City Council Agenda Packet 03-14-1972 VILLAGE OF ONTICELLO Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Regular meeting of Village Coun i1 -- Tue!lday evening, March 14 -- 7:30 p. M. -_ V 118fe Council Chambers ~GENDA vA. Call tt"l order. ~. Minutes of nrevi~u8 meeting . V~IV 3. Dena~tment rent"lrta: vLiouor __ Rieharn Res tAire & CivU nefense ... Ron Mlcnae1:i.s .)rtreet & Park -... Dick Brooke tftewer & 1tlater -- '"!a1 t r Mack /la.nning Commission -... Flob Davis JI,pprove club liqt~or license for American Legion Club. jf. j ~ /- A: Act on on-off !lale beer lie nses for Recreation C8.fe, Ruth's Cafe, Schneider's Recreatio . Act on garbage contract bid . Consider rat. changes on gr uo insurance: Willard Andltrson of Business Nltn' s Assurance. '. Park oommittee report - Jim Lungw1.tz. "~-~gineer 's report on carrie lines through 1-94 - Thore Jll;eyer. y Ji / ~. ~ / \; 15. 16. Building T)f!Jrmit for install tion of IR,OOO gal. chemical fertilizer tank direotly f!J8. t of A~ro-Vita tank. PeNi t to nresent fireworke dis1')la~r for hosni tal & nursing home patients Jul', 4th - Lee Ha.t. ieId. Village parkinl7, lot mainten nce - Bob Davie. ReYif!Jw prou"s.-.d zoni.nr ordi ance. Consid~r n~l"'d for au:;.rt'!.!rlv audits of Liquor Stor~&- Coneidf!Jr bHls for Ff!Jbruary. Other. ~~~ - 6/J~ 15~~ J'~ WU- -(.- /3~ ~~ ~~ P'v/~.