City Council Agenda Packet 04-08-1974 j vl1. J2. ~. "~ .-)- f:P \~ C=-j 6. j 7. 1)8.. 9. \ c.. t.~ \)" \\~ ~ 10. 1 11. J12. 113. J 14. / 15. ) 16. )17. 18. e e AGENDA e e Regular City Council meetin~ - April 8, 1974 7:30 P. M~ ! Meeting to be taped. Citizen comments or inquiries. Approval of minutes for meeting I of March 25, 1974. ! Review of the city engineer's pfoposal for Locust St. watermain. I, AJ(/f\~'C0\. Planning Commission recommends <I1lternate plan "E." Review by Park Board regarding ?utch Elm problem. 4. Utilities Commission ?? 5. Review of building proposal for Ernie recommends approval. Hartwig - Planning Comm. Designation of 2 Health Officer~ to serve with Dr. Maus on local Health Board. Approval of taxi license for Martin Menzel. Review of request for set-up li~uor licenses. Announcement of Zoning Hearing ischeduled for April Approval of re"':purchase of landl from State of Minn. Discussion of Fourth St. Case. Flood control resolution. Appointment of Forester. Announcement of Mayas fix-up, ,clean-up, paint-up month. (e.g. garbage not in containe~s). Administrator salary discussioq (see attached letter from the Mayor). i Review of attorney Hoffman's Fdurth St. billing ($12,000 +). 22, 1974. ~ . A \ l.\.;t1,; \ -rei /1(1"'\" JI,r Approval of beer licenses authorizing Mayor & Clerk to sign. Approval of list of bills for ~he month of March. ~ 5" i j ~ I<;,} ) . MAILED TO: All Council members, T~ore Meyer, Jim Lungwitz e e e e INCLUDED IN MAILING: 1. Council minutes of Marchi 25. ! 2. Letter from Lawrence J. A$derson (Public Service Dept.). 3. Letter from Ehlers & Asso~. regarding Revenue Sharing. 4. Letter from Meyer-Rohlin to Mr. Pringle regarding street vacation. 5. Letter from Gruys, Johnso~, regarding Fed. Rev. Sharing. 6. Cost estimate for plankin~ R. R. crossing at Walnut St. 7. Letter from Mr. Dave Douglas regarding repayment of fines. I 8. Sheriff's report for Marc~, 1974. 9. Letter from State of Minnl. regarding re-purchase of land. !