1977 Budget . CITY OF MONTICE~~O 1977 BUDGET . Approved November 23, 1976 ..... ...,. t,:, . CITY OF MONTICELLO 1977 BUDGET TABLE OF CONTENTS Tax Levy Infnr'mat.ion Summary of Pr'ojected Receipts and Disbursements Projected Rc\cnues - General & Street Funds Projected Revenues - Park, Tree & Joint Powers Funds Projected Expenditures - General & Street Funds . Projected Expendi tures ~ Park, Tree & Joint Powers Funds Detailed Expenditures - General Fund Projected Revenues & Expenditures ~ Sewer & Water Funds Projected Capital Outlay Expenditures Footnotes to the Budget Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, 8 9 10, 11 1 2, 1.3 . 1977 Bu get 1976 I (~vy Collectible 1977 Co 11 ec ti bIe 1976 Amount, Mills Amount, Mills General $ 84,300 2.06 $ 81,508 2.01 Park 26,575 .65 35,525 .88 Street 139,582 3.42 110,196 2.72 Tree 11,585 .28 19,275 .49 Bonds 170,091 4.17 104,695 2.58 Capital Outlay Revolving Fund 163,293 4.00 40,857 1 .00 Planning & Development Fund 20,429 . SO . Joint Powers Fund 8S0 .02 Housing & Redevelopment 13,619 .34 $596,276 14.60 $426,104 10.52 Assessed Valuation $40,823,195 $40,502,196 . -1- iK) C'! '/:"' ';-'" 0 C' 2' ...,.. '7 \L' 0 ,'(,) ~t 0,-' ry 0 0 0 .~ c") c~J 0 (, C ..-; '_. .,. (V) 0 C' {.., ex, '..0 0 "'i" (, cD (, i,) I ::: ....; LO (V'") , rll N -n..-; {/) C-I "'T "'i" ..,., ..-; I, N C"J C"J 'Xl c") ...., N N .""", 01 N ..-; "'<t In '-, C-'" C"J [J) (j) ... u :j (j) .j..l '-' '01 i,) "'d 1) ::: ill l.i, N .r, 0 0 0 Q tv; "-C t~..... .,....., ::: C..J l...1") \0 t., C 'fI 0 0 0 "'<t "'i" 0 ) \0 (V) t.., .x) ..-; C"J"'<tN...., N..-; 0' lr) "'i" (V) >< '.. ~ fh (,- o ("":, lr)N'-00000000 C (V)'{;)t---0000'-00 t..... 'OhOlr)QOOlr)OOO [J) (j) :j ::: ) (j) l .~ \0 C"J t..... 00 ..-; lr) _ lr) "'i' lr) c") -<t N..-; \0 -.:::t C"J N 01 _ ....; (j) cG ff} '-C (-', I (X, C1 en 'iO 0 C 0 -t ..". '.0 0 (J'. .,. 1.1"') .,. 0' 0 0 0 .... ~! (0') 0 r,- 0....; 0 -<tc-')C' 0 t.',n\O,....-t N ..". ""I, ..... 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General Fund Property t,axes $ 51,244 Fire calls & contracts 2,002 Licenses & perm; (s 9,018 State Aids 116,1)68 CETA program 7,523 .her Transfer ~ Liquor 5, ()02 47,647 Transfers ~ Revenue Sharing 26,265 $266,169 1976 Budg"{:~ L 1976 Projected 197""' Budg'cj' .$ 45,327 $ 81,508 $ kO,700 .$ iq, JI)I 7,793 2,600 8,SOO 4,1)1)( 13,593 9,500 15,000 19,1)()(1 75,306 130,937 139,,~S5 1 25, 44() 6,863 5,610 6,863 0 2,523 2,570 3,137 3,()\)5 0 0 0 (J 0 0 0 () $151,405 $232,725 $254,085 $236,(,3) Street r'und Propert,) 'Taxes .$ 76,005 $ 54,904 $110,196 $109,1 ()() $139, !-':..... '. ) . ~ CETA progt"'i1m 2,908 5,081 5,940 2, 5 SO 7 (J (I R en ta 1 ~ sweeper () 5 S 204 450 :3, ()()() ;f1)1) Transfcrs - Liquor 33,872 () 0 0 0 Other 1,710 210 2,025 420 .3 ' ( )!-'I( ) $115,150 $ 60 , 3 9 9 $118,611 $115,070 $14' - ., , . .' , i li :- . " - ,~- 1977 BUDGET PROJECTED REVENUES 1976 1975 1st 8 1976 1976 1977 .rk Fund Actual Months Budget Projected Budget: -'oper ty taxes $ 15,737 $ 17,524 $ 35,525 $ 35,175 $ 26 _,57:; ,her 873 3 ,269 0 3,275 Suo $ 16,610 $ 20,793 $ 35,525 $ 38,450 $ 27,075 ~ee Disease Fund -- "'operty taxes $ 39,902 $ 9,690 $ 19,275 $ 19,100 $ 11,585 !:.TA 3,270 529 0 529 0 ssessments 2,490 1 ,467 3,000 3,000 3,600 eplacement Tr'ees 0 545 0 600 600 tate Aid 0 3,203 0 5,575 2,625 ther 0 20 800 20 100 $ 45,662 $ 15,454 $ 23,075 $ 28,824 $ 18,510 oint Powers Fund 'roperty taxes $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ S SI) i'ownship payment, 0 228 0 228 1 Sr.I f'ransf er in 0 1,772 0 1,772 0 $ 0 $ 2,000 $ 0 $ 2,000 $ 1~ - - - ;1.--- 1977 BUDGE'J' EXPENDITURES 1976 Actual Actual 1976 1976 1977 eneral Fund 1975 1st 8 Mos Budget Projected Budget ayor & Council $ 4,161 $ 1,920 $ 3,850 $ 4,375 $ 4,600 lection Expense 235 0 1,300 600 0 dministration 51,626 38,377 63,800 58,350 69,550 ldg. Maint. - City Hall 5,586 3,376 6,300 4,950 7,300 ire Protection 11 ,949 4,006 II , 850 8,695 A 14,740 olice Protection 35,308 21,792 38,830 38,550 B 48,400 ssessor Fees 0 3,375 2,750 C 7,599 4,650 udi ting 1,949 3,500 2,300 3,500 3,70U nsurance 11,118 6,206 15,000 12,700 14,350 :ngineering Fees 9,230 28,486 14,900 D 39,100 4,200 ,egal Fees 7,241 2,055 5,000 3,900 5,000 ivil Defense 819 623 1,100 1,075 1 ,075 nimal Control 1,697 1,799 1,875 E 15,725 3,225 ;ani tation Contract 21,029 12,261 22,000 21 , 1 50 24,600 :enior Citizens Center 7,662 4,656 8,470 7,335 8,425 lanning & Zoninc; 21 , 7 60 ~,722 16,500 F 4,500 11,370 ommunity School 1,325 0 2,000 2,000 2,200 .i bra ry 900 1,654 900 2,030 1,200 .uilding Inspection 2,778 4,300 3,000 5,500 6,800 ....operty Purchases and Improvemen t;s G 78,216 13,549 10,000 H 13,549 0 'ther 6,687 472 1,000 1,322 1,250 'ransfer Out 2,983 1,772 0 1,772 0 $284,259 $155,901 $232,725 $2.58,277 $236,635 -treet Fund ..,,',.,--_._~ ---., , , ..-.,'.'..--'- .. ialaries & Employee Benefi ts $ 33,874 $ 23,839 $ 46,500 $ 40,625 $ 45,950 itili ties 12,135 S, 140 15,500 14,000 I 1. 7 , 500 ;treet Repairs & Improvements 8,962 ,4,151 25,000 9,250 J 1. S , 000 -:quipment R en ta 1. 8,020 50 500 300 SUO ;quipment Repair 7,300 '4,922 5,000 7,075 7,800 ;ngineering 738 18 3,000 300 1,500 .ssessmen t, - Parking Lot 0 2,711 2,711 2,711 2,237 ;as & Oil 4,375 2,984 6,250 4,675 5,150 )ther Curren t Expense 11 ,768 3,461 7,400 4,806 5,725 :apital Outlay 16,386 8,040 6,750 8,550 ~~42, 400 $103,558 $ 58,316 $118,611 $ 92,292 $143,762 * See Page 10 -5- See Page to -6- 1977 BUDGET EXPENDITURES . GENERAL FUND Projected Budgeted Mayor & Council 1976 1977 Salaries $ 4,300 $ $ 4,300 $ Supplies 75 100 Capital Outlay 0 200 $ 4,375 $ 4,600 Election Expense Salaries $ 500 $ 0 Supplies 100 0 $ 600 0 Administration Salaries $ 41,800 $ 48,850 Employee Benefits 6,700 7,500 Telephone 1,450 1,850 Supplies & Postage 2,050 2,500 Conference & travel 1,900 2,000 Repairs & Maintenance 150 200 PI' in ting & Publishing 3,250 M 4,600 Other 1,050 1,300 .caPital Outlay 0 .}f. 750 $ 58,350 $ 69,550 Building Maintenance - City Hall Utilities $ 2,250 $ 3,700 Supplies 650 750 Cleaning 1,950 2,250 Maintenance & Repairs 100 300 Other 0 100 Capital Outlay 0 '* 200 $ 4,950 $ N 7 , 300 Fire Protection Salaries $ 4,000 $ 5,000 Telephone 750 850 Gas & Oil 250 275 Equipment Repair 550 600 Supplies 200 300 Legal 40 40 School 155 600 Insurance 1,900 2,100 Other 100 200 Capital Outlay 750 * 4,775 $ 8,695 $ 14,740 .lice Protection $ 38,550 $ 48,400 * See Page 10 1977 BUDGET EXPENDITURES . GENERAL FUND Projected Budgeted 1976 1977 Assessor Fees $ 7,599 $ 4,650 AUditin~ $ 3,500 $ 3,700 Insurance $ 12,700 $ 14,350 .!2.ngin eer ing Fees $ 39,100 $ 4,200 Lega 1 Fees $ 3,900 $ 5,000 Civil Defense $ 1,075 $ 1,eJ75 Animal ControJ Dog Patrol $ 1,850 $ 2,050 Supplies 650 725 Other 225 250 Capital Outlay 13,000 * 200 $ 15,725 $ 3,225 Sanitation Contl'act $ 21,150 $ 24,600 Senior Citizens Center Salary & Employee Benefits $ 6,060 $ 6,675 .Utilities 1 ,050 1 , 1 50 Other 225 300 Capi tal OutLay 0 * 300 $ 7,335 $ 8,425 flanning & Zoninl{ $ 4,500 $ 11,370 Community School $ 2,000 $ 2,200 .1i bt'ary Contract. & Other $ 2,030 $ 1 , 200 BUilding Inspectio!! $, 5,500 $ 6,800 !roperty Purchases & Improvements $ 13,549 0 Other .;~ Annexation Costs $ 750 $ 250 Miscellaneous 572 1,000 $ 1,322 $ 1,250 .'ransfer Out $ 1,772 1 0 Tota 1 .!t2 P 8 , 2 71 $236,635 = * See Page 10 -8- . Sewer FUnd Revenue - - 'Sewer CoJlections Connections & Permits Other Total Revenue .Ei..xpendi tur'es Salaries & Benefits Utili ties Repair & Main t,'nance Gas & Oil Sewerline Repairs Treatment-Chemical & Supplies Oth er 1975-2 Project Transfers Out Capital Outlay Total Expenditures &er Fund Revenue - ~ Water Collections Water Meters & Hookups Assessments Other' Total Revenue ~xpendi tUr'e~ Salaries & Benefits Utilities Repairs & Maintenance Watermain Repairs Chemicals & Supplies Services & Supplies _ Individual services Oth er Transfers Out Capital Outlay Total Expenditures See Page 11 1977 BUDGET REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES Actual _1975 $ 34,231 533 1,737 $ 36,501 = $ 15,484 4,041 5,755 1,656 2,505 3,315 1 ,169 475 12, 751 650 $ 47,801 :- $ 25,611 3,174 219 706 $ 29,710 =:. $ 7,918 2,488 3,777 6,355 2,809 5,683 936 19,343 o 1976 Actual 1st 8 Mos 1976 Budget $ 24,921 273 1 ,325 $ 26,519 $ 1 2, 1 60 3,767 340 555 1,562 2,376 1,512 4,683 o 2,380 $ 29,335 $ 18,545 2 , 830 1,110 152 $ 22,637 $ 7,995 1 , 613 1_,202 464 2,192 2,793 297 5,000 o $ 42 309 -~ $ 21 556 -9- $ 40,500 1,200 1,450 $ 43,150 $ 17,600 3,900 2,500 1,400 3,000 3,200 1,425 o o 5,250 $ 38,275 1976 1977 Proj ected ----.!?udgeJ:: $ 37,400 400 2,425 $ 40,225 $ 18,925 5,950 950 850 2,000 3,575 2,361 7,140 o 3,000 $ 42, ()5( 25r) _2,,60Q $_15, sur) - $ 20,>-500 6, ') 51) 3,sou 1 , (Jun 2,5UO 3 , 9 SO .3, 12() o o * 8, 000 $ 44, 72~ $ 49 ,~~ $ 27,000 4,300 200 700 $ 32,200 $ 8,700 2,500 2,800 4,000 3,800 3,500 650 5,700 1 ,250 $ 32 900 $ 27,800 o 4, 300 P 4, 950 200 $ 37,222.. $ 12,250 2,750 1 , 800 600 3,800 3,200 540 5,700 250 $ 30 890 $ 31,150 2,200 200 500 $ 34,050 ..::: $ 1 4, 600 3,025 2,500 800 4,20u 1,6!)() 72.1 5,500 * 22..iQQ .$ 35,450 1977 BUDGET CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES ~eneral Fund Administrat,ion Typewriter-electric Unallocat,ed Building Maintenance - Cit,y Hall Unallocated Fire Protection Radios - 2-'\'ay portable Dump C oa ts Liners Shields Unallocated Animal Control - Unallocated .Senior. Ci tizens Center Unallocat.ed Street Fund Street Lighting 1-94 - #25 *Downtown Lighting Unallocated Park Fund - sprinkler System Improvement Hillcrest 2nd Addition Park Mower Unallocated Tree Fund Trencher' Chain Saw Unallocated . $ 500 250 -I $ 2,000 700 1,275 150 150 500 $ 30,000 10,000 2,400 $ 7,000 2,000 500 1,000 $ 1 , 500 500 500 i~ Any assessments would go back into Street Fund -10- $ 750 ~ 200 $ 4,775 $ 200 ! 300 ! 42,400 $ 10, 500 ~ 2 , 500 ..-..., Sewer Fund Testing Equipment Sewer Rodder Unallocated Water Fund Unallocated ----.. ~ 1977 BU GET CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES $ 1,000 6,000 1 , 000 -11- ~12- $ 8,000 $ 2,500 J. Street repair and improvement lUdget allows for continual repair program. for 1976 - $15000 i Park Furtd K. Bandstand budget for 1977 of $200 would be for possible elee tr'ici ty to bandstand. Joint Powers Fund L. Bud~~ct for 1977 not approved yet by Joint Powers Board. M. Printing and publishing budget for 1977 of $4600 allows for $1000 for print,ing of comprehensi VB plans. N. Bud.n~t increases of $2350 in Building Maintenance - City Hall for 1977 total of $7300 is a result of expected occupancy of new city hall in July 1977. - Water Fund O. Water meter and hookup revenue projected for 1976 is $4300 compared to budget. of 1977 of $2200 because of large amount of hookups in 1976 as a result of 1975 Sewer and Water Project. - P. Assessment of $3700 paid in full by Wrightco Products in 1976. . -13- AVAILABLE SOURCES FOR FUNDING er . Beg1nni.ng Balanoe Projected Balance 1-1-77 Qi. ebu.rsement s 12-31-77 GlOlERAL FUND $ 25,509 $ 264,915 $ 16,419 STREET FUND 30,380 150..1.12 120,304 60,188 r PARK FUND (15,909) 29,725 ltD,921 '(27,105) TREE FUND 17,115 ~,O28 21,825 22,318 i WATm FWD 15,816 3~~S50 42,550 12,116 SEWER FUND 28,461 51,954 68,J./J7 11,948 c. O. REVOLVING 41,4.30 16~,OOO 206,430 PLANNING DEVELOPMENT- 20,699 600 21,299 LIQUOR *114,949 (Income $25,000) 139,949 REV. SHARING 26,861 2$,557 dI . *Unrestricted :funds only CITY HALL Land - purchase price Architects fee contract Archi tecta reimbursable fees Contracts He skins $ 35,3SO Mikkelson 226,600 Rainbow 6~0 Change order He 6 Landscaping Soil borings Remove house Legal fees Ehg. fees Bldg. permit Appraiser Furniture fixtures Contingencies . SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER COSTS $.....,;"..6.. .Q. J.'.". 00 "'..'000 4,500 i ;j..29,2l4O "40CX)' .~ , 5,000 1,<X:lO ,470 '330 190 31,600 80 10i, 000 5. 000 ., ~ ~ i - , ,:':."..:i-.", .....,:.,:,;.(::':.:f). ""1". i