City Council Agenda Packet 04-14-1970 VILLAGE Of M NTICELLO Monticello, Minne ota 55362 Re(Ular April Meetin~ of Village Council, Ap 1 14th, 8:00 P.M., Villa,;e Council Chambers. AGENDA 1. Call to order. I 2. Minutes of previous regular mee~ing (mailed). I I I 3. Minutes of s?ecial meetings. I 4. Review financial reports. 5. Approve payment of bills for Mattch. Authorization to consolidate checking accounts. 6. Report Police Department. 7. Report -- Civil Defense. Fire Department. I (a) approve by-laws of Fireman's Relief Association. (b) approve budgetjinccease of from $200.00 to $350.00 to allow 2 firfmen to attend. State Fire School April 27-30. I I 8. Report __ Utilities Superinte~dent. Install water meter! at Creamery Install larger conn~cting water line from Creamery to City Water main -- existing line 2" diameter. Consider an additio~al well -- estimated cost $12,000 to $15,000. . I 9. Report -- Liquor Store Manager. I 10. Report __ Accounting & Audit ~uarterly report on li~uor store. 11. Report Engineer. Seal coating parki~g lot. State Highway Vill~ge storm sewer installation. ! 12. Report -- 'Attorney. Annexation Sewer-water hookup!at Pinewood School. 13. Committee Reports: A. Jim Maus & Dio~ Martie -- new village maintenance truck. B. Jim Maus & F. twanberr; -- follow-up on work at liquor store. C. Diok Martie & $.on Sohleif -- 4th Street closingo 14. Old Business. A. Buildin~ Inspe~tor applications: ! VILLAGE OF M NTICEllO Monticello, Minn sota 55362 Larry Tostenson, Bernard Johnson, Monte Reese, Grant Schleif. I I Bui.ldin~ Parmi t: B. Don Granlund -- remodel Lester Henry __ 18 unit apt. ~- water & sewer service. Thomas Chock __ 4 unit apt. aJproved -- water & sewer service. New Business: 'I 15. A. Buildin~ Permits: (1). Gus L. Hammer -- new hou$e 900 West Broadway (Broad~ay & Chestnut). 46 x 36 ft. home on 66 ft. lot to face east. i I (2). Lyle Klatt -- 28 x 32 ft garage. Estimated cost $3,500.00. Lot 36 Lot 10 & E t of lot 2 and 9 Lower Monticello I B. Permit for residents of Monticfllo Nursing Home to plant flower. & vegetables in boulevard -- add I black dirt. C. Inspect water tower interior. , Water Tower Paint & Repair Co. -- Bid $135.00. I D. Tax delinquent property in viIl-age. 15' x 146' in municipal parki~~ lot. E. Sell portable building formerl~ used as dog pound. I " 16. other. ~~""'_'''''''____"~'''M''''''~~_'~'''''''''''''''''_'''''''''--''''''~~--'~~._~'' . ... _""""",~"~,~_,-+",,!,,,'\M'''''''''''''''__'''''''''''_'''~_"'>' ...,.".. Floyd & Universi Art McIn Berlyn B Don Gran Lynnea G Ronald Mi Al's San City of Bi~ Lake State Tr Business Frederic Monticel Hi1lcres Uniforms Phillips Fire Chi St. Cloud North Ce Olson E1 Gross In Pitt Har Ronald S James Ma Franz Swa Richard William Lawrence Kenneth Hibbert H N. S. P. Stevenson General fund Fund Code Amount Check No. Ethel Trunnel - Loan prine. & Int. C eneral $178.:33 2459 ty of Minnesota - Conference .. 30.00 2460 tire - Salary .. 750.00 2461/2484 irkholz - Salary " 600.00 2463/2487 lund - Salary .. 800.00 2462/2485 illham - Salary " 210.00 2465/2500 chaelis - Salary for Civil Defense n 100.00 2488 itation - Garba~e for 2 months " 1100.00 2464/2501 Richfield - Books It 6.62 2466 Gravel - Snow removal (reimbursed) It 40.00 2467 easurer - P.E.R.A. .. 364.04 2468 Men's Assurance - Group Insurance .. 38.34 2472 k & Sherry - Supplies " 23.09 2473 10 ~ency - Bond " 10.00 2474 t Safety Equipment - Repairs .. 7.00 2475 Unlimited - Repairs It 23.27 2476 Petroleum - Gas & Oil .. 32.90 2477/78/95 af Ma~azine - Books It 7.50 2479 Fire Equipment - Supplies .. 2.00 2480 ntral Public Service - Utilities .. 182.19 2482 ectric - Repairs .. 11 0.99 2483 dustrial - Supplies " 12.00 2481 dware - Supplies " 1.20 2486 chleif - Council Salary It 90.00 2489 us - Council Salary n 60.00 2490 nber~ _ Council Salary " 60.00 2491 Martie - Council Salary .. 60.00 2492 Sandber~ - Council Salary It 5.00 2493 Hulitt - Salary " 159.98 2498 Antil - Salary " 107.50 2497 ill - Salary .. 54.22 '2499 - Utilities It 33.61 2502 's - Supplies .. 7.50 2503 . $5267.28 . I , i I' Ii , I : - - -.,.- m __ -..-. -- _ i --- --- ..- \ -- - 1.,.,.:\ T .TQJTn~ fi))W Old Peoria Co. - Liquor Ed Phillips & Son - Liquor Famous Brands - Liquor Johnson Bros. - Liquor Gerald DeLon~ - Salaries Lyndon Hawkins - Salary Claude Johnston - Salary Mary Arnold - Salary Alta Farnick - Salary Roman Brauch - Salary Gerald Barthel - Salary James Cantin - Salary John Leerson - Salary Gre~~ Gillham - Salary Barbara DeLon~ - Salary Business Men's Assurance - Group Insurance Gross Industrial - Supplies Coast toCoast - Repairs Davis V Store - Store Expense Gri~~s Cooper Co. - Liquor Superior Products - Equipment Olson Electric - Repairs Mobil Oil - Fuel Jankord - Supplies Display Fixtures - Supplies Morrell Transfer - Equipment Foster Insurance - Insurance Jerry DeLon~ - Laundry Jude Candy & Tobacco - Supplies M. M. Dahlheimer - Beer Thorpe Distributin~ - Beer Grosslien Bev. - Beer Dick Bevera~es - Beer Albertville Bevera~es - -..r A. J. O~le - Beer Louis Distributin~ - Liquor Seven Up Bottlin~ - Supplies Old Dutch Foods - Supplies Maus Food Market - Supplies Distillers Distributin~ - Liquor Liefert Truckin~ - Frei~ht Northwest Linen - Store Expense Brid~ewater Telephone - Telephone Laurin~ Dru~ - Store Expense , '. '''.'n,'''..:...._ . ~,~".~,..........w._.',,_ ."..~._.~',.,,'_.__.~~.~._-_.. ,--- ..,..-.-- Fund Code Liquor .. .. .. .. " .. .. .. .. .. .. .. It n .. .. .. .. " .. .. .. .. It It .. .. .. " .. " .. .. .. : .. " " " It It It It It : II I: Amount $2247.95 2597.77 864.10 714.08 750.00 165.00 642.75 360.00 375.50 61.50 78.00 ,65).25 552.00 116.25 175.00 145.63 60.60 27.44 18.54 395.95 846 . 80 281.85 109.57 22.70 39.67 25.67 4269.00 80.82 184.55 1515.72 712.35 912.00 2261.63 367.70 479.01 272.45 102.35 46.80 20.02 3106.11 141.57 9.90 29.65 1.02 lJ26840.22 Check No. 1955,2035, 2049 2022/36/47 2023/66 2048 2021/2045 2044 2025/2079 2026/2073 2028/2077 2029/2075 2031/2074 2032/2076 2033/2080 2034/2078 2046 2038 2041 2043 2042 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2024/2069 2055 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2082 12065 2067 2081 2083 2071 2084 2068 2070 2072 ____J___u _^___", -^ '" ^- SEWER FUND Fund Code Amount Check No. Walter Mack Sewer Salaries $700.00 188/197 ~ Ro~er Mack .. Salaries 348.00 189/199 ~tate Treasurer .. P.E.R.A. 42.69 191 . Business Men's Assurance Co. " Group Ins. 22.56 193 /" Gross Industrial Laundry " Supplies 22.50 194 ~ Phillips Petroleum .. Gas & Oil 44.00 195 Coast to Coast " Supplies 1.28 196 Wrir;ht Service Oil Co. .. Fuel Oil 145.68 200 Jean Brouillard .. Fuel Oil 2.93 201 $1329.64 STREET Imm Eur;ene Fryhlint; : Street Salary $625.00 2']6/246 Ror;er Mack .. Salary 204.00 237/247 State Treasurer .. P.E.R.A. 53.10 238 Business Men's Assurance Co. .. Group Ins. 12.7e 241 MonticellO-~~ It Supplies 40.00 242 ~MonticellO - , " Utilities 562.97 243 Phillips Petroleum " Gas & au 3.07 244 Coast to Coast .. Supplies 7.56 245 Gulf Oil Co. .. Gas & Oil 18.15 248 Bi tum1nous Roadways It Supplies 104.16 249 $1630.79 WATER !mill .. Equipment Supplies Supplie. $116.00 205.00 7.55 $)28.55 173 174 175 Goodin Co. Hawkins Chemical Coast to Coast Wa tar It, ... \. ..- ST. CLO~D DAILY TIMES I Wednesday, April 8, 1970 29 I 100 98 96 94 92 ,90 88 ~'7'10 .@j 51 MARKET INDICATOR I l' I' r. ~( I ~ I 1 ~ II I. 49 47 I 1 \ ! 1 1 1 i 26 24 ~ f 22 AMERICAN STOCKEXCHANGE e MAR. APR, .~~\ : IV!onticeIlo Told ut Sewer Bill I\. p ~ A I ST. PAUL (UPO - Attorney: General . Douglas Head tuled ~ Tuesd~y that the ViIJage of Mon- ~ 'ticeIlo may charge the schoolli . district for connecting up with,. . the village sewer and watsr sys-:;. tem but not the $50,000 which' . the village -council requested, ~ The question arose because a: . new school facility in Monticello P lies outside the vi.1lage bound.: , ary. The council had previously ~ : rejected efforts to have the area A : annexed. ~ Head said the village did not ~ use approved methods in com. A puting the "hook - up" charge. ~ He said such a charge must be ~ based upon benefits received by .. the school property, not on what ~ : it may c(}st the district to con- : I struct its own sewer and water I I facilities. P; , 'rho opinion war; rEJqucf:ted by ~ i Fnrl'.'y Hrlj.(ht, tlf'pllt}' "III1lHlllrj'& I Mil""..' ur .'11111'11111111 k'"