City Council Minutes 04-27-1971VILLAGE IGLU Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Regular meeting of the Village Council, April 27, 1971 -- 7:30 P. M. Councilmen present: Ronald Schleif, Richard Martie, Walter Markling, James Maus, William Sandberg. Absent: none. Also present: Thore Meyer, Engineer; Phil Chenowith, Ehlers & Asso- ciates; Conan Philbrook, Big Lake -Monticello Hosoital; Al Baert, Re- gional Civil Defense Director; Robert Davis, Planning Commission; Richard Brooks, Maintenance Dept.; Jack Tucek, Milton Olson, Earl Lind.enfelser, residents. Meeting called to order by Ron Schleif, Mayor. Walter Markling made motion that mi Utes of previous meeting be approved. as mailed, James Maus seconded.�Tn favor: Schleif, Maus, Markling, Martie & Sandberg. Mr. Phil Chenowith, Fiscal Consultant, Ehlers and Assoc. discussed with council some of details necessary for preparing for bond issues. Five major steps are involved: Planning, Authorization, Marketing, Windup (interim investment), Program. Thore Meyer reiterated street and sewer upgrading planned as a part of the overall package during discussion. Also advised that storm drainage sewer to serve I-94 - S.H. 25 interchange must be in by August 15 this year. Mr. Al Bart, Regional Civil Defense Director, responded to corres- pondence sent regarding need for C. D. unit. Civil Defense unit is required by law. C. D. should be prepared to utilize resources avail- able. Health & Medical, Police, Fire, Health Office should maintain registry of nurses, ambulances, station wagons; should train persons for first aid and auxiliary police; maintain and publish shelter areas. C. D. should be prepared for flood, fire, tornado, school bus accident, train accidents, etc. Con Philbrook, reported that Hospital is equipped with auxiliary gen- erating equipment in event of power outage but that equipment must have water for cooling to keep running. Recent power outage used up water supply of village leaving hospital without power for 20 minutes before power was resumed. Request that village consider auxiliary power equipment to maintain water supply in event of fire and power outage. Action deferred. Clerk to research types of auxiliary equipment. Jack Tucek and Milt Olson reported. that So. Minnesota St. is extremely dusty with traffic movement. Request consideration that the street be oiled. Tucek further requested grade line of proposed improved street so that he can prepare his lawn and driveway. Thore Meyer to assist in determining grade lines for Tucek. Bob Davis reported on Planning Commission's determination that care must be used in permitting modular homes installation both to type and location. This is to be considered in planning and zoning study. Earl Lindenfelser requested permit to install 20' x 4.0' modular unit on his lot. Decision for permit delayed pending final recommendation of Planning Commission. Arve Grimsmo reported on organization of H.R.A. The group will in- corporate and will need a loan of $200.00 to cover organization costs. Arve Grimsmo is chairman, Vern Smedstad, vice-chairman, and Gloria LaBau, secretary -treasurer. 'PT lotion by 1,�Talter Markling that council advance H.R.A. the $200.00 needed for organization. Advance to be supported by a promissory note. Seconded by Richard Martie. In favor: Markling, Martie, Maus, Sandberg, Schleif. League of Municipalities had corresponded with Mayor requesting identity of building inspector and advising of training seminar available. Mayor to communicate with neighboring communities to consider appointing an area inspector to serve several neighboring towns. Motion by Richard Martie, seconded by James Maus that council. renew fire contracts with Ylonticello, Silver Creek and Ctsego Townships on same terms as 1970. In favor: Schleif, Sandberg, Y,aus, Markling, 'I�Tartie. Motion by James Maus, seconded by Richard Martie to repair village hall sign. In favor: Schleif, Sandberg, Maus, Markling, Martie. N.S.P. has Dresented an amendment to maintenance contract for maintenance of downtown street signs. Action deferred pending further discussion. Discussion on purchasing practices of village deferred until all council.. men could review report. Further discussion on annual audit report deferred until Dale Johnson could be present. Further discussion on police service in village revealed that general consensus favored our own police system. A need for a police commission to be established and to consider means to provide more on -duty time. Bill Sandberg directed to contact Delano Village and obtain by-laws and regulations of their Police Commission. Don Granlund to contact League of Minnesota Municipalities for sample organization outlines. Motion by Walter Markling, seconded by Richard Martie that Monticello establish a police commission to oversee and assist police department on a local level. In favor: Schleif, Sandberg, Maus, Markling, Mlartie. Discussion relative to revised sewer rates resulted in directive to Ron Schleif to write letter to large users and advise them of impending rate changes to become effective July 1, 1471. Dick Brooks requested council to consider purchase of another riding lawn mower. Walt Markling and Dick to get more price quotations. Decision deferred. Clerk directed to follow up with attorney to determine status of Dutch Elm ordinance. Dick Brooks directed to repair portions of streets that are exceptionally 2 bad on a time and material basis. Big Lake Gravel to be contacted for assistance. Motion by Richard Martie, seconded by James Maus. In.favor: Schleif, Sandberg, Vaus,Martie, Markling. Walter Markling made motion that we retain Ehlers & Assoc. as financial consultants for bonding studies. Seconded by James Maus. In favor: Schleif, Sandberg, '14aus, Martie, Markling. Richard Martie appointed to review with Ron Michaelis working of Civil Defense unit and to coordinate with Al Baert extension of facilities and resources. Motion by James Maus, seconded by R. Martie that Bill Elliott be con_ tacted to study with Walt Mack, Walt Markling and James Maus removal of sewer plant sludge, use of drying beds and cleaning of sewer lines. In favor: Schleif, Sandberg, Markling, Maus, Martie. Motion to adjourn by W. Sandberg at 11:15 P.M. So ordered. ranlund, Clerk Aon k DCG/lsg VJ