City Council Minutes 11-09-1971t I VILLAGE O MONTICELLO Monticello,! Minnesota 55362 November 0, 1.071 Regular meeting of the Village Council was called to order at 7:30 P -IM. Tuesday evening, November Q. .1x71, in the Village Hall. Members present: Schleif, Sandberg, Y R,.i.s, '4artie and "arkling. A. J. Rogan and D. Plonigen, newly elected_ members of the council were also in attendance. Dick Brooks, 1,Talt "ack, Maintenance foremen, Bob Ynss- ford., Auditor, T)ave Cloi,gh, Engineer, and a delegation of citizens were present. Bob Mossford reviewed the Liquor Store aidit and informed the council that the over-all picture looked good. The well owners in Monticello were told that the clerk would set up a rate structure formula based on the number in the household a_nd they would be assessed in accordance with this forml.ila. Les Finn thanked the council for their attention in the matter. L. LaBree inquired as to his job as skating rink supervisor. Lotion to retain L. LaBree at $2.50 per hour TATa.s made by Sandberg, seconded by J. Maus. All in favor carried. Clerk to call school about paying one half of the supervisor's wages. Department reports: D. Clough, representing Meyer, Rohlin, & Assoc., reported that Walnut Street was not restored properly and Standard. Contracting Co. was to start repairing it tomorrow. Barbarossa & Son wem to begin their restoration program this week also. These reparations have to stand up for one year. The engineer also -presented a nronosal to extend the water main from Broadway to River St. on Cedar St. Even if this work was done the existing contract Tx1th R rbarossa would come in with the final_ billing t1,000 less than the bid. Motion by '`haus, second by Yr. Markl_ing to extend the water main. All in favor --- carried. An an -plication for navment from Barbarossa & Son for $4.8, and from Standard Contracting Co. in the amount of t26,467.4.1 for a total of $74,812.86 was received. Motion to authorize payment of thesebills was made by Maus, second by Martie. A11 in favor --- carried. A meeting was set, for Nov. 30 to discuss the fire contract with the Town sh iT) . Damage bills were nresented by several of the nronerttr owners who had water in;their basements from heavy rains last spring and summer. Motion was made by vaus, second by Mar.kling to reimburse these neorle. Carried -- all in f^.vor. The Council took under consideration the recommendation of Con Johnson's appointment to the Planning Commission. Motion to appoint C. Johnson was made by ?^ralt Markling, seconded by James Maus. In favor: Schleif, IgTaus, M-a.rkling, r.sa.rtie. Opposed: Sandberg. Carried. Motion to approve minutes of October 12, and October 26 was made by R. I'lartie, seconded by J. Maus. All in favor -- carried. Motion to adjourn at 10:15 P. M. by James Maus, seconded by R. Martie. So ordered. S L. Gil.1ham, Acting Secretary