City Council Agenda Packet 11-23-1998 . Mayor: AGE DA REGULAR MEETING - MON ICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, Novembe 23,1998 -7 p.m. Bill Fair Council Members: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . R0'^"c L ~ / J/' f} \ C.\~ Call to order. Approval of minutes ofthe regular meetin held November 9, 1998. ,i .')(/ efT IL Consideration of adding items to the agen Citizens comments/petitions, requests, an complaints. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of liquor license tra sfer - Comfort Inn Motel. Consideration of Change Order No. 17 for City Project #93-14C, Expansion of Wastewater Treatment Facility. g> "'l-f {;'-1 C. Consideration of reviewing state b'ds for sewer cleaning equipment and award of contract for purchase. D. Consideration of acceptance ofRi er Mill 2nd Addition, Project 97-11 P. E. Consideration of final payment an acceptance of trunk storm sewer for Monticello High School, Project 9 -07C. F. Consideration of appointing Mike yr to the Design Advisory Team. G. Consideration of authorizing the r- moval of abandoned bulk oil tanks and structures - Nelson Oil site. 6. Consideration of items removed from the onsent agenda for discussion. 7. Public Hearing-Consideration of vacating portion of the 5 12 Street roadway easement and consideration of vacating Locust Stre t between Burlington Northern property and 6th Street. . . . . 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. ( 'J-ft 13. Council Agenda - 11/23/98 Page 2 Consideration of a resolution authorizing t e execution and delivery of a ground lease and a lease-purchase agreement, and appro ing and authorizing issuance of public project revenue bonds and execution of related do umcnts. Public Hearing-Adoption of proposed asse sment roll for delinquent accounts receivable bills and certification of assessment roll to County Auditor. Consideration of approving an increase in ewer and water usage rates for 1999. Consideration of authorizing advertisemen for parks maintenance position. Consideration of approval of bills for the I st half of November 1998. .>7c'-( or.d-( F> 11 P Ii (')'f'. f-/ W J.S- Adjournment. . . . MINU ES REGULAR MEETING - MON ICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, November 9, 1998 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Bill Fair, Clint :Herbst, Brian St mpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None 2. A. Consideration of a minute 1998. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIA STUMPF AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO APPROVE THE MINU ES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD OCTOBER 26,1998, AS WRITTEN. Motion carried unanimously. B. 1998. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROGE CARLSON AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD OCTOBER 26, 1998, AS WRITTEN. Motion carried unanimously. c. Consideration of a 1998. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLIN HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO APPROVE THE MIN TES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 2, 1998, AS WRITTE . Motion carried unanimously. D. C nsideration of a 1998. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRU E THIELEN AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO APPROVE THE MIN TES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 4, 1998, AS WRITTE . Voting in favor: Bill Fair, Clint Herbst, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen. A staining: Brian Stumpf. 3. Consideration of addin items to the a en a. A. Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill requested that item #8 be added to the consent agenda. 4. A. Request for lowering speed limit. City Administrator Rick Wolfstel er reported that Mr. and Mrs. Donald Meyer of 680 Riverview Drive have reques ed that the City consider lowering the speed limit on East County Road 39 ne Gillard Avenue. . . . 5. Council Minutes - 11/9/98 A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIA STUMPF AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBS'r TO DIRECT THE REQUE T FOR A LOWER SPEED LIMIT ON EAST COUNTY ROAD 39 TO THE POLl E COMMISSION. Motion carried unanimously. B. City resident John Sandberg stated that in reviewing item #11 of the agenda regarding the ground lease and lea e-purchase agreement for the community center, the sale of city hall is conti gent on the community center being built; and if the ground lease and lease-purch se agreement are approved, along with authorization to issue bonds, it app ared that the contingency on the sale of city hall would be removed. In that ca e, Mr. Sandberg requested that Councilmember Roger Carlson abstain from voting as it was his view that there was a conflict of interest since Councilmember Carlon was in business with the person buying city hall. He also noted that if the corn unity center project is cancelled in January as noted in the letter presented to the RA by Councilmembers Brian Stumpf and Clint Herbst, and Mayor-elect Rog r Belsaas, the City would lose approximately $3 million. If the project goes for ard, the City would pay more than $4 million in interest. He, therefore, requeste that the Council consider dissolving the project at this time. c. Mayor-Elect Roger Belsaas stated hat the dollar figures presented by Mr. Sandberg regarding the comm nity center did not include principal, which he estimated would bring the total pro'ect to approximately $21 million. Consent agenda. A. B. Consideration of a r lution confi min Resolution 98-42 of Se tember 28 1998 and orderin im rovernent fi r Wildwood Rid e uti lit extensions. Recommendation: Adopt the res lution confirming Resolution 98-42 of September 28, 1998, and ordering rnprovement for Wildwood Ridge utility extensions. SEE RESOLUTION 98-51. c. Consideration of are uest fi r a co ditional use ermit for a commercial use in the PZM district and consideration of conditional use ermit for mixed use in the PZM district. A licant Pat and Susie Townsend. Recommendation: Approve the conditional use permit for com ercial use in a PZM district subject to the condition that an appropriate buffe ing and screening plan is submitted to the City for approval. Approve the conditi nal use permit for mixed commercial and residential uses in the PZM district subject to a finding that the commercial and residential uses meet the intent oft e "separate floor" requirement. Approval is contingent on development of a sit plan that is consistent with the minimum standards ofthe ordinance. Pag 2 . . . 9. Council Minutes - 11/9/98 A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERB T AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS R COMMENDED. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consideration of items removed from the c None. 7. Public Hearin --Consideration of vacation f utilit and draina e easements around interior erimeter of Outlot A Sandber E st subdivision. Deputy City Administrator JefT O'Neill reported that in order for the River Forest subdivision to be recorded, the existing eas ments around the interior perimeter of Outlot A, Sandberg East, must be vacated. The new River Forest plat will contain the necessary replacement easements. Mayor Fair opened the public hearing. There being no comment from the public, t e public hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE VACATION OF THE INTERIOR ERIMETER EASEMENTS AROUND OUTLOT A, SANDBERG EAST. Motion c ied unanimously. 8. Consideration of a re uest for a conditional use ermit for a commercial use in the PZM district and c nsideration of a conditional se ermit for mixed use in the PZM district. Applicant. Pat and Susie Townsend. This item was added to the consent agenda s item 5C. e Park and lift station im r vements. Deputy City Administrator Jeff 0 'Neill rep rted that Council tabled consideration of West Bridge Park and lift station improve ents in July pending input from the Parks Commission on redevelopment plan conce ts that could potentially impact the proposed park improvements. The Parks Commissio was generally supportive of the concept for the Black Woods Restaurant presented by r. Brad Johnson; however, they requested that a plan be established by their October eeting date. Because a plan was not produced by the October deadline, the Park Commission recommended that the City Council move forward with the improveme ts to East and West Bridge Park, including relocation of the lift station and sewer syste , diagonal parking along Walnut Street, construction of retaining walls from the bri ge along East and West River Street, and installation of an irrigation system. Subsequent to the recommendation by the arks Commission, the developer was able to prepare a concept plan for the area and req ested that Council review the plans and consider whether to proceed with park imp ovements or delay the improvements . 10. . . Council Minutes - 11/9/98 indefinitely until redevelopment of the ge eral area occurs. Jeff O'Neill also noted that the Public Works Director indicated conce about delaying reconstruction of the lift station indefinitely due to the age of the system. Mr. Ron Erickson ofKKE Architects, rep senting Mr. Brad Johnson of Lotus Development, reviewed the concept plan fi r the West Bridge Park area, which would include a 4.5 park with a trail along the ri er, 60-unit and 70-unit housing developments, a restaurant, and ampitheater. Mayor Fair questioned whether it was too ate for reconstruction of the lift station this year. City Engineer Bret Weiss responde that planning could take place during the winter with construction in the spring; ho ever, he suggested that the Council set a deadline for March or early April in order 0 get an early start on the project in 1999. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERB l' AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO TABLE ACTION ON WEST BRIDGE PAR IMPROVEMENTS AND RETURN THE ITEM TO THE PARKS COMMISSION FOR REVI W OF THE REDEVELOPMENT CONCEPT. Motion carried unanimously. Consideration of a resolution awardin Refunding Bonds. Series 1998B. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller and usty Fifield of Ehlers & Associates reported that a 6% interest rate was anticipated for he sale of the $515,000 G.O. Water System Refunding Bonds. Five bids were receive, with Norwest Investment Services, Inc., submitting the low bid at an interest rate 0 3.9982%, which will save the City $34,358 in reduced debt service. It was also reported that Moody's Investors Service assigned a favorable rating of A3 to the refunding bo ds. Mr. Fifield also recommended that the $3 million G.O. Improvement Bond sale be postponed until the December 14 Council meeting since the total debt for the reflmding bonds, the $3 million G.O. improvement onds, and the community center bonds would exceed $10 million and would not be ban qualified, which would result in the City paying 10-35 basis points in higher intere t cost. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STU PF AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION AWARDING TH SALE OF $515,000 IN G.O. WATER SYSTEM REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 1998B, TO ORWEST INVESTMENT SERVICES, INC. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESO UTION 98-52. 11. Mayor Bill Fair suggested that the Counc 1 table action on the ground lease and lease- purchase agreement for the community enter due to the HRA's action to reject the bids . . . Council Minutes - 11/9/98 for the community center lease revenue bo ds and schedule a special meeting for November 18 at 6 p.m. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BILL FAIR A D SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO T ABLE ACTION ON THE GROUND LEAS AND LEASE-PURCHASE AGREEMENT UNTIL THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETI G SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 23, 1998. Rusty Fifield of Ehlers & Associates note that he will be negotiating the sale of bonds with the investment banking group that su mitted the bid as directed by the HRA and suggested that Council proceed as quickly as possible by scheduling a special meeting for November 18 after the HRA' s meeting. BILL FAIR THEN AMENDED HIS MOnO TO TABLE ACTION ON THIS ITEM UNTIL A SPECIAL MEETING SCHEDULED FOR 7: 0 P.M., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1998. THE AMENDED MOTION WAS SECOND D BY BRUCE THIELEN AND CARRIED UN ANIMOUSL Y. Mayor Fair directed the City Adrninistrat r to prepare a project cost summary to date and consult with the City Attorney regarding ossible liabilities. Councilmember Brian Stumpf also directed the City Administrat r to show a breakdown of which costs relate directly to the community center as well a other costs in the area. Councilmember Bruce Thielen also reque ted that the City Administrator include a recommendation on how to fund the cost 0 date if the project does not continue. In addition, he requested that the City Atto y be consulted regarding the suggestion that Councilmember Roger Carlson has a con ict of interest regarding this issue. 12. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THI--LEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE BILLS FOR THE FIRS HALF OF NOVEMBER 1998 AS PRESENTED. Motion carried unanimously. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN A D SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO ADJOURN. Motion carried unanimously. Karen Doty Deputy City Clerk Pa e 5 . . . Council Agenda - 11/23/98 SA. Consideration of a (R.W.) A. REFEREN E AND BACKGRO D: The ownership of the Comfort Inn Motel a 200 Oakwood Drive is in the process of being transferred to new owners, Arlo and Mary ohnson. The Comfort Inn currently has an on-sale liquor license for the Treehouse Lo nge, and all license transfers need to be approved by the City Council. Approval of this license transfer by the Co ncil should be contingent upon Mr. Johnson providing a certificate of insurance for liab lity coverage in the amount of at least $300,000. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the on-sale liquor license ansfer at the Comfort Inn Motel from Sandip Bhakta to Arlo Johnson. 2. Do not approve the license transfer. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Admi istrator that the on-sale liquor license transfer be approved as requested. We are not aw e of any reason why Mr. Johnson would not qualify for continuation of the on-sale liqu r license at this establishment. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of license application. 1 CITY OF MONTI ELLO LICENSE APPLI ATION . This application is being submitted for the foll wing license(s): _ Set-up license ~ On-sale, intoxicating liquor + On-sale, non-intoxicating liquor Applicant Name: h e- L. 0 D Off-sale, non-intoxicating liquor , On-sale, wine On-sale, wine/3.2 beer II\. rv J () I\J Phone: Co \ \.- 'l--"1 r - I \ 1 , Applicant Address: d. 0 0 0 ^' 1<:: W 0' ',~ i) (l.. Yv\ 0 f\" i" I' C L LL-<-,.J f\J S'~ 1M, \. Directors: I !J 11- J 4; ( Social Security #: 'i \0 ~, 't to, Driver's License #: --S- ~S);\ - () I \ - Business Name: \'re..<- \-\-Gi \.) 1--<-. l---Q 1.7 tv ~ '-<- Business Address: 70 0 0." Ie:::: IAJ <> ..:: I (i) ".n ~ L eA. Lv De ~\ s-:r ~ \0-"- . Business Phone: lJ2, S- ~ \ \ \ , Describe nature of business operation: '1~L-llpg o IV .{ o...J......A. If Corporation: Officers: ~L- 1\f\J S~ l.-(7'Ol.fl/~ Do you or does your corporation, partnership, etc., currently hold any license allowing the sale of wine, intoxicating liquor, non-intoxicating liqu~ or set-ups? Yes . No If yes: Name of Business: Business Address: . Business Phone: Type of License: Years Held: ~A/I LIQLIC.APP: 1013/95 . . References: Phone Nnmber '4 'l-- --S- I '--t ., ~ (I- - ..s-S"I-~S,:7)' {o (I----..sr~ ',j ~fo( "'- \J \ , -t-~i) '. < u--' \';-L_\~'> ? :STIll rJ Lu:7' ~ .'-'000 <..J'- ~" Y(.;,-7' 1--) I} V" C'"L. \A ...~\ Amount of investment, excluding land: <-'t 0 ~ \' \ h:&t1, ~t'-~ 1t (only applicants for on-sale, intoxicating liqu r must provide this information) Have you ever been convicted of a felony or 0 violating , the National Prohibition Act or any state law or ordinance rel~ng to m ufacture or transportation of intoxicating liquors? I () I declare that the above information is true II / ' 1~(7f Date of Application ***************************************** ************ *********************** Surety Bond Liquor Lability Insurance Certificate Application Fee License Fee Sheriff, Wright County Mayor Date City Administrator . ~0'd- Date LIQLIC.APP: 1013/95 . . . 5B. Council Meeting - 11/23/98 Consideration of Chan e Order No. 17 or Ci Wastewater Treatment Facility. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Change Order No. 17 involves 16 change roposal requests (CPR's) varying in costs from $655 to $22,011, for a total $95,542.50 T 0 of the most significant and higher cost changes were for CPR #145 which involved repair to the sludge storage tank built in 1981. Most ofthis $20,810 cost involved replacing the piping in the bottom of the tank which had been pretty well destroyed by the sludge enviro ment over the past 17 years. On the good side, we were able to salvage the 65' diameter ever on the sludge storage tank for less than what was originally expected. The second signi lcant cost was for CPR #155. This involved re- wiring the main lift pumps at the entranc to the wastewater treatment plant. An crror in wire sizing on the plans was not noticed ntil after the installation was complete. This required additional conduits and wire at a c 5t of$22,0 11. A list of all 16 CPR's is enclosed. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to approve C ange Order No. 17 to the contract with Adolfson & Peterson for City Project #93-14 in the amount of$95,542.50. 2. The second alternative would be no to approve part or all of Change Order No. 17. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the staff recommendation that the ity Council approve Change Order No. 17 as outlined in alternative #1. We will be havi g further discussions with HDR in regard to the costs for CPR #155. The total expenditur s for all change orders to date on the project is $427,574.50 or 3.79% of the original co tract. We are getting close to using up our contingency funds. However, on the bri hter side, the project is near completion and hopefully will be complete before the con ingency fund is depleted. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Change Order No. 17 and de scrip ion of each CPR. 2 . . . NOV 20 '98 11:56 FR HDR ENGINEERING INC € 12 591 5413 TO 92713272 P.02/04 HR ( lJ ~o.q Change Order No. 17 Prqect Name.: Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion HDR project No.: 08124-004-1154 Project 0Nner. City of MonUoQllQ, MN 0YNle1'$ Project No.: 980140 D~1'l of 138UllIlO8: 11119198 project Cor1lnIclcr: Adolfsoo and PBter.lOf'l D~&m~1~1~96 Contract Period:: f27l8JQ6 -1al1~8 It ~ 'S1,..d to modify UMl Contract refec'red to above a4 follows: ltam No. tern and On::rlollon of Chances Conlntct Prioe Corttract Time ~ Incraase Decl'Que Incl'llaS8 1 PA No. 117R 0 $6,lm o daYS o cays 2 PR No.1S2 0 $1 161 Odavs o dayS S PR No. 13eA 0 $9.809 o claYS Odavs 4 CPA No.. 142 0 52 Sl36 o dliVi o davS 5 CPR No.14S 0 $20,810 (l-clavs o daYs 6 F'R No. 146 0- $1 seg OdaVS OelaYS 7 CPR NO. 148IMVtsionl 0 $1.854.50 Odaw: o davs 7 CPR No. 149 0 sess OelaYS OelayS 8 CPR No. ~RR 0 $22.011 0 ~ Odavs 9 CPR No. 163 -6 S4. 1 515 O( l!.VS o davS 10 PR No. 166 0 $3.247 0 A'\I!II Oelavs 11 ,PR t.n 167 0 $5.250 0 tiVS o dlI.vS 12 PR No. 17() 0 $752 o~ IAv!il . o c::Iavs 13 CPR No. 174 0 $1 297 Oc law o daYS 14 CPR No. 175 0 $5.939 o( IiVS Odavs 15 CPR No. 176 0 52 S98 o~w Oelavs 16 CPR No. 181 0 $6.160 o daV!'I Odaw Sll). Total $0 $95.542.50 o diIY.9 o days DiffNlllIwI Net $96.542.50 Odavs Summary: It Is agNed to modify the Contract referred ta aboIIe 1$ follows:. COntract Pl'fee prior to 1hi$ Change Order Contract Time prior to this Change Order 1$ 11,e1S.na.OO Itletlm COmpletiOl'l Dales: I P'obn.lary 1. 1ge8. March 1. 1998 and April 1, 1998 Final Comrllotion Date: OctDbet 15, 1M Net Increase (dool'OO$e) Of 1hIs Cheng, Onler N.t Increase (decr&&Se) of this Change Order 1$ 96.642.50 I 0 I Revised Con1nJCt Prioe with all appl"Oved Chang. OldQrs Rllvlse<l COnuac:t Time with all apptOved Clull'Jge OrdlllS r 11.710.774.50 Irterim Completion DatGC: I Febnwy 1, 1908. M.~h '. 1998 and April 1, 1998 FInal Cernglelon Cate: Odllbcr l~. 1991 The changes Included in thIs Change Orctw ... to be accomplis eel In aa:ordance with 1tle tl;lrmS, stipulations and eondltlons of the original Cortb'act ** though Included thoreln. I I I Accllpted for ConlrBCtor by; DOlts I ~A-''; ,-;n /~ 'b,.),AVI-A 11/)141'15 , RooQmmended for Approval By (HOR EngiI'IMring, Inc.) Dille I I I I Approved 1<< OWner by: Aft,st -oate LJother Distribution: LJowner '---JConttaCtO L-JOfllQa L-JFieId FOIl.M m.~o>>-::(v~ 1.00.'190) T: IkS02D m.~ Co~Jht 1991 HDR El>Ji.....v.. !lie. ~,I -.". --.-.-"'....-....""'.. NOV 20 '98 11:57 FR HDR ENGINEERING INC 12 591 5413 TO 92713272 P.03/el4 . Change Ord r No. 17 Wastewater Treatm Phlnt Expansion Montlcell t UN Item CPR No. Amount 1 117R Lewer monomil for Holst 101 $5.039 . Ta ll'lllid \lllI'lflicl..1IctrieII oon~ 2 132 $1,181 3 138R $~.B09 4 1~ $2,936 5 1045 l.todlIlcaIlans to ll<lI3OOE i/UrnIII pipiJlg llfWI WIll' IInlctln Ro.810 Pu UIIIONMlI condNons IIICI ~ cover stJvdur8I ~ 6 146 $1.869 llidAr 7 1. $1,M4.S0 8 149 $655 . & 1SSRR $22,011 10 .83 $4,15!5 11 '66 $3,247 12 1G7 $5.250 10 13 170 $7"'2 14 174 $1~7 16 '75 $$.&39 15 176 $2.598 17 ,al $6,160 Total CO No. 17: S9$ 2..SO . -' . ""... 613,;2- NOV 20 '98 11:57 FR HDR ENGINEERING INC E12 591 5413 TO 92713272 . Change Ord~ r No. 17 Wastewater Tr9atmen Plant Expansion Montlcellc , MN . OI'Ig11nll conU'eQl AmoUnt CluIng. 0tI.1er No.. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B iR 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 "1,283.200.00 $0.00 {$4,687.00} $4,839.00 $10,376.00 $1O,IS3S.00 $12,682..50 $39,982..00 $25.643.00 $0.00 $31.041.00 $59,201.00 $25.074.00 $0.00 $2S.174.5O $56,041.00 N2.024.oo $9S,542.S0 $427.574.$0 3.79% "'......._POl,III! R.v'-d contract AmOunt: $11.710774.50 . ""'" . P.04/04 8ff3.- ** TOTAL PAGE.04 ** . . . Sc. Council Meeting - 11/23/98 Consideration of reviewin state bids for sewer c1eanin contract for purchase. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGRO D: As authorized by the City Council at a pr vious meeting, City staff has worked with two equipment vendors whose sewer cleaning quipment is listed on the state bids, formulated specifications, and asked for proposals fro each firm, including trade values of our existing equipment. The total amount of money b dgeted for this purchase is $183,000. The first bid received was from ABM Equi ment of Hopkins, Minnesota, for a new Vac-Con sewer cleaning unit on a new 1999 Internat.onal Chassis for $189,373.00. In deducting the trade-in value of our equipment and adding sales tax, the total purchase price is $181 ,447.2S, which is just below our proposed budget. The second bid received was from MacQueen Equipment ofSt. Paul, Minnesota. Their b.d for a new Vactor sewer cleaning unit on a new 1999 Sterling Chassis was $202,202.00. here were a couple of items questionable in the specifications for their unit that may add 0 the price of this unit. The total price for the Vactor less our trade-in units and adding s les tax would be $201,S00.13. Copies of the bids and specifications are ncluded for your review. The Sewer & Water Superintendent Matt Theisen has made se eral phone calls across the state in verifying the opinions of owners, operators and mechan.cs on both of these pieces of equipment. Both seem to function well and almost all users are satisfied with the sewer cleaning equipment as well as service. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1 . The first alternative would be to a ard the contract for purchase of a new sewer cleaning machine to the low bidder ABM Equipment, for the new Vac-Con unit on the 1999 International Chassis for a full purchase price, including trade and sales tax, of$181,447.2S. The City does res rve the right to sell either our oldjet or vac-all to another buyer for a higher valu than that offered by ABM. We will advertise locally to see if we can obtain mor funds for our trade-in by doing that. 2. The second alternative would b to award to the higher bidder, MacQueen Equipment, for the Vactor unit 0 the Sterling Chassis for a total purchase of $201 ,SOO.13. Since both pieces of quipment are comparable, it does not appear to be in the City's best interest to aw d to a higher bidder. C. STAFF RECOMMENDA nON: It is the recommendation of the City Adm nistrator, Public Works Director, and Sewer & Water Superintendent that the City Coun il authorize the purchase of the new Vac-Con 3 Council Meeting - 11/23/98 . sewer cleaning equipment on a 1999 I ternational Chassis from ABM Equipment of Hopkins, Minnesota, as outlined in altern tive # I. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposals based upon the state bi for the Vac-Con unit and the Vactor lmit. . . 4 ABM QUOTATION # 111798-719 . REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FO ONE (1) NEW VAC-CON COMBINA ION JET-VAC MODEL #V250 OR ONE (1) NEW ACTOR 2110 FOR HE CITY OF MONTICE LO, MINNESOTA (BASED ON MN/DOT P ICING CONTRACT) Make anti Model: ONE (1) NEW VAC-CON -205 COMBINATION JET-VAC BASE PRICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ....................... $ ~ WATER PUMP - 80 GPM @ 2000 PSL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ~ ACCUMULATOR TO DAMPEN PULSES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ~ 9 TO 10 YARD DEBRIS BODY .................................... $ ~ 8 TO 10' TELESCOPIC BOOM, PENDANT CONTR L ...............10.'... $ ~ WATER TANKS -BOO-GAL. CAPACITY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ~ HYDROSTATIC DRIVE TO FAN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ~ HANDGUN HOSE REEL WITH 50' OF W' HOSE A HAND GUN . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ~ HYDRAULIC PUMP-OFF SYSTEM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ~ PLUMBING TO FRONT BUMPER .................................. . $ ~ MULTISTAGEFAN,8000CFM,195"NEGATIV PRESSURE.............. $ ~ Low WATER LIGHT ........................................... $ ~ HYDRAULIC ARTICULATING HOSE REEL WITH 00' OF 1" HIGH CAP. HOSE .. $ ~ THREE (3) CLEANING NOZZLES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ .: FOOTAGE COUNTER ........................................... $ WINTER RECIRCULA TOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ~ BEHIND CAB STORAGE Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ~ REMOTE GREASE ZERKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ~ TANDEM MOUNTING CHARGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ~ CENTRIFUGAL SEPARATOR. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ~ AUTOMATIC VACUUM BREAKER OR S.S. BALL SHUTDoWN. . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ~ DEBRIS BODY FLUSH OUT SYSTEM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ~ 20' - 8" PICKUP TUBES ......................................... $ ~ FOUR (4) 8" CLAMPS .......................................... $ ~ 25' OF 2Y:z" FILL HOSE NST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ TOTAL VAC-CON $ PLEASE CIRCLE ONE----------> 1998 0 1999 INTERN TIONAL R STERLING TANDEM $ 8 78,800.00 3,900 NOT APPLICABLE 1,075.00 7,225.00 9,110.00 5,515.00 1,154.00 4,117.00 1,124.00 5,500.00 610.00 7,650.00 STANDARD 323.00 STANDARD 1,005.00 STANDARD 5,000.00 STANDARD STANDARD 1,025.00 STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD 134,273.00 55,100.00 FOB: MONTICELLO TOTAL:$ 189,373.00 NOTE: THE CITY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO NOT TRADE IN EITHER OF THESE UNITS LESS 1981 JETTER $( 11,500.00) LESS 1979 VAc-Au $C..7J5"Q.Q._~"~Q) TOTAL NET: $ 170,373.00 6.5%MN SALES TAX: $ 11,074.25 GRAND TOTAL: $ 181,447.25 . ESTIMATED DELIVERY: CALENDAR DAYS AIrrER RECEIP ABM EQUIPMENT 333 2ND STREET C:\OFFICElJOHNISPECSIVACCONSPE 1110~1998 FINAL HOPK INS, MN 55 JIM CONNELLY: OF ORDER: .................. SUPPLY, INC. NE 4, 45-60 DAYS WITH INTERNATIONAL CHASSIS - PAGE 1 - . . . SPECIFIC, TIONS FO] ONE (1) NEW 6 X 4 TAl' DEM AXLE TRUCK 275 HP @ 2000 RPM/800 LB- "'T TORQUE @ 2000 RPM ALLISON MD3060P 6-SPEED Al TOMATIC TRANSMISSION 20,000 LB. FRONT AXLE/40,000 LB REAR AXLE/60,000 LB. GVWR FOR IHE CITY OF MONTICEI LO, MINNESOTA ITEM ... NO.... ... ... .....i..< .............<< ................ ..... ..... / ......< < .................. ~........... .... <<<..... Iff< ..... .......... ........ ......... ... 1 29.07 S.M./110 000 PSI 2 FRAME,OUTER"C'CHANNEL 3 AXLE RATIO 6.43 4 FRONT AXLE 20,000 LB. CAPACITY STEEL 5 MUL TILEAF SPRINGS 20000 LB. CAPACITY 6 REAR AXLE TANDEM 40 000 LB. 7 ROCKWELL RT . 40 - 145 8 REAR SUSPENSION, HEND RT2-400 WALKING SEA 111 9 PUSH BUTTON SHIFT CONTROUDASH MOUNTED 10 MAGNETIC DRAIN PLUG 11 AIR OPERATED POWER DIVIDER LOCK 12 GAUGE, AIR CLEANER RESTRICTION/AIR CLEANER 13 ENGINE SHUTDOWN ELEC KEY OPERATED 14 ENGINE OIL DRAIN PLUG MAGNETIC 15 OIL FILTER ENGINE SPIN ON TYPE 16 OIL SUMP 22 QUART 17 WATER FILTER ENGINE MOUNTED 18 FUEL FILTER, ENGINE MOUNTED 19 DUAL AIR BRAKES 20 SPRING BRAKE CHAMBERS (4) 21 DUST SHIELDS FRONT & REAR 22 BRAKE LINES, COLOR CODED NYLON 23 FRONT & REAR SLACK ADJUSTERS 24 INVERSION & DOUBLE CHECK VALVES 25 FRONT BRAKE CAMS 16.5" X 6.0" 26 REAR BRAKE CAMS 16.5" X 7.0" 27 DRAIN VALVE WITH PULL CHAIN 28 AIR COMPRESSOR 13.2 CFM 29 DUAL POWER STEERING GEAR 30 STEERING WHEEL, 2 SPOKE 31 SINGLE HORIZONTAL MUFFLER UNDERCAB 32 VERTICAL TAIL PIPE, ALUMINIZED STEEL, RH 33 TURN SIGNAL SWITCH SELF CANCELING 34 HEADLIGHT DIMMER SWITCH C.\OFFICElJOHNlSPECSIVACCON.SPE. 11/06/1998. FINAL YES . ... ....... .......... NO ...< (Vl.< ...... (.(). x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x /^ .....") C \.. ' ;' t'T- ___J - PAGE 2 - . . . , ............... ...... ............ . ITEM.. YES NO NO...... DESCRIPTION . .. .. (v"') .... ......Iv"') .................... 35 WINDSHIELD WIPER SWITCHI2 SP INTEGRAL X 36 FUSES ELECT X 37 HORN ELECTRIC SINGLE X 38 PARKING LIGHT INTEGRAL X 39 STOP, TURN, & B/U LIGHTS DUAL X 40 STARTER SWITCH, ELEC KEY OPERATED X 41 TURN SIGNALS FRONT FENDER MOUNTED X 42 WINDSHIELD WIPERS SGL MOTOR ELECTRIC X 43 CIGAR LIGHTER X 44 TOGGLE SWITCH AUX & WIRING X 45 AL TERNA TOR DELCO 12 VOLT 100 AMP X 46 BATT (2) FLEETRITE MAINT FREE 12V X 47 AM/FM (PANASONIC CRW 125) STEREO X 48 WEATHER BAND, ELEC TUNING, CLOCK X 49 SPEAKERS (2) DUAL CONE IN CAB X 50 RADIO FILTER NOISE SUPPRESSION X 51 LOW OIL PRESS/HIGH COOL LIGHT AUDIBLE X 52 HEADLIGHTS 2 LIGHT/LONG LIFE HALOGEN X 53 CIRCUIT BREAKERS, MANUAL RESET X 54 FRONT END TILTING FIBERGLASS X 55 MUD FLAPS INTERMEDIATE MOUNT (2) X 56 GRILLE STATIONARY X 57 RADIATOR STONE GUARD BRIGHT FINISH X 58 PAINT BASE COAT/CLEAR COAT X 59 PTO EFFECTS, ENGINE FRONT LESS PTO UNIT X 60 ADAPTER PLATE ON ENGINE/FRT MTD X 61 FAN DRIVE SCHWITZER 00-34, VISCOUS X 62 ELECT GOVERNOR X 63 CROSS FLOW RADIATOR X 64 ANTI-FREEZE, -40F (-40C) X 65 DE-AERATION SYS W/TANK & SIGHT GLASS X 66 HOSES PREMIUM RUBBER X 67 ELECTRONIC CRUISE CONTROL X 68 HAND CONTROL THROTTLE X 69 ENGINE SPEED CONTROL FOR PTO X 70 ELECT STATIONARY VARIABLE SPEED X 71 TOP DRAW FUEL TANK, 100 GAL CAP X 72 RECTANGULAR STEEL, MTD LS UNDER CAB X 73 REUSABLE END FUEL TANK HOSE X /~ 74 STEEL CONVENTIONAL CAB 80" WIDE X / \ /1 ) 75 ARM REST (2) PLASTIC, CHARCOAL X '" '-../ '- 76 RUBBER BLACK FLOOR COVERING X J C\QFFICE\.IOHNlSPECSIVACCON.SPE: 11/061'998: FINAl - PAGE 3 - ...--- -- .-- . . ITEM _,H. YES .....................NO > NO. DESCRIPTION ....... .. .(./) ......(.;1) ./ 77 INTERIOR SHEET METAL PAINTED X 78 CONSOLE OVERHEAD MOLDED PLASTIC X 79 DUAL STORAGE POCKETS X 80 ASH TRAY INSTRUMENT PANEL X 81 CLEARANCE/MARKER LIGHTS X 82 ALL WINDOWS TINTED X 83 INTERIOR COLOR: PEARL GRAY X 84 RECTANGULAR MIRRORS (2) X 85 16" X 7" W/102" WIDE SPACING X 86 ALUMINUM HEADS & BRACKETS X 87 SATIN ANODIZED FINISH X 88 ENGLISH ELECT SPEEDOMETER X 89 DUAL AIR PRESSURE GAUGE X 90 ELEC ENGINE OIL PRESSURE GAUGE X 91 ELEC WATER TEMPERATURE GAUGE X 92 VOLTMETER X 93 HOUR METER X 94 INTERIOR-VINYL W/PRINTED VINYL INSERT X 95 DRIVERS NATIONAL AIR SUSP SEAT X 96 SEAT BACK ADJUSTMENT X 97 MECHANICAL LUMBAR SUPPORT X 98 STORAGE POCKET ON SEAT BACK X 99 LAP & SHOULDER SEAT BELTS X 100 PASSENGER NON SUSP SEAT LOW BACK X 101 FOLDING BACK W/STORAGE POCKET X 102 AIR CONDITIONING X 103 INTEGRAL HEATER/DEFROST X 104 CONVEX MIRRORS 8" MTD BELOW PRIM MIRRORS X 105 GRAB HANDLE, (1) CAB INTERIOR PASS SIDE X 106 GRAB HANDLE (2) EXTERIOR X 107 TWO STEPS ON EACH SIDE OF CAB X 108 FRONT WHEEL SEALS (INTERNATIONAl) X 109 REAR WHEEL SEALS (STEMCO GUARDIAN) X 110 FRONT TIRES (2) 425/65R22.5-18 GOODYEAR X 111 REAR TIRES (8) 11 R22.5-14 GOODYEAR X 112 COLOR: WHITE X .. ... ... .. ..' 113 FRONT AXLE: 20000 LB. X ,~ 114 REAR AXLE: 40 000 LB. X _A. 115 FRAME: 60000 LB. X ( , /. ... ... V \ ,-j 116 TOTAL GVWR: 60 000 LB. X \:.../ C,IOFFICEIJOHNISPECSIVACCON.SPE "IOil,M98. fiNAl - PAGE 4 - - -. -- - -- . ~ ~ . .t.\ :;7 .~ >>z.. ~ ~"5 ~ . REQUEST FOR ROPOSALS MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT Fa QUOTE B ONE (1) NEW VAC-CON COMBINA ION JET-VAC MODEL #V250 OR '0" ONE (1) NEW V crOR 2110 COr' 1 FOR T E CITY OF MONTICE La, MINNESOTA (BASED ON MNlDOT PR CING CONTRACT) Make and Model: VACTOR 2105 DELUXE BASE PRICE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $ 108.879.00 ~ WATERPUMP-80GPM@2000PSL .............................. $ STANDARD ~ ACCUMULATOR TO DAMPEN PULSES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1, 823. 00 ~ 9 TO 10 YARD DEBRIS BODY .................................... $ 3,200.00 ~ 8TO 10'TELESCOPICBOOM,PENDANTCONTRO ..................... $ 4.856.00 ~ WATER TANKS - 1300-GAL. CAPACITY. . . . .. ...................... $ '1,918.00 ~ HYDROSTATIC DRIVE TO FAN . . . . . . . . FLUI D COURLER DIRECT. DRIVE. . . $ 0 ~ HANDGUN HOSE REEL wrrn 50' OF W' HOSE HAND GUN . . . . _ . . . . . . . $ 45.00 ~ HYDRAULIC PUMP-OFF SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . .. ...................... $ 7 , 719 . 00 ~ PLUMBING TO FRONT BUMPER ............ ...................... $ 1,562.00 ~ MULTISTAGEFAN,8000CFM, 195" NEGATIVE PRESSURE .............. $ 10,662.00 ~ Low WATER LIGHT ............... y ~~9~ ~ ~ q . ~q~ .B.1.o.. .. .. . .. .. . $ 0 ~ HYDRAULIC ARTICULATING HOSE REEL WITH 6 0' OF 1" HIGH CAP. HOSE .. $ 315.00 ~ THREE (3) CLEANING NOZZLES ....... .(n.~ ~~~~~q................ $ 0 ~ FOOTAGE COUNTER .................... ...................... $ 293.00 WINTER RECIRCULA TOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ...................... $ 0 BEHIND CAB STORAGE Box TO.O.L. .BOX. FU~~. ~~G1~ .W~QE.R. A.UX... ~N9!~~ $ 0 REMOTEGREASEZERKS............. Y~~~.'.~~~ .~q~ .B.1.D.. _........ $ 0 TANDEM MOUNTING CHARGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . $ 0 CENlRIFUGAL SEPARATOR. . . . . . . . . . . PD. 0 TION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 0 AUTOMATICVACUlJ},.1BREAKERORS.S.BALL HUTDoWN............. $ 1,021.00 DEBRIS BODY FLUSH OUT SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 982.00 20'- 8" PICKUP TUBES .................................. _ . _ $ 0 FOUR (4) 8" CLAt'vfPS .......................................... $ 0 25' OF 21;1" FILL HOSE NST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . $ 0 V CT R 105 D $ PLEASE CIRCLE ONE----------> 1998 O~RNA ONAL STERLING T Al'\IDEM $ (SEE E'-;Cl.OSEO SPEClf1C.-I.ll0:-;S) (205) ~ (1 ,483 ) ~ (2,783) ~ ~ . . . BOYER TRUe FOB: MONTICELLO TOTAL: $ 202,202.00 SOTE: THE CITY RESER\"ES TIlE RIGHT TO SOT TRADE EITHER OF THESE t "'SITS LEss 1981 JEITER S( 10,000.00 ) LEss 1979 ~:-lC-A1L S( 3,000.00) TOTAL NET: $ 1 Rq I ?O? 00 6.5% MN SALES T A,X: $ 12,298.13 GR-\ND TOTAL: S ') Esrl~L\TED DELlYERY: CALE:'\DAR DAYS AFtER RECEIPT F ORDER: ... .9.0. .Q~Y? 8.R.O. .~HASSIS ~c}o . PAGE 1 - Submitted by MacQueen Equipment of St. Paul. Minnesota by Bill MacCarthy ~ACCOt~ 11..oen.. F~ . -- - ---- .~....... .... , SPECIFIC A TIONS FOR ONE (1) NEW 6 X 4 T A NDEM AXLE TRUCK 275 BP@2000 RPM/800 LB Fr TORQUE @ 2000 RPl\'1 ALLISON MD3060P 6.SPEED A UTOl\'1A TIC TRANSl\'IISSION 20,000 LB. FRONT AXLE/40,000 Ll . REAR AXLE/60,000 LB. GVWR FOR rHE CITI' OF MONTICE L..LO, l\'IINNESOT A ITEM YES NO NO. DESCRIPTION (/) (.I) 1 29.07 S.MJ11 0,000 PSI V, 2 FRAME.OUTER.C.CHANNEL ..( 3 AXLE RATIO 6.43 .// 4 FRONT AXLE 20,000 LB. CAPACITY STEEL ./ 5 MUL TILEAF SPRINGS. 20,000 LB. CAPACITY .. ./ 6 REAR AXLE, TANDEM 40.000 LB. ./ 7 ROCKWELL RT - 40 - 145 ./ 8 REAR SUSPENSION, HEND RT2-400 WALKING B8 M .// 9 PUSH BUTTON SHIFT CONTROUDASH MOUNTED ~ 10 MAGNETIC DRAIN PLUG ,/ 11 AIR OPERA TED POWER DIVIDER LOCK ./j 12 GAUGE, AIR CLEANER RESTRICTION/AIR CLEANE V 13 ENGINE SHUTDOWN. ELEC KEY OPERATED v', 14 ENGINE OIL DRAIN PLUG, MAGNETIC s0 15 OIL FILTER, ENGINE SPIN ON TYPE V, 16 OIL SUMP, 22 QUART ~ 17 WATER FILTER. ENGINE MOUNTED v' 18 FUEL FILTER. ENGINE MOUNTED -/ 19 DUAL AIR BRAKES . &/' 20 SPRING BRAKE CHAMBERS (4) vi 21 DUST SHIELDS, FRONT & REAR ./ 22 BRAKE LINES, COLOR CODED NYLON V 23 FRONT & REAR SLACK ADJUSTERS ~ 24 INVERSION & DOUBLE CHECK VALVES ~ 25 FRONT BRAKE CAMS 165" X 6.0" v'/ 26 REAR BRAKE CAMS 16.5" X 7.0~ ./ 27 DRAJN VALVE WITH PULL CHAIN v', 28 AJR COMPRESSOR 13.2 CFM .,I, 29 DUAL POWER STEERING GEAR ~ 30 STEERING WHEEL. 2 SPOKE // 31 SINGLE HORIZONTAL MUFFLER. UNDERCAB V/ Ii-" 32 VERTICAL TAIL PIPE. ALUMINIZED STEEL RH /' //\ J I 33 TURN SIGNAL SWITCH. SELF CANCELING VI h\..../ 34 HEADLIGHT DIMMER SWITCH v" .J ~~1"""'_r-. - PAGE 2. .. --" - . .. ... -.---....-,... - _______~ ".. __on __~__ _ _ ......... '.T~ -..-.......a '~ . . "'. .,....'.., , .... "\',:,:, ..,-< YES :NO,>: ITEM NO~' DESCRIPTION ..{> (,/) (,/) - 35 WINDSHIELD WIPER SWITCHf2 SP INTEGRAL t/, . 36 FUSES ELECT ~/ 37 HORN, ELECTRIC SINGLE V/ 38 PARKING LIGHT INTEGRAL V 39 STOP, TURN, & B/U LIGHTS DUAL ./ 40 STARTER SWITCH ELEC KEY OPERATED .~ 41 TURN SIGNALS. FRONT FENDER MOUNTED /' 42 WINDSHIELD WIPERS SGL MOTOR ELECTRIC . V/ 43 CIGAR LIGHTER V 44 TOGGLE SWITCH, AUX & WIRING V 45 AL TERNA TOR DELCO 12 VOLT 100 AMP ~ 46 BATT (2) FLEETRITE MAINT FREE 12V V 47 AM/FM (PANASONIC CRW 125) STEREO ./ 48 WEATHER BAND, ELEC TUNING CLOCK ./ 49 SPEAKERS (2) DUAL CONE IN CAB V/ 50 RADIO FILTER NOISE SUPPRESSION V/ 51 LOW OIL PRESSIHIGH COOL LIGHT AUDIBLE ./ 52 HEADLIGHTS 2 L1GHTIlONG LIFE HALOGEN V" 53 CIRCUIT BREAKERS. MANUAL RESET v' 54 FRONT END TILTING. FIBERGLASS // . 55 MUD FLAPS, INTERMEDIATE MOUNT (2) .; 56 GRILLE STATIONARY /, 57 RADIA TOR STONE GUARD BRIGHT FINISH o fr I Ma .; 58 PAINT BASE COAT/CLEAR COAT / 59 PTO EFFECTS, ENGINE FRONT LESS PTO UNIT .,( 60 ADAPTER PLATE ON ENGINE/FRT MTD all 61 FAN DRIVE SCHWITZER 00.34. VISCOUS . .; 62 ELECT GOVERNOR ./ 63 CROSS FLOW RADIATOR .; 64 ANTI-FREEZE. -40F (-40C) ./, 65 DE-AERATION SYS WrrANK & SIGHT GLASS ~ 66 HOSES. PREMIUM RUBBER .// 67 ELECTRONIC CRUISE CONTROL V/ 68 HAND CONTROL THROITLE W.. E (!,Rl4i~ 6.'';1"J..I~ ./ 69 ENGINE SPEED CONTROL FOR PTO I ~ ttS/; (J;::: C,(v/J,v eJ)! /, 70 ELECT. STATIONARY. VARIABLE SPEED ./J 71 TOP DRAW FUEL TANK. 100 GAl CAP ./ 72 RECTANGULAR STEEl. MID LS UNDER CAB ./, 73 REUSABLE END FUEL TANK HOSE / l' . 74 STEEL CONVENTIONAL CAB. 80- WIDE 1/ /,/) 75 ARM REST (2) PLASTIC. CHARCOAL v: h,V 76 RUBBER BLACK FLOOR COVERING / '-"" ~ACCOL'<Sl"E. ,...,.,,_..-... . PAGE 3 - ~ n. -. ~,.......~.__.- . ---- . .. - - - ... .. ... . ..... .... rrEM YES NO NO. ...... DESCRIPTION (.1,) (.I) 77 INTERIOR SHEET METAL PAINTED J ./ 78 CONSOLE OVERHEAD MOLDED PLASTIC / 0/ ~~~~, 14...... V/ , 79 DUAL STORAGE POCKETS 80 ASH TRAY INSTRUMENT PANEL V 81 CLEARANCElMARKER LIGHTS V 82 ALL WINDOWS TINTED vi 83 INTERIOR COLOR: PEARL GRAY V 84 RECTANGULAR MIRRORS (2) .; 85 16" X 7" W/1 02" WIDE SPACING / 86 ALUMINUM HEADS & BRACKETS V/ 87 SATIN ANODIZED FINISH / ~ . 88 ENGLISH ELECT SPEEDOMETER 89 DUAL AIR PRESSURE GAUGE // 90 ELEC ENGINE OIL PRESSURE GAUGE Y, 91 ELEC WATER TEMPERATURE GAUGE VF 92 VOLTMETER V.. 93 HOUR METER V' 94 INTERIOR-VINYL WIPRINTED VINYL INSERT ./ 95 DRIVERS NATIONAL AIR SUSP SEAT ./ 96 SEAT BACK ADJUSTMENT ./ 97 MECHANICAL LUMBAR SUPPORT V 98 STORAGE POCKET ON SEAT BACK ~ 99 LAP & SHOULDER SEAT BELTS .// 100 PASSENGER NON SUSP SEAT, LOW BACK V, 101 FOLDING BACK W/STORAGE POCKET .;> 102 AIR CONDITIONING V/ . I, 103 INTEGRAL HEATERIOEFROST 104 CONVEX MIRRORS. 8" MTD BELOW PRIM MIRRORS ~ 105 GRAB HANDLE, (1) CAB INTERIOR PASS SIDE 1/ 106 GRAB HANDLE, (2) EXTERIOR // 107 TWO STEPS ON EACH SIDE OF CAB vi 108 FRONT WHEEL SEALS (INTERNATIONAL) tJ'N. r1/:.:z 6 f) .; , 109 REAR WHEEL SEALS (STEMCO GUARDIAN) / 110 FRONT TIRES (2) 425/65R22.5-18 GOODYEAR ~ 111 REAR TIRES (8) 11R22.5-14 GOODYEAR &I 112 COLOR: WHITE ./ / 113 FRONT AXLE: 20 000 LB. // 11 114 REAR AXLE: 40,000 LB. .// / (\ /'0../1 115 FRAME: 60.000 LB. I 1_ J v / 116 TOTAL GVWR: 60 000 LB V C::~<;Sl\IOOXI<~ ,,__.--.. - PAGE 4 - _..._~" ....-... _ _"or~. .. . - ~._'.-. . ...- - #/L.- r;{'. . . . ~ -"'. \.:;.t<":/'!~(;:-:-~' _", _ ------ ~~I:,"" . . ;} -","" ~~ ~~I""~," -- ----~-~""'~' ~'--,~_c;_; "I ~ e~":'~~~Ji k::--=.~)J ~ .. . . ~~-- ~'- , ~ Q-" ,,' .~~, ",-,', ~- ~ -- -:J ., - ,i............ ~ ~{;' ',.' " ~ .:', ~- ~ c, .~~,~, -, 'U,,[,n~,' ~~' , ;~ ~"~..;-- " -,' 'f,~,) ',: ~ ) ,: . ..t o-J "'----.'.....--- .. ...- \' ---", f.,', ,t:: -~3=\ iEl!!.",c::: 'I::: ,_' '1::;-.. ' . City Council Agenda - 11123/98 . 5D. Consideration of Acce tance of River Mi I 2nd Addition. Ci (B.W.). A. REFERENCE AND BACKGRO River Mill 2nd Addition involved the devel pment of residential twinhome sites in the area located adjacent to CSAH 75 on the e tend of town. This project was constructed privately through the use of a disbursement agreement with Residential Development, Inc. The contract has been fulfilled and all unch list items addressed adequately. We therefore recommend the City accept the pr ~ect and initiate the warranty period subject to the developer paying all appropriate fees and providing the maintenance bond. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to accept the roject as constructed and initiate the warranty period subject to the deve oper paying all appropriate fees and providing the maintenance bond. 2. The second alternative would be to ot accept the project. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: . It is the recommendation of the City Engin er that the project be accepted as constructed under Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: No supporting data. . . . . 5E. City Council Agenda - 11/23/98 Consideration of final a ment and acce tance of trunk storm sewer - Monticello HiCh School. City Project No. 97-07C. ( .W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROU This project was initiated to accommodate t e construction of the high school and involved the extension oftrunk storm sewe for the Industrial Park Water Shed District. The project was previously assessed to the enefitting properties. The contract as bid was for $244,554.51, with a total constructed va ue of$221,800.85. The Contract has been fulfilled and all punch list items addressed dequately. We therefore recommend the City accept the project, initiate the warranty peri d and process final payment to Arcon Construction Company of Mora, Minnesot , in the amount of $21 ,071.28. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to accept the roject as constructed, process final payment and initiate the warranty period. 2. The second alternative would be to ot accept the project. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engin er that the project be accepted as constructed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Final pay voucher. \) . . . .. wss ..--.-. f$ .I1ssodates, Inc. 350 Westwood ke Office 8441 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55426 B.A. Mittd$t~acl.t, P.E. Bra A. Weiss, P.E. I'l:ter R. Willcnbring, P.E.. Donald W. Sterna, P,E. Ronald B. Bray. P.E. 612-541- 800 FAX 541 1700 November 20, 1998 Mr. Rick Wolfsteller City of Monticello P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, :M:N 55362 Re: Final Construction Pay Voucher No.2 Trunk Storm Sewer - Monticello High Sc 001 Monticello City Project No. 97-07C WSB Project No. 1079.00 Dear Mr. Wolfsteller: Enclosed are three (3) copies of the Final Cons cUon Pay Voucher No.2 for the referenced project in the amount of$21,071.28. We reeo end final payment subject to receipt of the following items: 1) Satisfactory showing that the Contractor Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding S complied with the provisions of Minnesota Income Tax and; 2) Evidence in the fonn of an Affidavit that al claims against the Contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisf; torily secured. Please make payment in this amount to Arcon onstruction Company Inc. at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, WSB &: Associates, Inc. ~A.~ ~ Bret A. Weiss, P .E. City Engineer Enclosures c: Tom Bose, City of Monticello Tim Erickson, Areon Construction Co. nm ~e'\ Infrastructure Engin ers Planners EQUAl. OPPORTIJNIlY EMPLOYER CONSTRUC11ON'P "!( VQUCHER November 19,1998 ESTlMATE VOUCHER NUMBER: WSB PROJECT NUMBER: 3 (FINAL) 1079.00 November 15, 1998 PROJECT: TRUNK STORM SEWER - MO ICELLO HIGH SCHOOL CITY OF MONTICEllO PROJ C1 NO. 97-07C MCON CONSTRUCTION CO 903 EAST FOREST AVENUE, . O. BOX 57 MORA. MN 65061 CONTRACTOR: CONTRACT DATE: COMPLETION DATE: August 12, 1997 September 26, 1997 ORK STARTED: August 18,1997 ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $224,554.51 TOTAL ADOInONS $0.00 TOTAL DEDUcnONS $0.00 TOTAL FUNDS ENCUMBI!RED $224,554.51 TOTAL WORK CERTlFJED TO DATE $221,800.85 LESS RETAINeD PERCENTAGE 0,00% $0.00 LSS PREVIOUS PAYMENTS 5200,729.57 TOTAL PAYMENTS INCL. nIlS VOUCHER $221,800.85 . BALANCE CARRIED FOftWAAI) $2,753.56 APPROVED FOR PAYMENT THIS VOUCHER $21..071.28 APPROVALS WSB & ASSOCIATES, INC. In accordance with field observation. as performed in accordanoe with industry landards, and based on our profeG&lonaI opinion, the materials Installed are satisfadory and the wort< properly performed in accordanQi 'NittI the plans and specifications. The total wort< is estimated to be 100% completed as of November 15, 1998. We, hereby recommend payment of this voucher. ~ I ' ~ II W~-La<? Signed: Si5lned: COnstruction Observer PrOject Manager/fngineer ,_...~ ARCON CONSTRUCnON COMPANY, INC. This Is to certify that to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, the qLl ntlties and values of work certified herein is a fair approximate estimate for the period covered by this voucher. Contractor: Date: Signed: Title: CITY OF MONnCELLO Chack&d by: Approved for payment Date: Aut/lonze<l RepreHntatlve Date; . ~ f~d- "- o eoo I:l~ ..::: -. - ..,. ...... III " !:l 'ol~ ;;':~5 =,Q.,. ~ "" :s ,..l a '-l = !:i. 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Council Agenda - 11/23/98 Consideration of a Team. (J.O.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROU D: The Design Advisory Team (DA T) has int rviewed Mike Cyr for a position on DA T and is recommending his appointment. Mike yr is a longstanding resident of the community and has been active in the construction bus ness for a number of years. One of his recent projects is the Front Porch housing develo ment. Mike's background will provide the Team with an important perspective when valuating projects. As you know, OAT is an advisory group t the Planning Commission with specific knowledge of design necessary to support he Downtown/Riverfront Redevelopment Plan. Also, DA T blessing is necessary to s pport financial assistance via for facade loan program funding or TIF assistance. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to appoint Mike Cyr to the esign Advisory Team. 2. Motion to deny appointment ofMi e Cyr to the Design Advisory Team. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: The City Administrator recommends altern tive 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of letter of nomination/recommendat on from DA T. 7 . . . onticello unity Partners Po. Box 9 4 · Monticello. MN 55362 City Council City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello MN 55362 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Re: Recommendation for a ointment to the 612-295-0999 In keeping with the CCD Ordinance, the Downtow Revitalization Plan, and the Bylaws of the Monticello Design Advisory Team, MCP has identi ied a person who we feel will be a tremendous asset to the Design Advisory Team. he OAT currently has five members. OAT bylaws allow for up to seven members. At its October 28th meeting, the MCP Board of Dir ctors nominated for your consideration Mike Cyr for appointment to the Design Advisory Team. Mr. Cyr has a background in building and construction which will bring much needed experti e to the team. He also has a firm grasp of design concepts and is well versed in the Revitaliz tion Plan. We feel fortunate that Mr. Cyr is willing to serve on the OAT. Please feel free to call me or any other Design Ad isory Team member if you have any questions. Thank you for your consideration. ~~-~~ Rita Ulrich MCP Director and OAT Secretary Mike Cyr OAT members MCP Board members EOA, HRA, Parks and Planning Commissio Chairs Rick Wolfsteller Jeff O'Neill Ollie Koropchak Fred Patch cc: ~r Council Agenda - 11/23/98 SG. Consideration of authorizin the remov I of abandoned BNSF railroad s ur and . Nelson Oil bulk tanks and structures. ( A. REFERENCE AND BACKGRO The City has negociate the purchase of pro erty owned by Burlington Northern & Santa Fe Railroad Company along the south side f the railroad track between Maple Street and Pine Street. Nelson Oil Company, a previ us tenant of the railroad abandoned bulk tank facilities at the west end of the railroad Ian . In order to facilitate redevelopment and protect the City against potential environm ntalliability, the Council is requested to authorize staff to contract for the demolitio and removal of the abandoned Nelson Oil bulk tank facilities. There will likely be two separate contracto s involved in the removal. First the tanks and other abandoned oil handling equipment m 5t be purged of oil products by a licensed hazardous waste disposal firm. Thereafter, the salvage of steel from the tanks, and demolition of the remainder of the facilitie will be done by either Veit Companies or Landwehr Construction Inc., dependent up n lowest quote. . It is likely that the total cost of cleanup, re ovals and demolition will be in the range of $10,000 to $12,000 and will be in part offs t by the salvage value ofthe steel. Riverside Oil has been using the building for waste 0 1 storage without a lease or authorization from the railroad. The environmental liability 0 the abandoned tanks and oil products being stored in the building exceed the cost ofth proposed cleanup and demolition. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to authorize staff to contrac for the removal and demolition of the abandoned Nelson Oil bulk oil facil ty in an amount not to exceed $12,000. 2. Motion to not authorize the rem ova . C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative Action 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Site Map . 8 -- ,- f- - ':::) g -~ I '1 gGl i L --I -~ 8 I . I -r I ~ I ~ ~ rjr '.... t;;, , ,U f " I i 1/ ~ I ~ I .~ I '" I & r I ~ (-.> . 1::: I .q 0; r' , I I I I J r y; r I , .~ \! ~ -.(- ...., '" -", ~I ;1-- )... \ i _ ~ L~)... I ~~ ~ I t- S~ t ~ ~I-., ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ,~ Vll\ c:::, 1;1- ! \;/ ~~~il <. I I ~~ ~ I "':I'~~ ~~ I ' ~ . I ~ I 1 .1. ; c;"" r I I L \ 98 1'9 L I'l"! I J" 8~,V 0.1 ( /~.' "" . -/ ;!~. 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II) /t).'nI'i 4~ ~~ 44 ---F;.t- n-::!" - 44 _ 44 ~~ 4~ _ h' r', _____ 'Iij~ . "n, I (t/l,l,; .1,: I ~ 'f q '.i I ~t)IT (f), ~ I , rs , ~ 1 ~ I :! ~ .~ I 1 ~ " f- -1-/- - - - -- , / I If ~ Q::' "/1 N ~ '-'( .~ ~": ~: I"',~ I :"~ ~ 6', ~~ ~I~ _' :'_"_ - - ~--~ !ii >;> ;./ 'r-9~' ':lii,~l r 3 . &? ot?' '. 30 Jib--- .30 -+- 3D_ .> (r,7NVN1S 7) :)JU if "Jllc~jIiO Xl ~J ~-. ~ '" , , '" / 1 " ' I) fit'rn '\'11 . . . Council Agenda - 11/23/98 7. Public Hearin - Consideration ofvaca in a ortion of the 5-'li Street roadwa easement and consideration of va cat in Locust Street between Burlin ton Northern prooertv and 6th Street. (.J.O.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGRO The City has received a petition from Burl"ngton Northern and a petition from the City for vacation of the minimum street and ro dway easement areas in conjunction with the community center. This is a housekeepin matter. According to the City Attorney and Bond Counsel, construction of the buildin does not require vacation ofthe easements and roadways. Thc vacation action as pro osed will add value to the property by creating a larger development site. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to vacate 5 12 Street betwe n Walnut and Locust Street and to vacate Locust Street between 6th Street d the Burlington Northern property. 2. Motion to deny vacation of 5 12 St eet between Walnut and Locust Street and to vacate Locust Street between 6th S reet and the Burlington Northern property. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends alter ative 1. Although the street vacation is not necessary for the project to occur, it would make sense to take this step at this time. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Burlington Northern petition. 9 nm BURLINGTON NORTIIBRN AND A,FB RAILWAY COMPANY 4105 N. LexinltOD Av ne, Suite 200 Arden Hilla, Mime ota 5S12G 651-415-27 6 651-481.9361 fax) . October 30, 1998 Mr.leffO'Neill City of Monticello 250 E. Broadway" ! P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, Minnesota 55362..9245 .... ,,'.....; ,- .~: '. Re: Monticello, Minnesota - Street Vacation Pe tion Dear Mr. O'Neill: ., '.' .,,~,,~ - - -~~--.',..._----. ,... The Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway ompany hereby petitions the City of Monticello to vacate the following streets andlor tility easements within the City of Monticello: 1) S ~ Street, road and utility easements over Lots 6,',8,9 and 10, Block 13 of the Original Plat of the City of Monti ello. 2) Locust Street between vacated Locust (Burlington Northern property) and 6th Street. . It will be appreciated if you will submit this vaes: ion request unto the appropriate city officials in an effort to obtain approval thereto. ~.~ Bruce E. Opp Regional Sales Manager . 1/\ . o( P- C./ III " ( ,.[6"t./ 1. , ,v . ,'l7\"""i 1,.f &~ C~ .':i,J , , ')C 1~l'\\ \, 7 . 8. Council Agenda - 11/23/98 A. REFERENCE AND BACKGRO At the previous meeting of the City Counc'l, Council acted to approve in concept a financing plan supporting the developmen of the community center. Subsequent to this meeting, Ehlers, Kennedy and Graven hav updated resolutions (from Nov 9, 1998), information and documentation supportin the transaction. Council is asked to consider adopting the updated resolution and associ ted documentation. As a reminder, the !;round breaking has be n scheduled for Saturday, November 21, 1998 at Noon. This is an open invitation to the ommunity. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to adopt a resolution author zing the execution and delivery of a ground lease and a lease-purchase agreeme t, and approving and authorizing issuance of public project revenue bonds and e ecution of related documents. 2. Motion to deny adoption of a resol tion authorizing the execution and delivery of a ground lease and a lease-purchase agreement, and approving and authorizing issuance of public project revenue b nds and execution of related documents. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: It is the recommendation of the City Admi istrator to select alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA 1. Resolution and finance documentati n to be provided at the meeting. 2. Materials provided in the packet fro November 9, 1998. 10 . . . City Council Agenda ~ 11/23/98 9. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROU D: The City Council is asked to adopt an asse sment roll for accounts receivable bills which are delinquent more than 60 days and to ce ify the assessment roll to the County Auditor as of November 30, 1998, for collection on next year's real estate taxes if not paid within 30 days of this public hearing. It is recommended that the delinquent acco nts be put on an assessment roll for certification in 1998 at an interest rate of 8 0 as allowed by state statute. As in the past, if any accounts are paid within 30 days after e adoption of the assessment roll, they can be paid without any additional interest. B. ALTERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the assessment roll for the d linquent charges as presented. 2. Based on public hearing input, adju t the assessment roll as required. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the staff recommendation that the Cou cil adopt the assessment roll as presented. All of the accounts arc at least 60 days past due and have been given proper notice of this assessment hearing and ample opportunity 0 pay the accounts in full. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution adopting assessment rol ; complete listing of delinquent accounts to be certified. 11 . . . RESOLUTI RESOLUTION ADOPTING SSESSMENT ROLL FOR DELINQUEN ACCOUNTS WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the propose assessment for delinquent account charges. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TH · CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which s attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the spe ial assessments against the parcels named herein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefited by the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in one (1) annual installment payable on or before the first Monday in January 2000 and shall bear interest at the rate of 8 percent per annum from the date ofthe adoption ofthis assessn ent resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment fr m the date ofthis resolution until December 31, 1999. The owner of the property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the w ole of the assessment on such property with interest accrued to the date of payment, to tl e City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid ithin 30 days from the adoption of this resolution. 3. 4. The City Administrator shall forthwith tran mit a certified duplicate of this assessment roll to the county auditor to be extended on the proper tax list of the county, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the City Council this 23rd day of No v mber, 1998. City Administrator Mayor 9/\ NAME . Kent Kjellberg Dave Klein Construction (M Watters) Jay LeBrun Prestige Builders (S Roller) Jim Wolff Steven Aarvig Hillside I Properties Croix Management/Twelve Oaks General Rental Lake Tool Marywood Apts Marcus Lindala Rick Lymer Ray-Wes Partnership River Park View Apts John Berg Keith Spohnholtz Mike Stevens Darlene Banyai Ronald & Nancy Begin Michelle Buckendahl .rent Frahm Doug Miller Gerald Sonsteby Fred Topel Jeff Unterberger Michael O'connor Brian Hoese Pelarski, Michael Munger, Ted BeIleson, Wendy Smith, Rachael Begin, Ronald Coughlin. Laurel Holker, Paula Noram Enterprises Anderson, Jeremy Benike, Richard Dmytryzyn, Bohdan Bitzer, Tom Mevissen, David & Debra .arthel, Robert Sonsteby, Gerald Vickers, Melinda delqar98.xls: 1] /23/1998 DELINQUENT ACCOU TS RECEIVABLE 11/23/19 8 Subtotal Subtotal AMOUNT $360.36 $32.10 $26.60 $44 1.10 $53.50 $913.66 $25.50 $102.75 $110.50 $103.00 $27.55 $74.50 $179.00 $112.50 ~.l $169.50 $64.75 $]69.50 $65.00 $74.50 $25.50 $921.58 $64.65 $46.75 $74.25 $285.50 $21 .40 $55.25 $93.25 $2,988.68 $82.36 $116.99 $75.39 $97.43 $144.23 $96.] 8 $42.99 $73.47 $93.81 $]25.94 $134.04 $62.66 $81.65 $96.14 $86.98 $118.93 PID NUMBER . I ). .'1 C 5-040-001020 5-010-055061 ] 5-0 I 0-056030 1 5-010-044100 ] 5-015-005150 1 5-015-003150 1 5-010-053100 1 5-010-053070 1 5-010-049080 155-010-045030 155-020-005] II 155-040-003010 155-010-038050 155-010-041010 15 -010-070100 15 -010-027030 DESCRIPTION sewer extension 96-13P connection permit replace water meter storm sewer trunk fee replace water meter storm permit Delq utility billing - Qtr 3, 1997 (interest from 1/26/98) Page I NAME .caldwell, Monica Heikes, 00n-#4 (Terry Swanson) Heikes, 00n-#5 (Donovan Hanson) L & W Associates (rental) L & W Associates Grantz, Richard Renstrom, Michael Walter, Ivan Johnson, James Giroux, Tom Metcalf, Larry McKusick, John Johnson, Jeff Mohlin, Tina Gordon, B & CHanson Bluhm, Baron Wood, Donald Lawrence, Katie Cellette, James Lancrain, William Hitchcock, Thomas Wipper, Jack Rising, Mike Blomberg, Rick .air, Kevin Kenyon, Thomas Bauer, Tim Roden, Kurt Hansen, William Knase, Steve Coady, Mark Kjellberg's-202/Dana Dempsey Kjellberg's-211/Pam Dahlberg Kjellberg's-210/Marty Hanson Kjellberg's-216/Merrold Sams Kjellberg's-217/Laura Rowan Kjellberg's-1 08/Mary Nass Kjellberg's-3/Mark Snabb Kjellberg's-5/Ron Richards Kjellberg's-6/Vicki Hurd K j e lib erg' s- 3 08/N ick Christensen Kjellberg's-316/AJan Trepanier Kjellberg's-404/Rose Meyer Kjellberg's-502/Lawrence Straley Kjellberg's-504/Betty Jackman Jewett, Dennis Eden, Linda .pohnholta, Melanie Dalton, Jess Unterburger, Jeff delqar98.xls: 11/23/1998 DELINQUENT ACCOU TS RECEIVABLE 11/23/19 8 AMOUNT $56.76 $92.98 $72.03 $45.80 $45.46 $162.53 $63.37 $46.52 $161.86 $112.87 $142.70 $66.39 $104.39 $105.13 $126.91 $86.95 $10 1.40 $156.96 $151.41 $105.35 $84.79 $109.16 $121.02 $62.72 $97.07 $119.75 $84.77 $66.02 $67.19 $117.85 $70.65 $45.80 $45.80 $45.80 $35.40 $45.80 $45.80 $35.00 $45.80 $45.80 $45.80 $35.40 $45.80 $35.40 $35.40 $96.48 $64.00 $61.99 $78.44 $111.12 PID NUMBER 155-010-009080 155-500-034200 155-500-034200 155-500-142401 155-500-142401 155-048-001180 155-048-002070 155-026-002010 155-026-003080 155-026-003100 155-031-003050 155-031-003010 155-031-002100 155-035-004060 155-035-004050 155-035-003060 155-035-001100 1 5-035-001110 1 5-031-001070 155-033-002070 1 5-033-002090 1 5-033-003010 1 5-033-002140 ] 5-071-001040 1 5-061-002060 1 5-086-002150 1 5-045-004080 1 5-080-003090 I 5-080-003020 1 5-080-002090 1 5-080c006150 ] 5-500-154403 1 5-500-154403 1 5-500-154403 1 5-500-] 54403 1 5-500-154403 1 5-500-154403 1 5-500-154403 ] 5-500-154403 1 5-500-154403 1 5-500-154403 1 5-500-154403 1 5-500-154403 1 5-500-154403 1 5-500-154403 1 5-069-003050 1 5-073-003110 I 5-073-004010 1 5-088-007050 1 5-073-005100 DESCRIPTION Page 2 NAME .Lewis, James . Lindala, Marcus Jacobson, George Anderson, Lori Anderson, Richard & Brenda Agre, Mark Schwintek, L & V Lymer, Rick Domke, Pam Koep, Laurie Gannon, Jennifer Woytcke, Dean Hartung, Kris Jones, Laura Otten, David Wurting, Jeff Peterson, Dan Gorsh, Michael Reishus, Steve Dave Klein Construction Agosto, Jim (rental up) Robinson, Paul (rental) Darryl Heikes (rental-#3) Darryl Heikes (rental-#5/Kruger) .arryl Heikes (rental-#7/Hammil) Pelarski, Michael Begin, Ronald Kruse, Diana Coughlin. Laurel Anderson, Jeremy Benike, Richard Bitzer, Tom Mevissen, David & Debra Mengelkoch, Lawrence Barthel, Robert Sonsteby, Gerald Vickers, Melinda Cox, Wayne Caldwell, Monica Heikes, Don-#5 (Donovan Hanson) Piatz, Gerald Stokes, Judy Herbek, Kenneth L & W Associates e:::;rantz, Richard Johnson, James McLeod, James delqar98.xls: I 1/23/1998 DELINQUENT ACCOU TS RECEIVABLE 11123/1 98 AMOUNT $63.23 $125.87 $112.56 $90.22 $106.89 $109.76 $84.41 $84.47 $69.53 $67.77 $97.77 $92.60 $96.80 $123.09 $68.47 $63.61 $161.34 $129.65 $91.79 $38.30 $45.80 $45.80 $35.40 $45.00 $45.80 Subtotal $7,634.71 $100.93 $138.31 $104.43 $118.18 $104.33 $79.75 $55.93 $85.79 $103.51 $96.32 $84.09 $118.36 $87.33 $52.00 $74.67 $104.39 $90.26 $140.07 $44.83 $143.48 $138.85 $101.05 PID NUMBER 55-073-005020 55-078-004050 55-088-004010 55-088-003050 55-078-003140 55-078-002160 55-069-002050 55-069-002080 55-069-0020 I 0 55-069-002020 55-073-006020 55-069-001020 55-090-003050 55-090-00 I 070 55-090-001060 55-090-001040 55-096-002070 55-090-003140 55-090-003150 55-096-003060 55-040-003030 55-041-001050 55-014-003190 55-014-003190 55-014-003190 55-040-001020 55-015-005150 55-015-003140 55-015-003150 55-010-049080 55-0 I 0-045030 55-040-003010 55-010-038050 55-010-039010 55 -010-0410 10 55-010-070100 55-0 I 0-027030 55-019-008020 55-010-009080 55-500-034200 55-021-002050 55-021-00 I 060 55-024-001100 55-500-142401 55-048-001180 55-026-003080 55-031-003060 DESCRIPTION Delq utility billing - Qtr 4, 1997 (interest from 4/27/98) Page 3 NAME .Metcalf, Larry Johnson, Jeff Lovejoy, Linda Mohlin, Tina Gordon, B & CHanson Bluhm, Baron Wood, Dona]d Lawrence, Katie Cellette, James Wipper, Jack Daniels, Ted Jens Rivervue Apts Blomberg, Rick Kenyon, Thomas Ulberg, Michael Bauer, Tim Willander, Denton Knase, Steve Coady, Mark Kjellberg's-204/Paul Carlson Kjellberg's-202/Dana Dempsey Kjellberg's-208/Marlene Leger Kjellberg's-21l1Pam Dahlberg Kjellberg's-210/Marty Hanson .jellberg's-216/Merrold Sams Kjellberg's-217/Laura Rowan Kjellberg's-222/James Avery KjelIberg's-223/Paul Jude Kjellberg's-224/Jeff Lehn K jellberg's-112/Diane Dorr KjelIberg's-108/Mary Nass KjelIberg's-5/Ron Richards Kjellberg's-6/Vicki Hurd Kjellberg's-19/Sam Skelton Kjellberg's-211Todd Peglow Kjellberg's-308/Nick Christensen Kjellberg's-310/Lori Palmer KjelIberg's- 316/ Alan Trepanier Kjellberg's-408/Catherine Perkins Kjellberg's-404/Rose Meyer Kjellberg's-504/Betty Jackman Kjellberg's-IOOO Jewett, Dennis Eden, Linda Dalton, Jess Nelson, Richard & Shantell .Kruse, Debra ewis, James Lindala, Marcus Agre, Jon delqar98.x]s: 11123/1998 DELINQUENT ACCOU TS RECEIVABLE 11/23/1. 98 AMOUNT $159.21 $100.35 $89.80 $89.80 $123.59 $82.55 $101.40 $155.43 $144.79 $117.88 $102.78 $210.47 $71.69 $106.19 $80.97 $85.97 $180.05 $104.60 $88.07 $56.20 $56.20 $56.20 $56.20 $56.20 $56.20 $35.40 $35.40 $45.00 $45.80 $35.40 $56.20 $45.80 $56.20 $35.40 $35.40 $56.20 $45.80 $45.80 $56.20 $56.20 $56.20 $143.38 $96.12 $90.76 $95.38 $77.61 $83.01 $83.24 $1 ]8.10 $80.98 PID NUMBER ] 55-031-003050 55-031-002100 55-03 ]-002050 55-035-004060 55-035-004050 55-035-003060 55-035-001100 55-035-001110 55-031-001070 55-033-003010 55-033-003030 55-014-003190 55-071-001040 55-086-002150 55-086-005100 55-045-004080 55-059-002080 55-080-002090 55-080-006150 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 155-500-154403 155-500-154403 155-500-154403 155-500-154403 155-500-154403 155-500-154403 155-500-154403 155-500-154403 155-500-154403 155-500-154403 155-500-154403 1 5-500-154403 I 5-500-154403 1 5-500-154403 1 5-500-154403 1 5-500-154403 1 5-500-154403 I 5-500- 154403 I 5-500-154403 I 5-069-003050 I 5-073-003110 1 5-088-007050 ] 5-082-00 I 070 I 5-073-002020 I 5-073-005020 I 5-078-004050 1 5-088-002040 DESCRIPTION Page 4 NAME .Anderson, Richard & Brenda Agre, Mark Domke, Pam Koep, Laurie Smith, Jon W oytcke, Dean Hartung, Kris Boos, Dion Otten, David Wurting, Jeff Reishus, Steve Kiffmeyer, Ralph (rental up) Robinson, Paul (rental) Heikes, Darryl (rental-#3) Heikes, Darryl (rental-#7/Hammil) Smith, Rachael Begin, Ronald Coughlin. Laurel Anderson, Jeremy Dmytryzyn, Janice Klatt, Darren ~aIters, Bruce Bitzer, Tom Mevissen, David & Debra Gorsh, Michael (rental up) Erickson, Donna Sonsteby, Gerald First Baptist Church Vickers, Melinda Cox, Wayne VanAllen, John Tischner, Lawrence Dairy Queen Heikes, Don-#4 (Terry Swanson) Heikes, Don-#5 (Donovan Hanson) Blankenhagen, Roger Piatz, Gerald L & W Associates (rental) Lindenfelser, Jay Grantz, Richard Walter, Ivan Johnson, James Giroux, Tom .McLeod, James Johnson, Jeff Lovejoy, Linda Mechelke, Melissa delqar98.xls: 11/23/1998 DELINQUENT ACCOU TS RECEIVABLE 11/23/1 98 AMOUNT $88.90 $108.14 $65.78 $62.48 $49.82 $94.47 $86.33 $97.65 $74.57 $70.15 $80.64 $35.40 $56.20 $45.80 $45.00 Subtotal $7,371.96 $68.67 $129.27 $89.01 $108.79 $125.11 $47.74 $56.91 $100.81 $87.39 $103.12 $38.83 $65.26 $166.40 $126.54 $91.04 $143.83 $100.33 $42.41 $69.53 $74.67 $155.13 $135.87 $35.40 $91.32 $322.35 $77.72 $13 1.23 $109.46 $102.80 $106.71 $91.56 $77.18 PID NUMBER 55-078-003140 55-078-002160 55-069-002010 55-069-002020 55-073-002020 55-069-00 I 020 55-090-003050 55-090-002170 55-090-00 I 060 55-090-001040 55-090-003150 55-010-067100 55-041-00 I 050 55-014.003190 55-014-003190 55-0 I 0-0441 00 55-015-005150 55-015-003150 55-010-049080 55-020-005111 55.015-011030 55-015-013042 55-040-0030 I 0 55-010-038050 55-010-030080 55 -0 1 0-071060 55-0 I 0-070 I 00 55-015-035010 55-010-027030 55-019-008020 55-0 I 0-0 100 11 55-010-009060 55-010-005060 55-500-034200 55-500-034200 55-021-002240 55-021-002050 55-500-142401 55-048-001080 55-048-001180 55-026-002010 55-026-003080 55-026-003100 55-031-003060 55-031-002100 55-031-002050 55-035-004110 DESCRIPTION Delq utility billing - Qtr 1, 1998 (interest from 7/27/98) Page 5 NAME .Mohlin, Tina Gordon, B & CHanson Bluhm, Baron Wood, Donald Lawrence, Katie Cellette, James VanMeveren, L J White, Mike Gaetz, John Gleason, David Wipper, Jack Hanigan, Robert Dekal, Paul Haaland, Elwood Sutton, Lee Curry, Robert Blomberg, Rick Wassather, Thomas Ulberg, Michael Bauer, Tim Holthaus, Peter Henrichs, Julie Prestige Builders .Knase, Steve 'oady, Mark K jellberg's-204/Paul Carlson Kjellberg's-202/Dana Dempsey Kjellberg's-201/Lance Rossberg Kjellberg's-208/Marlene Leger Kjellberg's-211/Pam Dahlberg Kjellberg's-210/Marty Hanson Kjellberg's-214/ Art Doran Kjellberg's-216/Merrold Sams Kjellberg's-217/Laura Rowan Kjellberg's-219/Shaun Kress Kjellberg's-223/Jacob Beck Kjellberg's-224/Jeff Lehn Kjellberg's-234/Jon Dahl Kjellberg's-118/Vickie Moder Kjellberg's-1 08/Mary Nass Kjellberg's-107/Charise Kurtti Kjellberg's-104/Stacy Peglow Kjellberg's-3/Robert Durbin Kjellberg's-5/Ron Richards Kjellberg's-6/Vicki Hurd Kjellberg's-9/Robert Wright Kjellberg's-19/Sam Skelton eKjellberg's-316/Alan Trepanier Kjellberg's-408/Catherine Perkins Kjellberg's-404/Rose Meyer delqar98.xls: 11/23/1998 DELINQUENT ACCOU TS RECEIVABLE 11/23/1 98 AMOUNT $107.98 $122.48 $93.59 $67.70 $139.62 $132.08 $130.55 $121.26 $55.90 $102.21 $120.20 $74.40 $113.69 $63.39 $90.13 $109.46 $68.07 $13 1 .46 $85.73 $110.28 $71.56 $64.96 $36.54 $109.54 $79.05 $35.40 $56.20 $56.20 $56.20 $56.20 $56.20 $45.80 $45.80 $35.40 $56.20 $56.20 $56.20 $65.68 $56.20 $56.20 $56.18 $35.40 $56.20 $35.40 $45.80 $45.80 $55.00 $45.80 $56.20 $56.20 PID NUMBER 55-035-004060 55-035-004050 55-035-003060 55-035-00 1100 55-035-001110 55-031-001070 55-031-001060 55-026-001050 55-033-002110 55-033-004010 55-033-003010 55-500-101412 55-500-101401 55-016-000100 55-017-002020 55-086-003010 55-071-001040 55-086-004220 55-086-005100 55-045-004080 55-059-002090 55-045-003040 55-097-00 II 00 55-080-002090 55-080-006150 55.500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 155-500-154403 DESCRIPTION Page 6 NAME <<jellberg's-504/Betty Jackman Kjellberg's-1000 Jewett, Dennis Bader, Jeff Lindala, Marcus Roepke, Rebecca Jacobson, George Moris, Lisa Agre, Jon Berg, John Anderson, Richard & Brenda Schwintek, L & V Domke, Pam Smith, Jon Gannon, Jennifer Woytcke, Dean Hartung, Kris Boos, Dion Jones, Laura Otten, David Peterson, Dan Hollister, Chad Gorsh, Michael Reishus, Steve _riCkson, Bradley Diersen, Armin (rental-301) Diersen, Armin (rental-303) Robinson, Paul (rental) Steffes, Pam (rental) Heikes, Darryl (rental-#3) Jones, Marty Munger, Ted Rice, Dick Bellesen, Wendy Smith, Rachael Begin, Ronald Coughlin. Laurel Holker, Paula Noram Enterprises Anderson, Jeremy Dmytryzyn, Janice Klatt, Darren McCarty, Clarence eMevissen, David & Debra Barthel, Robert Menth, Kevin Sonsteby, Gerald delqar98.xls: 11/23/1998 DELINQUENT ACCOU TS RECEIVABLE 11/23/19 8 AMOUNT $56.20 $121.36 $99.20 $75.99 $108.09 $81.35 $116.72 $81.80 $88.15 $70.10 $86.31 $84.49 $64.29 $54.32 $105.16 $90.29 $83.84 $78.86 $82.04 $75.00 $124.42 $98.60 $85.57 $77.69 $67.30 $45.80 $35.78 $56.20 $56.20 $35.40 Subtotal $9,338.80 $296.16 $141.59 $136.61 $94.10 $113.83 $168.12 $101.49 $68.69 $96.03 $133.33 $165.13 $82.10 $167.55 $114.68 $123.37 $76.19 $95.45 PID NUMBER 155-500-154403 155-500-154403 155-069-003050 155-082-002060 155-078-004050 155-088-004030 155-088-004010 155-088-001050 155-088-002040 155-088-002060 155-078-003140 155-069-002050 155-069-002010 155-073-002020 155-073-006020 155-069-001020 155-090-003050 155-090-002170 155-090-001070 155-090-001060 155-096-002070 155-096-0020 I 0 155-090-003140 155-090-003150 55-090-003190 155-010-068010 55-010-068010 155-041-001050 55-047-000010 155-014-003190 55-015-019010 155-010-055061 55-010-063040 55-0 I 0-056030 155-010-044100 55-015-005150 55-015-003150 55-010-053100 55-010-053070 55-0 I 0-049080 55-020-005111 55-015-011030 55-0] 0-037010 55-010-038050 55-010-041010 55-010-027060 55-010-070100 DESCRIPTION Delq utility billing - Qtr 2, 1998 (interest from 10/26/98) Page 7 NAME .irst Baptist Church McClausky, Randy Vickers, Melinda Cox, Wayne Florell, Anne Ridgemont Apts-#I Ridgemont Apts-#2 Dairy Queen Fuller, John High, Lenny L & W Associates (rental) L & W Associates Peterson, Jeff Grantz, Richard Walter, Ivan Johnson, James Giroux, Tom McLeod, James TCF Mortgage Lovejoy, Linda Halvorson, Jim Gordon, B & CHanson Donner, Sue Bluhm, Baron .OOd, Donald Principal Res Mortgage Torgerson, Scott Cellette, James Koivisto, Keith Harwarth, John Gaetz, John Gleason, David Wipper, Jack Jens Rivervue Apts Haaland, Elwood Sutton, Lee Curry, Robert Zaudtke Home Builders Blomberg, Rick Cross, Jennifer Buck, Jeffrey Bauer, Tim Holthaus, Peter Henrichs, Julie Caruso, Robert Budd, Jeffrey Knase, Steve .Coady, Mark Kjellberg's-204/Paul Carlson Kjellberg's-202/Dana Dempsey delqar98.xls: 11/23/1998 DELINQUENT ACCOUN S RECEIVABLE I 1/23/199 AMOUNT $111.34 $154.10 $161.61 $123.90 $76.60 $98.21 $82.63 $73.48 $92.32 $155.54 $81.20 $61.77 $182.91 $227.36 $102.72 $185.48 $139.10 $131.87 $107.80 $72.34 $104.78 $157.31 $60.00 $140.49 $136.54 $136.05 $81.34 $161.42 $102.38 $104.62 $97.24 $147.48 $147.26 $265.21 $88.43 $111.51 $152.39 $67.16 $89.88 $165.75 $104.44 $138.09 $111.46 $100.59 $149.95 $137.80 $145.87 $130.33 $81.20 $81.20 PID NUMBER 1 5-015-035010 1 5-019-005030 1 5-010-027030 1 5-0 I 9-008020 1 5-010-009050 1 5-500-113205 1 5-500-113205 1 5-010-005060 1 5-020-002030 1 5-500-041105 1 5-500-142401 1 5.500-142401 1 5-048-001050 1 5-048-00 I 180 1 5-026-002010 1 5-026-003080 1 5-026-003100 1 5-031-003060 1 5-031-002070 1 5-031-002050 1 5-035-004090 1 5-035-004050 1 5-035-002040 1 5-035-003060 I 5-035-001100 15-035-001110 I 5-035-001121 1 5-031-00 I 070 1 5-033-001210 1 5-033-001010 1 5-033-002110 1 5-033-004010 1 5-033-003010 1 5-014-003 190 I 5-016-000 I 00 1 5-017-002020 1 5-086-003010 1 5-086-001150 1 5-071-00 I 040 1 5-086-005200 1 5-086-005100 1 5-045-004080 1 5-059-002090 I 5-045-003040 1 5-080-005040 1 5-080-003050 1 5-080-002090 1 5-080-006150 1 5-500-154403 1 5-500-154403 DESCRIPTION Page 8 NAME a:jellberg's-20 1 /Lance Rossberg Kjellberg's-208/Marlene Leger Kjellberg's-21I1Pam Dahlberg Kjellberg's-210/Marty Hanson Kjellberg's-216/Merrold Sams Kjellberg's-217/Laura Rowan Kjellberg's-219/Shaun Kress Kjellberg's-221/Bill A]fano Kjellberg's-223/ Jacob Beck Kjellberg's-224/Jeff Lehn Kjellberg's-234/Jon Dahl Kjellberg's-121/Thomas Freitag Kjellberg's-] 12/Diane Dorr Kjellberg's-I 08/Mary Nass Kjellberg's-I 07/Charise Kurtti Kjellberg's-104/Stacy Peglow Kjellberg's-3/Robert Durbin Kjellberg's-4/Car] Ingebrietson Kjellberg's-5/Ron Richards Kjellberg's-6/Vicki Hurd Kjellberg's-IO/Howard Weber Kjellberg's-12/Joe Dellwo Kjellberg's-] 9/Sam Skelton Kjellberg's-2I1Todd Peglow .jellberg's-308INiCk Christenson Kjellberg's-316/Alan Trepanier Kjellberg's-408/Catherine Perkins Kjellberg's-404/Rose Meyer Kjellberg's-504/Betty Jackman Kjellberg's-IOOO Jewett, Dennis Eden, Linda Zierke, Chris Lewis, James Lindala, Marcus Jacobson, George Jones, Jennifer Agre, Jon Anderson, Richard & Brenda Agre, Mark Domke, Pam Koep, Laurie Dearborn, Pamela Hartung, Kris Otten, David Gorsh, Michael eReishus, Steve Trosen, Troy Robinson, Paul (renta]) Aydt, Jeremy (rental) delqar98.xls: 11/23/1998 DELINQUENT ACCOU TS RECEIVABLE 11/23/1 98 AMOUNT $8].20 $81.20 $81.20 $8] .20 $70.80 $70.80 $81.20 $60.40 $70.80 $81.20 $81.20 $81.20 $60.40 $81.20 $81.20 $70.80 $81.20 $81.20 $81.20 $70.80 $80.00 $60.40 $60.00 $70.80 $81.20 $70.80 $81.20 $81.20 $81.20 $153.95 $148.86 $108.55 $143.53 $111.26 $167.07 $158.62 $109.71 $133.75 $109.71 $]46.40 $91.16 $88.20 $69.60 $124.70 $110.95 $ II 7.24 $110.73 $95.38 $81.20 $70.80 PID NUMBER 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 DESCRIPTION 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-500-154403 55-069-003050 55-073-003110 55-103-0030 I 0 55-073-005020 55-078-004050 55-088-004010 55-088-003030 55-088-002040 55-078-003140 55-078-002160 55-069-0020 I 0 55-069-002020 55-069-001030 55-090-003050 55-090-00 I 060 55-090-003140 55-090-003150 55-090-005070 55-041-001050 55-041-00 I 060 Page 9 NAME .Steffes, Pam (rental) . Hillside 1-#5/Todd Kennedy Hillside I-#3I/Valerie Dammen Hillside I-#33/Rcnee Revak Hillside 1-#34/Elizabeth Johnston DELINQUENT ACCOUN S RECEIVABLE 11/23/19 8 AMOUNT $81.20 $60.00 $81.20 $60.00 $70.80 Subtotal $12,628.18 GRAND TOTAL $40,875.99 . . delqar98.xls: 11/23/1998 DESCRIPTION PID NUMBER 5-047-000010 5-029-001020 5-029-001010 1 5-029-001010 155-029-0010 1 0 Page 10 . 10. . . Council Meeting - 11/23/98 Consideration of a (1.S.) an increase n sewer and water usa e rates for 1999.. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGRO D: The new wastewater treatment faci lity, whe fully operational, is estimated to increase costs of operations by about 20%. This is main I due to the higher energy consumption needed to achieve better treatment of the wastew ter and the increased cost to handle a higher volume of sludge and to produce an exce tional quality class A sludge. We began our approach to increasing the rates in January f 1997 when we increased rates by about 4.8%. The operational budget for the wastewater t eatment plant and collection system runs about $600,000 per year. 1998 is projected to be near break-even year. Consequently, we may break even or run a little short in 1999. We are, however, carrying a balance in the operational fund of approximately$200,000 which would cover about four months of normal operation. A good portion of this surplus r venue came from penalties and probably won't continue. We would like to establish an perational budget for the wastewater treatment facility that is very accurate and then rest cture the entire user rate system for sewer. We do, however, need at least one full year of 0 erations at the wastewater treatment plant where everything is functional. We may not have his data unti I the year 2000. Therefore, we have a couple of choices, we can increase the r tes a modest amount of approximately 5% for sanitary sewer which would preserve our surplus operating capital, or use the operating capital to operate to cover shortages if any for 1999. For the water system, we have been runnin )" slightly in the red for the past couple of years. in 1993 we found ourselves getting quite a it behind in the water department operations and increased rates by 1 0%. At that time the City Council asked us to look at increasing more often and in smaller amounts. Consequen ly, in 1997 we increased rates a little over 5%. In 1998, at the request of the DNR, we went to a uniform rate rather than the two-step system we had before. The two-step system ma es water cheaper the more one uses and was counter productive to conservation efforts. We made our best guess at the uniform rate that would produce about the same amount f revenue and our projects were correct, we estimated revenue for 1997 versus 1998 is nly about $3,000 apart. However, with running in the red for the past couple years has indi ated that we should increase the rates. We don't really carry a surplus operating capital in t e water fund and probably should be carrying a small balance. Therefore, we would like t e Council to consider increasing the water rates by about 3-cents per 100 cubic feet (748 ga Ions) per quarter or about 6.7%. The operational budget for water runs about $240,000 per ear. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to i increase the sanitary sewer rates shortages for 1999. crease the water rates by about 6.7% but not to d use reserve operating capital to cover any 12 . . . ~ S i) , I, . :'1 { h ' j/ Council Meeting - 11/23/98 2. The second alternative would be t raise water rates by approximately 6.7% and about 5.2% for the sanitary sewer. These rates should allow us to build a small surplus in the water fund and main ain our current level of surplus revenue in the sanitary sewer fund. 3. The third alternative would be to in rease rates as desired by the City Council. 4. The fourth alternative would be to h ve no increase in either the water or sewer rates. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Admi istratorand Public Works Director that the City Council consider increasing the water rate y 6.7% and the sanitary sewer rate by 5.2% as outlined in alternative #2. It is our opinion hat we should build a small reserve in the water operational fund and, due to the unknowns f operations at the wastewater treatment facility, we should maintain our surplus funds. These rate increases are very minimal. Ju t the restructuring of the water rate system in January of 1998 lowered the low to moder te users cost by 20%. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the rate history for both sewer and water for the past several years. 13 o . O~ ..JO ..J..... Wen 0_ j:::I: ~~ LLo::: OW ~~ 0;: . :::::: ,~ ':.:.:.:.:' '.:.:::::.: :.:.:.:.:.:.".:,:::::.:.;.;. '..'................;:;::.:.:.:.:.:.... .... ::U:,,:,\'\" Q\:\~. !!I -:-"Im, '::"C::f"Qli: ,,1::::-:// \\\\\\\\1\\1\\\1\ ',I::; [,,:-:}g,= ~"P\ 1\\llil :::",':}::::i;Q::::::::::':'::: o N o ~ - -- --- ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 Ll) '<;f I"- 0 ui N <.0 ..... "il --- --- Ll) l"- Ll) co (") (") '<;f '<;f 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ -- !---- Ll) l"- Ll) co (") (") '<;f '<;f 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ --- -- Ll) co Ll) co Ll) Ll) '<;f '<;f cj cj 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ -f--- ----- 0 0 0 0 Ll) Ll) Ll) Ll) l"- I"- l"- I"- ~ ~ ~ ~ -- -- ------ - - - E ..... 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CO ...- ~ Cll c: c: lfl Cll Cll Cll D:: :J D... a::: a::: .- c W I- o W ~ 0. r- ~ .... ~ s::::! ~<og~(:o) ~~~~~ Si~~~~ ~~i~$ @-~-~-~~- CO!Qr- 0 lh14$ ~ <5 rn Q) tn ~ If W co co tn Cl c: Z lfl c: .2 W Cll :::J rn lfl .C C/J Cll ::E lfl D..X ~ ~ ~ _" ~ CllCll:;::::;......e WC/JI-:Ja:::D... ~ -:z:: 8~ ~ af~ . I- Cll > .... ~g~~ CllCO 0 . a. .... u- O:::Jlfl.... . .... lfl._ D...E~ '" ri \ .0 --- ,. ':':':':':' =11111111111' ~_l"ii,::l::~_ ~liiiii'i:i,a ~:rr~ U:;:::;:: I ~j@jJ ::::::::::~ g ~ :UH~~ ~ c: """",,; lD :J(Hl g> ~"iiii'~ ;;:; 3: Ii 1:i ({J ~ ~ ~ ::: () . . . Council Meeting - 11/23/98 A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROU D: 11. Consideration of advertisin for additio al full-time In February of this year the City Counci authorized separation of the park and street departments and the hiring of a park superi tendent. The organizational chart for the parks department included a superintendent, the t 0 full-time park workers hired in January, and a third full-time parks worker to be trans erred from one of the remaining four street department employees. The transfer of th street department employee never occurred. Consequently, the parks department ran un er staffed through most of the year. There were several reasons why the transfi r did not occur. None of the four employees volunteered to transfer, the street departme t would be short on manpower, and lastly, the need for a shop mechanic became more evid nt. After lengthy discussions with the Park and Street Superintendents, staff decided to odify the organizational chart to make the departments more efficient. The following are the high point of the revised organizational chart for public works: The grounds maintenance worker, Jo n Lukach, who was a shared employee between streets and parks, was placed under t e supervision of the Park Superintendent along with all of his duties. 1. 2. A decision was made to appoint 0 e of the existing street employees as a shop mechanic shared between the park a d street departments and occasionally with the sewer and water departments. The City Administrator and Coucilmember Herbst have negotiated this position with t e union. 3. Rather than make the transfer of an unwilling street department employee into the parks department, it was decided th best alternative would be to hire an additional parks worker. The street departm nt would give up about half a man with the appointment of the shop mechanic but would gain one man without the transfer. Consequently, there would be little anpower growth added to the street department with this reorganization. The 1999 Budget includes the hiring of parks worker which would bring the parks department up to the staffing level as was 0 iginally proposed and approved in February of 1998. Since the final 1999 Budget has not et been approved, this is being brought before you for approval rather than to hire admini tratively. 1 . 6{ . . t> B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Council Meeting - 11/23/98 The first alternative would be to uthorize advertisement for an additional parks worker with the intention of hiring in late December or early January. 2. The second alternative would be no to authorize the advertisement for an additional parks worker. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City dministrator, Public Works Director, Street Superintendent and Park Superintendent t at the City Council approve the changes to the organizational chart which are enclosed for our review, and authorize the advertisement for an additional parks worker with the intenti n of hiring by late December or early January as outlined in alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the park maintenance worker job escription; copy of revised organizational chart for public works; copy of the current park inventory. 15 . . . JOB DESCRIPTION 8 Park Maintenance Worker City of Monticello Title of Class: Effective Date: Park Maintenance Work r November 17, 1997 DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs routine to silled labor and maintenance work in the public works department; and performs related duti s as required. Supervision Received: Works under the technical d rection of the Park Superintendent and general direction of the Public Works Director. Supervision Exercised: None; may provide technic I work direction over summer help. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties perfo med by all positions in this class. Duties may vary somewhat from position to position within a cl ss. Installs and repairs service utilities as needed, includ ng sewer lines, water lines, sprinkler lines, etc. Performs sidewalk and pathway repair and patching. Performs preventative maintenance and repair of de artment vehicles, including repairing or adjusting hydraulic systems and motors, bra es, disc drives, steering, electrical cooling systems, alternators, starters, etc. Operates front-end loader and trucks to remove sno from city streets, municipal parking lots, alleys, sidewalks, pathways and skating rink during winter; operates sanders and applies salt to roadways, sidewalks, pathways, and unicipal parking lots; may be required to perform these duties during hours not norm lly worked. Assists with the installation and removal of holiday ecorations. Using heavy and light equipment and hand tools, in alls and maintains ballfields, playground facilities and equipment, including planning nd placement of equipment, repairing of swings, slides and other equipment, building sand boxes and providing sand, etc. Maintains skating rinks, including flooding rinks, cl aring snow, including banking snow or gravel in order to flood rinks, etc. Applies fertilizer and weed killer in accordance with state regulations as needed to parks and other public lands; keeps accurate records 0 same. Performs miscellaneous maintenance, construction, d repair work as needed on city buildings and property, including construction, plumbi g, pouring concrete and concrete block work, welding, basic electrical, painting and staining, sheet rocking and taping, block work, shovel excavation, etc. Oversees and assists the work of summer employee including assigning work, training, etc. Performs miscellaneous cleaning, maintenance and r pair work as needed. Winterizes buildings and sprinklers to keep pipes fr m bursting. ,\/\ A C:\OFFICE\PARKS\PARKWORK.JOB: 11/17/97 . PAGE 1 . . . . JOB DESCRIPTION Park Maintenance Worker City of Monticello Performs routine checks of playground equipment, eeping accurate records of repairs and maintenance. Prunes dead or diseased trees using an aerial boom t ck. Uses chain saws safely and proficiently to fell and re ove dead or diseased trees. Operates a trailer or tractor mounted tree spade to t ansplant trees or shrubs. Recognizes and controls noxious weeds. Establishes new turf areas by seeding or laying sod. Maintains turf and landscape areas by mowing and t imming. Maintains native prairie grasses through prescribed urns and mowing practices. Installs and repairs proper informational, directional regulatory and warning signs. Trims trees from trails to maintain accessibility. Keeps accurate records of maintenance and repairs. Recommends cost savings or performance improve ent changes to supervisor. Assists other city departments as directed. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Knowledge of the repair and maintenance ofbitumi ous and concrete surfaces. Considerable knowledge of equipment and vehicle aintenance and repair, including procedures, methods and tools. Considerable knowledge of the establishment and m intenance of turf areas. Considerable knowledge of the physical requiremen s for trees and grasses. Considerable knowledge of arboricultural practices. Working knowledge of traffic laws, ordinances and egulations involved in equipment operation. Considerable skill in the operation of snow removal quipment, mowing equipment, heavy machinery and other public works and park quipment and vehicles used in construction and maintenance of parks and related faciliti s. Considerable skill in building and grounds maintena ce, including carpentry, plumbing, pouring concrete and concrete block work, welding, asic electrical, painting and staining, sheet rocking and taping. Considerable ability to analyze repair and/or mainte ance problems and determine appropriate solutions. Considerable ability to use all stationary and hand p wer tools for cutting, drilling and plaining of wood or metal. Considerable ability to identify different species oft ees and shrubs. Working ability to interpret construction plans and arry out accordingly. Working ability to follow oral and written instructio s. Working ability to prioritize work and perform duti s independently. Working ability to work and communicate effectivel with City staff and the general public. \ \/ \ B C:IOFFICEIPARKSIPARKWORK.JOB: 11/17/97 - PAGE 2- . . . JOB DESCRIPTION Park Maintenance Worker City of Monticello PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS Considerable ability to cope with varying work activ ties in diverse weather condition requires the individual to be in very good health. Many of the as igned duties require physical strength and stamina as prolonged periods of lifting such items as logs, chain saws, and digging with a shovel are not uncommon. Being able to walk for extende periods while carrying a piece of equipment is also a common procedure. Much ofthe work pe ormed requires manual dexterity to safely operate heavy equipment and tools. The person mu t also be unaffected by extended periods of being off the ground, whether being in the aerial bo m truck or on a ladder painting. Examples of work are: Chain saw operation, haulin wood, brushing trails, mowing, painting, spraying for weed control, trimming trees, operation of heavy equipment, shoveling, landscaping, operation of stationary and hand power tools, and g neral construction. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High school diploma or equivalent. Minnesota Clas C driver's license (and ability to obtain Class B within 90 days of hire) and three years ofexperie ce, knowledge and skills in park maintenance including; light or heavy equipment operation and aintenance, construction, rough and finish carpentry, and landscape turf and tree/plant care. T 0 year post secondary education in parks and recreation helpful and may substitute for one ye r offield experience. \\/\C/ C:\OFFICE\PARKS\PARKWORK.JOB: 11/17/97 - PAGE 3 . . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. . 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. @ CITY OF MO TICELLO PARKS L STING ELLISON PARK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ......................... 4.2 ACRES EAST BRIDGE & WEST BRIDGE PARKS ........................ 4.7 ACRES FALLON AVENUE PARK. . . . . . . . . .. ......................... 0.5 ACRES 4TH STREET PARK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ......................... 2.6 ACRES MISSISSIPPI DRIVE PARK. . . . . . . . .. ......................... 0.9 ACRES "'RIVER MILL PARK . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ......................... 7.0 ACRES BATTLE RAPIDS PARK . . . . . . . . . . .. ......................... 2.0 ACRES MEADOW OAK PARK ............. ......................... 6.4 ACRES FREEW A Y FIELDS .............................. . . . . . . . . . . .. 5.5 ACRES OAKRIDGEPARK ........................................... 13 ACRES "'KLEIN FARMS PIONEER PARK ............................. 16.0 ACRES CARDINAL HILLS PARK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.0 ACRES "'CARDINAL HILLS TOT LOT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0.75 ACRES COUNTRY CLUB PARK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.5 ACRES NSP BALLFIELDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14.0 ACRES BALBOUL PARK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.7 ACRES PAR WEST PARK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. 5.0 ACRES THE MEADOWS PARK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.3 ACRES HILLCREST PARK 1.9 ACRES TOTAL CITY PARK ACREAGE 94.95 ACRES . * These are parks planned for development C:IOFFICElPARKSlFORMSlpARKLsT. 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