City Council Minutes 04-17-1973 SpecialApril 17 1973 Special meeting of the Village Council -- April 17, 1973 -- Village Hall. The meeting was called order at 8.#00 P. M. by Mayor Bill Sandberg. Council- men present: Blonigen, Markling, Martie, Rowan, and Sandberg. The minutes for the meeting of April 10, 1973 were approved as read. The purpose of this meeting: HEARING ON IMPROVEMNT for the following listed streetss 'Mater Mains - aLocust Street from Sixth Street to Seventh Street, b) Seventh Street from Locust Street to Cedar Street, and c) Cedar Street from Fourth Street to Seventh Street Sanitary Sewer - a Locust Street from Sixth Street to Seventh Street, and b Seventh Street from Locust Street to Pine Street (Highway 25) Street Construction - a) Seventh Street from Pine Street to Locust Street The following property owners were in attendance for the hearing: Wilbur Eck Roy Lauring Frank Kane Howard Fekstad Larry Kranz Ted Yoch Thore Meyer of the engineering firm Meyer-Rohlin, Inc., explained the procedures that would be followed in the aforementioned improvement. The proposed project cost is as follows: Water Main - $45,200.00 Sanitary Sewer - 13,400.00 Street Constr- 16,100.00 uction The Village obligation on the water main construction is approximately 828,900..00. The Village obligation for the sanitary sewer construction is approximately 93,800.00. For the street construction there is basically no village obligation. There was a short discussion regarding a full improvement from 6th Street to 7th Street on Locust - No final decision reached. At the conclusion of this discussions a motion was made by Walt Markling, seconded by Dan Blonigen, to approve the resolution ordering improvement and preparation of plans (Copy of resolution attached as Enclosure . Voting in favor: Blonigen, Darkling, 'lartie, Rowan, and Sandberg. Opposed: None. The following bills were signed and approved for payments North Central Public Service Co. - $98.58 (General) Old Peoria Company $468.92 ( Liquor ) Ed. Phillips &I Sons 8571.2. ( Liquor ) Liquor Store Payroll for April 15, 1973. The Village Administrator was instructed to write the Park Board requesting their opinion in regard to vandalism of restrooms in Village parks. Village Council consent was given to the Mayor to seek the advice of invest- ment bankers Juran & Moody, Inc., and to try for a meeting tentatively scheduled for May 1, 1.973 at 7:30 P. M. in regard to a bond issue for the aforementioned improvement. A motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Dick Martie to engage Attorneys Smith -Pringle to represent the Village on the proposed annexation awarded by the Municipal Commission. Voting in f avor: Blonigen., Markling, Martie, Rowan, and Sandberg. Opposed: None. Short discussion on issuance of dog licenses - No decisions reached. A short discussion was held concerning the status of the Planning Commission. Administrator Kevin La France was directed to write the three new members and four former members of the commission and call a meeting to re -organize. The meeting is tentatively set for Wednesday, April 25, 1973 at 7:30 P. M. The motion to adjourn was made by Dick Martie, seconded by Dan Blonigen. CARRIED - All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 9:40 P. M. /_ / 11-f Kevin L. La France, Adm. 2 1 Enclosure - Copy of resolution ordering improvement. IXTC-7P"E"IIG 'NTr 'SOIMi OERLJ A'N'Dj )IT PDAM :% J" Q 1-1 M L &_J_ . I ­ ticello adop"Lo' th,�� a resolution of the Village Counc-" o -L h gly day of '-':.y - CJL.Lxed rx date for a I nc aarinCon. the proposed ir,-oroem.kmWQ` ol Lis%treet fro:,i Stneet , Seventh Stree" from Locust Stree.t to 'edjjr S_% to "eve-, ,r;. Otreet to Seventh Strent for IXATEIR GC41�_,'.r Sv.----Iu from Four-uh 6 �O 5"A � I , 7,," and 3tree t- Six-Ith Street Ito Seventh Street., Seven"Ch Street f'ro;n, Locust. to Streeti (H-Lghviay 2') for SA1,1"Ar-TARY SEIV,7113, and Sevc 11 J -nt. 'U'T'C%,T. -n-, Stree 4- o I cust S-1-rcet for CONS"'R ki I _L ­ V. I.- C' ijo �.O U_ ten days' nublished notice ot.: -he hear -ng through two we: -1 os ot,-e required not'ce -vv-s ;i-mn and the hearing was held --heroo­ ­% t th day olf* spa 197' ;_7 at -w.hic-Tfi all pjel-sons desiring to be heard v;er�; tUn4 giv,�-;n Can o,,Dnor ity to be hea-rd thereon, T" -. � IL OF Tia VlIaGE OF LIONTIC"'I r _131 ;­J_J:FCEFC.��Z 37`�' IT RESOLIFEED Eff TIE COUNC.L Ii ­raent is hereby ordered as propose"d in the cou-A L c4l cso- LU ij - t" A - 3A,, 27 29734 -^ginee" or th-s 4,'eyer-Rohiin3 Inc., is hereby desigmated. as the eAl a sha"I prepare plans and spec-ifications for 'he making of s"Lli impro-"/-':- Adv-_'pt-ed by the Village Counc-i"I of Monticello this 17th day of April,, 197:'O ilay