City Council Agenda Packet 12-10-1979 \".3"'. ~V1. fI1 ~~~. VJ .--3. {:\~~ t t\ \ ~VJ IP:~ . ellrJ. "if ~ ~ 00 ~ 6. Consideration of Holding a Hearing on the Issuance of Industrial Jl. ~ Revenue Bonds for Clow Stamping Company. ~ 7 Approval of Bills for December, 1979. 1~~~8: Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting of November 26, 1979 and 0Y d f, / Special Meeting of November 28, 1979. ~v'~. c~osiderat'on of Retainage Amount on 78-1 Project for Northdale Construction. ~ "IV' , ~, ~f/ Unfinis Business ~ f . ...... ....,. AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONT~CELLO CITY COUNCIL December 10, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Mayor: Arve Grimsmo Council Members: Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Ken Maus, Philip White. Meeting to be taped. Citizens Comments. Consideration of Law Enforcement Contract for 1980 with Wright County Sheriff's Department. Consideration of Renewal of Club On-Sale Liquor License - American Legion Club. tA t\)~~..~~U..~ ~ L~.s _,., ~..,elbK k.. Consideration of Changing Lighting on County Road 75 in Monticello from Fluorescent to High Pressure Sodium. Consideration of Extension of Time on Completion of Contract for the 1979-1 Improvement project. Consideration of Exercising Option on Rick Cole property. New Business - AGENDA SUP~LEMENT 1. Consideration of Law Enforcement Contract for 1980 with Wright County Sheriff's Department. Purpose of this item is to consider a contract for law enforcement services for the period from January I, 1980 through December 31, 1980 for the City of Monticello. Enclosed, please find a proposed law enforcement contract along with a letter of transmittal from the Wright County Sheriff's Department explaining the breakdown to arrive at the hourly figure as stated in the contract _ $11.50 per hour. Monticello's 1979 cohtract called for an hourly rate of $10.50 per hour. Based on the City's current schedule which calls for 16 hours of daily patrol service from Sunday through Thursday and for 24 hours of service on Fridays and Saturdays, the proposed contract would total $76,912 compared to 1979's figure of $70,056. With the per hour rate adjust- ment from $10.50 per hour to $11.50 per hour, the proposed contract calls for an increase of 9~%. For your information, in the 1980 budget a projected 13% increase was figured, or a total of $79,175. . Currently, the hours of protection from Sunday through Thursday are from 12:30 P.M. to 5:30 A.M. and on Friday and Saturday, there is one patrolman on duty from 9:30 A.M. to 6 P.M., another patrolman on duty from 6:00 P.M. to 2:30 A.M., another patrolman on duty from 9:00 P.M. to 5:30 A.M. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of proposed contract for law enforcement services for 1980. REFERENCES: Enclosed letter from Darrell Wolff breakdown the Sheriff's Office cost of $11.50 per hour and also a copy of the proposed contract. * 2. Consideration of Renewal of Club On-Sale Liquor License - American Legion Club. The purpose of this item is to consider the renewal of a Club on-sale liquor license for the American Legion Club. License for the American Legion Club expires December 31, 1979. Annual license fee previously has been $100 per year as set by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 340. In the 1979 session of the Minnesota Legislature, an amendment was made to the statutes allowing a municipality to set a higher fee than $100 annually if it so desired. In addition to the consideration of the license fee, is the consideration of running the license through June 30, 1980 to make it consistent with our ordinance on the issuance of license to other on-sale establishments. It . *NOTE: For your information, Buddy Gay has been assigned to Monticello to replace Don Hozempa as coordinator for Sheriff's office. COUNCIL AGENDA ~ December 10, 1979 should be noted that the American Legion Club had a liquor license prior to the City issuing license to private on-sale establishments and this has been the reason in the past for the two different dates. In talking to the Liquor Control Commissioner's office and reviewing our ordinance, it would make sense to have both the Club on-sale licenses and private on-sale licenses expire at the same time. As a result of the above, I would recommend that the City of Monticello issue a private club on-sale license from January 1, 1980 to June 30, 1980 for $50.00. This fee is based on a $100 annual fee for 6 months. If the Council should so desire to increase the fee for the next renewal at July 1, 1980, consideration could be given at that time to amending the current fee. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval of club license for the American Legion Club and determination of fee and period of time license is to rUn. 3. Consideration of Chan in Li Fluorescent to High Pressure Road 75 in Monticello from Purpose of this item is to consider changing the existing 19 overhead and 22 ornamental lights on County Road 75 between the Pinewood Elementary and High School from Fluorescent to High Pressure Sodium. . Mr. Norm Ecklund, with Northern States Power, contacted me relative to the possibility of the City changing their lighting on Highway 75 from fluorescent to high pressure sodium. Primary reason for the changeover is that the fluorescent lights are becoming obsOlete, are less efficient, and replace- mentparts are becoming hard to find. Mr. Ecklund suggested that the City of Monticello go to high pressure sodium lights similar to the lighting that is on State Highway 25 in Monticello. In 1977, the City of Monticello did convert its existing lighting on Highway 25 from fluorescent to high pressure sodium basically for the same reasons listed above. Additionally, at the same time, the City of Monticello established additional lights from the railroad tracks to Interstate 94 interchange in Monticello. It is my opinion that these lights have been well received by the community and are certainly an improvement from the fluorescent lights that existed on Highway 25 before. Initially there was some concern about how the people would react to the high pressure sodium, but no complaints have eVer been registered at the Monticello City Hall with regard to the lighting system itself. Our Public Works Director, John Simola, and myself reviewed the proposed changeover with Mr. Ecklund, and both the Public Works Director and myself would recommend that the City of Monticello convert its existing fluorescent lights to high pressure sodium. Additionally, we would recommend that the City Convert to 250 watt high pressure sodium as opposed to 400 watt high pressure sodium. For your information, the current lighting on Highway 25 is 250 watt high pressure sodium and produces approximately 6% more illumina- tion than the existing fluorescent lights. This percentage factor of 6% is based on the initial capacity of the fluorescent lights since they do diminish in their illumination during the life of the light. High pressure SOdium, - 2 - COUNCIL AGENDA - December 10, 1979 however, maintains a rather constant output of illumination, and as a result, the increased illumination may well be in the area of 15 - 20% Overall. The possibility of going to 400 watt higH pressure sodium was discussed with Mr. Ecklund, and he indicated that the illumination provided by 400 watt high pressure sodium would be more than twice what the existing fluorescent lights now provide. It should be pointed out that the City of Monticello does own the ornamental lights, lights that have aluminum standards in the downtown area. The overhead lights are Owned by NSP. As a result of the fact that the City does own the ornamental lights, there would be a conversion cost of approxi- mately $200 per light on the existing 22 ornamental lights, and there would be no cost of conversion on the 19 overhead lights. Below is a cost comparison of the ornamental and Overhead lights based on the existing fluorescent, the 250 watt high pressure sodium and the 400 watt high pressure sodium: COST COMPAiRISON MONTHLY UTILITY CHARGES ORNAMENTAL Fluorescent 250 Watt H.P. Sodium 400 Watt H.P. Sodium OVERHEAD . Fluorescent 250 Watt H.P. Sodium 400 Watt H.P. Sodium CURRENT MONTHLY BILLING 19 OVerheads x $15.10 22 Ornamentals x $ 5.85 TOTAL CURRENT BILLING BILLING BASED ON RECOMMENDATIONS 18 Overhead x $10.40 1 Overhead x $13.55 22 Ornamentals x $ 4.50 $5.85 $4.50 $6.25 $15.10 $10.40 $13.55 $286.90 $128.70 $415.60 $187.20 13.55 (Hospital entrance to Cty.75) 99.00 TOTAL BILLING BASED ON RECOMMENDA- $299.75 TIONS SaVings ($415.60 - $299.75) of $115.85 per month would result in the estimated conversion cost of $4,400 being recaptured in 38 months. In reviewing the alternatives, the Public Works Director and myself recommend that we go to the 250 Watt High Pressure Sodium as opposed to retaining the existing lights or going to 400 Watt High Pressure Sodium for the fOllowing reasons: - 3 - -- -) . " \,> .,,:' \I ,. ~\ ~ V v' v \J . ~\/. ~\ COUNCIL AGENDA - December 10, 1979 A. We believe the City of Monticello should set an example on energy conservation. I B. The above table shows that the City will save in monthly utility charges. C. The convers.ion cost of $4,400 for the ornamentals will be recaptured in 38 months based on the above table. D. Although the 400 Watt High Pressure Sodium would provide eVen additional lighting, the 250 Watt High Pressure Sodium would still produce approxi- mately 15 - 20% more illumination than we currently have. It should be noted that one overhead is being considered for a 400 Watt High Pressure Sodium in the area by the Hospital. This has been an area of concern with the entrance and exit from County Road 75 and it was felt that this area may be justified for a 400 Watt High Pressure Sodium Light. According to NSP, the ornamental light conversion could take place within two to three months, but it may take a longer period of time to change OVer the overhead and this could be as late as September of 1980 due to the fact that an extended arm has to be manufactured. Currently, Paynesville and Cokato have high pressure sodium lights in their community. Council may be familiar with these areas or may desire to visit these areas to get a better concept of the lighting provided. However, I do believe that the lighting on Highway 25 in Monticello gives you a good idea of the effect of high pressure sodium lights. 4. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of changeover of lighting on Highway 75 in Monticello from fluorescent to high pressure sodium. Consideration of Extension of Time on Com letion of Contract for the 1979-1 Improvement Project. Purpose of this item is to consider a request from Barbarossa and Sons to extend their completion date on the above contract from November 1, 1979 to June 15, 1980. Enclosed, please find a letter from Barbarossa and Sons indicating their reasons for requesting an extension, which are as follows: A. Two-week delay in the award of project. B. Minor change orders. C. Rain. D. Delays in resolving the problem with the bituminous restoration. In reviewing this request with Barbarossa and Sons, the Public Works Director and our engineer, it was felt that the request was reasonable and prudent. Enclosed, please find a letter from John Badalich indicating that it would - 4 - COUNCIL AGENDA ~ December 10, 1979 ,.... be in the City's best interest to hold off this project until next spring due to the cold weather for the correction of problems encountered with the bituminous surfacing. Primary p~oblem with the project was with H & S Asphalt, who was a subcontractdr to Barbarossa and Sons, Inc. on the bituminous surfacing. H & S has indicated a willingness to review the matter in the spring when a full winter's wear can determine any further problems, and at that time the corrective measures could be more adequately determined to remedy the situation. Basically, two alternatives will be available to the City in the spring ~ one being a financial adjUstment could be made in the contract, and the second, if the surfacing warrants it, it would be removed and replaced. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval of extension of time for Barbarossa and Sons, Inc. on the 1979-1 Improvement Project from November 1, 1979 to June 15, 1980. REFERENCES: Enclosed letter from John Badalich, City Engineer, and from Barbarossa and Sons. 5. Consideration of Exercising Option on Rick Cole Property. Purpose of this item is to consider exercising the City's current option which was obtained and approved in November of 1979 for the Rick Cole property. . As you recall, when this item was initially presented to the Council, an option had been obtained that was effective through January 1, 1980, whereby the City of Monticello could purchase the Rick Cole property, easterly 56' of Lot 2 and the entire Lot 3 in Block D, for $29,900. An amount of $500 had been placed on the option which would be returnable if the City Council did not approVe of the purchase. This option was obtained as a result of the parking requirements needed in Block 34 that may result due to Mr. Samuel Peraro's proposed office complex of 13,500 square feet at the present site of Season All Sports and the Collectable Castaway Building. As was indicated previously, this alternative could have included the assessment of a portion or all of the cost of purchasing this piece of property in Block D to provide additional parking, plus the improvements which would total $15,000, for a total estimated assessment that would be $45,000. Based on this first proposal, Mr. Peraro indicated he would be reluctant to be assessed the total amount since he did not feel that he could recover this cost adequately thro~gh the rents charged on his office building. ~ One other possible alternative has been explored by the City's business and industrial development committee, which would be to purchase the Cole property and make the parking improvements of $15,000 for a total investment of $45,000. Instead of assessing the entire $45,000 back to Mr. Peraro, this cost could be paid off through the incre,ment and property taxes produced by Mr. Peraro's office building over what currently is being paid by the bUildings that are situated on the site - that is, Season All Sports and Collectable Castaway BUilding. Currently, it appears that these sites now ,.... - 5 - COUNCIL AGENDA ~ December 10, 1979 - pay approximately $1,057 in taxation, and with Mr. Peraro's office complex, the real estate taxes would be approximately $18,150. Through enabling legislation, the City of Monticello ~ould, by fOllowing certain procedures, establish tax increment financing districts, and could capture the incremented taxes on this project of approximately $17,000, and use this amount of money to retire the City's cost, or $45,000 plus interest, in the development of a parking lot. However, the business and industrial development committee still felt that the proposed development of Mr. Peraro should be charged their fair share of the assessments of the existing parking lot, which would be approximately $18,900. This proposal was presented to Mr. Peraro, and he was receptive to the proposal; however, he is considering some other alternatives at this time. As a result then, the City may desire to not exercise the option and so convey this intent in writing. However, the City may want to still review the possibility of purchasing this p~operty and exercising the option for possible future development of a par~ing lot for Block 34 with no commitments made, or the possible future develop~ent or expansion of City facilities in the City Hall area. Although I feel Ithere are some advantages to the City purchasing this property, I feel that in light of the uncertainty of the parking situation and the actual use of the property, it may be well for the City to not exercise the option. This would allow the current owner of the property to put it on the market again and still leave the possi- bility open to the City to purchase the parcel, if available, at a later date. One possibility could be the option to have the right of first refusal. . POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of exercising option to purchase the Rick Cole property for $29,900. REFERENCES: Further background information is available on the November 13, 1979 meeting, but is not enclosed with this supplement 6. Consideration of Holding a Hearing on the Issuance of Industrial Revenue Bonds for Clow Stamping Company. The purpose of this item is to consider setting a date for a Public Hearing at our January 14, 1980 meeting to consider the issuance of Industrial Revenue Bonds for Clow Stamping Compahy. Clow Stamping Company is a precision stamping service and metal fabricator. This firm manufactures small component parts for a variety of customers including Xerox and NeR. Home office of the firm is near Brainerd at Merrifield, Minnesota, and additionally, they have a plant at St. Louis Park. Plans are to move the operations in St. Louis Park to Monticello, Minnesota. Currently, the firm leases space in St. Louis Park, and would intend to open a plant in Monticello by July 1, 1980. This plant would employ approxi- mately 70 to 75 people. Of this number, company officials estimate that 50 employees will be brought from their plant in St. Louis Park and new job openings will occur of 20 to 25 people. Wages range from $5.25 an hour starting, to $11.00 per hour. . - 6 .. COUNCIL AGENDA ~ December 10, 1979 Plans are for construction of a 30,000 square foot building in the Oakwood Industrial Park. Industrial Revenue Bonds are being requested in light of the current interest rates being c~arged to commercial entities for real estate of up to 13% and for machinery of up to 18%. It is estimated that the industrial revenue bonds will be sold for approximately 9%. For your information, it appears that the amount of the issuance of the bond will be approximately $825,000 and will include the following: Land - $73,000 Building - $400,000 Landscaping and Grading - $4,000 Machinery - $200,000 . Industrial Revenue Bonds do not become in any shape or form a liability of the City and it is not legal, in fact, even for the City to use pUblic moneys in case a particular company does go bankrupt. The City's tax exempt provisions are used as the conduit to authorize the issuance of bonds for financing the project. This same vehicle was used for financing pollution control equipment on three occasions at the Northern States Power Company, and for the Silver Fox Motel. It should be pointed out, however, unlike the Silver Fox Motel where one of the features of the Industrial Revenue Bonds was that it was in reality a tax exempt mortgage which was purchased by a bank in St. Cloud, this would be a public offering. Reason for the pUblic offering, according to representatives of the Company, is to obtain 100% financing for the project. Miller and Schroeder are handling the fiscal coordination of the project for Clow Stamping Company. A meeting was held with our City Attorney and myself and the manager of Clow Stamping Company, Steve Paumen, of Maple Lake, and two representatives from Miller and Schroeder, to review various aspects of their proposal. Financial statements that have been prepared by a CPA firm and certified will be available for review. According to the procedures set out in the Minnesota State Statutes, the City Council has to conduct a public hearing before it considers the issuance of industrial revenue bonds, and this hearing shall be published in the paper with the notification that a draft copy of the proposed application to the Commissioner of Securities, together with all attachments and exhibits thereto shall be available for public inspection following the publication of such notice and shall specify the time and place where and when it will be so available. This information includes the following: A. Name of firm. E. Nature and description of firms business. C. Scope of the project to be financed. D. Proposed term of the revenue agreement. E. Estimated dollar cost of project and allocation of bond proceeds. F. Estimated number of new jobs to be created. G. A resolution of the municipality giving preliminary approval to the project. ~ ~ - 7 - COUNCIL AGENDA.... December 10, 1979 - H. Letter of intent to purchase the bond issue from an Underwriter or analysis of a fiscal consultant is to the feasibility of the project from a financial standpoint. . I. A comprehensive statement indicating how the project satisfies pUblic purpOse and policies of the Minnesota Industrial Development Act. J. Preliminary opinion of bond counsel as to legality of issue. This above information is in addition to the financial information that will be provided by the Company and will be available for review at the Monticello City Hall. It should be pointed out that the calling for the hearing is somewhat of a formality and no commitments obviously have to be made by the City Council prior to the hearing. Once the City sets the hearing date, financial information plus the above information will be forwarded to the City Council for review. On the surface, it appears that this company would certainly be an asset to the community due to the following factors: 1. Increase in tax base. . 2. Increase in employment. 3. Willing to make a commitment in terms of purchase of real estate as Opposed to leasing real estate. Mr. Steve paumen, manager of the firm, along with representatives from Miller and Schroeder and our City Attorney will be available at the January 14, 1980 meeting. Currently, the firm's fiscal consultant is preparing a draft resolution for the Council to consider at Monday night's meeting. This resolution will be reviewed by our City Attorney prior to the meeting which basically calls for the setting of the hearing date. It should be pointed out also that any cost incurred by the City, such as attorney fees charged to it, will be passed on to the applicapt as has been our policy. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of setting January 14, 1980 for the hearing date for the consider~tion of industrial revenue bonds for Clow Stamping Company. REFERENCES: Copy of the booklet entitled.... Municipal Revenue Bonds _ issued by the Minnesota Department of Economic Development, dated July of 1978; and COpy of the proposed resolution. - 8 - COUNCIL AGENDA .,., December 10, 1979 - 9. Consideration of Retainage Amount on 1978-1 Improvement Project for Northdale Construction Company. Pu~pose of this item is to consider the retainage amount for the unfinished items on the 1978-1 Improvement Project. This Project included sanitary sewer, watermain, storm sewer improvements and street improvements to Country Club Manor, Kampa Estates, West County Road #39, Riverside Addition, Ho1ker's Hillside Addition, Lauring Hillside Addition, and Sandberg South. Except for some corrections on the blacktop in Country Club Manor and reviewing the ditch for the Country Club, this project is completed. Initial contract amount was $1,087,044. Final value of work completed based on actual quantities used is $1,065,106.72. In talking to John Badalich, our City Engineer, it appears that a $4,000 retainer would be more than adequate to cover the items remaining to be completed to our satisfaction. As a result then, the City Engineer and myself would recommend that the City Council retain $4,000 on this propect until the items are completed to the City's satisfaction, and make payment in the amount of $29,078.12, which, along with previous payments of $1,032,028.60, totals $1,061,106.72. . POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of Approval of retainer of $4,000 from Northdale ConstructiQn Company on the 1978-1 Improvement Project. - 9 - j SHERIFF'S OFFICE Court House - Wright COYnty BUFFAl.O, MINNESOTA 55313 T,lephone682.1162 , . ............."i............; . . C . OARRELLL; WOl.FF County Sheriff James F. Powers, Chief Deputy Lt. Myron A Morris, Investigator L t. EI Heberling, Civil . ~ 'H: ., Novasber 26, 1979 Honorable Hayor City Council Encloserl find blank cont~~ct fo~~~r 1980. The cost of contract police service for 19':'0 will be $11.50 plus all. fir,es per hour. L'his figure is established by the ',;right L-ounty 'hoard of CO:7'J.~,issioners. You na3r ca.lculiotte the total for the year ane retCirn the con:'~3.ct tb '::':-:e 3heriff. Fe 1,,'ill take th~ contrrtcts to the Count~, Board for their Sisn."-ttlr8s [c:-::: holVe a signed copy returned to you. . The cost analysis for 1 '120 is ccrl~ut(;d as rolloFs: Average Deptlty :3alar-.f for 19,:?O per ::our. $9.00 Benefits: Vacation 4.5% Paid Holidays Sick Leave Uniforms Insc:rance rERA 5.5% 2.0% 1 .25;<: .75,-; 12. OC;~ Total Benefits 26% 2.34 Car Expense Avg. 25 ~?~ ~ .11~ ;er mile 2.75 Misc. clerical, prosecu:.i;'" expi~n.se Total Less allm-rance for f::nes returr:ed City Cost for contract service .70 14.79 3.29 11.50 EX: averlg8 anrnJ.:tl cost :or 8 r.o',,:,~s of patrol per day. 2920 X 11.50::::: ;"p.33,580.00 Ii X 365 da::rs = 2920 hours ..... fiOU ,trlll.r -:/'. ../ ?:' / . . y'. -._ y;T ~ff /j ~c'f/!t# Darrell ',olff "h . " ~ ; ~ ~ht C t ,) erl..l.l, ,. r -'-I;' OU:1 ~' - / .. LAW ENFORCEME~T CONTRACT . TIllS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 10th day of December 19~, by and between the County of Wright and the Wright County Sheriff, herein- after referred to as "County" and the _I City of Monticello to as the "~~nicip~1i ty" j hereinafter referred Ii'ITNESSETII: I WHEREAS, the municipality is aesirous of enterin?, into a contract with the County for the performance of the hereinafter described la\" enforcement I protection with the corporate limits of said municipali ty through the county sheriff, and I, ,I , protection on the terms I WHEREAS, such WHEREAS, the County is agreeable to rendering such services, and and conditions hereinafter set forth; and contracts are aUthorized and provided for by the nrovision . of ~Iinn. Stat. 1957, Sec. 471.59 and Laws 1959, Chap. 372, and Minn. Stat. Ann. 19 I Sec. 436.05; NOW nffiREFORE, pursuant to the terms of the aforesaid statutes, it is II arreed as follows: I 1. That the County by way of the Sheriff agrees to provide police protection \d thin the corporate limits of the nn.micipali ty to the extent and in manner as hereinafter set forth: a. Except as otherwise hereinafter specifically set forth, such services shall encompass only duties and functions of the tyue cominr. within the jurisdiction of the Wright County Sheriff pursuant to ~linnesota Laws and Statutes. b. Except as otherwise hereinafter provided for, as a standard level of service provided shall be the same basic level of service which is provided for the unincorporated areas of the County of l<!right, State of Minnesota. ~ c. The rendition of services, the stand;wd of performance, the discipline of the officers,and other matters incident to the performance of such services and control of personnel so employed shall remain in and under the control of the Sheriff. ....... d. Such services shall include the enforcement of Minnesota State Statutes and Laws and the mu~icipal ordinances which are of the same type and nature of Minnesota State Statutes and Laws enforced by the Sheriff within the unincorporated territory of said County. . 3. That the County shall IfurniSh and supply all necessary labor, equipment, communicatio'n facilities for disp;Jl:ching, Cost of jail supervLsion, Idetention, and all supplies necessary tc maIntain the level of service to be Irendercd herein. ! 4. T;le municipality shall no::' be liable for the direct p3yme:1t of any 5~13"!:'i<2s. wages, or other co:np2nsati n to <my personnel performing se-rv!.ces h6~cin for said County. 5. The :nunicip::lli '.y shall not be li:Jble for cumpensation or indemnity . to 3Dy of the 5hzr!ff's employees for injuries or si~knes5 arising out of its i i emp laymen::., and the County he :-eby .:Igrees tu hold ha nnless the mUilidpali ty . j:against .:my such claims. r I j-J2emed tv assume any liability for intentional or negeligent acts of said I municipality, or <lny officer. agent. or ernpl'.:>yee therc')f. I. i 6. The County, Sheriff. his officers. and employees shall not be .., I . The municipality shnll ddenu s:tiJ Sheriff, his officecs, agents, i:or er.1!Jlo)'€es agains~. and hold harmless from, any claim for damag2s resulting , 'I Ii fcui':': , II I' I I, , " the enforce~enl of any duly enacted municipal ordinance. s. This agreement shall he effective from January 1, 1980 to December 31, 1980 9. The municipality hereby agrees to pay to the County the sum of $76,912.00 for law enforcement protection for 16 hours per day of daily patrol service and 24 hours call and general ; ser-vices from said Sheriff's office during said term of this agreement. Addi- ! tiona11y, 8 extra hours per day of service will be provided on Fridays & Saturda s. i 10. If the anllual salaries of the deputy sheriffs are increased at any I: I time curing the term herein stated, this contra~t shall not he incr8ased. ,. , for an additionql successive twelve-month period. To exercise this option. 11. The municirality shall have the option of renewing this agreement --' the municipality shall notify the coun,ty admi.nistrator not later th,:m sixty days l,prior to the expir.1tion date of this alreement. i 12.. It i..r:;, l1fltl(1r~ "'nf""o~ "'I!'"1r1 .""II,-.,'t""M"o..........l ....\...~ '- .......__ . . . I i I j lmaking it mandatory that the Count.y fourt remit to all municipalities within I the s.1i.d cot.:ntv, one h3lf of all fines levied and collected from traffic vio- I , ! latiOD arrests made in said municipality. And, I I 13. 'lliereas; legislation has been enacted effective July 1, 1973, the County \-.'hereas; it is understlOd that the contract fees is based upon receiving the entire amou t of all fines. It is understood that he Municipality shall return to the :~rlght County Sh2riff all fine mouies received from the County. Said Munici- I l' 11 b k pa lty sha remit y chec. no later than thirty (30) days from when said fine I . :r.;onles I: are received by said Municipality. 14. For the purpose of maintaining cooperation, local control and general information on existing complaints and problems in said municipality, I ! one member of the municipal council, the mayor, or other person or persons, :! i i:shall be ap?ointed by said council to act as police commissionerls for said I , 'munici~~lity, and shall ffi3ke periodic contacts with and attend meetings with I rthe she!"'!.ff or his office in rclntion to th2 contr.:1c!:. herein. I' IN WITNESS ~HEREC~ the municipality, by resolution duly adopted by its I: igoverning body, ca~sed this a~reement to be signed by its mayor and attested ~y i ts cle:-'~, ~nd t::n County of :,'rig~t, by the County Board of Com;;1issioners, h,1s I, I icauscd these pre3ents to be sU~$cribed I I by the \{righ t Coun ty She L iff and the I and. I wn t ten 1 Chairman of said c::>,nG and the seal of sn~d board to be affixed thereto [:ttestcd by the cle7~ of said board, all on t~e day and year first above ! I i Mayor ,\t tes::': ': l e rk BOA.,W OF L'RIGHT COUNTY CO\!MISSIONERS BY , i: I j Attest: Cha i. man . Consulting Eng/fleers Land 5U1veyors November 27, ORR'~~v~;~~N~~~~~~Oc\~s~~~~~~~:S.INC. 1979 Mr. Gary Wieber City Administrator City of Monticello 215 E. Broadway Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Improvement Project No. 79-1 Dear Gary: Enclosed herewith is a copy of a letter I received from Barbarossa & Sons regarding their request for an extension of time to complete Project No. 79-1. . As you are aware, all of the underground utility work has been completed, inspected and in most cases approved. The bituminous wearing coarse has to be placed on Dundas Road and Cedar Street and we decided it best to hold this off until next spring due to the cold weather entering our area early in November. We also experienced some base failures that need correction which also require warmer weather. Therefore based on the meeting we had on November 13, 1979, and the reasons stated above and in the enclosed letter, I would recommend that Barbarossa & Sons be granted a time extension until June 15, 1980 on Project No. 79-1. Yours very truly, RR-SCHELEN-MAYERON _ 'P?:JXt' John 1(fBadalich, P.E. City Engineer cc: John Simola, Public Works Director, Monticello Paul Flykt, Barbarossa & Sons Hank Wander, OSM, Monticello JPB File .... ~ 2021 East Hennepin Avenue. Suite 238 ('V1if)!IO~"/I-', Alfl)/iUSOld :)'")47 i' ! (",,,,,1 ".._c_ BARBAROSSA ADD SODS, 'DC. . GENERAL CONTRACTORS PHONE 425-4146 PLANT DIVISION 425-7355 OSSEO. MINNESOTA 55369 Novembe~~, try~ ~ .~ I r: D r\ 1:.: L; k-- r ~: ~.o,,'" Mr. John Bada1ich P.E. Orr-Sche1en-Mayeron & Assoc., Inc. 2021 East Hennepin Ave. Minneapolis, MN 55413 Re: Monticello, MN ORR.SCHt:LErHF\';'f::'~': ; cssoc. COfv'1M. J. Db<j'-30j'g" f.l "'I~I 'l c,' 'I')-g ~v. 6 I i~1 Dear John: i3"lri.// l'~:-I' '. I .. .,. '__~:"__" n ..,\_ , . I I . I apologize for the delay in submitting this request for an extension of completion on Improvement Project No. 79-1. An extension until June 15, 1980 would allow adequate time to complete the project. The project was delayed as a result of 1) two-week delay in award of project, 2) minor change orders, 3) rain, 4) delays in resolving a problem with the bituminous restoration. Barbarossa and Sons, Inc. started work on the project July 16, 1979 and continually pursued the pipe portion of the project until it was complete in the first part of November. We encountered a substantial number of rain days this fall slowing Gown completion of the pipe work and creating poor conditions to build the streets. A result of these poor conditions, soft and wet sub base and base led to the bituminous problem. As I stated in my letter to you on October 31, I was in contact with H & S Asphalt attempting to resolve th is. As you are aware, there were delays in getting a meeting scheduled to resolve this problem with H & S. The meeting was held November 13, 1979. At that meeting it was agreed that any work that could be done this year, weather permitting, would be done and the remainder be completed next Year. At that time the questionable areas would be reviewed and any corrections necessary would be made and the job completed. As I stated previously, an extension until June 15, 1980 would allow time to finish this project to your and our satisfaction. Your cooperation is apprec i ated. Very truly yours, . >>:QOSSA Paul Fly' 5, INC. PF:cw "1 Phone 295-2711 etg 01 monticello 250 East Broadway MONTICELLO, MINN. 55362 Metro 333-5739 To: ........,. &*<1 ~J"':f , , /' /? I'-V;;i e Date ./ ) --, '""\ ,.,i' /" ;':;"',~. ,.' ./,r~... ,IiI' i FROM: Gary Wieber, City Administrator SUBJECT: c~ , ~. ^' <. ,(,,:>E9 /t1!; /7'/1,-:1-,- .. .)':1-'t.~ W S' b;'" /0:;;-. --, 4,....),.:.J.J MESSAGE: 1"' '-'./,....1-' 7~ /C~5 j I...., T/'-'Aj S,4'.J1 (~).'" A' /A.-lOl-;' #//!J.;tZ1/2...;..F /" .' / , / 1/ r;:. .,-r /1._" .h ~ ."""'1.' ~y .. I" t!.?? 7'.'l',,,~ / J, /(/<<:-1.... J/ /''"A.~~ -1t!'~"""/l' .v~ t(Ai~. ('/" ~ /" /" (' lit ':'::'"1 Cl.... I {',I i :.> ,.,.;", "~/ ,< (,{../, // ...-;;."~.(;~~.,,,/ ,I:, /A<~'" ........ I, ,....... /l-'o 1'. ( <" / IN;!",;' ,"<, ,i.~, ~"'''':F? .;;,~..~.... ,.. t) ,1/,rI""',~f ,,:7 ,.rJ,..~'. 2,.,~*t.. I ,,, ':., "7'-y , /,. l /,:,.... I /' / Y ," .",:;; ," . F' f.';- ?~- .I I' .If.,l <t '?.r~. ,.) \.... f /) ./ ;';1.... "'.c~ ~ /...",;.., ,,,., /;",;./: .' . -> .,/.' ,~.-~'.,p'!"".,rll.i ,,'I-t',,' ~~ ,""/:':'"'j " ,<. .., 1,,--""" ,in White Mailing Copy Yellow - File Copy . . . RESOLUTION CALLING FOR PUBLIC HT~ARING ON PROPOSED INDUSTlIAL REVENUE BONDS FOR CLaW STAMPING CO. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of t,he City of Monticello, Minnesota, as follows: WHEREAS, the 1967 session of the Minnesota Legislature enacted Chapter 474 Minnesota Statutes entitled the Municipal Industrial Development Act; and WHEREAS, the purpose of this Act is the promotion, attraction, encouragement and development of economically sound industry and commerce; and WHEREAS, the further purpOse of the Act is to improve the use of marginal and undeveloped lands and increase job opportunities; and WHEREAS, said Act grants to municipalities the authority to issue reVenue bonds and to finance the cost of construction, engineering and other incidental expenses connected with the development of industrial property; and WHEREAS, such industrial bonds do not involve pledging the full faith and credit of the municipality; and WHEREAS, Clow Stamping Company has made a proposal to the City of Monticello to issue Industrial Revenue Bonds on their behalf in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000; and WHEREAS, the 1979 session of the Minnesota Legislature, Chapter 306 1979 Session Laws, requires a municipality to hold a public hearing on such a proposal; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council ot Monticello to hold a public hearing on the above proposal at 7:30 P.M., January 14, 1980, at the Monticello City Hall. ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA, THIS 10TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1979, ON A MOTION BY , SECONDED BY VOTING IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: Gary Wieber, City Administrator ~ LIQUOR FUND DECEMBER LIQUOR DISBURSEMENTS - 1979 AMOUNT . CHECK NO. . Yonak Sanitation - Contract Wright County State Bank - FWT A. J. Ogle Co., Inc. - Beer Old Dutch Foods, Inc. - Misc. Merchandise 7-Up Bottling Co. - Misc. Merchandise Viking Coca Cola Bottling Co. - Misc. Merchandise Thorpe Distributing Co. - Beer Day Distributing Co. - Beer & Misc. Mdse. Dick Beverage Co., Inc. - Beer & Store Expense Northern states Power Co. - Utilities Void Old Peoria Company, Inc. - Liquor & Wine Griggs Cooper & Co., Inc. - Liquor Twin City Wine Co. - Liquor & Wine Johnson Brothers Co. - Wine Ed Phillips & Sons, Co. - Liquor, Wine & Misc. Mdse. Persian's Office Products - (1) Ribbon Twin City pricing - Label Gun & Machine Labels Bridgewater Telephone - Telephone Berg's Office Supply - Cash register tape Jude Candy Company - Misc. Mdse. - Store Exp. Dahlheimer Distributing - Beer & Misc. Mdse. Grosslein Beverage- Beer & Misc. Mdse. Monticello Times - Advertising 398.22 2459.93 1815.70 131. 03 5251. 02 6.00 44.86 47.49 54.41 418.97 2349.79 9160.32 512.03 40.00 414.50 357.75 119.36 175.75 297.05 1955.05 190.93 4755.20 413.83 Payroll for November 2446.03 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS $33,815.22 . 7 9008 9009 9010 9011 9012 9013 9014 9015 9016 9017 9018 9019 9020 9021 9022 9023 9024 9025 9026 9027 9028 9029 9030 9031 GENERAL FUND DECEMBER - 1979 AMOUNT . Government Training Service - Tax increment seminar Lindsay Bro. Co. - PVC valve - reimb. by Irv Kallin Wright County Sheriff - Police contract p,yment Dept. of Nat. Resources - Dep. Reg. fees . Matt Theisen - Reimb. for sewer school seminar James Preusse - Cleaning city hall Gwen Bateman - Animal IMp. expense Arve Grimsmo - Mayor salary Dr. Phil White - Council salary Ken Maus - Council salary Mrs. Fran Fair - Council salary Dan Blonigen - Council salary Ind. School Dist. #882 - Library rent Yonak Sanitation - Contract Dept. of Nat. ReSources - Dep. Reg. fees Barbarossa & Sons - Sewer repair by Dairy Queen North Central Chemical - 24-5 gal. pails & 1- 30 gal. drum deo Our Own Hardware - Flash lite, super glue, bolts, wire, bulbs Tri County Lumber - Treated boards for 6th St. sewer repair Maus Foods - Hilex, towels, window cleaner, coffee Broadway Rental - Christ. lites installation _ rental of equip. John Simola - Mileage & safety flairs & mud flaps Stephens-Peck, Inc. - Dep. Reg. Book Wright County Sheriff - Police contract payment Coast to Coast - Paint, pails, keys made, STP, silicone seal F'ireap Assoc. - 1 2 way radio for street dept. trucks State Treas. - Surplus Fund - Gloves and book ends VOID Preusser Sand & Gravel - Salt and sand mix _ 199.7 tons Dr. J. Erickson - Euthanize 39 dogs - Oct. & Nov. Monticello Printing - Envelopes, Letterheads, Civ. Def. notice Carlson Welding - Misc. welding for St. and Sewer Depts. National Bushing - Wind. washer fluid, reprs. for loader Harry's Auto Supply - Filter, muffler, pipe, clamps, hose, etc. Feed Rite Controls - November testing Gould Bros. - Repairs to van & sludge trucks Suburban Gas - Gas for dog pound O. K. Hardware - Reducer & caulk for loader Foster Ins. Agency - 3 yr. premo for Liquor store mgr. & Asst. Adm. John's Discount - Dog food, pinesol, towels, etc. _ dog pound Drew Chemical - 55 gal. drum of Drewfloc chemicals _ WWTP Northern States Power - Utilities Duro-Test Corp. - Bulbs for Christ. decorations Water Products - 2" meter & 12 resetters Wright County Auditor - ~ police fines for Nov. Gary Wieber - Mileage - November Hoglund Bus. - Gauge & parts for Int. trucks Geyer Rental, Inc. - Air compressor rental - 6th St. sewer OSM - Misc. eng. fees and meetings for October Wright County State Bank - FWT tax for Nov. . ...... - 7 185.00 36.06 5838.00 166.00 112.22 180.00 383.50 125.00 100.00 100,00 100.00 100.00 147.00 3124.50 53.00 1016.71 1640.66 124.22 243.84 51. 94 460.58 46.00 22.50 5838.00 45.79 687.84 6.25 1347.98 235.00 262.35 9.00 99.60 181. 71 77 .50 148.60 57.90 8.29 507.00 99.58 673.86 2856.82 269.54 504.47 2121. 25 35.50 11. 68 30.38 29500.97 2409.10 CHECK NO. 12320 12321 12322 12323 12324 12325 12326 12327 12328 12329 12330 12331 12332 12333 12334 12335 12336 12337 12338 12339 12340 12341 12342 12343 12344 12345 12346 12347 12348 12349 12350 12351 12352 12353 12354 12355 12356 12357 12358 12359 12360 12361 12362 12363 12364 12365 12366 12367 12368 12369 . . . .."" "-"-,,.,--~._.,._-,.,...,.~.,_._-~~--~, GENERAL FUND December - 1979 Independent Lumber - Plywood for rink; door strips, level, Ins 1. Johnny's Implement Service - 5' hose for tractor repair Moon Motor Sales - Rpr. parts for J. Deere Tractor (4) coupler Audio Communications Co. - Repairs to pager Gross Industrial Services - Laundry - UnifOrms - Nov. 79 Monticello Times - Publishing costs - Nov. 79 Amoco Oil Company - Gas Payroll - November 1979 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS , '" ,.:~ '> . j, . ,i"',~,~, ~~.......'."." 'M.;".",;.t.lJ.: ~",,':+.I,~l..i:. 7 AMOUNT 387.33 3.25 31. 20 9.50 99.20 386.55 168.85 14055.79 $77,524.36 CHECK NO. 12370 12371 12372 12373 12374 12375 12376 I \ December 10, 1979 COUNCIL PPDATE .~ 1. Sewer and Water Billing Receptacle. Bruce Wachter has been contacted and will be installing a custom-made sewer and water billing receptacle for the Monticello City Hall _ estimated cost to be less than $200. This estimated cost is quite a bit less expensive than those receptacles I have reviewed in various catalogs that the City has. Mr. Wachter will start on this project in two to three months as he is currently quite busy. 2. Resi nation of Lois Schoe f from Busi ess & Industrial Develo ment Committee. Lois Schoepf has resigned from the Business & Industrial Development Committee due to her planned move to California. Members of the Business & Industrial Development Committee will be asked to Suggest names to the City Council to replace her on this committee. This will probably occur at the January 14, 1980 meeting where the City Council annually appoints and reestablishes any existing committees. For your information, a letter of thank you will also be sent to Ms. Schoepf. 3. Fuel Assistance. ~ Wright County Community Action out of Waverly, Minnesota, is handling the fuel assistance coordination for Wright County. Every Tuesday, from 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M., a representative from the Wright County Community Action is available for those who have questions relative to the program and who would like to make application. 4. De-Watering for Ritze Manor Plat. As you may recall, at the last meeting the City Council discussed with our Public Works Director and City Engineer the problems incurred in providing sewer and water service connections to some lots in the Ritze Manor addition _ one specifically discussed was the connection for Bud Kline. Subsequent to the meeting and at the request of Charles Ritze, a meeting was held with Mr. Ritze, his son Phil and Casey Kjellberg to explain the City's view- point of this matter. Emphasis was placed on how Mr. Ritze could resolve this problem in the future, and it was suggested that the next time that the City of Monticello - possibly in 1980 - has an improvement project that would involve dewatering, notification could be given to Mr. Ritze and he could contact the same contractor to have the dewatering done for the remaining lots that necessitate it. This would result in a substantially reduced cost savings to Mr. Ritze since a great share of the expense in dewatering is getting the equipment out initially, and in very many cases with dewatering, two or three lots could be dewatered at the same time. 5. Reimbursement to Mr. & Mrs. James Preusse for Sewer Clean-u Street. Front As you may recall, this item was discussed at a recent Council meeting where a concern was expressed for reimbursement to Mr. & Mrs. Preusse for cleanup to several homes along Front Street that was caused as the result of a sewer backup due to the malfunction of a lift station. Jim Foster Insurance . . . COUNCIL UPDATE ~ 12/10/79 Agency has been contacted and the problem has been resolved and Mr. & Mrs. Preusse may already have been paid or will receive payment shortly. 6. Tax Increment Financing. Tax Increment Financing appears to be a tool that the City could use for development and redevelopment. Simply put - tax increment financing allows the City to spend moneys on a project whereby the ultimate cost to the City of the project can be repaid by the ultimate increase in property taxes that were caused by the improvement project itself. Currently, I am doing a study on tax increment financing and I will send a summary report to the Council on this item. Additionally, after this report is released, a meeting will be attempted to be arranged with a representative of the League of Cities and the Council may be interested in attending such a meeting and notice will be given to them. - 2 - . . .... ,-/d~ J CP. - .~:.".,-, "".-- - .-.- - .. ,'r~_. ~ /tJ-lf-7' Se--I.r~ ....... '///F 7 ~ ~ L:u ~~ o /ij~~ ~.rrs ~ /$' ) /;- %r /....._ ' Lp7 t4J f-/. l" ~ ., r. ~.. Z~O ( r () 1/. -p-':;' - ~~J~L~l ~ z.-.:; 0 ~ 5~ f,J, lit>> J/ ttf9/ ,.A,~ ,vo ....- /J/~ @ -----------_..-~ ~ \, \\ \\ I / ,/ I( I ~ {. II:!! / dv ~ ~.,~~ ~ ~,,~-~ > ~/. JA 1./"" J, '- [J 1# J J,JiJ /.1 ,0' , j' -'" V " (~I f~. h "IJ /' // ~ 70J . 1. 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G It/C L( '~~\. .~.~~./" I . -/;', , , ( j MONT/CiL.LO d' 1'I.'/ItUIY old {'ily with a fI(j,Jear aye vit'W TO M~YOR & CITY COUNCIL: Attached is an additional item which has been added to the agenda to accommodate Mr. Wulf's desire to build yet this winter. If he must wait for the next meeting to be on the agenda, it would be January 15, 1980 before construction could start and frost could be a problem LOREN KLEIN COUNCIL AGENDA - 12/10/79 . ADDITIONAL ITEM FOR AGENDA Request for Subdivision of Lot by Mr. Marv Wu1f. Mr. Marv Wulf would like to subdivide his lot as shown on the enclosed material. Presently, Mr. Wulf owns the East 1/2 of vacated Cedar Street and Lots 1 & 2 abutting that property to the east. (The Cedar Street mentioned here is not the street the old City Hall is on, but is the street which was vacated near the High School in the east part of towh). His proposal is to divide the vacated street and the two lots into two buildable parcels, one lot being the vacated portion of Cedar Street and approximately 43' of Lot 1, and the other lot being approximately 23' of Lot 1 and all of Lot 2. Under Monticello Ordinances, both of these new lots would meet and exceed what our ordinance requires for size. If this subdivision is approved, Mr. Wulf plans to sell the prescnt home on the East lot and build a new home on the newly created West lot. Issuance of a building permit would be contingent upon proof of recording these two lots at the recorders office. 4It POSSIBLE ACTION: Approve or deny subdivision request. REFERENCES: Enclosed certificate of survey. 4It .