City Council Agenda Packet 12-08-1970 r AGENDA FOR DECEllJ~ER 8 COUNCIL MEETING 1. Discuss recommendation of Counci~man Sandberg that the Village request an audit conducted by th~ State Public Examiner in lieu of an audit bv the village retaiped certified public accounting firm of Gruys-Johnson. . ~ i I 2. Report by Councilman Sandberg onlthe formula utilized to establish the hook-up charge to the Montic~llo school district. 3. Receive bids on pump and pump ho,se. 4. Consider time limitation on reguiar council meeting.. S. Report by Councilmen Sandberg an4 Maus on the North Central rate increase. 6. Resolve payment of bills submitt~d one month previous by Pringle & Smith, and Melchert & Melchert.1 I 7. Report on the legality in expendi~g village funds for the operating bUdget at the Senior Citizens org~nization. I 8. Report on the legal implications ~f pumping Of. sewage by private individuals or firms, into the puplic sewer system. , I Consider proposal by Thore Meyer rnd Assoc. to undertake a study of sewer usage rates. I Con~ider appointments to the HRA., i Request for bu.ildingpermi t by Drr' Fish for a 15 x 20 addition to his residence. I I "."j 9. 10. 11. "