EDA Agenda 06-13-2018 (Workshop Meeting)AGENDA WORKSHOP MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, June 13th, 2018 — 4:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: President Steve Johnson, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White and Councilmembers Lloyd Hilgart and Jim Davidson Staff: Executive Director Jim Thares, Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, Wayne Oberg and Jacob Thunander 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of additional agenda items 4. Discussion of proposed fa�ade loan grant program 5. Buxton marketing/recruitment proposal 6. Adj ourn EDA Agenda - 06/13/18 WORKSHOP: Consideration to establish a Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Loan & Si�na�e, Awnin� & Fronta�e nilot nro�ram and to adont Downtown Loan Guidelines. (AS/JT) A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND The EDA held a workshop walking tour on June 4th, 2018 for the purpose of gaining additional insight for the preparation of guidelines for loan programs which downtown assist business and property owners with building improvements. The workshop is a follow-up to support formal feedback to further refine the proposed program guidelines. Key items the EDA may wish to revise within the proposed guidelines based on the walking tour comments: • Geographic area of eligibility • Limitations on location and allowable building improvements (front fa�ade, types of improvements) • Requirements for architectural review, including signage The EDA previously reviewed the proposed guidelines in a workshop on April 11, 2018 and at their regular meeting in May. As a result of the initial review, the proposed building improvement program was split into two separate loan/grant programs - one program targeted to more e�tensive e�terior fa�ade improvements and a second program targeted toward minor e�terior signage and frontage elements. Both sets of draft guidelines have been forwarded to the City Attorney for review and include her comments. A summary of the outcomes of the meetings held with property and business owners in two lunch and learn sessions in February of this year is included for EDA reference. The EDA also directed staff to request an estimate/scope for architectural consultation with Cuningham Group in order to maintain consistency with Downtown Small Area Plan and to provide a foundation for final contracted work Cuningham estimates a not- to-exceed amount of $2,000 per building for this service. As such, the current draft guidelines includes language requiring the architectural consultation only on projects of $7,000 or more. Staff has also adjusted the guideline language to require repayment for architectural services if for any reason the project does not proceed. If adopted by the EDA, the program would be marketed to downtown property owners first with a program brochure. Upon expressed interest, staff will arrange a meeting to review the guidelines and architectural improvements guide (being prepared by the Cuningham Group) and to discuss potential projects with applicants. At the time the prospective applicant is ready to proceed, staff will work with the applicant on timing of EDA Agenda - 06/13/18 consultation with Cuningham and contractor quotes. Staff will also engage the City's contracted arts consultant Sue Seeger on projects as her time and budget allows. The impetus for the development of the program can be found in the adopted Monticello Downtown Small Area study, which cites as an implementation strategy the "establishment of a facade improvement program that offers financial support for investments that improve the visual appearance of buildings and district identity." Further, in the joint Downtown Small Area Study Implementation workshop held by City policy boards in November, the group cited the implementation of such a program as one of the highest ranked priorities for accomplishment. Staff attempted to balance a program which will attract participation, while protecting the EDA's interests in financial accountability and achievement of project goals. Al. Staff Impact: Staff time estimated at 30-35 hours has been spent in preparing the proposed guidelines, including staff time in coordinating the downtown luncheons. Moving forward, staff estimates 100 hours of time commitment to the program, based on a pilot loan program resulting in 5 loans. This includes marketing, meetings and administration. The EDA's attorney has been consulted for guideline review and will assist in developing loan agreement and application review as necessary. A2. Budget Impact: The Finance Director recommends that the funds for the pilot program come from TIF 1-6. The pilot program for the building elevations $200,000 in loan expenditures and is first come, first served. Staff would further estimate $20,000 in fees from Cuningham and Kennedy & Graven for development of the renderings and legal loan documents. Staff intends to work with Kennedy & Graven to develop a template loan agreement which can streamline the document process for loans. A3. Strategic Plan Impact: The proposed program meets the following Strategic Plan Goals: • Create and Preserve Sustainable Livability: Implements a program to beautify the downtown's existing commercial buildings. • Strengthen Our Image as a Destination: Supports enhancements to the downtown commercial core in support of Monticello as a place to visit and explore. • Support a Vibrant Economy: Establishes a financial resource for e�sting property and business owners to utilize for economic reinvestment in downtown. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Staff is seeking additional direction at this time. No formal motion is required. C. STAFF RECOMN�NDATION None. � EDA Agenda - 06/13/18 D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Draft Downtown Fa�ade Improvements Loan Guidelines B. Draft Downtown Facade Improvements Loan Application C. Draft Downtown Signage, Awning & Frontage Loan Guidelines D. Downtown Business/Property Owner Meeting Summary E. Cuningham Group Architectural Services Estimate F. Implementation Workshop Summary e�TY oF . ��� QI1 1C� a MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY DOWNTOWN FA�ADE IMPROVEMENT LOAN PROGRAM GUIDELINES POLICY PURPOSE The City of Monticello Economic Development Authority ("EDA") recognizes the need to encourage investment in commercial and retail buildings in the downtown area in order to maintain the economic viability of the City and in the Downtown/Central Community District. Consequently, the purpose of this loan program is to provide low-interest, forgivable loans to encourage commercial and retail business owners in the Downtown/Central Community District to improve the fa�ade and frontage of their existing buildings. ELIGIBLE BUSINESSES Any commercial property located within the geographic area illustrated in Exhibit A of these guidelines may be eligible for a Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Loan ("Loan") as further defined herein. Only principal use structures are eligible for the program. LOAN FUND TERMS & CONDITIONS � � � Loan Structure The Loan will be structured as a five-year deferred loan (grant). No loan payments are paid during the term unless the building is sold. If the building is retained in original ownership for a period of five years, the Loan is forgiven in its entirety. If the building benefiting from the improvements is sold during the term of the Loan, a pro-rated portion of the Loan must be repaid at a rate of 20% forgiven each year. The borrower must provide 5% or more of project cost, in cash, not equity. Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Loans shall be structured as direct loans unless otherwise approved by the EDA. If a participation loan is requested, an agreement will be signed by the borrower, primary lender and the EDA. Repayment or Call of Loan A Loan shall become due and payable based on the pro-rated portion remaining, as described above, if a building is sold prior to the maturity date of the Loan. Amount is payable at closing of the sale of the property. 1��`����; Eligibility Requirements The Loan applicant need not own the commercial property, but if a tenant applies for a Loan, the owner of the commercial property must be a co-signatory to the application and Loan agreement. The property owner must carry current property insurance both at the time of application and through completion of approved Loan improvements. Property taxes on the subject site must be current for the duration of the Loan. A prorated Loan amount may be assessed to the property if the property become subject to tax forfeiture. Applicants are not eligible to receive funding if the property to be rehabilitated is in default of property mortgage, contract for deed or comparable obligation. An applicant is ineligible to receive assistance if currently involved in bankruptcy proceedings. Applicants may apply for only one Loan per building. � Simultaneous Loans The simultaneous use of different EDA loan programs by any one borrower or for any one project is permitted. Business subsidy agreements may be required. Permitted Loan Uses See Exhibit B of these guidelines for a visual reference on permitted fund uses. Exterior renovation of front, corner side, and/or rear of principal use retail or commercial buildings, including windows, doors, siding, brick, stucco, masonry, painting, steps, cornices, parapets, shutters, dormers, roofing or structural roof components. Interior side renovation proposals may be considered on a case-by-case basis. 2. Exterior improvements such as awnings, canopies, wall or projecting signage (not including digital signage). 3. Physical site landscaping improvements on the property; temporary installations ineligible. At a minimum, 85% of Loan dollars must be used for the improvement of the building fa�ade per item #1 of "Permitted Loan Uses'. No more than 50% of the Loan may be used for replacement of doors and windows with exceptions to be considered by the EDA based on the architectural rendering. The cost of the building and/or sign permit for the approved Loan project will be included in the final Loan amount. 2�;`����; Loan Amount and Requirement Loans may be made in an amount ranging from $2,500-$50,000. An architectural rendering supplied and paid for by the City is required for use in determining final scope of work in consultation with applicant and the applicant's selected contractor for any projects exceeding $7,000. The cost of the rendering shall not be included in the Loan amount. Architectural renderings will be prepared after application, but prior to EDA review of the full application for consideration. The applicant will work with contractor to define final selected improvements using the rendering as a guide. The architectural rendering with final selected improvements must be reviewed and approved by the EDA and will be included in final Loan documentation. The improvements must be completed in substantial conformity to the approved architectural rendering. CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENTS CODE COMPLIANCE All buildings for which public funds will be used within this program are to be brought into conformity with city ordinances and state building codes in effect for the area in which the building is located. It is the intent of the Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Loan Program to comply with the Cit�s building standards for the Downtown/Central Community District (CCD). Please refer to the City's Downtown Small Area Plan and zoning ordinance for complete details as it relates to the standards governing this program's design guidelines. LOAN SECURITY AND GUARANTEES Applicant must demonstrate the financial means to repay the Loan, as determined by the EDA. In addition to the Loan agreement, the EDA may require additional agreements to be signed by the borrower (i.e. security agreement, personal guarantees, business subsidy agreement). TIMING OF PROJECT EXPENSES No project may commence until the EDA has approved the Loan application and the Loan agreement and any required securities are of record. Any costs incurred prior to execution of the Loan agreement are not eligible expenditures. No building construction may commence until the required city permits are secured. Closing of the Loan should be simultaneous with the borrower's primary funding, if applicable. Loan disbursements shall be as provided for within the Loan agreement and shall be made directly to the lessee/owner's contractor. Loan agreement shall reference final contacts for improvements. 3�';`����; COMMUNICATION Success of the project depends on the completeness of applications and good communication between all parties. Applicants should feel free to reach out to EDA staff with any questions at any time. PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES FOR APPLICATION AND APPROVAL The applicant shall meet with city staff to obtain information about the Loan program, discuss the project, and obtain application forms. The applicant shall complete and submit an application to the city, along with a$50 application fee. The fee is used to cover processing expenses. Applications will be received and reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis from the time of submission of a complete application The EDA has allocated a maximum of $200,000 for the initial Loan program. An application inspection of the building may be required. ' � The EDA is a governmental entity and as such must provide public access to public data it receives. Data deemed by Applicant to be nonpublic data under State law should be so designated or marked by Applicant. See Minnesota Statutes, Section 13.591, Subd. 1 and 2. The application will be reviewed by EDA staff to determine if it conforms to all city policies and ordinances and to consider the following: 1. Staff will complete a preliminary application review and may consult with the EDA's Financial Advisor and/or EDA Attorney in preparing report for EDA consideration. 2. Staff will evaluate the project application in terms of the following: a. Project Design - Evaluation of project design will include review of proposed activities, project construction and renovation plans including architectural rendering and final building elevations detailing selected improvements, time lines and a capacity to implement the project. b. Financial Feasibility - Availability of funds, private involvement, financial packaging and cost effectiveness, and bid-quote submissions. c. Appropriate ratio of private funds to Loan funds. d. Evidence of applicant's ability to meet the 5% equity requirements. e. Letter of Commitment from other financing sources stating terms and conditions of their participation in the project, if applicable. f. All other information as required in the application and/or additional information as may be requested by the Economic Development staff. g. Project compliance with all city codes and policies. The EDA Commissioners will review each application in terms of: 4�';`��� �; a Its consistency with the goals of the city's Comprehensive Plan and Downtown Small Area Study. b. Whether it is desirable and in the best interests of the public to provide funding for the project. c. The project's overall impact on the community's economy. 4. The EDA Commissioners will approve or deny the application, or request a resubmission with clarifications. LOAN POLICY REVIEW The above criteria will be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure that the policies reflected in this document are consistent with the economic development goals set forth by the city. RIGHT OF REFUSAL The EDA may deny any application if it is found not consistent with the goals of the city's Comprehensive Plan and Downtown Small Area Study, the project's overall impact on the community's economy, and the above criteria. COMPLIANCE WITH BUSINESS SUBSIDY LAW All developers/businesses receiving financial assistance from the City of Monticello EDA shall be subject to the City's Business Subsidy Policy as amended, and the provisions and requirements set forth under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 116J.993 to 116J.995. AGREEMENT TO PAY COSTS OF REVIEW It is the policy of the City of Monticello and the EDA to require applicants to pay costs incurred by the City or EDA in reviewing and acting upon applications, so that these costs are not borne by the taxpayers of the City. These costs include all of the City's or EDA's out-of-pocket costs for expenses, including the City's or EDA's costs for review of the application by the City's or EDA's Financial Advisor and Attorney, or other consultants, recording fees, and necessary publication costs. Payment for costs will be required whether the application is approved or denied. Loan program expenses beyond the application fee will be capped at $500 and may be included in the final Loan amount if not paid in cash at the time of Loan closing. Costs incurred above the application fee will be invoiced if not paid at the time of Loan closing, and payment will be due within thirty (30) days. The cost of the architectural rendering for projects above $7,000 will be invoiced in an actual cost not to exceed amount if the proposed project does not proceed. Costs not paid will be assessed to the property. LOAN AGREEMENT If the application for a Loan is approved, the applicant and property owner will be required to enter into a Loan agreement to proceed. The agreement will specify the terms and conditions of the Loan as identified herein. A security agreement or subordinate mortgage may also be required. 5�';`����; DISBURSEMENT OF LOAN FUNDS Upon approval of a Loan application, applicants are required to provide executed contracts for work per the approved Loan plans. Contracts shall be per the procedures and requirements herein. Loan funds will be disbursed to the contractor based on completion of work as outlined below. The Cit�s Chief Building Official will verify completion of work. Upon verification of completion, payment will be dispersed per contract amount for the work completed. PROJECT CONTRACTOR PROCEDURES AND REQUIREMENTS A. PARTICIPATING CONTRACTORS: All contractors participating in the Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Loan Program must have a contractor's license on file with the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry. The contractors will be responsible for securing insurance of the amounts specified on the application form. The application must contain proof of insurance coverage via a Certification of Insurance Coverage, and the contractor's registration number. B. BID/QUOTE SOLICITATION: To participate in the Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Loan Program, the applicant must solicit bids or quotes from at least two vendors. An applicant is free to choose any contractor, provided the license requirements are met and the cost differential in the quotes received does not exceed 20%. C. CONTRACTOR CONTRACT: The contract for work is between the property owner (applicant) and the contractor. Each selected contractor will enter into a contract with the property owner. The contract will outline the terms for completion of the rehabilitation on the project and will include the following: 1. Scope of Work 2. Project Start Date; 3. Project Completion Date; 4. General Conditions; 5. Building Elevations and Architectural Drawings; 6. Special Conditions; 7. Project Warranties; 8. Change Order Procedures; 9. Payment Terms; 10. Termination Procedures. D. FAILURE TO START/COMPLETE PROJECT: Upon approval of the Loan agreement, the applicant and selected contractor will have 180 calendar days in which to complete the contracted work. Failure to begin work within the first 60 days will be grounds to terminate the Loan agreement. The 180-day time period shall not be exceeded except through the issuance of a change order. 6� �`����; E. PAYMENT PROCEDURES: All contractors will agree to the payment schedule, which is as follows: 1. No pre-payments by the EDA are allowable for any reason. 2. Lien waivers are required for all contractors and sub-contractors before payment will be made. 3. Final payment for all work completed, including any retainage amounts, will be made after all work by a contractor is completed, the final inspection has been conducted and the Chief Building Official, property owner, and contractor have signed off on the work. F. CHANGE ORDERS: Change orders to the approved Loan project require the approval of the EDA. Change orders will be allowed only for the following reasons: 1. To rectify hidden deficiencies that are discovered once the work has begun. 2. To change a specification due to unforeseen difficulties arising after work has begun. 3. To address a deficiency that was inadvertently dropped from the project during project packaging. 4. To change completion dates. � PROJECT COMPLETION The city's Chief Building Official will complete a final project inspection and issue a Certificate of Completion verifying project completion per the approved Loan plans. 7� ir3ge EXHIBIT A Geographic Program Limits 8�;r3ge EXHIBIT B Permitted Fund Uses — Visual Reference 9� ir3ge �- � ti , `� � +r r �� -. *r � -� -�'�" ��� ��� :�"`".;. ���'.,,� � � - / � �� � �~ �" _ '� ' � � ,��,�•- �/� �� . �i �� � � � -Y 'R� '����� . f� � p ..�« �+ ������ �i1� ��-{ ���_i� G -� � � �. �, �� .�, � i� � f ., �- =-� � � �' � �t � f #• � �' ' �'�, ti . t �,I;I ' �` -� k � +'�� �' `�<_�" „- � „- �r�- �-w . � ; ,�� .� «� +I! �,� - � ,.�a.� ,•s_ t � � ` ia .��*� �R�. � `„i+' y' ♦ �! �� ,� ; "' �'�^.. �� �"�„ /d`�. "" r � � ",' � w� ' .;� %_�_� � �j • �.�w � �$"� �' ; � �,�, �, ,�.�` �. '� �' � .1� � � � �"� � ' "� ��- .-r. ry�'� ��''�'w. 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PROJECT GOALS MONTICELLO EDA DOWNTOWN FACADE IMPROVEMENT LOAN FUND APPLICATION Please give a brief suininary of the project: Email: � Corporation State ID # � Partnership Please describe how the proposed project will positively impact the city's downtown/Central Community District:] 1�fs<��,�� 3. LOAN REQUEST Amount Requested: $ __ 4. FINANCING Total Project Cost: $ Project Costs Exterior renovation of retail or commercial buildings, including windows, doors, siding, brick, stucco, masonry, painting, steps, parapets, roofing or structural roof components. Exterior improvements such as awnings, canopies, wall or projecting signage (not including digital signage), and shutters. Physical landscaping improvements Total Costs Comments: Pro�osed Fundin� Sources Bank Loan Private Fund Commitment Applicant Commitment Other: Total Financing: $ $ $ $ $ � � 5. PROJECT CONTACTS (Lenders, �rivate fundin� source, �artners, etc...) 2�f�t��,t� Name Address Phone/Email: Name Address Phone/Email: ATTACHMENTS CHECK LIST Please attach the following: A) Letter of Commitment from the Other Sources of Financing, Stating Terms and Conditions of their Participation in Project (if applicable) B) Project Plans (Architectural Rendering and Scope must be included) C) Project Quotes/Estimates D) Processing Fee of $50 � 7. AGREEMENT � I/ We certify that all information provided in this application is true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge. I/ We authorize the Monticello EDA to verify financial and other information. I/ We agree to provide any additional information as may be requested by the city. The undersigned has received the EDA's policy regarding the payment of costs of review, understands that the EDA requires reimbursement of costs incurred in reviewing the application, agrees to reimburse the EDA as required in the policy and make payment when billed by the EDA, and agrees that the application may be denied for failure to reimburse the EDA for costs as provided in the policy. APPLICANT SIGNATURE APPLICANT FAME (Print): PROPERTY OWNER NAME (Print): PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE: I�7_r1�A The EDA is a governmental entity and as such must provide public access to public data it receives. Data deemed by Applicant to be nonpublic data under State law should be so designated or marked by Applicant. See Minnesota Statutes, Sections 13.591, Subd. 1 and 2. 3 �1����� e�TY oF . ��� QI1 1C� a MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY DOWNTOWN FRONTAGE & SIGNAGE LOAN PROGRAM GUIDELINES POLICY PURPOSE The City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (EDA) recognizes the need to encourage investment in commercial and retail buildings in the downtown area in order to maintain the economic viability of the City and in the Downtown/Central Community District. Consequently, the purpose of this loan program is to provide low-interest, forgivable loans to encourage commercial and retail business owners in the Downtown/Central Community District to improve the exterior of their existing buildings through signage, awning and landscaping improvements. ELIGIBLE BUSINESSES Any commercial property located within the geographic area illustrated in Exhibit A of these guidelines may be eligible for a Downtown Frontage & Signage Loan ("Loan") as further defined herein. Only principal use operators are eligible for the program. LOAN FUND TERMS & CONDITIONS Loan Structure The Loan will be structured as a two-year deferred loan (grant). No loan payments are paid during the term unless the business is sold. If the business is retained in original ownership for a period of two years, the Loan is forgiven in its entirety. If the business benefitting from the improvements is sold during the term of the Loan, a pro-rated portion of the Loan must be repaid at a rate of 50% forgiven each year. The borrower must provide 5% or more of project cost, in cash, not equity. Downtown Frontage & Signage Loans shall be structured as direct loans unless otherwise approved by the EDA. Repayment or Call of Loan A Loan shall become due and payable based on the pro-rated portion remaining, as described above, if a business is sold or terminated prior to the maturity date of the Loan. Amount is payable at closing of the sale of the business. 1 � �' �. � �, Eligibility Requirements The Loan applicant need to own the commercial property, but if a tenant applies for a Loan, the owner of the commercial property must be a co-signatory to the application and Loan agreement. The property owner must carry current property insurance both at the time of application and through completion of approved Loan improvements. Applicants may apply for one loan per business per building. Simultaneous Loans The simultaneous use of different EDA loan programs by any one borrower or for any one project is permitted. Business subsidy agreements may be required. Permitted Loan Uses 1. Exterior accessory improvements such as awnings, canopies, and wall or projecting signage (not including digital signage). Internal window signage installations ineligible. 2. Physical site landscaping improvements on the property; temporary installations ineligible. Other exterior building improvements are not eligible. The cost of the sign or building permit for the approved Loan project will be included in the final Loan amount. Loan Amount and Requirement � Loans may be made in an amount ranging from $500-$5,000. CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENTS CODE COMPLIANCE Items for which public funds will be used within this program are required to meet City codes and ordinances It is the intent of the Downtown Frontage & Signage Program to comply with the Cit�s building standards for the Downtown/Central Community District (CCD). Please refer to the City's Downtown Small Area Plan and zoning ordinance for complete details as it relates to the standards governing this program's design guidelines. Buildings for which window signage currently exceeds 50% window coverage are ineligible for this Loan program. LOAN SECURITY AND GUARANTEES Applicant must demonstrate the financial means to repay the loan, as determined by the EDA. In addition to the loan agreement, the EDA may require additional agreements to be signed by the borrower (i.e. security agreement, personal guarantees, business subsidy agreement). TIMING OF PROJECT EXPENSES 2��'���, No project may commence until the EDA has approved the Loan application and the Loan agreement and any required securities are of record. Any costs incurred prior to the approval of the Loan application and Loan agreement execution are not eligible expenditures. Loan disbursements shall be as provided for within the Loan agreement and shall be made directly to the lessee's contractor. Loan agreement shall reference final contacts for improvements. COMMUNICATION Success of the project depends on the completeness of applications and good communication between all parties. Applicants should feel free to reach out to EDA staff with any questions at any time. PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES FOR APPLICATION AND APPROVAL The applicant shall meet with city staff to obtain information about the Loan program, discuss the project, and obtain application forms. The applicant shall complete and submit an application to the city, along with a$25 application fee. The fee is used to cover processing expenses. Applications will be received and reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis from the time of submission of a complete application. The EDA has allocated a maximum of $25,000 for the initial program. An application inspection of the building may be required. � The EDA is a governmental entity and as such must provide public access to public data it receives. Data deemed by Applicant to be nonpublic data under State law should be so designated or marked by Applicant. See Minn. Sat. Sections 13.59, Subd. 1, respectively. The application will be reviewed by city staff to determine if it conforms to all city policies and ordinances and to consider the following: 1. Staff will complete a preliminary application review and may consult with the EDA Financial Advisor and/or City Attorney in preparing report for EDA consideration. 2. City staff will review each application in terms of: a Its consistency with the goals of the city's Comprehensive Plan and Downtown Small Area Study. b. Whether it is desirous and in the best interests of the public to provide funding for the project. c. The project's overall impact on the community's economy. City staff will evaluate the project application in terms of the following: a. Project Design. 3��'���, b. Evidence of applicant's ability to meet the 5% cash investment requirements. c. All other information as required in the application and/or additional information as may be requested by the Economic Development staff. d. Project compliance with all city codes and policies. 4. The EDA Commissioners will approve or deny the application or request a resubmission with clarifications. LOAN POLICY REVIEW The above criteria will be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure that the policies reflected in this document are consistent with the economic development goals set forth by the city. RIGHT OF REFUSAL The EDA may deny any application if it is found not consistent with the goals of the city's Comprehensive Plan and Downtown Small Area Study, the project's overall impact on the community's economy, and the above criteria. COMPLIANCE WITH BUSINESS SUBSIDY LAW All developers/businesses receiving financial assistance from the City of Monticello EDA shall be subject to the City's Business Subsidy Policy as amended and under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 116J.993 to 116J.995. COSTS OF REVIEW It is the policy of the City of Monticello and the EDA to require applicants to pay costs incurred by the City or EDA in reviewing and acting upon applications, so that these costs are not borne by the taxpayers of the City. These costs include all of the City or EDA's out-of-pocket costs for expenses, including the city's costs for review of the application by the City or EDA's Financial Consultant and Attorney, or other consultants, recording fees, and necessary publication costs. Payment for costs will be required whether the application is approved or denied. Loan program expenses beyond the application fee will be capped at $100 and may be included in the final Loan amount if not paid in cash at the time of Loan closing. Costs incurred above the application fee will be invoiced if not paid at the time of closing, and payment will be due within thirty (30) days. Costs not paid will be assessed to the property. LOAN AGREEMENT If the application for powntown Frontage & Signage Loan is approved, the applicant and property owner will be required to enter into a loan agreement to proceed. The agreement will specify the terms and conditions of the loan as identified herein. A security agreement subordinate mortgage may also be required. DISBURSEMENT OF LOAN FUNDS Upon approval of a Loan application, applicants are required to provide executed contracts for work per the approved Loan plans. Contracts shall be per the procedures and requirements herein. 4��'���, Loan funds will be disbursed to the contractor based on completion of work as outlined below. The Cit�s Chief Building Official will verify completion of work. Upon verification of completion, payment will be dispersed per contract amount for the work completed. PROJECT CONTRACTOR PROCEDURES AND REQUIREMENTS A. PARTICIPATING CONTRACTORS: All contractors participating in the Downtown Frontage & Signage Improvement Loan Program must have a contractor's license on file with the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry. The contractors will be responsible for securing insurance of the amounts specified on the application form. The application must contain proof of insurance coverage via a Certification of Insurance Coverage, and the contractor's registration number. B. BID/QUOTE SOLICITATION: To participate in the Downtown Frontage & Signage Improvement Loan Program, the applicant must solicit bids or quotes from at least two vendors. An applicant is free to choose any contractor, provided the license requirements are met and the cost differential in the quotes received does not exceed 20%. C. CONTRACTOR CONTRACT: The contract for work is between the business owner (applicant) and the contractor. Each selected contractor will enter into a contract with the business owner. The contract will outline the terms for completion of the rehabilitation on the project and will include the following: 1. Scope of Work 2. Project Start Date; 3. Project Completion Date; 4. General Conditions; 5. Building Elevations and Architectural Drawings; 6. Special Conditions; 7. Project Warranties; 8. Change Order Procedures; 9. Payment Terms; 10. Termination Procedures. D. FAILURE TO START/COMPLETE PROJECT: Upon approval of the Loan agreement, the applicant and selected contractor will have 180 calendar days in which to complete the contracted work. Failure to begin work within the first 60 days will be grounds to terminate the Loan agreement. The 180-day time period shall not be exceeded except through the issuance of a change order. E. PAYMENT PROCEDURES: All contractors will agree to the payment schedule, which is as follows: 5�1'���, F. 1. No pre-payments by the EDA are allowable for any reason. 2. Lien waivers are required for all contractors and sub-contractors before payment will be made. 3. Final payment for all work completed, including any retainage amounts, will be made after all work by a contractor is completed, the final inspection has been conducted and the Chief Building Official, property owner, and contractor have signed off on the work. CHANGE ORDERS: Change orders to the approved Loan project require the approval of the EDA. Change orders will be allowed only for the following reasons: 1. To rectify hidden deficiencies that are discovered once the work has begun. 2. To change a specification due to unforeseen difficulties arising after work has begun. 3. To address a deficiency that was inadvertently dropped from the project during project packaging. 4. To change completion dates. � PROJECT COMPLETION The city's Chief Building Official will complete a final project inspection and issue a Certificate of Completion verifying project completion per the approved Loan plans. 6��'�ge EXHIBIT A Geographic Program Limits 7�`r'�ge EXHIBIT B Permitted Fund Uses — Visual Reference 8��'�ge DOWNTOWN BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT LOAN PROGRAM DISCUSSION 12 Total Completed Forms: Fa�ade Improvements: 10 Renovation/Rehabilitation: 6 Energy Efficiency: 7 Other programs or incentives that would be utilized: • Forgivable loans on signage • Handicap accessibility • Alley maintenance • Landscaping improvements • Combined garbage/dumpsters facelift Other suggestions or comments for the downtown: • Improved walkways and more green space • Upgraded signage on street frontage • Restructured rear parking • Micro-park in the empty lot • Improvements to the rear/back entrances of buildings • Will talk to building management company about improvements • Re-route traffic on Trick-or-Treat night • Add flower pots/benches on Broadway and alley way • Do a scavenger hunt to get people in businesses • More parking and cross easement • Door spaces improvements • Improved lighting in parking lots Apri120, 2018 Angela Schumann City of Monticello Department of Community development 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Subject: PROPOSAL AND AGREEMENT FOR PROVIDING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Individual Building Owner Consultation and Fa�ade Improvement Recommendations Dear Angela: Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. (Architect) presents to the City of Monticello (Client) this Proposal and Agreement for professional services to assist you in the Walnut Street Corridor Project (Project). PROJECT UNDERSTANDING Architect understands that the City of Monticello wants to provide design assistance to building owners who wish to take part in the fa�ade improvement program. This program offers up to $75,000 per building for property owners to make publicly visible improvements to their buildings. The program requires 85% of the loan to be allocated to permanent improvements (doors, windows, cornices, etc), 15% can be allocated to temporary (awnings, signage, etc) APPROACH/SCOPE OF SERVICES Based on our conversations with you to date, Architect anticipates providing to you the following scope of services: One-on-one design consultation services for building owners in which we develop a annotated sketch drawing with building improvements targeted for the fa�ade improvement program. Step 1. Meet with the building owner, on site, for a 1.5 hour meeting in which we photograph the site, discuss the owners goals and discuss options. Step 2: Develop a sketch of the fa�ade at '/4 scale. The drawing is annotated to describe the improvements. Step 3: Send the drawing to the building owner and follow up with a phone call discussion. Step 4: Make final revisions. The purpose of the sketch is to allow the building owner to get approximate and initial cost estimates from contractors. PROJECT TEAM Andrew Dresdner, AICP Page i of 4 CUNINGHAM G R O U P Celebrating 50 Years Cuningham Group Architecture,lnc. St. Anthony Main Z01 �%1ain Street SE Suite 3�5 Minneapolis, MN 55414 Tel: 612 3�9 3400 Fax: 612 379 4400 www.cuningham.com Jena Stanton FEES GUNINGHAM G R O U P Celebrating 50 Years Compensation for Basic Services as described herein shall be a stipulated sum of :$2000 / building. REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES Reimbursable Expenses are in addition to the above fees. They include all normal expenses incurred by Architect for the benefit of the Proj ect, including out-of-town travel (if any and if authorized), mileage, long-distance telephone calls, messenger service, printing, etc. These expenses will be billed at 1.15 times their direct cost to Architect. ADDTTIONAL SERVICES Services you may request such as physical models, 3-D computer modeling, additional drawings or any renderings, engineering or special consultants, or other special services not specifically included in the above scope of services shall be invoiced at Architect's current hourly rates or at 1.15 times the direct cost of consultant's charges to Architect. In addition, any changes in the scope will also be billed at an hourly rate. Architect's hourly rates will be per Cuningham Group Hourly Rates, attached as E�ibit A. Additional Services will be performed only upon your written authorization. INVOICING Billings will be issued at 30-day intervals. Payment is due and payable upon invoice receipt. Interest of 1.0% per month will be due on the unpaid balance beginning 30 days after invoice date. Client agrees to reimburse Architect for all costs of collection including attorney fees, costs, and expenses. USE OF SUPPLIED INFORMATION Client agrees to provide and/or obtain all required licenses, including copyright license, to allow Architect to reproduce, use and incorporate all Client-supplied Proj ect-related drawing or other information and agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold Architect and its consultants harmless from or against any and all claims arising out of or relating to Architect's or its consultants' Project-related reproduction, use, or incorporation of such information. Client will provide Architect with base map information that accurately indicates existing conditions. OTHER TERMS AND CONDTTIONS Except as otherwise modified herein, the terms and conditions of an unmodified AIA Document B101, Standard Form ofAgreement Between Owner and Architect, 2007 edition [B727 "Special Services" or B101 "Standard Form" may also be used in appropriate circumstances] (attached as E�ibit B), where Client acts as Owner for purposes of the Agreement, shall apply to all services provided under this Proposal and Agreement. The Client and Architect Page z of 4 GUNINGHAM G R O U P agree that arbitration, as described in the attached AIA Document, shall be the selected method of adjudicated dispute resolution. �e'ebra""g 5° Yea`5 Client shall furnish the services of a contractor or cost consultant that shall be responsible for preparing all estimates of the Cost of the Work If Client does not have such a consultant, Architect can provide a list of qualified contractors or cost consultants for Client's use. If the Client's budget at 50% completion of Design Development Phase Services or later is exceeded by Client's cost estimate or the lowest bona fide bid or negotiated proposal, and modifications to the Design Development or Construction Documents are required to reduce the actual or estimated Cost of the Work to comply with Client's budget, Architect will provide such modifications as an Additional Service, except to the extent Architect failed to incorporate Client's or Client's cost estimator's previously issued specific cost control directives. Client agrees to provide to Architect utility bills or other utility usage data on an annual basis for the [two to five, as appropriate] years following Substantial Completion. This information would be used to understand the metered performance of the building compared against industry benchmarks and for internal assessment of the design. The summary of associated analysis will be shared with Client upon request. Architect expressly disclaims all express or implied warranties and guarantees with respect to energy performance, and Client agrees to release, hold harmless, and indemnify Architect from any liability or claims related to the energy performance of the building. Architect and its consultants will be using building information modeling for the sole purpose of preparing and coordinating their Drawings, without an expectation that the model will be relied upon by other Project participants. If Client, Client's contractor or consultants, or other parties as appropriate desire to use the model for any purpose, the Architect, Client, and other appropriate parties will establish and agree to building information modeling protocols, which shall address authorship and ownership, level of development, and authorized uses of the model, processes for exchanging, sharing, and resolving changes to the model, and anticipated authorized uses for facilities management or others, following completion ofthe Project. Preparation of the protocols and operations and services provided thereunder shall be Additional Services. This Proposal and Agreement shall be subj ect to and enforced under the laws of the State of Minne sota. With your signature below you are indicating your acceptance of the understandings, terms and conditions of this Proposal and Agreement. This Proposal and Agreement may be terminated by either party upon seven days' written notice should either party fail to perform substantially in accordance with its terms. Failure of Client to make payments to Architect within 45 days of invoice date shall be considered substantial non-performance and cause for suspension or termination of Architect's services. If you instruct us to begin, or allow us to continue, performing or providing Project services prior to returning a signed copy of this Proposal and Agreement it will be understood that all of its terms, and the attached or referenced e�ibits, are acceptable and all parties will be bound by the terms of this Proposal and Agreement. If this Proposal and Agreement meets with your approval, please sign two copies and return one copy for our records and we will begin the services. Page 3 of 4 Thank you again for this opportunity to be of assistance. We look forward to helping you achieve your goals for Walnut Street and Downtown Monticello. Sincerely, CUNINGHAM GROUP ARCHITECTURE, INC Jeff Schoeneck, AIA Date: Approved By: CITY OF MONTICELLO Jeff ONeill City Manager Date: Attachments: E�ibit A— Cuningham Group Hourly Rates E�ibit B— AIA Document B 101, Standard Form ofAgreement Between Owner and Architect, 2007 edition Page 4 of 4 GUNINGHAM G R O U P Celebrating 50 Years �'�� �-� � � =� Downtown Snnall Area Stud i �.�,� � Y f-. .`' , } � ;ti- . ;�� �; *�� ,.�N.�,. - _. , ; Ir�plementat�on Workshop .: .� � -..�- �� November 16, 2017 Participants -�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�- Cit}� �:� ._: `° Brian Stumpf, Bill Fair, Jim Davidson, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart EDA: Tracy Hinz, Steve Johnson, Jon Morphew, Bill Tapper Parks �. t�����������=����n Nancy McCaffrey, Larry Nolan PlanningCommissic$�. Katie Peterson Guests: Clay Sawatzke, Michele Hertwig Staffe Jeff 0'Neill, Angela Schumann, Jim Thares, Jacob Thunander, Tom Pawelk, Rachel Leonard, Jennifer Schreiber Warkshop Purpcase Set a foundation for realizing the downtown plan by encouraging the various commissions to cooperatively review the elements of the plan, prioritize the components, and strategize implementation. Pricarifization Exercise Organized by Highest Ranked Projects: ����:i���el�p����: Pursue signature redevelopment on Block 52 with market rate housing and a destination restaurant that overlooks the park. R�bl�� Re�lr� Irr�pr��������a`��a Redesign riverfront parks to include more active events and programming in West Bridge Park (amphitheater, water feature, concessions) and passive uses in East Bridge Park. Broadway Street Commerciai 1li�� ��'��d��v�� St�'�e� �����'�a�r�e�fi° Develop small pocket parks on vacant properties along Broadway, offering outdoor seating, and pedestrian connections to parking. Curb extensions at Walnut and Broadway to provide space for landscaping, seating, and gathering. 1����t i�> �� P�� ;., Build Downtown's brand and identity by identifying the downtown core as the Broadway Walnut area, and naming it. Pursue marketing initiatives to build the new brand. �. :° � .��� '� ��_ w� Establish fa�ade improvement programs that offer financial support for improving building appearance and district identity. Organized by Survey Category °�p��. ;; Pursue signature redevelopment on Block 52 _ , Redesign riverfront parks... Establish fa�ade improvement programs... , Improve bridge underpass... , Develop small pocket parks... Curb extensions at Walnut & Broadway Redesign riverfront parks... Pursue Signature redevelopment on Block 52 Reconnected Walnut Street to River Street... � ''y7 �e. v ��¢. -+' �j'1 y �'� _ 'j�'c ~ \ il. '�, '�y , '' � �� �i �'9�1. ` ! �. ���,(.�� _� .. �,; . . - .�$�+ ` �' �a il'��.l� �+���.h��.. '-� ��ii � . } / �/i � �� �T�' � �, ,ew�y�J � ��:/ Y x � •+�".� � \�� � i � .� 't�" f� > ;`t J � ��' ..—, '� _� � +� � �� ., � . �–�: � �! �,, r� `- '� ��, � �i ...� . C"��'��� � . ��� i �� �'�1 .�� � Y; E, � � r�� 1( i� �� �� ' ., . ,. N � 4 ,.I +�� �' ���`!� f � '' ` � ��` � \�, ' � .���'EA� = . �,,� . � , �„ r_ "`-'i � �.Y ,�r 7� ' ' fi.�. � �-- " •�-���� � � Y' �- .��j ; . � � ..'. - �- � I � ,� Project Implementation Exercise East & West Bridge Park Improvements r. ... .. Location on the river, high visibility, varied topography, existing assets, capable parks staff, dedi- cated volunteers, popular community events. -�:; Limited automobile & pedestrian access, perception of noise and actual noise, potential river island flooding, limitations of adjacent land uses, ma- ture trees can block views, hard to change what's al- ready popular. .:.� Acquire surrounding land to allow redevelop- ment and growth, connect Walnut Street to River Street, use signage and rebranding to encourage ex- ploring downtown and connecting with the parks, en- hance underutilized assets like the southeast stairs and bridge underpass. Lead�rs�r'�.:�s Parks staff, Park & Recreation Commission, City Council, and EDA with redevelopment. K�y Decisi�r�s_ Park design, connection of Walnut St. to River St, reconstruction of River St, redevelopment of Block 52. s r�:° ��:. ����_; Park design, remove understory plants for visibility to the river, programming & events, connect Walnut St. to River St. Block 52 Redevel�pment r=:`�` ' City owns a portion, another property for aamr_ sale, high visibility, beautiful view, parks complement, EDA is engaged in acquisition. �_��° °;° Cost of acquiring property, getting the right developer, potential contamination, community confu- sion of public purpose, competition with completing Block 34, relocation costs. :; ;: Continue acquiring land and empower eco- nomic development manager to meet with developers. _. EDA for site control and incentives, staff for recruitment and negotiating, additional city staff from planning, public works, Wright County, etc. , s x, �.. ..� Preliminary development agreement, zoning ordinance changes, incentives. '� ��:, �r:.�� Design for Walnut Street connection to River St., redesign West Bridge Park parking, acquire properties, reach out to developers to find the right partner, continue building relationships and communi- cating with property owners. Downtown Housing Development .„. Strong market, regional and local amenities, demographics, walkability, accessibility, site control, lender and council support, developers interested, jobs nearby. ��Qg�� ,,.� �: Relocation development costs, water table, cost of quality construction, noise, trafFic access, size of block divisions, developers have many options, zoning not currently aligned with plan, existing property & business owners. �, ; Gather better information on water table, shared equity solutions, create one TIF district, buying options. ��., �;; EDA to lead land acquisition, TIF program, coordination with lenders & developers. Planning Com- mission to lead zoning review. City Council responsible forfinal approvals. ��� ����s4�a��a Determining one site or many, zoning approved that balances flexibility with predictability. :��`� �°a�: Create package or feasibility for several sites so the city knows its limits and capacity, include aesthetic design expectations, get a more detailed un- derstanding of the downtown market, engage in out- reach to developers with marketing materials. Activating Broadway Street's Commercial Vitality �. �, _ e_ ��� Proximity to parks and river, some business- es already making positive changes, changes will en- courage people to visit, opportunity to build relation- ships, high trafFic area. ��r���: Not all buildings up to code, cost of rehabili- tation, Iack of space for outdoor seating, lack of con- centration, need to agree on fa�ade style, trafFic, busi- ness mix. � �� ���i°�_: Assess the state of properties, survey and encourage stakeholder participation, offer financial in- centives, help 1-2 businesses start to encourage others. Survey property owners to guide the focus. ��§k �'�:.. Existing business group, Chamber, City Council, EDA, and city staff. ��'����, w.,��: Determine ownership of every parcel with contact information, reach out to property and busi- ness owners for their ideas, identify and build alliances, determine design standards. ., ,;;':; Encourage EDAto build relationships. Buxton Overview Buxton is the industry leader in customer analytics and site selection with more than 500 years of development experience. We have worked with thousands of national and regional retail clients including Lowe's, Bed, Bath & Beyond, Marriott, California Pizza Kitchen, Restoration Hardware, In -N -Out Burger, New Balance, Aaron's, Jamba Juice, Massage Envy, Perry's Steakhouse & Grille, Anthropologie, and many more. We also work directly with communities, local EDCs, and regional partnerships to help them understand what specific retailers and restaurants are best suited for their sites. Buxton has worked with more than 700 communities, both large and small, and has helped those clients recruit more than 35 million square feet of retail space in the U.S. Buxton owns the most sophisticated and granular household -level data available, which enables us to provide our clients with current snapshots of every household in any trade area. It also gives our public sector clients access to the same type of intelligence that retailers, hospitals, and hotel chains utilize when making multi-million dollar decisions. City Government Methodology The proprietary methodology used to develop solutions for city governments follows the same principles that Buxton uses with our retail clients to select locations for stores and restaurants. This information, developed by utilizing technologically advanced systems, allows clients to take a proactive approach to development. We analyze customer spending habits to determine the market viability of an area and then provide a focused list of targeted retailers to clients. This data -driven analysis gives city leaders the confidence needed to make speed -to -market retail decisions. Additionally, Buxton's working relationships with major retailers assures clients that their specific marketing materials will address the needs of retail decision makers. The application of this data includes, but is not limited to: • Understanding of neighborhood serving retail needs/opportunities • Business retention tools • Tourism profiling and direct marketing tools • Hotel recruitment tools • Comparison of new residents versus tenured residents • Public library location recommendations and collection mix • Emergency services insights • Understanding of neighborhood serving healthcare needs/opportunities • Transit -oriented planning • Marketing tools to promote city/county/state initiatives such as green technologies • Utility comprehension • Understanding of economic impact and industrial recruitment 0a GROW WITH US. 1-888-2BUXTON I buxton@buxtonco.com I www.buxtonco.com Buvbon We Know How America Lives For public sector entities, understanding the lifestyle and purchasing characteristics of residents enables civic leaders to focus clearly on specific economic development strategies. To achieve this level of knowledge, the actual customer household must be the foundation for all research efforts. Buxton has pioneered the use of household -level data for research purposes. Through a process called psychographic analysis, millions of customer transactions are analyzed to determine purchasing habits and lifestyle trends. Once a company's customers are identified, Buxton can determine where they and all other consumers like them are located. Buxton's comprehensive data sets allow for a fact -based approach to retail identification and include: • 115 million household records with up to 8 individuals within each household • More than 75,000 lifestyle and consumer habits for each type of customer s SCQUT cal ficrnia � � JM L �� ELEYEII The sources of our data include, but are not limited to: • Experian • Mail order • Equifax • Traffic counts • Acxiom • Credit cards • InfoUSA • Reward cards 3 • Warranty cards • Subscriptions • Motor vehicle information GROW WITH US. 1-888-2BUXTON I buxton@buxtonco.com I www.buxtonco.com E Buvbon Replace Guesswork with Certainty While the science of retail site selection has changed, many communities have remained stagnant in their retail recruitment efforts. In fact, many still use tools that put them at a disadvantage in today's brutally competitive retail marketplace. Communities that are successful in their retail recruitment efforts realize that data is the key in this process. Buxton builds communities customized solutions that help them understand a trade area's unique customers, which in turn helps them stand out to potential new retailers and retain existing establishments. Buxton's Solution Our solution is a total marketing strategy that enables community leaders to immediately implement a retail development program. We provide communities with the same type of analytical information retailers depend on today to make site selection decisions, allowing clients to make a compelling case as to why the city can support new retail and restaurant locations. Additionally, we identify specific retailers who seek markets with household purchasing habits like those of client cities. We then provide custom marketing packages targeted to those specific retailers. In addition, this solution provides a number of answers for existing business retention, including but not limited to: • Merchandising decisions • Marketing strategies • Consumer preferences SCOUT Touch Along with a fully customized solution that lays the foundation of a successful retail development program, Buxton provides access to our proprietary data management and visualization tool, SCOUTTouch. The usefulness of this tool cannot be understated. SCOUTTouch allows community leaders to leverage technology to assist in retail recruitment and retention efforts. This tool is loaded with Buxton's analysis and can be accessed anytime from a laptop or tablet. SCOUT Touch allows better communication between community leaders and local business owners, improves understanding of a trade area's psychographic data, and presents data to retailers in a familiar format since it is based on the same platform used by Buxton's retail clients. 4 GROW WITH US. 1-888-2BUXTON I buxton@buxtonco.com I www.buxtonco.com Buvbon Benefits • Maximize revenue growth to fund city services • Retain dollars that are being spent outside the community • Create new, permanent jobs • Satisfy citizens' desire to shop in their own city and increase quality of life • Establish credibility with decision makers by providing factual evidence to support your location • Use competitive analysis to close the deal • Achieve a dynamic, consumer -oriented retail sector to support a healthy economy • Experience existing business growth and retention Deliverables • Drive -time trade area map • Retail site assessment (retail potential of up to three selected sites) • Retail match list (specific retailers that match the households in the trade area) • Retailer specific marketing packages • SCOUT Touch online access to deliverables • iPad Air preloaded with results delivered upon completion of analysis To further explore how Buxton can assist your community with your retail development efforts, please contact us today. 5 GROW WITH US. 1-888-2BUXTON I buxton@buxtonco.com I www.buxtonco.com Buvbon Bu�,ton BUXTON'S SOLUTIONS FOR CITY GOVERNMENT INCREASE TAX REVENUE • IMPROVE QUALITY OF LIFE • RETAIN BUSINESS • DRIVE TOURISM f• - � �jI I -' x '''aiY � sS�ys?- I •' I i `r I� *4; F-1 •_ Rpt. -r, TV 3 CITY GOVERNMENT THE BUXTON DIFFLRENC PUT YOUR CITIZENS AT THE CENTER OF YOUR GROWTH STRATEGY We are the leader in customer analytics. Since our founding in 1994, we have worked with more than 4,000 clients and have earned a reputation for our client -first approach and high-quality solutions. RESULTS MATTER :11 COMMUNITIES NATIONWIDE 40 MILLION SQUARE FEET OF NEW RETAIL SPACE WORLD CLASS CLIENT SATISFACTION As a Buxton client you have a dedicated, experienced team supporting you through your partnership with us. This team serves as an extension of your staff, tracking your progress and providing guidance to help you evolve your strategy. We know how to help you implement and execute development strategies to see results from your investment. GROW WITH US. 1-888-2BUXTON I buxton@buxtonco.com I www.buxtonco.com BuNaon BENEFITS OF PARTNERING WITH BUXTON DEFINE A PROACTIVE STRATEGY FOR RETAIL RECRUITMENT When you begin working with Buxton, we start with understanding who your citizens truly are and defining the make-up of your community. Once we've studied these consumers, we identify which retail brands are right for your community and what concepts you shouldn't spend time and resources on trying to bring to your city. With this strategy outlined, your team is able to make the best use of their time with proactive marketing tactics. SUPPORT YOUR EXISTING RETAIL BASE Business retention is the second pillar of Buxton's partnerships with communities. We ensure city staff, elected officials, economic development staff and business owners work together to form public-private partnerships that promote growth within the community. LSMx, a local store marketing tool, is designed for small business owners. Through your partnership with Buxton you have the ability to give business owners access to LSMx to help them market their business to the best potential customers. This technology helps to keep local businesses competitive in the marketplace, supports entrepreneurs, and gives store owners the ability to market like national retail brands using customer data and analytics. INCREASE YOUR TAX BASE BY ATTRACTING SUSTAINABLE RETAIL By identifying the top retail recruitment opportunities for your community, you have a jumpstart on the retail recruitment process. Buxton provides guidance on which retailers are currently operating and expanding in your area and makes the introduction to executives at each of your retail matches. Landing new retail not only increases your tax base, but also improves the quality of life for your citizens by allowing them to shop and dine in their own community. UNDERSTAND HOW RETAILERS VIEW YOUR MARKET Buxton is the trusted advisor to thousands of retail and restaurant companies in the U.S. The data and tools we provide to your city are the exact same tools that retailers use when making site selection and new market decisions. Arming you with this data and analyses gives you instant credibility to retailers since so many in the industry know the Buxton name. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY In addition to our history of retail experience, we've worked in the field of economic development for two decades. When you partner with Buxton, we help you form a long-term economic development strategy and we provide the data, technology and expertise to help you make fact -based decisions for your community. We understand the need to see results and a return on your investment. That's why our dedicated account management teams are here to act as an extension of your staff, helping you achieve your development goals by providing you with an unparalleled level of service. Great organizations grow with us - and we're ready to start a partnership with you. GROW WITH US. 1-888-2BUXTON I buxton@buxtonco.com I www.buxtonco.com Btraon PRODUCT SUMMARY What is it? Buxton's Retail Recruitment solution gives community leaders access to the same market intelligence that retailers use to make site selection decisions. Using SCOUT, our proprietary web -based analytics platform, you can showcase retail potential to prospective new businesses and run reports to assist local businesses. We position your community for retail development success. GROW WITH US. 1-888-2BUXTON buxton@buxtonco.com www.buxtonco.com Btrdon PRODUCT FEATURES What will it do for me? Effectively recruit new retail and restaurant concepts. Our analysis digs deep to identify what factors make your community attractive to retailers using drive -time analysis, leakage and surplus analysis and other techniques. Buxton provides a list of 20 retailers whose customers match the profiles of your consumers. Increase your tax base. Increase sales and property tax revenue, and reduce retail leakage by keeping business transactions in your community. Support your local businesses. Retain and assist business owners by providing market intelligence to optimize merchandising and marketing. Prepare marketing packages for targeted retailers. Buxton prepares custom reports and introductory letters to inform retailers on your match list of the opportunities in your community. Your Buxton support team will be available to coach you throughout the recruitment process. RELATED PRODUCTS How else can you help me? Ii; San D—. U Pallas -fart Wortl� f i O3 Minneapol'is-St Paul � ® Tampa Tourism Insights Increase the number of tourists that visit your city. Business Retention Retain current retailers and restaurants. sCquT VHO WHERE VALU SCOUT Touch "a Utilize a centralized approach to growing your community. BUXTON'S CLIENTS Who else trusts Buxton? LOU!S!ANA Pkk r— Pass'" A— W NKTYIN MEMPHIS PAfADENA "Buxton gives us true data that supports the kind of growth we have today and can forecast the growth coming in the future. It gives us real numbers, so when we sit down with businesses that are looking at Celina, we have facts." North--� Augusta South Curolinds Riuerfront $1 nacono C-01-41 Ii /i, l// * TEXAS EST. 1 676 CITY OF WILLISTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GROW WITH US. 1-888-2BUXTON I buxton@buxtonco.com I www.buxtonco.com Btraon PRODUCT SUMMARY What is it? From the city manager to elected officials and economic development staff, SCOUT Touch provides city leaders with a centralized approach to growing your community. When city leadership is unified in strategic growth expectations, you can efficiently enhance the quality of life for your residents, grow local business, and recruit new retail. GROW WITH US. 1-888-2BUXTON buxton@buxtonco.com www.buxtonco.com Btrdon PRODUCT FEATURES What will it do for me? Utilize a centralized approach to growing your community. SCOUT Touch clearly and simply illustrates your city's development potential based on customers, where they are located, and the value of those customers to a retail or restaurant concept. Enhance the quality of life for your residents. SCOUT Touch provides city leaders with the data, insights, and analytics necessary to craft a winning strategy for growth. Bringing essential retail and services to your market will enhance the quality of life for your residents. Grow local business. SCOUT Touch gives local business owners instant access to business intelligence, providing the data needed to be more competitive in the market. Recruit new retail. With SCOUT Touch, you have access to your targeted retail matches, equipping you to confidently pursue retailers and restaurants that will enhance your growing community. RELATED PRODUCTS How else can you help me? sC�u . - Retail Recruitment California Attract new retail and increase your tax base with defined retail recruitment strategies. City Planning Insights Buxton offers retail solutions to help maximize your city's growth. Business Retention 0 Retain current retailers and restaurants. Fo 7 BUXTON'S CLIENTS Who else trusts Buxton? CITYOF PRESCOTT eLaGEqn& "In this day and age, it's all about analytics and having statistics on your community. Municipalities don't always have that at their fingertips. But with Buxton and the SCOUT program, we've been able to turn that around and provide prospective clients with some really good analytical data to help them make their decision to locate in Rochester." LAM1�R -IVAP '`��ro, SBanos A[ [he Crossroads of California Cancive.CanDream.CnnDo. err KENT EW HAMPSHIRE GROW WITH US. 1-888-2BUXTON I buxton@buxtonco.com I www.buxtonco.com BuNaon PRODUCT SUMMARY What is it? Buxton's Tourism Insights solution gives you the insights needed to design effective tourism marketing campaigns and to better understand consumer demand for goods and services in your trade area. GROW WITH US. 1-888-2BUXTON buxton@buxtonco.com www.buxtonco.com Btrdon PRODUCT FEATURES What will it do for me? Maximize your marketing budget. Pinpoint the markets where your best visitors, and those just like them, live in order to optimize advertising spending. Target marketing messages to past and potential visitors at the household level. Better understand your tourist base. Buxton can tell you who is visiting your community and where those tourists are coming from. Understand the value of the tourist population. Not only can we identify who your visitors are and where they are coming from, but we can also tell you where they are spending dollars in your community across numerous retail categories. Quantify the impact of tourism. Quantify the economic impact of visitors and identify the retail categories where they spend money in your community. RELATED PRODUCTS How else can you help me? Downtown Revitalization Buxton can help communities fill vacant downtown sectors. Healthcare Gap Analysis Objective, data -driven solutions that identify healthcare facility shortages in particular regions. City Planning Insights Buxton offers retail solutions to help maximize your city's growth. BUXTON'S CLIENTS Who else trusts Buxton? DOWNTOWN DALLAS INC City of' Sevierville The City Of ,mw Lago Vista "Our investment in the Buxton reports and our contract each year turns around, or equates to, $2 million in retail sales tax every year. So that investment is more than worth the money that we put into Buxton's contract." AINEVIILLE Discovery, inside and out SWLA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ALLIANCE FORT WORTH e d c U T A H €. ECONOMICDEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF UTAH GROW WITH US. 1-888-2BUXTON I buxton@buxtonco.com I www.buxtonco.com BuNaon PRODUCT SUMMARY What is it? As city leaders know, a thriving retail sector is vital to the overall health of a community. While a big part of maintaining a growing business community includes recruiting the right retailers for your city, an equally important mission is business retention — keeping existing retailers and restaurants in your business community. GROW WITH US. 1-888-2BUXTON buxton@buxtonco.com www.buxtonco.com Btrdon PRODUCT FEATURES What will it do for me? Provide market intelligence for business retention. Buxton can provide market intelligence to optimize merchandising and marketing for existing retailers. Assist businesses with local store marketing. As communities aid existing retailers in their marketing efforts, those retailers will be more likely to stay and expand in your community. When you work with Buxton, you have access to LSMx, our local store marketing tool. Ensure employment of residents. Retail retention will provide jobs and strengthen economic development for your community's residents. Help create community culture. Specific retailers and restaurants often become an important part of a community's culture. By working to retain such retail establishments, you are maintaining your relationship with important community partners. RELATED PRODUCTS How else can you help me? sCc�u Tourism Insights . - Retail Recruitment oal�f❑ OX1M Increase the number of tourists M�eaPoi�S,.Pa� Attract new retail and increase ® Tampa Cratl your tax base with defined retail recruitment strategies. SCUT VHO 'N:a l;it E- VALU " SCOUT Touch GlN limtm Map` Utilize a centralized approach to Iro growing your community. Ol San Diegv Tourism Insights O2 Palias-fart Wortls ....� Increase the number of tourists M�eaPoi�S,.Pa� that visit your city. ® Tampa fel e.r—. BUXTON'S CLIENTS Who else trusts Buxton? Washington City Where Dixie Begins AIEGOR ECONOMIC I CORPO "Through Buxton, we received data that really empowers our business owners. Now they can make more informed decisions about what products and services to offer." OF p ORT gNCFI� L s or&01� ftL T, NT NEW ROCHELLE Alk Ak* • : n LEBAN6N / ' DFW's Southern Star M i s s o U R i GROW WITH US. 1-888-2BUXTON I buxton@buxtonco.com I www.buxtonco.com BuNaon PRODUCT SUMMARY What is it? With many companies choosing to migrate to larger, less expensive lots outside of an urban sector, cities may need to implement a strategy for filling those vacant buildings. With the ability to execute local economic development strategies, Buxton gives you the tools and knowledge to help redevelop those key areas by identifying new retailers and restaurants that will best fit each specific site. GROW WITH US. 1-888-2BUXTON buxton@buxtonco.com www.buxtonco.com Btrdon PRODUCT FEATURES What will it do for me? Recruit new retailers and restaurants. Buxton gives cities the tools they need to confidently revitalize key areas of town through the recruitment of new retailers and restaurants. Increase sales tax revenue. Recruiting new retail means an increase in tax revenue, reducing retail leakage and satisfying your residents' desire to shop in that area of town. Retain current businesses in that area of town. As current businesses see the revitalization efforts taking place, they will be more likely to invest in their current locations rather than looking for local economic development strategy options elsewhere. Draw visitors to that area of town. Buxton's expert analytics can ensure that your redevelopment efforts are bringing in the best retailers to appeal to residents and visitors alike. I:»will 111:11.»: elP11[41V How else can you help me? Business Retention . . ..... FT 0 P,n 'aw �a...� ..... Retain current retailers and restaurants. F.,, h SCQUT Retail Recruitment w ' California Attract new retail and increase your tax base with defined retail CrateMarrel recruitment strategies. BUXTON'S CLIENTS Who else trusts Buxton? 0 City of Greendale Indiana Ike Outer Bang, OF NORTH CAROLINA All "Within the first year of using the Buxton SCOUT program, our targeted retail attraction efforts have not only allowed us to fill vacant spaces in our community, but also increase sales receipts." SVj*91aa4§Aj(f ILLINOIS MOUNTHOLLY NVA X I P I AXV MIDLAND BUSINESS ALLIANCE nTTUMW�, CIT1 OF BRIOGES...RNER OF OPPORTUNIl GROW WITH US. 1-888-2BUXTON I buxton@buxtonco.com I www.buxtonco.com BuNaon PRODUCT SUMMARY What is it? Due to suburban expansion and the low cost of rural land, many communities have seen restaurants and retailers abandon downtown sectors, leaving vacant buildings and an overall lackluster environment. Buxton has the expertise to help communities recruit retailers and restaurants specifically suited for an urban setting to drive downtown revitalization. GROW WITH US. 1-888-2BUXTON buxton@buxtonco.com www.buxtonco.com BwALLon PRODUCT FEATURES What will it do for me? Draw visitors to your community. Thriving downtowns rely on an influx of visitors. By recruiting the right retailers and restaurants, both local and out-of-town visitors will be drawn to spend time in the new and improved downtown sector. Recruit new retailers and restaurants. In order to bring in visitors, retailers must first be recruited. Buxton has the tools and knowledge to guide your community's recruitment efforts. Create jobs for city residents and stimulate downtown revitalization. The opening of new retail establishments and restaurants in your downtown areas will create jobs for residents. Increase sales tax revenue. Recruiting new retail means an increase in tax revenue, reducing retail leakage and satisfying your residents' desire to shop in downtown. RELATED PRODUCTS How else can you help me? 'U S- Dego WHERE # papas- ortwo� Tourism Insights ""'"°eaP""�5t Pa"' - Increase the number of tourists ® Tamps that visit your city. — SCQUT WHERE # VALU SCOUT Touch . - Retail Recruitment California Attract new retail and increase EM Cmte&Bawd your tax base with defined retail r growing your community. = recruitment strategies. �} SCQUT VHO WHERE # VALU SCOUT Touch # Utilize a centralized approach to M nacoTn.'"a r growing your community. = BUXTON'S CLIENTS Who else trusts Buxton? Clad- _ vine ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL® roW� of LOCHBUIE w "We utilize SCOUT almost daily as we look at retailers, not only for recruitment, but also for retention." .dr G O D F R E Y `aI L I I N O IISm n... 1 FIREBAUGH NORTH R I C H L A N D HILLS MRH THE CITY OF CHOICE dames ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION GROW WITH US. 1-888-2BUXTON I buxton@buxtonco.com I www.buxtonco.com BuNaon 4 S 1� w Sn 4"ti. r 4 l • R.1 P �r • JAi r � � �� • '• f f 1 r PRODUCT SUMMARY PRODUCT FEATURES What is it? What will it do for me? Identifying gaps in the healthcare Identify gaps in healthcare. industry is an important step for Identify areas of opportunity by visualizing concentrations of growing communities. Buxton can core patients and healthcare facilities. build a model that allows city leaders to spot healthcare shortages in highly Gain an overall understanding of the state of your populated markets. city's healthcare system. Buxton's expert analysis will show city leaders the overall state of the current healthcare system. It will help you answer the questions: What is working in our healthcare system? What is not? In what ways can we expand the healthcare system to better serve our residents? Know who to recruit. Perhaps your city is lacking in a specific healthcare specialty or service. Buxton can help city leaders target the right healthcare GROW WITH US. facilities and service lines for your city. 1-888-2BUXTON buxton@buxtonco.com Leverage trustworthy data to recruit potential www.buxtonco.com healthcare providers. Buxton will provide custom marketing reports to present to potential healthcare providers, giving them data -driven facts BU71SOn about their expansion opportunities in your city. I 1=11 will 111 :11.» :z•]1101111111141111 V How else can you help me? 1 SCQUT ORVls (1� secake �' actny BUXTON'S CLIENTS City Services Buxton can provide communities with analytics to support their city services. Redevelopment Strategies Revitalize once thriving areas of town with data -driven economic development strategies. Retail Recruitment Attract new retail and increase your tax base with defined retail recruitment strategies. Who else trusts Buxton? "Buxton made us aware of the need for more local and specialized medical services. Our community hospital has upgraded its facility, added patient services while two competing hospitals are building modern facilities across the highway from each other. With Buxton's help and superior technology, Rochelle could become a medical hub for the region." In Mesons " Franklin Southampton FS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMEN ,INC. TMJEDD THE CITY OFG�%�%� I DAH O �jam�raC CITY OF NENUCNYN MiDLAN TOMORRO GROW WITH US. 1-888-2BUXTON I buxton@buxtonco.com I www.buxtonco.com BuNaon PRODUCT SUMMARY What is it? Analytics can provide valuable information for communities looking to support their city services, such as the library system or fire department. Buxton has the insights to help community leaders determine the best locations for city services and target residents who may be in most need of particular services. GROW WITH US. 1-888-2BUXTON buxton@buxtonco.com www.buxtonco.com Btrdon PRODUCT FEATURES What will it do for me? Ensure site selection decisions. Buxton has the insights to most efficiently place and locate your city services buildings. Target residents who most need the support of city services. Certain residents are potentially more prone to need the services of a fire department or another city service. Buxton can help you understand who those residents are and where they are located. Improve the overall performance of your city services. Buxton's analytics can help city services employees understand resident demographics and psychographics. With this knowledge, city services are better equipped to serve the residents in the community. Improve resident satisfaction with the city. As city services improve on catering to existing residents, citizens will be more inclined to invest and further establish roots in the community. RELATED PRODUCTS How else can you help me? ;� . City Planning Insights ' Buxton offers retail solutions to help maximize your city's growth. F F=.E, Business Retention Retain current retailers and restaurants. Fpr, h �— o SCQUT BUXTON'S CLIENTS Who else trusts Buxton? Somerset Pulaski County `/ Chvnber of Commerce R4 pF PC[; UC, �CSSOV�, a�oFNios oRr Lakewood Colorado "The data and information that Buxton gives us through SCOUT is just life changing. It's a game -changer for the fire service. We have the opportunity to spend more time on education so we can chase the fire e0Q4111a ED out of the city." SOUTH BELOR ""m Pharr GROW WITH US. 1-888-2BUXTON I buxton@buxtonco.com I www.buxtonco.com BuNyaon w Retail Recruitment California Attract new retail and increase your tax base with defined retail recruitment strategies. BUXTON'S CLIENTS Who else trusts Buxton? Somerset Pulaski County `/ Chvnber of Commerce R4 pF PC[; UC, �CSSOV�, a�oFNios oRr Lakewood Colorado "The data and information that Buxton gives us through SCOUT is just life changing. It's a game -changer for the fire service. We have the opportunity to spend more time on education so we can chase the fire e0Q4111a ED out of the city." SOUTH BELOR ""m Pharr GROW WITH US. 1-888-2BUXTON I buxton@buxtonco.com I www.buxtonco.com BuNyaon PRODUCT SUMMARY What is it? As your city grows, so should your retail establishments. But beginning the retail recruitment process can be daunting and overwhelming. Buxton has the analytic expertise to help simplify this process. We identify the best retailers for your community, taking the guess work out of retail recruitment. GROW WITH US. 1-888-2BUXTON buxton@buxtonco.com www.buxtonco.com Btrdon PRODUCT FEATURES What will it do for me? Recruit the best retail and restaurant concepts for your community. Buxton uses drive -time analysis, leakage and surplus analysis, and other techniques to make an enticing proposal to potential retailers who may be interested in opening a location in your community. Gain access to marketing packages for targeted retailers. We use our expert analytical insights to prepare custom reports to recruit retailers who may be interested in entering or expanding in your community. We then create introductory letters to help your community leaders begin the recruitment process with these key retailers. Encourage residents to shop locally. As new retailers are brought to the community, residents will be more prone to shop locally, ensuring an increase in tax revenue and a reduction in retail leakage. Make your city more attractive to visitors. Buxton's City Planning solutions not only maximize your growth, but also increase your visitor potential. 1:»will 111:11.»: elP1111411111V How else can you help me? s C street street promenade The Magic City lfJ%�ti�f SNS . - Retail Recruitment - oal�f❑ OX1M Attract new retail and increase Cratl your tax base with defined retail recruitment strategies. Redevelopment Strategies Revitalize once thriving areas of L town with data -driven economic development strategies. � '+,, t° �A �..... Downtown Revitalization •' ._.:..�°" Buxton can help communities fill •..... n vacant downtown sectors. �5 BUXTON'S CLIENTS Who else trusts Buxton? SUNNYSIDE street street promenade The Magic City lfJ%�ti�f SNS City of Kasson "It was eye-opening to see who we really were as a community." **11V Fort Worth Library A Service of the City of Fort Worth GROW WITH US. 1-888-2BUXTON I buxton@buxtonco.com I www.buxtonco.com BuNaon LSM Powered by BUXtm TM Support Your Local Businesses With Buxton As city leaders know, a thriving retail sector is vital to the overall health of your community. A big part of maintaining a growing business community includes recruiting the right retailers for your city. An equally important mission is business retention — keeping and growing existing retailers and restaurants in your community. ( Back Help REACH & PRICING i 7 F -boo '-1.— $60.0. GGoogle Search 1,538 Views $60.0 ®Banner Atls -0. Views $� Email no views 0 Direct Mail eo view. r $60.0 Total $300.00 Back to Map See & Select See Local Create & Customers Events Daily Send Ads LEARN MORE AT MYLSMX.COM LS M Local Store Marketing. 2651 S. Polaris Drive Fort Worth, TX 76137 817-332-3681 m Ukmylsmx.co LSM Y, - Powered by BUYton TM Help your local businesses understand: • Who their customers are • Where those customers live • Marketing their business From Buxton, the experts in retail, we are pleased to introduce LSMx to help cities with their business retention efforts. LSMx is a local store marketing tool that tells businesses WHO their customers are, WHERE those customers live, and allows business owners to target those customers with marketing campaigns. Through a partnership with Buxton, you can provide local business owners with LSMx to enhance the vitality of your local business community. PUT CONTROL IN THEIR HANDS Providing an LSMx subscription to a business owner gives them access to see which customers are most likely to buy their products and how far they are willing to drive to visit their store. This data is visualized on a map, so they can fully understand their market. EVENT MARKETING LSMx allows the user to select what types of events are most important to their business. Business owners can easily see the events happening around their store on the map in LSMx. Executing marketing campaigns during events is a great opportunity to promote their business when there will be additional foot traffic in the area. BECOME A MARKETER Finding new customers is the #1 problem for small business owners. With LSMx, a business owner will be able to see where their customers live and can create customized advertisements to bring new customers through their doors. LEARN MORE AT MYLSMXXOM Local Store Marketing. 2651 S. Polaris Drive I Fort Worth, TX 76137 1 817-332-3681 I mylsmx.com LSM@ From: Jim Thares To: Jacob Thunander Subject: FW: Buxton - City of Monticello Date: Wednesday, June 20, 2018 4:16:35 PM Attachments: imaae001.Dno image003.p From: Tim Gladhill [mailto:tgladhill@ci.ramsey.mn.us] Sent: Monday, June 11, 2018 11:39 AM To: Katie Schmidt Cc: Jim Thares Subject: RE: Buxton - City of Monticello It was funded by the City (EDA) I believe. There was some value to it, but admittedly, we didn't get as much value as we had hoped for. They helped filter the types of retailers we should be recruiting, but honestly, our broker knew this just as well if not better. I think there is better value in putting dollars for marketing or demographic profiles of who we are (types of shoppers) to get us on the radar. We've had a couple of suggestions for Nielsen MySegmentData which profiles the types of shoppers in the community as opposed to what Buxton does (profile of the retailer). Perhaps I have this wrong, but we have not used the Buxton report that extensively. Tim Gladhill I tgladhillCd)cityoframsey.com Community Development Director City of Ramsey I Community Development P:763-433-9826 1 F:763-433-9848 7550 Sunwood Drive NW I Ramsey, MN 55303 www. cityoframsey. com Our Mission: To work together to responsibly grow our community, and to provide quality, cost-effective, and efficient government services. From: Katie Schmidt Sent: Monday, June 11, 2018 11:36 AM To: Tim Gladhill <tgladhill@ci.ramsey.mn.us> Cc: jim.thares@ci.monticello.mn.us Subject: Buxton - City of Monticello Hi Tim, I just spoke with Jim Thares from the City of Monticello. Buxton mentioned that we had contracted with them in the past, so he had some general questions about our experience working with them. I wasn't sure if you could provide him with any insight. One specific question he had was on funding, if it was solely funded by the city or if it was a collaborative endeavor with other developers, etc. My initial thought was that it was solely city funded. Thanks, Katie Schmidt Economic Development A:drrklnlstratkYe Asslstarot, City of Ramsey ��FJC�: �7b3j 433-332 �1�•4AI: k�tlrnr�dt qk{I#�crfrarn���.mm ADOR€SS: 7550 5unwood Drive NW, Ramsey, MIN 55303 WINSWE., www.cit crframsay, cpm KS O-ktoworktogethertoresponsiblyprowourcommunity. &%dto� pr<-ide gv*ty, cast-effecthre. a+%d CHIIA *# twt-rnerrtse+vleax NUTILL!_ .1.rEi!iictedL-Iles,I--jiie ,•a:_e:C=Ft•s:JIC-iii,HU [It,r of Ramsey may b=_ public dea subjt€t tD.the Mk baa iracU[esAct oral{or rn#• tie ddVIIO ed to third #4nc�s