City Council Minutes 12-11-1973VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Phone (612) 295-2711 December 11, 1973 Regular meeting of the Village Council - Dec. 11, 1973 - 7:30 P. M. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P. M. in the village hall by Acting Mayor Dan Blonigen. Council members present: Martie, Rowan. Mayor Bill Sandberg was absent due to illness. Kevin LaFrance, administrator -clerk, administered the oath of office to council member Denton C. Erickson, who assumed the council seat vacated by the resignation of Walter Markling. Mr. Erickson participated in the voting of all motions raised at this meeting. The minutes for the meeting of November 27, 1973 were approved as read. A presentation was made by Mr. Jim Lungwitz representing the Park Board. A discussion was held concerning a proposed park- ing plan for use at the West Riverside (Skating Rink) Park. In this regard, a motion was made by Jeff Rowan, seconded by Dick Martie, to accept the parking plan as presented by the Park Board. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Martie, Rowan. Opposed: None. Absent: Sandberg. Motion carried. A non-performance clause was agreed to between Fullerton Lumber Company and the Village in regard to the paneling contract for the Municipal Liquor Store. A discussion was held concerning the recent state legislative ruling that eliminated the word Village from Minnesota statutes and other legal documents. The village attorney, Gary Prin glee recommended, "it would be a good idea for Monticello to begin referring to itself as the City of Monticello as soon after Jan. 1, 1974 as it is convenient." In this regard, a motion was made by Denton Erickson, seconded by Jeff Rowan, that pursuant to Minnesota state statute 412.016, Monticello will refer to itself as the City of Monticello in all official and unofficial matters effective January 1, 1974. Village stationery and other corres- pondence referring to Village will gradually be phased out. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Martie, Rowan. Opposed: None. Absent: Sandberg. Motion carried. The Administrator presented a bid from the Gopher Bearing Company, Inc., regarding 6 strands of link -belt chains needed for install- ation at the disposal plant - total price $1,770.00. A motion to accept the bid of $1.,770-00 for link -belt chains for installation Regular Council meeting - Dec. 11, 1973 Page 2 on the clarifiers at the disposal plant was made by Dick Martie, seconded by Jeff Rowan. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Martie, Rowan. Opposed: None. Absent: Sandberg. (Payment to be made from Sewer Operating Fund revenue with a transfer from other sources at a later date if this proves necessary). A presentation was made by village engineer., Tom Augustin, in regard to Improvement Project 1973-1. Mr. Augustin stated all fire hydrants will be three feet back from the curb when the project is finalized. Mr. Augustin stated he was satisfied that other aspects of the project had been satisfactorily com- pleted. Council members concurred that problem areas had been corrected. A. presentation was made by -Mr. Wilbur Eck in regard to his assess- ment for Improvement Project 1973-1. No final decision was made at this time. Two carpeting bids were presented in regard to carpeting of the on -sale portion of the Municipal Liquor Store: Larsen Floor Covering of Monticello -$1.,510-00 installed. Kj ellberg' s Furniture & Carpeting of Buffalo -$1,,488.00 installed. (Bids submitted in accordance with specifications on file in Village Hall) . A motion to award the carpeting bid to Kj ellberg' s Furniture & Carpeting at the bid price of $1,488.00, installed, in accord- ance with specifications, was made by Dick Martie, seconded by Jeff Rowan. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Martie, Rowan. Opposed: NOne. Absent: Sandberg. Motion carried. The carpeting contract is to be drawn by the village attorney and will be signed at a council meeting in January, 1974• A motion to authorize the purchase of a used (1970 model) electric typewriter at a price of $295.00 from Persian Office Machines Co. of Buffalo and to authorize the purchase of a hand model electric calculator from James Lungwitz of Monticello at a price of $115.00 was made by Dick Martie, seconded by Denton Erickson. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Martie, Rowan. Opposed: None. Absent: Sandberg. Motion carried. (Purchase of the office equipment to be from Federal Revenue Sharing Funds. The calculator purchased is a Casio Model -1015. The electric typewriter purchased is an Olivetti -Editor 2. Both machines have a one-year guarantee on parts and labor). Regular Council meeting - Dec. 11, 1973 Page 3 A discussion was held concerning the appointment of an Emergency Fuel Coordinator by the village as recommended by the State Civil Defense Department and the Wright County Civil Defense office. Mrs. Caroline Ellison was t-entatively appointed as the coordinator. Mrs. Ellison, Richard Martie and Larry Muehlbauer suggested as members on a Local Energy Council. A final decision on these appointments will be made at the next village council meeting - after each nominee has been consulted. The administrator requested council "approval for a proposed village employees Christmas party to be held Sunday, Dec. 16, 1973 at the Senior Citizens Center. The village council endorsed this proposal. The administrator stated that the presence of all council members and their wives is encouraged; council members in attendance indicated they would be there. The Christmas party will commence at 3:00 P. M. and terminate at 6:00 P. M. A motion to have the administrator certify the election results as tabulated by the election judges on November 6, 1973, was made by Jeff Rowan, seconded by Dick Martie. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Martie, Rowan. Opposed: None. Absent: Sandberg. Motion carried. A motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Denton Erickson, to approve the payment of bills for the month of November, 1973, and a separate listing of bills through December 11, 1973 • Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Martie, Rowan. Opposed: None. Motion carried. November totals - Liquor: $34,354.62; Admin. - $1, 758.28; Fire: $448.14; Park: $9.34; Sewer: $1,187.50; Water: $1.,156-04; Street: $14,486.81; Other: $24.,932.02. The administrator presented a wage schedule covering village and liquor store employees for calendar year, 1974. Schedule drawn in accordance with settlement agreed to by the village council at their earlier meetings. A motion to accept the wage settlement as presented, was made by Dick Martie, seconded by Jeff Rowan. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Martie, Rowan. Opposed: None. Absent: Sandberg. Motion carried. (Copy of wage settlement at= tached as Enclosure 1). A discussion was held concerning a budget allowance for the Monti- cello Housing & Redevelopment Authority. Village council decision, no vote, to approve expenditures of the Housing Authority on an individual billing basis. A motion to adjourn was made by Dick Martie, seconded by Denton Erickson. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Martie, Rowan. Opposed: None. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 P. M. Kevin L. La France, Adm. KLLF/ lsg Enclosure 1: Village Council minutes of Dec. 11, 1973 WAGE SETTLEMENT FOR 1974 Liquor Store Employees 1974 1973 1974 Yearly Monthly Monthly $11,760.00 Ralph J. Ei.chten, Mgr. $900.00 $980.00 1,980.00 Lyndon L. Hawkins, Asst. 165.00 165.00 Mrs. KathryncM. Barthel $ 2.50 per hr. $ 2.50 per Zr. (Part-time) Sharon. K. Baumgartner 3.41 per hr. 3.60 per hr. (Full-time) Bartender Carole F. Bestland 3.41 per hr. 3.60 per hr. (Full-time) Bartender Debbie L. Diedrich 2.50 per hr. 2.50 per hr. (Part-time) Peter F. Dording 2.85 per hr. 3.01 per hr. (Full-time) Off -sale clerk, & stockman Alta M. Farnick 3.05 per hr. 3.22 per hr. (Full-time) Off -sale clerk Elizabeth B. LaRock 3.41 per hr. 3.60 per hr. (Full-time) Bartender David F. Larson 2.85 per hr. 3.60 per hr. (Full-time) Bartender - Stockman Nellie M. Lindberg 2.85 per hr. 3.01 per hr. (Part-time) Bartender Clyde R. Phyle 3.41 per hr. 3.60 per hr. (Full-time) Bartender Enclosure 1: Village Council minutes of Dec. 11, 1973 WAGE SETTLEMENT FOR 1974 Village Employees 1974 STREET DEPARTMENT 1973 1974 Yearly Monthly monthly $95865.80 Richard A. Brooks $761.25 $822.15 $8,961,.12 Roger C. Mack 645.15 746-76 ADMINI STRAT IVE $11,520.00 Kevin L. LaFrance $882.00 5,800.00 - Lynnea C. Gillham 2.78 per hr. 6,000-00 SENIOR CITIZEN $21857.68 Karen F. Hanson $220.50 SEWER & WATER DEPARTMENT $9,865.80 Walter C. Mack $761.25 $7,452.00 Albert W. Meyer, Jr. $575-00 $960.00 3.50 per hr. $238.14 $822.15 $621.00 Computation of Roger C. Mack's salary increase: 1973 salary 1974 salary $7,741.80 $7,741.80 x .08 A6t�ior�� ed1973 619.34 - for year $50.00 month increase - 600.00 - for year authorized by Council $11219.34 $7,741.80 1,219.34 8,961.14 -- 1974 salary for Roger Mack $746.76 -- Per n.onth