IEDC Minutes 11-07-2017MINUTES INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CO1 MffTTEE (IEDC) Tuesday, November 71, 2017 — 7:00 a.m. Boone Island Room, Monticello Community Center Members Present: Steve Johnson, Joni Pawelk, Wayne Elam, Dick Van Allen, Don Roberts, 011ie Koropchak-White, Jason Kisner, Andrew Tapper, Kevin Steffensmeier, Mike Carr, Joe Hammer Members Absent: Darek Vetsch, Luke Dahlheimer, Christopher Church Liaisons Present: Jeff O'Neill, Jim Thares, Jacob Thunander, Marcy Anderson, Dave Tombers 1. Call to Order Joni Pawelk called the meeting of the IEDC to order at 7:00 a.m. 2. Approve Minutes: a. September 26th, 2017 JASON KISNER MOVED TO APPROVE THE IEDC MINUTES FROM SEPTEMBER 26TH, 2017. STEVE JOHNSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 11-0. 3. Consideration of Adding Items to the Agenda None. 4. Reports (Verbal Reports): a. Economic Development Jim Thares provided the Economic Development Report. He stated that the City is working with five to six industrial prospects that were introduced at the previous IEDC meetings. One new prospect, Project Shepherd, has been added to the list. Thares also commented that the City Council adopted the Small Area Study on September 25th, 2017 and the City is now working on implementation steps. A Zoning Ordinance Committee has been created and planned for November 9th. On November 16th, an implementation meeting of the EDA, City Council, Planning Commission, and Parks Commission will be held to understand the goals and tasks they need to complete to ensure effective implementation of the plan. Thares added that he was meeting with a prospect interested in redeveloping an area in the downtown. Thares stated that Barry Fluth's Master's Fifth Avenue Project received a recent EDA approval to extend the project timeline for one additional year. The project consists of the construction of a 23 unit apartment complex. Thares stated that staff is still working with the Pioneer Village owners to move the Fred's Building to Hastings. Lastly, Thares provided an update from the Central Minnesota Jobs and Training Services. The CEDS Report was submitted to the U.S. EDA and is waiting feedback and approval. The next step is to apply for regional and economic development designation, which will allow communities to apply for U.S. grant funding. Thares suggested at a later date discussing possible projects that grant funds could be used for. b. Planning Commission Agenda (attached) Jacob Thunander provided a summary of the Planning Commission Meeting that was held the day prior, Monday November 6"'. He stated that five public hearings were brought forward to the committee. The first public hearing included a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) proposal by Bob Ryan (Ryan Motors) for a car dealership in the B-3 District directly west of Moon Motorsports. Another proposal for a CUP was heard to allow an accessory structure — major in the R-1 District. Both CUPS were recommended for approval to the City Council on November 27a'. Three additional public hearings included zoning ordinance amendments, with one of the sets of amendments being tabled for further staff research and discussion. The regular agenda included an update regarding the 2017 workplan and 2018 workplan development, and the Director's Report. c. City Council Jeff O'Neill provided an update on behalf of the City Council. He stated that the City Council has decided to stay with Veolia for the management of the wastewater treatment plant for 2018. He added that Xcel Energy is working on their integrated resource plan. The study is expected to be completed the end of 2018. O'Neill stated that in preliminary results indicate the power plant is expected to continue running at least until 2030. Relicensing is unknown at this point, but would be documented in the plan. O'Neill stated the IEDC may be asked to engage in the process to make comments to the Public Utilities Commission to continue supporting the nuclear power plant past 2030. O'Neill stated that a substantial housing developer has showed interest in Monticello. He believed that the location would be well suited for residential. Bertram Park Athletic Fields were approved in a workshop by the City Council 2 for a 2.5 million dollar improvement project. The Council will be asked to authorize preparation of plans and specifications for a fire hall expansion. The plan development would start early 2018. The Fallon Avenue overpass is moving along with City Council authorizing the procedures necessary for land for right-of-way. O'Neill lastly mentioned that Darek Vetsch is working on transportation needs for the county. Jim Thares added an update on the number of housing permits. He said that 47 single family home permits and 12 townhome permits have been issued for 2017. d. Chamber of Commerce Marcy Anderson explained that the Chamber is gearing up for their annual banquet. It will be held on Friday, December 1St from 6 to 10 pm. The theme this year is "Tailgating and Touchdowns". 5. Table Topic — 2017 Housing Demand Report, WSB & Associates PaT) Kurt Bearinger and Jim Gromberg reviewed the 2017 Housing Study. Bearinger explained the housing life cycle and encouraged the city to maintain a wide variety of housing options. He then identified statistics on population projections, single family housing values, household costs, rental costs, housing types, and housing occupants. Six key recommendations were provided which included: monitoring rental vacancy rates and availability, converting vacant units to rental properties, maintaining low housing costs for home owners, increasing affordable rental housing, maintaining adequate amount of higher -end rental units and to promote housing development in the downtown. Questions and discussion followed regarding the plan and housing needs of Monticello. 6. Adiournment OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:03 AM. DON ROBERTS SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 11-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved:cember 5th, Attest: Ji Thares, Economic Development Director