows: Ellison Gazebo and West Bridge Open Shelter at $50/for residents; Ellison Log Shelter, West Bridge Shelter and Pioneer Park at $75/for residents. Rental fee for non-residents $150. c. Consideration to review and accept the 2003 year end EDA Financial Statements, Activity Report and Proposed 2004 Budget. Recommendation: Move to accept the 2003 Year-End EDA Balance Sheet; Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance; Activity Report; and 2004 Cash Flow Projections. . D. Consideration to review site improvement concept for Block 35 and to authorize WSB & Associates, Inc. to prepare a feasibility study. Recommendation: Move to accept the 2 2.. . . Council Minutes - 5/ 10104 site improvement design concept for Block 35 and to authorize WSB & Associates, lnc. to prepare a feasibility study. E. Review of year end financial report flJr 2003 for Liquor Store. Recommendation: Accept the year end financial report for 2003 for the Liquor Store as presented. F. Consideration ofrequesting for a conditional use permit to allow for a 728 sq. ft. detached accessory use structure in an R-I District. Applicant: Shawn Leach. Recommendation: Approve the conditional use permit for 728 sq t1 detached accessory structure in an R-l District. G. Consideration to rezone a 59.14 acre parcel from A-O (Agricultural Open) to B-4 (Regional Business). Recommendation: Approve the rezoning for the "Remmele" property trom A-O to B-4 based on the finding that the proposed district designation is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. H. Consideration of a request for a simple subdivision to create two buildable lots in an R-l district; a request for a variance to create a single family lot of less than 12,000 square feet in an R- I district and a request for a conditional use permit allowing for an accessory use structure to exceed ] 0% of the rear yard area. Applicant: Darren Klatt. Recommendation: Approve the subdivision and lot area variances for both lots with the condition that the proposed lot line is moved to make both lots more than 10,890 square feet in area, the size of lots in the original plat area, and a condition that the parcels share a common driveway, or two separate driveways provided that the minimum lot area of 10,890 square feet is maintained for both lots. This is based on a finding that reasonable use of the property in this area would be two single family parcels with lots areas consistent with the predominant lot size in the neighborhood and to approve the conditional use permit with the condition that the applicant minimizes the driveway area to preserve the open space on the lot. Brian Stumpf asked that item #5B be removed for discussion and that the revised financial report be included for #5E. He also asked if the City Engineer if there was any reason that item #8 could not be added to the consent agenda. Bret Weiss indicated it could. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEM #5B, REPLACEMENT OF THE FINANCIAL REPORT FOR ITEM #5E AND THE ADDITION OF ITEM #8, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIfICATIONS AND ADVERTISING FOR BlDS FOR THE 2004 CORE STREET PROJECT NO. 2004-06C. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED TJ IE MOTION. MOTlON CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent al!enda for discussion. - 5B Park Rental: Brian Stumpf stated he agreed to the increase in rental fees except that he felt the fee charged to non-residents should remain at $ I 00. - 3 z.. . . . Council Minutes - 5/10104 BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO INCREASE THE RENTAL FEE FOR THE ELLISON GAZEBO AND WEST BRIDGE OPEN SHELTER AT $50 AND THE ELLISON LOG SHELTER, WEST BRIDGE SHELTER AND PIONEER PARK AT $75 AND $100 FOR ANY FACILITY FOR NON-RESIDENTS. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRlED UNANIMOUSLY. Glen Posusta questioned the need for any fee increase. John Simola noted that since some facilities had more amenities than others there was a higher charge for those facilities. The reason for the overall increase was that there were extra costs because the City provides clean up and maintenance so that the facilities can be used for rental purposes and the fee increase offsets some of these costs. Glen Posusta questioned if the rental rates were compared to what other communities were charging. Bruce Thielen suggested that in the future increases to park rental fees should be considered at the same time as all other fee increases. 7. Consideration of authorizine: preparation of purchase ae:reement for sale of land and authorizin(: preoaration of preliminary olat for the Remmele oarcel. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, provided background information on the item. City staff has been meeting with Mike Muller on a site for a theater. Mike Muller is interested in the City owned Remmele property located at TH 25 and School Boulevard. The Remmele property has a power line easement transversing it which creates some problems in laying out the property for development since a structure cannot be placed in the easement area. However, the easement area can be utilized for parking. The proposed theater would require significant parking (600-800 stalls) and the easement area could be used to meet the parking requirements. The proposal would include the sale of a 10-12 acre parcel the relocation and reconstruction of the commuter parking lot. The estimated cost of the land would be $750,000-$800,000 plus additional charges for the cost of the traffic signal, assessments and SAC/W AC charges. The staff was looking for direction from the Council on whether to negotiate a purchase agreement for the sale of a 10-12 acre parcel to Mike Muller and to begin work in laying out a preliminary plat for development of the Remmele property. The preliminary plat would layout the street alignment and designate wetland areas as well as a possible future site for fire department use Rick Wolfsteller noted that construction of the theater may push forward the installation of a traffic signal at the TH 25/School Boulevard intersection. He added that the interest in the parcel is out there as evidenced by the fact that he had received a proposal from a party who was interested in purchasing 1.5 acres of land. Brian Stumpf stated that 1-2 acres for fire department use may not be enough and if the City is looking long term, then 5 acres might be more appropriate. Brian Stumpf asked where the commuter parking lot would be relocated to. Rick W olfsteller indicated that it would be moved directly to the east and just across from the frontage road. The old commuter parking lot would be utilized by the theater for their parking needs. Rick W olfsteller felt that with development activity in the area, the commuter parking lot might see greater use. Bruce Thielen noted that the Remmele property had been acquired by the City when Remmele Engineering relocated to the industrial park. Remmele had purchased the property for 4 2- . Council Minutes. 5/10104 expansion use but with their relocation to the industrial park the land was no longer needed. The City purchased the property for $55,000. The City now, with the proposals for development in the area, has an opportunity to get a return on their investment. Brian Stumpf asked if the conditions noted in the agenda item had been seen by Mr. Muller. Rick W olfsteller indicated that these items had been discussed with Mr. Muller. Mr. Muller stated that he would like to have his theater development in place by Thanksgiving. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AUTHORIZE STAFF TO PREP ARE A PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR SALE OF A 10-12 ACRE PARCEL TO MULLER THEATER UNDER THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OUTLINED AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY ENGINEER TO PREPARE A PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR THE REMMELE PROPERTY. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANlMOUSL Y. . Glen Posusta asked how long the Muller theater had operated in Monticello. Rick W olfsteller indicated it had been in operation since the 1940's. Glen Posusta said it didn't seem appropriate to charge someone who had been in business in the city that long over a $1/sq ft plus assessments and SAC/W AC charges for land which wasn't usable because ofthe power line easement. He questioned why the City had to do this. Rick W olfsteller clarified that the land within the power line easement is usable for parking and that Mike Muller had approached the City about purchasing the land. The City did not seek out any proposals. He added that the package the City put together is not different from what other communities do. Glen Posusta stated that he did not believe the City should be in the business of selling or brokering land. He did not want the City to influence people to locate their business on city owned land. Rick W olfsteller reiterated that Mike Muller approached the City after he had looked at other sites. Glen Posusta stated that the City should not be developing commercial property and the city staff should not be involved with brokering land. Rick Wolfsteller replied that whether city staff brokers the land or an outside party does, the City still needs to set the price and conditions on the sale. Bruce Thielen noted that Glen Posusta had voted for the City acquiring and developing land for an industrial park so why was he against the City doing the same with commercial property. Glen Posusta emphasized that he did not feel the City should be developing the property and that it should be done by an outside party. 8. Consideration of approvine plans and specifications and authorizine advertisement for bids for 2004 Core Street Reconstruction Proiect No. 2004-06C This was included with the consent agenda with the recommendation to approve the plans and specifications and authorize advertisement for bids. Added Items: . Groveland 4th Clean up: Since both Bruce Thielen and Brian Stumpf had to leave the last Council meeting early for a mediation session before this item was addressed, Brian Stumpf asked that an update be given at this meeting. John Simola reported that the Parks Department had cleaned up the debris in the wetlands area and the Street Department cleaned up the area around the Remmele 5 2- Council Minutes - 5/10/04 . property. In addition the soccer group also cleaned in the area. He noted that no clean up was done in the area of new building construction. It appears that even though there are dumpsters located on the construction site, debris from the sites is being blown around. The enclosures at the building sites will be monitored by the Building inspectors. John Simola also indicated that he will have two community service groups that he may be able to assign to clean up work. 9. Aporove paYment of bills for May. Brian Stumpf asked about the paver purchase. John Simola stated that they had found an used paver which they had purchased and that there was money budgeted to cover the paver and lowboy trailer. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS FOR MA Y. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Glen Posusta noting the bill from Menards asked why the City does not purchase their supplies locally. John Simola stated they do purchase from local vendors ifthe price is comparable. Brian Stumpf pointed out a number of local firms that were on the listing of bills. . Glen Posusta asked Bret Weiss about the City being billed for annexation analysis and what this covered. Bret Weiss indicated that their firm provided annexation maps, determined acreages, provided property owner information and attended a number of meetings relating to the annexation. Glen Posusta also questioned what was billed as general engineering. Bret Weiss stated that when work is done that is not tied to a specific project it is billed as general engineering. Rick Wolfsteller pointed out that when a project number is assigned those general engineering charges relating to that project are assigned to that project number. John Simola noted that with drainage problems, the City Engineer often has to look at that them and determine how they can be corrected and this time is also charged to general engineering. Other: Rick Wolfsteller asked for clarification as to whether the City Council was authorizing staff to proceed with another proposal for a land purchase ofthe Remmele property to be brought back to the Council. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO CONTINUE TO WORK ON A PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR THE SALE OF 1.5 ACRES OF THE REMMELE PROPERTY. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Adjourn. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 7:55 P.M. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . Recording Secretary 6 2. . . . Council Agenda - 5/25/04 SA. Consideration of aDDrovine new hires and departures for MCC and Parks. (R W ) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC and Parks Department. As you recall, it is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Ratify the hiring of the part-time employees as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new employees. . NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Barthel, Jerry Seasonal Parks 5/3/2004 temporary Geyen, Mark Seasonal Parks 5/10/2004 temporary Mitchell, David Slide Attendant MCC 5/8/2004 part*time Schoenborn, Herb Seasonal Parks 5/3/2004 temporary West, Don Seasonal Parks 5/3/2004 temporary TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Dullinger, Amanda Reason voluntary Department MCC Last Day Class 4/30/2004 part*time . . employee councillist.xls: 5/19/2004 s\.\ . . . Council Agenda - 5/24/04 5B. Consideration of final plat and development al!reement for Timber Ridge 3"1 Addition (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJND: City Council is asked to consider approval of the final plant for the Timber Ridge 3rd Addition. The plat includes 28 townhome units. As you know, this plat requires a replat of a portion of the Brothers plat and also involves transferring f<.mr lots from the Meadows Second plat to Timber Ridge 3rd. Platting of this parcel has been somewhat tricky but staff believes that all issues have been resolved. As of the time of preparation of this document the development agreement was nearly complete. The finance plan supporting the development agreement is attached. Herc are some significant points contained within the standard development agreement. · The developer will be paying for additional trunk fecs to the extent that the density has increased above single family density. This is consistcnt with Council action taken a few weeks ago. . The developer will complete improvements by a privatc contractor with the City providing engineering and inspection serviccs. · The cost of the berm, wall and vegetation necessary for shielding freeway impacts will be secured via a separate lettcr of credit. · The agreemcnt generally follows standard terms for projects constructed privately. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve final plat and Development Agrcement finance plan governing Timber Ridge 3rd 2. Motion to deny final plat and Development Agreement finance plan governing Timber Ridge 3rd. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Thc City Administrator recommends alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Finance plan spreadsheet. Summary of Expenses - Timber Ridge 3rd Addition Townhome Development April 28th, 2004 - Version 1 .Area Charges and Assessments Developer pays only for additional density - Formula: Total new units. Original Buildable Lots x Acreage Equivalent (.28) x Fee/Acre = In example: 28 new units - 13 original lots x .28 x fee/acre Based on 5.93 Acres - 28 Units in 3rd Addition Acreage Acres Units or Credit Char e New Buildable Units 28 28 $2,142 0.28 15 $1,685 0.28 15 $5,902 0.28 15 Total amount $81,12580 Per lotCp$t $2,897.35 Assessments divided by lots " New assessment waiver nel City Administration: Paid at execution of Development Agreement Plan Review Deposit - Fiat rate Project Fees - Flat rate $1,000 PAID Reimburseable. based on pro Construction Review Fees City Administration Legal NAC - Planning 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% $6,268 Non-reimburseable $6,268 Percentage 01 project cost, re $6,268 Percentage 01 project cost, re WSB - Engineering" WSB - Grading WSB/City - Inspection Surveying/As.buiits 8.00% 2.00% 4.00% 3.00% $25,072 "Includes linal design and cor $6,268 $12,536 $9,402 Total $72,082 Letter of Credit Calculation Construction Costs ~ Includes Prairie Road and Nicholas Circle Estimate Units/ Percent Lots Canst Cost Sanitary Sewer Watermain Storm Sewer Roads, driveways and sidewalks $56,000 $56,000 $58,000 $135,000 Total $305,000 Lot Corners/Iron Monuments (II Applicable) 28 $8,400 Requires separate LOC - $30 Construction total (lor purpose olcalculatingAdministralionlees) $313;:400 Letterdl Credit Amount (Total construction costX 125%) $391;750 Can be reduced but held until $14,000 posted Other Items Requiring Security Landscaping (II Applicable) Trees/Walls along berming Sodding Street Lights (II Applicable) Site Grading ($3000 per acre) 28 Requires a separate LOC . $~ 5.93 $87,000 $26,250 $0 $17,790 Requres a separate letter 01 ( t::2 J[....) e- Ll. 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I IJl ~ ~~ ~g .... ~~ ....J'-' 5 o ~ ~ ~ _~_ II 1 1_\ , . -1- ~: -:: , , , , ~- J' it J-~ h ' , 'i Sr<,., jt~ 1!!Po( ..'/ , "'-'" ,.{# j6 . ..:':\ -.(~~ ,. , , . , , '. ~;~! ~~ii 191; d~i ;r ~~I!~ iii~: . '," ':~. ", . I '. .....-.. . ~ , _ 4, "', " / . . . 5C. Consideration of appointment to fill Community Center Advisory Board vacancv. KB A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Community Center Advisory Board recently accepted the resignation of Tom Neumann from the Board due to the families relocation to another state. His term was due to expire on December 31, 2004. The Advisory Board advertised for applicants to fill this vacancy and have selected Bob Grabinski as their candidate to serve out this term. Bob Grabinski is a resident of the City of Monticello and will bring to the Advisory Board a history of Board experience, notable as the Past President of the Chamber of Commerce. He is recently retired from Excel Energy, NMC and feels that he has the time and the life experience that will be valuable. He is also a frequent user ofthe facility and supports its long-term success. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. To approve the appointment of Bob Grabinski to the Community Center Advisory Board. 2. To not approve the appointment of Bob Grabinski to the Community Center Advisory Board. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: The Advisory Board and the City Administrator recommend alternative number one. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None . . . Council Agenda - 5/24/04 5D. Consideration of a resolution declarinl! the official intent of the City of Monticello to reimburse certain expenditures from the proceeds of bonds to be issued bv the City rclatinl! to financine: of a community ice arena. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked is approve the attached reimbursement resolution for the upcoming ice arena project. This resolution is similar in content to resolutions the Council has adopted in the past when the City begins improvement projects with the intention of covering the cost through a future bond sale. Although the City will not actually be issuing bonds for this ice arena project, the hockey association intends to use the tax exempt status of the City in issuing bonds to keep their interest rate lower for their project. The attached resolution permits the association to spend money prior to the issuance of the tax exempt revenue bonds. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt a resolution declaring the official intent of the City of Monticello to reimburse certain expenditures from the proceeds of bonds to be issued by the City relating to the financing of a community ice arena. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and the City's bond counsel attorney that the resolution be adopted as presented. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Resolution . CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. DECLARING THE OFFICIAL INTENT OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO TO REIMBURSE CERT AIN EXPENDITURES FROM THE PROCEEDS OF BONDS TO BE ISSUED BY THE CITY WHEREAS, the Intemal Revenue Service has issued Treas. Reg. S 1.150-2 (the "Reimbursement Regulations") providing that proceeds of tax-exempt bonds used to reimburse prior expenditures will not be deemed spent unless certain requirements are met; and WHEREAS, the City or a conduit borrower expects to incur certain expenditures that may be financed temporarily from sources other than bonds, and reimbursed from the proceeds of a tax- exempt bond; WHEREAS, the City has determined to make this declaration of official intent ("Declaration") to reimburse certain costs from proceeds of bonds in accordance with the . Reimbursement Regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO AS FOLLOWS: 1. The City expects to participate in the financing of a community ice arena (the "Project") to be constructed by the Monticello Youth Hockey Association or a related entity (the "Borrower"). 2. The City reasonably expects to reimburse expenditures made by the Borrower or the City for certain costs of the Project from the proceeds of bonds in an estimated maximum plincipal amount of $1,500,000. All reimbursed expenditures will be capital expenditures, costs of issuance of the bonds, or other expenditures eligible for reimbursement under Section 1.150-2( d)(3) ofthe Reimbursement Regulations. . 3. This Declaration has been made not later than 60 days after payment of any original expenditure to be subject to a reimbursement allocation with respect to the proceeds of bonds, except forthe following expenditures: (a) costs of issuance of bonds; (b) costs in an amount not in excess of $1 00,000 or 5 percent of the proceeds of an issue; or (c) "preliminary expenditures" up to an amount not in excess of 20 percent of the aggregate issue price of the issue or issues that finance or are reasonably expected by the Borrower or the City to finance the project for which the preliminary expenditures were incurred. The tenn "preliminary expenditures" includes architectural, engineering, surveying, bond issuance, and similar costs that are incurred prior to conm1encement of acquisition, construction or rehabilitation of a project, other than land acquisition, site preparation, and similar costs incident to commencement of construction. . . . 4. This Declaration is an expression of the reasonable expectations of the City based on the facts and circumstances known to the City as of the date hereof. The anticipated original expenditures for the Project and the principal amount of the bonds described in paragraph 2 are consistent with the City's (and to the best of the City's knowledge, the Borrower's) budgetary and financial circumstances. No sources other than proceeds of bonds to be issued by the City are, or are reasonably expected to be, reserved, allocated on a long-term basis, or otherwise set aside pursuant to the City's (or to the best of the City's knowledge, the Borrower's) budget or financial policies to pay such Project expenditures. 5. This Declaration is intended to constitute a declaration of official intent for purposes of the Reimbursement Regulations. Approved by the City Council ofthe City of Monticello this 24th day of May, 2004. CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Mayor Attest: City Administrator SJB-247767vl MN190-112 2 . . . Council Agenda Item - 5/24/04 5E. Consideration of approvin~ request for one-day charitable e:ambline: license Monticello VFW Post 8731 (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Monticello VFW Post 8731 has applied for a permit to conduct a raffle on December 14th. In order for the State Gambling Control Board to issue this gambling license, a resolution by the City either approving or denying the application needs to be submitted with their application. In the past, the City has not opposed these exempt gambling license applications for charitable events. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to issue the one day charitable gambling license to the Monticello VFW Post 8731. 2. Adopt a resolution denying the gambling license application request. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff is not aware of any reason why the Council would not allow the State to issue this gambling license. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . Resolution approving gambling license. . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2004-32 RESOLlJTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A GAMBLING LICENSE WHEREAS, the Monticello VfW Post 8731 has submitted an application to the City Council of Monticello for the issuance of a one day charitable gambling license to conduct a raft1e at the VFW Post in Monticello, Minnesota, and WHEREAS, the Council is not opposed to the gambling license being issued by the State Gambling Control Board. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that the application by the Monticello VFW Post 8731 for a one day charitable gambling license is hereby approved and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to process the application. Adopted by the City Council this 24th day of May, 2004. Bruce Thielen, Mayor ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator . . . SF. Council Agenda - 5/24/04 Consideration of approvine: the appointment to the Plannine: Commission. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Planning Commission is submitting to the City Council the name of William Spartz to be appointed to fill the vacancy left by Dave Reitveld who has resigned. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the appointment of William Spartz to complete the term of Dave Reitveld that expires on December 31, 2006. 2. Do not approve the appointment. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and the Planning Commission that the Council appoint William Spartz to fill the vacancy on the Planning Commission. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. . . . JOB OBJECTIVE: EDUCATION: WORK-RELATED EXPERIENCE: OTHER WORK EXPERIENCE: WILLIAM P. SPARTZ 1450 Oak Ridge Circle Monticello, MN 55362 763-295-0813 To fulfill the obligations of the vacant position currently on the Monticello Planning Commission. North Hennepin Community College, Brooklyn Park, MN Emphasis: Business, marketing and management Attended: September 1982- June 1984 Benilde - St. Margaret's High School, St. Louis Park, MN Graduated: June 1982 UNITED FOOD & COMMERCIAL WORKERS LOCAl 653, Plymouth, MN Business Representative February 1999-present Participate with workplace conflicts and problem solving through mediation and arbitration. Assist in negotiations for contracts for unionized grocery stores in Minneapolis and its surrounding communities. Reconciling of funds received from membership dues. GOLDEN VALLEY FIRE DEPARTMENT, Golden Valley, MN Lieutenant of volunteer fire department November 1985- January 1997 Awarded Firefighter of the Year in 1995. Working in team crisis situations in emergencies affecting the community. Continual training and education of fire safety and emergency first aid skills. GOLDEN V ALLEY FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION, Golden Valley, MN President of Relief Association December of 1995-January 1997 Leadership role of pension fund and meetings. Worked with city for pension increase and by-law revision. Cub Foods, Plymouth, MN Full-time grocery/produce employee March 1991 to February 1999 Ordering, receiving and stocking goods. Training new employees and functioning as evening manager. . . . REFERENCES: William Demeules Standard Iron 207 Dundas Road Monticello, MN 55362 763-295-8700 Randy Smith Randy's Electric 1455 Oak Ridge Circle Monticello, MN 55362 763-295-6341 Mark Kuhnley, Fire Chief Golden Valley Fire Department 7800 Golden Valley Road Golden Valley, MN 55427 763-593-8080 . CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 Walnut Street, Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362 Tel: 763-295-2711 Fax: 763-295-4404 www.ci.monticello.mn.us APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT An Equal Opportunity Employer MONTICELLO Position Applied For: Date of Application ~-~~ -;200L Available to Work: 0 Full Time o Part-Time o Seasonal o Shift Work When would you be available? :5/7P Last Name First Name ..::S ~ r Z- f C1. P'V\ Home Phone: ( 71.03 ) c2CJs.O 8/3 Work Phone: ( &/ ;;2) 9 iPs- - t/ .3 D 1 Are you a United States citizen or legall Igible to work in the u.s.? Yes _No (If hired, you will be required toprovide documentation that you are eligible to work in the u.S) . Address: , ~O (e- Are you oflegal age to work? \/'"Yes No - - he required) (If yes verification will No RECORD OF EDUCATION High School o7n//de :5+ ;/b r t-~ 1-1 e. t? nef ;'11\ Diploma I(lY es OED 0 Yes Education School Name, City and State c'Dt11 PI Uti; f Colle e Degree Completed: o Associates 0 Bachelors o Masters 0 Other o No degree 30 C:red;t~f years completed or credits earned !SJ>r 'ne!!>> College Technical or Certificate Programs Indicate type of certificate earned. . . /!6/(Q r- lief! fl e k ~r Jl Summarize special skills/training not listed above: .La !-/, {Jo~ Vb6ktfl1 ~O /{/;'f1 List professional registration, memberships, licenses and/or certificates related to the position you are applying for . Years Known 8 7 /' Complete this section ONLY if you are a veteran AND claiming veteran's preference. If you do not meet the eligibility requirements outlined below, do not complete this section. To use the preference you must complete this section AND supply a copy of your discharge papers (DD214 Form). . A veteran, for purpose of offering a preference, is a citizen of the United States or a resident alien separated under honorable conditions from any branch of the U.S. armed forces: · After having served on active duly for 181 consecutive days; or · By reason of disability incurred while serving on active duty; or · Who has met the minimum active duty required as defined by CFR, Title 38, Section 3.12a; or Who has active military service certified under 38 U.S.C.A. Section 106, Part I, Chapter I. Active Duty Information: Have your (or your disable spouse) served on active duty without interruption for 181 days or more? 0 Yes 0 No Type of separation:D Honorable 0 Honorable release from active duty and transfer to reserves 0 Medical 0 Other For Disabled Veterans: Permanent 0 Yes 0 No Percent of Disability % For Spouses of Deceased Veterans: Have your remarried? 0 Yes 0 No Affidavit: I hereby claim veteran's preference for this position and certify that all of the information given is true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge. J hereby authorized the Veteran's Administration to release information necessary to process this application to the City of Monticello. Si nature Date . Address To be able to send you notices Yes Failure to provide information may be cause for rejecting an application" Home Telephone To be able to contact you to determine No We may not be able to employ availability for interview and to notify you you in certain jobs where you when we need you to work on short notice. may be required to come to work on short notice. Conviction To detennine whether we may legally Yes We will not be able to make Record accept an application from you and to determinations required by law. determine whether your record may be ajob Failure to provide relevant related consideration conviction information my be grounds for dismissal. . . . . . 5G. Accept Feasibility Report for Extendim! Storm Sewer Trunk Line to the Klein Farms Watershed (Citv Proiect No. 2004-18C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The enclosed feasibility report addrcsses the need for a storm sewer outlet pipe to servicc future dcvelopment in the southern portion of the City, specifically, the area south of School Boulevard betwecn TH 25 and extcnding southeast to Fenning Avenue. The proposed outlet pipe would connect thc storm scwer runoff from these arcas, identified as the Klein Farms Watershcd, with the TH 25 storm sewer. A portion ofTH 25 connection was constructcd in 2003 as part of the Ccdar Strect improvements. With the current construction of the Featherstone development, the proposed Autumn Ridge 3rd development, and the pending Wal-Mart and Hunters Crossing developments, it is neccssary to bcgin constructing the outlct pipe for these areas. 'l"he estimated projcct cost totals $ 205,356, which does not include easemcnt acquisition costs. The project is proposed to be fundcd by the City's trunk storm water fund. We are asking the Council to authorize preparation of plans and specifications for the trunk storm sewer line as outlined in the feasibility report. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize preparation of plans and specifications to extend storm sewer outlet to the Klein Farms watershed. 2. Do not authorize plans and specifications at this time. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director and City Engineer that the Council authorize plans and specifications as outlined in Alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Feasibility Report (':IJ)( J("{ !,HF..j',f)AWN -/.(;J<()\U)( 'A!.S -1\1/:mp\()51I)O-l-AXi.'mla Ilem,doc . . . B. Council Agenda.- 5/24/04 51. Accept Feasibility Study and Authorize the Preparation of Plans and Specifications for the Sunset Ponds/Interstate 94 Trunk Watermain Crossin!! Project (City Proiect No.2004-10C). (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The enclosed Feasibility Report addresses the need for the extension of trunk watermain from the southeast service area of the City to the northeast service area to complete a looped watcrmain system. The "Wild Meadow - Bruggeman Homes Sanitary Sewer and Watcrmain Study," dated February 24, 2003, identified the need for a watermain connection from the Mcadow Oaks development on the south side of Interstate 94 to the Sunset Ponds (formally Wild Meadow) development located on the north side of Interstate 94. The connection is necessary to provide improved fire capabilities and adequate system pressures to the Sunset Ponds development and surrounding areas. A segment of the trunk watermain extension through Mcadow Park and Meadow Oak Drive to CSAH 75 is to be constructed with the "Area 2 Street Reconstruction Project" this year. This project would include extending the watermain from CSAH 75 north across Interstate 94 to the Sunset Ponds development. The estimated project cost totals $157,200, which does not include easement acquisition costs. The project is proposed to be funded through the City's trunk watermain fund. We are asking the Council to authorize preparation of plans and specifications for the watermain crossing as outlined in the feasibility report. Depending on the alignment, an easement through the Shermer property may be necessary. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize preparation of plans and specifications for the Interstate 94~'rrunk Watermain Crossing from the Meadow Oak development to the Sunset Ponds development. 2 Do not authorize preparation of plans and specifications at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer that the City to authorize preparation of the Plans and Specifications as outlined under alternative number 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Feasibility Report (':\/ )()( '( IA.W--I\!)/I WN.. 1.( ilU )\//)( "Af.S--/1 Ji,'m/IW50-0-l-Axe"dllllem.t.!m' Council Agenda - 5/24/04 5.'. Accept Feasibility Report for the Meadow Oak Park Stormwater Outlet (Citv Proiect No. 2004-09C) (WSB) . A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The enclosed feasibility report addresses the need for additional storm sewer outlet capacity for the Meadow Oaks Park Pond, located south of Highways 94 and 75, in the Meadow Oaks Neighborhood. In recent years, the City has experienced significant rainfall events, leaving most of the park and trails under water for extended periods of time. As part of the Sunset Ponds Development, wetland restoration created additional water storage for the Meadow Oaks Watershed that was previously unavailable. The attached Feasibility Report shows that an additional outlet parallel to the existing system would create a better hydraulic system and reduce frequency and duration of flooding on the park upland. The most cost effective connection to the Sunset Ponds wetland is through a storm sewer catch basin between the north and southbound lanes of 194. The estimated project cost with this connection is $375, 372. If this connection is not authorized by MnDOT, the storm sewer pipe would be jacked under both lanes of 1-94. The estimated cost of this scenario is $470, 412. These estimates do not include potential easement acquisition costs. The project is proposed to be funded by the City's trunk storm water fund. We are asking the Council to authorize preparation of plans and specifications for the storm sewer connection as outlined in the feasibility report . B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize preparation of plans and specifications for the Meadow Oaks Pond outlet. 2. Do not authorize plans and specifications at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENIlATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director and City Engineer that the Council authorize plans and specifications as outlined in Alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Feasibility Report . C: IDOCUMF.--/ iL>A WN-./. G ROILOCA 1.'\"'-/ \ TempI05/904-agendlldoc . . . 5L. Council Agenda - 5/24/04 Consideration of an amendment to the Monticello Comprehensive Plan establishing policV requirements for the development of townhouses in Low Density Residential land use areas. Applicant: City of Monticello. (NAC/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROtJND On April 6, 2004 the Planning Commission reviewed the proposed amendment and hereby forwards such to the City Council. The amendment proposed came at the initiative of the Planning Commission and others in the community that were concerned about the volume of townhouse development. Please note that the Planning Commission conducted at least two public meetings on this topic. The meeting minutes arc provided for your review. Attached is a proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment, in the form of a Policy Statement, relating to the development of townhouses in Low Density Residential areas. We have integrated the Planning Commission's discussion requiring no more than one townhouse unit per every three R-I single family units, and have added some additional thoughts. To make sure that future projects don't attempt to squeeze around the requirements, we have proposed that the amendment distinguish R-IA areas from "regular" low density areas and exclude R-l A areas from the use of density averaging and townhouse development. We have also added an additional open space element for any use ofR-2 or R-2A development, and placed the burden of proving the propriety of anything other than low density single family on the developer. Finally, we have added a listing of potential considerations for allowing R-2 and R-2A housing in a low density project. Included in this list is a review of the proposed project, its building design, and its building sizes in relation to the requirements for R-I units. This should help the City leverage larger townhouse units in these areas by holding out the likelihood that such units will need to be comparable to single family homes to qualify for consideration. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: Comprehensive Plan Amendment 1. Motion to recommend approval of the amendment, based on a finding that it provides for appropriate levels of control in the use of townhouse development in otherwise single family development projects. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the amendment, based on a finding that adequate controls exist in the current land use plan and ordinances. Council Agenda - 5/24/04 . c. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends adoption of the amendment. It is becoming increasingly difficult to communicate to developers the importance of maintaining a low density land use pattern in the City. This amendment sets specific thresholds for such development, and should serve to streamline the design and planning process for residential projects. At the same time, planning staff believes that the continued allowance for limited numbers of attached townhouse-style housing in low density areas is important to avoiding an over- concentration of such units in only a few areas of the City. This dispersal serves to maintain an apparent low density pattern, even for areas of attached housing, and also serves to encourage developers to increase quality for their townhouse projects so as to minimize any negative reactions that attached housing might bring. D. SlJPPORTING DATA 1. Proposed Amendment - Policy Statement 2. Minutes of April, 2004 Planning Commission Meeting 3. Minutes of January, 2004 Planning Commission Meeting 4. Minutes of February, 2004 Planning Commission Meeting . . 2 5L- I II ~ . Policy Statement Monticello Comprehensive Plan Townhouse Development in Areas Desi2nated for Low Density Residential Land Uses In areas of the City designated for "Low Density Residential", the predominant land use shall be single family detached dwellings at densities of no more than four units per net developable acre, or three units per gross acre, whichever is less. Net developable land shall be defined as lands which are buildable without significant alteration. Land with slopes of greater than 20%, lands within designated environmentally sensitive areas (such as Shoreland or Wild and Scenic Rivers), existing wetlands or other water features, land subject to existing conservation easements or similar instruments, and areas of poor soils that can not be readily built on shall be excepted from the gross acreage for purposes of determining "net developable" acreage. . The City shall require that its standard single family zoning district (R-l) be applied to those areas designated for Low Density Residential, except in the following situations: 1. The area is designated for Low Density Residential R-IA, in which case the applicable zoning district shall be R -1 A, and the density allowances or mix of housing styles discussed in this Policy Statement shall not apply. R-IA development shall not be used to leverage higher densities in other Low Density development areas. 2. A developer proposes to apply the R-2A zoning district, rather than the R-l District. In cases where such a proposal is approved, the applicant shall provide one usable acre of common open space (private or public) per each fifteen units in the project area to be set aside for landscaping and naturalized planting. The common open space shall not be used to leverage higher densities in the developed portion of the project area. This requirement shall be above and beyond the applicable park dedication for the project. 3. A developer proposes to construct attached townhouse units as a part of a project. In cases where such a proposal is approved, the applicable standards of the R-2 District shall be applied to the townhouse area. For the purposes of this type of development, no project shall include more than one R-2 or R-2A unit for every three . " . . . ~'..'" -, R-llots. In addition, the applicant shall provide one usable acre of common open space (private or public) per each twenty units in the project area to be set aside for landscaping and naturalized planting. The common open space shall not be used to leverage higher densities in the developed portion of the project area. This requirement shall be above and beyond the applicable park dedication for the project. The City of Monticello may allow, at its discretion, the use ofR-2 or R-2A zoning in its Low Density Residential areas. Factors that may be considered include the relative number of townhouse projects in the immediate area, the mix of housing in the community at the time of the proposal, the proximity of the project area to sensitive environmental areas, the proximity ofthe project area to R-l A development areas, the design quality of the project and the proposed units, the size in square feet of the proposed units in comparison to requirements for R-l units, and the general ability of the City to provide adequate public services to the project area and future development beyond the project area. Such services include sanitary sewer, water, storm water management, local and regional street system capacity and traffic control, park and pathway facilities, and other public health, safety, and welfare considerations. In all cases, single family detached housing shall be the predominant land use and development form. A presumption shall exist that the application of R-2 or R-2A zoning in the Low Density Residential areas is inappropriate. The inclusion of R-2 or R-2A lots and units in any project in the Low Density Residential area shall not be considered a right of the land owner or developer. The burden of demonstrating that such development is appropriate in a particular project area shall be on the landowner or developer. The City shall not have any burden to show that such development is not appropriate. 2 . I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. . 7. Planning Commission Minutes - 04/06/04 A MOTION WAS MADE BY DRAGSTEN TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE CUPS, BASED ON FINDINGS THAT THE PROPOSED PLANS ARE CONSISTENT WITH THE R-2 ZONING STANDARDS AND THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE AREA TO ENSURE PUBLIC SAFETY AND AN ATTRACTIVE NEIGHBORHOOD. FRIE AMENDED THE MOTION TO INCLUDE THE REQUIREMENT TI-IA T THE APPLICANT MEET THE CONDITIONS FOUND IN EXHIBIT Z AS LiSTED. Submission of a final plat and execution of a development contract prior to issuance ofbuilding permits. Establishment of an association to maintain common areas, including the cul-de-sac island landscaping. Landscape detail is provided for the separation of combined driveways. Provide sidewalk along both sides of Prairie Road to connect to Timber Ridge in accordance with the City Engineer's plans for the Prairie Road reconstruction project. Provide additional landscaped buffer along the east boundary of the north portion of the project consistent with the rest of the project and the recommendations of this report. Compliance with City Engineer recommendations on grading, drainage, utilities, and street construction. Compliance with City Public Works direction for mailbox locations, garbage collection locations, street lighting, and other requirements. MOTION SECONDED BY CARLSON. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Continued Public Hearing - Consideration of an amendment to the Monticello Comprehensi ve Plan establishing: policy requirements for the development of townhouses in Low Density Residential land use areas. . The staff report was provided by Licht, who indicated that the draft language provided would he a statement of policy rather than an actual text amendment. Licht indicated that many developers seek to incorporate the highest density possible, which can create issues for the community in multiple areas. Commission previously directed staff to draft a statement that addresses the density issue. The proposed policy incorporates the comments provided in previous Commission discussion. The policy statement requires no more than one townhouse unit per every three R-] single family units. To make sure that future projects don't attempt to squeeze around the requirements, the amendment distinguishes R-l A areas from "regular" low density areas and excludes R-l A areas from density averaging and townhouse development. -6- S\--'d. Planning Commission Minutes - 04/06/04 . The policy also added an additional open space element for any use of R-2 or R-2A development, and placed the burden of proving the propriety of anything other than low density single family on the developer. Finally, the proposal adds a listing of potential considerations for allowing R-2 and R- 2A housing in a low density project. Included in this list is a review of the proposed project, its building design, and its building sizes in relation to the requirements for R- I units. This should help the City leverage larger townhouse units in these areas by holding out the likelihood that such units will need to be comparable to single family homes to qualify for consideration. Licht stated that staff is recommending approval, based on the fact that the policy provides greater direction to the development community and that the direction is more consistent with the City's comprehensive plan and development goals. Dragsten questioned why it would be negative to require that all townhomes would be in one area. Licht indicated that a balanced mixture of housing also balances the services needed for development. Licht also suggested that sporadic development allows development of more high-end townhomes. O'Neill cited Par West as an example of a development style that would be a likely result of this amendment. . Carlson asked what changes would occur under this amendment in an R-2 district. O'Neill stated that the policy simply identifies or prescribes density for R-l areas, it doesn't affect previously designated R-2 areas. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Hearing no further comment, Frie closed the public hearing. Oragsten stressed that he still questions scattering one or two townhomes at a time throughout the community. O'Neill and Licht clarified that the City would still seek to locate townhomes in clustered areas within development. A MOTION WAS MADE BY FRIE TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE AMENDMENT, BASED ON A FINDING THAT IT PROVIDES FOR APPROPRIATE LEVELS OF CONTROL IN THE USE OF TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT IN OTHERWISE SINGLE F AMIL Y DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS. MOTION SECONDED BY DRAGSTEN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . -7- S '--d . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday - January 6, 2004 6:00 P.M. Members Present: Dick Frie, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten, Lloyd Hilgart, David Rietveld Council Liaison Brian Stumpf JeflO'Neill, Steve Grittman - NAC, Angela Schumann Absent: Stail: 1. Call to order. Chair Frie called the meeting to order at 6 P.M., noting the absence of Council Liasion Brian Stumpf 2. Approval of the minutes of the regular Planning Commission meeting held December 2,2003. A MOTION WAS MADE BY HILGART TO APPROVE TIlE MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 2, 2003 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. DRAGSTEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED. ., -, . Consideration of adding items to the agenda. None 4. Citizens comments. None 5. Open House/Workshop - Discussion regarding potential amendments to the comprehensive plan establishing an acceptable mix of single family and attached housing in low density residential districts. Steve Grittman provided the staff repmi, noting that the overall Monticello land use plan was developed to identify areas of potential growth. In particular, the plan outlines long range transportation corridors and illustrates potential development areas along those corridors. Many of these proposed growth areas have been defined as low-density residential. To this point, the City has guided a more organic mix of low- density uses, including a mix of single family and attached dwellings. The low- density designation accommodates R~ I A, R-l , R-2A, and R-2 zoning classifications, provided that overall density guidelines are met. Planning for these areas has used a guideline of a maximum of three units per gross acres, per parcel. Any development has to stay within that maximum and the standard of 40 units per developable acre. In anyone development within a low density area, 2 out of every 3 has to be single 5L-3 Planning Commission Minutes - 0 I !O6!O4 . family, meeting traditional R-] standards. The Planning Commission has been involved in decisions that do not meet those requirements. Grittman indicated that those guidelines are concurrent with a more flexible planning approach, allowing developers to determine the best mixes based on land, rather than providing a very specific designation about what types of housing should appear where within each development, much like a zoning map. Staff believes that planning of this nature keeps attached housing values higher, avoiding over-concentrations, lowered values and related problems, such as traffic. This mix of housing also breaks up visual styles. Developers have thus far been very cooperative with this style of planning. Grittman indicated that it may be worthwhile to provide more guideline detail within planning documents in order to stay consistent. Grittman referred to the supporting documents to illustrate that Monticello is well within the current range oftownhome to single-family dwelling ratios in respect to surrounding communities. Monticello's actual density is a little over 2.5 per acre. This density meets basic R.I requirements. . Grittman posed the following questions for the workshop discussion: · Should these guidelines be formalized into the planning code? · Are there other alternatives or guidelines that should be discussed? · How much attached housing are we willing to consider in the new low density areas? · !low will a formal decision affect long range land use plan in current and proposed annexed areas, and the comprehensive plan? Chairman Frie informed the audience that no decision on the ratio would be made this evening. Input would be gathered and a recommendation would be prepared if necessary. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Roger Fink of Woodside Communities of"MN, a single family housing home builder and developer, addressed the commission, noting that he is involved in several active projects in surrounding communities. Fink encouraged the concept of a less prescriptive plan that allows creativity on the part of the developer. Such an approach permits the devcIoper to perform land use analysis, and to evaluate market trends. He also expressed support for the concept of integrating attached with single-family dwellings, as they have had success with an integration of products. He did note the rising cost of housing and achieving attainable house prices for families. ...... -..-. Mike Benedetto, Superintendent of Schools addressed the commission, representing the School Board. !-Ie expressed the opinion that anyone decision affects many others. As such, there should be a spirit of cooperation within the community. He related that since 2000, the educational system has undergone severe budget cuts. His concern is the flat growth of student population in Monticello, due to the fact that 90% -2~ 5L-3 Planning Commission Minutes~- 01/06/04 -. of school funding is based on student enrollment. Therefore, continued growth in student enrollment is essential for funding. Currently, Monticello is averaging a 50 student growth per year. He noted that this is an unusual figure when one considers growth in the area and surrounding communities. Other districts are experiencing a growth rate of 5-1 0%, while Monticello's is only 2%. Benedetto related that this may potentially be a result of the number oftownhomes. He provided examples of the low number of students the district gained from townhome developments versus single- family developments. He also noted that without open enrollment (a net gain of 100 students) Monticello's school district would actually be in decline. Chairman Frie asked whether apartments were included in his numbers. Benedetto indicated more students come out of apartments than townhomes. Mike Wigen, 8617 Darrow Avenue NE, addressed the Commission in his capacity as a membcr of school board. Wigcn related that rather than having unattainable house prices, Monticello has an abundance of starter homes. With starter homes, families with school age children move on to other communities because of a lack of larger, "family home" stock. Wigen believes that Monticello needs more of these middle ground homes. Frie asked what middle ground referred to. Wigen thought that homes in the $200,000 - $300,000 range represented that sector. He is not opposed to townhomes, just believes that the community needs a better mix of housing styles. . Carlson inquired whether the school district had any numbers on exiting students due to a lack of middle ground housing. Benedetto and Wigen indicated there was no information on that issue directly. Tom Holthaus, 12354 Aetna Avenue NE, spoke to the Commission, indicating that the more expensive home prices are, the fewer home buyers meet that qualification. Builders are responsible for selling lots and houses and are in a better position to analyze market trends. Home buyers need an incentive to pay more for homes. Mike Cyr, Monticello area builder and developer, spoke to commission, indicating that his comments were more from a citizen perspective than a builder's. He asked if the City and Planning Commission have a ratio goal, what is it? Frie stated that the goal should be based on the input tonight. Cyr related his belief that if the goal of establishing a ratio is to produce higher value homes, then it is critical to apply it consistently. Frie asked what ratio Cyr would be comfortable with. Cyr indicated an average of approximately 25% townhomes to 75% single family homes. . Dan Goeman, 201 West Broadway, spoke to the commission based on his experience as a realtor. Goeman noted that he has sold properties for both builders and developers. He expressed that a ratio of about 20% townhomes to 80% single family would be appropriate. He also noted that perhaps input from the hospital board would be beneficial. Goeman said that townhomes fil I a housing niche for seniors, baby boomers, and new families. He believes that Monticello's geographic location creates -3- SL-3 Planning Commission Minutes - OI/06/04 . more townhome buyers. He suggested the Planning Commission consider consider the alternative of providing more direction in terms of a demographic mix. For example, a larger or more expensive townhome would attract a different buyer. Goeman also noted the inter-relationships in communities; that those with more disposable income can influence other sectors, including commercial. Frie asked Goeman whether the City Council should consider adjusting the requirements for townhomes? Goeman indicated that he would like more direction given in townhome devclopment, but said that whether we can fill the new higher range housing depends on builders and land. Carlson asked if townhomes satisfy both first time home buyers and retirees? Goeman believes so, indicating that young people are looking for low-maintenance due to busy lifestyle, but sill desire equity. Gene Bauer, builder, spoke to the commission. Bauer's stated opinion is that the market should control the type of community you build. Regulation is difficult. Monticello should aqjust guidelines based on those who choose to build here. Schools have to make the best use of the resources available. . Jay Roos, Bison Devleopment, directed comments to the commission. He is currently working on Hunters Crossing, a Monticello development that is progressing based on the 2: 1 ratio. Relating to the ratio, Roos stated that he thinks it is commendable that the city allows a mix oftownhomes within low-density. J-Ie alluded to greater Dexibility with that mixture. He also indicated that similar to single-family homes, townhomes do have variety and range. Monticello should provide a life cycle of housing. Tom Von Bishe, Heritage Development, addressed the commission. I-Ie stated that Monticello has been passed by for many middle- to higher-end single family housing developments due to lack of land supply. He feels that Monticello has things most communities want - including business, industry and other essential amenities. As such, Monticello should be growing. However, land supply has thus far made growth difficult and expensive. Von Bishe stated that Monticello should expand boundaries to make more land available to lower land costs. Von Bishe approves of a ilexible approach, which will allow developers to build what is appropriate to the land. Von Bishe also indicated that if there is a need more single-family the trade-off may be higher density in sma] leI' lots. ...... -.-.- Charlie Pfeffer, Pfeffer Companies of Maple Grove, addressed the commission. PfeHcr noted that the development ratio process is not unique to Monticello. He explained that Maple Grove went through a similar discussion regarding town home development 20 years ago. PfeiTer believes that flexibility is a major key to wise development, and that the City should not "allow", but "provide". He stated that the market responds to changes in lifestyle. Providing flexibility will provide marketability. Setting limits will adverscly affect marketability. Pfeffer stated that -4- 5L-3 Planning Commission Minutes - 01/06/04 '. people will find a place to build a middle level home if they want to stay in the community. Workforce housing, transportation, education are the three big issues affecting this. Wigen again addressed the commission, indicating that his position is not to advocate less of any type of housing. He believes it is the planning commission's responsibility to make a good mix. Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. Jeff O'Neill, Deputy City Administrator, provided further staff comments. O'Neill stated that the city's goal is to provide a mix of housing. I.Ie did acknowledge a lack of step-up housing. The City was addressing that lack by a recent amendment to the zoning ordinance which increased minimum square f()otage ofsinglc-family home and the foot print square footage. "fhe City has designated R-l A areas, which require a minimum of 2000 finished square feet. Sprit Hills, Carlisle Village, Hillside Farms are all developments currently in progress which contain R-lA areas. Also, O'Neill clarified that Monticello's population is increasing. Monticello is averaging 200-250 new homes per year over the last few years. Chairman Frie requested that the Commissioners now ask any questions of those who addressed the Commission and to state other related comments. . Commissioner Rcitveld concurred with the school board's analysis of the housing situation. Reitveld asked Benedetto if there was a correlation in attached/detached housing issues with student population growth in other communities? Benedetto did n01 address housing issue specifically, but indicated that Big Lake and St. Michael's student enrollment is growing at close to 10% versus Monticello's 2,5110. Dragsten noted that is also important to consider the zoning regulations outside the city. Monticello Township's zoning restriction of 1 home per 40 acres competes with St. Michael, which has no similar regulation. Dragsten said that he thinks flexibility is key. . Hilgart agreed that the township restrictions greatly affect higher-priced home development because the majority of those who build the larger homes want larger 101s. He advised that those involved in planning should consistently adhere to zoning standards, particularly in R I-A. Hilgart also asked for a review of the size of townhomes in the R-l districts. Hilgart inquired if Fink found a large gap between townhouse and single-family in price in same development? Fink answered that too many factors influence the price oftownhomes versus singly-family dwellings, particularly in configuration. Fink views R-lA as an opportunity that will help their products grow and an unmet need. Smart development will anticipate unmet need and create housing to meet the need. -5- SL-3 Planning Commission Minutes - 0] /06/04 . Carlson stated that many families don't want to pay new single-family prices. He believes that the next couple of years will tell how the mixed-use areas will develop. Reitveld stated that perhaps the number oftownhomes isn't the question, it's the placement. Consideration should be given to the development layout. Chairman Frie questioned whether a community should develop many townhomes because that's what the market demands, or is it the responsibility of the Planning Commission to help guide the market? He stated that density becomes a main issue in development due to the fact that developers need density to produce profit. The result may be a high townhome ratio. He questioned whether the community and comprehensive plan should be so flexible as to benefit builders who paid too much money for land? However, would a more formal approach to density adversely affect builders and inhibit growth? Carlson stated that so far, the City ratio's of 2: I has been a positive factor. He noted that a recent artiele in the Star Tribune has a majority of the metropolitan area at ratios closer to 1: 1. . O'Neill stated that Monticello is still in an adolescent stage of growth compared to other communities. He noted that formal planning has not occurred in the proposed annexation area. A more general, guided approach has been taken. The majority of the proposed annexation area will be low-density residential. O'Neill indicated that growth will occur in a pattern similar to what is provided in the supporting table, assuming current ratios are followed. Chairman Frie requested that a summary of comments and a staff recommendation be prepared for February's agenda. At that time, the Planning Commission may provide a recommendation for Council. Secondary discussion on this item occurred prior to adjournment. Please see additional comments below. 6. Consideration ofre-appointment for expired term of planning commission member David Rietveld. David Reitveld expressed interest in serving another three year term. Chair Frie opened the public hearing. Hearing no further response, the public hearing was closed. . -6- SL-3 .a. ,., . . Planning Commission Minutes - 01/06/04 DAV'D A MOTION WAS MADE BY DRAGSTEN TO RE-APPOINT COMMISSIONER JZ.E. l\VEl-DROD DRA08TEN TO A SUCCESSIVE THREE-YEAR TERM. CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 7. Park Dedication/Commercial Property: Report by Jeff O'Neill Jeff O'Neill provided a staff report on the park dedication for commercial and industrial land. O'Neill stated that park dedication for residential developments was scheduled to increase due to increases in land values. For 2004, the dedication fee will be $1200 per unit as compared to the 2003 rate of $868 per unit. The Industrial Committee had studied the issue of park dedication requirements for industrial and commercial. The Parks Commission requested that no dedication fee be required for industrial land, as the committee felt industrial development did not pose a large strain/use on parkland. However, the Parks Commission did request that research be completed regarding implementing a dedication requirement for commercial development. City staff has studied other city's requirements and will update and provide a recommendation to the Parks Commission. Any park dedication amendment will come to Planning Commission for approval. Secondary Discussion Regarding Item 5. O'Neill asked the Planning Commission members if the 2:1 ratio, allowing t1exibility within developments has been an acceptable guideline. Frie stated that its acceptability for the community was the more important question. He indicated that some sectors were missing in the discussion. In speaking with citizens before the meeting Frie had heard such comments as "Only in Monticello are R-l areas high in townhome development". Grittman indicates this incorrect in that it mixed terminology. There are no townhomes in R-l designated areas, there are instead located only in areas designated low-density in the Guide Plan. Low density areas may contain both townhome and R-] zoning. Carlson said that it is diHicult to take the proposed annexation area and divide it into zoning districts. However, the Commission still needs to consider the ultimate impact of development on the city while letting developers do their job. Grittman noted that it is common in other communities who have gone to more flexible zoning to define overall density while allowing developers to mix housing styles within that density. This results in a much more interesting residential pattern. -7- 5L -3 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 01106/04 Developers have a stake in developing an appropriate number of townhomes in order not to adversely affect single-family homes. Frie asked if this is the case, why does appear as if Monticello is being overrun with townhomes to the average person? Grittman answered that many people are sensitive to townhome development (for various reasons) and that townhouses tend to be built in more prominent areas (higher capacity or traf1ic areas). Hilgart indicated that setting standards for larger townhomes may be a solution. Frie stated that tax value on single family dwellings vcrus multi-family dwellings has come up most often on this issue. Grittman noted that higher density tends to generate more taxes per acre. Charlie Pfeffer, Pfeffer Companies, indicated that ifplanning is guided by density, the result may ultimately be more green area due to the fact that park area dedication is based on units. He stressed that a change in one area of the development affects the whole development. 8. Adjourn A MOTION WAS MADE BY DRAGSTEN TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8 P.M. REITVELD SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ~~. c/ -8- SL -:, . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 02/03/04 13. The applicant enter into a development agreement with the City and post all the necessary securities required by it. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DRAGSTEN TO RECOMMEND APPROV AL OF TIlE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR HUNTER'S CROSSING, BASED ON THE COMMENTS FROM THE STAFF REPORT FOR THE FEBRUARY 3, 2004 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AND THE CONDITIONS LISTED IN EXHIBIT Z WITH 2, 8 AND 12 AS ITEMS TO BE RESOLVED. MOTION SECONDED BY REITVELD. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit for the expansion of a religious institution in the P.S/Public-Semi-Public District. Applicant: Resurrection Lutheran Church Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Hearing no further comment, Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DRAGSTEN CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING THE REQUEST TO THE MARCH 2ND MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION, SUBJECT TO SUBMISSION OF A COMPLETE APPLICATION. HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. Consideration of calling for a public hearing on comprehensive plan and/or ordinance amendments regulating attached housing development in areas guided for low density development. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Hearing no further comment, Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. O'Neill provided the staff report, stating that staffis seeking direction in terms of how low-density areas are treated in relationship to the guide plan. Thus far, staff has used a guideline of allowing 1 townhome for every 2 single family homes in low density areas. O'Neill referred to the testimony on this subject provided at the last meeting Planning Commission meeting. O'Neill inquired whether the commission would consider requiring larger townhomes to encourage family units. O'Neill also stated -13- S L -,.\ Planning Commission Minutes - 02/03/04 . that the City has identified designated areas specifically for townhomes at a ratio higher than 3 units per acre. Frie asked for the commission's input in regard to standards. Frie asked Hilgart whether he felt larger townhouse size would encourage family residence. Hilgart answered that it may in part, but that it would also keep values up. He stated that 1200 square feet seems relatively small. Hilgart stated that he isn't questioning townhomes or their use, but thinks they should be comparable to surrounding houses. He suggested confining smaller townhomes to mixed-use or higher density areas. Frie stated that any type of guideline that helps resolve community concerns should be addressed. Hilgart stated that he believes low-density area ratios be lowered from 2 to 3 homes for each townhome. Grittman indicated that R~ 1 A areas already meet that ratio. O'Neill noted that the Planning Commission had the option to count townhouses as attached or detached for density issues. He also noted that when looking at ratios, the commission should make sure that small lot single-family is not considered as part of the ratio. . Dragsten suggested that the ratio should perhaps apply to site size. Any development 20 acres or less should require a specific ratio. He indicated that developers do not want to do small developments due to inefficiencies, so smaller sites will take care of themselves. Dragsten agreed that a minimum size requirement may be an option. O'Neill asked whether the commission wanted to require townhomes to meet single- family standards. Grittman stated that very few townhouses meet that standard, most are in the 1300-1400 square foot range, which suits the buyer. Frie indicated that he strongly supports a 3: 1 ratio and as do others with whom he has had conversations on this topic. He noted that a possible moratorium has also come up. He wondered whether this decision would be best made before annexation. Carlson asked Frie why he recommended a 3:1 ratio. Frie suggested that it may satisfy the housing balance issue. Carlson indicated that the commission should be cognizant of the comments regarding flexibility made at the last meeting. Frie indicated that he would rather have a 3:1 ratio required in the annexation area. O'Neill noted that there would still be areas designated as mid-density within the annexation area. O'Neill referred to building permit statistics over last 5 years, which illustrated that 20% of permits issued are for townhomes, while 80% are single family. However, an inventory of all proposed lots does shift supply towards townhomes. If development continues according to that trend, there may be an oversupply oftownhomes. O'Neill stated that there are approximately 411 single family lots and 211 townhome units on the books for next year. This number does not include Timber Ridge's 150 townhomes. . ~ 14- SL-'-' Planning Commission Minutes- 02/03104 . Fric stated that it seems that singlc family homes are selling much more quickly than townhomes. Grittman stated that ifthe City can provide adequate areas for land uses in all areas, the market will fi II in the spaces. Grittman suggested specifying areas of density, but not specific zoning within those areas. Grittman indicated that a maturc city will end up with a ratio or between 2-3 single family homes to 1 townhome. Carlson reminded the commission that the current ratio guideline is 2: 1 and that is the actual ratio represented in the community. He also notcd that at the last Planning Commission meeting, 5 persons spoke about flexibility. He asked for Grittman's reaction on requiring a square footage minimum. Grittman would be reluctant to recommend an increase in square footage beyond what is currently required. O'Neill asked Grittman whether he thinks larger townhomes will provide the desired demographic. Grittman stated that all the studies seem to show that families want single family homes. As such, O'Neill suggested that it may be better to change ratio and not square footage. Reitveld indicated that he sees no problem with current townhome size and sees adjusting the ratio to 3: 1 as a better solution, in conjunction with creating more R-l A areas. Chairman Frie asked for Council member Posusta's comments. Posusta indicated he is opposed to a moratorium. . MOTION HILGART TO CALL FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE NECESSARY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND/OR ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS FOR THE REGULATION OF ATTACHED HOUSING IN LOW DENSITY AREAS, SUCH AMENDMENTS TO INCLUDE AN A TT ACHED TO DETACHED HOUSING RATIO OF 3:1. MOTION SECONDED BY FRIE. MOTION BY FRIE TO AMEND THE MOTION TO INCLUDE THE PUBLIC HEARING DURING THE APRIL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. MOTION SECONDED BY HILGART. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. Adjourn A MOTION TO ADJOURN AT 9:00 PM WAS MADE BY TO RETIVELD. DRAGSTEN SECONDED TI-IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . /u------ ann, Recorder -] 5- S \... .. "-\ . . . Council Agenda - 5/24/04 SM. Authorize WSB to prepare a Sienal .Justification Report for the intersection of Trunk Hiehwav 25 with School Boulevard (City Proiect No. 2004-19C). (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The TH 25/School Boulevard intersection was designed to accommodate the future installation of a traffic signal. This location did not previously meet the necessary traffic volumes to justify the installation. The location does now meet warrants. With the pending and recent development on both sides of TH 25 the process to prepare for the installation should begin. A Signal Justification Report (SJR) is required by Mn/DOT to justify the installation of a traflic signal system. Installation of a traffic signal system is justified based on a set of criteria, deemed 'warrants'. However, the satisfaction ofa warrant or warrants is not in itself justification for a signal. Information needs to be obtained by means of an engineering study and compared with the requirements set forth in the Minnesota Manual on Uniform TraHic Control (MMUTCD). If the engineering study indicates that the installation of a traffic signal would improve the overall safety and/or operation of the intersection, then the traffic signal system is justified. A SJR incorporates the warrant analysis and engineering study. Following the completion of this report, the Council will be asked to authorize the signal design. H. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize Preparation of the Signal Justification Report. 2. Do Not Authorize Preparation of the Signal Justification Report. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director and City Engineer that preparation of the SJR be authorized. C\DOCIJMI->-! \DA WN-" I,GRO\LOCALS-I \Tt:mp\052404-agll.doc . Counci I Agenda - 5/24/04 5N. Consider Authorization of Preparation of Feasibility Report for the Reconstruction of Edmondson Avenue extendinl! south from School Boulevard to the City limits (City Proiect No. 2004-20C ) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Edmonson Avenue is currently a 24-foot wide rural section roadway with aggregate shoulders. The roadway was previously designated County Road 117 and was recently turned back to the City. Two new developments, featherstone and the Autumn Ridge townhome development both have access from Edmonson A venue, south of School Boulevard. The proposed Hunters Crossing development, located south of Klein Farms, will also have access from Edmonson Avenue. Improvements to Edmonson Avenue, including adding right turn lanes and bypass lanes, are required for these developments. Since several new access points will be constructed and given future increases in traffic volumes on the roadway, it is recommended that Edmonson Avenue be widened and reconstructed as an urban section roadway with concrete curb and gutter and storm sewer to accommodate the developments. We are requesting authorization to complete a preliminary survey, 1easihility report and order soil borings for the reconstruction of Edmonson Avenue from School Boulevard south to the City limits. The feasibility report will address a schedule for the possible reconstruction. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: . 1. Authorize preparation of a feasibility report for reconstructing Edmondson Avenue from School Boulevard south to the City limits. 2. Do not authorize any work at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: . It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director and City Engineer and that the Council authorize Alternative 1. C: IDOCUME--/ IrM WN-/.(jROItOCA LS.../ I TemplF.dmondsun Upgrade.duc . . . ,.............,... Council Agenda Item - 5/24/04 50. Consideration of approviD!! request for one-dav charitable 2amblin2 license Monticello Girls Fast Pitch Softball Association (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Monticello Girls Fast Pitch Softball Association has applied for a permit to conduct a raffle on June 25, 2004 at the softball ficlds. In order for the State Gambling Control Board to issue this gambling license, a resolution by the City either approving or denying the application needs to be submitted with their application. In the past, the City has not opposed these exempt gambling license applications for charitable events. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: I. Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to issue the one day charitable gambling license to the Monticello Girls Softball Association. 2. Adopt a resolution denying the gambling license application request. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff is not aware of any reason why the Council would not allow the State to issuc this gambling license. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . Resolution approving gambling license. . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2004-40 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A GAMBLING LICENSE WHEREAS, thc Monticello Girls Fast Pitch Softball Association has submitted an application to the City Council of Monticello for the issuance of a one day charitable gambling license to conduct a raffle at the Monticello Softball Field in Monticello, Minnesota, and WHEREAS, the Council is not opposed to the gambling license being issued by the State Gambling Control Board. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that the application by the Monticello Girls Fast Pitch Softball Association for a one day charitable gambling license is hereby approved and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to process the application. Adopted by the City Council this 24th day of May, 2004. Bruce Thielen, Mayor ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator . . . Council Agenda - 5/24/04 7. Consideration of a reQuest bv the Chamber of Commerce for City oarticipation in "Honored City" status at Taste of Minnesota. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Monticello has been selected to be the honored eity at the Taste of Minnesota on July 3rd in St. Paul. Through the efforts ofXcel Energy for their recommendation and sponsorship of Monticello, the Taste of Minnesota Committee has selected Monticello to be the honored city fix this event. Enclosed with the agenda is an invitation from the Monticello Chamber of Commerce inviting Councilmcmbers to the formal invitation ceremony scheduled for Tuesday, June 22nd at I p.m. At that time, the Taste of Minnesota Committee consisting of St. Paul Mayor Randy Kelly, St. Paul City Council President, Dan Bostrum, John Lasosky, CEO of Capital City Partnership and Ron Maddox, the general manager and founder of Taste of Minnesota will make the formal invitation which recognizes Monticello as the honored city for the July 3rd event. 'rhe Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a booth at the Taste of Minnesota event and hopes to provide some entertainment. In addition, the Chamber will need funding for various pieces of literature, magazines and swan bubbles (for the kids) that can be given out at the booth. The Chamber is requesting City participation in the amount of $5,000 to help defray the cost of hosting this honored city status booth. Although the City did not specifically budget any funds for this type of event, funds would be ~vailable in our general fund reserve for this event. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Council could approve the request for funding in the amount of $5,000 for the "Honored City" status at the Taste of Minnesota on July 3rd. <Q..S & ~ ~ 2. Council could provide funding at an amount to be determined. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of city staff that the City participate in providing funding for expenses related to the booth at the Taste of Minnesota event as the honored city. At the time this agenda item is being prepared, the stafT has not been informed of the entire expenses related to this booth but would recommend city participation. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Chamber of Commerce invitation letter. L- 'l!tll[) lStld 'Plstla.::l WOl 'lalPStlJ^J: UO::lS 'AntllJ)l tlUUtlptlJ^J: ''a!MUaH apl{::l!J^J: 'al::ltll!l{M. w!l 'ssamprtllS U'llsns :slopal!G jO pltlog l!tll{:> laqWtll{;) 'uospe:> A.mJ^J: la)[::l!H a!1llJ^J: 10l::lal!G 'lSSY 'lopal!O laqWtltl;) '!)[snol{::lfo It\. a!sns ',(pla::lU!S 'vOOl 'pJt ,\Ine tllOS:lUU!J^J:jO :llsel alIlltl Ona::lpUOW 'aupoWOldjo :lsownd :ll{llO) OOO'~$ Ol dnjo uopow e lap!SUO::l IPuno;) :ltllllltll )[Stl PlnoM SlOpal!GjO pltlog :ll{l 'Plo pUtl 'aunoA 10j S:lp!A!Pll l{l!M \lJt Alne uo l! jJtllS pUll l{looq :ll{l :lltl:ll::l Ol Addtll{ Utll{l :llOW S! l:lqUllll{;) :ll{l 'lUaA:l S!tll)O lSO::l :llp 'aU!U:lSjjO hq dl:ll{ Al!J :llllltllll )[Stl :lM 'SPltloqllN pUll sau!ztl'atlJ^J: pAllll U! 1ll0S:lU'U!J^J: lnoq'ano1l{l oIP"puoJ^J: 'aU!lOWOld sma'\ p:mAas lStld :ltlll:lM jpSl! pa!snq SUl{ l:lqWtltl:> al{l :l1!l{M. 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II 'pJt Alne jO alllp roo UO laAnI !dd!ss!ss!J^J: al{ljo S)[Ul:lq al{l UO aApltl OS[tl lI!M UO!l!padxg llloqUlllalS al{l llla'\ S!lll pUtl 'ItlA!lS:lj alSlll al{l puaUll spullsnol{ljo SU:ll 'lllA!lsaj sltll Zlupnp l{looq OZ:XOIll ZlU!lSOl{ aq lI!M pUll 'lOUOl{ S!l{ljO pnold AIQWallXa S! a::llawwo:)jO l:lqWlltl;) al{l 'plt Alne uo Inlld 'lS U! IllApsad lllOSaUU!J^J:)O alSllr allllO) ,All;) palouoH, pawllu uaaq Slll{ OIP"!lUOW 'slaqwaw l!::luno;) p:lpadsQ1/: WO=>'~'3qWD4:)QII'3=>q,uOWWOtU! :I!DW-3 WO=>' J3qWD4=>OII'3=>!-I-UOW' MMM :3+!Sq3 M gOL2-g62 (t9L) XDd :OOL2-g62 (t9L) 'aU04d 29tgg NW'OIl'3:)!+uoW '261 XOS 'O'd ' +'3'3J+S 'aU!d g02 3~J3WWO:J :J.O J3QWD4:J OI13~!-I-UOW . . . . "MONTICELLO G;;.I:U\MBER Of e0MMERCE Monticello Chamber of Commerce 205 Pine Street, P.O. Box 192, Monticello, MN 55362 Phone (763) 295-2700; Fax (763) 295-2705 Website: www.monticellochamber.com E-mail: info@monticellochamber.com /MONTlCELLO G;;FI.t\MB ER of €0MMERCE Honorable Dignitaiies, The Monticello Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce that Monticello will be The Honored City at Taste of Minnesota July 3rd in St. Paul. This is especially exciting, as the Steamboat Expedition will be landing at St. Paul on this very day. This is an extremely coveted position, and we are overwhelmed in our appreciation to Xcel Energy for their recommendation of Monticello to the Taste of Minnesota Committee, and for their sponsorship of our booth. This is truly a big feather in our hat! We would like to invite you to the formal invitation ceremony, Tuesday, June 22nd, 1 :00 p.m. Present will be the Taste of Minnesota Committee, St. Paul Mayor Randy Kelly, St. Paul City Council President Dan Bostrum, John Lasosky CEO of Capitol City Partnership and Ron Maddox, the general manager and founder of Taste of Minnesota. These dignitaries will arrive in Monticello to give us a formal invitation, which recognizes Monticello as the Honored City for July 3rd at Taste of Minnesota. It is the custom for the visiting city to host a lunch for these visiting dignitaries, as well as our own dignitaries. The Monticello Chamber is very honored to be the host of this special day. We are sending this letter to inform you of the date Tues., June 22nd, 1 :00 p.m. We have not yet selected a venue, but will be getting this information to you as soon as we have the luncheon planned. This is a very important event for our emerging city, and the Monticello Chamber of Commerce hopes that you will come and enjoy lunch with us, and share in our excitement of being honored at Taste of Minnesota 2004. 'Jh~G Q(V~W Mary Carlson, Chair of the Monticello Chamber of Commerce '-' . . . Council Agenda - OS/24/2004 8. Consideration of Public Informational Meeting to present Part I of the City of Monticello Wellhead Protection Plan to the general public. (lS.) A. REFERENCE ANI> BACKGROUND: Previously City Staff distributed to the City Council Part I of the City's Wellhead Protection Plan which included the delineation of the wellhead protection area, the delineation ofthe drinking water supply management area, and assessments of our wells and aquifer vulnerabilities. We recently received notice from the Minnesota Department of Health that our Part I Plan has been approved. The Minnesota Wellhead Protection Rules require that the City hold a public informational meeting regarding the delineations and vulnerability assessments of our Wellhead Protection Plan within sixty (60) days of receivi ng approval from the Minnesota Department of Ilealth. That approval was received on May 7, 2004. Consequently, we have sixty days to schedule a public meeting. However, we need to move forward on Part II of our plan and, consequently, would like to have the public informational meeting heldjust prior to the next Council Meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, June 14, 2004. The informational meeting should only take a half hour and we should be able to start the regular Council Meeting at 7 o'clock as planned. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to set a public informational meeting for the purpose of reviewing Part I of our Wellhead Protection Plan for 6:30 p.m. on Monday, June 14,2004, in the Monticello Council Chambers. 2. The second alternative would be not to schedule the public informational meeting. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director and Water Superintendent that the City Council authorize a public informational meeting to be held as outlined alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of approval letter from the Minnesota Department of I lealth and a eopy of the proposed notice to interested parties concerning the public informational meeting. . ~ fr;"' /, .-~:, I'F -'::' a \\ n ~. ~:~7~-~ w re < r------.- _!-6 MAY I ""11',' May 5, 2004 =-- Mr. John Simola Public Works Director City of Monticello 909 Golf Course Road Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Dear Mr. Simola We are pleased to notify you that the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) has approved the 1) delineation ofthe wellhead protection area, 2) delineation of the drinking water supply management area, and 3) assessments of well and aquifer vulnerability for your public wells. The approval pertains to the following public wells: . Well NO.1 Unique Well No_ 218032 Well No.2 Unique Well No. 236578 Well No.3 Unique Well No. 439866 Well No.4 Unique Well No. 449182 Well NO.5 Unique Well No. 694202 . Procedurally, you must submit a copy of the delineated wellhead protection area, drinking water supply management area, and assessments of well and aquifer vulnerability to local units of government that are wholly or partially within these areas. Notification must occur within 30 days after receiving this letter. If you need assistance getting this information out, please contact Mr. Mike Howe of the MDH at (320) 650-1076. The wellhead protection rule also requires the city to hold a public information meeting regarding the delineations and vulnerability assessments within 60 days of receiving approval by the MDH. This meeting can be held solely for this purpose or it can be incorporated into another public meeting, such as a meeting of the city council. If you would like a representative of the MDH to be present at the public information meeting, please contact Mr. Howe. In closing, we commend the city for moving ahead to develop its wellhead protection plan. Mr. Howe 'vvill be contacting you shortly to schedule a second scoping meeting to initiate Part II of the wellhead protection planning process. Please contact me at (651) 215-0801 if you have any questions about this letter. Sincer~ly Ii Up- G~~lund. HydrogeoJogist E:~~'n~~ntal Health Division P.O. Box 64975 St. Paul, Minnesota 55164-0975 GLH:TVW cc: Mr. Jim DeLambert, Liesch & Associates, Inc. Mr. Mike Howe, Planner, Source Water Protection Unit, St. Cloud District Office General Information: (651) 215-5800 · TDD/TYY: (651) 215-8980 · Minnesota Relay Service: (800) 627-3529 · www.health.state.mn.us For directions to any ofthe MDH locations, call (651)215-5800 . An equal opportunity employer "., /, ,,,..J . = ,.... ,.... ~ CJ .- ... = = ~ ,.e.. ",""" ~~" ~ ==~~~ ~.....~~ ..... ~ I ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.s ~~~~ :J<a~~ .5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h h c .- - .- ..Q (/) C = Q) .- .. :: Q,) ~ ..Q = = - (Y') ~ > cj = Q,) - ..... = = > .. Q,) ..c "'0 0 OllQ 53~ II II ~~ (1) d z+ I~ l{) >- ~I Iii ~ ~.u_ ~ .- .~~_.- ;;;; .... h cJ~ Q:; ~ b . ( . , , ~ MONTICELLO May 24, 2004 (NAME) (ADDRESS) (CITY/STATE/ZIP) Re: Wellhead Protection Plan for the City of Monticello Notice of Public Informational Meeting Dear (NAME): The City of Monticello is in the process of developing a Wellhead Protection Plan for its drinking water supply wells. Enclosed for your information is the MDH approved Part 1 Report for this system as required in the MN Wellhead Protection Rule 4720.5330, Sub Part 6. This portion of the Plan includes information pertaining to the following: . 1. 2. 3. Delineation of the Wellhead Protection Area (WHP A). Delineation of the Drinking Water Supply Management Area (DWSMA). Vulnerability Assessment of both the drinking water supply wells and the aquifer within the DWSMA. Consistent with the Wellhead Protection Rule 4720.5330, Sub Part 7, a Public Informational Meeting has been scheduled for Monday, June 14,2004, at 6:30 p.m. at the Monticello City Council Chambers (The Mississippi Room) located in the Monticello Community Center at 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN. Issues and concerns with the portion ofthe Plan will be discussed at this meeting. The City of Monticello welcomes your participation in this meeting. If you have any questions or concerns in this regard, please call me at 763-295-3170. Thank you. Respectfully, mFfL John E. Simola Public Works Director . JES/beg F:IBETHGIWOROf'ROCUOHN\lEl'TERSI052404_WElLHEAD-Pl.AN_INFD-MEETING_NOTICE.WPO Cf!jtlf u.VJ1l<mii",dk, 1iJ/li.c.{', 0/' 'Z/JuM.c-, "Wu.,zk<5', 909 cqQ.I.V(l(luu;.e8~(l(U4 'monti.c<!/k, 91lFn 55362 "0elep.JU:lIUY: (763) 295 - 3170 'ilUXi (763) 271 -3272 '1 . Council Agenda - OS/24/2004 9. Consideration of demolition of old elevated water tower in the downtown area. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The old water tower located in the downtown area behind Monticello Liquors was built in the 1940's, and was in constant use until 1989 when the ground level storage tank was built on the Monte Club Hill. After that time, the old tower was only used to provide pressure to the community during periods of maintenance of the new tank which occurred once a year. Shortly after the construction of the new tank, the wax coating was removed on the inside of the old tower and replaced with a modern epoxy coating to allow us to keep the tank drained and only filled when needed. In the mid 90's the old water tower which was painted silver was due for a new coat of paint. The City debated at that time whether or not the tower should be taken down but felt that it should stay up to provide pressure during maintenance of the new tower until a second tower was built some time around the year 2000 or later. In 1996, the City began preparing specifications for painting the water tower again in a silver color. The Monticello Community Partners suggested that the water tower get a new look and utilize the City's colors along with the new logo. . Since it was extremely costly to totally remove all of the aluminum paint due to the lead based paints, specifications were drawn using modern paint materials to encapsulate the existing paints on the tank. These modern paint materials were to have a life expectancy of 10 years. The cost of the project including some minor repairs was approximately $30,000 (about $3,000 per year). Although the project was started in the summer of 1996, it was not finished until 1997 due to many problems with the contractor. For the past two years the paint has been delaminating from the metal surfaces on the water tower. The first time it occurred we had the logo areas touched up at a cost of approximately $3,000. Subsequent winters caused further delamination of the paint from the metals most likely due to paint age, thickness and change of temperatures from the empty tank. . It appears that our new water tower won't be on line for at least two years. We have developed methods, however, to run the booster pumps and bleed off excess water pressure in our system so that we can get by without using the old water tower during short periods of time when the tank on the Monte Club Hill is being worked on. City staff has obtained a proposal from a local company for demolition of the old water tower, as well as an estimate for removing all of the coating system and repainting the old tower. The tower can be taken down for less than $30,000 including restoration of the surface. Repainting it and bringing it up to OSHA codes is much more expensive because of the need to cover the entire tank and recover all of the blasting dust because of the lead based paints. The estimate for painting alone, not including new safety and aecess equipment or necessary repairs exceeds $208,000. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to authorize City Staff to have the water tower removed as soon as . . . Council Agenda - OS/24/2004 possible with an estimated cost of approximately $30,000. 2. The second alternative would be to develop plans and specifications for the repainting and refurbishment of the old water tower and advertise for bids assuming an estimated cost of approximately $225,000, and bring those bids back to the City Council for review. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It seems extremely costly to spend almost a qumier ofa million dollars to maintain a sign for the City of Monticello when so many other portions of our infrastructure, ineluding our water system, require funding. Therefore, the most prudent thing to do would be to remove the tower as outlined in alternative #1. This is the recommendation ofthe Public Works Director and Water Superintendent. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposal from Utility Service Company l{lr demolition and proposal for repainting. c;; f 'f.~ TO !l~ ~ fJ.S .. utility Service Co Proposal www.utilityservice.com 5241 Richwood Drive Edina, MN 55436 Phone: (952) 929-0188 Fax: (952) 929-9488 Please sign and date BOTH copies of this proposal and return one (1) copy to our office. Date APRIL 16, 2004 Proposal Submitted to CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN Street 909 GOLF COURSE RD City State MONTICELLO MN Tank Name ELEVATED Artn MA IT THEISEN Phone 763-271-3274 Job Name Utility Service Co., Inc. agrees to provide all labor, equipment, and materials needed to complete the following: Zip Code 55362 TOWER DEMOLITION Job Location Est. Start Date County WRIGHT Tank Size & Style 75,000 ELEVATED DOWNTOWN 2004 This price includes dismantle and removal, down to the foundation, of the 75,000 gallon elevated water tower located in downtown Monticello, MN. This price is based un using the parking lot on the west side of the tower for one day along with temporary re-direction of overhead power lines on the west side of the tower. This price includes local, prevailing wages and includes receipt, removal and disposal of all scrap from the tank. We strictIy adhere to all OSHA, MPCA and EPA regulations, and the city can be named as additional insured. This quote does not include concrete foundation removal or water main capping. Add $ 1,550.00 for water main capping in grass, with mechanical joint and thrust block. If just concrete over riser is required add $00.00. We Propose hereby to furnish material and labor - complete in accordance with above specifications, for the sum of: Twenty Two Thousand One Hundred Fifty Six dollars $ 22,156.00+ tax ). All material is guaranteed 10 be as specified. All work to be completed in a substantial workmanlike manner according to specifications submitted, per standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from above specifications involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to Note: This proposal may be carry fire, tornado and other necessary insurance. Our workers are fully covered by withdrawn by us if not accepted within Workmen's Compensation Insurance. 90 days cceptance of Proposal - The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above_ Date of Acceptance Signature q Special Planning Commission Agenda/City Council - 5/24/04 10. Public Hearin~: Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development. Applicant: Sunny Fresh Foods. (NAC/JO) A. Reference and Back~round. This report is provided to both the City Council and Planning Commission. The Planning Commission will be reviewing the request at a special meeting immediately prior to the City Council meeting. The recommendation of the Planning Commission will be reported to the City Council at the regular meeting. Sunny Fresh is seeking approval of a PUD to allow the integration of the former Methodist Church property into their office/industrial complex. The applicants propose to construct a new office building on the site, and add parking space to the area. Because the site use is complicated by a mix of heavy truck traffic, employee parking, pedestrian circulation on and around the site, a power substation in the middle of the site, and a partially constructed City street (Linn Street), the site development plans require careful examination. In the past, Sunny Fresh operations have raised issues with parking supply and parking distribution, light glare onto adjacent properties, conflicts between pedestrian and vehicular traffic, general site improvements and conditions, and aesthetic issues related to exposure of mechanical equipment to the City's retail and civic core area. As a part of this expansion, resolution of these concerns, where practical, should be considered. The proposed project consists of new and remodeled office space totaling 13,800 square feet on the former Methodist Church site. By itself, this office building would generate a demand for more than 70 parking spaces. The site plan shows a total of 83 spaces on the west side of the facility, including the parking south of the power substation. The total site parking includes 20 spaces on the "Little Mountain Feed site". While this parking is attributed to the site's capacity, these 20 stalls are very inconvenient to the areas where parking demand occurs - essentially three blocks from the primary entrance. This has resulted in a concentration of employees relying on City parking facilities, whether along 4th Street, Walnut Street, or on the City's property east of Walnut Street. In addition, several employees park in the Community Center parking lot and cross the railroad tracks. The applicants suggest that employees must use the east side of the facility for employee entrances due to security and sanitation reasons inside the plant. As a result, getting employees from parking lots on the west to entrance points on the east is a concern. This issue should be resolved as a part of this expansion. Overall, the parking supply is estimated to be anywhere from 13 spaces to more than 157 spaces deficient, depending on whether an employee count or a square footage count is used to estimate parking demand. The actual deficiency is probably in the range of 40 to 60 spaces, based on observations by City staff, and assuming that all on-site parking is utilized. In summary, additional parking should be accounted for, or Sunny Fresh should be prepared to pay into the City's parking development fund if current City-provided space is relied on. Special Planning Commission Agenda/City Council - 5/24/04 With regard to site and building improvements, staff recommends the following items to improve the facility's compatibility with the surrounding business and residential neighborhoods: a. Development of a parapet extension on the east wall in order to screen roof-top equipment from the view of traffic on Walnut Street. b. Development of a pedestrian circulation pattern on the site, or on adjoining path and sidewalk, to increase the efficient use of west parking areas. c. Concrete pavement on the semi-trailer storage area west of Linn Street to improve aesthetics, minimize dust, and improve site organization. d. Architecture on the new building that reflects the traditional, "prairie-style" materials and roof lines of the "R&D" Building at 4th and Walnut. This may primarily consist of broader eaves on the new roof and exterior materials that match the R&D Building exterior. e. Replacement of lighting fixtures around the site to ensure that no light sources are visible from neighboring property or public rights of way. f. Planting of a double row of coniferous trees between the trailer parking area and the Community Center site per previous PUD approval conditions. g. Additional trees or landscaping along Fourth street in the area of vehicle and truck parking. With these improvements, the City should be able to find that the intent of its PUD ordinance - flexibility in application of zoning standards resulting in a project that is a substantive improvement over the basic zoning regulations. In this case, the applicant has the advantage of several areas of flexibility, including reliance on public parking, waivers of building and parking lot or driveway setbacks in several areas, open truck and trailer parking in the midst of a residential area, use of City right of way for private parking and circulation and minimal use of curb and other parking lot improvements otherwise required by the Zoning regulations. In exchange for the flexibility noted above, staff is recommending a moderate increase in the level of site and building improvements primarily designed to address long-standing issues and continued intensification of an active industrial use in the middle of a downtown commercial and residential area. B. Alternative Actions. Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development for Sunny Fresh Foods 1. Motion to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit, based on a finding that the intent of the PUD ordinance is met through improvements to the site and building plans, justifying the flexibility from the strict zoning regulations as noted in this report. This recommendation is subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z. Special Planning Commission Agenda/City Council - 5/24/04 2. Motion to recommend denial of the Conditional Use Permit for a PUD, based on a finding that the plan as proposed does not justify flexibility from the basic zoning regulations. c. Staff Recommendation. Staff recommends approval only with the conditions listed in Exhibit Z. The facility in question is an active industrial use surrounded by downtown commercial and residential neighborhoods. To ensure that the use continues to be compatible with the downtown area, it is important that site improvements are made consistent with the highest standards of development in urban areas. Architecture, paved parking and circulation, control of site and building lighting, attention to pedestrian circulation and comfort, and management of parking on and off the site are basic standards that the applicants should be willing to address. Attention to these details should be adequate to justify the significant flexibility from zoning regulations that would otherwise be applied to this use. D. SupportinQ Data 1. Site and Landscape Plan 2. Photometric Lighting Plan 3. Building Plans 4. Site Topography Special Planning Commission Agenda/City Council - 5/24/04 Exhibit Z - Conditions of PUD Approval for Sunny Fresh Foods 1. Addition of 40 parking spaces, or payment into the City's parking fund for a 40 space deficiency. 2. Development of a parapet extension on the east wall in order to screen roof-top equipment from the view of traffic on Walnut Street. 3. Development of a pedestrian circulation pattern on the site, or on adjoining path and sidewalk, to increase the efficient use of west parking areas. 4. Concrete pavement on the semi-trailer storage area west of Linn Street to improve aesthetics, minimize dust, and improve site organization. 5. Architecture on the new building that reflects the traditional, "prairie-style" materials and roof lines of the "R&D" Building at 4th and Walnut. This may primarily consist of broader eaves on the new roof and exterior materials that match the R&D Building exterior. 6. Replacement of lighting fixtures around the site to ensure that no light sources are visible from neighboring property or public rights of way. 7. Double row of Coniferous trees screening trailer storage area per previous PUD approval. 8. Adherence to applicable conditions from previous PUD approvals. 9. Additional landscape plantings or trees buffering view of truck and vehicle parking from 4th street and adjoining residential neighborhood. 10. Comments of other City Staff. N~ '01ia-::>I.LNO~ I SaOO;d HSa':!lil;;l ).NNnS ~ ~ ~ ~ ,..: .... ~ ~ O"::"".-~m_"-.-_-m""''-_--"-'--I .xv.[!1...... :~ ".:: 1tr_~\WCIIB : ...."'....l .:.:.-. .,.::. . J'tj .",. ioO · - .' , - '^"... , ' . ,,-',,~-." '" ..__ ...__ u______n__________ 'i3'$)NI~Q .l.IH~;ld ;1'0(1 ""NOI.l.IQNO? I ---. 1--------. D I '>>0,.1 GJ.1Gf'G~HI d;lSO~" )\~ J8 :JlJj ( :;J: r .'<.ji ( ------- I ( lJ C/:. I ~ ~ .. II I m ~ !( 9 ~ ~ ~ oJ ~ li 1'"-_ :;; l --, / ~ ~ ~ oJ ~ !l. ~ t 9 '" ~" ~ h~; I ij ~i ~ U ~~ ~ ~ !i ~ <It: lie 7- ~' ~i!' ~ ~~~; ~. ~' ~t ~ J6~ ~~ U ~l ~~ ~ :Ii !illl; ~ 111m l<~hl~L.~~ ~'. ~~~~!(~ ~l<~~f~~~m ~ ~~t~1 B~~~!~!i ~: ~~L~~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ i I ~, ~~ -------__,_.i /-.... 4.t 4.t Q;;- /-.... ~ ~ :I: Iii '" --~ ~ :;; .. ~ ~ <l ~ '. 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",,, I / 1'. .... . li:~ "~'J \ !.....y~r.... ,:;r-,.. ,.. ~ Present: Susie Wojchouski, Dennis Sullivan, Sheila Stumpf, Cindy Anderson, Pam Campbell, Fred Patch Monticello Design Advisory Team Minutes of April 20, 2004 'i: f J'J\ ~'-'r'" I. ' .."~' .__.";<: , .., ~", oJ .:l Motion to approve Feb. minutes Dennis Sullivan moved, Sheila Stumpf seconded, passed Sunny Fresh Proposal for Annex area (site where Community Methodist Church was located). .... ,.,. Letter from David Linner was reacl with the intent to confirm nine items that needed to be resolved: 1. The Linn Street license agreement allowing Sunny Fresh to use the right of way must be completed and exe- cuted. 2. The existing site lighting causes problems with glare and a plan with photometries must be submitted to meet city standards 3. Landscaping along with Linn Street must be completed. 4, Car parking must meet the city requirements, which is based on the maximum shift of employees. Sunny Fresh needs to prepare a management plan to address shift changes with employees parking in the streets and the neighboring lots 5. Sunny Fresh must look at a possible ways to manage truck traffic on Maple Street, which an be heavy at times. Occasional parking of trucks on the streets must also be minimized or eliminated. 6. Currently refrigeration trucks park near the Little Mountain Feed building with their unites running all night and bothering residential neighbors. Sunny Fresh must look at options to resolve this problem. 7. The screening of ground and roof mounted equipment should be studied and possible improvements imple- mented. 8. The effluent truck dumping area must be completed including screening, paving, dump basin, ete. 9. The two sheds along Fourth Street were supposed to be upgraded with brick, etc. This work must be complet- ed. Sunny Fresh has grown since 1997 and over the years has acquired more and more land. WITH EACH step along the way the city has considered amendments to their plan and development but it has been difficult to see the whole devel- opment as a whole because they grow by increments. The letter is comprised of things OAT already diSCussed but has not been complied with There is a meeting with Sunny Fresh on April 21 to get everything on paper and signed A special planning meeting on May 15 is to be held to address the whole area. Dennis Sullivan made a motion to approve of Sunny Fresh's building design and and the materials (face brick and stuc- co) used, seconded by Pam Campbell. Passed, approved. Separate consideration will be given to landscape plans to be given before the May meeting. Susie Wojchouski moved that The Design Team reinforce numbers two through nine as mentioned in the letter' as origi- nal recommendations in conjunction with the plans for the parking lot expansion. Pam Campbell seconded the motion. Passed. Sheila Stumpf moved that OAT wants to see complete site plan in consider-ation of planning and developrnent Dennis Sullivan seconded the motion, passed. Susie Wojchouski proposed that the OAT rnoet Mayl1. Pam CalYlpboll moved that we adjOlnn, Dennis Sullivan seconded the motion, paSsed unanimously. . . . Council Agcnda - 5/24/04 11. Consideration of acceptine letter of intent to purchase 1.5 acre parcel from City _ Culver's restaurant. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As I notcd at the last mecting, the City has received a number of inquiries concerning the purchase of portions of the City owned Remmele property now that the Muller family thcater complex is being proposed at the site. StafT has been meeting with representativcs of Culver's Restaurant concerning their interest in acquiring 1.5 acrcs at the intersection of School Boulevard and Highway 25 f()r one of their restaurants. A site plan has been reviewed and is likely to be considered by the Planning Commission as early as July. Based upon negotiations between Culver's representatives and myse1f~ a letter of intent has been submitted through Cambridge Commercial Realty on behalf of Culver's Restaurant to purchase the 1.5 acre site at a total price 01'$473,233. This amount would include $45,733 for the property's share of the frontage road improvements, including sewer and water and also anticipated property's share of the future traffic signal cost at this intersection. Total price is equal to $7.24/sq. ft., including assessments for improvements. Enclosed is a copy of a preliminary site plan that has been reviewed by city staff and will likely be the basic concept to be considered by the Planning Commission. Before Culver's commits any additional funds to this project, they would like a commitment from the City on the sale for the purchase price noted in their letter of intent. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The Council could approve the letter of intent for the sale of approximately 1.5 acres to Culver's Restaurant in the amount of$473,233. 0. peS ~ 2. Do not approve the sale at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: D. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and staff that a letter of intent be accepted by the Council allowing Culver's Restaurant to continue their site plan for this new restaurant. The price as negotiated is in line with recent sales in the area and should be a welcome addition to development that is occurring along School Boulevard. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of letter of intent Preliminary site plan . . . 5~19-04; 4:32PM;CAMBRIDGE COMM REAL ;9528353117 # 2/ 4 { CAMBRIDGE Commercial Realty 4530 W. 77th Street, Suite 250 Edina MN 55435 May 19,2004 Mr. Rick Wolf stellar 50S Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 RE: Letter of Intent to Purchase approximately 1.50 acres Monticello, Minnesota Dear Rick: We have been authorized by The Monticello Culver's FranchiseeJo express their interest in purchasing the above property under the terms and conditions, which follow herein. The terms outlined below are for negotiation purposes only, and are not intended as nor shall be construed as an offer by The Monticello Culver's Franchisee or the undersigned to purchase the property on such tenns. The following are tlle tenns and conditions for such a proposed purchase. purchaser: Culver's Restaurant Seller: Rick Wolfstellar Location: Monticello, MN Size: A total of approximately 1.50 acres subject to a mutually acceptable survey. Purchase Price: $473,233.00 cash for entire referenced parcel free and clear of all assessments and liens payable at closing. Buyer has right to assume the total assessment of the property in the amount of $45,733.00 to be paid over a ten-year period at 5.25 % interest starting at the closing date on referenced property. Site Work: Purchaser shall purchase the property in rough grade condition. Earnest Money: Upon execution of a real estate contract by both parties, Purchaser will deposit and Ten Thousand and 00/100 ($10,000.00) Dollars with its Title Company, in an interest bearing escrow account with interest accruing to Purchaser. Said amount shall be refundable during the Initial Inspection Period (as dermed below). After the Initial Inspection period, said deposit shall be refundable if purchaser is unable to obtain Governmental Approvals. The earnest money deposit shall bee applicable to the purchase price in the event of a closing. Initial Inspection Period: Buyer shall have until a date (the "Initial Inspection Completion Date") which is the later to occur of one hundred twertty (120) days from receipt of the Title Evidence or one hundred twenty (120) days from the date of the execution of the Contract in which to review and evaluate all aspects of the Property (the "Initial Inspection Period"). In the event the Property is not acceptable to Buyer for any reason, then Buyer shall have the right to terminate the Contract and receive a retum of the Deposit with interest thereon, upon delivery of a tennination notice to Seller and the Title Company prior to the Initial Inspection Completion Date. Phone 952.933.0042 Fax 952.835.3117 www.cambridge--commercia1.comadmin@ounbridge-<ommercial.com , \ . . . 5~19-04; 4:32PM;CAMBRIDGE COMM REAL ;9528353117 # 3/ 4 Closing: The Closing shall take place thirty (30) business days after Purchaser obtains all Governmental Approvals. Conditions of Closing: Closing shall be subject only to the following: )- Good marketable title, subject only to those exceptions deemed acceptable by Purchaser. )- Soil free of all environmental contaminates in accordance with Buyer's Environmental Criteria, with bearing capacity adequate to support the intended development. )- All municipal approvals to allow for Purchaser's intended use. );> Adjacent proposed Muller Movie Theater occupies adjacent parceL Survey: Within ten (10) days of execution of a contract, Seller shall provide to Purchaser an AL T A survey. Non-Shop: Seller and its shareholders, partners or agents agree that upon execution of this letter, not to enter into discussions or negotiations or respond to solicitations by third parties relating to the purchase or lease of the referenced premises. Contract: If the terms outlined herein are acceptable, Cambridge Commercial Realty will prepare a contract for your review. Commission Five percent real estate commission of the sale price of referenced property paid by buyer to Cambridge Commercial Realty at closing. It is understood that only a contract signed by both parties shall be binding and any agreement shall be subject to the final approval of Culvers Franchise Systems, and such approval is in its sole discretion. Each party realizes and acknowledges the following: );> This Letter of Intent is not a binding contract and does not pose any binding obligations upon any party. }> Any obligation sball arise only upon the final agreement regarding the purchase ofthe site being reduced to writing and signed by both the Seller and Buyer. );> Until such writing has been signed by both the Seller and Buyer, neither party shall bave any right to make a claim against the other based on ''past performance," the "detrimental reliance," "good faith," or other similar causes of action. >> It is specifically understood that the undersigned does not have the authority to bind the Owner or Buyer to any agreement. \ \ 6-19-04: 4:32PM:CAMBRIDGE COMM REAL ;9528353117 # 4/ 4 Ma~ 19 04 03:32p VanHoutan ?S3-2?4-1043 p.2 . Please review this letter. and if it meets your approval, bave it signed by an authorized signator and returned to me at your earliest convenience. I look forward to working with yOU on tbis transaction. sm~o/? Peter Grones Cambridge Commercial Realty . . 2004 By: -...L--- Seller: AGREED AND ACCEPTED this day of ,2004 By: . \\ o ~ m-~ N 0 LD CD (j) ~~ ; !;;2 01\; ~ "'- '" ~ Lr) "'- 00) /J) 'Co 0 Co ~"" <---J D::) d CJ :r: () V) ~ [;;0) /j!J1J; I); lVf)(y J) ....... .......J $'17- - , lY..(s,_ , ~<f J,: , ' '- ,'.{ / /g/- / / . . O~ ..:II::) ..:1.0: ~o. v.,; ....~ f-o::> ZO OV :!: 0 0. 0.'" '" 0 '" 0. >00 V f-o::> .... , VOJ"; ....0 00 0.'-< "'''' V 0", ClCl ., 1::)1::) OJ'" ,::'" ..... 0 '" Cl 0 ..... '"' .... OJ .-< 0.'" r< ..... ..:I .Q '" '" >. '" OJ '" :.: u 0. V "'OJ ~ I>< !Jl 0 OJ .-< r< 'd ..... 0. r< <lI ";( 0:<1 :x: "" 0 H '" OJ OJ 0 .w r< ..... ,:: .g f-o '"' ..... ffi r< H OJ ..... 0. .<: ~ f-o '" u Z ~ OJ 0 ~ OJ V ~ :.: 0 V '" 0 <iI V 0 ., '" OJ ~oo 0 ~ ..... .-< ..:I'"' '"' 0. 1><0 III .. .-< .0: ..... 0 .0:00 '" 0 .0: ..U . :>;0 ,:: '" ., .0: .. 0 ... .:: 0..-< ..... '" 0 .-< .w .-< ..... H (IJ U , .wOJ f-o OJ 0. 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Two part-time jobs equal one full-time job for the purpose of the summary. The wage levels ranged from less than $9.99, greater than $10.00, $12.00, $14.00, $16.00, $18.00, $20.00, to greater than $22 per hour without benefits. 1. MANUFACTURING w 19 out of27 surveys were returned or 70%. Number of full-time jobs Total annual wages A veragc hourly wage without benefits Median hourly wage without benefits 1,357.5 Greater than $48,496,448 $17.18 Greater than $18, less than $20 IA. MANUFACTURING - excluding NMC/Xcel Number of full-time jobs Total annual wages A verage hourly wage without benefits Median hourly wage without benefits 947 Greater than $30,982,848 $15.73 Greater than $16, less than $18 II. NON-MANUFACTURING - 10 out of 16 surveys were returned or 69% Number of full-time jobs Total annual wages A verage hourly wage without benefits Median hourly wage without benefits 1,042.5 Greater than $37,153,314 $17.13 Greater than $16, less than $18 IlA. NON-MANUF ACTURlNG - excluding School and Hospital Districts Number of full-time jobs Total annual wages A verage hourly wage without benefits Median hourly wage without benefits 354.5 Greater than $11,005,925 $14.93 Greater than $14, less than $) 6 FIVE LARGEST EMPLOYERS (RANKED): School District, NMC/Xcel, Sunny Fresh Foods, Hospital District, and UMC. rJJ (j) > <l) -...J <l) I o ...., .2 (j) .~ "E o :E '>t o o ('\J ('\J ...- fFt ^ o ...- tI7 ^ ClJ Q) ClJ tI7 V Cl r::: ";: ::I - () .l!! ::I "E :; w:E rJJ <l) rn S (ij "5 I- 00000000000000000000 O~('\JowwowoowW('\Jooooooo O~~o~~o~oommmooooooro O~ClJOO('\J~~O('\JwW~('\Joro~row~ wro~~",-('\J('\Jro~~roo~~orowro~~ ~~m~~~~~~~~~m~ci~~~~~ "'-o~wm~('\J('\J~~W~",-~('\Jro('\J~roClJ ~~ClJW~~~~~~oom~~('\J('\J~tI7'>t ~O~N~~~~~~~~~~~~~w ro ...-~tI7t17t17fFttl7fFttl7fFttl7fFt '>t tI7t17 tI7 rJJ -0 o ...., ]j o I- ('\J ('\J tI7 ^ ~~~~~~w~~ro~~~~~~ro~('\J o~oW~~'>t~~~~o('\J~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ('\J ~ o~ro('\J~~w~row~~~~~~~~~ oW('\J~ ('\J ~ o ('\J fFt ^ ~~mm~'>t~~~~~~('\J~('\J~~ ro ...- fFt ^ ~o~w~('\J~('\J~~~~W~('\J~ ('\J('\J('\J W ~ tI7 ^ ~~~ro~('\J~~~ro~~WW o"{""""~ N ("f) ~ ~ ('\J ~ ~ ...- fFt ^ ~~('\Jro~ro~~~~roro'>t~ ~~ ...- ~ ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ ro ('\J ~ m ~ ~" fFt ~ O'>t 0 o~ o~ ~ ('\J ~ m ~ rri fFt ~ o~ Ow o~ 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~" fFt 00 o~ ro w ~ ~ ro tI7 w~~~~~~ow~~('\J('\J('\J~ ~ ~ o ~('\J ~ ~w('\Jo~('\J",-w cD "t"'""T- ~ ('\J ~~ 00 ~ ~~ 00 rJJ <l) OlrJJ rn-O sSl Oro o~ o~ ro w ~ o ~ ~ ('\J tI7 00 Om o o o ~- ~ ~ rri tI7 o~ o~ o~ ~ w ro" w ClJ rri tI7 o~ o~ o~ ~...- ('\J ('\J ~ ro ~" fFt 00000000000 oO('\Jro~w~oO('\Jro OmmrorommoomM W('\J~('\Jm~~ro~~~ ~W~~('\J~ro'>t~ClJ~ ~" m ClJ" ~ ...-" ~- roO ro- ~- ~- rri ClJ~/J)m~o...-~w~~ m~~rorow('\JClJW~~ cD m" ('\J" ~- ...-" ~- ~" tI7 fFt fFt ~" ~fFttl7fFttl7t17fFt ~ tI7 tI7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~('\Jro~~~~~('\J 'c.OroWMM~~ ~ ('\JW W~ ('\J ~('\J ~ ('\J ~ o .- ~~~roOClJ Mm..- ~ ('\J ('\J'>t~ ~ Oro Oro o~ ro ro ~" ~ ~ ~" ~ fFt ('\J~~w ('\IN ~~~ o~ 00 o~ o ro 0- o ~ tI7 ~~~~~~ ~ ~a:i o~ o - ./J) f5W o 0r o W ~ fFt ~m('\J('\J('\J~WClJ('\J O~..,-- ~cri o~ o . -~ o~ w~ ~ ~ o ro ~- tI7 ~~~w~ro~~('\J c.Oro ('\Jci ~ ('\J ~o~ o - .0 00 w~ ~ w" N ClJ ('\J fFt ~~ro~o~~~ M~ r---,;~~ 0 ...-~ 0,.... OclJ o ill ~ .-- ~ ('\J ('\J tI7 ~~ClJ/J)ClJ~~~ MN ('\Jr---,; ~ o~ o - ~ 8ro ~ ro" ~ ~ ~ fFt ~w~~~~ ('\Jc.O~cio ('\J ~ o~ Wro c0 ~ W ~ ('\J ~ Cl r::: "i: ::I - o .l!! ::I r::: III ::E C: o Z .- tI7 rJJ <l) OlrJJ rn-O sSl . . . SB. BRE VISIT SCHEDULE AND WRITTEN SUMMARY FORM IDC MEMBER INDUSTRY -..-,'-'.' .~"~".-."_"-".,...<~-::,-:--......... Name Lindquist and ~ Name Aroplax Corporation Phone Primary Contact Steve Schoen. President FAX Phone 763-295-5002 E-Mail E-Mail Mailing Address Location 200 Chelsea Road Monticello. MN 55362 FAX Date of Visit Mav 6 , 2004 Time of Visit 9:00 a.m. Summary of Visit: 1. Looking for short-term warehouse space to lease - 10,000-15,000 sq ft. May expand Aroplax building to the west in future. Suggested Kaltec or Suburban for lease. 2. OK to add web address: www.aroplax.com 3. Employment - Under 50, hire some temporary. Busiest time between May and October. Run three shifts. 4. Aroplax has over 100 customers. Their niche in molding is smaller runs. Very diversified. They build molds and run parts. Have been continuously busy unlike some competitors whose sales are down 30%1 due to work going overseas. Molding a dying trade due to young people not interested in the trade and work going overseas. 5. Long-term plans: To retire in the trade at age 50. 6. Belief: Customer perception is everything. 7. Lindquist and Koropchak toured the facility.