City Council Minutes 12-01-1971 SpecialVILLAGE OF MONTICELLO Monticello, Minnesota 55362 December 1, 1971 Special meeting of Vill._ao-e Council and Town Commissioners together with renresenta.tives of Yonticel_lo Fire Dent, held T?esday evening, November 30 at P:30 P,T', Meeting called to order with T.,1a.tror Schle-if presiding. Councilmen present: James Ma.izs, Richard Martie, Aalter ' arkl.inR. Absent: Til Liam Sandberg. Town Commissioners present: Franklin Denn, Basil Schillewaert, William pellach, Charles Holthaus. Firemen present: Ronald Michaelis, Gordon Link. Discussion centered around the need to provide up -dated fire fighting equipment. It was generally agreed that there is critical need for a tanker pumper truck. Estimated to cost t2%000 to $30,000 eouipped. Areas of discussion included: 1. Should fire equipment be owned by village and long term contracts be negotiated with townships for fire service. 2. should tanker pumper truck be owned by Monticello town- ship, housed in village, and service contracts be neg- otiated with other user townshins. 3. Establishment of a Fire District, that would be self- sustaining. Sua-7ested that this area be referred to Village Planning Cornission and Township planning Council for Joint study. ToTnm ship advised they could not commit funds until after annual town meeting in March, 1972. No action was taken at this time. 1RApti n7 ad..jnizrnPd at 10:1.0 P. M. /lsg