City Council MInutes 05-25-1971VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO Monticello, Minnesota 55362 May 25, 1971 Regular meeting of Village Council, Tuesday, 'day 2.5, 1971, 7:30 P.M. Present: Ron Schleif, Richard T°Ra.rtie, JamesT'',aus, Wil? iam Sandberg. Absent: TTalter T arkling. 1r,Talter 'hack also in attendance. T°'eeting called to order by Ron Schleif, ?payor at 7:30 P. M. Minutes of May 19th s-oeci.al meeting approved with follo-wing additions: 1. William Sandberg left meeting before adjournment due to illness in the family. 2. Resolution adopted was a resolution to receive the reports and call a. hearing for the village improvement program. It was cited that a mall. notice must go to all village property owners as well as nuhlic nrinti_ng before hearinq. date of June 17. Motion by James A°'ai.is that ?dud Fair and Charles Stumpf be granted nermits to build garages on their nronerty subject to me -ting ordinance reaulrements. Seconded by Richard Martie. In favor: Martie, Maus, cchleif, Sandberg. Opnased: None. Carried. Clerk directed to visually check distance requirements before admitting application for building permit to council on fi.-ture applications. Motion by Richard T"Lartie to approve anplication from to build a new home on Block 24 lower Monticello. Seconded by James Maus. Approved: Schleif, Tiartie, Maus, Sandberg. Opposed: None. Carried. Clerk to arrange to have pertinent portions of building code published in the Monticello Times. Clerk directed to place ad in Times and j,,right County Journal Press in- viting application for Building Inspector. Applications to be in file by July 19 1971. Walter Markling and Dick T'`Lartie to comprise committee to study formation of a Police Commission. Discussion regarding finalizing j�le Third St. improvements, Clerk dir- ected to set up hearing for July. Discussion regarding sewer plant and. sewer system operation and maintenance. Maus, T,arkling, Pill._ 7111iott and T,Talt Mack had inspected facilities pre- vious Saturdav and determined that everything is being done that is feasible in maintaining eaul_pment. Wage adjustments for Alta Farnick, Joan Fesl_ey and employment of Don Wild- man were introduced. adjustment to 12.75 per hour for Alta Farnick approved. Adjustment for Joan Hesl_ey, not approved. T,',anager requested to submit mod- ified adjustment request. Motion by `J11_liam Sandberg to rescind all a.utr.ority on wage adjustments by manager wl.tlhout prior council approval, and that Joan Heslejr be adjusted to `2.50 ner hour. Liauor Store manager to clear all future wage adjustments with council_ before becoming effective. Seconded by James Taus. In favor: Schleif, T,raus, Martie, Sandberg. Opposed: none. Carried. 1.10tion by James Maus to apvrove hiring of Don �Yild.man as full time bartender at $3.00 per hour. Seconded by Richard Martie. In favor: Y aus, Yartie, Sandberg, Schleif; carried. Clerk directed to contact P.C.A. to determine disposition of sludge from sewer plant. Action on hutch Flm disease ordinance tabled to permit council to study ordinance prepared. by Gary Pringle. Motion for ad rnment at 1.0:00 r . TIT. by 1,7111 iam Sandberg, seconded by Ri_ ha '`far So ordered. Don Gr fund, Clerk DCG/1.sg