HRA Minutes 07-05-1989 . MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, July 5, 1989 - 7:00PM City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Al Larson, Ben Smith, Lowell Schrupp, and Tom St. Hilaire. MEMBERS ABSENT: Everette Ellison CITY STAFF PRESENT: Ollie Koropchak 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Al Larson called the HRA meeting to order at 7:04 PM. 2. APPROVAL OF THE JUNE 7, 1989 HRA MINUTES. Lowell Schrupp made a motion to approve the June 7, 1989 HRA minutes, seconded by Ben Smith the HRA minutes were approved as written. 3. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR RUSS MARTIE'S CONCEPT PLANS AND REQUEST FOR THE USE OF TIF. . The item was tabled because of Mr. Martie's absent. 4. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW THE LETTER OF INTENT WITH MR. FICEK AND PLANS TO PROCEED. This item was tabled because of Mr. Ficek's absent. Mr. Ficek having recently received the Letter of Intent was not prepared for a presentation. 5. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW MR. JIM BOYLE'S PLANS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF MANTEQ'S BUILDING AND REQUEST FOR THE USE OF TIF. Koropchak reiterated the agenda supplement information regarding the finanical status of the Boyle property and the County Auditor's Office requirement that at the time a subdivision is filed at the county all delinquent taxes, special assessments, interest, filing fees, and penalities plus current year taxes and assessments must be paid in full. The 30,000 square foot facility for Manteq is proposed for location on the Boyle property (freeway exposure) on Chelsea. Since the Manteq financial package is not complete, no definite building plans have been drafted, it was of Mr. Boyle's opinion that any type of presentation was too premature. . HRA MINUTES - 7/5/89 PAGE 2 . 6. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT NO. 1-8 PLANS. Koropchak informed the HRA that NSP had gone out for third bids on the proposed 5,400 sq ft maintenance building and bid opening is expected Monday, July lO, 1989. Mr. Zimmer will call after the bid opening. 7. CONSIDERATION TO DISCUSS AND REVIEW PLANS FOR BRIDGEWATER'S RELOCATION. Koropchak informed the HRA that the meeting between Mr. Rierson and herself resulted with a suggestion from Mr. Rierson for Bridgewater and the City to swap land (Lot 6, Block 1, OIP Second Addition and Bridgewater property on West County Rd 39). The TIF adjusted increment projections over eight collectable years was approximately $7,000. City Staff will evaluate the swap land option. 8. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW THE TABULATION RESULTS FROM THE JOINT GOVERNMENTAL UNITS MEETING. The item was tabled because of Jeff O'Neill's absent. 9. OTHER BUSINESS. . None. 10. ADJOURNMENT. The HRA meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM. ~~~~~I "{. O~ 0 ~ &-~ Ollie Koropchak HRA Executive Secretary .