City Council Agenda Packet 12-09-1998 Special . . . AGE DA SPECIAL MEETING - MON ICELLO CITY COUNCIL Wednesday, Decem er 9, 1998 - 5 p.m. Mayor: Bill Fair Council Members: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, oger Carlson, Bruce Thielen 1. Call to order. 2. 1999 Truth in Taxation Budget Hearing. 3. Adjournment. . . . 2. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGRO 0: (R.W.) Special Council Agenda - 12/9/98 The purpose of this special meeting is to a low for public comment regarding the proposed 1999 City budget and resulting t x levy. After receiving any public comments, the Council will need to recommend a fin 1 budget and tax levy amount that will be considered for adoption at the regular mee ing December 14. The budget summary worksheets that are nclosed for your review are a culmination of modifications and changes that have occu ed during our past three budget workshop sessions. At the first budget workshop, th Council adopted a preliminary tax levy at the maximum allowed totaling $4,802,470. is proposed levy amounted to $919,394 higher than the levy we had in 1998. Of this incr ase, $566,000 was related to the payment of debt issues, which included a new commu ity center, and the balance of$353,349 was attributable to various program increases, ncluding overall inflation adjustments. The direction of the Council after the first bud et workshop was to have staff attempt to reduce this $353,000 non-debt portion oft e levy increase by approximately one-third so that the non-debt portion of the increase ould be about 6%. During the second budget workshop sessi n, the Council was presented with a revised budget that had proposed a reduction in th tax levy totaling $117,682, bringing the new levy to $4,684,725. This $117,000 reduct on was a one-third cut of the non-debt portion of the original levy as directed by the Cou cil. The savings were achieved by reducing or delaying various purchases within the par s department and street department that totaled $95,000. This modified budget also incIu ed additional funding requirements for a part- time person in the finance department tot ing $17,925 and also added $35,000 to continue funding of a matching contributi n to the MCP. In addition to the above reductions and increases in the budget, th Council was informed of approximately $67,000 in additional revenue sources tha had been adjusted from higher building permit fees and additional State aids, along with 50,000 in revenue from anticipated garbage collection fees for multiple dwellings and obile home parks. The net result of these additions and reductions still amounted to a $117,000 cut in the tax levy as suggested by the Council. The Council's direction after the second b dget workshop was to continue to look for additional cuts in the budget that would st 11 allow the tax levy to be reduced by an additional $67,000. During the third bud et workshop session, a budget proposal was presented that reduced the tax levy by the requested $67,000, bringing the proposed new levy to $4,617,725. This is the budget pr posal that is being presented to the Council for final consideration at this time. This levy amounts to a $734,712 increase in dollars over the 1998 levy but is actually $226,076 les than what we would be allowed to levy by State Statute. Of this $734,000 increase, 566,000 still relates to our increased needs to cover debt service requirements, incIudin our obligation on the wastewater treatment 1 Special Council Agenda - 12/9/98 . plant project and to cover debt obligations of the new community center facility. The non-debt portion of the levy amounts to a proximately a 4.3% increase over the 1998 levy amount. As you may recall, this non debt increase had originally been proposed during the fIrst budget workshop at about % and has been reduced to the 4.3% per Council direction. As expected, an average taxpayer will not ecessarily see a dramatic change in their overall tax liability, even with the larger i crease being required by the City. This is mainly the result of the fact that the Schoo District's tax levy requirements will be lower because of additional state aid funding the are receiving and the shift of lowering property taxes needed by the schools but 0 fsetting this reduction with an increase by the City's. Another reason both residential an commercial property owners will not likely see an increase in their tax obligations nex year has to do with how individual properties are valued for tax collection purposes. In 999, commercial and industrial property values will again see a 12% reduction in t eir tax capacity values, which directly relates to how much their final tax bill is. Althou h smaller, residential properties have also been reduced through tax capacity values, nd most homeowners will receive a larger state education aid credit on their tax billsext year. The result of these legislative changes is that many properties will not se much of an increase in their tax obligations, while many will actually receive a reducti n. . The final budget as presented for Council onsideration still left out a few items that remain unfunded at this time relating to ec nomic development issues. The City's matching contribution, along with the H , toward funding a future industrial park acquisition had been reduced to $25,000 fi om the previously budgeted $75,000 amount, but the Council did note that re-establishi g the higher dollar amount would be considered in next year's budget cycle. Li ewise, the City's participation with the HRA in the acquisition of land in the downtow riverfront arca was not included in this budget, but the City Council would consider speci I circumstances as property became available and could investigate the feasibility of usi g reserve funds if necessary on a case-by-case basis. After the public comments are received, t e Council should close the public hearing and detcrmine whether any additional modific tions to the final budget or tax levy are necessary. While the final budget and tax evy can be agreed to, the Council cannot officially adopt the resolution Wednesday ight, but must do so at a future meeting. It is scheduled to be placed on the December 1 agenda for Council approval. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Accept the proposed 1999 budget t x levy as presented. . 2. Council could make additional adj stments to the budget or tax levy based on public comments or other factors. 2 . c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Special Council Agenda - 12/9/98 The budget and tax levy as proposed is act ally $226,000 less than the maximum allowed by the Department of Revenue. With the lajority of the levy increase being required to cover debt service increases, only $168,66 of the levy increase relates to increases in program services and inflation. This 4.3% increase over last year's tax levy also includes funding for the operation budget of a new ommunity center, which means that only half of the tax levy increase for this area has to 0 with other customary inflationary pressures. I believe the budget as proposed is reasona Ie considering the discussions we have had during our past three workshops. The actu I effect of this budget and tax levy on a typical taxpayer should result in minimal i crease and in many cases will result in an overall tax liability decrease. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Budget summary and capital improvement rogram budget documents. . . 3 . . TAX LEV SUMMARY t 999 B DGET ALL UNDS Fund Net Payable 1998 Adjusted Levy After Deducting HACA $ 660,680 ,366,800 31,095 17,460 o 7,000 15,295 ,302,927 10,480 472 550* $ ,884,287 Payable 1989 Tax Capacity Rate. . . . . .. 4.283 Payable 1990 Tax Capacity Rate. . . . . . . 16.187 Payable 1991 Tax Capacity Rate....... 15.511 Payable 1992 Tax Capacity Rate. . . . . . . 16.492 Payable 1993 Tax Capacity Rate. . . . . . . 16.313 Payable 1994 Tax Capacity Rate. . . . . . . 17.527 Payable 1995 Tax Capacity Rate. . . . . . . 18.228 Payable 1996 Tax Capacity Rate. . . . . . . 18.509 Payable 1997 Tax Capacity Rate. . . . . . . 19.136 Payable 1998 Tax Capacity Rate. . . . . . . 27.001 Est. Payable] 999 Tax Capacity Rate. . .35.186 HACA $ 0 266,562 o o o o o o o o $266,562 Net Levy Increase to Cover Debt - $566, 45 (14.6%) Net Levy Increase for Non-debt Portion 0 Budget - $168,667 (4.3%) Net Certified Levy Increase ~ $734,712 (18.9%) *Community center levy includes $361,925 for debt service 12/3/98 Tax Capacity Value Rate Tax Levy '88/Payablc 1989 $ 15,405,139 14.283 $2,198,008 '89/Payable 1990 15,873,242 16.187 2,568,106 '90/Payable 1991 16,161,043 15.511 2,506,132 '911Payable 1992 15,513,574 16.492 2,558,554 '92/Payable 1993 15,490,500 16.308 2,526,216 '93/Payable 1994 15,154,786 17.527 2,652,527 '94/Payable 1995 15,586,930 18.228 2,841,185 '95/Payable 1996 15,792,922 18.509 2,922,800 '96/Payable 1997 15,993,989 1 .136 3,059,880 '97/Payable 1998 14,413,597 2 .001 3,883,0] 3 '98/Payablc ] 999 (est.) 13,123,681 3 .186 4,617,725 Parks General Library Transportation Shade Tree OAA HRA Debt Service Capital Imp. Revolving Community Center TOTAL $ 0 2,208,793 3 ],095 16,6]2 o 2,175 14,795 1,098,807 510,736 o $3,883,013 . Net Payable 1999 Adjusted Lcvy After Deductin~ HACA $ 660,680 2,100,238 31,095 17,460 o 7,000 15,295 1,302,927 ] 0,480 472.550 $4,617,725 ~-I . GENERALFU DSUMMARY 1999 B DGET REVENUE . $45,000 $22,000 $41,000 $0 $0 $108,000 TOTAL INTER-GOVERN i~H'" S "::' lit ", Ii General Government Public Safety (Township Contract) Streets - CSAH maintenance Deputy Registrar Other Subdivision Fees Special Processing Fee (Garbage) Recycling Incentive Inspection Fees Garbage Cart Rental TOTAL CHARGES FOR S $1,000 $65,360 $7,700 $110,000 $675 $7,500 $15,000 $12,000 $25,000 $8,000 $252,235 . KAREN\EXCEL \BUDGET\GENSUMR.XLS: 12/3/98 1999 $46,400 $18,500 $43,000 $6,740 $266,562 $381,202 $1,500 $67,355 $9,000 $115,000 $500 $7,500 $50,000 $7,000 $35,000 $11,000 $303,855 ~-!. . GENERAL FU 0 SUMMARY 1999 8 DGET \" > ',\,', > <,<,> $32,450 $306,575 $102,080 $63,915 $13,500 $47,500 $166,085 $153,415 $16,550 $108,820 $44,185 $75,575 $5,600 $1,136,250 $34,550 $300,750 $150,805 $67,390 $13,500 $51,675 $213,750 $190,470 $19,700 $118,380 $37,025 $86,100 $0 $1,284,095 TOTAL GENERAL GOV RNMENT . Law Enforcement Fire Civil Defense Animal Control TOTAL PUBLI SAFETY $333,325 $172,210 $9,345 $38,050 $552,930 $390,875 $185,120 $9,620 $40,675 $626,290 lj,IaliC Inspection Public Works Administration Streets & Alleys Snow & Ice Street Lighting & Parking Lots Shop & Garage Refuse Collection Engineering $90,775 $133,140 $325,550 $60,720 $67,700 $37,850 $263,100 $0 $978,835 $103,965 $128,480 $320,940 $56,210 $86,100 $127,200 $282,960 $70,000 $1,175,855 . KARENIEXCELIBUDGETIGENSUMEXXLS: 12/3/98 ~-'I . . . DEBT SE VICE FUNDS 1999 BUD ET FORECAST REVENUE Current ad valorem: Interest: Special asmt--county: Transfer in--tax increment: Transfer in-~Iiquor fund (community center bond): Transfer in--community center fund: Transfer in--sewer access fund (wwtp note): TOT AL REVENUE 685 1999 1,302,927 106,225 835,802 249,850 200,000 361,925 450.000 $3.506.759 ******************************************* ****************************************** EXPENDITURES Principal: Interest: Paying agent fees: Interest exp.: TOTAL EXPENDITURES 12/3/98 1,37 ,000 41 ,966 ,326 ,750 1 81 042 2,042,455 1,430,471 8,730 19,675 $3.501.331 ~.r . SUMMARY OF PROJECTED REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND FUND BALANCES CASH & INVESTMENTS) 1 Parks Fund $100 $670,680 $670,680 $100 General $2,953,900 $3,312,425 $3,324,425 $2,941,900 Library $2,475 $32,295 $32,295 $2,475 Tree $107,555 $8,160 $67,735 $47,980 OM $10,530 $8,200 $8,200 $10,530 Water $244,500 $279,500 $252,135 $271,865 Water Access $463,285 $104,400 $0 $567,685 Sewer $315,850 $696,115 $654,685 $357,280 Sewer Access $1,340,500 $405,780 $745,800 $1,000,480 Transportation $100 $74,900 $74,900 $100 Liquor $132,375 $2,080,675 $1,998,570 $214,480 Capital Outlay Revolving $877,300 $82,180 $82,000 $877,480 HRA $115,000 $419,795 $395,755 $139,040 UDAG $188,000 $8,370 $0 $196,370 EDA $385,000 $41,540 $7,120 $419,420 SCERG $151,650 $6,180 $0 $157,830 CMIF $400 $140 $0 $540 . Storm Sewer Access $151,650 $181,450 $0 $333,100 Cemetery $15,325 $23,975 $37,050 $2,250 Community Center Fund $0 $516,650 $516,650 $0 Debt Service General Obligation Bonds Special Assessment Bonds Tax Increment Bonds $1,398.425 $2,299,800 $282,165 $1,359,512 $864,996 $239,400 $1,313,643 $1,308,500 $285,263 $1,444,294 $1,856,296 $236,302 . KARENIEXCELIBUDGETlPROJREV98.XLS: 12/3/98 ~-~ 19 9 CAPITAL au LAY ITEMS . . Desk divider Humidifier Fireproof file cabinet Bathroom cabinet Fax machine Copier $500 $200 $800 $200 $400 $2,500 $4,600 General General General General General General . AS400 printer Check signer PC - motor vehicle PC (3) - public works PC (4) - city hall Websitele-mail $3,000 $2,400 $2,500 $7,500 $10,000 $6,700 $32,100 General General General General General General Refuse , "IJ\> > General KARENIEXCELIBUDGETICAPITAL OUTLAY.XLS: 12/3/98 ~-'1 Page 1 . Sealcoating program $27,500 General (1/2) of used water truck replace $10,000 Tree ReseNes Chop saw with wheels $2,200 General Large tamper $2,300 General Replacement snowplow truck (1/ ) $47,500 General Cement mixer $500 General Portable air compressor $1,000 General TOTAL $91,000 <:*:: 14' cut--pull behind mower $13,000 Parks Cement mixer $500 Parks Sod cutter $2,000 Parks (1/2) of used water truck $10,000 Tree ReseNes Balance of fencing for Hillside Ce etery ($51,500 less '94 budget of $9,500 & '98 budget of $1 0,000) $32,000 Parks Adopt-a-park program $5,000 Parks Community celebrations funding $5,000 Parks Purchase portion of Emmerich so th 20 acres for park land $30,000 Parks Play structure improvements - AD improvements $15,000 Parks Prairie Creek Park improvements $5,000 Parks Klein Farms Park improvements $23,000 Parks (1/3) of lighting NSP ballfields ($4 ,000 budgeted in '98) $20,000 Parks . SUNey existing parks $5,000 Parks Monument signs for parks (3) $6,000 Parks River Mill Park improvements $65,000 Parks Bridge Park enhancements $20,000 Parks Pathway - Mississippi Dr. to Elliso Park $15,000 Parks Pathway - Meadow Oak to Middle School $10,000 Parks Pathway - River Road Plaza to Mi die School $25,000 Parks Pathway - Mississippi Dr. through P $40,000 Parks Soccer field development - reduc d to: $25,000 Parks Replacement for 655 John Deere x4 tractor ($25,000 less $14,000 from reseNes) Parks Water . Sewer Collection TOTAL $144,000 $43,000 $8,800 $195,800 Sewer Access Fund ReseNes Sewer Access Sewer Access WWTP House & 2 acres adjacent to biosolids site New 1-ton truck & plow 4 x 4 utility vehicle KARENIEXCELIBUDGETICAPITAL OUTLAYXLS 12/3/98 ~" Page 2 . . . KARENIEXCELIBUDGETICAPITAL OUTLAY,XLS: 12/3/98 ~.-, Page 3 . . . LEVY COMP RISONS 1997,1998 & 1999 1997 1998 1999 General Levy $2,769,607 $3,100,714 $3,219,435 Add: Debt Levy + 605,022 + 1,098,807 + 1,664,852 Subtract: State Aids (HACA) - 314,749 - 316.508 - 266.562 PROPOSED LEVY $3,059,880 $3,883,013 $4,617,725 1997 19 8 1999 Increase* Non-debt Related Levy (after deducting IIACA aid) $2,454,858 $2,78 ,206 $2,952,873 $168,667 * This amounts to a 4.3% increase in dol1ars to be coli cted to fund normal increases and for additional programs or services pr posed. KARENIOFFICEIBUDGETlLEVYLlMTCOM: 12/3/98 ~-/O . . . 1999 BU GET SUMMARY OF PROPOSED LEV INCREASE REQUIREMENTS 1. Debt levy up $566,045 because of: a. $134,000 levy for 1994A G.O. ReD nding Bond that was paid for last year by using liquor fund reserves. b. $361,925 levy used as an estimate r the first year of the debt service requirements for the community ce ter bond. Estimated debt payment is $573,175 for the $6.9 million bond" with $200,000 coming from the liquor store earnings and $11,250 from HRA TI revenues. c. $91,147 additional levy above amo nt used in 1998 for the wastewater treatment plant debt. The debt levy will now i e $632,294, with $450,000 being transferred from the sewer access fund where t e sewer hookup revenues were accounted for. 2. Expanding park department budget (now sparate fund). Capital outlay items were $315,000, while the revised proposal for 199 is $376,000, or a $61,000 increase. The overall park budget is up approximately $1! 2,000 over last year because of the greater emphasis being placed on park developme . t and the need for an additional employee. 3. Police contract proposal is to increase cove age by an additional 4 hours per day, which would amount to a $46,305 increase for th additional coverage. The above areas would account for $724,3 5 of the proposed $734,000 increase in tax levy. In addition to the above categories noted, the bala ce of the budget increases relate to overall general department adjustments, which may have i cluded staffing adjustments. From a personnel standpoint, the 1999 budget includes at t is time funding for the following: 1. Planner Technician position 2. One new public works department mployee for the parks department 3. Part-time finance department positi n KAREN\OFFICE\BUDGET\LEVYINCR.SUM: 12/3/98 ~-II . (After 3rd Budget Workshop) SUMMARY OF PROPOSED BUDGET MODIFICATIONS 1999 B dget IlIN9 Added purchase of a replacement for 655 John De ($25,000 less $14,000 from reserves) Delayed purchase of bleachers & 4 goals until Yea 2000 $11,000 ($10,000) . Delayed purchase of landscape rake & leveler bar or skid loader until Year 2000 Added purchase of cement mixer (1/2) Added purchase of 14' cut--pull behind mower Reduced play structure improvements Reduced Prairie Park improvements Reduced survey of parks Reduced 3 signs for parks Reduced River Mill Park improvements Reduced park fund levy by taking other 1/2 of cost f used water truck replacement from tree fund reserves Reduced park fund levy by reducing soccer field d velopment budget $5,000 ($3,000) $500 $13,000 ($35,000) ($2,000) ($2,500) ($4,000) ($15,000) , IlIIRA1!!: RIIIIl ',I,' :,:!I," Added funds for part-time person in finance dept. ( alary & benefits) Reduced 1/2 cost of cement mixer (1/2 in parks) Delayed until Year 2000 - (1/2) of cost of new truc & snowplow Reduced general fund levy by taking 1/2 of cost of sed water truck replacement from the tree fund reserves Reduced general fund levy by funding a portion of i dustrial marketing program costs from general fund reserves ($10,000) . KAREN\OFFICE\EXCEL\BUDGET\BUDGMOD3.XLS: 12/3/98 A-'. . . . LAY FUND ITEMS BUDGETED F R OR COMMITTED BUT NOT 5 ENT YET 1997 Jet rodder - partial (1/4) funding River Park enhancements Pathways - River Road to Middle School Pathways - Ellison Park to Missis ippi Drive Concession building - Meadow 0 k Park Parking lot - Meadow Oak (1/3) Basketball court Future industrial park land acquis tion (1 st year) $25,000 $20,000 $15,000 $30,000 $12,000 $13,000 $2,000 $75,000 1998 Jet rodder/vac (1/3) Funding for land acquisition along river Future industrial park land acquis tion (2nd year) Klein Farms Park Additional ballfields - NSP Park River Park enhancements 4th Street rink hardsurfacing Hwy 25/Chelsea Road realignme t (partial) $50,000 $35,000 $75,000 $40,000 $40,000 $60,000 $40,000 $125,000 Sewer interceptor reserve Sewer interceptor reserve Sewer interceptor reserve Sewer interceptor reserve $100,000 $60,000 $60,000 $80,000 Total interceptor reserve $300,000 KARENIEXCELIBUDGET\NOTSPENT.XLS: 12/3/98 ~-/S . CITY OF M NTICELLO RESIDENTIAL HOMES EAD & COMMERCIAL TAX COM ARISONS 1998 V . 1999 (Prop sed) $75,000 $2,446 $2,446 0.0% $0 $ 66 (2.7%) $150,000 $4,893 $4,888 - .01% - $5 $ 132 (2.7%) $250,000 $9,698 $9,519 -1.8% - $179 $ 259 (2.7%) $350,000 $14,501 $14,149 -2.4% - $352 $ 385 (2.7%) $1,000,000 $45,730 $44,244 - 3.3% - $1 ,486 $1,204 (2.7%) * The 1999 tax amount is based on proposed City levy and pro osed maximum levies of County, School, and Hospital Districts as given to County Auditor. . The net taxes include proposed state aid and education credit and also include all levies the School District and Hospital District may have fo their building projects .and includes estimated operating and debt service co ts for the new community center and wastewater treatment plant. KARENIEXCELIRICKITAXCOMPAREXLS: 12/3/98 ~ ., I~ . . . OJ C 0) 'CO) C - (tl ..... u;~ "5~ o en c: en ~ Q) 0) Q) ::::l 0) ,EO..... Cii C C. .- 0) "u Q) 0) C ::::l 0) [fo"r" en en W Z o W .... CO OWO) ...JOO? ...JZ"'l""" W M ULLN ....O"'l""" Z....C OZW ~W.... u..:Eu OWW ......., ~~~ Uena.. O- W Z as ~ o u 1;; .!:: (:() ~ "'0 0) Q) "iij 0) ,Ell...... Cii C Q, .- (:() .- "'0 0) l,) ._ 0) .!:: (II ..... o:ll. OJ .!:: (:() "'00) C - S~ $C\J ::::l ..... o "'0 C "'0 <{ Q) ::::l .c Ul "5!!!. <{ "'0 Q) .= Q) 0::: Ul Ul Q) C "'0 Q) 15 Q) "'0 C "'0 Q) "'0 C o aJ o o o o C'l 0:> <fl C'l I'- C'l l.ci LO <fl o o o ...-i I'- ..... W- LO LO ~ V (0 W- o o O. LO CD ..... W- o o o ...-i 0') 0) <fl o o O. LO 0') V. C'l <fl o o o 6 0') v. V <fl Ul "'D C o CO C o ~ .21 :0 o (tj W e Q) ('J o o o LO' (0 0') ...-i <fl o C'l CD C'l o C'l <fl o o o 6 o o. ..... <fl I'- V v. (') C'l (') <fl o o o o o 0) W- o o '? LO (0 0). (0 W- o o O. 0:> I'- q V ..... W- o o O. (') v 0). ..... C'l <fl Ul "'D C o CO "E Q) E Ul Ul Q) Ul Ul <{ (tj '0 Q) c. U) >< (ll l- e o ~ 2 .21 0 :OZ o "E (tj Q) w E e ~ Q) l,) ('J e o w- o w- o <fl o <fl o w- o w- o o '? 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County City School Total 1999 Tax Rate: 130.630* * The tax rate above does not include an additional mark t value rate levy of .06150% for School District operations. KAREN\EXCEL\RICK\TAXRATE.XLS: 12/3/98 Special 2.4020 :, ~ ---17 . . . 47.1% School Average Proposed Montice 10 Property Tax Bill Where the Tax Dollar Go--pay 1999 Special 1.8% County KAREN\EXCEL\RICK\TAXBILL.XLS: 12/3/98 *;1-1' . . CD E o :I: ..2 en -en CD en U_ .. 0 c... Oeo :Een oen 0_ o~ CD 0- en.Q Ehns >- ns ns a...c.. .2 rn c CD CD = "EI- ~ al >< ns I- . N N ".... ".... tI7 ".... l.!) ".... ".... tI7 o o N o o o o o CO o o (!) o o '<t ~-I' co ~ !2 N Vi ...J >< ci c:: ::> Cll g 52 f..l g:; ...J UJ o [;) Z UJ c:: ~ 199 BUDGET COMPARISON F STATISTICAL DATA . ]997 ]998 ]999 (a) % of total proposed budget representing total compensation for employees (wages, salaries, benefits, etc.) ]7.03% ]7.61% ]4.09% Total budgethall funds $8,728,958 $9,849,651 $13,787,656 Total budgeted salaries/benefits $1,486,670 $1,735,060 $ 1,942,755 (b) Number of Employees - FT (Gen)* 25 29 3] Number of Employees - PT (Gen) 4 5 7 Number of Employees - FT (Liq) 3 3 3 Number of Employees - PT (Liq) 6 6 6 *Classification - Administration 6 6 6 - Finance 3 3 3 - Deputy Registrar ] ] ] - Inspections 3 4 5 - Public Works Admin. 2 2 2 - Streets 5 5 5 - Economic Development ] ] ] - Water 3 3 3 - Parks ] 4 5 (c) Budget data on independent contractors and consul ants. . Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted ]997 1998 1999 City Attorney - Paul Weingarden/Dennis Dalen $ 1l,000 $ 11,000 $ 11,000 Planner - Northwest Consultants 6,000 25,000 35,000 Engineer (non-project) - WSB ]0,000 ] 0,000 70,000 Police - Wright County Sheriff 323,475 333,325 390,875 WWTP Operations - PSG Tnc. 427,000 440,000 484,000 Animal Control - Patty Salzwedel 27,725 28,475 29,450 City Hall Cleaning 6,500 ]0,000 5,520 Garbage - Superior Services 132,500 105,000 110,000 Recycling - Superior Services 46,000 56,000 54,000 Assessor - Jerry Kramber ]5,600 16,250 ]9,550 . 12/3/98 ~--~ . Budget Year 1999 (Based on a total levy i crease of 18.9% in dollars with a non-debt I vy increase of 4.3%) The effect of budget increases or decreases on the proposed: . Park Fund General Fund Library Fund Transportation Tree OM HRA Debt Service Capital Outlay Fund EDA Fund UDAG Liquor Water Fund Sewer Fund Water Access Fund Storm Sewer Access Sewer Access Fund SCERG CMIF Cemetery Community Center Fund + $670,680 + $64,430 $0 + $2,870 - $3,695 + $5,300 - $6,800 + $1,685,289 - $508,000 + $5,000 $0 + $103,395 + $39,055 + $657,410 - $65,000 - $40,000 + $745,800 $0 $0 + $5,500 + $516,650 + $660,680 - $108,555 $0 + $848 $0 + $4,825 + $500 + $204,120 - $500,256 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 + $472,550 . KARENIEXCELIBUDGET\LEVYINCR.XLS: 12/3/98 ~ -ell . . ~ O z~ Ww ::::I ~el w ~~w c o M>::J i=~g~m Z<CNa..~ OW~~<C ~>;-cn-~ LLLt)cn...Jel o ~~<C 0 > !:::~ !::: ~a.. o 0 ro ~ '" '" . Vi ...J ><; " Cl :J III a. ::;: a: <( s,J '><: o g; ...J W o >< w Z W 0:: :;2 :I-.1.a. . . :IE ~ C!) o a:: n. I- oZ ...JW ...J:E Ww 0> i=O za:: On. :E~ LL...J Oct >!::: I-n. -ct 00 M o o N en en en T"" . 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