City Council Agenda Packet 02-09-1971 Special -> ,. I VILLAG~ OF ONTICELLO > , MonticellQ; Minn sota 55362 Ron Schleif William Sandberg Dale Johnson Richard Hesley Gary Pringle Richar Martie Walter Markling Walt M ck Richar Brooks Robert Davis James Maus Thore Meyer Art McIntire Red Michaelis Jerry Sinclair Regular meeting of the Vi1lage Council on Tuesday evening, Feb. 9, 1971 in the council chamber at 7:30 P. M. Call to order. Minutes of previous meetings - regular and special. vi · North Central r'ate change. 2. F011rth Street. Highway de Reports: Police _.. Maintenance , Streets "Liquor Fire & C. D. - 'plal1ning _ Legal ,Engineering ~. /. .J-. Art McIntire __ \<Tal t ck Richar Brooks Richar Hesley Ron Michaelis Rober Davis Gary rim;le Bill liott!Thore Mev-er Markling and Martie. renort -- Ron Scnleif. Liouor Store audit Bob Mossford. Contract services. Thore eyer engineering. Refuse collecti on and bur James Maus. 6. Planning Commission propo al to direct area of concern & priority. Robert Davis. .~ct on nomination of Fath r Gearty to Planning Commission. Snowmobile ordinance. Mc ntire & Pringle. " 8. G Jl1. Tree removal ordinanc. Pringle. Action -- Maus. H. R. Authority. Designa e members. Ron Schleif. Sewer usage rate ren0rt. Bill Elliott. 12. Other.