City Council Minutes 01-25-1972 Joint town board VILL~G~ OF ONTICELLO Morl.ticello, Minn sota 55362 JJuary 25, . 972 Joint meeting of the Vi1la~e Council and Monticello Town Board re~ardin~ fire protection. Meeting called to order by }~ayor San berg. COllncilmen present: Sandber~, Rowan, Martie, B1oni~en, ~ rkling. Town Commissioners present: BasH SCh111ewaert, Frankl! Denn, Charles Holthaus, t';nl1am Bellach, Fireehief Ronald Michaelis, and Fireman Gordon Link. Attorney James }1etcalf and Robert Pe erson, Town Plannin~; Tom Jenson, State Deputy Fire Marshlill; Emil Dorf, Silver Creek Township also attended. Ron Michaelis advised that present f re fighting equipment consists of a 1946 pumper that is borderline f being accepted by state fire regulations, 1964 pumper and 1953 ta ker that is worn out. Michaelis pointed out that water pump became i operable and it has taken over a week to get repair unit. Tanker unit is needed for rural fire where ~ydrants are not available. Tom Jenson related that fire fightin is most dangerous occupation. Town Board and Council must work tog ther as fire protection is a must. James itetcalf queried regarding fire rating. determined by Fire Insurance Underwr ters. natives available would be: 1. oontract agreement 2. pro rata char~e base '3. organize a fire diet Fire district!; not in extensive use 1 Jenson replied this is Metcalf stated that alter- tween Council and Town Board on average calls ict as indepen4ent government unit state. Levy for exoendit~lre for eauipment, ervice or setting up a fire dis- trict must anpear on Township ballot. New tanker pumper estimated cost $25,000 _ $30,000 completEU.y equipped. Council and Townshi.p should consider 10n~ term fire service agreement. Nonticello Townshio ul~.ced 23 fire c..l1s in 1971, village placed 3 calls, Sn.ver Creek had one call and Otsego 'fownship had one c.9.11. Agreed that similar contract to 1971 be drafted with clause to pro- rate if and when new truck bf'!'!comes a a~nable. Attorney Pringle and Attorney I";etcalf to research necessa y requirements to establish fire district. Motion to adjourn by Dick t'1artie and seconded by Dan Blonigen. So ordered. A(~ Don C. a.nlund, Clerk Dcoflsg