City Council Minutes 09-14-1971VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO Monticello, Minnesota 55362 September 14, 1971 The regular meeting of the village council was held on Sept. 14, 1971, in the village chambers. The meeting was called to order at 7:10 P.M. by James Maus, in the temporary absence of Ron Schleif. Councilmen present: Sandberg, Markling and Maus. Schleif and Martie arrived at 7:15 P.M. The first order of business was the opening of bids on the pro- posed improvement program in the village. The first bids to be opened were on the Parking Lot upgrading in the Liquor Store and. Village Hall lots, and the storm sewer drainage. J. F. Donovan, Inc. St. Cloud, Minn. Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. Buffalo, Minn. D.ycon Corporation Monticello, Minn. Hardrives, Inc. St. Cloud, Minn. A & B = $179090,00 Alt. = 5,587.50 A & B = 1139833.50 Alt. = 39202.50. A & B = $19;115.00 Alt.. = 4,725.00 A & B = $17;607.00 Alt. = 39875.00 A & B bids constitute the storm sewer drainage and narking lot at the Liouor Store. Alternate bid is the narking lot area south from the water tower. The second set of bids received were on the Street Improvement and Watermain Extension Program. The following companies bid: Barbarossa & Sons, Inc. $70,549.00 Osseo, Minn. Three Way Construction Co. 87,252.72 Waite Park, Minn. Standard Contracting Co. 1049715.80 Duluth, Minn. Julian M. Johnson, Const., Corp. 749744.36 Minneapolis, Ml -nn. Omtvedt Construction Comany 72,406.40 Redwood Falls, Minn. Landwehr Heavy Moving, Inc. 177,796.20 St. Cloud, Minn. Northdale Construction Co. 105,692.00 Minneanolis, Minn. Dvcon Corporation 959926.02 Monticello, Minn. Minn -Kota Excavating, Inc. 79,829.30 Minneapolis, Minn. R* A. Luxenburg Construction Co. 84,449.00 St. Paul, Minn. The last bidding was on the maintenance truck for the village: Monticello,Ford, Inc. $7033.74 -- 5000 lb. frt. spring Monticello Ford, Inc. 7,433.74 -- 4560 lb. frt. spring Gould Pro. 7065.54 _- La Hass box 79,451.54 -- Marion box 79505.54 -- Dunn box 79528.90 -_ Heil box Anoka International Sales 7,327.20 Garwood box The bids on ai..l three projects were held in �bevance until the next meeting. Bill Elliott, engineer, advised the council that Prid.7Awater Telephone Co. has plans to install underground conduit the full length of 3rd Street which is 69600 feet. Bridgewater will pav for the restoration of the Street and Mr. Elliott sug7ested the phone company nav the village X5,450.00 for same, this being a tentative figure subject to change after reviewal of forthcoming plans and specs. Mr. B. Mattson, county assessor, nresented a contract to the council which would cost the vi"laae approximately 11700.00, for assessing the village of Monticello. Thig is based on a fee set at .666 mills plus the cost of Homestead registration. In the event of annexation the N. S. P. plant will be excluded from the mill levy. Council will take action on this at next meeting. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Anderson, comnlained that they had no water rressure due to their water hook-up. Council will check into it and take nec- essary action. Tom Chock presented a sketch of his proposed garage for a building permit. Act on this request Thursday night. E. Linde wanted to know if it were possible to install a culvert under Front St. to eliminate the water problem. Thore Meyer is to inspect the situation and see what solution can be arrived at. 2 Mr. Brackney asked if some precaution could be taken to keep the water and mud from washing down onto his Narking lot at his apart- ment complex. Thore Meyer to contact the contractor on the street project. A primary interview schedule was set up for Sept. 20 or alternate date of Sept. 22 to talk to applicants for the Village Administrator position. Motion to grant a building nerrit to George Larson was made by James Maus and second by Dick Martie. Carried -- all in favor. Clerk was instructed to send a letter to d'''id -America reouesting they drain their trucks inside. Local residents complained the trucks have been draining outside with an odor resulting. The clerk is to take down all issues discussed and deferred at the meetings to be presented at the ensuing meeting. These items to be accompanied with the agenda. Dick Brooks is to insnect the Zatterberg garage for a possible fire hazard and board it up if necessary. A letter is to be sent out to village residents using their own wells stating the fact that a meter wol.ald cost anNroximately $.50.00. They would be given 3 years to nay for the meter with a quarterly assess- ment on the water if they so desire. The property owner must pay for their own installation of the meter. Motion was made by Walt Markling, with a second by Dick Martie, to direct Dick Hesley to have the net profit raised to 13% by the end of the 1971 audit, and to 14% by the next semi annual audit period. Carried -- all in favor. Motion by Dick Martie, second by Walt Markling to approve the bills. Carried -- all in favor. Clerk to call Satellite Co. to remove satellites and send one half the billing charge to the Monticello Public School system. The minutes of the previous meetings were approved on motion by Walt Darkling, with a second by James Maus. Carried -- all in favor. Walt Markling made a motion to adjourn, Dick Martie seconded at 10:35 P.M. Sp ordered. L. illham, Acting Secretary