City Council MInutes 12-14-1971VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO Monticello, Minnesota 55362 December 14, 1971 Regular meeting of Tillage Council -- December 14, 1.971 -- 7:30 P.M. MeetinR called to order at 7:90 P.Y. with Ron Schleif, Walter I- arkiing, James Maus, Richard "artie, "'�ill.iam Sandberg attending. absent: None. Also attending: Thore Meyer, Bi _l 'lli.ott, salt r°hack, ?)ick Brooks, Jan Plonigan, Jeff Rowan, James Powers, F. ". i'rulf, Jerry Crocker, Kenneth LaBau, Farl Domke. Committee to studv sewer rate for Centra-Sota Drying nresented discussion. Motion by "alter *Markling that, Centra Soti be bid led t5,000-00 ner quarter, beginning October 1, 1071 until they install metering device. Adlusting re- bate, if any, to be retroactive a maximum of six months or to October 1, whichever is later. James Maus seconded motion. Carried. Motion by 'alter Markling, seconded by Richard Martie, that the sewer bill for Recreation Cafe be reduced by for the third quarter of 1971 as the Cafe had no provision to dispose of air conditioning water and that the, sewer bill for ?Maus Red Owl and Nelson's Fairway be reduced to a until July 1, 1972 to allow time to convert to other disposal of cooling water. Motion carried. J. W. Miller, Jr. appeared before council in behalf of Laundromat sewer ad- justment plan. Discussion did not reveal. a good basis for reconsideration to change billing procedure. No further action taken. E. Marvin Wulf spoke for J. C's. and nresented a elan for a Teen Center and an outline of operation. Council will consider assistance when plan package is complete. Thore Meyer presented final bills from contractors as follows: Standard Contracting Co. - $8,652.58; Ba.rbarrossa & Son - 117,635.55; McCarthy Well Co. - 159034.46; J. W. Miller - $7,295.41. Consensus of council that we hold bills until 12-29-71 for action to determine unfinished work. Thore Mever presented ilid of t2R,062.00 to install utility crossings on I-94. Questions raised on how to fund nro,ject. Also cruestion raised can village in- vest outside village limits for -Future d.efrelonment. Thore to check with State regarding this. Council reouests that contract diggers -provide village with certificate of liability insurance and bonds. James Powers nresented Sveriff's report for November and presented contract for 1972. Action on contract tabled until 12-2P-71 meeting. -Bridgewater Telephone presented renuest for blii.Tding nermit for new blinding on their pronerty on Fast uighwav 25. Motion by James Maris to grant permit and verify that area zoned commercial. Second by 7,Talter Markling. Carried. Motion by James ?Maus, seconded by 1,141ter Markling to renew contract with Tonka Kennels for dog patrol service for 1972. 1 ^'alter Marklinc! made motion, seconded by Ri hard. Martie that Vil.laue adopt the following resolution: DF IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the Villaze of Monticello request that the whole 'Oiri�ht Col.znty area be considered as a unit in any redistricting of the State Legislature. '4rip*ht, County is an area which has the same type of problems throughout the county and we feel that having one Senator and House members renresentin7 all of '{:Tright Ccmnty is imperative to good government for the people of fright County. We feel that 'Alright County is a fast growing area due to its location adjacent to the Metropolitan area. 114ith the present population of Wright County, there should be no nroblem in taking into consideration of all of Wright County in one Senatorial Dis- trict with the additional population needed for a Senatorial District coming from the rural area of Hennepin County. This would also make the logical House District from Wright County and rural Hennepin. 14e, as the Council of the Village of Monticello, reouest your consideration in this important matter during your deliberations of the redistricting of the State Legisl ature. Carried unanimously. Clerk presented a bill from Clark & Moores for water service work at Alliance Church. Work not authorized by vi7.laFe -oersonnel. James Maus made motion to pay, seconded by Martie. Motion lost. In favor: *Taus, Marge. Against: Markling, Schleif. Abstain: Sandberg. VIalter Markla ng made motion, seconded. by Pon Schleif, that clerk write to contractor,with coot' to Alliance Church,that bill should be nresented to church and church present to council_ for consideration. In favor: Schleif, Markl.ing. Against: Maus, Martie. Abstain: Sandberg. Motion lost. James Maus presented bill from Dixon plumber for cleaning sewer at Wilma Hayes, claimed to be vil.laae resnonsibility. No action taken - not enoupph supporting evidence ata.ilable. Motion by Richard Martie that -°halt Mack be, directed to rod sewers in problem areas beginning at once. Second by James Maus. 7alt ?°Markl_ina amended motion to add that Walt Mack preoare a schedule of roddins7 areas of town and present to next meeting. Second to amendment by Dick Martie. Ilotion as amended. Carried. Motion by '�alter Markling, seconded by James Maus that village pay Dick Brooks the difference of normal pay and that received from Workman's Compensation for eleven weeks as a result of his ac^ident. Clerk to determine amount. Carried. Motion by James Maus, seconded by Richard Martie to approve payment of bills for November: Liquor - $21,738.74; Street - $2,779.92; Admin. - $2,642.64; Park - $20.20; Sewer - t1 146.80; Water - $3,185.11; Service - $49,734.35; Police - $146.46; Fire - 1582.75• Motion to adjourn, seconded and ordered at 11:45 P. M. So o Don C. �+anlund, Clerk DCG /1 04,