City Council Minutes 05-29-2001 Joint Board of ReviewMINUTES MONTICELLO CITY COLINCIL - BOAItll OlH REVIEW Tuesday, May 29, 2001 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Roger C~-rlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Sturxrpf and Bruce Thielen. Mcrnhers Absent: None The Board of Review reconvened on "Tuesday, May 29, 2001 at 7 p.m. Grey; Kramber and Jerry Krit~eck from the Wright ('ounty Assessor's office were present. "The property at 21 3 Mississippi Drive (1.5.5-01 4-001 1 00) was reviewed by the City Assessor. Cireg Krambcr stated that the property owner had contacted him last year regarding the property. I-lowever, since it was after the Board of Review had taken place, no adjtrstrncnt was made in 2000. "I'he assessor stated that the estimated market value fir 2000 was $200,000. Mr. Richter purchased the home in May of 2000 for $230,000 which made the assessed value 87% of the market value. Slate law requires the assessed value to he between 90% and 105% of the market value. "1'hc estimated market value for 2001 was set at $213,300 to reflect the condition of the house that was noted in the assessor's inspection of the property last year. IF there had been no problems witla the structure, the value for 2001 would have been $224,100. Greg Kramber expl~.rined how the condition of the hoarse was I~ictored in determining the rnar-ket value. Brent Richter, the properly owner, leli the value should be adjtrsted. I Ie stated that the assessor started with a market value oI'$224,100 which included the improvements made and was proposing a. $28,800 reduction off that to come up with $195,300. Ivlr. Richter felt the value of $213,000 should he used and with the $28,800 reduction the value would be closer io $185,0(.)0, It was noted that the property owner originally paid $30,000 more than the structure was valued at and when the condition of the property was made known, adjustments were made by the assessor. If the property owner feels that tl~e adjustments arc not appropriate, he does have the right to appeal to the Crninty. 'l~he Cotrncil felt that the assessor had treated this property I~lirly and i-a a manner consistent with other properties. Brent Richter stated that $224,100 is not what the house is worth. BRLICE THIELEN MOVED TO ACCEPT TI-II-~, ASSI~:SSOIZ'S RECOMMENDATION ON THE MARKET VAL,i1E FOR PARCEL 155-014-001100, SE"I°1'lNG I'I' AT $195,;00 AND NOTED TO LI Il~: PRC)NI-;IZ"I~Y C)WN)~:R "I~I IA'T EIE IIA$ A RIGHT TO APPEAL. CL:IN"I I IIRBST SICONDL;U "TTII/ MO"PION. MOTION CARRII~.D WITLI ROC,ER CARLSON VO"PING IN OPPOSITION. The Board of 1Zcvicw adjou--ncd at 7: 20 p.m. n 1Zecordiā€žg Scc--ctary