City Council Minutes 02-08-1972VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO Monticello, Minnesota 55362 February P. 1972 Regular meeting of Village Council __ February Q, 19'7'2 -- '7:30 P. Me 1 eating called. to or4er at 7:30 R. !I. by ''til l.ia.m Sandberg, mayor. Council- men Dresent: Richard Martie, Teff Rowan, Dan Blonigen, Jalter 111arkling. {Absent: None. Also oresent were Robert. Yosford, ('guys, Johnson Ac Assoc.; 'v'illiam Elliott, engineer; Bob Davis, Planning Commission; Richard Brooks, Richard Hesley, 3^±alter Tack, Leo Baker, staff; =11e1 li!Orth, Jay 'iller, I. Stelton, 'aIil.lard Clark, Bob Reirson. Minutes of January 25th meeting read and approved. Robert Davis reported that Manning Commission was working on finalizing proposed zoninj ordinance and set up zone areas. Commission also working on downtown planning. Planning Conmission will meet February 16 to finalize reports. Asked for special meeting with council to go over reports as soon as ready. Bill Elliott reported that dans for the sewer and water crossings in I-94 are on the board. ire reported that water s mples .from East River St. contained mud a-gparently washed in -vrhen new pipes were laid.. May be: re_ medied by further flushing after cold weather. Council directed engineer to direct Bridgewater to keep 3rd St. and Cedar maintained until restoration. Mel 1'4orth, Jay Miller and Irvin Stelton appeared before council urotesting sewer billing. Felt that rates were exorbitant and should have volume rating. Jeff Rowan stated structure is good, thinks maybe rate should be reduced. 1�'K-arkling, Yartie, 951.oniFren said "leave it as it is." Clerk to research other co~rmunities and League of Ifinnesota Municipalities to provide further study of rate structure for large users. Call special meeting when information is gathered. Willard Clark nresented. r _ll.. for -t80.00 for work on water line: at Alliance Church. This bill previously rejected because village had not authorized work. New information revealed that nroblem needing attention was on village nronerty. D. Yart'R. e moved that bill 'he paid, seconded by Jeff Rowan. Carried. Walter Vlarkling moved, seconded by D. Blonigen that village be responsible for repairs on water lines from water main to nrooerty line. All in favor. Carried. Bob 11•1osford reported on Liquor Store audit for 1971. Showing assets of $178,972.00, current liabilities of $3639.00 and su.r-l.us of $175,333.00. Current year `'Off -Sale" sales down from 1970 and "On -Sale" sales up for a net total sales increase of $1475.00. Net operating profits; for year were $429056.00 down $2890.00 from 1970. Bills were approved as nresented on motion b --Ir Walter Markling, seconded by Jeff Rowan - . Liquor Fund. $25,34o.69; Salaries tI.304,,06; Ad -min $1.994.23; Police $1,782,48; Fire t624,,16; Park $23,,R9; Water Street Sewer $561.17; Service7333.45, 9 1$954290; Motion by D. Miartie, seconded bar W. Yarklinsp to renew building permit for Skelly Oil Company. Carried. Btidgewater Telephone Co. to lay cable feeder lines to serve outlying areas. Discussion centered around requiring 100% nerformance bond sub. sequent relocation to be made at Bridgewater's ex-nense. Cable to be laid at edge of street. Action tabled for 'UrtIner study. Clerk to try to obtain copy of certificate of bond for work done on Third Street in laying conduit. Bill Sandberg reported on having attended a meeting considering developing an airport between Buffalo and Monticello. Referred to Planning Commission for study. Salary review presented by Jeff Rowan and Walt 'Markling. Dick I'lartie made motion that following salary schedule be adopted effective February 1,, 19729, seconded by Dan Blonigen. Carried -- all in favor. Thomas Arnold, Elizabeth LaRock, Lyle Neft, Don Wildman - $3.25 per hour. Alta Farnick - $2.90 per hour. Joan Hesley - $2.65 per hour; Lyndon Hawkins - $165-00 per month. Stanley Olson, James Schaffer - $2.65 per hour. Joanne Kjellberg $210.00 per month; 14alter Mack, Richard Brooks - 025-00 per month. lqnnea Gillham - $2.65 per hour; Dick 11'esley - *790.00 per month* Don Granlund $840.00 per month. Leo Baker hired on a nart-time basis as supervisor at $4,000.00 per year and to be nrovided with hospital insurance Prop:ram, Dan Blonigen moved for adlournment,, second by D. Martie. So ordered at 12*15 A. M., Don C. DCG/Jsg lund, Clerk -2-