City Council Minutes 05-29-2018REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, May 29, 2018 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Mayor Brian Stumpf, Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, and Lloyd Hilgart Absent: None 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Stumpf called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. B. Approval of Agenda Mayor Stumpf noted that staff requested to add an update on the banner design process and update on arts and creative program. Councilmember Fair moved approval of the agenda with added discussion on banner design process. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. C. Regular Meeting Minutes from meeting on May 14, 2018 Councilmember Gabler moved approval of the minutes of May 14, 2018. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. D. Citizen Comments None. E. Public Service Announcements • Muss,- on the Mississippi kicks off on May 31. This is the first of three eve; . • Walk `n' Roll is scheduled for June 9. There is the addition of a shuttle this year to bring people from the end back to the beginning. F. Council Liaison Updates • Parks and Recreation Commission — Councilmember Fair gave a brief update which included the following items: 1. 2019 Budget will likely include an increase in staff. 2. Reviewing policy regarding alcohol being allowed in the parks. 3. Update from Creative Arts Consultant. 4. Two park shelters will be completed this year. 5. Review of community beautification program. G. Department Updates • City Administrator Update — Jeff O'Neill gave an update on the following: 1. Overview of drone regulation authority. The FAA regulates the use of drones. The city can address misuse of drones through existing nuisance ordinances. City Council Minutes — May 29, 2018 Page 1 14 2. There is no increase in dues for League of Minnesota Cities for 2019. 3. The LMC Conference is in St. Cloud June 20-22. 4. The Ellison House estate sale totaled a little less than $4,000. The remaining items will be sold on post -a -bid. • Matt Leonard, City Engineer/Public Works Director, provided an update on the following road projects that are beginning in June: 1. County Rd 39 and Gillard Avenue — project to commence June 4. No road closure and to be completed in mid-July. 2. Chelsea Road — construction will begin June 11. The area will see detours and some road closures. This will be completed mid-August. Information is being sent out to residents and businesses affected by the project. • Tom Moores, Street Superintendent, provided a Street Department Update. 2. Consent Agenda: Councilmember Fair moved approval of the Consent Agenda. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Recommendation: Approved bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $544,256.36. B. Consideration of approving new hires/departures. Recommendation: Approved hires for MCC and Parks and departures for MCC and Building Department. C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property. Recommendation: No report this cycle. D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-42 accepting donations of $5,280 from various donors for the Walk `n' Roll event. Recommendation: Adopted Resolution 2018-42 accepted donations of $5,280 from various donors for the Walk `n' Roll event. E. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-43 accepting donations from CentraCare Health Monticello, Monticello Rotary, and Brian Thinkpenny- Primerica for a total of $750 for the Monticello Farmer's Market Power of Produce, a donation of plants for East Bridge Park with a value of $356 from Donna Dunkerson, and a donation of $2,000 from Walmart for fire gear. Recommendation: Adopted Resolution 2018-43 accepting donations for Farmer's Market Power of Produce, plants for East Bridge Park, and for fire gear. F. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-44 accepting a $1,500 contribution from Prairie Vodka (Phillips Distilling) as co-sponsor of Twins Event during Riverfest. Recommendation: Adopted Resolution 2018-44 for Twins Event being held during Riverfest. G. Consideration of approving annual liquor license renewals for 2018-2019. Recommendation: Approved the annual liquor license renewals for 2018- 2019 as presented. City Council Minutes — May 29, 2018 Page 2 14 H. Consideration of approving setting the 2018 pension benefit level at $4,200 per service year for current Monticello Fire Relief Association members and a deferral rate at 2.5% for past members. Recommendation: Approved setting the 2018 pension benefit level at $4,200 per service year for current Monticello Fire Relief Association members and a deferral rate at 2.5% for past members with the acknowledgement that future benefit levels shall be adjusted to maintain healthy surpluses and avoid deficits. Consideration of approving Special Event Permit allowing use of Ellison Park, West Bridge Park, Pioneer Park, core city public right of way, Community Center Parking Lot and related assistance in conjunction with the annual Riverfest celebration on July 12-15, 2018. Recommendation: Approved the Special Event Permit for Riverfest celebration July 12-15, 2018 allowing the use of Ellison Park, West Bridge Park, Pioneer Park, Community Center Parking Lot, City rights of way and related city staff assistance, contingent on — continued site plan and traffic control coordination with Public Works and the Wright County Sheriffs Office and lot closure signage and notification in coordination with the Street Superintendent as needed. J. Consideration of approving applications for temporary on -sale liquor licenses for the Monticello Lions Club for Riverfest Community Celebration events on July 14 and 15, 2018. Recommendation: Approved the temporary on -sale liquor licenses for the Monticello Lions Club for the Riverfest Celebration events on July 14 and 15, 2018. K. Consideration of approving a request for a Conditional Use Permit for building height. Applicant: Bondhus Corporation. Recommendation: Approved the Conditional Use Permit for height above 30' in the I-1 District for the Bondhus Corporation expansion, based on findings in adopted Resolution No. PC -2018-014 and on the conditions identified in Exhibit Z, including those comments of the City Engineer as related to required easements. L. Consideration of authorizing entering into a contract with Rum River Construction Consultants for contract building inspection/review services. Recommendation: Approved contract services with Rum River Construction Consultants for interim building plan review and inspection services and authorizing entering into a contract based on final revisions by city staff. 3. Added Items: • Angela Schumann, Community Development Director, gave a presentation on the Monticello Community Banner Project. The initial quote for project cost is estimated at $30,000. The four banner styles are: general, downtown, winter, and Riverfest. The city is hosting a community banner contest where submittal will be accepted May 30 — July 10. There is a Creative Arts Banner Committee that will narrow entries to approximately three selected designs for each of the four banner styles. It was requested that a council member serve on this committee. Councilmember Gabler volunteer to serve on the committee. By consensus she was selected to serve on the committee. City Council Minutes — May 29, 2018 Page 3 14 4. Adiournment By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 7:11 p.m. Recorder: Approved: Jennifer Schreibe 9�1- Attest: City Administrator City Council Minutes — May 29, 2018 Page 4 14