City Council Agenda Packet 05-13-1974 - . --- Hearing on Lucust Street P~oject. I Approval of minutes for me~ting of April 22, 1974. Hoffman Law Suit - City. (!By Gary Pringle) Juran & Moody Explana~ion of bond sale and announce meeting of May 30,! at 1:00 P.M. /5. Commission reports: . (A) )'lanning Commission ' ~1. Building inspectorl fees ~. Brauer & Associates proposal .j' 3. Proposal for zonin~ ordinance changes __(B) Housing Authoirty ! (C)../'7ark Board J~' Dutch Elm Disease I (D) Utilities Commission : (E) vRoads and Streets Commission Meyer on Improvements): 6. . Old Business. 7. New Business. Jegula, r, City council~ m~eting, ~ \- (,~ (. ":I 1-.\ c-\ 5 0",",-.1 f tl( Meeting to be taped. )1. 2. .) 3. .)4. I AGEN~~ ~a y 1 3, bclovl 1974. 7:30 P.M. ~ L) tJ r:!<g4,()~' '- i>_t,\,\f" " . C)\:.'1u \ (Report by, Thore . \.. Approval of bills: i I For month of April. M~ling to: All City Council members Mr. Thore Meyer Mr.' Gary Pringle Mr. Chuck Stumpf, Mr. Larry Muehlbauer I Mr. Jim Lungwi tz Mrs. Gloria LaBau Mr. John Kasper Mr. Arve Grimsmo Mr. Steve Mattson, Juran & Moody Included (1) (2) (3) (4) ( 5) in mailing to City Counlcil: Agenda Minutes for meeting of April 22, 1974 Letter from Ehlers & Asisociates Memo regarding proposall of Tom Loucks from Brauer & Associates Letter from Thore Meyeri - Street maintenance. ;\'J ,{ I. ,,~., (., /1 j /, , . /- / I:' /'!"' / ' t'