HRA Minutes 06-01-1994 . . . MINUTES HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, June I, 1994 - 7:00 p.m. City Hall ME~1BERS PRESENT: Chairperson Al Larson, Ben Smi th, and Brad Barger. MEMBERS ABSENT: Everette Ellison and Tom St. Hilaire. STAFF PRESENT: Ollie Koropchak. STAFF ABSENT: Rick Wolfsteller and Jeff O'Neill. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Larson called the HRA meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE MAY 4, 1994 HRA MINUTES. Ben Smi th made a mot ion to approve the May 4, 1994 BRA minutes. Seconded by Brad Barger and wi th no addi tions or corrections, the minutes were approved as written. 3 . CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY CONCEPT FOR USE OF TIF ASSISTANCE FOR THE FAY-MAR METAL FABRICATOR PROJECT. John McVay, Bill Enders, and Koropchak visited the company's existing facility in Blaine on May 26. Jack Taly, Operations Manager, gave a tour of the production area which is housed in three small buildings. The company definitely operates under a lack---of-space constraint as workers duck to avoid being struck by metals during production and storage of raw and finished materials are moved from inside to outside daily. Some company accounts are Wagner and Grayco. PRG sees the project as doable; however, bank commitment is yet to be determined. Mr. Munich toured SMM facility. First, Koropchak informed HRA members that Ron Musich, Fay-Mar Metal Fabricators, requested the HRA consider allocating $50,000 of TIF surplus dollars to wri te-down the purchase price of the Pfeffer building at 9530 Fallon Avenue Northeast. Purchase price, $480,000. Public purpose to make use of an under-utilized industrial building and to create jobs. Brad Barger made a motion denying the use of TIF surplus dollars for the purchase of an existing building. Denial due to the HRA's lack-of-ability to recover the surplus-loss and to avoid setting a precedents. The motion was seconded by Ben Smith and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. Page 1 - .- -. -r- ____ - .- . . . HRA MINUTES JUNE 1, 1994 If the HRA elected not to assist with the purchase of the existing Pfeffer building, Mr. Munich plans to construct a 15,000 sq ft facility on 3 acres of the Monticello Commerce Center property. The project is estimated to generate approximately $19,500 in annual taxes and based on collection of taxes over 9 years, the increment appears more than sufficient to assist with the write-down of land. Proposed upfront TIF assistance is $50,000. Projected purchase price of the land is $75,000 for three acres. Seventeen immediate full-time jobs and a projection of 8-13 additional jobs within 2 years. The financial proposal prepared by $273,000; SBA, $222,000; Up-front TIF, $10,000 for a total $555,000 project. PRG includes Bank, $50,000; and equity, The HRA agreed with the preliminary concept plan. Subject to bank commitment and upon receipt of the executed Letter of Intent, $5,000 cashier check, and copy of the purchase agreement; Brad Barger made a motion to adopt a resolution authorizing Public Resource Group, Inc. to begin preparation for the creation of TIF District No. 1-17. The motion was seconded by Ben Smi th and wi th no further discuss ion, the motion passed unanimously. 4. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE EXECUTED CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION FOR THE DEMEULES FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. Ben Smith made a motion to approve the executed Certificate of Completion for the Demeules Family Limited Partnership. Brad Barger seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. The certificate was executed by HRA Chairperson Larson and Executive Director Koropchak on May 26, 1994, after the occupancy permit for the 52,000 sq ft office/manufacturing facility had been issued by the City Building Official. To avoid the need for an HRA subordination agreement for the SBA real estate closing on .June 1, the certificate was executed and filed at the County Recorder's Office prior to HRA approval. 5. CONSIDERATION OF HRA UPDATES: a) In addition to the enclosed prospect updates, Koropchak noted the enclosed proposal submi tted to Royal Engineering. The company was visited by the same IDe group on May 26 and the company was found to be one Monticello would be proud to have. TIF assistance was proposed at $86,600 based on the construction of a 25,000 Page 2 . . . HRA MINUTES JUNE 1, 1994 sq ft Fabcon office/manufacturing facility. Immediate employment 25 with the projection of another 25 within 2- 3 years. HRA members agreed to the outlined purchase price of $14,000 per acre for the HRA lot. The company officials had a lukewarm reading for Monticello because of the potential loss of their trained or skilled workers by relocating out so far. b) HRA members were informed that at the upcoming June 6 Hospital Board meeting, a date would be set for the four congregrate and assisted-living presentations. The presentation meeting will be a joint meeting between the Hospital Board, HRA, and City Council. c) HRA members elected to table any discussion for the need to establish a TIF level-of-assistance guide or range. The item was tabled in order to allow for full-membership attendance and discussion. 6. CONSIDERATION OF HRA FOLLOW-UPS. Follow-ups were accepted without questions. 7. OTHER BUSINESS. Chairperson Larson informed Koropchak he would be out-of-town for a week in mid-June. 8. ADJOURNMENT. The HRA meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. o~ "<d) -~ Page 3