City Council Agenda Packet 11-10-1970 VILLAGE OF ONTICELLO Monticello, Minn sota 55362 i Nl:".c;TING OFI/lLLAG~ CUUNCfL Tuesday evening November 10th 7:30 P. M. Po ce Dept. Ha ntenance Dept. Li uor Store Fi e & Civil Defense Le al En ineering Pr gress Senior Citizens Building. I I I I Hid America Dairymen --~. 70 x 72 steel building for receiving and washing trucks. 12 28 addition to tank storage room. James Foster additio to house & new double garage. Jerry DeLong 30 I x 5t~' metal truck garage on his lot at 3rd and r~nnesota. Larry Krenz, -- move HO~IYWOOd motel to Monticello site Hlock 5. ?ropose for lat r development office and living quarters on Lot 4. Additional mot I units on Lot 1. I 10' x 24'1 addition to existing garage at 618 Vi. Call to order. 11inutes of previous meetings. Financial reports. Reports: Art Hclntire Walter dack Hichard Hesley - Ron l':1ichaelis Gary Pringle Thore Meyer Ron Schleif I. Building Permits: A. B. C. D. E. Ken Peshia Broadway. AGENDA II. Act on Did from Kopff and Scl 'dt to build canopy on back of Liquor Store -- $740.00. III. Select representative of for rneeting November 19, to State Labor ~hrvey -- E.D.A. at Buffalo. IV. Gary PringJe to re [)ort on fin lings regarding 15' x 148~' plot -- tax delinciuent. V. Act on bill from Township for ;$67'1:3.00 to blacktop village portion of Elm St. south of It. l~. tracks. VI. Consider abolishing office of Constable. I VII. Consider burning han reSolutifn. VIII. Consider requiring 2 er'dorsetnts for cashing cert_i.ficates of de~::osit. i I 1 1 IX. , I i Act on North Central Publi1 Service request for rate increase. Big Lake, Princeton, 11ilac , Anoka, Coon Rapids, Elk ltiver and Maple Lake have approved. Increase is 4% increase on usage of 2000 cu. ft. I Action on Housing and Rede~elopment Authority. X. XI. Tree removal followup action. XII. Village pickup truck. ~' " ~(jl c t= ~ r 0 r ~ ~ S (": J' a ~ ~ >< ti. r ~ --, r J' Q IM~ z........ .~M S-to< ~ . z () ~M M - ~ ?! ~ ,.l:1 C r' , ttnl f11 <JJ Z ...' ... t'"" ::c- ( j > 0 ZO O~ r a tnl"""' ~ c:::~ r l ::oz <:. c M_ ~ i1' [ F ijl t ~ '/ ,0 ' f. ~ - ~- :J. "'l ..~..' (J ;:. co ;:..... f" 1- "r"\)\)1J III r Q 'l1 f~hb r ~ ~ 0 J' Jll4- \) -1 .I. , a ~ ~f \I' \J "f1 G r fJ fl r' ~~>[ t G~frJ ~ ~ .{ [ ., (1' {1' Q ~ Q -1 ~ Y (f1 ~ r \ .'C ~ \AI ~ J' rn , 1- --l - I" Je,l" C) t.ll,j 111 ,- J I" -1 f \1' 0 L ! i ~ t:::::.....Ll'-1U~ .-- j) \p_ --~ -.f' ......': .~., ~\. .. \1..-=0' i iI ,: ',~\ (- \S ~ --- 0 J) II () rP " I fJ1 V 0 0 :?; 0 --l fI' r ;~ <; rI ... ""'.. 0, o-t\.. "Z,./;:.... II. .. \G"S, LOl 'i ~~ ~ ~ J o ." - , 3rJ a' r .'\ ~vJ ~Jl , r r 0 r r o r ~ - - ~ --. - -~ - - - ~ - -......... - - - - ~ ~ - - - -. -..