City Council Agenda Packet 09-09-1974 -' " . , AGE DA City Council meeting I SeptJmber 9, 1974 Ci ty IHal1 I I 7:30 P.M. Meeting to be taped. L, F~r Cf..t-1J-f,'h> J j ~ II If i t-J ' / Lf 1/ r' p"ftLr i L 1. Approval of minutes - mee~ing of August 26, 1974. Citizen comments. J I 2.~Report by the City Attorn~y. J (A) Review of proposed f~re contract. \J(B) Review of Tree Remov~l contract. ,,-C ~ ~\j ("' ~ k\' ~ c tJ ",,1 q c:1' ! 3. Approvafof transfer of fctnds from Federal Revenue Sharing Savings Account ~o Federal Revenue Sharing Checking Account. ' 4" 'dP/ ,FJ.? i'O ) j 4. Review of parking regulat~ons and truck parking. 5. Approval of Variance Permit - Mr. Bob Rasmussen. (Variance to build within!5 feet of side property line.) Reviewed and apprJved by Planning Commission. Council given copy of minJtes but the permit has not had formal Council actionJ ('\ J :- ( _ 01~J r;.~il'/ )J 6. Unfinished business. J . I .... /. / ;j"'/ /"f c l..- UV. -/J-' C. ,.. r) ~7:! ."" , -r-- r r JI / '-' v Ie 7 . New busJ..ness., r n ,~I- N (I ( C fUf h, .. 11 A (If / F~' 1 .e ,.~.r~ ">I J'e t e It < t I """ J (., ,/ r '-- S It f" Included in mailing. - ~ Ii. Minutes of meeting - Au~st 26, 1974. 2. Draft - Dog Impoundmenticontract. /3. Employment applications: - C. Pratt, D. Larson. /4. Letter from Meyer-Rohli~, Inc. - Recommending payment J of $16,202.70, Improvemtnt Project 1974-3. 5. Notice of Hearing - K'ellberg's Park. J 6. Price 9uotation - Hall quipment Selecto Sand Spreader f~r back of snowplow truck. 7. Auto and Truck Parking ~roposals. Mailing to: Council members Mr. Gary Pringle r -l ----