City Council Minutes 08-24-1971■ .� �A+ w i7. k4 r L V r ,. k. a0 4. 7� Monticello, Minnesota 55362 August 24, 1971 Regular meeting of Village Council August 24, 1971 -- 7:30 P. M. -- Council Chambers. Members present: Ron Schleif, Bill Sandberg, Walt Markling, Dick Martie, James Maus. Absent: None. Mayor Schleif called meeting; to order and reported that Robert Davis of the Planning Commission is meeting with State Highway Dept. and will report on recommended sites for area maintenance depot as soon as possible. :harry Bebo & David Kranz of the Softball League, appeared before council and advised that they had monies available and asked matching funds to provide lighting for 4th St. ball field. Committee to meet with Park Board and James Maus and work out recommendations. Question raised for discussion on village's position in :.ssuing beer licenses for snorts events. Attorney previously advised that ordin- ance does not provide for. James Maus made motion that license pre- viously issued to J. C.'s be rescinded. Seconded by Dick Martie. Carried---- all in favor. Attorney to be instructed to review state statutes and village ordin- ances and determine an opinion or recommendation to provide. Dick Brooks reported that several diseased elm trees were located in such a way it was questionable whether on village or private property. instructed to use street right-of-way as determination. Jim Maus and Dick Brooks reported that new village truck estimated cost of $8000, with additional estimate of $600.00 to provide snow plow hydraulic system. Walter Markling moved that village advertise for bids for a bid opening of September 14th. Dick Martie seconded. Carried -- all in favor. Dick Brooks reported that an estimate of^$1800.00 was received to grade and pave West Third Street from Elm St. to Chestnut. Council rejected this proposal due to proposed additional water and telephone lines to be laid in this street. 1 Mr. & Mrs. Roy E. Carlson appeared before council stating that title could not be cleared on sale of their property because of garage encroachment on street right-of-way. Referred to attorney to come up with options to aid in clearing title. Phil Chenoweth, Ehlers and Associates, discussed bonding program for upgrading of water lines, in the amount of $58,900.009 pump house-- $35,000.00, with sale of revenue bonds; participation with state in storm sewer; upo-radin7 of village storm sewer system -- 192,700.00 and street improvement program --`112,580.00 on improvement bonds and assessment. Letters to abuttingproperty owners for hearing on street improvement set for September 7th, 8 P. M. at the Legion Club, to be sent out. Discussion regarding maintenance and surfacing of several streets in town. Motion by Vlalter Markling, seconded by Richard Martie and carried to put temporary surface on Minnesota Street South from West 6th Street; West Third St. from Elm to Chestnut and Front Street from Walnut to Linn St. This work to be done by the street department. Dill Elliott reported on sewer and water service at Junior High School. Permits not yet granted. Plans and specs not received. Inspection needs to be made to determine adequacy of lines, infiltration, etc. Plans and specifications for parking lot #1 (Liquor Store lot), parking lot 42 (Municipal lot) and drainage for both lots to be pre- pared and let for bid.. Bid opening set for September 14th at 7 P.M, Motion by James Maus, seconded by Walter Markling that above action be taken. Carried....all in favor. Motion by Walter Markling, seconded by James Maus to approve plans & specs as presented for upgrading water system. Bidding to be requested and bid opening September 14th. Council_ received petition pertaining to abatement of nuisance on West Front Street. Petition to be referred to attorney for material for formation of revised nuisance ordinance. Standard Construction has asked for extension to September 20 to com_ plete laying of storm sewer line down 'Kalnut St. Delay due to ex. cessive underground water to be pumped. Motion by Richard Martie, seconded by James ?haus that extension be granted provided State Highway Dent. had no objections. Carried.....all in favor. Motion by Walter Markling, seconded by Dick Martie that consideration of charging mil levy to township on fire service be researched by the attorney and report back. Motion by Walter Markling that village confer with County Commissioners to obtain State Aid Funds .for renair of certain streets eligible for aid. Walter Markling and Dick Martie appointed to meet with Com. missioners. Council desires to meet with auditor and Liquor Store manager to deter. mine operational procedures needed to improve net profits. Meeting set for first part of September. Clerk instructed to advise =tubers of the police force that termination of village employment will he effective September 30, 1971. Motion to adjourn by Richard Martie, seconded by Walter Markling. ;Soorde ed. Don Cjranlund, C1er1 DG