City Council Agenda Packet 10-28-1974 ) \ \ 8. ) . . ,. ~,. ,.,., "'-.....~, I AGEND~ I I - octo~er 28, Ci ty Hlall 1974 7:30 P.M. City Council Meeting Meeting to be taped. \ Citizen Comments. 1974. 1. Approval of minutes - mee~ing of October 14, ! Review of bids received - ~eavy-duty truck. opening 2:00 P.M., OctobeJ-28.) ! 'Approval of and authoriza~ion for Mayor and Clerk to sign "off-sale" beer l~cense for Wayne's Red Owl - Monticello Mall. 2. (Bid 3. 4. Approval of and authoriza~ion for to sign cigarette licensed for: Wayne's Red Owl - Mall I Snyder's Drug Store - M~ll ! , Approval of construction ~ayment (Lakedale Water & Sewer, $6,564.64) for Imp ovement Project 1974-1, Walnut Watermain & Vine S reet Sewers. the Mayor and Clerk ) 5. ) I park~ng StreEtt. I I requirement by Pitt 6. Discussion of 2 hour Funeral Home on Palm Request for transfer apprdval - Use of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds, to pay for Ibituminous overlay, $4,335.16. (A) River Street by baqk. (B) Third Street by Ci~y Hall. (C) Wright Street. I 7. Approval and signing of l~st of bills - month of I September, 1974. I I I 9. Authorization for Mr. Ras1-ussen to issue "normal" building permits in the aqnexed area. (Those in previously established ar1as that are routine in I nature.) J ~' ) /1 I ' ) I I c.. /1 A ) . ,/ / j,... r/(' 11\/,; . Unfinished businej. h V ( ." ") " _ G Ai' l.s", I)" ehr ft (- ;~ "I J (' / / c /1/ f-J I-I A r eM t~',JIJ 1 ~ \tv (tv 1. -t \Iv \ ",,,, I. IN t... New business. ! flc (1 ~~,tv f ) Ie J( () t' . ";.Jo,9, 6? / l'i/ i f (/ 0" f C )< " (~ i "-- l!:. I'f V i. ------ . Council Agenda - October 28, 1974 . (Con tinued) Included in mailing: ~ j 1. Minutes of City Council Meeting - October 14, 1974. -\ 2. List of bills paid - onth of September, 1974. 3. Minutes of Planning Colmmission Meeting - October 8. 4. Sheriff's report - modth of September, with letter of explanation of pat~ol costs for 1975. j 5. Report of Dog Patrol ~(Ioct. 1 - 15, 1974), as submitted by Mr. and r. Darold Burma. L 6. Letter from Meyer-Roh in. (A) Recommending p1yment for bituminous street work - Bauerly Bros., $4,290.00. (B) Recommending p~yment to Lakedale Water & Sewer, $6,564. 4 (Retainer $4,017.76). Recap - Improvement P oject 1974-1 - Downtown Parking. , Recap - Improvement p~oject 1974-3 - Vine Street Sewer/Walnut Watermain. i j 7. .J 8. General information: (B) (C) I I Copy of building perdit issued to Centra-Sota Feed Mill. Billing from Brauer 4 Associates - Planning. Billing from R. Matu~i & Associates - grading street - newly annex~d area. of (A) Mailing to: All Council members Agenda only: Mr. Thore M+yer Mr. Gary Prtngle Mr. Axel Ra~mussen I Kevin L. La France, Administrator i I r- For: City Council Date mailed or delivered to Council members - October 23'11974. I I