City Council Minutes 09-24-1970 SpecialVILLAGE OF MONTICELLO Monticello, Minnesota 55362 September 25, 1970 Special meeting of Village Council September 24, 1970 -- 7:30 P. M. Mayor Schleif called the meeting to order TAth Franz Swanberg, William Sandberg, Richard Martie and James !,aus in attendance. Harry Gahr and Larry Krenz, Clearwater met with Council requesting permission to build a motel at I-94 and Highway 25 interchange. Council could not officially grant permit without plans at this time. General consensus of Council was favorable to hermit Mir. Krenz to locate a motel there. Mr. Burt Teig n_resented the program .for nlarning & advised that monies were available to help with planning. Plan outline had been presented by Charles Tooker of Beckman, Swenson and Assoc. Proposal presented is estimated to cost $7500.00 -- X3750.00 to be paid by the Village and $3750.00 to be ;aid by Federal grant. Council referred proposal to Village Planning Commission for discussion and action,with request to return a recommendation to October 13th meeting. Payor Schleif read letter from State Highway Department denying design- ation of West 3rd Street as a street eligible for State Aid funds. Don Granlund presented proposed 1971 Village budget to the Council, with itemized expenditures and income. A lengthy discussion on program planning and budgeting continued. Meeting recessed at 11:45 U.M. to reconvene on October 5th at 7:30 p.M. Don lGanlund, Clerk DCG/