City Council Agenda Packet 06-24-1974 . e AGEND4. City Council Meeting I June 24, 1974 7:30 P.M. Citizen to be taped. conunents. /r ""-, t.v' -;::; 1. Approval of minutes - contiqued meeting of May 30/June 4, 1974. Meeting of June 10, 1974. (Ji1111 ,,,.) It ,I. \J i. t I I, , ( ..... ~.,~ Meeting 2.j1eport of Conunissions A) Roads and Streets (B) Utilities (C) Safety 3. ,{{eport. of Ci ty E~gineer (Mr ~ Meyer). ~(A) Hlghway 25 lmprovement~ j(B) Vine Street Project. ' (C) Locust/Walnut Street P~oject. '1(D) Progress report - Downtown Parking. V(E) Possible blacktop - City area around City Hall. filiI'" t>~ _f~~. ~~~i~1' 4. Liquor setup licenseSj k _ / j \ Y ) v',", S.J' General -- ) <,-' VINe lI"t'\t\-JM~ "';;--.It! .Ij(A) Variance permit t~)Zeifterberg property. ~{- V(B) Flood Insurance approv4l. )C) Appointments - Planniqg Conunission, Utilities Wage Review Board. I (D) Change in comp-time, sick-leave, policy. (E) Approval of bills for ~onth of May. I I ~> 1'1"",,, Commission, .- Unfinished Business. New Business. ~ '_ ( / J 8(, y '" ( , t, C/ f / J .; vi Ma i 1 e~ :' "'-'-----.-________. All Council Members-:--~' Mr. Thore Meyer Dr. John Kasper Mr. Arve Grimsmo Mr. Lee Hatfield ~V~~" Included in mailing \-~~ ' \,) 1 . Agenda ,__ ll.""!'I"I ,l.,1,. ",I 0/ I-' 2. Minutes of May 30-June 4; June 10, 1974. ,/( f)) p"YC 3. Listing of bills - month of May. ~ I 4. Minutes of Utilities Co~ission meeting of June 11. 5. Minutes of Planning Co~ission meeting of J1lne 6. 6. Resigna'tion letter - Mel Worth. 7. Sheriff's report - for ~ay, 1974. 8. Copy of resolution - St~eet Improvement $14,479.00 9. Notice of annexation he4ring - July 10, 197.4 - Ci'by Hall. 10. Notice of Hearing - BiglLake, July 18, 1974 (7:30 P.M.) Sub; ect...:..Cons.tructiOIlQJf wastewa tor__ troa tmeni:;uplant... f p~ I t) .:r t. / Ir J ~ "1 ~_ . v1. .J) j':, f .. , . _ <.' " f II" 4"':'"v . .?" fe I A I' f. / /. (~/~- VP; dJ .;- 1-' Ii .., -(. j' (,/ I _i-! j-v