EDA Minutes 12-13-2017MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, December 1311, 2017 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Bill Demeules, Bill Tapper, Steve Johnson, Tracy Hinz, Jon Morphew, Jim Davidson, Lloyd Hilgart Staff Present: Jim Thares, Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order President Bill Demeules called the regular meeting of the EDA to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of additional agenda items None. 4. Consent Agenda TRACY HINZ MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA EXCLUDING ITEM B. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. a. Consideration of approving Regular Meeting Minutes — November 8th. 2017 Recommendation: Approve Regular Meeting Minutes from November 8th, 2017. b. Consideration of approving payment of bills Recommendation: ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. 4A. Consideration of items removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Consideration of approving payment of bills Bill Tapper noticed that there were two bills from North Risk Partners for worker's comp insurance. Tapper asked if that was for Jim Thares. Thares confirmed. Tapper asked for clarification of the two bills. Tapper also asked about the bills from Kennedy and Graven, as it related to 220 West Broadway. Thares stated that was for the purchase of a vacant commercial property. He was also concerned why there were two bills for "EDA Matters". Tapper stated there are six bills for TIF management from Northland Securities. Thares stated he spread those charges out among the TIF districts. He stated that ten percent of the increment dollars could be used for administration fees. Tapper asked if monthly bills for $1,000 would be expected. Thares stated that he believed that the main reoccurring cost would be a monthly phone call with Northland, until such time as a specific development project begins to take shape and gather momentum. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS THROUGH NOVEMBER 2017. STEVE JOHNSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. Regular Agenda 5. Consideration of 2018 Wright County Economic Development Partnership Dues Jim Thares stated that the dues proposed for the Monticello EDA are $2,529, which is a 3.4 percent increase from the previous year. Duane Northagen, Wright County Economic Development Partnership (WCEDP) was invited to speak about the involvement of the partnership. Northagen stated that the dues are raised every other year to keep up with inflation. He stated that the cost stayed the same the past three years and would bump up again in the next year. Northagen stated the organization worked extensively on putting together a broker event that was held on September 19th in St. Michael. The event was to connect cities with key developers and commercial realtors. It was anticipated that this event would happen around every three years. A video was also created to help the communities promote and highlight the County. It is available on the website to display on various city websites. A community fact sheet was also created for every community in Wright County. In addition, Northagen explained that articles were published in national magazine companies (In -Focus and Business Expansion Journal) as well. Northagen also explained in cooperation with greater MSP, they completed business retention and expansion visits throughout the county. Thares and Northagen went on several visits throughout the past year. The 2018 annual meeting will be held in Rockford on January 19th to kick start the 2018 workplan. The state demographer will be speaking at the meeting. Luncheons throughout 2018 will be held with a focus on workforce. Bill Tapper asked how many cities are involved with the partnership. Northagen stated that all cities in Wright County are involved except for South Haven. Thereaare also 50 +/- businesses included in the membership. Tapper asked about how the dues are calculated. Northagen stated that the dues are set on a base rate plus population metric. Tapper also asked for the total budget of WCEDP. Northagen answered approximately $130,000 with the County picking up half of the amount. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE 2018 ANNUAL WCEDP MEMBERSHIP DUES IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,529.00. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. 6. Consideration of Business Recruitment Agreement with Tangible Consulting, LLC Jim Thares explained that Tangible Consulting, LLC. was one of the consultants that worked on the Small Area Study. Thares stated that Leighton ad a conversation with staff about getting a restaurant on Block 52. Leighton maintained that with his connections, he could help the EDA to identify restaurant contacts. Thares stated that the contract would not exceed $3,000. Leighton was asked to provide references, but was unable to as he hasn't specially done this type of work before. Jon Morphew asked what type of restaurants would be attracted. Thares stated it would be an independent restaurant. The EDA discussed staying away from franchise restaurants for Block 52. Bill Demeules stated that the EDA could do $1,500 base with $1,500 finder's fee. Tapper explained the importance of also having a developer that would build something on Block 52. Steve Johnson asked if expenses would be wrapped into the hourly fee that Tangible Consulting charges. Jim Thares confirmed. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO AUTHORIZE ENTERING INTO A BUSINESS RECRUITMENT AGREEMENT WITH TANGIBLE CONSULTING SERVICES TO IDENTIFY AND ENGAGE DESTINATION BUSINESSES AS POTENTIAL FITS FOR BLOCK 52 FOR $1,500 BASE AND $1,500 FOR PERFORMANCE. JON MORPHEW SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. 7. Consideration of 2018 Work Plan Goals -Action Statements Bill Deineules noted that the item was for review and input. No motion would be required. Jim Thares asked the EDA to take the work plan home to review it and bring additions to the work plan at the January meeting. Tracy Hinz asked how the strategic plan is distributed to the community. Angela Schumann explained that it is available on the City's website and that it was discussed at a televised City Council meeting. Schumann added that a bulletin board is up in the Monticello Community Center and that it would likely be posted. Schumann stated that she would follow up with the Communication's Manager to find out the different ways the plan was distributed. 8. Consideration of Recommendation for 2018 EDA Appointment and 2018 EDA Officers Jim Thares stated that Steve Johnson's term would be expiring at the end of the month. Johnson indicated his wiliness to serve another six year teen. Decision 1: Recommendation of Appointment of Commissioner BILL TAPPER MOVED TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THE APPOINTMENT OF STEVE JOHNSON FOR A NEW SIX-YEAR TERM ON THE EDA. TRACY HINZ SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. Decision 2: Election of Officers BILL TAPPER MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON THE ELECTION OF OFFICERS UNTIL THE JANUARY MEETING. TRACY HINZ SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. Decision 3: Consider Resignation of Bill Demeules Jim Thares offered appreciation to Bill Demeules for his service on the EDA. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ACCEPT THE RESIGNATION OF BILL DEMEULES. STEVE JOHNSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. Jim Thares stated that a posting for the position would occur in the next week. 9. Director's Report Jim Thares reviewed the Director's Report. He added that he attended a DEED workshop for Greater Minnesota Business Development and Public Infrastructure grant program. A maximum award would be two million dollars with a fifty percent match. The prospect list was attached. Thares explained that "Project Cookie" was interested in Monticello. The facility would be a cost of $30,000,000 with 300 jobs. Currently there are no available lots large enough in Monticello, but there is area in the orderly annexation area. 10. Closed Session — Consideration of recessing to closed session to develop or consider offers or counter-offers for the purchase or sale of real or personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statute 13D.05, Subdivision 3(c)(3). PID # 155019007050 11. Adiourn BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:13 P.M. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: January 10th, 2018 Attest: J ares, Economic Development Director