Planning Commission Minutes 03-05-1998 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Thursday, March 5, 1998 . 7 pm. Members Present: Council Liaison Absent: Staff Present: Also Present: Dick Frie, Richard Carlson, Dick Martie, Rod Dragsten, Robbie Smith Clint Herbst Fred Patch, Jeff O'Neill, Steve Grittman Mayor Bill Fair 1. Call to order. Chairman Dick Frie called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. 2. A.pproval of ,minutes of the reeular meetin~ held Febrmuy 3. 1998. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROD DRAGSTEN TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 3, 1998. MOTION SECONDED BY RICHARD CARLSON. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Consideration of addin~ items to the aeenda. One item was added to the agenda: Steve Grittman requested that an item be added to provide an Annexation Aereement Update. Chairman Dick Frie added the update as item 12 b.. 4. Citizens comments. No comments were heard. 5. Public Hearin~ - Consideration of a zonine IllilP amendment establishin~ district boundaries for the CCD (Central Community District) andPZM District. Applicant: City of Monticello Plannine Commission. Steve Grittrnan requested that the Planning Commission continue this item as it appears that some property owners were not properly notified. Chairman Dick Frie asked those in attendance at the meeting if any were present regarding this item Hearing no response, Chairman Dick Frie requested a motion. MOTION BY DICK MARTIE, TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR THIS ZONING MAP AMENDMENT TO THE APRIL 7,1998 REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION. MOTION SECONDED BY ROBBIE SMITH. Motion passed unanimously. Page 1 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 3/5/98 6. Public Hearin~ - Consideration of a 2R-foot variance to the front yard setback requirement within the R-2 Zonin~ District. Consideration of a conditional use permit allowin~ a church facility in an R-2 zone. Location: 413 East 3rd Street. Lots 2. 3. 4. and 5. Block 14. Lower Monticello. Applicant: St. Peter's Lutheran Church. Staff report on this item was presented by Steve Grittman. Grittman stated that this request involves two actions, a conditional use permit and a variance. The conditional use permit is necessary as the church use is located in the R-2, Single and 2 Family Residential zoning district and is a legal non-conforming use, having not been allowed under a conditional use permit previously. The conditional use permit is necessary to allow expansion of the church building. Variance Grittman stated that while the variance is significant (to allow the building to be located 2.7 feet from the front property line), it is justifiable as the purpose of the addition is to provide access to disabled persons in compliance with the American With Disabilities Act (ADA), and to allow a more reasonable use of the existing building. In order to justify the granting of this variance, reasonable alternatives not requiring variance must be unavailable or prohibitive to reasonable use of the property. Alternatives were explored by the Architect and reviewed with city staff and it was found by staff that there are no practical alternatives other than as presented and requiring the variance. Aesthetic issues may also be considered in the granting of this variance. The proposed addition maintains and improves the architectural character of the church building in its urban context. Conditional Use Permit The plan submitted for the conditional use permit shows 31 new parking stalls and shows driveways connnecting to 3rd and Wright Streets. The church is asking to defer construction of the parking for approximately four (4) years, as the necessary church development funds are not currently available. Mr. Grittman stated that staff is recommending approval of both the variance and the conditional use permit. Chairman Dick Frie opened the public hearing. Hearing no public comments, Chairman Dick Frie closed the public hearing. Dick Martie questioned the necessity to defer the construction of on-site parking. Mr. Bernard Christianson representing St. Peters Lutheran Church stated that it will be at least four years until the church has finances to build the parking. Richard Carlson recognized the need to provide handicap parking, and further discussed the possibilities for the church to build on-site handicap parking stalls immediately. Mr. Bernard Christianson stated the on-site handicap parking could be constructed in conjunction with this Page 2 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 3/5/98 project. Richard Carlson spoke in favor of a four year deferral to the installation of all on-site parking other than handicap parking. Rod Dragsten stated that he was not in favor of approving a 2.7 foot front yard setback and questioned the conclusion that other alternatives should be excluded. He stated that off-street parking should be a priority to the development of the property. Mr. Bernard Christianson reiterated the space needs and priorities of the church to provide handicap access and the need to improve internal traffic flow and usability for the building. He stated that construction of the parking lot at this time would also increase the maintenance budget for the church. Dick Frie said that he had met with various adjacent property owners and had heard that there were problems with on-street church parking in front of drives and mailboxes during weddings and funerals. Otherwise there were no complaints. Mr. Bernard Christianson stated that the church had held an open house to address neighborhood concerns regarding the proposed addition and no neighbors attended. Frie had concern for possible negative precedent this variance action may cause. Mr. Grittman said that this property and petition are unique and would not establish an adverse precedent. Richard Carlson stated that he would support a 2 year deferral for installation of off-street parking. MOTION BY DICK FRIE TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ALLOWING A CHURCH FACILITY IN AN R-2 ZONE BE APPROVED, SUBJECT TO A CONDITION THAT THE OFF-STREET PARKING IN AN ARRANGEMENT SIMILAR TO OR SUPERIOR TO THE DRAWING A IT ACHED AS EXHIBIT A BE INSTALLED WITH A DEFERRAL OF THIS PARKING REQUIREMENT FOR TWO (2)YEARS. MOTION SECONDED BY DICK MARTIE. Motion passed unanimously. MOTION BY RICHARD CARLSON TO APPROVE THE APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE ALLOWING A FRONT YARD SETBACK OF 2.7 FEET, BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE EXPANSION IS NECESSARY TO PROVIDE FOR ACCESSIBILITY TO DISABLED PERSONS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITY ACT (ADA), AND TO MAKE REASONABLE USE OF THE SITE. MOTION SECONDED BY ROBBIE SMITH. Motion passed with Dick Frie, Richard Carlson, Dick Martie and Robbie Smith voting in favor and Rod Dragsten voting against. 7. Public Hearin~ ~Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit allowin~ a residential plalU1ed unit development in an R-PUD zone and consideration of a request for a preliminary plat application. Location: Outlot D. Klein Farm,;. Applicant: E & K Development. Page 3 . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. . . Planning Commission Minutes - 3/5/98 Staff report on this item was presented by Steve Grittman. Mr. Grittman described the proposed housing development as Klein Farms Estates 3rd Addition, a planned unit development (PUD) being considered under a Conditional Use Permit within the R-PUD zoning district. The project site is located between School Boulevard and Farmstead Drive, adjacent to Edmonson Avenue (Co. Rd. 117). Mr. Grittman stated that the development meets the requirements for low density residential development in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan of the City. Mr. Grittman identified his concerns with the project as: Driveways serving residences along Farmstead Drive should be accessed off of the ' private street internal to the project. The driveways and curb cuts along the cul-de-sac should be re-oriented to avoid the appearance of continuous curb cuts. Additional landscaping should be provided in the twin home area to reduce the impact of wide driveways and extensive parking. Drainage area should be provided with natural vegetation including a mixture of trees and other plant materials appropriate for their planting location. A paved pathway connection between the cul-de-sac and the School Boulevard pathway system should be created. The preliminary plat drawings must be revised to correspond with revised Development Stage PUD Plan. Mr. Grittman advised the Commission that it would be appropriate to recommend approval of the Concept Development Stage PUD; however, he recommended that action on the preliminary plat be tabled pending a final lot arrangement and revised plan. Chairman Dick Frie opened the public hearing and recognized Mr. John Anderson of Midwest Land Surveyors, representing E & K Land Development. Mr. Anderson responded to the concerns raised by Mr. Grittman: 1. Drives will be moved off of Farmstead Drive and access the internal street. 2. Drives off of the cul-de-sac are not easily rearranged, and cause floor plan problems and drives that would extend around the buildings into what would otherwise be back yards. 3. Additional landscaping will be added to mitigate the crowding of driveways and parking. 4. Natural vegetation will be added to the natural drainage area 5. A pathway will be added per the sketch presented by Mr. Grittman. Mr. Bill Gleason and Mr. John Gleason described their project in detail. Hearing no other comments, Chairman Dick Frie closed the public hearing. Page 4 Planning Commission Minutes - 3/5/98 . Commissioners generally spoke in favor of the project. Rod Dragsten questioned the mix of uses in the area of this development. Mr. Grittman responded that the use is allowed and consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for development in the area. MOTION BY ROD DRAGSTEN TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT THE CONCEPT STAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT BE APPROVED SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT B FROM THE STAFF REPORT, BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE ZONING AND DENSITY ARE APPROPRIATE FOR THE PROJECT. MOTION SECONDED BY DICK MARTIE. Motion passed unanimously: 8. Public Hearin~ - Request for a Conditional Use Permit allowin~ a commercial planned unit development. Location: Lot 1. Block 1. Monticello Mall. Applicant: Ban:y Pluth. Staff report on this item was presented by Steve Grittman. Steve Grittman reviewed a new site plan made available by Mr. Dale Sonnichisen of Amcon, design/contractor for Cub Foods. . The new site plan described elements of the site plan that will be changed to address concerns identified by both the Design Advisory Team (DA T) and staff: 1. Alignment and site design elements including ornamental light poles and landscaping to coordinate with and extend future Walnut Street improvements; 2. Elimination of parking stalls backing into the lane of traffic on the Walnut Street entrance by "flipping" the curb island to the west and parking to the east onto the KFC lot; 3. Inclusion of light poles and landscaping into the "flipped" curb island area to mirror image the improvements to the west; 4. Addition of a bench in front of the Cub Store; 5. Inclusion of additional curb islands into the parking area just east of the Cub Foods Store; and, 6. Inclusion of a cornice detail extending along the top of raised parapet at the front entry area, and at the southeast and northeast corners of the building. Chairman Dick Prie opened the public hearing and recognized Mr. Brad Johnson, of Lotus Realty and Project Developer. Mr. Brad Johnson introduced the project and Mr. Dale Sonnichisen of Ameon, design/contractor for Cub Foods. Mr. Sonnichisen described the site development in detail and agreed that the site plan would be redesigned to incorporate the elements described above. He explained that the cornice detail would be difficult to achieve in the southeast and northeast corners of the building as material changes occur. He added that additional landscaping would be provided at the new curb islands and area behind curb to the east and south of the Cub building. . Chairman Dick Frie recognized Mr. Dave Henning, owner of the Country Grill Restaurant. Page 5 . . . 9. 10. Planning Commission Minutes - 3/5/98 Mr. Henning had concerns relating to visibility, signage, lighting and access for trucks serving his business. Staff reassured that additional review would be conducted to insure that the concerns of Mr. Henning would be addressed. Commissioners generally made comments in favor of the plan. Hearing no other comments, Chairman Dick Frie closed the public hearing. MOTION BY ROBBIE SMITH TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT BE ALLOWED FOR A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT TO ALLOW THE CUB FOODS STORE AND ADDITIONAL RETAIL TO BE CONSTRUCTED WITH A ZERO LOT LINE, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS LISTED IN EXHIBIT D, SUBJECT TO THE REVISED SITE PLAN AS PRESENTED AT' THE MEETING, AND SUBJECT TO STAFF REVIEW AND POSSIBLE MODIFICATION OF THE PLAN TO ADDRESS THE NEEDS OF THE COUNTRY GRILL, BASED ON A FINDING THAT AS AMENDED THE PROJECT WOULD SUBST ANTIALL Y COMPLY WITH THE INTENT OF THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND THE DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION PLAN. MOTION SECONDED BY RICHARD CARLSON. Motion passed unanimously. Public Hearine - Consideration of a preliminary plat and final plat request for a residential subdivision to be known as Eastwood Knoll Second Addition. Consideration of rezoning request to rezone from R-PUD to R-l. Location: Outlot A. Lots 1. 2 and 3. Block 3. Meadow Oak Estates. and Outlot C. Eastwood Knoll Addition. Applicant: City of Monticello. Jeff O'Neill presented the staff report for this item It was explained that this item will create three (3) lots and finish the Eastwood Knoll development. Richard Carlson questioned the costs of the project and asked if the City would recover its costs in having developed the Eastwood Knoll Addition. MOTION BY DICK MARTIE TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL TO APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT OF THE EASTWOOD KNOLL 2ND ADDITION SUBDIVISION. MOTION SECONDED BY ROBBIE SMITH. Motion passed unanimously. Public Hearing - Consideration of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment for the south and west 2:rowth areas adjacent to the City of Monticello. Applicant: City of Monticello Plannin~ Page 6 Planning Commission Minutes - 3/5/98 Commission. . Staff report was presented by Steve Grittman. Mr. Grittman reviewed the intents of the Monticello Comprehensive plan for annexation and development south and west of the City of Monticello. He explained planning efforts and public input given to the planning process and considered in development of a concept land use planning map presented to the Commission. Land uses and traffic concepts were presented. Mr. Grittman explained that the purposes of the plan amendment are to: .. allow the City to plan for long and short term infrastructure development in the south and west growth areas; .. serve as a basis for the City's request for an amendment to the OM Board's land use 12lan; .. provide guidance for land use decL<;ions in the OAA and extraterritorial areas adjacent to the City; and. .. provide direction to land owners seekine annexation for future development of land in OAA and extraterritorial areas. There was much discussion regarding the status of the annexation agreement with Monticello Township. Mayor Bill Fair provided input as to where the City is in its negotiations toward a binding annexation agreement with the Township. . Chairman Dick Frie opened the public hearing and recognized Mr. Dick VanAllen representing the Monticello IDe. Mr. VanAllen presented an outline report from the IDC explaining its desires for additional strategically located industrial land, and asked the Commission to consider a mixed use corrunercialjindustrialland use designation for much of the land along the southwest side of the 1-94 and Hwy 25 intersection. Jeff O'Neill and Ollie Koropchak, city staff added comment to the discussion regarding the availability of industrial land in the City. Mr. O'Neill stated that the plan presented for the south and west development areas address the desires of the IDe in the specification ofland adjacent to 1-94 for future industrial development. Koropchak stated that there are 145 acres of land currently available for industrial development in the City. Commissioner Richard Carlson questioned if there was an intent for development of a service road on the west side of Hwy. 25. Mr. Grittman stated that there is no current plan for such a service road on the west side of Hwy 25. Chairman Dick Frie recognized Mr. Dan Goeman who spoke in favor of the plan as presented. He explained that he has personally been approached by several parties interested in the development of industrial or commercial sites in the south and west development area. He asked if the Commission would consider mixed commercial and industrial uses as suggested by the IDe. . Chairman Dick Frie recognized Mr. John Chadwick of Bloomington, Minnesota. Mr. Chadwick stated that he has a signed purchase agreement for the "Momson" parcel. He presented information relating to approximately 18 acres of wetlands located in the area Page 7 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 3/5/98 indicated in the land use plan map as intended for industrial use. He stated that the Chelsea Road extension as drawn appears to be located over two existing houses and suggested that the road be moved west to a different power line corridor. He encouraged industrial use on both sides of Chelsea. Mr. Chadwick also suggested that industrial use be expanded to both sides of the extended Chelsea RO:J.d. Mr Chadwick said he was also amenable to assisting in the development of Chelsea Road in the area he is planning to develop. Mr. Jim Bauer suggested that existing trees be utilized to serve as a buffer between uses. Chairman Dick Prie asked about the flexibility the City will have in modifying the plan in the future. Mr. Grittman stated that the plan provides opportunity for flexibility in specific infrastructure details and in the specific areas of proposed land use; however, once adopted, the land use areas designated by the plan are generally fixed by adoption into the Comprehensive Plan. Mayor Bill Pair stated that this plan for development of the area south and west of the City is important as it will serve as a guide document for those persons annexing property into the City. Dick VanAllen requested that additional industrial land uses be incorporated into the south and west development area. Mr. O'Neill noted that the amendment designates a large area for industrial use that had previously been designated for residential use. Hearing no other comments, Chairman Dick Prie closed the public hearing. MOTION BY ROBBIE SMITH TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT IT APPROVE THE AMENDMENTS TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AS PROPOSED IN THE "SOUTH/WEST AREA PLAN". MOTION SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTEN. Motion passed unanimously. 11. Consideration of calling for a public hearin~ for billboard ordinance. City of Monticello. Staff recommended that the Planning Commission table this item pending the outcome of known litigation involving identical issues relating to storm damaged billboards. MOTION BY DleK MARTIE, SECONDED BY RICHARD CARLSON TO TABLE THIS ITEM. Motion passed unanimously. 12a. Community Center Update: Jeff O'Neill provided a brief overview on the status of the Community Center. Richard Carlson asked questions regarding the acquisition ofland. Mr. O'Neill stated that land acquisition has not yet occurred, discussed acquisition of the BN Railroad property, and discussed relocation benefits that must be paid by the City. Page 8 Planning Commission Minutes - 3/5/98 . 12b. Annexation Aereement Update: Steve Grittman explained the process involved with coming to agreement with Monticello Township on annexation. He explained that the Orderly Annexation Agreement will be in place for a 10 year period, until its termination date. He stated that the agreement will be very positive for the City and reiterated the rules for the annexation of land outside the corporate limits of the City: 1. 66' must be contiguous to the corporate limits of the City; 2. The land being annexed must be capable of being served by city utilities; 3. Within three years, 50% of the land being annexed must be served by city utilities; 4. The land must be in the Orderly Annexation Area (OAA); 5. Petition for annexation must be by the land owner; and, 6. Proposed land use for the area being annexed must be consistent with the land use plan adopted into the OAA. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. 13. MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING BY ROBBIE SMITH, SECONDED BY DICK MARTIE. Motion passed unanimously. . ~_. 4L~ ~h1~ ~ Chief Building Official . Page 9