City Council Minutes 06-09-1970VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Regular Council Meeting June 9, 1970 The regular meeting of Monticello Village Council was called to order at 8:00 P.M. with all councilmen present: Ron Schleif, Wm. Sandberg, Franz Swanberg, Richard Martie, James Maus. Also at. tending were Arthur McIntire, Police Dept.; Robert Davis, Planning Commission; Walter Mack, Maintenance; Thore Meyer, Engineer; and Gary Pringle, Attorney. Minutes of previous meetings, regular and special, were approved as mailed on motion by Richard Martie and seconded by James I`1aus. Don Granlund presented the financial report and cash position as of May 31. Report accepted. Arthur McIntire reported that there were no qualified applicants on file for patrolmen. Clerk instructed to place ads in Minnesota Municipalities, Wright County Journal Press and Sherburne County Star News. Walter Mack requested that brackets and barb wire be installed above fence around sewer plant as children are climbing over fence creating a danger to the children. Request approved. `halt requested per- mission to buy a hydraulic pipe pusher to eliminate necessity of digging up streets and yards to lay pipe. Motion to approve by Wm. Sandberg seconded by Franz Swanberg. Motion carried. New liquor store manager, Richard Hesley, from Zimmerman to start work on Monday, June 15. Clerk directed to arrange for fiscal audit at that time. Robert Davis did not have a report on the Planning Commission act- ivities for this month. Thore Meyer, Engineer, reported that to contract for street repair would cost between $25.00 to $30.00 per ton laid down. The village can buy the material at $6.00 to $7.00 per ton. Suggested that Superintendent determine work schedule and endeavor to get work dong by maintenance crew. At previous meeting Thore Meyer was requested to study needs for a new well. Findings indicate that our present well operates at almost full capacity on warm days. There is no standby well should present well or pump need major repairs and be closed down. The well at the Creamery has not been approved by State Dept. of Health or is it of sufficient capacity to be of sufficient aid. Construction of new 1200 gallon per minute well, pump and pump house is estimated to cost about $31,000. Motion by James Maus, seconded by Franz Swanberg that Meyer go ahead with preparing plans and specifications and prepare necessary docu- ments for bidding for complete installation. Motion carried by all councilmen voting in favor. Mr. Meyer further reported that negotiations and plans with State Highway Department on storm sewer system are well under way and should be resolved soon. Storm sewer installation to take place yet this year. Clerk instructed to consult with Dale Johnson, auditor, to deter- mine sound financing procedures for these and future projects. Mr. A. J. Boudreau, Watertower Paint & Repair Co. presented a 12 year maintenance contract providing for annual cle=ning and interior paint maintenance of water tank and providing 3 paintings of exterior surfaces. Contract costs of $924 per year for first 2 years and $693 per year for next 10 years. Action tabled until next meeting. Harold Bangs appeared before council to complain of flooding of base- ments near river because of sewer back-up during heavy rain storm. Working with State Highway Dept. on planning storm sewer as pre- viously discussed. Thore Meyer was sure that problem can be solved in next 30 days. Meyer will expedite action. Clerk to communicate with property owners in area to advise them of action under way. Gary Pringle responded to questions of procedure previously asked of him. 1. Village can sell real estate without bids. 2. Change from Option "A" to Option "B" government requires referendum. Annexation hearing re -set for July 28 and 29. Council authorized maintenance crew to be provided with First Aid Kits at shop and sewer plant. Marty Kjellberg has requested 2 hour parking signs be installed on North dalnut Street between Broadway and alley entrance. Franz Swanberg moved to approve install signs. Richard Martie seconded and approved by council. J. Id. Miller's request for building permit for house on lots 1 & 2 block 38 was approved on motion by James Maus and seconded by Richard Martie. Extension of sewer and water service to be owners' res- ponsibility. Harold Pittman requested building permit for new tool shed and re- moval of two old buildings on his property. Mrs. Julia Findley has requested sewer hookup. Approved. -2- Franz Swanberg moved that Gordon Link and David Kranz be appointed to Recreation Committee. Second by Richard. Martie, carried. James Daus made motion, seconded by Richard Martie, that Thore Meyer make a study of improving parking lot around Liquor Store. Motion by James Maus, seconded by Richard Martie to approve billing of $1119.00 for painting of inside of water tank. Carried. Motion by W. Sandberg, seconded by R. Martie, to remove "no trucks" signs on Fest 4th Street and Elm. Motion carried. Clerk to set up interviews for off -sale clerk on Tuesday, June 16th. Clerk to insert notice in Times to advise that garbage be kept off curb until Wednesday evening. Richard Martie moved that bills presented be paid. James Maus seconded, motion carried. Adjourned on motion at 11:40 P. M. Don Gr, nlund, Ilerk DCG%lcg -3-