City Council Agenda Packet 02-10-1970 :~"," I: I' I '~~.~""" i ' \ \ Ii \: / " ,/" ,. :.~,:~:~,.:::., ~\ .j'r,:',',t Village Gmmcil Hel'::ting Februa.ry 10, 1970 8:00 p.m. I I I I C~uncil Chambers l"ebrUGTyRegular meeting of l1onticello Village Council is scheduled for Februc"ry 10, 1970 r.t 8:00 p.m. in Council Chambers. Adg:endtl. Ca.ll to Order ..I I:Iinutes of Previous meeting .; Report of Village Superintendent .; Report of Police Department Report of Fire! Departpent I I ~eport of Liquor Store, /Report on Dog Control ~ontract negotiations jReport on Tmmsl1ip F,irr Brotection negotiat:tons /Report on RufuM D1.spolsal Contract negotiations /EstabU:mh policy rege,rding costs to ue assumed by village regardin,,:!:, slewer and water instal1~\tion5. Consider rec:ucst.s forauthoriz.fJtion to bujJd :in villaGe. ' ,/ Corul:~rdal IJuilding I 18 Unit.Ap~rtmentBuilding II Quse Retlodjeling i C'::.b;r bF::;:i.P!!:' 5S as broJght before council at t.hie of me,:,:ting ~. 1J ,_-.1. ..,_.L___ A.-~.___~__ L __A ---