City Council Minutes 03-10-1970VT'r LA.F' I : - �f, �, '"IL ' ­'-,C4'TITk]1G -- C Jil-� 1, .1 L��j ILt 30M�l H 10, 970 00 The villag. cil -a ,,,t court. "on Sc' Ridaard " rt -1 James --altp ck and. ray z-,uoerintendent,, �T, r aus , and 0 IQ, liouor story -.,anatzer..'trzaldj 1!° Lunn villap,-* t,Lttorney, G�: .1'rim7ie -,n P n,.... rc.,vi-n,�-,, th I -jet i -vi -IL -1h Dale, Johnson --�f !1,ru,' s, Johnsc As 3 o ci,-- tr�-;7 1. q-1ud-Lt:1-d r-7..ort s of t"I"11" _,U-, Liquor S4C -o r - a., nd, Villaf-,-e- of a:onti cillo financial st-�7.tenn S. 1---r. Johnson -.,cinte�d out th- sale- incr-asp of the 11quor store for 1969 over 1968 o. -f,-* almost a $100,000*1 with net --.rcfit of 16 70* - -7`� In rl :each-Unrnber of the couticil study the. viilave financial re,Qorts and discuss any questions and intf!rpretations at a lat=$,,r nnetinn,, d11*100 10. The forral of the Coun.ci-I was ca'1-1-,d to -..,rder at 89:00 b- .7 �"a,yor Ronald SSC1,.liftf. ti on 1, r jam, s 1'aus and s;---condc.,d b -.y7 Franz Sw n.- g t'hat reading of minutes of previr-.,,us bn disi.)--rscd with ancl that minutts be---acce,pted Cas -,-Ailcd to nach coi.Incil',mian. ;....otion carried. ,40alttr I ck - -r-lsentend n:d for another +.'ruck for tlie vil-lago -.,qain- 1'-i I tonance crew -- pr,,,,.�ferably a panel t.Tpe. Jim llaus and Dick "ilartie. were appointed to study th.- need and re.port. Je,rr,-,r DeLon�,- rt-port-ld on needs of the, Liquor Store. Jimr. �"aus and Franz SwanbmrT re.-Port°,?d on f'indllin,-,�s as desiF:,natmd at last mrr�--tin'T 01 re-,oair and r,-, novation requirnd. It Ti -as OLi mi*d c-,x:,t?ejdim-nt that compressor for walk-in cooler be moved to it with betttr air circulation to -Cunction -39ro-,:Derly an!-!- the adclition of a beer cooler. Franz Swanber,;.-,: madr., motion that the.4se ite-i-ns b#- dr no. Second by Dick ­- rtie and carri,-;(3. Thore 1.1 yer, Pngein-oer, reportpd t'hat the stat highway enf-dne--r '71 1 would bt in the area this week to study thr, drainage probleris that vill incur ivdth the bui`Ulj-n-, tt'he- 1-94 c-;..nd hL7..h-,JM11r 25 inti Irchange and the -niethods of tying,� into th-. village storm sei-,T-'!'r syste,;-,s. This stud-,- -od"Ll be a na-rt of th� +..orVhco,,;ii n: -,r r!�port bein.-P par ^, -d by th! en, --,,inn- T--r1n--;- f irm. -arj- 'rinle report cd that annationl ns ars still t-.r.r*r 'p. Zl U 7 al 1 'hat -3 ne-goti.-ted b�-twwr,n 'Tozriship 2-nd Gourci-so 1. 1-1 e - r ort -V. .( - -L U. -Cro- the tornew I-ren-ral :.klvn t h s h- P- s not r-c!ti,�,-;,-.d P, rr-:�ort to 2 -.11 � Pin�voorl School s,t-wrtr end. w!tt-r dis-;-%Uta. Rich --..rd 11artin, i-,va.61-n :Tio-1.-.ion that -!,-,,,as stconded by �;ranz Swanb-,rg tl.-)-at Jarie,s Kaus be apoint *d Act! -n,.,- ..-Iv,rorl to a ct in absence of Schli-f. This motion unaninously carried. James 1 u m.Rde notion that Richard 1,1artie be a;p-ooint=ad to n-n-otiatin L, 9 comxt,.itte i��-,-orkin7 with the rmayor on settlin.-T- the 4th Street closing controve-,rsy wil th the school dist-riot. Each.-rsor. to sti.,'-d-ur sa--Fqty en-ineers rn--,o-Lt a--ain. r cl., 1 u, 9, 7 0 c, 5AXst-,ruct- -1-7 -1Cc% ins --.rt ar -%-- dil. i n -ontic--.1-lo Timf-�s adv -,rt" sin," Jr o r q.. _";U ildin,,:r Inspector. a -le applica. n iC.ti©n Illmd b but i -Action on this i, s until ,ublic d h d b, n r 0 d a � a e un The council unanimously ap-jointc;d th-. follov.,ing -,D�rsons to the Park - Recreation E ­10",C Doug Oitt,, Jame --s Lun-Witz, 1',rs. Kk,?- _'1authic.r,, J, Gordon Link. Jai? .-, S f -,-lus to be council ri�nDr-sentative. 3uilding -��*r-niit a-;proval for renovation of front fac ia of buildi ncr F on a,:_ain Strut rccentl­ acouired 17,,.7 ". ..r. :,,n� d rs, Fred Top�l. o v st, d, 1�y James 'Paust seconded Dick . ",,arti� and. carried. -:o -.,st for emriit to build 4 x. Chock ors-si!mte�.d il.�lans and formal r, ,. ml wait al)artmmt buildin- in iTeq.,St --nd of _Ont-*,LciAllo. Councii"L defxxred action for ono rionth to studv tonin c- struc-Gur!, of Clark -T rta oumr v,, -as authorized to us,- his discr-tion in inv'stinq. surplus funds in savin,.-;s certificates to dra-,., int -.rmst. It i.,as t. d e t^,- r mllined in discussion th:7,t acti-,T�., chi ,ckin­ accounts n, --d not carry ZD far this action with s�!,crmd. lar;e balances, Franz 3wanbr.-,.rf; movgtd j ypl I ;`., - -1.-Aus; _- act -ion oarrit-d unanirrousl,r. 2.1101W!'d that bills br- -,,)aid as Stcond-,d 'by Fm -11m, P1 Swanb��-rg nd carried. U -1 Ron i.-IcI.,iaelis reautstd authorization for hiis -.,. �1.f and -n, .-th r - - !ietuber r e e of th.� firf--crew to attend "`inn -ti-sota, State 'Fir -1 School on AI-Jril 2'-3 Tim ':'-us and c. rri�nd. -1on to --mnt ix,,r DicK w.,._artie, sfconded b�,7 ot }.'Otion b�, T Jim- I:` us to have Don fGran lund attend ccnferenct� for i -un cipal Cl f-rks =-,.nd Financ!-- Offic-rs in --arch 12 6- 13. Sccond*d11:�Y Iranz Swanbrzr.-,­ rand carrimd. �.�ayor Schli-f reporUnci on his inv!�still ation into all tions rind . a,,-,*ainst. `.'L xr. D�1 Lion .rahind, in an article ished on brualry 17th, -)c�lis Tri' ani-. It w: td that convmrsations v-ith n + 'inne - J. _s re r.ort )T r. Ha.rrit avis , Cho-irm n -f 0 R. and it's --msc-nt controller, -,, Ir. C. Curren,, videnced r. C -l -ran' und e s innocnc� of ai-y -vxong-doim!, and indica ted t'_'h.0_&t any comnents ou,!.-tionin,,-"..'r. Gran)-w-ld's co.moetence vrere unfoundcd. A r# sod' ution-.-',rssents.�,-d to tht council na-_,!°infr as co,'Mcilman to A111 the vacancy r cry E,1 -1.t ­d i, hen Ronald Schli*f was I- appointe'd mayor r�-cmivtd and ung ni-,',iously a -"proved. Aoetin g adjournvd by motion at (�'­,D'O ;-1-1 - r DCG/ , 1 c�,: