City Council Agenda Packet 03-25-1974 e e CITY OF MONTICELLO 215 S. CEDAR STREET MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 55362 TELEPHONE (612) 295-2711 '1 \'v -'\\} )~ lU ~\ :;L l>CJ, ~ 0 \r [, ~/~' I v Regular City Council Meeting - IMarch 25, 1974 - 7:30 P.M. ) Meeting to be taped. J Citizen inquiries or comments. 1. Approval of minutes - meeti~g of March 11, 1974 and March 13, 1974. J 2. 13. ,4. j 5.. ~. J), 7. I. rr IIIll .1Jh11_1I__1!~..': ~ ' ",:",.;:;~h.J~.%:~:.:~::.' welcome to:.:--:r; MONTICELLO ,"Jiflie moun1' in III e e ~ MONT/CELLO a century-old city with a nuclear age view AGEN~! Presentation by Planning CO~ission. I . Presentation by Parks and R~creat1on Commission. Presentation by Liquor Comm~ssion. Presentation by Business & OCndustrial Development Commission. Presentation by Roads and S~reets Commission. I Presentation by Bureau Inve~tment Corporation. Mailing to: Council memb~rs Thore Meyer I Charles Stumpf Jim Lungwitz, Dr. Erlandson George Phillips Arve Grimsmo Howard Rekstad Included in mailing: (1) (2) (3) Agenda Minutes of March 13, ,1974 Proposal from Thore *.lerer - on Locust Street ,.j C "J' Watermain Replacement i)' C. //) V /IN"tl (.!.-,) Sf",/IK ') J vl~' X rI!L t k ,"- j { ) CfNJC () r d\ , l~{'..i,'\tv' I ! -/ i. y.- \/ 111.. 1.....:::..- 1111I1. 1lIIIliallt:lA. V\\L~~i X, vr-Jv - I JAI A' \ /~ f1 'fJV/ I h ~,) , -"J e 1_- e Memo (verbal) from Gary Pring1e~ If City Council wants to clarify 1$ga1ity of builming in mall area, a~ resolution is needed, as tollows: L~\':'j , t, t. t_. (1) Go on record in opposition of bui1dingX~nt:1 status of streets are clarified. ,- a) Instruct Administrator to I notify builder verbally. b) Instruct attorney to notify builders in writing.