City Council Minutes 06-07-1972 Special1 r VILLAGE 10F MONTICELLO Monticello, Minnesota 55362 June 7, 1972 Special meeting of the Village Council __ June 7, 1972. Meeting called to order by ",%Tilliam Sandberg, mavor. Councilmen present: Richard Martie, Jeff Rowan, Dan Blonigen and 'Walt Mark - ling. Absent: None. W. F. Sharpe gave a film presentation of the merits of Slurry Kote street treatment. Mr. Sharpe had visited Monticello pre- viously and estimated 85,000 so. vds. of surface on parking lot, east -west streets except 3rd St. & Broadway_ and all north -south streets except Cedar. Mr. Sharpe is to send a cony of specifications for study and standard bid call form. Discussion on street repair and natchin7 nrenaration led to motion by Jeff Rowan, seconded by Dan Bloni7en to ask Buffai_o Bituminous for cost figure on 7eneral street repair on a time and material basis. Buffalo Bituminous to survev streets with Bill Sandberg. Carried -- all in favor. Motion by Jeff Rowan to issue beer license to 011arles Longley for 3 month duration for 120.00 fee to sell beer at 4th ,Streot ball park +rring torirnaments. Certificate of Insurance to be filed with the village. Seconded by Richard Martie. Carried -- all in favor. Motion by Wil 1iar Sand?-�er7, seconded by R4 chard Martie to accent check for 111,112.00 from Brid7ewater Telenhone to cover restor- ation of 3rd Street and Cedar Street and authorize the mavor and clerk to sign release to Bridgewater Telephone of further res- nonsibiTity. Carried -- all in .favor. Planning Commission members Robert Davis, Dale Lun.gwitz, Fred Tonel, and James Maus joined council. Bob Davis nresented Charles Tooker who reviewed the studies and activities of the oast two years. Tooker presented report on housing in the Village. He also re- ported on the areas of steady: Downtown Business District, Streets, Sub -Division Ordinance, Zoning, Capital Improvements, Housing. Planning Commission asked if they should continue to function and if so could they use their discretion in utilizing Tooker for pro- fessional assistance. Further areas of planning would include Downtown Planning, Street Closings, Park Develonment. No action taken at this time. M tion djourn by Jeff Rowan, seconded by Dan Blonigen. So ordered. Donanlund, Clerk DG/g