City Council Agenda Packet 05-12-2003 B. -" C. D. E. . .9. Co,-, ,rv\.Jt..;...;- AGEND REGULAR MEETING - MONTIC LLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, May 12, 003 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Bruce Thielen Council Members: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, R bbie Smith and Brian Stumpf 1. / Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. 2 / Approve minutes of April 28, 2003 regular Co --z-,P t <; ~C/~ . t--i~C J'-)) -;Jiel, ~~ m~o nts. '/0 ~ r "" .J. Consideration of adding items to the agenda.s vl5tc!0N.J,J.JI-( (C s.) ./ <;'H IPjl. Citizen comments/petitions, request and com 4. 5. Consent agenda.p.). '(( (! A. Consideration to review and accept the ear end EDA Financial Statements, Activity Report and 2003 Proposed Budget. Consideration of ratifying new hires as i entified. Consideration of granting annual appro al for municipal liquor licenses. Consideration of approving issuance of /2 on-sale beer license for the Pizza Factory. Consideration of a request for an interi use permit allowing a public school use in the 1-1 District. Applicant: Monticello Public chools. F. Consideration of a request for amendme t to a commercial planned unit development allowing an expansion to an auto sales area. App icant: Monticello Ford/Dave Peterson. f I I I f f I , I t t f i ' G. Consideration of approving final plat an development agreement for Autumn Ridge Phase II. 6. Consideration of items removed from the conse t agenda for discussion. 7. Consideration of approving plans and specificat ons for Phase I Core Street Reconstruction Program and approve resolution restricting parking on th east side of Elm Street from County Road 39 to 7th Street. 8. Consideration of settlement of claim with Inpro Approve payment of bills for May, 2003. ~tJ It- ~ 10. AdjOurn\') ~'^ ~~ ~ J\ \VvF,n-ll{ ~~~~t ..-sa1 ~W . . . MINIJ ES REGIJLAR MEETING - MON ICELLO CITY COlJNCIL April 28, 200 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen P susta, Robbie Smith, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Alle2iance. Mayor Thielen called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. A rove minutes of A Council meetin . BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE HE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 14.2003 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AS PRE. ENTED. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIM lJSLY. 2B. A rove minutes of A ril22 2003 Board of Review. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE "HE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 22,2003 BOARD OF REVIEW. BRIAN STUMPF SECOND :D THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 3. Consideration of addin items to the a e da. Jeff O'Neill requested that an update on the Ruff Auto site clean-up grant be added to the agenda. Rick Wolfsteller added, at the request of the City Attorney, a resolution covering the land exchange between Wells Fargo and the City for the Ii rary site (former Marquette Bank building). Bruce Thielen stated that from the joint meeting 0 local government entities there is a desire to set upa meeting time for discussion of annexation i sues. Brian Stumpf asked that a discussion on traffic and signage be added to the agenda. Ollie oropchak added to the agenda an amendment to the loan agreement between the liRA, and City of Monticello relating to the payment schedule for TIF District #1-23. 4. Citizen eomments/ etitions re uest and om laints. Mayor Thielen explained the purpose of th citizens comment portion of the agenda. There was no citizen comment. G . . . Council Minutes - 4/28/03 5. Consent Aeenda A. Consideration of approving the appoi tment of Cindy Anderson fiJr the vacancy on the Design Advisory Team. Recommen ation: Appoint Cindy Anderson to a two year term on the Design Advisory Team. B. Removed from the agenda. C. Consideration of resolution requestin conveyance of tax forfeited lands to the City. Rccommendation: Adopt a resolutio 1 requesting conveyance to the City of parcels 155-0 I 0-001 01 0, 155-064-003050, 155-064-003060, 155-064-003070 and 155-064-003080. Resolution # 200_ -24. D. Consideration of granting a license to use public sidewalk for outdoor restaurant seating for Crostini's Grille. Rccommcndation: Approve the issuance of a license to allow Crostini' s Grille to utilize a portion of the sidewalk along Locust Street for food service and liquor sales contingent upon: A) A fenced 0 roped off area to separate the tables from the remaining sidewalk; B) The City of ontieello being named as an additional insured on the liquor liability policy from Crostini's. E. Consideration of Change Order No.2) for "Ill 25, Project No. 96-04C. Recommendation: Approve Chang Order No. 20 to TH 25, Project No. 96-04C. F. Consideration of approving sale of pI' perty for Ilome Depot Project. Recommendation: Approve the sale of the five acre parc 1 owned by the City at the intersection of Cedar Street and Dundas Road to Birehland Development/Home Depot under the terms and condition noted in the purchase agree lent. Glen Posusta requested that item #5C be rem ved from the consent agenda. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROV ~ THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH 'fllE REMOVAL OF ITEM #5C AND THE ADD TION Of ITEM #5G, RESOLUTION ON LlBRAR Y LAND EXCHANGE AND ITEM #5H, AMENDMENT TO LOAN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE HRA AND CITY OF MO TICELLO RELATIVE TO THE PA YMENT SCHEDULE FOR I'll" DISTRICT #1-23. G EN POSUSTA SECONDED "fIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the Item #5C related to the acquisition by the eit of certain tax forfeited lands. Glen Posusta asked why the city was acquiring the land rather th n allowing the public to bid on it and getting it back on the tax rolls. City Administrator, Rick Wolfs eller, explained that one of the parcels land is a sliver 2 z . . . Council Minutes - 4/28/03 of land by 7lh Street which lies within the cit right-of-way. The other four parcels are residential lots which have special assessments against t lem for street and utility improvements. It was felt that the land would not be sold for an amount tha would equal the amount of special assessments against the property. l'he City felt they could recove more of the special assessments if the City acquired the land and sold it. Glen Posusta questione ifthere were eosts involved in the acquisition of the property. Rick Wolfsteller replied that there ould be approximately $300-$400 in administrative cost to acquire the parcels. ROBBIE SMITll MOVED TO ADOPT A R ~SOLUTION REQUESTING CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF PARCELS 155-010-001010, 155-064-0035050, 155-064-003060, 155-064-003070 and 155-064-003080. GLE POSlJSTA SECONDED THE MUJ'ION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Re olution No. 2003-25. 7. City Administrator, Rick Wolfstellcr, explain d the procedure followed fiJr those properties whose delinquent utility bills wcre being certificd to the county for collection. Mayor Thielen opened the public hearing. There was no present who sp )ke f(x or against the proposed assessment. Mayor Thielen then closed the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT TH RESOLUTION CERTIfY THE DELINQUENT UTILITY ACCOUNTS TO THE COUNTY "OR COLLECTION WITH THE TAXES. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MO' 'ION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Resolution #2003-22. 8. Public Hearin and consideration of certif in County. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, provide background inf(xmation on this item noting the City has authority to certify accounts receivable w en they have been delinquent for a period oftimc. The delinquent accounts receivable relates to arious consulting and engineering fees that were incurred as a result of the development of the Monticello Travel Center. Dan Mielke one of the developers of the Monticello Travel Center h s met with the Mayor, City Administrator and City Engineer regarding the fees. Rick Wolfsteller noted that the conditional use permit process requires the applicant to reimburse the City for fees related to the development. The fees the City incurred on this development tl)f legal, engineering an planning amounted to approximately $16,000. The City did give credit for the first review of the evelopment which reduced the fees from $16,000 to $11,953. In addition to the unpaid fees there is also penalty and interest due. Mayor Thielen opened the public hearing and cautioned those involved to keep the item moving in a timely f~tshion and keep the discussion just to the particular agenda item. 3 2_ Council Minutes - 4/28/03 . Dan Mielke and Lee Mielke representing M nticello Travel Center were present and spoke to the Council regarding the delinqucnt fees. Mr. ielke stated that the hill was receivcd two years after the Elct and therc was no explanation in the ill as to what it was for nor was there any detail on the work done. Mr. Mielke stated he helieves t ese charges were already paid as part of the Cedar Street assessment and the pending assessme t for utility relocation and did not feel hc should he paying for these twice. Since there was no detail with the hill there was no way fl1r Mr. Mielke to know what they were paying f()f. Dan Mielke then presented a history on the onticello Travel Center development. Their initial request was for site plan approval and vacati 1n of 16 feet of Cedar Street. Since Cedar Street was the old right-of-way of 'I'll 25, the City did ot need the entire right-of-way. In November of 2000, the Planning Commission and City Council' pproved the site plan and vacation of 10' of right-of- way. Befl1fe acting on the vacation the Cit noted that Cedar Street was going to be upgraded. The feasihility report showcd that 10' of the ight-of-way could he given up. Mr. Mielke stated that the final sitc plan approved in April, 20 I was not changed from thc prcliminary site plan that was approvcd except fl)}" moving of some pa king. Mr. Mielke statcd they were assessed $94,000 for the Ccdar Street improvements which is Imost $27,000 more than the motel which has more frontage. . City Engineer, Bret Weiss stated that the Mi lke property assessment was higher because of the curb cut and turn lanes. Dan Mielke reviewed the a letter from the City dated 7/29/03 stating that not all the bills were for site plan review and some may be associated with puhlic or private improvements tl1f Cedar Street or the utility relocation project. Mr. Mielk pointed out an engineering bill which showed as many as six engineers charging time to the project. He questioned whether a simple site plan approval would require the review of six engineers. Mr. Mielke stated on 1/13/02 he received a letter from the City which stated that the engineering bil s were not associated with any Cedar Street or utility relocation work. lie was upset that there wa a change in what he was told from one time to the next. Mr. Mielke met with Mayor Thielen' nd City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, to discuss the bills. They reviewed the December enginee ing bills and the City ofTered to reduce that bill by $2,500 hut there was no discussion of the otl er hills. lie noted in a later letter from the City there was an offer to reduce the amount but there as no discussion on any of the other bills. Mr. Mielke also stated that any cost for the Monticello Tavel Center plat should be split over five parcels instead of four as was proposed by the City. . After lengthy explanation of the matter, Dan ielke made the f()llowing points: 1) The length of time between when the work was done and when I e actually was billed: 2) The lack of detail in the bills; 3) The division of the proposed del inquent a counts receivable over four parcels instead of five; 4) Lack of detailed discussion on all the bills; 5 The lack of a timely response to his questions and 6) He is paying for the same work twice as he h lieves that the work covered in thc invoices were f()r the street and utility projects which he is payi g for in assessments. 4 z . Council Minutes - 4/28/03 Brian Stumpf asked Mr. Mielke what portio 1 of the bill he thought he should be paying. Mr. Mielke indicated he may owe $250-$400. Mr. Miel e stated he felt this item should be tabled since he had not had the opportunity to review all the bill with the City. Glen Posusta questioned how it was determi led that Mr. Mielke's property should be solely assessed for the turn lane when it is propose on another City project to assess the turn lanes over a number of property owners. Bret Weiss res onded that the reason Dan Mielke is paying the additional cost for the turn lane is because h required the entrance into his convenience store. The request to use the access in place t't)r the existing house was denied. The only reason the turn lane was installed was because of the access. Th design work was done to accommodate the Mielke site plan. In addition, Bret Weiss, indicate that all the other properties in the area were developed and had existing entrances there was no cha ge to any of these properties that required a change to the access. Mr. Mielke was told ifhe wante the access into the convenience store, the cost of the median would be his responsibility. The D mdas Road project is difTerent in that the improvements are being done to benefit an entire area. Gle 1 Posusta asked about the changes to the site plan because he failed to see how the site plan ha changed. Bret Weiss stated that the concept drawing changed many times before it got to the poin where it is today. He added that concept stage approval covered only the locating of a conv nience store in that area and not any engineering issues related to development of the site. Glen Pos Ista questioned why this same policy wasn't applied to the Krautzig and Weinand properties. Bret eiss stated the Council has not made a decision on how the turn lanes in the Cedar Street/Ounda . Road project would be assessed. . Robbie Smith asked Bret Weiss about the de eloper's comment about paying twice for the work. Bret Weiss stated that the site plan review, th Cedar Street improvements and the utility relocation project all have separate project codes and th individual's time is charged only to the project code for the project he is working on so there is no double billing. Glen Posusta asked why the motel's assessm nt was so much lower even though they had more frontage. Bret Weiss stated that since Cedar '_ treet was a reconstruction project, the City picked up 80% of the reconstruction costs and 20% as assessed to the benefitting property owners. However new improvements were assessed at 100%. Prior to the project moving forward, Dan Mielke was told he would have to pay 100% f the cost of the median otherwise the City would not allow a driveway at that location so the devel( per was aware of these assessments. Dan Mielke stated that they requested site plan approval ar d street vacation only and did not request that Cedar Street be upgraded. Mayor Thielen closed the public hearing at thi time. Mayor Thielen stated that he, the City Administrator and the City Engineer met with Mr. Mielke to go over the invoices. At that time Mr. Mielke stated he didn't have problems with th fees but he had questioned how it was assessed The City upon discussion ofTered to reduce it y $2,500 which would have brought the bill down to $9,000. Upon additional discussion a comprOl ise offer of $8,000 was made. Dan Mielke stated that he would not accept the $8,000 ofTer. M yor Thielen stated that there are many peripheral . 5 L . Council Minutes - 4/28/03 issucs that sidetrack away from the question fwhether Mr. Miclke owes the bill and for that reason discussion could go on indefinitely. Glen P susta statcd that getting a bill two years after the fact would be a surprise. Brian Stumpf countere that since Mr. Mielke kncw he had to reimburse the City for consulting fees there should be no s rprise that he got a bill. Dan Mielke stated when he said he had no problem with the bill it was OIly the December bill since that was the only one that was discussed. Glen Posusta askcd if the Cit Attorney was consulted on this. Rick WolfstelIer replied that the City Attorney is aware of the City's policy to bill developers lor consulting fees. Brian Stumpf questioned whether there were appeal options open to the developer. Rick Wolfsteller indicated whi Ie there is not an ap _ eals process, the developer could pursue Icgal action. Glen Posusta suggested a compromise bill of $6,000 be 01Tered. Brian Stumpf asked if the bill amount was reduced who would be picking u _ the ditIerence. Rick WolfstelIer stated the taxpayers would be picking it up as it would c coming out of general taxes. There was additional discussion on whether there should be contin led efl(Jrts to negotiate a settlement. Bruce Thielen stated that there has been a good faith e1Iort n the City's part to resolve the issuc but the developer has not accepted any offers made by the city. The project took a lot of staff time 101' review because of the many changcs. Since there w s no response to the City's previous offers, the Mayor felt those offers were now off the tabl . The question is who should be paying this bill, the devcIoper or the taxpayer. Dan Mielkc stated that he believcd the work he was being charged for was actually done but he also believed he wa paying for it in the Cedar Street assessment and the pending assessmcnt fix the utility relocation ork. He reitcrated that there was no explanation of the bills and no detail so that he could be det nlline what the bills covered. . BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT TH ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE AS PRESENT D. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. G]en Posusta felt there should be continued n gotiation to reach a settlement and was concerned that assessing the cost would not necessarily liminate the issue. Roger Carlson stated that while he agreed with Brian Stumpf that the developer new these fees were due, he felt the City should extend their last offer of $8,000 as a compro ise settlement. Robbie Smith stated that while he was not opposed to a settlement, he was conc rned about charges made that the work was being billed twice. He noted an offer was made to t 1e developer and he chose not to accept it. Mayor Thielen asked if Robbie Smith wanted to wit! draw his second to the motion. Robbie Smith said no. UPON VOTE BEING TAKEN, SMITII, S1' MPF AND THIELEN VOTED IN FAVOR TI [EREOF AND CARLSON AND POSUST VOTED IN OPPOSITION. MUflON CARRIED. . The Council took a short recess at this time. he meeting was reconvened at 8:35. 6 L . . . 9. Removed from the Agenda Council Minutcs h 4/28/03 to. Recci t of bids for construction of Well #~ at the 4th Street Park and consideration of award of contract to roceed with constru tion. Public Works Director, John Simola prcsent d information on the bids fix Well #5. Five bids were received with Mark Traut Wells, Inc. submit ing the low bid of $48,615.00. 8RIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ACCEPT T E LOW BID OF $48,615.00 FROM MARK TRAUT WELLS, INC. FOR WELL #5 AN TO AUTHORIZE PROCEEDING WITH THE DESIGN OF THE PUMPHOUSE. ROBBIE SMIT11 SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. II. Consideration of acce tin bids and awar in J contract for Cedar Street 1m rovement Proiect No. 2002-06C. City Engineer, Bret Weiss, updated the COlln'il on the bid results for the Cedar Street Improvement Project. He notcd twclve bids were receive with R.L. Larson submitting the low bid of $698,855.69, which was lower than the engil eer's estimate. lie also added that there is a small portion of right-of-way needed for this project which has not yet been acquired. There is an addendum out that this portion of the project 'ould be deleted if the right-of-way is not obtained from John Lundsten. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO AWARD 'rH' BIDS FOR THE CEDAR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 2002-06C '1'0 R.L. LARSON IN THE AMOUNT OF $698,855.69. ROGER CARLSON SECON ED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 12. Consideration of a ment of bills for A ri. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROV " PA YMENT OF BILLS FOR APRIL. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION CARR ED UNANIMOUSLY. Added Items: Rul/Aulv SUe - Jeff O'Neill provided information on the item which would require the Council to adopt a resolution committing local match and authorizc the '~ity to sign on the Clean Up Grant Application for the Ruff Auto site. Previously the City had authorized a study of thc site to determine the levcl of clean up needed. It is estimated that there is $350,000 in cost to clean up the site. The City would be committing to 12.5% of the clcan up cost or approximately $43,0 O. The next step is to acquire funds to clean up the site. It is proposed that grant funds and private sourc s would be used to fund the clean up of the site. The grant application needs to be submitted for the next g ant cycle. Jeff 0' Neill stated that normally they 7 L . . . Council Minutes - 4/28/03 would like to see complete information about the de elopment with the grant application but the time constraints would not allow it in this case. Staff was requesting approval with certain contingencies. Jeff O'Neill reviewed the contingencies to be ineluded. It was noted that the developer is aware that the development would have to go before the Planning ~ommission and there is no guarantee of City approval on the density and type of development. He also no cd that the estimated City's share of $43,000 would be covered by up front funds from the developer and procedures relating to the grant application and funding would be subject to review by the City Atto ney. Glen Posusta asked what specifically needed to be cleaned up and/or removed. Eric Hanson from the engineering firm who prepared the remediation plan, indicated that there was contamination of varying levels from lead and petroleum products. Some areas had reater concentration than others. Bruce Thielen stated that there is a residential development adjacent to th site which contains units in the price range of $180,000 which is the figure used in the proposal. T lere was a discussion on affordable housing and whether the City felt they had sufficient units of affo -dable housing. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE ADOPT rI IE RESOLUTION COMMITTING lOCAL MATC!1 AND AU'rl 10RIZlNG SIGNATURE ON CLEAN-UP GRANT APPLICATION FOR THE RUFF AUTO SITE CONTINGENT ON TilE 'OLlOWING: The application must include a provision stating that the mir imum hase sale price of individual housing units including land must e.,ceed $1 SO.OO() per unit aller adjusting for inflation 0 "real estate values since January. 20()3. The City matching IIHlds must be funded via contributions h 'the land owner or prospective developer. Ihe ilPplieation may he suhrnitted on opinion of the City Attorney that a met lOd exists fin Developer coverage of City match. The application shall not include a component supporting af ordahle housing with the Ruff Auto redevelopment project hut may reference availability ofalfordahlc housing in the conlJlunity at large. The Developer/Owner understands that approvnl of the application does not commit the City to approve a future project. It docs not represent an npproval of any concept or developmel t stage residential pl;lIlned unit development. The project is subject to the residential development process which includes a public hearing process. etc. Final project density and design will hinge on this process. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED TilE MOTION. M TION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7'raflic/Signage: Brian Stumpf noted that with the W( rk starting on Broadway, people were making left turns where they weren't suppose to be. He asked if he left turn arrow on the signal on Broadway could be adjusted. Presently the light is covered but the sign s ill says "Left Turn". He is wondering if the sign could be covered or removed. Although there are "No Left Turn" signs prior to this one, they are located at ground level where this one is actually located by the lights. Bruce 'rhielen suggested that the timing of the light at River Street be looked at and adjusted. Brian Stumpf also noted that in the CSAH 75 project area there is a mix of old street signs and new street signs and he suggested that new signs be installed thr mghout the area. John Simola stated that the 8 L . . Council Minutes - 4/28/03 replacement of the signs could be done out of their naintenance budget but he didn't know about funding the actual cost of the signs themselves. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO REQUEST THAT 0 LEFT TURN SIGNS BE PLACED ON BOTH EAST AND WEST BROADWAY AND TO CON ACT MNDOT ABOUT RETIMING TI IE LIGHT ON RIVER STREET AND AUTHORIZE PUBLIC WORKS TO GET A PRICE ON STREETS SIGNS FOR REPLACEMENT IN THE OLD PART OF T WN WITH REPLACEMENT POSSIBLY BEING DONE AS PART OF THE CORE STREET RECO STRUCTION PROJECT. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIE UNANIMOUSLY. Annexa/ion: Bruce Thielen stated at the meeting of local governments held on Saturday, April 26th annexation issues were discussed. It was recomme ded that the Council suggest certain dates to meet with township representatives to discuss annexation cone rns. The Council felt a workshop session running from 5:00 to 6:30 prior to one of the regularly scheduled ~ouncil meetings might be the best time. Bruce Thielen, Brian Stumpf and city staff will work on agenda for he workshop meeting. The City Administrator will contact the township with possihle workshop dates. Bruce lhielen indicated there is legislation heing co sidercd that would impact annexation. Since the City has recci ved a nUlnber of annexation petitions it was questioned whether the annexation process should be initiated for these properties. Jeff O'Neill stated tha previously the Council criteria was that there was some development plan approval prior to proceeding with he annexation but not all of the petitions the City has received currently Ineet that requirement. Glen Pos Ista asked how the legislation would impact the annexation process. He was told there would be limi s on the 60 acre requirement and often you could increment the 60 acres. ROBBIE SMITII MOVED THAT THE CITY STAFF INITIATE THE ANNEXATION BY ORDINANCE PROCEEDINGS FOR THOSE PRO ERTIES WHO HA VE SUI3MrlTED ANNEXATION PETITIONS TO Tl-:lE CITY. BRIA STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. John Simola stated that the Council does need to evaluate the feasibility of serving these properties with utilities. 13. Adiourn. GLEN POSUS'T'A MOVED TO ADJOURN T 9:00 P.M. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNA IMOUSL Y. '"-."-".-...-. . Recording Secretary 9 Z- . . . SA. City Council Agenda - 5/12/03 Consideration to review and acce t the ear-End EDA Financial Statements Activit Re ort and 2003 Pro osed Bud et. (O.K.) A. Reference and Backl!round: This item is presented to comply with City . rdinance Amendment No. 172, Section 2-3- 6 (A), "The Authority shall prepare an annu I budget projecting anticipated expenses and sources of revenue;" and (B), "The Authori y shall prepare an annual report describing its activities and providing an accurate stateme 1t of its financial condition. Said report shall be submitted to the City Council each year.' The financial reports were prepared by Exe utive Director Koropchak. The Economic Development Authority (EDA) accepted th year-end reports and budget at the annual meeting hcld April 22, 2003. All Greater onticello Enterprise Fund (GMEF) loan pay backs are current except for GMEF Loan N .014 Cr. J. Martin, Inc.). Therefore, the EDA now submits to the Cit Council a copy of the EDA-GMEF Balance Sheet; Statement of Revenues, Expenditure , and Changes in Fund Balance for the Year; Annual Activity Report; and 2003 Cash Flo Projections (Budget) for review. You will note on the Balance Sheet, the ED -GM EF cash balance as of December 31, 2002, is $951,970.01. As you recall, in 199 the EDA appropriated $200,000 from the GMEF for the Downtown Monticello Revit lization fund (DMRF) for matching facade improvement grants, fee reimbursement and loans. The DMRF cash balance as of December 31, 2002, is $145,256.66. At the 2002 annual meeting, the EDA made a motion to discontinue the DMRF program a d to reserve the funds for a potential drainage, trash, parking revitalization projec for Block 35 in 2003. Please note on the Balance Sheet, the transf r of $77,000 from the EDA-GMEF to the Liquor fund in 2001. In year 2002, the ED voted not to transfer any funds from the EDA-GMEF to the Liquor Fund. However at the 2003 annual meeting, the EDA voted to transfer another $70,000 from th EDA-GMEF to the Liquor Fund for use solely to reduce the 2004 tax levy for bon ed indebtedness of the City per the EDA- GMEF Guidelines. This is noted on the 2 03 Cash Flow Projection. Also shown on the 2003 Cash Flow Projection is the disbur ement of the Ultra Machining Company (lJMC)/GMEf Loan and the Tapper III/GM F Loan, the write-olT of GMEF Loan No. 014 (in-default) in the amount 01'$27,886.6 ,and the prepayment request from Integrated Recycling Technologies, Inc. (lR Tl) for GMEF Loan No. 018. Since the annual meeting, a request has been made by Twin City Die astings (TCDC) to pre-pay GMEF No. 017 and the City/TCDC Loan which is not show in the 2003 Projection. . City Council Agenda - 5/12/03 Two other source of funds available for llse by the EDA is the payback from the State- Aroplax/Standard Iron loans with a current alance of $11,609.63 and future payback from the MIF State/City/LIMC Loan. The :ity had been advised not to recycle the MIF Federal/City/TCDC dollars because the job and wage requirements have not heen satisfied. [fa council memher has questions of the ye r-end report, please remove from the consent agenda; otherwise, theEDA requests the Ci y Council make a motion to accept the FDA year-end reports. B, Alternative Action: 1. A motion to accept the EDA Balanc Sheet; Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund alance; 2003 Cash Flow Projections; and the Annual Activity Reports as presente 2. A motion to deny acceptance of the DA Balance Sheet; Statements of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund alance; 2003 Cash Flow Projections; and the Annual Activity Report as presented . c. Recommendation: Recommendation is alternative #1. Reason or the recommendation is that all rcports are reported as true and correct; the hudget is h' sed on projections only; therefore, said motion would aniI'm compliance of Ordinal ce Amendment No. 172. D. Supportine Data: Copy of the Year-End Statements, Activity eport, and 2003 Cash Flow Projections for the EDA. . 2 . MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELO MENT AUTHORITY MONTICELLO GREATER MONTICELLO EN ERPRISE FUND (GMEF) Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance For the Year Ended ecember 31, 2002 REVENUES Appropriations - 2002 Interest Income - GMEF Notes Interest Income - DMRF Note Interest Income - Investment GMEF Interest Income - Investment UDAG Interest Income - Investment SCREG Interest Income - Investment MIF Loan Fees Legal Fees Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES GMEF Loans - None . GMEF Legal Fees GMEF Professional Fees TRANSFER TO LIQUOR FUND DMRF Loan - None DMRF Grant - Chamber Broadway Inconvenience DMRF Legal Fees DMRF Professional Fees Service Fees Miscellaneous Other Int. Adjustment - Notes TOTAL EXPENDITURES Excess of Revenues Over Expenditure FUND BALANCE - Beginning of Year FUND BALANCE - End of Year . S -o- S 25,899.74 S -O- S 51,759.00 S -O- S -O- S -O- S 400.00 S 191. 75 S -0- S 78,250.49 S -O- S 1,459.14 S -O- S -O- S -O- S 2,172.82 S 4,730.55 S -O- S -O- S -O- S 4,200.00 S -0- $ 12,562.51 S 65,687.98 $1, 291, 885.02 $1, 357 ,573.00 SA . MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOP ENT AUTHORITY MONTICELLO GREATER MONTICELLO ENT RPRISE FUND (GMEF) Balance December 3 Cash in Bank Notes Receivable - Tapper, Inc. Notes Receivable - Muller Theatre Notes Receivable ~ SMM, Inc. Notes Receivable - Aroplax Corp. Notes Receivable - Custom Canopy, Inc. Notes Receivable - Standard Iron Notes Receivable - Vector Tool Notes Receivable - Tapper, Inc. Notes Receivable - SELUEMED Notes Receivable - T J Martin Notes Receivable - Mainline Distribution Notes Receivable - Aroplax Corp II Notes Receivable - TCDC Notes Receivable - IRTI ~tes Receivable - GWJ,LLC ~tes Receivable - VisiCom Appropriations Receivables - 2002 TOTAL ASSETS FUND E Fund Balance Reserved for Participation Loans * (Economic Development) TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY $951,970.01 $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 45,886.66 $ 89,656.22 $ 91,704.82 $ 69,536.60 $ 70,231.95 $ 28,845.32 $ 9,741.42 $ -0- ITY * 2001 transfer to Liquor Fund $77,000 Original Liquor Fund transfer to EDA $383,000. . $1, 357.573.00 $1, 357.573.00 $1.357,573.00 5~ . MONTICELLO ECONOMIC D VELOPMENT AUTHORITY GREATER MONTICELLO EN ERPRISE FUND (GMEF) 2003 CASH FLOW PROJECTION BEGINNING CASH BALANCE, January 2003 RECEIPTS Appropriations, Expected - GMEF Notes Amortization Payments - Tapper Inc. Muller Theatre SMM, Inc. Aroplax Corp. Custom Canopy, Inc. Standard Iron Vector Tool Tapper's II SELUEMED T.J. Martin ($547.60 Mo.) Mainline Distrib. ($702.08 Aroplax Corp. II ($730.93 TCDC ($1,457.29 Mo.) 7-07 IRTI ($549.57 Mo.) Pre-pay EDMA ($193.89 Mo.) 9-06 VisiCom ($115.78 Mo.) 5-04 UMC ($1,084.33 Mo.) 3-08 Tapper 111($524.76 MO.) 5-08 Interest Income - Investment (est.) Loan Fees Loan Fees Other Miscellaneous 6-06 Mo.) 6-04 MO.) 12-04 . TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL BEGINNING BALANCE AND RECEIPTS EXPENDITURES GMEF Loans - UMC - Recycled UDAG/GMEF Tappers - Recycled GMEF Other T.J. Martin Write-Off Re-payment to Liquor Fund 2003 DMRF Grants Professional Fees Legal Fees Miscellaneous TOTAL EXPENDITURES . EXPECTED CASH BALANCE, December 2003 $ -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- $ 3,833.20 $ 8,424.96 $ 8,771.16 $ 17,487.48 $ 72,124.86 $ 2,326.68 $ 2,778.72 $ 10,843.30 $ 4,198.09 $ 50,000.00 $ 200.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 1.000.00 $200,000.00 $ 55,000.00 $100,000.00 $ 27,886.66 $ 70,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 1.000.00 $ 951,970.01 $ 184,988.45 $1,136,958.46 $ 459,886.66 $ 677,071. 80 t:A ) . . . 200 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AU HORITY ACTIVITY REPORT MEETING DATE SUBJECTS April 22, 2002 Annual Meeting Accepted the Business Subsidy Crit ria for the Monticello FDA without amendments. EDA Officer President Vice Preside t Treasurer Assistant Tre surer Secretary elected for 2002: Bill Oemeules Barb Schwientek Rick Wolfsteller Ken Maus Ollie Koropchak Accepted ED 2001 Year~End Financial Statements and Activity Rep rt noting replacement of $77,000 to thc Liquor Fund. All existing GMEF loan pay backs are current. Approved to iscontinue thc DMRF program and to rcserve DMRF dollar' for Block 35 project in 2003. Tabled action on replacement of Liquor Fund for 2002. June 18, 2002 Approved tw Satisfaction of Mortgages for Blue Chip Development Company, the mortgagor: Mortgage filed October 13, I 92, and amended Mortgage filed November 28, 1995, rela ive to GMEF Loan No. 010. Some propert owners of Block 52 reported that the arrangement etween the city and property owners for 2001/02 sno removal worked well. Property owners had a joint snow r moval arrangement to provide service at a lower cost an the City plowed the alley. Property owners and the EOA ' greed to delay any improvements to Block 35 alley or ar a until completion of Broadway in 2003. Reviewed the reliminary GMEF loan application for Double Bull rchery, Inc. ~)R . . . 2002 EDA Activity Report August 20, 2002 Approved G EF Loan No. 020 for Double Bull Archery, LI ,C, in the < mount of $50,000. The real property acquisition Ie an at 2.75% fixed interest rate, amortized over 20 years witl balloon in 5 years. Loan fee of $200. Loan beeomes null and void December 1 S, 2002, if funds are not disbursed. G EF legal fees responsibility of applicant. Collateral, g arantees and other condition requirements to be determine and prepared by the EDA Attorney. Loan approval subject to lender commitment and Council ratification 0 EDA action. Reviewed th preliminary GMEF loan application from Tappcr's Inc. EF Loan No. 021 for Tappers Inc. in the amount of $5 ,000. The machinery/equipment loan to be amortized ov r five years at a fixed interest rate of2.75%. Loan fee of $ 00. Loan becomes null and void if funds not disbursed by ecember 18, 2002. GMEF legal fees the responsihility of the applicant. Collateral, guarantees, and other conditions to be determined by the EDA Attorney. GMEF loan a. proval is subject to Council ratification of the EDA acti n. Reviewed pre iminary GMEF loan application from Ultra Machining C mpany (UMC) Approved G EF Loan No. 022 for UMC in the amount of $200,000 at 2 0 below prime rate (2.75%). The real property loan ith an amortization not to exceed 30 years, consistent wit lender, balloon payment in 5 years. Loan fee of $200. loan becomes null and void if funds not disbursed by ebruary 20, 2003. GMEF loan approval subject to len er commitment, credit worthiness letter and Council ratifi ation. EDA was info med that the Council agreed with property owners that th y did not want the parking lot of Block 35 torn up during reconstruction of Broadway. 2 sP\ . . . 2002 EDA Activity Report October 8, 2002 December 16. 2002 In lieu ofBro dway inconvenience, authorized the EDA to provide funds in an amount not to exceed $5,000 from the DMRf as a 0 e time contribution for the purpose of an event or adve tising which would benefit all the businesses in the DMRF arget area. Chamber President to work with the business owners on the event. Approved aut lOrization to pursue recovery of funds for GMEf Loan 0.014. T. 1. Martin, Inc. Approved the First Amendment to the Loan Agreement between the EDA and TCDC for GMEf Loan No. 017 extending the compliance date to July, 2003. DAT Chair C mpbell directed to get cost estimates for design cosme ic concept sketches for the rear facade of buildings on lock 52. Koropchak to check with Wolfsteller to get a survey determining the ownership of the alley. Approved ext nding the Non-Performance Date for GMEF Loan No. 021 for Tappers Inc. from December 18, 2002, to April 18,200 ,due to delivery delay of equipment. Approved aw, rding the bid to prepare cosmetic design sketches and cost estimates for the rear facade of buildings on Block 35 t Northwest Associated Consultants at a cost not to cxceed 3,000. Tabled any ac ion on recovery of funds for GMEF No. 014 for three mont s and to review at that time. Approved a m tion of no interest to authorize repayment of the Liquor Fu ds in 2002. With the six-y ar term of Ken Maus to expire December, 2002, Maus a nounced his plans to resign from the EDA. 3 Sh 0 LO 0 CO f'-. f'-. CO (,'f) (,'f) 0 LO 0 (,'f) f'-.. CO '<t 0 co ~ CO ...-- '<t I': ~ C\J co co LO (,'f) ~ <'! Lq '<t . <( 0 (J) ('I) 0 ('I) LO C\J r-..: oi oi ('I) ui LO (,'f) C\J N f'-.. ('l") '<t CO !'-- ('l") CO '<t C\l 0 "<t ~I') C\l ~I') ........ - a... ...-- <'!. (,'f) (J) C\J_ (,'f) LO LO (0 ~ ...-- C\J_ v_ /"-. ffi d> I- LO (,'f) 0 00 (J) co 0 ...-- l.O (,'f) 0> (,'f) LO ...-- -.:i en '<t ...-- ...-- ...-- ...-- C\J (,'f) ,... C\J ...- ,... CO W C\J a: W I- Z <' C W - c Z :J LL > !:: a:... Oa:C\J :J:OO "'c..~ :JW .<ca:C;; "'..J~ ffiS~ :=OE c..Zeo O<cu ..J~~ WLL > W C o - :E o Z o o W . (!) 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N .-< .-< N o ..... 0 ~ ~ ~ .3 ....., .3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l? Cl l? C') o o ~ ...... -- "<t ;n ~ Ii. UJ ~ C) SA . . . 5B. Consideration of a Motor Vehicles. (R W) Council Agenda - 5/12/03 new hires an de artures for Communit Center Parks and A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring of 1 ew employees that have occurred recently in the Community Center, summer help in the Parks Department and Motor Vehicles. As you recall, it is recommended that the Council oHicially rati y the hiring of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring of the part-time em loyees as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new employees. . NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Departr ent Hire Date Class Becker, Carolyn Asst DR Clerk DMV 4/22/2003 part-time Beckman, Nicholas Summer help Parks 4/28/2003 temporary Dingmann, Neal Lifeguard MCC 4/16/2003 part.time Greeley, James Summer help Parks 4/26/2003 temporary Sonsteby, Sarah Wheel Park Att. MCC 4/30/2003 temporary TERMINATING EMPLO IfEES Name Reason Departm ent Last Day Class Berckhemer, Phyllis involuntary MCC 4/28/2003 part-time employee councillist.xls: 5/7/2003 "\ :> -- - -- --- -.... - -.--- - --- -- . . ~ . . . 5C. Council Agenda - 5/12/03 Consideration of a roval of annual Ii or licenses. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In the past the City Council has approved tl e liquor license renewals in one motion contingent upon the completion of the application, app 'oval of the state and submission of proper 1I1suranec coverage. The following licenses are submitted for yo Ir approval: Intoxicating Liquor, On-Sale (fee $3,750) I. Monticello Liquor, Inc. 2. Silver Fox (Chin Yuen) 3. Duane Lindenfclser dba Riv r City Lanes 4. Comfort Inn/Days Inn 5. .T.P.s Annex 6. Hawks Sports Rar 7. Monticello Country Club Intoxicatin Li( uor On-Sale Sunda 1. Monticello Liquor, Inc. 2. Silver Fox 3. River City Lanes 4. YFW Club 5. American Legion Club 6. J.P.'s Annex 7. Hawks Sports Bar 8. Comfort Inn/Days Inn 9. Monticello Country Club Non-Intoxicatin Malt On-Sale fee $275 1. Rod and Gun (Steak Fry only) - $20 2. Monticello Men's Softball A sn. (ApriI~Aug. $137.50) Council approved 2/24/03. 3. Lions - Riverfest Celebration Council approved 3/24/03) 4. Lions - Street Fest . 3.2 Malt Liquor. Off-Sale (fee $75) Renewals ] . Monticello Liquor 2. Maus foods 3. Ri Vel' Terrace 4. Tom Thumb 5. Holiday Stationstore 6. SuperAmerica 7. Avanti Petroleum (Mobil) 8. Cub foods Set-Up License (fee $275) ] . Rod and Gun (Steak Fry onl ) - $25 2. St. Henry's (Fall Festival on y) - $25 . Club Licenses (fee-set by statute based on membership) I. 2. YfW - $500 American Legion - $500 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Council Agenda - 5/28102 1. Motion to approve these licenses effl ctive 7/1/03, contingent upon applicants providing appropriate certificates of insurance. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. . . . . 5D. Consideration of a Council Agenda - 5/12/03 issuance of 3/ on-sale beer license for the Pizza Factor. (I{ W) A. REFF~RENCE AND BACKGROlJND: The City has received an application fi:om (i- rry Ekegren from the Pizza ractory requesting an on-sale 3/2 beer license for their restaurant a 208 Ilighway 25 South. The fee for a 3/2 on-sale beer license is $275 a year and it is proposed that the license period begin July 1,2003. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the 3/2 on-sale beer license 'or the Pizza ractory contingent upon submittal of appropriate certificate of insurance aJ d payment of license fee. 2. Do not approve the 3/2 on-sale beer l'cense for the Pizza Factory. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: D. It is the recommendation of the City Admini, trator that the 3/2 on-sale beer license be approved. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of application. . CITY OF MO ICELLO LICENSE APP ICATION This application is being submitted for the D llowing license(s): Set-tip license On.sale, intoxicating liquor v--- On.sale, non-intoxicating liquor _ Off-sale, non-intoxicating liquor _ On-sale, wine _ On.sale, wine/3.2 bee~. ~ Phone: 7/oj- 29S--,~<l9'1 Applicant Name: Applicant Address: Social Security #: -'I/:LLf/~ Driver's License #: Business Name: Business Address: . Business Phone: 7(,,':)- 29.~-~b5l, . Describe nature of business operation: J) IM- If Corporation: Officers: Directors: Do you or does your corporation, partnershi , etc., currently hold any license allowing the sale of wine, intoxicating liquo , non-intoxicating liquor, or set-ups? _ Yes t---"No If yes: Name of Business: Business Address: Business Phone: Type of License: Years Held: LIQLIC.APP: 1013/95 sf) References: . 1.3 -~7~ - :l9S: 2190. Credit References (list at least one bank yo do business with): Amount of investment, excluding land: (only applicants for on-sale, intoxicating liq or must provide this information) Have you ever been convicted of a felony or f violating the N ationaI Prohibition Act or any state law or ordinance relating to m ufacture or transportation of intoxicating liquors? I declare that the above information is true d correct to the best of my knowledge. . lj/u)03 Date of Application **************************************** ************************************* Surety Bond Liquor Lability Insurance Certificate Application Fee License Fee Sheriff, Wright County Mayor Date City Anministrator . Date UQLIC.APP: 1013/95 r:) D . . . SF:. Reference and Background. City Council Agenda" 05/12/03 istin ~ Intcrim Use Pcrmit for the lieant: Monticello School District. The Alternative Learning Program of the SClool District is seeking approval fiJr an extension of their Interim Use Permit to ope ate in an [-I, Light Industrial location. The original permit was considered for the 1997 1998 school year, and was approved concurrent with an ordinance amendment in posing conditions including the following: 1. A short-term termination date is esta lished in order to ensure that the City's industrial development objectives w re not aiTected hy the location of school faci I ity in industrial areas. 2. The building was remodeled only to the extent that convenient re-use by office or industrial users would still be possib e. 3. The parking was judged to be adequ te ftw the school use of the property. The City has reconsidered the permit once s ncc the original application. At that time, discussion included the potential for a more permanent approval, however, it was determined that a temporary use was appro riate, given the industrial nature of the area, and the likelihood that future industrial dev lopment would make the current location a concern. It would appear that continuation fthe temporary IUP would still he the best alternative. The Planning Commission reviewed this tern and recommended approval under alternative 1 below. Alternative Actions 1. Motion to approve the Interim Use ermit for the Alternative Learning Program for a period of 3 years, hased on a fi ding that the use has raised no concerns for surrounding industrial uses, and wit conditions of the previous permit, listed above. 2. Motion to deny the Interim Use Per 1it, based on a finding that the site should be converted to industrial use. . City Council Agenda - 05/12/03 Staff Recommendation Stail and Planning Commission recommend approval of the IUP. Conditions as listed in the original permit should continue to appl . The previous permits have run fix three years. This should provide an adequate op Jortunity for other locations to he considered. or for the City to reconsider the permit for n additional extension. Supporting Data None . . 2 . . . City Council Agenda - 05/12/03 SF. Co.nsid,eratio.n ora request t!l amend a_II xistin Interim Use r~rmit fo.r t~,IJlPo.rary automobile storage. Apl!licant: MO!ltic 110. ForfJ. (NAC/JO) Reference .a.!ld Backgr:~und Monticello Ford is seeking an amendment t its Interim Use Permit that allows the automobile dealer to display additional cars H1 an empty parcel adjacent to its west storage lot along Sandbcrg Road. The origir al permit was approved last fall and limited thc storage to approximately six rows of car., east and north of the child care facility as depicted in thc attached plan. The applicant s now seeking to extend the allowable display area to include one row of vehicles for displ y. The vehicles would be parked in a single row facing the freeway at the northwest corner of the site. There is room flW approximately 20 vehicles. The applicant is requesting the temporary us , without significant site improvements, based on his plan to develop a permanent au Olllobile dealership on the vacant parcel. Extensive site improvements would interfere with this plan, and would potentially be wasted when the future dealership is constru ted. The City needs to balance its consideration of the temporary use with the'gulations for automobile display area. The ordinance permits limited areas of car storag and sales associated with dealership buildings, and requires paved surfaces and la dscaping improvements, among other regulations. The expansion oi'this use would not appear t) be any more likely to raisc compatibility issues with surrounding uses. The gravel-su faced area will bc small so dust and maintenance problems should not be an issu . Allowing use of unimproved temporary uses tend to discourage the potential for imp wed, permanent uses. The City resolved this issue on this site previously by limiting the a ea and the duration of the Interim Use Permit. The Planning Commission reviewed this it m and recommended appro.val under alternative 1 below. Alternative Actions 1. Motion to approve the I UP amendmel t to extend the area of temporary automobile display as dcscribed in the attached si e plan, maintaining the currcnt time limit, subject to the prcvious approval condi ions relating to site grading, lighting and tree planting. . City COllncil Agenda - 05/12/03 2. Motion to deny the IUP, based on a fin ing that the intent of the permit is for limited storage, and that the expansion would b counter to the intent of the original permit. Staff Recommendation Stall believes that allowing this small expan ion of the sales area to a gravel surfaced area will not significantly impact the incentive to develop the site. The ratio of developed area (building) and sales/storage area is in compliance with this addition. Approval of this request should include the requirement that II conditions relating to the previous approval arc met. fu!J!p(lrting Dat~ Proposed Site Plan . . 2 . ..... . - ~ f~ r !fcj '=if ill- "Hi J l~f ,( i =,r T- , ~" id: .t' II ~:f Ii .-- <'1 ,!?. -4 :> .... o ~ '" -.t c+ w o )oJ o -1 , 5" fl finl'" ,r. t' Ir!~if;J tM"~IR Prt · ,f f1i!hf. · -~1~ 1( {I.tif~ .' 't I ;ll,L'1 -t ,f... )U"II lUll"" I mm ! IH ! f! ~ H ! H ! iHmHfrq ~II"I ,-- I ~~ t 'hf""'!' I;'~;! 1'~ f rf ri f;:.I~:I,I,r! ,U.l.. i !,!, /IU'U; :mf~ 1~ J I: I: ii't'n. ir :f;~I;> .~ i f J flli!ljf:r, I ;~;iJ H ; r J fs!lhIf, Hie.! F I j j !ilijl'.Ii ;liHf'! !! ;' Ijl,.rl!iir I!" 11 , : 1 ~.! Jt:". .'"1 ,I H ' 1 J' -1"" IS jf.'" '1' L'JI,;ih -1'IJ If ! I f ,'1'. 'd~ '"11,1 'f .r I jJlli/sa' .. I I · Ith",,1 .:', I}. , II "f ',a, II~t' 'I " tIll !'f' 'i' I, f I '1" p, I ;l'!il I~' :f'i',~i:f; 1 '. fi I . I ~I )'( ,~m ., i ; , 'j;i!W~ "II b f' "r"'II" IJI; 'i r I:f IJ1"l' ~. "f ~f ' f r ~;~I!!1!I' " Ui Hi I i f 00' ~;. iii iff 5F== __J Exhibit Z - Conditions of Approval for Interim Us Amendment - Dave Peterson/Monticello Ford Appro~'ed 9/3/02 . I. Interim Use Permit will be valid through September 30. 2005. at which time it will terminate and all use of the property will be required to come into full conformance with the zoning ordinance in effect at that time. The subject site is Lots 9 and 10. Block 3. Lot 1 Block 1, and Outlots A and B of Plaza Partners addition. 2. The storage area to the west (back) of the day care property may be surfac~d with a gravel or crushed concrete base. The extent of this area shall be no more than 100 feet north of the existing paved storage lot on Lot 8, Block 3 of Plaza Partners addition. The applicant shall plant a row of 8 evergreen trees along the boundary with th~ rear lot line of the day care building to screen this area from the neighboring use. und the gravel surface shall extend to no closer than 10 feet from the lot line of the day care center property. 3. No parking, storage. or display shall be allowed in any area of the subject site that is not either paved or surfaced with gravel in accordance with the approved plans. 4. The applicant shall submit a lighting plan for City review and approval. prior to LIse of the property for storage, display, or parking. " ., . 5. Violation of the terms of the Interim Use Permit shall not affect the original PUD approval, but shall be cause for revocation of the Interim Use on the subject site. 6. The site shall be graded in conformance with City standards as determined by the City Engineer. 7(e. L. o""'^ MAV\d c.- t /(:/,\ t S" Q.M t' Lo,.,cR.,'t; o..-z <;.. ~~f o..lto...,.., - 0.., e. R 0""'; 0 i sf (0. 'C A/()/)j Fw ed,e . !tfQ..o.. EXHIBIT Z . J~ REJ1'ERENCE AND BACKGROUND City Council is asked to consider granting inal plat approval to the second phase of the Autumn Ridge subdivision. The first phas consisted of 43 town home units and the second phase consists of 35 units. A sum ary of the estimates of project costs, assessment charges, city fees and other see lrities is attached. This summary is the basis of the development agreement which is ne rly complete. The agreement supporting the final plat is consistent with the previous ag eement and will f()llow current city policies. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS I. Motion to approve the final plat of he second phase of the Autumn Ridge subdi vision, contingent on review a d approval of the development agreement by the City Attorney. 2. Motion to deny approval of the tina plat. . STAFF RECOMMENDATION StalT recommends alternative I. SUPPORTING DATA Summary of expenses Final plat . Summary of expenses - Autumn Ridge II Addition Autumn Ridge Townhomes May 8, 2003 . Area Charges and Assessments - Estimates 0 Based on 5.4 Gross Acres - 35 Units in Second Phase, Acreage Acres Credit Charge Trails Park - $835 per unit TBD Pathway - $220 per ,mit Sanitary Sewer $2,060 5.4 Watermain $1,620 5.4 0.46 $26,700,70 Estimate Total area reduced to account tor pond area Storm Sewer (net acres) $5.405 5.4 Total amount to Assess Per lot Assessment based On 43 Unit. City overhead City Fee ( General overhead and Admin) f'lat rate 2.00% Legal and Planning 2.00% lngineering and Inspection 7.00% .otal City Fees Disbursement Agreement Calculation Construction Costs Estimate Percent Sanitary Sewer Watermain Storm Sewer Roads Driveways and sidewalks Construction total (for purpose of calculating other fees) Other iems requiring security. Developer's Design (Not Applicable) Developer's Cor>struction Survey (Not Applicable) Developer's record drawings (Not Applicable) Street Lights (Not Applicable) Lot Corners/Iron Monuments 6.00% 2,50% 5.00% Total Disbursement Agreement amount (Total cost X 100%) Maximum allowable reduction prior to acceptance and bond 25,00% Landscaping Letter of Credit provided by Scott Wold . Iy! Cr dit Net Assessment $30,380.00 $8,015,00 $0 $11,124,00 $0 $8.748,00 $84,967.70 $2.427.65 $6,282 $6,282 $21,987 $34,550.74 Canst Cost $71,155 $54,604 $93.497 $94,842 $0 $314,098 est $0 NA NA NA NA $314,098 $314,098 $78,524 $53,750 r:J. (u-f r- ,V ____ Lots 35 $229 X 35 35 Flat rate - no reconciliation at project completion Consultants fees reconciled at project completion Paid at initiation of project Inspector time and Engineer reconciled at project com 0.81 (estimate provided by Weinand) Not applicable - reference for future agreements Not applicable - reference for future agreements Included in total security - not an addition to LOC amou Not applicable. reference for future agreements Can be reduced but held 'mtil project complete sc, . MRY-08-2003 13:26 .. ~.' . 111 ,. I~ J " J i'l. Ii l.i ! \ If h" t 1.. ..1 f.. i' . ii, Ii .3 I '. I ll! I I' II · 'i .~ ,I II..t:! .t ; ".t{l . .J \ i~ l ij iiI .. 'If ]. i~ I III ~i I) \~ ..I 1'.. I I I H \ Iii Io~ If Ea ,;J 5 t--( ~ ~ o ~ ~ - ,..... ---H:- <>" ! Z l . N i ~ ~ ~ ~ ...... ~y~ Q;- -- -- . 113.t. ^IJ~ o e" Cl ..... WSB & RSSOCIRTES INC 7632877170 P.03/~~ II~)U '''1'1: IJ J'U ~f,,~1 J~Ug 1\;111 j hl!", 1 1 ." f~ 1;1( "I .. fi'Ut \' JI.l'"l ! - '.III II HlUi~ I. n~tlil ! 1 II 1. t 1"\ !1 i~ R II~ I J~ It Iti if ;j ;;; ~ li !II J. ..1 H: I . i \ J .. I , J I 1 . I 1 I "1 ~ I I , \ j1 J I II I J , I & J I I , I 1 . ~ II ~l II II .' II n Ii II ~ ilii ! \ ----------...------ ---- iii l / .1.1l:l't / "'N ,II 071:30lLNOf'V I II iI ~ s; g~ ~a 83 c~ !i ~ " ... 10 I II ;i I ,I .: I I:~ I~~ ~ !!!I J~i i ib ~B" D III I,,! S $olD h. III~i :;1 I I I s~, TOTRL P.03 . . . Council Agenda - 05/12/2003 7. Consideration of a roval of lans and s eeifieations for the core eit im rovements includin the bid alternates as re uested . nd consideration ofa resolution authorizin advertisement for bids. Additionall consideration of a resolution rohibitin arkin on the east side of Elm Street from CR 39 Golf Course Road to 7th Street to allow Minnesota Street to be a uniform 36' in idth and meet state aid standards. (1.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council previously authorized the preparat on of plans and specifications for the core city improvement project from Elm Street to TH 25 and Br adway to 7th Street to include bid alternatives f()r doing the northcrlyportion by itsel1~ the southerly po tion by itselfor the north and southerly portions together. A few changes have been made in the area f sanitary sewer and water utilities based upon maintenance history and closed circuit TV inspection. 'omc additional sanitary sewer has been replaced on 3rd Street between Maple and L,ocust Strect. Newse er extensions have been added on Walnut Street from Broadway a halfblock south. Additionally, one block of sanitary sewer has been added to Vine Street from 4th Street to the south f()r a new developm nt proposed near the railroad tracks. Vine Street will also be constructed at ami ni mum standard width of 0' and will include curb and gutter. A smaller euI- de-sac will be placed atthe endofElm Street between D n Rlonigan'shouse and the railroad right of way. Additionally, a smaller cul-de-sac is being consider for he end of Mil me sot a Street at the railroad tracks. This cui-de-sac, however, would only be needed ifthe llrge Catholic Church parking lot is developed as another use. So it could be done with this project or d ne separately at the time of improvement to that parking lot should the use change. The Counci I is also being asked to pass a resolution pr hibiting parking on the East side of Elm Street between CR 39 (i.e., Golf Course Road) and 7th Street. The improved portion of Elm Street is currently 36' from6lh Street to Golf Course Road. We are consid ring building the rest of Elm Street to the same widthof36'. Becausethis street is designated as state a d and we will be getting state aid funding for the improvement of this street, the City needs to prohibit arking on one side of the street to meet state aid standards. The prohibi ting of parking would only be d ne at the time of completion of the project. The current conceptual plans for the cast side of Elm Stre t on the RutTproperty do not show the need for parking on that side. All of the parking is inclusive 0 the development ofthe RufTproperty. Enclosed you will find a memorandum from Kevin Kawl wski, the design engineer from WSB working on this project which outlines the changes 1 have indic ted. B. ~s ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1.~ 1. The first alternative is to review and approv the plans and specifications for the core city improvements including the bid alternatives and to pass a resolution authorizing advertisement for bids. In addition, this alternative would include he passing ofa resolution prohibiting parking on the east side of Elm Street from CR 39 (i.e., Gol Course Road) to 7th Street at the completion of the project. . . . Council Agenda - 05/12/2003 2. The second alternative would be to modify t e plans and specs to widen Elm Street to state aid standards as to not require limitation of parkin '. This would require the removal ofthe curb and gutter and widening on that section from 6th Str et to Golf Course Road and this altemativc would include the passing ofa resolution to authori _e advertisement for bids and we would not need a resolution prohibiting parking on one side ofE m Street. It should be known that this would be at a greater cost and the additional width on Rln Street would most likely not be needed after 7th Strect becomes a collector route. 3. The third alternative would be to make additil.. nal changcs to the plans and specs as requested by the Counci I prior to the approval and passagc 0 a resolution authorizing advertising for bids. This could include ch,mges to thc Elm Street width a well or the switching of parking prohibition to the west side of Elm Street rather than the east -ide prior to adopting that resolution. 4. The talll1h altcrnative would be not to adoptth plans and specs at this time but to continue until another meeting. This probably would not be in the City's best interest as the project start would be delayed a couple of weeks and the likelihoo of completing it this construction season could be questionable. E. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Currently the City Engineer and Public Works Dir ctor are recommending that we proceed with advcl1isement fIX bids based upon altcmative # I includi g the passage of both resolutions, one authorizing advertisement for bids, the othcr prohibiting of parking n the east side of Elm Street. The actual selection of the bid alternates lar which sections we are doing w uld be donc after detailed analysis of the bids at a later datc. F. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the memorandum from Kevin Kawlewski of SB. Actual plans and spccs will be detailed at the Council Meeting. Memorandum . To: Honorable Mayor and City oUlldl From: Kevin B. Kawlewski, P.E. Date: May 9, 2003 Re: Core Street Reconstruction Pr gram - Area 1 WSB & Associates, Inc. in coordination with City Staff is requesting approval of the project plans and specifications for the Core treet Reconstruction Program - Area I. In addition, the Council is being requested to auhorize the consult,mt to publicly advertise the project for bidding purposes. Bids for th construction are proposed to be received June 6 and award of the contract is proposed or the June 9, 2003 Council Meeting. . The feasihility study was approved and the plans and specifications for the improvements were ordered hy the Monticcllo City Council following the Puhlic Hearing on April 14, 2003. Since the completion of the feasibility study, several additional utility improvements have been identified and adde to the project plans. Based on maintenance history and the televised inspections results, t le sanitary sewer on 3rd Strcet between Maple Street and Locust Street has heen iden ified fiJr replacement. New sanitary sewer extensions have been added on Walnut Street from Broadway Street south to mid-block, and one block of Vine Street south of 4th Stre t. Sanitary sewer will also be constructed along Elm Street to provide service to existin J and proposed development in that area. Approximately 300 feet of water main has be n added on Locust Street to extend the watermain stuh from Broadway Street to 3rd , treet to complete a loop in that area. Changes in the street construction program in 'lude the construction of a smaller diameter cul-de-sac with concrete curb and gutter alon Vine Street between 4th Street and the railroad tracks. This section of Vine Street is proposed to he constructed as a 30 foot wide residential street to provide access to propose redevelopment in that area. The 30 foot width is the City's minimum standard for streets with a cul-de-sac. Minnesota Street is currently a 36 foot wide s reet south of 4th Street that dead-ends just north of the railroad tracks. City Staff has re uested that a smaller diameter cui-de-sac be constructed at the south end of Minnesota Str"et just north of the tracks to provide a turn around area for snow plows and other equip rnt used to maintain that roadway. This would be needed only if the large Church Par 'ing Lot is developed. At the Council's direction, this can be implemented into the pr )ject. . Elm Street currently exists as a 36 foot wide oadway betwccn Broadway Street and 6lh Street. The proposed construction of Elm Str et is to extend the roadway south of 6lh Street and matching the cxisting 36 foot wide street. As this is a designated state aid route, the design standards required for the applicati n of state aid money will not allow for parking on both sides of the street. We are re uesting that the Council pass a resolution ("I/)(I( '( /;\/I':'/',"IIII'III(I,/,()( ..II,,).. 1\ Jell/pllli" "'fI" 1!51N1!3.iIlil' -7 . that no parking will be allowed on the east si e of Elm Street from 6lh Street to CSAH 39, to meet State Aid Standards. A significant issue upon which Council inpu is sought is the staging of the construction in the project area. ^ large portion of the subsu face utility work is in the area north of the tracks. The improvement of these facilities ill be a high priority early in the project in order to get the overall project completed. It is our understanding that 3rd Street will not be available until aiter the weekend of July 12. e are <Ulticipating that construction will begin by the third week in June. Council dir ction is requested on the availability of 3rd Street in the overall staging ofthe project. S aging seems to be more easily accomplished ifboth the north and south pieces be awarded at the same time. This issue will be discussed in more detail at the Council Meeti g on May 12,2003. . . ("',/)()('( /A /F../ ".!!lII'I/}(''!'()( '.II.S-./', Jellll",/Ii.! 11111/1 11511YfUdllc \ . . . Council Agenda - 05/12/2003 8. Consideration of settlement of claim with In rohcat. (J.S.) A: REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: P eviously the City Council had authorized our participation with I-IDR and A&P in a claim ag inst lnprohcat regarding the heat pasteurization system at the Waste Water' rreatment Plant. settlement offer has been made by lnproheat to the three patties in the amount of sixty-five tho Isand dollars ($65,000,00). Our estimated share ofthe sixty-five thousand dollars ($65,000.00) fterartomey's fees is seventeen thousand dollars ($17,000.00). We have previously settled all claims with HDR and A&P and this is the only remaining claim open on the project. Kim Ko' ar is sending you a letter, which may be delivered with this packet or under separate cover, wit her recommendations. It seems appropriate to accept the settlement rather than pursuing I ngthy, costly litigation. B: ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative: The first alternative woul be to accept the otTer from lnproheat of sixty-five thousand dollars ($65,000.00) with our shar after attorney's fees being seventeen thousand dollars ($17,000.00). ~ S lL(... 2. The second alternative: The second alternati e would he not to accept the offer and to request I lOR and A&P to pursue further remedies. C: STAFF RI~COMM EN DA 1'1 ON: It is the re 'ommendation ofthe City Administrator and Public Works Director that the City Counei I accept th proposed settlement as outline above and detailed in Kim Kozar's letter. Il: SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Kim Kozar s letter. This letter may be delivered under separate cover rather that being included with this genda packet. . 0.-< ..:l ..:l ~ U ...~ f<'-' Z..: 0'" :E .. ~'" o '" >,0 ,...:> u~ o '" '" ..:l [.'J . '" ...... ..: ., .-<- .0"" "':E ;,..,... 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ClM... r.lU<( ,,><: "'M>< .... III "'ClM ",:i!~ :E :I: :1"'M ...MI>: U{')<(fl. <( 0 Mo.tIl is I~;;: tl ~Q i ~ g I ><:{')"'''' MZ ... ....1>::1: M"ME-< >"'E-< ~~~tl Z'-'E-< MOM<( 3:UI>:Cl . . City Council Agenda - 5/12/03 ECONOMIC DE VEL )PMEN'r UPDATE MAY 8 2003 -a) Public Hcaring on Outlot A, Country Jub Manor - On April 2, 2003, the I-IRA held a puhlic hcaring for the disposition of raw land descrihed as Outlot A, Country Club Manor. The public hearing was opened an closed without opposition or comments. The hearing was held in anticipation of a land sale to the Monticello Youth Hockey and Socccr Associations. A motion was passe authorizing the disposition of raw land described as Outlot A, Country Club Man r, City of Monticello, to the Monticello Youth Hockcy and Soccer Associations suhject to execution of a H RA Contract outlining the public purpose of the taxahle land and incl ding the provisions approved by the City Council on February 24, 2003. This per th advicc of the HRA Attorney. a) Legislative Bill - According to John Ch )i, HRA Lobbyist, the Monticello Special Legislation Bill to extend the 5-year rule for TIF District No. 1-22 is still alive in the Senate Tax Hill, Local Development Sessi n, and will now move on to the Con1erence Committee. Rep. Bruce Anderson walked' way from the bill, neither endorsed it nor objected to it. The questions now remainin arc: If the Rill will survive the Conference Committee being endorsed by only the Scn te and if the Tax Bill will be approved this session? On May 7, 2003, a letter ti-om Ma or Thielen summarizing the purpose of the Bill and requesting continued endorsement as drafted and mailed along with supporting documents to Tax Committee Chair Pogcmllcr. Session wraps up May 19. Could go into a special session. b) Other proposed TIF Legislation - I. Upo subdivision or plat, developer must commit or request the use of TIF and can not come ack to request T1F until two years after approval of subdivision or plat. 2. A waitin) period of 180 days (6 mos) to allow opposition to creation of a TIF District. 3. ,'ome adjustments to findings of substandard. Any changes approved would be effective d te after June 30, 2003. c) Production Stamping, Inc. - Production S amping now occupies the Fallon A vcnue Building (previous Midwest Graphics). The have a local phone number and the entire operation both o11ice and production are her. Upon getting settled, the IDC will host a Open Il0use/WeIcome for the company. Th y bring 35 new jobs to the City of Monticello. Owner: loes Wurm. Purchase pice $1,900,000. d) Chamber Golf Outing - Through about 75 gratis invitations mailed to developers and industrial eontractors, the Marketing Commi tee has 32 golfers. Thursday, May 15. e) For Housing TIF Districts - Median famil income restrictions decreased in 2003 from 2002: For I to 2 f~mlily members - $76,700 0 $75,300 and for families of more than 3- $88,205 to $86,595. t) 2003 HRA Officers: Chair Steve Andrews and Vice Chair Bill Fair. g) Including the 2003 commitments by Co un il and the HRA the total amount committed t()[ the use of industrial development is $765, 00. Council $365,000 and HRA $400,000. h) Balance of Aroplax $21,324 and SMM $2 ,416 TlF Fund for previous LGA Penalty ~ available for industrial public improvements. City Council Agenda - 5/12/03 i) 2003 EDA Officers: Chair Bill Demeules nd Vice Chair Barb Schwientek. j) The EDA reports a cash balance of $696,9 0 after disbursement of the Tapper and UMC loans, April 22, 2003. 2002 year-end alanee sheet shows assets 01'$1,357,573. The EDA voted to replace the I ,iquor Fund ith another $70,000 for 2003 effective for tax levy 2004. In 2001, the EDA replaced th ~ Liquor Fund in an amount of $77,000. Initially the FDA received a total of$383,00 from the Liquor Fund to start the local revolving loan program. k) Two leads: 70,000 sq ft sales and manufa turer of boats. 12 acres. 40-50 jobs. Expanding from Maple Lake. Wants freewa visihility. Going to St. Cloud. Land available for $47,000-$49,000 per acre with tilities available. Foam fabricator - Foam packaging materials. Expanding at existing facility in Maple Lake. m) Remmele Building - Talked with Chuck. ungman at the headquarters relative to vacating huilding. Still 4-5 pieces of equipn ent in facility. Plan to place sign on building after all employees gone, expected lid June. Listed hy C. B. Ellis Richardson, Tom Lclich. 49,000 sq ft building. Asking rice $2,100,000. n) Visited Aroplax Corporation. 0) Twin City Die Castings has inquired and cquested to pre-pay the City/State and EDA loans. Commercial Lender interest rate at 3. 8%. No penalty for prepayment. They will need to complete job and wage level forms t determine compliance ofjoh and wage requi~'ements and 51 (~) LMI ~equi~en.lent. R9me~nber. the gral~t to th~ C.ity from the State was federal dollars. I hereafter WIll It be det~n11lned If any of the pnnelpal amount ($500,000) needs to be returned to the State. This does not apply to the EDA dollars. 2