1978 Budget . .' CITY OF MONTICELLO 1978 BUDGET . . . 1978 BUDGEI' 1976 Levy 1977 Levy Co11ectib~e 1977 Collectible 1978 Amount Mills Amount Mills General $ 74,360. 1.84 $ 90,990 2.25 street 139,582 3.46 116,478 2.89 Tree 11,585 .29 8,950 .2.2 Park 26,575 .66 25,550 .63 Sewer 26,875 .67 Water 5,575 .14 C. O. Revolving 163,293 4.05 161,420 4.00 Orderly Annexation Area 850 .02 940 .02 Fire 9,940 .25 12,867 .32 Bonds 170,091 4.21 419,507 10.40 $596,276 14.78 $869,152 21. 54 Assessed Valuation** $40,353,212 $40,353,212 . ** Assessed valuation for 1978 taxes bas d on 1977 valuation as this figure not tabulated yet by County. ." . -1- D to ~) Q) ['-. .:; 0 I () C ~1 0) en ('I ~;~ ~ H m ~1 " "........... r"'. ~ ..--.. ~~rl~~W~O~~~4 ~O ~~4~~N4~~rl 4 NOO~~rl~4rl4~rl~l~rljJ m~48NnN~rl I~ N~~~~~~N~O~NO~rlOO ~N40~~~~OOO ......---...-......-......, -"'11 ......--......-........, mrlrl~W~rlrl~N~N toN ~~~~O~~N~~ N rl~ rlNNrl~NN N~ 0 4 Nrl Nto~ u - - -~ rl 4 ~ rlrl N - - rl w I}J +) 'iJ Iii j-O e o 'l} ill (f) .,-~ .... o ::l H eO P-. ~'J .rl ~ OOOOOOl.(\~ a'. '"" 0 ~ 0 '^ r:-- N <t 0 N --1' ~ 0 ~~ ~<t~~80~OO"'OONrlC ~....o 0101C'-NrlrlN~--l" 'Xl ....oi to NON -.0 0-. to C'- N (x) ("-. iJ'. ~ - ~ - ~ ... ~ ... ~ ~ ... ~ ~ - ~ l.C\ to to ~ l.C\ ~ 0 01. 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C\i B ~ ~ ~--:s ~ ~ E t ~. 1 ~QJ, ~.-.i :"\ - iff t] 1,)'~ ~1' ~:~~~ ~ ~:. ~j (\1 w I'- r-< (\1 N -...0 \ <t ~"'"'I'.", w t.r\ ....... --;::-~ -? t-c l.-tl'^_Ir).... ~- ~ ~ ~ ~ J: N rJlf"r-l -:J ~~. "/ .,1 f': "~ ~rJ ...~ ~, C:-:.. -- , - - N w ~ ::"\ '00 ....e, ....- b ~'f!. r-,,-- "0' ~ p) I.) r- t c ~ r-,' I" 3 J; r- r-J'.;..' .~~ It) ) ~ J!: , :., ~\"J l.C\ {f:)- ~ ~ ~ ~...:. ~ "-..,,) iA" ..J. " ~ -...) Q-> Q- ~ rl ~ (/I - -f' rl\~ ----- '=\7\ J- r <:> ~- l,)- ll>- - ~ ~ l I 1978 ~ PR<JJEXJTED '. ., . .c I .- . , .- 1971 . 1976 1st '8 1977 1977 1978 Actual Jobntlls Budget. Projected Budget Q:B9eral Fund $ 42, cb~ ~7 taxes $ 82,161 $ 74,.360 $ 74,360 $ 90,990 , l'U'e calls & contracts A 8,510 !- , '. " St.ate aids 136,279 125,MO~. 134,650 \ DepIt, RegS. strar B 5,200 Licenses Ii Permits J ." 22,000 Other ;- . 8 0 ~treet Fund $ 70,891 Property- taxes $110,875 $139,sa2 $139,582 $116,478 CSU Progr8111 C 6,451 4,112 700 6,700 0 Aases;iDents 91 :29 100 705 2,672 snow Reaoval & Street Aid 2,536 33 2,700 3,725 3,650 Interest Q 342 " 700 3,CXlO Ot.b.er $12~:~~ $ 76.~~ 600 260 2~O ~i431762 $151,672 $126,0 0 ~ Pund (see note A,) $ Q $ 2 $ 9,9qO $ 9,940 $ 12,867 perty taxe s Plr~ calls &: contracts " ~:fj ~800 $ 1~:~~; 4 7~8 . $ $ :$ 1 :740 $ 17:6 ~ ~ Annexation :Fund $ 1,772 $ 429 $ 850 $ 850 $ 940 rty taxes . Towlship payment 228 150 160 Other c:~~ ~ 110+~' 100 $ 2,CXXl $ 1. $ $ 1, 200 ~ Fund $ 11,585 Property taxes $ 19,479 $ 5,937 $ 11,585 $ 8,950 B8Ioval &: Replacement Cllarges 3,578 1,rl14 4,200 4,700 to, 200 CSTA Program 570 1 , lCfl 2,100 State Aid 5,1,"+5 2,625 6,375 7,975 Other 210 9 ~~~~ 100 500 6~0 $ 28.982 $ $ 18,?10 $ 25,260 $ 21,7 5 larkF\Jnd Pi:-Operty taxe s $ 35,556 $ 13,539 $ 2h,575 $ 26,575 $ 25,550 CETA Program 2,196 2,'012 3,()(X) Other $ .3~:~~ la6i , 27,l; 1 000 500 $ 161i~1 $ 30:575 :$ 26,050 fteftnue Shari:lg Ibtitlement Payments $ 24,978 $ 21,795 $ 24,000 $ 28,557 D $ 68,995 Interest 565 S2i 1,000 1 500 1 800 . ~ 25,543 $ 22~618 $ 25,exx> $ 30:057 $ 70:7Q<: , ,. :.; ~3- - ~al Fund . or &: Council Election Elcpen se Administration Bldg. Jobt.-Ci ty Hall J.ssessor Fees Audi ting Insurance l!hgineeri.'1.g Fees Legal Police Protection Fire Protection Civil Defense Animal Control Sanitation Contract Senior Citizens Center Deputy Registrar Planning &: Zoning Community School & Library Building Inspection Annexation Costs Historical Info. Ce.nt'er' Transfer Out rher S~~~i':~d& uClp. Benefi t~ Utilitie5 Gas & Oil Street Repair >>Iuipment R::pa: r Supplies ~pmenL Re,ntal ihgineerin;;: F~e s Parking Lot Assessments other Capital CUtlay Fire Fund Salaries Telephone utilities !q\lipment ~epa:=' Insurance . Other Capi tal C~J. t l a;.; . 1978 BUDGE!' PROJECTED EXPENPITIJRFS 1976 Actual $ 4,127 1,066 57,617 4,126 F 7,599 3,500 9,682 28,871 2,795 38,352 8, 411 1,052 2,549 21,640 7,192 7,588 4,029 5,689 1, h61. 14,3;28 1,772- 61 '2 $2 $ $ $ $ 1977 . 1st 8 . 1977 1977 1972 Months Budget Projected Budp:.;t $ 4,600 $ 2,750 $ 4,050 0 Q 900 69,550 62,145 70,100 7,300 4,250 E 10,35(; 4,650, 4,650 5,125 3,3 3, 700 3,300 3,6SC 11,37 14,350 16,925 21,15(; 18,107 4,200 G 12,450 ) , (XX) 1,141 5,000 2,750 L.,0Ci0 31,495 A) 48,400 4S,4oo 53,21.0 (see Note 738 1,075 1,075 1,175 3,365 3,225 I! 21,350 4,05C 15,15 24,600 23,150 ;j) , 700 49,6 8,425 I 53,375 d ,075 1,71 ,J 6,200 lCJ,600 8,70 11,370 11,800 i.,1.;.oo 6 3,400 3,100 ;,625 $,1 6,800 $,675 :';,300 1,0 250 1,650 G 1 000 L(J(I 1,(1'.;(: $221,895 $288 , l,9 5 :t;~!,J ,1.')0 $ $ 45,950 't :', 'i ,I.:::' 17,500 /,U, (jC{ 5,150 ~j , 60(, 15,000 K i. 1 , c..AX) 7, 800 ';/ , 5CO 2,850 ,I {J!)(.i 500 :;C0 1,500 1 , (jJJ 2,237 :: , 00() 2,875 ' < "' i~., i+L) ');..' ,2CJ t 1 ~J~ 05(, $ 5,315 $ 5,000 $ 6,750 $ ,~/ f ~Cf) 486 850 r/7 'j :/JC 1,5UJ 1,019 600 1, j()(j 1 t ?..cYJ 1,169 2,100 2,1'15 :', r:'j 1 , 116 1,415 1.,L/iU " l(I 1. t +~ j...i i~:~~~ 1t: ~~ ~ ~~:;~~~ 1+,800 $ $ $ 17t622. "~~ 1976 Actual DITURE3 . Orderly .Anr.exation Fund Salaries $ Other 1977 1977 J-S;,?8 Budget Projected f-ludget. $ $ $ 550 .$ 75C) 2~O i;.I:O $ r( 0 $ 1 200 $ 8, 5142 $ 7,950 $ 10,965 1 12,350 .,; 1'59 2, 500 N 159 200 2,9125 3,750 7,425 5,000 1,3150 1,810 1,980 :3 , 2;~5 2 00 200 1,COO 1 10 $ 20 729 $ ')" 7'"11: ,.:~ 1.. $ $ $ :t J :; , 1+2:'; '5,775 0 :,500 ,8;':5 -,- C?,') 1; .~ ) orC) $ Tree Fund Salaries & Emp. Benefits $ Contracted Services Replacement Trees Other Capital Outlay $ Park Ftmd Salaries & Emp. Benefits $ 16,1$9 Rist. & In:'o. C;.::nter Operating apark._ Improvem,:~nt5 ~h~r Capital Outl:W r; I -r . . SEWFIt FUND Revenues Sewer Collections Permits & Co:L"1ections Assessments Interest Property taxes Other Expenditures Salaries & Eir.p. Benefits Utilities , Repairs & Mai.'1tenance Gas & Oil Sewer line Repairs Treatment Chemicals, :Ehgineering Fees 1975-2 ProJ0ct Other .itSl Outltry WATER FUND Revenues Water Collectior-.:.s Cor'.nection Fees Other Property tax Expendittu'es Salaries & Elnp. Benefits Utilities Repair & Maintenance Waterline repair <J1emicals and Suppl:i.es Tndi vidual Services Transfer Out Other Capi tal Outlay . R.E\TThlJl!S AND XPENDI'I'URK~ 1976 Actual 19 7 1st g Mon ,hs 1'; TS Budget 1977 Budget 1977 Projected $- 26 567 p $ 49,100 3 617 (\ .1.1,325 Lt:t~ 1915 1,700 585 500 G H 26,875 1 G $ 4 $ ,39 500 $ 19,732 $ 16,J370 $ 20, BOO $ 25,250 s :!; 35,350 6,161 "r 6,550 6,325 7,150 .l , 711 18 3,500 3,500 4,500 9EH 73 1,000 1,000 1,125 1,80'/ 1, 95 2, 500 2,500 '3,000 5,597 1,98 3,950 1,900 7,350 600 $'109 1,000 T 9,500 U 1L+,l,00 7, 16;, 1 52 0 1.,55:2 G ' , 1,527 1, 73 2,120 2,[,50 3,525 4 ,. 3 , 8,000 8 , ;200 13 J YX, $ 22 1 0 $ 62 1r '? $ 89 1:00 i i $ 31,110 $ 18, 9f $ 31,150 $ 31,150 $ 31,,2'75 12, ?j~ 6,4 7 .2, 200 g,100 9,600 725 8 7 700 1,J 50 1, C()() 11 5,575 $ $ LtO )00 t 50 l+"C ." I i $ 13,210 $ 11 , 192 $ 14,600 $ 17,600 $ 18,800 2,682 3,2 9 3,025 4,800 5 , MJO 2,621.,. 1,~4 2, 500 1,625 2,OOC 1,144 2,3 6 800 :3,200 4, OOCJ 3,888 3,d~ 4,200 4,500 5,OC() 3,437 6,28, 1. , 600 w 7,350 'I,OCO 10, 000 Q 5,500 15,500 5 t 30i.) 470 82$ 725 1,100 1,h50 180 G ' 2500 "00 1 "00 :[37,635 $ 27,9~p $ 35:1450 $4?,675 $ ~.: .I 50 450 I i -6~ . -8- CAPITAL OUTLAY . General Fund Mayor & Council Unallocated Administration Copier Machine (trade in old machine) Unallocated Building Maintenance Industrial Vacuum Cleaner Unallocated Animal Control Unallocated Senior Citizens Center Unallocated Fire Fund . 17 Coats Car tools Positive Pressure Mask C.onvert existing masks to positive pressure masks Used 2-Way Radio for 3rd truck Unallocated Street Fund 4 ton Jack Cutting torch Air compressor Air impact wrench Fuel & diesel pumps & tanks Welder Drill press Truck w/sander & plow Unallocated Tree fiUnd Capi tal Outlay - unal10cated . $ 500 $ 759 1.250 $ 2.000 $ 500 1. 500 $ 2,000 $ 200 $ 1.000 $ 1,800 1,000 500 500 300 700 $ 4,800 $ 575 135 425 160 2,000 250 175 20,000 1,500 -9- $ 25,220 $ 1,000 . 1978 BrGET CAPITAL OUTLAY FJ!;P~DITURES Park Fund Historical Cummittee Lawn sweeper weed eater Unallocated $ 500 300 225 50(}. Sewer Fund Trickling F'il ter Arms Pipe locatG:' Rods - roddi;'1g machine Unallocated $ 10,000 300 800 2,000 Water Fund Unal10cated . . -10- .' $ 1,525 $ 1J,100 $ 1,5OQ 197$ BUDG FOOTNOT d r-", . REVEillES General A. In 1977 a separate fund was Department. ! I B. The Deputy Registrar position f8S st3rted in in Fe?ruar'J! ~977 and this ite, reflects the of thlS achVlty. abliahed for the Fire M6nticel1o re.venue s Street c. The CErA program is the Compre ensive Elnployment Training Act to reimbur se the city for he wages of a new L.'1di vidual hired. There is on individual on this pr~ gram. There.is no assurance t is program will continue L"1to 1978 a!l(~ no reV8nue was bu geted in 1978. ,...-....,. Hev,muG Sharon I ]. The Ftevenue Sharing al.1ocation ror 1978 is considerably hl,',gher 5in\..>;~ the,~ formula for thls,e fundS, is based 1,lP,,'Xl local tax et'fo,rt to a large ext nt and the year used for 1978" s allocation is 1975, hieh is the first full year after annexation. . EYJ' EN DITtJRE3 ~;ral Fundi E. Building rnainten3Jlee of c.ity hal~ r~,flects a large jJ,(;r'~)aSf; in 1973 since the new city hall kill generate an irHTf~'l"e in uti.lities and overall maintcnrCL', F. AsSeSS01" fees jn 1976 cover botJ1975 and 1976 since 1975 billillg from COill1ty was late. :l. Facilities Pl.anning Report - F.h neering Fees _ initially budgeted in 19'76 but paid for ~~1977. It shou1d be note,j the figure for engineering fees s greater at AU,gust 31., 19'/'1 than is pr::ljected for 1977 due t State and Federal reimbuI's.:;- ments which will reduce this fi.~e at the end of 1977. H. .411imal control includes $16,600~or dog pound which wa3 ini- tially expf:2ted to be completed ir J976. .--..., . -11- . TO: MOnticello City Council FROM: Gary Wieber Attached, please find a comparis n of the 1975 Budget with 1975 Projected figures. Note there a e four columns, one indicating the Actual expense or revenue in 1977, one indicating the Actual expense or revenue after 6 MOnth , and the third and fourth columns indicating the 1975 Budg t in comparison with the 1975 Projected revenues and receipts. ! i This Budget update is presented ptimarilly for your information, and is not scheduled on the reguliar agenda. However, it should be noted that in reviewing the e~.i ire budget with the projections, it would appear that the City of Monticello is approximately $7,459 under budget for the calenf:lar year of 1975. . If you have any questions relati~e to this Budget update, please contact me at your convenience, or, if you would like, we could take it up possibly under New Busltness at the July 24th meeting. Some items of interest within the Budget that might be noted are as follows: 1. Please note that the Depu~. Registrar revenues will approach close to $14,000 for the y ar of 1975. This constitutes over 9,000 transactions d brings in approximately 7,500 people into the new City Hall. I think this is an interesting figure in term$ of the traffic that the Deputy Registrar office has brougli1t to the City Hall. Almost three out of every four pe~ple that walks into City Hall is related to deputy registrar business. 2. Interest on investments fo~ the first half of the year is approximately $124,000. T1l.e majority of this has been earned through the investment of funds within the 1977-3 improvement project. . _...._. ,I _1- . . -2- . PROJECTION OF DISBURSEMENTS 1978 Budget General Fund Mayor & Council Election Expenses Administration Assessor Auditing Insurance . Engineering Fees Eng. Fees Reimbursed Legal Fees Building Inspection Building Maintenance-City Hall Police Protection Civil Defense Animal Control Sanitation Contract Senior Citizens Planning & Zoning Community School Library Contract & Capital Outlay Annexation Costs Deputy Registrar Other TOTAL . 6 Mos. Update Actual 1977 $ i I 2,62~ i 60 , 3 3 ~ 4,966 3,300 15,740 108,1641- 1,10B 11,38~ I 3,92~ 48,436 1,090> 21,034- 22,74$ 54,581 11,417 2,20q 90Q 3,155 ! 8,160 i $385,25~ ! -31 ...- ~,-- 1978 1st 6 Mos. m 1,048 39,248 13,878 2, 1 62 1,557 975 5,958 5,554 19,767 546 2,845 11,387 5,190 2,297 594 966 51 $114,023 1978 Budget $ 4, 050 900 70,100 5,125 3 , 650 21 , 1 50 3,000 4,000 5,300 10 , 3 50 53,240 1,175 4 , 0 50 26,700 11 ,075 4,400 2,425 1,200 10,600 1,000 $243,490 1978 Projected $ 3,900 900 71,825 5,500 5,300 20,000 4,000 2,500 14,300 9 , 650 60,048 1,175 5, 500 30,900 9,825 3,200 2,425 1,500 1,000 10,600 500 $264,548 "'- -4- . -5- PROJECTION OF IS BURSEMENTS . 1978 Budget 6 Mos. Update Actua 1978 1978 1978 197 1st 6 Mos. Budget Projected SEWER FUND Revenues I $ 23,383 $ $ Sewer Collections $ 44,28!4 49,100 51,150 Connections & Permits 11 , 6712 5,288 11,325 11,325 Assessments 49!2 1,700 1,700 Interest 1 , 8 ~9 833 500 1,675 CETA 299 140 140 Property Tax 229 26,875 26,875 Other 2 , 1118 1,285 1,500 Testing - Wrightco 1,9QO TOTAL $ 62,6~4 $ 31,158 $ 89,500 $ 94,365 Disbursements Salaries & Benefits $ 25,4Q9 $ 12,202 $ 35,350 $ 27,800 Utilities 4,918 2,872 7 , 1 50 6,150 . Repairs & Maintenance 2,8 ,8 2,940 4,500 4, 850 Gas & Oil 1,3jO 569 1,125 1,125 Sewer Line Repairs 4,3 7 3,000 2,000 Treatment Chemicals 3,018 2,063 7 , 3 50 7,350 Engineering Fees 9,8~9 831 14,400 14,400 Individual Services 1,9~5 400 400 Capital Outlay 123 13,100 13,100 Other 2,2~6 2,590 3,125 4,150 I TOTAL $ 55,9~0 $ 24,190 $ 89,500 $ 81,325 . -p- I I _ __L..._.._. .