City Council Minutes 01-19-1971 Special e e VILLAGE OF ONTICELLO Monticello, Minn sota 55362 Special MeRting of the Village Council January 19, 1971 7:30 P. M. Council members present: Ran Schleif, ick Martie, Walter Markling, James Maus, William Sandberg. Councilm n absent: none. Also present, Arthur McIntire and Robert Westerman - olice department; Richard Hesley - Liquor Store Manager; and Robe t Davis, Planning Commission chairman. Robert Davis presented an outline of th objectives of planning as presented to the Planning Commission by Charles Tooker, Planning Con- sultant. Planning Commission will mept January 20 to select three main projects to start on. It was pointed out that the development of the downtown area will fall to the responsibility of the Hausing & edevelopment Authority. Charles Tooker will outline the procedural step . A motion made and annroved by the PI ann ng Commission recommends to the Village Council that Atty. Paul Mel hert be retained to represent the Vlillage in all hearing and proceedi gs with the Municipal Commission. Council will act on recommendation late . Wage & Sal ary Discussion: James Maus a .d lNilliam Sandberg serving on the cammittee. Presentation of outline with comparisons with other villages in area. The following recommendations were made 1. Arthur McIntire, Police Chief, to remain at $750.00 hase montnly salarv and to be allowed $3.00 oer hour overtime for hours over 2no per month. 2. Robert Westerman, patrolman, t increase to $650.00 base montn. per hour overtime over 200 hou 3. Additional police personnel to Inexperienced persons to start to $3.00 maximum per hour with 4. Richard Hesley, Liquor Store m base with no change. Bartenders to be employed at a beginning hourly rate of $2.50 graduating to a maximum of $3. 5. Off-sale clerks to be employed at a beginning hourly rate of $2.00 graduating to a maximum f $2.75 per hour. 7. Granting of salary changes to e responsibility of the Manager. Motion to approve made by Richard Marti , seconded by Walter Markling. In favor: Martie, Maus, Markling, SchJe'f. Opposed: Sandberg. Carried. be given a $50.00 per month y salary and be allowed $3.00 s per month. be utilized only as needed. at $2.00 per hour and graduate experience and qualifications. nager, to remain at $750.00 5. 6. Richard Brooks increase from present b vised base of t650.00 per month effecti $600.00 per month to re- 1, lQ71. Walter Mack, Maintenance Supt., to rema n at a base of $700.00 per month. Subject to review at a latter d te. Ron Michaelis, Civil Defense director, No action pending conference with Micha month base. base of $100.00 per month. negotiate for a $50.00 a e e Gary PrinIt1e,"ttornev, eliminate $100 00 ner month retainer and go to fee basis. Thore Meyer, Engineer, to negotiate re ainer for presentation at a later meeting. Lynnea Gillham, nart-time clerk tyoist increase from present base of $2.40 oer hour to $2.50 ner hour. Further discussions recessed until 1at r meeting. Sub-contractor suggested placing T in to provide for attachment of new main approval if engineer deemed advisable. Discussion re 4th Street closing table regarding state aid. terline connecting two pumps f needed. Richard Martie moved James Maus seconded and carried. pending report from attorney Motion for recess by Richard Martie at 12:00 p. M. Seconded by James Maus. 62&~~ DeG/leg <"i