City Council Minutes 10-14-1970VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO Monticello, Minnesota 55362 October 15, 1970 Meeting called to order at 4:10 P.M. October 14, 1970 Present: Ron Schleif, Franz Swanioerg, dm.. Sandberg, James T -%us, Richard N:artie, Walt Mack, George Davis and Roger 2-7ack. Preliminar7T discussions centered on the fanctionir_g of the Maintenance De-artment. The Maintenance Personnel were advised of the Council's intention to reorganize the Maintenance Department with one individual responsible for water and sewer, one individual responsible for streets and one man whose labors are to be shared as needed between the two sub -departments. Motion by Wm. Sandberg to hire Dick Brooks as Street Main- tenance Man, seconded by James Maus. Carried unanimously. Ron; Schleif, mayor of Monticello RPS/lcg