City Council Agenda Packet 09-24-1979 :~Citizens Comments. ^fa~. iContinuation of Public Hearing on Adoption of Assessment Rolls on the ~f' ~ 1977-3 Street Improvement project. ~ ~. ~ Public Hearing for proposed Assessments on Delinquent Accounts. 11 ~~. Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit for a 24-Unit Apartment anrr - Building - Block 42, Lower Monticello. 'JJ1 4. ,,)\ v) ~~. 8 Consideration of Ordinance Amendment to Adopt Recently Revised Federal ~~~ Regulations Regarding the National Flood Insurance Program. ~. Approval of Bills - September 1979. . -'I , I" AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL september 24, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Mayor: Arve Grimsmo councilmembers: Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Ken Maus, Phil White. Meeting to be taped. Public Hearing on Vacation of Hennepin Street between Burlington Northern Railroad Tracks and Lauring Lane. Consideration of Final plat - Longley Addition. Public Hearing on the 1980 Budget including Appropriation of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds. Consideration of Change Order #2 on the 1979-1 Improvement project with Barbarossa Construction Company. Business - Boat Landing in Ellison Park. New Business - ~~~Jaycee~omen Donation for Walnut Street Improvement. ^' / '" \.~ t "..' 1.''''''') l~ K '" -1-1 (}. ~ 1--~L>"- lft1 l . . V f{ ti. (J\~. Oc,t <':'\ .'~ "" ./ {-I. ..~~ ~. , ~ V '" 5-. ~oJ~ . COUNCIL UPDATE 4TH QUARTER OF 1979 LIBRARY Tentatively, the library issue is being scheduled for the City Council's October 22, 1979 agenda. That same evening, the School Board has also scheduled a special meeting and it is hoped that the City's Attorney, Gary Pringle, and the School's Attorney, Jim Metcalf, can have all the legal paperwork done for the transfer of the public library. It is intended that these two representatives of the school district and the City would address both the City Council that evening and the School Board for proper approvals of the agreements. Prior to the October 22, 1979 Meeting, the agreement will accompany the regular agenda so that the Council has time to review it. WRIGHT COUNTY PARK . At a recent meeting, the Wright County Board of Commissioners approved of a motion to transfer the Wright County Park to the City of Monticello for $1.00. This item has been tentatively scheduled for October 22, 1979 meeting at the request of the Wright County Park's Administrator, Mike Schmidt. As you recall, this was previously discussed in the past and there is much concern with the additional expenditure that this would require and whether the City can maintain such a large area. BOAT LANDING FACILITY It appears a good possibility that the City of Monticello will receive Federal and State funding for its boat landing facility in Ellison Park amounting to approximately 87~% of the project financing that is required. There is also a good likelihood that the City of Monticello could receive funds not only for the boat landing, but for updating and improving its restrooms in Ellison Park along with any other improvements it desires. John Simola is in the process now of sending the State of Minnesota a conceptualized plan of the boat landing facility plus updating its restrooms. LAWSUIT AGAINST THE CITY OF MONTICELLO REGARDING CHARLES VOLL A summons has been filed with the City of Monticello and Arcon Construc- tion Company as a result of damages sustained by Charles VOll, who is the son of Mr. & Mrs. James Voll. It appears very unlikely that the City of Monticello could be liable in this matter, but since it is a lawsuit, I would be glad to discuss it with any individual Council Person on a one-to-one basis. . (Update Continued) . 1979-1 IMPROVEMENT PROJECT This project being constructed by Barbarossa Construction Company in the area of Lauring Hillside Addition and the Oakwood Industrial Park area, proceeded quite rapidly at the outset, but has slowed down somewhat in recent weeks. Completion date for this project is November 1, 1979. Problems have occurred in the Lauring Hillside Addition where the subcontractor to Barbarossa put down a bituminous surfacing mat which was to be the first layer that is unacceptable to the City and also to Barbarossa Construction Company and Barbarossa is in contact with the subcontractor, H & S Asphalt, to have this remedied. Hopefully this project can still be completed by November 1, 1979, but it would appear necessary that no further delays could occur to have this deadline met. . . - 2 - . RESOLUTION TO GRANT SENIOR CITIZENS HARDSHIP SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DEFFERAL ON THE 1977-3 IMPROVEMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, the City of Monticello finds that special assessments often result in severe hardship for Senior Citizens; and WHEREAS, the City of Monticello did provide for improvements consisting of streets, curb and gutter, storm sewer, watermain and sanitary sewer exten- sions as part of its 1977-3 Improvement Project; and WHEREAS, the City of Monticello assessed only twenty per cent (20\) of the improvements with the exception of watermain and sewer extensions: and WHEREAS, only certain benefitted properties were assessed for streets, curb and gutter, storm sewer, watermain and sanitary sewer; and WHEREAS Minnesota Statutes 435.193 through 435.195 provide for assess- ments to be deferred by a municipality for senior citizens; . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Monticello will defer assessments on the 1977-3 Improvement Project under the following conditions: 1. Benefitted property assessed for streets, curb & gutter, storm sewer, watermain and sanitary sewer. 2. Real 2roperty subject to special assessments must be homesteaded by the same senior citizen according to records of County Assessor on both the date the City Council ordered the improvement and the date of the adoption of the assessment roll. 3. Termination of assessment shall be in accordance with Minnesota Statute 435.195. 4. Interest on special assessments shall accrue at 6~\ annually on principal amount from date of adoption of assessment rolls to termination date in Item 3 above. 5. Assessment deferral does not apply to properties unless assessed for watermain and sanitary sewer. 6. Assessment deferral shall apply only to first 80 feet of frontage and 12,000 square feet of area unless parcel cannot be shown to be subdivided according to City of Monticello ordinances. 7. Property owners may make application for special assessment credits in accordance with this resolution by applying to the City Clerk within thirty (30) days after adoption, forms shall be provided by the City Clerk for such application. , seconded by to . Motion by adopt Resolution. voting in Favor: Opposed: Resolution adopted October 9, 1979. Gary Wieber, City Administrator z ,- ..~. I:':~<~.." .. .. }.""" - , ST.c'\..'r]~ OF MINNESOTA ~-'.. OI"FleF: 01' 'l'ln~ GUVJl:IlNOll - ALBERT H. QUIE GOVERNOR ST. PAUL GG1Go September 19, 1979 TO: Minnesota Mayors Dear Mayor: As you know, the energy situation is an increasing concern to the citizens of Minnesota, both in terms of supply and escalating fuel costs. While the most recent figures indicate that fuel supplies will be adequate if we have normal weather this winter, the cost of home heating oil is projected to increase 83 percent over last year's price. This rapid rise in fuel oil prices could have a severe impact on low and moderate income homeowners in your community who are unable to pay cash for fuel oil deliveries. It could mean that some people in your community may not have heat for their homes. My administration has drafted a plan to provide financial assistance to help the needy pay their fuel bills in the hope that the need for local shelters can be avoided. A copy of that plan is enclosed for your review. However, with winter rapidly approaching we should be prepared to respond quickly to local emergencies. In an effort to provide life-saving assistance to temporarily displaced residents, I am asking you to do the fOllowing: -Designate an emergency housing center in your community, open 24 hours a day, where individuals can go to stay warm until the appropriate social service agencies can be contacted for assistance. -Designate a 24-hour emergency referral phone number in your community (local police, fire department, etc.). -Notify the (1) county sheriff, (2) city police, and (3) local news media of the shelter's location and the emergency referral telephone number. ~.:1~t- ~/;~ Because it will take time to coordinate dissemination of this crucial infor- m~tion to low income and elderly citizens throughout the State, we will .................. 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At the end of the meeting, the City Council adopted the assessment roll except for the assessment against three property owners who gave testimony at the last hearing. These three property owners and the review of their particular circumstances are as follows: Frank (Everett) Ellison, Lot 1 and W~ Lot 2, Block 27, proposed assessment is $1,132.21. Mr. Ellison's main objection was that he was not notified about the possibility of obtaining a driveway opening. Mr. Ellison further indicated that he was not made aware of the initial hearing in September of 1977, although he did receive notice of the assessment hearing held September 10, 1979. Further testimony by Mr. Ellison revealed that apparently, according to Mr. Ellison, there was a mix-up in the County records which apparently did not show Mr. Ellison as an owner of property in Block 27. When the City initially sent out the notices for the September 1977 hearing, it used the property records made available to it through the County. At this time, Mr. Ellison has not brought in any evidence to show there was an error in the County records. However, regardless of that fact, since the City did rely on the County's records which is correct according to the statutes, it would be hardpressed to make any adjustments on the actual assessment itself. Richard Carlson, Block 64 and N 40' of Vacated River Street lying immediately south of Block 64, proposed assessment is $3,576.39. Mr. Carlson's Objec- tion was to the amount of assessments since he had only one buildable lot. Our building inspector has reviewed this with Mr. Carlson and as our building inspector had previously indicated to Mr. Carlson, there would be the possibility of actually having a total of three buildable lots provided that Mr. Carlson does some necessary fill work since it is in a flood plain. Mr. Carlson seemed satisfied with this situation since he would like to build on the additional two lots; however, he stated he might ask for a deferment of the assessment on the portion of the land until such time as he actually took out building permits. It should be noted that the assessments against property on the 1977-3 project was only assessed 20% and the criteria was not necessarily for a buildable lot. For example, an individual could have had a lot equiva- lent of two lots, or 160' wide, but if an individual built in the middle of that lot, he would still be assessed for two lots although in effect he only had one buildable lot. As a result, whether the lot was buildable or not was not utilized as the criteria in the determination of the assess- ments. The actual criteria was square footage and front footage. COUNCIL AGENDA ~ 9/24/79 Mr. & Mrs. Armin Diersen (land currently owned by James Rossman), Lot 3, Block C, exc. 8' in Upper Monticello, proposed assessment is $834.91. AS indicated at the September 10, 1979 meeting, Mrs. Diersen indicated she had never been notified of the original public hearing. Investigation of the record at the September 10, 1979 hearing indicated that Mr. & Mrs. Armin Diersen were sent a letter at their correct address and there is an affi- davit of mailing on file to this effect. She further stated at the hearing and also, again in her letter, that she specifically requested a special \.. f' assessment search for this property and was told that there would be no ~ assessments. However, the material presented by Mrs. Diersen indicates .1 a letter was sent by Lynnea Gillham over Rick Wolfsteller's signature block \l to the effect that there were no outstanding assessments as of October 26, ~ 1978, which is correct. There was no indication in this letter (copy of which is enclosed for your reference) showing that there were no pending ~~ ~ assessments. Furthermore, Mrs. Diersen indicates in her letter that she asked the City Hall about possible assessments and they said not to worry as there were none on the books and there was a good possibility there would ,J\ ~ be no assessments levied on the new improvements and a hearing had not been ~ \ ~ held on the assessments yet. Obviously, if somebody told her there was \ \ going to be no assessments, she would not have been told about an assess- ment hearing. At no time was anybody told there would not be any possible ~. pending assessments on this property. Please refer to the letter sent by Mrs. Diersen along with enclosures she also forwarded from the City of Monticello. . . . Additionally, due to an oversite, the North half of Block 25, Blocks 42, 45 and 60 were not notified of either the initial public hearing held in September of 1977 nor the assessment hearing held on September 10, 1979. These people have now been notified that they could bring their comments to the September 24, 1979 continued hearing on the subject matter. It should be noted this oversight was due to the misunderstanding between the City Staff and our consulting engineers. Initially, our consulting engineers prepared a map outlining the assessment boundary for presentation and for hearing notice at the September 1977 hearing, and Blocks 25, 42, 45 and 60 were not included in this assessment boundary. However, the engineers also presented another map which indicated that streets within that area would be improved. A copy of both maps is enclosed for your reference. As a result, an opportunity should be afforded those citizens in that area to present testimony relative to the assessments themselves. For your information, according to Minnesota Statute 429.031 "failure to give mail notice or any defects in notice shall not invalidate the proceedings". As a result then, this area should still be assessed, but as I indicated an opportunity should be afforded those residents to present testimony. POSSIBLE ACTION: Review of the areas indicated above and consideration of any revisions on these areas and adoption of entire assessment roll with any amendments thereto. REFERENCES: Information received from Mrs. Armin Diersen along with two maps prepared by OSM indicating original assessment boundary plus streets to be improved, and also the assessment boundary map for the September 10, 1979 hearing. - 2 - COUNCIL AGENDA - 9/24/79 . 2. Public Hearing for Proposed Assessments on Delinquent Accounts. Minnesota Statutes 429.101 allows for special assessments to be collected for various types of current services that are past due. This Statute requires a public hearing be held before the assessments are levied against the individual property. Following are delinquent accounts that are past due as of the date this agenda was prepared: PROPERTY OWNER AMOUNT DUE TYPE OF BILL t Steve Gregoire $ 23.40 0,1- Water Availability Fee Mona Tracy $ 38.56 ,,.4 Water Availability Fee Jerry Leavitt (renter) ~l"" Sewer and Water Bill $106.33 to' Julia Finley (owner) ... I Gordon Olson $ 56.13" Sewer and Water Bill Donna Allen $ 66.50 Sewer Only Chris Maas $112.00 Sewer Only ~ ~~ It should be noted that the individual property owners have been notified I of the public hearing and can present testimony if they so wish. Additionally, ~ ~f these people have been notified in the past of the past delinquent accounts ~ ~~ and various attempts have been made to collect these amounts. It is recom- . ~ mended that these delinquent accounts be put on the assessment roll for a period of one year at the interest rate of 8%. (The interest rate of 8% ~v is the highest amount that is allowable by a City government). POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of adoption of above assessment roll for delinquent accounts. 3. Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit for a 24-Unit Apartment Building - Block 42, Lower Monticello. Construction 5, Inc. has applied for a conditional use permit to construct a 24-unit apartment building on a portion of Block 42 in Lower Monticello. Construction 5 recently purchased Blocks 41 through 43, 47 through 51 and Block 56 from Earl Malone. This property is located south of the railroad tracks near the nursing home. Zoning of the parcels on the North side of Lauring Lane is R-3, and south of Lauring Lane is I-I. Please refer to the enclosed map depicting the area. It should be noted that within an R-3, the zoning of Block 42, a condi- tional use permit is necessary for a 24-unit apartment. According to our zoning ordinance, the largest apartment that can be built without a conditional use and subject to a public hearing in an R-3, which is the most liberal zone in terms of strictly residential, is a l2-unit apartment. The reason for this is to allow for any larger units than this adequate input from residents and businesses in the area since a conditional use is subject to a public hearing at the Planning Commission level. . - 3 - COUNCIL AGENDA - 9/24/79 . In the first phase of development, Construction 5 is planning to build a 24-unit apartment building consisting of seven I-bedroom units, eleven 2- bedroom units and six 3-bedroom units. The plat plan submitted indicates three additional buildings proposed in the future consisting of 52 units. (See plat plan enclosed). Construction 5 proposes the exterior of the 24-unit apartment to be brick and aluminum siding. The structure itself would be 2~ stories. All of the requirements of the City's ordinances appear to be adhered to in terms of parking, etc., and setbacks with the exception of setbacks which would require the vacation of Hennepin Street. In addition to the conditional use permit, Construction 5 is requesting that the one-block portion of Hennepin Street between Lauring Lane and the railroad tracks be vacated. This vacation would be necessary since the 24- unit planning to be built (see Unit B on enclosed plat plan) would be situated right on the easterly right-of-way of Hennepin Street. You will note that a public hearing, as required by statute, is the next item on the agenda for the Council to consider. In exchange for vacating this part of Hennepin Street, Construction 5 has indicated their willingness to give the City enough land to extend Lauring Lane easterly to coincide with the collec- tor road planned for this area. . It should be pointed out that initially Construction 5 had planned to build unit A (see plat plan) first, this is situated on Block 43. However, at the public hearing at the planning commission level, there was some objection from representatives from Holker's Hillside Addition, which is the block immediately east of Block 43, and also' from Nancy Maas who is a property owner in Block 43 (see enclosed map depicting entire area). Their concern mainly was with the proximity, and as a result, an agreement was reached with the developer that he would be willing to put up Unit B first and as a result, the Planning Commission recommended to the Council the condi- tional use permit with the understanding that Hennepin Street would be vacated to allow Unit B to be built right up to the Hennepin Street right- Of-way. It should be noted that the Monticello-Big Lake Hospital, owners of the nursing home, have expressed a concern which is enclosed with the letters they have sent to the City of Monticello. However, at the meeting, Gordon Jacobson indicated that the Hospital is not opposed to the 24-unit apart- ment as much as they are concerned that they receive assurances from the City of Monticello that adequate traffic measures and safety precautions will be taken. At their meeting, the Planning Commission also recommended that the signing recommended in the nursing home's letter be implemented should the conditional use permit be allowed. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval of conditional use permit for Construction 5 (it should be noted that this requires 4/5's vote for approval). REFERENCES: Enclosed plat plan and map depicting general area, letters from Hospital and Nursing Home, Planning Commission Minutes. . - 4 - COUNCIL AGENDA - 9/24/79 . 4. Public Hearing on Vacation of Hennepin Street between Burlington Northern Railroad Tracks and Lauring Lane. As mentioned in Item 3, Construction 5 is requesting that Hennepin Street be vacated between the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks and Lauring Lane in order to allow a 24-unit apartment complex to be built right up to the easterly right-of-way of Hennepin Street. Additionally, it should be noted that their plans do call for the parking lot for Unit B to be right on the Hennepin Street right-of-way and also, future plans for further units would require the development of that portion of Hennepin Street. In return for this segment of property, Construction 5 would be willing to give the City enough land to extend Lauring Lane easterly to coincide with the collector road planned for this area. Please refer to the plat plan for a concept of this future collector road that eventually would run through land owned by Maurice Hoglund to the east. In its entirety then, this collector road would run all the way from County Road 75, in the area of Dahlheimer Distributing to the west to the Country Club on County Road #39. One alternative for extending Lauring Lane would be to angle the road southerly towards the freeway from washington Street, and the developers have been agreeable to working out a suitable line of exchange for vacating Hennepin Street. . Copy of the plat plan has been submitted to the City Engineer for review in regards to suitable road alignment for Lauring Lane. Although the engineer is concerned about the curves that would result by shifting the road south to the freeway, they felt some kind of alignment could be worked out. with regards to the vacating of Hennepin Street, the City Engineer did not think the City would need utility rights as none are planned for this por- tion of Hennepin Street. Additionally, the Nursing Home has indicated that possibly in the future they would request that Hennepin Street be vacated between the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks and Fourth Street. It is recommended that the City vacate Hennepin Street between Lauring Lane and the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks in exchange for a suitable road alignment for the extension of Lauring Lane since Construction 5 does cur- rently own both sides of the proposed vacated portion of Hennepin Street and the City has no plans for the utility, whereas the City does have plans for the continuation of the Collector Road and would eventually need an easement or to purchase this property for this road alignment sometime in the future anyway. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of vacation of that portion of Hennepin Street indicated above in exchange for a suitable align- ment for the extension of Lauring Lane. REFERENCES: Enclosed map indicating general area and plat plan, and Planning Commission Minutes. . - 5 - . . . ~ COUNCIL AGENDA - 9/24/79 5. Consideration of Final Plat - Longley Addition. At our last meeting, the City Council approved a subdivision for Mr. Rick Longley on south Highway 25. As you recall, he had one large lot that bordered on Highway 25 and Cedar street (old Highway 25). He would like to make this one large lot into six smaller lots of approximately 14,000 to 15,000 square feet each. Each lot does meet the minimum 100' width requirements and there are no provisions for minimum lot size in terms of square footage in a B-3 zone. According to the subdivision ordinances, it is necessary that a prelimin- ary plat be the subject of a public hearing, and also be approved by the Council before presentation of the final plat to the City Council. As a result then, the plat is subject to final approval at Monday night's meeting and if approved, would then be recorded. As stated in the Council's last agenda, approval would be contingent upon submission of proof of recording of an easement to allow Lots 1, 2 & 3 and the property north of the Glass Hut which is owned by Vaughn veit to permanent use of the frontage road across Lots 1, 2 & 3 and also a maintenance agreement for upkeep and snow removal. Additionally, Mr. Longley is being asked to give the City an additional 20' temporary construction easement to allow the construction of utilities to his property. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval of final plat contingent \~ upon the conditions mentioned in the preceeding paragraph. REFERENCES: copy of the preliminary plat for Longley Addition sent out with the Council's last agenda (there has been no change from the preliminary to the final plat). 6. Public Hearing on the 1980 Budget including Appropriation of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds. As previously indicated, Federal Revenue Sharing law requires that a public hearing be held on the appropriation of Federal Revenue Sharing funds and also on a municipality's entire budget. previously sent out with the last agenda was a preliminary budget and it was decided at our last meeting to include several additional items to be in- cluded in the budget for 1980. As a result, I am sending out a copy of the proposed final budget with the changes made, and additionally, it should be pointed out that the mill levy would be approximately $897,431, which is an increase of $2,500 from the previous preliminary budget as a result of a recomputation based on estimated fees to be recoverable from construc- tion projects in 1980. The local levy of $897,431 results in a mill levy of approximately 23.351 mills. For your information, I have enclosed some examples with the budget of real estate taxes payable on residential, commercial and apartment type property. Additionally, you will find a breakdown of expenditures by category, a breakdown of revenues by category along with various footnotes related to specific budget items. - 6 - COUNCIL AGENDA ~ 9/24/79 . AS previously indicated, sewer and water rates would have to be raised approximately 30% in order to cover expenditures. It should be noted that sewer and water rates have not been increased since 1973, and although the jump may seem quite dramatic in one year, it is very minimal when you consider the amount of inflation over the last seven years. In order to get a better idea of how this may affect various residential and commercial properties, I have also enclosed examples of several residences and busi- nesses so that you may get an approximate idea of what affect this may have on utility bills. It should be noted that at our last meeting, as mentioned above, additional appropriations were to be included within the budget. one item, $30,000 for a sewer jet cleaner, was not included. At meeting it was decided that this probably should not be budgeted but the Council would give this further consideration before the of the final budget. several However, our last for 1980 adoption It is expected in 1980 the City of Monticello will receive $97,338 in Federal Revenue Sharing funds and along with an unappropriated balance at the beginning of the year of $6,340, there would be $103,678 available. Among the items that the City proposes to use these funds for are the following: . A. Allocation towards the City's share of an updated treatment plant and new sanitary sewer interceptor lines. B. J-Tamper - $700; used tailgate paver - $4,000; used pavement roller - $3,000; used motor grader - $12,000; furnaces, insulation and over- head door at maintenance building - $4,725. C. Weed fertilizer sprayer/Cushman truckster - $5,650; irrigation equipment (500 feet of hose, etc.) - $750. It should be noted that except for the appropriation of these funds towards the updating of our wastewater treatment plant, the other items have been included in the final budget alreadY1 however, if it is decided that these monies be taken out of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds, the final budget can be revised accordingly. plA~r ~~ POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of appropriat~. deral Revenue Sharing Funds and also the pprova of the 1980 budget with any revisions. REFERENCES: Proposed 1980 Budget. . - 7 - COUNCIL AGENDA ~ 9/24/79 . 7. Consideration of Change Order #2 on the 1979-1 Improvement Project with Barbarossa Construction Company. On Washington street in front of the Nursing Home there is a small segment of street that was not improved with curb and gutter as part of the 1977-3 project. Our engineers, in reviewing this area, feel that this area should be curbed and guttered all the way to the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way. Barbarossa Construction company has agreed to do this project, which would consist of approximat1y 85' of curb and gutter for approximately $1,655. John Bada1ich will have an exact figure at Monday night's meeting. It should be noted that if you have an opportunity to review this area, that there are forms already existing in this area and the contractor was under the impression that this already has been ordered by the City of Monticello. However, he has been ordered to stop work on this project until it is approved by the City. If this is not approved, obviously the contractor will receive no reimbursement for his costs incurred thus far. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of Change Order #2 with Barbarossa Con- struction Company on the 1979-1 Improvement project. REFERENCES: Enclosed letter from OSM on this Change Order. 8. Consideration of Ordinance Amendment to Adopt Recently Revised Federal Regulations Regarding the National Flood Insurance Program. . Enclosed, please find the following: A. Letter from HUD dated May 1, 1979 informing the City of Monticello of the necessity to establish revised flood plain regulations. B. Copy of proposed Flood Plain Management Ordinance. C. Letter of August 14, 1979 from the DNR certifying that the proposed ordinance is in compliance with the State Flood Plain Management Standards. As the letter of May 1, 1979 from HUD indicates, it is necessary for the City of Monticello, in order to continue its eligibility in the National Flood Insurance Program, to adopt Flood Plain Regulations which have to be revised to contain criteria set out in a separate attachment, which is also enclosed, that was sent with the May 1, 1979 letter. By con- tinuing its eligibility in the National Flood plain Insurance program, residents of Monticello have the opportunity to obtain flood insurance for their homes and businesses. For a more complete explanation of the National Flood Insurance program, I am sending out copies of a brochure - which is entitled "Questions and Answers - National Flood Insurance program." . It should be noted that our current ordinance on Flood Plain Districts is being proposed to be completely deleted since the new regulation covers the same area along with the revisions promulgated by the National Flood Insurance Program. As with all zoning ordinance amendments, a public hearing was necessary before the Planning Commission. - 8 - COUNCIL AGENDA ~ 9/24/79 . At their last meeting, the Planning Commission reviewed and unanimsouly recommended adoption of these regulations. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of Adoption of proposed Flood plain Mana~ gement Ordinances along with the deletion of the City's present ordinance. REFERENCES: May 1, 1979 letter from HUD along with an attachment explain- ing the criteria necessary to include in the flood insurance program; proposed ordinance amendment relative to the flood plain management program; and Letter of August 14, 1979 from the DNR and a copy of the brochure issued by HUD entitled "Questions and Answers - National Flood Insurance Program". (It should also be pointed out that the City of Monticello does have copies of the flood plain map and flood insurance study available for review at City Hall.) . . - 9 - . ", ;'. (',,,ber ~ ;1 , , q7q Poub=> 1 Elk Rlv~r, Mn. S5~30 Mnn~irr"n Cjtv COllncil e,ln 'T'1-'0 Honor.')}, 1 (' l\rve (~r lmsmo Ivl-3Yo""', Clty of Monticello 02t; ,.;. pjvpr Street. f\(~"1+' .-,., 11-', rt.~ nnpr;ot? 7QIl'.1 [)''',r (>)l1n('11 t.1pmhers: Th1~ 1~ in reference to the assessment problem involved on +-1., -. r~,)DI~rt" we prE".ri.ou~ ly owned at 309 East. 1'h:l rd Street- tnat- V')~ t~kenJ under review at the September la, 1979 Coun~il menting. This property was Aold to James POSRman 7incl W0~: r:loAed nn Novpmr-pr ?, lq7R. ~+- t-~r +-im0 nf ~stabllRh1ng our selling pri.ce (Septe~her 17, 1070) 1.."-' l-Y)':'H nf nrl i1sseSS!ncnt-f3, pend!n!} or exist.inrT, on t-l1e r1)'-n:~'?r-ty i r 'P10stjon. l\ 1 though at the last meeti n0, the "; ~~' f~:n(Ji n0('r statpd t,</(, 'ban been notified of the September 1077 h('or1~n rpS0rding the improvements, to our knowledge we reer:'ivn(~ n0 notic!'! of hp3.ring. I do not know if assessrncl"1tG 1,le,...p l....rol?':;frt- nfl elf: this hearing or not. . '1''h,-, fi rst rr';:'respondence we received from t.he City of Mont.icellrl ,...pr;:> '1"'<41 :l'}'J 1"'\1' improvementn was datl?,9 March 17, 1 978 (copy enclos..."l) r-+-,;1ting "thE.'r'" ',Till be..!29. charqe for thE' instAllation of (copper watpr) service connection." We di~n't pursue t~i~? i'lq f'l.-t-l1pr at tllat time because there \olaS no needt('~ sirr~ ~t- r~~t0~ "no ~har~('." '1'.....0 ).;'1'.''''r I ,T,<ml:'f: RI)SSyn~ n, djJ9 ask us if there t..Tould he ~R~p~~~pnts ~inre the streets werp torn up an~ we r01d 'h1~ ~""'2r w~ h2~ not been notified of any and in chscktng wit~ +'-'0 ~ 1 ty I Fe lJ'''lnerstoor'l t.h<3t no assessments were pend t ng. I )~"lqc::r' ('1 t",,' H,,,.n i1or:mt- !,o!'l!'1ible i"Issessment-~ :>''In they snid n0+:' trl Horrv as there ,",pre none on t.r.('> nonkr-: ,~nd t'hpre wtlf' ,'1 rr0rv'1 ;>ossih1 11 ty thr.>re '-lnllld be no assesGm~ntr' , ovipd nn t.'h...... I"'\"",r If'1rrOUPTJ'lentG and a hearing had not yet bep0 held 011 +J,C' Rssessment~. t asked them if they crnlld send a letter tn +1--'i1t eff,....~t-" to 'T'rt-Cnllnt.y Ah"'ltri'lct !"{("') therr> 'W('lu1d be no r;'l"?f'+-1nn wrf'n it ramI? t.irne to close the h('IJSP rieal. Tr1C'::,' Hr>rp P"T1J 1'., "pry ntee 2bout handltn')' this and sent t'he prr10s,...,;l 10.+3;r.>r witn (l ('I)py tn us. We ant-icipnted no problems in finalizing the purchase. . On Novprrb,...,"'" 1, 1978 we HPnt tn Chjcago ~itle Co. office with ,J.""1es R()S"'!'"i'1r, t-n 51./}1"1 t-'h(> closin!) papers. '1'1--)l~ C1---.icago 'l'itle aqent-, ~mf'1pd1~tely upnn 'hparln')' the property was in MonticAllo, said ~he ]--,2)(1 to cr-.9ck ('lIlt DPndinl} assessrnef"lt-s wj t.h Tri-County Abstri-'ll""t- in ~~+. Cloud i'lnd t.hE' City of Mont.1celloQ We showed ne'!::" th"~ lr>":.ter stattnq there were no assessments. Although 'Ore Gald c.r:--ythinrr seemed to be in ordpr, she proceeded to ("oj 1 'rd-Ci t-y Ahni:-rnr't, T beU ('ve, t.O 'vpr.1 fy the lettpr :fnV'l f\10nt-.trpll(). A npr:~0n from Tr1-County Ahstri'lct, callf-~d hi'l(']{ ;lnd ""in tnr> C1ty wnnlrl b(' 1'-'vyin(]' ('If-'1~P!H1m('nt~ on tile I Paq':, 2 . improvements. I do not Know who gave them this informatj()n 2~ C:ity Hall, but it really was disastrous.when it happens At: the time of sinning rInsing papers. In checking with r"bpir "1t:torneYI Chicago Tit_Ie said that escrow money would ~ave to be held back hut that legally there would have to 1-.p a l-1eartnsr hy t'he C_1ty regarding the levyin'] of Sl1cn <'H3ses";ment ~ anrl that t~he citizens would probably vote il(TF3 i nst: t~e assessments in which case our $800 would be re~~l1rnprl. she st,atec ,1 t was a rare case wherein the City had or~nrl to cover the cost of the improvements rather than nsseSR tho property owners and that holding the money in C2cro\<r l1nt,il the hearing was held was necessary to fulfill p.p.^. ter~,,; ," simply a safety precaution. She also Rtated to n~~c'vcnt t'he closing being postponed the easiest thinq to C"--' ',g"uld be to nold back the $800 from us in order to clQs,,' the dpal and it woul~ be refunded as soon as Morticello npld tne 'he~r1ng and decided for sure what to dOg At that tj, me, the re s till ~p.em(>n to be nes i tCl t.ion on w'h!'l-t wa s go i n'J tn h::'lr")Ar::>s far as as'3es!'lment.s. No one seemed to knO"1 for sure v'neth~r t'here would be any, how much, or anyt.hing. . T"p "",",olp matter geareo, :It seemed, on whether or nnt any assessments were pendinry 0n the books and when a hearing wn!11rt bp n01d by the City of Monticello levyir~ these BS8PRsrnprtR. We wpre of the opinion that there would be no assessments: that .'1 hearing to determine such assessments had not been h,.., 1(1 i n nd tl1at no assessments were on the books. Had t.hi R sa~0 :I~formAtion been given to Tri-County Abstract when they r('l!,led r_he City, t"here wOllld nave been no prohlem wh~tsoe"('rl We feel that due to the assessments not being taken into consideration at the time of selling the propArty (bpcausA of the in~ormation received that no assessments were as yet on ~he hooks)1 t'he escrow money 1n the amoun~ of approximately $800 bein0 hel~ by C~1cago Title should be returned to us~ We would apprp-ctate hearing from you. SincerelY4 r: ~~,'! -, (, l .. './1',' , Armin ami Emil;, 'Dj~~~(,,1"' Pour,e 3, Rlk River ) -441.-4876 P.S. For the record, the Council meeting held on September 10, 1979 to revipw t_he assessments and determi.ning the amount of same was not open for voting to the public because the amount was establishen ~t 20% (I do not, understand the details) which required no approval by the people. . I _..J . Cif'J 0/ ff/onficetlo 250 East Broadway MONTICELLO. MN 55362 October 26, 1978 Tri County Abstract 116 6th Avenue South Box 1332 '. SLCloud, ~.i.;5~301 ,. . ,~i. . '~r. Or jer 1607 .4.1 'fIN, P 'nn& IKar Brenda: . This let.ter is to inform you'th..t th~re are no outstanding 8~,3e8.8/rlents against tl)l~ folloWing prCJPertY' atth1s time. . , <,\ ,'. ' \ 'IDt' 3'~' B16~tt c , Exc. It. 8 tt~ 'City of MohticeJ 10 . .' . ,Armin Dierseri, Owner ,.309 Eaat3rd Street SjnOerely, -, '. f ~ tf.J t~'a--t-4~ /1, Ri~. Wolfsteller ,', i Acm~:!;A6st. \ :~', ' "'.L~ :'1 ..',"'. . R~li& ~,~':.. ',: ." ...:"a~ 1t....."'''.- ~ 'IIt~;"~~' ."A..-........."':""..:~ :.:.-:t.}, 'ff. i wr' ,"M-J. """':\'. , 'I"' , . W.{( "". 10 1Jlonllc.11o . . . Itllt mpunlaln .1.: . .... ~':"~" .~r ';'~;':I' I... ~' w ,':~,~' ," "'-.'," ,,,........./.. M. IU I 'l! J)3.5731' ;:i&'~'ll . t >:,':1. 'co ,,',;1 't .........:. "",1 . I', 1,"L:\~'. , -'f,', ",~,.."" r ~ ~ '. , ,'.,,', ,:,{'):"; ,l~, : ;'('>>r~ c'ompl ete 'f-'t~ , " '","~" into YOllr?'-' " . c .~- in~ orel y, -7l~.. Mike' Rajala Publ ic Works '-::' I ",,' . ..) . 'f,. I I.... J ~,~ MR/lg_ I ' '.,"':" I J. 1" , . '". .. Di"eCto,~,:;,J, ~,":,:,l;'r; _,i:,,:}t/' ," . (:, i -- : j /!~ , : :r>.' , -' . . "', ~ . '1l'lonlketlo . . . ~',", ~ ,;,;~; ,'~' 0('- t1 \. 1<:_,_. "~I !;,,' ~ : " , 'Jln~',;-' I:" " :" i ' I",<t' t;lt!,'~,I,,:\:~~'~~1 a In ~~, " / " ,\.;. \ If ,t'on.. to j.! .. .' .~~ ".. .""'~...., '''-'''l' i~~"; I "Ii' ~.r ."",.,i/ ;-/ . . . '......dIIIlo- j J I' i I I , .' ~' I "; , , I . ~~ ,; ./ CIlUlIln., tllllUM I ,,-' '- ";;",~"#'c/ , WI IUlIYtfOU I , / . l ;.. J.. j ORR.SCHELEN.MAYERON&ASSOCIATES,INC. /.......;."..r~...,?-- ,."",""""....., 1011lA$l H(NHll"" AH . lUlU U'. lilI Ul'OUS,MIHHIIOTA 1)4\1 . .Im JJI 1f.t.U " I ~ -./ .... v \....v ., .. Monticello Proposed Permanent Street Improvement Program ..... " " " /, ',//' ,,;.-<.' "- / ...".... ,,- I .....~ I .' I""f".r', OSIUI ... COIIUlTl" IIlII.tElS )', ' ) J WG 'UlMYOU '.. .If.) , ~ A J.. j ORR. SCHELEN . MAYEI/ON &. ASSOCIATI',S, I NC' .....,,.,,,,,.,,,, 1(" I f..Sf NI Ntfl PUI hi . SUlll ])6 . till" 1 APel'S 1ooI11Oj"1' C 1. ..., . . . " /i \ ""', ''"'''''''.)'' -. w' J L ASSESSMENT ROLL . t)I~()JI~(~T 77-3 ASSESSABLE AREA Project 1877-3 CITY of MONTICEllO r, . .. .. ~, ').- ....... ......... ::::::::::::;:;:::::::;:::;::::::: Ar.. To .. a........ {:)>>>>}>: - StorM S.w.r Str..t A....."'.". * Revised 8/31/79 _ {II c!'~; I :1 (.:.~1 (-) '7 E.:; 0 ~ fQ~'")IC,.~/( /~55nJ'./ ~ ~N /'77/-/ .5-~ ~'" Sc-~o#< ?f"l ~--:t " ", .,""'..,... 'I.... "",...., '., .".,........ '"....'. . ....... ............. ....... -........ , I1ICf-;~r I t I , I I I I 1 I I J 1"'< ~_ I " 1'- ., , I I " r " " , . ~ \ .. \ .. " '" ~o / , ,,, ....' " " 1-....... _"_ ............ '-... ... ~ l-, ,,_ I ....'.... .. .. ~ ~ ;.;-..~ : ~ )11 "'" '.' . .,.... Fo If. stYI' 79 ~- ~.L 1-L j -- ... - .; etece -- .1 ~ ;d ~.Lc:, N019NI~C;\-IM "V'lF lL . -. I -- - - -by'ol/- _ ..... , - , ... - - - , I -~- \ \ , , I, u loe . \ . , . I . , \.. \~ .1" I \ ' : \ .~- I , \ ... ~ ,~ ~ , . ~uJ ~1 ~<( \ J I_ I -. , , I ....._,......' . \\) 7- ~ -] , - ,<( < ~ .. ... \ \ . , \ , \ I \\ \ l~ ....- ~ "1''' - .. .. ; ~QII -.. / . ....'" 1,. ---;/1/;" , , ; t I , 5'" ... ..... .~ , ~ ,~~ -- ..~ - - oz.L. 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I ! ,..c;o-..----- , _LL_ "'l J Ii I GJ.fWA)' I I I I I I~ I~ I I . r r: _1___ .... .- -"-,., . ., . 'J' ''"' ,~ .. r 1 .. I . I I , .. I, \ '0; la. \ " " ''''\, ~...,' Ii ! I I j ~' i \ ':~.'J:: ~.. / \ I. ' il:< I. ,.../ :\\, Ct',' :~..., I, . . ,\ l 'di !' >.V, . ',; \>_~/ , ~" "' \ "111'- ~ ."1}.. ,'"v'... .f. \ 1,\ .,.. J f ',~ j ,. \.1 ,', '. \'.'.\ ,j \~: / \ "., I . ~ ~ / \.- \',.,:,- i 'o;'I' \ y\'~>(~' ) """:,"','1 I " V/ ; I /.. / C)Ci, COt /- /0 )-'1 S-\-V"eel ~"'c.' \, . ! , {f " ~ __.n m BL monticello-Big lake Communit~nursing Horr . . September 14, 1979 Mr. Gary Wieber City Administrator City of Monticello Monticello, MN 55362 Re: The improvements made to Washington Street and the proposed development of Lower Monticello. Dear Mr. Wieber: ,"',':'. In the past the Nursing Home has en'joyed,arelatively"isolated location on Fourth and Washington Streets with the.Burlir1gt6n-Nort.her~ Rail Line serving as the southern boundry to our part of" Monticello. The extension of Washington Street and the ~roposed.housing has r~ised concerns of aripfol7'>~the residents and staff o~ the Montlcello-Blg Lake Corrnnumty Nursihg;Home. '.A numb$r of these concerns are llsted below: ',' I;;' 'f'" t~"'i , . 1 \ f., ".-i;N""'(I .' .,., · . ~, "! r '. '.. .....~J... 1. The safety of our residents, vi~Aors,'~na'~~s'tifft is our primary concern. He feel very strongly that the ex tens io!!~.a.f",..Washingt()n Street wi 11 have a definite impact on the welfare of all those~'involved with €fi'e""Nu(sing Home. ,.,,/' " A. The vol ume of traffic wi 11 incrlase in ..front of the Nursing Home. A traffic pattern {wnl develpp{t~. arlq,-..fr~mlB~~.~W.~Y and Highway 94 and Cedar Street are'a2" trhis1traff c(.W.il1.J!)(I,~ (thole going to the Junior and Senior High S~hQel and those using the thorpughfare as a shortcut to bypass the downtown are____ _----- ~hIjjjIpo."-,~."".....~ B. The speed of the traffic will increase the hazard to everyone, especially our senior citizens. WashinQton Street is and will continue to be utilized in a number of ways, and the~speed of the traffic is a concern. C. Families and visitors pick up and drop off residents in front of the Nursing Home. Our handicapped parking spaces are located on Washington Street. The speed of the traffic will have a definite effect on the utilization of the street by the handicapped and our seniors. D. A number of our residents like to stroll the street, but they may be afraid to cross at the intersections because there is presently no assurance that they will be safe in doing so. A few of our residents tend to wander away from the facility. They may be disoriented or confused; and without some traffic restrictions, the risk to these residents will be greatly increased. The risk might decrease if the Nursing Home were to lock all the doors, but that is something we cannot and will not do. E. Fourt h ond UJoshington monticello.mn. 55362 e>1d-5 (612) 295.. 511 m BL monticello-Big Lake Communit~nursing Hon . September 14, 1979 Page 2 E. The staff presently utilizes a parking lot across the street from the Nursing Home, and additional marking and signs may be in order. F. There is also a bus stop for the elementary school children located near Third and Washington Streets, facing the High School. G. In addition to the problems we face with the improvements to Washington Street, there are two additional roads that intersect with Washington Street directly in front of the) facility. .-". ;' fl" 'In::, '.." 2. Our secondary concern is thel..,n....cr~...a..'.~.e.. d.d.. ens.i.t...y.. ..,.a..f. ....population in our neighbor- hood. The higher density and increasetli~tilizatiorf(),f" this area will have a definite imp~ct. on the traffic p.. .~.~tertt~;i:jfa!l.'~.~tJ1.,9,ai'~.;:~~e are seriously concerned about the eX1st1ng hazards in the~rea1W"\1;1..~~~' '.. I':~ . t.; "'~';,"), j , '~'. r,,\,1 '.', 3. Our last concern is with the I~e~~heti.c va"\Je. ~j~'Aa: proposed housing in relation to the nei ghborhood. We woul d 1 i k~"!td'~ee.:t~~~neighborhood rema; n 5 i ngl e fami ly , residential dwellin~s. We realiie \th..a:,.r'~~.~.rea.,t:.~a1R?s.,.',alreadY been zoned for greater use, but we woul d 11 ke our concerns'\kno~.. I~.:,.'~,,-.~ The recommendations of the staff and_rQsidents.~ot_the Monticello-Big lake Community Nurs i ng Home are to: pi ,,_"'0' ""--...,-- ~1.,-1 '~ 1. Install three (3.""'$t...op.. .Sl....g...n..~. a..tlt~...e ..1..'n~.'.e.. r.~.se...c.ti.on..o'fi)FOurth and ~/ashington Streets to ens~r\ acemr~ttt0r,:e~-try,\st~~'l,(.1 . . 2. Install stop slgn~'~cat the ra1lroaJ trackl1tl'~rd9r' to halt traff1c traveling ; neither di rection :-"-",,./ 3. Post" slow" s ; gns a 1 on9 '~;t,-rn9ton5tree~ r the Nurs i ng Home. 4. Consider very carefully the impact that the higher density will have on the Community Nursing Home. 5. Locate parking lots in such a way that the traffic will flow away from the Nursing Home. 6. Provide a sufficient number of crosswalk areas that will be clearly marked for that purpose. Sincerely, THE RESIDENTS AND STAFF OF THE MONTICELLO-BIG LAKE COMMUNITY NURSING HOME 4iI' cc: Monticello City Planning Commission Mr. Gordon Jacobson TOB/zlm . E. Fourth and UJoshlngton monticello.mn. 55362 <.3 (612) 295-511 I&.... ____ ... m Bl monticello-Big Lake Communit~ Hospitol Districi . . September 14, 1919 Mr. Gary Wieber City Administrator City of MOnticello Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Re: The improvements made to Washington Street and the proposed development of L~l~.~ cl10 ,....... Dear Mr. Wieber~. . . . TI:e B?ard of Dtrl;{tdr.~. p.....~.;~.~.. t".tto. d:I.;..l.....~e(. .l.~~.~. I .\. onmun~ty Hospital Dlstrlct has r~qd 'tl\e'[e~t~,ltQ f~u'r ,.o~~c ..9IJ1 Resldents and Staff of the Mon~~eilo-Big Lake Crnm~1ty r" g Home (copy attached) regarding the abov€""eaptioned improvemen' e, the Board of Directors, wish to go on record as'tul'ly,osuppdlt"t e of all of the points of concern raised and the reconnnendations suggested in the letter. Our representative, Mr. Gordon Jacobsonr Will attend the meeting in your offices on September l8.Pleased1rect your questions and COIII\1ents to Mr. Jacobson for our review and action~\";,;. ,",' ~,', i "':, ',I"'\"::"'.,\:j';'" Sincerely, :1;~';. ' '. I , {IC' . I~ ')~! ~~~u\~"~,,~,"~;,~:,A ,6.1., o.-~ ~ - t J;;f ., Gladys Brown Secretary . MOnticello-Big Lake Community Hospital District GB:cs 1013 E. Broadway ~~,:'_":: ,~'.!~.~, \. . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, September 18, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: James Ridgeway, Dave Bauer, Ed Schaffer, Fred Topel, Dick Martie. Loren Klein (ex-officio) Members Absent: None The regular meeting of the Monticello Planning Corr~ission was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by James Ridgeway, Chairman. 1. Approval of Minutes. The Minutes of the Special Meeting of September 4, 1979 were unanimous- ly approved as presented. 2. Conditional Use Permit for a 24-Unit Apartment Building - Construction 5. Construction 5, Inc. has applied for a conditional uSe permit to construct a 24-unit apartment building on a portion of Block 43, Lower Monticello. Construction 5 recently purchased Blocks 43, 42, 41, 46, 47, 48, 49, 53, 52, 51 and 50, etc. from Earl Malone. This property is located south of the railroad tracks near the Nursing Home. Current zoning of Block 43 is R-3. During the first phase of the development, Construction 5 is planning to build a 24-unit, 2~ story apartment building consisting of seven I-bedroom units, eleven 2-bedroom units and six 3-bedroom units. The plat plan sub- mitted indicates three additional buildings proposed in the future consis- ting of 52 units. Mr. Leon Martin, of Construction 5, presented his plans for a 24-unit apart- ment building on Parcel "A" of the proposed apartment complex on Block 43 in Lower Monticello. Mr. Kenneth Holker, representing the owners of Holker's Hillside Addition, expressed his client's opposition to a 24-unit apartment building, stating two l2-unit buildings would be more acceptable. Nancy Maas expressed her opposition to any apartment building on that pro- perty because of the increased traffic. Mr. Gordon Jacobson, representing the Nursing Home Board was concerned about many items, as listed below: 1. Concerned for the safety of their residents, visitors and staff with the increased volume of traffic that would be generated with the extension of Washington Street and the proposed apartment building. 2. Increased density of population will have a definite impact on the traffic patterns. 3. Concern for the aesthetic value of the proposed housing in relation to the neighborhood. c:2..~ ." . . . PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - 9/18/79 The developer was asked if he had any comments on building two 12-unit apartment buildings as opposed to one 24-unit building. He stated he would prefer only one 24-unit building since construction costs would be higher for two l2-unit buildings. After discussing the subject, and with the approval of the developer, a motion was made by Fred Topel and seconded by Ed Schaffer to recommend approval of a 24-unit apartment building on Parcel "B" of the proposed building project. Voting in favor: Fred Topel, Jim Ridgeway, Ed Schaffer, Dick Martie. Opposed: Dave Bauer 3. Public Hearing on Ordinance Amendment to Adopt Recently Revised Federal Regulations regarding the National Flood Insurance Program. In order to continue its eligibility in the National Flood Insurance Program, the City of Monticello must adopt Flood Plain Regulations which have to be revised to contain certain criteria. By continuing its eligibility in the National Flood Plain Insurance Program, residents of Monticello have the opportunity to obtain flood insurance for their homes and busi- nesses. It should be noted that our current ordinance on Flood Plain Districts is being proposed to be completely deleted since the new regulation covers the same area along with the revisions promulgated by the National Flood Insurance Program. As with all zoning ordinance amendments, a public hearing is necessary before the Planning Commission. There was some concern about this regulation being retro-active, but it was pointed out that the ordinance would apply only to future develop- ment. Motion was made by Dave Bauer, seconded by Fred Topel and unanimously carried to recommend adoption of this revised ordinance. ~ Meeting adjourned. r J , Ii t-, , .. ~~~~",' (11. ~ ! J, ~) ty ~ ~~ Loren D. Klein . Builaing Official LDK/ns - 2 - ~J3 . .' . i ( '- ( / ,September 21, 1979'. " A 33.00 foot ingress, egress easement across the west 33.00 feet of the following described property: ' Lot 1, Block 1, Commercial Court, according to tile plat tllereof of record and on file in tile Office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. ", \ \ cc: $-79373 " .. ;</GAL ~~f4-y ~~A~/~ s . . . ( \ ( * September 21, 1979 A 33.00 foot Ingress, egress easement across the west 33.00 feet of the following described ,property: I Lot 2, Block 1, Comnercial Court, according to th;'plat thereof of record and on file in the Office of the County Recorder, \'lright County, Minnesota. - ~"""-. cc: S-79373 \ ." I '& ~ . . . ( ( September 21, 1979 A 33.00 foot ingress, egress easement across the Hest 33.00 feet of the following described property: Lot 3, Block 1, Corr~ercial Court, according to the plat thereof of record and on file in the Office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota. \ cc: $-79373 . Consulting Engineers Land SU/1/e}'ors ORR .SCHELEN. MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC. Division of Kidde Consultants, Inc. September 20, 1979 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello Box 777 250 East Broadway Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Improvement 79-1 Dear Mr. Mayor and Council Members: In conjunction with Improvement 79-1, now under construction by Barbarossa & Sons, Inc., a section of Washington Street (approximately 60 feet) north of the BN Railway tracks was not considered in the Improvement as it relates to placement of curb and gutter. . Under Project 77-3, the street improvement project, we did not place curb and gutter to the railroad tracks, stopping about 60 feet short, due to future construction and utility placement we contemplated under Project 79-1, the Lauring Lane and Washington Street extension. As construction pro- ceeded on Project 79-1 to near completion in this area, we determined it would be desirable to now extend the curb and gutter on Washington Street to the railroad right-of-way. This could have been accomplished under unit prices of the 79-1 contract if curb and gutter was to be placed on the pro- ject. If you may recall we decided to utilize rural type construction (no curb and gutter) in lieu of urdan type streets so this necessitated no reason to bid curb and gutter. Now that curb and gutter is necessary, a change order would need to be negotiated to undertake this additional work. In negotiating a price with Barbarossa & Sons, Inc., it must be realised that this is a small addition to the contract and require~ hand placement of the curb and gutter forms in lieu of a curb machine as used in past projects. This is reflected in the cost below and the amount of the change order would be as follows: . 2021 East f1cnnc/~)!n /::'venue . ,,""., 1;- .....,Jl.i,'. ".,.", . . l,: ~;. ~ ... ~:.: 54? .:!. I; tS' 1.2 / ,~; ':" :.f _ .:~"",< . . . Mr. Mayor and Council Members September 20, 1979 Page 2 85 LF curb and gutter at $11.00 per LF = 28 LF of driveway at $18.00 per LF = Total $ 935.00 504.00 $1,439.00 215.85 Barbarossa's profit 15% Total Construction Cost $1,654.85 I would recommend that a change order in the amount of $1,654.85 be executed with Barbarossa & Sons, Inc. under Contract 79-1, if the City Council deems the curb and gutter necessary. Yours very truly, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON ~ Aj7)?CIATES' INC. ~~~~~P'E' City Engineer CC: JP File JPB/vkj 7 . . . , \ \ ' , ,,1t1it.1iU 041' .~ .,' ~~ '" .... 1'1. .11 0", ..,II! IU ~ ~ \~: 11111111 :; o)ij'~JO ....... DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND lJRBAN DEVELOPMENT FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION WASHING'T'ON. O. C. Z0410 II'", r:,)~. !:;:'L y ~'I-:' I,-E ~ ft). r:L';{',:'IFIBn r.:AIL j,'}"3:m'i ;mC.i::JPT REQUESTED IFE (162): no - .l ~1."y 1, 1979 The Hono.eh10 Conrad O. Johnson Mayor, (:it~ of Mcmticello Ci ty Hall 250 East Broadway P.O. Box 777 Monti~ello, Minnesota 55362 Attention: Mr. Gary Wieber Dear Mayor Johnson: This is to formally notify you of the final flood elevation determination for the Ci ty of Monticello, {vr ight County, Minnesota, in compliance \~'i ti1 Part 1917, Chapter 10, Title 24, Code of Federal Regulations. This section requires that notice of final flood elevations shall be sent to the COlTlJl1- unity's Chief Executive Officer, all individual appellants, and the state coordinating agency, and shall be published in the Federal Register. On October 19, 1978, your community was provided copies of the Flood Insurance Study and Draft Flood Insurance Rate Maps for information and review. Those documents notified the community of the proposed base flood elevations, which were subsequently published in Monticello Times on or about January 18, 1979 and January 25, 1979. Within the ninety-day appeal period provided for in Section 110 of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, the Federal Insurance Administration (FIA) has not received any appeals of the proposed base flood elevations from officials or individual residents of your community. Other appe21s or inquiries which FIA may have received regarding data other than the base flood elevations will be resolved before the Flood Insurance Study and Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) become effective. Accordingly, the determination of the Administrator as to the base flood elevations for your community is considered final. The final base flood elevations are identical to the proposed base flood elevations published in the above- mentioned newspaper and the Federal Register at 44 F.R. 4965 on Januilry 24, 1979. The final base flood elevations will be published again in the Federal Register as soon as possible, and they are reflecb~d in the accolTl- panying proof copies of the Flood Insurance Study and FII~1. The Flr~ will become effective six months from the date of this letter. Before the effective date, FIA will send you final printed copies of tl-w Flh:'~ ClOd Study. ~ . . . 2 Since' LllC Flood Insurance Study establishing the foregoing 100-year b21~7,P flood elevations for your community has been completed, certain additional requirements must be met under Section 1361 of the National Flood InsurAnce M~t of 1968, as amended. The community is required, as a condition of con- tinued eligibility in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), to adopt or show evidence of adoption of flood plain management regulations that meet the standards of Section 1910.3 (d) of the enclosed Program regulations (24 CFR 1909, etc.) within six months of the date of this letter. These standards are the minimum requirements and do not supersede any state or local require- ments of a more stringent nature. The Standards of Section 1910.3 (d) which your community is required to meet are explained in brief on the attachment accompanying this letter. It must be emphasized that all of the standards specifie~ in this section of the program regulations must be enacted in a legally enforceable document. Some of these standards should already have been enacted by your community in order to estab- lish initial eligibility in the National Flood Insurance Program. Therefore, compliance by your community with the additional flood plain management requi.re- ments may be accomplished in a number of ways. For example, your community may: (1) incorporate existing regulations by reference in any new regulations adopted to meet the additional requirements of Section 1910.3 (d), or (2) adopt all of the 1910.3 (d) standards in one new, com- prehensive Set of regulations, or (3) show evidence that regulations have previously been adopted which meet or exceed the minimum requirements of Section 1910.3 (d). Communities that fail to enact the necessary flood plain management regulations will be suspended from participation in the program and subject to the prohibi- tions contained in Section 202 (a) of the 1973 Act as amended. The effective date of your community's Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) also marks the date that actuarial rates for flood insurance will be charged for all new construction and substantial improvements to existing structures, and these rates may be higher if construction is not built in compliance with the flood plain management standards of the National Flood Insurance Program. As you may know, the actuarial flood insurance rates increase as the first floor elevation (including basement) of new construction decreases in relation to the base flood elevations established for your community. This is an important consideration for new construction since building at a higher elevation can greatly reduce the cost of flood insurance. Also, on the effective date of your community's FIRM, additional "second 13yer" coverage, which will double the available coverage, will become available. First layer coverage on existing structures built prior to the e[fectiv~ 8 . 3 date of the FIRM will continue to be available at subsidizec rates (unless substantial improvements are made)~ it will also be available 2t actuarial rates and can be purchased at whichever rate is lower. If your community is encountering difficulties in enacting the flood plain management measures, we urge you to contact FLA. You may either contact the office of the Federal Insurance Administration, Regional Director, in Chicago, Illinois at (312) 353-0757 or members of Our staff in Washington, D.C., at (202) 426-1891 to assist you with problems in interpretinq the program regulations, or with other difficulties you might be hav!og in meeting the program requirements. Sincerely, Gloria M. Jimenez Federal Insurance Administrator -?%~v~ By Richard W. Krimm Assistant Administrator for Flood Insurance . Enclosures . ~ . FLOOD PLAIN ~t~NAGEHENT REQUlREHENTS OF SECTION 1910.3 (d) IN BRIEF . The list beloH outlines the flood plain ~anaGe~ent rcquire~cnts of Section 1910.3(d). These requirc~ents are stated in regulatory language and arc intended to scrve as a guideline in formulating adequate flood plain m,::J.n.:lgc~:.cnt rcsulations. t'Tnile the standards set out below must be adopted consistent tvith Section 1910.3(d), they should be tailored 'or consistency with local regulatory language and corrmunity needs. Section 1910.3(d) requires that communities participating in the National Flood Insur~nce Program shall, at a minimum, apply the follow- ing flood pl~in 2~nagcment measures in ?ll areas identified as having special flood h~~ards by zones AI-30, AO, and unnu~bered A zones on the communi ty' s Flood Insurance Ra te !-!.Jp (FIR.:-I): 1. Require per~its for all proposed construction and other development* (includihb place~ent of prefabricated buildings and mobile ho~es) on properties in any special flood hazard area (i.e., zones AI-3D. AD. and u:mur:1bered A zones on the cOl!X1uni ty IS FlR.:.1). 2. As.sure that all ~eccssary pernits have been received from those govern~c:1t3~ 3cencies fro~ ~hich approval is required by Federal or S tat e 1 J,i,. . . 3. Require that new construction and substantial i~provements (includin~ prefabric3ted buildings a~d cobile ho~cs) be anchored to prevent flotation ~nd lateral ~ovc~ent, and be constructed with flood resistant ~aterials and ~ethods. (See Section 1910.3(b)(8) for anchoring standards for mobile hones). 4. Assure t~:~~t s1,;bc.:.vi.sion pro?os3ls and pro::)Qsals for other develop- ments, includi.ng their utilities and craina;c arc located and designed to be consistent with the need to minimize flood dacage. 5. Require that all subdivision proposals and other proposed new develo?~eats ;rcater than 50 lots or 5 acres. whichever is less, include base flood elevation data. . 6. Require new water and sewer systems (including on-site systems) to be located and designed to avoid i~pair~ent. 7. Obtain and ~aintain records of elevations and floodproofing levels for all neH or substantially icproved structures, and whether or not such structures contain a base~ent. . 8. Notify, in ri.verine situations, adjacent co~~unities and the State Coordinatin~ Office ~rior to anv alteration or relocation of a watercourseC"and 3ubmit copies of such notifications to FlA. 9. Assure that the flood carryin~ capacity within the altered or relocated portion of any ~atercourse be ~aintaincd. . *Th~ term "dcvclo:l:7.t2nt" should be defined to. :::.ean "any ::-:ax;-~ade change to 1m?roved or u~~~8roved real estate includ~ng but not ll~~ted to buildin~s or Ot:1er structures, min:ng. dredging. filling. grading, paving. excavation or drilling operations. " g .0. following requirements apply in specific zones on the FIRH: 10. . In unnu~hcred A zones, obtain, review, and reasonably utilize base noDe elevation clata fron alternative sources, prior'to its being provided by FIA through its Flood Insurance Rate Study, as criteria for requirins that all new residential structures and substantial improvements to existing structures have thcir lowest floor (incluJ- ing base~ent) elevated to or above the base flood level, and new nonresidential structures and substantial improvements to existing ones have the lowest floor (including basement) elevated or flood- proofed to or above the base flood level. 11. For ne~., residential structures and substantial improvements of existine structures, require: In zones AI-3D, that the lowest floor (including basement) be elevat~d :0 or above the base flood level, unless an exception for the allo~.;ance of basements and/or storm cellars is granted by the FlA. In zone AG, that the lowest floor (includin8 basement) be elevated above the cro~vn of the nearest street to or above the depth nU:i1bcr specified on the COIT'_11unity I s FIR}L 12. For new nonrcsi,:c~ti31 structures and substantial improvements of existing Str~cLures, require: . In zones AI-3D. that the lowest floor (including basement) be elcvatea to or above the hasc flood level; or be flood- proofed to or above the base flood level.** In zone AD, t~at the lowest floor (includinz basement) be elcv.:l:::'2----:.i':;o\'c the cro.,\-:1 oi the ncares t street to or above the depth nu~her specified on the FI~1; or be floodproofed to or above that level. 13. In zones AI-3D 3~d AG, where floodproofing is used in lieu of eleva- tion I rcqui r:c :,:~::' 3 regis tered ?rofes s ional engineer or archi tee t record and ce~:ify that the floodproofing methods used are adequate to withstand t~e forces associated wit~ the base flood: or submit to the rIA for ~pproval, local rc~ulations containi~s detailed floodproofi~; 3?ecifications which ~eet the waterti~ht performance standards. 14. In zones Al-30, for new or substantially imoroved mobile home parks or subdivisic~s and for mobile home nlacement not in existing mobile ho~e parks and subdivisions, require that stands or lots are elevated to or above the base flood level, that adequate access and drainage is ?rovided, and, if applicable, that construction standards for elevation on pilings are met (in accordance with Section 1910.3 (c)(5) ). 15. Assure that the adopted regulatory flood\vay is designed to carry the waters of t~e base flood without increasing the base flood level ~ more than one foot at any point. ~*The tcr:) "f 1 00..1';) roo fed" should substanti311y i~?~r~cablc to the components h3vin~ :he caDabilit~ loads and etfects of buoyancy.'" be defined to mean ">",atertight with walls passa?,e of water and ~ith structural ot resisting hydrostatic and hydrodynamic ( / ~ 16. Prohibit any development or encroachment (including fill) within the regulatory floodway which would result in any increase in flood levels during the base flood discharge. 17. Prohibit the placement of mobile homes, except in existing mobile home parks or mobile home subdivisions, within the regulatory floodway. . . . Attachment D 11/76 . 8 / . STATE OF ~If:flr~~@u~ DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL IVISION OF WATERS, Space Center Building. RESOURCES St. Paul. Mn 55101 PHONE, (612) _,296::.~~.OO August 14. 1979 The Honorable Arve Grimsmo Monticello City Mayor City Hall 215 South Cedar Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 CERTIFIED Dear Mayor Grimsmo: The draft Monticello Flood Plain Management Ordinance, which was prepared and submitted for review by Mr. Gary Wieber. City Adminis- trator. on July 31, 1979, has been reviewed for compliance with State Flood Plain Management Standards (NR 85-92). I am pleased to inform you that this draft ordinance meets or ex- ceeds all state minimum standards. Therefore, in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 104.04 and on behalf of the Commissioner of Natural Resources, I hereby certify approval of the above men- tioned draft ordinance. . This approval is valid only if the ordinance is adopted without any changes from the draft we have reviewed. If you decide to make changes to the draft, please send the new draft ordinance to our Regional Office (DNR Division of Waters. 303 Charles Street, Brainerd, MN 56401) for review. The draft ordinance and state regulations require your zoning ad- ministrator to send copies of certain local decisions and hearing notices to the Commissioner. Please send these materials to our Regional Office in Brainerd. Do not hesitate to contact our Brainerd Office should you need as- sistance in interpreting or administering your Flood Plain Manage- ment Ordinance. Your City's cooperation and initiative in providing for the reduc- tion of flood damage. and the protection of public health and safety is very much appreciated. . LS : DEY : Is cc~ary Wieber, City Administrator Larry Bailey, FIA Region III Waters AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER {~ ~ -~ \ -)">- ---- LIQUOR FUND . AMOUNT LIQUOR DISBURSEMENTS FOR SEPTEMBER - 1979 . Griggs, Cooper & Co. - Liquor Johnson Bros. - Liquor Twin City wine - Liquor Ed Phillips & Sons - Liquor Griggs, Cooper & Co. - Liquor N. S. Power - Utilities Yonak Sanitation - Contract Old Peoria Co. - Liquor Bernick's Pepsi - Misc. mdse. Wright County State Bank - FED W/H tax Twin City Wine - Liquor Johnson Bros. - Liquor Old Peoria - Liquor Ed Phillips & Sons - Liquor Wright County State Bank - Investments Comm. of Revenue - State W/H tax Comm. of Revenue - Sales tax State Treasurer - PERA Ed Phillips & Sons - Liquor Griggs, Cooper & Co. - Liquor Banker's Life - Group Ins. Wright County State Bank - T-bill purchase Grosslein Beverage - Beer Day Dist. Co. - Beer Dahlheimer Dist. Co. - Beer Granite City Cash Register Co. - Tape Jude Candy - Misc. supplies Thorpe Dist. Co. - Beer, etc. Dick Beverage Co. - Beer Old Dutch Foods- Misc. mdse. 7 Up Bottling Co. - Misc. mdse. A. J. Ogle - Beer Viking Coca Cola - Misc. mdse. Rich's Heating & Air Conditioning - Air condo repair Trushenski Trucking - Freight Monticello Office Products - Scissors, tape Monticello Times - Adv. and help wanted ads Bridgewater Telephone - Telephone Heskins Electric - Move gondola at Store Twin City Wine - Liquor Johnson Bros. - Liquor Griggs, Cooper & Co. - Liquor 1836.40 962.14 554.16 3581. 93 1223.92 584.71 30.00 123.19 180.00 359.90 674.91 1367.09 601.09 2543.73 30000.00 150.60 2485.32 222.53 3322.75 991. 45 153.18 49516.74 12450.02 248.82 4984.95 48.00 545.48 2315.90 5029.05 157.04 439.55 737.20 582.55 166.95 252.65 11.35 94.60 43.30 25.00 1381.38 2254.92 963.22 Payroll for August 2430.15 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS $136,627.82 . q CHECK NO. 8886 8887 8888 8889 8890 8891 8892 8893 8894 8895 8896 8897 8898 8899 8900 8901 8902 8903 8904 8905 8906 8907 8908 8909 8910 8911 8912 8913 8914 8915 8916 8917 8918 8919 8920 8921 8922 8923 8924 8925 8926 8927 GENERAL FUND - SEPTEMBER - 1979 . Arcon Construction - Const. payment Mike Dick - Summer employment salary Brian Wieman _ II II II Keith King _ II II II Dept. of Nat. Resources - Dep. Reg. Inver Hills Comm. College - Bldg. Dept. seminar Ed Lange - Custodial services Yonak Sanitation - Contract Mrs. Mae Ward - Inf. Center salary Mrs. Lucy Andrews - Inf. Center salary Ind. School District #$$2 - Library rent Arve Grimsmo - Mayor salary Dan Blonigen - Council salary Mrs. Fran Fair - Council salary Ken Maus - Council salary Phil White - Council salary Gwen Bateman - Animal Imp. expense Wright County State Bank - FWT taxes Dept. of Nat. Resources - Dep. Reg. U. of MN. - Seminar - Parking li'acilities James Preusse - Cleaning city hall Mgmt. Center - St. Thomas - Seminar - Nancy Spivak United Parcel Service - Postage for Sewer Dept. return Arcon Construction - Const. payment Comm. of Revenue - SWT tax Comm. of Revenue - Water excise tax Pera - State Treasurer Postmaster - Stamps Ernst & Whinney - Seminar for R. Wolfsteller - Fin. Rpt. Dept. of Nat. Resources - Dep. Reg. Edward Lange - Custodial services North Central Public Services - Utilities John Simola - August mileage Walt Mack - Mileage Banker's Life Ins. - Group Ins. Tri County Abstract - Assessment reimbursement Loren Klein - Mileage Wright County State Bank - Investments Northdale Construction - Canst. payment Barbarossa & Sons - Canst. payment Monticello Fire Dept. - Payroll Maus Foods - Misc. supplies MacQueen Equip. - Parts for street sweeper Phillips Petro. - park-l.$l; tree-55.83; sewer-194.45; water-52. 57; street-88.82 Earl Andersen & Assoc. - Street signs & posts Stokes Marine - Bar plate, saw repair, oil, etc. Miller Davis Co. - 3 doz. quit claim deeds forms Valley Equip. Co. - Repairs to loader . . 9 AMOUNT 80327.9$ 51. 20 $6.40 47.30 31.00 38.25 157.50 29$1.50 67.85 77.05 147.00 125.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 459.50 21$3.20 13.00 75.00 1$0.00 50.00 6.74 3S9$1.66 101$.$0 52.87 1523.56 189.00 65.00 14.00 143.50 36.37 12.00 128.60 1455.73 34.65 125.60 629542.53 179812.43 304114.68 147.00 44.31 341. 92 393.4$ 413.95 32.45 7.53 43.39 CHECK NO. 11970 11971 11972 11973 11974 11975 11976 11977 11978 11979 11980 119$1 119$2 119$3 11984 11985 11986 11987 119$$ 119$9 11990 11991 11992 11993 11994 11995 11996 11997 11998 11999 12000 12001 12002 12003 12004 12005 12006 12007 1200$ 12009 12010 12011 12012 12013 12014 12015 12016 12017 . GENERAL FUND American National Bank & Trust Co. - 1960 Bond-Pr. & Int. New England Business - 1000 ledger cards Tri state Drilling & Equip. - New pumps and control panel at lift station in bridge park Akins Fire Equip. - 820' hose for pumper truck Daleiden Plumbing, Heating, Inc. - Bolt cutter for fire truck Springsted, Inc. - Bond consultant fees - 79-1 G. O. Bond Liefert Trucking - Freight for survival units - Fire Dept. St. Cloud Fire Equip. - Fire ext. at Mtce. Bldg. St. Paul Area Chamber of Corum. - Twin city maps Monticello Times - 1 yr. renewal for Times Moody's Investor Services - Mun. Bond rating fee - 79-1 Monticello Times - Legal notice - OAA area Wright County Auditor - Assessing services 1979 -6383.27 and t police fines - Aug. - 689.50) Mork Communications - Repairs to pagers - Fire Dept. N. S. Power - Utilities Our Own Hardware - Elec. tape, drill bit, paint, etc. Annandale Sod Service - Sod at former Sen. Cit. center Coast to Coast - Paint, rakes, gloves, etc. Neenah Foundry Co. - 2 grates - catch basins Feed Rite Controls - August testing Badger Meter - 2000' wire for water meters Local #49 - Union dues Flicker's T-V - 10 sets of pager batteries - Fire Dept. Tom Thumb - Gas for fire truck Harry's Auto Supply - Misc. supplies & repair parts Hurst Performance In~. - Power hydraulic tool - Fire Dept. Water Products Co. - Hyd. ext. valve (VFW) & 1" meter for Trinity Lutheran Church - reimbursed by both Monticello Ready Mix - Rods for fireplace, reprs. Hoglund Bus - Repair parts Corum. of Transportation - High altitude prints Ind. Lumber Co. - Materials for salt bin Carlson Welding - Misc. welding Monticello Office Products - Misc. office supplies Barton Contracting Co. - Class 5 stock pile American Legion Post #260 - 1 flag James Maurice - Fire school - Montevideo Elwood Haaland - Fire school - " Dave Kranz - Fire school - Owatonna Gene Jensen - Fire School - Owatonna Ted Farnam - Fire school - Owatonna Paul Klein - Fire school - Montevideo Paul Klein - Fire school - Owatonna Continental Safety Equip. - Convert 5 survival units to pressure demand units . . 1 AMOUNT 25752.50 28.30 9135.50 2792.00 59.20 7686.70 33.00 66.50 13.57 9.00 1100.00 65.30 7072.77 95.40 3122.14 96.72 113. 75 75.95 124.20 77.50 157.36 44.00 30.00 17.15 45.72 5804.23 237.46 82.25 15.47 6.00 193.31 34.50 92.68 191.60 5.00 209.79 209.51 60.00 60.00 60.00 162.80 60.00 436.55 CHECK NO. 12018 12019 12020 12021 12022 12023 12024 12025 12026 12027 12028 12029 12030 12031 12032 12033 12034 12035 12036 12037 12038 12039 12040 12041 12042 12043 12044 12045 12046 12047 12048 12049 12050 12051 12052 12053 12054 12055 12056 12057 12058 12059 12060 . . . GENERAL FUND Willard Farnick - Fire school - Montevideo Jay Morrel - Fire school _ " Marn Fli cker - Fire school _ " Gross Industrial - Laundry service O. K. Hardware - Anchor bolts, desk lamps, outlets Moon Motors - Repairs to J. Deer tractor & Cub Cadet Central McGowan - Qyl. rental charge Monticello Times - Public hearing notice, etc. Bridgewater - Telephone -(213.88 - reimb. by OSM) Anderson Chemical - 3900# Alum sulfate - Disp. plant National Bushing - Misc. supplies Marco Business Products - Service contract - typewriter Poirier drug - First aid kit - Matc. Bldg. Mobil Oil - Tree-2.74; park-64.62; street-68.11; water-5.38; sewer-43.68; fire-23.46 Amoco Oil - Tree-67.15; park-24.64; street-39.37; water-21.78; sewer-32.69; fire-15.44 F. A. Tenney - New roof at fire hall Buffalo Rendering - Sanitary service contract Warning Lites, Inc. - Rental 5 lites - sewer rodding N. W. Bell - Fire phone Moores Excavating - Raise up water shut off - VFW OSM - Eng. fees - July 79 Monticello Rotary - Dues - 2nd half 1979 League of MN. Cities - Tax increment financing booklet Rick Wolfsteller - Mileage Payroll for August TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS '7 AMOUNT CHECK NO. 176.39 12061 197.65 12062 204.77 12063 86.80 12064 32.85 12065 59.45 12006 2.48 12067 464.32 12068 748.01 12069 417.30 1207C 89.09 12071 60.00 12072 10.52 12073 207.99 12074 201. 07 12075 9200.00 12076 20.00 12077 54.25 12078 22.32 12079 20.00 12080 4400.59 12081 124.00 12082 3.75 12083 30.00 12084 12884.03 $1,341,633.49 1m; ,. ,. ...NE~ J(-' 1--"'14 1: '1 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ . \,~ ~I OF TP,p.1 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 372~ 12TH ST. NO., BOX 370 ST. CLOUD, MINNESOTA ~6301 Phone, _~2~~1_L_._ August 22, 1979 Mr. John P. Badalich Orr-Sche1en-Mayeron & Associates, 2021 East Hennepin Avenue Suite 238 Minneapolis, MN 55413 Inc. .RECEIVED 1JRR..scHE1.[N.-MAVERON F. ASSOC. COMM. . AUG 2 41979 Dear Mr. Badalich: ,_.'-~--_.- l I e'. - ~'.- '.,..'...,..-- j -. .~- --. --~ I ."i u-- " i ~ following conditions: The entrance permit you submitted will be approved with the A right turn lane shall be constructed on the shoulder of T.R. 25 to serve the Sandberg South Edition. . All work will be the responsibility of the applicant and shall be accomplished at no expense to the state. The right turn lane shall be constructed as indicated on the detail plate en- closed herein. The following provisions shall apply to construction: All work shall be done in accordance with the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation "Standard Specifications for Highway Construction," 1978 edition. Compaction shall be 13S specified in 2l05.3F2 ordinary compaction method. All disturbed areas shall be topsoiled and seeded with seed mixture 5. Type I mulch shall applied to all seeded areas. Traffic control during construction shall be in accordance with Appendix B of the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Striping will be done by state forces. A 51000.00 deposit is required in our office prior to issuance of the permit. Deposit instructions are included. . Sincerely, ;?~~ Roger Busch Roadway Regulations Supervisor cc: D. Durgin D. Lange AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ~0 3 . . I I I I ; i t ! 0:1 ' w . (l. I~ II . I , /.1 i //' ! ;. I , i I I' , I I ~ ~ I 11 ! ! Ii I I I {( '.Jl U _ J C\ I lJ) w ~. ~- t, 2 <~, - ...... - 5- " 3 .J o IJ') 0. W J " l." .:=,. "_"l ') (";1.- " 0 o ',\ ,--I) -. "- ~ll (1 \tl ~ .d ,~ , I .;.J. .J l~~ "', r. I:"":" \J l) ~ ~-) ,-I, . ,) \. ( I I . .. - ....l ,'I) r'l , I 1\ ) N 1 - ~ VJ ~ ..::0....'" --' - >- c{ ~ a .c o 0::. w v <{ ...J Q. :2 _J A I I "- I lJJ l.t. I :2 J.- \ I 1: _ N -10 1:- 0 - -.. \'J \!) C\1 ~f1) 0 - :J Q! l1J I- et ~ V' 0 IJ U:: ~ ...j 111 t, I ~'" :> ..:J \ - 1l., \ ~ - D 'Z \ ) I \i:0r \ w I Vl a.. N ct 1.Ill I ....ro ( I I I I, I -0 :> {~ I I .z: a ~ ~ C ~ \ '-.:tJ ..."........... ."....'. ,.~.I4;\~1w,:';..~~';!'-.,--:"":\ot;~~.~''r~'..~,_~',I~:~.,~-.....~.: ;,'!A,,;~i~I~~""""".~,'?:~r!'~":' ,'L.~... " .,"~" I ". ,'....-":..,. ""...~_',~._h.,.w".. . DE.f\)SIT REQUIREK.L"~:'; . The applicant shall F;usrantee the quality of hie work by posting a deposit or bond in the amount determined by the Area Maintenance Engineer. The deposit shall consist of a Certified Check, Cashier's Check, or Bond made payable to Commissioner of Transportation and remain on deposit until the Area Maintenance Engineer has determined that all of the work per- formed under the permit complies with his requirements and is satisfactory 1n all reB['ectB. If it ie determined that the work performed by the applicant doee not meet the specified requirements, he may be ordered by the Area Maintenance Engineer to make neceSG8ry corrections. These corrections shall be made within a ti.e limit set by the Area Maintenance En[,lneer, and if not, the State reserves the right to perform the work and charge cost of such work against applicant and his posted rle~oBit. . 3 \ cr1 q SIC\J.J~ z <;: WIAt\~ L. ~..-,.,~ S ~' : 011SG{) ON 001'1\1 ~ OUS us\..= OF IO)DOO G~ P0R r-v\ ~6 ~v~ Mo &, L l ,'NbS p~(.:.. (:0N\ 't..;;;(..:~ --. ~~N ~\~~~lC .\)0 C. ~ ~\.... 0 - .J D' l::: lr\ "\,,,,~e ~- '-..,) ..s ~u.Jc /L. loQS2. .., 2. <,; I/,lcfl'-~: M, ''':''''J\ v - \.:i...Oo fl..,I, '......) ,,~2 W f\..\~.'1- ~9.2 lD .~ to ~-! S~ 4g~ 5~ '11i. I~~ 4 7'3 If &'J (, ,... uJ "T.c~ NJ~ "Ie,) N ..e f' 2 2. ?" 47J., .. '_ ('0 5- t.o<"...l 6~ L~ !..... \ l'-.h h'liLO J'JON'T: ~vl/o t--\J\pL~ t ~K~ ~ C\ """ ..c i' ) r<, 1'..1 / 1\ \ 0 "I ~ N NJp.. Ni" ...3o~ N ~ s 39 rv\ , L f\-\.. ~ Ro~~s A0j M.,,,,, ~;~:, . t r:- , ::r <. '~1, &~ q ?O ,IS tJ NOI'lL'- T'o 71'''_ 11,2. (,'-/ Ills. 0 I .II f 1..1 JJlJ,i- . --.' . ~. \,.: ~ ">-.'., I ~:t:.;..,.~. .~,._,,~'.~r~. ',':;7 '\;~J. r ';.;;:f,/ ./'c"'c:.... ....~ . " ," . .r,..;' . "\." .' DARRELLL WOLFF County Stierln 2 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 5 . .'. ,C_"... .' . tp - 24 Hour EmllrgolflC'f TelephOnes. Metro 473-6673 Monticello 295-2533',_ Delano 972.2924 Cokato 286.5454 September 20, 1979 Honorable Mayor City Council Monticello, Minn. 55362 Gentlemen: Enclosed is the Sheriff's Law Enforcement report for the month of August, 1979. 568 hours of patrol service were contracted for during the period in which the following activities were tallied: Vandalism - windshields smashed out of vehicles Theft of 12 scales from the Junior & Senior high schools - under investigation Property damage - vehicle involved in an accident pushed into a house Attempted theft of battery from a vehicle Vandalism - battery cables cut on vehicle Unauthorized use of motor vehicle - vehicle taken from Monticello Ford - recovered in a field 3~ miles away Property damage - road tore up in park - cleared & repaired Theft of life jackets from Jack's Outlet Robbery at Perkins - cash taken - under investigation Property damage - motorcycle tore up lawn in park - cleared Criminal damage to property - bottle thrown through window Theft of money from till at Kentucky Fried Chicken - under investigation Theft of a CB radio from vehicle Attempted theft of a bus from Hoglund's Bus Company - no theft - damage to freeway fence Burglary at Monticello High School - cleared by arrest Theft of a battery from vehicle Theft of meat & cheese from cooler at River Terrace Theft of tent, blankets, sleeping bag & cot from River Terrace - cleared by arrest & items were recovered Theft of CB radio & mike and an eight track player from vehicle Theft of 8 track tape deck from a residence Theft of a radio & camera from vehicle Property damage - window in hospital shot by BB gun Arrests of runaways Bench warrant arrests Animal complaints . 2 1 145 - 57 - 48 - 19 - 9 ~. YI.;iI James F. Powers, Chief Depl,lty 24 Hour Emergency Telephon", Ml'tro 473.6673 Monticello 295.2533 Delano 972:2924 Cokato 286.5454 Sheriff's report for Monticello for August. 1979. continued: 1 2 4 12 - 6 9 2 1 2- 1 Missing resident from the Nursi~Home - located & returned Civil matters Medical aids Traffic problems Miscellaneous complaints Disturbances Domestics Fire reported Suspicious circumstances & persons Report of a picnic table in river - cleared & subjects put table back where it belonged Motorcycle complaint Harassment Car & subject checks Citizen aids Motorists warned Accidents investigated Open doors 46 - Traffic tickets issued: 3 16 - 2 1 1 3 1 8 6 1 I 3 Driving while intoxicated Speed Careless driving Reckless driving Erratic driving Stop sign & signal Lane usage Driver license violations Improper registration Unsafe equipment No insurance Illegal parking 120ur truly. , / .' '.' .,'~ ,r~ ./ ./ ....- , ' ....' ,d ~ :{'. .(", , < ~/d/v ctt/) :P Darrell Wolff. Sher1ff Billing: For the month of August, 1979 -- $ 5,838.00 .. ~.~ .. '""~ . . . (~'I'J of' ff/onlicetlo 250 East BrOildvvdY MONTICEllO, MN :;53G2 ;ZJ rY.e&ol'l/ CaLLE'p Fox Ie, / ...7:111) '1-;'7/-7 ;; /'W1Z:r cJu,)~^, ~"'so/V) PU!'$lant to your request on the parcel described below, pendj_ng assessments are as follows: PHOJECT IMPHOVEMENT PllINCIPAL AMOONT DUE 12-.31-7 '7 . 1,,177..; .s~ ,-,4ft,; 'c:... J4<.. 11 'r/ CJJ'/f 20 Go Yz. YEARS LEFT INTEREST * Indicates estimate, since assessments on this project havre Lot r,';'-Tl i'inal 1. :~ed. Legal description including Parcel #: ,#' __")O()- IO/~ J./6;)J .1- '-/1 ;Ie 3in~er81y , S- { '- (.) ,~,llJ' Wi eber ..:::. ty A:i.mini ~:rtri1tor '1(,'/ ~/l onu fo 11/ullliccllJ , . . llll. IIldun/aiil .5'1 ~ ~.S~/ JtN~ tA),.'f ~ 11/;7/'7 L/-Y <:f. 27- /? ~c::.._ err.; IfY! cv ~ --_.~-'~-'~._. .,..; \./" JlLI/ {) /. 7/! -t., i ' ~'~.: ~., .'. - L<:J . -, ~ ~/ZS _~ .. - , ~::) ~-:C,~~, ' '-"''-------'~ _.~~_~_~ r". " c ~_______ ~ -... .----" "':~""::-C\ ., "',",' b-J..,'~' ~ ,- "', ''''c,~;~ 8"S~,:.. 61 I \ '. '. 'C "'" ~ Ie, I \ . -"':'~~i>E'. ,!;(J> 1'"1 \, 6",..., ., l., 1/1 j \ <;:'~~'.'t '.:" C; 1"1) I ~', t1l'f Ai ..t "- ( .II "i I o I I \....:..:::. ,""'-v 9 .1 ,\y -L ,-, ;d ~ 3 --1'-"1 ''-, , . : SO) '<j~ - ...... ,'~l_. I \ / \ - ~ (;./ ,0' I ()D" I,' (/l '-)r- \, ...,\ . "<L\\ " '-.,: \ \fil \ \ 1- / .~ - I I I , , ., .,oJ \ > " \ \.~ \ "'-, '\" ~n '" "', '^ \ . '~"~. \ ;:.- .~, ,,-, "'~'" \ ., '" .,>, [, '-,,;'~ \ S ....__"""_._..',~,,;l:.:>) ~..,". ,-.. , -l . .':' ',,-"-. . .. '" ...- I)