City Council Agenda Packet 08-12-1974 e City Council Monday AGEN A Meeting 1- 7:30 P.r.f. I I . August 12, 1974 Ci ty Hall G~ \~, 'rJ ~~..f' A /'1 S \ 1 ,- ~<' Meeting to be taped.J Ci tiz en conunents. "^-. \jl...~\ <! L,,. l;, 1/ '0 \ \ \ I'" 1-IAN,lhl !.. /,I-,t!i<i 1. j}eport by the Ci ty Engineer. A) Vine Street/Walnut Stree~. ~B) New Gas Line - N. C. Ga'ls. J - C) Signs - Imp. Pro. Downtown Pav~ing. _ '(D) Possible purchase of Kjelllberg building. .J 2. Wage Review Board appointmlent of two members. 3. Animal Impoundment Agreement. Funds Financial Report. Budget projection. Increased costs Locust/Walnut & Vine Street project. Approval of Fed. Rev. Sharing Actual Use Report. Approval to transfer $l~OOO.OO from Federal Revenue Sharing Savings Account t~ Federal Revenue Checking Account. Review of proposed Parking Ordfnance change. T ~ \ \~. of Conditional Use Permit by Conununity Churches a Utility Building actoss from St. Henry's (R-2 Conditional Use) I i Old Bu~iness. ' ~ ;l- J 5"15)J L,{k~"//u r~'l/Tr..v~' New,pusiness. i -J .l:lec::.-/JvrJ ,^'C<'/J-frl'-rIP~ u 1 J 4. Review of Dutch Elm Tree Remov~l. )5. City (A) ,J (B) }i~~ -/,6. 7. Approval to build Church. Y I "-.I') cI t 11/ (/ Included in mailing: 1 1. Federal Revenue Sharing ActU4l Use Report and fund sununary. ' 2. Corrected letter - to letter10f August 5, 1974 (General Fund, Park, ~treet Fund sununary). 3. Copy of notice for bids - ~utch Elm Tree Removal. 4. Minutes of Planning ConunissiQn - July 17. 5. Letter from Meyer-Rohlin not~ng billing of $5,500.00 _ for Imp. Pro. 1974-2 (Cedar, IThird St. seal-coating)._ 6. Letter from Meyer-Rohlin indicating partial payment due Bauerly Bros., Imp. Pro. 11974-1. 7. Letter from Department of Na~ural Resources RE: National Flood Insurance.1 AGENDA Page 2 e e 8. City Council Minutes Ju~y 22, 1974. 9. For your ordinance book - W~ter Rate Schedule. 10. Letter from Ehlers & Associ~tes. Mailing to: All Council members Mr. Gary Pringle ' Mr. Thore Meyer