City Council Minutes 11-17-1971 Specialr - f 1 VILLAGE OFJIIONTICELLO Monticello, Minnesota 55362 November 17, 1971 Special meeting of Village Council in the Village Pall on November 17, 171. Mayor Ronald Schleif called the meeting to order at 8 P.M. Attending councilmen: Richard Martie, James haus, Walter Markling, ',4illiam Sandberg. .Absent: None. Also in attendance: Dan Rlonigen and Jeff Rowan -- Councilmen -elect; Phil Chenoweth, financial consultant; Dale Johnson, auditor; Moria LaBau, League of Women Voters and George Phillips. Bids were opened for the sale of bonds for $135,000 - Water Revenue and X110,000 - General Improvements. The following 'lids were received: (SFE ENCLOSED TABULATION SHEET) (ALSO ENCLOSED ARE THE RESOLUTIONS) The revised proposed budget was presented for discussion. On motion by Walter 1'�arkling, seconded by Richard Martie the 1972 operating budget of .,278, 910.00 was adopted ren?jirincr a tax levy of .862 mills to generate 174,740.00. Voting in favor: T�Iarkling, Vartie, Y'aT s, Schleif. Opposing: Sandberg. Canvassing of election results deferred from previ(-us Yne�ting. Election results: Ronald Schleif, - 250; '''illiam Sandberg - 298; Joel Sletten - 184; Thomas Kealy, Sr. - 215: Daniel 131oni7,en - 310; Jeff Roi a.n _ 234; Rill McPherson - 424. Will..iar? Sandberg; declared. elected 1"avor. Daniel Blonigen and Jeff Rowan declared elected Councilmen. Rill McPherson de- clared elected Justice of the Peace. Motion by James Maus, seconded by ''Talter Ma.rkTing to certifv report or election judges. Carried -_ all in favor. Motion for ad joiarnment by Richard Mirtie, seconded by James Maus. So ordered at 11:30 P. M. Don G anlund., Clerk DG/lg